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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1892)
. EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OBEGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 28, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. H3. $100.00 In, Cash, to be Given Away," NO LOTTERY SCHEME. NO RAFFLE, But a Strafghtforward Donation of $100.00 in Cash to our Customers. With each Dollar's worth of goods purchased for Cash at our store, we will give a Cash Coupon, good for Five Cents in Cash, and when One Dollar's worth, or twenty of these Coupons ure presented to our store by any one person, we will cash theni, paying One Dollar in Silver for same. We want everybody to take advantage of this grand donation. We are headquarters for all goods in our line, and our prices are "rock bottom." Come and see us and bring your friends and neighbors. Ask for a "Cash Coupon with your purchase. T. McF. PATTON, 98 State Street, Salem, Oregon. Mens' Dress Shoes 1 45 Mens' Plow Shoes , 1 15 Mens' Heavy Boots . 1 95 Mens' Rubber Boots . . 2 25 161 Commercial Street. Harritt -SUCCESSORS TO- WELLER BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS oosMiEasssaEsm STtfLI Al III At the old Stand, next We To say that people who patronize us save money in all lines, but : TOMB T AFT r : in Aim We are not in the trust and no combine makes our prices. We buy all stock and supplies of the manufac tures and supply work at the 1 west living prices. 18 years experience. A. B. BUREN k SON. SOMETHING NEW! AT THE Pioneer Grocery Store. (Established In 1857.) Having done a large credit business, for the last 34 years, and, as times have chauged, making it necessary to sell groceries at a very low margin, I propose to adopt a uew plan, commencing on January 1, 1892, aud Bell for CASH OML-F, AT BEDROCK PRICES. NO MORE CREDIT, A general slaughter on crockery, imported china waro, glassware, lamps, etc. As I have an Immense stock of this line to arrive iu March and April, I am compelled to make room by closing out the present stock. Now is the time for the ladles to replenish their houses in this line, while they can get bargains. All knowing themselves indebted to me are-requested to call and set tle on the first of the year. JOHN G. WRIGHT, 227 and 229 Commercial St. Barr k j Petzel 247 Commercial street, Balem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a aeeclalty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. You can get the latest MUSIC Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mandolins, LOWEST PRICBS - AT - BASTON'S, A HEW DEPARTURE!: -SOMETHING FOR ruiHING!- K. F. OSBXJRN -CAN SAVE YOU Boots, Sn.oes THE FOLLOWING IS A IcSntire FOR RED STAR- door to Post Office. $ nv a firm nn GROCERIES Ml)J XJlJLlLUhJ) i Undertake especially on Plumbers and Tinners, 5 3IO Oommtrolul Street. Send' tonOmtmloguo 'KRBS MONEY ON- and Rubbers, FEW OP HIS PRICES: Ladies' Calf Shoes 'Ladies' Fine Shoes Childrens' Shoes Misses' Shoes HE RACKET for Infants "Castorla Is go well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Ancnxo, M. D., Ill So. Oxford 8t, Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Castorla1 Is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorso it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach." Cahlos Martyr. D.D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloonungdalo Eef. ormed Church. Tun Cintaur Churchill Sash, Door HV Jt V yfm OH US 1 Jk fcW Bk wM Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. -House Finishing New DRI 1UISS, by which we can always keep a full supply of seasoned stock of aV kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner or Trade and Hign streets, Salem, Oregon, Sash. and. Door Factory Fronts Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used. Salem Track ft Dray Co. lorn Iron works. Drays and trucks may be found. throughout the day a tlis corner of Btate and Commercial streets'. R. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. SALEM IRON WORKS, SALEM, Manufactures HTKAM ENGINES, Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Governor, Fruit Drying; Outfits, Traction Knglnes, Cresting, etc. Farm machinery made and repaired. General ueents and manufacturer of the celebrated Wnul.strom .Patent Middlings Purifier and Heels. Farm machinery made aud repaired. EMOVED ! an enlarged stock and is offering his customers, old and new, greater bargains than ever. Repairing a specialty. BREWSTER & WHITE. Flour, Feed, Hay, Straw and Barley Chop. LOWEST PRICES AND FttEE DELIVERY I COURT STREET. M. U CHAMUKULIN, O. M. SMITH, President. Secretary. II, M.DHANBON. UKO.H.BOUIiEltr, Vice 1'raudent. Treasurer, UNION TITLE ABSTRACT CO. 175 Commercial Btreet, Make tbe neatest and bent Abstracts Jn the country. THE WILLAMETTE, 8ALE3I, OliKQON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day. Tbe beat hotel between Portland aadHao Francisco. First-class In all Iu appoint menu. IU table are served wUb U Choicest JTruUa Grown In the Willamette Valley. A, I. WAGNER, Prop. 1 15 .'. 1 45 35 1 00 STORE. and Children. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d rostlon, TVIUiout injurious medication. ' For several Tears I have rocommendeo your ' Castorla, ' and shall always continue to ao so as it oas mvariaDiy proaucea oeneauui results." Edwin F. Pardee, M. D., Xha 'Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., a New Tork City Company, 77 MuniUT Stiucet, New Yore. S & Manufacturing Co made to order.- DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Bell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of fice State St.. onuositeSa T- G. PERKINS, General Superintendent. OREGON. C. G. GIVEN, THE CASH 8HOI5 Dealer has removed to 289 Com mercial street, one door north of Gilbert & Patterson, where he has E. C. CROSS, and Packer, HUte Ht,nn Court HUTh bel meat delivered to all part of the city. DUGAN BROS' Plumbing and Heating Co.j Wholesale and retail dealeriTIn STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. a Commercial utreet. Telephone No J23, THE CAPITAL J0DB1UL H0FER BROTHERS, - Editors. tIBU8HElH)AJliY.EX0KlTHUNI)AY, BY THE Caoital Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In P. O. Bulldln? holered at the pastofflco nt Salem, Or., as eerond'Clacs matter. TflE ATTOItNEY-OliNKUALSIIIP. Iu response to tbo question whether tula ofllce must be filled by election iu Juno next, tbo Albany Democrat lias this: "As to tbo ofllco of attorney-gen- oral section 2, of tbo act of tbe legis lature of 1601 creating tbe ofllco of attorney-general provides tbat there shall bo elected by tbe qualified electors of the state of Oregon at tbo general election held lu Juno 1894, aud each fourth year thereafter an attorney-general who shall bold his ofllce for the term of four years and until bis successor is elected and qualified, and the term of ofllco of the attorney general shall commence on the same day as secretary of state as now provided by law. Sectlou 5, of said act provides that 'upon the approval.of this act and at any time when a vacancy may by any cause occur in tbo ofllco of at torney-general the governor shall appoint a sultablo person to bo attor-uey-ueneral who shall hold the ofllco until tbe next general election when bis successor shall bo elected uud Bball qualify as provided for in tblsaot.' At a cursory view here one might think an attorney-general Bhould bo elected in 1892, but in view of tbo fact that the legislature provided that the first election should occur lu 1894, and that 'the term of ihe ofllce of attorney-general shall commence on tbe same day as secretary of state as now provided by law,' there is scarcely room for even a mild hint that Mr. Chamber lain will not hold the ofllco uutil 1894." K'HOKSTEl) flOMMKNT. The Dalles has a Mic-Macclub. And Patrick Egan will not bo re called. Encourage home industries by making it possible for every Salem enterprise to run at a profit If possi ble. Unnecessarily to shutdown a mill giving employment to labor is a crime against the laborer and bis family. The Balem way would bo to make arrungemonts to build tbat viaduct before tbe electric railroad completes Its track. Has a physician who is addicted to use of opiates, a tight to admin ister them? Tbo stute medlcat board ought to protect tho people against such persons. It is stated that the Baker County Alliance at its last session in this city, decided to nominate a ticket to be supported by the organization at tbo coming June election. Roseburg Review, Dem.: Tho Oregon stato convention should de clare iu unmistakable language lu favor of tho candidacy of Grover Clevelaud for presldeut of tbe UnlUd States. Tbe Wasco county court has deemed it tho proper thing to Ignoro the result of the state board of equal ization, and 11 x tbe tax levy on the report of valuations by the county assessor. Tho Furmms' Alliance of Wu'-co county petitions the comity court to appropriate $950 to pay tho Inter state Artificial Rain company to produce a rain lo cover 10,000 square miles no rain, no pay. Thk JouitKAL was lirst to bring tho president's ultlmutum to con gress on the Chilian outrages. It was also first to bring news of tho final and complete apology. "First in war, first in peace," etc. Jurues Boggs of Douglus county, who died on the 20th of Januury, was ono of tho pioneers of Oregon, Ho was born In Pensylvaula June 10, 1800, and emigrated to this state in 1852. He leaved an aged widow and four children, ull grown, to mourn bis death. Oregon ISlude; The governor of the state, who must bo a man of in telligence, education, business capa city and social standing, g t- $1600 a year. A roprwentative whoought to be equally endowed gets $3 a duy. A sheriff or clerk whose only capa city, it may be, la ills ability to command votes, gets $5000 or f5009, or, as in Multnnnuh conuty, $20,000 to $24,000 a year. Hero Is work for the grange and alliance, Tho Arlington Record cull public attention to a danger that threatens tbat city In far away Eastern Ore gon In these words; "Slowly but surely thesaud below tho.north end of rcond tirl lias drifted In tbe neighborhood of the etoqlc yards, until what was five yearn tinea vol- liable lots and improvements are now buried under from Ave to twenty feet of sand." Tho Arllugtou Record and Fofcell Journal have bad n falling out over a bridat con pi o that moves tho for mer to say of tho edition oftho latter: Tho vampire author of tbe excerpt refers to her" as a Spalnard, describes her as being croes-oyed and having fulso teeth, and as being nn all around Idiot and moustroclty, and winds up by comparing tho estim able lady uud her husband to n team of horses. Of course, tbo allusions generally are not complimentary but to cull a newly married pair "a good team" is not ofloufive. A Crook County uote sayK It Is a well known fact that tho pestifer ous cayote is increasing his blud lu this county at an alarming destruc tive rato. Unless a ranchman has built for himself a special ploket fence, his chickens fall an easy prey to the ravenous jaws of these varmlnta, Sheepmen are especially losers in tho respect mentioned. Next spring tho cattlo and horuo producers of this county will lose, on therauge, euougb of young bom stock to justify them in exerting a willingness to suppress tho nuisance mentioned. We are under obligation for a copy of Vlck's Floral Guide, 1892. True and tried friends are always wel come, consequently Vick's Floral Guide is sure of a warm reception, especially when dressed as daintily as this year. Tho "Nellio Lewis" carnation on tho front of cover, and "Brilliant Poppies" on the back, aro unusually attractive.and tbo numer ous colored plates of flowers and vegetables arc certainly works of art and merit. Tho first twenty-four pages, printed iu violet ink, describe novelties aud specialties. Send ten cents to James Vlok's Sons, Roches ter, N. Y., aud procure a copy of this attructlvo aud useful catalogue. It costs nothing, as the ten cents can be deducted from tho first order. Tlio Road Pro Mem. En. Juuknaiv. I have noticed uow for several win tore, and about this tlmoof tho year too, that every body is trying to solve tho problem of why wo have suob bad roads. Tho Arkansaw proverb might very well be quoted, una solution "when It rains wo can't fix 'em aud when It dou't rain wo don't need 'em fixed" now I had tho mlsfortuno to bo a supervisor last year, and I keenly realized tho necessity of hav ing tools to work with, so that we could fix tho roads whon it rained and get tbo work douo beforo the farmer had to commence operations on his farm not only for tho farm ers' convenlouco but for tbo extra bouefit to the roads a well. I think now I can seo an opening. Tho 2 rnill tax is to bo paid In money tho r-amo as other taxes are paid, wliloh is certainly a movo m tho right direction, Now I suggest to tho citizens of the sovcral road districts that they peti tion tho county court for pomo two wheel road scrapers and if you suc ceed in getting ono don't use It on the Arkansaw plan, but go right to work and round up tho roads aud seo that the gutters are all drained out through the fields, aud havo It ull done bofore tho rains ceio and tho farmers begin to plow. Messrs. Sol Burbln aud Frank Smith fixed up tbreo-quurterB of a mile of road last spring in this way and It is a good road yet and would have neon still hotter had they had a scraper last full to ruu over it once or twlco more. I fall tosoc how It 1b possible for us ever to have good roads in tho idmeuco of tools to work with. UKiNKKAb NKWS NOTES. Yaquiua bay people aro expecting prosbemus times: over tlieio this year. Baker county's total tax levy is over 82 mills. It must pay to be poor In that county, The singular Insect known as tho Know flea Is said to bo prevalent In tho big timber this season. Stock Is doing well In Klamath county, and no loss has occurred as yet. There Is plenty of feed oil hand. Minors In tho Greenhorn are still working lu their tunnels, although tbe snow luysnu tho mountain from seven to forty feet deep. ' The deep snow lu Hurney county has virtually stopped prospecting, but miners hope to bo ablo to fill their backs with mifrgeU In the spring. Hoven feet of snow Is roported on the Siskiyou mountains, aud It ulso lies to u great depth iu Shasta and Siskiyou counties. Flue whlteflsh ure plentiful iu Klamath lake. Tho report of the comml-wloner of tho geuoral land ofllce shows that the La Grande laud district Is second in Importance in the United States. Seattle Is flwt, and Oregon City is third, The grotu receipts found in these offices respectively Is as follews: Seattle, 3 15,078.55; La Grande, 1204,001.04; Oregon City, 18(J,8.23. O. Harbaugli, of Jacksonville, had Highest of allin Leavening Tower. Iw&l ,a5?!f ABSOLUTELY PURE Ibis season raised about 150 head of flno hogs, and Is of tho opiiilon that raising porkers is ono of tho most profitable branches in Southern Oregon. Lane county's stock interests aro right this winter, in splto of tho heavy snow. There is plenty of feed on hand, and, as tbe number of cattlo is less than for soiiio years, most of them will go through in good shape. Manning M.Knnpp, associate Jus tlco of tho Now Jersey supremo court, and presiding judgo of tbo Hudson county circuit court, died suddenly of heart disease Tuesday afternoon wbilo on the bench trying a case. Walter Dowdnoy, provincial gov qrument agent, aud brother of Hon. F. Dewdnoy, accidentally shot him self at Vernon, B. 0., Tuesday night. Ho diod Instantly. During tho trial of Senator Quay's libel suit last week tho senator caught a heavy cold. Tho report reached tho senator's friends that bo is quite HI at his homo In Denver. Ho bits been ordered by bis physi cians to remain iu his room. Tbo senator, it Is said, is threatened with pneumonia. Senator Hawloy Tuesday Intro duced a bill to establish a military post near Helena, Mont., upon requl- sljlon, without cost, by tho United States, of 1000 acres of land. For tho orectlon of tho necessary build lugs 300,000 Is appropriated. Bon Longley, wbo rocontly re ceived a ?100 prize for tho finest potato grown In tho United States last year, Is a resident of Union county and not of Baker county, as at first reported. Union county Is very Jealous 6f the reputation of Its fertile Bell. , At Skamokawa Sunday night, Frank Wuldo struck Audrew Mitchell In the face with a pitcher and knocked ono of his eyes out. Mitchell had given no provocation and Waldo is belloved to bo insane. Many bavo for somo time considered him of unBound mind. Mitchell's oyo was burst and outlrely removed Charles Watklns, a negro, wanted at Pendleton for larceny by bailee, went to British Columbia tocscapo punishment, but soon came back saylug ho would prefer to stay In tho United States and tako chances on lifo Imprisonment, than to live up In tho wilds of British Columbia. Ho Is uow In Jail at Pendleton awaltlut? trial. Thomas Mulligan, a reservation rancher, two miles south of Pendle ton was digging a well and using dynamite to facilitate matters, Tho dynamilo having becomo frozen ho placed ono of the stloks on tho stovo to thaw It out. Tho house was com pletely demolished and it Is said that careful search failed to find a pleco of tho stove largo enough to throw at a dog. Thomas was bud ly Hb uken up and lost Borne largo patches of skin and flesh ou various parts of his body, but no bones wore broken, Ho was taken to tho Pen dleton hospital and hopes to bo ablo to walk In a few days. Klectrio Hitters. This remedy Is becomlne so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who havo used Electric Bitters sing tbo same .song of prulse. A purer medicine does not exist uud it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed, Electric Bitters will euro all diseases of tbo liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, bolls, salt rheum and other iiflectlou caused by Impure blood, win urivo Alumna rroui tbo system aud prevent us well as euro all Ma larial fevers. -For euro of headache, constipation aud Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaratecd, of money refunded. Price 50 cents and (1.00 per bottle at Daniel Fry's drugstore, 225 Com mercial street. La Grlppf. The topdenoy of this disease to ward pneumonia Is what makes It dangerous, La Grippe requires pre cisely tho same trcatmont as a severe cold. Chamberlaln'u Cough Remedy Is famous for Us cures of sovcro colds. This remedy ellectuully counter acts tho tondenoy of the dlseasoeto result lu pneumonia, provided that proper euro bo taken to avoid ex posure whon recovering from tho at. tack, Careful iuqulry among the many thousands who have used this remedy during tho epidemics of the past two years bus failed to discover a single caso that has not recovered or that lias resulted It) pnotimonia, 50 cent and $1 bottles for sale by G. E. Good, druggist. Lota of notions at W, M. Bar. geanl's. Lots of window shades, bracket, games, children's blocks, frames, moulding, picture framed to order, Iron wagons and baskets, Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. Baking Powder TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. Associated Press Repert aid Digests ef all Iajwrtaxt News or Te-Day. MISCELLAM. FAME BARONESS. Sioux Falls, S. D. Jan. 28, Baron do Steucrs, minister for tho Netherlands, whoso wlfo la in this city applying for a divorce, has charged the baroness with Infidelity. The charge came up In a motion to amend tho baron's answer to his wife's complaint made by his at torney, J. L. Glover. The argu ments ou the motion to amend will be beard today. The baron states bis case as follews: "At the time my answer to the complaint was made,-1 bad beard from various sources that the baroness had be haved improperly with one Elliott Zeborowskl, alias William Elliott, but I had no proof. Since tbe despositions of Jeremiah McQrath, Llouol L. Powoll and Leonora Lay day, witness for tho baroness, were taken in London, I have discovered that she Joined Elliott Zeborowskl a few days after sho left her home in Paris and slneo has continually and openly lived with Elliott Zeborowskl. Between June 20 and 27, 1890, sho occupied lodgings in Catharine street, London, W. C, next door but one to tbe bouse ou Russell square. Thereafter the baroness uud Elliott Zoborowskl embarked ou a steam yaoht and sailed to tbo island of Ceylon, and from there wont to India. They returned together to London and went to tho Caledonia bote', Adolphla terrace, whore they reg istered as Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott, February 10, 1891. They were also living together at Tun brldgewella, England, March EC, 1800. Tho baronesa lived with Zeborowskl ,'at tbe Chateau de Fon tonol, In the departmentof tbe Cher, Franco, in tho mouths of September and Ootobor, 1888." YKSTEHDAY IN CONORESS. Washington, Jau. 28. In the senate among the bills presented was ono Incorporating the society of Amorloan floriats, Hale, from tho committeo on naval affairs, reported back the resolution requesting tho president to report what steps, if any, wore taken to havo soundings mado between San Francisco or any point ou the Pa cific cotistand tho Hawaiian Islands; agreed to, Morgau oflcrcd a resolution direct ing tho secretary of slate to send to tho senate copies of tbe correspon dence with tbo government of China relating to the nouacceptance of Blair as United States minister to China. After considerable discus sion Morgan modified the resolution bo as to request the president to fur ulsh tho correspondence, If not In compatible. It was thou agreed to. The resolution berotoforo reported from tho committeo on privileges and elections, declaring Chilton, of Texas, entitled to retain his seat In senate, was agroed to without divi sion. Tho senate thou proceeded to busi ness ou tho calondar. IN TUB HOUSE. Martin, of Indiana, presented a resolution, calling ou tho president to publish all correspondence what ever, hud by tbe United States gov ernment upon mattors concerning the Chilian trouble. Referred to committeo on foreign affair. A number of bills of Uttte Impor tance wero introduced and referred. Tho houso thou proceeded to fur thor consideration of tho proposed rules. In the houso a bill was Introduced providing that all oleomargarine transported Into any atate or terri tory, or remaining therein for use, consumption, sale or storage, shall, upon arrival there, be subjected to tho laws thereof lu the manner m though such oleomargmrlB w pro duced In such etato or terrilory. The bill was referred to tbe com mittee ou agriculture, CHKISTsANIZKD CHINAMAN. New Yomc, Jau. 28,-Cbu Woag, tbo Chrlstlaulzed youn CWuawan, who was on trial la tbe getveral sessions before Judge Cswlttjr. o an Indictment, char-flag .fclw wittf for, lng the signature &fVH Blag, pnei dent of Ou Chinese Six Ceenponieey on a promlaery note far ftitft, to probably the brigkieeHoeMog youug Chlnamaa i then eity, He formed tlwaccquatftbuiMef Lawyer Beth . Johnwn in tkeBiaeh mvmm H ptlt OkUftA I JMNMfclf n tfc .-. t 4 1 ,.?L.. .,.. y..i