Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 27, 1892, Image 2

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WT3 UJI" ",, '
'umumi m
LfcllfeMi ! thieves "
trying to capture. "
ttlhrf W wound! nu
rfunroil nnd brought to
W, Where It was reported that
i fit about w lynon v
If r Jnn.27. TigM-
rifcw-fv't rfv.
wJVii Heavy ropcB, .-
. wM.fc(.v was eel ini lUH
jult fen I donnueii -
.stsrt for tlnngeroua .u -
jlWgeway came irotn uu....
h.rA Bin lamw
rhe Telegram from llio Chill
ana is Satisfactory.
the const ucar San Francisco, and bo ' an amendment any amendment re
put that city and Oakland under during taxation or providing out of
contribution, ItUi.oi'ecnnd lino we what fund of taxes llio appropriu-
I have Boniu good guns of the old put-
lern iiiuuuK.il in in'- Muiiuij'iii imi
lon as at Ban Francisco and Han
la a
Mltfay farmer, and Jailer Bowman
'MtfdtfrJll,taoii Ms r-ty to
hAtmZte wltu tilitl. The case Jtf
toeeullar one llldgoway Is
. . j. . anil
IfcU year ago Jio wu considered-
iwelly bright, ',1'ubu ''"'"
ably began tp jau. u"'"";
insane people, no uoi "
tv M.r nennle are after uim,
- i,,atinhad anv alrauge hallu-
ikUon, except that ho has maae
row to kill every man, wuuj
dcbd In Bullitt coUDty. .ue
wted out to execute his tlireat, out.
" t . .... ". .., natrium
kfter staying there a week or two
, escaped, but wna capiureu ui
iH as he uppearcd In the vicinity
his father's uouno. Again no
Lifted, and the county was in a
mate or terror uih.i " v...
taiore in custouy. u ".?
x i- i-i to....t- in nnitMof the IkI-
Inunna nf lha attendant, and It was
ot until 8unduy nljiht tlmt Bow
man Bucneeded In tracing hlra. He
i yraa armed with a hugo club, and
was going to his father's nouso io
kill the family, when ho was cap
ered and taken to Jnil. This thm
be will be kept In c'.oho confinement
fmM, a strict watch will bo kept on
oiikss woitic
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27.Thlsgov-
rilmeut yefcterduy received a long
WMseage frm Minister Egan, cou-
vAvtmr nn oiler on tho part of the
Chilian government for tho settle
ment of all excltlmr dllllcultles with
tba United States, This message
confirms In every particular the
statements nmdo In the Asaaoclated
Press dispatch received from Santl.
Mgo Monday evening, which was In
effect that Chill agreed to withdraw
tho offtsriBlvo noto sent by Mattn, to
withdraw the request for the lecab
of Eg in, und to submit the Balti
more affair to the arbitration of
some neutral nation or to the decis
ion of tne Uulted Btates supronn
court. Egan stntm these proposl
tlona at grentor length than tho prts.
dispatches, but tho exact additions
cannot now bo ascertained. Then
Is reason to believe, however, thai
tha Chilian government not onlj
eflers a withdrawal of thooflenslvi
woU), but in addition oilers to apol
ogize. It also agreed to tho proposi
tion made by tho United Btates lu
rfrd to tho right of asylum and
wfe conduct of refugees.
Egau'a dispatch was submitted to
the cabinet at tho meeting. The
The eD tiro question was disoussed,
and It Is understood a dlU'orenco nl
of opinion was dweloped as to the
proprloty of acctptltiB Ho oirer
without modlllcatlon bo far as It ro
Ikted to tho submission of tho ques
tion of ChlU'e responsibility for tht
fttUok on tho Bailors or tho Haiti
mora to tho arbitration of a neutral
nation or to tho decisjou of tho su
premo court. Without reaching a
dcolsion the meeting adjourned.
PaitAi)i:r.i'iiiA, Jan. 27, The
result of the Investigation by the
tho doctors of the University of Vet
erlnarluus on tht lump-Jaw common
tp cattle, Is mado puhllo. They HudJ
no oao on record whero tho dlsouse
was transmitted to man from eutlnu
diseased meat. The opncluslou Is
reached, Ihereforo, that where the
lungs, liver and other organs are
found not nflucUd, It Is probably
Hafo to use tho meat.
NKW YpHK, Jan. 27. -At Btan
fold's sa'o today, Collworlh, by
Klectlonocr, n Aill brother of Buuol,
was bought by A. II. Moore, ol
Philadelphia, for $14,600. J. Duun
AYalton of this city oll'o td yiunford
175,000 for Advertiser, hut the olVr
was ro'usoiK
BeothoOiegou Laud Company's
j?rlco list on paso I wo.
Wakos juauy icoj'lo miiersble. nt oft.
IttnU to )(-iSktructlau. Dutrcu af k
oailxs, nr ttomacli. nick beailacfie. an
bunt, to ot tjetlU.a tliit,"all BO"1
rpIlttx, tot) tMie,i'utHjtimi,ni,and in k
, uUrhjr ot tin txiweU.
PlStrttSS tlie more coinraoa )it
Aftar tomm Dyxixltdtxinot
', ' Cet well ot ttMir. It i-
Fating tjuirei caretui, Krtltcut
ttetion, and a remedy lk llotnl'a Bai
rUI,mhncU Beutly yH emweii'y
It limes tho lomafU anit other orvft
rtulUMi Ui ll8tt(in, cwlM a ewni oi
lltHe. aud, l.y Uivu $(ok
oereira!x tiip local tit
yH4oaui, cur ti,eneaQono
hpaUrtehe, and rtfreJif Wm tlmt nuud,
"Ik-m-lnnm irouMwl with Ujm!
1 tud but little irctlle, D(t Ut 1 Otu
tj-mtm at dWrwuxl me, or Old
r mo Wile good. After vM
iKIfri n I would rxperlettef
fesM, or tlrwl, nll-ifuno lyrtlng, a
lhwt) 1 had nut eateu an) tiling. XI j
irwWe, I think, va wMVttel by my
tewuHwi, indnUug, d irvm U-lug jtwrw
MMttuilutluorH)mlth four
tm l). It l,r,ufftmli
U tfW aa lm wen w mo!umi pix-n
it pv n pjfcMlOi ia "Jf l
yit& wM IW4el th mliu I lud
MlfMfrtenteV, awwaitA, M.
K.S. MywiAUetotaVo llwd's P
Hood's rjiparilla
B, L WWW W,, jtjHrf4rii. laK, NM4.
Refugees Have Landed, Chilian
Cruisers, Our Harbor Defenses,
Aboutto Capture uarza,un rac
tory Burns, Drifting to Sea, Ar
gument Closed, Oregon Sheriffs,
Foreign and State .News, Etc
WasihnotoW, D. 0, Jn "7.
Blount, chairman of the houso
camtuHtco of foreign relations In
speaking or Chill's latest dispatch
ivb! "Tho whole matter In sottled
and nothing but the preliminaries
mmnln to be arranged."
rrt,n imnlncrv m.ido by Chili Is
rinmnleto as could possslbly be
Thttv nronoso lu connection with a
complete and humble apology that
iho matter or tepamtion uo reiwrcu
io the United BtaUs poqrt to tleter
adne. There Is no nserve.
VAfiHlNaTON, Jau. 27. The flrsl
oable mes-aga received by the pres
ident from Minister Jigan was not
In all respcctH salisfactory It was
lacking In fullneen, and there wrre
many things In t requiring elucidu
lon. Another Inter dispatch is uow
received, and Its coutenfs such as to
eavo nothing for congress to do lu
recard to tho president's message.
It not only confirms all that has
Oeen said In tho associated press
dispatches but goes further, and Is
ouched in tho moit rnenuiy mrms.
n cllect, tho dispatch received says
tho chargo that tho Chilians entcr
aln a fiellflg of enmity toward the
United Btates and to IU flag and
uniform l utterly false. Tho djt
patch then says that In order to
ihow tho friendly reeling cnienaincu
hv Dm Chilians for the United
dtates and as ovldoncpof their deslro
to do all possible, they aro willing to
leave tho ah"uir to tho Uulted States
supremo court.
Montkviuio, Jan. 27,-Tho squad
ron of Am rlcan war ships are still
Washington, Jau. 27. -Further
inquiry last nlglit strengthens tho
Impression that tho reply of Chill Is
not satisfactory to tho members of
tlm United Btates irovernment. Al
though tho answer proposes, it Is
understood, to withdraw tho Malta
note, tho tenor of tho oiler Ii not
agreeoblo and tho proposition said to
be contained lu tho reply to arui
trato tho Baltimore allair Is taken to
moan the whole iiucstlou, whether
or not Chill will apologize, as well
as nav Indumultv. Of courso that
will not bo entertained. Tho United
Stales must bo tho Judge of tho pro
priety of domaudiug an apology
that cannot bo arbitrated.
London, Jan. 27. The coricspon
dent of Tho Times at Santiago de
Chili today telegiaphs that the text
of Chill's reply to tho ultimatum of
iho United Biatc-J Is uot yet dls
closed and will not bo mode I ubllo
until Batuulay, Tho correspondent
furtlureays Chill Is relying on ad
vices received from Mlulstor Montt,
m Into as Friday, that paelllu assur
uuecs aro given him ouustuutly by
nialne. It Is considered tho settle
ment la practically arranged es
poclully as Chill through President
Montt was given counter assuianccs
of niemUy reeling and of a deslio to
MMy all reasonable demauds.
Bresldont Montt's position, tho cor
respondent eays Is now seriously
compromised. Everything In Chill
remains quiet so far.
Wabhimi'ixn, Jan. 27. Tho full
loxtof thv dispatoli received at tho
navy department from Commander
Evans, of tho gunboat Vorktown,
U us follews:
"OAM.AO, Peru, Jan. 2d,
"Tho Yorktown arrived today.
1'ho refugees havo been latuletl
Will bo ready for seas as soon as
coaled. If tho Yorktown la to re
ntal u hero long enough, I should
very much llko to give tho crow
liberty. Doluyud on account of fog
two days oil Culluo, Evans.
Washington, Juii. SU. Tho seo-
relary of the navy yesterday after
noon sent n cable message to Com
mander Evans, of the Yorktown
now at Culluo, authorising htm to
uivu the crow shore leave. This
hows thu vessel will remain at
Callao for at least two or three days
It Is said at tho navy department
that It It nut decided whether tho
Yorktown or llostou or both shall
return to Valparaiso,
Paius, Jau, 27. The Chilian
cruiser Preuldeuto Pluto lies at
Havre, ready to go to wu at auy
luonniut. The Cpltn Prutt ll
not be lu a condition to sail before
mm UAiiiiou m'.PKNBKs.
Nhv YoiiK. Jan. S.7. lu an Inter-
Diego, and a number of submarine
mines that could he placed In posi
tion to shut out the enemy and closo
tho openings to Iho harbor. They
would Just now bo mines that would
explode on contact with vessels and
nH by electricity. Again we have
for sudden Use all tho tugs, entiiji
yacht and harbor boats, which, by
great sacrifice of life and properly,
giving each a long spar lu front and
some ill nandte, 'could he used to
protect theentiancoof th barborc
These nilnci, with other aids readily
flUiWfllt'l, might ktepnutan enemy,
fri'in Ban Francisco, the Columbia
river and Puget sound, A1 "rst we
would have to sufTer a great loss of
Ufa while operating to confine an
enemy within as close lliulis as pos
Ban Antonio, Texas, Jan. 27.
The military authorities hm- are
confident of capthrlngor umdhilat
Ing tho force of Quru todny. A
move was mado at daylight, which
they believe will surround the revo
lutionists, It Is reported that Garzn
has been legally advlned nt to sur
render to the United Btates, us
under tho treaty ho would be di
livered to Mexico, which means
pertan deflUh
Eril7.An7II, N. J., Jan. 27. The
extenslyo plant of Borno, Scrymsti
&Co., lubrlcatlugollmanuracturerV,
was entirely distroyed by fire lust
ulght. One of tho stills exploded,
causing a conflagration. Still afui
still exploded, and soon the entire
plant was a mass of flames. Bia
ln'g oils floated out on the sunuc
of Btaten Island sound, gieutly en
dangerlug shipping. The Stnten
Island meadows Here fired, igniting
the (resile of the Baltimore nnd
Ohio railroad, which spins the
sound here. The oil works, covmed
ten neies with 400 fo f fpniluge.
Wharves of full length frontage
were consumed, togitner witn
cooper shops, barreling filler, and
pulp housca, fcirly-flve thousund
now burro's anil many thousand
barrels of manufictured oil were lost.
Tho lass aggregate $300,000; In
suranco partial.
uuiftino io snA.
JJi:W YoK, J"". 27, The tow
boat Wobstor, towing two scows, Is
drifting out to sea. Tho Webstoi
was struggling In the teeth of a flft
mllogalo, wheu the hawser broke
and became entanglod about the
propeller. She bccimo helpless,
drifting, and the scows with her.
It is known t'at Blxty Itullan
laborers were aboard tho boowh.
Tho towboat Nichols, with two
other scows, which wero near,
started to their assistance. The
scows brolco loose, aud they with
sixty other Italians aro also gone.
It Is thought that lu all 125 human
beings aro abourd the boats, which
aro drirtlncr about at tho mercy of
tho waves. Tuks ore searching for
Nnw Yon K, Jan, 27. It Is
thought that ton of tho eighteen
missing employees Street Cleaning
Department blown out to Bca on tho
scow yesterday wero drowned. It
Is said thoso remulnlng unless they
have been picked up must certainly
havo been drowned or frozen to
Washington. Jan. 27. General
Butler yesterday closed his argu
ment before tho Uulted Stafes su
premo court, on behalf of the nu
urohlsts, Flolden and Schwab.
WalijA Walla, Jau. 27. Quito
i largo delegation of Oregon sheiiHs
visited walirt walla yesteruuy.
They caino from I'endletou, where
they had been attending n speelal
meeting. Aiuonii tho number was
George B. Downing, superlntendbtit
of tho Oregon penltontlur; P. M.
Ke'ley, of Multnomuh county; A. A
Cowlug,of Hawley. P. A. Coude, of
Baker; J. I. Bolles, of Union; D. I,.
Cotes, of Wiibcn, and J. B. Blchey,
deputy sherlll of Umatilla county
J. A. Thomson, Columbia county,
WiiHli., also accompanied tucm as
an Invited guwt. They visited the
penitentiary and proiinuuced them
selves well pleased with everything,
and thought tho Jute plant Just tho
London, Jau, 27. Commenting
on President Harrison's Chill mes
sage, tho St. James Gnxetlo says tho
dispute Is nu examplo of dllllcultles
COiiM'tiuent uitou tho suliservleuce
of politicians to tho Irish vote, The
paper denounces hgan at grxut
j length ami In most severe terms,
aud says had tho United tttates teu
represented lu Sautlugo by gentle
man of the stamp of Phelps, I.h -
coin, aud Duua the truuhlo would
not havo happeued. Thu Globe ws
Prveldeut Harrlsou's ultimatum Is
covered with spread-eagleism.
'1IA11Y M'KKK" 80LU ttlll I2S.00O
! Nuw YoiiK, Jan, 27. A sale of
I blood trotting stock front Benator
I Stanford's Palo Alto farm com.
Uuenced yesterday, B.dy McKee,
1 a full brother to Arlou, aud sou of
1 Electioneer out of Monet te, was
tin shall lx paid. If enacted H
would eiioble a complete torlfr bill
to bo appended to auy appropriation
bill under consideration In the house.
The significance of It Is readily seen.
On ttolfftr
iiIaiu rtii IliA tfuftknlM Ikf tllA Plif1lln
coast, General O. O. Howarvl uldtjaoM to J. B. Kergtuon, New York,
I We can onucelvo that a small navy fr f25,00rt,
iou tho Pacific ot could nisko a an kkuMk.ntixj hulks.
large dlstuibance. U could run luto VA8hinoton, Juii. 27, The Hood
A MUKIl naruor iikq iiihi oi oaui iuiiihu uuvta itiuk-u iu wuhp
Diego, take pout salon and hold to looked a very significant amend
tho clly and water, siaudlng on thog uieut to the new code of rule utter
(Ufciifclve, nd It could fortify and ed hy Breckinridge (Ky.) It pitn
gsrrlson a cvtt city, thus selling It, idri tlmt whenever uny geuerol
!or tnake the (rttbrt, and It might appropriation bill I under consider.
even attempt several auchnrspeoiT atlou It fchall be lu order to tuuveu
Washington, Jan. 27. Tho
house committee nn appropriations
has agreed to report a resolution
calliuir for an inquiry by the appro
priations commlttie of the houto ns
to whether the requirements of con
gress providing for holding the
C dtimlil'iu Exposition at Chicago
have been can led out, whether all
expenditures of whatever churacler
for the exposition were judiciously
ipudu, and Inquiring Into the man
agement of the afl.dr.
NfcW Yokk, Jan. 27. It was
reported ihut Jucoh Bchaefer would
accept tho ofler of George Blosson
to play another billiard game under
the conditions that governed the
liiutch duekltd hn-t Friday night.
Schaefer, however, fulled to put In
nn appearance, and lu consequence
Blostou wus sad. The hitter said
that he stands ready to meet the
champion in au 1800-point bulk-line
game, but lie will not pay a threp
nights' seiles, as Boh.iefer euggtsls.
lie thinks that a match of one
night a fair test, iyid doej not care
to enter luto a competition tht
savors of gate mopey. Jn the re
cent match Bchaefer received for
his winnings S'JCOO, Pioa on thinks
the champion wus well paid for his
ulcht's work, and as "tho wbuud"
Is in I he business for monej , he fulls
to 8e why Bchaefer Miould reiuse lo
meet him again.
Ban FiiANCibCo, Jan. 27.-4 pw
York special buys lllcui do Trumbull,
a member of ihe Chiliuu congress,
when Ititui viewed today referred to
Egau as a scouudiel. He Bald he
Aould show him us such hi a lecturo
Phurtduy. The Mull and Express
prints tho follewing:
"If the Chilian delcgato, Trqni
hull, expects an Ann. 1 lean audience
will allow him tocull Minister Eg..u
a Scoundrel and a few other choice
names at tho Beform club meeting
Thursday evculug he Is very much
mistaken. Tho moment Is not
auspicious for Chilian blU9tir in this
putrioilo metropolis, uor for tho con
ilnu.mce of efl'orts to purchase arms
iu tills country for Chili, por for
shipment of any fuoh arms already
purchased, Let our government
fearlessly prohibit any export of
arms nod ammunition to Chill at
once, und let Trumbull beware wuut
Wabiiinoton, Jan. 27. I-eaeh,
director of the pilpl, wus boforo the
houso conimltteo on coinage, weights
and meosures. and was examined
rclatlvo to the sliver question. He
uua of tje opnop that the supply
and demand for silver alouo regu
luted Its price, nnd favored au Inter-
national nureemont as the best
solution of tho question.
Ni:w Yokk, Jan. 27. A sonsa-
tioual rumor current on the stock
exehnpgo tblB nfti moon that Egan
was killed. 'Iho ftute department
ofllciuls ul Washlngti 11 pronounce
tho rumor absurd.
Faihhavrn, Wash , Jan. 27.
George Placer, the Indian who mur
dered Moses VonkhiB wus oapturcd
this morning ueur Feind.ile.
i. 11. HILL.
Nr.W Yoiuc, Jan. 27. Two thou
sund Deinocruts grasiud Iho bund of
and aipld tlio popping of chuni
pagno corks, David Bennett Hill
listened smilingly to the many com
plimeutury thlngi said of him. it
wiiBn lecoptlou tCudeted him l)
the Mauhattau club, and Democrnu
from this and other states cougrutu
Juted the senator. When Seuat-n
Hill arose, after the dinner wni
over, 1 wai fully two minutes be
fore ho could speak, to continuous
was the iipp'ause. Ho thanked the
Muiihattaii club, referred to the
Otmoorutlc vlct'ttles lu XMew York
the past four yiais, aud, speiklug of
his share, remarked: "I simply dd
what I h It to bo my duty to my
state nud to my party. Tills jeur
we will storm and carry Bopubllnui
ism of the country. We curried the
legislature, we will have a new con
gressional appartloumeut, to bo fol
low ed by a new state appoi tioument,
and I hope soou to sit In the United
States senate with a D mocratlc
ASHINGTON, Jllll. 27. Till It Is
no now features detlnped todny lu
regurd to the Chilian allair. The
members of the cabinet pieerve a
perfect slleuce ou tho tubject of
Chill's coucorslous, aud will uot
admit or deny un thing, no niove-
uieuts of the uuviil force are au
nouneed todny. Bepreeentatlvo
Blount, chalrmau of the hous? coin,
mlttee of forvlgn atlulrs called the
depart uieut of ttate, aud had a chat
with Becntury Blaine ou the ques
tions submltudto cougreM, ami the
reply of the Chilian government to
the so-called ulttmatumof the United
States. The additional correspond
euce w in probauiy be seut to con
grew In a few days.
wife lo
Transfers Iieretofore recorded In
January $lV),fM 60.
JAN. 27.
Geo W Hollisterand wife to BO
Keeue, It 14, annex No 1 HollHter s
IIIIUUlJvuT" 4i J e
v rron.nin FE Brown, It 4, 5
blk 2 Brooklyn add. Salem, S5ff-T-noria
WMton. uiirnarrled, to A
W Jette, und David Weston, d 1 c,
Konlfiwiln Brown and
Dnlnh Hover. 0 a
' O Bourret and w Ife to D Boyer, It
t i.i i, .1 W.wwllmrn. SSOO
O C Mulkey and wife to Bebecca
P Klnsel, 10 a sec 13, tp u s i e, .".
Thomas Froct and wife to F J
Brown, pt hi 30, MeClaue's add,
Woodburn, $700.
It Slmnld be in Every House.
J. li. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
burg, Pa , sujs he will not be with
out Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
that It cured his wife who wus
threatened with puumonia auer au
attack of "la grippe," when various
other remedies aud several phi si
clans had done her no good, ttubeit
Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims
Dr. King's New Discovery has done
blm more good than a.iylhlng he
nvpr listed for lunir trouble. Nothing
llknlt Trv it. Free trial bottle at
natilel J. Kr s druixhtoie. 22.') Com
Tlie mum
ProtficfJs ovary .tprson
cannot loose his niOlioy in C?se oLiu
InstirocMn tliftt stato, Op tlifii vlio
iuisfortuno. aS is tnc
cbbo with otlter states. Youmay fyour Doliay but
the policy won't forgot you. fJ8 tho .safest nnd best.
Evory man ought to cany' Insurance and should put his
money where he can't loofii' it.
SEE ' l -
merclal street.
nnd $1.00.
Large bottles, 60o,
E P Thompson, J Drowu, A
liompori, W E Thomrs, E Mir-
gaiiHteru, H E Woodrult, K A 'I'tir-
nor, L Wasserman. Portland.
G A Btaus, M W Solomon, J C
McCaret, C Collins, E W Hnnsou,
D Robinson, New York.
E W Branulck, Chicago.
J F McNIsb, Horseliends.
E Gwyune
E S Yergue, Gervais.
GeoBkinuer, Independence.
FKolmiugA B Withreu, N E
Olin, B F,
N H Allen, Albany.
It II L'issell, Hurrisburg
T It Bewley, McCoy
A W Powers, Portland
Judd, Turner
G Johnson, Fox Villey
J M Lord, 11 Nowktnn, Minn
D Hurst, Bulein
J L Boinmony, M'AIiunviilo
KM'Leod, Beuttlo
W C Woodcock, Huhbard
PW Hawley, Indepeudence
H Bahulnilch, HllUboro
Wm M'liOiighlln, Newberir
Elpctric Bitlcrs.
This remedy is becoming so well
know n and so popular us to need no
Kpeciul nientiou. All who hue
used Electric Bitters slug tho suum
song of praise. A purer medicine
dcips not exist und it la izunrauteed
to do all tlmt Is clulnjcd. lOiectih:
Bitters will cure all dUeases of the
liver and kidneys, will remoe
pimples, bolls, t-alt rhcuui and other
iflectlou caused by iuipnie blood
Will drive Malaria from thu 8j stem
md prevent as well ns cure all M -liirial
fevers. For cure of headache,
constipation aud Indigestion try
Iilectrio Bitters Entire satisfaction
guarateed, or money refunded.
t'rice 60 cents and 1 00 per Imttlo at
Daniel Fo's drugstore, 223 Coni
uiercial street.
Bauv Buaaits Billl a fair as
'ortmeut at Ueo. F. Smith's, which
are being sold below coat. 307,
Commercial Htrei-t,
A JuMiiLi:, lloneyjunibles, moss
jumbles, cocoanut taffy, fancy cakis
cookies and crackers at Clark ti.
Lots of notions at W- M. Sur
geunt's. Lots of window shades,
brackets, games, children's blocki,
frames, moulding, pictures fruuud
to order, Iron wagons and b.iskiK
In nremuleatlni: ei-oieilc codllntliin or
lit yonrrtatemtnl. 1 km a dart led ron
ciscncM. compacted comprehensible ef.
oonlencent constHtency mid a conLeutra-
ortla ulent garrulity. Mime babbli meut
..h noinino"nirp.tlon8. In trylDe l Im
press upon others the superiority or tne
VlMsoukln Central L'ne, and wh you
nnd m , ianyotbew use thin thoroughfare
from t""nl aud Mlnneanollsand lmlutb
nnd Af hland lo Milwaukee, Chicago and
Vonls east and somh.lt U not neceHa.M
lousejawbreahers. 1-et yonr exlen rorn
neoie. descantlnrx and unpremeditated
"ipi tlou h-.t e Intelligibility verac "is 1
aclt?l without rlu dompntable or thwo
lcal bombast. Sedulously avol J all poj-
?."?". " V., ';; iZAtZ S TvVndlloauent
nptdlty!fchun double entendrcs prurient
. V ?- T nthat. mtrrti
rent 01
iy, sa:
W National Bank
Oregon Land Company's Price List.
10 acres ofland 5 miles south of Salem (postnffico)
best fruit land, nearly all cultivated. Thore Avill be 1 00
acres set to fruit, immediately adjoining tins tract, this
spring; p ice, ?50 per acre, 100 cash, balance easy pay
ments. Choice of four ten acre fruit tracts five miles south oi
Salem (postoffice) one all in cultivation, very sightly; two
other three-fourths in cultivation, balance good timber;
one three-fourths in cultivation balance in pasture, $45. 0Q
per acre, cash, balance easy payment and long time.
Choice of 40 ten acre fruit tracts six miles south of
coxltyaifl pesiuemus pniwunj, .""f1,; 1 .., -i-i-it ,
SU"rauyeInnSlbTanTi?uthfuSalenl (postoffice) best fruit land, very desirable location;
iu8teyndth'no'sniuenlraI ""'i ftTy spiings and running water, adjoining The Oregon Land
Uompany s model 1UU acre orciiara tarm, uiree muea iroui
steamer landing. First choice $G0 per acre, cash,
balance on eight years time, enabling purchaser to pay for
land out of the fruit crop This land wjll he set out to
fruit trees and cultivated two years in a first-class manner,
by the Wjllamette Valley Fruit Growing company so that
a two year old orchard, complete in every respect, will
cost the purchaser $125 per acre, including a good fence
around it.
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company has
now more than -300 acres set out in this way, and will
take pleasure in showing anyone, who takes an interest in
fruit growing in the Willamette Valley, what they are
doing and how their orchards look. The people of Salem
and their visiting friends are cordially invited to call at,
the office of the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing com
pany, in the Gray building with the Oregon Land com
pany and take a ride to Sunnyside and see what is being;
done in the way of fruit raising in the vicinity of Salem,
Oregon. You will enjoy the ride to Sunnyside and see
something worth seeing.
Thirty acres best garden and hay land, good two story
houso of nine rooms, hard finished, good barn, good,
orchard, springs and running water, 2? miles from Turner,
price 5?2500.
, Vice President.
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Transact a general banking business
In all Its branches.
Wm. KMII.AN!) Vice Preitdeni
I1UOH MoNAHY C'abhlei
DIRKCTOKS- Qeo. Wtlllams.Wm. Rng
land, Dr. J, A. HIchartHpn, J. W . Hobon,
J. A. Ilaker.
Itanlc in new Exchange block on Com
mercial etrcit. 812-tf
(Founded In 1868,)
Fiiuit LajsPS. 11io eountv Mir
veyor bus Jii't tlnUbed pluttlnj:
duunyHUle No. 10, of tho Wutson
farm, cut into tun ncre tracts.
Foine new Improvements nre
ulioul to be nmdo on tho "Electric"
store on e.ist Htuto street. Simpson
A rioters are piiBlien, und will soon
etilnrge tliulr business. Keep your
ooon thu "Elect rie." -
How Is This?
We olfor Ouo Hundred Dollars re-
utiy oaso of catarrh tlmt
cured by taklUR Hall's
ward tor
iiuinot bo
Catarrh Cure.
V. J. Cheuov . Oo , lrojw, Toledo, Ohio.
We,thuuuderetgued. hae known K. J
Cheney- fur the 1hi l!)car, nudbellee
him iwrleclly honorable In all buslntws
irauviiHloiu, und Uuuuelally able to onrn
oulHtiy oblUuilons inula by thelrtlrm.
West . Iruax, Wholenlq UrucKlsU
Tuledu, Ohio.
WnldUiic Klnuan A MarYin, Wbolcwle
UruKsliit, Toledo, Ohio.
Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken In
ternally, noting directly upon the
blood and mucous Miriaces of ttie
system. Testimonials bent fne.
Price 76c, ir battle. Sold by all
See the Oregon Luul Oompauy's
price list on page two.
Baby orlfcl,
Jtothw i Jil,
Doctor pnnarilvd : Custorii
Transact Hanking Business In all de
p irtmenta.
lias mouentary connectlops with
banks In Oregon, Washington, Idaho and
Montana, and correspondents lu all tte
principal towns of those states. Collec
tions made throughout tho 1'aclflo and
Eastern HUUcs and llritish America.
Drafts of Eastern banks taken at par.
Every laclllty afforded customers, consist
ent with conservative banking we have
a large Are proof vault, with ample room
for the keeping ot safety boxes, nnd the
most secure liurglar Proof vault In the
North West. 12 18 lm dw
- - o-"'
To Strawberry Growers.
The undersigned has contracted for large
quantity of the Jessie, (sweepstake prize
winner at Balem Btrawberr) lair) and Trl
omphede Cland, (he ylelder aud mosl
prodtable late berry In Balem market.l
froinll. W saage,halem,und J. W. Oil
bcrt, Auinsvllle. Warranted pure stoci
and plants tlrst-class. Catalogue free, mid
Heptember Its. Also ten other arietlet
Address K. HO toll,
dw Salem, Oregon
and Grapes,
Twenty arlellesof each forsale Manna
or culture und detriptte culaloguc ol
plan's of either ol these, best of all Libit
fruits, suitable for this climate, t.ent on ap
plication io li HOt Ell, Kalem, Oregon.
Chan. Wola, of the "German Market,"
will herealter sell for cash only and his
price will be the lowest.
2l5KCcmmrclISt, - lem, Oregon.
(Next door to Klein's.)
pSK?.0,1 SPcejaeles, and repatrlnj
Clocks, watchea and Jewelry
Conscnntory ot'Iusic.
' i kl'Perlorftdautage to students of
music, Ihjo teachers. Latest methods.
Nooil and Instrumental nnulo taught to
he highest proflelencv. N o use going cast
ni!',u,,y J"u,1- reuses modera e
Ulplomas gleu on completion of course
iieat term begins t'tb. 1. inn.
Musical Director.
Kl.ani Prlntw Wm OrilSn
Admlulstratrlx Notice of
A p.
Poutlanu, Jau. 2T. Wheat val
ley, f 1.60; Wall Vlla, J1.57.
Chicago, Juh. S7,At oloae wheat
wusllrm, cash ,bt)l: May 01 1.
Ban FKAM716CV, Jau. ST.-Wheat ut b?t,U for M, l' " Owde,
ffdMO fl.7S. u.uJffcu,l.
Kor din Children.
"In buying n anugli melloine fur
cUlidren,M ma H.
prominent uiuggut of Ogdeu, Utah, ' x S&SSSl VX", oS.
ueveriM arralU to buy ChamU ,?u,,f- e5t7 deVSWi
lain' Cough Itemed There Is no ,.TL0fi'"'tiua
35 ncres of timber land 21 miles frnm Turner SPfl ii- nnra i ki1
balance in three equal annual payments,
19 80-100 acres cultivated land with house, spring and orchnrd 3 miles
from Turner, $60 per-acre, J cash, balance in tin ee equal annual payments.
18 40-10Q acres cultivated land with bnin and running water, $45
per acre, J cash, balance in three equal anuinil payments. First payment
will be taken in work.
10 96-100 acres cultivated land, running water on laud, $40 per acre, i
cash, balance iu three equal annual payments. Fiist pnjmeut taken in
39G8-100 acres pasture and timber land, all good laud, with running
water, 3 miles from Turner, $25 per acre.
0 fruit trapts ranging from 12 to 14 acres eneh, all cultivated, 200 fruit
trees on each lot, land all plowed, $45 per acre, J cash, balance in three
equnl annual payments.
Work such as carpenter work, cuttimr wood, making rails, bulldimr
fence, setting out and cultivating trees taken in part payment on lauds
also horses, harness, wagous, or buggies taken in part payment on laud..
Also good oity property, when unencumbered by mortKace or otheir
claims, taken in part payment on land.
Post Ofa Department,
Washington, D. C, Jau. 15, 1892.
PUOPOBALS will be received at
the Contract Ofllce of this Depart
ment uutil 4 p. in. of March 24th,
1S92, for carrying the mails of tho
Uulted States upon the routes, and
according to the schedule of arrival
and departure specified by the De
partment, in the state of Oregon
from July 1st, 1692 to June 80th,
1894. List of routes, with schedules
of arrivals and departures, instruc
tions to bidders with forms, for con
tracts aud bouds, and all other
uecessary Information, will lie fur
uished upon application to the Sec
ond Assistant Postmaster General.
d-l-18-6tm Postmaster General.
WD. PUOII, Architect. Plans, Sped
. flcatlons nnd superintendence for
all classes of buildings,
luurcmi .)., up stairs,
Ofllce 5S0 Com-
CA. ItOBERT, Architect, room 421, Mar
. quam building, Portland, Oiegon.
EJ. McOAUSTLAND.Civil Bnnltnry and
. Hydraulic Engineer. U. 8. Deputy
mineral surveyor. Citv sunevnra nitlrn.
Cottle-Parkhnrst Block, Salem, Oregon.
ITT If VmTMn 1 1. rwn.... f-
YV . occupied by Dr. Kowland, corner
Counnnd Liberty strceU. 'telephone No.
45. OHlce heurs: 8 a in. to 12: 2 to 4 p. in.,
and 7 to t) p. m. Ilesldence 18th street on.
electric car Hue. Telephone No. D,
Pension and Claim agent. P.o
it u 1
.. ,i usiuxj una
He,"1' "? MJtS?!Puty County
j" 1
GKO II. 11UUNETT, Attorney at law
n'AJi,nni.U1N(.H,IAM' Attorneys and
A.rt rountlrs at law, slem, Oregon
Having an attract ot the records oMlafinn
Xl,?1, "e'l!Unc a t MdMSk lndS?w
n,?n .'.LHlfi1 Pfclal belittles tor ex.
amlniiig titles to real estate. Business In
ihe supreme court and In the stain rt.
Q T.HICHAHD80N, Attorney at law
H5u.hMUp tMn ,n W of new:
J!.VWemC?0n4goCrmerC,ttl and C"ur
SH. 1
i, Or
H. Y. S. MOIT, physician und sur-
eon. Ofllce in Lldrldge lllock. Sa-
reeon. Ofllce houre in tn i9n m
2lo4p. m.
1? BA1,'JIILHR00K M-D .Homeopathlaa.
IK. Olllte 165 Court street; Hesldouce 31S
High street. ceLeral practice, bpeclal
attention gt en to diseases of Women audi
WT.HOUSER.M D. Physician andsnr
. geon. Practlco limited to diseavs
of the nenous system. Catarrh Including
asthma and rupture or hernia. OHlce In
Cottle block rooms 11 und 12. Ofllce hours
frotn 9 to U a. m. and from Sto (1 p. in.
11 3 tft
SR. MINTA B. A. DAVIS. Ofllce hours,
9 a. m. to 11 a. m.; 2 p. m. to 5 p. m.
or night calls promptly attended to.
special nt tention gi en to diseases of worn
en and children. OfHce In N ew Hank Hlk.,
30o Comraerelal street. Residence same.
"TR. J. M. KEENE, Dentfst.
iy uieniiite Cornercourt nnd
merclal streets. rr
Ofllce oer
rv R. T c. SMITH. Dentlst,92 State street,
XJ palem, Or. Finished dental opera
l ons of e ery description. Painless opera
ilons a specialty.
There., uo StSSlSSd
t) L l,x .r . ..
' "- -" JCJW
uar-scrtrom it and relief U alwaj-. Tl?&ffityJS m
8ure to follow. I ,rtloaWrIy rwwn. , jgig &$&JmZ'
mend GhMnberUlu'e becauw I bae SPS''SKoTO" '
ID UTMU ili.. u ".'".? ""W -.1WI
found It to be-wfe and reliable, 50 S !RV2KI!&&VwWSim
T'LoS?& ttorneJ- t Salem,
JjOrejoa. onit srLUra In Wttor?.
S PRAGUE & ALLEN, Blacksmith nnd
horeMioelug and repairing. Only the
best workmen employed. Opposite. Btote
Insurance bunding
RICE ROSS, Blacksmiths, all kinds ot
repalringandcarrlageworK. We have
u our employ Arthur Ulo e, a professional
uorsesboer. Give usn triaL 4-H
KNIUHT ltlanba,.,lfh linn.
shoeing and repairing o specialty. Bhop
tJ shoe
at me fotit of Liberty street, galena, Orege:
PJ. LAHaEN CO,, Manufacture of all
. . kludsorehlolea. Repairing u special-
!y. Shop 45 btate street.
H.KMITII A CO., Contractors, Sewer-
Leave order with Dugan Broa. fl6-lm
lur, Cement fllcfewalks, lixcAvatliig,
"',"r rroinpuy oooe, saiem,vr.
lta JlouaVy r i.
I 8. llrVmv .. ..
- w -w.j a. ai i - . ,Mui .ArnniiaT :am d.l
ftABPFT-UYING.-I make a pedully or
KJ caipet-eewlug and laying; carpets
Ukec up and relaid with mut care. House
cleaning. Leave orden with J. H. Lnnr
Ufen bon. J, Q. LU URMAN.
IM IIOEVE.Pronrletor Ihe Porcelain
oottd icnr.
pKO l
Or B.i
only Pc
ta and Miavlng Parlors, llavethc
promptly I only Porwlaln Bath Tnb In the dtr
Jl t ' Commercial street, feAletn, Orejon,
-r vi3jfcA
-. j- -w -