-jr"mi SJW-4WHW.UWWOJ '4t4.' a S, CAPITAL JOURNAL VOIi. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2G, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. at. EVENING ?2L NEW DEPAETTJHEI: SOMETHING FOR NviHINGI THE CAPITAL JOURNAL HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. $100.00 In Cash to be Given Away. NO LOTTERY SCHEME, NO RAFFLE, But a "straightforward Donation of $100,00 in Cash to our Customers. With each Dollar's worth of goods purchased for Cash at our store, wo will give a Cash Coupon, good for Five Cents in Cash, and when One Dollar's worth, or twenty of these Coupons are presented to our store by any one person, we will cash theni, paying One Dollar in Silver for same. We want everybody to take advantage of this cvn.irl rlnnnMnn Wo .are hejuimiarters for all broods in our line, and our prices are "rock bottom." Come and see us and bring your friends and neighbors. Ask for a "Cash Coupon with your purchase. T. McF. PATTON, 98 State Street, Salem, Oregon. U13L1SIIK1) DAII.Y.KXOmTSUNDAY nr THE Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In I'. O. Bnlldlng .ntcred at tho postofTlco nt Bnleru, Or.,ns secoiHi-oltuc ti title! . SUGGESTED COAIMKNT. The Marine baud ut Corvallls lceu reorganized. has Capt. James McCulloch, recently from Spokane Falls, baa become editor of the Hlllsboro Independent. LIST IIP CLAIMS AIjLOWKD. i i ScIimIiiIp of Expenditures of Marlon (.'ouiily for Jannitry Term, 1892. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. Amt Amt, Nnmc, AoomnU Claimed. AU'd. U. Siinmous, eupv. $ 2-1 005 24 00 bv F. OSBURN -CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON- Boots, Shoes and. Rubbers, THE FOLLOWING 18 A FEW OF HIS PRICES: .Meiis' Dress Shoes 1 45 Mens' Plow Shoes 1 15 Mens' Heavy Boots I 1 95 Mens' Rubber Boots , . .' 2 25 161 Commercial Street. Ladies' Calf Shoes 1 15 Ladies' Fine Shoes 1 45 Childrens Shoes. . . . . 35 Misses' Shoes : 1 00 HE RACKET STORE. i nrgmnT ,lm'mjxr7rTanmejntzJ jiLiijac.yjigt3tiagagarattM Harritt -SUCCESSORS TO Mclntire, WELLER BROS. HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR COKEPKrBSSil STAPLE 11 FANCY HUBS, At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. We Undertake To say that people who patronize ws save money in all lines, but especially on t-UNDERTA ING.-i- We are not in the trust and no combine makes our prices. We buy all stock and supplies of the manufac turies and supply work at the 1 west living prices. 18 years experience. A. B. BUREN &, SON. as OIVIETHING NEW! AT THE- Pioneer Grocery Store. (Established In 1857.) Having done a large credit business, for the last 84 years, and, as times have changed, making it necessary to sell groceries at a very low margin, I propose to adopt a new plan, commencing on January 1, 1802, and sell for 3KT AT BEDROCK PRICES. NO MORK CREDIT, A general slaughter on crockery, imported china ware, glassware, lamps, etc. As I have an Immense stock of this lino to arrive in March nud April, I nm compelled to make room by closing out the present stock. Now Is the time for the ladles to replenish their houses in this Hue, while they can get bargains. All knowing themselves iudebted to me are requested to call nnd set tle on the first of the year. JOHN G. WRIGHT, 227 and 229 Commercial St. Barr (6 Petzel ) Plumbers and Tinners, 247 Commercial street, Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. seeclalty. Estimates for A complete line of Stoves and Tinware. Tin roofing and plumbing a ' linning ana iiuuiuiuk ruruisueu. You can get the latest MUSIC r Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mandolins. LOWBST PRICKS p-s GT"N'"TvT,Ci 3IO Comroaroial Strt. Xlf''VO X LjlX O, 8nd for Catalogue JTRKIS fA slssflw A ssswtsII 3o faH I Jtk flf A ws for Infants and Children. " O as torln Is so Troll adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription Known to me." II. A. Arches, M. D., Ul So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castorla' is so universal and Its merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Fow are tho intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach." CinLOS ItlRTTK. D.D.. New York City. Lato Pastor Bloomlngdalo Betormod Church. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dlarrhooa. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d gestlon. Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommendet your ' Castorla,' and shall always continue to ao so as u uas invariaoiy proaucoa Donoucmi results." Edwin F. Fabdki, M. D., " The Winthrop," 125th Street and Tth Ave., Nw York City Thb Cimtauii Company, 77 Mohrat Btbeet, Nbw York. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing made to order. Sew DIVE KII.N, by which we can always keep a full supply of seasoned stock of al' kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Trade and illgn streets, Salem, Oregon. Sash and. Door Factory Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the be3t material used Salem Truck & Dray Co. lem Iron works. Drays and trucks mo the corner of Btute nud Commerela DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal aud lumber. Of flee State St.. onnosito 8a- Drays and trucks may be fnuudthroughout the (lav at I htroeU. 0, F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent. SALEM IRON WORKS, SALEM, OlEQON. Manufactures STEAM ENGINES, Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Governors, Frnll Drying Outdts, Traction Engines, Creating, etc. Karin machinery mudo and repaired. General agent and manufacturers of tbe celebrated Wahlstrom l'ateut Middlings Purifier and Heels. Karm machinery made and repaired. EMOVED ! O. Q. GIVEN, THE CASH 8HOE Dealer has removed to 280 Com mercial street, one door north of Gilbert & Patterson, where ho has an enlarged stock and Is offering his customers, old and new, greater uurguiua luuu uvi-r. xvepuiriiig a Bjn.'ciuuy. BREWSTER & WHITE. Flour, Feed, Hay, Straw and Barley Chop. LOWEST PKIOES AND FUEE DELIVEYR 91 COURT STREET. M. L. CUAMHKUUN, O, M. HMITII, President. Secretary. il. M. BRANSON, GEO. II. UOUUKKT, Vice President. Treasurer, UNION TITLE ABSTRACT CO. 373 Commercial Htreet. Makes tbe neatest and best Abstracts In tbe country. THE WILLAMETTE, 8ALEM, OBEGON. Hates, $2.50 M&OO per Day. Tn beat hotel between Portland aadKan Francisco. Pirat-dAM In all Its appoint ment, it tables are served with tbt Choicest Fruits Grown In the Willamette Valley. A, I, WAGNER, Prop. E. O. CROSS, and Packer, BUte Bt. and Court'J3t The best meat deUvered to all parts of the city. DUG AN BROS' Plumbing aud Heatiog Co., Wholesale and retail dealers In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. 20 Commercial street, Telt pbcwtJNo. U, Pictures of Itudyard Klphng.who was recently married, bear a strik ing resemblance to Col. Wagner, of Hotel Willamette. Both of its proprietors having se cured federal ortlces, tho Dally Rose- burg Plaindealer Is n thing of the past. The "past" it obliged to endure much. All the newspapers iu Oregon whose heads tire in Tho Oregonlau's stanchions are falling Into lino with the Poitland crowd of taxdodgers. Great are the moulders of public opinion. The Hill tidal wave is sweeping everything before it and if this thing goes on Grovcr Cleveland will soou be as tho' ho were not and never had been. Ytt Cleveland is a statesman compared to HID. Whether it is dtslrablo or not tho eo inomy of the present congress is quite likely to cut Oregon oil short on appropriations for pnblic Im provements. It is quite probablo that necessary work will be kept up, but no now works need be expected to be taken up. H. Bartholomy, J. Kennedy " P.Nyo " E. P. Walker " L. A. Walker " W. P. Mttrpuy ' F. Nlblor ' W. It. McKay " O. I. Morris " N. P. Cook ' E. Savage " J. Gulder A. Cartwrlght " U. E. Allen T. W. Hobart " A. Moslor ' S. Wright ' S. Baker - " CFLeatherman " II. P. Hall " J. Daniels " J. Knowles " A.E. Parker " J. Fisher H. W. Bimpsou O. Jeffreys " H.T.Baughmau ' J. Wehrun " G. Bimmou" " J. R. White ' A. J. Taylor " A. Lewis " E. Bemltigton " W. Jory " D. H. Johnson " A. Klinger " C. E. Van Nlys " J. Cox " J. O. Howd ' J. Whitney " P. Mauer " K. ICratis R. H. Calu " F. Nlbler r A b Newspapers that are afraid o give tholr uadera any idea of fnets iu th-'Ir columns but such as they approve of, or such aa suit their purposes, simply assume that their renders are "nou compos mentis," or infants, and that they need some one to do tholr thinking for them. Mnlem Iron Works " Daniel Early Tho rcio Preps Is authority fnr tho follewing: "Tho Linn county Farmers' Allianco at their lust meetinc In the city of Albany re solved, we are informed, to plnco a'Nlnmau&MBnR0W'1 ...,j.. .i..i.. i i. ii..ij ul.l. Llnhtv " voted for at the comlnir Juno election." 04 00 12 00 22 00 28 44 70 00 08 00 30 00 20 00 29 02 40 00 58 0b 70' 00 35 00 07 40 80 00 32 42 20 00 25 00 87 00 34 00 72 00 43 30 44 00 42 00 17 00 65 00 50 00 30 82 4 00 44 00 12 00 30 60 40 00 20 00 18 00 48 50. 38 00 800 73 50 10 00 61 00 45 00 0 70 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report, 04 00 12 00 22 00 28 44 70 00 68 00 30 00 20 00 29 02 40 00 68 00 70 00 35 00 07 40 80 00 32 42 20 00 25 00 87 00 34 00 72 00 43 80 44 00 42 00 17 00 65 00 60 00 80 82 400 44 00 12 00 89 60 40 00 20 GO 18 00 48 50 38 00 8 00 73 63 10 00 51 00 45 00 0 70 iW& Baking Powder jg?? ABSOLUTELY PURE BUpV II J. H. MeCorrniok pau 107 50 107 50 W. R. McKay r & b Mrs. Johns pauper G B Manning, supv M. B. Ladue, paupor J.MosIer&Co J. Gulden .. Barrack ii ii Colo Bros & Co Lichty dsSteflen ntb ii Alfred Holman, formerly of tho Boattle Pofrt-Intelllgencor and Ore gonian, has become managing edi tor of the Fuel lie Rural Press. His training on organs of the plutocrats and special class agitators has not filled him In tho most admirable manner to do battle on tho leading farmers' paper on the coast, tho' he Is an able man. St. Louis Republic: Tho national debt will be paid iu a few years im lebs lu the meantime wo have a war to perpetuate It. Tho Civil AVar taxes caunot be maintained without another war to maintain them. The Plutocracy sees this clearly, and iu its blind love of unearned money It is moving Its puppets at Washing ton to find a quarrel as a pretoxt for keeping up war taxes and for per petuating a national debt which will give Plutocrats "a safe investment1' for their unearned money; an invest ment which will bring them usury wrung from tho sweat of labor by taxation nnd at tho same time exempt their capital from tho laws of trade and tho chaucos, under which it would otherwise be redistributed. FUOK l'OLIOY, It is to be regretted that the Re form Journal of Portland has gone out4f I to way to refer to tho grange of this state as "a dead cock in tho pit," that It has "gone to seed and ought to be gathered to Its fathers," aud has at ditleretil times used its columns to denounce members of tho grange, says a resolution of Charity grange, Llnu county. Tho people of this stato of all parties who favor reform move ments will not approve of an attack by any paper thut tends to weaken tho conservative forces lu this state. The reform elements If wisely di rected can he a great source of good in our state. If mismanaged aud scattered, they can bo made a posi tive force for evil. Reform papers of all others should be slow to ttrlko In the above way. Vt III5HK TO VOTK. There has not been published uu accurate statement of the new vot ing precinct, nor of the boundaries. The county has all been cut up Into now voting precincts under the Aus tralian ballot Juw aud uulesa these new boundaries are carefully defined and fully published in every news paper iu the county there Is liable to be great confusion and low of right to vote. The county authorities whose business It Is to look after this will be held reepounlble by the people uuless this matter is properly and thoroughly ultmded to, Try the best nlokel cigar la tho cjly at Clark & Epplry', Co it ii H ii ii l .i ii ii BUpV, ii II li J. Llohty Santiam Lum G. A. Alien Cap'l Lum. Co. V. Wutller V. J. Culver Early Bros. W. M. Hlllory N. Bllvees H. W. Smith W. F. Harris J. B. Tracy T. L. Golden W. J. Culver II. Bhrum D. Early D. A. Harris B. B. Herrlck E. J. Miller B. aiover W. J. Culver II. B. norrlclc J. Church L. A. Walker Dugau Bros. W. Gentry A, Coylo B. Potrull' N. Miller II. Jones " St.VlueonlHosp., pau. D. C. Sherman, clerk T. R. Blackerby, r&b O. Claggett, Jury J. Batohelor " J.H.McNary, recorder Or.Statesman, sta. J. S. Wilson, Jury ILE.Moores & Co, sta. Ollbcrt&Patterson pau W. Foshaw " J. C. Brown " Mlnto &. Lowe " C. W. Sorlber " A. F. McAteo supv A. Snyder Geo. Shields coroner W. E. Palmer " F. Colwell " Geo. Hawk " C. A. Kuril ham E. II. Brlstow " M. Holt ' h. A. Walker " O. Atwood ' W. 11. Olon " W. H. Doty F. Bagley Geo. Gall J. Rutherford L, liouck W. E. Pullman A. B. George C. A. George C. A. Wilson Stelner&blosser a A J J. A. Applegate Jury M.E-Goodell " J. O'Donald J. A. Applegate crim'l P. II. D'Arcy ' M. II. Benedict J, A. Apllegate " Salem Water Co CAj Or. Tel.ATel. Co. " TownKtnd&Uwwy ' T. Fuchs Insane Geo.O.Uinghara " D, W, Jeffries 10 00 10 00 40 00 20 00 7 00 65 2 60 10 00 73 10 34 07 13 40 31 07 18 75 84 50 3 75 8 05 0 65 8 18 8 05 10 00 3 00 5 80 3 20 8 20 7 20 2 00 2 00 2 00 0 00 2 00 5 40 2 00 2 00 2 00 7 20 1 00 85 00 3 25 46 60 20 00 00 00 65 00 110 00 110 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 354 10 354 10 6 45 5 46 2 (X) 2 00 8 00 8 00 30 00 80 00 100 00 100 00 2 00 2 00 10 25 10 25 10 00 16 00 40 00 20 00 7 00 65 2 60 10 00 73 10 34 07 18 46 21 07 18 75 84 60 8 75 8 05 0 65 8 18 8 05 10 00 8 00 6 80 8 20 8 20 7 20 2 00 2 00 2 00 0 00 2 40 2 00 5 40 2 00 2 00 200 7 20 1 00 85 00 8 25 45 60 20 00 00 00 05 00 O. Doke C. H. Rlohcs Balcm Gas Light o & J M. E.Goodell crim'l H. P. Mlnto " P. H. D'Aroy ' Geo. G. Bingham " M. E. Goodell H. P. Mlnto ' Geo.G.BIugham insane B. H. Bradsnav " A. N. Gilbert sta B. Bell insane Geo.G. Bingham crim'l M. E. Goodell " H. P. Mlnto A. M. ClougU c. & J J. A. Applegate crim'l M. E. Goodell G. G. Bingham H. P. Mlnto M. E. Goodell H. P. Miuto G. G. Bingham B. F. Ferguson At H. Geisy W. J. Miller N. Gleasou J. Gerren W. Fry H.Voght H. Kraus . " F.Will ' C. Zimmerman " J. Mllldowu " M- E. Goodell H. P. Mlnto " G.G.Bingham " J. A. Rotau pauper A. J. Shrimp insane G. G. Bingham " Leo Brown & Co. r &b ilas. Aitkon pauper A. Klein O. Rutan W. A. Moorca Brooks A Legg J. Aitken O. P. Bishop E. M. Croisan sheriff L. Henderson pau. W. H. Youna C. Rutan Hicks & Amca r CI II II it it i ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii 64 00 38 00 17 60 0 05 205 5 00 6 00 5 05 205 6 00 5 00 800 8 00 5 00 5 05 4 45 0 00- 4 OS 5 05 6 00 4 45 0 05 2 05 600 1 70 0 75 4 80 2 80 220 1 00 1 00 1 Od 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 05 4 45 5 00. 12 00 5 00 5 00 11 82 000 4 00 72 00 13 00 12 00 1 00 7 00 64 00 38 00 17 6Q 0 05 205 500 5 00 5 05 205 5 00 6 00 800 6 00 5 00 5 05 445 0 00 405 5 05 5 00 445 0 05 205 5 00 1 70 0 75 4 80 2 80 2 20 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 6 05 4 45 5 00 12 00 5 00 5 00 11 00 0 00 400 rej'd 12 00 12 00 1 00 7 00 TELEGRAPH DISPATCHES issoclated Press Report and Digests of all Important flows oi Te-Day. MISOELLMY. 221 74 221 74 10 00 10 00 ii ii & b Il II Jury it :i ii ii ii 3d 30 35 00 C 00 2 50 8 00 40 00 40 00 2 60 2 60 200 2 00 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 3 00 14 76 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 60 760 3 00 200 2 00 8 20 GOO 1 70 665 18 00 6 00 860 000 5 00 600 88 80 35 00 6 00 2 60 8 00 40 00 40 00 2 60 260 200 200 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 8 00 14 75 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 60 760 8 00 2 00 2 00 8 20 600 X 70 666 18 00 6 00 8 60 0 00 600 GOO U2 60 72 00 10 05 0 45 ii ii i 4 40 Electric Light Co. o.&J 60 00 A. B. Buren pau. 16 00 J. L.Gentry r&b 2 40 Wrn. Marstou 2 00 W.J. Kelioy " 2 00 J. Albig " 2 00 J. M. Watson com'r. 27 20 A. Choquettojury 8 20 D. II. Loonoy supv. 10 00 Mrs.C.D.Buydor, sta. 33 60 J.M. Wataon, com'r. 15 20 F. S. Dearborn, sta. 81 40 N. Lambert, sup'vsr. 81 00 T.MoF. Tatton, sta; 108 30 108 80 D.D.Dryton, tax rec. 0 05 0 05 Capital Journal, sta. 60 00 60 00 a.G.BIngham, crm'l. 6 00 5 00 M.E,Goodoll, 6 05 5 05 H.P.MInto, " 10 65 10 65 J.M.Barham, sup'vr. 10 00 10 00 W.Bonts, ' 40 00 40 00 A.E.Parker,Rd.&Brg. 5 60 5 60 W.T.Grlmm.Coms'r 30 00 30 00 L.Leruery, pauper, 10 00 10 00 CLAIMS CONTINUED. no ea 40 00 10 05 0 45 4 40 50 00 15 00 2 40 2 00 200 2 00 27 20 8 20 10 00 33 50 15 20 31 40 31 00 ii ii ii L. W. Yates, R&B. Oscar Doke, sup'vsr, Al. Foster, criminal, J. MoPalon, " Mrs. J. Fisher, ' J. Fisher, " Grinin, " J. Manning, " L. H. Poujado, ' P. Miokel, A, Y. Shlbbo, T. L. Harroll, Theresssa Harrel " W. Eventon crim'l. Y.O.Clark II. Mitchell ' F. A Mangold " Joe Goodman " P.Micke'l " L. H. Poujado " J.M.McCalum R. Johnson " F. Ilardllttle ' B. LaChappel G.A.Buchauan'1 J.M.Dickenson" E, P. Walker F. Poujado ' T. Hall ' P. Kelley " J. Bingham " OKWOIAl 2 60 64 00 8 00 00 4 00 2 60 4 00 6 00 14 80 40 00 1 70 1 20 1 70 $1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 80 60 H&' 6 00 1 60 1 80 1 60 1 60 1 50 1 80 1 70 1 60 1 60 1 60 CKHTmOATK. Btatb or OUKOON, ) COUMTV OK AUlUON. f " I, l. U, Biierraau, County Clerk of Marion county, statu of Ortou, and ei-offlclo oier oi me circuit court for said oouuty and tnt, do tirrebr certify that the fore- or I ry term 1W. lia been Lr i compared wltn tbe original and that it is Hclicdute ot Kxpendl. mo ceins: Transcript turtn.Juuuury term WW, bas been l. A trua and correct com ot Rslii nrlvlnal Mheduleitudof the wUofe thereof, as tbe same ixmr ot recoid in my office nud custody. WiTNKHS, my hand and Seal ol tho Mid court, this ittlb, day of Juuuary, ISKi. pcaui i. u. OMCUJSAH Uertc. Now Is the time to buy a choice lot lu Gondii's addition ou tbe electric street cur Hue at $100, on the Installment plan with no interest or taxes to be paid by purchaser. Globe Ileal Estate Company. PUMi ACCOUNT OP THE ATTACK QJ THE BAITIMOBE MEN. Washington, Jan. 25. The press-! ident In his message says: "But, tho most serious accident dleola by tho correspondence is that tho attack of the sailors of the Baw tlmoro In the port of Valparaiso oa October 10th. In my annual me Bago, speaking upon information thon in my possesion, I said as fag aa I had been able to learn no otheq explanation of this bloody work had been suggested than that it had Its origin in hostility to tboae mea as sailors of the United Stat wearing tho uniforms of their gov-j eminent, aud not in any individual act or personal animosity. Wq hava now received from the Chilian government the abstract of the cou- elusions of the fiscal general upon! tho testimony taken by tho Judge vt different crimes in an investigation made to extend over nearly tbftt months. I very much regret to 1 compelled to say that this repc-r does not euable me to modify thu conclusion announced in my anntma message. I am BtiU of the opinion our sailors were assaulted, & and stabbed and killed, not for any4 thing they or any ono of them had done, but for what tho government of tho "United States had done, oq was charged with havlug done, 1 Its olyll oftlcers or naval command! era. If that bo true the aspect mo causo or Injury Avas tcrtUft.knvJ eminent of tho United Stated, nod these poor sailors, who were saulted in a manner so brutal and cowardly. Beforo attempting to give an out-! line of facts upon which this cmi elusion rests, I think It right to mj a word or two upon the legal aspeel of the case. The Baltimore was lit the harborof Valparaiso by virtuq of geueral invitations which nation! are hold to extend to war vessels other powers with which they havq friendly relations. This invitation I think must be held ordinarily embrace the privllego of such cot munlcntlon with shore aa is reason! ably necessary and proper for th comfort and convenience of ornq and men of such vessels. Captale Schley testifies that when his ve returned to Valparaiso Beptemt 14, tho city officers, as le custoruarj extended the' hospitalities of thi city to liiu officers and crew. It not claimed that every rwwo collision or injury In whlou tb Bailors or ofllcers of such naval ves sol visiting shore may be Involve raises an International question, but I am clearly of tbe opluion u whero such sailors or oftlcers are saulted by the resident popula animated by hostility to the govern-! mout whoso uniform these Ballon aud officers wear, and in the reeent-l inent of acts done by their govern ment, and not by them, their nation must take notice of tho ovents aum involving an lufrlction of its right and dignity. Not In a second way, as where a cltlzon is Injur aud presouts his claim through hk own government, but In a prima way, precisely as If Its iniuUter tho cousular Hag itself had been i object of the aarao character of assault. Tbe ofllcers and sailors tho Baltimore were In the harbor j Valparaiso under the orders of thul government, and not by their ow choice. They were upon abora b the Implied Invitation of the pm ernmeut of Chili, with the j) proyal of their commanding ofltoar and this doea uot distinguish tbii case from that of the couaul or tt his stay Is inoro permanent or il ho holds an express iuyltatlon of H local government to Juatlfy hifl lougor residence. Nor doea it ehsoftl tho question that the injury waa ' act of tho mob. If there had no participation of the police military In UU cruel work and neglect ou tbt'lr part to extend pro tectlou thw cam would Mill be oi in my oplaloii, whs M extent i character were eo widwwd, lY&lvii luteriMttJoMU HJtkl. ,, Tg y'Mtttoqt tbw u ttx story of the attftek.M ibm sailor of lb Baltimore aa related la the ttl raony of Captain 8ehly and othr at the lHVtHfttea, abowiog sailors were aosjer and bhvii theRielvM, aa te evkkaoed, furUMj by the Awt tbe ChWlan potto tnadiij unarrest, and aayaitk ftotarambtej -4