''SflJWWV "w"t J r, -6U$l,5 ' -i p. u L mJ2l . '" WMIf""' ' . . 11" If ! xxerjc TIME. L Newton, III. jjMQK, From 1863 to 1885about jJtKKM 22 years I suffered with rheu matism of the hip. I was cured by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. T. C. DODD. i "ALLRI8HTI ST. JACOBS OIL DID IT." Ml. TALMAGE DELIVERS AN EXTREME LY PRACTICAL' SERMON. OUBIMILYIIELIGION. MtlHio Salti Haanrnrl bnf One IJ the Woli Will Never Oct Tlmro Jfn Xwthly Work In Too Sum if' td 1ht tfea Christian Spirit I'm Into It. Brooklyn. Jan. 24-Dr. Talmaira'a Urmon thfa morning waa oh the topic x Which ho la ndvor tired of InsiHfc- sag, and which, more than any othor. joonstitiltflH his message to thte gou teration the application of religion (to tho affaira of daily Ufa. His text fwaa taktm From I 'Corfu thiana x, 31. ("Whether, therefore, yii cat or drink. or wbatwoovw yo do, ilo all to the glory of bod." ) When" the apostlo, in this text, note forth the idea that an common an ac tion HH the taking of fqod alid drink iu to be conducted tt tho glory of God, ho procliiima tho importance of religion in the ordinary affaira of our life. In all agw of thy world there liiU been a tanttanuy to Hot apart cor tain dayH, pliuaw and occasions for worrihip. and to think thoso wore tho chief ruuluiH in which religion wan to .net. Now, holy dayaaud holy places havo their hniortnnee. They give .opportunity for orfpecial performance of Chritiaii duty, and for regaling of the roligioiw appotito; but they otuuiot take the place of continuous Bscorciao of faith and prayer. I In othor words, a man cannot bo ho much of it Clirwtian on Sunday that ,110 can afford to be a worldling nil the Vcet of tho week. If a ntoamer put 'out for Southampton, and go one day in that direction and tho othor nix day in othor directions, how long bo foro tho Htoamor will got to South amptonf It will never got thoro. Jlnd though 11 man may booui to be (voyaging heavenward during the holy Sabbath dny, if, during tho fol lowing ix days of tho wook, ho is going toward the world, aud toward itho iuwh, and toward tho devil, ho Jwill never rido up into tho poacofnl tharbor of hoavon, I You cannot oat bo much at the Sabbdth baiiquot that you can afford jreligioiiH abstiuonco tlio otltor six dayw. Heroism and princoly bo havior on great occasions aro no apology for Iiusk of right demeanor !in circuxnBtuuuoH iuHigniflcant and in conspicuous. Tho gonuino Christian jjfo is not Bpasmodiui does not go by jflte and BtiirtH. It toils on Uirough heat aud cold, up stoop mountains and along dangoi-ous declivities, its oye on tho everlasting hills crowned with the castles of tho bloBsed, I propose this -morning to plead for H roligiou for today. OIltllHT IN QUH DAILY OONVfCIWATJON. In the first placo wo want to bring tho religion of Christ into our con versation. When a dam breaks and two or three villages aro over whelmed, or an earthquake in South Amoriea swallows a wholo city, thou people begin to talk about tho un certainty f Ufo, and thoy Imagine that they tut) engaged in positively rolidous oonvoitjation. No. You may talk nbout thoao tilings and havo no graco. of God at all in your heart Wo ought ovory day to Im (talking religion. If thoro is any thing glad about It, anything Immuu ful about it, anything important about it, wo ought to be continuous ly discussing It. I 1 havo noticed that men, just in proportion on their Christian uxpo Srlonco IsHhallow, talk about funerals and gmvoyards and tombstones aud doathbwK Tho real, genulnu Chris thin mau talks qhlvfly uhmU this life aud tup grout etomlty beyond, aud uot so much about tho Wiguilicant piwH botwtxm these two iwiiloncm. And yut how few circles there aro when tho religion of Jesus Christ is welcome. Go Into a ejrulo. oven of Cliriutiiu) (teoplo, whoro they aro full of joy and hilarity, and .-talk of Christ aud hwivuur and everything is immediately slloneod. As on a Hummordiiy. whon tho for win ruii full of life, chatter and ithir nip and carol n. mighty chorus of blitl harmony, ovory tree branch an orchestra If a luuvk upHmr in the Uy every voice Htojw. ami tho for usts aro Htill; Jmt sol havem-Huia lively religiouHointleHileucojJon the appwimnco of any tiling llko Wiligious pooversittion. No ouw hail anything to Bay, save jwrha'H some old jHvtrl arch in tho coruei'of ,tho room, who rewlly thinks that Homethjnought to biiwid under tho ulrciunittnurctt . so W puis one foot ovor the othur. and Jwavws u long sigh and Hay. "Oh, ye; that's ho, tlmfHso!" My friomK tho religion of Jtwua 'Cferutf Is Homothlug to talk about IwHk a glad hwrt It Li brighter than ,tbi waterrts it ht mow ohwrful than 11m wiuHhiuo, Do uot go nrouud groaning about your tvligiou when jyou ought to Iw stnginij tt or talking tlu cbevrful toinwof voim How fte ft t" that Vi tint! men whom SiTtniv uttorly incouHtsteut. vhont-1 Jhnnjit to tulk R'lljfiou. and alw uyn MMko n failure of tt ? My f WwtiU wo Wwt live reiton or w" itvuuot tnlk St, it a mmi is nuky d niva utd !&WHiiiw4al and html hi hlsdoUimnt, lHHl tHtHjVDJSlOtrtltf alwut Chilnt immI Wev, wwyhotly is ixjkUi.i1 J lft I hv8 hoard mch men say lu wkittiutf out. "Wo aro tnlsomble ypw,,,,,'rhaLorilWtortyotKM '"Jllio i hvi jiwrey on you," their oon wmaatiaa intwbudod with Much ex- km, wiuoti iBftU nmuuiK out mi MMtteg W the worn Iff 1 AjJkTCW., I form Of byiKcri!7. If wo have rully felt the religion of Christ in our heart lot us talk it and talk it with an illuminated countenance, remem boring that whou two Christian poo pie talk God gives especial attention and Writes down what they say. Malachlili, 16, "Then they that feared the Lord spake often ono to another; and tho Lord barkened and beard it. und a book of remembrance was written." nnntST IN OUR DAILY LAHOUB. Again I remark, wo must bHngtho roligiou of Christ into our employ ments. "Oh," you say, "that i very well if a man handle largo sums of inonoy. or if ho have an oxtousivo traffic: but ha my thread and needle storo, in my trimming establishment, in tho bumble work in lifo that 1 tun called to, tho sphere is too small for tho action of such grand heavenly principles." Who told you sot Do you not know that God watches the faded leaf on the brook's surfoco as certainly as he doos tho path of a blazing sun? Aud tho moss that erooW up tho side of tho rock makes as much impression upon God's mind iw the waving tops of Oregon pint and Lebanon cider; and the alder crackling under tho cow's hoof sounds as loud in God's ear iiv th snap of a world's conflagration. Wfion you have anything to d'i in life, however humble it may seom bo,- God is always thoro to help you to do it. If your work is that of a tisli erman, thou God will help you. iw hi helped Shnou when ho dragged Gon tiflporet. If vour work Is drawing water, then lie will help you. as when he talked at the well curb to the Ha innritiui woinnn. If you urounv; iged in the custom house ho will lend you, as bo led Matthew sitting at the r' oolpt of customs. A roligiou that is not good m one place Is uot' worth anything in anotbor place. The man who has only a day's wages in his pocket as certainly needs tho guid anceol' religion as ho who rattles tho keys of a bank and could abscond with 11 hundred thousand hard dol lars. There are those prominent in the churches who soora to bo, on public occasions, very devout, who do not put tho principled of Christ's religion into practice. Thoy aro tho most in oxoniblo of creditors. Thoy aro the most gmsplng of dealers. Thoy are known as Bharpors on the street They fleece ovory sheop thoy can catch. A i"ountry morchant cornea in to buy spring or fall goods and ho got into tile store of ono of those professed Christian mon who have really no grace in tholr hoarta and ho is completely swindled. Ho is so overcome that ho cannot got out of town during tho wook, Ho stays in town ovor Suilday, goos into Home church to got Christian consolation, when what is his auuuso mout to find that tho very man who hands him tho poor lxx iu tho church is tho ono who rollovod him of his. monov 1 But novor mind ; tho deacon has his black coat on now. Ho looks iiolomn, and goos homo talking about "tho blessed sormou. ir tho wheat iu the churches should be put into a hoppor, tho first turu of tho crank would make tho chaff fly, I toll you. Home of theso mon am groat slick lorn for Gospol preaching, Thoy say "You stand thoro in bands and sur plloo aud gown, and proach preach llko an angel, and wo will stand out lioii) and atteud to busiuoas. Don't mix thlugs, Don't get business imd religion In tho same bucket You attend to your matters and wo will attend to ours," Thoy do uot know that God soon ovory cheat thoy have praotieod iu tho last bUc yearn; that ho can look through tho iron wall of their fireproof Bofo; that ho has counted oyory dishonest dollar thoy have In tholr pockot, and Unit a day of judgment willcomo. Thoso incon r.intont Cliristiun mon will Bit on the Babbath night In tho houso of God, Kinging, at tho close of tho servleo, "Rock of Ages, cleft for mo," and thou, when tho benediction ia pro uouticotl. shut tho jHiw door and Bay, as thoy go out, "Uoodby, roUgion. I'll Ikj back uext Sunday." TIIK OHUIIOII IS TUtC tmitlRTIAN'a Alt HOllY, I think that tho church of Gotland tho Sabbath aro only an armory whoro wo tiro to get weapons. Whon' war comes, if a man w'luito to fight for his country he does uot go to Troy or Springfield to do Kittling, but ho goon thoro for swords hud muskets. 1 look uion the church of Christ and tho Sabbath day aa only tho place and time where aud when wo an to get armed for Christian conflict, but tho battlefield ia ou Monday .Tuesday, Wodnoaday.Thurfl day. rYUwiy and Satunlay. "St MartlnV and "Unox" aud "Old Hundred" do not amount to anything uultiss they sing all tho week. A Bormou hi usolei uukrt wo can take It witli us behind the plow and Uu countur TIw S(bbath day w worth crtsif It hwt only twenty four hnuni. Tlieiv are uuuiy Christians who say "Wo uiv-wilhug tobervo UmL but wo do nt w.uit to do it In thoKO sphotvs uboitt which wo tiro, talking, and it seiMiis bo insipid dud mouoto nous, if we had BumogiiHit occtudon. if wo hud lived lu th time of Luther, if wo Imd Ihhiu PrtulV tmvohng com IKUtiou. if wo could Hors'o Gul ou a great ecalo, wo would dolt, but wo cau't lu UtU ovorj'day lifo." I oihnit that a great deal of tho romance and kui;ht ?mntrJ, of lifo Imvo iIImu IXKU-Oil befoio tho udvauoo of this iiroctical go. Tfe Huclont iumplcof Rouca hva been changed into storehouses and smithies. The residences of poets aud princes havo been turned into brokers' shops. Tho classic mansion of Afthland has been cut up into walk ing sticks. Tho groves where the jKXita said the gods dwelt have been carted out for fire wood. Tho umacsr that we ufd ito i-ead about have dL npiwarcd before tho emigi-aut's iu and tho trapjior's gun. nnd that man who in waiting for u lifo tcwitchl ol wonders will never find it. There is, however, a Held for endurance and gniat achjcvcmonL but it in in every ilay lifo. Tiieiv iiro Alp to scale, thcix'aro neJloqxmtH to swim, tbtore aiv HixH to iirave: but thoy aro all around us now. This Li tho hardest kind of martyrdom to lear. It took gnu-c to lead Li timer and Ridley through tho lire triumphantly when l heir armed enemies and their friends were looking en: but it re quii-eH inure- grace now to liring mm through iH'i'secutioii. wiien nobody is looking on. 1 could ihow you in this city a woman who has had rheuma Usm for twenty years, who linn en diuvd more suffering and exhausted more grace than would have made twenty martyrs pass tWuniphnutly through tho fire. If yuu aro uot faithful in an insignificant por-ititm in life you would not lie faithiul in a graud miKtiou. If j'ou cannot atand tho bite of a midge, how could you endure tho breath of a basilwhf ooi ts aumiFir.D in all iouL woutc. Do not think that any work God gives you to do in tho world in on too small a stale for you to do The wholo universe is not ashamed to tako caro of ono little flower. I wiy "What aro you doing down hero in the grass, you poor little flower Arc you not nfniid nightsi You will be neglected, you will die of thirst, you will uot bo fed. Poor little fhnvcr!' "No." says a Htar. "111 watch over it tonight." "No." says a cloud, i'l; give it drink." "No," says the sun. "I'll warm it in my bosom." Thou 1 boo the pulleys going nnd tho clouds aro drawing water, and I say, "What aro you doing thoro. O clouds?" And they reply. "We aro giving drink to that llower." Then tho wind riBcs, mid comes bending down tho wheat and sound ing it psalm through tho forest, and 1 cry, "Whither away on Buch swift wing, O wind?" And it replies, "Wo aro going to cool tho cheek of that flower." And then 1 bow down and say, "Will God tako caro of tho grass of tho field?" and a flovvor at my foot responds, "Yes; he clothes the lilhw 01' tiio field, aud novor yet has forgotten m0i a p001 little flowor." Oh, whon I boo the groat heavons bonding thomsolves to what Booms insignificant miniatra tlon, when J find out that God docs not forgot any blossom of tho spring or any Biiowflako of tho whiter, 1 como to tho coucluaiou tliat wo can afford to attend to tho minute things in lifo, and that what wo do we ought to do well, ninco thoro is as much perfection in tho construction of a spider's oye as in tho conforma tion of flaming galaxies. Plato had a fablo which I havo now nearly forgotten, but it ran something like this: Ho said spirits of tho othor world camo back to this world to fiud a body and find a sphere of work, Ono spirit camo and took tho body of n king, and did his work. Anotbor spirit camo and took tho body of a poot and did his work. After awliilo Ulysses camo, and ho Haiti. "Why, all tho fino bodies aro taken, and all tho grand work la taken. There i$ nothing left for mo. Ann somo ono ropueu, rtju tho best 0110 has boon loft for you." UlysHOH said. "What's that?" And tho roply wart, "Tho body of a com mon man, doing a common work, aud for a common inward." A good fablo for tho world, and just as good a fablo for tho church. Whether we eat or driuk, or whatsoovor wo do. lot uh do it to tho glory of God. Again, wo need to bring tho l-oli-gion of Christ into our commonest trials. For severe losses, foi horcavc mout, for trouble that shoclts liko an earthtuuiko and that blnhts liko a Btonn we proseribo religious consola tion ; but. business man, for tho small annoyances of last week how much of the graco of God did you apply t "Oh," you say, "these trials aro too small for such application." My brother, thoy aro shaping your char actor, thoy aro souring your temper, thoy arc wearing out your patience and thoy aro making you Ices aud losfl of a man. I go iuto a sculptor's studio and see him shaping a Btatue. lie has a cliisol in ono hand nnd a mallot in tho othor, and ho gives a very gontlo stroke-click, click, click I I Bay, "Why don't you Btriko harder?" "Obi" ho replies, "that would Bhat tor tho statuo. 1 can't do it Unit way. I must do it this way." So ho works on, aud after awhilo tho fea tures como out and ovorybody that outers tho stiulto is charmed nnd fas cinated. Well, God hsw your soul under process of development and it Is tho llttlo annoyances and vexa tious of life that aro chiseling out your Immortal uaturo. It is dick, cllok, click I I wonder why somo grout providence doos not como aud with ono stroko prepare you for hoavon Ah. no. God says that is uot the way. And bo ho koaps on by strokoj of littlo anuoytmcos, little Borrows, llttlo voxations, uutil at last you shall bo a glad spectacle for augola and for mon Yon know that a largo fortuuo may Ihjspantin ?nall changCi uad." vast iWlWIU,W'l'l lHHli amount of moral- characterniiy go away in small depletion. It is tho little troubles of lifo that ar having more effect upon you than great onea A swarm of locusts will lull a grain field sooner than the incursion of three or four cattle. You soy. "8inco I lost my child, since I lot my property. I hnve been a diiforent intui " But you do not recognize the archi tecture of little annoyiuicoM that aro hewing, digging, cutting, shaping, splitting and interjoining y.uir moral qualities. Rats may Rink a ship. Ono luciferinateb may send dctmction t'lrougli a block of stor-siijUTOS. Catherine do Medicis got her death from timelling a poiaonoiU row Co lumbus, by stopping and astcng for a piece of bread and n drink of water at a Franciscan convent, was led to tie dweovory of tho now world. And there is an intimate connection be tween tridDs and immensities, bo tweMU uothinga and everythinga. NO HIN TOO SMALL TO UK AVOIDBD. Now, be careful to let none of thoso t-inoyances go through your soul tin arraigned. Compel them to admin ister to your spiritual wealth. Tho serattth of a sixpenny nail sometimes produces lockjaw, and tho clip of a most miinicesimal annoyance may damage you forever. Do not let any annoyance or perplexity come across your soul without its making you bettor. Our national government doos not think it belittling to put a tax on pins, and a tax on buckles, and a tax on shoes. Tho individual taxes do not amount to much.. but iu tho ag gregato to millions and millions of dollars. And I would luiw you. O Christian man, put a hili ta .'iff on ovory annoyance and vexation that comes through your soul. Thi '.might not amount to much in sir- ;k cases, but in the aggregate it woui 1 be a groat revenue of spu-itual strength and satisfaction. A boo can suck honey oven out of a nottle. and if you havo tho grace of God in your heart you can got sweetness out of that which woultl otherwise irritate and annoy. A returned missionary told me that a company of adventurers rowing up tho Ganges were stung to death by flies that infest that vop n at cer tain seasons. 1 have neon the earth strewed with the caiv-WH' .if men Blain by inst aanoyane-js. Tho only way to gat prepared for tho groat troubles of lifo is to conquer those small troubles. What would you aay of a soldier who rjfmed to load his gun or to go into u. conflict because it was only a skirmis'-. say ing, "I am not going to expend my ammunition on a skirmish; w.iitun til thoro comes a general engage ment, and then you will sec how courageous I am, ar 1 what b.ittling I will do?" The general would say to such a man, "It" yen aro not i.uthful in a skirmish, you would bo nothing in a general ongaomeut." And I havo to toll you. () Chris dan mon. if you cannot apply the principles of Christ's religion on a small Bcalo you will uevor lw able to apply thorn on a lai-go scale. If you cannot successfully contond u,fainst thoso small Borrows that como down Binglo handed, what will you do whon tho greater disasters of lifo como down with thuudoriug artil lory rolling ovor your soul i Again, we must bring the religion of Christ into our commonest bless ings. When tho autumn come J, and tho harvests are in, nnd tho gover nbrs mal:o proclamation, wo assem bio in churches, imd wo arc very thankful. But every day oulit to bo a thanksgiving day. Wo do not rec ognize tho common mercies of lifo. We havo to soo a blind man led by his dog before wo begin to think our selves of what a grand thing it is to havo oyosight. Wo havo (o see somo ono aulicted with St. Vitus' donee before wo ore ready to thani: God for thocoutrol of our physical energies. We havo to soo somo woundod man hobbling on his crutch, or with his empty coat sloovo pinned up, before wo learn to think what agv.iud .thing God did for us when ho gave us healthy use of our limbs. Wo aro so stupid that nothing but tho misfortunes of others can roudo us up to our blessings. As tho ox gmr.es in the pasture up to its eyes iu tho clover, yet novor thinking who makes tho clovor. and as the bird picks up the worm trom tl o fur row, uot kuowing that it is God who makes everything, from the nut malcula m tho sod to tho horaph ou tho tlirono. so we go on eating, drinking and enjoying, but uover thanking orsoldom thanking; or, if thanking at all, with only half a heart. DO imOTES AND 1'L.VNTS I'llAISK GOD? I compared our indifference to tho bruto; but perhaps I wronged the bruto. I do not know but that, among Its othor instincts, it may havo an instinct by which it recog nizes tho dlvino hand Unit feeds it 1 do uot know but Unit God is. through it, holding communication' witli what wo call "irrational crea tiou." Tho cow that stands under tho willow by tho water courso chowhig its cud looks very thank ful ; and who can tell how much a bird moans by its song? Tho aroma of tho flowers smolla liko inceuso, and the mist arising from tha river looks llko tho smoko of a morning Bacritlco. Oh, that wo were as ro Bponslvol Yot who thanks God for tho wntor that gu&hes up in tho well, and that f oanis in tho cascades, and that laughs ovcrthorockB.and that pattersi nth ehowcrs.nnd tha claps its bonds in the sea? Who thanks God for tno 2?.Sounto.nofhfo.thebridgoo Hunbmms. thepathof sound, the great fan on a hot summers day? AVUo thanks God for this wonderful phys ical organism - this sweep of tM visiou-tbischimeof baimonystruck into the oar this soft tread of a myriad delight over tho nervous .. ii,i v-lHt." of tho crunson tido through artery anil voin-tms drumming of the heart on our march .,,..,, itMri We take all these thing as a matter of courso. But suppose God withdrew these common blesyins! Your body would become an inquisition of torture, tne cloud woul.l refuse rain, every green tlung would crumple up and tho earth would crack o)on under your feet. Tho air would cease its healthy circulation, pestilonco would swoop ..,i i-vm-v house would becomo a nlaco of skulls. Streams would first rmir, witli vennim and then dry up, and thirst and hunger and anguish ,it,i ,lfniKiir would lift their scepters. " . r . . 1!- !,.. Oh, comparo sucn a uie u u" with the lifo you live this morning with your families about you I Is it not time that, with every word of our lips and with every action of our life, wo began to acknowledge these every day mercies? "Whether yo eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to tho glory of God." Do I address a man or a woman this morning who has not rendered to God ono single offering of thanks? I was preaching ono Thanksgiving day and announced my text, "Oh, givo thanks unto tho Lonl. for he is coed: for his mercy euduroth for ovor." I do uot know whether there was any blessing on the sermon or not but tho text went straight to a young man's heart Ho said to him self, as I read tho text: " 'Oh, givo thanks unto tho Lord, for ho is good' Why, I havo never rendered him any thanks. Oh, what an in grate I havo been 1" Cau it be, my brother, that you havo boon fed by tho good hand of God all these days that you havo had clothing and shelter and all beneficent Burround iugs, and yet have never offered your heart to God? Oh, let a sense of tho divine good ness shown you in tho everyday blessings melt your heart; and if you hove never before uttered one earn est note of thanksgiving, lot this bo tho day which shall hear your song. What I say to one, I say to all of this audience. Tako this practical religion I have rocommonded into your every day lifo. Mako ovory day a Sabbath, and ovory meal " a sacrament, and every room you enter a holy of holies. Wo all havo work to do; let us bo willing to do it. Wo all have sorrows to bear; let us cheerfully bear them. Wo all havo battles to fight; let us courageously fight them. If you want to die right you must live right. Negligence and indolence will win the hiss of everlasting scorn, while faithfulness will gathor its garlands and wave its scepter and sit upon its throno long after this earth has put on ashes and eternal ages have begun their march. You go homo today and attend to your littlo tphoro of duties. I will go homo and attend to my littlo sphere of duties. Every ono in, his own plnco. So our ovory Btop in life shnll bo a triumphal march, and tho humblest footstool on which wo aro called to sit will bo a conqueror's throno. "Thick and Glossy," ttp PRODUCTION of an abundant rHfcllw.. .. - - .nt-iiVA texture - II. Brittou, Oakland, Ohio. aD i have used Ayer's Hair V. or lor iSSiassss St., Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rRinniD t Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by DrngjUU and rerfumen. D8. MILES jftefllp 7 CURE. g$f 3B Mi B LHBR3 6p Syrup erman "" I fill 1 1 HI iuJlNT f PwrifM l BLOOtt. Crf COXSTIFATIOX, INDIGESTION, WLHSU8K1SS, LIYEK C0Xl'LAIMTS,81CK HEADACHE. COLBS, riMPLlS, ftllfiKIN AFfOTIUNS,aalllSASi:S ARISING fr a MMMNEBIB 8T0MACM. , TM Qmii ITAMBVJia T12.1 u put up in YELLOW WRAPPBliS KM JtetfMtb Sianatun of XMIL FHSSX. MDWQTOM A CO, Aotirra, ban rmatcwca MY U& M(UBMi AM HMM7BH8. Martinsville, N.J., Methodist Par sonage. " My acquaintance with your remedy, Boschee's German Syrup, was made about fourteen years ago, when I contracted a Cold which resulted in a Hoarseness and a Cough which disabled me from tilling my pulpit for a number of Sabbaths. After tryiuj a Physician, without obtaining relief I cannot say now what remedy he prescribed I saw the advertisement of your remedy and obtained n bottle. I recejved such quick and permanent help from it that whenever we have had Throat or Bronchial troubles since in our family, Boschee's Ger mau Syrup has been our favorite remedy and always with favorable results. I have never hesitated to report my experience of its use to others when I have found them troubled iu like manuer." Rev. V. H. HAGOARTV, of the Newark, New & safe Jersey, M.E. Confer ence, April as, '90. Romody. O G.G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr.Woodbury.NJ. SHiLOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. The tvcc of this Grett Coagh Care Ij without m parallel In the hlitory ot medicine. All druegtaU are anthorlieU to ell t on a jxm Hive piaHt, tMt that no other cure cau ueeeututly tanil. That it may become known, the Proprietor, at an ecormou ex jxmw, are placing a Sample Dottle free into every homo in the United State and Canada. It you have a Cough, Bore Throat, or Bron ofcltU, nee it, (or it will cure you. It your child ha the Croup, or Whooping Cough, ue tt promptly, and relict it ture. If you dread that InsitOeu dlaoate Oouiumptlon, ue it. At your Draniat (or BHILdH'S CURB. Pilee lCeU..30t. andtl-OO. II your Lunge am mm or lUek Ume.uie fihlloh'i corona FHeter. Prleo M eU. For tile by aU Dru. glata tad Dealer. Cm KmJf IK 5 1 til D - 1 IS S 3 i y R 2 2 il L' 8 fK Sf THK LAHQKHT I HTABU6K. Utulnta M the Blate. Lawtr mice than ftiltUud. lanivtUK)k Lt, (UaW Ic Ih48iat,ad olewl iMi8'- MdKi vHoeatloTJob prluUnr, tM mutogue ol ! frtaHr aim Or-wa CD (D i5rduar him" -raitiyjg.'-J y uBaxiasssrsn T" 'ZTTTZ wtotaSdlse-iS for yean, mj S-tl pulse 7er? weak, could at tines Bearer feel it. tfco Ii?iI Tpitement would a ways vreaken ml 5rV iKirtlSSrtSaji "ear of lVnnndl6 SB nt."nn" bSot on Ileirt DUcase, wltfc wonacrful cures IVce at UreBrl;tB.or addrest DR. MILEU' MEDICAL CO., LIUmrt, Indt Sold hy T. J. Fry, tlriiKplat.S-ilpm, Rn posts L25 CIS. f em xt vv m 4:r- s. mmmwh Act on a cc-v principle regnleta ths liver, stomach and bowelR through the nnv Dk. SliLEii Pais timidity cure bllloneness, torpid lirer and constipa tion. Smcllest, mildest, eoreatl 00 dooes,25 cts. SrmDles tre" St uru.-rfsU. 0 ' tZ itO. 11 , ElUltfl, 192. tfold by D. J. Fry, drugght, Palem. xam m !"XmW' 5Sil& In Its Worst Form. ' Benton, IjAT. Co., Wis., Doc, "SI tie?. ?. C Bergen vouches for the following t James Booney who was Buffering from Vltua Dance in its worst form for about VA years was treated by several physicians -without effect, two bottles ot Postoi Koeslgs Hanoi loalo surcdhlm. St. Francis Wis. Oct 21, 1883 A mombor or my concregation used Pasto; Kocnig's Narvo Tonio with good rcBulta. Tho patient was pp nervous that ho could not find sloop for weeks. Ho Buffered from tho most In tenao anxiety which bordered on inanity. I ravo lha person eomo o( Koenig'sNerveTonio and ho continued to uso it. The appetite returned pradnally, the nniiety disappeared tho hoadacho left, and to day the BtuTerer, who had almost de pairod, is onjoyinj caeellent health. Item. Llakamp. Pastor. Our Pamphlet for Batterers of nervous di seases will be sent freo to any address, and poor patients can also obtain this medicine tree ot charge from us. This remedy has been prepared by the Rcverenc Pastor Kocnlg, ot Fort Wayne, lad , for the past ten years, and is now prepared under his dircc tion by the KOETHO MEDICINE 60., CHICAGO, ILL SOLO BY DRUCCI8T8. Prlee $1 per Bottle, 6 Dottles for 5, Troubles of at Cockney Schoolmaster. When a cockney emigrates to America and gets a job at teaching school, then Ids troubles begin. There was one of tho genas tried it on near Garabier, 0., so tho story runs, whether it bo true or not '"Arry Hadams, you spell saloon," he dictated to the spelling class. "I don't know how," whined llttlo Harry, frightened by tho strange use of aspirates" and "nitches." "Don't know 'ow? Why, young hignoranms; saloon is spelled with a 'hess' and a 'hay,' a 'hell' two 'hoes' and a 'hen.'" Harry was worse at sea than ever then; so one ol tho boys was sent to tho board to write it plainly for the oiass to see. Tho lad could mako his letters, but ho did not know how tc Join them in regular running writing stylo, and left them unjoined, thus, s-a-1-o-o-n. The teacher looked at it a moment and then asked, with some asperity: "Why don't you put It together right? Why don't you fasten your letters to gether? Why don't you put tliat 'hay' nearer that 'hell?'" The boy's eyes snapped, and he an swered like a flash, "'Cause I was afraid it would burn upl" The class was dismissed for the day But the geography class proved an other pitall. One of the boys while writing names of European cities spoiled Venico "V-e-n-n-l-o-e." "What J" cried tho tennhor .!. yZtr "IIIs that th0 way youspen ' "Yes, sir," said tl lad. "Supposa HI was to tell you that tbero was , honly ouo'hen'in Venice what would you say?" ' "I should say Ut the prioo of egw would bo pretty high, Blr." Then the was explosionGin clnnati CoiiimereJnl Oajfit. A Riujilwrry VIlwM T.,.. A tbomU rKjJ.e,Ty ;. I, Professor MilW:ai,, rf tlJw dohOi count-. W x art w" Mt. but tvo l,-,... V,,3J horttenhuru w) ,,., ,; "TV" MllbHsk. ft,r ,u 'f PblbuWphla Ulgw U xr ro w CD to ro o (D 0) (J) ft to 0 0 CD 0 o Those Afflicted With UiilhRbltoi using to exocpa, LIQUOR, OPIUM Oil TOBACCO Can obtain u COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT TilK IKEELEY INSTITUTE, Korefit Orovo, Or., Call wrile. Btrictlv runfliiutlat Stwinier Hhvood. tMivIni! time nl Hi.Ue'H wliurf, Hiilcm, nd Ash direct dock rerlland: 8ALEM. PORTLAND. Jiondny, 60.111. Tneediiy, (la.m. Wcdutdday, ' llniisdiiy, Friday, ' ..Slu.M'?y. " AL. ULnilKN, Agent, Olllce Hluleeln-eUHnd 11 1 Wlmrf. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Stiasta Line CALIFORNIA KtrilESS TRAIN HUN UAIL1 BKTWKKN POKTIiAND AND 8. F. "Koulh. .Norm. i& v. in. Lv. i'ortlnnd Ar. I 7:85 a. iu :18 p. m. I Lv. Halem Lv., 6:'J(Ju. in 8:15 a.iu. Ar. Bail 1-inn. Lv. 7:00 p. m '" A....lra a . KiAlt nl 4V-illia 4 wm m4. AWVO iniiua ni-ty win luimniuE bih tlons north of Koirbun, Knm rortlaml Ureon City, Woodburn, unlcm, Albany i;ui.iiur, A4a' j a uw a tot-rui K ;t-jJrvliDg and Kut;eno. riin.'pnt- JunalouL'lty ltbsKUIIlia MALI. DAILY, Ktt5 a. ra. I Lv. lu.ia .i. m i.v J: iu p. m I Ar. Portland Ar. I 4:00 p. m. Salein Lv. 1:0s p. m, Ho-icburg Lv. 11:20 u. ru Alb.iuv LdnflT Uully (Ux?oit Sunduv, o.OO p. in. I Lv. 7.51' p. in. I Lv: 'i:W y. m. I Ar. Purl In ud puleiu Albany Ar. J B.fiGa. m. Lv. ( 0:08 1-. m. Lv, ) 5:00 u. iu. PULLMAN BUFFET SLBBPEBS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, It i. unfiiniTnibiMiin nl HCmtllll C'lllMH pauenui aUwobed to express trains. iVest Side Division. Between Fortldud and Cemllls: 1AII.Y (fcXCKIT SUNDAY). 7:5J aTtiiT I L 7 Pol tfiiriu ArT i b:M p7uT. VIM p. iu. I Ar. Cur vn ila Lv. I 11.55 p. III. At Albany una Uirvtillls connect witfl I rains. tifUrtgon Puciliu Hnllioiid. PXPBESS TRAiNIDAII.Y'ltX CKlfrSUNDAY i:10 p. m. I Lv. Porti ina Ar. ku,iii, 7:ffip. in. Ar.McMlnuvllleLv. 5:15 a. m. Through Tickets To all )xlnU EAST anil SOUTH or tickets and lull information regard, ing mteif maps, etc., apply to tho Compa uyV agent walem, On-gon. L.P. UO&EHS, Ai-ot. U. K. and 1'usp. A g't R. KOKHLKH. Manager THE YAOUINA ROUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon llcvelopmenl company's Bteumshlp line. 225 miles shorter, 2U hours lffs time than by any otbei loute. Flint cjass through pasheuger una llelght lice irom Portland and all points In the Wli lamette vallev to and Irom Hau KianeiNcu TIME SCHEDULE, (iixceiu BunahyBj. LeiieAioanj- 1:00PM Leav Corv.tll Is 1:10 PM Arrive Yuquina 6:!S0PM Leave Vnqiilna 8:15 AM Leave Corvallls .... 10:35 AM Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. & C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallls. Tho above trains connect at YAOUINA with the Oregon Development CVs Lin Jfytwimshinsbptween tanulriu and Ha Prancleio. SAILI.Nb l-AXEB. STn.V5IKKS. FKOM YACLINA tarallou, irldny, juno 2J Willamette Valley, Tuesday July Fan.llon. Sunday . Willamette Valley, Thursday... ' 1 FurulloD, Tuebday . " BTBAMEKS, FKOM SAN FKANC1SW Willamette Valley, Friday June 27 i arallon, Tuesday n July 1 Wllluiuette Valley, Banday " 6 Ktirallon. Thursday . J io Willamette Valley, Tuesday " 15 Ihis company reserves the right tc cnKe sailing dates without notice, unii u--f'as,scngerB Irom Portland und all Willamette Valley points can make close A(ryjNA. UiUTE ut Albany or Corvallls aud If destined to San Jjranelsco. Bhould arrange to arrive at Yaquina tho evenlne before date of sailing. 1'asseBgtr an4 Freight Katts AUars ttc A,Mii?if rv. Freight and TicFCt Agente aoo and 2U2 Front sfT Portland. Or.l o ' CO. llOQUl!; Ac't Gen'l Frt. A Pass. Agt., Oregon PacUlc R. It. Co., n ti tr.oT,,,,. . CorvalllAjOr 0 H.HASWKLL, Jr. Qen'l Frt: & Pass. Agt. Oregon Development Co., 30-1 Montconiery St.; FroE Terminal or Inferior Points (be u Paci fV Is the lino to take To all Points East aud South. vi.li!hf l!lu!nK a,r ronte' ltruua through vestibule tialns, every day in tho year io ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) (.orapvsed of dlnlugcars unsurpaHsed, miimnn drawing room sleepers OFlatest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. nieHv: .7" wiu ireo uuu iui t.etcu,and ret nd BeCOnd-clM5 ELEGAIJT DAY COACHES. UriM Hi'Br.no connertins; with all service "n"i. una uniuierrupieu thJ?oa,advi any agent of lnTAmSfS, H?ke.u lo and nom u PIbU purchased at any ticket olllce ofthis com. of!!n?nlml,on.OTUe'rnsr ratfs, time on apHikAlion to any scent or AaUtt.,. nA' Dl CHARLTON, m wSi- ener"l l'MMuetp Aeent, Wo 1 CliXVif ff. hntllllllln a i unn x iiunf,i, .trenta PEOPLE! Ask for nurM'jt "STAKF OP I.rKK'i nd Ihwi iiwiin,r birh(J. Alcothe i'winiw Pure Aurora Buck wheat Flour. r thrk Bood and tv w. uUtitute. J. D. HVUiST SON, Awron, K!L: