Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 23, 1892, Image 2

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    'p-i 'H-vfUrv
it a
daylight yetehly morning people
btgn gttttrarlug i (be mJetie of tlio
Ikrfottttwt, To picture all thnt traru
p5iw( round And about, the burned
teriMlngfroul that lluio on would
be dlffltiult. A strong guard of
police Kept back the crowd. JJy 7
o'oiock tlie news of the Ore had
spread 11 over tbe city and bun
Aredtt of verBntis who bad relatives
' r actitmluUtices In tlio Institution
wgq tojolu the vafet crowd. They
Marched for dear oues arauog Ibe
tatti mid the living, and tbe grief
of tbre unable to find relatives mw
iHnrtrendlng. Vbllo this was trani--
pJrlujr, the firemen, police and vol
Hoteera were prosecuting a strch lu
tbe ruins for more bod leu. In the
tipper rooms of tbe cast wing of the
building four bodies burned to a
ortep were discovered. Then the
dtMigcrous task of removing tlio
debris began. Many pairs of braces
were unearthed in tbe ruins uhovr
lag thatflomo uufortuiintCH In their
efforts to escape hud loosened and
thrown them away. Tbe body of
eno of thnse found was so badly
disfigured by Are It was hardly
ToPKlCA, Knu.. Jan. 23. Tlio
Attorney'general'a oftlco was noil
iled that Emlnuoco and Rttvona,
rival candidates for tho county seat
In Garlield county, were making
threats against each other, and the
state authorities were urged to take
Immediate steps to prevent an out
break. Attorney-General Ives has
caused quo warranto proceedings to
be instituted lu the supremo court,
and uu attempt will bo made to dis
organize tbe county. At tbo last
election for tho county seat Emi
nence got a majority, and a contract
was awarded for moving the county
seat at a cost of $3WK). The peoplo of
llavena will contest this paper. An
examination Into tho nuances of
the county revealed tbe fact that it
hud a debt of f 90,000, nnd tho as
sessed valuation of its property is
only $400,000. Under tho law tho
assessment for county purchases
cannot exceed 5 mills on tbo dollar.
The Garfield suit will bo made as a
test case, and If tho attorney-general
Is successful, n number of counties
In a similar condition will be disor
ganized. In this way it la hoped to
abolish tin small southwestern
cnuntlos which have given eo much
WENT '10 J1ED Dltl'NK.
UnooiCLYV, J in. 2.1. James Cae
Bldy nnd John Hermann, woro
found dead in bed In Connor's hotel,
Williamsburg, yesterday morning,
both Were employed in Havemoycr's
sugar refinery. Thoy woro drunk
and boforo retiring kicked down
tho stovoplpc.
1'auis, Jan. 8. A dispatch from
Dieppe eaya tho great rocks on tho
cliff overhanging the western su
burb of that town became detached
by r thaw and plunged down tko
precipice at aw early hour this morn
ing, oiublng Uirough dwolllng
houses, the Inmates or whloh were
all asloep. Two women woro killed
outright. Twenty-flvo petsons woro
taken from tbo rums, some badly
Injured. Ono man will probably
Dismi.no, N. M Jan, 23. Two
leaders in the recent revolt lu As
cension have been sentenced to bo
shot. Trials of others are now on,
nnd they will undoubtedly receive
tho Kama sentence.
l'ltoDUcrrioN of via ihon.
1'jliiiAimMMllA, Jan. 23. Thl
week's bulletin of tho American
Iron unci Bteel associations will
Mate llmt the total production of
pig Iron lu 1801 was 8,270,870 gross
tons, oc;alufit 0,202,003 gross tons
tho year previous.
"haibko a bonus.
Muboatink, la., Jan. 23, Cltl
r.ons lmvo ruined (100,000 In accept
ance of n proportion by California
Byudlcatolo erect a $300,000 pluut
for tho tnauufucturo of beet HUgar
Clark & Eppley sell baking pow
der and glahswnru for tho pileo of
tho baking powder,
Wo Make a Demand on
for an Answer.
hours. Minister Moult said he had j possession and tho other fighting
no newB to give out. Secretary ' for It. Their names are Daniel M.
Tracy and other members of thc-ijliims, of California, tbo political
bo., and Colonel George Green, of
the Mexican army. This was all
Uio met i( Hood's itanuumittM. 8fit
mc ot serolula, upon wliirli oilier ii
Millions lwv been powcrles yield to tsu
peculiar curMlvo powers n( tliti medicine.
PUlKMliitf eawi of djuiiutii, cncrucl.il
In complaints o tho kidneys ami Itvr,
... !S Res u Its
" l.IVM.II, VM..v
alij'i cases ut catarrh, and aches and paint
of rlicuroatUm, ra cured, by Hood's 8ar
snii.vllla. It purines tlio blood, auJ at tlio
.ino tlmo tones tlio stomach, create tt
n.'Kllte, nmt elves treiiEtli to every tuno
Uw of tlio body, (live It a trial.
General Debility
Tor four year my wlfo suffered with
largo tumor uunelies on tho glamU under
llio nrmi, and Rueral debility ot Uio wtiolo
syiteia. tilia became so poor In health
llwt wo Were cm tho verge ot deijudr
regarding her recovery. IliyslcUns did
not seem to luidenbuid her eaiei at all
(treats 19 perer durlvml any benefit trom i
their treatment. She finally concluded to ,
try Hood's garopartlla, 'Hie Immediate
efceet was o marked and satisfactory that
ftho continued to take It, and Mil tho
rewUt She luu gained, lu wcl&lit (
From 4 to III Pounds
mmI to stroajer and tu better health, than
MU been for years. The bunchea under
)r aras aavo dlmluUhed. and we teller
He4'a mraafarllU will bo too much for
ttwMtatiw." 3..)!oaouo.&6Couv
ilal Strwt, Borton, M.
XlmntPm AlMmmvvltim I
W4WrmUU. f4tiafer. t'retiweilby
Chili Wants Six Weeks, Quay-Post
Libel, What the Post Says, Ig
nored, The Candelana Mine,
Nothing in it, LaGrippe.A Narrow
Escape, Killed by a Chinamen,
Foreign and State News, Etc
Nbw York, Jan. 23. The Rec
ord's Washington special says tbo
Administration awalta a report from
Minister Egan as to the intentions
of tho Chilian government. TLc
minister has been Instructed to cull
on tho cabinet at Santiago for au
Immediate categorical answer to the
question whether Chill lm any
intention of making a favorable
respouso to tho demands of the
United Statcs.elther now or at some
other time. An answer to tbo de
mand Is expected hourly, but up let
last ovening none had been received.
A definite declaration of tho Chllluu
government, that if it Is given time
to allay the feeling at home It will
withdraw tho ollensivo nolo and
will make an apology for the Val
paraiso outrage, will bo accepted hi
our government In good faith, and
every opportunity will be allorded
tho distracted republic to make
good Its pledge. A refusal to an
swer Egan'a request, ono way or
another, will have but one meaning.
In sending to Minister Egan IU de
mand for a cat gorical answer from
Chill, tho administration has delib
erately Ignored tho presence of
Minister Montt, as tho representa
tive or tbo Santiago government.
We are nearer a decision between
peace and war than at any tlmo. It
is u queeiMi of only a few hours
and tho sltuatlou is more critical than
at any previous nerlod of the con
troversy. The cabinet would not bo
surprised if Minister Montt finding
himself Hctnsldo lu tho negotiations
Should conclude to withdraw from
tho country. Tho action of tho
administration was taken with this
possibility fully in view. The time
for diplomatic subtorfugei has
passed, there will bo no more delay
for nny cause unlets tho Chilian
government states definitely and at
onco Its Intention to satisfy tho de
mands of the United States. The
messtige, which will go In Monday,
will lie so complcto lu Itn treatment
of the question at issuo that a
perusal of the correspondence ac
companying It will, according to the
statement of a cablnot minister, bo
altogether unnecessary.
New Yohk, Jan, 23. Tu forma
tion from reliable sources received
hero this afternoon, from Santiago
do Chill, announced that the gov
ernment litis received the ultimatum
from the United Slates, declaring
that no further delay lu the settle
mout of tho dispute between tho
two governments will bo tolerated.
Malta's telegram, tho ultimatum
says, must bo Immediately with
drawn. ritKHSKI) rNTO SKItVIOK.
Nkw Yohk, Jan. 23. Tho Re
corder's PhiladJphla special ays:
Tho naval authorities at Washing
ton have at Inst taken tho stop that
vnn fogjnmo tlmo autlciputod, and
pressed tlio Amorlcau liner Ohio
Into the eorvloo of tho United States
goverment. This step was taken
yesterday afternoon, Tho Ameri
can Steamship company was about
beginning tho loading of tho vessel,
preparatory to her trip to Liverpool
next Wednesday. About 2 o'oiock
a message from Potur Wright & Sous
arrived with orders that no cargo
should bo taken aboard. It meaut
that In view of tho strained rela
tions between the united males
and Chill, tho federal government
luul exercised Its prerogative mid
luul pressed the Ohio Into Its service
as a tmncport ship; All vessels Hy
ing tho American flag and belong
ing to tho United States merchant
mnriuoaro llublo, by tho charter
under whloh thoy sail, to be bo
pressed, should tho necessity of the
government dernund It, Immo
dlatoly following the order that uu
general cargo should bo shipped on
board the Ohio, camo another that
alio should load up with coal. That
work wan begun last night, When
tho Ohio's coal bunkers are tilled
her loadlug will not cease, but her
hold will bo packed chock full of
anthracite. Tho American Steam
ship company will bo recompensed
by l he government for any loss It
may sustain through tho Ohio's
belug taken out of service. lb
ginning yesterday tho bills will be
sent to Washing ton cliurglng a
fixed sum for each diem for such
detoutlou by the government, -this
charge la bused oil tho avemgo earn
lugs of the ymoI during her active
servlco In the put year.
Wabiunoton, Jan. 23. Tho iiiea
sago of tho president on tbo Chilian
ultalr will uo t connrewi early uext
week. Mr. lllatuo said yesterday;
Tho presuleut, It la understood,
hat not charged hU oplnon that war
is probable. There It uo change lu
(ho sltuatlou,"
cabinet are also inaccessible.
WABHiNaTON, Jan. 23. The
meeting of the cabinet yesterday, In
view of tho death of Justlco Brad
ley, was qulto brief, lasting only
about an hour. All the secretaries
were present. It Is understood that
President Harrison read a draft of
his mesenge, with which he will
send tho correspondence on tho
Chilian matter to congress, to his
associates, and it Is supposed that It
will go to congress upon tbo reas
sembling Monday. The delay in
tending tbe correspondence to con
gresi, which was generally expected
would be dnno Wednesday, Is said
to be due to the fact that all the
testimony adduced in the examlua
tlou of the Baltimore sailors at
Vulparaifeo, had not been received
it uus lust come to Iiatul, una was
considered by tho president last
night, 'ihe message is not com
pleted, that is, It has not been finally
revised, but will probably be today,
The message will not be so lung, it
's said, as has been reported. It will
not exceed 4000 or COCK) words.
WAHHiNaiON, Jan. 23. Senator
Squire of Washington says: "I had
an Important conference at the war
department yesterduy, and buvour
ranged for Ibe defense of Puget
sound, so far as tlio department
deems practicable. At this time
thero does not seem to exist, at the
war department, any great appre
hension of serious trouble."
Montevideo, Jan. 23. Admiral
Walker, with the Hag ship Cruiser
Chicago, accompanied by tbe Cruiser
Atlanta nnd gunboat Bennington,
left yesterday for Valparaiso.
Washington, Jan. 23. Tim Star
has llilx. According to tho best In
formation the foundation for tho
change of opinion which has been
expressed from war to peace Is that
Chill s'lgiiestod to this country that
about stx weeks more time should
bo allowed her within which to
determine whether or not she will
mako an apology. No promise of
reparation is made, but it is broadly
asserted that Chili will do what she
thinks Is right after having ex
hausted her Inquiries, It is said
that Blainu regarded this an sufll
clout to warrant tho delay sug
gested, but President Harrison did
not ugree. If, as reported, the
Chilian government is about to usk,
through , Minister Montt, for the
recall of Mln isler Kijun, tho request
is nut likely to bo grauted, us Presi
dent Harrison is entirely satisfied
with Mr. Eguu's course.
PiTTSliuita, Jau. 23. The Jury In
tho criminal libel suit of Quay
against tho Pittsburg Post Publish
ing company, A. J. Burr, president,
and James Mills, editor, brought in
verdict of guilty, last evening, In a
manlier and form as Indicated.
Judge Hurler lu his charge to the
Jury yesterday afternoon, said If the
publication was made without ueg
ligonce, then tho Jury must acquit.
The Jury must bo satlslled that be
yond a reasonable doubt that the
application was mado negligently
and maliciously, otherwise tho ver
dict must bo made for tho defend
Continuing, the court Mild: "it
Is tho duty of tho commonwealth
to provo mallco; If the wotds are
uoccHsurity of a elm motor to blacken
reputation, and tho churge Is fa so,
the law presumes mallco. In this
case there Is no evidence or allega
tion of any siiccial meaning, and
therefore the meaning Is to bo guth
cied from tho whole article on the
subject, and after obtaining all the
light possible, "
At (I o'clock the Jury came In and
asked for additional Instructions.
Tho points on whloh they desired
Information woro whether the Jury
would bo Justitled In bringing In a
verdict of guilty If they found no
malice, but negligence. Also, If
the defeudanls should bo found
guilty as a corporation or Individ
uals. The court suld that where
negllceuco was louuci, Uio law pie
sunied mnllcc, and If It was malic
iousness or negligence It was the
duty of tho Jurors to convict
those defendants who wore rtspou
slble fur tho publication.
Tho Jury, after half an hour,
returned with tho verdict as above.
PlTTBiunto, Jan, 21. Tho Post
today comments editorially, saying
that u Republican court, Republican
prosecuting attorney and a Hopubli
can Jury have convicted a Demo
cratic Journal of u libel on tho loader
of tho Republican jwrty. Tho lvt
also denounces the method of the
Republican district nttornoy, both
In Beaver oounty and thU trial, lu
securing a Jury mainly of Republi
cans. Tho Post announces that
this nullities tho freedom of tho
press, and deoJares that it will pro
test ngaluat It lu the highest courts
of tho country.
Abtoiua. Or., Jan, 23. Clataop
county court yesterday Ignored the
mandate of the titato board of
cqualltatlou, and levied the tax
amount as equalized by tho county
caused by the appearance of another
claimant, Mark Birmingham, also of
California. These three are partici
pants In tbe dispute regarding tbe
productive silver mines of Cando
laria, st.eteofSiualoa. These mines
have had nnd still have the record
of being great bullion producers,
and tbe metal in sight Is sard to be
fabulous. Mr. Burns Is in possession
of the property with his associates
and has been working the mines
regularly with good results. Colonel
George M. Green of the Mexicau
army, was on Monday afternoon In
carcerated In Belen, on a charge
preferred by Mark Birmingham, for
defamation of character, and stl 1
remnlus there, but told me he ex
pects to be liberated within tbe next
three days.
Daniel M. Burns, with n pirty of
friends, Including boiDo of the
stock-holders under his administra
tion, arrived lu this city on Monday
last, ami registered at the hotel
Iturbide. At 2 o'clock Thursday,
Burns, who was in his room at the
hotel, was waited on by Miguel
Cabrera, the chief of the secret
service police of the city, who in
formed, him that he was under
arrest, but did not state on what
charge. Burns was taken to Belen,
and after the formalities of Inscrip
tion, confined in the sumo room
occupied by Colonel Green. I was.
not permitted to see Mr. Burns, bis
friends not being allowed to see
him. I could not learn from the
prison authorities on what charge
ho was Imprisoned. C. P. Wuter
house, who Is interested with Burns
in the Cundelaria, said ho thought
Burns' would soon be released. Mr.
Burns, after his arrest, scut muuy
telegrams to his friends lu the
United States, including Secretary
Blaine, explaining his awkward
predicament. Birmingham, the
accuser of Burns, said Wednesday
night that the charge brought
against him was the fraudulent
conduct of the Candelarlu mines,
while ho was superintendent The
company was then known its the
Waterliouso Mining company of
California, tho president being
Colonel Watcrhouec, an undo of
Waterbouse. Birmingham further
stated that ho bad filed a suit
against Burns for several millions of
dollars.or the amount the Cuudelaria
mines had yielded lor tho tlmo it
had been under the tatter's admin
istration and his company.
notiiinci in it.
Washington, Jun. 23. First A
sistant Postmaster General Whit
ford lias received from tho postmas
ter ut Balrd, Texas, an explanation
of tho confederate Hag Incident.
Me said: At tho time tho county
fair was In progress tho citizens
decorated and displayed as many
Hags as they could obtain. Tho sup
ply of tho Uiiited States Hags tie
camo exhausted, and the owner of
the building lu which tho pnstodlcc
is located procured some bunting and
his sister mado a Hag with only au
imperfect United States Hag fash
loned. The result of her labor was
n complete failure. Instead of thir
teen stripes her Hag had only three
with nine stars lu a blue Held. Hut
it was hoisted over tlio postotllee
building. General Whitfnrt, how
howevor, Is in possession of
atllduvlts of live reputable people
who declare that ou one of svveral
specified dales they saw a Conled
ato Hag Hying over the postotllee
bnlldlng, and were told by clti.Mis
of tho town that it was a CoufeJ
erato Hag, but, tnasmnch as the
postmaster declared the Hag was not
a Confederate Hag, ami not purpose
ly mado to resemble one, and ex
pressed deep regret that ho had dune
anything that could bo construed u
n disloyal act toward tho govern
ment, G-n.Whltford Is luollned lo
let tho Incident pass.
i.a aitll'i'K.
Looici'OKT, N. Y., Jan. 23.
Stories or tlio terrlblo sutlering and
pltlablo condition of tlio lumbermen
lu tho lumber camp of tho Georgian
bay and back woods districts from
tbo ravages of tho grip have been
received liert, and are vouched for
by tho lumber and wood pulp ugeutb
who have beeu up there. L. M
Proctor, or Ogdensburg, N. Y., has
Just arrived from Georfciau bay. tie
says that lu a lumber camp of the
Eineroy Lumber Compauy of
Chicago uluetcen meu out of ISO
had died of the grip, and half of the
remainder were sick, tho balance
taking care of them. Other camps
are similarly ailcctcd. Thesuilerlugs
of the men are Indescribable. Some
or them are reported to have gone
crogy, it tatting two or three men to
control them. Tho accomodations
are meagre, and It Is no lit place for
kick moil, tho lodging-houses U'bij;
log cabins or shautles. Medlo.il aid,
except of the entdeSt kind, Is hard to
secure, and tho meu simply sutler
and get well or die. Some camps
are completely deserted aud many
of tbo mon taken sick are left with
oat euro. Agents for wood-pulp
syndicate's lmvo returned and re
reort tho back Canada woods dis
trict lu n similar coudillou. The
lumbermen are scared at the scourge
oa thoy call It, nnd lieu for tho largo
tow us or cities where they can secure
medical a(d, lu this way the bun
bcrlug Interests an sutlering greatly.
Many camps are totally deserted
Cmr-Aoo, Jan. 23. -Yesterday
while a force or divers were at
work clearing away tbe Ice from the
Inlet at the crib, one of them be
came lodged In the mouth of the
tunnel. Tn order to save him, it
became necessary to stop ttie pumps
for two hours, and be was finally
BAtvrnioBE, Jan. 23. While
workmen were engaged tearing
down an old building on Eutaw
street for a city passenger railroad, a
chimney fell, killing one Instantly
and injuring three others, two
Portland, Jan. 23 Tho Union
Pacific tteamer Harvest Queen ran
aground early this mornluK at War
rior's reef, near St. Helens, In the
fog. Thirty-five passengers were
taken oir by tbe steamer Astorian
and brought to this city. About 8
o'clock the Harvest Queen was got
oir. She was uninjured save the
scraping ofl of her wheel.
ST. Loui3, Jan. 23. The Missouri
Pacific train was boarded this morn
ing at Hbelton by two masked men
who held up the express messenger,
baggage master, and passenger
agent from whom money aud jew
elry was takcu, aud a small amouut
of money was also taken from the
express safe. When the north
bound freight arrived here this
morning, two men got oft. Police
man McLennon, hailed them. One
of them shot him dead, both then
A detective overtook the robbers
at Pleaianton. where one mau was
shot aud tho other badly wounded.
Chicago, Ills., Jan. 23. The en
tire train, including mail car of the
Rock Island road, bound forCouncll
Blufl's, Iowa, which was wrecked
near this city last night, was burned.
Nobody was killed, but several pas
sengers were Injured, some of them
probably fatally.
Washington, Jan. 23. By re
luest of the ways snd means com
mittee Assistant Secretary of Treas
ury Spaulding appeared before tbe
committee today. Tbe object of the
inquiry Is to secure official lufoma-
tion as to the revenues and expendi
tures of the government as a pre
iiminary to auy possible tariH leyis
lature. Spculdlng made a compari
son between the current fibcal year
and the fiscal year ending June 30,
1890, the year before the present
turiii act went luto eft'ccl. lie said
the total revenue receipts (estimated)
for the curieut fiscal were $302,000,
000 against $403,079,000 for the fiscal
year 1890 actual receipts $17,151,000
tor the first six months of the cur
rent fiscal year, about $7,000,000
more than expenditures for the cor
responding six months. Expendi
tures (estimated) for tho current
fiscal year $338,000,000 or about $24,-
090,000 less thau estimated receipts
The secretary said It would be
necessary to take $10,000,000 out of
tho apparent surplus of $21,000,000,
to provide for tho sinking fund re
quirements. He added in udditioD
to the $21,000,000, an apparent sur
plus or cash in the treasury amount
ing to $130,728,000, making a total or
$173,893,000. He lucluded In the
cash In treasury the gold reserves or
$100,000,000 held tor redemption of
Vjreonbacks amounting to$340,000,000
which could bo used in a pinch. A
discusslou about gold reserves soon
resulted in u cross-fire between the
Democratic and Republican mem
bers of the committee, tbo former
contending they wero a fund for a
special purpose and not available for
tho ordinary purposes, while the
latter asserted tho contrary.
Rome, Jan. 23. Several quite
severe shocks of earthquako 'were
felt here last night, which caused a
panic in the more crowded quarters
or the ctty.
London, Jan. 23. A correspon
dent or Tho Times at Valpands-i,
couflrnis the report of the attack by
a mob of armed men upon the
house of Sunre-z at Meudnsa, Argen
tine Republic. The secretary ol
chambers and several other legisla
tors were assaslnatod.
Washington, Jau. 23. General
Scboflold received a telegram today
irom uenoral Stanley commanding
department or Texas In which be ex
pressed the opinion the Garza lu-
ourrectlonary moveuicut is at an
Boston, Mass., Jan. 2si Tl e
ford luu ml street branch or tho
lloston Electric Car burned this
morning, Tbo loss is estimated at
$200,0K). Tbe propel ty destroyed
consisted or twenty four dynamo
aud three valuable engines. It
feared ono life is lost.
ie Win
Protects cySry person ifisurl in that state, so that ho
cannot loose his money in case of misfortune as is the
case with other states. You may f-rget your policy but
the policy won't forget you. It is the safest and best.
Every man ought to cany Insurance and should put his
money where he can't loose it.
M L Pipes, Corvnllls
J N Graham, Medfbrd
E T Ingle, Fairview
Al Young.
Geo T McClane, W Fredley,
Mallony, Portland
Mrs. C A Gould, Spokane
L Otterman, Olyrapia
J M McCollum, D S Elder,
Rector, Scott Jones, Gervais
Bialr Forward, Waldo Hills
C II Shalllnberger, Chicago
T E Gale, Philadelphia, Pa.
F Yordan aud wf, J M Crahaue,
R C Muttlugby, Win Youngand wf,
DE Brewer, Cliemawa.
C M Freldberg, San Francieco.
L B Nase, Spokane.
C Oderdorf.
J Soulier, M E Dorrance, Dallas.
L Hobson, Staytnn.
J C Goodale, Eugene.
A Wheeler, Springfield.
Geo Tuttle, W A Keye-, F Baker,
Applttoti, Minn.
J H Skinner, F Pulin, J B Camp,
8 E Velor, A Rothenberg, Portland.
J N Boswlck, Lebanon.
P Bolenbatigh, Canyonvllle.
In the Nick oM'lmo.
Tbe nick of tlmo to stop tho course of
blndrter nnil klJney complaints Is wlien
tho organs concerned exhibit a tendeno.
Uniow innctlve. The healthful lmpulxn
toward activity that they receive Irani
IIo4tetter'sPtnm&ch Hitters rencueH them
from Impending danger, and averts inch
dangerous iimluilics as Drixht's disease
and diabetes. MluKlsuuess ot the kidneys
Increases a liability to chronic rheuma
tlsni, gout nnd dropsy, aud since the
blood Is tillered by these organs In Its
passage through them, tbe opera tlou of
the Hitters serves a doubly happy purpose.
The medicine acts without exciting, like
the fiery stimulants of commerce. Ma
larial, dyspeptic, constipated and nervous
Invalids aro thoroughly relieved by It.
Since the advent of thnt shocking malady,
la grippe. It has been widely demonstrat
ing Us usefulness as a curative and pre-
For a meal that will suit you at all
limes Hellenbrand's is tbe place.
In promulgating esoteric cogitations or
articulating mperflc'al sentimentalities
and philosophical or psychological obser
vatlons.beware ofplatudlnous ponderosl'y,
Let your statements posset a clarified con
ciseness, compacted comprehenslbleness,
coalescent consistency and a concentra
ted cogency. Eschew all conglamerations
of flatulent garrulity. Jejune babblemeut
and asinine alTections. In trying la lm
press upon others the superiority of the
lsconsln Central .Lines, and why you
and so many others use this thoroughlare
from St. 1'aul and Minneapolis nudDuluth
and Ashland to Milwaukee. (Milrara nnri
points east and south, It Is not necessary
to use Jawbreakers. Let your extempora
neous descantlngs nnd unpremeditated
expatlou. have intelligibility veracious vi
vacity, without rbodomoutHble or thraso-
icui immuast. peouiousiy avoid nil poly,
syllabic profundity, pslttaceoun vacnliv
veutriloqual verbosity aud vandiloquent
vapidity, shun double entendres, prurient
jocosity aim pestiferous profanity, obscu-
rem or apparent, ju other words, talk
plainly. natiirull7. senslblv. and truthful.
ly, say the Wisconsin Central Lines Is tiik
mini', huu umieuas u Holy
City ok Mtucico, Jan. 23, Two with the exoeptlou of the sick aud a
rival olunuta to n mine, which is few noble fellows who are slaying
said to bo tho fublvd Pots with IU ' loots after their comrades. The
WABIUNOTON. Jan. 23. MInUter hidden treasure, aro rontlneui In tb deaths have been numerous. Tim
Moult today had a long cotifercuco eame room lu Jlleu priwu, Jloth ,"aU Ukoplaeeln tho wwxUunderi
wlth( Bvereury BUii lb. .of lb. IU t prttota of .)!&Zfi
, . ..u.nv, ,vl.Uj ,M.y mv euiuivf vvMiict uu ji iq no asleep JOrcver,
5 t i
1'OHTIANI), Jan. 51. -Wheat val
ley, 1 1.051J & f 1.85; Walla Walla
(1.67 ($ tl.CO.
Clliauio, Jau. 2K.-.U olose wheat
was firm, cash .STft May 0i.
8N Fkancisco, Jan. 9K. Wluat
teason $1.77.
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
.Doctor prescribed: Cattorin
-S. M
Post (Mice Department,
Washington, D. C Jan. 15, 1692.
PROPOSALS will bo received at
the Contract Ofllce of this Depart
ment until 4 p. m. of March 24th,
1892, for carrying the mails of the
Uulted States upon the routes, and
according to the schedule of arrival
and departure specified by the De
partment, in the state of Oregon
from July 1st, 1892 to June 80th,
1894. List of -routes, with schedules
of arrivals and departures, lnstruc-
uons to bidders with forms, for con.
tracts aud bonds, and all other
necessary Information, will be fur-
mauea upou application to the Sec
oud Assistant Postmaster General
d-MS-0tm Postmaster flpnor,.!
Oregon Land Company's Price List.
10 acres of land 5 miks south of Salem (postoffice)
best fruit land, nearly all cultivated. There will be 1 00
acres set to fruit, immediately adjoining this tract, this
spring; price, 50 per acre, $100 cash, balance easy payments.
Choice of four ten aero fruit tracts five miles south of
Salem (postoffice) one all in cultivation, very sightly; two
others three-fourths in cultivation, balance good timber;
one three-fourths in cultivation balance in pasture, $45.00
per acre, cash, balance easy payment and long time.
Choice of 40 ten acre fruit tracts six miles south of
Salem (postoffice) best fruit land, very desirable location;
springs and running water, adjoining The Oregon Land
Company's model 100 acre orchard farm, three miles from
steamer landing. First choice $G0 per acre, - cash,
balance on eight years time, enabling pui chaser to pay for
land out oi the fruit crop. This land will he set out to
fruit trees and cultivated two years in a first-class manner,
by the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company so that
a two year old orchard, complete in every respect, will
cost the purchaser 125 per acre, including a good fence
around it.
The Willamette V alley Fruit Growing company has
now more than 300 acres set out in this way, and will
take pleasure in showing anyone, who takes an interest in
fruit growing in the Willamette Valley, what they are
doing and how their orchards look. The people of Salem
and their visiting friends are cordially invited to call at
the office of the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing com
pany, in the Gray building with the Oregon Land com
pany, and take a ride to Sunnvside and see what is beiner
done in the way of fruit raising in the vicinity of Salem,
Oregon. You will enjoy the ride to Sunnyside and see
something worth seeing.
Thirty acres best garden and hay land, good two story
house of nine rooms, hard finished, good barn, good
orchard, springs and running water, 2 miles from Turner,
price $2500.
35 acres of timber land 2J miles from Turner, $20 per acre, i cash,
balance in three equal annual payments.
19 80-100 acres cultivated land with house, spring and orchard 8 miles
,c neJk $6 per atir?' (a.9h' Dalan in three equal annual payments.
18 40-100 acres cultivated land with barn and runnlnir water. $45
w1linbeetakeu8i jlce iu three 0iual a0UU111 payments. First payment
10 06-100 acres cultivated laud, running water on land, $40 per acre, I
cash, balance iu three equal annual payments. Fhst payment taken in
39 68-100 acres pasture and timber land, all good land, with runnine
water, 3 miles from Turner, $25 per acre.
6 fruit tracts ranging from 12 to 14 acres each, all cultivated. 200 fruit
Ssi;1lopyrrs"p"",ed's,5',' .k. nw.K
also horses, harness, wagons, or buggies taken in part payment on and'
Also good city property, when unencumbered by mortgage o? other
claims, taken in part payment on land. ui"ibto or oiuer
South of Willamette Hotel,
Livery Stable and Feed
The Best Box Stalls and Corral In the City.
Quiet, family horses a specialty.
(In rear WlUamette hotel.)
Hoarding - and - Sale - Sialic.
One deorTppstnf r.i,..n-T i.J .
on State tn.r n.'.i.rS." .fi.,ir.fa.ore
WU.l'UGH, Architect, Plans, Sped
. llcutlons nnd superintendence lor
"",Sn of buildings. Otllce 290 Com
mercial it., up stiilrs,
f! A?B,EIf&, Architect, room 424. Mar
J. quam building, Portland, Oregon.
R J-.?J,,If,Tt,AIiD'Clvil Sanitary and
J$?.!lia Engineer. U. H. liiputy
mineral surveyor.
Cottle- I'arkhurst I
City snrvvom nfHi-
Block, t'nlem, Oregon.
"TTT M VniTKT t -
Court and Liberty Hrees. Telenhnnn No.
ihio I "-"". ".yuo i'U.
'"-" ";: o u. m. to VI: a to 4 D. m..
Residence lMh street on
Telephone Ho. 0.
und7to. m.
electric car line,
Jy geon
lem. Oreei
S. SIOTT. nhvslclnn nnd im
geon. Olllrfi in wir)i-irf in,.,. i. ..-
em.Orecon fun no ,,., B. ... ' ..?' ".
2to4p. m. " iu lo "-ra-
lIttmtiSietyMms, 8.
" unusieni stock.
First National Bank,
Truck k Dray Line.
Mrbotld!m"RD(,'',l,roraPl work I" our
R nnwi'iH1 ?0K M- D-."meopathlst.
nrJh V?rr?t1S3Hourts,.ree,i Residence 347
nt S,,"0';1, Geteral practice. Special
Snllrtre C ,0 dlbeases of Wo,ne" and
WT.HOUSER, MD, Physician and sur
, th- Beoii. 1'ractlce limited to dlstasts
rniTiM nn.tl ruPtu or hernia. Office In
From ffi?8 "antt " ortlcehour"
ii tr m a to ti p- m-
eu "children: ufhee in Xew UanlrBlZ
30a lommerelal strppt. tirt.,i: ro.'
DIHhiwhISPH,B' Dent, Office over
mtreialstnu? rDer' Uourt an1 Com
lift ,"1 kvxeLdz:
JOH.N Mtlllt -
-pi '"rfoldenu
- Ice lYwWem.
CMML STOCK, all Snbscribtd, 1200,000
Express ami Itatrsnc
(Founded lu 1668.)
iv Biisli
ifev..,1?."?' .r- finished deutal opera-
"uu every aei
lions a specialty.
'."?,'?;.descr,Puo. Valuless opera-
SALEM, . . '
TraD'art lt.i,wi ..
'Jmenu. "" ""Ine. in M1 d6.
S hrfu,? ALLEN. Blacksmiths and
best w,bmlHDir ttu? pairing. Only the
laumnpynhMHe.n,p,ye1- Oppostte State
Rlr5i5OSS,11.lackl,n),lUb. a kinds ol
,,. rei'ribKandcarrlagoworlt. Wehave
uurbesuocr. tilve us a trial. 4.H
iwie root ofLlbertystreet,Halcin,Oregon.
P fcrt?8,1'1 co Slanufacture ofaU
iy ' Kh, ?5?Te.hlcIes- Repairing a special
nopHtate sueet,
A ,nnVTJIcoVfV3n,rc,OM w"
fitof aii i w;;;".""f.,?"N p-?.cvu?.'
Uuklne..l-,.v v. .
KrataWtiL -V"-B' ocx
,on Com.
bnk.inSoa'OUrr TOnnectlnn.. .... filer inf,'e,.nentmrfewlkN',cavaUDr,
WlodpJ townVnf'fSBdn, In ill the
fiiu?iiLVwV,BJi 1Juk carpet
"ieo urund tpimri Ui,k m7r . s' ir.;...
X?-. &v "rrleriVltir J."
car, ilouse
or Itn... """"' "T wil" J. II. wu
C5-kSlLi OBVK. Barber and Halr-drtuln
i(p &ip'ttfitw
1 ' 'fcJiitiwlM)l'laJ,llnlt t.i..-.i, u ut, . , .k,.