Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 21, 1892, Image 2

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    w gf'W "
tM mk. If JwHge Bolklu, who
teMwlHikkicUy, Bucemla in get
r, tfng' all the evidence agalust ibe
motet order r Rustic) In proper
Wbpe, rtud tiouvlct tbe membere
ten lo tlio public mind, bo will
hatfe dona, much to restore order,
for the la'wlas element promlsea
fartbr developments within two
'WashinutoN, Jrm, 2l.-Hirliig-w'a
free woilblll, Introduced yes
terdty, W similar in the one made
-, public heretofore, except In rexpect
to tho waste nnd sbod.ly wool aec
tlo, and tLe new section providing
that gcods In bond Jauunrj 1, 1803,
the dote the bill Jjoea Into effect,
may to taken out of cuotoin-bouBea
on the pajmentof tbe now duties,
tbe same as though Imported subse
quent to that dute. Tbo wnslo sec
tion reads:
Articles mentioned lu paragraph
89, of said ucl, and likewise nil
inuugo shoddies gametted, or corded
waste, or other waste products, com
posed wholly, or lu part, of wool,
whlcli bob been Improved or ad
vanced beyond Us original condition
as waste by tuo use or macuinery,
or tbo application of labor or both,
shall, on and after January 1, 1803,
be subjected to a duty of 80 per
cent, nd valorem.
Washington, Jan. 2h Senator
Stanford today uddressed the senate
In advocacy of bis bill to Issue a
hundred million dollars In national
notes, and loan It on farm land.
V A 8 II r N a T o N, Jan. 21. Tbe
Democratic national pniiimltlra met
promptly at noon. Tlio roll call
Showed Ibis various states and
territories were all represented. The
committee went Into secret session
for" tbo purposo of settling all
questions of proxies and contest.
Tuesday Juue2Ist, was selected as
the date of holding con volition.
New Youk, Jan. 21. The fire
whloh broke out in a fifth story
building 20 West lClli street, Ibis
morning bos spread to Hrotilnuo's
and tbe Lincoln buildings and the
loss Isnlraidy fur nbove 1,000.000.
Washington, Jan. 21. Itepre
scnlatlyo Geury is much Imprissed
by the mental nnd pliyrlcul vlor of
gecretury Jilulno, us dlspluyed on
tbo occasion ol the leccnt vhlt of
tbo members of tbe houso com
iiiltlea on roielgn Hllulrs. ile sas:
"Jilulne Is a well man. Ho talked
with us an hour and a half, and ex.
hlbltcd a grap of every subject that
gave no Indication of failing pow crs.
Ifo sh- wed bis old imarvelous
memory fm tit i nun und places. Jle
Kccmed to bt moro familiar with
somo facts about California tbuu I
was, and recalled lncldeuts of llf
leen or twenty yearn ugo without an
nflnri. JJu was ihnrmmblv nested
gain from the Nicaragua canal, and
wdh enthusiastically In favor of the
construction of the canal, although
not by.tlio government. Ho meu
f ioncd a number of curious fuels to
illustrate the advuntago of recip
rocity. If anybody is hunting for
nn Invalid ho will not do well to
taoklo Ulaluo."
fjecrotary Ululuo is leported us
having recovered from his attack ol
Tuesday and was lu Ids usual health
yesterday, Ho remained Indoors.
anisoN ki.i:otkd.
JkfiNNKAl'oiitH, Mil., Jan. 21. U.
B. Banufor Qibsou, who was a
pointed by Govuruor Jackson, to till
tbo vacancy caused by I ho death of
tionntor Wilson, was elected today.
London, Jan. Ill, The funeral
Rorvices over llio remains of Car
dinal Manning were held In llromp
ton oratory today.
San Kuanciboo, Jan. 21.-The
cruiser Charleston urtlvud hero hb
morning from Bun Diego on her
way lo Mttru Island navy yard
wluro sbu will bo docked ami
clean ml.
Wo nro Still Coneonlrating
a Fleet.
The Senate Yesterday, Cheap
Whisky, Family of Thieves,
Killed by Robbers, Minos Shut
Down, Quay-Post Libel, Revolt
of Prisoners. Water Famine,
The Anarchists, Foreign and
State News, Etc
Clark & Kpploy sefl baking pow
der and glutswuro for Hid prli'o of
tbo nuking imwricr,
LATJiuot', Col., Jau. 21. Tbo big
gun for the cruiser Monterey left
hero this morning and will arrive at
at West Oakland this evening. The
orders are to get It to tbo Unloi
Iron works as soon as possible. It
was viewed here by a large crowd of
Washington, Jan. 21. Orders
hare been Issued from the nnvj
department to concentrate a squad
ron under Admiral Gherurdl and
Admiral Walker at Valparaiso.
Admiral Gherardi bos been deslg
ni.ttd to command the vessels on
tlio Pacific station. At present,
Admiral Gherurdl, with his squad
rou, Is at Port au Prince, West
Indies isluuds. Tbe vessels lu this
cqtiadrou consist of the Philadel
phia, Concord and Kearsargo. Ad
mlral Walker's squadron Is at
MiDti'Vldco; the CI 1 1 en go, Atlanta
and Ilennlngtou, comprise the ves-J
K'b under his command. Admiral
Walker was also advised of the
orders Issued to Admiral Gherardi,
for It was left to his discretion
wl. ether ho should proceed at once
to Valparaiso or delay bis departure
until fuithwud vised fiom tbo uavj
department. Admiral Ghcrardl's
(quadrou will leave ut once for the
south Atlantic, tiuchlng at Ilanu),
Druzii, for advices from tbo navy
department. 'I his combined squad
iou will meet at Valparaiso tbe
Yorktowu, lloston and Charleston,
making a fleet of ulno vessels, three
or which ore tbo most powerful In
tbo United State navy, The. Chi
cago carries fourteen breech-loading
rifles as Its main battery, the Boston
eljjbt, tho Atlanta eight, tbo Phila
delphia twtlve, tho Ilenulugton six,
tho Kearsurco fourteen iiui's, the
Concord six und tho Charleston
eight, muklug In all seventy-six
first class guns, besides secondary
batteries. The average number of
men In each vessel, Including ofll
coti, mirl 1104 and sailors, Is about
101, miking about 1500 meu that
will soon bo on the Pacific stullou In
command of Admiral Ghorardl.
hows from Franco concerning tho
fitting out or tho Chilian armored
warship Capltan Pratt Is to tho
ollect tho work shops will have the
vessel ready for sea In thirty day's
time. A number of small fittings
remalu to bo placid In position,
though tho larger purt of tho work
is what almist any. wlde-awako
officer would undertake to carry on
at seu. It lu oven thought probable
the Chilian commander, now with
tho vessel, may take this vlow of the
case, and, uudorpretonso of a steam
ing trial, make oil" with the now
ship for South America. Among
naval ofllccrs hero It la recognized
tho Capltan Pratt, when fully com
pleted, will bo ouo of tbo best
flttod-ont warships lu tho world.
Pan Fjjancusoo, Jan. 21. The
chamber of coiumoroo ut Us annual
meeting adopted resolutions advo
cating nn Increase lu United States
ships of war, and better harbor de
fense for this coast; that protection
bo secured to our merchant marlue
and to our seaport towns ami cities
lu times of war, and urging on con
gress tho policy of liberal approprt
JilAtiu introduced his bill for tbe and then they will also be shut
colnsgeof goldandsllver.nnd It-waa'dowD. This action h In accordance
referral to his committee. iwith u resolution adopted bv tho
Washington, Jan. 21. The sen
ate committee on privileges and
elections this morning In tbe con
tested Florida election case of Call
vs. Davidson, decided to recom
mend Call to retain bis teat. Action
in the olher contented election case
of DuIk1s nnd Daggett of Iduhoi
was deferred until the next meeting
of tbo oimmlttee.
' CorvaiXis, Or., Jan. 21. (Spec
ial to Tub Journal) In pursuance
of n decree of forclosure rendered
by tbo circuit court of Ben on coun
ty. In favor of tbo Farmers' Loan &
Trust company, as trustees, ugolnst
the Oregou Pacific railroad and
all tbe property, real and pprsonnl,
rights, franchises, etc., belonging to
said corporation, Including tbo
steamers Three Sisters, N, H. Bent
ley, Wm. M. Hoag, also the steam
tugs, Favorite and Resolute and
the steamship Willamette Valley,
wore sold at public autlon to the
highest bidder by tho sherlfl of
Benton county. The property was
bid in by Zephin Job of Corvalllls,
for tho sum of 51,000,003. Col. T.
IS. Hogg, who was reported to bo on
bis way from New York to attend
tbe sale, was not present.
Tbe Orpgon Pticlflo waq bought
for the benefit of all tbo bondhold
ers, who, It Is understood, are united
upon a policy upon a reorganization
Tho management for the future will
probably bo determined in a tew
days. It is thought its policy will
bo to Issue bonds, raise sufllclcn'
funds to complete the road to lis
terminus in Idaho, and to provide
ocean steamers (o handle the lu
crease that is expected.
Washington, Jan. 21. The bill
appropriating $100,000 for a public
building ut Salem, Or., passed the
senate yesterday. The bill appropri
ating (100,000 for a building ut The
Dalles gavo rise to a long dlscusbm,
but it was finally passed. Yeas 5
nays 12, all tho negative votes being
given by Democrats. Tho only
Democrats voting In tho unintuitive
wero Blodgett, Brlce, Cull, Daniels
and Vest. Poller voted aye. Piatt
introduced a bill to enable New
Mexico to form a roustltu'lon and
state government and bo admitted
Into the Union.
Chicago, J a n. 21. Presldeut
Grceuhut, of the whisky trtit-t, said
In uu Interview that the stock of
tbo trust hud gone down becuuso of
the hostile attttudo of tho govern
ment, lie said he understood all
the district attorneys were Instruct
ed to Investigate tho trust und begin
suit ugulnst it if proof wus suffi
cient. Grceuhut stated that the
government agents utseit that they
have something startling to present
busfneSs In violation or tho Slier,
man anti-trust law. Ho declares lie
is not afraid of any ovldouco they
might have, because his concern Is
dolnu' a legitimate bualness. The
"something stattllng" ipokcn of by
Grceuhut Is supposed to be tho evi
dence nllegcd to bo possessed by tho
government that ex Secretnry Gib
son, who wus charged with a con
spiracy with a government gauger
to blow up tho Bhufeldt distillery,
is acting as an agent of tho trust In
this city and cutting prices under
competitors. Tho trust was In
M'cret (esslon yesterday considering
tlio question or reducing prices. It
Ih thought tbo price will be reduced
2 cenN as tbo Jesuit of cheapness of
grain and opposition of anti-trust
mine owners Mime time since, to go
Into effect If the rates on ores were
not reduced.
quay-post ltbkl.
PittsijUHO, Pa., Jan. 21. In the
Quay-Post libel suit today, after two
or three uulmportnnt witnesses were
examined, the clerk of tbe Phila
delphia courts wus called and prr
senffd the original records In the
Uanfsley rose. Senator Quaj then
took the ftand nnd said he wus not
pcre'iimlly acquainted with John
Burdtdcy and had never bad unj
business relations with him except
In bis (Quay's) capacity as state
revolt of frisoneiis.
Rio J vnerio, Jan. 21. After
season of comparative tranquility
the dt. has a;:alu become violently
thrown Into a state of excitement
Trouble began Tuesday evening
when 100 prisoners confined In Fort
Santa Cruz mutinied and succeeded
In overpowering tbo guards and sol
dicrs stationed at that place. TIiu.n
advanced upon Fort Pico und Tajte
overcame the soldiers on duty, and
took possession of tho two forts and
all munitions of war there contained.
Tho prisoners boldly demanded the
restoration to power of tbe deposed
dictator Fouseca. Government ofll
clats hurried till available forces to
tbe scene of the uprising. Troops
wero placed to surround the forts on
tbe land side, while war ships wore
stationed to guard the hurbor side
The order to advance wus given yes
terday morning, und troops at once
moved to tho attack, while guns of
the war vessel begun throwing
shells. Tho eflnrts of tho soldier
wero directed against Fort Pic'.
They made a combined grand assault
oa tlje works, nnd after a show of
roslstauco by the rebels, the troops
carried the fort. In the meantime
gunboats bombarded Fort S.inta
Ciuz, nnd so effective was the work
that tho rebels wore s.on forced to
suneuder. Tho troops eventually
obtained possession of all tho forts,
which were solzod and t'io prisoners
again placed in tho cells.
water famine.
Chicago, Jan. 21. This city Is
suilering from a watei famine. The
troublu extends over the entire city,
including tho suburbs, nud is caused
by the stoppage of tho inlet pipes in
tlio luko bv ice. Business at tho
stockyards and in the ureat slaugh
ter bouses Is at a standstill, and
there Is no water for tho thousands
of famishing animals in tiio pens.
KlForts nro being made to remedy
tho trouble, and it will bo but tem
the anarch is rs.
WABitiiiaTON, Jan. 21. Tho
cases of Samuel Fielden and
Michael Schwab, the Chicago an
archists convletcd of complicity In
the famous Huymorket riots, and
MIV 'attvllloKelia nW,1' were'ftf
tho United States supreme court
today for argument.
Pan. Francisco, Jan. 21. Tho
casu of John B. Ituuli vs. the South
ern Puciflc, wob on argument yester
duy before tbo circuit court of ap
peals. ruit was brought by Jtauh
for $7G,000 for damages ho sustahud
November 12, 1800, i ear Lake La
balsh, ami for which ho was awarded
? 18,000 by the Oregou United States
clrcml court. The company then
appealed the case.
An Old Oil VftM Shoofr lull" ' Some
of nil Narrow Ecap,-
The most thrilling call I ever bad. to
ream It, was ono day when the Hk
county field was now. I wm called
down there one early winter day. 1 tie
now had fallen just enough to make
tho rough road Icy in places, and going
around a sharp descent down n steep
hill my wagon began to slew.
The road was narrow, and on tue
lower ride was a steep bank. I was
driving quito bri'kly. and as I rounded
the turn I felt tho wheels slldo toward
the bank. I realized tlio danger mid
my hair tomj. I bad 120 quarts of
nitroglycerin on the wagon, and down
the bank was fully forty feet. I felt
the hind wheels going, and In tho brief
moment before tlio whole thing upset I
Imagined all sorts of things.
We rolled together, wagon, box and
yours truly landing at tho foot of the
hill and not a hair of us harmed. I got
tbe wagon out, carried the glycerin up
and loaded it on again und drove on.
The delay, together with more careful
driving, caused night to overtake me,
and Just as the first sliaeies ion i en
countered the same sort of place again.
I went around slowly. The hind wheels
began to slip again. I stopped right
there. I wus afraid to repeat tho doso.
My hind wheels had gono a littloover
the edge of the bank, and I attempted
to lift them back. I could not budge
tho heavy load. Then I crawled be
neath the wagon. I could barely move
the weight I made a final eflort, and
she yielded, but I received an Injury
from the lift from which I have never
Ono day I was putting a 120 quart
iotln a well and had run down the
first shell. The balance stood in tho
derrick. When the first shell was dow a
about COO feet it exploded. I under
stood the situation, and comprehending
that I could not get far enough away
to do any good if the shock should ex
plodo the balance In the derrick I
yelled to the other men about tho en
gine house to run. A shower of stones
and hemlock went up in the sky, and I
Jumped behind a convenient hemlock
stuiup, where I fell flat on tho ground.
Then 1 recollected that a sudden ex
plosion would go for tho ground, that
I might be killed by tho concussion,
and I rose on my finger tips and toes.
Fortunately tho glycerin in the der
rick didn't let go, and tho only damage
was to tho derrick, which bad its whole
top blown off.
One day in the spring I was filling a
shell In tbo derrick. It was ono of
those days when ico freezes freely at
night and thaws in daytime. Tho pul
ley "on top of tho derrick had been
coated with Ico from the sand pump
Hue. Tho warm sun thawed it, and
while I was industriously filling a shell
something dropped k-biff in front of
my nose. Tlio suddenuee-s of tho thing
started mo so I could scarcely hold tho
can. I thought tho confounded stuff
hud exploded and 1 w.is blown up.
That was tho worst I was ever scared
lu my lifo. A piece of Ico had dropped
from tho pulley at tho top of the der
rick. A foot closer and 1 wouldn't bo
telling you about it Tho story would
bavo been in the paper the next day
with bitr headlines. Tntorwinwin rc.-i-
"- V-1"-
Protects every person inflid in tlmt Slate, so that ho
cannot loo.e his money in case of nrisfoftuno as is the
case with other states. You may forget your policy but
the policy won't forget you. It is the safest and best.
Every man ought to carry Insurance and should put his
money where he can't loose it.
Transfers heretofore recorded
January $99,018.50.
JAN. 20-21.
Nancy Wilten, single, to Mrs E
M Vandervort el It 3 bl 8 tiulem,
W U Catterliu and wife to Geo W
Hunt, Its 2, 3, bl 17, Depot udd.
Salem, 203.
Same to Sarah F Hunt, It 1 bl 17,
s tine add, $110.
Miss Mary E Little to James M
Long, 531 ft oir west side it 3 bl 29,
University add, f8J0.
A C Falrchild and wife to Mary E
Strairallan, tiact adjoining Univer
sity add and land in t 0 s 3 w, $5700.
L G Barrow and wife to Herman
Fresken, ej ne sec32 1 5 s 1 w, S2000.
A E Crosby and wife to Henry
Wohlfast 8 lots adjoining Catholic
mission claim, $300.
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed :
Itivr.HStnK, Cul., Jan. 21. The
Jury lu tho case of tho four rielt lei
brothers was dismissed. Thoy stood
four for acquittal and six for con-
vlctlon. Tho Settler brothers were,
somo weeks ago, arrested fur wholo
Balu thUnlng of raisins In the vulley.
They huo a history us criminals
Fred Is serving live years forsteullng
UluiiB for tho purposo of Increasing u lot of bullion from tho Waterman
Wck Headache ami rrJIovo all tlio trouble Inol
titiit te bllloiu e(Mo of Ilia nluii, tuch m
DIuIiwm, Jtauwa, nruwulttte. IHttrru nc
Ml(rur. I'ato in tlio Hid, Ao. Wlillo tMrmiwi
rtiuwKaUla aiicecM tuu (well aliown la curltii
aw equally faluaUlo lu Cunttlatlnn, curing
and lirereutlnK litis anuojlnff roiiinlalnl, hllf
titer alto corrrct all dlkonlrri of tha touitli
tlimulalo th liter and rrfulata Ut bowtU
to M Mwr onlj cunsl
tur naval foroes, aud for strengthen
lug and adding to our harbor do
feuse. A memorial to the somite
ami houso of represontitlveH wus
also adopted urging such prompt
loglslutlon as will secure tho prompt
construction of tho Nicaragua canal
uudertueh conservative conditions
as win secure tha government
against loss and provide for the com
merce of our country a waterway
from ocean to ocean, at low rates m
toll, free from dUorlnilnatlon and
open lo the commerce of the world
upon equal terms.
Washington, Jan. 2l.-ticorv-
tury Tracy received a formal call
from tho houfo coimnltteu on naval
alhtlrsdnrlug this morning. Though
Chilian innt ten. may huvo been
actlvoly dircussflit durlnu tho visit
It was not mado for that purjwse.
No Information ha yot Ihjoii re-
eolved at the nnvv deimrimcnl
whether Iho Yorktowu acluullv
eniion mnn VrtliwtmtMO
mine. Seven years aim ho was tried
for uu assault to murdor, but for
want or evidence wasonlv convicted
or slmplo assault ami served bis
soiilouee. Last winter ho was ar
rested for sU'alliig oranges, but com
promised by pajlngfor (bo oranges
taken, A tint her brother, Charles,
served two years In the Albany, N
, prison ror burglary,
Kir.t.NI) IIY HOllllHliS,
Kaikkihi.ii, Csd., Jan. sJI, -Tuui
day ntisbt wlillo watchman Jack
iinnm, iii Kio visiu, was
making his rounds ho oame
uoroi a mau at the wharf
wliluisholgim, who ordered him lo
throw up his hands, aud not comply
ing with tho deuinud ho wus shot
by the guard tho lobbirs hsd plural
wlillo robbing tbo safe of tho Bouih-
ern raoltlo company In a building
ou the whsr'. After the shots were
tired tho robbe a 'eft In a boat, lenv
lug their loo'a behind them, which
tho till era have now lu tlulrnos
session. They hud drilled a ludo In
Dknison, Tex., Jan 21. For the
flisttlmo in 18 years tho Itod r.ver
wus froen over solid ut a number of
poluts yefctjrday. Tho thermometer
was 7" below zero. The cattle men
fiom Indian territory report tho
bll.-ird has killed hundreds or
head of slock.
Ban Antonio, Tex., Jan. 21. The
whole Rio Grande frontier Is cov
ered with snow for (ho first time
over known. Tlio sUllerlnirs anionic
the poorer classes of Mexicans u.id
U. S. irooiM has been Intense for the
past ( o days.
l'oun.ANi), Jan. 21. Wheat val-
ley, $1 02 $1.05; Walla Walla
$I.A7) ($ $!.((.
Chicaoo, Jau. 21. Atcloso wheat
was easy cash .87; May 01J92.
Ban Fkancisco, Jan. 21. Wheat,
seasou 1 7SJ.
(louu Louke.
Good looks are more than skin
Hoop, dont'iullmi uixm a Ik.mHIiv
oudltloiiofHll iho vital organs, ff
urn uur ie hihliivo. vmi Imvn
bilious lank, If your Htomach bo dis
ordered nm Imvoa dyspeptlo look
and If your khlneys bo afllcteil you
haw a pinched look. Secure good
health iiti'l voti ulll lmvHL'.wull.mt;,.
Clcelrlo I'lltorslsthogroat alterative
and toulo ui'is direct ly on these vital
orciinr. Cures pimple, blotohm.
iMii'saud immn rood nniiiiilnvli.n
fold at IVinlel J. Fry's drugttorv.
tOe. per do-tie.
Achf thr vrouM 1 almcMA rto!M to IhOM
who nuitur i nun una umrtutnr toiiiituini,
bui fortuiuslelr I heir suoitnaM Horn IhH nid
lo CVII.ut.
.iti,..i. !....... ... .1.. .. i .: . . .
""uiis" vuiHinnuiiBr r.vnuM cnoien uio nam nun umeruHi a lUfe reuili in
UwiuuiilMaulInn to H4ll day bv1 light when Howard came alonrf.
fore yestenlay. Tbememlwra go). They are supposed to be the three
the InipiOMlou tint iho Cblllap ' men whostolo a siunll sloop a rV.
l'"i i"iv o wry Biiiaii pari, u at , iyf ai in csui rruiimsoo. jioward
nil, ludorti, or any ixirtlnn . f ihejdleda few inlmUwHrierU'lugfi.uiid
couven-atlou letwtemlio rinr , by eltUous who were adnmUd t
and the committer. the spot by the idiots.
litfceiHUMOf aOMiiavynaalliAthriilirhi.ra . ...... I
, ....- . . .--., . - . .,, r - 111!. lillllkt-
bout. Our put eun ii , ' -""
kvrt, ami llxon vrbo one try Ihfiu Mill rind
MMjr wtH itX 0 WUlin
UwtM ll4o pill TUlutUa In e roanv wajra that ;
m nutwiuiDf w uu wiuhhii luvm
Wo itiAka our Klftl
w nua oMtars qq not.
"I '
roHTLAND, Jan. 21 -All
tmJi wk
yavtaiuu or iwo i4ii. inaU lu fhe House today Cntubtug re- mluealrithotVuurd'Aleuu diin.
kSt2&$&&i VnM the new oodo iu ,ulo Blm V,h tbo vx.,lt,0 of tho
mXSWZZJSfitZV P, ' !m lie wm asK ror lis Nevada, wero shut down am
umnSmv9UL coiuMcwllon onMui.Uy! Tbe employe UiwUnrwd ou m.
LmV fmt fj' ublamlally (be samo u lu.t. Tjie.ml U wIlLbe kept ruunlag
HfW thow of tho nfUvtli ixiuirmf, UU (lie or on liaudTj wueentrated.
liaijvl l
U Urinpr,
'llio tendeuoy of this disease to
ward pnsumon'aU wlnt makes It
dangerous, L- GrlpjHJ requlny pre
cisely (he tnuie treaiment as a severe
cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Is famous for Us cures of severe colds.
llila remtsly elleclually couuler
acts the tendency of (be dlxoas to
result In pneumonia, provided that
proper ware be taken (o avoid tx
posutv w hen recovering from the at
tack, Careful Inquiry among the
many thouwuds who have used (Ida
remedy during the epidemic of the
past two y ra ties falle.1 to dlseowr
l Hi I u siDirle tuse that has not mvir.j
1 Vh for that baa rwul ted lu pneumoula,
ou cent au I f I bottlw for tale by
G. K. Good, UruBKUt.
Two KflTntloni.
Hero is an instnnco of tbo difference
between tlio publicly and privately ex-
pressea opinion of writers. Somo
months ago a certain young newspaper
woman in a western city went to inter
view a prominent woman. Tho report
of the Interview, which appeared in tho
papor, contained a passago something
iiko this: "Women instinctively love
Mrs. Blank. Her sweet graciousness of
manner, her ready sympathy, her good
fellowship draw them to her. She is,
above all things, sympathetic and hos
pitable. In her presence tho writer re
alized how potent Is tlio charm sho exer
cises." The effusion was accompanied
by a note to tho editor. It read: "I
shall not bo ublo to writo auother lino
this week. I fear I caught a fat.U cold
on aire, uianii's front doorstep. Tho
olii cat wouldn't let mo In." Now York
I'lenty r Schools nnil Njwpp,,r,.
Chili Is ft great country for newspa
pers. There nro moro than forty of
them in Valparaiso and Santiago, and
there others iu all tho head towus of
departments. Chili has many literary
nun, iiiuiiuiuig a regiment of poets,
and alio many scientific men and a
multitude of statesmen and generals.
ino scnoois ore free, and the educa
tional 8stom provides for provincial
lyceuins, normal schools, an agricultu
ral wihool, schools for tho arts and
trades, military and naval academies
and a national unhersity, all support
ed by tho government. In somo years
thero havo been 1,000 students at the
oonuago university. Now York Sun.
Wanted Moro Miulc.
Little flvo year-old Puss, one of tho
swwtebt of mortals, ws taken to
unurcn mo other Sunday and behaved
very mlately for n time, but tlio ser
mon ws long, and boforo tho clergv
mau had KOt to "thirdly" Puss said to
mamma, In a voice intended to bo con
fidential, but it piped up loud enoueh
,u w wu uf MJvemi weary listeners,
'I hao board talk onough; I want
more music," lloston Journal.
Kurio ur Habit.
It U rejiortesl that a Yankee upon be
ing Introduced at court to Queen Vic
toria rwtrbwl oui his hmul to shako
wun nor, remarking as he did
"Wliatii tbo nntuel I dkln't
cateh It 1" Chicago Henkl.
tlio use ol Hood's Sarsiinrilli Se-vere
cises of scrofula, upon which other prep
arations li ivo been powerless yield to tho
peculiar curatho powers of this medicine.
Distressing cases of djsnepsta, excnicl.it-
lug complaints of the kidneys and liver.
agonizing itch
and pain of silt
rheum, disagree-,
able cases ot catarrh, and aches and pains
ut rheumatism, are curort by Hood's Sir-
s ir allU. It purities the. blood, and at the
. uu llmo tones tho stomach, creates an
, tlte, ami rU cs strength to e ery f unc-
tot the body. Give It a trial.
Conoral Debftv
Tor four years my wile suffered with
hrgo tumor bunches on tho glands under
Uio arms, and Kener.il debility of the whole
6 stem. Sho bcc.-.mo so poor in health
tint wo wero on tho verge of despair
regarding her recovery. Physicians did
not seem to understand her ease; at all
et ents she never derived any benefit from
their treatment. She finally concluded to
try Hood's SirsipirMa. Tho immediate
effect was so marked and satisfactoi y that
sho continued to tal e it, and thl f tho
result: Sho lias gained lu weight
From 04 to III Pounds
and is slron?er and in better health than
she has beer- for years. The bunclii s i nder
her rim .Jiio diminished, and u bclleo
Hoods SarsaparlKa will bo too imu.li for
them In ilinj." J. J Nuitcuoss 2( Com
mercial Strcst, Bi ton, M.iss.
Hood's Sarsap;r!Ua
Sndt.jui l.U. Bl.ilxforfi. lr.jTareiibv
0. 1. HOol) & CO.,.rothecuvij.7A)f c'l ifx.s.
IOO Dosos Onn rr,;P
The Oregon Land Co,
The Beautiful Capital C'ty of Oregon, and County Seat ot
Marion County.
Is engaged in selling farming, stock and fruit
lands in the Willamette Valley. If you are looking for
land do noffail.to call on us at Salem or our agent in Port
land. The Willamette Valley is very far ahead of any
other place onthe Pacific Coast as a farming, stock anil
fruit country, and i the most delightful place in the World
for a home.
Office in Gray Block, Cor. State and Libertv Sts., Salem,0r.
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing Company
Office with tho Oregon Land Co., Gray Block, corner
State and Liberty streets, Salem, Oregon; is engaged i n
setting out and cultivating Orchards.
South of Willamette Hotel,
Mrerj StoDie and Feed rard.
The Best Box Stall and Corral In the r(ty,
Quiet, family horses a specialty.
(in rear Willamette hotel.)
GEO. II. UURNEIT, Attorney at law,
Salem, Oiegwu. Olllce over Lndd &
DJARCYd. BINGHAM, AttorueyH nnd
counselors at law, bolem, Oregon.
Having an nbstractol the recoidsofMuriou
county, includlnc a lot and block index oi
Salem, they havo (special facilltleft Jor ox
amlnlng titles to leal estate. Business in
tho supreme court and In tbo state depart
ments -will receive piompt attention.
Hoarding - anil - Salo - Stable.
on state street. Quiet family teams.
One door west of Lunn's Dry Doods store
a state street. Ouipf fiimiit. ,anma u
tal attention paid to transient stock. 6:ltt
ST. RICHARDSON, Attorney at law,
. qlllrniirt ntuirsln trnntrnnuis of new
ui-li block, corner fommeiclal and Court
streets, S-Hlem, Ol egon.
TOHN A. CARSON, Attorney at law.
r7.,ii00"l?Vnna','L,lda JiUfcU's bank
building, Salcni,OrtEen, 8 1 ly?
R7.'AA11 ,& I,IoliJ,n:s( Attorneys nt law.'
L Odice in Bush's block, between State
and Couit, out om'lbt.
rpiLMON toilD, attorney at Jaw. Salem.
buck "r smlrs lu i'aUu
fi fi. McNALLY.Archltect. New Ttnsh
.V.'.o 1Jr,ey,ma,n block- J,'ans and speclflca
tlous of all classes oi of buildings onshort
vwncu UllCT.
nR.,pr,muleiUln't coterie coRitatlnus or
nJcllllns superficial sentimentalities
und phllohophlcaTor pj choloiical obser!
i.et our statements possess a clarified eon.
clseness compacted TOmprehensb1tn?s"
eoalescent consistency nnd a cencentra:
JM ngenov. htcbewall cSnglamSratlos
.inn asimne affoctlons. In trrlue to im.
Press upon others tbe guperiorlty of the
V IsconslD Central Lines, and why vou
and so many . thers us th. 5iTJ;J:..?"
taWMs; - sisssss.
"" ranungs and uunremcdltnted
cxpatlous hhve IntelllglbUitv ereio,vJ f I
yllablo rrorund r iwit....u"-''9'
Truck & Dray Line.
strgio'l11181 and-"PromPl work is our
x press and lfuggage.
.Jffi?.R"dJS'!k!L'yy to an
tre. LeaVe ode'rs at R. T.Vti.
W DflaH' Architect, Plans, Sped-
fi'-f ncftiions and superintendence tor
R Jir!dC,KFA:N;D.Clvll Sanitary and
JLJ. iljdrnullo Engineer. U 8 upnntv
mineral survejor. Uty survivo nFn
f it. uura, m. D Orllce formerlv
,VV . ociupied by l)r. itow ,,rtrorX
i I ' ' I T
.""'f. and tht ends uV
116 ly
, Hood, UrupgUt,
lu lliMcl(iinim,
Th ulkk trf time to ttp Vhecounwaf
luerxM a lUblUl lo hniole rhM2.
Urn, put ud dijiy. Sid Jii2!ttT-
ltd veil n thnvitvtt it.An. ... "
ihTiaitN z: rzuL" '? or
Post Offlco Department,
mm!!TO' D C" Jan-15. ISO-1-1'
thoContruct Onico of tills Depart-
- iiuir inn nnti r i
United bituin the routes, and
wording to the schedule of a! rival
nnd departure specitled l.y the LV
Prmient, In the Mate of Oregon
ST L K ?' 2 ,0 JU1, 80""
im. L st of routes, t Uli schedules
of arrtvH 8 and departure,, ZnZ
ton-toWdd e with form, f0rnC.
traets and bonds, and all other
!T7 J.Bform!!Uon. wl ft,7
" "I"1" Bimi cation t.wi... o
liltn lV-tnMer Genii
Sra&F'k epnbn
1j. OUlco heurs: 8 a. in. to 12 2 to 4 n
P.i.0 "P-. ." BfBldeme ISthsttJet
electric car line,
(O lktll fitmnt nn
Telephone No. 9.
DUkeoASnf?I!SXrr'x.J;5Jrs,cInn "id sur
ieln Kin Am ,n K"rldge Block, Sa
1.e.m'."re8,n' Office hours 10 in vik .
ilo-ip. m.
E 1On5i?-I.lOOK W Homeopathtat.
auent,0nn Biven ,5 disease'Tomrd4
Vice President
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
IT . E
HOQSER. II D. PhT.ii . o,..
eeon. l'nicilc limits i ,n.,..
neroiiR Bru(.,n r..... ..:.. "
asthma nnri I, .', .".."" Y"""1 J?.9'UQ"?e
rntiio kinXi. "i" "jour uernm. utnee in
froin 9 to iV8 UJ?2 12- Ofllco hours
lis-tf. ' ana from a to " P. m.
. Kvnt.ivn
A'ic lresldent
DH9 Win n Al DAVI8' 0fflc0 b'
i.r-V.H ".'. f.?1?11 l.en I" diseases of worn-
on- ,7 '""uren. unite in Aew Hank lllk
3to t'onuncrelal street Iieslde"c"g wjfe
micialstet6 LO,"er' Court un(l Com-
Jaad Dr. J AluSS?;iW,U,,Vn,lWB' K
J. A.' Uakw. ardbn J' tf, Hobwn.
RartV In -n
nerpuiTVJ:acllanSe block on Com.
merpui strett.
(Fouuded lu 1SCS.)
WI 4 h him,
iin'n. nrS.'"' Pi tinlshed dental epera:
lions a specialty.
tlons ofovV.Hi ul"uei aental opera
KS .Si!.1? ?orlpUon. Polniesa opera-
S'nco tha iUvnii or tir.TIhIi.Vff- V .
k:riZi-"i'jrft"uj uiay.
i Cash Market.
SS HmUii,
SPho res'holh, ALLhEN- Blacksmiths and
nnuremitfnu .tv. V""'VB worK. weuuvo
Jbwmn17'. Wacksmltn. Horsa
atthefoo!BnMWnasPcy' nP
. me root of Liberty st,eet, AtienijOrceon.
Duinw, in
vitiviv ni... m.
uwfulacM Ma cuiiuvriM.!::
. - --. , ,.
h.M . 5nntarT
o.(HSt rtS!" a
P. !&&&&?'&
Obhop btatewut,, " "' "
riAWET.i AYIr t ..i.
' !
ornnreu'AiSi,,'orUerHW,' i-"
C?merS.T,t iuh.c.tr. V
foJ -
4 "" 1'""'
r ?
ff5S?SB?!3r g-f-kEraS