"?? CAPITAL J VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON; -WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 20, 1892. i'TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 16. EVENING JOURNAL. i. a m. fcv Mens' Dress Shoes $1 45 Mens' Plow Shoes 1 15 Mens' Heavy Boots 1 95 Mens' Rubber Boots 2 25 161 Commercial Street. Harntt SUCCESSORS TO WELLER BROS. HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR oo:iOT:p:n:3E3s.:a:D STAPLE 11 FANCY G1IEK, A'fc the old Stand, next door to Post Office. DINING Fancy Rockers AND ODD PIECES, Solid comfort in every one. i R BUREN & Si. SOMETHING NEW! AT Pioneer Greeery Store. (Established in 1857.) Having done a large credit business, for the last 34 years, and, as times have changed, making it necessary to sell groceries at a very low margin, I propose to adopt a new plan, commencing on January 1, 1892, and sell for AT BEDROCK PRICES. NO MORE CREDIT, A general slaughter on crockery, imported china ware, glassware, lamps, etc. As I have an immense stock of this line to arrive in March and April, I am compelled to make room by doting out the present stock. Now is the time for the ladles to replenish their houses in this line, while they can get bargains. All knowing themselves Indebted to mo are requested to call and set tle on the first of the year. JOHN G. WRIGHT, 227 and 229 Commercial St, Barr IC 5 Ptta 47 Commercial street, Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete hue of Stoves and Tinware. Tin rooflug and plumbing a seeclalty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing I-urnlshed. You can get MUSIC, Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mando'ins. LOWEST PRICES -AT 3IO EASTON'S, EADY FO PATTON'S State Street Book Store Displays this morning, an elegant line of BLANK BOOKS, Memorandums, Receipts, Notes, Excelsior Diaries for 1892. Inks, Mucilages and OFFICE EQUIPMENTS GENERALLY. You will save money by selecting from this immense stock. P. OSBURN -CAN SAVE YOU Boots,, Shoes THE FOLLOWING IS A Mclntire, CHAIRS THE - tilffl tlliiiiil 11111111 Plumbers and Tinners, Che latest Commarolul Straat. Usnd for Catulopu KREE 892' MONEY ON- and Rubbers. FEW OF HIS PRICES: Ladies' Calf Shoes Ladies' Fine Shoes Uhildrens' Shoes.- Misses' Shoes T" Nrml"ETyS7eyCCTlilJ'SagO30g for Infants "Castorlais so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription Known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., HI So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castorla' Is go universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the lutelltgent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CARLOS lUtlTTK, D.D , New York City. Late Pastor Bloomlngdalo Reformed Church. Tmt Cintjujh RACKET nit Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co. Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing made to ordor. New DRY KILN, by which wo can always keep a full supply of seasoned stock of all kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Trade and Hlgn streets, Salem, Oregon. Sash and Door Factory Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our lino at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used. Salem Truck ft Draj lem Iron works. Drays and trucks may be foundjthroughout the day at the corner of State and Commercial street. B, F. DRAKE, Proprietor, T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent. SALEXVT IRON WORKS, SALEM, -------- OREOON, Manufactures 8TKAM ENGINES, Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Governors, Fruit Drying Outfits, Traction Engine, Cresting, etc. Kiinn mhchlnery made and repaired. General agents and manufacturers of the celebrated Wahlstrom Patent Middlings Purifier and Reels, Farm machinery made and repaired. REMOVED an enlarged stock and is ottering his customers, old and new, greater bargains than ever. Repairing a specialty. BREWSTER & WHITE. Flour, Feed, Hay, Straw and Barley Chop. LOWEST PRICES AND FliEE 01 COURT STItEET. M. L. CIIA MHKRLIN, O. M. SMITH, rresldeut. Heoretary. JLM. HRANSON. GEO. U.HOUUKHr, Vice President. Treasurer. UNION TITLE ABSTRACT CO. 375 Commercial Htreet. Makes the neatest and best Abstracts In the country. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OJl&QON. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Bay. Tbe bt hotel between Portland a ad Han FrancUoo. Klrst-clase In all IU appoint ments. It table are served with tbe Cholccnt Fruits Grown In tbe Willamette Valley. A, I. WAGNER, Prop. 1 15 1 45 35 1 00 TORE. and Children. J Castorla cure Oollc, Constipation, Sour Stomach. Diarrhma. Eructation. Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d Without injurious medication. " For several rears I have recommended your ' Castorla, ' and shall always continue to do so as it baa invariably produced beneficial results. Edwin F. IUkdib. It. D., " The Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Are., Now Tork City Compart, 77 Mohiut Stbkzt, Nw York. Co. DRAYB AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Bell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of flee State St., opposite Sa C. G. GIVEN, THE CASH SHOE Dealer has removed to 280 Com mercial street, one door north of Gilbert & Patterson, where he has DELIVEYR E. C. CROSS, and Packer, Blato8t.aneCourCJt.-Thr best o-aU delivered to all part of tbe city. DUGAN BROS' Wholesale and retail dealers.ln STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. CouunwcUl streff, TsbjpboneJNo. fJ, PlurabiDg and Heating Co., THE CAPITAL JODRML. HOFER BROTHERS, - Editors. UHLIBUED DAILY. EXCEPT S UND AY, BT THE Caoltal Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In P. O. Building (Entered at the postofllce at Balem, Or., as second-claf matttr. THE ONLY WAY. Both Congressman Hermann and Governor Pen noyer are laboring at the seemingly Impossible in their efforts to secure a portaee railway appropriation at the hands of this congress. Tho Hoi man retrench ment congress will hardly add nearly half a million to tho rivers and harbors appropriation for a pur pose,that excites interest in congress only because of its entire novelty, and it is just as unreasonable to suppose that such a cougress will puss a special act for such a largo sum for an untried scheme. For persons of ordinary political acumen it is bard to believe that either the governor or congressman expect seriously to get a portage railway costing $430,000 of this con gress. The additional fact that one portage railroad has already been built, and is owned and operated by the state, shows the unlikelihood of the federal government building, owning and operating the other portage railway. The difficulties of the whole mat ter border upouthe ridiculous, Our portage would be uuder state con trol, the other under tho war depart ment. Tbe state's officers would fix rates on tho lower portage some government officer would mtiko rates on the other. If Oregon desires this I very doubtful, even as a pres ent from the government. This state could hardly afford to use i portage it could not control. If Governor Peunoyer aud Con gressman Hermann earnrstly desire to serine the building of tho second portege railway at Tho Dalles they have taken the road mst thickly ttt with obstacles. Indeed there aiomauy reasons for believing that the only way is to call a special session of the legislature and author ize the same state officials to build it who built the other portago, and have it built in time for the next crop. NOT A miWEUKXOU IN DKGHKIC. The difference between the weather in tho Central, Northern aud Mlddlo states and tho Willa mette valloy Is not degreo but essentially in character. While tho dispatches from those states uni formly report settled cold weather, with mercury from zero to forty be low, there has not only been no winter in this valley but wo are on the verge of spring. Cattle have wintered out of doors without shelter aud in most caBcs with no feed but what nature pro vided, and in most cases are not in bad condition. Hardier stock like swine, sheep aud goats have felt no great need of protection and whole bands of horses have subsisted on nothing but pasture, and short poor pasture at that. Feeders have not suflered, though It is not to bo im agined that fine milk cows do well out all winter. These facts about stock show the essential difference between climates hero and farther east. What this country can becomo with better farming, better roads, better pastures and better attention to moio diversi fied and profitable crops no one can tell. But it is certain that with tho essential aud characteristic advant ages of climato the other develop ments that follow in tho wake of progress and tho Increase of popula tion, must tend to mako this a rich spot on tho Pacific coast and that means one of tho richest in tho world. CLKVELA MI) AND HILL. From tho Atlanta Jeurnal: Tho ob jections to Mr. Cleveiaud as u proper candidate that have been urged In Georgia will be seen to apply with even moro force to Governor Hill. Mr. Cloveiand is in favor of letting alone tho presant silver act, which provides for the colnageof 61,000,000 silver dollars a year. Goveuor Hill would have us re peal that law and return to the Bland act, which would give us only $21, 000,000 of silver coinage a year. Mr. Cleveland in a belter friend of silver by J34.000.000 moro a year than is Governor Hill. Tho plan urged by Governor Hill Is more Inimical to Oliver than any thing Mr. Cleveland ever advocated. The Democratic congress Is mak ing a record for economy If that Is what the country wauls. Tho Bank of Eugland discount rate a year ago was 6 per ceut, while It la only 3 per ceut now. This makea a ery effective Illustration of the Improvement In financial con dltloiiB this year, Tbe county printing law In hav ing one good effect. It Is filling the newspapers with a detailed account of what Is done with the county tx, The people lire realizing Just Royal Baking Powder is reported by the U. S. Government, after official tests, highest of all in leavening power. It is the best and most economical; a pure creaim of tartar Baking Powder. i where their contributions to public treasury go to. tho The nomluation of Mr. Blaine as standard bearer of the Republican party next Novembor is almost cert'iln. Times Mountaineer. Miss Mattie Mitchell, daughter of Senator Mitchell, aud the Duke of Rochefoucauld, will he married In Washington, D.C., on Washington's birthday, February 11th, (eleventh.) Astoriau. This is very gratifying uews but rather a uovel proposition to havo the father of his couutry born on tho 11th of February. Gov. Boles, in his second Inaugu ral message, does not tell such a tale of woo as in his first. Tho Demo cratic govoruor of Iowa says: "Every branch of iudustry, every branch of business, has felt the In fluence of coudltlous so favorable to us. With Increased prices for tho pro ducts of our farms has como a sub stantial advance In the market value of the agricultural lands of our state. A market Impetus has been given to tho upbuilding of our cities and towus. An era of prosperity hart come to our manufacturing and mining Industries. Our Hues of railway havo felt tho influence of better prices for the great staples we are ablo to send abroad, und where ever wo tum.-ln every branch of In dustry, trudo or profession In which our people are ongaged, are to bo seen umlstakablo evidences of the general prosperity with which wo are blessed. SHOCKING COMMENT. A Salrm Lmly Complains of tho liar- bnrity of Certain Alleged Journalism. Tho great miners' federation of England failed to condole with roy alty over the death of the dude Duko of Clarence, although asked to do so. But they did condole with tho starving railmnkers of tho mid land districts, aud appropriated money to relievo their wants. There is some Bense to that. Tho working men of tho world owo no condolence to dead or distressed royalty. Tho sooner all tho dukes and hereditary warts are dead or deposed, tho bettor for tho laborers of tho world aud everybody in tho woild should labor or starve. Ed. Jeurnal: Tho abovo from a dully paper of Sunday last, shocked many people by Its heartless, un christian comments on the dead son of ono of earth's fairest and best of women, tho sweet, gontlo Princess of Wules. Whatever faults tho young Duke of Clarence moy have had, ho adored his mother; ho was not a dude by any means, but a quiet, modest, unassuming young gentleman, far too well bred to In dulge in such barbarous, unfeeling criticism of any one of whom ho knew nothing, especially of one who had just crossed tho "border land" Into, let us hope, a kinder world than this, Such a deplorable display of Jg uorauco and heartlessness la be neath tho dignity of an American, and brings the blush of shamo to tho cheek of every liberal minded Christian American who reads It. Tho "great miners' federation of Eugland" who, If tho report be true, displayed such gross Inhuman ity, are composed of the lower classes of that country, and should bo taught to respect the grief of both high and low. Ill) U) KKP0KM. The I'rfgslne Problem of the Day Better County Heads an Ab solute Necessity. At present the newspapers of Ore gon are full of discussion of road re form. The county road questions receiv ing a great deal of attention Just now. Kverbody seems to realize that It is the question of tho hour, and of vastly moro importance than almost any other that can bo men tioned -the tariff, mortgage tax, and silver questions not expected. Tjik Journal proposes to devote several columns a vveok to tho cause of better roads. Copies of these tuners will be sent to all the road supervisors of this couuty who are not already subscribers. They need education to better Ideas of road making. The citizen aud taxpayer need education as to what consti tutes good roads. If all the people bad tho right amount of Intelligence on this matter better rouds would bo forthcoming. Tho campaign of education must precede ull else. Then will come legislation aud execution. The Eugene City Guard ay: "Tbe farmers Qt Lnue county ore loosing thousauds of dollars on ac count of insufficient road work. They cannot bring their produce to market, and when necessarily com pelled to travel tho Injury to vehicles and horses amounts to a largo sum. Six months each year Is too long a period to bo shut oft from market." This is truo of more counties than Lane. Nothing much better can bo expected uuder tho present system of "road work." To improve the public roads, It will first bo ncces sary to do tho work under a hotter system. It does but little good to kuow that tho roads in Oregon are wretched in the winter season if It docs not lead to tho adoption of ia systeratbt road work more practical than tho present ono. Moat of the roads leading Into Portland aro almost impassable at this timo of the year. Lane couuty farmors aro no worse ofT than thoso who live nearer the markets of Portland." How is Tills? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. K.J. Chcnoy A Co., Prop, Toledo, Ohio. Wo.tlioundorstfinod.have known l J. Cboney for tho Hut 15 years, and believe him perfectly honotablo In nil business transactions, and financially ablo to carry out ixny obligations made by their Arm. West A Truux, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, Ohio. Wnldlng Klnnan & Marvin, Wlioleanlo Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent freo. Prlco 7Cc, per bottlo. Bold by all druggists. La Grippe. The tondeuoy of this disease to ward pneumonia is what makes It dangorous, La Grlppo requires pre cisely tho Bamo treatmout as a sovore cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for Its cures of sovero colds. This remedy effectually counter acts tho tondonoy of tho diseaso to result in pneumonia, provided that proper care bo taken to avoid ex posure when recovering from tho at tack. Careful inquiry among tho many thousands who havo used this remody during tho epldomlcs of the past two years has failed to discover a single caso that has not recovered or that has resulted in pnoumonia. CO ceht aud $1 bottles for snlo by G. E, Good, druggist. A train ou tho Omaha railway was derailed by a broken switch near Black Falls, Wis., Monday, and nine persons seriously Injured. Robort Hopler, of Lamar, Mo., Monday, whllo drunk, murdered his wife aud hor son, aged 0 years, He was caught and tried to commit suicide. A passenger train on tho St. Louis it San Francisco lino was wrecked ncur Fayettovlllo, Ark., Monday, aud half a dozen people were pain fully hurt. Two may die. Good Looks. Good looks aro moro than skin deep, depending upon a healthy condition of all tho vital organs. If mo liver ue inucuvo, you nuvo u bilious look, if your stomuch bo dis ordered you have a dyspeptic look and If your klduoys bo aflected you have a pinched look. Becuro good neaiiu iiuu you will liayogoou Jooits, Electrlo Bitters Is the great ultoratlve and tonlo uois directly on theso vital oritans. Cures nimnles. blotches. bolls aud gives n good complexion. hoiu at .uauiei J. l'ry's drugstore, oOc. per battle. There is an unprecedented amount of sickness In Augusta, Mo result ing largely from la grippe. Within a month five prominent citizens hayo died, and several aro 111. Harry Johnson, of Peoria, III,, Monday, shot and fatally wounded his wife and then killed himself. They had been mailed four months and she refused to llvo with him. Tho trial of Billy Consldlno, con sidered tho chief conspirator In tho celebrated Prrien abduction cose, terminated at Detroit with a verdlut of not guilty. This was n great surpriso to tho public. Iu tho northern part of Arkansas I'oter Baker, a farmer, was mur dered aud his wife and a man named Johnson disappeared, Mon day they were caught and were lashed back to back and hanged by tho same rope to a tree. """" - , That tired, lauKtild feeling and dull head ache Is very ultagreeablu. Take two et Carter's Little Liver Pills txforta rellrimr eud you will nod relief. They never lull to do Kood. Thty inuke one feel at tbouxh Ufa was worth living. Tukeoueof Carter's Llllla Liver Pills after crntlnr, It will relieve dyspeiMla, aid dlgcvtlou, give tone end Vigor to the system, You uurdly realize that It U medicine, when taking Cirttr's Little Liver PIUi they are itry email; no bad eifeeu, all troublre from torpid liver are relieved by their . TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES issociatod Press Report and Digests of all Important Nows oi To-Day. MISCELLANY. WORLD'S PAIR SQUABBLE. Chi o A oo, Jau. 20. President Baker, of the local world's fair di rectory, must step down. He has given tho fair a black eyo by getting Into a fight with tho national com mission and Insisting that Chicago shall control all tho money aud patronage. Chicago Is now made to repudiate him, and an attempt is now being made to havo Mr. Gage again accept the presidency. The address of tho committee on Federal legislation, refusing to Join Chicago in asking for an appropriation, Is put down as tho result of President Bakor'a pnlloy. Director-General Davis said yesterday: "Baker has blundered at every step. Tho work of tho chief departments Is balked by him, aud he is exercising author ity to which ho has no right, Tho nation is tho directory. Wo raised the money and we will spend it as wo see fit,' was his idea. Ho is tho one mau who causes this trouble. It 1b not tho members of the direc tory who havo caused this trouble; tho directory la all right Under instruction from tho national com mission, I gave tlao department chiefs a general outline, and asked them to prepare rules for. tho differ ent dopurtriiont buildings over which thoy havo control. Those rules were submitted to tho local directory. Iu fact, thoy wore pre pared by tho department chiefs In conjunction with the corresnondlnsr committees of tho directory, who approved thom. Now, Mr. Baker takes those rules from the printers' bauds, aud Btons tho work, not onlv of tho department chiefs, but of his own committees, and keeps people waiting all over tho country for ex hibitors' rules, which should have been Issued loug ago." THK INFLUENZA. London, Jan. 20, Tho influenza In this city has reached tho propor tions of an epidemic, which is rapid ly spreading and Increasing In vio lence. Tho total number of cased reported dally Is golug up by leaps and bounds, and the advance in the death rate Is becoming a cause of alarm. Tho law courts are hamper ed lu their operations by tho epi demic aud judges, jurymou, couu boI, witnesses and officers are dowu with it, and many cases before the courts havo been postponed In con sequonce. Tho business classes are not so much affected ou account of tholr moro active life, but tho com plaint Is beginning to mako its ap pearance among them. People who work out of doors, or are much lu tho open air, aro not yet touched, but ull have to be extremely careful, for a cold contracted at this period is likely to lead to a moro or less severe attack of the dreaded grip. The disease lu extending to the provinces. In Suffolkshlre all the schools havo been closed. SUUAIl TRUST. Piiiladklpmia, Jan. 20. Third street and financial circles generally becaino excited at a dispatch from New York, which stated that the American Sugar Refining Company, tho sugar trust, us It is publicly known, had oflerod 10,000,000 for, tho big sugar refinery of Harrison, Frasor & Co. There was the usual fluctuation In sugar prices and other securities. Brokers discussed with buBlnecs-liko sagacity tho eflect of this latest move by the big trust, and there was a general air of activity among tho financial operators that sway the local und general markets, Mr. Fraser, of the (IrmofHarrl bod, Fraser &. Co,, was soeu at bis ofllce. "No," he said, "that's the first I've heard or this Tbltd-ttrest rumor, or the offer for our plant" "The report is. Mr, Fraser, that you have been offered 110,000,000 for tho plant of your firm. What about that?" "I know nothing about It, but I say that If such an offer was tuada I would certainly bo Inform! of it, and I have uo knowledge wktv of any such propositions, eltbr from the sugar trust or from aayo m. At the same time let me repet that this sugar refinery Is not Is the mar ket, tliMj, no price is m t, that uo