5 ITl- T" ik l IIIIM I ll I jgKPi. TtTi ; "'! in hi " 'i 'J'" " mvwrmmmmmmmmmammmkwmmmmmtVkmmtmrri, r.r?rrr?a:3aajg zt&&&3&'u mmmmmmammtiii& 1 wk Jt-jl mAiii I MiW ! IMI Ill I j www ; i M eat Belief m tastaatly afforded oaffcrcw from BtoaohUU, ly tuo uo or nyers I'ecioral. Either as an ano- l w huby- iiuiaimuuwuii, "i ca.- Ht, to loosen nnu bring away tuo , Vlita preparation lias no equal. ,,l wlnfer I contracted a MVjro which, by repented exposuro, w ulto obstinate. I was much Mm vrlth hoamncsn and bronchial (Won. Alter trying various rdeai , without relief, I at lost purchased tin f Avf' CUierrv Pectoral. Oil Mr this medicine, mv couch erased ' est Immediately, nnd I have been ell tover since," llov. Thomas It, mell, .Secretary Ilolston COnfercnco -... .'.iii.i. ..inTi.t ir tp n jr. a. 01 me ureuviu v. " "t etboro, Tcun. My mother was sick thrco years nnd ir Irtw wllh lirnnchltls. We feared noHilntr would cure her. One of my friend told tno about Aycr's Cherry Electoral. Bho tried It, has used eight IWHles, and Is now well." x. xi, v. Jhamborlaln, Baltimore, Jtd. -W" Ater's Ghent Pectoral, $?" FltSrABSD BT fDr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mai. fto! J by all Drugg Uta. Trice f 1 ; li bottlei, f s. THE OLD SMITHY. Loan mo, when life was new, lit the old, delightful days, Wo would wander two and two Where the smithy's fllttlnfl: blase, EmSkcd by shadows of the night. Used to lighten up tbe hills. Beckon us with finger bright. Twin a cure for childish Ills For the door wan over wide, There was freedom everywhere Near the forgo and close beside The old anvil, always there Could bo found tbo mighty man Wllh the aweat upon his brow. Giant of all mighty clan Long Keno, not forgotten now. Ah, he told us fairy lore While ho pumped bis bellows grim. For wo hived the uiyatlo store Pent uu In the smithy dim. nut tho nturdy emllh Is dead, And tho smithy ' In decay; And the Ivies climb Instead O'er the bellows torn and jrray. Aid tho ((hosts of long ago Only como to spell tho night. Where the smith wo used to know On tho n ell used to smlto With betimes a llBhlor stroke, When ho'd cose his toll to tell In hU way a fact or Joke Which bo told, oh, met so welL II. 8 Keller in Arkansas Traveler. "August ower" " I have been afflict- Fl BEFORE AND AFTER. The Way You I'eel About Your Wedding Trip Two Mouths After. Thoy were In n carriage being whirled toward thO doixil. The groom fidgeted o Httlo because Hid rlco tliat sotno ono hod dropped down his back mado him norvons. Thobridowas trying to ru palr tho damage dono to hor buck hair l,v n atlrmnr tlmt htul been thrOWU OftCf I Jhenv Finally the groom got overything satls factorily. adjusted,- and, as hia arm: ntolo around tho bride's -waist, ho said seftly: "Darling, wo will hare a splondid trip." L "Yes, dearest," sho replied, as sho jtopped hor hairdresaing and laid her hood on his shoulder. "Think of every ono froezing up hero wliilo wo nro in tho south at St. Augus tine, for Instance." "It must bo lovely there at this Bea ton," sho eaid ns sho softly patted ono of bia hands. "I'vo never been south." "And then as it gets warmer well jomo north along tho Atlantio coast, stopping at pointo of Interest until wo -each Washington and New York." "It will be magnificent, Harry," she laid as sho looked up into his oyes, "but I should think it would bo awfully ex pensive." "I'm looking after tho oxpenso, dar ling." ho said in his suporiorway. "You inusn't worry your little head about that." It was two or threo months lntor that thoy woro rolling along in a hack from tho depot. IIo was busy trying to ar mngo tho valises so that thoy would not mtcrforo with hia foot, and sho was struggling with some shawl straps. "Woll, Harry," sho said, "wo had a splendid trip, didn't yror "Wo ought to have," ho rotumed. Til bot wo deplotcd tho United States treasury surplus. A government mint could not havo stood a inonth moro of it." Chicago Tribune .Sulf Evident. Bharpson What's tho matter, Phlatz? Phlatz (with his hand on his cheek) Toothache. Had it all day. Went to tho dentiBt'fl this morning and ho pulled four teeth on ono jaw, throo on tho other md told mo to como again noxt week. Hurt mo liko sixty. Whon tho tooth ucho gets a firm grip on a man it hates to lot go. I remember four years ago I Sharpson (lMnB at his watch) Phlatz, if you didn't havo bo much jaw you wouldn't have bo much toothache. Good duy. Chicago Tribune. VAGABONDS OF TIDE AND FIELD. NO MORE SAWDUST. A Itemarkalile Invention That Will Cat I.niuher wlfti II envy Knife. A aevr lumbor touting nuu-hvno ban Adirondack Murray on the Wholrsnina Delights of Ootdoor Life. Wlint n anlnndld freoinosonrv this Is of ouCloor Ilfo! How goutio aud g.-n- j been ttiel at tlie worlre of u liiralier erous its rivalrieol Wliich head Bimll ! cutting company ut Greeupoinr, L. I. dive deepest in tho cool depths or Tho experiment was liighly wueeivw ..k thA wldto surf farthest from ' fuL Tlio machiuo, upon whii-b Dr uliorof Which rod shall lift tbe beiiv-1 Bradley tiud ThomrU B. Crane, ofj lest trout or gun show to It credit tlio Newark, have been working for tho1 . . 11.1 1-L.1 11 ...., l!.t,l IWOTKI in Jl) f,l l,,. If. fAill fullest Dag oi gaiuei whoho ucck buuii iv mu j ic ,n --ui v"h thine the cleanest, or whoso whito sails Bhnli lead tho fleet to evening's anchor age? Wlioso tabio of bark shall boast of tho tenderest venison or lodge front lisplay for ornatnenttlioiioblestspread vnao anu a teet uigu. iw weight w i forty-live tons. Tbo object of thet invention, which way largely do awy with tbo use of Inizz wiwa, h to econouiizo tiuio aud lum of unticrs? Whose rille is truest to tho oor tweii. xue tnaenino win tauo .nmrnvlimi food is scarce, oriflsilentla log eight feet long and cut ... . I 1. longest when game is plenty and the larder over full? TheMJ nro tlio generous and healthy rivalries of tbo outdoor life which Bthnulato but nevor fret, and leave both victor and vanquished healthy bonnta from it at tbo mto of forty a minute of any width from l-.'i2 of an inch to ono inch in thicknen. Thura is not tbo Hligbtest waste of material in the cutting. It is calculated that when (jaws are used one-fourth of and happy still. Comparo with these the wool w wasto.'l in sjiwdiist auM tho fccramblo for wealth; tlio rivalries I pianiug u iucu uuuru uro uemg rau for gain, tbo suicidal despair of somo, ! In sawing boards 1-ltf of an mch in the vuin and boastful bearing of othora, ' thickness tbe loss is 215 per cent of tho bitterness nnd ruin of tlioso Who tbo boards turned out. lose, tho arrogauco of those who win, ' The knife is tbi-eo feet long nnd tbo sneering ouvylngs and rankling weighs 500 pounds. It works with a Jealousies, ripening to hatred as tho draw motion, a sort of combination years grow on, which characterize the ' of knife and saw, which prevents tho lives men livo in store, office and street, i fibers ot tbo wood from breaking, and note tho contrast I Tbo roller preceding tbo knife com- Who of us frank spoken and kind presses tho wood and aids in this hearted vagabonds of tido and Hold, of - matter, 'which tho inventors found deck and camp, are envious of any?, was tho moat difficult of the ends to Each man wo meet is comrade, fellow bo attained. Tho knife is moved by picnicker, brother man, partner of ours a wooden connecting rod, fastened to In tho sweet profits of our healthy, I a wheel ton feet in diameter. Every BIHousnoss, " ed with biliousness "and constipation Constipation," ror fifteen years; Qtnmnn, "first one and then Stomucn ,, nnotncr prepara- Palns. "tlou was suggested "tome and tried but " to no purpose. At last a friend " recommended August Flower. I M toel: it according to directions and " its effects were wonderful, relicv "ing me of those disagreeable ' stomach pains which I had been "troubled with so long. Words "cannot describe tbe admiration "iu which I hold your August " Flower-.-It has given me a new "lease of life, which before was a "burden. Such a medicine is a ben " efaction to humanity, nnd its good "qualities and "wonderful mcr-Josso Barkor, "its should be nHif "made known to rnnior, "everyone suffer- Humboldt, "ing with dyspep sia or biliousness Kansas. 0. G. GUUEN.Solc ManTr.Woodbury.NJ. She Was Croud. Young Wife I know you would liko tho Blippors, Harry, if for no other r6a- boh, becauso I mado thorn. Husband You don't mean this is all your workt Why, what a talented little wlfo I have, to bo Biiro. Youug Wife Yus, all ray work. Of coureo 1 bought tho uppors and Mary sowed thorn togothor and I got u man to solo thorn, but 1 put tlio bows on and did thorn up in tho box. And do yon know, Harry, 1 am just proud of raysolf. I didn't thinlc I could ovor uo suci. things. Boston Trnnscript. Mho rat. Head of Firm Mr. Penwiper, you havo beon vory faithful to us this year, and wo havo docidod to flhow our appre ciation. Pomvipor Yen, sir. I havo tried to do my duty. Hoad of firm So wo have obsorved, rottwipor, and in vlow of this fact wo havo decided not to reduce your salary on tho (list. Clothlor and Furnisher. happy, natural life. Mild mannered nnd light hearted wanderers, boys with . smooth or wrinklod facos, gray headed somo of us, but boys still, thunk God ; ' canoelsty campers, yachtsmen, our fires nro lighted on a thousand shores and our ovonlng song floats ovor a thou sand lakes and island studded rivers. We aro a family of nature's saints. Our spirits have boon touched anil soft ened by tho sweet graco of naturo. Wo havo been indoctrinated in tho truths that shlno out of stars nnd which tljo bluo heavens doclaro at noon and night. Tho leaves of tho catechism wo havo studied lmvo been tho flowery inoodowa, tho volcoful slopos of moun tains, tho shining boaches, tho whisper ing leaves of trees, tho thunder shaken llrmanont, or tho star lighted depth of level waters. From theso un-Culvinls- tlo text books wo havo learned sweet lessons of God, whoso gontlcnoss wo saw in tho very leaves wo Btudiod. Our uotils havo drank tho waters of lifo, fresh from natlvo fountains, nnd our iplrita havo bathed their scars in rivers which flow from him whoso voice Is us tho Bound of many waters. All hail I Yo healthy blooded, healthy minded, kindly hearted, gentle inniuiered saintHoI flood nnd fluid, of revolution of this wheel makes a board. Tbe machine is fed by an apparatus which is controlled by tvo bci-cays sot iu Babbit metal. A chain gear connects tho two screws, so that thoy movo with absolute accuracy, thus making tbo boards exactly tho same width from ono ond to tbe other. A system of cogs is bo arranged that by changing tho size of the cog wheel tbo width of tbo board to bo cut is regulated. Tlio total output of tlio macbino when in runnmg order will bo from 80.000 to 100,000 feet a day. The new invention, it is said, will revolutionize the making of boards for cigar boxes, backs of pictures, butter boxes and tho liko. Ash, chorry, birch and baswvood logs can bo cut. Tho boards drop from tho blade an smooth as if nibbed with sandpaper. "With our sawB,"Mr. Lewis said, "wo cannot cut dry lumber at all, and this machine cuts anything. Neither could our saws cut a board 1-32 of an inch in thickness as thu will. But tbo best thing it will ac complish will 1)0 tbo tromendous sav ing in tho wood iteolf." Dr. Bradley and Mr. Crane have hill and river, of car and sail, of deck persistently stuck to this project for i UR.MIIEB (ijj Headach Of all form .NcrulBt npmj,riU, Bleep-Ic-miicw, l)ullne, llccliflu,lllui. Opium IluMI. llrunleHiir.rle.,rociinHl lijr 1)1S. mt.ua itusTOK.VriiJ sukvinu. uueurenxt tr tUo omlncut Indiana SpeolalUt In norf ou aiwae. It do not cuuulik optale r ilnnuernut rtniM "Ilvo lieon 1kinit U MM.KM'lUSlTOIIA.'riYJlNIJitVINIirVir ifiilUinr- from Bvpinraberio jAmmrr ucruns uilnuluoXtriliio lliailnt leant IS cuiiTUtilone, nnanowalior iiiree womb' me litTa iki inure Bitanks. -Joitrt 11. couin, H.iuxxi, i irn, IhnTpbCHIlu.li'K IHt. U1UM1 Jtl'-UTO ATI VII NEIl Vl.N lor nboutuiir luonllw. UIJ.1M' jti.uroit. ATlVll NCUVI.Mllornlwutouriuoniix. It halrouEMinori-llof mt euro. 1 havo tnk.cn It tor epltcpsr. bimI ndr r ti'iliiit It ror n wean imra iud im iucli. IlurJ O. llrli. llet!imo. I". n bock ot itreut oiiro and trial boulva 1'itlUl Biliruu Ut r.ttrrwlor, oraildrci DR.MILU3 MEDIC.M. 00., ElUhmt, IncU Boldiby p. J, Kry, drugKlst.BrtJiiu. Kll'ectlvu Ileitllaiu. Playwright Is hor noting natural? Managor (entluiBlaatically) Natural? Why, whon bIio nppoarod us tlio dying mother last night a lifo insurance agont who has hor Insured Tor f20,uw, nnu who wna in tho nudluuco, aotually faint ed. Urooklyn Lifo. Knew Wlmt Uo AVn Auut, Clerk You had bettor got this under wear a bIko too largo, to allow forahriuk- ago. CuHtomor Oh, this la nil right. It's for my youngest loy. Clothlor nnd Fur nisher, . lie I'luyr.l Ulflit Out. Ho (awkwardly) Ah, Miss Mabel, 1 tiopo you undorHtand my feelings? Bho I'm sure I'm quite in tho dark. Ho (despairingly) Then supposo wo Btrllco a matchl Phlludolplila'Prcss i i Motultiff I" It. "She makes all of hor own dresses. Don't you think bIio would tnako a good wlfo for Alfred?" No, indoodl Think how ior hor father must bo." Lifo. lU'uily fur mii Arcuiitoiit. Mothor (i-oprovlugly to Httlo girl just ready to go for a walk) Dolly, that holo was not iu your glove this morning. Dolly (promptly) Whore was it, then? Loudon Truth. Ilrrukliig the News. C so 141 Act on new principle rejelau the llw, itnuiarh nnd liywela 1,Stvua (At iunv Ua Milss' 1'iixa HmaUIv eur Ullouaut, turiu u lnr and cocllna tlon. SniallMl, lutltlMt, tortdU 1 tlua. areetl Opdo93,2ticl3. Kmiile fre kt uruwi-taU. C vu lL ttt UlUli. lit. Bold by D. J. Kry, druunWt, u tin. Of Ctiuree Kh Ouniitl. "Will )ou bo nilnoP "Can you nllonl to dross mo well If 1 marry you f" "It dopond upon what you coilder lH)liigdrtsod well. If ymi mean Worth drtf from Vtr, 1 ontrniuonl thorn; nor do you nved tliom." I don't t" "Jfu, Your beauty uotds no adurn laont, nnd It will idwuy pcllp any dni you war, no matter bow lino or how expontl vo it may l. o om t hut ocfr, at you v your dn8. Tho Iwuty of faoo utid wrfootlou of fbjturo only aro nptod. All tlnery Mnk Into liwagnllleanco bosldo tliain. What Nutln U tlioro liko your klu! What llk llk yolir Iialr? What color to coiujmro wkh your lips, blocks and vy f John, I yours," VblhuleIpha and cninn; your smiling faces rlso bo foro ins in thousands, and your voices, hi happy talk, In joko and bong, como from afar and stir tho Bllenco around mo Into laughter. Joko, laugh and rebt on, yotlullty vagabonds nnd gontlo loafers; Into each hour you aro htonng tbo honoy of health, on which hi fu ture days of toll nnd strain your strength shall feed and fill itsolf with vigor. I hall you, fellow Biiints, In this lower heaven of God, whoro each happy ono Is his own priest, each puro mind its own creed, aiid tbo goutio wishes of each heart Its only "sum and sub Btanco" of doctrine. Forest and Stream. Iuituuvlalnc ra Still. "About eight years ago," said Audi tor Josopb Brown, "I was In London, England. Ono day I bought a stall to to hoo Pattl at tho Uoyal. A stall cor respomlH to our boxes. Whon tho ovon lng camo I took tho ladles around and walked In at tho door. But I did not get far. "'You cannot como In here,' Bald tho doorkeeper, "'Why not!' I asked In surprise; 'hero nro iny Beat tickets. " 'Well, you cannot outer,' lie re plied decisively; 'yourront Is a frock, and nothing but dress sultHnronllowod.' "loxpostulatod. I told him that my hotel was a long way oft and that tho ladles would bo greatly dbnppolnted; I was an Ainorlenn and did not know tho rule of tho theater. "Finally ho told mo to go Into tho dressing room, whoro tho attendants might porhaps be nblo to fix mo out all right. "I wont, expecting to pay two or threo crowns for tliu loan of a coat Tlio fellow looked at mo for a second, whipped a phi from his lapel, and pinned my coat lulls back, nnd I found in.vsolf in ovonlng dros! "I gavo tho man half a crown." St, Louis Chroulule. five yearn, and at last they tuuiK thou1 ro ward has como. Tlio niachino will undoubtedly bo introduced in all tlio big lumber tracts of tbo country. Tho logs can bo floated by stream right down to it and then shipped out to civilization all ready for use as boards. Safety Valve. .ll r wl rlV y '" Batyi I II' A I V. "T 'C.WW--.Us -ia?4ki Jaok Coupon. Jr. Why don't you say you will bo a suitor to tno? Mis Hunter Bceauso 1 am going to bo your stepmother, Jitokio. tioribtier'u Mngnxino, 1 1 it ii t lilt; tha lluitlera. SiKirt In Algeria Is of an exciting na ture, because there Is a possibility that a Hon may walk out ot a thicket and uiako for you, and hi that case a shot gun loaded with quail tJiot Is not tho best possible weapon. Falling tbo lion tho Inhabitants may come out agaliut you with sticks nnd stonos, mid en deavor to take away your gun to put In tho vlllago armory. An experience of this tort happened to threo young moo near Ornn. Thoy woro out shooting whoa thoy were surrounded by thirty Arabs, who asked them to give up their arms and ammunition. They ivftixcd, and tho Arabs thereupon began to pelt tliom with stones, wounding one of them badly. Tho sportsman thuroupou lltvd a voilay, killing one man nnd wound lug wvoral othors, and on seeing their comrades fall tlio other Arabs took tb flight. -Gallgnanl Mosscugvr. Uorrlble Suaiienae. Ardent Lovor (wildly) -What does this mean? I'vo called a dozen tunes a day for a weok, and each timo you tell mo Miss Beauti is engaged. What does it mean? Toll mo. Has sho fallen in lovo with sonic ono olso and Kind Hearted Maid No, mdado, MisturGoodhoart; it's little yonado fear. "But why is sho always engaged whon I call?" "Sure it would cost mo mo place to toll. Don't bo wonitin mo about it Suro it'll bo all right." "But I must know. If you loso your place I will contiimo your wages until you got another. Toll mo; for mercy's Bake, toll mo." "Oi'U toll yez. Sho do lo ingaged tbryin t' euro a pimple on her swatq uoso." Now York Weekly. Tho Mimturhu In Ungliiml. nio nlain and simple mustache still takes tho lead, and. being en forced in tho runny, it has tho most oxnonouts in "society.'' Tlio Eng lisb mustache is kopt within decent 1 bnitu. It is neat and trun. is nover brushed out liko a fan at tho end, nor allowed to creep down tho chin Combed gracefully ovor the lip, or twisted into small, waxed ends, it bo conies an ornament to the mouth and face and not a disfigurement. London Cor. ban Francisco Argonaut jy&iiiy p .AtllttlttllAlllAiUJUAAAMAIA1 HELPLESS. Chicajjo, III. I was confined to betl , could not walk from lame Lick; suffered ci . vJiMMZM:. .i... .i . .i.i . t .,.. . z i tUJKSttkWkWStm inumiui , uuciura uiu nut ucip ; a bottles of ST. JACOBS OIL ;J curcUme. No return in 5 year FRANCIS MAURER. d .1 tl t ntntlTI rf iiinnn rtt ntn ivil 1 v -nuu won 1 1 oi. sJHijUaz vt uiuu. w i Know Wltut hltu WhiiIimI. A four-year-old girl ci-oatwl a laugh one night in ono of tho public parks, llio band did not airivo so promptly as she oxiHX'tcd, and she innrau to fear that it would not come at till "Never mind," said hor father con soliiigly, "if it doesn't come I'll sing you a song." "1 don't want you to sing." iwrsiHt ed the discriminating child; "1 want somo music." Boston Trauseript. Alsnit 150 ytwrs ago thoConvul sionaires of liuico, lHgiuu!ii; with prayers at tbo tomb of Fiimvois do Paris, at length throw tliemsolvori down, ixjIUkI uisin tlio trromid, imi tatel all sorts of atiinmlK mid flually went off into swooiih. Tliomannfaetuivof Uitjnid shoes offers somo very wiwdfrful foeta. By the us of thoheol Nbuvornrtrim inor one mn would trim 9W imli-n of shoes a day, whoro it formerly took tlitvo uiun to do tbe kauio. For thr ClilMrfn. MIij luo'luirntxinch nuHlloliie fijr ohlldron," Bays II. A. Walker, a prominent dnipglsj of Ogdeu, Utah, "never bo afraid to buy flmmbor. Iain's Cough BtMiiedy. Then' Is no danger from it ami relief Is always sure to follow. T particularly tvconi mnd ChamWrUlu's tieeauso I have found It to Ixvaafo and reliable, A0 wit lotlUs for sale by G. K. Goode, druggist LLw feK vfew B mmk.m&m. u o '0 Q $ HO 1 t ..i- i. nrniin'T- and the only place in that c wltld. It bf tdle A8 forest near Tilsit " V ., oVer Ger- theWild1S it t frequently many, and after 16. Polueraiila; mentioned as appearing to J fa but during tlio las,- " ". SaJony Tnihtii; Ri esia in l0. Altnou0ii frequently to be met . ,. Frunia In the time oi '' n"; Great that monarch found It n to Issue a decree tor i iy - rn the Hrst few years of tho prrwi" titor It SLd In considerable nunj bTrsShoforesUof Schore. en T klnn, and Sknlischen where favored persons were permitted to ban tit n he year 1848 tho righto of hunting hi - fo-U becaine genera and I elk- verv soon oecamu c..- , waTonly by the most .careful Premng that tho few lbft in me i"""- " ests were saved, and their number in creased to about onohundred. at whic It now stands. These forests with ...iiwi..n(iii,i wooded land, tneir ,uuu w "- o- . G.000 acres of moor anu iu,vU -- -aider swamps, offer to t,,r an mals the most lavorauiu wuiu. ence. . ,, ... ,, In the spring they leave uio u. woods and moors and swim down to the Islets at the mouth of the Sklrwi h stream, which are thickly grown with j 1. nlnnta im prOW U1 busiies anu nucu j;......- o-- swampy regions. In the winter they aro driven back to the high woods. Several of them aro drowned every year during the spring floods, and in spltoof tho greatest care they do not increase to any great extent. London Globe. I,ave the Implement on the Plate. The query, "Ought the knife and fork to go up with the plato for a sec ond serving, or bo left on the knfe stand?" is ono upon which authorities differ. The correspondent will assur edly be In very good company to send up tho implements, n-nneresiu m.- not found on every tauie. xney u. not seen at ceremonious and elegant dinners. It has been claimed that to leave knife and fork on tho plato Interferes with the carver's work; but it need not, as there is always room to place tho desired serving at ono side. It is also claimed that in tho hands of an unskillful waiter tho plate may bo tilted to hhoot knife and fork, either or both, to tho floor, or worse, against tho back of somo unsuspecting guest; but this emergency seems almost too unusual to bo provided against, if one is caroful to placo the articles evenly and well poked across the dinner plato. Individual kniferests being undesir able, tlio alternative remains of hold ing these dinner tools in the hand which is awkward, or of placing them on the cloth or nsainst tho butter plate, either of which Is not neat. The weight or argument and opinion is de cidedly In favor of sending them with tlio plate. Her Point of View in New York Times. Tlie Queen City, The Bouquet City, Tlie Capital City G 11 T T , ffpgriS T B "3 Capital 0 o ii r n a M SALEM, OREGON. DAILY .$G 00 per year. WEEKLY 1 -50 per year. THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPEli PUBLISHED IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. The Weekly contains ail the news and volumes of valuable information concerning this wonderful country. Statistics and statements of i'act about the climate, pro ductiveness of the soil, crops and agricultural resources are published in such shape as to give the stranger a compre hensive idea of our growing country. If you wish to post your friends send them the Capital Jouunal. It is a Paper of the People. It i3 progressive and discusses all liye issues on their merits READ THE DAILY OR WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL. lluuntl to Acquire Learnlnc. The little daughter of a distinguished nltizeu of Birmingham saw the clergy man of tlio family churcli passing tlio gate the other morning, and she ran out and begged him to come in aud make a talk. In this request she was soon joined by her two elder sisters, ono of them a bello in society, and they urged tlie learned divine to make tlio talk. IIo was flattered by this unusual attention, and consented to go into the house, and as ho ascended the steps ho asked the little ono why sho was so earnestly desirous to havo him talk to her. "Wliilo you are here," sho said, "I can't leave for school, and wliilo you are talking I'll have moro time to get my lessons." Birmingham (Ala.) Ago-Horald. HOFER BROS., Publishers, Salem, Oregon. University JOT5 An Kxtruordlimry Species of Hazelnut. A now and very extraordinary species of hazelnut has been discovered in the stato of Washington. Instead of being tlio fruit of a dwarf treo not six feet high, it grows upon a giant treo sixty feet in height. However, becauso tlio treo stem is only six inches in diameter, It cannot stand upright. Instead, it bends over not far from the ground, touches tho earth, rises again, comes down to tlio ground onco more and so on for several snaky curves. Its branches bear hazelnuts by twins. In every pod two nuts aro found instead of tlio usunl one. This is a variety well worth cultivating, and experi ments aro nlready being mado with grafts from it. Washington Stnr. Sulurlet of Church Slugor. Tho salaries paid to quartet singers weru not so high as sometimes reported. Very few of tho lady solo singers were paid moro than $1,000 a year, though Mrs. Imogono Brown, the principal singer of Christ churcli, is said to havo received $3,000. Tho highest salary ever paid for such service ($1,500) is that now given to Miss DoVore, who is en gaged at Dr. Paxtou's (Presbyterian) church, on Forty-second street. The salary paid to male quartet singers lias ranged from $S00 to 1,000. St Bartholomew's church some years ago had a celebrated quartet choir; tlio soprano received $1,500 nud the bass $1,200. Interview in Xow York Epoch. A Hta.onabU Siiiioiltlun, Miss Poplin Why doos your friend, the poet, always keep his coat buttoned up when he calls on me I Ghubberly Ha probably calls on you the days ho has no vest. Clothier and Furnisher. ' PEOPDE! Ask for Hurst's "STAFF OF LIFE" Orwhele Wheat Flour. hoalthlMt and best ta-stlng bread.' ACtne Famous Pure Aurora Iluck- wheat Flour. hrihrJKr J.D.nURSTdBON.Aurora. IK SALEM, OBF.CON, In just the place to go foraflrst-clats education. Its Normal Course oilers every advantage of any normal school with all the benefits of degree and stato diploma aud many spec ialties. Excellent courses for business Theology, Law. Medicine nnd i'liuruuicy. Second term opeus Nov. 10th. Third term oj.eus Feb. 1, 1892. For circular address, UEV. GEO. WHITAKER.D. D. President. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line OAL:rORNIA KTl'ltISS TRAIN nOK OAILT UKTWIEN 1-OKTI.AND AND 8. Y. I NoriET" souili. 7.-U i. in. I l.v. "lap. m.lLv. S:la a.m. .r. forilaud balem Hnn Frou. Ar. I 7:!'6 a. m Lv. 1 5-211 h. ni L.V.1 7.IXJD. m Tc.T-hur"'' Itr, Irving and i',w ce Juut'Uru (' &0K a. m IlkCU A ... 1 SiW p. m. ItomiBOKU MALL iiaiLvT Lv. l'orlluuif Ar. I 4.U0 11. nil Ly Hftieui Lv. l.-ft, . m. Ar. KweburK Lv. I 0.-JQ a, ni Wuhio U,c!t, QaUy (Except .Similar. T ',' !!; I '' i'o.n lua Ar.l8.68Tm: I I'lLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. JCURIST SLEEPING CARS. 'Vest Side Division, Between roillaod and Cervallis: rAlLV UXCK1T Hllvnivi " T:fflit.in. ILvT THE YAflUiMA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD Alia Oregon Development company's fcteanishlp Hue. 23 miles shoiter, a) boiirs lp&Himo lliuu by any otbei mute. Hitl uatb tliuiugb pist-eDgcr nnd Height lice lrom Portluud and all points In the W'il lametto vallev to and lrom Ban Francisco Ti M E SCH EDULE, (Kxcept HundayB). Leave Atoanr 1:00 I'M Leave CorvalllR 1:40 I'M Arrive Yaqulua 6:S01'M Ltave Yatiulna , - M5 A M Leave Corvallis 10:35 AM Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. & V, trains connect at Albany and Corvnllib. Th HlinTA tvulna frnna1 o. VinfHV t with tbe Oregon Development CVs Lin ifStjiniKliltiKhPtv.een Vnnulna and Ha b'ranciBco. ' HAIL1X0 PATES. STEAMERS. KKOU VAQOINA Farallon, Friday, June 27 Willamette Vulley, 'J'uesday July Forallon.bund.iy " Willamette Valley, Thursday " 1 Farallon, Tuesday " l HTEAMEKS, FROM SAN iBANCISCO Willamette Valley, Friday June 27 Farallon, Tuetdayn July i Willamette Valley, Banday " 6 Farallon. Thursday " io Wlllametto Vailey.'luesday " 16 chimp (ailing dates without notice. .,.. "-"ciiku iiomi-oriinna ana an ???11-S4 .ww.u" the u"aln- of th( and If destined to Kan Francisco, should arrange to nrrlvont Yaquma the evening before date of sailing. Pw-tBgtt aiid Freight Kates Alwsji thi ii7?iU i K?T iP'natT8n apply to Meesrs HUL.MAN A Co., Freight and 1'lckel Agents Mi and 202 Front. bCT Portland, Orj o ' C.C. HOGOK Ac't Oeu'l til, A Pass. Agt., Oregon JacUc R. It. Cr., fMI.nABWKLL.Jr.Gei,?;7:U0r l'a. Agt. Oreton Development 'o.,804Monteonieryst.; From Terminal or Inferior Points tbe tf i iflim Kom MumwiitiKi Is the line to take To all Points East and South, vAUf ,t?'ln!DB car roots, ltrnns through ShtltiuIe trains every day In the year io ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) ai n.. .. ' s: iriL;;fon irassxsr" w,tD J. Jl !-" . Through Tickets To all point- EAST and SOUTH btkr ttoktl. ..,.. ..... MaujQl ComjeEed of dining cars unsurpassed, 1 ullmau drawing room sleepers Oi latest equipment TOURIST SieeDing Cars. Ul tbut nan be constructed and in which acfpminoaatlt.Ds are both tree and lur nuhed for holders of first and oecond-clwi tlckeu,aiul ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Acontlnuoti .lni oocnertlng with all nui. atlordln; dlrfJ i". uninterrupted hullmnn sit - - - r lions can beae- th" S liyi " nny aeent ' . Through tickets to and from all polnta in America, Englund and Europe can b purchased ai anr llefcet otnee of this com pany. Full Information concerning rates, tlm of traliw,roMte8 and othordetnlU furnlthed on nprltetion to any areni or A t nn ADTTAW AS!,nl Oennu' Passenger Agenl, No ' 'frt Hreet, oor. Washington; tu onrtn uuwNlNbj Agenm .wmmmm0mmmMmn n i n., mvmMmmmmr-