Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 13, 1892, Image 2

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eminent, either ltidependeutly or
Thy Rtinoxntlon, are Mho and uu-fo-ntidcd.
Tho olesilorm lake place
February 8.
Oueea LUtuokalanl Is spending
the holidays at lur country resi
dence, Walalua, thirty-four miles
from Honolulu, ribo is In good
At a mectlniof the comralsslonew
for the representation of Hawaiian
industries at tho Columbian Exposi
tion, It WW decided to ask for a
spaco eighty feet square. The com
mlffelou'iBBre proceeding slowly In
tho initlor of urriiiglug for hu
aorharu I). ailm-ui, of Boston,
an ox sotntor. Is meiitluned In con-
niuXlnn with tllU IKHttloll of
Hawaiian minister residence at
The Uulled BtateJ steamship
PenBacola Is said In port.
New Yoiik, Jan. 13. A local
paper prints tho main facte regard
Jog a railway deal of unprecedented
magnitude, the details of whleh are
not to bo mndo public for some
time. It Is tho financial and phys
Jcal reorganisation of the ItlclitnofW
nnd Western Point Terminal Kail
way und Warehouse company, as
organized by Olcott, of tho reorgani
zation committee. Briefly, as stated
how, tho company will bo formed
with a charter empowering It to act
as a general proprietor compauy,llke
tho present terminal company, but
nlso with power to operate aud man
age Its own lines. It will Issue
Bectirlllesln exchange for those of
tho present companies composing
the terminal system. Terminal
securities, as representing the con
trol or subordinate roads, will also
bo exchanged. It is estimated thai
h complete exchange can be effected
by tho Issuance by tho new com
pany of $ 108,000,000 at.d $1SO,000(
Tucson, A. T., Jan. 13 --The
Star's advices from Bolomonvlllo say
that a man and womun were found
murdered on the Duncan road last
Might, both belli shot twice, and
the heads smashed with an axo.
When found a 2-year-old child was
Bitting by tU dead body of Its
mother, 11b heal badly bruised. It
would havo died of Intense cold had
It not been discovered. Tho woman
In Buppoflcd to Ikj Lottie Moigim, en
routo to Join her husband at aiibe.
Tho trunks were brolco open ami
FUKJHj), Colo., Jan 13. John
Btanlco, a well know i Hungarian,
and Mrs, Kobush woro united In.
marriage yesterday, and woro on
their wuy home In ft buck, uccom
panlod by Andy Martin, who had
olllulatcd its best man at tho wed
ding. When near tho crossing
of tho uvemio and tho Buntu Fe
track, tho dilver noticed n pabsen
gor train approaching and attempted
to naB lu front of It. Ho succeeded
in til In but wusHtruel
by an online
going in an npposlto direction. Tho
hack was demolished and Martin
und tho brldo thrown under the
wheels of tho engine. JJyth woro
badly mangled und cannot rocovor.
MuflKlKioN. Mich.. Jan. 13. Mrs.
J. II. Andrcyvu, who was rradtilontly
placed lu a private insane asylum
noar Detroit by her husband, who
thou eloped with Miss McGregor, a
wealthy young woman of Jucktu u
vlllo, 111., has boon released on de
mand of her bister, Miss Jallser.
Mra. Andrews 1 perfectly sane, but
is prostrated with grief. Blio married
Andrews here, and ho has squan
Uored her large fortune, leaving her
penniless In u madhouse with two
small children, tho youngest ol
which wub born lu the asylum.
Andrews aud MIib McGregor uie
living lu Purl, Frnnee.
Wabiiinoton, Jan. 111. Tho fol
lowing cable message Horn Com
mander Evrtitu, of tho gunboat York
town, tho only United Blates vomwI
now lu Chilian waters, wiw mule
public yesterday afternoon.
"Vai.I'aiiaibo, Jan. 0, Secretary
of tho Navy j Yesterday afternoon
my gig, while lying oil the lauding
place, wulllug, was stoned by thret
men lu u crowd of bad charaeleis.
No oiio was Injured. '1 Immediately
notified tho senior naval ulllcer e:
tho Chilian navy, and ri quested
hhn to notify tho police auihorltle
that I demanded protection, and
ahl were tho ofluiise repeated 1
would take tho matter hi my own
hands mid protect my men with
arniB. Much regrot was expressed
by tho olllcent, who wont at once to
the iM)llcc. Today I have wwuroiiw
that tho parties will ho puuUhtd
mid protection given."
wo it 1. 1)3' KAIW.
AWIANY, N. Y., Jan. 13.-A bill
won Introduced lu the senate t
appropriate f300,('OO for n state ex
hibit at the world'H fulr.
London, Jan, 18,-Great appro
heuBlon Is folt by nil clu&sva ol
twclety regarding the condition of
Buko of Cmroueo wtut Avonuale
heir pieauiutlvo to the throne, An
attack of congestion of tho lungs
from which he t sutlerlng has
clovelopad Into n very wrloua ease
stud the opinion u openly expressed
ttie duko wilt not mover.
London, Jus I.-A tUimtch
Moelvel today from Hong Kong
MMa that tho steamer Mel Poo bus
arrived nt that jvort bringing lutelll
jee of tho low of the steamer
KmcIiow olftCunoul point. When
tM weut down m e carried with lit r
414 pt'woiw, every one of whom wu
Tho Coinazo Committeo Have
a Free Silver Bill.
The President Grieved, Iowa Legis
lature, The Baltimote Sailors,
The Brakeman,Forthe Monterey,
Cardinal Manning, Harrison En
dorsed, New York Hop Exchange,
Had a Cheek, State and Foreign
News, Etc.
Washington, Jan. 13. Immedi
ately uftor tho house committeo of
coinage, weights and measures had
effected an organization this morn
ing, Plerco of Tennessee offered a
resolution to report a (ree silver bill
without delay. The discussion tint
arose on tho resolution showed thai
tho committeo Is a free coinage com
mlttoe, though both free silver and
antlfreo sliver men opposed the
adoption of tho resolution on the
ground that it was too precipitate.
Chalrmau Blalnd suggested a resolu
tlou that might bo modified so as to
simply announce It to bo tho pur
pose of tho committee to take up
ihefree coinage question at once
No opposition was manifested to
this modification. Pierce flnoll
withdrew his lesolutlon for the
present, and by common consent tin
subject went over until next Mon
After tho meeting of the coinage
committeo Chairman Bland said t
usHiicluled press reperter: "There Is
no douhi the sense of the committeo
Is In favor of u free coinage bill.
The tunpcr of the committeo Is to
report a freo coinage bill to the
lions.) nt an early date. It will be
a general freo coinage bill und lu my
opinion such a bill will pass the
Wabiiinoton, Jan. 13. Senator
Dolph, from the committeo on coast
defense, yesterday reported n bill
for tho puroliimo of sites for formica
tions, ulso to provide for fortifications
and othor stations for coast defenses.
Mr. Berry, member of tho com
mittee, dlsseutol from the roport on
tho latter bill, which carried with it
an appropriation of $121,000,000, ox
toudlug over a period of cloven
years. In view of the fact that the
governmont revenues aro hardly
sulllclont to meot tho ordinary ex
penditures, and the further fact that
there is a' in st a universal demand
for relief from oxcesslvo taxation, he
was not willing to report In favor of
a bill carrying suob n largo appro
priation of one hundred millions,
ton to lu nwillnblo tho first vear,
and iihio millions a year tho follow
ing ten years. Mr. Charlton,
another member of tho committee,
concurred with Berry.
Washington, Jan. 13. In reply
to nn Inquiry as to tho truth of
tho report of ultimatum dcmnndlug
instant apology aud ropiratlou It a I
been cabled to Chill. President
Harrison this afternoon said lw
sotit uo ultimatum to Chill, and Is
still devoting himself to u careful
examination of tho voluminous
Chilian cono-tpoiidonee.
Wahuinoton, Jan. 13. President
Harrison, It Is understood, Is deeply
moved by tho reports from Ban
Francisco of tho testimony being
taken by Juduo Advocate General
Homy, concerning tho attack upon
the Baltimore's sailors at Valparaiso.
Ho expects that as soon as tho Inves
tigation Is oompletod, a brief of the
testimony and report will bo sent to
hhu by wire. If tho rtport Is of
tho character which tho testimony
thus far Indicates It will be, ho will
send It to congress at once, together
with the correspondence between
this cnuutry and Chill. At the
cabinet meeting yesterday tho presb
dontoxprcasod the opinion that the
situation was more serious than
It has been at any previous time.
After looking tho correspondence
over very carefu!ly,ho lluds nothing
In It that Indicate the least regret
on tho part of Chill for tho outrage.
He regards thoso-called "iinolllolal"
reports that Chill would apollgiKu
as minora given out for the purpose
merely of allaying popular feeling.
Officially there lias been no Indica
tion of au amicable disposition on
the part of Chill.
DiaMoiNKS, lows, Jon. 13. The
dead look In the somite Is still on,
Tho roll was willed agnlu this morn
ing tor the election of secretary, the
Democrats and one Republican re
frained from voting aud Lieutenant
Governor Poyucr ruled as before,
"There Is no election." An appeal
from tin decision of the president
was sustained by a vote of 4! to
6. Au adjournment was then taken
until tomorrow,
Vamxjo, Jan. 13. A genuine
neusat'ou was dovo'oiwd lu tho
Baltimore Investigation yisterdn, a
thing entirely iiuexeotel at this
last stage f the piooeediuga. Bur
gcons Btltt and White, or tho Bal
timore, took the stai d. After tes
timony us to the wounds of members
of tho Baltimore crew, they de-
clarod that the death of Turnbull
was directly caused by neglect lu yard jesttrday morning. A flag
tho hospital where he was carried mau named McOartl y, if Big Fah
by the police. The Chilians refused law, aud a brukcemau named
to allow tlie Ualluuore kursoua to
treat tlielr uuii, and iUtIIuwI (q ib
bo themselves except, in a very
superficial Way. For four days they'
vaiuly begged Judge of Crimes Fos
ter to allow them to remove tho
sailors to the Baltimore, but not til
it became probable that Turubulf
would soon die would he grant them
permission. The men were taken
to the ship, but It was too late for
Turubutl. Blood (wl.wnlug bad set
Id, and Turnbull died five d.iys later.
Tho surgeons were ikwHIvo death
resulted from neglect and lnirfect
treatment hi the hospital. The
Bisters of Charity, who had charge,
seemed to regret their inability to
help the sailors, but hud to obey
orders from I heir superiors. From
tho summing up by tlie suigeous It
appears timt as a result of the mob
two sailors of the Baltimore wen
killed, live were seriously wounded,
being disabled for from nine to
forty-four days, and twelve received
slighter wounds, being disabled from
two to eight days.
PoktIjANu, Jan. 13 The South
ern 1'ueiflc comp my yesterday after
noon rescinded the order requiring
ono brukeman to stay on top of cars,
aud the striking brakemen returned
to work.
Chicago, Jan. 13. The twelvo
Inch breech-loading rifle for the
Monterey has arrived here, having
been shipped from the Washington
gun foundry four days ago. This Is
the first gun of Its calibre completed
by tho navy, and tho heaviest piect
of ordnance ever transported across
tho continent, its weight being
10l,:!01 pounds.
London, Jan. 13. Cardinal Man
ning, who Is suffering from severe
bronchial trouble and congestion of
tho lungs Is growing rapidly worse
aud this morning his physicians ex
press lltllo hope of his recovery
The last sacraments- of the church
have been administered to him.
Washington, Jan. 13. The
Republicans have elected delegates
to tho National Republican conven
tion. A resolution w is adopted
endoislir lltrrlson's administra
Nbw Youk, Jan. 13. Dealings
in futures were begun on the hop
oxcuang, No. -15 Pearl, Monday,
aud U12 bales changed hands as the
result of tho first day's work. The
exchange, which has about fifty
members, was organized a year ago
to facilitate communication among
dealers, but not until now has there
been any speculating dune outside
of a regular commercial business.
Under tho new rules, hops will bo
sold for future delivery In lota of
twenty-flvo bales, or about 6000
pounds. Tho quotations will be
based on points of of a cent a
pound. Hops uio ndsed chlelly
hi four slates: Niw York, Oregon,
Washington and California aud also
In Canada. The "' bales sold con
sisted of 200 bales of Now York
hops and 75 baits or California. Tho
New York hops brought 25J cents
for February, 20 cents for April do-
'ivery. Cullfornlu hops brought 25
cents fur both February and March
delivery. Tho exchange hopes to
indent) Its membership .to nt least
so v. nty five.
Tucson, Ariz., Jan. 13. In Octo
ber, IfeOO, while Jumes Farrell, of
Sun Francisco, was proceeding from
the rallioad depot to his hotel In tho
town of Nogales, lie was suddonly
shot down by a man named Qcorgo
W.ltood. Tho murderer was going In
au opposite direction ami permitted
Ills una! tiled victim to pats lilni,und
when they wero about llfteen feet
apait, Reed deliberately pouied the
contents of a double-barrelled shot
gun Into the unsuspecting man.
Several buckshot shattered Farrell's
left arm and four more enteral his
back on tho left side, euetrathig
the heart and producing almost
Instant death. The murderer
escaped Into Mexico, but was over
taken and captuted. The evidence
at the trial disclosed the fact that
Itood claimed that Farrell owed
him $lliOfl.(lr us his one-thtid Interest
In u fotXH) contract with Magulre,
Conroy & Reed. Tho three latter
took the eoutiaet as partners, but
Itood soon abandoned it. Magulre
aud Conroy did all the work, aud
received the full amount of (5000
from Farrell, in compllince with
the contract. Less thau two week
after the murder, Reed applied to
the probate court of l'lma county,
Arte., for letters of udmluUtratioii
upon the estate of his victim, and
his counsel vigorously urged the
court to administer a certificate of
doM)slt to a Sun Francisco batik for
the sum or (0,000, which was found
upon the H)ivon of Mr. Furrell. The
nerve of Reed has never been par
alleled In the annals of crime except
byTioy Dye, tho California publu
administrator, wiio murdend men
for the purpose of administering
upon their estates. Tho evidence nt
the trial showed that Reed dvlib
erately planned and plotted to com
mlt murder. Tho Jury to.t ek-we
for murder aud one for acquittal ah
night, and lluully iNmpromld on
n veidiot of muutluiigltirr, n-tig in
thocxticmougeiir Mjod, who fetl
years old. Ho va tenteuced to
eight years' Imprisonment at Yuma.
OAbTiLK, N. Y., Jan. 13. A rear
end colllslo I etw. e i two Lehlch
valley freight ttalus occurred In the
SVooJruO, uuk.ug thu flrst trip,
vrervla tliu tutxxo, ud wrro ln
isinnuy kiiicu. leu cars were
wrecked, and five of them loaded
with oil caught lire and were en
tlrely consumed, burning the bodies
of the dead men. The engineer ana
fireman were not Injured.
MCAHNNVILI.B, Or., Jan. 13.
John Holmaii, living seven miles
southwest of here, hud his hatiri
crushed in the cogwheels of a chop
ping mill Monday, and it was neces
sary to amputate it ut the wrist.
Puovidknck, R. I., Jan. 13. The
all-rail freight from Providence at
4:30ye8lerday morning Jumped from
East Junction, aud eleven of fifteen
cars left the track with the engine.
The only damage was the tearing up
of the rails aud tho knocking down
of some telegraph poles. No one was
injured. The north and south-bound
t ruins were delayed an hour. All
others went around on time.
London, Jan. 13. A dispatch to
Tue Times from Santiago, do Chill,
states that all refugees given shelter
by the United States minister, but
one, have succeeded in making their
escape from Chili and tho authori
ties. The dispatch udds, the rela
tions bc'wccu Chill, and the United
.States aro improving.
Cot.iMHUS, O., Jan. 13 Tho two
houses metlu julntscssion today and
elected John Bhermau U.S. senator,
Annapolis, Jan. 13. Governor
Frank Brown was Inaugurated to
day in the presence of the general
Wabiil-'gion, Jan. 13. Speaker
Crlap was able to get up and leuve
his bed for u short time today.
Portland, Juu. 13. Wheat val
ley Ul.eiiJ $1.05; Walla Walla
S1.57J $1.00.
Chicago, Jan. 13. At close wheat
was firm; cash, .803; May, .01J.
San Francisco, Jan. 13. Wheat
buyer, season $1.81 .
Transfers lu January heretofore
recorded, $30,372.
JAN. 11.
Henry Allen to Frances E. Allen,
lt41,8ilverton, ?1.
William Corbitt et al, to O Bour
ret, of Portland, It 4 bl 4, Wood
burn, $750.
O Bourret to B Oswald, part of It
4, bl 4, Woodburn, $1200.
Henry Heokmaii and wife to B F
Draper; 1 acre 1 5 s r 1 w, $200.
Milton and C B Young to B V
Draper, J aero d I o B 8 Bouncy, $100.
W M Cliue and wife to same, bl 7
Remington's ad to Woodburn, $250
Chas A Gray and wife to Jos C
Smith, part of Robert's ad to Salem,
Elizabeth Brown to IIP Stephens,
R8bl 12, Gervais, $80.
JAN 12.
D C Remington and wife to J F
Stewurt, bl 10, Remington's ad( to
Woodburn, $100.
E E Wild and wife to H W Pres
cott, tract In 1 0 s r 3 w, $000.
J F Doud and wife to LIda E
Dnud, It 4, Doud'a ad to Woodburn,
United States to heirs of III u ford
Miller 208 acres sec 17, tt! s r 1 w.
Leander Brown aud wire to Fan
tlam lumber company, ucj sec 8 1 10
b 3 e, $500
W L Toozo and wlfo to F A Ford,
20 ft s sldu It 2 bl l,and8 ft n side
It a III 1, Woodbujn, $1750.
R S Rice and wife to Dora E
Will, 74 ft bl 7 Mill Cily, $12.
Fred Yauke to Jessie Diamond, It
5,0 bl 2, Salem, $2000.
Woodburn Pek Co, to W 11 Goulet
and W M Keene, Its 3, 4 bl 4, Wood
burn, $1250.
C R Hoogham and wf to F II
King, 10.03 acres his farm, $2750.
W T Miller and wife to A J Miller,
45 00 acres f-eo 32 t 8 s 2 w, $1800.
Ellen Soott, widow, to T B Walt,
100 ucrt-fl Bhiford Miller d I c, $1000.
Milton Young and wf to Emerson
J Bluek, 1 a , B S Bowery d. ). c,
f 3. 0.
Pr.iorri French and wife toKmiiik
J Lull, It 4, bl 10, Riverside add to
Salem, $100.
Will Goldman, R M Cotton. X W
Holues, R E Allison, 11 F Hayden,
L F Conn, Portland.
I K Hey mau, S F.
1) Grady, Olympla.
15 11 Moym, Newport.
15 M Brauulbk, Chicago.
Mim J Msou, Corvtillls.
B C Irwin, W W Smith, Pru
KdTJudd, O H llluhec, Turner.
Gus Brown, L C Cleaver, Sin
Jos hncrdlch, A Morrison, Port
laud. J uo Langly, "Win K Lognr,
B H Mon-e, V OurlMin, F giiull,
F L Kelly and wife, S.ilein.
Mr and Mm F A DePoe, W.mkI
J A Yaler, Lyons.
O Hicks, Tueoma.
J K Warner, Clear Iike, S I).
Geo II Markeii. HuWiatd.
W S Foster, Altuny.
I khftlJ havi nlontv at tuml
omitrM.ilmu ....t l.iill.lavu. .v...
ou, Geo. 1). Ooowiuii
For Mn7 Mil" " T"U 8Ured' bnl
She Knowi Vfhr Now.
Shocaine Into an "L" train at tho
shopping db-trict and took passage to
ward happy Borlem.
She chatted witli ner irienu Ka,v
a few stations, when suddenly the lady
sitthi? across tho aisle looked very hard
over her way. The woman with the
parcels was all In a flutter In a mo
ment . , ,
She glanced hastily In the little mir
ror. Yes, her hat was on straight.
Then she went over on a new tack,
diving down in her pocket for a hand
kerchief and rubbing her nose, think
ing that there might bo a speck of soot
on the point.
The lady across tho aisle continued to
The woman witli tho bundles tried
to continue her conversation, but it
came in short gasps and was decidedly
disjointed. The man beside her, of
course, notices nothing. Ho thought,
manlike, that ho was making a great
lilt. Ho went on :
"The horso show is a great suc
cess" 'Yes," she said, In a frightened way.
tlehtenine: tho ribbons on her hat.
"It Is a great success. All tho swells
aro there"
"What's that you say? Oh, yes, of
course, I'll bo pleased to go," she
echoed, giving her nose a sweep still
after that problematic speck of soot.
"I do liko tills weather"
"If it doesn't snow it may grow cold
er," she gasped, turning very red and
pulling her face down in a perplexed
But it was no use. The woman
across the aLslo kept on staring in tho
most provoking way in tho world ull
the way up to Fiftieth street, where
slio got up and left tho train.
"Did you notice her?" said tho dis
tressed woman; "sho kept staring nt
mo for two miles."
"Sho did?"
"Yes, she did. My hat Is on straight,
Isn't it?"
"I think so."
"And there is no soot on tho end of
my noso?"
"No," ho gasped faintly.
They botJi thought a long time.
"I'll tell you," ho said gleefully.
"Sho was trying to copy your styles
"No, sho wasn't," snapped tho wom
an. "Then it must havo been only ono
other thing," ho said, looking far out
the window. "It must havo been 'this:
Sho noticed that you wear a pair of
$1,000 diamonds in your cars, and of
courso with rings to match. Sho was
pei haps wondering why you didn't
wear only ono glove, like all women
who havo gems, to show tho stones.
But you havo two gloves. How do you
explain it?"
Near by eat a doctor, three lawyers,
a reporter, n schoolma'am and a preach
er, but none of them could explain the
phenomenon. The woman, woman
liko, took it as a compliment aud
blushed. New York Woild.
How Clilll HocunU tlie KnclUh.
There is a popular delusion to tlie ef
fect that the Chilians call themselves
"tho English of South America." No
ono within tho memory of man ever had
heard them do so, and tho statement
seems to havo had its birth in the self
flattering imagination of some Anglo
Saxon writer. Tho fact is that, taking
them "by and large," thoy do not hko
us. Tho effect of centuries of tho bit
terest racial and religious animosity i.s
not easily effaced. The deeds of Can
ning and Cochrano havo failed to blot
out nil rccolloction of thoso of Drako
and Hawkins. And if wo no longer
carry off bars of silver in our warships
savo at tho request of more or less con
stituted authorities, we do manage to
mako and tako a great deid of money
out of tho country. Hcnco wo aro by
no means such grateful personages In
Chill as may be fondly imagined.
London Saturday llovlcw.
A Berloua Cmac,
Customer My watch won't go.
Jeweler (examining it) My I my I
Havo you been In a railroad collision?
Customer (surprised) Why, no.
Jeweler (solemnly) When you mi
dress you should not throw your vest
on tho floor when your watch is in thi;
Customer (thoughtfully) -I noverdo,
I have been exceedingly careful with
that watch. Don't know how it got
hurt. How long will It take to flv it?
Jeweler (after another examination)
You'd better leave it hero at least a
wuek, but If you cn got along without
It, I would iuIvIk) two weeks.
Customer Very well. Do It up
right. Good day.
Jeweler (to a&slstnnt) Hans, blow
that speck of dust off this wheel, and
charge up five dollars for repairs.
Good News.
Amber is a very btrange substance.
If you give It a casual glance It looks
very much like the yellow glass Imita
tlons of itsolf, but when you think of
its many wonderful properties aud the
beautiful legends attached to it, a mys
terlous charm is thrown over the tint
of mellow gold reflected in soft radi
ance from its surfaee.
The hUtoo1 of this gem of tho sea.
"loveliest amber that ever tho sorrow
lug sea birds have wept," its formation,
Its antiquity, its mysterious propertied
aud its rich variety of coloring have
been subjeots of investigation and dis
eiissioij from n period long before the
beginning of the Christian em. Phtla
delnhla Tuned.
How Is This?
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars re
ward for any ohm- of eutnrrh that
cannot be cured by taklug Hall'
Catarrh Cure.
We,tlieuiiuert)Pii .tnv luawii F. J.
Ohruey ftir Ibe feul Mjmn, um1IIv
lilui ivrfKHljr UoiwmWe ) A feulafM
tntuMMinua. ui! ttwtbrulb- Ut la mm
out uy obllrnUom mi by tbtr ifi.
Wt mux,
VbatMa4 Unj(clkt
Wkldlujr KtaMiii A Man hi. WMmiI
lTUtfgi4U, 1t)4o, Oiilu.
Hull's OUurrli Cum Ih inktn Ih.
tenmlly, aotlus dlMtulv him th-
bliKxl ainl imieous
t' e
8Vtm. Twtttinunlals
i.t frK-.
fdU ly all
rriiM 7(k ier toUie.
-,,,1,1,111 I I llll I III ' " -''
MILLION. mi II i.-irNA'-iN HUT
B MMilKllS Law
Protects ovary person insured in that state, so that he
cannot loose his money in case of misfortune as is the
case with other states. You may f rget your policy but
the policy won't forgot you. It is the safest and best.
Every man ought to carry Insurance and should put his
money where he can't loose it.
4. Synoil
I ol tlio.u... -ti- Illl.MIK itn
Selling l'lices.
Breakfast b.icou 15
Hams Sugar cured, per Hi, IIjc
lieet 512
Pork S lu
Mutton bidtUUe.
Tiinotuyseed i'er pound, Sc: selllu?
lted clover deed l'er pound, lie.
Wulte clover heed l'eroiuid, .Mc. '.
Alstkc Ibc ptr ound.
Upil ton 10c iH-'r ixmu'l.
Lincoln arashl4c per iouiid i
Hye Urtiss 10o wr pound.
OrcliuidUrasb 17i. per pound.
New potato -a 1uj per imshel.
Ciinued Vrull I'duuikm, ; 0U; apricol,
1 00; blnckbcnliN, St corn, bo,t gr.idiw
ii W; Iuiiuumh U to, -tiiu bums Jl JJ;
reen jw81 i; perdiz. In tw .lb cms.
Krt-hH Vegcubl f. 1'ot.iM 4 ic; carrots
jGc; parsnips 7oc-, oni ms sc i-or lb.
Hsn.-Haliuon K10opir lb; nluigson 5
7o per lb-mnull HbIi Ko per lb, vnt silmon,
ri$lUc per lb.
Wheat Cash Huo., toruge ftSc.
Flour i'er b.m ei, S-uXi, best 118 lb .'
Oats I'er buihel. .)(ill;'jC.
llarley lJer builieldM V.
llran Per ion. 3-'l Wat; nl 1, lac .ed.
aborts I'er ton, SJ 0U ' ; aencd.
Cbl 1'or ton, jO.OOj "1 .-rfed.
Wool ITc to CJy.
Efe'Ks rf;c per Uo7.cu.
Potatoes i'er ousbel,2iu
Corn meal Sc ier imjikhI.
Clieec 12O110 per lund.
Dried pluius l'erlb. jk.7c.
Uiied prunes I'er lb, 11 li-'c.
nutter Ja.'soc per po.uiii tor goodl
lird 10S-12c pel l-i
llnnis I'er uiuud,ll$.Kc.
Uncoil sides y.ill) per lb.
htioulders !A' iierlh.
CUlckens.-TiijdOc p. r pound.
Turkeys 10 to 1& lu,
Ueoio 7iM per lb.
Ducks, hijpi'r lb
Hops, 81jc,
Taken for 11 Crank
A spinl tlruilUl) Ut light ulteu seems to
po-sebs people ol strung nervee in surerlng
ultliosowltli we.kones Thelrrltabl.lt 01
1U0 iurons hypoeliondrlac Is r.diculedas
ualui.il 111 le-npvi. The eiyeenulue aud
dlslresslnu symptoms irom wblch he
fiullers are made light of. "He" or'slio
Is 11 cruiikl" Is the ehtcrful Eort of sym
pathy with which the nervous Invalid
inee'sTrom the uufeeilnifiiDdthe thought
less. At the same time no complaint Is
Tore difl'ied and real, none hasamoie
easily explalnableorlgln when It isehronlc.
I m pert tut digistiouund assimilation are
always accompanied by nervous debility
.nd nnx'ely. liulld up tho lwwers 01
itssuDlla tlou and digestion with Hos tetter's
toinuch Hitters, mid nervous symptoms,
Mek headaches and a generally feeble con
lit on of the system are remedied. Ke
mi'inber that fearful ravages are produced
by I grippe among wiafely, nervous
people, Hostelter'sHtomnch Hitters cures
It ind prowpt". malaria, rheumatism and
kidney compUlnt.
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Incl
?,!nt.to a ui!i0113 s,a'o of the system, such at
Dizziness, hausea. Dronsiness, Distress aflei
eating. I'aiu In the Side, Ac While their mosl
remarkablo success lias been Bhown in curinc
Heailci,a, yet Cartkh's I.ittue Liver. Tilu
are equally valuable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoj ing complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach
jtlmn ate tho liver and regulate the bowels
H.veu If they only cured
ohf thy would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from thlj distressing complaint
but fortunately their goodness does not end
hiT" ilm ,h,Vf8 wnoonce try them will find
these little pills valuable In so many ways that
tier will not be willing to do without them.
Uut after all stele head
s the bane of so many lives that here It where
ive make our great boast. Our piUs cure It
while otheis do not.
(.'ARTcn'H LriTLs I.tvtn Pills are very small
an, very easy to take One or two pil& nike
ls They are strictly ,egetabWd do
not erlpa or purge, but by their gentle action
Pfc aH who use then. ' In viafe at ants
drororjl hoKleien where, or sent by mail.
eisiis iari:urs cc, text
fimallSS. Mta Smdlftii
Alinln!straliix Notice
of Aji.
vrOTK h Is hereby Kiven tut the under
A alKeHU uen duly appolnte.1 b
the Coumy Court .Marlon "unly Ore
iHnlon, tale ol mid county. attmJS
nd all iw-.ns Uav!ngcl,.lnWVgainstul
Ule mio hereby notltltd topreliniihr
t7r"rfc ff.T'.i.S'ElL" !2.P.n f
ill p. hi i.w .Dg sAtd esbtte arv wuClert
Itaiatt IbU Jaiowry 7, l
AiwiBlrtreliix or tbIS.wwI,AA1H H,u
1 1 1 41 w
l&tniy Notice.
of euurt kmiMorot brTc- ...7? m lr"M
tom. Urnma, rw. -, fei
i lirric
Final Svttlomenl.
Notve U ' . . .
ka,tw ir vz;z yr
Mnnult ti J5aiJL,'jJ"'
' w ih ii Ur,
ii c-irt mw
' Nan," ,ui.i)
"1 ftDIH I.
h. .iST" Mi
. ...:. -?
I , . . '
The Oregon Land Co.,
The Beautiful Capital C'ty of Oregon, and County Seat ot
Marion County,
Is ensrap-ed in
inuls in Hi... WilkmettG Vallev. If vou are lookino; for
land do notfailj;to call on us at Salem or our agent in Port
land. The Willamette Valley is very far ahead of any
other place onfcthe Pacific Coast as a fanning, stock and
fruit country, and i the most delightful place in the World
for a home.
O.Tciin Grey Block, Cor, State and LibertvSts,,Salem,Or.
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing Company
Office with the Oregon Land Co., Gray Block, corner
State and Lilierty streets, Salem, Oregon; is engaged in
ottting out and cultivating Orchards.
South of Willamette Hotel,
Stable and Feed
The Best Box Stalls and Corral In the I'lty.
Quiet, lamlly horses a specialty.
(In rear Willamette hotel.)
Boarding - and - Sale - Stable,
One deor west of Lunn's Dry Doods store
on Htate street,
lai attention
bi. uiei inmny teams, bpec
pald to transient stock. 6:ltt
Truck & Dray Line.
stKmghotldam8lanl:,lpr0mpl work lsour
x press and BngRagc.
20ona,uJpe and quick delUery to all
riS ?L',he cL,y wl,h Promptness aud
re. Leave orders at K. ,l. w'udeACo's.
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Transact a genem. hanking bus.ncss
Wm. KNOLAN1) v
ice President
.. Cashier
J. A.' "tokn. Ulchard'0b, J. . HobsSa.
mSSS iuSST Exchane block 0D Cln
u 8:12.f
(Founded In ISGS.
SALEM, - .
AeXlfank,D6 Uu"
in all de-
ba"" m OrSaJ?,, "ectIons' with
Moniai,uarBhton, Idaho and
P.rlMUviltownlV-'Pe?! in all th?
..Urafu of iS,a3dltf!,.fh America.
woit swure tZ.r'l
U n.1 .. r 1.
.N'orlh Wwu
" T5W. tbl
oim uw
utiuiiiun k
funning, stock nnd fruit
GEO. H. 11URNETT, Attorney nt law,
Salem, Oregon. Office over JLiuld a
Bush's bank.
S'AHCY & BINGHAM, Attorneys nnd
counselors at law, ijalem, Oregon,
vlng an abstract ol the records of M arlon
counly.lncludlngalotand block Index 01
Salem, they have speciul laclllties for ex
amining titles to real estate. Business In
the supreme court and In the stute depai t
ments will receive prompt attention.
ST. UICIIAKDSON, Attorney nt law,
. olllce up i.talrs In front rooms of new
Hush block, corner Uomineiclul and Court
streets, Kalem,Oicgon.
JOHN A. CAUVJN, Attorney nt law.
Booms 3 nun J, Lada A hush's bank
building, Salem, Oregen. 8 1 lyr
Bonhau & Holmes. Attorncvs nt luw.
Olllce lu Bush's block, between Stute
and Court, on l.'om'l fct.
fpiLJION FOUD. attorney at law, Salem,
X Oregon. Olllco upsUllrs lu l'ultou'H
8. WcXALLY.AicUitect, New Bubh
urevmnn blork. i'in,iu.,,..i onnviHo.
tlone of nil classes of of buildings onshoit
notice. Superintendence of work promptly
ookfd alter. r ae-tl
WH: ! UO", Architect. Plans, Sped
. tlcatloiis and upetlntendence lor
all classes of buildings, Olllco UK)-Coni.
merclal St., up stalls, l
n A ROBEUT Architect, oom 124. Mar
J. quam building, rortluud, Oregon.
EJ,ii cFAUHTLAND,Clvll Sanltnry and
ini:,.iI,ydrnullc Knglneer. U. h. Deputy
JS,f"i! i,u.r.v,,yor- y surveyors ofllce,
Cotlle-l'arkhurst Block, SalemrOrcgon.
W0?'11,1 u-i 0fflce formerly
i-nnrrr",led.by.Ur- "owlniid, corner
iiffl ''Verty06treet- Telephone No.
45. iiftlce heurs: 8 a. m. to 12: a to 4 d. in,.
SiertJififfi "",Wep" Bi rti&t on
eiectrlo car line. Telephone No. 0.
8 AIOTT. DhVslflnn niirt onr.
J geor
eon. Olllce In EldrldwA ninnb s..
lew, Oregon
rim.,, v. .t. . .
III 4 p. HI
""" uuurs iu to Li a, ui.
R oni,IiIi",P0K' M- -,HomcoPathlst.
at enllont,v,,(feL,e,ml P'actlce. Kpeclal
ciVnlin" gneu l0 "iis of Women aud
W LSK.l,M.D- I'uyslciaunndsur.
oftbenerv ;, 1a,cllce limited to diseases
nsthnm T, hUS syrlela- 'ta rU Including
Cottle inT,ru,nu,r!,)ruernl- Oitlce 15
h-om 9 n w1 X).ws Uud 12- Office bouis
llS tf " and froru 2 to P- m.
DU9 a mT,' ft Al DA VIS- 0lce hours,
Mumimerelal street. Itesldeuce Mime.
DIttheiviHi5IT,'E' Dentl6t Office over
wrclaittrVei's" Corner- " u1 om-
D KaiPmS-V,ITHt,DenUst. W State street,
lions of ISV.PT' "nhed dental operoi
on" a swchflt v r P"00, Vaiuif Pera-
Sl'hoV2LhLnALI'HBN' ntaekimlthi nd
best workmnBI UQ? -epuiring. Only the
l.Zte,Sto)' OpiKwta State
inouri n.?tt?5carriaKoworli. Webave
atthe IboL or 1 i,ropalrln n specialty, hhop
"" rol of Uberty street, rlaleni, Oregon.
- EJUlf
P. J4&dIS CU MMwtocturo of Ml
Lve orders (?roi?p,,y dol'e aalcw.or.
rHwllh bugan Broa. 4,-IMm
Ci'Npjr1 m?k? n fcpecUlfy ol
tlaai,,f l'd'tbuvtrnre, !! e
wBw'.11v,,0drjvrlil, j. u. Lunn
SMrto0 'Wll Hatrlre.lnS
- imwm.: m-wts-., "gjjiGyT'&p
UN MOIK-Z1 .Tc Pmidr