EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1892. "TO-UAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 7. er -ISOJVIK BARGAINS- ' FOE THE NEXT TEN DAYS AT THE 11ACKET STOKE, 161 Commercial Street. B . F QSBURN , BEELER & BAGLEY, General Insurance Agency, SALEM, Office over Ladd EXTRA. FACILITIES For writing SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, and OTHER HEAVY ft LINES in MILLIONAIRE COMPANIES. POLICIES CORRECTLY WRITTEN and in event of loss we prom ise our puirona mat we win no fKUiaujw'r TauouUil AD JUSTMENT GUARDING YOUR INTERESTS. arritt -SUCCESSORS TO- WELLER BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS SMI II FANCY At the old Stand, next DINING Fancy Rockers AND ODD PIECES. Solid comfort in every one. I R BURKS & Si. SOMETHING NEW! AT THE- jFioneor Grocery Store. (Established times mar and sell for Hnvlnir done 11 larce crt-dlt bnslnf-HB. frr tlm Innt. nil vmn n.wi ou have chunged, making It necessary to sell eroeerles at a verv 'low din. I nronOSe to adODt a new n!nn. onnininnnlmr nn .Tnnnnrv 1 1ROO AT BEDROCK PBICE3. NO MORE CREDIT, A ceneral slaughter nn crockery, imnorted china wan. triau-Hrf lamps, etc. As I have uu Immense stock and April, I am compelled to make room i.inw 10 iuo uiuo iur tue muies 10 repieuisu iuii. nouses in mis Hue, while they can get bargains. All Knowing themselves Indebted to me are requested lo call and sct tls on the first of the year. JOHN G. WRIGHT, 227 and 229 Commercial St READY FOR PATTON'S State Street Book Store Displays this morning, nn elegant line of BLJLNZ BOOHS, Memorandums, Receipts, Notes, Excelsior Diaries for 1892. Tnks, Mucilages and OFFICE EQUIPMENTS GENERALLY. You will save money by selecting from this immense stock. . Cent. OF ALL ALBUMS, TOILET SETS, TOYS, ETC. OREGON. & Bush's Bank. clntire, FOR RED STAR- door to Post Office. CHAIRS In 1857.) of this line to arrive In March by eliding out the present stock .----- r- , - -a --. J ., .w, 892! the legular Price for Infants "Castor 1 a 13 so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Ancnrn, M. D., Ill So. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, K. Y. "The use of 'Castorla'ls so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach." Caulos ILenrrx, D.D., New York City. Late Faster Bloomlngdalo Eel prmod Church. Tms CiKTAun 89 Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co. Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing made to order. Xew DltY KILN, by whlob we can alwnys keep a full supply of seasoned stock of nil kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner or Trade and iltgn Btreets, Salem, Oregou. IX&jSk. Sash and Door Factory Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used. Salfim TrupJf cfr l)pa.v rvvivni nuvii w xiui w lice Btate at., opposite Sa- lem Iron works. Drays and tracks may bo foundlthroughout the day u the corner of State and Commercial streets. R. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. SALEM IRON WORKS, SALEM, nJ,nnn.St.ur 8J.EA! ENGINE. Mill Outfit. Water Wheel Governor. Krult Drying Outfits, Tructlou Engines, Cresting. eU?. Kurm machinery made nnd repaired. General neraU und mauufactureis of tUe eclebrnksd Walilatrom l'utent Mlddllugs I'urlller and Heels. Farm machinery made and repaired. REMOVED ! au enlarged stock and la offering his customers, old and new, greater bargains than ever. Repairing a specialty. BREWSTER Flouj', Feed, Hay, Straw and Barley Chop. LOWEST PEIUES AND FiiEE 11 COURT STREET. Barr ( PctZCl , Plumbers and Tinners, m 247 Commercial street, Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A nmil.lnla litinnf Dlnvu on.l Wlr...,..i-a 'PI.. ,...!.... t !..'" II . . uruMVIC IIIIUUI UM'HO OUVJ ill.TTMIV, III lUUUUg UIIU IUUHIg II beecialty. Estimates for Tinning and I'lumbhig Furnished. and Children. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d pestlon, Without injurious medication. ' For several years I have recommendoc your ' Castorio, ' and shall always continue to do so as it lias invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. PinDis. M. D., The WInthrop," 125th Street and Tth Are., New York City Coupawt, 77 Mohbay Street, Nkw Yore. f!n DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for ordere. Sell and deliver wood, jjt hay, coal and lumber. Of- T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent. OREGON, C. G. GIVEN, TIIE CASH SHOE Dealer haH removed to 289 Com mercial street, one door north of Gilbert & Patterson, where he has & WHITJB. DELIVEYR PIANOS, ORGANS, -AND- MUSICAL MJE2tCirANJ)I8E.-. P. H. EASTON & CO., 310 Commercial St., Salem, MuUo furnished for ballr, receptions, etc, TIIE CAPITAL JOURNAL. HOFER BROTHERS, - Editors. UBL1SUEDDAILY.KX0EPTSONDAY, Br mi Caoital Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated.) . Ofllce, Commercial Street, In P. O. Building ttnierea at mo posioinco at saiom,ur.,its serond-clnrs matter. SCHOOLS AND OUCHARDS, AND TDK QUO Wn OF SALEM. Someone proposes a $20,000 sub sidy for the location ofj a manufao- hiring enterprise at Salem, aHd it is a good, sensible proposition and the money would be well invested. Such au establishment would em ploy seventy-five people and would udd three huudred people to the population of the city,- who would become customers of the business houses of Salem. Another $20,000 would be well expended in locating academies and colleges at tho Cap ital city. Four sucli' institutions can bo located here at "quce by giv ing them $5000 each. Wo have two or three private schools now lu operation in tho city, that are well managed, that should be pro vided with permanent locations and buildings. Each one of such schools would have an, attendance of from fifty to one hundred pupils, and with parents andthers, who would locate In the cltyj on account of such schools, would add not less than one thousand people to the population of the cltjf; Salem Is also tho most appropriate placo in Oregon for the location of such schools, but the YVllamctto valley Is pre-eminently '&' fruit growing country, and the people of Salem can make uclty of fifty thousand people here Inside of fifteen years, simply by encouraging tho fruit growing business; and tho way to encourage it is to show , faith In It, by engaging In It. $20,000 will buy one huudred acres ofi good fruit luud, f-et out to prunes, (cultivate It three years and bullda good dry muse of sufficient Rapacity to haidlo the fruit. After live years ,W3h an orchard willsxeturn the nveslnient every year, and pay all expenst-s and clvo employment to one hundred people during tho fruit season, and such enterprises would be the means of securing other like investments, and iu$thut way would udd to the population nnd trade of tho city rapidly and per manently. The people of Salem have Invested laigely in city property, both In Salem and In other cities with the hope of an advance througli the de maud caused by Increased Immigra tion, and, so fur as ealem is con cerned, no one will lose any money on city property; but a more perma nent prosperity can bo secured by offering to new comers property that will be productive, as well us increase rapidly in value. Let a company bo formed to buy one huudred acres and set It out to fruit, near the city. Let the capital Htock be $20,000, in shares of $2.00 ouch; let the land be platted in lots twenty feet square, and numbered-accordingly; then each lot would represent one $2.00 share of stock and each lot would have one tree on it; then let the stock be Issued so that each sharo would call for certain lotf. au assessment of 10 per cent, would make the first paymout on the land, and tho balauce could be had ou eight yeais time, and could bo made out of tho fruit. Another aseess ment of 10 per cent, would buy tho trees and set them out. Assess ments of 10 per cent, each year, for five years, would pay for cultivat ing, pruning, spraying, etc. At the end of five yearn another assessment would have to be mude to build the dryhouse, after wlilo tlmeh the iucomo would provide for all expense aud return a net profit of 100 per cent, each year. Every real esiato firm in town, which is engaged in selling fruit tracts, should huve such rn orchurd, and thus show their faith in the busiuess as well us to educate the people up to tho importance of the fruit business for this section, and everybody in Salem who owns property und Is Interested in tho prosperity of Salem, should sub scribe ton shares for every hundred dollars' wortli of property owned. This would require only two cents on the dollar of his property per year to advertise tills vicinity as the best fruit growing region In the world, uud for every dollur thus expended one dollur per year Inoomo would be assuied. After fivo years, a citizen of Sulem worth $5000 would, in this wav, pay out $100 fur year. HALKM l'JNANCK. Tho budget of Ha lem finances lu Tin: Jouknal has been much dis cussed among bankers and business men. It was admitted to be the clearest and complelest showing yet made, and yet It wusonly a correct publication of official reports. There are many who hellbve that rialein 1 nn expensively governed city. The narrow marRlm by which eoyeral members of tho city government were elected U an Judication of con niderable dluatUfuctlon with our city finance Had It not been apparent that men were wanted who wcro heartily in favor of public improvements, it is certain that tho result would have been quite difler ent. It is not certain that Salem is on expensively governed city, when the expenses of our city government are compared with nearly all tho other smaller cities of tho coast. There are cities In Oregon with not over a third the population of Salem that hayo fully as expensive n city government. Astoria, with not near the population of Salem, has a city government that costs twlco as much. Astoria's expenses for 1801 wcro $65,701.73. Total obligations of city $105,070.57, of which $100,000 Is bonds. The fire department tho past year cost $22,752.17, salrles $10, 098.47. Liquor licenses pay $15,000, taxes $13,080.01; balance In treasury $23,028.41, net debt less cash $86, 487.21. Tho retiring chief of police Is charged by tho mayor with not turning In delinquent taxes and the city treasurer is asked to account for a discrepancy of $1035.10. There has been a political revolu tion at Astoria over the city finan ces, aud a new order of things is predicted. No such revolution can take placo at Salem on account of expense, as no such showing can bo made. At Salem tho demand is not so much for financial reform as for a certain amount of public im provements that ought to bo made. The trial of tho present administra tion will come ovor finances in part but it will be in tho way tho finances are managed with a view to securing street Improvements. If the present city government cannot devise ways to secure improved streets it can hardly expect to re main In power. It will not expect to merely expend the monies re ceived from taxes aud licenses and Incur a few thousand dollars moroof debt, aud for that to be continued iu power. It does expeot, aud tho public expects, to see at tho end of tho year 1892, several of our princi pal streets iu bettor shape than they are at the beginning of tho year. That will be the supremo test of this administration wheu the next elec tion conies. Salem ' fluances uro seriously aflectcd for ono reuson that tho city government is not to blame for the assepsment law. It may astonish many to learn that more thuu half of Salem property Is not taxed be cause of exemptlone for debt. One third of our business blocks aro not taxed at all. Financial reform must begiu with an assessment re form that will allow all property to be assessed. Some ono connected with tho city government should preparo a budget of probable receipts from all sources and probable expenses for all ac counts for 1802. Such au estimate is absolutely necessary for an intelli gent understanding of what can be done. Owing to lucrenso Iu valua. tlous it may be assumed that the city's iucomo will amouut to $10,000 in 1802. If expenses could bo kept down to $30,000 there would bo $10,000 to expend on public improve ments. Tho fixed charges 1801 were as follews: Firo department $5221 Liiguts and water 6800 I'olico 3003 Salaries 2500 Interest 3450 Total fixed charges $20,004 From u financial standpoint tho city would sayo niouoy by cancell ing $20,000 of warrants now out drawing 8 per cent, and Issuing bonds at 5 per cent. Iu place. The suggestions lu this artlclo aro not made to find fault, but to assist the taxpayer In getting a clear under standing of tho situation. How is This? We offer One Huudred Dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot bo cured by taking Hall's Cutnrrh Cure. K.J. Cheney A Co., I'ronSi Toledo, Ohio. we.tho imueralgnud, havo known K. J. Cheney Air tho lust 15 years, and bolliivo nun ponucwy nouiirauio in an uiiMinewt InuiHiirllonK. uua llnunrlallv able toenrrv out any obligations miulo by their linn. ni a urn., n uuiv.uit, .uruKKivis Toledo, Ohio. Waldlng Kin nan A Marvin, Whulcsalo urugKisui, roieuo, unio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood aud mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 76c, per bottle. Bold by all druggists. (IKNEKAL NKWS NOTES. Tho snow at Farewell Ucnd, In Crook county, at last accounts was about eighteen Inches deep, and tho Ulg Meadow country Is covered at least three feet deep. Hut tho peo ple up there have un abundanco of feed und their stock will not suffer. The Ellensburgh Localizer states that luud along the Columbia river Is almost all lukeu. Most of these claims will be planted with orchards aud vineyards. The section Is well adapted to tho growth of fruits, many of the more tender varieties producing lu abundance. It is said that many farmers In tho vicinity of Colfux, encouraged by the experiments already made with sugar beets In Palotue toll, will still further tesNIs capabilities Iu that direction this year. It bat been estimated that 10,000 pounds of beets can bo grown on an acre, iu that fcccllon, which would yield, with the government bounty, about The State Analysis. "For purity and care in preparation the Royal Baking Powder equals any in the market, and our test shows that it has greater leavening power than any of which we have any knowledge." Prvf. Cftimistry, Univtrsity of California, and State Analytt. "From actual analysis made by me, I pronounce the Royal Baking Powder to be the strongest and purest baking powder before the public." . Yt . U . tCjasulX Jr. d. Prof. Cttemisty, v.W. Coilegt of Phanxacy of the University of California, Chcmhl iV.i.V Uo.inl f lloitlculturc, etc. $75 per acre. This would be n very profltablo crop. Subscriptions to tho capital of $100,000 required for the location of a steel wlro aud wlro nail factory at Port Townsoud aro being rapidly tukon, and It Is thought that no difllculty will be found lu scouring tho desired amouut. Tho citizens real i zo that nothing will help their town like manufactories, and tho establishment of such a largo outer prise will do much to attract others to that city. A Leader. Since its first introduction, Elec tric Bitters has gained rapidly In popular favor, until now It is clearly iu tho lead among pure medicinal tonics and alteratives containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it Is recog nized as the best and purest medi cine for ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will euro sick hoad acho, Indigestion, constipation, and drive malaria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottlo or tho money will bo refunded. Price only 60o. per bottlo. Sold by Fry, 225 Commercial street. Raker city Demecrat: Tho placer miuor will havo plenty of water next spring and will make tho most of It. Already wo hear of placer owners making preparations for tho coming season, which gives promise of proving tho best wo havo had for many years. From every district most promising reports aro received. Owners of quartz claims aro putting lu tho winter dovoloplng their properties, aud with tho opening of spring many new mines will be added to our fast Increasing bullion producers. The mills ou tho various mining properties In this vicinity aro pushed to their fullest capuclty, aud tho outputs aro very satisfactory to all concorned. Guaranteed Cure. We ntithorizu our advertised drug gists to sell Dr. King's Now Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are alllloted wltn a cough, cold or any lung, throat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, L'lvlnc it nfair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return tho bottle aud liavo your money rem titled. Wo could not mako this offer did we not know that Dr. King's Now Discovery could bo relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Fry's drugstore, 225 Commercial street. Largest size COoand $1.00. Asterlun: Tho recent storm Is suld by old times to hayo been tho worst! hut hus occurred on Shoal water buy In fifteen years. Greut Injury was done to tho oyster beds, though tho exact oxteut of tho dum age cannot yet bo ascertained. More than half the oysters at Hay Center were covored so deeply that they will dlo nnd the Ihss Is at least as great iu tho Oystervllle neighbor hood. This disaster Is not unalloyed, as their accumulation of shells were also burled, leaving tho beds clean aud likely to produce fatter and better flavored bivalves. Thore was much dumago also to plungers, floats and bateaux used In tho oyster business. Taken fur u Crank, A seml-riendlili delight often seems to nouses people ol Ntruug nerves In sneering at those with weak ones. The Irritability ol the nervous hypochondriac) Is ridiculed fu natural 111 temper. The very genulno und distressing symptoms from which he suffers are made light of. "lie" or'-she Is a crank!" Is the cheerful sort of sym pathy with which the nervous invalid Hire's from the unfeeling and the thought less. At the Mine time no complaint Is mora defined and real, none has a more easily explalnablenrlgln when It Uchronlc Imperfect digestion aud atslmllallon aro always accompanied by nervous debility aud auxlety. llnlld up the powers ol assimilation and dUestlou with liostettcr's Htomacli Hitters, aud nervoussymploms, sick headaches nnd a generally feeble in illt'ou of the syslm are remedied, lie member Hint fearful ravages are produced by la grlpjie umumr weakly, uervuus people, Hosteller's Hioruuch flitters cured It, aud prevents malaria, rheumatism and klduvy complaint. Ah Staple as Colee. "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is as staple as coffee In this vicinity. It has done an luimeuse amouut of good since Its Introduction here." A. M. Nordoll, Maple Itldge, Minn. For sale by O. K. Goode, druggist. Issocinted Press Report and Digests of nil Important Newsloi To-Day. MISCELLANY. THAT I1ACCARAT CASE. London, Jan. 0. It was an nounced recently that a mysterious typewritten pamphlet, of which only fifty-seven copies had been Is sued, was being circulated lu high ciroles. It was added that the pamphlet referred to attacked tho Prince of Wales, Lady Brooke and othors, and that the Duchess rf Manchester, at a luncheon party, had read it aloud to hor guests. Tho result of tho appearance of this pamphlot was a series of conferences botweeu the Prince of Wales", Lord Salisbury, and Lord Charles Beros ford ("Fighting Charlie," or Condor fame, the gallaut sailor who ran his gunboat with groat effect under tho guns of Fort Alexandria, and earned tho "Well dono, Condor," signal from admiring seamen). Tho fol lowing appears to be tho facts in tho case. Lady Beresford, tho wife of Lord Charles Beresford, scorns to havo become Jealous of the favor with which Lord nnd Lady Brooko wore received at Marlborough house tho town resldenco of tho Prlnco ofi Wales, and sho Is said to have pre pared and circulated tho pamphlet In question, which is said to contain private correspondence which had passed between hlmsolf and Lady Brooko before and during the bacca rat trial. There Is also, It Is said, an addenda which discloses tho do grco of friendship existing botweeu Lord aud Lrdy Brooko and the prlnco, showing, in a now light, cer tain features of tho baccarat suit, and proving that Sir William Gordon Cummlug was loyal to the Prince of Wales, and so maintained silence upon cortulu points in conuoctlou with tho caso. Tho pamphlot is a small ono In overy sense .and Is couched lu veiled language It claims to point out various instances where tho couplo (tho prlnco and Lady Brooko) wero together, Includ ing a certain meeting at tho Doucas ter hotel, 'while they aro said to havo mot incognito directly after the baccarat scandal at the Brooko resi dence. It was upon this' occasion, according to the pamphlet, that the Prlnco of Wales luformed Lady Brooko of tho fucts regarding the card scandal wbloh tho latter Is said to havo subsequently talked about for them to become public property. It was this publicity given to tho aflulr, It will bo remembered, which led to the suits which wero brought by Sir William Gordon-Cummlug against tho Wilsons and others, aud lu which tho latter was non-suited. Tho mysterious pamphlet Is said to contain copies of lettors written by Lady Brooko, admitting facta lu connection with her friendship with tho priuco aud boasting of It to her quondam friend, Lady Beresford. In ouo letter Lady Brooke Is quoted asspeuklugof tho Prince of Wales visiting her town house, und Lady Boresford Is alleged to add that from facts afterwards developed it, was learned that tho priuco was In the habit of driving In a carrlago with out crests or other marks by which it could be known. That ho was accustomed to stop at Grosveuor Bquaro and to alight there aud walk up Brooke street. Coutluulug, the pamphlet add that wheu tho prlnco approcHd the steps of the Brooko rwJeteoos the door was silently and qwtekly opened, aud the prlnoo would itr the building. Another altegatlow la that Lady Brooke's hotMekeeptK1 re cently left the lady's ewptoy, t order to get married to a aeo G r --Tt&fttsmmmwitTvta SlWtSSMHJWWWSSWJUJI'l('''."''',i tjLmxi