tmHmtmmma:im mmw Muvttfeteti mrmiituhw 9WS mm iU m feM Lb8 E l &l ZH 12 IBBIH3 Urn fe s? tf k UA Priceless Me." AVER'S CHKItliy PKCTORAI w tho best remedy for Croup, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, and nil tlio midden Throat and Lung Troubled to which young people are subject. Keep this modlclno In tho house, lion. C. Edwards Lester, late V. 8. Consul to Italy, nnd. author of rarlous popular werks.wrltcs: "With all sorts of exposure, In all aorta of climates. I have never, to this clay, had nny cold nor any affection ot tho throat or lungs which did not yield JO Ayer's Cherry Pectoral within 24 hours. Of courso I have never alltfwcil inysolf to bo without this remedy in- all wy voyages nnd travels. Under my Own tllMnrtrnf Inn. It l.ria rrlitn m1I t. m -. vu. ..,.., . ...... ,,..-.. .unci frw vast number of persons ; while In acuto AN UNGOATEFUL LISTENER. cases of pulmonary inflammation, such us croup and uipmiieria in children, Ufa as been preserved through Its effects. I recommend its uso In light and fro riuent doses. Properly administered, In accordanco with your directions, H is a prlcolcss blessing in any house." flyer's Cherry Pectoral, riununsD bt Dr. J. O. Ayer it Co., Lowell, Nfajj. Sold by 1I Drngjl'f. I'rtcs 1 ; tlz botllet, (3. 8ALKM MAKKKT UKrOIlT, A, SynopnW of llin Market Iltrrlnff 1 HelllnKlPrlces. HKVtSKl) QUOTATIONS. KK TAIL I'KtCKS. Hhoulders Bugur euro J.per Ib.lC. EHreaUliwt bacon. 14 Hanu Hcidir cured, per lb, UUe. Pork a & W Mutti)ti-JI2ko.l Venl-ig 12e. Timothy seed Pernounl, He: noilliijz' Iteil clover lead Per neund, Un. Whtteclovcr seed Per wound, io. " Aldlke ISc per pound. lied top llto per pound. Lincoln (InuM-UXoper pound, JtyoClnwi-IOo per pound. Urchard Oow-i.l7a pr pound. Now piiuititMi ioj per tubl. "annod FrnU..l'ea-he, 00; apricot, JJ 00; blackuerrios II; ornf bent grade S3 00, tonvUms 81 60; trlnir beans SI bh frrnen piji 31 ft; per dew. In two lb canr. IresU Vegetable. ronitoni 40c; carrot 60c; pamoliM 7Aa onions So ncrib. MstLpdHlmon 8010 1 per lb; Hlurceoa 6 7o per lb-small flli 19, per lb; saltmilinon, 7'tflOo per lb. ntmwti piiioki. Wheat Casti ffc., Hbirage ASu. Klimr I'or barrel. fUri, bust 1WJ lbs. (Uts Per buMliel. IWiasVji, Hurley Pit buMietwOiji.'Su. Jiraii Per Urn. til OOatMillt, snaked, Hhoils-I'or ton, JH Ol '" iokod. qij-Per ton. ftw.oo ", soaked. Worn l7o to c&. ttfRs-ac per doron. Potatoes Per htubcLSito f1lrn ...tent "n .. ......, w-... ih. HJII fJtlHllll. Oliecae-'lMo per pnund. Dried plum Per lb. Oaic. Dried primes Per lb. l0312o. Uutlor2JflWo per pound ftir good Lard ltnaltoporlb Jlnins Pur pound, UlZo, IHConsldci-Uloper lb. wiin'i)'lrs Wifro per lb, Chickens -.70100 per pound. Turkeys iU to Via lb, llno-t, ma per lb. DuekH, T'ijejiur lb llopH.HidiJo Tho JriiHJucliuaoltH lusiiranco luw imhrtboul, bfouuHa It Iiiib nocoudl 110118. Every policy Issued by tho MitBHiichuietlfl Alutuul Llfo Iimur. unco Go. litis jiinli and liiilcl up vnluo Kimrnrtkfd. Don't liiHUro lu auv imt n AluHsucmi8ot(s couipnuy. .1. I. Mllolioll, ngeui. ll-SHf An Staple ax ('oiler, "Clmmborliilti'B Cough Roruody in its stupUi qb coflro in this vicinity. It bus (loiio nil immeiuo umouut of RoodBlncoilB introduction horo." A. M. Nonlcll, Bmplo Jlldgo, Mlun. 1'orBule by a. K. Goodo, druggist. Tin ir Iteal flilsbl, hut It Wun'l ApprvelHtuit. When the sruiinlila irfun anfnnvl l.n car ho beamed benignly on nil tho occu- n.'tntS. ITo took It. rwnt. lMMltdn n mnn tUVi a IWUdv lntistachu nnrl ii fnrliblfllntr 1v.V and after glancing Qrat at 4ho straight standing collar of tho straagof, and thon at his cuffs as thoy protrudod from tho end of his coat alcoves, ho obsorrod cheerily: "Tho celluloid trado of this country has grown' to enormous proportions." "Blri" "I Raid the ntnnnnt nf raltnlnlil Inmnl out in tho United Hbifi lnu ar.t n iw vory large." "I don't care if it hasl" "You surnrlso me: irfr. Vhv. An vrm know that lost year's production of raw counioia was vaiueu at 91, 000,0007" Uythis time tho passengers had bo come Interested in 'tho discussion, and they woitod for Ids answer. It eumo in a staccato voice: "I don't caro to know anything about it." "That's odd. A million and a half of dollars is a big pile of money." "I am not searching for statistics, nir," tho forbidding strangor added coldly. "Perhaw not. but it is nlwavn rn1l tn storo tho mind with usoful facts when yon can. Now if I had not remembered tho figures of tho celluloid output whon I saw it in tho nownpaper I wouldn't hayo boen ablo to impart it to you. I suppose you didn't notice it in tho paperf" "No, and I don't caro to hear of it now." "Tho process of tho manufacture of celluloid is a vory interesting ono, I think." Tho strnnirer'a nnffn hail twnn ,lr,mm into his coat sloovos. "Celluloid is really a Bpocies of olid lllwl collcnlion, if you know what that is." "1 don't know what it is," snappod tho forbidding Htrangor, "and I'll thank you to address yonr romarka to somo ono elHO." "Oh, tho rost can all hear, As I was' Havintr. celllllnid Is nrnilnrrnil Viv ng gun cotton in camphor with tho as- .Hi.iwmco or usat anu presauro.' " w u l you Hhut-up?" "Prosoiitly, but I want to toll you somothing of tho process. Tho gun cot ton is ground in water to a lino pulp, which is thon subjected to a powerful prossuro. Tho camphor is" "Conductorl" tho forbidding man yolled, "atop this carl" Ho jumpod off boforo tho car Btoppod, hdwdvor, and tho sociable man roraarkod, "Somo pcoplo novor seem to want to Ioani. OVOIl whon thnv hnvn n. crnml chnnco'Now York Sun. HOW TO WEAR THE BONNET. Invaluable Sargestlons to Women who Ure Dlfflealty with Head Gear. Tho foflhlon of having sfcringa on largo hats soomo to boa regular rago. Tho Billy fashion of havinor hun SILENCE REIGNED SUPREME. nih Wind SrmpMlnm In Wlileh the First Story Tellers Had Jfo Chance. "I guess wo will have n storm to night," observed Hornaday, coming into tho cabin on tho mountain sido streamers pendant from tho back of . and glancing casually out of the open a liat is soon no more, but tiny door at the clouds rapidly rolling up in Btringu crossed just above n Greek ' tho northwest, chicmonandhrcmfrlif nhniif fhtiim-i "Wr.nMr.'t K .',i.-,i . ,tf If n-nrIM and tied in a small bow under tho nodnor " commented the host. "We chin Is a fashion ho graceful and pretty it desorres to last a long time. mere is a general luea among vfom en tliat strings under tho chin add years to tho uppearanco of their wearer. Lot mo explain how this is, according to tho French idea. For instance a woman bujrs herself a bon net that is long at tho sides, at times reaching almost to her ear tops; manv ladies have thn Mrei fruit m. cause thoir faces are broad their hats must bo ditto; that tho hats must taper upward and outward from tho head in order to make tho face look small by comparison; a hat of this sort always adds to tho age, and sometimes has right peart storms np hyar. "Wind, I suppose r asked Callicott. "Yob, pooty muchly wind. An when it do blow it passes tho bill right ovei tho president's veto, podner, you bet" "Blows pretty hard in Arizona," said Hornaday, feeling called upon for a specimen. "I've seen tho thinnest sort of sago brush twigs driven three feet deep into granite bowlders by the sheer force of the wind." "Yes, they say tho breeze is pretty fresh in Arizona, " commented Calli cott, "but, land o Goshen, it can't touch the northwest Why, I've seen every drop of water blown clear out ol When Hrrinirn nr nttnViv1 Ua .,1 .. 1 .1 . i, .1 0 . ".ia. u ujjiu a river ueu wr idiics ai a uuie auu ruu- appearanco of tho wearer is again ning along In a solid mass on tho top oi UlCronSOU. , thn nnnofufn lmnlr fnrfnA nn tlinro nnrl A woman with a broad faco should held by tho pressure of the gale." wear a bonnet that seta on tho top of "Here she comes." cried tho old her head not resting on her oara hunter, as tho storm broko over the and brought in a curve back from cabin and tho wind rushed by like a tho forehead. Tho hat should bo nar- dond, infernal, shrieking and scream- row and project over tho forehead, ing horribly. "How fast does you gents and not bo too long at tho back. A 'sposo them winds of yourn niter blow Greek chignon should bo avoided on workin daysr tho hair dono in a FrnnrVh fwlnt thnt itvii iij rr j... i. adds to tho longth of tho head and heard nbovo tho howling tornado, "the tho hat perched on tho top of tho cignal service In Arizona reported it as knot at tho crown of her head. With about 150 miles an honr." this sharped hat narrow RMnmtnf -ri.t irr4i. t n 11 1 ,, -1.1 j bon Yolvot should bo attached at tho in Callicott, at the top of his lung?, back, both togdther, not at tho sides "tho wind has been estimated at 1D0 or rear corners of a hat Theyrfiould bo crossed half way down on tho back of tho head, and brought about tho throat like a "band and ended by a small bow just under tho chin. t If tho wearer has a palo complex ion lot her affect dark bluo, or bluo of tho clear electric grayish shado. Dark rod adds a color to thn tnm ' though caro should be taken that tho red has a yellowish tinge instead of mile an hour and unward." "Humph," contemptuously pat in tho old mountaineer, "do you gents call that bio win? You Just wait a slniko or two nnd I'll sizo up this here zephyr that's atnusin itself outsido. It commenced blowin whenf' "Just fifteen minutes ago by my chronometer," replied Hornaday. Tho old fellow hurried to the door. "Come here." he called. ODcnincr a t "7 : : we iirre, no caueu. opening a a green or bluo reflection ; tho latter gIllnii pcCpholo as ho spoko, through Will rnako tho eomnlnxinn InnV darker instead of being an improve ment For ovening bonnets palo cream or bluo should bo worn or pink or a ueopornuo. Palo pink is ono of which tho Btorm rushed madly with a whistle like a steam engine. Sniffing at tlio air once or twice he said: "I thought bo. What d'yor smell, gents?" Pliowl BeuiL'thini: rotten skunk I" "German Syrup" G. Glogcr, Druggist, Watertown, Wis. This is the opinion of n man who kccp3 a drug store, sells nil medicines, comes In direct contact with tho patients nnd their families, and knqws better than anyone else how remedies sell, and what true merit they have. He hears of all the failures nnd successes, nnd can therefore judge: "I know of no medicine for Coughs, Sore Thront, or Hoarseness that hnd done ouch cf- fective work in my Coughs, family as Hoschee'o Soro Throat, GcrmttnSyrup. Inst winter a lady called Hoaraonoss, at my store, who was suffering from a very severe cold. Rho mitW linrrlU. nlt- and I told her about German Syrup and that a few doses would give re lief; but she had no confidence in patent medicines. I told her to tnlce a bottle, nnd if the results were not satisfactory I would make no charge for it, A few days after she called and paid for it, saying that shr would never be without H in At turcn. a few doses had given her relief." (j Ilvldenito of Formnr Experience. Jamoa Itichnrdson, a middle aged man, was pushed into the receiving hospital by a policeman at an early hour yestor day morning. Ho roquirod surgical treatment. Thore was blood on his faco, on his shirt nnd on ids hands. An inter esting assortmont of cuta docoratod hit scalp and his loft oyo rosomblod a ripe plum. "Boon fighting?" asked Steward Free man. "Yop," was tho roply from bruised lips. "Got llckodr "Yep," and tlio victim settled back while Frooman wont to work with pongo, noodlo and plaster. While at work Froeman was observing Riohartl- son b noso. xnat organ was somewhat SWOIIOII and it nIntWl nvnr fa nnmnr'u right Bhonldor, lying almost flat to the fivco. "Noso brokon?" tho steward lno,uJrod. "Yop," again answered tho mutilated man. Freomnn soizod hold of Richard Bon'a nasal organ vigorously and tried to pull it out straight It did not budgo, but tho man did. Ho howlod llko a wolf and Bworo liko a plrato. "Koon Still till I llr it." nl,l f lin tn,- -"I w Mvn- aru, preparing ror anotnor pull. "Flxl Thunder and groat guns I Young man, that noso was brokon eovon years ago and was mendod this vny. I don't want it fixed. I have got usod to it as it is and would bo lonosomo if I could UOt BPO It illst UC. Ynn Int. Hint nno olono." San Francisco Clirouiclo. .the most trying colore to a woman's gagge.1 Callicott, holding lib nose. KIT r,,r?B "Llmburger cheesol" ejaculated harmony instead of a combination Hornaday SwmPi5?n"tJ0rWi80 "Wgl't. W bully buck! Right you fnrf5 Sfl "".typOB aofli- aro, Thut'B Limburger cheelo you SL,.PM,i? f ? ". P"??!8"1 H,uoIK Fifteen minutes ago that wind SSSSS'JjSte !i'- through the front door of Pete londsasoft ap1Wanmco to the fle ZrZT a woman's1 Bulb hbad, whore hor liair "Bobvillo's lust n,Ptiir 9-0 t,,Ho growain pretty eun-esback fromtho trJbt'JSJm cars, aro not an lmprovomont. But tho strings that add a dash Of color to tho toilet fall lightly over tho hair and are broucrht loosnlv nhmit tin throat are ofTectivo, pretty, do not Gazette," add to tho ago and always malco a woman seem well dressed. Bonnot strings aro oxcoodingly ladyliko, and thoir refining tendoncy to ono's np poaranco is equalod by no other por tion or a woman s touot. Small hats Unit aro rolled back from tho faco and havo a bow sotun- idcnticklc mluutol Thon silenoo reigned supremo inside, wiiilo tho breeze from Robville contin ued its Jaunt. Cincinnati Coiumercial All Three WortU There. Mrs. II is a young married lady, nnd nn Episcopalian. Her hunband is not a member of any church, but, as ull good husbands should, he frequently attends church with Ills wife. His first at tempt, however, to conform to tlio dor tho front of tlio rim aro vorv Bnlsconal form of rvl virn ,,i protty for oval faces. Thoy aro very' fylng that ho was almost tempted to ..--. ... wu utvwu., j.virjouitt u ui. tuo lurawwr oiiurcu going aicogotner. hair tliat being dono at tlio crown It was Easter Sunday, and his wifo of U10 head and tho hat resting flat had tried to coach him beforehand, Tho tops of thoso hats aro trimmed naturally wishing him to tnko part with Until n altlrvln immnnti n.t.l !..,. ,.. .1.. ...-. .. urn,, viujiuu imu i ivuui ii ucr 111 ino Horvice. ribbon. Strinca Bimilar to thnsn 1w foro described aro attichod to tho back. Providence Journal. Stilt the bitter Wiu Younger. A lady belonging to a community called tho "Bistors of St. John the Bap tist" in Now York city waa spending a moiun not long Binco in ono of onr back woods districts. Going to tho postoflleo shortly aftor hor arrival alio uskod If nny lettor had como for Sister Bernard ino. Tho rural itostmaator looknd 1ms. wilderod for a momont "Sister whor ho askotL "Sister Bernardino," repeated tho lady, "a HUtor of St John tho Baptist" "Well, I should rather think not," re plied tho man, with on uproarious lauglu "I guess he's twen doad pretty near a hundred years now," Kata Field's Wasiihigton. H E A RT ' In nil Atrw. IVlbltatlae. i lnlut WliU, RkotiliUr ami X" .Vw,w - """t viirtt, AHCIiMia. r""" Anmtt, iveun nun Knialhvrlu IU. Wniiiij, WlBd lu Blumuch, etc., era sreolr Dlt. 'MILES NEW HKART CURB. Amw d(oiirrrrtrUniliiit liKlleii BihwIoI. . A. V. IUI, blluT crook. Nch., after UkliK Moaheiuillof Iveint er. "IXr thlrtr m Mlttt' IIKAttT OURf cur.1 u.TM n, tluiltuui, WIcA." II, 11. hlutkia. XVnTI a. tim. h inii'n rj. MILfflt ilirnr Ixudor Than Word. J WM irfT-jt.-P1 ' "" " Mau'e Ide of a Wouiau'i Club. It Is tmforhmnto, porhais, but it is really truo that to tho untutored mind tho word Sorosis briiim im n viHInn of stayleea, short haired ladies, with pruiouuu iniouocts anu uress reform garmonts tliat usually sot more or lees awry about tho waist, discussing such subjects as "Tlio Improvement oi uio ucononuo jonmuon of tho Race," which was touched upon at ono mooting. Sorosisnovor "frivols." It is dignified and gravo, as befits an association tliat has tho advancement of woman forever on its mind. It unbond8 n llttlo at its banquets; it has thon to lower its intellect to UIO lOVOl Of its GruestH. lint nvin H.mi Uioro is a flavor of woman's Buffrago in tho chicken salad, tlio croquottcs tasto of loomed disaukitinnfi. ami niter UlO feast I havn linnnl if vouchod for, tlio pillows of tho par- uiHuru aro uauniou by Horrid dreams of woman's oppression in tho Dark Ages, But I Bupposo it can hardly bo ouiurwiso man mat tuo morriost mo menta should botempored withacer taiu gravity to tlioso who havo con stantly on thoir minds tho welfare of wooiau anu 1'ostonty with capital lettora. Now York Cor. Detroit Free Press. VtuU fm, h if "Did yer mother nay anything about my bolu out oil night)" "No, tho didn't say notlilnj but shoV l)0on tittlii at tho window all day with a club, nn she's told tho uoighbon that thore'd bo a wako in tho houso this ivokr Llfo, Ktubleniktle BIjuji Oolne Out. There is a notnhln ilivv in ttm nan oi omblematio rigna on eliopa in our cltioa, tho bwrbor's jwlo, tho drug gist's colored waters, tho cigar pom pov and Uvuro rigus being about tho only ones that survive. Thianiaybo duo In iarttotholnnirovedetlucation Of tho miLSBOa of the neonliv lint Hn uutiuaxv rant nrm wimiiNm t) change, for thoro wore somo curi ous survivals in old aigus, oven tho druggist's waters being a reminder oi Medhoval magic, Phihulelplda Lodger. . urn . liiM laLim oh. l.lll.l'nv klfrArfr AC orllwutraullelihcrMlrculli Mr. r. ntdtVuiy. Wrli? IU Ivr 1 wi tlh rtft4.hi 10 fair hou train. Hi f en M. ,,,!4,1 y 0t' Mll' Heart Ouro b4 la ln beri ronrUut ur4 tier, llu '.Mlll' MfMel Co..Klkhart.lrul. RokitbyjD. J, Vty, druBij.t,H a H. Act oa new vrtnclii)-. I iemM lb HTr, eunuua i bow.U Mrva Jit fwrv4 Da. Miur 1'ilu srjr' aziuzz? rv- wlli4o.a0ctfc M4 by D, J, Fry, UruirgUt, Bfh-m, CLEAN! If you would bo dean nnd hayo your clothes dono up in tho neatest mid dresaiost mannor, toko thou to the SALKM STEAM LAUNWtl whoro ull work i dono by whito labor and in Uio moat prompt, maimer, - COLONEB J? 0EKTS:UED. " 4Eilftvstptfot "IleiiipmlH'r now, my doar," oho said, "that tho rector will como for ward and My, 'Tho Lord is risen,' and you will respond with, 'Ho is, indeed.' You will remember that now, won'r you?" "Well, I Kucsa 1 can remember threo words," replied Mr. II , n little tes tily. An hour later thoy were nt the church. The rector enmo forward at tho proper time, in tho beginning of the hJtvIco, and said selemnly: "Tlio Lord is rison." Promptly and distinctly camo tho response of Mr. II : "Is Ho, indeed!" Philadelphia Rec ord. Where IMnslllea Are Made Uoful. Firollies havo been put and are oven to this day applied to somo curious uso. In Ban Doinlnco ntul ntlir West India Islands thoy aro employed for Ht'litinK purposes, belli; confined in lanterns, both for going about tho country at ullit nnd for tho Illumina tion of dwellings. By annulling ono of I limn to each foot whlla tnivnlln It, the darkness thoy servo as a guido to tho path. They are also utilized in Cuba and ctawhero for ornaments, whorewith tho fc-owns uiul colfiurvs of hidles are adorned on featlva occjisions. Ono can rend by tho liulit which u fw nf thA.i Insi .ts rIvo. Ono point that may bo urxed in lehalf of tlioso HmtllM U tli-.f tlioy kill uiostiuitoos, llndin;; In tho lat ter their favorite prey. Washington Star. The Flnt Seitdlr. Originally tho rider rodo his horso bareback, but In tho oourso of tlmo various coverings made of leather, were brought Into um. Tho civerings ovoiittmlly hung dowu on both tides of uio norso, were or vary Ovtetlx muterial, nnd woro beautifully adorn j. Apulelus callel tln.'so cuvorlnga fueu ojihlppla, and VIrjjil, on several occtviioii, makes mention of their expamivo cluiracter. Detroit Free Prea. Cheap land, 30 acn, 3 in I lis from Turner, all good bottom land in cul tivation, good orchard, twuaprlngn, gooil nltie-nxmi two-tory hou, ban! flulalriHl, gooil barn aud other rutbulldltige, 52500. Tlio Oregon Land conianyvHaleui, Or. eod St Wockltu-i AnUcafUIve, Til tAt t.llh. I. W. &.-.A n.... UruUsMorw. Ulocnl Ali HhcumV "? I rw inter, LDpxu mum, Ctitlolltii. Uiumnlwa to tr wrfSt hOl.tMika ?X.,utSSrrrftl.a4?J1 fnovta rt.Tu'S? bJ, I'WMlebjrOiujIJrVrjr.jaJtVaiit . TTTMl SbR&S&l tfSfe U I f ym A POOR GIRL'S ROMANCE. 0 o (J) r i i Kg TT ' M M, I Fortane ll'J) Capital City Uunnt Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hoars of theDay None but hlte labor employed iu this pntitblinlimenl. , A ifiwil lubntantlal meal cioked In first cla style- Xwenty-flve cents per meal, HKD KRO S T. Oonrt street, between Opera House nnd Mliito'a Livery lUiNene umra 8ALEM, OBEGON, la just Hie plnce to go fornflrBt-clnss Klucaticn. ltn Normal Course oilers pvcry iiiiviuiiafjB in muj' niHiiiui i . , .. i.i. ..,1 .i...t.. inn I a tF .Ixmrim ' BCIHHII Mllll nil " mireiimui vi.6.u .. amlllnr on Iter When 9I1 Hoe d Dlotlltt nnd ninny BpeO- Her TreaioTed VellUua Ueeii rmrneJ. I uHea. 'Ivovmz woman was married last , Exi-ellct.t enures for bujitiess week to a man who b known arorahiy iwr-. TO all over this country, and wnc. nas some- , . -.- , - thing of a fortune and two homes, and j "wrm. ( mh who is in all respects a man of the T)tf, t(,m o(C1)H m2- world," said another man of the world i Fof oirculur ,tjrfcSSl to the writer after a general talk about . GEQ 'HITAKER.D. D. the pranks of the whirligig of time. President. "In her case," was the continuation, "I will venture to eay that there was a time in her life when the dicker of the flame of hope was as sickly and fitful as any that ever threw ghostly bhadowH on the wall. Not to go into details which would make her known, her mother had separated from her husband. Tho moth- . -i j.Hi.i...nfini lofrnnf. nnlvliome- eranu umiguia w .-.-.--- --- - i. ,nt uriK'ticallV nenniiess. Their prior station had been such as to enable them to enjoy some social privileges. "When the separation came the mother moved out of the fashionable quarters where she had lived and with her daughter took lodging in ono of the cheapest boarding houses on an un frequented street. In spite of effort to gain some livelihood none came. Then they had to give up the back room in the back street boarding house and ob tained a smaller room in a squalid sec tion of Chicago. I do not know that the ..mv1 Dnnullfl fa thn nnM tn lwt iism1. The section is ono even now where few men or women who nave any sen respect care to be seen. liTrt 4-nn nmiKf r9 la rirttlior in flifa story 1 will say that she did not know 11.; riU.,.. 1A..1,. tlw.1. ron fnnA TliaV IU19. XUCy UUU1JUI II!C11 Will IWV. ahvj did not go out to any restaurant or cafe. Their means did not permit thi3. One day tho mother, heavily veiled, would go to some little grocery store with a tin pail and purchase ten cents' worth of ovsters. a few cents' worth of crackers and a bit of cheese. Tho next day tho daughter, heavily veiled, would do tho marketing at some other grocery. Sev eral uuius it iriiit:iji ui uuiei uuya waa t.ilAn tinTi.iwTiRlinn nnrl tlm t!m niVlv l..Jn. C-O SA 4n & fll nu "II fliimft nf iirmA wjiq TTiIPTitBnni1 I hnH l almost saiu witn oioou money, ine uc tle rent was paid and enough food ob tained to Keep up existence. "One day I have this story from the mother herself they pawned the veil for a meal. That removed the mask, and a few days after, when the daughter went for another supply, the beauty of her faco. its refined touches, .nnd hor manner attracted the attention of a man who was in the grocery to which tho girl came. Without her knowledge he followed her to her lodging. Then he made some inquiries concerning the mother and dauriittr and nventnnllv nn. raveled the story of their lives. I would line to ten you some more, but cannot, lest the identity of the two should be established. "I Can sav this mnch. I think, reithnnf. the world knowing any mere: The man who had interested himself in the case married the mother, and tho mntintr en far as any one knows, has been a suc cess, ine uaugnter was placed in a line whero she soon, by her talent and pluck and good looks, obtained a recognition, nnd this nut her in a txwitinn mhoro oho was sought and won by the man who she married a few days ago. "There you havo a storv. withrmt. th slightest coloring, absolutely correct. If you came across it in a novel you would probably accuse tho author of adding a little paint to the picturo. The day the mother told mo their story she had no idea what was in storo for her. Her heart was full of that unspeakable trouble which comes only to those who have lived in sunbursts and then drifted into impenetrable night. How true it is that with some the depths of darkness hang upon the breaking of the light." Chicago Tribune. PRINTIN AK OJVWIJ LAltGKHT km-., lnieuui iu inu ei'aie. Lowe. Irl he bWie rdttai7A.ffl IliK. - ii., ... i. . ,r7 .: "-vuiii qh .nilUK ,Hudwik?2 - " xrrr. I thA prlrHisi ' Jul pi jnu.j,nscol Merchant Tailrj a inn hub oi uuporin.1 uod dn! Wfsiit-us. AlBiiuooinnleie glKt tS" ftirnL-hlu fcihwlg. All the jfcu'a U6(Vimniri'lnlMicei. hlr" jl Strawberries and Grape f ctilftirn nnH rtntrt..i..4 1 . . AttM r.lnnis of eltbtr or these, best o" M rm la an llnlilo f... II. .. A. . "' "II M tii tin t;.i . UnvvA, "J l!.'!Moat "t- ""-in, urejfon.l M.L.CHA.MHEItliIN, Tresldent. It M. ttllANRflN. nh Vl.a 1'pooiHont. Trpnflllrfr UNION TITLE ABSTRACT CO. 275 Commercial Street. Mukrn the nrutest and best Abstracts In the country. E. C. CROSS, uteher and Packer, StaU 8U auil Courtt. The best mtaU rtellvprerl tmli Darts of thcrltv. THE WILLAMETTE,- SALEM, OKBQON. The. hpttt hnlpl hllwpAn f'nrtlnnrl nwiriann traucisco. I''lr.t-class in all Its appoint nienta. Its tables are 6ervcd with the Choicest Fruits Grown in the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. To Strawberry Grnwpra Tlio nnrlnvklitiiMil 11C- nnk. . . I . . ., ni I S7.V t S" t. i- "." ""cl.l"u. rM M 3.V -iwii:. V. . ,T. ".' ""wr'ftBe mi Ir . Ji i owuwuerry iuir) and Ti omphe cie Guild, (bes- yleMer nnd Jl i.Vrt A ,m lll w, "'"' l.ui,u J' W. (j "v,vl -. ... t I'llliuuitlj I'lirfi tlrJ nnd plnutsllrst-cluss. Uataloeue frt r feptt-niber its. Also ten oihw I'JSS Address t iitipiui i dw Halem.orejl 0JLS"JJ"' TACT Arvin OlTrl oko. ii. aouiiEur, LnOi nlu1 uUUlii VIA Southern Pacific Route Stiasta Line TAXES! A Unique Uaaebull Gumn. A truly unique baseball game was being played on the south meadow in Central park when a reporter walked through there a few mornings ago. The players were the inmates of some hospital forcuiing physical deformities in chil dren, and not one of the fifteen boys had a sound body. Three of them were on crutches, in consequence of a withered leg each; three or four more had their legs strapped to iron supports to Btraighten thorn out, and in fact each one of the ooys was physically deformed in some way. The pitcher and first baseman on oue side hobbled around on crutches, and tho catcher on thn nthr ,;,! t,.i one leg tied un in iron snnnnrt It would have been a sad spectacle had not tho youngsters almost forced a smile to come to the onlooker's face by the su preuie enjoyment which they derived from tho game. Tho boy on crutches Was at tllB Imt ITu hit H. un ... i uobble-de-hobblo he went toward first base, caught his foot on the base and rolled over and over o-i tho ground. He JTOt 011 Ills Oil fWlt nrrn1 ,J41. J . i .; , 7 . "h' wuu surprising alacrity, ids only impediment seeminlr tit h ilia I.h.LI 1? , . . . .- ww .u, .uBuiW wmen was shaking The other two boys who walked with the assistance of crutches were waitinir for their turn at the bat One went np behind the other and knocked his crutch from under him. or i. ,.. iL . soft grass, while a shout of laughter went un from Ilia inm;. r,r. K0.1 "P nghinff, and did not appear to iT. T 7 m'as cruel trick in the least. A Iarpw nnmlu. . . :l-,--S?and .- -.Unmii.i8 iaus seemed to eniov themselves evorv ,ni..f u J J the field.-w York Tnbuna: U Pay Yonr School Taxos Be fore They Become Delinquent. The School tuxpH nf .Hatrlnt NTr. 01 In Marion county are now due nnd payable at the clerk's olllce In No. 1U7 Coniiui'rciul street, Salem, first door Hiutli of tho postoillce. The same will become delinquent unless paid within G0da.s from this date. Hy order of board, this 3d day o Nov., 1891. W. B. SIMPSON. 11-3-tf. Disliict Clerk. BRICK AND TILE. For llrsUclnss hand madebrlck nnditlle. go to ' MURPHY & DESAET. Lnrpo supply on baud. Near fair ground, Salem, 72s CAMFOKKTA KXP11KSS TRAIN KFN DAItV BUTTKEN rOllTLAND AKDS. K. FNoHrl houth. 7:UC p. m. 9:1b p. m. 8:15 a.m. Lv. JiV. Ar. .Portland Snlera Ban Fran. Ar. I 7:.1S nr; I.V. 6:2lln1 Lv. 7:00 p. , aiiiivh inuiiM Kiiiii univ ni in irtiiin .r .zz.: :. r .. . - "-..'-"- bik lumsuunn oi uubeuurg. itubt rortlan 1viem f.l... I'.iaI1i... h ....... ... UlUU JHJf 'liilnrpnt. Junction llOSKHUltO MALL DAILY, rth of Koheburg, Kakt rorUan(3fl City, Wooclbuin, wiltm, Albania t. tiheddh, Hnlhey. Harrisbuna ni City, Irving und Kngene. 'jl fcKJG a. m. 10:52 a. ni 6:10 p.m. Lv. Lv Ar. Portland Sulem Itoseburg Ar. I 1:00 p.m.!! u. p.m. Lv. i:20a.ia! Albauy Local, Unify (Kxcejit Sunday. ew o. ni. 7:52 p.m. :U0 p. m. Lv. Lv: Ar. Portlitnd fulein Albany Ar. Lv. 8:S5c.B,i i:w) I PULLMAN Bl'FFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS.1 ror accommodation ol necoud duaiil puejiger uiuiciica to eipress trains. J West Side DivisiuD, Between Portland! and Cervallis: PAI1.Y (EXCEPT HUNDAY). 7:Ji.i u. ui. I Lv. Portliind-3Tr." f 6-H0 p.Tif, taiOp.ui. I Ai. Cornllla Lv. 12:55 p. m. At Albauy and Corviillls connect win. trains ol Oregon Vuciflc Kallroad. KlPHE2THA"lN (nAlI.YKXCEPTanw7)AT 4:iu p. in. I Lv. Portland Ar. I :20 n. ra. 7:2j p. m. Ar.MeMlnuvllleLv. 5:45 a. m. Through Tickets To nil point FAST aw! SOUTH l-'or tickets, and lull luformation regard, ing iatth u.nps, etc., apply to the Comp.i. "J " "h'-ii. 1.111.111, VltjjUll. . i.uj.ji i,i.u, ( Manager Conservatory of Music. WAMKTTE UNIVKRSITY.-Glves mu, s"Pwior advantages to students of music. Hye teuchers. Latest methods XS'h aHnd "strumental music taught to the highest prollclency. No ute col mr east ,i?inR5J,dy rauslc- iPenei raedfrail: niplonus given on completion of course Jeit term begins f eb. 1. mi. urse Z.M. PAHVIN. Mu.sical Director. OREGON STATF SCHOOL' JOURNAL lc1 azme devoted to school and home cB Ien: therefore, it Is indispensable To l?K .! ISSSJi'? to frS'edu3. a ,t -.wituj , uf. DUGAN BROS' THE YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD !irt,., Vfi" "eyciopnient company'u steit iiblilt. Hue. -jio miles shoiter, ai i hours Ifss lime than by unj otliei loule. Kiist nnS TwViU(:1i J,!'b5en,ger and "eight lir.e horn Portland und all pointw lu the Wll lauiette vallev to and Irom Huu yranelcco TIME SCHEDULE. (Kxcept Bunaays). leave Albany l-otiPM Leave Con-Hllis Su Arrive Yaqulna 6:S0PM Leave Yaqulna B-'isAM Albany 11:10 AM. o. n iin. . -. ... ' " Corvallis -".., ul AWany nnd he.1DoT?tralns connect at YAOUI'a 7rM JIl? ,HreB.on "evelonment CoVLin VmSSSS lr,K,,elween Yinulna and "a SAILING DATES. Falforiday 0M W Mil 111 )1IS u imca 111) Wholesale and retail dealere-n STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. OT Commercial street. Telephone No. 33 PENSIONS JSIflM! 'ortland and all am mal;e clote trains of the l)urr lu AVorrr. V.. i.. -..... Will Th ' WOfk b0t the wo"y whicU kills. Than u no touio for the Ixxl y keregnkrwork of the wind, thonsh this U unfortunately not often appreti tHt or not allnirml 1.,. i. . , .,' S,"SS',SSf " tbdrS o .-.-ttu 8 journal of Health. PEOPLE! Ask for Hurst's "STAFF OF LIFE" Famous" S SuX"6 wheat Flour. fHurl" b.t KnU HolUr IVivw.. u. D.C.SHERMAN. &W3F&u$ WMin-?V.. JRPMSAN FKANClfcCO SC!irz5 Ihis company reserves tlin Vh, , change wlll c&teVwltifn.,. "ht ,c uiiSl?KSP 'r.m Portland , wR:fsi.?Affi AgenuianUronPs'frroani C.C. HOOIJK Ao't Opn'i i.v, . iW AgL, OrffeVrSSSt'g: ol O H. HAKWELL. J,-. OenK.i11!' From Terminal or Inlerior Toinla e T i) l Railroad M. T. RINEMAN OlAUrB;,j, Sfupltf id I Fancy Ck iferies, nJ WUlo SSSwS;f-L.i!5WPi Woeden ?MDeaadinii i r ;:.""" a. ivv SSS&'ts W-ate: V.'". P?I A r wuntryprodu; --" "ijtnrimtronage, lJaute,tret . Suinniou., Inlloi'i, i... . ' Pi.w Marion Z,on,,e Bte of Ore- Toil m ... Sy.?.ih.?.S5f!5?te lu the niroe ofti. ?tfenJnt: fh Wto'aVwSr On you ine ronminin ...... "I'Pear and nmi... aii ur iHr- tlj Wr. AjkVSilf tor th gooj, i ttaoSSSSfcg'' SnCtlfdwKS Jpo in tb. " in reoruarv ic ,,;. """v ine Mb. flr.tdra.nlHi1.Vb.isame 'ne the entliifdooutLulartermolihe abive r.tIItlw or ."" "Plratlou "rth. fflttSfPt,!!. rale nf '""""wt thereon at iha r" V " Miromr n I. ..T-.S"."' V T,'7 iniiitloa hTonfiH .V'W.-Pon llhdXi?W.jarI"AVXnlft iNuruiciTi ram la tl.A linn x t. To all Points East aid South. v!w11s!nv;rr?ni.n ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO TOURIST Sleeping Cars. tickeu.and n,laBd ndla EltEQAVT DAY COACHES. A coutlnuot llui-ii. afloidiu servlee. 1'ullmar. ci. curixl in , mr raa. - 'Tf uninterrupted I IQninun. ? uru miS,a'.& n. wi"Vnw li2to' . iU -". I Tt IU Ihili.'iiiT.-;" " JUWCUUv lnrcan bfliN nTA,Uua fora all mnu m tc "" 'w " iuw com. on r!t.Uon to i., am .vr furnl' A4,p, n-J- HURLTON, lnd,0ren ' '' " hrfnetoa; ir SHAW 4 DOWNING, Agvnm i j, d. jBiwpxBftv. .... i.p:rwi& . "wnntmmm m-.-' v