EvSyrf-w.-Mn w Ni Hj.-U We begin invoicing . lOlll ou.r steck: And up to 5MEMBER WE OFFER BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. ffii CAPITAL JOUUUL THEB8DAY JAN. 7, 1802 fBEUT k PATTBRSON, s in Groceries, Crockery, Jjlapware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, IBrushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole ppnts for Epicure Tea and Big GanlBaking Powder. ffiKgy do not Import green cheeze from the moon, but JONE3 & BERNARDI Make the best French candies and 'confectionary known to the trade. Trflr. I ,rTii tft LOCAL DATES. JaB? 22. County Farmer's Alliance. Eitreoiatbd. "Your New fear's number was very creditable jrikI had a number of articles that 11 be of service in the East. It Is alt"oKether of incalculable benefit to Salem and vicinity. I never real- Tz?d bo keenly as since I left the fvspaper business, the immense ue of thoso carefully compiled muioth editions to their respec tive cities. I never knew befrfre, wBilo laboring with tiring earnest nSs to get everything accurate and complete, -with what interest and fivldity every line is read, in order poTget an idea of what has been done Che past year and what the pros Ipects are for the future. Indeed, ftfae people of any town rarely realize the great good its live uews- I papers are doing for them." The above are the cheering words added Jir?a letter from a Portland business man and advertiser. eDemand for Poulthy. Poultry Jin great demand just now in all grades of society, and especially in high grades of poultry. This was demonstrated one night last week grhen some well informed poultry fancier entered the hen houee of School Director Fabritus R. Smith and bagged about thirty of his pure Bred Plymouth Rocks. They carried off some of his best bred young bene that were just coming into bearing and as eggs are eggs at 35 cents a dozen, it is not exactly all fun. H. E. Schmidt of Turner also had carried off two pet Mongolian pheasants. Crime is on tho increase. The school board are wrestling with the problem of how to restore the d rector's lost poultry without en croaching upon the school fund. 'hey thiuk the new school houses down there will stop such crimes. Enforce the Law. Here is a chance for Governor Pennoyer to bring his great anti-monop flit down hard on the Union Pacific. The following letter has been ad dressed to the governor by the Oregon railway commissien: "It becomes our duty to inform you i that the Union Pacific company, : lessee of tho Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern Railway Co., has failed to file its annual report with this board, as required by law, for the year ending June 80, 1891, and beg to say to you that the report is of great importance to a proper ad ministration of the affairs of the road." The Nimrods. At its annual meeting the Salem Rod and Gun club elected officers for the ensuing year as follews: C. D. Gabrielson, president; F. A. Turner, vice presi dent; W. W, Brooks, secretary; H. P. McNary, treasury. A diamond medal Is to be shot for during 1802. So far the Albany club has not seen its way to accept the challenge issued to them by the Salem club. Ladles, at the Kellog school of cutting you will learn more in a week than in three months In a Bhop. School at 125 Court street. 1892 January 1892 WOOLEN HOSIERY & UNDERWEAR Wo open our usual winter salts by offering all Woo1 en Hosiery ana" Underwear at the usual low, special silo pric s. T. HOLVERSON, 301 Commercial Street.., that time wo will sell all li es LAUGHTER PRICES. Including especially carpets and mattings. J. ANNUAL RKP0RTS. Financial Showing of Different De partments of City (loyernment Worth Preserving. Thennnual reports of the several city oillcliils submitted to the first meeting of tho council were in sub stance as follews: recorder's report. Total received $13,140 14 Rec'd of marshal, fees, etc.. 3,970 67 " " treasurer, taxes.- 13,907 60 Total $31,084 31 Total warrants issued 33,074 91 EXPENSES. Fire department ? Uridges Lights and water Police Salary recorder " street com'r Fees marshal " and salary city.att'y Per diem surveyor Sewers Iut bridge and sewer bonds 5,221 00 4,780 00 5,800 00 3,093 00 1,000 00 720 00 1,802 75 1,240 Ou 1,070 30 5,034 14 3,450 00 TREASURER'S REPORT. Bui. on hand $ 2,529 02 Reo'd from Recorder 1777 20 " " Marshal 008 89 Total $ 4,975 71 Pd (iu vouchers $ 3,104 02 " Int- &ever bonds 476 1X1 bridge " 600 00 Cash on bund. 890 09 Total ? 4,975 71 SEWER FUND. Bal. on haud $ 190 95 Rec'd. from Recorder 1,202 24 " " Marshal 249 04 Total $ 1,702 23 Pd. on warrants 1,422 50 Hal. on hand 274 37 CITY MARSHAL'S REPORT. Delinquent tax roll $ 3,474 77 Collected of same 2,777 07 Tax sworn oft 80 US2 20 45 280 02 116 55 192 50 " uncollectable . " assessed wrong, " In haud of Com Cash on hand SEWER ASSESSMENTS. Total for collection $ 1,162 41 Collected. i)(53 75 673 12 23 64 Uncollected Ou hand CITY POUND. Amount received In excess of expenses of same 10 75 STREET COM'RS REPORT, Re'd road tax for year, ? 731 25 Re'd from other sources, 89 25 Total 820 60 207 00 600 13 7 50 2 25 2 38 1,370 00 lu7 00 1,289 00 894 00 160 00 120 00 150 00 150 00 473 00 Pd. for teaming, Pd. for men, Pd. for nails, Pd. fordraying, Ain't overpaid, Road tax due about ? BRIDGES BUILT. Capital St. ? Church St Twelfth St Fourteenth St. Two bridges over race.- Repalr foot bridge, Other repairs, Completing High Street bridge Total $ 5,210 00 Tho street commissioner's report shows that during the year there has been built 10,500 feet of new plank sidewalk, 00 new crosswalks, and several thousand feet of cement walk. Mr. Crossau says: "I have urged the people where they have to build new sidewalks to do so with cement as in the end I think it cheaper and from a sanitary point of view much preferrable. The Biggest Tax. The county court will this week make the coun ty tax levy, and petitions are being got up in all parts of the county to have a 3-raill tax levied to build good gravel roads under contract. This Is a small tax compared to wear and tear on horses, harness and vehi cles and waste of time to farmers by the present almost Impassable roads. There is no greater civillzer than good roads. There is no greater tux than bad roads. New Market. Thos. Bluudell was taken down with the grippe the same day that he opened his new fish and poultry market at Insurance block. He is nut again and received a fine lot of fish today. Give him a call. Just arrived a large invoice of the celebrated Chase & Sanborn coflee from Boston, and the Blue Front is again all smiles. OR mmii&m&mMmmmimmif of goods at H. L LOCAL AND l'EHSO.NAL. Tho Salem police cost for the year $5495. Salem pays $45G0 a year for elec tric lights. Why not use the mayor's message as eastern advertising matter? Inventory of the Wru. Benson assignment shows stock footing up $697.65. Two drunken, disorderly Individu als appeared before his honor Recor der Goodell, one paying a fine and the other serving five days. Judge James Walton, county topographer, Is about again after a few weeks of the grip. Valley and Protection lodges A.O. U. W. held a very nice union In. stallation service at Protection hall Wednesday evening. W. M. Boshou, who had been cook at the asylum for about sixteen years, has resumed his old place in the big kitchen. E. L. Thompson, special agent and adjuster of the Northwest Fire and Mai ine Insurance company of Portland is In the city on business. Salem postofllce bus a lequibition In for 100,000 of the new postal cards,but they hac not yet arrived. J. W, Hobart of Garfield precinct will probably be among the candi dates for county assessor. A test of the water works at tho asylum farm showed a stream could be thrown over the cottages. The new bell of Willamette uni versity is nearly in position. The will of Wm. Cornell has been filed and proven. A. C. Connelly of Frontdale has been to brought the asylum. Tho Tillamook Lumbering Co. and the Northern National Build ing and Loan Association of Port land, have filed articles of Incorpor ation. Hon. Geo. W. MoBride. secretary of Btate, Is home from a trip for his health in California. He Is consid erably recuperated, and back In time for the annual tax levy. Hon. T. T. Geer is in the city and and declined to have anything to say on the congressional situation. He said he was satisfied to serve the people In the legislature if he should be wanted. The fact that tho floods of 1890 caused Immense expense for numer ous new bridges shows why Salem has run a few thousand dollars in debt. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ellis have lost their four-weekB old baby. Tho funeral was held at 0 a. m., and the remains were taken to Dallas. Miss Tennie C. Mlnthorn, daugh ter of Dr. Mlnthorn, of the Oregon Land Co., Is quite sick since two weeks with a kind of nervous fever. There is to be a meeting of Demo crats this evening at 7:30 at Dia mond's music ball to organize the Democratic club and elect delegates to the state convention at Portland Friday and Saturday. L. V. Ehlen, a substantial Butte vllle farmer, is In Salem with some friends who are pressing his candi dacy for the nomination of county clerk with considerable force. He will come into the convention, with several precincts to back him, is a well educated man, has lived In tho county since 1803, and as a staunch Republican would add strength to the ticket. In his monthly report Dr. Row land, superintendent of tho asylum, says: "We butchered of our own stock for the asylum for the month, 000 pounds of beef, 3502 pounds of pork, and 822 pounds of veal. Our own men and teams have hauled from the state brickyard at the prison, 50,000 brick for building purposes at the asylum in enlarging the chapel, kitchen, etc, as planned and In process of construction. The l.iylng of water pipes at the Cottage farm Is approaching completion and their practical efficiency Is to be tested la a few days." Style. If you like oysters in any style known to the art of cookery go to Hellen brand's. ' UNN am COuNTV COMMISSIONERS COURT, Official Record of Proceeding hail nt the January Terra 1892. FIR8T DAY JAN. 8. The court mot at 1 p. m., County Judge Davidson and Commlsstouera Watson and Grim present. In matter of application of R. Thompsen: for HcouBO to sell spirit uous liquor in Turner precinct for period of six monthB.hearlng on peti tion continued to Thursday at 1 o'clock. Iu matter of location of 20 feet off" the west side of tho county road from Marlon to Jefferson from the souHi cud of First street in Marlon to tho point where said road crosses tho O. &C. R. R. in an easterly directlon.orderedthatCharlesMlller, Bennett Pearson and R. T. Ray bo appointed viewers aud W, J. Culver surveyor to meot at place of be ginning, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 1892. ! Iu the matter of establishment of election precincts of East Silverton and West Sllverton comes K. L.HIl bard and presents petition which was laid on tho table for further action. In matter of establishment of Macleay precinct, petition presented by W. L. Taylor and laid ou table for further action. Adjourned to Thursday at 9 a. m. SECOND DAY FORENOON. In matter of vacation of 20 feet oft" west side Marlon and Jefrereon roiul, etc., ordered by tho court that the order for the appointment of viewers and surveyor heretofore made be re voked, and that the matter be con tinued to February term. Iu matter of petition of James Batchelor, J. P. of East Salem pre cinct, for suitable cabinet for the preservation of files of justice court, ordered that the petition be allowed and that he be authorized to pur chase a suitable cabiuet at a cost n.t to exceed $18.00. Iu matter of a change of the boundaries of road district No. 73; change allowed. In matter of a change In the boundaries of road district No. 05; change allowed. In matter of a change In the boundaries of road district No. 64; change allowed. Report of viewers upon the Golden road, read first time. Report of viewers upon the re suryey of portion of Salem and Macleay road, read first time. In the matter of allowance for tho malutaluauco of the Flelsch mau family; ordered by the court that Mrs. Johns be allowed $10.00 for reut and malutaluauco of tho same. The I p. m. court adjourned to meet at Boating. The river has fallen sufficiently to allow tho use of the locks. The Elwood leaves for Port land on Friday morning at 0 a. m., and will hereafter make her regular trips tri-weekly between Salem aud Portland. Salem Fanciers. The Old Folks club met at the home of R. B. Fleming a few evenings since, and enjoyed a very pleasant pastime in their efforts td "drive" dull care away. Tho poultry business Is really looking up In Salem, at least such was tho case with the prize fowl of the evening. It was a fine bird, of the Webb strain, and car ried oft the honors on 37 "points." That Albany Challenge. Our attention has been called to the following item appearing in the Albany Democrat of Jan. 0, says: "The Albany club will be glad to shoot at any time under reasonable conditions. A match can easily bo made with ten men ou a side." Wo now understand what our Albany shooters waut Instead of a team shoot between the two clubs of a reasonable number of men, they want a "tournament" between the two clubs. If the Albany club has ten shooters they must have three. Their first move should be to either accept or reject our challenge, then other arrangements could be talked of. Your proposition to shoot for $5.00 a man Is unreasonable be cause It would cost each Salem man $8 to make the trip. We would havo to stay over night, you could come hero and return the same day. One club against the other, nobody barred out. Salem Rod and Gun Clud. o MARKETS BY TELEORAPH. PORTLAND. Wbeatr-Valley, l.e2.65 per cental. Flour standard, 15.00. Walla Walla JI.80; Oat Now White 40 to 45o per buobcL Mlllsluirg Bran $120; shorts, 121 to 22 ground barley, 123 to 26; cnop feed, f 18 to 919, middlings, 23, per ton, Hay 11113 per ton. Mutter Oregon fancy dairy, 85c; fancy creamery 87; eood to fair, J74: California cboloe 27 to 31c. Egg Oregon 80 o per doz. Vouitry-Oblckeni, tSMQtS. Fotatoee WatbOclper cental. Cbeeae Oregon, lito 16c; California 13c. Bogara Golden O, 4c, extra V, 4& dry granulated, b cube, crushed and Pow dered, (o per pound. Beans Small wblte, 2c, pink i bayou, 8c; batter, 8c; lima, 8Jc. Dried KrulU Queted: Italian prunes Sq Petite and German, 7o per pound) raisins, f I 60 per box; plutnmer dried peara, 8 to 9c; sun dried and factory plums, 9c; evaporated peaches, 9 to lie; Hmyria flgi 20c; California flg 7 cenu per pound. Hldaa-Dry hide, h to 9q Jo less foi culls, green over M pound, 7c, under 65 pounds, 8c; sheep pelts, 80c!1.23. 8MOKKD MEATS AUD LAHU. Eat Urn nam, U to I3c; breakfast ba con, U to 16c; tides, lltfr, Urd, 1 to 18c per pound. Has Pkascuco, Jan. 0 Wheat; buyer: IUT. ClflCaOO, Jan fl. Wheal, cash Jf, Jerked venleon, DavU?o& While. if -""''"-'"" 'i irriiifiiiiTiyiiriTTfiiiiiiniiTH RUSSKMi INAWU'RATED. Boston, Jan. 7. Wm. F. Russell was today inaugurated as governor of Massachusetts aud his address read to the legislature. DID ALL HE COULD. London, Jan. 7. Tho agent of tho Associated Press in this city has received dispatches from Captain Nlckells, commander of the Red Star lino steamship Noordland, pro testing ngtlnst tho charge that tho Noordlaud made no attempt to rescue the Burvlvors of tho British bark Child wall, which was sunk in In a colllslou with that steamer in tho North sea. The Noordland, Captain Nlckells says, had 500 per sons on board. Her bows had been stovo in by the collision and she was leaking. Believing tho safety of his own passengers and crew en dangered, ho put his vessel about and returned to Antwerp Sunday night. Captain Nlckells' is corrobo rated by Pilot Laming, who was also on board the Childwall. The pilot says theNoorlaud stood by for an hour. Two boats lowered from the steamer failed to reach the Child wnll because of tho heavy sea run ning. Twelve of those who lost their lives were below when the ac" cldent occurred, and the vessel satik so rapidly they did not have time to reach tho deck. Nine person, In cluding the pilot, took refuge in the mizzen rigging, from which they were subsequently rescued by the steamer Ipswich, belonging to the Great Eastern Company, Threo of the crow took refuge on the end of the bowsprit, but as the water rose they were washed oft and drowned. Found. At last a place has been found where fresh Oregon eggs can bo obtained, as each aud every egg Is tested, stamped and guaranteed, at the fish, game aud poultry depot of Davison & White, 04 Court street. ; Week op Pkayer. Special meet ing at tho M. E. church to continue all the week. All aro Invited. Fuget sound smelt, Davison & White. Ladles fine shoes that will pleaso tho most exacting, just arrlyed at It. J. Fleming's B. S. 8. 8 118 State street. Eastern prices prevail. Express wagons for tho boys at "cut rate" prices. Wm. Sargent's. Mrs. B. E. Hyde, who has con ducted a cutting school in Portland for oyer two years, opens a branch In Salem next Monday at the Row laud residence. Mouldings at "closing out" prices at Wm. Sargent's. State street shoe store sells Bhoes surprisingly swift. Their eastern prices are convincing. 118 State street. As a homo remedy for throat and lung diseases, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is luvaluablo. Druggists now have Ayer's Almanac. Columbia river smelt, Davison & White. Ladles, there Is no reiittlug with tho Kellog French tailor system of cutting, Itomomber you pay noth ing for the system until you cut your dress without refitting. Pat terns cut to order. Call and exam ine system. School of cutting 125 Court street. All kinds of fish, Davison & White. Pictures and picture frames at cost at Wm. Sargent's Attention A. 0. U. W ! There will be joint installation of the officers of Protection and Valley lodges, at the hall of Protection lodge. O. A. Waller, D. D. Is tho installing officer. There will also bo degree work In both degrees. Turn out brothers, and let us have a rousing meeting. J. A. Sellwood, Recorder, Insure in tho Massachusetts Mu tual Life Insurance L. Mitchell, agent. Company. J, lMK-tf IIOTEI-i AKKlVAliS. "WILLASIinTK" D LIpmau, 'Frisco, W B Jenkins, St. Louis, Sam Wutern, Miss Croslt, Miss Vincent, E L Thompson, Portland. Mrs It Willard, RWillard, Seattle H E Glesy, Aurora. LVEhler, Buttevllle. J H Lamb, city. E M Curtis, L Bllyen, C M Davis, Eugene. F Deyr, Roseburg, B H Kent, Q A Hobler. "COOK," R N Parks, Eugene. Miss Ada Thomas, Turner. G W Taylor, Sclo. N G Burton, J Schiller, F S Lull, Portland. Chaa Atwood, Marlon. W O Moore, Frank Moore, Cen tralla. II J Bigger, Dayton, Ohio. Mrs T Beach, RIckrcall, "The Best.'L Wra. lJrown a Co, PRICE'S leant Baking Uwd in Millions of Home 40 Years tli$ $taiid&rd. 1867 THK 0LtiT LARGEST AND" BEST NUttStiltY ON THE PAClFlO COABT, 3Q2 THE OREGON NURSERY FOR SAIJEX A BARGAIN FOR SOME ONE. HMHMHHHHHsl -tr ' ESTIMATE OF WHAT THE STOOK WILL BE WORTH BY FALL, 1892. ' i 200,000 Prune trees on Peach roots at 10 cts. each $20,000 00,000 Peach trees on Peach roots at 10 cts. each "... G,000 20,000 Plum trees on Peach roots at 10 cts. each 2,U00 2,000 Apricot trees on Apricot roots at 10 cts. each 1,200 40,000 Prune trees on Myrabolan Plum roots at 12 cts. each ." 4,800 50,000 Pear trees at 10 cts. each 5,000 50,000 Chorry trees ut 10 cts. each 5,000 40,000 Apple trees at 7 cts. each 2,800 22,500 Gooseberry bushes at 3 cts. each 675 3,500 Currant bushes, Fays Prolific, at 10 cts, each 350 4,000 Currant bushes, common sorts at 3 cts. each 120 4,00Q Koso bushes at 20 cts. each ; . . . : 800 2,000 Omamontal and Nut trees at 20 cts. each ..... 400 5,000 Grape Vines at 20 cts. each 1,000 15 Acres of young stock in nursory rows, 20,000 to the acre, 300,000 trees worth at 4 cts. each 12,000 3 Horses, 2 new wagons, 1 buggy, 1 cart, 3 sots of harness, plows, drills, tree digger, hoes, spades and all tools connected with the nursery va ued at. . . 605 3 Desks, 1 typewriter, 1 mimeograph, chairs and other office fixtures 250 Over 10,000 customers and the entire trade of the nursery together with full list of names and addresses of tree planters to send catalogues to, nearly 60,000, valued at, (I think this is Vorth $10,000) put it at 3,000 All tho unsold trees, plants, etc., on hand after the spring sales aro over (there is over $6,000 worth on hand now) will likely bo left 1 ,000 Total $67,000 ESTIMATE OF THE COST of carryingthe nursory until fall of 1892.$ 2,000 17,000 My price for it now 15,000 Total gain in.10 months -.$50,000 Please apply at once if wanted, as I will not sell if not sold within ten days from January 5th, 1892. ' Respectfully, W: M. WIRT, Successor to O. Dickinson and Wirt Bros. Offico corner Commercial and Chomekota streets, up stairs. N. B. All the peach, pear, cherry, apple, apricot, prune on Myrabolan and a part of the plum and prune on peach were budded last August the balance will be ready to graft next month. F. S. Dearborn, 263 Commercial street, bus a full line of blank books, diaries for office and pocket, calen dar stands, art calendars and tho largest and most complete stock of office stationery in the city, nt bed rock prices. Just 24. fit JuntSt hoursJ. V. B. relieves ronatlruitloii anil sic k hcuiliiclici, After it guts tho )tcm ur.ikr control uu ocrAslonal iIobo prevents ro tun. Wo refer by permission to W. If. Jlnr fhnll, llrunswlcl: House, 8. F.j Oco. A. Wor tier, K!l California Bt., B. V. Mrs. C. Mclvlu, 130 Kearny St., B. i, and many others who liave fountl relief from tonstlrmtioii mid sick lieuOttchcs. 0. W. Vincent, of C Tcrrenco Court, 8. I', writes: "1 am CO years of age and have liad constipation 25 )vars. I was Induced to try Joy's Vcectaulo Barsaparllla. I recognized In It an lierb tho Mexicans used to glvo us In tho early M'l for bowel troubles. (I came toCal. In 1839,) mid I know It would help me and It !u. For the flrnt tine Iu years I can sleep well aud my system is reiftihir. The old Mexican herbs Iu this remedy aro a certain cure In conrtlpattou and bowel troubles." Ask for s Vegetable Sarsaparilla For sal by DauM J. Fry, 225 Com. street. Very cholco butter, Davison fc White. Ayer's Sarsaparilla stops the nuus eous discharges of catarrh, and cures tho complaint. Fresh oysters Davlsou & White. ii ii UEAL ESTATK N0VEMKNT8. Sales in January heretofore re corded, 123,188.60, JANIAJIY 7, Geo Landreth and wife to Henry Bruor, It fi, 0, blk 12, Whitney ad, Stayton, $95. J II Settlemeler and wife to Wal ter L Tooze, 78.100thn a at Wood- burn, 876. Benjamin Cleaver, unmarried, to Eliza J. Scott, pt it blk 1, Reed's ad Salem, (1000. Joy iiTir r liMfif r hi we ii GLEARANG - OF - MEN AND BOYS 20 Boys' Satinet Overcoats with capes ages 4 to 9 $ 4 25 Mens' Long Bluo Chinchilla Ulsters. . . . 8 .20 Mens' Pine Mackintoshes $9 and 12 50 Boys' ICneo Suits Cottonade ago 4 to 10. . 1 25 " " " Jeans " " " . . 1 25 Mens' Cottonado Suits, all ekes G Solo agents for Kerrs ix Cord Cotton, B & G Cor setswarranted, M. C. & Co.'s Kid Gloves warranted. 1 mm llanos ft! PIANOS AND ORGANS AT EASTON 310 Commercial Street. lluitlo ItocklOK chairs, Bettors, genu of. floe or rvadloK cuuirx, lump nUtud. router tables, Mower stoucu, nuvy ruciciuK una blgu chairs, etc., fur sale Or Exchange for Second HhikI Goods. Call and Inspect Ilustlowork at old Court House, lis, AiiKinan.or ruruiiurert'ptiirea, n. T. MARTIN, Propr. mimmmmmmmmmm CLOTHING. oo 00 00 00 25 00 OPERA HOUSE J BLOCK. i 1U(1 Those Afflicted With tbo.bnbtt ot using to exceM, LIQUOR, OPIUM Oil TOBACCO Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE ATJTilK KEELEY INSTITUTE, Korest Grove, Or., Call write. Btrlotly oonddentlol. Steamer Elwood. Leaving Kline at llolse's wharf. BtUoin, and Kellogg dock, Taylor Street lVrUasdi BAI.KJI. PORTLAND, Monday. 6 a. m, Wotlucrtday, Vrtdav. Tuesday, 6a.w, Thursday, " AT.. 1IKHKKN. Asuat. naiurtwy, Offlce HUUtrl and at Wharf, FEAR & HAMILTON, !oaui negotiated on Improved form wmI city !roieriy, Jioora II, Hash Hank block. 61iw m Guitars lTnnnnhno a ll