Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 06, 1892, Image 4

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If you would bo clean and hayo your clothes done up
itlio neatest and dressiest manner, take (hem "to thaj!
Etero all work in done by white labor and in the most
roinpfc manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED.
Liberty Street
Etalmage preaches on the
iJtMtiPlrst Sunday of till) Sew Yer I
iKtuiug Time Id Ttilnk on the Uneei
RutlnE Tie 11 f Life The Antedllurlan
i;iitrlurfliii Diingor All Arouud Of.
nrioKLYN, Juii. 3. Thin morning
;hQffalKjninclotx)0'regatin, mooting
'orJRtiti flrKt Sunday servico of tlio
year, found tlio pastor dispoaort
rlous.rcfloction on tho flight of
mo. Tlio otwnuig uytnn gave tno
eyiioto in tho familiar werds:
jily days are gliding swiftly by,
1 And I, a pilgrim' stranger.
M finui not fieimu uii-ni nn mcj 117,
Those liotim of toll and danger.
Dr. Talmago rrad novoral pasagoa
'WV, . .., i 2.
iiuunir u? utiuxiiiuviiui iijuKuriiy.
fcaSjcing charactorwtic coramonto as
Uojruau, anl thou preneiieu rrom tno
Ibailnoiw woi-drt. Jeremiah xxviil. 10.
fSThirt vonr thou Hhalt die."
yerenilah. accustomed to saying
Id things, addrawes Hananiab in
lioso wonbt They provo truo. In
nuty dayB Hananiab had dopartod
i lifo.
fibi" !h tho firat Babbllth of u
Car. it i n nine lor raviowanu lor
mtidpation. A man must bo a gen-
at xtupimty wno uoea not uiiuk
w. Tuo olu year uiou in giving
twrtli to tho now, as the lifo of Jano
lymour, tho English qucon, do-
frted when that of bor Bon, Edward
i; dawiiwL Tbo old year wan a
queen. Tho now shall bo a king.
Tho grave of tho one and tlio cradio
of tlio other aro Bido by Bido. Wo
ftcan hardly guess what tbo child will
loo. ii u ouiy two uayu oiu, oui i
ffeuphosy for it an ovontful futum
iiVfirirof mirth and madnossl Year
gMlaugb ; it will sing; it will groan; it
Ifwill dio.
iff hit not n time for earnesUbought?
MV - .ll 1 t --!
xnocongramiauons ttiivu oueu givuu.
Tuo Christmas trocs bavo boon talton
'down, or bavo well nigh cast their
fpiits Tlio friends who camo for tlio
Holidays aro gono in tho rail train.
lWJmIo wo aro looking forward to an
other twolvo months of intense activ
ities, tbo text broalra upon uu liko a
Iftmting tbunderhead, "TIiIb year
thou sbalt dio."
Tbo text will probably provo truo
of wuno of us. Tlio probability is
tuigmoutod by tho fact that all of ua
ytho aro ovor thirty-nvo years or ago
kkvo gono boyond tho avorngo of hu
wan lifo. Tho noto is moro than
uo. It is only by Huffomuco tliatit
ii Hot collected. Voaro liko ndobtor
jrboistakiug tbo "tbroo dayu' grnco"
of. tho banks. Our raco Htnrtod with
Ino himdrod years for n llfotimo.
Wo road of butono antediluvian
youth whoso early death disappoint
ed tho noiies of his paronta by uu
(dying at sovou hundred and sovonty-
wven yearn of ago. Tho world thon
inuy bavo been ahead of what it is
bow, for men bad bo long a timo in
iVhlch to Btudy nnd Invont tuid plan.
If im ui-tist or ft philoRopbor baa forty
years for work, ho makes great
I 'JjaehiovoinontH) but what must tbo
who bad nino hundred years boforo
S thorn?
t' F 41n ,skt.t t.tr.t flinllurtiifl tmritHJ
44 IUU UUilt I J l.,? vilwitf.... jw.t.u
feefQro tbo Hood, considering tlio
iloflrovity of tbo inhabituntii, thoro
lvmy bavo Ikhjh nearly as many iwo-
1J as tuoro aro now. 'tno ikxmi
wa not a freshet that washed n fow
' peoplo off a plank, but a disaster that
y nave tiwppt away a iuouhiiuu
inUllons If tlio Atlantic ocean, by a
addon lui-ub of tbo eartli tonight,
ahnulil drown this buiuiui)hoi0. lllld
Jtlta Pucini. iifiviii li ii unilflmi Inivh
SVAVf ..,.l. .-rf... WJ . .-,...-.-- . ... -r-
Sof tlio earth, should drown tbo other
jMsqlsphoi-o, Iwmng about as many
goings OR could lo got in ono or two
toucan Btoamora, it would givo you an
Woa of what tho ancient Hood was.
At that timo God startod tho raco
with n flUortor allowance of lifo. Tho
nino hundred years wore hown dowu.
..2I t. .1... tltl.h it 7.kklttflLjtll I. tl .Witt
4 UUVUi 111 LUU II11U Ul V vnmitia, IIIAMI
mis was uiKon, ami ouiy ono uuuunxi
and twenty four iHirsons wore found
J oil buudixxl ywiro old and thrco or
' four persons ono humlnxl and forty
yoan old. Now a man who Ihih txnno
o ono nunuroii yuiro or age w a cun
erttj ami wo go milert to boo him.
Tlio vast majority of the raco passed
4nK boforo twenty years. To ovory
ppl thoro aro II vo blossoms that
wevor got to Ik applos. In tho coun
try churcli tho mjxton ringa tlio boll
mIdly until almost through, and
;tbett tolls it. For nwhilo tho boll of
wr lifo rings right merrily, but wiui
ticmo of you tho boll has begun to
toU, and tlio iulaptcduosa of tlio Uvxt
te you in nifn-o nnd mora probable,
Yfaia year thou shalt dio."
Tha cluiracteror oocupauou nuua
to Hk probability,
to the profotsious
vpi4ug of tho brain and nervo
ItMUtdiioua. Litonuy men in thia
try aro drivou wiu wuip aim
to their topmost wpood. Not
binJn worker out of a hundrod
flfeMrwa fuiv inodorution. Tticro u
n1hfiTif bo stimulating .In our di
MhiUti Joka Drown, tho oasay
M ot JMlabrh. luul lived boro ho
mnaU hav brokeu down at thirty-
fdm imiml ot ftfty-flvo, nd Qiarloa
Uemm would havouroi)joti at lorty.
fbrt U wmwthlug la all our occui
oim wbkii ftrtxlbqKo to dlsa&so
If Ui a4out to dLjorder ranging
MB Hvmn to Rip!exyi if wa lw
mmM. to ittunanon rantnir from coa-
I fiiMtw Mitr rck Hfty ymw. I
'PlwMQA wnn fiM
aro undergoing
WatcbmakciH. in marking tbo time
for others, shorten thoir dwn. Chem-
lotu ttmnttin flixith iii tlinir Intvirn..
toricH and itottcrs ubsprb paralysis.,
Painters fall under their own brush.
Foundrymen tako death in with tlio
filings. Shoemakers pound away
their own lives on tbo last, Over
driven merchants measure off thelr
own H vos with tho yardstick. Millers
grind thoir own Jivea with tho grist
Masons dig thoir graven with tbo
trowoL And in all our occupations
and professions thoro aro tho elements
of poriL
Ilapid climatic changes threaten
our Uvea. By reason of tho violent
flts of tbo thermometer, within two
days wo livo both in tho arctic and
tho tropic. Tlio warm south wind
flnds us with our furs on. Tho win
try blast euta through our thin np
parol. Tho hoof, tho wheel, tho flro
nmis, tbo assassin wait thoir chance to
!ut upon us their quietus. I announce
t as an7 Impossibility that thrco bun
dretfandsixtyfivQ days should pass
and leavo us all as wo now am In
what direction to shoot tho arrow 1
know not, and ho I shoot it at a ven
turo. "Thin year thou shalt dio."
In view of this, I adviso that you
havo your temporal matters adjastod.
Do not Ioave your worldly affairs at
the mercy of administrators. Havo
your receipts properly pasted and
your letters filed and your hooka
balanced. If you havo "trust funds,"
sen that thtjy aro rightly deposited
and accounted for. Lot no widow or
orphan scratch on your tombstono,
"This man wronged mo of my in
heritance " Many a man baa died
leaving a competency whoso prop
erty has. through his own caroloHs
ness, afterward lxen dividod between
the administrators, tho surrogate,
tlio lawyers and tho shoriffs. I chargo
you. before many days bavo gono, as
far iw possible, bavo all your worldly
matters mado Btralgbt, for "This year
thou shalt dio."
I adviso also that you bo busy in
Christian work. How many Sab
baths in tho year? Fifty-two. If
tho text bo truo of you it docs not
miy at what timo you may go, nnd
therefore it Is unsafe to count on all
of tho II fly two Sundays. As you aro
as likely to go in tho first half of tho
year as in tho last half, I think wo
had bettor divido tho fifty-two into
halves and calculate only twenty -six
Sabbaths. Conio, Christian mon,
Christian womon, what can you do
in twonty-six Sabbaths
Divide tho three himdrod andBixty
II vo days into two jMirtw; what cnu
you do in ono-lumdred nnd eighty
two days? What by tho way of Rav
ing your family, tlio churcli and tlio
world f You will not, through all
tho ages of otomity in heaven, got
ovor tho dishonor and tho outrngo
of going into glory, nnd having
helped none up to tho wunq plnco. It
will bo found that many a Sabliatli
Buhool teacher has taken into hoaven
her whole class; that Daniol Baker,
tho ovangellst, took thousands into
heaven ; that Doddiidgo has taken in
hundreds of thousands; that Paul
took in a hundred millions. How
many will you tako In?
If you got into heavou and find
nono there that you sent, and that
thoro are nono to como through your
instrumentality, I bog of you to
crawl under somo Boat in tlio back
comer and never como out, lost tlio
redeemed got their oyoa on you and
Home ono cry outi "That is tho man
who never lifted hand or volco for
tho redemption of his follows I Look
ut him, all heaven I" Botter bo busy.
Better nut tlio plow In doop. Botter
Bay what you havo to Bay quickly.
Bettor cry tho alarm. Bettor fall on
your knees. Botter lay hold with
both bauds. What you now loavo
uudono for Christ will forever bo un
done. 'This year thou shalt dio l"
In view of tlio probabilities men
tioned 1 ml vise all tho mon and wom
en uot muly for otornity to got ready.
If tlio text bo truo, you havo no time
to talk about noneiuoiitiuls, asking
why God let Bin como into tho world,
or whether tho book of Jonah la in
spired, or who Molchlsedoc was. or
what about thootornnl docrooa. If
you aro as near otomity as aomo of
you aeoin to bo, thoro la no timo for
anything but tho question, "What
muht I do to bo saved?" Tho drown
ing man. when a plank la thrown
him, stops not to ask what BawmiU
modo It, or vhothor it ia oak or codar
or who throw It. Tlio moment it ia
thrown ho clutches it.
If thia year you aro to dio, thoro la
no timo for anything but Immediate
ly laylug hold on God. It ia high
ttrnq to got put of your aina. You
aay, "1 havo committed no groat
tnuwgrotBions," But nro you not
awaro that your lifo has boon sinful?
Tlio kuow comoa down on tho Alps
(lake by flake, and it la so light that
you may hold it on tho tip of your
linger without fooling any weight;
but tho llakoa gather; tlioy compact,
uutil aomoday a travolor'a foot atarta
tlio allda and it goo down In an
avalanche, crushing to death tho vil
So tho abut of your youth and tho
aitut of your manhood and tho aina of
your womanhood may havo Boomed
only alight Inaccuraciea or trilling
uivvrgeuctH (rem uiorujut-aoangiit
that thoy aro luuxlly wortii mention
lug, hut thoy havo been piling up aud
piling up, packing togothor and pack
lug toother, until they moke a
mouutaln of aiu, aud one moro nton
of your foot lu tlio wrrong illnvtion
uiojr MtucT uutvu ujiuu yiHi ou nva
Iftodio of ruin and conuVmuntioq.
A man crossing a desolate and
lonely plateau, n hungry wolf look
after him. Ho brought bis gun to
hi shoulder nnd took nun, and tho
wolf bowled with pain, nnd tho cry
Woko up n pack of wolves and thoy
camo ravening out of tho forest from
nil Bides and horribly dovourod him.
Thou art tho man. Somo ono sin of
your lifo summoning on all tho rest,
tiioy surround thy soul and tnnko tho
night of thy Bin torriblo with tho
assault of their bloody muzzles. Oh,
tho unpardoned, clamoring, ravening,
all dovouring sins of thy lifetimol
A maniac was fotmd pacing along
tlio rood with a torch in one hand
and n pail of water in tho other, and
somo ono asked him what ho meant
to do with them. Ho answered,
"With tills torch 1 mean to burn
down heaven, and with thia water I
mean to put out the fires of hell."
Ho was a maniac. Ho could do tho
ono thing just as well as ho could do
tlio other. No timo to lose if you
want to escape your sins, for "This
year thou shalt dio."
Let mo announco that Christ, tlio
Lord, stands ready to save any man
who wants to bo saved. Ho waited
for you all hist year, and all tho year
before, and all your lifo. Ho has
waited for you with blood on his
brow, nud tears in his eye, and two
outstretched, mangled bauds of lovo.
You como home somo night and
find tho mark of muddy feet on your
front stops You liastcn In, and find
an excited group around your child.
Ho foil into a pond, and had it not
been for a brave lad, who plunged in
and brought him out and carried him
homo to bo resuscitated, you would
have been childless. You feel that
you cannot do enough for tho rescuer.
You throw your arms around him.
You offer him any compensation.
You say to him) "Anything that you
want Bhall Iks ycurs. I will never
ccaso to be grateful." But my dear
Lord Jesus sees your soul sinking and
attempts to bring it ashore, and you
not only refuse him thanks, but stand
on tho beach and say : "Drop that
soul 1 If I want It saved I will Bavo
it myself."
I wish you might know whafa job
Jesus undertook when ho carried
your easo to Calvary. Thoy crowded
him to tlio wall. Thoy struck him.
Thoy spat on him. Thoy kicked him.
They cuffed him. Thoy scoffed at
him. Thoy scourged him. Thoy
murdered him. Blood I Blood I As
ho Btoops down to lift you up tlio
crimson drops upon you from Ids
brow, from his side, from his hands.
Do you not feol the warm current on
your face? Oh, for thoo the hungor,
tlio thirst, the thorn sting, tho suffo
cation, tlio darkness, tlio groan, tho
swent, the struggle, tho death 1
A great plague-camo in Marseilles.
Tho doctors hold a consultation, and
decided that a oorpso must bo dissect
ed or thoy would novcr know how to
Btop tho plaguo. A Dr. Guyon said,
"Tomorrow morning I will proceed
to a dissection." Ho mado his will,
prepared for death, wont into tlio
hospital, diiwectcd a body, wrote out
tlio results of tho dissection and died
in twolvo hours. Beautiful self boo
riiico, you say. Our Lord Jesus
looked out from heaven and saw a
plaguo stricken nice. Sin must bo
dissected. Ho made his will, giving
ovorything to his pooplo. Ho comes
down into tho reeking hospital of
earth. Ho lays his hand to tho work.
Under our plaguo ho dies tho
healthy for tho sick, tho pure for tho
polluted, tlio innocent for tho guilty,
heboid tlio lovol Behold tlio sacri
flcol Behold the rescue I
Decide, on this first Sabbath of tho
year, whothor or uot you mil liavo
Jesus. Ho will not stand forovor
begging for your lovo. With Bomo
hero his plea ends right spoodily.
"This year thou shalt dio."
Tills great salvation of tho Gospel
I now offor to ovory man, woman
tuid child. You cannot buy it You
cannot earn it A Scotch writer Bays
that a ioor woman, ono cold winter's
day, looked through tho window of a
king's conservatory and saw a bunch
of grapes hanging against tho glass.
Sho Baid, "Oh. if I only had tlint
bunch of gnnHs for my sick child at
At her spinning wheel alio earned a
fow shillings aud went to buy tho
grapes. Tho king's gordouor thrust
her out very roughly and sold ho
had no grapea to soil. Sho wont off
and sold a blanket and got some
moro shillings nud camo back and
tried to buy tho graiee. But tho
gardonor roughly assaulted horand
told her to bo off. Tho king's daugh
ter was walking in tho garden at tho
timo and sho hoard tlio excitement,
and, Booing tho poor woman, said to
her, "My father la not a merchant
to soil, but ho is a king and gives."
Thon alio reached up and plucked tho
gropes nnd dropped them Into tho
Ioor woman's apron. So Christ is a
king and all tho fruits of his pardon
ho frooly gives. Thoy may not bo
bought Without mouey and with
out price tako UiU aweot cluster from
tho vineyards of God.
I am coming to the close of my ser
mon, l souglit tor n text nppropn
Perhaps it may mean mo. Though
in perfect health now. it does not
tako God ono week to bring down
tho strongest physical constitution.
I do not want to dio this year. Wo
havo plans and projects on foot that
I want to eoo completed, but God
knows best, and ho has a thousand
better men than I to do tho work yet
undone. I havo a hoi that, notwith
standing all my Bins and wanderings,
I shall, through the infinite mercy of
my Saviour, como out at tho right
Elace. I havo nothing to brag of
y way of Christian experience; hut
two things I have learned my utter
ncipicssness txjioro Ood, and tho all
abounding grace of tho Lord Jesus.
If tho text means somo of you, my
hearers, I do not want you to bo
caught unprepared. I would liko to
havo you, cither through money you
bavo laid up, or a "lifo insurance,"
bo able to leave tho world feeling
that your family need not become
paupers. But if you have done your
best and you leavo not ono dollar's
worth of estate, you may confidently
trust tho Lord who hath promised to
caro for tho widow and' tho father
less. I would liko to havo your bouI
fitfed out for eternity, bo that if any
morning or noon or evening or night
of theso tlireo hundred and sixty-fivo
days death should look in and ask,
"Are you ready?" you might with
an outburst of Christian triumph an
swer, "Aye. ayol all ready?"
I know not what our last words
may bo. Lord CliesteriieM prided
himself on his politeness and Baid in
bis last moment, "Givo DayroUes a
chair." Dr. Adam, a dying school
master, said: "It grows dark. Tho
boys may dismiss. " Lord T nterdon,
supposiug himself on tho bench of a
courtroom, Baid in his last moment,
"Gentlemen of tho jury, you will
now consider your verdict." A dying
play actor said: "Drop tho curtain.
Tho farco is played out."
I would rathor have for my dying
words those of one greater than
Chesterfield or Dr. Adam or Lord
Tenterden: "I am now ready to bo
offered and tho time of my departure
is at hand. I have fought a good
fight, I bavo finished my course, I
havo kept tho faith ; henceforth there
is laid up for mo a crown of righteous
ness which tho Lord, tho righteous
Judge, shall givo mo."
Tho soouur tho last hour comes tho
botter if wo aro fitted for entrance in
tho colestial world. There is no
clock in heaven, because it is an
everlasting day; yet thoy keep an ac
count of tho passing years because
thoy are all tho timo hearing from
our world. Tho angels flying through
heavou report how many times tho
oarth lias turned on its axi3, and in
that way tho angels can keep a diary;
and thoy Bay it Is almost timo now
for father to como up or for mothoi
to como up.
Somo day thoyseo a cohort leaving
heaven and thoy wiy, "Whither
bound f" and tho answer is, "To bring
up a soul from earth." And tho ques
tion is asked, "What soul?" And a
family circlo In heaven find that it is
ono of their own number that is to bo
brought up, and they como out to
watch, as on tho beach wo now watch
for a ship that is to bring our friends
homo. After awhilo tho cohort will
heavo in sight, flying nearer and
nearer, until with a great clang tho
gates hoist and with an embrace wild
with tlio ecstacy of heaven old
frionds meet again.
Away with your stiff, formal
heaven I I want nono of it. Givo
mo a place of infinite and eternal
sociality. My foot free from tho clods
of eartli, I shall bound tho hills with
gladness nnd break forth in a laugh
of triumph. Aha I aha I Wo weep
now, but then woBhnll laugh. "Abra
ham's bosom" means tlint heaven
luis open nrtns to tako us In. Now
wo fold our anus over our heart and
toll tlio world to stand lwick, as
though our bosom was a two barred
gato to keep tlio world out Honvon
stands not with folded arms, but with
heart open. It is "Abraham's bosom."
I see a mother and her child moot
ing at tho foot of tlio throne after
somo years' absence. Tho child died
twenty years ugo, but is n child
yet I think tlio littlo ones who dio
will remain children through all
otomity. It would bo no heaven
without tlio littlo darlings. I do not
want thoao that are in heaven to
grow up. Wo need thoir infant
voices in tlio great song. And whon
wo walk out in tlio fields of light wo
want them to run ahead and clap
their luuids and pick out tho bright
est of tho field flowers. Yes, hero ia
a child aud its mother mooting, Tlio
child long In glory, tho mother just
"How changed you are, my dar
ling I" says tho mother. "Yes," says
tlio child, "this ia such a happy placo,
uud Jesus has taken such caro of mo,
and heavou la so kind, I got right
ovor tlio fever with which I dial.
Tlio sklos are so fan-, mother! Tlio
flowers aro so aweet, mother! Tlio
tomplo is so beautiful, mother 1 Como,
tako mo up in your arms as you used
to." Oh, I do uot know how wo shall
ato to uio occasion, i uiougui oi,HWmi tho first day In heaven. Do
taking ouoin Jou, "My uays uy aa a you uot think wo will break down hi
woaver'a almttio;" of n text in tho tho song from oyer delight I I onco
Psidina, "So teach us to number our j p.,, out ta chuttih Ul0 hyum.
daya that wa may apply our hearts ,, . Ulv, of purw MlsllU
unto wisdom ; of tho prayer of tho vtiro mIuu imnwrui n Vu,
vino drosaer, "Lord, lot It alono thia und an aged man standing in front
year also;" but prossod upon my at- 0f tho pulpit sang heartily tlio first
tontion first of all and last of all verso and then he sat duwn'weop
aud nbovo ail wore tho words, Thia jng. i ,1 to him aftorward, "Fa
year thou shalt dio." t ther Lintou, what made you cry over
.- i-, .i at..n .
BUNKETS at tho WOOLEN MILL Sl'UKB, u wmuiitMcu .
Just think of it, a
Twelve Dollar Blanket for
These are tlio hnndsomest goods in
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Mail Orders solicited.
- $9 00
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Satisfaction guaranteed or
that hymnr Ho said, "I could not
stand it tho joys that aro coming."
When heaven rises for the doxology,
I cannot see how wo can rise with it
if all these waves of everlasting do
light como upon tho soul, billow of
joy after billow of joy. Methinks
Jesus would bo enough for tho first
day in heaven, yet hero ho approach
es with all heaven at his back.
But I must close this sermon. This
is tho last January to somo who aro
present You havo entered tho year,
but you will not close it. Within
theso twelve months your eyes will
hut for tho last sleep. Other hands
will plant tho Christmas tree and givo
tho Now Year's congratulations. As
a proclamation of joy to somo, and
as a matter of warning to others, I
leavo in your ears these five words of
ono syllablo each, "This year thou
shalt dio."
Tho kaber la an Inveterate Btnoker,
so was his father, Frederick IIL Hut
his fondness for tho weed Is "not a clr
cuiuHtance" to that of Bismarck, who
prizes a good cigar above great riches.
This is the query per
What Is petually on your little
boy's lips. And he is
It For? no worse than the big
ger, older, balder-headed
boys. Life is au interrogation
point. "What is it for?" we con
tinually cry from the cradle to the
grave. So with this little introduc
tory sermon we turn and ask: "What
is August Flower for?" As easily
answered as asked : It is for Dys
pepsia. It is a special remedy for
the Stomach aud Liver. Nothing
more than this ; but this brimful.
We believe August Flower cures
Dyspepsia. We know it will. We
have reasons for knowing it. Twenty
years ago it started in a small country
towu. To-day it has an honored
place in every city and country store,
f)ossesses one of the largest manu
acturing plants in the country and
sells every where. Why is this? The
reason is as simple as a child's
thought. It is honest, does one
thing, nnd does it right along it
cures Dyspepsia.
G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Voodbury,N.J.
Heart iWmt
K. 7BKI A"5jv2r
niPftCP In o11 nni, Fnlpltattan,
Ul3CU& Pain to Kl.le. 8l.oul.lfr an4
Arn.Nburt Mrralh, 0;pmsi.m, A'thran,
Hirollcn Auklea, VuU mitl Miuotherlnff
hptflls, tiroes; , Wind In Nlomuch, etc., lr
A noWUi'cr.'rj tr Iho eminent Indian Bpcclil
UL A. y. 1) it it, friiver rrvrk, H'-t., after hktuj
four botllct . f HKAllT CI' RE flt toller
thanlithaj r.rtwt ivo jcart. "Ir thtrif yean
trouble! with lli'irt Dueniei tiro bottlci ot
fR. MILC3" HEART CURE ourwl tue.-ITi
Wn, llucutncm, Mich." II. . htutton. Wart
BtAtkin, tin, bat taken OR. MILES' HEART
CUR:: fur HurttMuMa with (rreet retulU Jin.
A lUr, rui'tibuiy.Micb , wtilll (or IS yeart with
let't I)iMM, bl to hint botuo help, Itred on
llauM foxd. uiej Dr. Mile' HsartCura nd
11 palm left luri rontttnl nil curnl her, line
IlluttrateJ book lltKK at druivi.u, or tMrM
Dr.Mllos' Modlcal Co.,Elkhart,lnd.
BoldJJIiy l. J. Frjvlnielst.Halem.
Act on a new principle
nwulah- ILd llisr, stomach
mi bovmii threvok U
lurtvi Dr. Miuu' Iitu
tr-Jilu tvat UUootseas,
torpid liver and comUpa.
tion. Ssnalleat, talldt,
onwit SOd03oc,2Qcta.
SyiiidUs &- at drunitta.
F 'uuSiiiv,rjiuii.m.
Fry, druss'lst, Sakm.
C so iMJis
Sold by 1). J.
Gall arid seev W. W
M'aTtiri' JiTo 1 i cl a y
- it
Ak for Hhix'b
Or whole Wheat Flour, lumlthlest
and lil lam In j bread. AImiIIio -Futuoti
Pure Aurura Huok
wlieut Flour,
HurV btt VuV Heller IVtwoxs Hnir."
AlMXXy-iiut llje Hour. Ak your dealer
ftrtline gn4 nnd tnktt or autlltule
J. IX HUIWT A. SON, Aurora.
"Tfre State. "
JUL 0r:3&MM Dm,
. . QKaw. UMKl.Kn,UtrAjint,
And ai aciAl Mnl tor UarVtu county. Oh
Be wlU U CDtojKiay.
Willamette lliiiraiy,
Ia just the plnce to go foraflret-clasa
edueatlou. Its Normal Course oilers
every advantage of any normal
school with all the benefits of degree
and state diploma and ninny spic
laltles. Excellent courses for bu-iifss
Theology, Law, Medicine und
Second terra opens Nov. lGth.
Third term opens Feb. 1, 1892.
Fur ciicuiur address,
Capital City Rcstairat
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r.
Warm Mat All Hours ol the Day
None but while labor employed In thlf
A good suuxUint'al meal o xiked In flrsV
class style.
Twenty-Bve t-ents ier n.eal,
Court street, betwrea Optra House inif
Mluto'a Livery
freslu-'nt. becrtlnry.
vicenwiaeni. Treasurer.
275 Coiutuerclal Ktreet.
Mukw the neatest nnd best Abstracts In
the country.
and Packer,
State HI. auJ Ccurt;flt. The best meat
delivered until parts of tbecltv.
Kales, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day.
The brtt hotel brlueenl'ortlaud andSau
Francisco. HrsU-eluss In all Its appoint.
lutnts. its tubus aro herved wlln the
Choicest Fruits
Urown In the Willamette Valley.
A. I, WAGNER, Prop.
ray Your School Taxes Be
fore They Become Delinquent.
J lie scnooi taxeo of district No. 24
in Jiariou county are now due and
piyiililo at the clerk's ofllco iu No.
ii uommerelal street, Salem, first
door south of the postotllce. The
s-unie will become delinquent unless
itiu wiiutu w uays irom this date
l.y order of hoard, this 3d day o
Nov.. 1801. W. B. SIMPSON.
H-3. District Clerk.
For ftrxKla-vi haud madeibriuk andltile
go to '
LaiRe supply on hand. Near fair
greuud, Salem, 72s
ConspiTJilory of Music.
n!lin8"i?1Vk"'.8tlvlu,aEe8 to fludents 01
.et term b,sinsr'.b. I.189J touree.
t -M.'l'AUVtv
Musical Director.
nve or mote ni J:?.1 rnnnm:
iswr- "&r
110 UIHS
Silver, ltaln id Petite Prune
trej tor sale.
In dln. AlmtT, chc3STi J n ta"o
rr or h foiiomrfi,,oryKlrHic
t llvlcc VhT "".".Ron. VtnnitZ. 55
n T.
p. o
Uush I
T. HIGHAHDSON, Attorney nt law,
olllce up .titlrs in rrontioomH or new
1 block, corner t'ommerclul und Gout I
streets, ralctn, Oregon.
OAllSON, Attorney at
Uullnlny. Balem, Urigcn. 811
rnN a.
) lfK)ins:)iuid 4, ljula 4 hush's bank
BON11AM & Holmeh, Attotite.vs at lnw.
(lllli-c In Hush's liloclc, between SUtto
aud Court, ou Com'leU.
TILMON KOHI), attorney nt law, Salera,
Oregon. Olncu up-suilrs In l'atton's
k'AKUY&UINUIIAM, Attorneys and
I J cotiUNClors nt law. hMem. Orecon.
joantj.liirluilinc 11 lot uud bloult lodex 01
iili-m, liny have special facllltlt lor ex
.unlulus tUlvx to teal estat'. l!uslnei.s In
I lie supretiiu court und In tbeMnle depurt-
uieuio win receive prompt aiteniiou.
K. W. 8 JIOIT, physician aud sur
geon. Olllce In Kldrldge Jilocfc, Sa
tin. Oregon. Olllce hours 10 to 12 a.m.
2to4p. in.
. Olllce 165 court stteel; Itesldcuce 3i7
lliL'h strctt. OeLeral inuctlce. HdccIuI
attention given to diseases 01 Women and
T HOUSER, M D. Physician and sur
geon. 1'ractlce limited to diseases
oftlieueivous sjstein. Catu rh including
asthma and rupluie 01-hernia. Oltlce In
Cottle block rooms 11 nnd 12. Oftlee houia
fioui 0 to 12 u. iii and from 2 to B p. m.
ji-.i 11.
DU. JUNTA 8. A. UAVLS. OMcc houis,
U 11. III. Ul 11 H m.; '2 p. Ill, to 5 p. 111,
ljuy or night culls piomptly atti titled to.
Special intention given to dlteiscs of wom
en r.nd chlldreu. office In Ntw lJnnk lilk..
305 loiunicrelal stuct Kesldence same.
rU. J. M.KKKNE, Dentist, Office oer
lj iuc nim uitLer, court and
DH. T. 0. SMITH, Dentl6t,2 etate street,
Salem, Or. Hulshed dental opera
lions ol every d sci Ipllon. 1'aluless opera
tions a specialty.
I). PUOI1, Architect, Plans, Sped
ncalluns and siinpriiit, nfipnro iai
all classes of bulldlugs. Office iiUO Com
mercial Sst., up bUilts,
8. JIcNALI.Y, Architect, New Bush
lirevmuu block. Hiuns mm ion..oiti...,.
one of all classes of of hullriliiir.. nn uimrf
notice. Buperlnteudeuceof work promptly
uuKtauncr. 2&tf
EJ. .McC'Al S-TL.VM),Clvil Suultiryand
. llydtaiillc Kiigluier. U. .. IKputy
uiiiienil surveyor, city surveyors office.
Cottie-lirnhiiist llloclt.t-alem, Oregon.
QPKAQUK & ALL?-. Blacksmiths nnd
p horeshoelug and repairing. Only the
&umurce"J,Luldel0yta- PPSUc gtale
RShiH' 1,.'"cksniUhfc Hl1 't'ndsol
Li itlxilrlUKandiarrlagewortt, Webava
in our employ Arthur (ilove,aprofeo..ional
buiseshoer. le usa trial. J4"
IOHN KNIGHT, Wncksmlth. Horse
O shoelns and repairing a specialty. Hhon
atthe foot of Liberty street, Salem.Orego
P JikRS,EN,ro J'nufaclureofall
A aiBWll& C0-- Contractors, Sewer.
t;.: 'f Cement Sidewalks, Kxcavatlne
fc-tc: All work promptly done Snlem ?.?
Leave orders with Du'ga uZ' i-Ai'm'
pAKPET-LAYING.-l make a spMaltv m
1 1 ' horse
U 'hop,
fjclentlllo horse shoe.
"is. rt.ii aiseabes of
horses ttet treated,
' 'TI'ilW lUe
FAim ron SALE.
320acreiof hnit ci.w-i- nn.i ...... . - . .
Oregon for Kale at a bargain'. Will sell n
lou to suit purchaser. Jddm ff &' &
Near silver frieig KMh
U.W.BEU.KR. Aent, .
I Fire and Ma
Mnleid, Ortcon
Urge stock of ,11 leading varieties of
JhlVZZ P!,u.f L! .Price list. Now
parts of the cltv. Uttre free to all
dw T. 1). invpj o..,..
-w,.., oni(,ni ur.
w Fimv n..rfl.
Ali. --
8 CoramrcHl
"w I'mwuo a. 33.
!I1 ' forSiu.tf,uty Connty