Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 02, 1892, Image 2

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ifSWHWfjtHrow for'lho pur-
,Bvy ontrmnca atul othrt-
m of VS- t is ulso known
si 01 me uru;mm yiiung
e Chllltiii fcrHty liava twn
$t many to study the Intent
,war. It In now existed
hi' event of iumtlllllis the
ntlves nt B;inllafjoof Uus
franco wlH Jotu lu n reouvnt
tknt Muntt tliHt tlio ulnt'
ftigtwi. iit i.n'Hfiil under
lloii of MiniMer lSgun bo
o uccDinpnuy lilni out of
y. It 1h also expected
I roprr-BcnlHlho of Great
II! Join lit tliln ruiuest. If
ard toeco Imw the Clilllnn
e can rr.fuso it. 80 con-
n mini as McCreory, of
iy,"a legislator of long cxp-
I'd who served for j ears on
Lb"ou1io"comndttee of foreign af-
Who wan chairman of the
.In the fiftieth congresH
&The wnrpplrlt Is very gen-
iirougnout tho country, it ih
ifincd to the young men who
figomo upon theaeenuBlnco 1881.
Ab qullo prevalent among tin
who served In the Union
f .SllKJoufederate armies. A 111IIII011
f HliiMnman wmitrl rnunitir! in fi
amis.'. It Is Btnted that two
mffllicIBet kDown naval olllwrs In
mrctircd Hat lmvo filed their np
JJJUMsjto servo In the ovont of
Svltli,. Cblll. Que of tliimo la
lTuomas Stevens.
UNfrtotf, Jan. 2. Sluco hln
Itt tins city General Miles
1 completely non-committal,
iflttmdlly luulutaluod that he
flicvvKtinthlnL' of the situation.
ked If he would go to Chill
MMcaw of war. however, ho
d without hesitation that ln
. ho would, as General Hhco-
I'onditlon would preclude his
jftho country at thin time.
I Howard stifluM severely In
limiit of hln arm and his old
"wounds aro giving him
j( rouble, and besides hla uen
il Ileal (h has not been good,
Henpral Miles does not believe thai
UoTcountry can spuro 10,(W0 men
P&mftliu regular army, a waa pro-
edfut the recent cabinet mooting
luvlreoms luullned to rccommond
SaHtffe army f Invanlon. bo made
Sfpj&ithe largo 'm,t of vlu",oor''
tlirR?hlr tnonorllon of rotrulurs
rcnMncoiiiuinndors, from origa
mi rinwil. tin wnllld lint nimli l.lm
niHiii leers. If iikiii lit to iwiuinntwl
3AN.jJiKao, uui Jan. a. uupiain
impflon, of tueeruiBcrwali I'riuicla-
llsjpreparlng to remain herusoino
BmeTK,''Our regulations nnjulro tar-
Rgraotlce every threo months," lie
tmitiiH moiiitu;, "itiiii January 1
EBlmll have practice here." He
tddded that ha now believed the
jalthnnr) would not atop here, hut
would proceed direct to Ban i'runcln
0$ Thoro are no report! .Vet from
40 Charleston.
INkW'Yoiik, Jan. L', The Herald's
KVIjpra!so calle Hays! President
Mgn's cabinet Is uh follews: Mltils-
Pipr luu luierior, Jiumoii jiiiitus
EBueos; foreign affairs, Veutro Jlliui-
' Vliil! luntlee. .loan CiiNtollmi!
i.tU--"F .---, ,
jBnoo, Francisco Viildea Vergara;
wrur, Luis rorelra; public worlta,
jtoffuathio Kdwnrda.
& Jt. 11. MASON IHJAI).
ICmUAOO, Jul), ii. ltoawell J.
fMajon, mayor of Chicago at the
1jmo!Sf thu great fire died at his
iIdence of congestion of (he brain
WA8iUN(JBrtN, Jan. JJ. aoneral
Appointed Yesterday to .Snc
cced Plumb.
Horso La Grippe, The Telegraph
ers, Opera Houso Burns, Flower
Inaugurated, Kansas Blizzard,
Corner Stono Laid, Gov. Hill's
Speech, Foraker and Sherman,
Senatorial Contest, Arrival of
Charleston, Two U. S. Soldiers
Killed, Movement of Garza, The
Public Debt, Foreign and State
News, etc.
iOlUKOincry u. auuinB, 11110 uiuii'ii
JtMea nunrter master general (re-
ftfml) died this morning of la
jKt,LAlKtt. O., Jan. 2. A fielght
trftlii on tlio Jiultlmoro & Ohio road
iutoUhreoBictlmiH last night, two of
liioBectlooB collided at n bridge, a
tIKo jvcst'of here, wreeklng ten oars
nS ho bridge, Flvo tramps who
j$)ro sU'allng rides were Injured
yyo 'futility.
CJlATi'AKOOaA, Touu., Jan. 1!.
jitll Fuersou waa haujud ut one
this morning for the murder 01
Uloor Mungruiio Itt Dee. 'OH.
BAN FjtANX'JBOo, Jun. a, l-oro
for On'tron mid Woshlnuien:
ifaUi In tlio western portions
Toi'tKA, Kun., Jan. 2. Governor
Humphrey last evening appolntedex
Itejiresenlatlvo Perkins UiiltcdSintc
senator to fill the vacaney caused b
the death of Senator Pmnib. Mr.
Perkins' appointment has been ex
pected all day. No one, neither cltl
lA'ti nor politician, evinced uny very
considerable surprise. The appoint
inuut gives general satisfaction, and
will, it is thought, have the efiect ol
solidifying the factious in tlio 1U
publican party.
nkw ykak'b oav.
WasHINCITon, Jan. 2. Although
tlio custom boa fallen into dlauso
else where, here In Washington tin
Huelul and olllclal observance of New
Year calling Is maintained. Tin
weather Is favorable, being cold and
Thu chief even (a of the forenoon
werv a breakfast to the diplomatic
corp of Secretary JJIalne, and a re
euptlon by the president and Mrs,
Harilsnu and wive of members of
1 lie cabinet. Tlio Interior of tin
Vhito Houso was elaborately deco
rated for the reception.
Too diplomatic corps turned
out lu full forco to pay their respects.
The mcmbeia were resplendent lu
court dress.
Members of cotigrcM, tlio supreme
court, the army urid navy and ma
rine corps, officers of the national
guard of tlio district, olllcera of the
executive -departments and (J rand
Army of the Republic,
VlcoPrcsldont and Mrs Morton
received at their residence from 12 to
2 o'clock. They were assisted by a
iiunibi-'r of ladles, and the list of
caller Included nearly all thoolllclals
who had previously visited the
White Houso.
lu uocordauco with tlio uual cus
tom, tlio secretary of stute gave
11 breakfast in lienor of tlio diploma
tic corps Immediately after they hud
paid their respects to the president.
The breakfast was followed by a re
ception, which wiih largely attended,
Large receptions wore held by the
ladiesand famlloa of other members
of the cabinet.
IlOJtSi: I,A (DtllM'K.
San Fuancibco, Jan. 2. The
grlppo, which has been prevalent
hero this winter bus begun to efi'ect
horses, and large numbera of them
are slok with the disease. The In
firmaries for aulmald are filled with
sick horses. No largo stables have
yet been seriously ofi'ected, the
disease being most prevalent in
smaller stablea of private Individ
uals. The uppcurauco of the disease
lu horses Is marked by n disinclina
tion for food, a rough coat, repug
nance for water in the early stages,
and feverish uppotlto for It later;
1 tinning at tlio eyes, and finally
lug tn the opera house, which had
Jit adjourned, and there wero
iiiiiu v people on the street, rin u Inrae
number or men wen at the fire I promote tlio nation's return
almost at once, i ue ure started jn oetft money ever known
the exit passage from tlio llret gal-
KJHiOAao, Jui. 2. At eloeo w beat
leaay; cash, Mil May, .IUJ.
swelling of the gluudaof the throat,
nose and other respiratory organs.
Unless the disease Is checked the
swelling and accumulation of pus
closes the tubes of the turoat and
HUfiocution ensues.
Tin: ti:i.i:(ika pn mi's btiukk.
Ban Fha.ncisco, Jan. 2. An
iigteemeut has been signed between
Acting Uraud Chief llamsey, of tlio
Order of Hallway Telegiahpers, and
A. N. Towne, second vice president
and general mannger of the South
ern Pacific, which will end the
strike of thu railway telegraphers,
which begun ontheSoutheruPucltlo
some days ago, '1 lie Southern Pa
cific withdraws thu objectionable
affidavit and will henceforth permit
Its opcrutota to be members of the
older, The student regulations In
the ritual of tlio order have been
coufcldcruhly modified, When I hu
railway ofilelala plueo students In
olllces wkeru meiubera of the order
wttoeniploytd, the latter may glvu
notice and Infonnntloii tlier'of to
oftlulul of (lie order. According to
the agreement, Ilamvey, will use his
iK-ot etlbrts to hwp in this district
thootllolulsof wild order who may
not Ik obnoxious to the rollway
llleluld mid who will use their best
t florls to work In luirmouy with the
rullwoy i-filluls. The railroad coin
puny agrees to ro-employ the strik
ing telegraphers s nearly ua practi
cable In their former poaltlous, ua
per agreed lint, some to resume work
at once and others to lesume with
in thu next tlftoeti or twenty days,
except ut po uU where telegruph
ollleea may not b- reoH'nel, In ad
dition to recalling the obJinUlouable
atllilavlt, tlio ooniimny ag's (but
KTTO'VO no objection io raUwl to Its present
MMtbotl nu rcsulU when oiwrutow beoomlug iiieiubent of ttie
eFJJiUkentItIaiileaniit ortlor, nor will It dUerliiiluate
hfrwAJMg t UietMto, wndncta Hguliut any weklng employment
fytyeMftl on tnoKitineys, who may uo lneuusjru or uiu onier.
lll.AINK, Wh., Juu. U. Now
Year eve u tire columned H!uluo'
beautiful opera houte, thu tutnt com-
jileto audience hall lu the country,
alo the Metro)lllau hotel uiljln
lug, owned by Ouurad A Koot.
There had U-vn u largo iutlli intft
Jhmh, clftiiiBca the ejra-
jt HfiU oolds, acud
MM mk! cures Imbttual
UaBinwMincntly. For sale
mi. 1 bolim 1 nil
m mui co.
lery of the opera house. All U10
guests at tlio hotel and Mr. and
Mrs. Conrad lost everything hut
the clothing on their person?. Sev
eral of the men wnro overcome with
the smoke and fell to the floor, hut
were either rescued or managed to
crawl nut. Men mounted all the
adj lining buildings, and by the aid
or buckets and wet blankets man
aged to save the tuonlory brick
block and the two-atory wooden
stores iippoElle. The wind blew
inwards ihe bay uerosa two vacant
lots, or all the central part of tlio
city would have been destroyed.
The total loss will be $12,000 to $1G,
000; insurance (1000. It was tlio
most unfortunate fire ever experi
enced in the city, though a change
of wind would have made it much
worse, as there Is no water supply
for fire purposes.
Ai.iianv, N. Y., Jan. 2. It swell
P. Flower was inaugurated yester
day. The inaugural cerin.niles
wero held In the assembly chamber,
which was georgeously decorated
with American flags, bunting uud
potted plants. The chamber and
galleries wero filled to overflowing
long before the Inaugural party
arrived. Shortly before noon the new
governor was escorted to the capi
lol by soldiers. The military display,
in uccorduuco with Flower's ex
pressed wishes, waa simple.
Governor Hill, In a brief apeeoh,
transferred the duties of his office to
Flower. Flower lesponded in u
brief and appropriate speech, In
which he mude no promises, but
isked thut ho bejudged by his deeds
rather than hla words.
Kansas City, Jan. 2. A terrific
bllz..ml is raging in Kansas uud
Missouri. It begun Thursday night
with 11 heavy ruin and thunder
storm. About midnight tlio weather
began 10 get cold, uud a sleet stoim
set In, uud crippled the telegruph
and telephone service, This morn
ing "It begun to snow. Tlio snow
Is drifting badly along the lines of
the railways and trains are delayed
In ull directions. Trains from
Chicago aro all from three to 11 vo
hours late, and western trains are
lu a still worse plight. Tlio storm
la thu most severe of the winter.
PoiwtiANU, Juu. 2. New Year's
day waa obseryed hero by a gonerul
suspension of business. In the
afternoon tlio comer stono of the
chamber of commerce's new build
ing waa luld with appropriate
oxeroisea. Hon. Geo. II. Wllliama,
of this city, dellveied the principal
uddress, The building Is to bo lOOx
200 feet In dimensions. When com
pleted It will bo eight stories high,
fire proof, uud will cost about
now iiti.ia Bi'EHcir.
Ai.iiany, N. Y., Jan. 2. The fare
well banquet of the state olllcera in
retiring Governor Hill took pluco
Thursday evening at tlio hotel Ken
more, and was ouo of the most
elaborate afl'alra ever held in thta
city. Every seat was occupied,
when to the strains of "Hall to the
Chief" the governor-elect and
Governor Hill entered. Secretnry
of Btute Rice took theceiiter of the
head of thu table, Governor Hill
on his right and the governor-elect
011 his left. The other state olllcera
linn lied the two governors and then
down the sides others took seuts.
Among them were prominent Demo
crats from e.very portion of the state.
Thu only toasts on the program were
tliOHO of David 1). Hill, as governor,
and Hoawell P. Flower, ua govcrnor
oloot. Governor Hill, in responding
to tho toast, "Thu Governor of the
State," said, lu substance:
Shall the Deuiocr.ittu party, bj
keeping beforo tho people the bullion
congress Issues of 1800, nothing else
and nothing less, keep for thu people
power to add to their vurdlot of
lhOO, Its execution In 1892? How
can that be done?
First Pass no free coinage; paw
only needful appropriation bills,
forcing economy.
Second Urupplo to undo the
work of thu bullllou congress. Do
innud repeal of tho Shermau silver
law uud thu two MuKlnley laws
No mud Issues, no untimely Issues,
no other Issues; grapple to undo the
work of thu bullion dollar congress
Put thu country uud its silver
laws and Its turltl laws buck where
they stood before our party's mis
adventure In 1SS3, and before the
Infamous Republican revolution.
Demand this uud nothing hut this
uud keep on demanding this In
congressional and Interstate conven
tions and throughout the canvass
until tho sun goe down November
not. Let thu Democrats of the
Fifty second oongreu propose tho
repeal of tho Sherman law uud thu
MoKlnley laws, and tho revival of
thu laws they superceded, and let
thu Republicans then eocedo or
rcftiso to repeal. Klther way, tho
peoplo'rt cause Mire'y triumphs.
That thu Democrats cannot mm a
reioul U no demerit la their taotics,
The etl'ort for repeal Is nu adequate,
concise, Intelligible expression of
Democrutlo tesUteuco to Republi
can revolution. It ntttmh some
true measure of that deliverance
we Intend, uud, by thu favor of
God, wo will yet brlug to num.
1 1 oouclu&lau Mr. Mill hmIui
New York will not follow the
The New York Democrats I
never support nny fdo ul '
nioiiuy legislation that docs not.
to tho '
to man-1
Kiiiu, umei: gold, ami silver only
as legal teuiler, as TUdeii'a fdutfurin ,
said, nod these united at a fix d
ratio in free bimetallic coinage
wiih paper currency, which la n!
certificate of deposit of either coin.
Hut New York Deinocmts to n in m, I
and many no honest Republic in
liexldra, will ftillow JJIand, chulr-i
mail of tlio houso committee on
coinage, willi respect, admiration I
lltirl lltirki.rf tf I... ltl M.. fir. . I !
.... .'j'v.v lie VT1I1 ijif.v nil. if U r
banner of repeal of tho Shermin'
taw, renewing for tho present tl o
Maud Jaw until tho Democratic
party next November ahull bo com
missioned to undertake Borne bettor
and final disposition of the whole
Sga g
H . iji.jw. mwmmmnwmiwitMnmiKmrmam 'W'"1"''""0""'"!! 'J
Columhus, Ohio, Jan. 2. -Upon
the wavering uncertalhty of less
thun a dozen men deends theaolu
Hon of the Ohio senatorial contest.
Nine-tenths of tho Republican legla
latora have beeD compelled to openly
declare their preferences. Tlira
will be nlnuty-threu Republi
cans In tho senatorial caucus, and
Sherman and Foraker each have 42
or 43 votea definitely pledged. Or
eight or uiuo non-committal each
side makes positive claims of secret
pledges of fully two-thirds of them,
but the gentlemen themselves refuse
to talk. The caueidatea each seem
to be unusually confident this even
ing, but neither will submit to an
Tho Farmers' Alliance baa not
proven a potent political factor in
Ohio, but strenuous attempts will be
.xerleil to secure the influence of
the organization to tho reelection of
Sherman. Representative Welsh
of Knox county, muintulns hispecu-
liur position in tho contest, and is
hilariously endeavoring to creuto a
McKiuloy boom, greatly to tho
cuiburrassmeut of the president
elect. He has uuuounced positively
that ho will never support Shermun
and nsserts thut the proper solution
of the question Is the election of
McKiuloy. The Foraker people
expect to rectlvo his support on tho
second ballot, should the contest bo
prolonged to a second ballot. A
senatorial cuucua will be held
Wednesday night, but no doubt the
contest will be practically settled
before that and tlio caucus will bo a
mere formality.
Tho senatorial contest unexpect
edly took a sensational turn late
lost night, wheu ex Governor Fora
ker mudu a speech criticising the
interference of the national admin
istration, und declaring for James
G. Blaine for tho presidency.
Foraker said: "Wo have lu this
fight to contend upon our sldo
against everything from graudfuth
er's hat to Raby MoKee, hut wo
rtliall win the fiidit." Tho speaker
paid a high tribute to Sherman,
saying ho hud mndu u good
senator; adding: "He bus been anil
Is a great man; his record is illus
trlou.j. Rut IT the Republicans of
Ohio should huppen to tuke a notion
that he has been there long enough,
I am not going to stand in tho wuy,
If they so desire. Piesldent Harri
son lias given us a good udmlnlstra
Hon, but If the people of Ohio
should taken notion that James G.
ltlalno should be nominated (up
pluuse, great und prolonged,) we
will try to accept that, too, and If
he should lie named we will triumph
and elect him, the greatest of all
living Americans." (Tremendeoua
There was great excitement
tonight when Representative Dlx of
Cincinnati, personally called ut
Shermau headquarters and pledged
Himself to support Sherman. Mr.
Dlx's action Is regarded as signifi
cant, as the Hamilton county dele
gation bus been heretofore claimed
us solid for Foraker.
I DBtrcfcNS,
I "WOU1Y33S,
N, S
Till! 8KNATOK1AI. CON'l K8T.
Columdus, Ohio, Jan. 2. The
senatorial contest Is reachlnga crisis.
It Is believed thut the close of the
day will find the contest solved, but
until tho house und senate caucus
this afternoon the predictions must
be accepted ua ebulitlousof oiithus
lustic adherents of the cuudld'Wos.
To ere are about toven doubtful as
semblymeu this a. 111., and ull a re
claimed by both candidates. Tho
surprise of thu morning Is the decla
ration of representallves.Reevea and
Williams, iu favor of Foraker. A a
result uf theso decb rat Ions, Foraker
men are overconfident, but a yUit to
Sherman's lieadqiiarters.hus fulled to
reveal any look of cheerful assurance
among his followers. Kwtrybody
concedes the jo 11 test u olaso one, and
It looks at this hour us though
nlnety-threo votes of the caucus will
bo so evenly divided that the letor
will have a majority of lev tlwn
half a dozen. Alliance uud labor
(veoplu aro endeavoring to make an
ttnprvxlou on Shermau, but uppar
eutly have failed,
C01.UMHUS, Jan. 2. Welch of
Knox declare hu will not supiwrt
Foraker, hut will vote lu favor of
MuKlnley. The house speakership
wut est have an lniortaut bear-
lug tiioii thu contest. The candi
dates are J. F, MeOrow uud I. (
Iiuylln. The former Is understood
to represent the strength of Sher
man lu the house.
it wii.l 111: KOUAKUH.
Coi.Uiimjs, Ju. 2. It was uoarly
S o'clock before the Rpub!km
house otituus got to work. Lewis
0. Lnylin was nomlnatojl apcakeritn
San Dieoo, Jun., 1. Tho cruher
Charleston anchored off the
Hotel del Coronado yesterday after
noon about 4 o'clock. Admiral
Rrown, of the San Francisco, re
ceived word that theChar'eaton will
come Inside harbor tomorrow, at 10
o'clock. Tho Charleston anchored
so far out that no communication
could bo had with her officers, there
fore nothing can bo known of her
trip or intentions till tomorrow.
two un1tku btatk3 soldi kk8
Lakkdo, Tex., Jan. 2. Col. Cam
eron, of tho Mexican forces in Neu
vo Laredo has received a telegram
from down the river on tho Mexican
side, elating that a fight had oc
curred on this side, nud that two
United States soldiers had been
killed. Tho losto tho revolutionists
waa not given.
Lakkdo, Tex., Jan. 2. Colonel
Ceron of tho Mexican army reiter
ates u denial of a rovolt at Mier.
Garza la said to have the clerical
party behind him, furnishing him
money, and that ua soon as he can
enlist 6000 men they will furnish
him millions to carry on his enm
paigh. Neither Garza nor the main
part of his followers are on this
aldo of tho river. They crossed
Into tho state of Tumaullpus, and
are now In the mountains. The
Mexicun government haa oflered a
reward of 300,000 for Gami'a head.
So fur, tlio Mexicuna huvo killed
over 100 men on suspicion of being
revolutionists und tills has tended
to drive tlio other poor ranchers to
join tho revolt. At Pueblo, tho
populace have revolted and every
priest has been placed In Jail.
THK I'UJililC DKitr.
Washington, Jan. 2 Tho state
ment of tho pullc- debt to bo issued
this afternoon shows a decrease of
about ,$7,000,000 In the ninount of
cash available for payment of debt
sluco Dec. 1st, when tho cash bal
unce was $1:10.127,000.
A Very Common Want.
"Out of sorts," "distrait," "the blues,"
tlioonru CuiiiUnr itpielhuli- for uncoiii
forUiblo, ULiik'tlimuIo bc'tintUoim, nccoiu.
pnuleil with IiiPHltudo, nervousuess, lu.
itlgtHtlou l'overty of tlio blood, to remedy
wlilch nn eltocllvo Moinaelilo perelHtcutly
used Is tho paramount need, U l-oiic1iii1u
mldeiHo Uiattliu njatomli. ltiaulllcleutly
nourished beoiuiHO-mid lor no other raiiKo
wIhto urcuulo (tUonsa dou not exist tin.
iixid Is not nhNlinllated. Itcluforco tlin
tluKKlng onorgliM of tho stoniucti, reform
nn lrrtifiilnrcondltlouof tliB boirulx, krun
una liialtlitul Ki-cretlon of tlio bile with
lIOHtottcp Htoinueh lllttvre. For otr
thirty joatK this popular mrdlciuo has
mippllod the common want of tho nervous
Invalid, tho djHp.iptlo nnd of persons do
llelout In vitality, an olllcleut tonic. I'o
Its power Imparting ttreuKht ls xttilbu
tnblo Its ulllcucy as 11 prucnll ol
malaria and luterlpne. Thoroughly t.lIVc
ttvn Is It too lor rheumatism, kidney com
plaint und lU'iirulglu.
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass, Wall l'a
per and Uortler, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails ant)
Shingles, Hay, IVcd and Fence
rosls, Grass Scons. Lie,
Adniinistrator's Notice oi' Ap-lioiiilinoni.
NOTICE If htieby given, that ot the
December tirin.of thu County Court
lor tho County of .Marion nnd state of
t'reg n, iorini- 31 ir i-w, me nnnersn;Deu
wan duly appoFu'i'd un hdinlnlstra or of
uie ouuieoi iienry i.eiw, inio 01 jianon
ixjunly, decensed, Then fore all pernio
having rlaimiinalnsi sal.l c tfltc are here-
uj nciiined to present me wont ror pay
ment, duly vrlPrd, to ihc uuderslgbed at
bin redd nee In Hah ui. Malon county.
Oreson.wltlilnitf 11 ontln from the date
hereof. And u'l iTson Indtbted to paid
etato are heitby rxjuevted to make Im
mediate settlement with the underelpnert
auruinlfctrntor ut n's rclucnce ntortsnia.
Dated tins luu..ry the'.'n'l A D. 1802
I'. .HHAW.
Admlnlf-trntorof theet.1 iteut Henry Gelps,
uecinhcu j -a
11 u nm
1IIK board of trustees ot the Orrcon
Hate intiimo Anlum hrrehv- luvlle
s'a.eii proposals ioriurniuinKul tne asy
lum, near Salem, Uieeon, the fnllowlni;
siiprlloslortliet-lx mouths ending Julyl,
1000 yds AmoIp8j mariners stripes blue
aim wuue.
?M yds IOM8ilalo blench sheeting, 38 Inch
."iWlydsl'eqKot A MicetlUB, ll Inch.
800yds American bh'rtlng prints light ool
ors. assoi ted.
SOD yds century cloth, dark colors, nMorted
ICO yds contln ntul cheek, llnunel, black
and whlie.
QOOjdS'edaud blue clitik glors crash, 18
Inch wide.
SOOyds bleached linen nnd French crash,
IS Inch wide.
200yds Amoskeiig bluo denim's Ooz.
VO yds Marseille VoikJIgCo checks.
2i,0 yds Anuiskeac A c A licklne. JJU Inch
w Ide.
100 yds NnumkenR corset Jeans dark. drab.
Odoz meanm sire thimbles, closed ends.
10 No .111 white thread, Clark's mile end.
B ' 18 ' '
10' ' SUblack .
tl ' 10 ' ' ' ' '
15 cross pearl dress buttons line 21
Baby cried,
Mbthor sighed,
Doctor liresciibed: Castorla"
Ifslok headache Is mMry, what are Oai
(r't.I.ittlu Lher 1MIU If they will im1
Uvuly euro It? t'isiple who liao urt
tliniu spwik IrauUlj of their worth. Tluy
aro hnmll uud easy to take.
If you onco try Uttrwr's Little X.lver IMlls
for Mok hmdsuhe, blllousuess or eoustlp
tl.in, you will noer Ui without thoui.
They are nimily vegetable; small ud tiuy
to lake. lKm't forget till.
Ilamh purvatho l-emwltts are fust kIv
Hi)! nutty to tlio geutle aoiUm and mild
eltwu of Carter's Utile l.lr pills. II you
rytliem, Ihey will cortalnl V''-c jou
I fi$&
1 JSvl PM
I iWMii-.iSCMl
Sfc-k IlMicho an.t i1ht all th troubles IboI
cknt Ioa Uli- iu nm.- ,.f U kvUMii. laoii
lHillw. uiv tr , .iiirM DwUvM nflrl
Miiug, l'lu in tiM) "i 1. o WliiUnliWrHto!
rnarkiWniuvv. 1 tHiuslunrn tueurtui
llakC. l vt CiHii:. I imx Livid Piuj
ra Muatltv (... :! in C.uMipAiton. etute
JUmI)iiUii4C l"ii. Miit onniulsiM, )U
IhPjr kko iwmi ll h -rlr ot IIhi ttuauwli.
mUhuIbm um Ur ud rvguUw tb bat.
KU t( ikiy only rurod
lead of Nevatli. The Aw Vorkltho llret ballot. Tho votluj; beliig
IkuiAWttU euro uoiultii for Bllver'53 to31, an ouinlouj k'U for Fora
tatM AUt! their protwlcd coiumotl. fser,
eh hy would t ln.,v.t pnootou to tbw
olio MUTer fnm thM Jistrui eomptahttt
ut fivrmtly tbur i.'Huws Jam not tmt
twn. Ami llwi li nee try tfcuuu M Am
ihM llttk) 4H tIiiI Id in so rMST wj itet
(My will not tM willinr to do without ttm
U the hn of to bmbt Utm tht bwi U srkera
r Hwka our frxi bout. Our pJUi unt K 3
twswna.ns 1
Ukt 17 ur lo Ule I lh t Mttt MM& 1
dOM. TMDf r IfrvllT 1t H 1
u irKp t purv )hm ilwu- il tmkm I
iitoii 11 wlo uw Mwiiu UiMhlot. i 1
iwforil S.41fW)lw iv Mat kr (MS-1 S
each No. 2, 3. 1, 6 nud (1 Mllwnrds nee-GROCERIES.
6,rO0 lbs I.pl salt.
too cheese, Cranston's or as good.
2,")00 ' cracked wheat, Iresh ground, bbls.
2o00 coarse hominy ' ' '
2500 ' oat meal ' ' '
lhOO ' rolled outs, American
SOU ' dried currants, fresh, eood stock.
200 ' C a Co'h A & II brand curb soda.
2000 ' cholco Island rice.
ISO cruim tartar. J. A. Folger's
prime, or as good.
200 ' kIo'S starch, Oswego
100 corn starch, Oswego,
lu jross matencs, bujierlor Safety.
2") doz brooms.
20 doz causoystors, A. Fields or as good.
2.5 doz concentrated lye, American.
33 doz cans corn, Wluslow,
100 lhs t!ipl.
aw gnl coal oil, l'earl In tanks.
1 doz bath bricks,
1 doz clothes baskets, willow, large size,
200 gul uiolaws, Sew Orlcsuis, genuine
13 dnz pall (galv Iron No. 20 plate, round
bottoms )
.BX) lbs black pepper, grouud.
40 ' Klnger, ground.
10 ' cinnamon '
to ' musturd '
15 ' niace '
20 sago
10 doz glitsis tumblers.
3 ' imp pltclurs.
J80 quart Kiup Lw Is, W, (3,
t0 ttntcups.
00 bbls mora or less, best roller process.
itwi 1 mru na (fiiuiltlt
00 pounds Kirk's Savon or as good,
tf boxes Iory soap. 100 cakes mcb.
10 lbs sbnvlog soap (Palmer's bail.ir or
us good),
1000 lb uncnloredJapim,KcllKeornsgood.
2W0lb CVMtn uioh, first gmdo.
j ' chicory, '
SO ' nvl Jnvu,
1'jO roHDIocbn,
laOUm ltnpldnu, or as good.
iOO lbs per day more or ltssof beef and
mutton us n quired In equal mtia ol
fore and bind quarters.
1 klde imrniws, Orfk'on, eitru good.
S slit.' wile, atixiktou, at to ST per side, eat ru
1 cult skin, good st.ii k
13 dux l'aynon'. indelible Ink.
a .it btuumrd's premium tluld.
' copying
il eoHirelul Ink,
iiim letter pufHir, Wdgewood ball
IffiutclMMliMnrtU. Wxou'b graphite No
Vtt Mb tip B.
i ta UWotfii ffll vu '
HW lb dried ftpptes, jo-wl quality. tUu
OlW, Ut eiMk.
I0CM lb itrt pHbni, (ood qMttUiy, ran
dtd,tit MCKo.
HkX) Ib drt4Ml iwauet. km1 niMlHy, lu saak
lu,MtluMi onrvbiiHim.
I ' bMVrlmiM.
1 nu matt bHmiMum.
HI aqua), con.
i Huumrti-e.
' bMaalhlMbHnM, 8qlbU'.
tfriM boultdfaiu.
I .
t ,
1 ' Wb
knj Rockers
fcjolid comfort in every one.
1 8. Mlffl &
The Oregon Land Co.,
The Beautiful Capital C't of Oregon, and Count Seat ot
Marion County.
Is engaged in selling
stock md fruit
lands in the Willamette Valley. If you aro hiking tuv
land do not fail to call on us atbalem or ouragemin Port
land. The Willamette Valley is very far ahead of any
other place on the Pacific Coast as a farming, stick and
fruit country, and i the most delightful place in tk World
for a home.
Office in Gray Block, Cor. State and Libertv Sts,,Salem,Or.
"""" I H
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing Company
Office with the Oregon Land Co., Gray Block, corner
State and Liberty streets, Salem, Oregon; is engaged in
setting out and cultivating Orchards.
I tlaes gradua'e, K gil.
HO hj podermlc ubltts, apo morphia, MO
Ki-., Wjcth&llro,
IW byiodennlc tablet, pilocarblnae mur,
' dlglUUenl.HOOgr
& I!ro.
100 h podermlc tablets, physoa spllcyl HO
lit Tlli'iuorlb pouT.s arsen,
y z. morphliuKiilphaa.
I doz medicine gUttes, oz, English lines.
1 lbs pepsin pure, Falrchlld's.
100 ' paratlne.
1 jiuir doverl.
1 ' ' ataclae.
30 ' potassll bromldum,
1 ' ' chlorus.
6 ' ' nltras, powd.
1 ' ' cltra.
1 ' ' lodldum.
M oz qululne snlpbas, l. 4, Y.
2 ' oieum ciuiiHinnul.
Mlb ' carjophjltl,
2 gul ' rlclul.
1 doz strengthenlug plasters H. 4 J,
1 doz potous plasters, Allcock's.
10 lbs bhaWne fcoap, Williams'.
1 ' uugentum simplex.
1 ' ' cltrlnum.
,1 ' ' balneum.
10 vasallne. XX refined.
.1 ' sponges, large cnrri.se.
1 morturwedso-wood, gal.
fi lbs llt blcorbonaii.
8 ' ' boras pulv.
2 bbls carboras.
2 lbs bromldum.
I'M feet i round Iron, common.
2 ' A ' Norway.
!0 ' Hat UK '
60 ' ' lx?
K keg of No 5 lore shoes, light Uurdcn's
10 lbd No 7 Putnam shoo nails.
15 ' Sbneet'sAmeiican steel toecallcs.
Io ' 4 ' t .
1 No 3 solid cast steel machinists ball pelu
hammer, octagon, I lb 12 oz.
. iu iiiui, nurse rasp, jieuer s,
1 uw ii iucu rouna
25c Want Column.
Notices inserted for ONE CENTVEK
tlsenieut Inserted in this olnmn foiless
umivHiiniuMJiii wrr
W H. VOTING, M. D Office formily
VV . occupied by Dr. Kowland, coler
??u5,nd t'berty BtreetB. Telephone So.
41. Office heurs: 8 a. m. to 12; 2 to 4 p nh .
and 7 to up m. ltestc'ence I8th streelpn
electric car line. Telephone No. v. 7
WANTEDMtnatlon as waitress, ly in
exper enced girl. Call at 71 llelevto
street. b.ilcm. 5
J?0UBALE Aboueaurtlot for S75 lu
.' Tit pnvments. Enquire at (.lotii real
estate omce.
Olobi real
tiles, bastard.
. . .
' ' '2nd cut.
1 .
' llat bastard flies.
1 i round'
... ,
' ' 2nd cut.
1 llat mill, 2nd cut.
knife bastard.
' second cut.
reirnlar tnnpr Ulpa Einui.nni
siy 1 .iit.; . "'.rr "j "vv"''
n . 1! , """""1' "'. uouuiecut.
",nr ,5, , ' ''UKleCUt.
12-foot sleel square lt blade No 100, Eaglo
stet? bare?'1 'nC'' best qUaUty Km7 Uaa
1 No l Acme cutting nippers, inter,
uhaugabole Jaus,
a V Inch bench screws, 2U inch o er nil.
2 No 1 Dlbtln's hand saws, 21 inches.
k, 5f ' 0.cll,,ltTs for s lnch Aclno nippers
800 K N o a) gul sheet Iron S0xl, bast brand
sou ' ' 2! 1 iXIxtitt, ' '
C00 ' best blacksmiths' coal.
Ill ' Albany compound No 2
S begs of h penny cuuialU.
2 ' JO '
1 ' 4
SM leet yt angle stel.
K doz IX inch tee.
1 ' 1
1 j ig
1 If
Uulous tluBge
Ktivstone union
ltwk uuu
ttshlnm. 1 Innl, in j ln.k
X I IlB8hsUipuudwf2
I ' fit lnh Fuller tutu aui,
. . '" , "'
eh H nxuX X rubUr nttt, fer yu.
1 Mm iUo4livjjJM '.
mt ork. Nu 4.
1 IL
3 IU ( ext uirsaiwHU ip. Wyeth Bro
cum ia$tars ct, ji? ux.
MR ME;-:?, bHfc.
i ri crria,
MblU Kla,
ggtu md,
m iwt I (nab imI wrwtght Iran pipe
w J 1 Jbteek ' '.
l&ZQ$kin ",Be Ktasses, u
I Star rUi gnupj ruuer
SuwpUn y l raMtbeoMeortb
aSaSU?tVf,"faa ?a K wftj
WM. A ropy 14 thw aYmKiwSiSf.S
ml raat riv hu it!Tn?.,,!,,?l
Jk l vrlh MptJo rf n t .d SL"? ? JSJ.'.
ffn5SSr.".'wnJ,,w t.mStm.
OWJJftMrtpM T lb StlrtiJVtS
LOST.-Two deeds and tax receipts 'ray
-uitmr, enclo-ni ta enrolop. lUurn
to JouKNXt. office,
ii i 3l
IlATl'lli WA1,
i.iun tjTNcw houe (n 6Vth
L'. Salem. Applv to E. Ilttnr vrttu
Salem, or at Jouukal ofllt'e.
T im'iA I,ackaBeof hair K006., bet Tben
fr,V:.w v. . luu Miiiro
""'c'"' . r rann cooper's store. I
i,,f rt.
i.y 27 tf
5 en-
rpo HEST-A. house of five rooirl
A, e.S'' -van dtr 1Jan- Wtateilreet
'"" u iuiuu. ll-!8l
H10rii?iSHVN?iIHren ncres wit J the
cltj limits of Yankton, s. D.,forprop-
Sm',B-ff 8j'em- W-"Sg'
Qi'KCIAL BAHQMN-A bargalnll of
p feredmtbel N, Gilbert propert ipor
?iei1fi0n nn(1,?it streets. Callia J.
0. llooth, room U, over Ladd i. Buih ink
, over Li
UND.-A new leather slipper.
J.' can hate same by provlnir iy
nd navlnu rsr ,1.1 ..t. ' u,,u P
" . 'ML .IU11CC.
flXHIENT. Houce of nine rooms silln
,.. wv wuMgebireei.
j. . Bery raiuraay eenlii- .J
o clock, in tne hall oer the Wat iV?
ranee bnHinn- i..,i' ."" r,'e 111
gar "A K
W . A. Cuslek, Vice President. wg p
WJt.A MUNt.V,rkk
"u.sincss, Shorthand!
Uty Warranto
VOTR'h Is hereby mvrn ih.. .i,.
0.1 ura''iitundon hnrt TA .. . Bre
orjol lbecityofN,ln, ii22 a .,btitii.
arr,.uts of ifie 1 1 1 of Lilt?'' XaJy "
by Hi- .rcwurr ii2l .i'J d0"
X i
- n iiiinilg'
- fltp