Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 30, 1891, Image 4

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. lllw
We Imva nlwajte undersold nil others, hut now to dose our Htock and
mvke rown, we otter for 30 days,
On N etothing Ib the bouw. Everybody says wo give burguiUH already,
btrt tMa cut will be the lowest ever known lu eJalecu.
ckwon preached by dr. t. de
Witt talmage.
A Night In Ilethtehrtn tils Subject A
Jowirfnl and Imprrnslve Dlirouno Lis
toned l by Vt Congregation Tlio
Habe In the Manger.
Brooklyn. Dec. 27. Dr. Talmago
preached this morning n formon np
propriato to the ChrWinnK neason.
Talcing np the subject of tho Nativ
ity he drew from it Icswitim which,
though iHirfictly legitimate, are
commonly overlooked. Hit text was
Luke ii. 1(1. "And they rame with
haste, and found Mary and Joseph,
Hnd the Bubo lying lu u manger."
The hlut'k window shutters of a
DtHvinbur night; vrovo thrown oijn,
aiwl twine of tlie bebt suigurs of a
world where tlioy all Bing stood
there, and putting back the drapery
f cloud, chanted a peace anthem,
until all the echoes of hill and valley
applauded aud vncoivd tho Hallelu
jah chorus. Oom, let us go into
thut iliiTstmitM scene as though we
bad never tx'fore worshiped at the
manger, tlero is a Madonna worth
looking at.
wonder not that tho most fre
quent name in all lauds and in all
Olirirtian centuries is Mary, And
there tire Marys in palaces and Marys
in cabins, anil though German and
jyendi aud Italian and Spanish and
fiuglish piououuceitdifferontly, they
are all namesakes of the one whom
wo find on a bed of straw, with her
pale face against tho soft cheek of
Chi-ist in the night of the Nativity.
All the great jKiinters havo tried, on
uniivon. to present Mary and her
child and the incidents of that most
famous night of tho world's history.
Raphael in throe different master
piece celebrated thorn, Tintoretto
and -Ohirlandnjo surpassed them-
helves In the adoration of tho .Magi.
Correggio needed to do nothing mora
than his Madonna to become immon
tal, The Madonna of tho Lily, by
Leonardo da Vinci, will kindle tho
admiration of nil ages. But all tho
galleries of Dresden aro forgotten
when I think of the small room of
that gallory containing tho Sistino
Madonna. Yot nil of them woro cop
ie of St. Matthew's Madonna and
Lulre's Madonna, the inspired Ma
donna of tho Old Book, which wo
had put into our hnnds when we wero
infants, aud that wo hopo to have
under our heads when wo die.
Behold, in tho first place, that on
the first night of Christ'a life God
honored tho bruto creation. You can
not get into that Bethlehem born
without going post tho camels, tho
mules, tho dogs, tho oxen. Tho
brutes of that stable heard tho first
cry of tho infant Lord. Some of tho
old painters represent tho oxon and
camels kneeling that night before
the newborn bubo. And woll might
they kneel I Havo you ever thought
that Christ camo among other tilings
to alloviato tho sufferings of tho bruto
creation? Won it not appropriate that
be Hhouldi during tho first few days
and nights of Ids life ou earth, bo
surrounded by the dumb boasts, whoso
moan anil j'l'tfut and hollowing havo
for agoa iu ii a prayer to God for tho
-treating of their torturos ondtho
righting of their wrongs! It did not
merely "kapixm so" that tho unintel
ligent creatures of God should have
been that night in closo neighborhood.
Not r keuuol in all tho centuries,
not a bird's uest, not n worn out horso
on towpath, not it herd freezing in
the poorly built cow pen, not a freight
cr ju summer timo bringing tho
beeves to markot without wator
through a thousand miles of agony,
not h Burgeon's room witnessing tho
struggles of fox or rabbit or pigeon
or dog in the horrors of vivisection,
but has an interest iu tho fact that
Christ was bora in a stable, surround
ed by brutes. Ho romombovw that
sight, and tho prayer ho hoard in
Uwir pitiful moan ho will answer in
tho punishment of tbosowho mal
treat tho dumb brutes, They surely
have w much right in this world as
we liave.
la tho first chapter of Genesis you
may nee that they wore placed ou tho
earth befwo uuut was, tho fish and
fowl creHtod tho fifth day, and tho
mwdrujXHl tho morning of tho sixth
dy, und man notuntil tho afternoon
oi'thut day, Tho, wjmlo, the eagle,
th Hob, and ail the lesser creatures
of their Idnd woro predocossora of
tho Uunuut family. Thoy havo tho
world bf right qf possession. Thoy
hv4 bo mid rent for the places
1kr oocupltxl. What an army of
4etaw U oyw tho world are tho
Jatthful wa-UiHloKM. And who can
0 what tlw world owes the horso
and own and ox for transportation!
And robin aud huk ltavo, by the can-
i wit wtoJcti Uwy mve mm or-
I ted fortwt, more UvMt iMd for
i hem grain they have picked up
Wbtw you ah any creature of
Ocd you ?farik it Qmtor, and you
lasult tli CM Ww, though ho
srigbt hv btm wkW htto life
aprisem and tektwi hW.fcwt tufim
slumber amW Tyrian phisii and
oppid pouch? iotd rijUJlhijr wutwtJ
from foyl Siu4uc4 dripping ito
batdtui of Jforjr and Vti, obose to bt
bora ou th tevi with a eow'n horn,
or a ouuel'a hoof, Of a dojr'A nostril,
tiuu ha iiiight b the aUriatioi) of
vniauJ nuittvtng m weU 1h m
tfMTnr of tuaja.
1 wlU)tbiailMitt4BOI
do, in that Bethlehem night with an
infant Christ on the ono sido and tho
speechless creatures of God on-tho
other, I cry, look out how you striko
tho rowel into that horse's sido. Toko
off that curbed bit from that bleeding
mouth, Remove that saddle from
that raw back. Shoot not for fun that
bird that is too small fop food. For
get not to put water into tho cage of
that canary. Throw out nomo crumbs
to those birds caught too far north in
tlie winter's Inclemency. Art est that
man who is making that one horso
draw a load heavy enough for three.
Rush in upon that scene where boys
are torturing a cat or transfixing
butterfly and grasshopper.
Drivo not off that old robin, for her
nest is n mother's cradle, and under
her wing there may be three or four
musicians of the slcy in training. In
your fumilics and in your schools
touch the coming generation more
mercy than the present generation
has ever shown, and in this marvel
ous Biblo picture of the Nativity,
while you point out to them the
angol, show them also the camel, and
whdo thoy hoar tho celestial cnant
lot them also hear the cow's moan.
No more did Christ show interest
In tlie botanical world, when he Baid,
"Ponsidor the lilies," than ho showed
sympathy for tho ornithological,
whou ho said, "Behold tho fowls of
tho air," anil tho qiuulrupedal world,
when ho allowed hhnsolf to bo called
in one pUu-o a lion and in another
pl.ico a lamb. Meanwhile, may the
Christ of tho Bethlehem cattle pen
have meicyon the Buffering stock
yards that aro preparing diseased
and fevered moat for our American
riou iioNOiucn cniumooD.
Behold, also, in this Bible scone,
how on that Christinas night God
honored childhood. Christ might
have mode his first visit to our world
in a cloud, as he will descend on his
next visit in a cloud. In what a
chariot of illumined vapor ho might
have rolled down tho sky, escorted by
piounted cavalry, with lightning for
drawn sword. Elijah had a carriage
of fire to take him up; why not Jesus
n carriage of fire to fetch him downf
Or. over tho arched bridge of a rain
bow tho Lord might havo desconded.
Or Christ might havo had his mor
tality built up on earth out of tho
dust of a garden, aa was Adam, in
full manhood at tho Btart, without
tho introductory feebleness of in
fancy. No, no I Childhood was to bo hon
ored by that advent. Ho must havo
a child's light limbs, and a child's
dimpled hand, and a child's beaming
eye, and a child's flaxen hair; and.
babyhood was to bo honored for all
timo to come, and a cradle waa to
mean moro than a grave. Mighty
God I May tho reflection. of that one
child's f aco bo seen in all inf antilo
Enough havo all tlioso fathers and
mothers on hand if thoy havo a child
in tho house. A throne, a crown, a
ccoptor, n kingdom, under charge.
Bo careful how you striko him across
tho head, jarring tho brain. What
you cay to bun will bo centennial
and millennial, and a hundred years
and a thousand years will not stop
tho echo and re-echo. Do not say,
"It is only a child." Rather say, "It
is only an immortaL" It Is only a
innstorpioco of Jehovah. It is only
a being that shall outlivo sun and
moon and star and ages quadronnial.
God has infinite resources, and ho
can givo presents of great value; but
w'hon ho wants to givo tho richest
possiblo gift to n household ho looks
around all tho worlds and all tho uni
vorso and then gives a child.
Tho greatest present that God ovor
gave our world ho gave about 1601
yearn ago, aud hogavo it on a Christ
mas night, and it was of such voluo
that heavon adjourned for n recess
and camo down and broko through
tho clouds to look at it Yea, in all
ages God has honored childhood. Ho
makes almost ovory picture a failure
unless thoro bo a child oithor playing
on tho floor, or looking through tho
window, or seated on tho lap gazing
into tho faco of tho mother.
It was a child in Na&man'a kitchen
that told tho groat Syrian warrior
where ho might go and got cured of
tho leprosy, which at Ids sovonth
plungo in tho Jordan was loft at tho
bottoin of tho river. It woa to tho
omdlo of leaves, in which a child was
laid, rocked by tho Nilo, that God
colled tho attentiou of history. It
ym a sick child that evoked Christ's
cmrativo sympathies. It wnsn child
that Christ sot in tho midst of tho
squabbling disciples, to teach tho lea
sou of humility. Wo aro informed
that wolf tuid leopard aud lion shall
bo yet so domesticated thatalittlo
cldld shall lead them.
A child docidod Waterloo, showing
tho army of Bluchor how thoy could
take a short cut through the ftohfe,
when, if th old road had beea fol
lowed, the Pnwrian gettoral would
havo come wp too la to to save the des
tinles of Europe. It was a child that
decided Gettysburg1, he having over
heard two Confederate getterate in a
oouvwmtioB, bi which they deckled
to march for GoUysburg uaatead of
Hrrkbur, and Uik, reported to
Governor Curtut, the Federal foteea
started to meet their oppo&eafc at
Am today the child in to decide all
the great battle, mako all tlie laws.
rtU all the deatiuie and usher in
the wot'UiV salvation w UkiAotioa.
Mttt. woman, natiosa, tiX aartk mm!
aUhMVbaholdtWaUkil hVm
any velvet so soft as a child's cheek!
Is there any sky eo blue as a child's
eye? is there any music no sweet us
tlie child's voieof Is thoro any plume
so wavy as a child's hair.
Notice also that in this Biblo night
scene God honored science. Who are
tho throe wise men kneeling before
the Divine Infant! Not boors, not
ignoramuses, but Caspar, Bclthasar
and Melchior, men who know all that
was to be known. They wero the
Isaac Newtons and Herschels and
Faradays of their time. Their alche
my was the forerunner of our sublimo
chemistry, their astrology tho mother
of ourmaguincentastronomy. Thoy
had studied stars, studied metals,
studied physiology, studied everything.
And when I boo these scientists
bowing before tho beautiful babe, I
see the prophecy of tho timo when
all tho telescopes and microscopes,
and all the Loyden jars, and all tho
electric batteries, and all tho observa
tories, and all the universities shall
bow to Jesus. It is much that way
already. Whore is the college that
does not havo morning prayers, thus
bowing at the manger? Who havo
been the greatest physicians? Omit
ting tho names of the living, lost we
should bo invidious, have we not had
among tnem unnstian men nice our
own Joseph C. Hutchinson and Rush
and Valentino Mott and Abercrom-
bie and Abernethy? Who have been
our greatest scientists? Joseph Hen
ry. who lived and died in the faith of
tho Gospels, and Agassiz, who, stand-
big with bis students among tho hills,
took off his hat and said, "Young
gentlemen, before wo study these
rocks lot us pray for wisdom to tho
God who made the rocks."
Today tho greatest doctors and
lawyers of Brooklyn and Now York
and of this land and of all lands re
vere tho Christian religion, and aro
not ashamod to say so before juries
and legislatures and senates. All
geology will yet bowbeforo tlie Rock
of Ages. All botany will yot woi"ship
tho Rose of Sharon. All astronomy
will yet recognize the Star of Beth
lehem. And physiology and anatomy
will 30m hands and say, "We must,,
by tlie help of God, got the human
race up to tho perfect nerve and per
fect muscle and perfect brain and
porfect form of that perfect child
before whom, nigh twenty hundred
years ago, tho wise men bent theii
tired knees in worship.
Behold also in that first Christmas
night that God honored tho fields.
Como in, ehophord boys, to Bethlo
hom and see tho child. "No," thoy
say, "we aro not dressed good enough
to come in." "Yes, you are; como
in." Sure onough, tho storms and
tho night dow and tho brambles havo
mado rough work with their apparel,
but none havo a bettor right to come
in. Thoy woro tho first to hear tho
mimic of that Christmas night. Tho
first announcement of a Saviour's
birth waa mado to those men in tho
There woro wiseacros that night in
Bethlehem and Jerusalem Bnoring in
deop sleep, and there woro salaried
officors of government, who, hearing
of it afterward, may havo thought
that thoy ought to have had tho first
nows of Bueh a great event; somo ono
dismounting from a swift camol at
their door and knocking till, at somo
son thiol's question, "Who comes
thorot" tho great ones of the paloco
might havo been told of tho celestial
arrival. No; tho shepherds heard
tho first two bars of tho music, tho
first in tho major key and tho last in
tho Btibduod minor, "Glory to God in
tho highest, and on earth peace, good
mil to mon." Ah, yes; tho fields
woro honored.
Tho old shepherds with plaid and
crook havo for tho most part van
ished, but we havo grazing our
United States pasture fiolds and
prairio about forty-fivo million snoop
and all thoir keepers ought to fol
low tho shophords of my text, and all
thoso who toil in fields, all vino dressi
ore, all orchardists. all husbandmen.
Not only that Christmas night, but
all up and down tho world's history
God had boon honoring tlie fiolds.
Nearly all tho mosshths of reform
and literature aud oloquenco and law
and benovolonco havo como from tho
fiolds. Washington from tho fiolds.
Jefferson from tho fiolds. Tho presi
dential martyrs, Garfield and Lin
coln, from tho fiolds. Honry Clay
from tho fiolds. Daniel Webster from
tho fields. Martin Luther from tho
fiolds. Before this world is right tho
overflowing populations of our crowd
ed oitios will havo to tako to tho
fiolds. Instead of ton merchants in
rivalry as to who shall sell that ono
apple, wo want at least eight of them
to go out and raiso apples. Instead
of ton merchants desiring to soil that
ono bushel of wheat, wo want atleaot
oight of them to go out and rake
Tho world wants uow moro hard
hands, moro bronzed cheeks, moro
muscular arms. To tho fiolds I God
honored them when ho woko up the
ahophonk by tho midnight anthem;
and ho will, while the world lasts,
continue to honor tho fields. When
tho shepherd's crook was that famous
night stood against tho wall of tho
Bothlohom khau it was a prophecy
oi the timo whon thrashor's flail and
farmer's plow and woodman's ax and
ox's yoke and Bhoafhhidor's rake
shall surrender to tho God who made
tho country, aa man mado the town.
Behold ahto that cm that Chrigttmai
night God honored motherhood. Two
.angels on their wings might havo
brought an infant Saviour to Bothlo
hem without Mary's being there at
all. When the villagers on the morn
ing of December 26 awoke, by divine
arrangement and in some unex
plained way tho child Jesus might
have Ixson found in some comfortable-
cradle of tho village. But no, nol
Motherhood for all timo was to bo
consecrated, and ono of tho tenderest
relations was to bo tho maternal re
lation, and ono of the swootcbt words,
In all ages God has honored good
motherhood. John Wesley had a
good mother; St. Bernard had a good
mether: Samuel Budgott a good mo
ther; Doddridge a good mother;
Walter Scott a good mother; Benja
min West a good mother. In a great
audience, most of whom were Chris
tians, I asked that all thoso who had
been blessed of Christian mothers
arise, and almost the entire assembly
stood up. Don't you boo how impor
tant it is that all motherhood bo con
secrated? Why did Titian, the Italian artist,
when ho sketched the Madonna, make
it an Italian faco? Why did Rubens,
tho German artist, in Ids Madonna,
make it a German face? Why did
Joshua Reynolds, tho English artist,
in his Madonna, mako it an English
face? Why did Murillo, tlie Spanish
artist, in his Madonna, make it a
Spanish faco? I never heard, but I
think thoy took their own mothers as
tho type of Mary, the mother of
Christ. When you hear some one, in
sormon or oration, speak in tho ab
stract of a good, faithful, honest
mother, your eyes fill up with tears,
while you sny to yourself, "that was
my mother."
Tho first word n child utters is apt
to bo "Mother," and tho old man in
his dying dream calls "Mother 1
mother I" It matters not whothor
sho was brought up in tho surround
ings of a city and in affluent home,
and was dressed appropriately with
roforence to tho demands of modern
life, or whether sho wore tho old
timo cap and great round spectacles,
and apron cf her own make, and knit
yiUr bocIcs with her own needles,
seated by tho broad fireplace, with
great backlog ablaze, on a winter
It matters not how many wrinkles
crossed and recrossed her faco, or
how much hor shoulders stooped with
the burdons of a long life, if you
painted a Madonna, hers would be
tho face. What a gentlo hand sho
had when wo were sick, and what a
voice to sootho pain, and was thoro
any ono who could so fill up a room
with peace and purity and light?
And what ft sad day that was when
wo camo homo aud sho could greet
us not, for hor lips wero forever still.
Come back, mother, this Christmas
day, and tako your old place, and as
ton or twenty or fifty years ago
come and open the old Bible as you
used to; read and kneel in tho somo
ploco where you used to pray, and
look upon us as of old when you
wished us a merry Christmas or a
happy New Year. But nol That
would not be fair to call you back.
You had troubles enough and aches
enough and bereavements enough
while you wore here. Tarry by the
throne, mother, till wo join you
there, your prayers all answered,
and in tho eternal homestead of our
God wo Bholl again keep Christmas
jubilco together.
But spook from your thrones, all
you glorified mothers, and say to all
these, your bonu and daughters, words
of love, words of warning, words of
cheer. They need your voice for
thoy havo traveled far and with
many a heartbreak Binco you loft
them, and you do well to coll from
tho heights of heaven to the valleys
of earth: nail, enthroned ancestry I
Wo aro coming. Keep a placo right
beside you at the banquet.
8!ovr footed ycarel Moro swlftlj" run
Iuto the gold of that unsotting sun;
Homesick we nre for thee,
Calm Unci beyond tho eea.
A Joke of tho Kulxor.
A story which reaches mo from
Potsdam is of a harnilcss character.
The Gorman emperor appeared a few
days ago before tho barraclm of tho
Guard Hussars. Ho dismounted and
gavo tho corporal of tho guard ordors
to march his men away silently into
tho officers' mess closo by. Then ho
causod tho olann to bo soiuidod by
tho trumpoter of tho guard, whojn ho
kept by Ins sido. Tho officer of tho
guard, who had noticed nothing of
tho event, camo rushing out, but the
guard was gono. "Whore is your
guard, sir?" said tho omperor; to
which tho unfortunate man could of
course givo no answer. His majesty
was mightily pleased at tho result of
this practical joko. Vanity Fair.
The Way the Boy Got It.
Tho danger of intrusting oral mes
sages to boys, however bright thoy
may bo, was demonstrated in a news
paper offlco not a thousand miles
away from City Hall park. A moni
tor of tho editorial staff sent ono of
tho boys to tho composing room for
a proof of a story entitled, "Arion's
Groat Performance." Arion, it should
be remembered, is Senator Stanford's
wonderful 2-year-old trotter, who has
just mado splinters out of all provi
oua 2-yoar-old records, Tho boy, on
returning from tho composing room,
said, "Thoy aint no theatrical
proofs." Thoro was a puzzled editor
until it waa learned that tho boy had
asked for "Harrigan's Great Perform
aaee." New York Tribune.
CMr- attd seeW.'W
-On BLANKETS at the WOOLEN MILL STORE, 299 Commercial Street -A
f.,ct- fliJnl- nP it- ' ' -
Just think of it, a
Twelve Dollar Blanket1 for-
Ten . "
Six " "
$9 00
7 50
5 00
These aro the handsomest goods in Oregon. Mail Orders solicited.. Satisfaction o-uarant
money refunded.
By way of awfal example tho Btory is
printed of a lovely littlo girl baby who
pined away and seemed at the point of
death whenever she lived in tho same
house with her father. Away from him
she grew fat and rosy. There seemed
something uncanny and witchlike in tho
thing. At least there would have been
had not that father lived in a scientific
and analytical age, when we nose into
everything and very properly try to find
material causes for everything occurring
in the material world. That father
would certainly have been led out and
hanged in an age before mankind knew
enough to watch sharply to find out that
it waa the fumes from incessant tobacco
Mnoking that nearly killed the baby.
The Hon. J. W. Fennimore is the
Sheriff of Kent Co., Del., and lives
at Dover, the County Seat and Cap
ital of the State. The sheriff is a
gentleman fifty-nine years of age,
and this is what he says : "I have
" used your August Flower for sev
" eral years in my family and for my
"own use, and found it does me
' ' more good than any other remedy.
" I have been troubled with what I
" call Sick Headache. A pain comes
" in the back part of my head first,
" and then soon a general headache
"until I become sick and vomit.
" At times, too, I have a fullness
" after eating, a pressure after eating
" at the pit of the stomach, and
' ' sourness, when food seemed to rise
" up in my throat and mouth. When
' ' I feel this coming on if I take a
" little August Flower it relieves
" me, and is the best remedy I have
" ever taken for it. For this reason
"I take it and recommend it to
" others as a great remedy for Dys
"pepsia, &c."
G. G. 1REEN, Sole Manufacturer,
Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A,
Nervous tesretion,
NIoonlesHncNR, Rick nntl Nervous
llcaunctao, Uncltnclic, Dizzlncwi.Uor
bttl lnra, Hot l'loalios, Norvona
lypepiln,DullEipN, Confusion, Ht.
terlu, rtti, Nt. Vitus Dunce, Opium
Itnblt, JrHiiI(onnc, etc., nro cured
by Ir. Allien Restornttvo A'ervtao.
It docs not contain opiates. Mrs. Sophia C.
llroirnlee. DoLnnd, tflo., mfforod lth Kplleprr
tor CO years una tcstlflos to a oomploto euro. Jacob
retro, Ella, Oregon, baa been suffering with Ncrv
ous Prottratlon tor four years, could not sleep,
nothing helped blra until bs usoa Dr. Mlloo' Rej
Btoratlvo Nervine; he Is now well. Fine books
.r.ree. dru?l,t- O'- Mllea' Norve and
Liver Pills, 60 do-as for 25 cents ere the bt
remedy tor DUlousuess, Torpid Liver, tc., etc
Dr. Miles' ModlcalCo.,Bkhart,lnd.
tbiai. BeiTu: ritrE.
"Sold by D. J. Fry, druggIst,Salem.
Act on a new nrlneinli
regulate tho liver, stomach
End bowels through tkl
ntrtet Sn, MiiJ!3r Piixs
tpetdllv ci.rt blllotisae&e,
torpid liver and constlpa
Uou. Smallest, mildest,
Barest 1 8pdoeee,2Beta,
(temples tree at druuglsta.
B MZtjSi.C..Elttttt.laL
Bold by D. J. Fry, druggist, Baletn.
Capital City Restaurant
Jas. Batchslor, PropV.
Warn Meals at All flours of May
None but white labor employed in thla
A ifood substantial meal o tcti la nrst
clata style
Twenty-flve ceuta rr weal.
Court strwt; between Opera Itouae ape
Mlnto'it Livery
German Market.
Frankfort, Bologna, (Vienna, Uver and
Blood K usage and Uead Chtece of my
own make. Best fren prime tneaU and
at lowest price. In mstoCice block.
..BHA?lh55r ae"oWii.BlJ8BS8F;
V Ice t'reanteut. Treasurer!
IT? Commercial FUroU
Makea the uetjt and bt Abstracts in
the country, '
and Packer,
-WtrH'.uUCott4'Bi-''rh btu tlttU
Q T. RI0UAKD80N, Attorney nt law,
(j. office up ht-alrs lu front rooms of new
buph block, corner Commercial find Court
streets, tSiucui, Ongon.
JOHN A. CAIWON, Attorney nt law.
Rooms 8 nnd 4, Ladd A liusti'H bank
bulMlug, Salem, Oregen. a 1 lyr
. R BON HA M. "W. H. nOLM PH.
BON1XAU & ilOLHLH, AttolIiejS lit luV.
Oflice in Bush's block, between btnto
and Court, on (Jom'IBt,
t P ILMON 1- OltD, attorney at law, Salem,
L Oregon. Oflice upstairs in PutUin'B
DAltrY A BINGHAM, Attorneys and
couUHeiora ut law, b.'lein, Oregon.
ii vlng ai. abstract ol tho records ofMurlon
.uuiuy, including a lot nnd block Index oi
suleiii, llifcj have speclul fucllitlc.i lor ex
amining tilled to real estate. l!usltie-H in
Uie nupri'ine court and iu the statu tkpaii
tucnls will reccle prompt attention.
Dlt. W. 8 MOTT, phyBlolan nnd sur
gcon. OllUe in Uldridge Block, ISa
em, Oregon. Office hours 10 to 12 a.m.
ilolp. in,
EB. FHIL.imOOK,M.D.,Homropathist.
. Ouiee iu3 Court street; Kesldeuce 817
i ih ntieit UeLeral piaciice. Special
it'cntlou given to diseases of Women and
children. i
WT HOCJSER, M.t. Physician nnd sur
. geon. .Practice limited to diseases
cft.'ie nervous sjsiem. Catarrh Including
asthma ami rupture or hernia. Offlco in
Colile block rooms 11 and 12. Offlco Lours
n-om 9 to 12 u. m. and from 2 to 0 p. m.
11 3-tf.
DR. MINTA H. A. DAVIB. Office hours,
9 n. m. to 11 a. m ; 2 p. m. to 5 p. m,
Day or nitrbt calls promptly attended to.
Hpcclal attention given to diseases rif worn
eu and children, oltli e in a ew Bank lillc,
805 Commercial gtitct Residence same.
rR.J. M.KEENE, Dentist, Office over
jls tuo ivujiu v.uiuer, ivuuri, uuu jom
merolal streets.
DR. T. O. SMITH, Dentist, 92 State street,
Halem, Or. Mulshed dental opera
tions of every description. Painless opora-
uuua u tsiwciuiiy.
J- D.PUOH, Architect, Plans, Sped-
Vl , UcuUoiib aud superintendence lor
all claspcs of buildings, Offlco 290 Com-
uieraui ai., up Bums,
Ci R. McNALIiY.Archileet. Nnw Ttimh
J, Breymau block. Plans and specifica
tions of all classes of of buildings on short
uuiicc. BuperimenaenceoiworK promptly
TJl J. McCAUHTiiAND.Civil Sanitary and
XL. Hydraulic Engineer. U. 8. Ueputy
tulucr.il s,urvryor. City surveyors otileo.
Cottle Purkhuibt Block, Palem, Oregon.
CI PRAGUE & ALLEN. BlankRmltha nnrt
p horeshoeing nnd repairing. Only tho
best workmen employed. Opposite Htate
XUBUiuutU uuuuiug
RICE &R03S, Blacksmiths, all kinds ol
rcpairingand carriage wortc. Wo have
In our employ Arthui Ulove.aprofebsional
uorbesnoer. Give us a trial. i-u
JOHN KNIGHT, Blacksmith. Horso
tl lll.0l,ICr Of., W.luit.ln.ln n. ...! .. . .. .1,
at the foot of Liberty street, tJalem, Oregon.
Tl J. liAnSUN Ar ft VnnnrnntM.. nFll
IT. kludsof vehicles! flepaliing a speolal-
j. uujy HJOUJlCKUCUt,
A B. SMITH & CO., Contractors, Sewer
t.. intr. Cement Sidewalks, Excavating.
J.te: All work promptly done, Salem, Or.
Leave oi dera with Dugau Bros. 4:15-1.
CARPET-LAYING.-I make a specialty oi
cat pet-sen ing nnd laying; carpets
talien up and relaid with great care. House
cleaning. Leave orders witli J. H. Lnnn
. iui u. d.u, IjUIIKMAJN.
(EO. HOEYE, Barber and Hair dressing
yr Parlors, l-lncst baths it tho city. 2U)
CTimiuerclal btrcet, Salem.
T 1 fll TI 1 Tit ITlTfl SclentfflnlinrfinBlirio.
lAUll UAIUVIAO. lus. All diseases of
-1 ' uorses leet treated,
f J Bhop, opiKislto the
v foundry.
820 acres of best stock and (ruit land In
Oregon for sale at a bargain. Will sell In
lots to suit putchnser. Addru-sor cull on
O. J. KIBhL, Knights, Ore.
Near Sliver Creek rolls. 7 8 8m
Fire and Jla-
G. W. BEEIER, Agent. - Ralem. Oreeon
large stock of all leading varieties of
Pend for cnlnloeue nnd tirice llt Won
la the time to put out peach trees and all
oiuer ireee. Trees delivered Itee to all
punaonuocii.. .
dw T. D. JON32S, Palem, Or.
Our man who has been scouring the
country for Eggs has Jubt brought la a bU
iui uuu wo aru prepura to supply uie city.
No. 2a Commercial HU. Bulen.
tt, H. Penalon and Claim agtnt. P.O
Box WL lem, Oreson. Deputy Conuty
V rile for Uantes v
Hop Sing & Co.,
908 Coinmercltil h(.
OtotbtkHc BMwk gt lowest priwe,
JWf6irJBf BUy doe,
ForflrsKdass hand made brlck andm,6(
Largo -PP-hand,-
Conservatory of Music.
superior adv.iutKges to VtiiATi;1
music. Flo teachers. Latest" l?P 5
Vocil and instrumental mulio uX&.
the highest proflcleney. No ?.-.n?.hL'S
10 study inuBlc. Plxpenes nmSg
Diplomas Bixenoiicoinpieiton ofSSS
Nest term begins Feb LI89J. orcoi"w.
Muhlcal BIrector.
nzlne devoted to bchool and home e!uc
ilen: therefoie, it is iiidlspen'-abie
teacbers, nnd invaluable to frieudsnf edi
cation lu general. Prlce-Sl.oo rrannmn
copy 10 cents. Address J. B. Tiokne1"9
11 -u Proprietor, Albany, Sr.
Silver, Italian and Petite Prune
trees for sale,
One and two years old, 4 to 8 feet hleh
Extr.i well rooted and special caw ta&u
lndijjglng. Also a choice lot; or yearUuir
grapes ot the following varieties: Royd
Muscadine, Concord, Brighton, Delware
Iona, -Mooie's, Diamond, Niagara, Black'
Hamburg, I'ockllrgton, VerKeness- Holi
at living prices. A actress
10 1 d w R D. A LLEN, Sllverton.IOrd.
Ts just the place to go foraflrst-cla
education. Its Normal Courseoflers
every ndvautngo of any normal
school with all the benefits of degree
unci state diploma and mnuy spec
ialties. Excellent couises for busiueen
Theology, Law. Medicine and
Seooiid term opens Nov. 16th.
Third term opens Keb. 1, 1892.
For circular address,
President, f
Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 Frlhijr.
The best hotel between Portland adBin
Francisco. FirsMdoss in all its uppow;
nicnts. Its tables are served with Wis
Choicest Fruits
Giown in tho WUlamette VaUey.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
Pay Your School Taxes Be
fore They Become De
linquent, The school taxe of district No.2j
lu Marion couuty ure now due aua
payuble.at tho clerk's office Ju x
197 Commercial street, Salem,
door south of the postoHice. j
same will become delinquent unm
paid within CO days from tha
lly order of board, this ft I day o
Nov.. 1801. W B. SIMPSON.
11-8-tf. District ClerK-
500 8iM3ri(
V JUeUauU Golden BJS 5,
Cures Chancres. On. nlf&i&
prfmary forms ot "" ZHu.
Wires wnuij, '"''".r .'.! I
mtlsm. rlas Jo th BocAfi"!igirt
lA ot th N. vwm "
Threa't, Byphllitlo tart. JJUS, J
whether caused byj UvUsr rsUoa
ot Morwry. laTic? the "rSSVk.,
.lata for the w.uSSxwOa
IrriUtlon GrsTel. vi sJI UrtW
Ul disarrangement, rtlf"
Mottle. .. sbLKSiIsh
t Kicfcsiu 0H?JrSoSi5a
tar the cS rtlrs fSVlffZ :
and Brsiu UrestB! u-W ggp K
rrxoa v fijrzr
'I- - - ' r"