Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 30, 1891, Image 2

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warn dispatches.
lssdtd Press Itefstt aid
Mgetfta tt all Imjwdiuit
' SAN FkanCisoO, Dihj. B0.-Yeater-jky'tj
elorm wiis unquestionably tho
heayfest of tbo aeiuioii In tbe North
west. It spread with equal force
over pretty nearly the entire Pacific
coast., at least from tho extreme
north, including Montana, and as
far Bouth as Tehuohapl and to aonio
extent In Southern California. The
center Is located by tho weather
bureau lis In Northern Washington.
In Ban Francisco the velocity of the
wind was but twenty-two miles an
hour yesterday morning. "What Jt
was at The Heads tho bureau could
not report, beoauss the Point Beyee
wire Is also down. At Sacramento
tho wind velocity was twenty-eight
miles, at Bod Bluff forty miles, at
Corson, thlrty-two miles, at Wlnne
mueca and Walla Walla forty-four,
Helena, thirty-four miles an hour.
The rain fell la a monotonous driz
zle all day, for fourteen hours pre
ceding 7 o'clock In tho morning
tho local fall was 1.10 Inches, and
for twelve hours succeeding, up to 8
o'clock In the ovenlng, 1.00, making
storm total in this city 2.22 Inches,
remarkably heavy fall.
Reports to the Southern Pacific
headquarters, show that tbe storm
bM been general In Northern Call
forul and Oregon, and whllo the
dunage has been considerable, no
trains have been detained on
Shasta division. Tho snowfall was
heavy and accompanied by
wind, and In some localities bysnow.
In tho Siskiyou mountains the snow
' is deeper than over before at this
season of tho year, reaohlug a depth
of elghteon and twenty feet in many
of the cuts along tho Shasta route
Between Colostein and Stelman in
this division, snow plows ure keep
ing the track clear with considerable
difficulty. For twelve hours before
8 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the
telegraph wires wore downt on tho
other eldoof Bed Bluff, but at that
Lour communication was estab
lished, nnd tho track north reported
as clear.
At Gold Bun it"Hnowed furiously
fr nino liouw preceding 7 a. ra.
At Blue Canyon, twolvo inches of
snow fell during tho night, and at
7 a. m. they had two feet of snow
on the ground. Emigrant Gap hud
the same snow fall and tho depth
on the ground, and at Cisco, with a
snowfall of twelve inches, hasfoui
and a half feet of snow on the
ground, outside tho railway station
there is nlno feet of snow. It cov
ers the ground at Cascade. Fnur
and a half feet was on tho ground
at Summit, with a fall of a foot
more during Monday night.
NO WAIt news.,
Washington, Dee. 30, There Is
a death of war news ut tho depart
ment today. Secretary Elklns arri
ved hero Ihls morning, but will not
undertako tho discharge of his
duties as secretary of war Just yet.
FOUTiAND, DCO. ISO. It Will 1)0
remembered that on the 27th of
November young C, W. Carpenter,
an employo of tho A, P, Ilotallug
company, left this city. Ho forgud
a check purporting to bearthoslgua
ture of Isaac Kaufman for 3141,
and had It cashed by tho bank of
British Columbia. Great Rylnputhy
was felt at the time for Miss Hnell,
to whom ho woa engaged to be mar
ried on the first of this month.
Tu the light of later developments
It seems that she Is a Btibjeot for con
gratulation, rather than condolence,
at the sudden dlsappenrauco of her
gay Lothario. Joe Day, who Just
returned from California, after mak
ing tho fortunate mid unexpected
arrest of Leo Boo, tho Chlueso niur
dorer, has learned another emptor
Of thU man'B career.
It seems that Carpenter was very
uinuoh In love with a girl In Oakland
and had obtained her father's reluc-
tut consent to u wedding an lha
38U ult, Hh) prospeotlve father-in-law
had heard of his shady doallngs
In Los AngolcH a few years ago, but
his daughter loved Carpenter and
that overcame his scruples for the
notice, but he was uneasy, The
young man was to havo been mar
ried on Saturday. Tho detectives
lu Ban Franolacp wore notified to
look out for him and were shadow
lug the house to wait for him to
ooaw to bo married on Saturday at
6 o'clock.
At 8 o'clock Ida lluncco received u
uot from Carpouter, saying that he
bd een hi the papers u dispute))
trow Portland that tho whole bust
neat of tela forgery whs out, ami that
u wiw going to leave for parts un
known, Tin arraagcioeuU for tho wedding
wn bow JSiIi m ho ksd purchased
,,aU the etotlHS he wanted and the
pfwwU far h proepeetlve bride.
Had taawHseew the California paper
titai day he would have been caught
And broib,l back here to stand ;.
trial tot forfery. He t!d the 0 .k
hud jrfrf WtMNM aaute U Iranian la ,
thai had saede a pile of moaej nj
bare In real eetate awd as sxi.i t
Ihejr wen twarried he wn(iHl t
awny to aoioe place out tf Hit
geoem) worid whew they eoiihl I
by tlMiuselvtNt mi !o un In hu
m ho r wht Um,V wt-re. Wry n
uuAjiiia to im4, but hay lu luiwu
At jfoiutberl wo clue wM
ever to his whereabouts, and if he
got out of ban Frahclsco it must
have been on foot, as all the trains
and boats have been carefully
Portland, Dec. 30.- Tho an
nouncement of the completion of
arrangements by which the New
York Sunday paper) and other
mall matter from that city will bo
received on tho Pacific coast nearly
a day earlier than at present, will
bo ycry welcomo news. The plan
of tho rtew service has Just been
perfected by James 13. White, gen
eral superintendent of the' railway
mallsorvlce. A new through pos-lal-car
train between New York
and Chicago via Pittsburg Is run
ning over tho Pennsylvania roud.
It consists of thrco postal-cars, two
of which are fitted with Improved
furniture and appliances for distri
buting mall. A corps of experien
ced postal clerks man it. At Pitts
burg one of tho postal-cars Is taken
Up by the Chicago limited express
and carried to Chicago, whero It ar
rives at 0:45 a. m. By the new
plan the newspaper and fourth claw
mall gain seven hours and forty
minutes between New York and
Chicago. At Chicago, connections
aro made with many Western and
Northwestern roads. By tho now
train, mall from New York will
urrive from three to twenty-four
hours earlier In large parts of Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa,
Nebraska, Missouri, and tho states
further West.
Portland, Dec. 30. Report has
Just reached here that a wreck oc
curred onrUhe Union Pacific this
morning between Kumela and La
Grande, and Mull Clerk C P. Hallo
way Is reported fatally Injured and
several passougors seriously hurt.
later account.
La GitANon, Ore., Dec. 30. Fas'
mall train No. 1, on tho Union Pa
cific which left hero at 8:30 p. m.
lust night mot with an accident,
whloh caused the death of Engineer
B. E. Law, Fireman George Miller,
a tramp named Scamlnskl and fatal
injuries to another tramp named
Sigmer, when about two miles west
of this city. Tbe train was drawn
by two engines the bead one being
one of the huge ninety ton. It Is
supposed that in rounding tho curvo
tbe head engine caused the rails to
spread precipitating tho second
ongltio mall and baggage car into
the river below, Engineer Law and
FIremunMillerwerolustantly killed.
Mail Airout Holloway had a mir
aculous escnpo although his car
plungod Into tho river from au
elovatlou of uot less than fifty feet,
ho got out with but n slightly
bruised arm. None of tho passeu
gore wero Inlured.
Memphis, Tunn., Dee. 80. At n
meeting of prominent ex-confederates
a resolution was adopted ap
pointing a committee to present at
tho noxtgoneral assembly a bill ap
propriating $10,000 annually ns a
ponslon for Mrs. Jefferson Davis.
Albany, N. Y.t Dee. 30. An Im
monso crowd of lawyers and pollco
men gathered around the anteroom
of the court of appeals early yester
day forenoon, nwaltlug tho decision
of tho contested election cases.
When noon passed without tho ap
pearance of tho Justices, Republicans
began to loso hopo, since It indicated
that u couucll was being held, and,
as tho court Btands five to two
Democratic, tho Republicans knew
the dispute on party lines was fatal
to them. Tho Justices finally ap
peared, at 1:30, and handed down
Iho documents, whloh wero carried
to tho ofllco of the secretary of state.
When tho board of canvassors mot
they awarded the certificate In tho
15th district to Odboru, Democrat;
In the ICth to Daly, Republican; lu
tho 25th to NIchollB, Democrat; lu
tho 27th uo award was mado, tho
board leaving it to tho senato to de
termine whether any candidate was
elected, In view of tho decision ot
thn court of appeals, Sherwood, Re
publican, Is Ineligible With this
district on oboyauro, tho senate will
stand Democratic, CO; Republicans,
05; ono doubtful, in Sherwood's
district. Tho Importance of the
Democrats controlling tho souate is
tmtlonaFMd may dceldo the next
prcsldoutlaectlou, na thoro will
surely bo a ro-apportlonment of tho
state by tho Democrats.
The decision has caused great con
etcrnatlou among tho Republicans,
but they havo not given up tho
fight, ami the leaders tiro now In
consultation ub to what U to bo
done. Tho Democrats nro Jubilant,
and a promlnont ono says, "Here
after tho Republican party in (his
stati will be u dream of the past, eo
far as political standing goes."
''he board of oauvatwora has uot
yet met, but tho members are hi
consultation, having the court de
cisions and opinions before thorn.
Tho excitement la Intense about
Ibeollleoof tho eevretury of state.
The Republican lawyers aro all
present, hb well as politicians of
high aud low degree,
8AN Fjwnciscx), Dec. .'10, Three
thousand bales of high-grade wool
from Syduey, of au average pf 350
inuuds each, aro being taken out of
t'e hull or tho Monowal. On the
lust trip of the Murlnosa 1028 bales
of the emtio average weight arrived,
and M next Rt'-aunr from the fedo
tilM U eXpte 1 to bring Into port a
coufclgiiment of AtutrAiluu Unfit
fully app oxltuatliitf ine MomwhI'
shipment, Thau slilpmonts are
Bflid to be unusually heavy, and tho
fact that tho McKlnley tariff has
added 11 to 12 cents a pound on the
long fleeco from tho antipodes does
not seem to havo any other effect u
tho Boston merchants, who aro the
solo Importers of tho wool for tho
Massachusetts factories, other thati
to make them demand more of the
New YoRK,Deo.30. According to
a Washington correspondent, Minis
ter Ei?an was not invited to tho fes
tivities attending the Inauguration
of President Montt, in Santiago,
Saturday, That In the inference
drawn by the state department
officials from a telegram received
from Minister Egan late yesterday
afternoon, lu which ho fclates that
the inauguration passed off success
fully, and was followed by a ban
quet Satuiduy .ifteruouti; The bun
quet was attended by Chilian offi
cials and congressmen and all the
foreign ministers in Santiago, with
which the udmlnstratlon Is main
taining pleasant and amfcaule re
lation1. Officials at tho stute de
partment give no explanation of
tho minister's course. He had been
advised to use his own Judgment
in the premises, and the belief pre
vails that the minister felt that It
was not consistent with bis self
respect and tho dignity of bis posi
tion, to say nothing whatover of tbe
degree of absolute danger to his
person there in appearing in the
streets to attend the ceremonies, In
view of the manner in which be has
been treated since tbe revolution
BAN Diego, Cal., Dec. 30. Ac
cording to Admiral Brown, who is
here with Uie San Francisco, the
Charleston left Honolulu for Acapul
co. Whether tho Charleston will
come north or go south from Aca
pulcotho admiral declined to say.
In regard to tho extra ammunition
uboaid the Sun Fraucisco, Captain
Sampson says: "Wo havo enough
to fill up the Charleston iinn" Balti
more aud put them in a campaign
condition." It Is believed hero that
tbe San Francisco hus orders to re
main at this port until the dlplo
matio relations with Chill take one
turn or another, aud that her dis
position In futuro will depend upon
the turn tboso diplomatic relation?
take. The Balttmoro Is expected
hero about Thursday. Tho report
that tho culser Charleston anchored
off Coronado lato lost night was un
founded. The cruiser tins not ar
rived here, nor baa she yet been
sighted off this port.
Albuquerque, N. M., Dec. 30.
Both the Suutu Fe and Atlautlc
and Pacifio roads, are troubled with
serious snow bloekudef. No eastern
malls were received horo oyer tho
Santa Fe road for folir days. Pas
senger trains aro bloOxaded lu th
Raton mountains and in (ho vicln
lty of Springer. The blockade on
tho Atlantic and Pacific, between
Grants and Chaves, about 100 mllcb
wost of this city. Tho snow storms
In tho mouutulns are reported some
thlug unheard of for several yours,
and stories of great suilerlng anions
tho towns In tho mountains', aro in
Lansing, Mich., Dec. 30. A
now people's party for Independent
political action has been formed
here by tho federation of all tho in
dustrial organizations of tho Btate.
It was christened tho "Peoples'
party" and pledged to independent
political notion and opposition to
traffic in Intoxicating liquor as a
beverage. Tho rest of tho platform
Is a copy of tho Indianapolis plat
form, except it favors a per diem
ponslon law.
Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 30. An
efiort has been mado to convert the
meeting of tho Jackson club, on
January 8th, Into a big boom for
Goernor Hill, but tho club will not
couuteuunco anything of tho kind.
Tho chairman of tho oommltteo on
Invitations was glvou consldornblo
latitude in inviting guests. Later
It was announced that Hill would
be invited to respond to u toast, that
the club favored him for president,
and thut his Ohio boom would bo
Inaugurated at the club banquet.
So excited had membors becomo
that a special meeting was cdled to
protest against Hill being Invited
aud u resolution was offered charg
ing Hill with treachery to Clove
laud lu 1688 aud with conniving to
defeat Campbell lu Ohio this year.
Among tho members of the Jackson
club aro Governor Campbell, Calvin
8, Brlce, Joseph J. Karb, mayor of
Columbus, Allen W. Thunuun, and
many other Democrats promiueut
In state aud national polities, At the
meeting it was resolved to leave
the program ns It had been arranged.
This leaves Governor Hill out.
In tho speeches made Governor
Hill was severely criticised for
"sulking" wheu his services wore
needed by his party.
Srmsawut.D, Onto, Dee. 80.
Rumors In refere si' to the patents
being received by Hon. O. 8, Kelly,
coverlug the enthu elect rlo street
cnriystom now In geueral use, has
ruuwd vast amount of speculation
In this city, Kelly's home. By a j
decision ol the soprrroe court of,
the of Columbia aui by receipt of
letters patent, 1) ivn ler 15 last, Kel '
ley, It k wuerted becomes tho poMee-
or of all feat'ius, applluuces ami
principle uhhI In tin electric street
car system manufactured by Thorn-
aou, Houdwu Cj, The WUug-
ttouee Co., aad all others,
SAN Antonio, Dec. 30.-- Much
moro importance is now nttnclicd to
Garza's raid. Captain Bourke Is
authority for tho statement (hut
ovory Mexican on the American!
Bide Is a supporter of Garza, aud the J
musses of northern Mexico are slml
larly inclined. Tho fact that G irzi '
continues to recruit followers from
tho American side, Increases the
responsibility of tho Amerlcaji gv-
erumeut In permitting violations of
tho neutrality laws, nnd Amerlcah
oiuciais concerned ure mucn wor
ried. All available American troops,
it is Bald, are out now, and General
Stanley had Instructions if neces
wry to use all tho meu lu his de
partment. Authentic information
has been received that Garza's men
havo been protected by Mexican
ranchers In Texas, but tho bands
aro bo badly scattered and the troops
bo watchful that It will be Impossible
for him to throw any large body lu
Mexico at one point, as has been his
intention. Captain Hardie and his
troop reported from Alice yesterday
morning that they bad been scout
ing uo and down the river, but
nothing was discovered. At Bio
Grande City warrants have been
Issued against tho Garza men for
tbo killing of Coporal Edstrom, aud
several suspicious characters have
been arrested. As matters look now,
exciting developments may bo ex
pected In a short time, as the United
States troops are likely to come Into
contact with thn revolutionists soon.
'Brownsville, Tex., Dec. 30.
Rumors from tho Mexican side of
the Rio Grande are to tho eftect
that 4000 Mexican government
troops, stationed at Mier, have re
volted aud killed, the commanding
officers, and aro oft to join Gurza's
Reno, New, Dec. 30. Nine Inches
uf snow fell lust night, and a wind
would play havoc with travel. This
brings the season's wuterfall up two
and sixty bIx hundredths of auluch.
This has been tbe coldest aud storm
iest December that has been kuown
for years.
Washington, Dee. 30. Tho mar
riage of Miss Rachael Sherman,
daughtor of tho late General W. T.
Sherman, and Dr. Paul Thorndlko
of Boston, was solemnized at high
noon today at tho residence of Sen
ator Hhonnan, In tho presence of a
large number of friends, relatives
and high officials from all parts of
tho country. Father Sherman,
brother of tho bride, performed the
marriage ceremony.
Milwaukee, Dec. 30. Wildara
and Albert Walters were killed, and
one man seriously injured by an
explosion of dynamite which they
were thawing out.
mail messenger injured.
Moscow, I., Dec. 30. On the nr
rival of the Northern Pacific train
at 8 p. m. last evening, C. S. "Haines,
tho mail messenger, was found by
George Hoke hnngiug out of his oar
Insensible. Ho was removed to tbe
depot aud surgeons summoned. It
was found that his skull was
crushed and his brains were .oozing
out. Iho features wero mangled
horribly. He was dying at 10 p. m.
It Is supposed ho put his head out
of the otr door at tho material yard,
near Sunshine and caino lu contact
with a pile of ties. He lives in
Spokane and leaves a family.
Pittsburg, Dec. 80. Superinten
dent Abbott, of Carnegie, Phlpps &
Co., was summoned by telegraph to
Washington by the secretary of tho
navy lu relation to tho armor and
dock plates whloh the firm Is sup
plying for tho warships now build
ing. The telegram ordered him to
loave on tho first train aud ho took
his departure last evening. Rumors
of tho feverish rapidity with which
tho government is pushing work on
tho war vessels in tho light of
stralnod relations with Chill, re
ceived now confirmation locally.
In relation with the above a mem
ber of tho firm of Carnegie, Phlpps
Uo.,was Interviewed this morning,
aud said: "There is nothlug un
usual lu relation to our contracts nor
auy extraordinary ruih, It Is cus
tomary to receive many dispatches
couoernlng the work, and also for
some member of this firm to be
called to Washington ou some busi
ness. Wo havo boou shipping, as
fast as comploted, tho protected
deck plates for tho New York. Tho
plate for tho Mouterey Is yet in an
untlulshetl condition. That Is, It
has uot been tested, and wo recolved
uo orders to ship without the usual
Berlin, Dee. SO. Tho North Ger
man Ouzetto says It learns from re
liable sources that Dr. von Holleu
bum, at preaeut Gorman minister to
Japan, will lie transferred to Wash
ington, where he will represent
Germany lu place of Couut Aroo
valley, who died some time ago.
Baron vou Gutschmld, who la uow
German minister to Chill, will be
transferred toTutle.iqtako the place
mado vacant by the transfer of Dr.
vou Wluekler, now holding the
position of secrvtury of the German
K'Kuo m Constantinople, will be
Plotnte4 mlntstor to Mexico,
Mklbournk, Dec. Su, The
goveruor of Victoria prorogued the
ooloulal parliament yesterday. His
excellency, lu closing the session,
said ho resetted difficulties had
srkeu la dedlng with the coamiou-
wealth bill, but be believed tbe)
Mt!o.i of tho Auimlhi coloph
f ifli ftl "J sfal
a m saw
JtLl.flft i iiwl ,4 JUw
for Infants
" Cm'otI a Is bo well adapted to children that
I recommend ltas superior to nnjr prescription
known to mo." II. A. Abcher, M. D.,
Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y.
"Tho uso of 'Castoria Is so universal and
It nmrlts so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorse It Fewaretho
Intelligent families who Uo not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Cxsxas ILinrrw, D.D.,
New York City.
Late raster Bloomlngdalo Reformed Church.
Tmt Centaur
was only delayed, not defeated . He
added that tho financial prospects of
the colony were promising and good
reports' were received concerning
tho harvest.
Nangpuk, India, Dec. 30. The
Indian national congress opened
here yesterday. Eight hundred
delegates were present. Expression
of the most earnest love and loyalty
to Great Britain was made at the
opening. The Marquis of Lans
downe, viceroy of India, has been
making a tour of tbo country and is
everywhere iecoived with the warm
est expression of loyalty und duvo
tlon to the British interests.
Ottawa, Ont Doc, 30. Tho
minister of customs has iufllcted a
fine of $50 upon a Chinaman at Vic
toria, B. C, for endeavoring to de
fraud tho department by personat
ing another individual, with a view
of obtaining a permit to return to
Sydney, N. 8., Dec. 30. Exten
sive hush fires have Bwept over tho
districts of Albany, Wlgga WIgga,
Temora and Mudgee, causing
Immense damage to crops. A largo
number of livestock were burned to
Poktland, Dec. 30. Wheat val
ley 1.021 1.65; Walla Walla
S1.67J $1.00.
San Fuancisco, pec. 30. Wheat
buyer, year $1,801; season SI.87J.
Chicago, Dee. 30. At close wheat
wapflrm; cash, .00; Jan., .9012;
May, .05 J .96.
San Fiianoisco, Dec. 30. Fore-
cant for Oregon aud Washingten:
Fair In Washington, scattering rains
in Oregon southerly winds.
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and Korder, Artists' Ma
rerials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc,
Wednesday Eye., Dec. 30lh.
Miss llallle Parrlsh, Oregon's favorlto
Vrlma Uonnii.
jWIss Gonevleve Hushes, Solo Pianist,
iiKhisted In rcndlugs and concerted pieces
by Mrs. Win England, Airs. ('has. Kelley.
il3sHtrattou, Ming Htelner, Allrg Harris!
Alius Adams, Miss Lulu Smith. ailfs Adair.
Miss Chandler. MM atafcr Miss South'
Ick, Mrs. B. lIozorth.Mrs W.1I. ItaRley.
.Mr. Beott Horortli, Mr. W, II. Bagley, Pror.
JMrvln and others.
'i'he abovo named talent insures tho
grandest musical entertainment cl the
Admission, M conts.eallery, 55 cents.
Reserved he.ts at Dearborn'B without
extra chargo.
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Crockery, Glassware, Lampx, Woedcn
and Willow -ware. All kinds of mill feed.
Also ecetablesa od fruits In their season.
"Highest Prleo paid forcouutry produce,"
wesQllcl nshareofyour ratrouage,
W IsaHUte street
Every Lady Her Own
A branch of tho Kellogg school of cuttlmr
will bo opened I
in Salem m the near future.
Knch scholar eau hrlug In ft dress for them
Bloi and is taught how to cut without
lurUltiig. ladles can get thulrdreno cut
vttboucrenttlog at the school Pattern
cut to order witrraniott to tit or uo pay
lall and nxainlii. The Kellogg French
Tailor system. Koriv)rtlouluiuiiddren,
lS17-lm a K. IlYlirT
UT Morrl"l y t., Pu.tuiud, Oregon.
Administrator's Notice.
Notleo Is hereby g en tht the llou.
IXiiinly Court of Marlon county, Oregon,
)ms duly appointed and commend the
undersigned ndmtnUtmor ofthe estate uf
KmellBeCox, deoeamd. Alt persons hay
'ugolalmgttlnnadetatemukt present
them preptrly verlllfd to mo at my ortlce.
Jloo'n jSv It, ISunh lUnk Block, within six
months from this dat ana all petsons
iwlug said eUte are nque-ted to nmUe
immediate payinonl. December 10, 1NI.
Administrator of the estate or Emclluo cos,
Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby Klvon that the under.
lirned hut Qled her Cna anumiluiiiiinin.
iirmirtx iu ire eiauiD4 tmt, 2lebrMud i f
. ... .. .p-.... ......
tho llou. County J uiUu hu tiiwi TnunL
day the iut day nfJunusrj ItVJalihopnv
hdto court otttco at tbe routt lnu.e tu
SiUcm. Munou county Oivfdn.at Mu'ck. k
m m. for brlugtug any olJtUn why hI
Haul Hocouuifhould no bu opprowd ami
I Ilium-
iuoHumiuiruinx auunarge
KtxLA. Z. MLTill'IMt
and Children.
Cautoria cures Colic, Coiwltpatton.
Bour Stomach, Dlarrhcoft. EructaUon,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes a
Uiout injur!'
ious medication.
" For several years I have recommendec
your ' Castoria,' and shall always conUmje to
do so as It has Invariably produced beneflelaJ
Edwjk F. Paroti. It D.,
"The Wlnthrop," l2th Street and Tth Are.,
New Tork City
Company, 77 Mdbhay Struct, New York.
Wholesale and retail dealers;in
280 Commercial street. Telephone No. 33.
lioans negotiated on Improved farm and
city propeny.
SALKM. Oretrorx
Hoom It, Bush Hank block. 512dw
Paper Hanger.
Leave orderat Globe Real Estate Exchange
Proposals for Supplies.
alUB board of trustees ot tbe Oregon
Unto Insane Asylum hereby Invite
sealed proposals for turnlxbing at the asy
lum, near Salem, Oregon, tbo following
supplies for the sis. months ending July 1,
1000 yds Amoskeag mariners stripes blue
nna wuue.
oOO yds JLionsdnlo bleach sheeting, SG inch.
SOU yds Peqwot A sheeting, 38 inch.
500 ydi American sh rtlng prints light col
ors, assot ted.
800 j ds century cloth, dark colors, assorted
100 yds continental check, flannel, black
and white.
200 yds 'ed and blue check glare crash, 18
Inch wide.
800 yds bleached linen and French crash,
18 inch wide.
?C0 yds Amoskeug blue denim's 0 cz.
600 yds Marseilles 'York Mfg Co checks.
EUOydsAmoskeagACA ticking, 88 inch
100 yds Naumkeag corset Jeans dark. drab.
0 doz meaHim size thimbles, closed ends.
10 ' No SO whlto thread, Clark's mile end.
6 ' ' 18
10 ' ' PSblaok '
6 ' 16 ' '
15 gross pearl dress buttons line 21
1 M each No. 2. 3. 4. 5 and a MUwarda nee.
E.roo lbs IvdI salt.
410 cheese, Cranston's or as good.
S00 cracked wheat, lresh ground, bbls,
UVX) ' coarse hominy
iiWO oat meal ' '
1S00 ' rolled oats, American
)00 ' dried currants, fresh, good stock,
200 ' O a Co's A & II brand carb soda.
2000 choice Island rice.
J 50 ' cream tartar, J. A. Folger's
prime, or as good.
100 glo'S Btarch, Oswego
400 corn starch, Oswego.
10 gross matcnes, superior Safety.
25 doz brooms.
a doz cans oysters, A. Fields or as good.
25 doz concentrated lye, American.
25 doz cans corn, Wlnslow.
100 lbs tapioca.
200 gul coal oil, Pearl in tanks.
2 doz bath bricks,
1 doz clothes baskets, willow, large elzo,
squat o end.
200 gal molasses, New Orleans, genuine
13 dcz palls (galv iron No. 20 plate, round
300 lbs black pepper, ground,
to ' cluter. cround.
10 cinnamon '
50 ' mustard '
15 mace '
20 sage
10 doz glass tumblers.
2 ' hyrup pitchers.
20 quail toup bowls, W. G.
20 teacups,
.'00 bbls more or less, best roller process,
delivered as minted.
2500 pounds Kirk's Savon or as good.
H boscs Iorv sonn. 100 raikm rar-h
10 lbs shaving soap (Palmer's barber or
1000 lbs uncoloredJapan, Eclipse or as good.
2500 lbs Costa Itlca, first grodo.
Otoi ' chicory,
200 ' govt Java, '
l'JO realMoohu, '
TOBACCO. -1000
lbs Itapldan, or as good.
600 lbs per day more or Ussof beef and
mutton as required In equal parts ot
fore and hind quarters.
J side harness. Oregon, extra good.
3 Bide sole, Stockton, 25 to 27 perslde, extra
1 calf skin, good stock.
13 doz Puykon's Indelible Ink.
a qt Stanford's premium nuld.
a ' copying
commercial ink.
l reams letter paier, Wedgewood half
sheet, or as good.
lfrl6WrubdtfeMCU8' Dlxon'8 K"Phlt No
?, Vl" VRdK? Incandescent No 4 pens.
X bxsbUlott's-lOipeui
WOO lbs dried apple, goad
quality, sun
'1Wuatddrin,LChea' S0Od I"8"' Bnn
Vl Itu, tu MM.A.
KXM lbs dried prunes, good quallty.ln sacks
2ps,acldum artenlosura.
6 lo wl)olicum, cryst.
1 boraclcum,
1 an mon bromldum.
ifl a a
J nmi pyrlie.
5 LblmV,.b,fcub'tra Bqulbbk'.
agroM bottles. 3 dram. ,u"'u
i I '. Joit-
1 tot
H ii'. ?in PToell. Ported.
2 lb chloroformum. SqulbU".
I J collodion. kalUnarodL
6 gross corks. No 4.
1 ii
aaua. mnp.
3 R Fl ext sanaparUla coup. Wyetli ABro
o W rtd,
Ruiuabls tnd,
ulnulberts, '
aconite raj '
t f
t t
Fancy Rockirs
Solid comfort in every one.
1 1 BflRKN k
I he Oregon Land Co,
The Beautiful Capital C'ty of Oregon, and County Seat ot
Marion County.
Is engaged in selling farming, stock and fruit
lands in the Willamette Valley. If you are looking for
land do not fail to call on us at Salem or our agent in Port
land. The Willamette Valley is very far ahead of any
other place on the Pacific Coast as a fanning, stock and
fruit country, and i the most delightful place in the "World
for a home.
Office in Gray Block, Cor. State and Libertv Sts.j Salem,0r.
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing Compony.
Office with the Oregon Land Co., Gray Block, corner"
State and Liberty streets, Salem, Oregon; is engaged in
setting out and cultivating Orchards.
I glass graduate, XA K"l.
100 hypodermlo tablets, npo morphia, .1-10
gr Wyeth & Bro.
103 hypodermic tablets, pllocarbinae mur,
100 ' ' dlglmtenl, tloogr
W.& Bio.
100 hypodermlo tablets, physos sallcyl 1-40
gr. W.t Bro.
1 lb liquorls potass arsen,
.z. morphias sulphas.
1 doz medicine glasses, oz, English lines.
1 lbs pepsin pure, Falrchild's.
100 ' paniflne.
1 ' pulf doverl.
1 ' acaclae.
30 ' potassll bromldum,
1 ' ' chloras.
5 ' nltras, powd.
1 ' citrns.
1 ' ' iodiduin.
50 oz quinine sulphas, P. A,
2 ' oieum cinnamon!.
, w.
yi lb caryophylli.
2g.il rlclnl.
1 doz strengthening plasters K. &3.
4 doz poious plasters, Allcock's.
10 lbs shaving soap, Williams'.
1 ' uugentum simplex.
1 ' citrlnum.
1 ' baslllcum.
10 vasallne, XX reUDed.
8 sponges, large carriage.
1 mortar wedgewood, gal.
G lbs sodll blcorbonas.
6 ' ' boras pulv.
2 bbls enrboras.
2 lbs bromldum.
400 feet ground Iron, common.
75 ' g ' Norway.
50 tfatlxlj; '
60 ' lxf?
Y keg of Wo 5 lore shoes, light Burden's
10 lbs No 7 Putnam shoe nails.
15 ' 8 Sweet's American steel toe calks.
15 ' 4 '
1 No 3 solid east steel machinists ball pefn
hammer, octagon, I lb 12 oz.
1 16 Inch horse rasp. Heller's.
1 doz 13 Inch round flies, bastard.
' ' ' 2nd cut,
flat bastard files.
4 round'
' 2nd cut.
flat mill, 2nd cut.
1 knife bastard. '
1 ' second cut.
7 ' regular taper flies, single cut,
3 slim toper flies, double cut.
5 ' RlnrrlAnnt
12-fOOt Steel Rdlinrn lRhlnrtn Kn HYI Fntrln
1 No U level 24 inch best quality gray iron
sti burst
1 No t Acme cutting nippers, Inter
cbangabele Jaws.
3 IK inrh bench scrows, 23 inch over all.
2 No 7 Dlstln's hand hawa-M inolipn
5.e,-'o.i0Ut.ter8 for 8 lncn Aome nippers
500 lbs No 20 gal sheet Iron 30x03, best brand
500 22 ' 80x00,
600 best blacksmiths' coal.
10 Albany compound No 2.
5 kegs of 8 penny cut nails.
2 20 '
1 4
800 Jeet iX angle steel.
X doz inch tees,
Unions flange
Keystone union
look nuts
i i
' ifushlnffa. 1 tnrli InLlnni.
hi ' 1 inch stop nnd waste
I ' & Inch Fuller bibs, finished
I j
r bibs6"'1 ?i and rubber Plugs fo
loo ,el L,Jich f1 wr?uSnt ,,J)n P'PO
100 r black .'
X"10 Inch Scotch gauge glasses, 16
mlocInch Bco,cU 6aug0 RUS8C"' W
i mar glass gauge cutter.
Samples may be seen at tbe office of the
board of trustees, and goods must bo In
accordance therewith and must come In
The board reserves the right to
auy and all bids.
Delivery of supplied will bo required
within ten days' notice of acceptance of
bid. A copy ol this advertisement must
accompany each bid. and tho name f the
cUh of (applies must be wrttUn on the
envelope containing bid. Each bid must
Include Ull th Itoma t lknlgihMnnnn
and must give items and totals la full,
with exception of meat and flour. Audit
loeofttoeni are prohibited from nnnn.
log accounts of purchasers when tne nd
TertlseMent does not contain u full and
complete description or the articles to be
Iltds will be opened at 3 o'clock p. in., on
wx, a. uvxvr cjurk nJltTTUlm .
i j i
25c WanKolumn.
Nutices Insetted for ONE CENT PEK
WOltU EACH INfeEHTION. No adver.
tlsemeut Inserted In this olumn for less
than twonty-flvo cents.
WANTED. Situation as waitress, by an
experienced gill. Call at 71 Belleyue
street, Malem.
JJIOH BALE. A house and lot for t275 In
? 25 payments. Enquire at Olole real
cbtato ofllce. 12-2MI
LOST. Two deeds and tax receiptsin my
name, enclosed In envelope. Iteturu
toJouu.NMl.omce. MATTJE WADE.
12 19 3t
Eon KENT New house in North
Salem. Apply to E. Holer, North
Balem, or at Jouunai. ofllce.
LOST. A package of hair goods, between
Mission street and Kl!er' store.
Leave at Mrs. Frank Cooper's store. 1127 If
niO HENT, A bouse of Ave rooms, en
JL quIroofT. VauderBan, Wlntcrstrwt
north of Union. ll-28St
mO EXCirANOE. Ten acres w'thlnthe
X city limits f Yankton, S. Dfor prop-
eity In or near Balem. W. L". U
U. XH0D1C,
Salem, Or. 11 28-31
SPECIAL BAItOA.IN.-A bargain Is of
fered in tho 1 N. Gilbert ptoperty cor
ner Marlon and Front streets, call on J.
C. Booth, room 13, over Ladd a Bush bans.
11 24 lw
FOUND. A new leather slipper,
can have same by proving i
nd paying for this notice.
TO KENT. House of nine rooms. Stable
attached with city water; Highland
addition. Enquire SOS Cottage street.
I Meets every Saturday evening at
o'clock, in tne hall over the Slate Jns;
rrance building. Meetings are oj en to tne
public, Kev, BobertWhitaker.rres. i
V. A. Cusick, Vlco President. 10 8 tt
uTtie State."
Amts Over 350,000 Dollars.
GEO. M. BEELEB, City Agent,
vna special agentror Aiaron wumj
aon w
Salem, Oregon. W.I. Staler, President.
A. P. Armstrong, Manager.
Business, Shorthand,
Typewriting, Pennmanshtp, EJgJlu
liepartments. Students adralttea
atuny time. Catalogue free.
NOTU'K ts hereby given that there
snflicient funds on band In ?Ju
uryol ibe city of Halein. VrfS0S'endorea,,
WarmiJts of life city of f ale"?, "frtb
by .h tnttsurrr be'ore tbeSW dy w ,4
ruary. Iil; nnd luterct ''".w!8,!?
urarntnUfrora tbe date of IbUnetlce.
Salem, Dtc, IT, ibi
. r aU'tVTUlU'i
1319 81
Ask for Hurst'!
Or whole Whttil Floor. "1'ile
and he iuttln tr ! ' !.
FmuuuH Puie Aurora Buck
vlml Floti'- ,
4iTTo-f. .t Full UA'V Ir ' '2Sr
Also our pure Rye, Htwr. . . ,,mt,
tw these iood aad take no ''u'r-
n te uoinpany, k jm
" 'fflk
&xJ3&us?u3 5 Jl