Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 29, 1891, Image 4

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XJST Jk. jyjkrsTm
Lawrence, Kans., Aug. 9, j888.
Gconrc Patterson fell from a second-story I
window, striking a fence. I found him using I
" Ho used it freely all over his bruises. I saw
Vitni nY( mnminrr nr work. All tiieblUCSDOlS I
rapidly disappeared, leaving neither pain, I
scar nor swelling. C. K. wiiumvvnxM, w. l.
ALL BIQHTI t. jacom oil DID IT."
'"A Synodal of tho Msrltots IIutJob Hud
Sellind Price.
IlKTAll. l-KlCKs.
Breakfast U4cuu 13
Hama MUgir cured, per Hi, l'o
l'ork a 3 lu
Mutton A UK"-
Timothymed 1'erpoum, 8c; selling
lied clover see i-l'er pound, He.
Whitecloverseed Per ,uu.l, Ate. ".
Alslke 1KC per pound.
lted top Lite lier pound.
Lincoln ara-Ujo per poand,i
RyeGrasalOo per pound.
Orchard Ur4S l"o per pound.
Nowr potato a Mo (erbuihjl.
Canned Fruit .Peaohea, i 00; apri'Ot,
$3 0 buickben-iea, ti, eirn, best sjra.lej
ti 00; tomatoai 31 50; strloj beaus SI W;
itiireu pat Sic p'.'rdnz. In two lb is.uh.
Freua VegeLiblet.-l'otnn 40cjcar oU
Mai parsnips 7w. imlotir" 4c per lb.
F.uBalmo.l 7!Uk) per lb; dturjcoi 03
7op!rlb'imalttt4iil0o per lb; eattsalmou,
7llo per lb; U'llo o.i .tiii n, 10.
Wiirot c nou
Flour Por barrel, VM, bout IW lbs
Dhi.h Per bushel. MWVL .
Barley Per bu tnel. KM I5w
Uraii Per ton. ill Wdi mil,,
oaortn-l'er tJi.WHH "
Kaclce 1.
Miuke I.
8a t.ie.1 1
Oha -Per tou, WJ.03
W.m)i netooi.
Ki Hc per dozen.
Pot-itoes Per ouMiiel, 20o
Curl, meal 3nwr bound.
Ohi'Mte 1SH. per pound.
Dried plumS-rW IK. Vplc
Dried prunal-IVir lb. logiio.
Uutu-r !' W3 i pound tor gcvi I
Ltrd tuautepjrl- .
limiw r p I hi i.lllij
UaoJiiHtdef JIJ pur id.
Hh niliter' ' 'r lb
Chtckens.8J Us per pomd.
IHm, Hallo.
Here is something from Mr.Frank
A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt
House) tewiston, and the Tolif.ne
Hotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel men
meet the world as it comes and goes,
nnd are not slow in sizing people
od things, up for what they nre
worth. He says that he has lost a
father and several brothers and sis
ters from Pulmonary Consumption,
and is himself frequently troubled
with colds, aud he
Hereditary often coughs enough
to make him sick at
Consumptlonhis stomach. When
ever he has taken a
cold of this kind he uses, Boschee's
German Syrup, and it cures him
every time. Here is a man who
knows the full danger of lung trou
. bles, and would therefore be most
particular as to the medicine he used.
What is his opinion? Listen! "I
use nothing but Boschee's German
Syrup, and have advised, I presume,
more than a hundred different per
sona to take, it. They agree with
ie that it is the best cough syrup
in the market"
Nervous Prostration.
SleoplciancK, Nlrk nnd Ncvvuu
lomlnche, flnckncho, IlKEtiKfM(!tf or
Vld a'cnl-a, Hot ribftlire, Norvou
tojrtfpertNliitniilliieMri, Confusion, Jlyn
rrl 1'lti, til, Vltunl Iinoc, Ofilucu
MHblt, ItrnhUnncnri, ntc, ri cni'etl
y r. 7Hlle' XlcNtamllvo Nervine.
It doei not contain ouUitri. lr. thiiitiln C
Brownloo.UeLnnd, Tin., ouflored with Kpllcpnr
or tQ en nnd titlil to a cuuplatoouro. Jr.cub
I'otrKllR, Orcson, hud fcton u0crlne TrltU Ncrr.
ana rroatratlon for four xcnni, cmiKl not lwjp,
iiotlilnl)olio(llilianutltliuuscil Dr. Ml loo' Ro
etorntlVQ Nervine) ho U nmrwoll. Kino t !
Free nt dmrclsti. Dr. Mlleo Hervo n.id
LIumPIIIb, W iUc for a coma nro tlio toet
remtdy for IlUlouauou, Torpid Urtr, oto., oto.
TaiAi, UOTTX.E rn)cr.
" Sold by J, Fry, (Inis'lo'.H .loi.i.
Act on a ner ptinclpl
tOKuUttt tlib llrut, otomoch
kbu ooAVia tmouan
twrvft lin. Wlti-J" l'UJJ
twMtu mr biJuueuotii,
lorpui iitvr aou ronsupa.
tton. tmalloel,
xmwtl OpdOMU 20ota,
tfcioulba (rw pt i iul'iIbU).
Bold by D. J. Fry, druuxitti, Snloui,
Capital City Restaurant
Jas. Batchoior, Prop'r,
WmMeak at All Hours ul kh
' Hans but .lill Uborcitu y .dlu lin
A ifwv ublantlal mil vvnSH In
etawi Klyla.
Twunty-ltv wuUjht intntl,
Wrt iitrwt, lwi(rinJ!Kra HJie
WoW I.trfpry
Germain A4eir Ret
JKFMlfcfort, lWl;nii,VnHH, J V. r ) p
k4 Steuagii end llwd Cliawo uf in
mra'Mii, Hft trU primp m.-tu xu
id Fasty Crs-trb
Ut4tvfrf, Ua ii iw, U'Mt
W Hf ,AU,KtA lfUi m
iw MM sr txwwm i(iuvJ
itli U-jn''-l
A FeatlmrFil Mtiteoroloffliit That
Itnvo n itmnyvood JVrtli.
Souio days ago tlitf daughter of nn
old board of trader who lives in one of
tlioso castleliko residences far south on
Pmiricavenu witisfled a passfng whim
by purchasing a parrot. Now, her fa
ther is n man of very few words, but
this fact went for nothing with tho par
rot. Before tho green nnd yellow fea
thered linguist had spent so much as
forty-eight hours amid its nowsurronnd'
ings it proved ilsclf able to outtalk the
entire faintly.
It di'iuotist rated that it was ono of
those talkers that Insist on having the
last and loudest word at night and tlu
first and fiercest In tho morning, lu
fine, the bird was way up in his busi
ness. Ho seemed to fully and thor
oughly realize that ho was born nnd
bought to talk, and now his ono pur
pose in lifo was to fulfill his mission.
The old board of trader is a kind, In
lulgent father, but ho is also one of tho
few men in this world who know when
thoy havo enough. Poll was too much.
Tho daughter taught tho bird to say
nnd do many 'bright things, andnnioug
others to saluto her father with "All,
thorol How'd you like tho weather to
day?" This somehow proved an addi
tional Irritation to tho old gentleman,
but nevertheless ho tried to smilo and
look pleasant under It.
After enduring tho pet "beast" for
several days tho indulgent parent tried
to coax his daughter to let him take It
down and exhibit it to tho boys on
'change. Secretly his point was to lose
tho parrot en route. But no, tho
daughter was too familiar with tho
plucking propensities of her father's as
sociates to trust, her "sweet darling
Poll" in tho pita. Things ran on from
bad to worse, until finally one day
when tho market had gono heavily
against him nnd that, too, on the
strength of a fako cablo from .Russia
the old man went homo at night with
murder in his heart.
Bolting Into tho houso and past' hu,
wife and daughter without seeing them,
ho inado straight for tho conservatory,
where perched tho parrot. No sooner
hnd ho thrown open tho door of tho
exotic retreat; than tho bird shrugged
himself and cried: "Ah, thorol How'd
you liko tho market today?"
"Blank you I" hissed tho old man,
and catching Poll by tho logs hoiswung
him round nnd round at arm's length
about his head a score of times and
then dropped him on tho floor for dead.
Tho daughter und mother having fol
lowed tho father on tipt oo stood speooh-
less, gazing on tho exhibition from bo
hind curtains.
Presontly tho parrot began to show
signs of recovory. IIo got upon his
foot, wabbled to his pole, and after a
doxtcrous uso of his beak and talons he
gained his porch. Tliqn looking about
him in a dazed sort of way ho shrieked,
"Geo whiz how tho wind blows 1"
Reconciliation botweon father and
daughtor cauio about amid much
laughter, and Poll gota a rosewood
porch. Chicago Tribune.
Machinery und Industrial I.lfn.
Industrial llfo of today compared to
what it was twonty-flvo yoar ago con
but excito surprlso and wondor. Tho
Introduction of labor saving luaohinory
has, within this short Umo, wrought an
almost comploto revolution in all tho
nativities belonging to production and
transportation; and on every hand In
tho country as woll as in tho city ma
olilnery is found seconding, or alto
gether supplanting, physical toil, and
making it possiblo to accomplish In n
fow hours what formerly would havo
required days and wooks of labor.
In tho professions tho Impress of the
revolution is perhaps loss noted than In
other vocations, but oven horo tho la
borious work of tho; pen has almost
been suporsodod by tho llttlo typo
wrlter, that morrlly olloks off folios of
manuscript. If copies of tho neatly
printed pages nro desired, it Is, with tho
aid of tho letterpress, but tho work of
it fow moments, or if duplicates are re
quired, tho hectograph is at hand to
muko any number of copies. An "add
ing machluo" handles figures as If by
Indirectly, machinery has mado tho
nuquUIUon of knowledge nn case and
pleasure In producing a wealth of cheap
books, onibraclng every concelvablo
subject bo arranged as to admit of
ready reference, tliim saving weary
hours of research and enabling tlio in
tellectual toiler to accomplish in hours
what formerly necessitated days, St,
Louis Republic,
A Curiam Supentltlou Among ThlT. ,
There la a curious superstition com
mon among all classes of tho genus law
breaker regarding tho power of a can
dle, mado from tho body of a young
woman. Tho belief la that such a can
dle not only renders the perpetrators of
robberies Invisible, but that it throws
tho victim or vlotima Into a state of'.
deep Komnolenoy.
Within tho Wujt two years four igno
rant Umwhtn peasants murdered a gtri
and made candlos out of her body,
lluforo tlio murderer were executed
thoy confessed that they cotuiHlttotl
tho crhuo to mako themsclve invMblo
while iwpctraUng n robbery they had
In tlio Scotch criminal code of tho
mxhteeuth century there are expm
pcnalthw against this hlikoua caudia
uper8tltlon.--Londoa Tit-Bttn.
To ralthful Kdr.
A subscriber ask why tho spoon
looks so hollow and lougfeciKlt
What, wWribr, U inoroftwi le tl
What Will Happen Then?
Mark Twain calls for tho Invontion of
Uio plirenophone, an Instrument which
will enable mankind to read ono an
other's thoughts through infinite dis
tances, directly, without need of cable,
teleihone or telegraph. Ho would havo
! a sort of psychic telegraph, so to speak,
which could utilize the thought current
whose existence many begiato believe in
tap it and mako it carry instantly
thoughts from one brain to another, how
soever far removed the other brain
might be. Tho famous humorist hiin
eolf has had experiences in which, with
out the aid of any instrument, tho
thoughts of his own brain have flashed
into the brain of another, oven to tho
very words Mr. Clemens was about
to utter. In tho new psychic develop
ments which tho race is expected to at
tain there is reason to fear this kind
of thought reading may become common,
terribly common. What then is to be
coino of civilized man?
Civilized speech is a method of show
ing to others largely what we do not
think. If you bellovo in your soul a man
is a Har, bnt do not dare toll him so,
what will you do when he reads your
mind liko an open book? When a fash
ionable woman treats cordially a dear
friend whom she instantly falls on and
talks about horribly tho moment tho
dear friend is out of sight, how will she
feel to have the lady suddenly open tho
door and repeat out of her own thought
reading consciousness every word that
has been said? Terrible times there will
be then. Tho only safety will bo in
never thinking a wrong thingabont any
body. In view of tho possible near ap
proach of this now psychic development,
perhaps we might begin now to think
only such thoughts as wo would be will
ing to havo all the world read.
That Voice Again.
A fatal objection has been brought
against tho possible candidacy of Cardi
nal Gibbons for tho papal chair in case
of the death of his holiness, Leo XHL
Tho objection is brought by a European
writer, It. do Cesare, nnd it is this: Car
dinal Gibbons speaks no langurfgo but
English, and tho enormity of the offense
becomes double dyed by the announce
ment that ho "speaks it with a nasal
twnng, like all North Americans,"
This is indeed terrible. If that nasal
twang of us of tho United States is go
ing to keep Cardinal Gibbons from be
ing pope, then are we far gone indeed.
Cardinal Gibbons, good, honest Ameri
can that ho is, so offends the sonsltivo
foreign ear by his tiacal twang that it is
mentioned as a serious reason why he
should not be popo. "It. do Cesare,"
who evidently would fight bitterly
agaist any American candidate for tho
papal succession, seems able to find
nothing graver than this to bring against
the Baltimore cardinal, which is a com
pliment indeed to him.
But is not this the placo to draw the
line about that "nasal twang' in tho
Ainericau voico? It is there, no doubt
of that. It is as certainly there as the
misplaced h's of the British cockney.
Bnt it is nothing that we cannot get rid
of, and that easily. When it is brought
forward as something which should keep
distinguished gentlemen from prefer
ment, then it is time to take leave of it
at once aud forever.
It is cheerful to note a .prospect that
tho popo and tho' French republio can
make up 'their differences and effect a
reconciliation ou terms satisfactory to
both. Those who claim to be well in
formed declare that his holiness dis
approves of antiropuhlican agitation
among tho Catholics of Franco, and ho
dosirca them to ceaso it and becomo
faithful subjects, of tho republic. At tho
samo time tho French government has
signified ito desire to bo on good terms
with the head of a church to which at
least ninety-nine out of a hundred of its
people adhere. If a good understanding
between Leo XIII nnd the French gov
ernment can bo brought nbout, then tho
greatest danger that threatons the re
public of France the opposition of tho
women aUd tho clergy will bo removod.
Another charitable bequest hasboeu
lost to tho world, this time the snm of
300,Q00, because tho testator did not
specify exactly what ho wanted dono
with the mouey. He simply whlod it to
"such oharitr.blo uses" as his exeoutora
deemed it could best bo devoted. Tho
will was thrown out and the trust de
clared void because tho object of tho be
quest was left vague, A man of any
Benoo who wants to devote money to
benovol-uice uses it himself for this pur
peso during his lifetime, But if you havo
not serosa and want to will to charities,
meutloa exactly what tho bequest Is for,
otherwise tho money that is to perpetu
ate, yonr naino in a university, library
or among Jho heathen will never boused
as you intended it to be.
Victoria's War "t aiittwr Iter Snhjecis
Wllnmit Ilecomlnfr Putlciird.
In her long reign Queen Victoria has
bowed more than n million times to her
49,003,00'J subject Of course so much
bowing must bo very tiresome, and
many people have wondered how the
queen managed to stand file strain of
rising in her carriage so often to nod to
her enthusiastic subjects.
A coachman of her majesty has Just
fet out tho bccret lie says that there
are very strong springs under the
queen's carriage seat. When her ma
jesty rides through the streets, sur
rounded by tho guards nnd cheered by
the multitudinous crowds of London,
she touches a button at her side. The
seat gently rises and places her in an
Attitude for bowing. Then sho smiles
out of each sldo of her carriage and
bows to her loyal objects. Then sho
touches Iho button again and tlio car
riage seat sinks with her majesty into
its old position.
Every ono Is willing to allow Queen
Victoria this mechanical convenience
In bowing, because sho is now very old
and somowhat feeblo, and the fatiguo
of bowing her wny through miles of a
cheering London mob would bo too
much for hor to endure. The patent
carriage springs ennble tho empress of
India to acUnowledgo their enthusiasm
with proper courtesy.
Tho "Juck-In-tho-box bow" is also
practiced by the Princo of ATontenegro,
who is said to bo tho laziest monarch
In Europe. Tlio prince is young and
active, but ho is too lazy to get on his
feet to bow to ills subjects when they
cheer him. So he had a carriage mado
with powerful springs under the seat
which tho prince always occupied. The
artisan who made the springs was
afraid they wouldn't bo powerful
enough, and so ho mado the strongest
springs ever seon in Montenegro.
On tho first feto day after tho car
riage was completed the Princo of
Montenegro rodo through tho streets of
his capital. The happy people began
to cheer him. Ho touched a button on
tho carriage scat so that ho might be
lifted to his feet and bow. Tho seat
roso so suddenly and rapidly that it
throw tho Princo of Montenegro out of
his carriage. The accident gave rise
to tho fulbu report that an attempt had
been made to assassinate him.
Other sovereigns of Europe havo been
obliged to resort to tlio uso of various
ingonious mechanical devices to enable
tht-ni to fulfill their s-ocial duties to the
satisfactuui of their loyal subjects or to
protect themselves from their enemies.
For example, tho brisk young emperor
of Germany lias more dinner invita
tions in a day than lio could accept in
a monthf As ho dislikes to disappoint
any of his subjects, it is said that lie
employs an automaton to go to all the
minor dinners for him.
The automaton is an exact figure of
tho emporor, mado of wax and springs,
and is dressed in tlio uniform of one
of the guard regiments. It is so con
structed that it has the emperor's
characteristic way of bowing, copies
his walk and exhibits pretty much all
Ids mannerisms. Pittsburg Leader.
A Well Trained Ilroneho.
Dave Reed, a young halfbreed ranch
man near tho Mexican border of New
Mexico, has a trained cayuso that would
delight the heart of the truo sportsman.
The writer took a ride over tho ranch
afow weeks ago, accompanied by young
Reed, who was mounted on his pet ca
yuse. Toward noon, as wo were about
to strike camp, our attention was at
tracted by tho wild bellowing of a calf.
Putting tho spurs to our animals wo
hurried forward to ascertain tho cause.
Wo soon camo up to tho sceno of tho
dlhturbnnco. A yearling calf was strug
gling hi tho clutches of a largo Mexican
eagle. Tho calf was evidently getting
tho worst of tlio fight.
After watching tho struggle for a brief
moment Reed gave a peculiar sort of
whistle,and his cayuso threw up his head
and stood as quietly as a marble statUo.
Reed brought his rillo to his shoulder,
placed the barrel botweon tho oars of
his cayuso nnd fired. Tho shot was a
good ono, tlio- bullet passing through
tho eaglo's head, killing him instantly,
Tho bird was a splendid specimen,
moasurlng more than ten feet from tip
to tip. Detroit Freo Press.
Commenting on tho coming American
navy Tho Review of Roviews uses those
remarkable werds: "If England were
tho only power against whom tho United
States might havo occasion to use their
ironclad they .might as well bo left un
built. At tho samo time we shall be
glad to see the Americans supplied with
an efficient j-nayy. It will mako tho
naval all Unco which must como between
tho two English speaking famlllea less
ona sided than would bo the case at pres
ent," Iavtead of 4,WO,000,000 worth of farm
prodweta awaually, American sollca b
Wn4,by ipeovwi rtattwe to yield
two Mutt acftoa.
l'lo Eu tine
Tlio amount of food consumed in
souio of tlio down town lunch rooms
ovory day is something enormous. It
seems nil tho more iuarediblo from tho
fnot that it goes up in small lunches.
Ono plnco consumes on an average for
the midday lunoh to business meu 1,500
sandwiches, 15 cans of milk, 40 dozen
pastry of vnrious kinds, 85 pies and
1,600 to 2,000 oysters served In every
stylo. Besldos thoso some 600 persons
get hot dishes of almost ovory descrip
tion at tho lunch counter. Gracious
heavens 1 Eighty-11 vo pies represent
840 plo eaters in ono resort among hun
dreds of tho kind. This Is not con
sidered a great placo for pies either.
Now York Herald.
Plan for tho Future.
"Now that poor Branson has lost hit
monoy, I presume his marriage will be
"Oh, no, IIo will marry Miss Talk
away, and after tho honeymoon ho'll
soil tho presents. Thoy are likely to
put him on his feet again." Harper's
That Iuterehancab! ISngaireiueiit Klnc.
Isabella This ring that Clmrlto gave
me Is very pretty, but It la too tight,
ArabellaWell, you see, your fingers
nro somewhat stouter than Alice Pon
onby's. Jewelers' Circular.
IfyoufWCruld-be clean and hayo your'clothos doncjip
istiiettetetattd dressiest .planner, take them to tlio
u'lier5a)lworktiitdQno by 'white labonimnd in tho moat
jh! , 0O&QN:EI- Jf OLMSTED. '"
Wheat-Valley, ll.62JOfl.6J Pr cwital.
Hour atattdard, 83.00.
Walla Walla USO;
...... ivhltn Mtn 45c tier btlAhcl.
MIllHlurA-IIran 1 19S20; H 'i W, Wl to 2
ground barley, I2J Ul to; enr-p ltn. 11
to 19, middling, $ Per l"n-
Iliulcr- orcsron fancy djiry. 3V.1 rar.py
creamery S7;O0; 8wd to mlr, 27j;
Onllftirnla choico 27 tonic.
Egga-Orpgnn 3JJ4 c T do.
Poultry Old chick eu,fS.
Potatoes lOal OOorer o ntal.
Cfcwse Orison, HlolCo; Cailruinii. 1 .
Bugure Ooioeu C, JJnixtia C.fJK dry
gmnuUted, f-Ji cube, crushed and Pow
dered, CJfo por pound.
Ueann-flmall whlto, Jf'Jo; pink 24
bayou, Sr; butter, ic; lima, Via.
fried lfrulls-.tiuod: Italian prune
8c, I'otlte and (leniian, 7e per pound-
raisins, SI 60 per box; pluntoier dried
penm, 8 to 9c; mio dried and tnctory
nlnnis. !). cvanorntcd Deaches. 9 to llo;
Muiyrla figs 2uc; Unllforula fia 7 tent por
lllilon Drv hides. Hi to 0c. He If 8" fo
culls, Rrcen over 65 poundl, 7c; undirR
pouDds, He, sheep pelts, ao.-i.
Eastern hams, 12 to 13)c; brcikfast ba
con, l.l to 15c; Bide?, llJi--, lard. Ktol3'.
per pound.
Hav Fiiancwco, Uec.23 Wheal; buyer;
Barley feed ,51.07 i U per centa.
Oats-Gray 11 35tol 4j per cental, old.
Corn I MTgo yellow, 1 Id to SI !2X;wh'te
f 1.25 to J 1.30 per rental.
Ilops 1UX to VjC per pound.
X'otatocs Garnet Chile i, JO louOc; Early
Itosc, 20 lo 30c-, llurhanks, SO to,40c; tweet,
2.00 to 81. 3 60 per centnl.
Onions 70 to 81.00 per cental.
Butter-Choice, SO to 32c; plcklo roll, 21
to 25c; creamei?, 2j to IGoper pound.
Eg?t Choice ranch, 4?tO'15o; told slor
.age, 19 to 21c per dozen.
C;ilCA00,I)ec.2l. Wheat, cash DOJc
"wm mil nwjLU'itMj
rnoFESsioxAii cards.
Q T.lllrirAniHON, Attorney at law.
p. olllcw up .taint lu front rooitm or new
Itfl4n IllfWlr. fVifl.fft- lnmni.Mt.l .....( ,. .
1. .. ...V.., w. H . ..VIUIIIVIUjIIIIIIU 1.1111,1
streets, ttaleiu, Ortgon.
JOHN A. fAIt'ON, Attorney at law
O JlotitiiH nu'i'i J, Iidn A-Uush'H bunk
bulletin?. Bill em, Uncoil. B 1 lj r
II. if. BON U AM. W. H. HOLME8.
BomIAM 110I.MEH. Attorncjs nt law.
Olllce In Buftb'a lnock, between Btnte
und Court, on (.'oin'lHt.
TILMON KOUD, attorney at law, Salem,
Oregon. Office nrta!rs In l'utitn'a
DM.UCY&B1NOHAM, Attorneys and
counreloni at law, Knlcm, Gu-gon.
.Hiving nn utisUniclol the rrcoidsol.M rlou
county, lucludingulol und Mock Index oi
salem, they hate special racllltlea for ex
nmlnlUK tilled loruil oiUitt. liuslnesu la
the Miprume court and in theatato departs
wonts .1U receive prompt intention.
2 It. W. S A10-rr, physician aud ur
gcuu. OlIHo in Ktdrldgo Blocs., ba-i,uu-gon.
Olflco hours 10 to 12 u. m.
2lo4p. in.
X.1 B. FUlLRTvOOK, M. D.,llomeopathlst.
li, onice 16J Court street; ft&ddeocu :I7
u.h otreet. acuernl practice. HpeciAl
al'eutlon given to diseases of Women and
For flrstrCliHS hand made bi Ink andltlle,
Lanie surply on band. Near fair
ground, SilciM, 728
T HOUSEB, M D. Physician andsur
Ucou. lracllco limited todlstnsis
cf the nervous systom. c:iui rn including
asthma and rupture or htmla. Ottico In
Cottle block rooms 11 nnd 1.2. Office hours
from 9 to 12 a. in. and Irom 3 to 0 p. m.
11 3-tf.
thentaie.a'd nieimii ni.1,el BlaDlt.l,
price IW. or.'ob Pr?r!un2Ico',nt- ,ll:
legal bisnsi prmUne. ana wfigg
J'HTLr.TTa .n
merchant Tailors
A full H,,o of importP.1 .. . . ' 0
'uriimDing goodR. All ih i.f ' snli'
115 Commercial utl a,oat tylej
and. Granes
Plants or either of theiS. tatVa,WM or
frutta, unliable for thlcTlniSto SLft.U $
plication to E. HOKKlt, Rb; em'o?011
Dtt. M1NTA ti. A. DAV18. Office hours,
9 a. m. to 11 a. in.; 2 p. in. to 6 p. m,
uay or night culls promptly uttended to.
Hpeclal at tent Ion given to discuses of Wom
en nnd children. Office In new Bank UUc,
bU5 tommerelal stilet. Bcsldence same.
DIl. J. A. KI-.ENK, Dentist, Cfflce over
tho White Corner, Court and Com
mercial stiects.
To Strawhp.rrv n,..
profltable late hnJnr i uL,er a1fl mn
, from 11. W. Havage.fcalem aiTt wkeu
bert. AumSvllle.g Wm&2gl,V-&
Bomber itaTAiaSX
' f eitna
Conservatory ol" Muaic
bup-rlorudvantiiges to dlii'Ien's of
muili!. Klo tcuclierb. Latest methons.
Vci' and Instrumental mus1c taught to
the utu-list irol!clrniy. Nou8egiilngeat
o study music. Kxpenacs moderate.
l)lU(ii as given on compio ion of course.
e.t tirm begins f tb. 1, Inii.
V. M. I'AItVtN,
Musical Director.
Hop Sing & Co.,
08 Commercial tit.
Clothing mado at lowest prices.
Repairing neatly done.
orau of tho slate department of public In
struction. The Journal Is n monthly mug.
uziuu devoted to school and home educa educa
teon: theietore, It Is lndlMienabln to
teachers, und Invaluable to fi feuds of edu
cation In general. Price S1.00 perannum;
Ave or moie copies HI cents tuch; sample
copy 10 cents. Address J. B. Hoknku.
11 7-tf Proprietor, Albany, Or.
Waldo lis Nursery.
Silver, ltalir.n and Petite Prune
tres for sale.
One and two years old. i', to 8 feet high.
Exira well rooted and special care token
In digging. Also a choice lot, of yearling
grapes ot the following varieties: Royal
Mubcadlnc, Concord, Brighton, Delware,
lona, Moore'o, Diamond, Niagara, Black
Hamburg, Pocklmgton, Verkeness- Bold
at living prices. Address
10 1 dw It. D. AliLEN, Sllverton,Ore.
President. Secretary.
Vice President. Treasurer.
275 Commercial Street.
Makes thg neatest and best Abstracts In
the country.
Butcher and Packer,
BtateBUaniCourttHt. The best meat
dellvcted to all parts of thecltv.
Is fust tho place to go for a first-class
ciUu-atioii. Its Normal Course oflers
every advantage of any normal
school with all the henelils of degree
und state diploma aud nmuy miec
laltiea. Excelleut courfifs for business
Theology, Law, Medicine and
Hecond term opeus Nov. 10th.
Third term opens Feb. 1, 1802.
For circular address,
Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day.
-1 he best hotel between Portland aadSan
tranclsoo. hirst-claw In all lu appoint
ments. Its tables are served "with the
Choicest Fruits
Grown In the Willamette Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
Pay Your School Taxes Be
, fare They Become Dc-liuquent,
The school tuxea of district Nn. 24
in Marlon county art now due and
payable at the ulerk'a office In N.
107 Commercial street, Salem, find
door south of the nodtottlcc. The
f,'u w;,,,,,beS"",J iJeHuqiwrt unless
paid w ihln CO daya from tliudatv.
V? v .i. Ul ,M'U, una ail riayo
Nov.. 1S31. V. M RTXf narkvVJ u
. . . UUi.1 .
DUtiJct Cleik.
Dlt. T. O. SMITH, Dentist, W State street,
Halem, Or. Finished dental opera
tions of every description. Painless opera
tions a speUully.
WO. PUG II, Architect, I'luos, Spccl
. ftcntions and superlntendencu lor
nn Hastes o buildings. Office 0 Com.
merclul St., up i-tulrs,
( 8. McNAl.JLY.Aichltect, New Bush
j, BiemunblocK. PlunsitiidspLclflca
tioi.K of ul) clasbCb of of buildings onshoit
notice. Supcrlutendeaeoof work promptly
ookid after. a&-tr
JT J. McC LKTLAND.Olvll Baultary and
1. Iluiaullo tugluter. U. a. Utputy
mineral aurvnyor. City surveyors olllce,
Cottle-PurlihUiSt Block, ."-alcin, Oregon.
S PRAGUE & ALLEN, Blacksmiths and
hoitshoelng and repairing. Only the
best workmen employed. Opposite tttute
lm-unmco building
D1CE& ROiS, illucUsmlths, all kinds ol
XV lepalrlngauddiirlaguvvora. Wehave
In our em)loy Aitliur (jluve, nproletslonul
Uorscshoer. Glv e Us a trial. 4-14
JOHN KNIGHT, Blacksmith. Horse
shoeing end repali lng a specialty. Hhop
at the foot of Liberty street, Bulum, Oregon.
P. I. LARBEN & CO,, Manufacture of all
, klnuHOfvehlcUs. Repntrlug a special
ty. Shop. 45 State street.
AH. HMITH i CO., Contractors, Sower
. lug, Cement Bldewalks, Excuvutlng,
t-tc: All wor promptly doue, Malem, Or.
Leave ordtis with Duguu Bios. 4:U-lm
GARPET-LAYING.-I mako a specialty e:
caipei-sewlug und laying; cm pets
tnkeu up and lelaul with great care. House
cleaning. Leave ordera with J. H. Luuu
orlluient don. J.G.LUURMAN.
GKO. HOEYE, Barber and Hair dressing
parlors. Finest baths It the city. 12W
Commercial street, Balem.
Mil mniMVC! Pclcntllle horse shoe.
ll UAIiKliNo, K- All diseases of
jiurLtus ictrL iiuuiuu,
Lliop, opyoslto the
Southern Pacific Route
Shasta Line
South. I
7:U0 p, m. j LiV,
9:1b n. tn. I Lv.
8:lfi a.m. Ar. Ban Fran.
-j- QT
Pqrtlanu Ar.T7'. -
t-aiem Lv. T:
Lv.l 70 n
Above trains stop only at lollonimr i
tlous north of Rosebuig, 1 a"t KJflanJ
Orgon City, Woodbuin, Balcm jKtaSi
Tangent, b'hedds, Halsey. HarrkbnrJ
Jun tlou City, lrvl'ng and Eli firm "ur
nOhKlimtq MALI. DAI1.-C ' '
8:05 u. m.
10:52 a. m
6:10 p, m.
Lv. Portland Ar.l 4-u0r;
Lv Balera Lv.f hOSain
Ar. Roaeburg Lv.' wVS
Albany Local, Dally (Enrept 8nndy,
6.U0 p. in. I Lv. Portland Ar. I .&!.
7:62 p. in. Lv: salem Lv. &?
:00 p. m. Ar. Albany Lv,5.-) .'.
For nccommodatum ot second din
passengers attached to express trains,
iYd Side Division. Between foiOiti
and Cerallis:
7:d0 a. ni. I iV. P"ortrand Ar. I 55:30 p. n.,
12:10 p. m. I Ar. tTorvnllls I.y. lfcM p. p.
At Albany and Corvallls connect wim
trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad.
4:40 p. m. I IjV. Portland Ar. n.a,a.
7.2j p. m. Ar.lMcMlnnvllleLv. 5-lj t. n-.
Throu-ih Tickets
Tonll polnte
For tickets and lull lntormatiun regard,
uig rates map", etc., apply to the Oorjp.
fly's ntront Salem. Oreiron.
I UP. llOUEHS, Asdl. U. F. aud t'ms.Ag'l
tt. ivUJ.iii.l'.i.. itaatfta
320 acres of best stock and lrult land in
Oregon for sa'e nt a bargain. Will sell In
lots to suit pui chaser. Address or call on
C. J. BIUEL, KnlghU, Ore.
Near BUver Creek Fallr. 7 8 am
G. W. BKKLKR. Atrcnt.
i;t iirapaiiT,
FIro and ilu
line. fclalem, Oraxoc
ttm mr
IV! 4N K l k
Largo stock of all leading varieties of
Hend forca'plogue nnd price lift. Now
Is t he time to put out peach trees and all
other trees. Trees dellveroil freo to all
parts of the cit.
dw T. 1). JONE8, Salem, Or.
Our man who hag beensrourlng the
couutr ftjrKggs has Just brought In a big
lot and we aie prcpaied to supply the city.
T. .UJlKOWg,
Nc.fiConmcrcial Bt., Halia:
! And Oregon Development comrMF
steamship line. 225 miles shorter.2U benrt
llsatimo thau by any othei loute. lim
I ciass through passenger and freight mi
liomroninna ana an points m iuo"
lametto vallev to and lrom Sau FrancHco
TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxcept BnnMim).
Leave Albany V&
Leave Corvallls VSZ?,
Arrive Yaqulna 8.il M
Laive Yaqulna .$:.
Lefive Conallis IfSvS
Arrive Albany UiB-
O. & O. trains connect at Albany anil
Tho above trains connect at YAfiUIKA
with the Oregon Development Cos UJ
.lfHteamsliIns betweeu Yaoulna and ha
ai'KAMFita. r0M VACOTA
Farollon, Friday, J a
Willamette Valley, Tuesday JoJ?
Farallon. Sunday .
Willamette Valley, Thursday
Farallon, Tuesday.
WUlamotto Valley, F rlday
riUUtlUlli III JUaj ! - "
Willamette Vallej, faanday.
Faraiion. 'inursoay.
" 15
U, B, Pension and Claim agent. P. O
BoxiSl. salem, Oreson. Deputy County
Clefi- Vrite 'for blanks. J 7
rOLe "
aspt umu
IR.nic?u " aolden nlim No. J
Cure Chanern, Bnt and i:coad sUne'
Bores on the Legs tad Ddy; Sore Ears.
'.'im??! c'itCoVr-C0,ort1 Blotches,
eyphnnioOtarrh,llseed 8caln. ard l
Primary toraj of the dlteasa 'known at
Srphllii. Price, 85 00 per Bottle.
Lo Rlcliau' Oolden Halaaiu No,8
Cures TertUry, Jlercurlalrphillllo Rhau
ma tlrai, Ptlna In the Bonea, falni lo the
Ileid, back ot the Nk, Ulcerated Sort
OaroaL BrpMUtlo Itath, Lumps aad con.
tree ted Conls, Btlffnesa ol the Limbs, and
tradlptea all dUeaae from the iyjtera,
vhather cauaed by ladlac reUon or ahuw
ol UercnrTjIeAriajr the Llaod pore and
healthr. PHco S3 00 jwr HottU.
t Klckau's eolden Huanl.b Anil.
S0.!0..'0-010 P" ' Oonarrbaea, Clixt,
IrriUtion OrareL and all Urinary or Oenl
Ul dUaLagemtnU. lrtco 9'i 59 pec
Bottle. r
Klthaaii OoUan 8paltla I,
lection, foreTtra f Maot aooerrbaa,
Inflammatory 01eet.Btrioturca.4c. lrlc
1 SO yr Kottle.
Co Klcfea-'a OoMeat Olutmeal
tor the eeTcctiTo tiealloscf BynhlUUe Sort
and eruption. Prlre W W vK Hox.
Lo KMaav.U Sol.eM ! Nrm
and Brain treatment; liof pbytlcalpow
er. exctae or OYeMroric. Pt attrition, tta
Prloo B Mr
Tokilo b NerrlKO,
Beet tmyvbere, C O. ft, tecorcty pej
HIE RrCHAKsliu C0.,ABJtt.
. 0 oV tit JSJU-KET -T
I'UIUIIUII. . II U. OMI -..-i !
1 his company reserves the rigni w
ohaiiKe sailing datea without notice.
N. B. Passengera lrom Portland ana au
W tllaniotto Valley points can wake
connection with the trains I.S
1 AQU1 NA ROUTE at Albany or Ooryiu
und If destined to Han Francisco, enomu
arrange to arrive at Yaquma tbs eenai
beioro data of sailing. i,., tat
PaMcactr and Freight Katts Alwaji
Lou wt. ih'or lnformalTv.n apply tn ffi5
HULS1AN & Co., Freight and Tiwj
Ajjenta S.W nnd 1X12 iVont hi.. I1irUana,TO
C.O. HOGDK Ac't Oen'I W.
eum. ASl.,Or son I'-Jgiffe
r H.lLVaWI'.LL,Jr.Gen'l trt!
Pw. AcL Oregon I2l!f,D.Y
Co., m Montccn"r H
From Terminal or Inferior Poin- -c
Northera Pacific Railroad
Is the line to lake
To all Points East and South.
vblralnf SKff-3
(No change of ca.)
Sleeping Cars.
Bt that can bo const rocWd and nW
accon-modatiiJia flnJrfSCona-cl,
nUhed lor holders of flrtt and aeconu
Uctew.ac'l .fia.
ELi2aAT UAH w-
.- - ..fc .it
Awntlnoot ftlfiottrrepW4
BnrBfiordlnt "nrt UD,D,t"
curl in advi
- -iu
any SD w
ul. . ,,anrotM
Through U'feeU 11? 'v,,roDO can "
In AmoVIca, Hni.i n &
. t ';'
- x