urn trr MMMHm.a (MAI m l Wc have always Untlersoltl nil others, tint now to cloe our Htock nnil tnnko room, wo oUer for 30 days, lO PER CENT. m&COUKIT On Hit clothtDg lu the house. E rylioily HayH wu givo ImraiiiH nliiMly, but this cut. will be the lowvM ever Kiienvu in rf.tlefn. B. FORSTNER & CO. Hoa3iMoa lMTAJSiiMAUhi-'ULPIT CUSINES8 LIFE A SCHOOL FOR GOOD TO TH03E WHO 0 WILL IT. The Importance anil Minute Uuinlflcii tlons ( Trade Ilntr the Dishonesty of One Man Moy lctriy Otlion IIiir ' Iliisliiea Moil Mu j' Ho Improved. Brooklyn, Dec. 20. Any porson EcekltiR the st'irt of Dr. Tnluinpe's inurvelotii popularity with the millions of Bcnnon lieitrere mid sermon lenders may find a clew to It In the wntion he preached at the Tabernacle this morn ing. It ha nothing to do with itlv struse doctrines, but gives a clear view of whntlmiybe termed nppKed ChnV tianlty lib text wo. Proverbs Hi. 0. "In nil thy ways nckiiowktle him nnd he shnll direct thy pat'is." "A promiho good enough for ninny kinds of life, but not for my kind ol life," sny some business limn: "tliel.tw of supply nnd deiimnd coir mIh the business world." But 1 huve reason to say that it Is u promise to all persons in any kind of honest business. Tlipro is no war between religion and business, between ledgers and Bibles, between churches and counting homes. On the contrary, religion accelerates business, sharpens men's wits, sweetens acerbity of disposition, fillips the blood of phlegmatic and throws inoro veloc ity Into the wheels of hard work. It gives better bnlnircing to the Judgment, more strength to the will, more muscle to Industry nnd throws Into enthusiasm a inoio concentrated lire. You cannot in all the round of the wdrld show me n man whose honest business has been despoiled by religion. The industrial clnsses are divided into throe groups producers, manufactur ers, traders. Producers, such as farmers and miners. Manufacturers, such as those who turn corn into food, and wool and ttax Into npparol. Traders, such as mnke profit out of tho transfer nnd exchange of all that which Is pro duccd and mannfactured. A business man uiay belong to ruiy one or all of these classes, and not one Is independ ent of any other. 9 When tho prlnco Imperial of Franco fell on tho Zulu battlefield becuuso tho strap fastening tho stirrup to the saddle broke as ho clung to it, his comrades nil escaping, but ho falling under the lances of tho savages, n, great many people blamed tho empross for allowing her son to go forth Into that battlefield, and others blamed tho Eng lish government for accepting tho sacri fice, and othoro blaniod the Zulus for their barbarism, Tho ono most to blaino was the harness maker who fashioned that strap of tho stirrup out of shoddy and Imperfect material, as it was found to havo been afterward. If tho strap had hold, tho prlnco Imperial would probably havo been allvo today. But tho strap broko. No prlnco Inde pendent of u harness maker I High, low, wise, Ignorant, you In ono occupation, I In another, all bound to gether. So that thero must bo ono con tinuous lino of sympathy with ciioh othor's work. But whatever your vo cation, If you havo a multiplicity of on gagoinouts, if into your life there come losses and annoyances and perturba tions as well as percentages and divi dends, If you are pursued from Monday morning until Saturday night, nnd from Januury to Junuury by Inexora ble obligation and duty, thon you aro a busluoss man or you aro a business woman, and my subject Is appropriate to your case. Wo aro under tho Impression that tho moll and tug of buslnossltfo are a prison into which a man Is thrust or that it Is an unequal tstrifo where unarmed 11 man goes forth to contend I shall show you that business llfo was liitendod of God for grand and glorious education ,nnd discipline, and If I shall bo holped to say what I want to say, I shall rub boiuo of tho wrinkles of care out of your brow and unstrap some of tho bunions from your buck. 1 am not talking to an abstraction. Though never having boon In business life, I know all about business men. In my first parish at Bellvllle, Now Jersey, ten miles from Now York, a largo portion of my audlonco was made up of New York merchants. Thon 1 vent to Syrnouso, n place of Intense oauunorcfal activity, and thon 1 wont to Philadelphia and lived long among tho merchants, of that city, than whom there aro no better men on earth, and for moro than twenty two yoars 1 have stood In this presonoo, Sablwith by Sab bath, preaching to audiences, the ma jority of whom tiro business won and business women. It Is not an abstrac tion to which I speak, but a reality with which I am well aoquatntod. THX CULTIVATION OV RNKHQY. In tho Urtt place, I remark that busl DM life was intended as n school of on wgy. God gives us a certain amount of raw material out of which wo aro to Uow our charaotor. Our faculties aro to be reset, rounded nnd sharpened up. Our yowiiK folks having graduated jm fcehool or oollega neod a higher t)wtioa, that which tho rasping and oUlfclou of everyday llfo alone cuu ', Energy ta wrought out only hi a Afe, After a man has boon In busl nam activity tew, twenty, thirty years, fcb fy & uot to bo measured by vaifbt or plummets or luddurx. There k no balgUt It eanuot oal, mrt there id wo dej)th it cannot fathom, and iher b no obstacle It cannot thrash. I Now, my brother, why did Ood put you (u tht school of cnorgyt Vtn It mtmif that ypu wight be yardstick to H)Mor oJolii or ft steelyard to weigh Aotarf Wm ft mwaly tliat you wljjlit b belter qualifrMl to chaffer nnd Id? ilM Ho, pl1 yu '" tlmt ,wr-. "Tf l. tultool of energy that you might bo de veloped for Christian work. If the un developed "taletttM In tho Christian churches of today wcro brought out and thoroughly harnessed, I believe the wholo world would bo converted to God in a short time. There aro so many deep streams tlmt are turning no mill wheels nnd that are liarncssed to Sio factory bands. Now, God demands the best lamb out of oyery flock. Ho demands tho richest sheaCbf every har vest. He demands the best men of 'every generation. A Cause In which Newton and Locke nnd Mansfield toiled you and I can afford to toll hi. Oil, for fewer Idlers hi tho causo of Christ and for moro Christian workers, men who shall tike tho same energy that from Monday morning to Satur-. d.iy night they put forth for tho achieve ment of a livelihood or tho gathering of 1 foitune, and on Sabbath days put it forth to the advantngo of Christ's kingdom nnd tho bringing of men to the Fjord. Dr. Duff, In South Wales, saw a man who had Inherited a great fortune Hie man said to him: "1 hnd to bo very busy for many years of my llfo getting my livelihood. After nwhilo hl fortune came to nlo, nnd there lias bwn no necessity that I toil sinco. There came n time whon I said to my- jolf, 'Shall I now retire from business, or shall I go on and servo tho Lord In my worldly occupation f" Ho said: "I resolved on tho latter, and 1 have been more Industrious In commercial circles than I ever was before, nnd sinco that hour I have never kept a farth ing for uiywlf. 1 have thought It to be a great shame If 1 couldn't toll as hard for tho Lord ns 1 hnd toiled for myself, and all tho products of my factories nnd my commercial establishments to tho last farthing havo gono for tho building of Christian institutions and supporting the church of God.'' Oh, if tho same energy put forth for tho world could bo put forth for Godl Oh, if a thousand men in these great cities who have' achieved n fortune could seo it their duty to do nil business for Christ nnd the ullovintlon of tho world's suffering. HOW I'ATIKNCK IS CUIVriVATKD. Again, I remark that business life is a school of patience. In your overyday llfo how many things to annoy and to dlsqulofcl Bargains will rub. Com mercial men will sometimes full to meet their engagements. Cash book and money drawer will sometimes quarrel. Goods ordered for a special emergency will como too lato or bo damaged In tho transportation. Peopio intending no harm wl.ll go shopping without any Intention of purchaso, overturning great stocks of goods and insisting that you break tho doom. Moro bad debts on tho lodger. Moro counterfeit bills In tho drawer. Moro debts to pay for othor pooplo. Moro meannesses on tho part of partners In business. Annoy anco after annoyance, voxntlon after voxntlon, and loss after loss. All that process will olthor break you down or brighten you up. It Is aschool of patlonoe. You havo known men tin der the process to bocomo petulant and qholerlo nnd angry and pugna cious and cross and sour and queer, and they lost tholr customers and their name became a detestation. Othor men havo boon brightened up under tho process. Thoy woro toughonod by tho exposure. Thoy wero llko rooks, all tho moro valuablo for bolng blasted. At first thoy had to choke down tholr wrath; at Urst thoy had toblto tholr lips; at first thoy thought of borne etlnglug re tort thoy would llko to mako; but thoy couquored their impatience Thoy have kind words now for sarcastic flings. Thoy havo gontlo behavior now for un mannerly ouBtomers. Thoy are patient now with unfortunate debtors. Thoy havo Christian reflections now for sud don rovorsos. Whoro did thoy got that patience f By hoarlng a minister preach concerning it on tho Sabbatlif Oh, no. Thoy got It Just whoro you will get It If you evor got It at all selling hats, discounting notes, turning banisters, plowing corn, tinning roofs, pleading causes. Oh, that amid tho turmoil and anxiety and exosporatlon of overyday life you might hear tho voice of God saying t "In patlonoe possess your soul. Let patience havo her porfect work." I remark again that business llfo is a school of usoful kuowlodgo. Merchants do not read many books nnd do not btudy lexicons. Thoy do not dive into profounds of learning, and yet nearly all through tholr occupations come to understand questions of flnanco and politics nnd geography and Jurispru dence and ethics. Business Is a sevora schoolmistress. H pupils, will not learn, hi 10 strikes them over tho bond and tho heart with severe losses. You put $5,000 Into an entorpriso. It Is all gone. You say, "That Is n doad loss." Oh, no. You aro paying tho school ing. That was only tultlonI told you it was n schoolmistress -but It waa worth It, You learned things under that process you would not havo learned hi any other way. Traders hi gruiu come to know some thing about foreign harvests; traders In fruit uoiuo to know something about the prospoots of tropical production; manufacturers 0 American goods como to understand tho tariff on imported articles; publishers of books must come to understand tho uow law of copy right; owners of ships must como to know winds and shoals nnd navigation; and every bale of cotton, and every rnlsln cask, and every tea box, and J every elubtcr of uminnas is to uiueu lit oraturu (or a business man. Now, my brother, what juro you going to do with the, intelligence f Do you suppose God put you In this school of Infpnuatlou merely that you might bo sharper In a trade, that you wight bo wow suocm- Jul us a worldling? Oh, W It wftsj if mtm 1 I mj I that you might take that useful In formation nnd use It for Jesus Christ. I Can It be that you hae been dealing wit li foreign lands nnd never had tho I missionary spirit, wishing the wlvntlon of foreign people? Can It bo that yon iiave become acquainted with all the oiifrugca inflicted in business llfo and that you hnvo never tried to bring to bear that (impel which Is to extirpate jll evil nnd correct nil. wrongs and Illumine nil darkness and Hf up nil wretchedness nnd save men for this world nnd the world to como? Can it be that, understanding nil tho intri eacies of 'business, you know nothing nbout those things which will last after all bills of exchange and consignments and invoices and rent rolls, shall havo crumpled up nnd been consumed in the Area of tho lost great day? Can it be that n man will bo wiso for timo and a fool for eternity? I remark, also, that business life. is a school. for Integrity. No man knows what he will do whcir- ho is tempted. Thero are thousands of men who hnvo kept their integrity merely because thoy never have been tested. A man was elected treasurer of flip state of Maine somo years ago. Ilo was dis tinguished for his honesty, usefulness nnd uprightness, but before one year hud passed he had taken of the public funds for his own private use nnd wns hurled out of ofllco In dlsgrneo. Dis tinguished for virtue before; distin guished for crime after. You can rail over the nnines of men Just like that. In whoso honesty you had eomplete confidence, but placed In certain crises of temptation thoy Went overboard. Never so mnny temptations to hcoun drcllsm ns now. Not a law on the statute book but has some back door through which n miscreant can c-enpe. Ah I how many deceptions In the fnbrio of goods; so much plundering in com mercial life that if a man talk about living a life of complete eoiiinierci.nl ac curacy there nre those who nseiibo it to greenness nnd lack of tnct. More need of honesty now than ever before; tiled honesty, complete honesty, more than In those times when business wns n plain affair nnd woolens were wool lens nnd silks were silks nnd men wero men. How many men do you supposo there nre in commercial life who could suy truthfully. "In nil tho Fnks I hnve over made I hnvo never overstated tho valuo of goods; in all tho sales 1 hnvo over mado 1 havo never covered up an Imperfection in tho fabric; of all tho thousands of dollars I havo over made I have not taken ono dishonest farth ing?" Thero are men, however, who can say it, hundreds who can sny it, thousands who can say it. Thoy nro moro honest than when thoy sold their first tierce of rico, or their first firkin of butter, bocauso tholr honesty and in tegrity havo been tested, tried, nnd camo out triumphant. But they re member a thno whon th'jy could have robbed n partner, or havo absconded wltli the funds of a bank, or sprung a snap Judgment, or made a falso assign ment, or borrowed inimitably without any effort at payment, or got a man Into a sharp corner and fleeced him. But they nover took ono step on that pathway of hell fire. Thoy can say their prayers without hearing the chink of dishonest dollars. Thoy can read their Bible without thinking of the timo when, with a Ho on tholr soul, in tho custom house thoy- kissed the Book. Thoy can think of death and tho Judgment that comes after it with out any flinching that day whon all charlatans aud cheats And Jookoys and frauds shall bo doubly damned. It does not mako their knees knock to gother, aud It does not mako their teeth chatter to read "as tho partridgo sittoth on eggs and lmtchcth them not, so ho that gottoth riches and not by right shall leavo them in tho midst of his days, and at his end shall bo n fool." THK BhAVK IN ALQIKHS. Oh, what a Bchool of Integrity busi ness llfo Is I If you hnvo ovor been tompted to let your Integrity cringo bo foro present advantage, If you havo ovor wakened up in somo embarrass ment and said, "Now, I'll stop a little aside from the right path and 110 ono will know It, and I'll como all right again; It Is only onco." Oh, that only once has ruined tons of thousands of men for this llfo and blasted their bouls for eternity. It Is a tremendous school, business life, a school of Integrity. A merchant in Liverpool got a five pound Dank of Knglaud note, and holding it up toward the light ho saw somo Intor lineations in what secmod red ink. lie finally deciphered the letters, and found out that the writing had been mado by a slave In Algiers, saying in substance, "Whoover gets this bank note will ploawi to Inform my brother, John Doan, living near Carllslo, that I am n slavo of tho boy of Algiers." Tho merchant sont word, omployed govern ment ollleors and found who this man was spoken of in this bank bill. After nwhilo U10 wan was rescued, who for elevou years had been n Mavo of tho boy of Algiers. He was Immediately omanolpatod, but was so worn out by hardship and oxposuro ho soon after died. Oh, if somo of tho bank bills that como through your hands could tell all tho scenes through which thoy iavo 'passed, It would bo a tragedy eclipsing any drama of Shakespeare, mightier than King Lcnr or Macbeth, As I go on hi this subject I nut im pressed with tho importance of our having mora sympathy with business men, Is It not a shame that wo in our pulpits do uot oftener preach about their struggles, tholr trials and their tumptatloust Men who toll with tho 1 hand nro not apt to bo very sympathotio ! with those who toll with the brain, ' The fanners who raise the com, and the oats, and the wheat sometimes aro tempted to think that grain merchants have nn ensy timo nnd get their profits Without giving any equivalent. Plato and Aristotle were so opposed to merchandise that they declared com merce to be the curse of tho nations, and they advised that cities be built at least ten miles from the scacoast. But you and I know that there aro no more In dustrious or high minded men than those who move in tho world of traffic. Some of them carry burdciri heavier than hods of brick, and ar? exposed to sharper things than thoenst wind, nnd climb mountains higher than tho Alps or Himalayas, and if thoy are faithful Christ will at last say to them : "Well done, good nnd fnithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few tilings, I will mako thee ruler over many things. Enter thou Into the Joy of thy Lord." THK MAHTTK8 OF BUSINKSS. We talk nbout the martyrs of tho Piedmont valley, nnd the mnrtyrs among tho Scotch highlands, and tho martyrs at Oxford. There are Just as certainly martyrs of Wall street and State street, martyrs of Fulton street nnd Broadway, mnrtyrs of Atlantic street and Chestnut street, going through hotter fires, or having their necks under sharper axes. Then it bo hooves us to banishull frelfulness from our lives if this subject be true. Wo look back to tho time when wo were at school, and wo remember tho rod and wo remember the hard tasks and wo complained griovously, but now we see It wns for tho best. Business life is a school, nnd tho tasks are hard, and tho chastisements some times nre very grievous; but do not complain. The hotterthe llro the better tho refining. There are men beforo the throne of God this day in triumph who on earth Were cheated Outof everything but their coffin They wero sued, they wero imprit-oued for debt, thoy wero throttled by constables with a wholo pack of writs, they wcro sold out by the sheriffs, they had no compromise with their creditors, they had to mako assignments. Their dying hours wero apnoyed by the sharp ringing of tho doorbell by some Impetuous creditor who thought it was outrageous and im pudent that n man should daio to dio before he paid the last tin eo shillings and sixpence. I had a friend who had many mis fortunes. Everything went against him. He had good business quality and was of tho best of morals, but ho was ono of thoso won, such as you havo sometimes seen, for whom everything sccins to go wrong. Ufa lifo became to him a pluguo. When I heard he was dead, I said, "Good, got rid of tho sheriffs!" Who nro thoso lustrous souls beforo thothrono? When tho question is nsked, "Who aro thoy?" the angels standing onk the sen of glass respond, "These nro they who camo out of great business trouble and had their robes washed and mado whito in tho blood of tho Lamb." A runn nroso In Fulton street prayer meeting, and said: "I wish publicly to acknowledge tho goodness of God. 1 was in business trouble. 1 had money to pay, and I had no means to pay it, and I was In utter despair of all human holp, and I laid this matter beforo tho Lord, and this morning I went down among some old business, friends I had not seen in ninny yeurs, just to mako n call, and ono baid to me, 'Why, I am so glad to seo you, walk in. Wo have some money on our books duo you a good while, but wo didn't know where you wero, and therefore not having your address wo could not send it. Wo nro very glad you havo como.' " And tho man standing in Fulton street prayer meeting said, "The amount thoy paid me wns six times what I owed." You sny it only happened so? You nro an Infidel. God nnswered thnt mnu's prayer. Oh, you want business giacc. Commercial ethics, business honors, laws of trade, aro all very good in their place, but thoro aro times whon you want something moro than this world will give you, You want God. For tho lack of him some that you havo known have consented to forgo, nnd to maltieat their friends, and to curso their enemies, aud their names havo been bulletined among scoundrols, and thoy havo been ground to powder, while othor men you havo known havo gono through tho very same htress of circumstnuces triumphant. There aro mou here today who fought tho battlo and gained tho victory. Peopio como out of that man's store, and thoy say, "Well, If there over was a Christian trader that Is ono." Integrity kopttho books and waited on tho customers. Light from tho eternal world Hashed through tho show windows. Love to God and lnvo to man presided in tlmt btorohouso. Somo day peopio going through tho btrcet notice that tho shutters of tho window are not down, Tho bar of that store door lias not been removed. People say, "What Is tho matter?" You go up a Uttlo closer, and you see writ ten on tho card of that window, "Closed on account of the deatli of ono of tho Arm." That day all through tho circles of business thero Is talk about how n good man has gone. Boards of trado pass resolutions of sympathy, nnd churches of .Christ pray, "Holp, Lord, for the godly man cease th." Ho has mado his last bargain, ho lias suffered his last loss, ho has ached witli the last fatigue. His children will get tho result of his Industry, or If through misfortune thero be no dollars left, thoy will have an estate of prayer and Christian example which will bo evor lastlng. Heavenly rewards for oarthly discipline. There "Oie wloked cense from troubling and tho weary nro nt r,t." Call gind jsee W, W, Martin's Holiday Goods WEEPING UlUUu I lUWo On BLANKETS at the YVO.OLEJST MILL STORE, 299 Commercial Streot A MAGNIFICENT CHRISTMAS PRESENT." Just think of it, a Twelve Dollar Blanket for Ten Six ii it ii ii ii Thoso aro the handsomest goods in Oregon. . Mail Orders solicited. Satisfaction money refunded. SALEM WOOLEN M-ILL STORE, 299 Commercial St. S9 00 7 50 5 00 guaranteed or MnfiCMIMMMMHWMMI .TVnWAMMIU'J, Tho Story of tho Ohellsk. At IleliopotH was the Temple of the Sun, and tho mjIiooIs which Herodotus visited "hociuise the teachers are con sidered the most accomplished men in Egypt." When Strnbo cjinio hither, 400 years Inter, ho saw the houso which Plato hnd occupied. Moses here learned "all tho wisdom of tho Egyptians." Papyri describes Heliopoiis as "full of obelisks." Two of these columns wero curried to Alexandria 1,937 years ago and set up before tho Temple of Co;sar. According to one authority, this temple was built by Cleopatra; in any case, tho two obelisks acquired the name of Cleopatra's Needle", and though tho temple Itself in time disappeared, they remained where they had been placed ono erect, one prostrate until, in recent yeara, ono was given to London nnd the other to Now York. Con stance F. Woolson in Harper's. The lliuiker'g Daughter. Ile Didn't my note como to you in time yesterday? She No; I never received it. Ho Strange 1 I wonder where it went? She Oh, I remember hearing papa say something nbout n note of yours going to protest yesterday whatever that is. Life. A fllltlcatlns Circumstance. Hostetter McGinnis It is mean of you to bo always abusing your friend Jones behind his back. Gus De Smith I can't seo it that way. If I abuse him to his face ho will pound the lifo out of mo. Texas Sittings. A citizen of Muncio, Ind., possesses the tlag that was wrapped about tho body of General' Nathaniel Lyon, the first northern general to loso his life in tho civil war, when he was carried off the field. "August Flower" This is the query per What Is petually on your little boy's lips. And he is It For? no worse than the big ger, older, balder-headed boys. Life is an interrogation point. " What is it for?" we con tinually cry from the cradle to the grave. So with this little introduc tory sermon we turn and ask: "What is August Flower for?" As easily answered ns asked-: It is for Dys pepsia. It is a special remedy for the Stomach nnd Liver. Nothing more than this ; but this brimful. We believe August Flower cures Dyspepsia. We know it will. We have reasons for knowing it. Twenty years ago it started in a small country town. To-day it has an honored place in every city and country store, Siossesses one of the largest manu acturing plants in the country and sells every where. Why is this? The reason is as simple as a child's thought. It is honest, does one thing, nnd does it right nloug it cures Dyspepsia. G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr.Woodbury.NJ. Restorative iplKP 7 NERVINE. ISiiliC DlLllEENmi There U nothing like the RESTORATIVE NCnVltiadUcorerttl br tbo crent Hx-olalUt, DR.MILC3. to cure all Dcrroiu dUeuct, u llaadaoho, tho Glues, Norvous Prostra tion, Gleoplassncss, Neuralgia, St. Vltuoi Danoo, Fits and llystorln. ilanr phflclani tuotttn their practice, and r tbo rv ttu are wonderful. Wu hart) hundred of te.njH.nUU Ilia theta from druciilsta. "We have nTcr kuotrn anyttilua like It." tUow It Co., Hjrocuw, N Y. ETcry boltloiolit brlajwonliof pratse," J.U. Wolf, UUUdalo. lllch. "Too best aeller ercr bad." Woodworth k Co., Fort Wajne, lad. ".Ntrtlno aolla better than anjthlug eicr had" II. T. Wraw ex. Gonro.d. N. II. Trial bottle aud book of UsUmoatalaJTrceatdrusglata. OK. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, I mi. TBIASi BOTTUQ fltEE. Sold by T. J, Fry, driiKgtst.tlt-m. Act on i new vrtofinle Kgaljie too Unr, itotuvh t&4 bowels thiavah (JU iirrtvi Da, lliuj' P1U4 tjvtJiltf ckt4 bUleuwees, torpid liter tad couilpv Uoa. 8aiallt, mtUett. ttwtl Bpd0Ma.2Bt.t3; D . t Hii. fa-rm,f 1,4 Bold by D. J, Fry, druKglsf, Balom, ffi B 1 o (fl hJ - n y N ft ft , a - o ' 8 bd ft ft ? o ISX GK1C0 O (JIO O o O m m 3m K 1 J m Com' III hik Hilln WnwAim "toiSiNAioAltl)s VIA lllil m ft", v. , , .V.V Mm.MMM.S A , ... V X I ff - Silver, Italian and Petite Prune tr.es for sale. Onenn(Uwciycar8old.4 to 8 feet high. Kxtr. well r.xilBd uuJ Rperlul cure taxed lu rtlirglng Noa choice lot -if yearling m-.qhM ol the IoIIowIhb vnrlelles: Koyal .MUKCudlnn. Concord. Brighton, Delwaie, Jonu, Mooiu'b, Diiitiioud, Niiur'im, Xilnck HiunliU'ir, I'o.-Hllneton, Vcr'iuesi1 Hold tit llviog nrlot r. Andrew lOldw II U. AL,L.CN,rillvi;ru)i5,iOro. NORTHWESTERN NURSERY largo stock or all lead lug arletlcsor KRUIT TREES. i-cud forca.plogue nnd prlco lift. Now Is the time to put out peach trees nnd all other trees. Trees delivered freo to all nailHOf Ihoolti. dw T. D. JONErf, Balera, Or. EGGS Our man who ha been Hcourlng the country for Hgs hits Just brought lu a big loitinu wenittprepaiea to supply me city. T. BUMIOWB, No. JSiiCummwela) St.. Salen. Hop Sing & Co., MERCHANT TAILORS, 208 Commercial Ht. Clothing mado tit lowest prices. Ill-pairing neatly done. nnffflrtvcTiTff ennnnr innixNT i the viiuuuu unm-uuiiuuiJUOLUHrtiJciHclal orau of the Mule dspattment of public lu btiuotl n. The Journal Is a monthly mug. iizlno tlootcd tobchool and home cducii- Hen: therefore, It Is ludlspctiMible to ieucueri, una invaiiinuie to irienas oi euu mtlon In general. I'rlce SI.OO ner annum: 11 oor mote copies tJ) cents euch; simple copy 'ueenis. Aaaies j. jj. ijoknek, 11 7-lf Proprietor, Albany, Or. 0NK OF THK LiAKGJiST ESTABLISH-msnta-ln tno State. Lower rales tban Tortland. Largest stock Ixjgul Blanks lr Uiobtate, a-d biggest discount, fcieut foi price lUt of Job priming, and catalogue oj legfll blanks. K. M. WAITE, Steam Printer Salem Orcon D.C.SHERMAN, U, 8, Pension and Claim agent. P.O Box 2S1. lalera, Oregon. Deputy County cnerf Vrlte fdr blanks. w . PHILLIPS a CO., Merchant Tailors. A full line of imported nnd domestic wooiens. Also a complete stock of gents' furnishing goods. All the latest styles '115 Commercial street. DUGAN BROS' PliiDibing and Ilcating Co., Wholesale nnd retail dealersln STEAM ASD PLUMBING GOODS. 2'1) Commercial street. Telephono No. 33. Strawberries and Grapes. Twenty vnrletlesofeaeh for uaIb Mnmmi of culture and descriptive catalogue of i.miiia mi cuuurui muse, uest oi an taute fruits, suitable for this climate, sent ou ap plication to B. HOKKR, Salem, Oregon. To Strawberry Growers. The underslgued has contracted for large quantity of the Jessie, (sweepstake prize wlurfer at intern stntwbciry lair) and Trl ompbede Gaud, (bes' ylelder nnd most irotltnble late berry lu Malum market,) from II. W Havuge, l,aleui, and J W, Gil bert, Aumsvllle. WurruntVtt puro stooy and plants flrM-class. Catalogiu free, read, bopt-inber Its. Also leu other nrleUes Address . K, HOr'EU, dw Kalem, Oregon Steamer Ehrood. reining time at lloUe's wharf. Kalem, nud Kellogg do k, Tuj jr street Pertland: 3Al.r.M. PORTLAND. Monday. 8n.tn. Tueday. tin. m. Wednesday, - Thursday, lrldiiy, Ka.tur.1ay, " AL HKMtKN. Agent, Ofllco Stute street nnd at Wharf. BRICK AND TILE. K.'rflrat-clAM hand midelbrlak nndtlle, goto MURPHY & DEPART. Large supply on Uan.l. Near fair ground, 8 :tn, 721 INKUUANCK Tom panr. PtTb nud Ma rl up. U.W. UEttLEU. kuL - jilm.Or(roo . Paper Hanger. Lt7eord.rMUUbft UealEstateKxclianjo T. UK'HAniwnw ... O. , ofllceup xtHlmlu front 57 nt lav. streets, Balem, Oregon. rc"" aua Court I,,it:rll,,,r h,i. ,;1. :ua Uuali'a I....J 81Jr building, Salem, Ortgen. U.V. BONIIAM. tv tr ,77 BONHAM & HOLMEH, Attoini. .Mal t Ohlcelu Hush's i, ock i?tLatta. aud Com l, onconi'lbu ' "etHeen Stat rpiLMON FOItb, attorney at hiT7" DAIlOY & 1JING11AM ttnrTT ' counselors ut 1, 'lem ?JLM Having an abstract ol the recordl.'i,rAies?a' county, including u lot ano block lnd?'lon &.ilt.i, thoy lmo special laclllues h?.w nmlultirf titles to real estate. J f8lr,.e,x tho MUpiemu court und lutheKt ,V1 h In merits will receive proiupgtggj". Tll. W. H MOPT, physician n,, U geon. OincelalSdrldwaSJ'E 1 B.PiIILlJUOOK,M.I).,lJonjZZZ !i Ofllco 163 Oouu'street dSSS?fe liigh street. General pracUee: gSLilJ cbnSien11 6lVen l dlSCUSeS 0f WotnlSa1 WTHOUSER.M U. Physician and snr. . geon. Practice limited to dlS ol the nervous s stem. Gala rli Inc laaw asthma and rupture or hernia. OiBm in Cottle block looms 11 aud U OfflMhoi. from 0 to 12 a. m aud lroiQ 2to6p m DR. MINTA H. A. DAVIS. Office houri 8 a. ui. to 11 a. in.; a p in. to 5 p .'J1 ljuy or Hlght calls piou.ptiy uittuded to' Hptclal attention given lodUeisesof vntZ en undchlldien. utllceln ewB4ntBlfc. 30o t oinmerelal stttet. heoldinie sainel DH.J. M. KKEJSE, Dentist, Office over tho White Corner, court and Com. merclul streets. DO. T. C. SMITH, Dentlst,l)2 State street. Salem, Or. t luisbed dental opera tions of every description. Palulets opera, tlons a specialty. WD. PUGH, Aicltltect, Plaas, Sped . flcatlons und superlutendCDce lor all clrtbses ol buildings. Otllce W) Com. mercial ht., up stulis, C8. McN ALLY, Architect, New EusS . llteymau block, llutisaudspecutat tions of nil classes of of buildings on short notice. Superlutendenceof work promptly ooKfcd alter. -Jb-tl EJ. McOAUXTLAND.Clvll Sanitary and . Hydruullo Kuglneer. U. S. Utpalf uitueral surveyor. City surveyors office, Cottle-Pni&hlust Block, falem, Oregon. BUSINICfsS OA11DS.I GKO. E. SPHAGUE, Blacksmith aDd boi eshoelug mm n pairing. Ouij the best workmen employed. Opposite btitt Insurance building p IOE & I103S, BUcltsmlths, oil klndsot JLV repalringandcaulageworK. Wetrnn ill our employ Aithur Ulove,aprofesloral Uurscshoer. Give us a trial. HI JOHN KNIGHT, Blacksmith. JIwm shoeing aud lepali lng a specialty, blwp attho foot of Llbeny stieet.baleni, Oregon. ifflti PJ. LABSUN & CO,, Manufacture of Ml . kludaor vohlcleb. Bepait lug a special ty, bhop 45 btatb street, A B. SMITH & CO., Contractors, Sew A. ini, Cement Sidewalks, Kxcavawri Etc: All wort promptly done, Saleni,ur. Leave orders with Dugau Bros 4:I.-im riAKPET-LAYING.-I m?ke a special w j caipet-sewlug nnd laying; "W UK en tipuud relaid with great care, lluiuo cleaning. Leave oi ders with J. H. w or Buteu A bou. J. G. LU UKMAM GEO. HO EYE, Barber and Hidr dre81" parloi's. Finest baths It tho city. J Commercial street, Halem. J . ..n.i..iiiihnA. AUK HARK NS.SSra?? j ,.?f-.V.J?'SSK Bhop, opposlt'lie ri.nnrlrT. FARM rOBSALE. 320 acres of best stock and 'rnit ! Otegou for sale at a bargain. vu Near Hllver Creik Falls. ' KSii 500 TXvvWSlffl rfS11 vXV, ( AN KffTf ths mi HEALTH. " t.o RldiaaU Golden VU ?; Cures Chaucrei, tinl vtdjoai Bores on tho Lr and BJJSotSS p-.. tn . Conner-colored w"rn Jr Jfc. Jflr w ff WwSxi m RlntL'atarr'h.dlaI 8calP." - primary forma of th dlwaw r,e SyUlUV Price, $5 OOPjr Lalllclmu'a Golden f Cures-Tertiary, MercurlaWThlllu matlam, rains Jn the Bon". JJjVn Head, tack of the Nk. ufr!3 coo-Th?oa-t,B5phIUtIo iKaab. JW I tracted tfordi, S lffnesa oltb ,(.. eradlcatta U diaeaae from H . M Whether catoed r tolUcrtUon cr ol Mercury, icarta th $& healthy. lVlce 9 Ou per '. . -jj. lo nlci.auU Golden & UAote for the I?SS'r?orOeJ IrriUHon drarel, and all LrUJ , Uldliarrangementa. VxlfW .til. . fa "VV.j JtC -' a uipaiHH'ai uuaua lection, toraerert 'a?!0 XTprtc lnftammawrr Cleet, Btriaw tZ KlcW' Golden O'-g for the eaecUr. StfASffr'r and eruptioof . Pf 'f e pifia-Xen and Brain treatoenti U rJjao, da. r. eicm or orero. ri P'rtco 3 OO p.rBtf. Sent Terrwi ftau" " THE RICHABDS DRUB CMf '" FflB5 T vr " iMn8miiSHmMMiM - i jjifa AiA-a vi ..x.Adu ...aAeyaotji.aei-ra. iikJL. JJl&Uk