Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 22, 1891, Image 2

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    -j- uaumm
pi C-" -J- ''!" JLU
asked to oo it. Tho clerk (uracil (o
gCtU, Rtid while doing w niylur
Walked out of tho fitoro. Tho clerk
Rt onco noticed Unit, coincident
ltu hta departure, mie of llif if
Worth $35, had disappeared. Jfe
fesked Blieohy about it, but the
latter denied havlutf It at nil, vlu re
upon the clerk naturally said:
"Well, If you haven't It your
friend must have carried It away
With hliu."
"Arju't y m mistaken about any
pin being gone?"
"NjI In the li'uat. There were
three on the counter when I turned
my back, and now thore aro but
Woll, by jingo I I'll have to we
about it. I'll go out and see if I
can't find my friend, who has not
had time to go very far,"
JJefori any protest could be en
tered Shcehy alBO was gone, and
the clerk had visions of a large
Blzed hole In his December salary.
The matter was reported to the
police headquarter, and word wan
Bent out along tho line to look out
for the men, of whom an uccurute
description was ulven. Tho trains
were watched with no result, mm
on Saturday night Officers tlolsai -pie,
Belcher and Roberts wont dow
to see the passong :rn embark on the
Oregon for California. They were
rewarded by seeing the two m -start
to go on bo-ird. I'liu 011,1:
were arrested and taken to tli
Qukbko, Bid. 2'.'. -The nation "i
Lieutenant-Governor Angers I
dismissing the Mercler governim-n
promhei to wreck the Federu
government at Ottawa nlso. I'
has opened tho mouth of Tartc, now
Mercier'a ally, who created a tr
meudcoua sensation lust night at a
mass meeting called in MercUrV
Intert by disclosing that, In mak
ing hla chargos iu Ottawa relative
to tho Quebec harbor works, accus
lusr. tho boodle inve3tiiation ttu.t
drove Sir Hector Iangeviu und
Thomas McGreovy out of publi.
life, ho was aided and abetted by
Sir Hector's colleague and appar
ent friend, but his rival in tho cab
Inet, Sir A. P. Caron, tho minister
of militia. He claims to be able to
prove that tho Federal government
received 1500,000 with which to
run their elrctionff.
Tokonto, Dec. 22. A Montreal
correspondent of the Toronto Moll
says ho understands it is tho Inten
tion of the Quebec conservative
" leaders to havo Mercler and other
members of tho recent administra
tion arrested, on a charge of de
frauding tho provincial govern
New York, Dec. 22. Itussell
Sage, whom tho bomb thrower,
Norcross, tiled to kill with dyna
mite, has again been threatened In a
similar way, Saturday night a wild
looking man rang tho bell to his
house und for" d hla way by the
woman Lervant, saylug: "I have
to kill Base." Mrs. Sago heard the
man and camo down. Ho told her
ho had wrlltju nlettjr demanding
$2600, and must have It at once or
ho would blow tho houbo up. The
man had -scarcely fild this wheu
Mrs. Sago, fragilo as bIio Is, rushed
forward. She mado one quick daab
at him, caught at his throat, ami,
fastening her Angora Into his neck,
held him for a moment with buoIi a
grip that his palo fuco becamo almost
black. Then she thrust him out of
the door. Tho houso is now guardtd
day and night.
WA8HINCITON, Dee. 22. T ll 0
charge d'ntlalra of tho Russian lega
tion, replying to u letter asking for
information m to the fumluo. in
Russia and us to whether any move
ment for help was necessary, said
tho population from twelvo prov
incesover twonty millions of peo
ple aro starvlug, and that nny
nsslstanco given will bo much ap
preciated, TUB DAV18 WJMj UA8K.
St. Paux, Minn., Dee. .-Negotiations
aro ponding at Uutte,
Montana for tho settlement of the
celebrated Davis will cusu which
It Is stated will never como In trial
j. 1. CASK DKAI).
ItAClNii, Wlf., Dee. 22. Jerome,
I, Case, tho woll known manu
facturer and horo breeder of till,
city, died hero eurly this morning,
tgol 70.
"Tke Hest.'Lw
,'tn. Drown AC).
Both tto umUmkI jwiumulU vrhea
Synp of JFifl it tk ; it i pleasant
MlMfrMMttg to til tti0, ftmlROii
aMtlv jt prowpUy 0 tb Kldneyi,
JAyr tvad BowU, clene tley
tent, Aotully, mtytk cokk, Load
eb ad km ndeurM habitual
aiwlDwUoflnrMsiitlr. Forsalo
ia 6G0 mmI 1 bottb by oil
wmmrigsYMF co.
2K& K? m. LaLnE
Tlio Senate Dispersed With
out Adjourning
Plumb's Successor, Fire Proof
Buildings, Postmasters, Wear
Coats of Mail, A Hurricane, U.
P. R. R, Taxas, Mysterious
Death, Death in a Mine, Killed
by Icicles, Foreign and State
News, Etc.
London, Dee. 1:2. Tho steamship
Abywsiuin, of the Guuinu Hue,
which sailed from Dew York on
tho 13th of December, for Liverpool,
was burned .at sen. She carried
eighteen cibin and thirty-eight
itcerage passengers, and a crow of
eighty mon. All on board were
saved. The Abyssinia which was
valued at $200,000, curried a valua
ble cargo of merchandise, but what
It was worth cannot be ascertained
yet. For the post live yeara the
A.byslynla has been running be
tween Vancouver, B. O. and Hong
ICong us ouo of the Canadian Pnel
dc line steamers, and this was her
first regular trip for tho Guion line
since then.
JOURNMENT. Washington, Dec. 22. The ser
vices yesterday over tho remains ol
Senator Plumb camo to an end at
2:05, and then without any motion
to adjourn or take a recess, und with
out making provision for the hiatus,
which becamo decidedly prominent,
tho senate walked out, leaving thi
quests standing for fully two
minutes.- The president und his
oillclal family, tho supremo court,
and the diplomatic corps walled for
directions, but, as none came, the
distinguished visitors departed.
How tho senate was ever to re
semble when no provision wes
made for the dispersion was too
much for old timers In the galllers.
At. 'J o'clock tho vice-president re
turned to the senate chamber.
Senator Allison had Just preceded
him, and Senator Gibson was at his
desk. "Tho touate will be In
order," said tho vler-presldeut. Tho
two senators arose simultaneously,
und after a minute Allison said, "I
move tho somite adjourn," just as
tho pauso hud becomo painful. "The
senator from Iowa dcei move that
the sonato do now adjourn," Bald
Vlco President Morton. Nobody
suid a word. Words would havo
mado tho sceuo moro ridiculous
than It wus, go tho vlco president de
clared the sonata udjourucd until
12 o'clock today.
San Fuancisco, Dec. 22. From
information gut nod it locks as
though tho reports Bout out from
Washington City, of preparations
of war with Chill, wero true. Ad.
mlral Brown has secured an option
on tho now and powerful tug Fear
less. If purchased by tho govern
ment, sho will bo supplied with two
flvo-lnoh gunK, a secondary battery
of four nix-pounders and four tor
pedo tubea. Sho is swifter thau
auy of tho Chilian torpedo cruisers
und moro powerful. Admiral Brown
also secured options on four of
Spreokles' big Btcamers, tho Zealun
dla, Australia, Mariposa und Ala.
mod j, to bo used for transport
service. Tho Zoalandla can be
ready at ten hours' notice and ull
the others inside of threo wooks.
Admiral Brown received orders
Mouday nud tho cruiser San Fran
cisco will probably sail Wednesday
for Valparaiso.
PIAJMll'S BUCCiasou.
Toi'kica, Kub., Dee. 22. Governor
Humphrey denies the rumor that
ho will resign and havo tho lloutou
ant governor appoint him senator
to succeed Plumb, Iu addition to
thoso mimed last night Ex-Governor
Crawford, Joseph W. Addy, United
States District attorney and Major
Hudson, editor Topeka Capitol, nro
mentioned us candidates for the
vaounoy. Gov. Humphrey says ho
is in no haste to mako the appoint
CiiiOACio, Dee, 22. Iii view of the
recent notion of underwriters hero
iu refusing to Insure the '"tlty
scrapers," all of which are claimed
to bo llreproof, it Is proposed by
George A. Fuller, president of the
George A. Fuller company, to
demonstrate that tho flroproof
buildings aro what they are repre
sented, Ho has probably hud more
to do with tho construction of this
class of structures than auy man In
Ho says that he will place $100,000
In tho Northern trust company'
custody as a guuruntee, and that he
wllleturta 11 ro In one of the furn
ished rooms of nny of tho llreproof
buildings which are now being built,
Urst lllllug tho room with as much
oombuslublo muterlal us in auy
mercantile building of tho mine
area, nud will lot It burn for SO
miuutea without umUlugan attempt
to extinguish It. It will then be
put out without the aid of the city
lire department, and If then has
been any damage Iu the construe
tlonul part of the building, that Is,
(he least supported utrt of the build
lug, he will forfeit lheflCO.000.
This Is on condition (hut tiny one
of tho opposite vltiw put up the
uiue amount, to be forfeited to him
Iu caw bin experiment vuc.'ovds.
The cbslleiiiga U causing coiuldera-
Mo talk among the insurance men)
nod flru depnrtini-ut. 1
Ban FitANflisco, Die. 22 For
tho past week or so a band of Chi
ueae highbinders has been hanging
around Chinatown alleys, evidently
prepared when the time should
come to take a hand in the expected
battles between the local high
binders. They have repeatedly
been stood up by the police and
searched for weapons, but none were
found on them. One of them, how
over, when first searched wore u
coat of mail, but aa then Is no ordi
nance against the wearing of such
armor ho woa allowed to go.
Last night the watch for this
special warrler was kept, anil mi
Stockton street, near Pacific, ho and
a companion were met and taken t.
the city prison. Wong dice, when
searched, had on armor, w blch con
slsta of a close tlttiug jacket ot alee'
links, closely Interwoven to double
thickness and capable of taming
any sized calibre pistol bullet. Ii-
deed, Sergeant Barke states thu:
bis particular suit hi.s been toiled
o resist even a rifle ball.
Of course Chee "no sabed" any
thing as to why he wore the armor,
ts did his fellow prisoner, Wah
Chuck. No weapons could be found
on either prisoner, who could only,
therefore, bo charged with vagrawcy
on general principles.
As a matter of curiosity dice's
armor was placed on the scales at
tho city prison and weighed Just 22
pounds, quite a load for even such a
stalwart highbinder as Chee to puck
Baltimore, Dec. 22. Centrul
station officers wore startled Sunday
afternoon wheu u young man rushed
In oxcltedly and Informed them
there was a dead girl in a cab at th
door. The officers opened the cub
door, and there sitting upright on
the seat was I ho body of a well
dressed young womau, her eyes
closed and her hands clasped in lie:
lap. The young man wa9
Carl Keller, a reporter on a Ger
man newspaper. His dead coinpan
ion was Clara Keller, about 20 years
old. Keller told tho polioo that,
although of tho same name, he ami
tho girl wore not related, but several
persona havo been found who say
that Keller represented the girl to
them ns his sister. He explained to
tho polico that tho girl had been a
servant In tho employ of Henry
Dangeplook, and that sho hud been
very sick. At tho requost of her
employer, he said, ho vus talcing her
to bo married. Dangeplook says
Keller has been boarding at his house
and last Tuesday the young womnu
came to the house and asked for
him. Sho waited and wheu ho came
In they greeted each other uHeetlon
atoly, and ho said sho was his slbter
from Newark. He asked permission
for her to remain. Ho was out nil
night engaged in his duties us re
porter, and she occupied his room
during his absence. In tho daytime,
whilo ho slept, she occupied the
sewing room. Two days ago Kollui
said he -was going to return to his
wifo, who boarded at another place.
He loft, but tho young woman
remained. Last night sho was
taken violently ill. At daylight
Kollor was sent for. He got a cub
and took the girl airay. Tho city
physician held a post-mortem, but
will sav nothing further than they
don't think tho woman committed
suicide. Kollor was held peudlug u
further investigation.
U. P. R. B. TAXES.
Omaha, Dee. 22. The Union
Paclllo this morning obtained a
temporary injunction restraining
tho city of Omaha from collecting
taxes on tho property of the roud.
Tho petition alleges tho property is
already returned for assessment to
tho stuto nudltor ami a collection of
taxes by tho city will bo n double
Wasiiinqton, Doc 22, The seu
ato In executlvo session confirmed
tho nomination of H. B. El kins, sec
retary of war.
WASiHNaTON.Doo. 22. Tho presi
dent today nominated tho following
postmasters for W u-s h 1 n g t o n :
Francis O. Colo, Snohomish; Con-
verso 8. Colo.NewWhatcom; George
W. Olney, South Boud.
WlLKESIlARRK, Ponu., Dee. 22.
Beruard Ready wus killed und Hen
ry Lluuon fatally wounded by a fall
of Icicles hi a shaft In tho Lehigh
valley coal company mluo at Pitts
Waudnkr, Idaho, Dec. 22. An
accldout occurred yesterday in a
largo tunnol of the Lust Chance
Mining company, instantly killing
J. H. Quaokeubuah, foremau, and
Patrlok Qulnd, i laborer, who were
lu tho not or lightning a fue,
Thore wore eleven holes drilled and
charged with powder, aud as the
men were lighting them with a
caudle tho oue lighted first exploded
beforo they had finished, The men
were terribly out up, Iu one cose
tho head was entirely Hovered from
the body nud the hands bio vn oil.
Washington, Dee. 22. Tho see
rotary ofstato has received dliwle'ii s
from the United States cousul at
Laredo, saying that Captain H-irdec,
third cavftlry,ttnd his troops toother
with the United States marsh 1 ere
surrounded near Fort MoIntti,
TexM, a large body of Mexican In
surgents, under Garden It is i..t
kuowu whether the Americans ar
at liberty or prisoners. The matter
wm referred to the war department
and a telegram of luqulry was seut
to Gen. Stanley, commanding the
department of Texas. Reply was
received, saying he ordorcd troops
to tho sceuo of the reported trouble.
Army officials do not attach much
significance to tho consul's telegram.
Portland, Dec 22. Louis Avy,
a Frenchman, was arrested by
OfilcerHlrccbyrsteidoy on u very
serious charge. It is alleged that
he drove his wife to a life -of shame
some vear or so ago and has sine
been living nn tlo profits of her
good lookH He went to Paris about
six mouths ago and only came back
again this morulug aud went
straight to her rooms on E street.
She told him to leave her, but he
replied by throwing her on tho bed
and i hoklng her. Fiuully sho broke
away and ran next door for pro
tection, Avy following her with a
drawn knife. A man in the next
house attempted to lutefere and was
cut iu the bund for his pains.
Ofilcer Hlrsch came In response to
tho blowing of a whistle and took
tho man to Jail. When Mrs. Avy
was going upstairs to mako nut a
complaint, her crazy husband
sprang at her and would huve
struck her had not Detective J3arr
caught liim Just in time. His bail
was plaeed at $500, und unless he
leaves town ho will be prosecuted
for assault with Intent to murder.
Brattle, Dec. 22. Judge Han
foidhuH filed nnopin!on lu theUnited
States district court in the case
of the United States v.-. Lee Hoy,
whleh Is of great Importance to
Chinese, merchants iu this country.
Judge Han ford hold.-, in this ca&e,
that u Cliinamuu ho is a mcrcliair
in this country, permanently domi
ciled bore, nud who is permitted to
return to the United States by col
lector of customs, after a visit ti.
Victoria, B. C, is not liable to bi
arrested and' banished because thi
collector admitted bim with ut pro
.lot tion of a cer.ili ate us to the fac
f bin being n merchant, issued by
be Cliincne government.
The court ho ds thnt tho decision
of a collector of customs as to the
rifjht of u Chinese merchant to be
admitted to the country will not be
re-examined by the courts for the
moro purpose of determining
whether tho action was based upon
good evidence; and that a Chinaman
who is in fuct entitled to be in this
country and who has gatuod admit
tanc eannot bo sent out for reason
that the law requires a judicial de
termination to the contrary before a
warrant can be issued for the de
portation of a Chinese person. That
Is, it must bendjuiked that he Is not
ono eutithd by law to remain iu the
Toi'EKA, Dee. 22.- The list of
probable successors to the luto fc-ena-tor
Plumb is increasing rapidly. Tho
candidates most prominently men
tioned are Chief Jusilco Hortou, ex
Cougressineu Merrill und Peters,
George It. Peckard, Gov. Osborn,
Benj. Simpson aud George T. An
ibony. Justice Horn ton Ins stated,
however, that under no circum
stances will ho accept the positiou.
It is believed that personal difter-
encea between Governor Humphrey
and ex-Senator lugalls will prevent
tho consideration of tho lutter's
uuhie. There bus been some talk of
Governor Humphrey resigning,
making Lieutenant Governor Felt
governor, aud the latter appointing
Humphrey seuator. Nelther.of tho
gentlemen would talk on tho sub
San Francisco, Dee. 22. Tho
steamer Corona arrived from San
Diego and wuyporta yesterday.
J. O. Bailey, a cabin passenger
on the vessel, wus washed over
board and drowned by a wave
which struck tho vessel while
crossing tho bar. James Carter,
one of tho steamer's waiters, is nlso
missing, and is believed to have
been drowued at tho same time.
All the stateroom doors opening on
deck wero closed beforo tho steamer
reached tho bar, butsomo twenty
passengers wero on deok. All of
tin so wore drenched und several
hud narrow escapes. All the state.
rooms wero Hooded. Two ladles
who hud opened the doors after they
had beon closed wero bodllv lifted
up and carried out on dock. Nearly
an mo passengers wero more or
less drenched. Captain Hull, of
tho Coroua, stated that the trip
from Suu Diego was the worst he
had over oxporleneod,
Dew'itt, Ark., Dee, 22. Yestor.
day morning a body or masked
men entered the jail lu this place
and shot to death J. A. Smith,
Floyd Gregary aud Mose Header
son, Tho crlmo for which the men
paid the pouully originated iu di
vorco proceedings by Mrs. Alary J.
Smith against her husband, J. A.
Smith. The suit was (ought vigor
ously by both parties, but Mrs.
Smith was granted n divorce nud
given u decree for oue-thlrd or her
husbaud's property. On tho night
of tho Oh Inst., the negro, Mose
Henderson, went to tho house or
Mrs. Smith nud shut and berlously
wounded her. The uogro was rec
ognized and captured nud mude a
oonresalou, stating that he was to
receive f75, eighty acres or laud,
four head of cattle nud n horse for
committing the crime. Smith and
Gregary, hla son-in-law, were ar
retted. It waa reported that Smith
aud Gregary would give boud aud
be released, This report It ia thought
caused the killing. Twelve or thir
teen shots were fired Into the prla
oiiers, all of whom wero instantly
killed. There was no exclteiueut
over the matter, and business Is go
ing on as if nothing unusual had
Mendocino, Cal., Dec. 22. Tho
steamer West Const, which arrived
here from San Francisco ou Decem
ber 10th and waa loaded with rail
road ties', waa capsized oil Point
Arena yesterday and nine of her
crew were drowned. Thu captain
and three of the crew wero baved.
Mahsiialltown, In., Dec. 22. A
Htoin, having all ibo elements of u
summer hurrlvuie, niruck ihliwe
tion shortly before 9 last nlglu,
causing muoli duniagc. The hnu-c
of Andrew Olson, of this city, wa.-,
blown down and burned. Oleen
was caught hi the wreck, and was
so badly crushed that he will die.
Many barns and buildings were
demolished, and trees uprooted.
London, Dec. 22. Intensely cold
weather prevails throughout Eng
land, causing more or less distress
San Francisco, Dec. 22. Wheat
buyer 1591. Jl.fcOJ.
Chicago, Dee. 22. At close wheat
wan linn; caub, Dec. .90J; Jan.
.90J; May .901 J.
Portland, Dec. 22. Wheat val
ley $1.02 ; Wulla Walla $1.65
$100 Ilewanl. $100.
The readers of the Capital
Journal will be pleased to learn
that there is at least ono dreaded
disease that science has been able to
cure iu all its stages, and tbat is
cataarh. Hall's Catuarh Cure is the
only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catuarh be
ing a constitutional disease, requires
a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Cataarh Cure is taken Internally,
acting directly upou the blood and
mucous surYaees of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the consti
tution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have so
tnucli fuith iu its curative powers
that they offer One hundred Dollars
for auy case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Ad
dress F. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists. 75 cents.
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass.. Wall Pa
per and Itordur, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc,
Conservatory of Music.
V superior advantages to students of
inuxio, five icacnors. Latest inethoas.
Vccal and Instrumental music taught to
the highest proficiency. No use going east
lo study music. Expenses moderate.
Diplomas givpn on completion of course.
Noxt term begins I'tb. I.18U2.
Musical Director.
Steamer Elwood.
Leaving time at Dolse's wharf, Sulein,
and Kellogg dock, Taylor Street Pertland:
Monday, 0 a.m. Tuesday, Ua. m.
Wednesday, " Thursday, "
Fndaj, Saturday, "
AL. HEKUEN, Agent,
OOlce Suite btreet and at Wharf.
City Warrants.
NOTICE is hereby given that thoro are
sulllcleut funds on hand In the treas
ury ot the city of Malem, Oregon, to pay all
warrants of the city of Salem, "endorsed"
by the treasurer before the 23d day of Feb
ruary, IbUl; and Interest will ceasoon said
wariantsfrom tho date of this notice,
baleni, Dec. 17, lbUl.
12 10 Ct Treasurer of City of halem
Wednesday Eye., Dec. 30lh,
Allsa Halllo IVirrlsh. Oregon's favorlle
Prima Dounu.
Miss Geuevlovo Hughes, Bolo Pianist,
assisted in readings and conoerted pleceB
by Mn. Wm Hug. und, Airs. Unas. Ilelley,
MbsBtrattou, AlTss Htelncr, Miss Harris!
Miss Adams, Miss Lulu Smith, MIssAdalr,
Mlsi Chandler, Miss atafcr Miss South'
wick, Mrs. 8. itozorth, Mrs W. II. llairley.
Mr. Scott Hozorth.Mr. W. II. llaeley, Prof.
I'nrvln and others.
'Iho above named talent Insures tho
grandest musical entertulnment let the
Admission, 60 ceuts, gallery, Ti cents.
Keterved heats nt Dearborn's without
oxtra charge.
Korfint-clnsd hand madeibrlck anditile.
goto '
l-nrco supply on hand. Near fair
ground, Sjlcm, 728
MRS. J. E. RATES, Propr.,
Post Olllco Block.
Home cooking ami clean food all
the time.
To Architects.
Will brld lot hoarchllect whose
man forreiiiodMiiu- iiii)r...
a ball In the Cunliol ut Kalm t,rn,
dy oouo deiecU, nball bo aroeplett bv
comtutuloaen. An Itemlied cvtlmata of I
the coatot the oronotd ltn.t!.n .... '
igbt to nfject 1
Ble4 Pinna ' 1
A. Til Tiia. 1
kd v or all nlana 11 1 rserveil
will le rtxolvrd up u 10 o'clock
day, January 6. lsW. at theex-viiilvBomce. ' 1
BMiew.ur. i uvntiMi rKNNOVEll, t
Wac. A. Uvmt. Hoard of CominUiloniitj. '
Clerk; ollwaid. Uidi
(Founded In 1808.)
Laid Bii, Backers
Tranfnct Ranking Hnlnes In alt de-
Han montntnry connections Will
bunks In OrOL'on, Washington, Idnho and
Moumnn.aud corrspori0ntn In all tan
prlnclnil townn of Mow Btle. Collec
tions mado throughout the I'nclDo anil
luwtcrn Btatcs and ilrlilsb America.
JirnnsorKHslcrn banks taken at. !r.
Kvery laelllty ntlbrded cubIoiiidih, ro ;t-l"t-ent
with conncrvnllvo banking We have
a Inrge lire proof vmi I. with Hinplu room
for tlie keeping ol tafi ty lioxc. nud Me
most secure nurglir l'roor vn't t In tho
Norlli West. Vi Sliiinw
On. J. UEVNoLDS Vice 1'rcslduut.
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Transact n general banking business
in all Its branches.
Wm. ENGLAND Vice 1'resldcnl
I1UUH McNAHV Casblei
DIHECTOIIS: Geo. WUllnnm.Wm. Eug
laud,i)r. J. A. Hlchartlson, J. W. Jlob'-ou.
J. A. llakcr.
Jlank in new Ezchango block on Com
mercial street. 8:12-tf
Paper Hanger.
ijcavoorder nt. Globe Real Estate Exchange
Proposals for Sii
(IE board of trustees ot the Oregon
tnte Insuue Asylum hereby invite
btuieu proposals lor lurnisning ut tue asy
lum, near Palem, Oregon, the following
supplies tor the six months ending July 1,
1000 yds Amoskcag mariners stripes blue
nun wnue.
.'!00 yds Lonisdalo bleach sheeting, SO inch.
500 yds Feqwot A sheeting, 3'l Inch.
6C3 yds American shirting prints light col
ors, assorted.
800 yds century cloth, dark colors, assorted
100 yds continental check, flannel, black
and white.
200 yds -ed and blue check glars crash, 10
inch wide.
800 yds bleached linen and French crash,
18 inch wide.
200yds AmoskeHg blue denim's 9 oz.
COH yds Marseilles York Mtg Co checks.
2d0 yds Amoskeug A O A ticking, SO inch
100 yds Naumkf ag corset Jeans dark drab.
Odoz medium size thimbles, closed ends.
10' No HO white thread, Clark's mile end.
6 ' IB '
io ra black . .
15 cross nearl dress buttons linn 'M
1 M each No. 2. 3, 4. 5 and 0 Mllwards
tbs Lpl salt,
' cheese, Cranston's or as good.
1 cracked wheat, lresh ground, bhls.
' coarse hominy ' '
' oat meal '
rolled oats, American
f1lfrt .'lirruntk. Fnmli .vvA. n,nl
.....,. ...... (.u, .no... riwu biw;j&.
iMiuAiiii urana earn soau.
' choice island rlco.
' cieam tartar, J. A. Folger's
p nine, ur us goou.
' gloss starch, Oswego
10 gross matches, tuperlor Safety.
25 doz brooms.
20 doz cans oysters, A. Fields or as good.
25 doz concentrated lye, American.
i5 doz cans corn, Wlnslow,
100 lbs tapioca.
&0 gal coal oil, Pearl in tanks.
2 duz bath bricks,
1 doz clothes baskets, willow, large size,
square cud.
200 gal niolusses, New Orleans, genuine
12 dnz palls (galv iron No. 20 plate, round
euru Hiurcu, uswego.
lbs black pepper, ground.
' ginger, ground.
' cinnamon
' mustard
' mace '
' sage
10 doz glass tumblers.
2 syrup pitchers.
20 quart soup bewls, W. G.
20 teacupB.
600 bbls more or less, best roller proce&s,
delivered as wanted.
2500 pounds Kirk's Havon or as good.
0 boxes Ivory snap. 100 cakes each.
10 lbs shaving boap (Palmer's baiber or
as good),
1000 lbs uneoloredJapan, Eclipse or as good.
2V lbs Costa Itica, first grade.
(S0j ' chicory. .
2U0 govt Java, '
100 ' real Mocha, '
1000 lbs Itapldan, or as good.
600 lbs per day more or less of beef and
mutton as required In equal parts ot
foreaud hind quarters.
6 side hole, Stockton, 25 to 27 per side, oxtra
1 calf bkln, good stock.
12 doz Payson'g indelible Ink.
3 nt Stanford's premium fluid.
j ' copying
J coranieicUIInk.
0 reams letter paper, Wedgewood half
sheet, or as good.
Brtjs JSbtffS0"" Dloa's nVuu No
WOO Jba drleil apples, goed
quality, sun
"IVU, ,11 UVI1,
1000 lbs dried pruuea, gooa quality, jn sacks
Joz.acldum nienlosum.
Olba curbollcmii, ciysU
1 ' ' boraclcuiu,
a amnion binmlrtum
. ..' aa.conc.
5 bUmuthl sub nltras, Squibb,'
agrosa bottle, a Uram. """"
; a ox,
1 Bo.
oni ."PjmHU, assorted.
3 lbs chloroformum, SqulbU'.
a collodloa. "WwlHtHtt.
1 4 11
a nuii uy riue.
2 B4 Fl ext iatit.!,!!. ...
bm text Karparyiacomi,WTethIlro
a itMsn rar,IJ.O.A2o,
I isSifiH. . . '
J Koaf?irt . '
otuuabja Ind.
Unglberls '
lininl. JL.iu
1 itUnllL'J"'
a ; ; ; uuchaT'""'
' ' cnoutM
8 jral. gljwrlue,
Fan cy Rooters
Solid comfort in every one.
l i nm & sis.
The Oregon Land Co,
The Beautiful Capital Cfty of Oregon, and County Seat of
.Marion County.
Is engaged in selling farming, stock and fruit
lands in the Willamette Valley. If you are looking for
land do not fail to call on us at Salem or our agent in Port
land. The Willamette Valley is very far ahead of any
other place on the Pacific Coast as a farming, stock and
fruit country, and i the most delightful place in the World
for a home.
Office in Gray Block, Cor. State and Libertv Sts., Salem Or.
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing Company
Office with the Oregon Land Co., Gray Block, corner
State and Liberty streets, Salem, Oregon; is engaged in
setting out and cultivating Orchards.
1 glass graduate, gal.
100 hypodermlp tablets, npo morphia, M0
irr.. Wveth Hro.
10?. hypodermic tablets, pllocarbinae mur,
100 ' dlgltateni, floo gr
W. .St Ilro.
100 hypodermic tablets, physos sallcyl 1-10
1 lb llquorls potass arsen.
oz. morphlie sulphas.
1 doz medicine glasses, oz, English lines.
1 lbs pepsin pure, Kairchlld's.
100 ' paraflne.
1 ' pulf doverl.
1 ' ' acaciae.
80 ' potassii bromidum,
1 ' ' cbloras.
5 ' nttrns, powd.
1 ' citras.
1 ' iodldum.
50 oz quinine sulpbas, P. &. W.
2 ' oleum cinnamon).
i lb ' caryophylll.
2 gal ' riclui.
4 doz strengthening plasters H. &J.
4 doz poious plasters, Allcock's,
10 lbs shaving soap, Williams'.
1 ' ungentum simplex.
1 ' ' citrluum.
.1 ' batillcum,
10 yasaline. XX refined.
3 ' sponges, large carriage.
1 mortar wedgewood, gal.
5 lbs sodll bicorbonup.
6 boras pulv.
2 bbls carboras.
2 lbs bromidum.
400 feet H round iron, common.
IU Ytt
f .
60 tratlxM
60 ' lit?
keg orNo 6 toro shoes, light Burden's
lu lb.-, No 7 Putnam shoe nails.
IS ' ' SSweet's American steel too calks.
1,J ' 4 ' 14,
1 No 3 solid cast steel machinists ball pein
hammer, octagon, 1 lb 12 oz.
1 10 Inch horse rasp, Heller's.
I doz 13 Inch round flies, bastard.
' ' 2nd cut.
' flat bastard files.
. 1
K round
. 1 1
' 2nd cut.
flat mill, 2nd cut.
knife bastard.
' second cut.
reeular tannr fllpa olnalA .ni
3V ' slim taper flies, double cut. '
6 ' Klnolnxnt
1? foot sleel sounre lRhlnrln n: im c.in
brand. '
1 No U level 21 inch best quality gray iron
steel bars.
1 No I Acme cutting nippers, inter
changabele Jaws,
!5 J iIV., 4"ch screws, 28 inch over all.
2 No 7 Dlstin's hand saws, 24 inches.
2 Set NO 4 CUttei-R fOrK1nh Anmanlnn.o
00 Dis No 20 gal sheet Iron 30x03, best brand
500 22 ' ' SOxWI, '
500 ' best blacksmiths' coal.
10 Albany compound No 2
5 kegs of 8 penny cut nails.
2 ' 20 '
1 4
300 feet xy angle steel-
M doz 1 inch tees.
1 1 '
Unions flange
stone union
1 ' H ' '
1 ! .ng8, 1 Inch lo inch
(3 . - ' B4M1' "u wusie
A ii ' ' '
I Inch Fuller bibs, finished
1 J .
IcJbms"10 K nnd Ji rubber plugs for Ful-
00 Itet I inoU gal wrought iron pipe
100 M
100 1 black .
100 '
lne2muglnCU BC0,Ch EUUg g,aMes' 18
ln&eSloV11011 8CtCh Ea"Se jIaS8e, "
1 Star glass gauge cutter.
Sample may be een at the office of the
v.,uu, uwen, nuu gooaa must be in
accordance therewith anj rous. come In
original packagrs when Doeslbln.
-n,J,5!f?ffl.5?e,va " riut t J
lollverv of sunnllca irlll h .ni,ini
' witlitu ten days' uollco of arteptauce of
w.. .,vuH . ,uii uui'nismeui mnsv
accompany each bid, and the name f the
' oUuj of supplltH must be wrllfn on the
envelope containlm? hlrt. v..h i.ih ...u.
luoiuaowiinetlemaol the clan hid upon
"' ruust give Hem and totala In full.
wlthMceptlonof meat and flour. Audit
"Klwre iwuniwtea fnim ctallrm.
iDU0CJU,t ' Purchoww when tne ad.
Vrrllsemtnt does not contain m. fnll m
wmplete deacrlpllan of the articles to b
. lMirohas?d. r
Bids 111 be openMl at 2 o'clock p. m., on
OIi. W. MtBUli.E,
puii axtrrot-uAN,
Wk. A. MVM.Y, nk f Board,
25c Want Column.
Notices inserted for ONE CENT PEK
tisement Inserted in this column for lesj
than tweuty-flvo cents.
LOST. Two deeds and tax recelptsln
name, enclosed in envelope. Ret
toJouiiNAr,ofllce. UATTIE WAD
12 19 3t
TTIOR KENT -Now house In North
JD Salem. Apply to E. Holer, North
Salem, or at Jouhnal ofllce,
A rmckiicrnof hninrondc. hplwppn
Leave at mis. Prank Cooper's store. 1187 tf
JUL mission Mrcui anu ieuirs siore.
1 . ..." -- . -"vrv "" t. .7 . " :::-
aY) KENT. A house of five rooms, en
. quire of T, Vauderllan. Wlnterstreet
north of Union.
n-28 a
rpO EXCHANGE. Ten acres within tin
J. city limits of Yankton, S. D.,for ptf
orty in or
Salem, Or.
neur Bulem. W.
C. Dili
11 as-si'
SPECIAIi BARGAIN. A bargain is of
fered in the I N Gilbert property cor
ner Marlon and Front streets. Call on J.
C. Booth, room 13, over Ijidd i Bubhbank.
11 21 lw
I7IOUND. A new leather clipper. Owner
Jj can have same by proving property
nd paying for this notice.
TO RENT. House of nine rooms. Stable
attached with city water; Highland
Enoiilra RliK Cottuce street.
Mcots every Hnturday evening at
o'clock, In tne hall over tho Htate Idpo.
ranee building. Meetings are open to u
public. Rev. Robert Wbitaker.Pres. I r.
W. A. Cuslck, Vice President. W8tl
"Ttie State."
Assets Over 350,000 Dollars.
nun. At. rkklek. City Agent,
And sp
iccial agentfor Marion county. Ol
n 1 ne company.
r J" A & JJS
VfSJ' C 1
A X ,W r
Balem, Oregon. W. I. Btaley, President
A. P, Armstrong, Manager.
Business, Short liaiul,
Typewriting, I'eunmanshlp, Epgll0
Uepartments. students ttdmlttea
at any time. Catalogue free.
u t. r.tr a Tiicr, Tikj n M. SMITH,
rresldeht. .ff
Vleel'resideut. Treasurer.
375 Commercial Btreet,
Makes the neatest and best Abstracts in
the country.
and Grapes.
Twenty varletiesofeachforaale. Manna
of culture and descriptive "',11 laM
Plants of either of these. tet ?fj-0a,p.
fruits, snltable for this c lmate,ent on l
plication to Ii HUr-Kti, Nuru.,"-
Auk for Hurst's
OrTvhole Wheat Flour, hjrig'f1
und M?Bt tastlnB bread. AW""
Famous Pure Aurora Hues
wbeut Flour.
-Uorpbt WB2ri2rlSt
AIho oar pur rye W;"- A'JuiotA
for Uie;uooiU and take no ul -,