ll!4JlLm IUIIIIIXJ ',' l'fn-" EVENING- CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOij 4 itr rna people's papek SALEM, OTtECION, ITKIDAY, DECEUJER IS. 1891. "TO-DAY'S OTWS TO-DAY." KO. 243. The Golden Opportunity, THE CtfrM JODBKAL HOfER BROTHERS. - - Editors. HOW DO THESE PRICES SUIT YOU? At RATION'S State Street Book Store, i Until January 1st oi until slock is exhausted, the following works will be furnished at price annexed. ..TOT7T-VPQ WrVRTCS 19. Vnln ftU fn WASHINGTON IRVING 8 Vols 8.00 FERDINAND AND ISABELLA 2 Vols 2.00 rOOPTCK'S SEA TALES 5 Vols 4.00 jNIGTITLY'S HISTORY ENGLAND 2 Vols . 1.50 COOPER'S LEATHER STOCKINGS 5 Vols. $ 3.50 CARLYLE'S WORKS 11 Vols 10,00 DICKEN'S WORKS, Cloth, 5 Vols 7.00 DICKEN'S J? Leather, Library, 15 Vols 17.00 M'CARTHY""HISTORY of qurown times cloth, library RISTMAS IS COMING!- n vnn want to make it n season of "ermine mirth, iollity, satisfaction and surprise? If you do,go to tho RACKET U" j - " .... STORE and look over their stock of NEW HOLIDAY GOODS which they have been getting in during the past - .. - m A . I t T 1 II Jit "T"l I tWo weeks. We have an IMMENSE line of Dolls, Toys ot every descripiton, btory .books, scrap Aioums, jrnoto graph Albums, Toilet Sets, Games, Silk Handerchiefs and everything else that it takes to make the old as well as the young happy. And they aro SELLING at PRICES lower than ever before. While looking over the Holiday Stock it is well to remember that they have a full line of Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Underware etc. etc. Which it will pay you to look at before buying, OUUSUKDDAIljY.EXCHrraUNl) VY. BY THE Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated. Office, Commercial Street, in I. O.Buliain Altered at the postotllce at 8iUem,Ur.,J stcvntl-clntfc noun. porltiuce to Uio city. It is to be hoped It may soon bo out of court and In good shape. 161 Commerci alstrGe, E.F.OSBURN, GOING OUT OF BUSINESS ' j THE ENTIRE STOCK .. . . MUST - BE - SOLJJ- By January 1st, 1892, v . - i - Coning of the t , ,id W ,Hnc of OTOBBmB, MOULDINOS, FaA Baby Carriage; Christmas Card,, Station Notion,, Flags, Albums, Toilet Cases, Toy Futtituro, Tops and 1 Fancv Goods ever caned in Salem, WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST ! i A. KLEIN. RELIABLE SHOES. SALE M. 307 Corn! St., Salem. Churchill Sash, Door &. Manufacturing Co. Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Taming & Scroll Sawing. . ... .. . limine Fluiamng ruaue to oroor. , New DOT KILN, bywblehwecanotwnJ-HkeepaniHsuppJy oned stock of all kinds Agrlcultutul Works. Corner of Trade and Hlen siroeU, Salem, Oregon. LET U8 IK PRACTICAL. Politics is tho unsatisfactory busi ness in the world. It is a compound ot theorizing and seltishness. The theorist grasps after ideals; the selll-m politician eau see no further than his pocket and works for Hint. The public welfare must put up too often with a ttompromls between follies and greed. Tho people must learn to reach more directly for re sults, to demand certain results at a given, time and inako that multn deli nit e political issue. TitK Jouunal lias tried to Indi cate the special needs of this con gressional district as belli- summed up not alono in a representative who should ko in for blc apuronria- tlons but ouo who should concen trate his energies especially upon tho work of opening our prluclpal rivers. Wo have attempted to snow that Congressman Hermann has not done as much to open tho Willa mette river as ho has to open Coos Bay, nud yet tho commerce of tho Willamette valley is a thousand times as great as that of Coos Hay. Not but that Coos Bay harbor should bo improved by tho government, but that two millions for Coos Biy and no special effort for tho great Willamette valloy is an Injustice to this valley. Tho whole- thing lies in a nutshell of selfishness, to boom Coos Bay real estato with a big gov ernment appropriation at tho neg lect of other parts of tho state. We believe at tho coming election is tho timo to secure an open river congressman. Wo believe Mr, Her mann. If ho is ro-uominated and re elected, will bo a moro useful con gressman and will come more nearly to doluK his duty by this great valley and its majestic waterway If tho Issue of opening the river Is forced plainly upon his attention in a practical ruauner. i;UI UISFOHM. 'Ihere 1 novd In Oregon of a great roul reform. Governor Hill of New York has recommended tabuing of millions of bonds to build roads within that state. Other states are as b.ui oil' as Oregon. A fow thiugH aro certain here. Tho roads aro bad and expensive. Tho supervisor should not bo allowed to collect taxes and then go to work with a plow and summer-fallow tho road?. To plow up a ro.id bed that has been used twenty years is a suicidal imllov of road work. All the tax money for roads should bo expended In some uniform plan adopted by tho county court. Every man should not be allowed to work tho roads as ho pleases, when ho plea&ca or where ho pleases. At present roads are an embargo upon town ami country prosperity. Thoy will hardly penult farmers to j'o town to get mall, nay nothing of marketing his products, or taking advantage of good prices. Bad roads are tho biggest tax. Highest ofallin Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. Dv! mk ins fcwder ABSOLUTELY PURE bUUGlWTKI) (lOMMKNT. Tho New York World thinks a western mau could cut tho Uordlan knot of Democratic success in 181)2. For tho first tlmo lu his political career Wui. McKlnloy, Jr., seems to be cornered not by his opponents, however, but by puoumoulu. Ouo-ceut postage, 8 cont tele phones and 10-cent telegrams nro Wannamaketlemu that tho coplo uppieclato almost as much as free sugar. Tho .Republican party needs wise leadership and a good platform ot principles, (moro thau party mach inery,) to bring It dear to tho people and Insure Its vlotory iu 180i!. Sasli and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon, The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used MAGIC UN mrc BftT T OIS CHURCHILL & BURROUHGS. Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Stoves Blacked, Repaired and bet up. ,. i- ,! inn DhamAkfltn StG Estimates on all work in eur line. IOO Ohameketa Stroot, HOLIDAY GOODS! NOVELTIES. BROOKS & HARRiTT, 94 State Street. T( BOLLS ruse GOODS if The Best" "The Best" BOOTS AND SHOES. Wm. Brown &Co 231 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. "The Best." "The Best." DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Bell and deliver woou, hay, coal and lumber. Of- flnn KtntA fit. nnnnal ta Hn- lem Iron works. Drays and trucks may bo foundjthroughout the day at trie corner oi oiam uuu wmuunuw "- Salem Track 4 Dray I). F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. H. rtHMna, uwen, ifimm SALEM IKUN WUKJv5, SALEM. - - , .. UonnrnrturM BTEAM ENOINKH. Mill UUII1M, wuier iium uue.uui., ,-" Pnrifler and UeeU. Farm maclilnery inadt und repaired. THE LADIES' SHOES sold by C. G, Given are manu factured by his brother, l. n. uiven, ai uyun, iixua.,uiiu ,,4-wi in more rpsnofit. None but the best coods kept in stock. Dongola Goodyear welt ladies shoo for 2.75. J UT. JT w JJ. - TUB ItAlbltOAD COMMISSIONERS. The railroad commlsslonere aro an expensive luxury, nnd, If of any use In tho world wo fall to under stand what It Is. It scorns hard, indeed, to them to think of walking over; the track, but that Is about tho only way In which It could bo examined. Kouen lies, aeieeiive bridges and unsafe trestles cannot bo Avnmlnml frmn thn nlntform of a Pullman car. but fortunately tho salary can bourawn from that stand. point. uoou mver uiacier. Glaclere are slow moving bodies and require to travorso tho spaco a snail would ordinarily cover lu a week. The Hood River Glacier Is true to Us name. If the Glaclerhas been to Portland and back since August last ho would find that ho had saved fifteen couta ou tho round trip all on account of tho railroad commissioners cuttlncoutfalse mile age ou the U. P., which tho com pany had always charged tho peo ple on that line. If 10,000 people go Into nud out of Portland ou that lluo annually, this would bo a saving or $16,000 to tuo people. Rut tho Qlacler, probably, Is excusable ror tuis overeigni, as neonlo who enjoy free tansporta- tlous would not have their memory Jogged In this way. It Is true that the commission are censurauio ior maklnir Insnectlous as cuctts of the company. It looks bad but, It Is not true that they fall to make prop er Inspections, The renorls of rotten bridge aud tie, specifying as Hiey do each mructuro and timber condemned, show a thorough work. The activ ity in repairs displayed along all tho lines of railways In Oregon slnco these ofllcera' havo Inspected aud condemned structures over the state shows that tho work Is productive of great good, and is a safeguard which tho public cannot dlspenso with. Krancla Murphy saya tho Tacoma ministerial alliance refused to havo him come to that city becauso ho will not declare for constitutional prohibition and Bahhath law. Tho wholo proposition of taking up a collection to euablo Oregon to bo represented at tho world's fair Is n mistake. Our lntorost In that event cannot bo properly como at on a pass-the-hat baiils. a Oreiron must havo lower local freight rates if sho would dovelop manufactures and Internal com merce. The manufacturers and obbcrs of tho state should orgailizo to help secure that end. Hon, James Lotau lias returned from a tlireo weeks' visit lu Califor nia. Hols looking In perfect health. Ho does not intend to call tho Re publican state central committee together until after tho Democrats meet Jan. 8. In various parts of tho state iron oro of excellent quality Is found in paying quantities. Tho McMlun- vlllo Telophoue-Register says that In tho olllco of C. W. Talmago of that city can bo seen n Bamplo of iron ore picked up on tho red hills north of Lafayette. It la as good a grade f-oro as tho Oswego wdrks aro now making Into commercial iron. All that is needed la a llttlo enterprise and Yamhill county can bo tho center of Iho Iron und coal production of tho Northwest coast. $100 Howard. $100. Tho readers of tho Capital JouhnaIj will ho pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been nblo to euro lu nil lta stages, nud that is nnfniirlt TTiiIWq Pntnnrli Pitrn Im Iho only positive euro now known to tnu meuicai iraternuy. vaiaarn ue Ing a constitutional dlscaso, requires a constitutional treatment. Hnll's Uatauru uuro is laiten nuernauy. aciiug turecuy ujhju uio iuuuu nun mucoim surfaced of tho system, flmntliv iltutmvliiir thn foiindntlon of the disease, nnd giving tho patient sireugiu uy milium up uu uuudm tution aud assisting nature in doing Its work. Tho proprietors havo bo much faith In lta ouratlvo powora that they offer Ouo hundred Dollars for tiny case that It falls to euro. Bnml i'nr Huh rT traHmniitnlu. All. dre P. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. oom uy uruKiBia. iu muio. The BrownsvIIlo Times says the recent storm In that vlctulty was attended by a high wind, and that In many places It prostrated largo trees, and moved outbuildings from their foundations. At tho farm of Mrs. A. J. Warrou, cast of towu, tho barn, a largo building 100 feet long, was blown down aud liny tons of hay scattered. In tho same locality the saw mill building was destroyed, aud also a cattlo stock ade, Au lmmeuso amount of rain has fallen, swelling tho streams ami raising tho water lu tho Caltpoola river to Bitch a stage that tho rail road brldgo was washed away. Uopolesft, Yet Saved, tfrnm n letter written hv Mrs. Ada 13. Kurd of Greton. 8. D.s "Was taken with a bad cold, wiiicn semen nn mv Itinera, onuirh But in and four doctors gave mo up, I gave myself up, determined 1 could not stay. My husband was ndvlsod to gut Kiug'u Discovery for Consumption, coughs nud colds; took eight bettles: It has cured me and I am now well and heurty." Trial bottle frco at TELEGRMC D1SPATCDES Associated Press Report and Digests of all Iraportant News ot To-Day. MISCELLANY. BREWSTER & WHITE. Flour, Feed, Hay, Straw and Barley Loop. LOWEST PKIOES AND FREE DELIVEYK 91 COURT STREET. The Astorlan comments on tho recent defeat of the Republican city ticket and BayB thoroaro not enough Republicans In that city to ruako two parties. That is about tho way it is iu Safcnt and tho rest of tho United States for that matter. D. B. K. UulcK. of the Roseburg Plalndealer, is lo ho uppoluU-d to succeed Warren 8. Frultt oh register of Lakevlow land ofllce. Mr. Ruick Is an Oregon pioneer, an ng irrewfl vo editorial writer and a mem ber of tho stnto board of agriculture, Tjik Jouiinaii takes no ollenso at tho compliments (?) showered upon It at times In tho columns of The Oregonlan and a fow other naners. It will never bo deterred from vigorous discussion of nny and all questions of public or political policy from tho people's standpoint, and if Individuals or newspapers for tho tlmo being stand beforo the nubile as the embodiment of such questionable or erroneous policy The JouiWAfc will go siraignt tn the root of tho matter. Fry's drugstore, 1225 Commercial St. Regular slzo 60u and (1.00. The UukorCity Rovelllo has tho following to say concerning the lata actions of M. S. Hollmau, who, ouly a few weeks ago, took ins uopurturo mm Grant county for parts un un keown: "At tho recent term of circuit court held In Canyon City, D. I. Asburv. editor of tho News. rocovered damagoa for $20,000 against u villain by tho namo of M. 8. Uollmun for invading tho sanctity of tho plalntlfl'H home. Hanging Is too good for a man like iiciimnn. Kuiieimy. Tills is what ouo ought to havo to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for It dally. Thousands rOSKDASA itonix. Londoh, Dec. 18. Tho ruling toplont a 6 o'olook tea In West End yesterday nftcrnooH, was tho scene that took placo Wednesday at tho studio of of JoullngRowe, the artist. Bandol, the strong man, who Is of an unusually handsome figure, posed w a uudo model beforo a largo wwiy or ladles for at least au hour and a quarter. Tho occasion of his ap- pearanco was a leoture ou anatomy delivered by Mrs. JoplltiR Rowe to her fellow-artists, nnd illustrated by Bandol. News having got abroad of this attractive tableau, there was a great rush of Mrs. Jopllng Howe's friends, and tho studio was crowded by people KNciiiiBu iiAiioit question. T.nNnoN. Dee. 18. A deputation of nirrlcultural laborers havu waited ipou Joseph Chamberlain, in ooti- uoQtlon with his BChemes proposed for bettoring thulrcoudltlou. Cham horlain tuaurred tho depututlon the goverdmont was moro willing than Was tho opposition to adopt legisla tion looking to tho amelioration of tho coudltlon of tho agricultural laborora throughout tho country. Chamberlain ulso said the dwellings of laborers would bo Improved, add ing that tha government proposed at tho comlug session of parliament to authorize loans for that purpose It would aUx introduce a measure to allow laborers to acquire small holdiuga aud to assist thorn In pro curing laud. WIMi NOT KRSOHT TO ARMS. Sofia. Dee. IS. The Freweli min ister of foreign allalrs, after tlrt hrenkiug oil or diplomatic relatlow between Franco and Bulgaria grow ing out of tho expulsion or Cbo doulne, a correspondent of tlio ngouoy of Ravas, from Bulgaria, Instructed tho French consuls iu this country to eloao their consulates and to withdraw. It Is not believed Franco will resort to arms to enforce her demand thai tho decree of ex- nulnlon (hi withdrawn, yet, never theless, thp Bulgarian minister of ilnanco Is going to Vienna to ucgo ttuto a loun for tho purpose of strengthening tho army. Already troops havo been hurried to itouts Minute nnd PhllinonoilM. and the garrisons at these places aro now twice their usual size. Barr HI Petal u ) Plumbers and Tinners, j.gy'f SISVS&S ud"luSC.0rg Fur-nUhe. SNOW THE YEAR ROUND . At 100 Chemeketa Street, House - and - Sign - Painting. nrSru PIANOS, ORGANS, -AND- 3U81CJX MERCJIAXDIBl!,- P, H. EAST0N & CO., 310 Commercial St., Salem. Mulo furnWi"! for tl!, rccepllon, tic. TIIK LAV'S DEtAV. It Is sometimes unavoidable. It Is often neoewiary lo secure Justice. If tbestf exceptions do not Justify It, there is uot any other excuse for continuing the street car litigation that at present ties up the balem Street Railway property una pre vAnfji its Imnrovemeut. The tracks are very much in need of repair, but repairs cannot be made until it is out of the court, unless tho court could order the repair. Owing (o the delays by litigation the company and the public suffer loss and inconvenient. The hom-e suffer, too, from being driven over tracka much needing repair, It Is to be hoped a speedy bettlement can be made. tinder favorable circumstances the Balem Street Railway can be made a valuable property, and the dUpositlou of the present owueni U to make it such If they can get It out of tbe courts. The settlement or tbe litigation of courts l a pri vate matter and all porllt must have their lighU and elalrna re ftmcted aud tirnifcted, We Kteak ouly of tbe publlo luterett in a pub lic nerylce that ii of very grwtt im The press or tho stato Is taking kindly notlco or the death or Mrs. B. Goldsmith or Portland, wire or n prominent public mau or that city. The Dispatch says: "Sho was In the moot complete sense a Good Samari tan and never faltered in well doing. Her purse, as well tut her tlmo, was devoted for tho wood of tho dls- trewsed and needy, She uever con fined her good deeds to those or her own religion, but they were uni versal aud general. A woman or excellent cxecuilve ability, she imid nromluentnosltlons in nearly all the societies orgauized In our city for the elevation and aid or tne poor and Wlou, She wan ever ready to do good unto other when ever oalled upou, aud it U to thh) seir-sacrlflcing spirit her early de mise may be largely attributed. There U no woman In I'ortlanA who will leave a larger vacaucy In the invijlant circle as well aa the social." Ut UWilHlH aaav pimv mm""j v """ people In the hope that they may attain this boon. It may be had by all. Wo guarantee that Electrfo uuiru. if lined ucoordliitr to direc tions, will oust tho dnmou dyapeiMla and install msieau cujKjpsy. rieu trio Bitters for dyspepsia und disease or liver, stomach and kid neys. Sold at fiOo. and $1,00 jwr bottle by Fry, druggist, 225 Com mercial street. Threo"orfour carloads of straw aro being delivered daily to tho Oregon Citv tmner mill, each car containing about eight tous of xtraw In bales, Most of thl product comes from the vicinity or Woodburu. Tho ship ment by boat havo exceeded the amount brought by -rail. It Is an Important Item to rarmera to lie able to dlsposo of hitherto unmarket able article for a good price, and a new Industry la also added to the buslnesa of Oregon City. The Vulc of tk I'eopU, JtcacltM u-m tMuia do i o-OirouKU lll ; "-ff. -M: a r . . IT-.. noun!! winch nouui vu;hik iu ounwu ..w , ..tun. m.m ,il liftr MtUklim tiV which tbe popl vok tlilr M-sittuienU, itirouyb wlilcu lue MOpHt ynwv wwir wniiuwiiMt lrricilvt nfiidlUw. concwoluK wUr ofvlUUIinpotUiK. MutcwMrul or unuc eMlul ro (km iular u4uunlllou lutr re ueara uuiidcuj ui wiuu. Deal in, wtegntuu w iii ,.-" uttll. 'liivnuU only elur4 wueu Hi oUUtlw which, U IU euiniiicUi ry IWTI HiomMM liltUr lu for nearfM. third or Iioprlrtry ruen tut aUlliy, dr pjj u, cuomi(UMi, disorder uf lh llvr oud imrln nud j.rf nUn wUiUl mau pUlnU. Much the adnnl ofMi rli)j" Iiiu.uoiiolie4Huu eur of lav oouifUlnt. Babycrlod, Kotlter slglted, Doctor j.ncrlU-d : Cailork' I ail A.k lima ItAAlT.ltAAkttAha). rhuotliw, will riud wiuf ly wwrlf oo t-r tirtV mnart Wt nud ll- To lhuu It you ar nrvtu or dycpp(ie ifjr w Ur'aUUleNtrvet'UU lllt luk uuMnuu,and nMoumw uuikw ytm dyMpl.l;ftbr on ud oji wur- My Mead. UiokJwrtlyoa SJjidtw wuk ad ufu4ycmr wa u, run ksow fbtl CbUm' ftoa U wilt mv 'a8 BT1UKINO COAI MINKK8. BltARir., Ind., Dee. 18, Tlw own era of the Eureka mine, in Clay county, have given In to th de mand of tho men, hut no wont im been done there yet. "We gave In and paid tho advanocs," uald Joint Brownioy, ono or tho propdeUws, 'and worked tho full forco of men, Wo hut tlown yesterday becauae wo can't find ft market for our coal. Our customer havo all made con tract with tho Hooking valley (Ohio) operator, and don't waut our coal." Tho minor are lnelltwui to think It Is a maneuver ou Uw part of tho operator to scare thei. They are still firm, and will atlek It out until spring. TUB BEAW.JSJ Witt. CJA&K. Bocro.v. Dec. IB. ConniLlB tbe Bearle will case were lu Bafiwa yes terday, and took conies of the tape In the caw. It 1 understood argu ment 1 to bo made before the tf premo court In Radon, TJtUXl'JilSfl vvak. NBW YoiiK, Dec, 18. Thaw l w positive verillctlpn of the lHtrM Ing rumor circulated yftrterday tla tho celebrated (ma of the A4hui Kxprese C'ompauy agalnai 'Jiut Jfoey, It former prldeat, wb in 1 charged with wrongfuny eevf lue $700,000 of tu corporattoa' money to hUown ue,wa about to hm settled privately ana by comproinMw JohnHooy Wiwlf rlatly (kwW M, and the lawyer IdettllNvu WH ( case aro illsult Tlw pwWWi; re port of tha allegwi ttwiwMt barely aptearea In lw KHeew ; day afteruooti wb Mr. Her Interviewed by a rVtr, J- " raoulco cafe. Haw aet Ut. reported MilVwm rf yf cowpany wsMwiyi wa mm"Q poftea wHt?" tiwiHtosar. VouawhkHiItttlHtrtiWV.'' Xlmm was certainly a VeOirtnwhswatrl lu the ex-fel4eht' JW N" enetl hwu o ''e nthm Jir, Hwy wu glviHt Mw ai taw uttUbltwl mt t y'(K nm mi U . j jii"i"MwwiiiwiinMwsiiiiiw - : . . ffrm.fw. r - -. j wt 1-tj-.ui. . timinini'.n.iiiini'J"-'""'"'" ,'""rf' ' " ' u"-MaiwNnMi'MMfNMiMiiM WM23M