wm jbw'pipi hum pyiwwpffg iwimw Mftr jWjpwwww"1 w l O MWSUMM iKjs Mwimi&w BftMaMMtMMKH&KMM We Did Not Stop Tliemtrt' shining ' '"' ''' f"',",( l,ut wn I,,n Hl'01" """,! ,,,fi" ,,r,',os " "Ovcnftntt. Wn havu a daisy coat fur ten dollar, im belter , cvr 8oM' for flficea UoiliviB. JUST RECBIVJSD Afie'iBiinlllifottfOVKUCOATa rtlrtct from tho nlnnufaclurlcs wlilctt v'e lire wUhii; t nstnnlflliiugly low price?. Cill ami hog us. B. FORSTNBR & CO. BALKH H.VKtCKC Klil'Oltr. A Hynopsls ot Hie Slnrketn-ntiylntf mid Celling I'rlOBH. HKVISKD QUOTATION". ltBTAttitPKldRS. Hhoulrtem-Sugnr curod.per lb,uyt 5leakr,tBtbaooU 16 UinnnirtHBiir cured, por In, 10J.3 j-orJt-8 0 10 ..luuon ecMo. TlmoUiyseed-Per pound, 8j scHlii Hcd clover seed Por pound, Ho. Wlilto clover wiM I'er kiouud, : ANIKe 18c per pound. lied top 10o pt-r iHiuiiil. Lincoln amw-l2k Per l'JuJ. Ilyc OriinH Hie pel pound, UrolmrdUww ITo ix-r md. New ifttat-i h 10c per I'd""1-,., Cunnid Kruit-l'oKOiioH, SJ 0J; "P"" $2iw tomato- Jl SO; Mriii b. iu. il gieeu pi Jl SS, P-Jr doz. l'i tw I " Fi-esii Vegeuiil- Pouinei 4.k.wiioU SGu nr8nlp7.x". nnlmiH le per H. Hsu'Salmon "lOo per lb; Hturee. m &g 7cperritimllimilw per lb; unit salmon, 710o pur lb; Oulnook mlnwii, 10. KUTWli I'UICK vimirfpr barrel. J-".0 best 11W lb-. t.,t ier bushel. SM&Tiy suo.ta.1 fiVie. llnr.eyFer bushel, n w. , umn-rcrton.l 00 at mill, wvo.ol. mStrtiJ-Poi' tou.SiiOJ " m irked. Cbp I'er ton, 2.0J Wool IO VI cm. Kzgi-sWc per doon. Potatoes Per bushel, 30o Corn moid 3o per pound.. Cheese Vl&Uo por pound. Dried pltims-lVr lb. Wig Dried prunes I'er lb. l)$12o. Huttcr 'Ot&Mo lor poundfor (fo.d Lnrd-llxa 1 2o por lb Hams I'er poiind,llUo. Itiicou Hides 91" per lb. Hhoulders-ftft'VcJ pur lb. Culokons..7Ko per poind. Turkeys 10 to l2o lb, Gceso7Sporlb. Mucks, Mxper lb Hops, 8Ho. 4GP rerman 99 yrup G. Gloger, Druggist, Watertown, Wis. This is the opinion of a man who keeps a drug store, sells all medicines, comes in direct contact with the patients and their families, and knows better than anyone else how remedies sell, and what true merit they have. He hears of all the failures aud successes, and can therefore judge: "I know of no medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat, or Hoarseness that had done such ef- fective work in my Coughs, family as Boschee's o- Tu,t GcrmanSyrup. Last Goro Throat, winter ft fadyrcalied Hoarseness, at my store, who was suffering from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, and I told her about German Syrup and that a few doses would give re lief? hut she had no confidence in patent medicines. I told her to take a bottle, ana it tne results were nut satisfactory I would make no charge for it. A few clays after she called and paid for it, saying that she would never be without it in future as a few doses had given her relief. ' CHATS ABOUT MEN. General Schenck Is living quietly In Washington, und is said never to touch n card, Mr. Harlison.of California, the largest beekeeper in the world, has 0,000 hives, prodnciug 200,000 pounds of honoy a year The new lord mayor of London, David Evans, is forty-two years old, and is the yonngest chief magistrate that tho city has over had. Baron Hirsch is said to bo worth $100, 000.000. Ho made his wealth chiefly out of contracts for building Turkish and Trnnsyivnnian railroads. Q. U. Dunn, the celobrated California naturalist, has collected over 70,000 in jects belonging to the horn winged fam ily, 15,000 of tho cricket tribe and 4.000 butterflies. Chauncoy M. Dopew says that a thor ough study of Macaulny's Essays gives him that turn of thought and happiness of expression which have made him such a success as an after dinner speaker. Cardinal 'Lavigoria was once a bean sabreur. Cardinal Howard formerly held a commissiou in tho Life (iuards, and the cardinal archbishop of L'erth was in his youth the smartest of Aus trian hussars. James Stephens, trio famous Fenian head center, though seventy years old. retains all tho ftro of youth. Although an indictment for high treason still hangs over his head, ho is permitted to reside in Dublin. Sir James Ferguson, tho new British postmaster goneral, was wounded in tho battloof Inkorman. Ho was directing a charge and had snatched up a rifle from a wounded man. Just as ho fired the weapon he rocoived a musket ball from the enemy in tho wrist. Ho holds the Crimea modal and a Turkish modal for bravery. Major William Dickey, known in Aroostook county n "the Dukoof Kent," is ono of tho moat picturesque figures among the pioneers and politicians of Maine. Ho is about eighty years of age, but straight as an arrow, and very ac tive in the cause of the people of his dis trict, whom he has ofton represented in tho state legislature. ODDS ND ENDS. The world's horse power represents a billion men, or double tho number of workers in tho world. The ladles of Venezuela uso fireflies for decorating their hair at night They are tied with silk thread. The two great religions of India Hin dooism and Moharamedism prohibit tho use of alcoholic drink in every shape and form. Colored paper woh first made by an accident in feeding tho material in an English mill, and was sent to market as ti damaged lot to be sold at any price, but fashion at once marked it for her own. A now naphtha spring of inimonso ca pacity was recently opened in Bakoo, on the Taggiefl! grant If it continue with the same power as at present, it will be the richest naphtha fountain in the world. The sponge industry of the Bahama islands employs 600 small vessels and about 5,000 men. This industry is being rapidly developed on the Florida coast, and the sponges in this locality are said to bo finer than on the Bahamas. The waters of the Dead sea well merit their name, for they will even kill every I microbe save two tue gangrene anu tetanus bacillus. A French professor has been experimenting with the water in hopes that it might serve as an anti septic in hospitals, and ho has just made the discovery. In a forest near St Saons, in tho Seine valley, the foundations of a small, square temple have been found by M. Gaston La Breton. Some terra cotta figurines of Venus rising from tho sea were un earthed at the saino time. The temple is supposed to belong to tho Second or Third century after Christ. The process of whitening sugar was never known until a hen walked through a clay puddle and then strayed into the RUgar house. Her tracks wore, of course, left In the piles of sugar, and when it was noticed that the spots whero she had stepped were whiter than tho rest, the process of bleaching sugar with clay was adopted. A clock Is rarely seen In tho farm houses of Liberia, ond many of the town residents have no timepieco of any sort The sun rises at 0 a. m. and sots at 0 p. in., almost to tho minute tho year round, and at noon It Is vertically overhead. Many of tho people bec'oino so expert in telling time by tho sun that they are rarely more than a quarter of an hour out of the way Ilotr Some Men Mude Money. Peter Cooper had a hard time of it getting an education. lie was bom in New York 100 years ago, und at tho ago of seventeen was npprpntlfod to a shoemaker. He tried his hand at sov eral trades, and got together a com fortable fortuno of about 0,000.000 through unremitting toll, conscien tious devotjon to duty and economical habits. August Belmont came to New York poor, and lived to bo worth b-jiup mil lions. Prudence, acutenesanl snpac ity were the Instruments by which his wealth was accumulated. Ills success ful career is an illustration of tho fact that tills country affords n line oppor tunity for tho intelligence, tb-ift and Industry not only of native Americans but of tho republic's adopted citi7.utis. Austin Corbln began In modorato circumstances. He took up the htudy of the law, but soon forsook that field for tho ilnaneial world. Ho is a innn of strict probity, energetic and genial. He has piled up his millions by con stant effort and attention to nil tho lit tle details of his profession. Cyrus W. Field lias been tonned a locomotive In trousers. The bimilo serves to convey an idea, of tho indefat igable energy of tho man. Vice President Morton received 'bis business training in tho dry goods trade. Then he became a banker. In his youth he had to shift for himself. Ne cessity is tlio.stiinulus that men of real ability require. Henry Clews in Ladies' Home Journal. WHISPERS ABOUT WOMEN. TURF TOPICS. STARTLING FACT Tho Amorlcftn people nro rnpldly bopomlwr a raeoofiierrouwrocki.nnailiofolloiTlmiiuKOU tho bait romodri Alpbonolloiuplllii,of llullor, !., iwoar ttiat wlicn hl eon wna pcuc1iIom from Bt. Vltu nniico. or. Mllao' Oront . Restorative, Nervlnoorod lilm. Air. J, 11. llllor,r Vlpar bWIikI., J. D.Taylor, of Wonnjxirt, Iud., each (mlno! SO pound! from Wklnn It. Mr. II. , A.Ounl. nor, oi Vlitula, Iml.. wot cured ol 10 tn W coiirul. tonadar,nmliuiicU haditutio, dluiiii-u, bnck cbo, nd ncrvoui pruatratlon, by. uuo boitlo. Daniel Mrer. llrooklyn. Mlcb., pay hie (Inuuhter wa cured ot Insanity ot ton year1 ataiidlna. Trial bottlea and tine book ot marvelous curua, KlU:ia at Cruuglita 'ltd roiuvdy contain nu opiate. Dr.Mlles' Medical Co.,GIUhart, Ind. TKIAL BOTTLE EXUCB. Bold by D, J. Fry, lrmrnlst,Snlem. XitMsfcJT raOTamts Act on a now principle renultte the llror, Ktorcach and bowls through I A nif. Uu. Miuor 1'iua $l((tl(lu ctir litliuueneu, torpid ilrer and cotmtlpa lion, Kmalleat, mildest, pure-fit I Opdoaos,20ut. 8imiloa froo at itnu't'lcts. C v- .'st Ntl to , UUiUt. tad. Sold by I). J. Fry, Jdrugglal, Hw'tuu. tut arttf If you ul lntltft tft i-tlr I iwnUf tt mr itUrtAttam I Utt- i Mr tuy fftUiy ! ittftitjrtiii Hf" f tllhtftl , Ah fur iHittttrihm, utuutlir. tew U IMUlt. Mfcft iftf Iktr Uf. I win tiM tnuk tt(ilbVUl ft I 4J lltftlfttfbUt k4 Ttt4f Wk Uif btWr ortafcl Wlf. til lar, lkl Iftfblftft Wttttfc WIM9( T l"M ftck tttmUt i.4 AVJktMV Mtt ftlf 1 ttrkL. AliiaMtu. E. If, HALL, jUateofrw,QVoV 1UI ltylExf Ugo Tho Baroness Rothschild could fill a peck raoasuro with hor priceless gems and still have enough left over to stock a jewelry store. Mrs. Evangeline Wilson Carpenter, daughter of tho late vico president of the United States, Henry Wilson, lias preseuted the Philadelphia Knights of Labor with her illustrious father's photo graph, almost tho only ono in existence. There are no fower than 0,000 women physicians in the United Statos, of whom about 600, it is said, aro practicing in Now York. Tho pioneer of them all was Miss Blaokwell, who found It mbst dif ficult to gain admission to a medical uni versity. A Norweglau girl creates a groat deal of astonishment and admiration iu tho city of Gothenburg, Sweden, by driving six horses, singlo liauded, all about tho city, nor namo is Sverdrup, and she is tho daughter of the equerry to the king of Sweden and Norway. The widow of Millet still lives at Bar- btaon, but sho no longer inhabits tho lionso that was tho homo of perhaps tho most original painter of modern tlmos. Mine. Mlllot lives on the other sldo of tho village street, iu a far handsomer abodo thau was that in which she spent her married llfo. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney, tho old tlmo author of ulco llttlo stories which wero tho favorite reading of tho good ol mothers of tho present day when thoy wero littlo girls, has just celebrated her sixty-eighth birthday, and can look back through a long lino of literary labors, in none of which sho finds ono cause of re gret or nhauio. The member of tho World'8 fair board from Oklahoma, Mrs. Beeson, is a dainty little blond haired oroaturo who makos up in enthusiasm what she laoks in stature. Sho says that Oklahoma is a paradise for progressive femininity, for thoro women are engaged in overy ocou patiou from raising corn and cobbling shoes to editing newspapers. l4tM.il.. ."i T',lll.llJ; ftiliiiiiiiiV 9 ime jmrnrnmu. - t BSBBBBhLx rj9mlmaF 7 J'j&m BBBSBBKSBBIBBBlyiBS 3 6 HlBllllllllWSFV T Plunger "Pittsburg Phil" closes the season $20,000 ahead. Jockey Stoval, who shot Peter Robin son, of Philadelphia, during a quarrel on n ferryboat, was acquitted and is again in tho saddle. Colonel North, tho uitrato king of England, has made five entries for the Chicago Derty of 1803, tho Columbian exposition year. Out of twenty-five starts this year Civil Service has won fourteen races, been second eight times, third twice and only once unplaced. Ralph Wilkes, by Red Wilkes, has scored a record of 2:18 at Independence, la., boing the second 2-year-old to tie the record of Sunol at that age. , The American Trotting Horso Register association is credited with tho plau to change its monthly, formerly known as Wallace's Monthly, into a weekly. J. A. Morris, of New York, has so cured five of the thirteen outside services of the groat English stallion Galopin at $1,250 each service, He would gladly have taken the thirteen at tho same fig ure. Thoro wero twenty-four starters in the English Cesarowitch, won by Ragi muude, a twonty-fivo to one Bhot Joo Thompson, tho Australian bookmaker, paid 40,000 over this unexpected vic tory. A horso remembers only short words. Never say "whoa" uuless you want your horso to stop, and when yon do, say it in a firm tone. Teach hinl that it means stop, no matter how fust ho is going, says Tho Horseman. RAILROAD JOTTINGS. BEHIND THE SCENES. A mortgage for $10,000,000 on tho Le high Valley Railroad company and Its branches was recorded In New York city. Now stations, extra traoks and other improvements to be made on the Lake Shore botween Olevoland. and Chicago will cost over $1, 000,000. The latest innovation in car decora tion is a now material called "sill chrome." It cau bo used also for depot or other interior decoration. Tho Wubash hat commenced to equip all of its passenger trains with the West iughonse air siguals and will dlspenso with the old fashioned bellcord. At u recont meeting of tho division superintendents of tho railway mail serv ice, a resolution was adopted calling on IIIIihI InsrcU Art na IT Tliey Had Sljrlit. So far as insects of tho caves aro con cerned tho loss of sight which thoy gradually undergo Is sufficiently well understood. Tho first step is n decrease in tho number of tho facets which mako up tho compound eyes, with u corresponding diminishment of the lenses and retinas. After four or live generations tho eyes become useless. It would bo most interesting to breed these or other blind creatures of the caves in tho light, so as to find out if thoy would get thoir sight back. In nil animals, including man. it is found that naturo tries to compensate for loss of vision by increasing tho power of tho sense of touch. Thus tho atennao of cave insects grow remarkably long. It is very curious to find that nothing In their behavior suggests tho fact that they aro blind. They walk, run, stop, explore tho ground and try to escape from tho grasp of the bug hunter just as if they really saw. The light of a candle startles them as much as if they perceived it visually. It is a remarka ble fact, proving that tho ancestors of these creatures could see, that in tho embryo stago of their existonco they have oyes well doveloped. Washing ton Star. A Story of Dlnraell. Lord Dufferiu tells the following story about his mother and Disreali : My mother was among tho first of Disraoli's acquaintances to recognize his great ability, and she saw a great deal of hint when at Mrs. Norton's when ho was a young man about town. Sho did not see very much of him after ho had onco entered upon his political career. Here, however, is a littlo anec dote which is very characteristic ond amusing. My mother hud a great ad miration for the "Curiosities of Litera turo" and was anxious to mako tho ac quaintance of Dihraeli's father, but thero was a diilluulty about this, as at tho moment ho was not on good terms with his father. However, ho appeared one day with his father in tow. As soon as they wero both seated", Disraeli turned round and, looking at his father as if ho wero a pieco of ornamental china, said to my mother: "Madam, I havo brought you my fathor. I havo become reconciled to my fathor on two conditions. Tho first was that ho should como to seo fyou; tho second that ho should pay my debts." Crimea Acnlnat Anliuiila. "Tho cooks of today," writes Yuan Mel. a Chincbo author, "think nothing of mixing in ono soup tho meat of chicken, duck, pig and goose. But these chickens, ducks, pigs and geeso havo doubtless souls, aud these souls will most cortainly fllo plaints in tho tioxt world of tho way they havo been treated in this. A good cook will uso plenty of different dishes. Each arti cle of food will bo made to exhibit" its own characteristics, wliilo each mado dish will be characterized by one domi nant flavor. Then tho puiato of tho gourmand will respond without freak and tho flowers of the soul blossom forth." Teinplo Bar. LKifflfcjiBr ftj H(ftB I.tkcd l'lein.int Cmupuny. First Young Man I havo mot a good co.arraoiuuoH xvu, NuU(.i. . ,,,, mu!tfeur photogmphon, but I tho civil service commission to adopt a t "'"" .,u,o i .., i n ti, ... ,.., ,... ,i A , i never saw ono unite so dovoted to tho JIIIJ DIVI UUIUIHIMVII M HIWHHW . Lilllo Langtry's American engage-. meut will begin in Now York ou Jan. 85, 1802. Bertha lticol, tho singer, was recently left valuable prajwrty by rksh man whoso daughter sho had ouce assisted, Surah Dornlmrdt's latest pet Is an opos sum. Sho calls him SU Casildo. Sho bought ft big St. Bernard dog in Califor nia and says "heea name eea Oaklande," Cable report pronauuoo Henry Arthur Jones' new play, "Tho Orusadora." to bo h failure. Fiuo acting and beautiful Btagiug did not apparently ravo it from unfavorable criticism, When "Alabama" was produced In Now York the mayor of Talledega, where the play la laid, made a spK-cb from the stago to tho audience and gave the author greeting from tho town he lias immortalized, Miuo, Uornlmrdt 1ms a high opinion of Ada Rohan' acting. "I And her In Shakespeare nud In Sheridan and the old cliuslu comedle," sho tells a New VorUlutet viewer, "ono of tho cleverent aotrvtfMu you have." Nelwn Wheatoroft, Tho Mirror re ports, has juut completed a drama which ho has called "Tho Surgeon of Sonarf lu tho writing and building up of the workbomu collaborated wltht Brooklyn woman, who U u yet uuknown m an wikoem, bt to whom Mr, Wheatcroft kefai c mm fmt work. well oa tho mental examination that is now exacted. Erio mechanical engineers are making plans of ft new typo of passenger loco motive which la expected to mako un usually fast time. Several competing roads are planning to reduce tho run ning tlmo botwout New York aud Chi cago, and "greyhound" engiues aro greatly desired. Albert Johnson, of Raleigh, U the oldest locomotive engineer tn point of service in tho country. Ho had charge of an engine on tho Richmond and Fred ericksburg railroad away back In 1630, iu fad as you aro. Second Young Man I nover tako photographs. "Eh f Then why do you carry that detective camera around with you all day, week in and week outt" "Becauso when tho girls seo mo com ing all tho ugly ones run away mid all tho pretty ones stay." Good News. Ho Kmuemlittml Uor llitblt. Wife (to dying husband) Darling, will you wait for mo at the gtvte? Husband (faintly) Yes. dear; but incase don't call on any of your no- the days of strap rails and "snake-' qualntances on the day of your funeml. heads." Ho la still a railroad employee Now York Truth. In tho yard at tho Raleigh nnd Gaston depot Francis Wilsou is acting as the pub lisher of a translation of "The Odes of Hora.ce," made by Eugene and Boswell Field, of Chicago, Tho fishing industry In Saginaw bay bos been almost extinguished owing to tho refuse matter from sawmills nnd Ntlt blocks, which kills the young on tho spawning grounds. CLEAN! Ifyou would bo'dean mid hayo your clothes done uj in Uio hoatest and dressioat manner, tako them to the SALSM STEAM LAUKRRY whoro a'l work is done by whito labor nml in tho nfst prompt manner, COLONEL J. OLMSTED. Liberty Street, w CD ffl dd 0 O CD 0) W o CD i O O $ (j) A HELPING HAND. A h-lplnuhaml wo nil may give. If but a pleasant word to say. And Bomotlilng nml each day we lire. To help another on tho wny. A helping hind may sow Oio accd From v. Ui li the fruits of uT)Odncu rtow. And to th -i-ibt nmy (tcntly lead The orri uj fnm tho path of woo. A helping hnnd to nil m vkltl'l. Amonjt I ne rich, the poor and low. In every tstuta of llfo can find An not of kindness to bestow. A helping bind we nil mny need, When darkest sorrows loavo their trncc. Some ono to comfort nnd to lead,. To glvo tn rtri'iuth nil dlvlno gnco. A hclpln? hand wh-re e'er we go. A rny of sunshine miiy Imp-J't, And hut a deed of kindness ahow A noble and a generous heart. A helplns hand Is over near. In passing thrnnxh life's troubled tide; When nil tho world seems cold nnd dreat It Is n never falling eutdo. Alice I). Abell In Good Housekeeping. Why Arctic Waters Are Yellow. Arctic explorers nover tiro of telling how beautifully yellow tho waters of the northern sea appear. To those who live on the seashore in temperate and tropical countries the stories of travelers concerning the yellow waters of Greenland and Iceland are taken with tho proverbial "grain of salt," but scientists have declared that tho arctio seas are yellow, nnd that it was Scores by who first explained tho causo of Its peculiar color. Perceiving that tho waters were of an unusual color, ho had some drawn up and examined it with his microscope. To Ills surprise ho found that tho color was duo to tho presence of minute animalcules, eacli so inconceivably small that a single drop of tho water contained upward of 20,000 of the littlo creatures I At that rate a pint of tho water would show 170,000.000, each sporting about in his placo without dis turbing or crowding his neighbor. St. Louis Republic,. lie Changed His Mind. "Jack Is it true, Harry, that yon havo given up all thoughts of making Maud your wife? Harry Well, I should say so. Jack That's strange'; I thought you wero so anxious to get her. Harry So I was, but I've changed my mind in that quarter. I tried to cet her to give me a kiss, nnd she re fused, but in less than ten seconds after refusing to kiss me sho kissed that pug dog of hers at least a dozen times. I tell you what it is when a woman prefers the wet nose of a dirty pug to the tidy mouth of a live man there is a scrow loose somewhere, and I congrat ulate myself on my narrow escape. London Tit-Bits. M,a,ua tAJi.iriWiMMMaiailiiaii ri-firiiM',Mi -- 1 for infants and Children. " C as tori a Is so well adapted to children that I recommend Una superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D., HI So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castorla' is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach." CAHLoa MlnTrw. D.D., New York City. Lato Pastor Bloomlngdalo Reformed Church. Castorla cures Colic, Oonttrv,n Sour Stomach, JtbtSSSzStm KlllsWornu, gives sleepalSL , .eA"r"i . .. uuuut injuno Wll ious medication. dosoHlnvarlablyprjKluSdT.lS Enwm F. Pardes. m n "Tho WInthrop," 125th Street andi, NwTorkQty, Tmt Centaur Compact, 77 Murray Street, New Y VltOFKSSlONAI. CAItnS. 1 T. RICHARDSON, Attorney nt Inw, I x " ). ofllce up itults In front rooms of hew ' (j n uih block, corner Commercial and Court , 1? Ull 1SUKJ KR. Asnnl streets, balcm, Oregon. JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney at law. Rooms it ntiil 4, Ladd & liush's bank bulliMng, Salem, Ortgen 811yr II. V. UON HAM. W. II. HOLMES. BoNiiA.n A Holmes. Attorneys at law. Dllice In iiubh's block, between Stnto nnd Cow t, onCom'lHt. TILMON l'"ORD. attorney nt luw, Salem, Ori'ton. Ollico up-stalre In i'attou's IN"t'lWKCE 1 lit urn ! " rlne. "" "' K Ifm.urtfrir. EAS1 block. DiAUCV & UINUHAM, Atlomoys nnd coutiU'lorH nt law, Hfileni, Oregon. 2iuvlni,aiial.slrHcl oltberecoidsof Minion county, including n lot and bloci'Indux 01 rialt'in, they have special luellltien lor fcx amlnlug titles 10 rml estate, liusluess in the supreme court and lu the state depart ments will recete prompt attention. NP &0IITH y VIA Southim Pdcifc Route Stiasta Line leni, ( H. W. 8 MOTT, physician nnd sur geon. Unit 0 in raariago uioci, a- Orcg- n. Oluco houii, 10 to 12 a. in. Zlnip. m. R The Tepper Vino. Tlio mast common and widely used of ull spices is pepper. It is a nativo of the East Indies, but is now cultivated in various parts of tho tropical belt of this hemisphere. The plant is a climb er, and bos a smooth stem sometimes twelve feet long. The fruit is about tile size of a pea, and when ripe is of a bright red color. In cultivation the plant is supported by poles. In some localities small trees aro used instead of poles, for tho best pepper is grown in a certain degree of shade. Foods and Beverages. Ready for Business. A certain doctor who was noted for a keen eye to business was driving al. ng the street of a country town when his horso took fright and ran away. Ho was thrown violently out of his trap and rendered senseless. Presently he recovered a little from his unconscious ness, and noticing the crowd which had gathered about him, asked: "What's tho matter, gentlemen? Anybody hurt? I am Dr. B . Can I be of any ser- vico ?" San Francisco Argonaut. IJ. PH I LlJROi )K, M. D.,HouicopathUt. UIIK o lfu l ourl Mreet; Residence B17 itigli btrect. OcLeial piuctlce. Special Attention given to diseases of Women and children. T THOUSKR.M U. Physician nnd sur VV . geou. Practice limited to diseases of the nervous sjhtem. Cutnirh Including nsthinii and lupturoor hernia. Olllce In Col le block rooms 11 nnd 1.'. Ofilit hours Iroin 0 to li a. m. and lroni 2 to 0 p. in. IKitf. DR. JUNTA H. A. DAVIS. Ofllce hours, I) a. 111. to 11 a. 111.; i p. m. to 5 p. m. l.iy or night calls promptly attended to. (Special attention given to diseases of wom en und children. Ofllreln JNtw llnuklllk., 305 Commercial stieet RcMdtnco tame. DR. J. M.K1.ENE, Dentist, Ofllce over tho White Corner, Court and Com inerdnl eti'U.s. DR. T. C. SMITH, Dentist, U2 Mute stieet, Shalom, Or. FinlKbid dental openv linns ui every description. I'ainiehsoperii- Ions 11 opcctulty. r T, OTTMII Iwi1lt.nt TJtnnu Ctunl . Itoations and superinteudenco lor un C1U8PC.H of buildlngb meicial M., up staii-M, Otllco 2J0 Com- C( fl. McNALLY.Archllect, New Rush ;, llreymun block. Huns nnd specifica tions of all eludes of of buildings en short notice. Superlntendeaceol work promptly ooKtd after, 6-tI J J. McCAU.uTLAND,ClvllRunlluij and ll, Hjduuillo Engineer. U. h. leputy luliierul siirviyiir. Liy faiirveyois olllce, Cotlie I'jikhuist Block, -aleni. Urtgcu. UUslNKS CARDSI Why Women Don't Marry. Mr. Andrew Lang has written a charming essay upon the text, "Don't Marry Literary Men." Tho advice seems wholly unnecessary. Women do not marry; they are married. Men do the marrying. Tho misuse of that word "marry" is very common, yet wo aro surprised to ilnd so careful a writer as Mr. Lang committing tho atrocity. "Wed" Is a much better word than "marry" Chicago News. nVO E. t-PRAGUE. Hlncksmlth nnd JT horesboclugnud lepulring. Only the best workmen unplojed. jnkunir.ee uunaing Opposite cituto CAliF KMIA SXriUXS TRAIN Timi t,. .. Bl.l V7BFN l'OKUAil) ANns.r. thT Si ".x p. fir. 9:1b p. 111. S:15 a.m. L. L,v. Ar. 1'orliuud Sun SoHET ortiuud Ar. I Ib.t; Salem Lv 'S ir.ru Above tiutus sti 11 enly ul ihIk MToi tlons north Qt Roseourg, ljin j0rflJ,5 OregoulCHy,i Woodburn m,1m, jC Tangent. Shi dds, Hui'siy, i',rrlbS Junctlod'city.Jrvlng and iityie nr HOSKHLUO MAtl.IlAIl.'i, 8:05 a. irr. 10:52 a. m 5:40 p. m. Lv. Lv Ar. l'oi tlund Salem Roscburg I,v-I ain.M Albany T.ocnl, Ilnlly (IXcrjit Sunday.) 6-Oti p. m. I Ij . lifl-oid 'r.bTJTtT 7:W p. 111. 1 lw: Hilcm L. ittUi u D:00 p.m. I Ar. Alb, cy l.v, &S ,, PULLMAN BUFFET hLthPEBU. TOURIST SLEEPIKG CARS, K01 nccoii'inodatioii 01 hecond tlasj pustengei i utlucbfcd to express trains, ft'csl Side DmswD, Between Poittaiul and Oervallis: PAIJ.Y (PXC'tlT SUilDAV). 7:.50 u. m. 11L10 p. m. I l.v.' Ar. "PortfamT Coivnllls "Ar. Lv. fEiffrirSr. 12:55 p. ra, At Albany and CdimiIIIs lonncct wlia Irniiib of Orctou 1'ucific Kullroail. nXVUFf STRA1K (I1AII Y KXCITTSUKPrT !:T!TirSirrfA Poi tlaiid A.'. I sal a. n. 7Xj p. m. I Ar.McUUinvlllcliV. 5ltiu.ni. Through Tickets 'lonll inlqli EAST and SOUTH For tickets and lull inlormation regsra. mg rle mupp, etc., apply to tht t,Mraa ny's aint Milem, Uiegon. E.P. ROGKIl.1, A"st. U. K. and rasmAjl K KOKHliI It. Airnsjer THE YAOUlNA ROUTE, J RICK A ROfcS, Jilacksmllhb, nil kinds ol repalrlngand carriage wont. We have in our employ .Arthur Clove, a professional Uoisesbobr. tiive ue a trlul. 4-14 JOHN KNIGHT, Rlaeksuillli. Horso bhoeiug and repalriu? a specialty. Shop tttlieiootol l.lbert street, ttaltni,Oit.-gcu. i'.Vtf PJ. bARSKN A CO,, Manufacture of nil . kinds ol elilcleh. Repairing Uhpeciul- Development compaiin 2S miles shoiter,a)toin .y. hhop 45Mato strtct, H. willTH CO., Contractors, Fewer luir, Cement Hldeivnlks, Executing, r.u-: All work piomptly done, hnleni.Or. Leave orders Willi Dugnn Pros. l:R-lm A. A Timid Slau's Expedient. A timid man, living alono in the out skirts of Hartford, lias hit upon a do vico for scaring away burglars. Each night upon retiring lie places a huge pair of boots outside of overy bedroom door in tho bouso to convey the im pression that every chamber Is occu pied by an ablebodied man. A bur glar who happened in would think ho had btruok a hotel. Philadelphia Led gfer. Lord Sandwich, who was a great lover of limbic, nnd frequently had ora torios performed at Hinehinbrook, was fo enamored of ttie thunder of the drum that he had one sldo of his musio room strained with parchment, which, upon boing suddenly struok, bo alarmed tho company as to throw many into fits. It is remarked of the Chesapeako and all American oysters that they bear long carriage with less harm than any that grow on othor bhoros. Our close setisou, as overybody knows, Is tho series of months which aro spelled with out tho H, In Glasgow, Scotland, n company pays for the privilege of collecting the smoke from a number of blast furnaces. Tho smoko Is passed through several miles of wrought Irou tubing, and yields a profitable product of oil, Geo. li Good, tho dni(?K'6', IiiUch especial pleasure In supply In his customers with the host medlcinea obtainable. Among the many ex cellent preparationi on his shelves may bo mentioned Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a favorite during th winter month nn account of. its n-tt 6U0WSS In the cure of c'o. Thwv is nothing that will ooen a overf (snj,i so quickly, or.ao prompt ly rvilfve the ImiKS. Thi'ii It court enu,, anv tindenov towarU y ij. noiiia. It is ploowut nnil k fn in take, and fully worthy of its popu. larlty. CAKPET-UYING.-I make a specially 01 en pet-sow lug nnd laying; carpets taten up und u-hud ttlth greatcuie. House cle.iniug. l.i-ao orders wltli .1. H. I.unn or Uuren 4 hon. J. G. LUHRMAN. !OHN GRAY. Contractor and bulldir. O Fine lnsldo finishing a specially 485 ''omnierclal street, f-alem Uiegon. IKO. HOEYR,Raiber nnd Hair dressing VX parlors. Finest baths It the city. 20D Ciimmerchil sfeet, Salem. J I IW II I III' IVP ScIcnUllehorBoshoe AlK hnrAll0.lng. All disuses of horses lect treated. shop, opposite the foundry. FAKM 3TOR SALE. SJ0 aores of bet stock and lrutt land In Oregon for sule nt a uirgain. Will sell In lots to suit purchaser. Address nr call on C.J HII!KI.,KnlgIitH.Oie. NearHllvtrfroikKalb. 7B3m fB500 "X.V lifefisrvf iMi IJgWJS zks: - n La Hienan'B ff&fcTw 37 " wTr Aud Oregon Develop 1.1 t.i iimiiiii iiii... t-iih iiiiicnmi.iiin.a . .-.. ,,...f- ... - . if 1 line t nan uy any oiuei iouic. ' cmss thioiigli pasrenjicr nnd frelgut W horn Portland and all points tn tbe 1 laniettovullo to andfiom ban FrmciHO T1HF SCHEDULE. (KsceiUHunaayi. LeaveAioany J-SJIu Lnwo Corvallln vt Arrive Yiiouliin ------- ?fft IjCiu' Vnquina '.itSvS Leave Corvulllx !?S v Arrive Albany iwoa O. & C. tralus connect at AiDany u Corvnllls. The above trains connect nt YAQWM with the Oienoii Development Co ui jfStenrnKhltisliHtwrfii Yamuna ami r Francisco. SAIUAU t'.VUb, Fl'OM YiHniA June ft ulj STKAMJBKS. Pnrallon. Frld.iv Willamette Valley. Tuesday Famlloii, Sunday ., , Willamette Valley, Thursday Karallon, Tuesday BTKAMKIU). FKOLI SAN Bf Willamette Valley, Friday J,,m5 1 Farallon, Tuesdaj n Jvi , Wlllamclto Valley, Sanday. . Famllou, Thursday - ! Wlllametto Valley, 1 uesdny --. ." Tins company reserves the ngi ohange sailing dates without notice. N. B.-PiHS?ngerH from Portland anfl " Wlllametto Valley points can mate ci connection with the trains or i .....ita l(.iitruni lhm .-rljOIIwijB- and If destined to San tranebco, sbom ami ngo to arrive at Yaquina the w" fQLe t IUAS?r BAT v AM HEALTH. Im Rlclina'a Oolden Balaam No. 1 C'lai Chancre, firV and xcond tajes Sore en th Leg nnd Dedj-; Sore Ears, Kyi. Note. tc, Copper-colored Biotche. Sj-jihllitloCuUrih, diseased Scalp, ard all primary fo-n o( tho disease known al ijphilit. Price, S5 OO per Ilottle. Xm ltlcliau's Golden Baliura No. 3 Cure Tertiary, WcrcurUlSypMlltlo Rheu inatlun, Pain in tbe Hone, rains In tht Head, back of the Neck. Ulcerated Sort Throat, Syphilitic ltaah, Lumps and con. tncted Conl, Stlffncu ot the Llrabs, and indicates all dlscaaa from the system, whether caoed by IndUrretlon or abuse (A Uercury, lcaTiosr tha blood pure and hraltbr. Price) 85 OO per lloltle. Lo IttchKU1 Golden tiimnUh Ant 1 ilote for tho cure ol Oonorrbaia, Gleet, Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Gent til disarrangements. Price $'4 60 per Bottle. u Klchdu's Goldoa Spanish. In. Jetlon, forMrere lasesol Gonorrhxa, lniUmmatoryOleet.6tricturcsa&c. lrlc 91 SO tier Bottle. Cm Klehstn'a QoIdn Ointment lor tho effcctlr healing-of SyphlhUa Sore and eruption. Prlre$l 00 per Hox t.e Blctttsit'a GoldeH Pills Nero and Brain treatment; loss ol physical pow er. excess or over-work. Pro. ration, eta Price ) CO per Max. Toulo bbsI NerrlB, Seat ovrrywhere, C O. IX, seeorsly packet per express. THE RCHARDs"oiUQ C0.,ABect OO V KAKKET ST , 'tyuw Kir rn beioie date rX sailing. .,.,. m Fafiijjer and KreiEkt Btt ? Uwest. For information appiy tn vjgU HUhMAK & CO., rcigui u vwj A gents aw and 201! Front 8t.. ITi !' Paw. Agt., Oregon PJe'Jjiia "0 H.HA8WKIJJ,Jr.0en,i rt; Pass. Agt. Oreson Developniwv Co., 801 MontBOm'O From Terminal or Interior .'onto ft Inn1iim.ii iwiuwuifttmuifl . Is the line to tal e To all Points Etist ai d Scuth. ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No chaiue or cars.) TOURIST Sleeping Cars, lest Hat n lecontructe.lnd m aomu..iatlMiJ are iM.'ti'rf,:ScoEd-rt jtshod for uoldier "'" co-vrins. tlekeu,nid EL1-GAJ T A oontinuoi . lines. nttordlD ' Mrvtct-. nillmau 1 -nied lu "'11 ll.. PMd. "".iJllisa uniUlemd'u, , .. U pole" Tbruali tickets i n 'ir.ione csn " purcbjl at any ticket om .i information &$8b of trolntfsuid-wro ,W SHAW & DOWNING, h& - - - --- 9 z - -tt - m