iPifpiiiiii 5TW TilJiPiiflWfW!ffWWWiWWV M 'Be purchase &onoy. Tho story go thiit tub yacht v.na bought for boot WfejuOO, leaving a very neat . i . . .. ii.i.i ,.. pfdt for tue younger .e.u.v, . , f ,, tti people who lind been ncqtminieu xjy., ,, .. ....... A 1rith Field's expensive mmincra say the money ho nt In tins way Would be far below tho figure which npreseala the juins which have disappeared. A dozen houses and & eo?e of yachts could bavo been maintained with the funds which ' Rzzard A rf -.- - A.A . nnlftl1Al A . ' went to mm anu tuou uuw. new development was related by tho representative of a large German banking house. According to this. neW, In his desperation forged tho name or a ship and the captain, and also a certificate of inspection to a cargo of grain, ami, presenting the bill of hiding to the banking bouse, secured the advances on a cargo of groin which bad no exls tenc, and which was loaded iu n ship whose name does not appear In any of the Lloyds on file In tin Murine association at this port. Tin (unking house discovered how tbej bad been swindled and called F.olo to account. He Is said to have usei. some of the securities ho took from his father In settling with tin bankers, and they are now fu.l.x protected against loss. KAILKOAD THOC11MS. Chiciacio, Dec. 4. Although tin boycott against the Chlcjgo and Alton road is not formally declared off, it apparently cannot bo cotitlu ued consistently without also it b directed against the Chicago, Bur lington & Quincy. The latter roan has notified tho board or ruling that it will immediately resume thi paynieutof passengers' commisaiour in Eastern territory. It is asserted that all Western lines are following the example or tho Burlington Every Eastern road, with the ox ceptlon of the Pennsylvania lines, notified Its "Western connection that on account of the aecumula tlon of freight It cannot longer re- celvo grain rccouslgned at Chicago for Eistern points. Too situation now has become s.-rioun. Tho yards tf Eastern lines aro crowded with loaded cars marked for transfer "Western roads refused to allow any more of their equipment to go East. Chicago and Eastern connections aro unable to provide cars enough to inako the necessary transfer. It is predictod that before the close ol tho month there will bo a tremond ous blockade, extending from tin Missouri rivor to tho seaboard Advices from tho western wheal bolt indicate that tho farmers In many localities havo Insufficient storage room fjr grain, and aro un able to procure cars at any prlco foi shipment of tho surplus. CIIAJIQR OF LUIKIi. Tacoma, Dec. 4, Win. A. Berry, proprietor of tho Evening Call, was arrested on a warrant yesterday afternoon Bworu out by Judg b're mont Campbell, of tho Buperloi Who Wanted Money. HE IS BLOWN TO PIECES. Railroad Accident, Wanamaker's Report, Natural Gas, Absconded, Waiting for Portland, Two Bodies Found, A Fatal Explosion. Killed by Falling Walls, Foreign and State News Etc. TJ-Arter"rartNtlge7 Berry's late partner, which appeared in an evening paper last uluht, In which Parlrldgo alleges that Borry had told him thnt Judgo Campbell had received $40 from him, nud that as tho Call's caso would coino oil before Campbell It was good polloy to lot him havo it, oven If It wan novor refunled. Borry was taken before Justice Sharp, and bound over In tho sum of fGOO. Ball was furnished. train win:cieur. SOMEitviMiK, N. J., Dec. 4.-Tlm train leaving Now ybrk at 4 o'clock qu tho Jersey Central road was wrecked at Ponington atGMO yes terday afternoou, and four persons woro killed and u number Injured. Tho accident was caused by the fast tralu crossing Into the rear of a gravel train that was standing on tho mulii track. All of tho cars on tho pas Bengor train, with tho oxcoptlon ol tho Pullman car, was demolished J1LOW Ol' 'MIR BTIICKT. Gr.A80ow, Dec. 4. There was nil explosion of gas iu tho now under ground inlhvny boueath Anderson Cross In this city yesterday. The foreo of the explosion wiie ho great that tho street was blown up, com palling a suspension of trnlllc. Six parsous were Injured, WANTED A MtLMON. New Yoiiff, Dec. 4. At 12:15 o.clock thU afternoon a small shab bily dressed man apparently about Ihlrty-flvo years old carrying u brown leather hand valise called at RuswU Sago's oflkeon tho second fl jor of No. 70 Broadway and asked to see dage. W. R. Laidiaw, Saga's clerk told him 8a.je was busy nud Could not bo sean. The man per listed and contluued talking iu a ioud tom. fc'ago, who was In an Inner office cumsotit to see whit Win tho matter. Ho asked the man what was w.intid. The man de manded a million dollars from Sagi nnd upon being refused he opened tho bag and produced a dyuamlu bomb and threw it tit the venerable financier's head. A terrific explo slon followed. The man who threw the bomb was blown to pieces, one ol Sage's clorki was Instintly killed and several dangorou-dy wounded Sage's Injuries were only slight. Sage asked the mm what wn wanted. The man said: 4,I demand a prlvato Interview with you.'' Sago replied It would be Imposslbh for him to seo the man then, but ho might possibly do so lator in the lay, the man continued to demand an interview then and there. S ige ordered him to leave tho olllce, on this the mau dropped a leather bag, and nn exploslou which shook the entire block, instantly followed Sago was thrown across the room and stuuuod. Laldlaw was nlso thrown across tho olllce, and had ono leg badly lacerated, tho stranger was thrown against a partition wall and was by far tho most seriously Injured of tho three. There were three others, whose names could not bo a s o o r t. n lned at the moment, wero nlso injured. It Is known that ono of tho clerks in Sagoi'i office was blown oui through tho window. Nearly all tho w'udows on tho east and north sldo of tho building and the interior of tho build ng was badly wrecked. Tls said two at least of the occu pants of the building was torn U pieces by the force of the explosion. Sago, lu conversation after tho ex TrtTxtrraTToy'tljobinTillFgT "" A UMZZAIU). ST.PAUL.Decl. Ablb.zard is rag made the passage of a bill providing the wimo condition of nfTalrs. for free delivery In towns with popu lation between GO0O and 10,000. The postmaster general recom mends that tho abolition of box rents at free delivery offices In sniull places. On the one-cent postage question he says: There is great need of wider transportation of packages by mail; but I don't urge It until greater and more needed Improvements In the service aro made. One-cent postage too Is not hnmediaielv lobe undertaken, but I It Is' " GolTSllneiTn Ihe Metropolis". as necessary In Southern Oregon as , What gold mines tnero nro Kimi-rot east of the Cascades for Porlland to all over this big place for tho men who nave eyes to see mem mm wiu w them. This thought, which Is not original with mo by any means, was brought to my mind as I was getting on execrable shine on one of tho ferryboats recently. An Italian youngster, who ought to be 118 It can oe tnuae possiuie oy mo nrHHuon. rt fl of January, 1894, If desirable. Be-L numr fore the bervlce Is further perfected ueaij, iJO It will come easier if we let the reduction of foreign rates wait awhile. Mr. Wunamaker recommends this year tho adoption of the telephone as well as the telegraph to the postal telegraph system. He believes lu a full parcels post, but does not rec ommend It at present. He urges the abolltition of the personal surety ship of postmasters, as they are too frequently under obligations which damage tho service. He propohes to extend the money order system everywhere. It appears that nearly 8000 miles of additional railway postoilice service buve been estab lished, 1300 miles on the Pacific coast. He describes the pneumatic tube system of Berlin and Loudon, and strongly recommends their adoption iu this country. Ho in sisted that thoy would pay. The postmaster-general further says tho fourth-class postmuster is deserving of better compensation and belter consideration than be re ceives, and the depuetment is striv ing to aid him. Tho postmoster-gi-iierul would give liira a chance for Increased compensation by extend ing to him the tuanugemeut of rural free delivery and more gradual ex- take tbo lead. TWO B0DIK3 FOUND. Taoosia, Dec. 4. Tho remains of two more victims of the recent laudxlldo at Canton were found In the debris lu Green river by work men yeslerduy. They vtero David McLeon uud A. Erieson. The bodies recovered so fur ure ihwseof A. Erickson, David McLean, An drew Anderson, nud Charles John- Ing throughout Minnesota, Dakota, and Manitoba. All trains running Into Winnipeg, aio delayed. Thresh ing Is stopped in Dakota, and it is feared tho railroad will bo blooked. ltAiiuoAi) accident. Wuiistkii, Maw?., Dec. 4. At six this morning n collision occurred between two freight trulus nnd the Long Island Express on tho New York nnd Now England railroad nt Hast Thompson. Tho accident was caused by an upon switch. All three trains wero piled up together, tbo englneor uud fireman of one tralu was killed, one pnssonger In tho Pullman car Is reported burned to death aud many Injured. Tho cars almost immediately took fire. Engines nud doctors wero sum moned from ndjneout points. WANAMAlCWl'S KKl'ORT. unalou of telegraph uud telephouo services into tho country aud the transfer of postal deposits. NATURAL CJAfr. PiTTsmma. P.i., Dec. 4, The natural gas supply was suddenly shut ofl Tuesday night throughout tho city, owing to an accident, uud several persons suflered from purtlul usphyxlutlou. About 2 o'clock Wednesday morning tbo uutomatic trip regulator at tho distributing stutiou not out of order, shut oil tho flow of gas aud extinguished all tho lights and fires In tho city. When tho regular flow was resumed the gas permeated muuy houses, tho In mates of nil of which wero UBleop. The safety valves ou tho meters un doubtedly saved many lives. The managers" notified the police of the danger anu theputrolmbu roused up half tho town. A call was also mado on tho flro department, nud all the men thut could be spared were about the city, while tho de purtment remained on the alert ex pecting to bo called on at every moment. Charles Kcrgun and Mrs. ueliced that there arc b dies still buried be- debris. Yesterday a large forco commenced work on tbo bottom of tbo slide. Now a wing dam will be built to turn tho channel of the river, m that the en tire slide may be recovered. It will take fully three weeks to ciuplu(e the wing dam. A FATAl. VXI'JjOSIOX. Ckksion, Iown, Dec. 4. Jasper Muus, wife aud three children were burned by an explosion of ga&olihe. Two children are dead uud the man uud wife cannot lecover. KIU.hD HY FAIiMNO WALLS. Ui'.Paul, Dec. 4. Tnis afternoon a force of men ure engaged In clear ing uwu the debris of the nurued building formerly occupied by Far well, Ozmuu & Co. and Griggs, Cooper fc Co., when one of the walls fell with a terrific crash killing five meu Instantly aud injuring twenty others, some of them seriously. Five bodies so far havo been taken from the ruins aud it is thought two or three more ure still under the walls. hkntknci:d to jib iianokd. U.vion, Or., Dec. 4 Judge Fee, of the circuit court, Wednesday night sentenced Evun Carver, who was found guilty of murder In the by btrlklng lights lu the presence ol the accumulation of gus. ICARTER'S "ITTLE IVER PI CURE Pick IlMdnoiiii anil relloi e all the trouble Incl drni to bljfoiM stttlo of Ilia um, euch ai IKulnimiL hauHW. Ilrowkluva. DbtrrM aftci ealluir. I'aln In ma 8UI, Act WMIo lltelr mo.l remarkable suoecM luw toon ahown lu curiiij SICrK Hwulftci.rt, yet CURTBu'a Umx J.iran rim ro ruUly Taliialila in ttantlllon. carina and jHyirontimr Uils annoyjiis complaint, w tilU lliey also correct all dlonlr of llin stomacli. UinuUtc Uo llwr and rvjrulftlo tho bowtU. Cven it titer pulr cured Wabiiinoton, Dee. 4. Tho an nual report of Postmaster General Wanumukor la very longthy. It shows, luspito of tho fact that over $1,000,000 worth of lottery revenue was lost during tho past year, that tho postal deficit of tO.'OOO.OOO 1h surely disappearing, piovlded the Biunorato of revenue and expenses bo maintained to July 1, 181W. Jiciornug to tho lottery matter, tho postmaster general buys tho dls proportion of trials nnd convictions to tho number of arrests aud Indict mollis Is nccounlod for by tho usual delays of law, and not to uny lack of Judinout on tho pnit of In spector?. Ho rofore to tho notion or certain express companies In carry, lug lottery mulls, and says ho shall report this question to tho attorney uncial with n view of obtaining a lic:lon upon tho constitutional question Involvod. Slnco tho prohi bition of tho Louisiana lottery mulls, foreign lottery cninpanlei have bought lo niuko capital out of the fiioi. Under tho supposition that foreign malls hud to bo subject lo tho liko Hirvclllanco with domes, tie nnd geueru'Iy Increased their untiling circulars, etc, the depart. mrtii u All-SCONDKI) CiiAHLOTTU, N. C. Dee., 4. It was learned here Tuesday thut J. M UeuBon, treasurer ol Bladen county, has ulwcouded with SU000 or the count 'h money. Benson has for sfvorul yeais hold tho position of litiisurer of this county, uud fiir tin past t.io years has been largely en gnged lu the mercantile business at Klijnbethporl. His Htore has been the headquarters Tor the Allluuce of Bladen county. Several days aco It wuh learned that Benson was short In his necounts, aud in consequence or thu rumors that wero afloat tho county commissioners hud called a mooting for yesterdn ', ami Benson was to uppeur before them for an in vestigation. Tho commissioners met according to agreement, but found out soo u after thut llenson hud disappeared during tho night. it 13 thought by many that the money the county will lose will be u comparatively small sum compared to the Hum that Benson owes the fanners of Bladeu county. As ho alwujs bus been highly respected una tiunvo suspicion, the funnels would put whatever money thoy did not need In his bunds, he paying them good Interest, but seldom nuv. Ing tho principal, and in (his way quite a largo sum must havo bcon lu his bauds at tho time of his de parture. There seems to bo Httlo doubt that Benson has appropriated at least $10,001) of other people's money to the exclusive benefit of himself. Mtioh excitement exists over hU sudden disappearance, but' those most Interested havo not tho least Idea where ho has pitched his tent. Telegrams havo boeu sent in every direction for apprehension of tbo fleeing treasurer, but nothing uus been neurit of him. WAIT I NO lOU lUHlTJiANl). Pouti.anI), Dec. 4. Only fc00 has been raised throughout tho state for (ho world's fair. Tho two solicitors, Mijor G, V. Ingulh and XV. U. II, Gtn.it, re turned from their trips to Kuderu polnor to school, was tho artist. "boss" Is nn Italian who was lucky enough to secure tho exclusive rights to "shine" on the boats of this com pany for the paltry sum of 3.000 or 1,000 a year. Ho has probably two tcore boys" nt work for a few dollars n week, nnd thoy turn In to him $1.00 to 03 a day each. You can easily figure out for yourself !; nrr.flt Thev enn scarcely be less thnn 15.000 a year. Yet for years no one thought the privilege worth picking up. Again. I had always been In tho habit of "chipping In" when tho hat was pased by tho men who furnish tho ban-owing music (!) on tho excursion boats around tho harbor. I thought, "Poor fellows thoy need it." And if I had no cbango I was always vory busy looking off tho boat as tho man with tho hat approached. Well, ono day I learned that the principal who hired these players had been refused an extension of his exclu sive privilege because ho had declined to pay more than $12,000 a year for it. The hat of an excursion boat musi cian lost its terrors for me from that time. Now York Herald. JOHN HUGHES, HwiiVr in Groceries, l'liit Oik and Window Glass, Wnll Pa per nnd Itordcr, Artists' Ma terials. Lime, Hair. Nails and Shim;los. Hay. Feed and Fence Posts. Grass Seeds. Kte, SEW ADVKItTlHEMENTS. It KENT -Tlireo room f.ir llslit ho f o Xcvpiutf. Knqulreof J. J Miller, u iteftrtet. ,lr lomo Kestauran U( MRS. J. E. BATE3, Propr., Post Office Block. Home cooking and clean food all the time. Fairi M firtdege, to be hanged, tho execu tlon lo tulte place iu thej.til jard on Jauuary iil, 1892. Tills was the fin sentence of death eyer passed bj Judge Fee, uud his honor was un able to retrain from tears. Qarvei is a young in in about 121 years ol aue. lie liau noiuing lo say, anu took tho sentence quite cooley. This is the first instance of a criminal being sentenced to be banged In Union county. MOTlIi:it AND CHILD I1UKNEI). Dkn vi:it, Dee. 4. At the residence of Mrs. Ueoruo Masten a lamp was upset bv an 18-mouths-old obild Tho oil caught fire, which commu ulcuted to the child's clothing. The mother grabbed the child, nnd rushed screaming into the street. Both wero burned to death before they could bo rescued. HAIMIDAD COMMISilONKllS. Pok'IIjANJ), Or., Dec, 4.-The railroad commissioners havo return ed from uu inspecting tour of the dIUereul lines in the state. They report the trueKago of different roads miKid-cuuUi J MINERS SUFFOCATED MANOiiiiSTEH, Dec. 4. Ono of the pita of tho Agecroft colliery, near .ere, filled esiorduy with choke dump, and six of the twenty niluers In it wero overcome, four of whom were suilbcated, aud tuo ure iu a ciltleal condition. HEAVY SNOW STOKSf. WiNNii-Efl, Muu., Dee. 4. All outuolng trains are cancelled and in coming trains nro many hours be hind time becauso of thesnow storm now raging. UNl'MK'J UNATE WOKKMEN. Beki.in, Dec. 4. Five workmen were killtd uud a number injured, six of them It Is thought fatally, by the t.x,lti9lou of eight kilns lu the "Briquette" factory near Halle today. WOMEN IIUK.NEDTO DEATH, London, De 4.- A dispatch from Suiulurlaud btates that afire lu u drin king shop there toduy burned three women to death. THE IlUSSEJili DIVOUCB CASK. London, Dee , 4. In the Bus-sell divorce c:io today the Jury returned a verd ct In favor of Earl Itussyl'. Patti'a Wonderful Orclietrlon. Pntti's orchestrion Is tho largest in strument of the kind In the world. It wns built for Craig-y-Nos. cost nearly $25,000 nnd plays an almost endless list of operas uud conceit limbic. It is liko a full orchestra, and Pntti calls it tho "Spirit of the Castle." No one, of course, has tho temerity to presume to sing or play to Patti unless sho requests this personally. Nor has any one tho temerity to iu,k her to sing in the usual after dinner style. Pianos are in plen ty nt the castle. Yet these, by a sort of unwritten inw, keep silent state, at least when tho hostess of tho house is present. It was no small reliof to mo to find that, although tho house guests In eluded many well known musicians, one was not bored with what I call in cessant "musical shop." Generally speaking, musical people, like paiuters, make life almost unendurablo to others out of their own "art swim." But at Craig-y-Nos, nestled in a Wplsh valley, tho "Rock of tbo Night," eight miles from any neighbor, ono can have peaco and happiness. Mine. Patti-Nicolini and Mr. Ernest Nicolinl do their mu sical stint of practicing in their own rooms in tho forenoon, before the 12 :30 breakfast, and when tlicy elect to sing for their friends thoy havo mado thera bolves a theater to bing in. Cor. Bos ton Herald. AT REED'S OPEItA HOUSE, Fri day evening Dec. 4tb, 1S91. This will be the superb entertainment of the season. The best is true of it. More tbau eighty performers in bril liant costumes. TARELEAUX. SOLOS AND CHORUSES. Entrancing representations or nat ural scenery or America aud the Alps. THE QUEEN! Of Knlrles will be there with all the little FAIRIES. The youni? people of tho M. K. a. B. give this magnlllcent entertainment ler the purpose of securing u new library, and as Jim tho public thntlt patronage will help it worthy cause nnd bo greatly appreciated. 3-Heserved seats on sule nt F. S. neai born'8 DINING CHAIRQ Fancy Rockers AND ODD PIECES. Solid comfort in every one. 1KB eei & m OREGON STATE SCHOOL JOURNALS the fllclal oran of the stute department of public In struction. The Journal la a inonihly mag azine devoted to school und home etluta tlon; therefore, it Is IndispenwiblH to touchers, nnd Invaluable to irieuds of cdu cation In general. Price Sl.ffl pvritununi; nteor more copies 80 ccutM rrch; simple copy 10 cents. Address J. 11. Uohiku, flC7tr Proprietor, Albany, or. Sho Didn't Want a Hack. A hackman was not expecting his wifo at homo when she came by train ono day last week. "Hack," yelled ho. -4 Word, v.puv2 T.ikn you qny- at her husband In surprise "I don't want nny hack, you nuisance." Not awaro oven then that it wns his wife, ho plodded around tho depot while she stood there looking at him in wonder. Business I IIo was nil business. Re turning from an unsuccessful fight after a portly drummer, ho. saw tho lady standing whero ho had left her and tried her ngulu. "Hack? Won't you havo a hack?" when sho turned her familiar eyes upon him, and said: "George Suiithers, you old ninny. Don't you know your wife? What aro ypti up to, anyway? Ain't tliis a pretty way to receive your wife when sho comes homo! Not to say a word to her only Just to yell into her ears, 'Hack, madam? Havo n back?' I don't want none of your old hacks I I I want wanted you to bo (sobs) glad to Fee mo." LowLston (Mo.) Jour nal. EGGS . Our man ceunt: lot am who hat been semiring the ry for Eggs has just brought In big id we are prepaied to supply the city. T. BURROWS, No. 226'CoinmeroiHl HL, fcalen City Election Notice. NOTICJ: Is hei eby given that a city elec tion of the city of 8 ileni, Oregon, will oe held In the soeml wards i,f the city ol Nileni,Orcgon,on siondny Incumber 7, 1891. nud thnt the polls of tUe several win ds will be opened ut the hour of 10 o'clock In the lorenoou and will becloxed ntthe hi-ur ol I o'clock in lh afternoon of t,uid day for ho purposo of electing one a'derman in theflrst ward to succeed Aluermnn K. M Lntorennd for Ihe term of two years; and ono aldei man lo succcd Alderman J. J. Muroliy 10 1111 thouuexplred term of one veai; one alderman lu the third wnrd to rfiiccicd Aldwnin Wii Ilrown; nnd ono UUnain.UjeuUUwflrdUMiocePdAI- luBMimuiaionin mo scvrnu wurnr saia city are us rollawu Klist ward, nt the wau'Ion House; Seo ond ward, nt the old U-uit House; Ihlril wnrd.nl the Opera Houw; Fouitli wnrd.ut Kills &Vhltuej's stable. Dated ntSahm, Oregon. tliU 27th day of No ember. lb!)l. it, i:. Oooni:i,i . II &td liei order' of tho city of fn'cm, Or ENSI D.CSHERMAN, u, a, .Tension and Claim agent. P.O on. anks. The Oregon Land Co, WITH PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN SALEM, The Beautiful Capital C'ty of Oregon, and County Seat of Marion County. Is engaged in selling funning, stock and fruit lands in the Willamette Valley. If you are looking for land do not fail to call on us at Salem or our agent in Port land. The Willamette Valley is very far ahead of anv other place on the Pacific Coast as a fanning, stock and fruit country, and i the most delightful place in the World for a home. "We refer by permbsion to tho follewing: First National liank of Salem, Oregon; Capital National Bank of Salem, Oregon; ex Governor Thayer, Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Salem, Oregon; lion. E. li Jie Elroy, Snte Superintendent of Public instruction, Salem, Oreiron'. Office in Gray Block, Cor. State and LibertvSts., Salem, O. '".ngMBg-vTT, The Willamette Valley Fruit GroAving Company Office Avith the Oregon Land Co., Gray Block, cornit State and Liberty streets, Salem, Oregon; is engaged in setting out and cultivating Orchards. HMHWJUj-injpjtufHu Wi!atioiiallaii!25cWanlCollimn- SALEM, OREGON. NWOLPON DAVJS President. Ok J. REYNOLDS ice President. JuHN MOlll Cashier. GENERALBANKING ! ! K.tilmnge on Portland, San Kruuclbco, ew York, UongKougandKuropo bought .ml sold. Llbeiul ndv.nu.s mado on ho .t, wool, hops, and other property at reispiinbloraier. i"-"j nox 231. Sulem, Oregon. Deputy County !IAIt' Vltk fn lilnu Un -.-- kivu mi un MAltKETi roun,ANi, Uco. 4 Wheat val ley RGH'O 1 07J; Walla Walia $1.00 fl.(J.r). San Fuajisco, Dec. 4. Wheat buyer '01 1.8U; nenson $1.89. CmoAao.Deo. 4. Wheat was easy cash, 9JJ May H7J. i"? &.r jiu-ir. .."'.. .If l f i vMu HEAD but urluRMely tliWr coodncsa 3o not rtui luiv. mai llnwa uhrt auca trv them win n,ui IIhm UtUo plllvlual)lrt In co many that ray WW tm BO HS1UW IU U(J HIUlOUl IIICIU. M tftocaUslok AvHE iMPtto Mir Ure tUt tier ; our. ert Vwut, Our m Uonot. rwwtouka OnooTtwoiaSir.k lli f rural friti delivery, which ?irVr lwwon irlti Inforly-Blx com- II (SoM r!rr n hero, w t tjr until AMM Wi:a M.. . blhl UIk Ub now Hlruffullnir with this imuieiu nuu uiu ovu is ucorcoslng. unKnii nml the wlllanielte valley Tho report reconuueuda tho eetub- roapeollvely. They hvu labored llMliiucut of a branch dead letter hard but uinuut o vmi n.u r... iVtenl.jWrifnfp aavothno merlin... In ?1000 and tbo latter ,u.iuvxivuhoi irnniiioruudrotrttn ?taxj. Out or this n Uru nercent, f.rncroMUiooontlueur, Tho post ' U noieu und not eat.li Aluoh Inter- , master jwueml reuewB the recom- lervst and niie e .thuslatm was meiidutlon for n tllvWon of tho nuulfested, but ready money was uu.i.iu,) muu hoiui iimtncui UUd HU Uil ItiiroilUll duoctt inuiiv rensoim wliv It u-nniii xri,. t.....i.. ..1.H...1 .... .'. ira .Mkt our otm( VSut, Our iiu cure ii " " lu,,, , and Dauer county, and The Dallea ft3?Tgr'touka onoortwoiaita mak "' rwl mt delivery, which 'The uiouev which nin'i'eeoured ti2Ktf1ft!'RJ23L"4d! liMiwnnn Irl.i In forty.8x com. couiea rram ti, nuM .1 n.w-. LSliii."T.r'" -.VV ""v'" ...... ... .. t ... -- .- i" 'J' "Wwi WW IIIFIH in VWM I IwfcrTl (5oMwnrhfrB,w ; wi:a m., Tt f r- 1 nwr r rc -?f ? jijjj tfifv' ff4 kJI fyS Tobacco nnil Its Curious Uc. In the southern states of America I have seen n gentloinan eat n cigar from tip to butt, refraining of course from swallowing tho weed. Five nnd twenty years ago tho horriblo practico known as "biiulf dlnninc" bad not iliwi nnt ;. the south, the MiulT, or somo crumbled tobacco loaves in lieu thereof, being rubbed into tho gums with n little stick of hickory terminating with a i-lnv "swab" of llnx. I never saw a femalo engaged Iu "hnuff dipping," but accord ing ton distinguished American author ity tho vice was formerly frequent, not inn iiinoiig nugro women nna "moan whlto trash," but nmong educated peo ple of both so.es. Kvoryhody knows that tobacco owes Its uaiuo to a blunder, tho early Span ish discoverers having mistaken tho torm b,y which the Cnrlbs designated ineir pipes tor tlie borb whloh they smoked therein. But everybody does not know, I approhond, thnt tho appli cation of- tho lighted ond of a cigar to tho hkin was onco gravely recommend ed as a remedy for neuralgia. London Truth. PEOPLE! Ask for Hurst's "STAFF OF LIFE" ur whole Wheat Flour, healthiest Him uesi tasting bread. Also the Famous Pure Aurora Buck wheat Flour. . "Hum's best Full Holler Process Flour.' Also our pure Bye Flour. Ask your dealer .w. ...voti buviuo nun lUKt) 110 SUUSUlUle, J. D, WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAl'lTAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking buln.8 In ull its branches Notices inserted for ONE CENT PEK WOKD KAU1I INHEUTION. Ko adver tlsement Inserted In this oolunin for less thnn iwenty-flve cents. Bilcm, or nt Journal otUce, "IOB BENT Now house iu North 1 Salem. Apply to E. Holer, North T' OST. A package of hair goods, between J Mission Htiei't and Keller's slnrt. Leave at Jirs. Frank Cooper's store. 11 S7 U vj ir.xN .r, a i iu iuw i . n iu xjc n.a nil in.. c. ..q,ulr,eTr r' VanderBan. Wlnterstroet north of Union. 11-28 3ifl rilO EXCHANGE. Ten acres within the JL city limits of Yankton, S. D for ptip. y ""." .cui outuiii. w . L. UlUDie. -nkm, Or. ll-3Mt SPhCJAJj HARU4IN A boipain is ot Arid in U10I N. GHbert piopeity civw ner Marion und From stietts ( all on J. C. Boojh, room 18, over Ladd A liush bart 11 21 lw UEO. WILLIAMS.. W'M. ENOLAND HUGH ilnNABY Piesideu Vice l'resident Cash ler DIBECTOBS: Geo. Williams. Wm. Km land, Or. J. A. Bichardsou, J. W. Hobson J. A. linker. ilnnklnnt t Exchange block on Com uierelal street. h:12-tf HUIIST& SON, Aurora. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKER, 215K Ccmmercll St., - Salem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty of Spectacles, and repairing Clocks. Watches and Jewelry. ""'" cam Al Kff ,W-u 8,a,0y' Resident a. i . Armstrong, Manager. Business, Shortluuiil, TJPiwr!tlns;. i'ennmanshlp, English JJopartments. StudenU ndmlltc'd atanyyme. Catalogue fiee fOUND. A npw leather sll pt-r Owcfr 1 ran have sntno by proving property nnd paying for this notice. alO BENT. lioneof nluorooms. Stable ,..nttachcd with eity water: aichlaua addition. Knnnlie Suii Cott.nte stretU Jin HEMOBBHOIB'? (Piles) of every variety, Uleeis and Fissures, I'rolapsus nf lie iictiim. etc. I'oslt'vely cured vtlthcnt pain cr aetentlon from business. 1'utltuls turn ibtn selesatthtirown homes and a cure guar anteed. An end to the old batliirous method or cuttlrg and llgutuiing. Ad dress Western olliee, Ooluo.bla Medical Co.. Jick box lufnlcm, Oregon. 9.im M.L.CUAMBEBLIN, O. M SMITH, 11. M; vBRANSoJr'EO. H. HOffi? i txtT e8,aent- Treasurer. UNION TITLE ABSTRACT CO. S75 Commercial htrcet. thecou8nVr.nen,eStand best Abstnnts I, J.E.EOSS, 97 State Str et . Farmer's Restaurant vA?.2.Luncu Counter. Good, clean meou No Oh In pen iwtm i. zjr' r"" meais est. F'reihOwTAlnanyTtyTer 'iTlo'lm riIHE ALKA-HtHPJiBIAN fcOCJLTY i. MceiB everj haturday eveulug at 8 o clock, lu tho hall over (ha Mute Insu rance build, ng. Alct-tlngsiiieojen to the f"ulu " wmen niiai.er,rit-8. r, w. A. Cnslck, Vice President. 108U WANTEP our uj-ents make $100to 13 a month telllrg our g odr on their merits. o waut count aud gene-rnl agents. and wllltnke bark all tooiis hk old if u coiirty ugeut falls to c ear IK0 ind cxpnites nfier a thirty dajs trial, er ntenernlr tent less than 4?50. V e will send h.rgo Illustrated circulars rnd letter with a special oiler to suit leirilor) l pi1 dlor. on receipt of 3 ineccu' stump. "pply at once and get In oi tlo bwn. Address Benner Munufiirlurtni. o 'ill burg. Pa. i7dwU Pnnltiii Plenty um Olienp. Cuyuro ponies aro soldoin soon hero now, but thoy havo not become Qitinct by nuy means. On a larso ramro oo- IXJolto Umatilla an- some Ilvo or six thousand, ownod by ouu man. A dealer roports that ho was offered his pick of 400, out of a band of 1,000, for sbc dollars per liead. This Is dieap f iiougii, uui mere is not luucu demand for Indian ponies nowadays. Portland OivgoniaiL ?w .. 'h, SICK rVv ?V IIEflDflCilE .V ,A fatk fcvovrar 2bi r i . w J-3jlv. . ilHiSKilVO M 3 Z " 57 " o. vmmr:m mse rMSV-'- - ne... "" OiJVM3W:i-- a w TtW Ihet--; tjiaa ..t" - CHAS. WOLZ, German Market. Frank'ort, Bologna, Vlennn, Liver nd Blood Sausage and Head Cheese of T own make. Best freh rrhue meats end at lowest prleoi. In rostofttco block. J1S i" ar.. c. - K fc.ls " .. . -jjU7Y OKTIS EiKTTr'vr.n Both tho method nnd results wheti AilinIu$(ni(niJs Notice of Ap. poiutmunt. r.:: .- ..z. ,.,..,. . . Mttoimlc l""""lvn""" Mirpnwngiy srutiry. coumy ha ei Bve'i nutblnp. rTt ''tf rtu,l' Inoivascd rewljiU of ami will not do bo uut.l I'urtbnd inert moo ure mpro than wlfsup- uhowa her baud. punini; Tllv rf,i)ii uieudntlou Mr. Qrimt reports mibatanllnlly Syrup of Fig is lake,, ; U is p,etmi)t , Ny:ftX&rirJ& nuk niani li li isr n ru ... i . court i if he i M M' "vj ni"ii'-j.'. ip-e or vaiii uuimv dM-t-AXHt. Ahil II prouk hottnrdlm; nntl refroshiiiL' to tlio tnsin. nnl ,.m I mntly yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, clcaused tho evii tern efltctuaily, dfcpels cx)ld, Umi acliea aud foveru and cures hahituil constipattoiiperraaDently. Portal in 60o aud gl bottfea by a4 druinriaU. CALIFORNIA HO SYIWP CO. luly nnfolutist bv lh .,,,.iv iii.eiHH..torKon f thecoui'fy M, HdmlcUlminr nf ih.. eiul of lhl.Hi.-lvi-. Ii"e of Mid wmnty GOUT Por tbaae coraplslnts tako Slronoj jver IleKiilator. It keens tho btotuao. 4i an I prevents unyof thoaboio jioiior lum getting in tho system, or, lr tlic Iroftdy It will drho them out.nn ,r.t. iowuroiwly rooms or longtandln-i, ar ,-ou iU aHlu Uavo sood health t.r.i I ' UW. Ilae you ijn In tho side, Uv.k , mwrtlwshoulder-blude? ItUnotrli jiatUBi but dyspopsld. Take Sliuiuou. Ller ltegulutor. Does your heart throb violontlr after nnujual oxortlon or excitement T It l not heart dlscaic, but Indigestion. Mtni mM rii.it iweo in titfr(Hvd. at t U' ra benlir n ..., ... fettc.k.,nlj t. ... ...,.. . .J . " .lla ,-.t... .. v .. .. .. unu iwmo. i., tlin iuw tfrteHt-d. ui , id i.ln..fif .u . .. JL" lu .IJ--,-.." T..l-iU'r.-vV",iiw -" """ . v-iiiu m& ! rii rvM . d, i. W. And i01 perSnVlndebt ald MlHt f M,riby tnni Bike lmme4li' tetUowtHif lo iSTuid, indebted in w i HBdtr. iKUwt HdmlnlfttintMr. luted liuXuiubtr 'h '". n.Aw?.,,PJt"l.,or' t U'.u,,e iCy liurknnldrr dfxtei', tW Take Simmoiis Li?er Regulator. il'k.,.i!lal,,rortwci,reJ dJtyto hununltvl kh te Uirny tt.tnay lo the 1ouIIi,bi S,Si n u iMcrBniMMc docKr- UU Mvid Strawberries and Grapes, .rTcruUU'arinee2ofcll.for',a'e- Manual ol, ffi'i.ISS -SWI5U. dialogue, of taesgEmBgs cttc Uiriversitjf, w ami 8ALEM, OBEGON, Hop Sing & Co,, MERCHANT TAILORS, 208 Commercial HI. Clothing made at lowest prices. Repairing neatly done. Rustic! Rustic! M! Itnstic Rocking chairs, 8ctlers, genu o nee or reading cnairs, lamp standi, center tables, flower stands, baby rocking und high chain, etc., for sale Or Exchange for Fccond llxnd Goods. Call aud uupect Rnstldwork at oid (vurt House, 114 AJlklnds.offurnllurerepairtd. H. T. MARTIN, Propr. co- SLaTl? RJ ltf J. w ue4,t the .lOlftd Ji-.a i'i' ijCTV " J r. ' a.M., i , rt, a-.L,r, . -r.T.?? .r " a Mffcct h1,v i CZZ2 rvwnckiKiae Is lust the nlaofl in in r.ri nt i educatiou. Its Normal Course offers wci,y auvantnen nr nn,. ..... i school with all thebenetliBnrdeRree jnd slate dlplomu uud umuy poe- Excellent omirapa fnr Iwutu Mp, Theology, Law. Medicine and Pharmacy. Second term opens Nov. 10th. Third term opens Feb. 1, 1682. ami m.v.ui i .ir.T-. ,?""" or circular uaurera. E. O. OJROSS, and Packer, State SU ant Oourt2-t.-Tbr beet tattt tMlvered to alt niimf tberltr NG. PRINT! a UK OK TUK LKOBff BTgHg meniii In the -in. l ' I'rS rtlanJ. Jjirge.1 etock l 'fcj WAXWoyaBUy-'-" REV,OEO.WHITAKER,D.D. Prwldeut, ' 'J',-tKC. ffe S. i , a.r,kidtttkatJ&MiiWauAA.