Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 03, 1891, Image 3

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TfiWe Linens
and Napkins
i j
f "
TIirUSDAY DEC. 3, 1891.
We manufacture especially for the
Willamette valley trade, and sell as
low as the lowest.
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oi's, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
Made to order at K. H. Matthews'
Dress Making Parlors, 331 Commer
cial street, Cottle block.
Board op Trade. The Salem
hoard of trade met at The Willam
ette hotel Tuesday evening, but
there were so many other impor
tant meetings going on, 'he attend
ance was small. But ihere were
enough to adjourn over till tonight
when the regular meeting will take
place and a full attendance is de
sired. Secretary Wagner has been
working hard to collect all back
dues and has each day. answereiLull
correspondence. The board of trude
is now in Hue working order and the
decks are cleared for making up a
splendid subscription for 1892. The
board is gettiug upon a strictly cash
basis and all monies will be uaeii for
eastern advertising, the local ex
peiihes being nothing. Turn out to
night and give the Salem biard of
trade your hearty support.
Hui'itKiiB Juiicie. Tjio term n
Jude:o HUnh.iu i-xpliliig next ills
successor will be chosen at the net
election. It Is not known whether
he will he a candidate to succeed
lilmse f or not. A prominent D m-
ocratin tho city from Portland to
day says that city has no. candidate.
Judge Bennett, late circuit judge at
The Dalles, and Judge Bouham, of
Salem, are mentioned as possible
candidates, in the seuso that they
may be uominated on the Demo
cratic ticket.
Justice to All. M. W. Hunt,
the Republican nominee for alder
man in tho llrst ward will not go
into the council to do the biddlug
of a few rich men. He will seek to
protect the people of that ward by
holding the danuerous waters of
Knrth Mill creek in check by law
if need be. The citizens of that
ward should uot elect a man to serve
a few lien meu but to serve the
A Correction. C ouuoilman
John Gray wants to correct the im
pression made by lat night's Jour
nal that he favored allowing the S.
P. railroad to gravel its Front street
track. On tbo contrary, he claims
to have tho honor of having intro
duced the resolution to compel the
cotnpauv to comply with the ordi
nance and plank its track- This is
Mr. Gray's statement.
" P.F. Every one should
hear the children (seventy-five in
uuiuberj sing at the opera houso
Friday evening. The orohestja will
"fl"l in" with a few excelleut fclec
tl'ms, an "iu tune" plauo haying
we" secured for the orcibiou.
jjoyers of simple sweet music will
"Ml this a very enjoyable occasion,
Jcst thr Idea. Crushers, what
re they? Mud crushers and tho
Price Is only J2.6Q an,i ?3f at R j.
'leniiDij'a B. 8. S 8. 118 Btate street.
Another genuine special sule at HOLVERSON'S.
This week we wili offer our entire stocl of Furs at
the usual special sale discount.
in sets, all the newest designs and colorings, suitable for
Holiday Piesents. See them while the
A Division of the li-g-'.ii Stnto
hrgne nr Republican (Main.
About forty young Republicans
mat Wednesday night lu a room of
the State Insurauc-j building.
The meeting was called to order
by L. P. Conn, who nominated M.
W. Hunt for temporary chairman.
H. S. Jordau was made secretary.
Among those present were the
follewing: M. W. Hunt, G. G.
Bingham, J.tp illuto, P. W.
Wateis, L. P. Conn, J. II. McNary,
H. S. Jordan, B. P. Meredith, A. N.
Moores, A. N. Gilbert, Otto Wilson,
A. T. Wain, H. P. McNary, Dr. W.
B. Morse, E. J. Hwaford, S. T.
Richardson, E. Hofer, E M. La
Fore, Wm Brown, Ed. Cussick, R.
D. Allen, Geo. Myers.
John L. Ayi-r of Portland address
ed the meeting on the political situ
ation and the urgent need of Repub
lican organization. He explained
the constitution and by-laws which
Were then discussed nnd adopted.
Three delegates, M. W. Hunt, G. G.
Ilhiliam and Jap Minto, were se
lected to the the state convention of
Republican clubs at Portland, Dec.
9th. L. P. Conn was chosen per
manent secretary and tho club will
elect the balance of its oflicers at a
future meeting. The best of good
feellug prevailed and to all appear
ances the Republican party will be
on hand 1892.
The Fritnds to Locale a Polytechnic
lustUuto at Ili'-liluud.
A Friend's Polytechnic Institute
has been incorporated aud will go
up this coming year.
The incorporators are VV. J. Had
ley, B. S. Cook, F. M. George aud
H. J. Minthorn, capital stock, $10,-
Jinn. rtiiiua-int-u-otiarej of $25 each.
Tho principal office shall be at
Salem, aud the object of the corpora
tion, as indicated by the name, is to
conduct a liiger school of learning of
the denomination of Friends at
The head educator in this move
is Prof. Morrison, of Newberg who
takes $1000 stock", the institute to be
under direction of the Salem quart
erly meeting.
As its name indicates, it will be a
college of the arts aud sciences.
There is room for another higher
educational institution at Salem,
aud progressive denomination will
push it to success.
Wheat. Ten to fifteen cars of
win at are coming into to the big
Capitol mills daily but that is ouly
enough to ruu it half the time. The
wheat comes from all parts of tho
Rkcokuek. H. Radficld for vag
rancy and W. Foster for drunkeuess
were sentenced to terms In the city
jail by Recorder Goodell. Both are
doing stieet work.
Probated. A final settlement of
the estate of E L. Quimby,executors
G. R. Matthews and Richard Price,
wm filed and approved.
Charming. Mountain scenery,
pretty children, gorgeous costumes,
aud caluium lights, what could he
nicer? At opera lioue tomorrow
Cheap Land. Twenty-six
acrei two nnd one-half miles from
Turnc. Comfortable house aud
outbuilding-!, ood spring and young
orchard, $35 j er acre. The Oregon
Land Co., in Gray block.
12-3 eod-4t
ASurfuise. Make your wife a
present of one of those beautiful
hanging lamps at Clark & Eppley's.
Boy It now, as there will be few
left by Christmas. Prices always
the lowest.
IN Probate. In guardianship of
Joseph Strong, a minor, E. E. Ore
golre, guardian, filed his final ac
count. Be heard. January 4th.
Frl-"F. F. F."-day.
Somcthino Fink. Water cress
received dally at D-tvIuVti.fcViiHeii,
Court street market. if.
N. B. A full lino i f silks for f mcy work.
variety lasts.
The MUbph I.ewin uro hoine from
a shirt visit, to Corvaltls.
Dr. Richardson is In EiBt Portland
for a short stny,
W. T. Rlgdou toitk the afternoon
train for Portland.
R. M. Wade, tho veteran hard
ware merchant, has been In the city
looking after his immense business,
and returned to Portland this after
noon. Judge Boise goes to Polk county
to Hold court next Monday.
County Clerk Sherman is home
from Portlaud.
The Myrtle Polut, Coos Co., Lum
ber Co. has filed articles of incor
poration, stock $3000.
Dr. Orr of Canyon City, Grant
couuty, has been a guest of Hon.
Phil Metsehau:
Robert Kell, who is a guest at Mr.
Blackford's in North Salem, will
leave in a few days on his way to
Clias. E. Adams, a Salem barber,
bus gone to Colfax, Wn., to work at
hi trade. He is n son of Capt.
Adams, janitor of the North Salem
F. S. Dearborn, the stationer, bus
just opened a few choice pieces of
imported bisque figures.
Dr. S. Orr, of Cauyon City, Is tho
guest of State Treasurer Mestchuu
aud family, en route for California
and the east.
Dr. Wurtz, who left Gerval for
Southern California, in search of
health, died In Los Angeles, Nov,
Mrs. R. S. Wallace and children
left this afternoon on their trip to
Colorado, accompanied by the late
Mr. Wallace's two brothers, with
whom they will spend several
months of the winter season.
Notwithstanding tho great scarci
ty of butter and eggs, you will find
an abundance at M T. Rlneman's
strictly fresh. Also plenty of fresh
Oregon lard, bacon and beaus.
A former .Southern F'aaitlu-Wivioim-.
superintendent, J.- N. Ryan, of
Salem, who lives on the fair ground
road has been appointed Biiperiu.
tendent of Tho Dalles pi rtage road.
He is a practical railroad man.
R. D. Alien, the Silverton fruit
man came to Salem Weduesday.
He says It Is a good seven hours
drive with a good team aud that Is
the only kind of team he drives.
This -is a sad commentary on our
country roads.
Price's fru It coloring at Clark &
Sam Waters, Zera Snow, T H
Towuseud, A H Tanner, J H Fisher,
C M Maxwell, H Beneke, J H
Biugau.RB Wilson, W P Smith,
A A Abbett, Springfield.
A 8 Macalllster, A S Bennett,
The Dalles.
L W Loughead, Albany.
W A Rolinson, Chas Collins, Geo
1 Burton, b F.
Jefl Meyers, 8cio.
C A Kohee, Chicago.
J 8 Crane, San Francisco.
Sam Goldsmith, Portland.
Miss Jennie Cole, The Dalles,
Ed Schellberir, Eola.
John Brown, La Grande.
C H Smythe, Pendleton.
P A Smllh, Solo.
A Peterson, W Nolz, J B Kellon,
John Milan, Wm Greeley, Illinois
II E Dale, W Ellison, Dallas.
T F Cowing, Oregon City.
Silver Flake hominy at Clark &
New VeeA Store.
J. E. Easiham & Co. have just
opened an office on State street op-
potlio li. u. i;ros8- uuicuer hijoji.
Go get the best feed aud hay the
marKetaiioras. ji-imiw.
Close buyers should remember that
L. S. Winters at the auction store
near the court house, tells goods at
banralns every day Iu the week.
Auctions evury Saturday.
11-20 d&w 1 ra
I'diitr iir m
State vs. Maker Count v.
Nearly nil counties aro out of debt
to the Btftte for tuxt lne except
Baker county mid (lie hint .f the
stnto vs. Baker county for taxes due,
some of them Cm in 1878 to 1800 In
clusive Is of Interest. The sums are:
For 1878,$ 111 01; 1S79; $1153.07; 1880,
$368.61; 1881, $588.05; 1882, $221.00;
18S3, $599.70; 1834, $220197; 1885,
$2482.20; 1839. $7911 85; 1990. $2758.05.
Totnl, HLURMK). The pnora ure
no heiitA unMairvJ lv Attorney
... ,.,'i,..i .i. . . ,, ...in '
UvueraM haudiernd i, uiitl suit will i
, , . , .' 4 ,
ie in-!titi In the elreuU omiir
linker county to recover In a few
' eeks.
ilo Voi-.it launched,
'" aviliticioftlie present day foi
'V! 4 .-.iduclie. i of everything that will
-. id-.ee to th-3 luatctial welfare and
'it.fert ctV.ankiad are almost unlim
u i atid "! en Pyrop cf Figs was first
.jro.Iuc.-d tiu: vrorld was enriched with
L' .j crtl;- rc-fiit laxativ known, as it
la tho ory remedy whiili is truly
.t.:ivsf cjil isfro-Iridg to the taste
aatl prompt nnd cff. ctnal to cleanse
tLe system ge:it!y in the Spriug-time
or, In fact, at any ti:nc, and the belter
it Is knov.-u the tr.ore ponular It bf
A Rare Display. Nobody but
will be interested and delighted to
see the beautiful dUplay of dried
fruits at M. T. Rlneman's this week.
Such a variety was never before
displayed In Salem, and each kind
is the very best of its variety. This
grand display Includes dried rasp
berries, blackberries, Zante currants,
layer raisins, Smvrna figs, dates,
cherries nectarines, evaporated apri
cots, evaporated and sun dried
peaches, aud apples, plums, petit,
Italian aud bleached silver prunes
the largest and finest 'Oregon prune
ever shown.
$100 Rewaril. $100.
The leaders of tho Capital
Jouunal will be pleased to learn
that there is al least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to
cure in an us stages, and tuat is
cataarh. Hall's Cataarh Cure Is tho
ouly positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Cataarh be
ing a constitutional disease, requires
a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Cataarh Cure is taken Internally,
acting directly upon tho blood and
mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strengtu oy uuuuiug up tue consti
tution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The pn prictors have, so
much faith In its curative powers
that they ofier One hundred Dollars
for auy case that it falls to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Ad
drees P. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
Clark & Eppley still carry
-uperlor lino ol laundry soaps.
Neil McLeod, app, vs O M Scott,
tumntjj juic, it j aiim, Joun v
Moore, county commissioners; V C
Brock, couuty clerk, resps; appeal
from Sherman county; argued and
John Carlson, administrator, resp,
vs Oregon Short Line, aud North
ern R R Co, app, and Francis Cou
lon, resp, vs Oregon Short Line and
Utah Northern R R Co, app; appenl
from Wasco county;argued und sub
mitted. Happy lloosicrs.
Wm. Timmons, Post master of Ida-
vllle, Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters
has doue more for me than all other
medicines combined, for that feelluir
arising from Kidney nnd Liver
trouble." John .Leslie, farmer and
stockman of ihe same place says:
"Find Electric Bitters to be the best
Kidney aud Liver medicine, made
mo feel ll.ko a new man." J. W.
Gardner, hardware merchant, same
town, says: Electric Bitters Is just
the thing for a man who Is all ruu
down and don't care whether he
Uvea or dies; ho found new strength,
good appetite and felt lust like ho
hud a new lease on life. Only 60 cts.
a bottle, at Fry's Drug Store 225
Commercial 8t.
A Co.
There no ojie article In tbe Hue of niedl-
cIiiph that elve co largo a return for tlio
mouey ua a good puroua stremalieulue
Bliutor, buch ii8 Curfji ' Hmart weed aud
et'adoniui backnebe plasters.
Thofce unhappy person who nuirer from
liervousnoKX and dyapejwla'ihouM use Cur
ter Little Nervt. Pill, vrblcb are mide ex
pressly f r gleeplea, nerroai, dyjx;ptlo
tntterers. Price 35 cents.
Women with pa', coloiIeM facr, who
eel weak and dUcourngcd, will rectilve
botb ineoUl and bodily vigor by uilog
Carter'! Iron Pill, which are mode fur tbe
blood, nerve and complexion,
As a preventive and cure for croup
Chamberlain's Cough Remcdv has
uo rival. It Is, iu fact, the only
remedy that can always be depend
wt ....m. ..awl tt...t ie. ..Ifiaurttit ., . f
safe to take. There Is not the least
rinnimr in islvlnc it to children. UB it I
contains uo injurious suusmuco.
For sale at 60 cents per bottle by
Geo. E. Good.
Cheap Land. Thirty acres of
.rood fruit land, twenty-four acres
under cultivation, two aud one-half
milts from Turner, fsi per acre.
The Oregon Land company, Salem,
Or. Gray bulldlug. 11-21 eod8t
Tbe Massachusetts Mutual Life
Insurance Co. have caub sod paid
up values guaranteed In each policy.
Don't iuture In any other com
pany. J. L. Mitchell, Agent.
Ilaeklcn'. Amlcawilr,
The Beat 81 ve la. tbe world for CuU,
iicaUt,naff. Vleen. BaUKbcoin, vr
rJorta.Te.Ur, Chapped Hand, CbltoUUn,
Cora and all Hkln Kruplloo, and fxwl
Uvelr cure Pitta, or do pay regain. It
l guaranteed to rive perfect -utuitctton
nt vaitturr Tttaa&l. Prm. ti tit per
box. i'ora!byIaa,lJ.Kr7,2U.iiM,
Baby cried,
Mother eight!,
Doctor prescribed t Cwtork!
mi 'iiimiiiiiriinrniii r ift-imi"iiii'niri,i"iiitrr'f
Possnrt says t'nt ho rorjnlrca three
hoars to rank vt for M ivl., ..
Bessie Hnttori.iumgliterot Joseph Hat
ton, the clever London jr .tra.fist, has
tnude a distinct hit as an actress.
"The Man with a Hundred Heads" la
the peculiar name of a play in which com
edian Harry Dixey recently appeared.
Fanny Davenport is reported to have
played to $9,700 in one week in St. Louit
when the tempeataru btood at 04 dega,
So far the standard companies of this
eaaon, with one or two exceptions, have
. .. . , . . ,
been of the so called farce comedy char-
Harry B. Smith, dramatic editor of the
Chicago Tribune, has written a farce
comedy for Jack Mason and Marion
Tho receipts of tho Bayreuth festival
amounted to $165,000, a great financial
success. Next year there will be ton
performances of "Parsifal," seven of the
"Meistersinger" and three of "Tanu
hanser." Francis Wilson utters 7,033 words in
the courso of every performance of "The
Merry Monarch." The original "Ham
let" gave 8,700 words more to the title
role, but "Hamlet" as acted now gives
forty-seven words less.
Miss Vokes' first appearance on the
stage was made in long clothes. She
speaks of it as a "shrieking part." Her1
first Bpeaking part was played at tho age
of three, and sho had one word for oaoh
year "Papa," "Mamma" and "No."
"No" always brought down tho house.
Pietro Mascagnl, the composer, im
presses most people who moet him rather
unfavorably at first Ho knows nothing
about the business of mounting or pro
ducing playa and operas. Ho dislikes
praise. For a fortnight after the first
presentation of "Cavallerla Rustlcana"
he refused to go before the curtain and
show himself.
Robert Bonner sont Charles Marvin a
check for $1,000 as n present for having
driven Sunol to her record of 0:031.
Ed Geers, the sensational reinsman,
and trainer and driver of Hal Pointer,
has declined C. J. Hamlin's offer of $25,
000 for his services for five years.
Dallas, the great pacer, with a record
of S'AU, owned by M. McCormick, of
Pittsburg, strained the muscles of his
hind leg recently, and may never race
Tennessee people believo that Bella
Archer, 2:15, will be as sensational a
filly neit year as Nancy Hanks has been
this season, and that she will certainly
trot in better than 2:10.
Jacob Ruppert, tho Now York million
aire brewer, will operate a high class
racing stable next year, and has already
engaged Jack Joyner to train for him.
His son has made two entries in the 1803
Secretary of the Navy Tracy believes
that beforo five years are passed 2:00 will
be beaten by a trotter of the Electioneer,
Wilkes or Nutwood blood, and that the
mile will be trotted in 3:00 in ten years
or less.
Ten years ago Hinda Itoao, the first
foal of Beautiful Bells, set all the world
talking because sho had trotted a mile In
2:80, which was then the yearling reo
ord. Bell Bird, the eleventh foal of tho
samo a&m, nas now lowered that record
to 2:20.
Owners of four stables In the east
have won more than $100,000 this year,
and ten more have won moro than $40,
000. J. A. and A. H. Morris lead with
$161,480, won by twenty-four horses,
and Mike Dwyer has landed $143,305
with his twelve.
The barking of dogs on the earth caa
be heard in a balloon at an elevation ot
four miles.
Moro rain falls at Cherra Ponjee, in
tho bills of Assam, than iu any other
place in tbe world.
In Fiji, the Friendly islands, Samoa
Bnd New Britain, 100,000 natives wor
ship in Methodist churches.
The gaugo of theltoman chariots 2,000
years ago was 4 feet 8J inches same ts
standard railroad gaugo of today.-
Massachusetts has more free circulat
ing and reference libraries than any
other state. It leads tho Hat' with 170
free libraries and eleven reference libra
ries. Sucen Regent Christina of Spain reads
speaks English.
Misnaming Things.
i..- n-iiiia m '
The experienced huntsman in the woods never wastca
time looking for bear in Bear Hollow, nor deer along Deer
Creek, nor would he hope to shoot any great number of ducks
on Duck Lake, for his experience has taught him that such
points are always misnamed, and this lesson holds good with
almost everything in life. For instance, in tho case of the
brands on articles of food, spices and other ground food
products, the things branded or labeled "pure", "strictly
pure" or "absolutely pure," are without exception tho most
villainously adulterated. 'Tis the wolf in sheep's clothing
Tho most brazen case is that of the Royal Baking
Powder. This article is branded and paraded beforo the pcoplo
-as "absolutely pure" when it contains ammonia. You can
smell it in tho can and often in the biscuit while hot,
What woman would use an ammonia or alum baking
powder if she knew it ? They not only destroy tho stomach,
but ammonia will destroy the complexion.
Not so with Pr, Price's Cream Baking Powder, the
only pure cream tartar powder to b obtained, end the
only baking powder made by at physician. Dr, Price has
deyoted a lifetime to perfecting this old-fashioned, in
tftopensablc artiolo of, the culinary rt that has stood all tlw
tests and remained the standard for forty years,
UtiuMMMan riMMkiMa
Wheat Valley, it.BSrtUl.T) per cenln',
Ktnilr standard, 5N 00.
WMi VrttlanM8,
Oats New White a to tfc per buvhcl.
Mlllstuirs-llran lia, shot ts, til to 22
ground barley, $21 to 3ft: cnopffced, tl
to J 19, middling, 8, per Ion.
Hay 111013 pvr ton.
llutlcr Oregon nincy dairy, SVs ffthcy-
ciiRmcry 3TH0W; good to fhlr, 37)i;
California choice 27to31c.
Kggs Oregon 5i4 o per do.
l'oultry Old chickens tx
lNtatoe lOnttXV) per e utal.
Cheese Oregon, Hto 15c; OiilfOrniH lie,
Sugars Golden O, 4)0; exim J,4t Ury
granulated, oJJ cube, crushed aad Poa.
dercd, 6fo per pound.
Beans Sruall white, JJicj pink '$
bnyox, SHci butter, 3Jc: llran. 830.
Dried FrnlU Queted: Itnllnn prune
8c; Petite nnd (Jcrniau, 7u )cr pound;
rnUlnj, $13) p-jr box; ptummrr ilttol
pcirn, s 10 Pc; sun dried nnJ factory
plums, Be; evaporated peaches. 0 to lie;
Bmyrla Ugs Miij Collforuln flgs 7 cents per
llldM Dry hides, YM, to Pc; k leu fo
culls, green over 55 pounds', 7c; under 5
pouDds, 1c; sheep pelt. iS0c$l.S3.
Eastern linm, 12 to lSHl brenUnxit bn
con, 11 to 15c; Bides, l luril, 12 to 13o
per pound.
han fbancisoo, Dee. a wheat; buyei;
Barloy t'eed J1.07 SI 11 per centn.
OiiU-Oray l 85 to HO per cental, old.
Corn Lsrge yellow, 11.10 to 8U2; white
J1.25 to Jl 50 per ccntnl.
Hops V)4 to 15o por pound.
rotntocs Uarnet Chile ,40 to 50c; Karly
ltos.0, 3) to 30c; llurbnuks, 80 to 40c; sweet,
1.00 to si. a fO per cental.
Onions 70 to $1.00 per cental.
Buttor-Cholee,30to82c; ploklo roll, at
to anc; croiimery, 15 to Ufio por pound.
Kgns Uhotco ranch, 42to45c; cold stor
ago, 19 to 31c per dozen.
Chicago, Dec. 2. Wheat, cash 8Ke,
Afflicts linlf the AmprlcAU people yei tlio.re
la only uuo prepnmtlnu ot (.an.-tpurllla that
acts on tho bowels and reaches this Import
ant trouble, mid that Is Joy's Vegetable 8r
inparllln. It relieves It In II hours, and tra
occasional dose prevents return. Wo refer
by permission to C. E. Klklntrtou, 125 !cuit
Avenue, Ban rrauulscoi J, II. Urown, I'eta
turaa; II. 8. WIuu, Ocary Court, 8n Frau
clico, and hundreds of others who luvo used
It In constipation. One letter Is a samplo of
hundreds. Elklugton, writes; "I have been
(or years subject to billons headaches and
constipation. Have been so bsd (or a year
back liarohadto take a physio orcry other
night cr else I would bare a headache. After
tallug ono bottle of J. V. B., I am la sploulld
shape. It' has dono woudorful things (or mo."
s Vegetable
Most modern, most effective, largest bottla
samo price, 11.00, six (or 13.00.
For sale by Dau'l J, Fry, 225 Com.
Bessie Cowles J II Cowlea to Win.
Bonis, lots 2, 3; Ax 5, (I, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11,
uowies' central nud to woodouru,
Wm. Bents to II L Bouts, It 0,
above udd., ?250.
"NVilson II Bluhblns to Johu M
Bhehan 1 1 to 12 inclusive bl 20
Highland add to Salem, $4800.
Baine trt Augusta Wuldejo, IU 1 to
12 Inclusive, bl 32, aame add $4800,
Samo to B Mathews Its 1 to 0 L1 HO,
Its 1, 0, 7, 12, bl 30, and i, 2, bl 28,
Highland, $5025.
The Massachusetts Insurance law
Is tho best, because it has uo condi
tions! Kvery polloy Issued by the
Massachusetts MutunI Llfo Insur
ance Co, has cash and paid up value
guaranteed. Don't lusuro In any
but a Massachusetts company. J.
L. Mitchell, agent. 11-2.5. tf
Insure In the Mafsachusotfs Mn
tual Life Insurance Company. J,
ual Life Insurance Company, j
j. Mitchell, ogont. 11-25-tf
Get Ready For Christmas !
Now Is tho time to triy your
Bureau Scarfs, Hpiashers and Stand Tidies With lovo'y
colors iu
-See window dljJsy.
Wo ure hendniinrters for good goods nnd low price. Underwear, Ovtf-
Milrls, Fine Still and Soft lints, Bulls and Overcoats,
"The Best"
m. Brown
231 Commercial Street,
Salem, Oregon.
The Best."
Livery, Feed and Salo Stables.
F. M. TOWNSEND, Proprietor.
Tclopliono No. 21, corner Liberty aud
forry streets, Balom. Oregon.
South of Wtllomatta Hotol,
Livery Stable and Feed
Ths Best Box Stalls and Corral In the 'lty,
Quiet, family borsos a specialty,
(In roar Willamette hotel.)
8AJ.BM, '- - - ORBOON
Radatagli S Crossau,
StaloDtrect Livery.
Host IHkh and Stock. Hoarding and feed
Htablc, lHlato street.
Boarding - and - Salo - Sialic.
One itiior west ofI,unn's Dry DoodSKtoro
on HUUo street. Quiet family teams. Hikhj
lal attention paid to transient stock, 6:ltl
Truck & Dray Line. lV
Hood team nndMlproinia work Is otfr
Hauling f all klnda. llcst work,
Wiuson ut every tralu.
DxproHH HHtl I$HKKK,
Do liaullng nnd quick delivery to nil
purls of tho city with promptness and
cam. Ieuve orders ut It. M. Vvado A Oo's,
Jas. Batcholor, Prop'r.
Warm Meals at All Hours of the Day
twiiw uv vtv HMWI VMI'IVVU ta hit
clitw style
i-wenty-nvs cni per weal
nun r - Kt rt
Court Street, between 0em Houso and
To StrawJerry Grower.
The underslimitd hua rantructed far latwn
qiiautltyofHio Jesslv, (sweepstake prise,
winner at Malmstrawbrrv fulrl and Tru
onpiisoa liana, (oesi yimaer aud inoai
.... - - . . -i - . - '.m. z . I ---
rentable lalfi tmrry la riatain iiuirket.t
rom Ji. W. MftvsB". Hulein, and J, W. UiJU
twit, Auiiufvllle.
and piauUflrst-elaM, CmKous frte, reatf.
Witrraoud nura tii.i
ttemtr IU.
ajso tn oiuer arielltsi
nU;u, UrKoa
BAIjXM, OMXa02f.
Mtm, &JW ia$3.0 pry.
The best hotel between Portland MdKan
tfrauebuio. Tlrst-lM lu all It appoint,
menu, iu utias r smd Mtth th
CM&ltwtd 1'rultn
Orovru lu th WllUnetU Vftllsy.
A, I, WAGNER, Prop.
Crock r. tilatawan. Ijiiuua. Wij,
and Wlllaw wars. All VluA. IuiiU tij
AWi VeUbatJfiHs u tittS nmu
rfi .wf . ? (i . H . '
Capital City Restaurant
"The Best"
& Co.,
"The Best
Largo stock of all leading vatfettpf
Krml for rnl Dlouun nnd nrlAo list. Kmr
Is tho time to nut out pencil trees And nil
other tree. Troos
'iroos uo
iloUvcroi free to Ml
lwirw or mo city,
dw T. D, JONES, Balom, Or.
To Loan on RoallKtUte Security, .'
Apenoy lMcinoBtatctJiBavlnga,! Sum A
tlulldlng Co.
Itootn 11, Ilnsli, Dunk blook.
"The -State."
Aut Over 350,000 Dollr.
(1M.M. HKV:i,K. I'll lial.
Aud special aeBt for MarleaamnVy, OI
nvf urisrt
id Company.
?y Your Mm Tuxw Be-
fare They Became Ik-
ThoHcliool tuxwof dlHtrlcfNo, 84
liiMnrlqu county uro now due and
imynuJo at tho clerk's ollloo lu No.
107 Ooinnieroittl atrcot, Saloiu, fiwt
tloor eolith of tlio 08tqtHpe, Tfe
samo will become rielluquont mimu
imm wiiiiiu oo tiuys irom uiwusK,
lly ortlor of
noara, tin m &y a
W. 1). SIMI'SON, 3
District Otefk
J- ...Mu-W
Nov., J801.
Those Afflicted
WUn the ubliot nslns to xuwt,
upr, opium or iwuer
Can olitaln
Ofllce Cor, Third and MadlsoaHw., .
land, Or. Call or write.
rnncuy omssbms'-
Merchant Tailors.
A full lino ot Import aad staimustia
ilens. Also a Mliiplels) ttoKk. at amsta
mrnlslilug aruodi.,
813 Uommervlal at;
All u ui,
Wholenalt'SandpretaUlmlefa Ik
steam ai rumiHG em
W Ooiamtrjl streot, TJjtesi a..
yordritUhai wautM(4MlJ(.H,
Mi 11 Nntrjf.
SHw, Mm mi T fnm
1 ? W IWft
KAitg. AtM&m?hl SJMariita
nnr M
t wn-M. jm M WWPWWWa TWWH0VB
fr! TffT'"' rIW JTIwa.e,
pr w'-iwu Bfck2,
ttivwKrtt, vki