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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1891)
EVENING CiHTAL JOURNAL VOli. 4. Mr TITB PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OliEGCXN, WEDMSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1891. urn TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. M. Arrived and Located i - The advance iigen of Father Santa Clause. Have arrived in Salem, and locatdd here. PAi TON'S State Street Book Store As the grand diatributing point. Several tons of Elegant Goods have been quietly deposited and are now being opened, for inspection. The new Juvenile Bcoks are simply lovely. Positive orders have been issued to give to each customer the New Chatterbox for 1801; for One dollar, and no more. Don't forget the distributing point at P A T T O N ' S - 98 State-Siraot. iE:322SSS3i2KSS333 Do you want to make it a season of genuine mirth, jollity, satisfaction and surprise? If you do.go to the RACKET STO RE and look over their stock of NEW HOLIDAY GOODS which they have been getting in during the past two weeks. We have an IMMENSE line of Dolls, Toys of every descripiton, Story Bdoks, Scrap Albums, Photo graph Albums, Toilet Sets, Games, Silk Handerchiefs and everything else that it takes to make the old as woll as the young happy. And they are SELLING at PB.I CES lower than ever before. While looking over the Holiday Stock it is woll to remember that they have a full line of Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Undeyware etc, etc. "yhich it will pay you to look at befor buying. 161 Com me GOING By January 1st, 1892, Consisting of the most Elegant and Complete line of PICTURES, MIRRORS, MOULDINGS,,, FRAMES EASELS, BRASS . STANDS, ARTISTS' MATERIALS, ' Baby Carriages, Christmas Cards, Stationery, Notions, Flags Albums, Toilet Cases, Toy, Tops and Fancy Goods ever caried in Salem, h m I H - - 411 I .fim I t l u 111 t 1 II) QUI UUIII ! Qiiyp, GRAY BROS. HARDWARE HOUSE HEAVY AND SHELF Hardware, iron, Steel, Nails and Building Material, Also agents for ST AVER & WALKER'S Agricultural Implements, of which ii large supply is kept iu stock, Including PLOWS, HARROWS, DRILLS, CULTIVATORS, FARM AND GARDEN TOOLS, MACHINERY AND VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS. WE SELL THE STUDEBAKER WAGONS. New Store, Cor State and Liberty Sts. Davenport Cutlery Company's Patent Bolt. Straight and Bent Trimmers and Scissors. UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE On Every Pair Sold. Finest Line of RAZORS AND POCKET CUTLERY Tn the City. BROOKS 4 HilHI, 94 State St. A. KIKI-H RELIABLE SHOES. SALE rrar'ieuo QswrcESESssa CHRISTMAS rCial, E.F.OSBURN, OUT OF BUSINESS THE ENTIRE STOCK UST - BE - SOLD WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST ! j,tfS5'5?3p?B53BBWMflBy M PIANOS, ORGANS, -AND- -MU81CJZ 2IEHCJIANDIHJS.- P, H. EASTON & CO., 310 Commercial St,, Salem, Miale furubhed for ball, receptions, etc. SS COMING! Churchill Sash, Door k Manufacturing Co. Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. I House Finishing made to order. New DttY IllUf, by which we' can alwayn keep a rull supply of peasoued rtock of all kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of'f rade and Ulgn streets, Boluin, Oregon. Sash and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon, The best class of work in our .lino at prices to compote with the lowest. Only the best material used. CHURCHILL &. BXJRRQXJHGS. Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, A?D STOVES .BLACKED, REPAIRED AND SETUP Estimates on all work in our line. Salem Trad 4 Bray ft. ill lem Iron works. Drays and trucks this forimr of State and Commercial street. II, F. DRAKc, Proprietor, SALJSM IRON WORKS, " SALEM, -------- OBEOON. Manufactures BTEA.M ENOINKH, Mill Outfit, Water Wheel Governor. Krult Drying OutflU, Traction linclnen. Crestlnir. etc. itorm machinery mado and repaired. General oeenU and muniifacturei of tU. celebrated ylibj(roia i'fltent MiadUngi Purlflernnd UeelB. Farm wacblnery tnadt and repaired. GIVEN'S A fine line of goods cheaper than ever. Come and see me. BREWSTER & HITJBX to, Feed, Hay, Straw and Barley Chop. LOWEST PRICES AND FtfEE DELIVER 91 COUItT STREET. (6 in 5 Pete! Uni 247 Commercial street, Balem. CJarden Hose and Lawn Bprinklers. A complete hnoof Stoves' and Tinware Tin roofing and p1u'9K, seecialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing urnUhed. SNOW THE YEAR ROIJNJ3 At 100 Chemekcta Street HOUSE - and - SIGN - PANTING Paper JIanlmr, IWsomlnlnft Wall Ttallog, etc, VraIldP2 aud Natural Wood I'lnUli. Only Kin.t-clM Work. 15. K. HUPW. Yew Park J. . .. - .. i -.!. - aW- once. 4roaueo in n p"t "" XS&3Src35C3SnXSSSS3S8 alem. 3E?.3$:B IOO Ohemskata Stroat, DRAYS AND TRUCKS for orders. ellver wood, lumber, or- V fico State St., opposite 8a may be round throughout the dav at T. G PERKINS, General Superintendent. CASH SHOE STORE 99 $tte Street. 0. G. -GIVEN. Plumbers, and Tinners, Grocery. K. ICE! ND ALL A mill os.i.ilmin In fiirnUli (IriAtrim THE CAl'im JOURNAL. HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. i UBUSHEDDAJLY.EXCErTHUNDAY, Caoital Journal Publishing Companj. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Btreet, In P. O. Building HBieroa at the postoflice nttalein,0r.103 econd-clnB roatttr. Tnr. convict labor, question. We always llko to print all tlint can bo said for a weak subject. The Portland Telegram says: "Wo de- elro no convict contract werk: wo believe no state should encourage It; but if tho etnto can employ convicts to do necessary and valuable work iu such wayras mentioned, it is the very best solution of the problem. No other solution is ottered by the Capital city paper, although wo asked for It. It would not have tho nonvlcts idle; yet would not have them come In any competition with free labor. It has not attempted to solve this problem because It cannot. If there Is nuy reasonablo attack to be made, it should be ou the con tract system now in vogue. The ditches, fences and stockades tho prisoners build do not hurt free labor very much, because if tho prisoners did not do it much of It would go undone, or if dono by free labor tho state would have to pay for it, as the appropriation bill would show; but when convicts aro employed to make stoves at 30 or 40 .cents a day, they cenie in direct competition with free labor." Since the above criticism was mado The Journal has suggested away to employ the convicts. This wholo controversy did not grow out of tho proposition to abolish the con tract system. That was virtually decided upon at tho election of 1800 In Oregon, when both parties put planks In their platform to that ofl'ect. It was understood that tho matter would not come up until tho legislature olected in 1692 should meet, as tho contracts would not ex pire till then, As that legislature is 'noon to be elected, it is not too soon to begin discussion of tho subject. and the press of tho wholo stato is taking up tho subject. What The Journal discussed raoro particu larly was tho working of bands of convlcts.,fibout tho dlflorent state institutions, not under contract, but gratuitously and to tho detriment of ,freo labor. These bauds aro com posed of "trustees," iu reality tho aristocracy of tho state's prison. For Instance a politician was sent up to Salem.frpm Southern Oregon for stealing cattle. By request of some kind political friend he was at onco put on the trusty list aud each day will count for two. Ho will not be worked under contract. Tho trus ties are all a favored clas3. Thoy aro the gentlemuu of tho pen. They aro furnished tobacoo by the stato and aro worked about tho stato institutions. Somo of them aro mechanics, and nearly every trade is represented. The Journal belloves alt able bodlud men sent to the stato prison should be put at as hard work as tho men In the. contract works are. Only It would be better If all tlio men could bo put to workout of doors. What The Journal believes on this matter can bo summed up thus: The convicts should nil ho worked at tho samo grado or manual labor and as much out of doors as possl siblo. They should not displace freo labor, by being workod gratuitously about stato Institutions, or at the contract system after the declar ations made In Oregou's political platforms. FKKK THADK IS KNOI-ANI), Free traders will derive but cold comfort from tho recent utterances of the Marquiu of Salisbury, (ho Prime Minister of Great Britain and tho leader of the Conservative party. Hehaa just made two speeches at Birmingham, ono of which, In ref erence to protection and English ag riculture. Tn his speech he palu that on nil pldes there appeared constantly In preaslrig protective duties calculated to Htlfle Urltlsh trade. Tho pro lection heresy upon which tarlifr were fouuded gnur, like other evil pashlODH, upon what It fed. Watching English statistics he pould not but feel an anxiety lest the t-florU of foreign protectionist should bo jmrllally succesuful. The prrora of foreign statesmen might U translated to Great IJrlthui. Un doubtedly British trade was being jilndered for the moment by foreign jeglslbtloti, When n BrltUti Premier allude liUh&Muifcdoy to JJrltlib agrlcnl jurot being Impoa-lble without pro tection and tq BnlMi (rode being hindered by the protective policy of other couutrli-s it I useless for him to cull protect Ipti a heresy, 'flies Iwospeochos were ss certainly ex perimeolsKokee how lh country would rewire the Idea of returning to a protective policy m though he b&d declared liltmwlftt protectionist lq advance. WOOL TAIUPK.KTO. The Journal is "In favor of freo trado iu sugar, but favors high pro tection for wool. Sugar is a pouthern product and wool is said to bo main ly a northern product. Therefore The Journal is in favor of free trado In southern products and high protection for northern products. However arrived at, this latter is n, deep seated truth. Albany Demo crat. The Journal is for free sugar be cause It is cheaper sugar and be cause nlueteen-twentleths of ail su gar consumod is Imported. This county can produce all the wool it needs. Except a few grades whtoh, certain manufacturers say cannot be produced mostly offe! wool, ro fuso from tanneries and various kinds of wool hair tho United States can supply its mill with wool. No ono Interested directly de mands free trado in wool except manufacturers, and Democratic newspapers. These latter claim that a protective tariff Is a tax on all manufactured articles, but that it lowers the price of wool, tsuaacsTKD comment. Too much hard elder makes morals. hard Astoria's Dec. 0. election takes placo In hard times morals aro apt to bo a llttlo hard. A thousand extra copies of Mon day's Journal were taken by ouo Salem real estate (Inn. If you beltos'o iu Salem's futuro glvo The Journal New Year's Edition as widen circulation as yon cau. Tho Times or that pl-co thinks that there is u fair prospect of secur ing the Kecley liquor euro institu tion nt Forest Grove, The Journal can hardly adjust its ltepubllcaulsm to suit tho Port land Telegram. But It hopes suit tho people pretty woll. to Wo bellovo the Capital Jour nal struck tho nail squarely ou tho head when It demanded last week that the system of placing criminal labor from tho penltepttury in com petition with freo clttzons, should bo abolished. Newberg Graphic. Tho vast nmuunt of talk about Oregon not having mado an appro priation for tho world's fair la really a compliment to Oregon. Oregon Is of Bomo consequence. Not half the stales In the Union mado approprl. atlous. Why is nothing heard of them ? Representative Meuesdorflbr not only secured freo bridges for Port land but ho has saved tho city $40,000 by sotting about an investi gation that caused tho cancellation of tho salo of (500,000 of brldgo bonds at 02 cents on tho dollar. Tho election of circuit Judges iu all Oregon districts is ono of tho most Important features of the elections of 1802. Expedition of public business and economy In cou rt expenses aro very dcslraulo and tho Judiciary Is very properly to be lifted as far ubovo tho lower strata of partisan politics as possible. A Judgo who is a moro creature of poli ticians Is contemptible. Hero Is pretty plain comment, from a staunch Republican paper in Eastern Oregon Tho Thtios-Mnun-talneer: "Tho U. H. judgeship Is still vacant, and candidates are com ing to the surfuco utmost dally. This position requires honesty and capa bility, and tliese should be tho great requisites In tho appolument. It make llttlo dlllereuco about politi cal predilections, and, ulthough a life-long Republican, we would much p'efer an honest, able Demo crat to a dishonest, able Republican, There Is competent material lu the Northwest, and (hero is n necessity for any further delay lu the matter." Happy flooxicrs. Win. Tlmmons, Postimisterof Ma rine. Ind., writes: "Electric Hitters has done more for mo than all other medicines combined, for that feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Iicslte, farmer and stockman of tho same place says: "Find Electrlo Hitters to be tho best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like n new mail." J, W. Gardner, hardwaro merchant, same town, nays: Kiectrio iilllent is just thuthliJKfnru muu who Is all run down aud don't care whether he lives or ales; he found now strength, good annetlto aud felt lust llkd he had a new Itasa on life. Only 60 cts. n bottlH, at Vty'i Drug Htore 25 Commercial nt. UKSEBAb NKW8 K0TK8. The French senate has approved the Ur(t of 8 francs duty on mslze. Ham Ltfover, a railroad watch man, was killed Monday morning by tramps at Ixm Angeles." Monday night Charles Vine sltoi aad killed Deputy Hberfff Morgan at Boston, Tex,, and threw hi body into the river. Ho then mounted Morgan's horse and escaped. Joseph William Devlite shot and killed himself at Berkeley, Cal. Th ou wm domestlo trouble sd b eoroaer'a Jury Hrtured a vnr. Royal Baking Powder Has no Equal. The United States Official Report Of the Government Baking Powder tests recently made, unckr authority of Congress, by the Department of Agriculture Washington, .D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative infor mation as to which powder h the best The Official Report shows the ROYAL superior to all others in lcaycning power j a cream of tartar powder of highest quality. diet to that oiled. Tho deceased loaves a widow aud a child only n few days old. Another caso of mysterious poison ing has occurred lu Fresno. Tho victim was a young man named Merkle. Ho had a narrow escape. He was potsouod while drluklug lu a saloon. Robbery Is supposed to have been tho object. Bam Dittonhoilor, a woll know Indian trader living near Flagstaff, A. T., was killed Saturday by Thomas Collins, horso thief. After Collins had shot Dittonhofl'or he held thoso present off with his re volver and mado good his cscapo. Tho Russian Minister of finance has deckled to rccoiumaud to tho czar that tho prohibition of tho oxport of black oats bo wlthdmwu. . Emperor William met tho klug of Denmark ou his arrival at Potsdam Suuday. Cordial greetings wore exchanged and u grand 'reception was given tho king. Tho outcry is ralsod In Russia. Seemctvo agents are paying fanoy prices for rye so adulteratod with sand and other material that It Is unfit to eat, and also that they aro buying wheat at prices above tho market rato, John George Roth, tho insano German who ultempted to kill Rov. Johu Hall, at Now York, was ar raigned in tho New York pollco court yesterday morning aud placed undor 15000 bail for examination, When asked to plead to tho charge, ho said: "I desire to say nothing ono way or tho other uutll I am j provided with counsel. Francisco Baoh and his son Jua rez havo boon arrested, charged with robbing Atlantic & Pacific freight cars or general morouanuiso. Enough goods wero found In their house at Vant's Station, near Albu querquo, to start n general moroimn dtso store. W. H. Watklns, a prom In on t negro aud secretary of tho Miller county republlcau control commit too, wrh shot and killed at Toxar kans, Tex., by J. R. Duller, a Rod River cotton planter, Watklns ac cused Dutler of stealing a cow. Dutler was releasod on a 0500 ball. llemarkalile Keicso. Mrs. Michael Curta'.u, Phiuflcld, III,, makes tho statement that she caught cold, which settled ou her limns; sho was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worst. Ho told nor sho was a hopeless victim consumption and that no medlclno could euro her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption; sho bought a bottle and to her de light found herself benefitted from first dose, tiho continued Its use and after taking ten bottles found herself as woll as sho over was. Free trial bottles of this Great Dis covery at Fry's drug store, 15 Com mercial street, largo bottles COo and$l. NORTH IIOWKuh I'lMIMK. Thoro Is talk of a Christmas treo at the M. E. church, Ernest Wlesnor spent Thanks giving fct homo on a two days holi day from tho WlllainettoUulyorslty. Miss Wlnnlo liuughman has been visiting friends at tho Harrison Institute at Chemawa, A debating society has been or ganized at Central Howell, with Wm. Wood worth as president and Wlllard Bapplnglleld secretary, Mr. Geo. h. Vinton has been erect' lug a new dwelling house, which looks very nice from tho road, aud will soon be ready for occupancy. About twenty of the friends of Miss rJadlo Dyer, prepared with material far a Thanksgiving supper met at Mr. Dyer's resldeuoe ou the evening of Thauksgivliig, and after a'very pteataut stay of about a hours, tho baskets were opened and a vigor ous onslaughtor on tho plea and cakes therein was made. The guests departed at midnight having enjoy ed one of the pleasant occulon of the seaeou. ' iw Iforttt U UU tU tiooo vouibjufet to the chronic, orvoulovtlI. MIN(UtuolMMilkliii, oddtaa u&peU4MHUMtlatp'rplx Aim. Ms iiMtr let! touBiiiy ftorwu fcrtlly hU&liioUuviuU(ly tnuUN4 wrltfe r onnuviumiy iwuww witu r- jxjI MMttUouft M (tot IMsttt 4 iiMU airtmat!cUy commm oT JoiuA. Uri mo'SAiti tHMt. wKh iinmu pfe& Otd sad hM4t9lmlUU44iHtiiu riu rite, tb mufVM tuyr lraaW sl tit iifrturiu. A I5I4 cusjuwnM(tw in. (XtiA, mud not only , siNatuoMy. but Hw- KuiurUk rtiwui4iti,kUeyouiWlt w uo Mcveutod ixt v' by vM ovwM lUI4UU!tlM 'tiyfrMumtU your try A .ml MyBC & BtrTM r ouv BMSMVMM)( MS. AW TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES issfrciated Press Reprt Mti Digests f all I)riBt News t T-Dy. MISCELLANY. TllH NOVEMUKR CORN X)KXU, Dec. 2.A local papr says: "Tho windup of the Novem ber corn deal would seem to ptov the assertion that the Chicago end was nothing but a side show to the big corner In Now York. It is evl deut from the advance lu the prloe In Now York to $1.10, agalttst $ couts tn Chicago, that Borne persona In tho formor olty were having tb ' screw turned ou them mercilessly. It was a very quiet, but a very strong corner, shrewdly manipu lated. Ono hundred thousand bushola of Novembor porn defaulted at tho end of tho board of trade session. F, J. Ryan & Co. aro de faulters to tho oxtout of (10,000 bushels, by reason of tho Injunction Issued by Judgo Tuloy, restraining them from filling tho order of Harry I). BehlosH, Ho contracted to deliver Novomber corn, when the prlee was 00 cents. Ho did not have tha corn iu Htock, and when it beeahM; necessary to pay 75 cents, ha brougl t an injunction suit ou tlte ground that a combination had been formwl, and the price advanced to an unlaw ful figure. The corn wae OQUtnieUd to Liuibefson Bros., who in turn, sold. They except to pay thin shortage and briug suit against th Ryaus. It la rumored that Bloom and Eggleston aro among the de faulting firms. The firms supposed to bo In tho deal are: Bartlett, Frazcr & Co., C, M. Armstrong, An drows fc Costor, aud Martlu, the New York firm. Till! MONCIOMAN RBKU). Pekin, Dec. 2. .The governBBent Is fully aware of tho serious condi tion wbloh confronts It, aud iivety iwsslble stop Is being taken to tweak tho strength of the rebels before they got within striking distance of the capital. Thera Is much excltvBMMit hero among all classes of population, and tho authorities beHeve that if they cau inflict a defeat upon the rebel forces It will have a good eAeet upon thopoopleofPekln aud, vleta lty, It Is believed many people r secretly lu favor of the rebels, bat should tho imperial force do battle with tho Insurgents and dele them, tho malcontents would itaa sldo with tho government. Nodoub Is entertained hut the situation la dangerous, and should tlie rebel : forces continue to advance toward tho capital in splto of tho effort of the imperial troops to prevent ttteea, It Is feared by farelgners the whoie couutry will raise ami aid the l vadors, Tho garrison of Steaak osklvau has beeu sent to wUp- press other Insurrectionary bodlee Which ara marchlRg l vari ous directions tarough toe country, ovldently with Mm ! Hon of Joining tho malu hody. The tnoat serious condition of atfalK ex ists at Tukou. At thb Um tbf most brutal outrage were ooa mltted on priests, nuns and verts. What action the govern ment will take In this matter I hard to say. That tho authorUke aro full of syrapatby with the per. petmtors of these iot borriUe crimes there Is ho reaeoa to douU. First reports from Takou stated that after these Heuds hd worked tbeir bloxxly wilt on all Christian m$t womeu and ciilldrt wWo Ml lp(o their hand, they ww fried by leading Chinese waiKJwHwt In tb district. It la wow mU thai the local Hutuilurlns n4 ta tdtcw the rebels tw Imtm tbr Um o ra of ChrltUw, iKvidd ttwjr did ho wm to It Uc ImhtM taut. 'OeseUwftw wee acMe4 by the rsj, ad tbftr pwwMtfn their work wltkottt ktmtomnm, I Tbee huidd K(4him mH Uv CwrlUwa w mmmant. It 1 bettered, not a siugtf OarUtlM la tfc eH4iH tmmpii, Daoetertt. tlon pya4I awoiK Mm Pruteafcua li!oufl n hM dWrtot tlmMtfb " wiiiou it u expatd m vmm wm l. Jtoll 0MW ef ftwohtt Muw tlwty uHvtwwbm t p.tH ; (WW MWtr lVH they Uh4 -aea