Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 26, 1891, Image 2

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    '""TiSrwSTw, -Mi-piP '" 'Mim,!
Iroui llosonfoUi Mnn., James Bell
vrafi ft member of the firm of Bell
Bros., cnrpetitm, of Vancouver
City. Joll conn's ftoni Purliam
county, Ontnr.o. Ho was n most
promising mad, uud was rapidly bo
coming ouo of the lily's leading
buslmws hum'. Hi-was just return
ing from Grlswold, wliure bo had
been attending to soim IiumIucss.
Ills not likely that any Inquest will
bo held, as lnstiuctlonB.bave been
received from Winnipeg not to hold
one, unless it Is a case of gross negli
gence. To say the least, It Is an
exetedlng'v tad accident, and some
one baa blundered.
AmtED with a HonsKwinr.
Seattle, Wash., Of. 1.U Great
oxclli'iiicnt was caused hero Satur
day night by the attempt ora wo
mau, heavily veiled, to whip Dr.
John E. Plouf, M his oillco in tliv
Olympia block. About twenty men
who Imd heard that Plouf was to be
whipped stood In front of hli door
-way walled for the woman, whose
identity I Itopt a secret, to appear.
She lliially ilrovo up in u hack unci
scut up to tho doctor asking him ti
omio down to her oar.lagc T-h
iloc o- su'pfct' d and eeut uuoH w n
that If tho woman wished to -iu bin
she must como to his nlll.-tj. Sli
tlieu itisho I upstiirs und knnoUo.
at the doinor's door. A young man
who, in tho meantime, had beet
called in, opened tho door and the
infuriated woman mNetl her whip
as if to strike him, ami then, s .dug
her mistake, called for Pr. Pl-iuf.
The door was quickly slammed In
her face, nnd Dr. Plouf tolcphouid
for tho police, but the wman left
before they could arrive. Tbi
crowd of rnn standing about n
fused to tell who she was, although
they claim that she was avenging
Insults to a younger sister. Tin-
doctor, on tho other hand, olabiit
that the assault wis instigated oj
T. H. Dompjey. ex-manager of the
Times, who has a fancied pergonal
grievaueo agalust him.
Madrid, Oct. 2(1. D i b p a t o h o i-
from Baracelona states that tho an"
archlsts of that city are making pre
parations for a grand celebrallou oi
the anniversary of tho execution at
Chicago, of the anarchists concerned
in tho Haymarkct riots.
ATCiilfeON, Kan., Oct. 1!0. 13. G
Armaby, cashier of tho Kansas Trua
nt! tl Bauklng Company, who re
turned from tho western part of the
state lrst evening said: Tho un
threshed wheat in that section Is
damaged from ?5 to 30 pHrcouton
account of wet weather and poor
shocking. Grain has already com
menced to grow and many stack
are gone. A good deal of wheat
still remains in shock thus ruined
Farmers aro busily engaged In
threshing the crops but will not get
through before the Ural of tho yiar.
Acreagre of wheat put in this fall
will not bo largo as last fall.
PiTsnuuci, Oct. 20. The amount
of school board treasurer Doellengi
shortage Is growing and will pre
bably reach f50,000. He Is said to
have goue to the country but uo one
seems to know his exact where
"The Best."w
i'm. 11 row n A Co.
Anchovy paste Sroat &. Gile's.
Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Seneca,
Mo., during the past two years has
been affected with Neuralgia of the
Head, Stomach aud Womb, nnd
writes: "My food did not seem to
strengthen, me at all aud my appe
tite was very variable. My face
was yellow, my head dull,, aud I had
such pains in my left side. In the
morning when I got up I would
have a flow of mucus in the mouth,
and a bad, bitter taste. Sometimes
my breath became short, and I had
such queer, tumbling, palpitating
sensations around the heart. I ached
all day under the shoulder blades,
in the left side, aud down the back
of my limbs. It seemed to be worse
in the wet, cold weather of Winter
and Spring; and whenever the spells
came on, my feet and hands would ,nat lL,i3 mouey wouid ,wkl ueU
turn cold, and I could get no sleep Tuoiday.
at all. I tried everywhere, and cot
SodiefbSSeSiSAutFlower w CUA0KKH T,,K "
Then the change came. It has done Sbattlb, Oct. 20. At daylight
me a wonderful deal of good during yesterday morning two bold nnd
the time I have taken it and is work- clever burglars blow open tho Dic
ing a complete cure." i bold safe of tho Seattle agency of tho
C G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr, Woodbury, N J. Standard Oil company, aud got
. . ., .
rUuttIUrfrr wnd imr cr, A il
SSS&V wi".a UaVKi. am'oT
SSS5rUiaa,A,uJ Hr MS&S8&
im4-oipMeic,AouT)uv,wr, k
English Capital to Develop the
Queer Resolution, The Oregon Pa
cific, They Cracked the Safe,
McKinley Tariff Bill, Armed With
Horsewhip, Blaine in Washing
ton, A Ghost Story, State and
Foreign News, etc.
Listowfl, Out., Oct. 20, While
Thomas Bailey and n young man
named Little were at work nt the
new building of thoLlstowcl furnl
ture factory this morning tho scuf
fold on which they wero working
gave way and precipitated them to
tho ground 60 f et below. Both
men were instantly killed.
St. PAUL,Oct.20.-Grorgo N. Slim
managing director of tho Lombard
Trust Co. limited of London alio
New York was In this city yosterd ly
for a short time. "I have b en ma le
tho representative of about 5,003,
000 of English capital and am direct-
to place it where tho greatest
oenellt will be derived" said Sims
"I am not to use It for speculation;
but to Invest it lu safe real "itate
factories and industries. It Is m.
Intention to go to Tacima, Seattle,
Portland, Everett nnd other dtie
alonr tho Puget Sound. I shal
probably put a great deal money it
Everett and seaport towns rs we be-
llevo tho Pauama Canal will be
opened in live years, perhaps less.
Then there aro two great en terprlsot
under consideration that will afloat
tho northwestern Interests greatly;
one is tho establishment of a line o
steamers between Puget Sound
China ond Japan; the other is lay
ing a submarine cable between tin
lame places. These enterprises are
uot fully matured as yet; but I can
assure you they are almost certain
ties." Sims was urged to tell who
were tho men backing tho two great
enterprises but he refused to except
Insofar as stating, part wero Eng
llshmeu aud the other were East
ern capitalists.
Nkw Yoms, Oct. 0. A Wash
ington special says: Tho feeling in
favor of International bl metalllsm
seems to bo growing and to bo likely
to prevail In tho Europcau cibtnets
If leading European powers can be
convinced the United States doe
not Intend to nluugo Into free coin
Gainesville, Tex., Oct. 20. The
Sub-treasury party of Monlague
county, Saturday, passed boiiio re
markable lesolutlous. Thoy de
mand that congress pass a bill to
provide that any person who owes
more monoy than he cau pay, aud
makes affidavit to that eflect, shall
receive from the secretary of tho In
terior eufllclent money to pay all
debts. Any person owing nothing,
but who wants more money than
ho has n good chanco of obtaining,
because of the prevailing finnuclal
system of robbery and oppression,
may make application to the secre
tary, who shall refer the matter to
the advisory board to flxtheamouut
to bo advanced. In uo caso shall lie
recelyo less than three-quarters of
the sum applied for, nor bo charged
higher interest than he is wllliug to
pay. In caso of the failure to repay
the loan tho borrower shall uot re
ceive moro than 50 per cent, on the
next nppMcatluu. Any man mak
ing misrepresontat ous shall be de
barred from borrowing more than
Couvallis, Oct. 20. Saiuruay
was the time set for hearing tho ar
guments for tho removal of col. T.
E. Hogg as receiver of tho Oregon
Paclllo railroad, aud the caso came
up before Judge Pipes that afternoon,
Judge Pipes said that ho saw no
causo for removing Col. Hogg as
receiver and he overruled the mo
tion. Tho cjvurt received uolincatleu
.that Receiver Hogg would produce
euough money to pay ntt tho men
for the months of March, April aud
Mav. tho nnnounooment luItii nindn
away with $100 In coin. There was
only $170 iti tho safe, aud in tho ex
citement the burglars overlooked
f 7U lu a small drawer. A Hole was
drilled in the safe from tho top, nnd
tho explosion was so great that the
small brick bulldlni;, which served
ns nu olttoo, was seriously damaged.
People who lived in tho. vicinity
were awakened aud sprang from
bed, thinking thoro was an earth
quake. This morning n steel com
IKirtmctit Monglug to the safe,
w herein Is usually kept tho mouey
and valuables, was fouud in ths
brtikh about twelve blocks from the
.kiiue of the crime. The burglars
had titled the box, but left papers
ami valnablts not i. which aro now
tj,o hand of the polloe. Tho
work was evidently done by men
wtio wew expert safe envekert,
Washington, Oct. C-Tho brief
of the United State In the of
certain importer, in wu en iudcoq
fltllntlonnllty of tho McKinley torlfT
law Is involved, has been prepared
by the attorney general. The ap
pellants contend the act is unconsti
tutional becatie of the omission of
the tobacco rebate clause in the bill
as signed by tho president after it
was agreed to In conference, nnd be
cause It contains the bounty and re
ciprocity provisions. Concerning
tho first contention, the attorney
general traces the course of the law
through both houses, Its approval by
the president aud lis depo-he with
the secretary of slate. Tills Is tin
niest appropriate evidence of which
the court may take judicial notice
In considering the existence and
content- of the law, If It Is com
plete aud regular and Is not im
peached by tho entries upon the
legislative Journals or other evidence
inconsistent therewith. In the caso
at bar tin- journals do not show any
diserepauty between the bill as
pnsM-d and asapproved. Conceding,
however, the attorney general s-iys
i hat the tobjeco rebate section wua
omitted from the bill after Its puts ige
ind before approval by the presidi-m,
is allegtd, tbi8act would not render
invalid tho remainder of flic hill,
which did pass both iiouK-s, and
was approved by tho president, for
lie reason tho rebate section and
.ho approved bill were separable
tud independent of each other.
Concerning the sugar bounty
laiibe, tho attorney geueral says It
was for the purpose of encouraging
lie production of raw sugar in this
otiutry. Counsel, he snye, assign
the Increase of duty upon woolens,
lilks aud cottons to the necessity for
additional revenues to pay the sugar
oounty. There is no wanant for
this assertion. The question of the
validity of the bouuties is as old as
that of the protective tariff, and has
oeen answered, in the sime way, by
constant legislation and acquiescence
of the people, as old m the nation
tself, has sanctioned both direct and
udlrect bounties. The reciprocity
clause, tho attorney geueral says,'
could not have been intended to
Increase the revenue. Its cuiidi
tloual operation precludes any such
idea. It Is wholly Independent of
any other clause in the bill, nnd Die
passage or failure to pass, had uo
bearing whatever upon the passage
of the remainder. The clause is
constitutional, he says. It is uot
the delegation of legislative power
to the president, but Is is only legis
lative direction, by which the alter
native provision of an existing law
Is made applicable to the happening
of facts, the oxisteiice of which is to
bo determined by tho president.
Queen City, Tex., Oct. 20. Near
here Saturday, Lee Green, a 19
year old negro, shot and killed Mrs.
Lowe, the wife of his employer. He
throw tho body into a we'l, and
threw her 7-year-old daughter aud
4-year-old boy in after her. Then to
make sure of them lie thiew down
n washdtettio and some timber'-.
The little girl was killed, but the
boy escaped unhurt. Tho negro btole
a liurso and $00 and started for
Arkansas, A posso of men arc in
pursuit of him.
Washington, Oct. 20. Secretary
Hlaiue returned to Washington Sat
urday afternoon from his unex
pected prolonged absence from the
city siuce May last. Mr. Hlaiue w as
accompanied by Mrs. Blaine, Mis.
Walter Damrosch and Mr. Dell, his
private secretary. A score of people
who weio inside the guard railing of
the station, surrounded tho car oc
cupied by Mr. Hlaiue and watched
him alight. Foremost of these was
James G. Blaine, jr., who greeted
his father and mother, and then,
taking charge of Mrs. Damrosch,
followed the secretary and his wife
as they walked arm lu arm down
the platform. There was much tak
ing oil of hats by the spectators In
side the guard ratling, and the sec
retary responded to each salute with
a smile. Outside tho guard railing
were Icrowdtd about 20,000 people.
They respectfully made a passage
way for the distinguished statesman.
Outside the station tho Blaine
carriage was walling. Itobert Blaine,
the secretary's brother, greeted the
(.arty at the carriage door. He and
James G. Blaine were the only per
sons who met the secretary at the
station. None of tho members ol
tho cabinet wero present there. Mr.
Blaltio shook hands warmly with
his driver, ami was driven directly
to his residence on Lafayettesquare.
Boston, Oct. 25. Spooks hold a
high ouulval ntn house In Cam
bridge Saturday night, and com
pletely mystified half a dozen po
licemen who tried to dislodge them.
About 8 o'clock the boarders at the
Applaii house were aroused by tv fu
lludo of stones uud huge shuuks of
coal against the house, which broke
the glas completely out of tho two
front and several rear windows. Al
though eetrch was made for the
mnuradert), they could not be fouud,
but the mislos Hew thick nnd fast
from iiii-von sources and from unou-st-rvid
illreotluHS. Tho boarders tin
ally gave up tho hunt and called for
the jwlkv. Ssrg ai.t Callahan nnd
ihrte tntridmen wero soon on tho
cviie,tud although making diligent
scorch for tho purtous engaged
in the depredation, they were
otally unable to find them. Iu
faot, they were completely mysti
fied nt the proceedings, uud could
uot bvem to tlud out from whenco
the stone nud cail calii. First tho
front of the houte wou'd be at
Uoked, but when the police wont
amuud to that ldt tl e iear of the
bout would furuUh a target. Neigh
boring yards, boutetona, barus aud
sheds wero carefully examined, but
si ill there was no let-up to tho fusl-
lade. The program was kept up
until mldulght, when tho police
drew off aud acknowledged them
selves conquered. Their failure to
solve the mystery is accouuted all
the more remarkable in view of its
being n moonlight evening.
Washington, Oct. 20. Secretary
Hlaino this morning resumed the
discharge of his duties as secretary
of slate. There appeared no ofllclal
news in the departments respecting
the latest phase of the Chilian
troubles. Nothing has been rf-celved
from Commodore Schley nnd Secre
tary Ulatne sent word that there was
nothing to communicate upon the
Chhjacio, Oct. 20. Ann Odelia
Diss Debar, now known a Vera
Ava, spruug a ue v sensation Satm
day by creating a lively scene lu the
i.fllco of Mujor J. C. Buudy, the
editor of the Ileligio-Philosophicnl
l'liu obese, humbug claimed to be
a Siiilnuilis; and hud soiueacqiiiiint
auce with ituudy. She called at
his ollice und in tho course of a
brief conversation expressed n wish
to kiss him, The major had no de
sire to smack Vera's warm red lips
and told her so. She at once at
tacked him and scratched his face.
She would have done more dauiago
had she not been overpowered and
ejected from the building.
CuiOAUO, Ills., Oct. 20. The
grand jury this morning returned
several indictments in the criminal
cnurt against the parties concerned
in the poor house nod the insane
asylum boodle scandal. The court
officials refuse to give out the names
until th" arrests are made.
Poki'Land, Oct. 20. The jury in
tho case of Jiditi W. Scott, charged
witli manslaughter, had shown no
dgus of coming to a conclusion
when Judge Stearns was ready to
adjourn court on Saturday, so he
calltd them out, and, on inquiry,
elicited the information that tliej
were hopelessly divided, having
stood seven to five ever since the
night before. He thereupon dis
ofcaiged them. Young Scott was
teen at McCracken's store, where he
has been employed, nnd wns asked
what lie thought of the verdict.
"When they first went out," he re
plied, "I had no Idea how it wouid
come out; but when they came in
after being out so long I expected
they had disagreed."
"Don't you think they ought to
have cleared you ?"
"Certainly I do; hut every prison
er thinks that."
The uext thing in order is for a
date to bo sit for another trial.
Portland, Oct. 20. Solomon
Hindi, United States Minister to
Turkey, arrived here this morning.
London, Oct. 20. The ll odsln
England, as the result of the recent
two weeks successive gales, still con
tinue. A great amount of damage
to the River Thames in some places
extend u utile or so beyond its banks.
The town of Etou and many of the
streets of Windsor are impassable,
and boats are being used to convey
people from house to house.
London, Oct. 20. The British
steamer "Boston" from Cardltl for
London anlved at Falmouth after
having been in eollisou early this
morning with the British baik
"Charlwood" from Antwerp foi
Valparaiso. The Charlwood fouud
ered almost immediately after the
collision with a loss of fourteeu lives.
Three men were killed on board the
Bostou at the time of the collision
and the steamer's bows are badly
stove lu. The captain of the Charl
wood, his wife, son, governess nnd
stewardess together with all the
bark'sotUcers and six of tho seamen,
a total of 10 persons were dowucd in
plte of tho desperate efforts made
by tho lifeboats and vessels which
happened to be near the scene of the
eollls on, to recuo them. Theetlorti
of would bo life savers wero greatlj
I nmpered by darkncMS which pre
vailed at the time of tho iuvIiI.mk
Tho spit where the two vessels met
la not far from Eddystone rocRs 114
miles from Plymouth. Ouly nn ap
prentice and the captain's daughter
wero saved.
London, Oct. 20. Tho jHjaeo con
greas which Is to be hold at Rome
next mouth, under the presldeiice of
Signer Bonghl, will be directed uo
less against the principles of tho
triple alliance than against tun Wu.
tonis alliance of Muuloh. Klnnr
Bonghl as a politician is a Cuuservu
live, and Is a personal friend
well as a fd-ower of tho Italian
primo in'iilsior. This did mil, how
ever, prevent hlui from throwing
all th weight of reputation for pro
found ioaiuiiig and iudmulUiM in-
llllktl-l .l.t.ll..!, 111.. I. it.... I ... .. .1
........j nh....iv mil itm-illUMl ui mo
government to renew the tnpta
alliance. In April lat urtlules
signed by him m the Faufulla
called eloquently for the ceatlou
ause oj mo pnucy wuicu was pro
voking France to hostility and of
the rulirous alliance by which peace
was maintained. He admitted that
the object of the triple alliance was
the maintenance of peace, but d.
eeribed the peae m "one whldj
ruins us nil; n peace which Is
monthly, weekly, yearly In peril; a
pence whlah fills us with alarm and
obligations to keep to our guns con
stantly, and to shout every momeiit,
Who goes there?' " He wns nsu
Ingfor the dissolution of tho triple
nllianc . It wns renewed Hm- 2S,
he Is now convening a congress to
dlcusi peace of a kind to w-in-li his
previous description will not urip1'.
Iu the meanwhile the M 'Hindi
council elves little Unheal! m ( a
cessation of tile commercial war,
agdnst which protests aro rising no
le-s loudly on the French side "C tin
frontier. French economl-ds are
saying that their Mediterranean
traile will he shortly destroyed by
It. One publication estimates that
the loss to It 19 Bomeiliiug over
13-!,000,0i 1 of lire.
London, Oct. 20. "Ketch Vice
roy" has been wrecked near Stives
on tho coast of Cornwall. Her
crew is missing. A boU with a
i-nrnso of :i seamau on hoard wn.
Pkiilin, Oct. 20 A in in named
Schulzp, a clerk out f cmpln.v meiii
wa-ariested on sii-picnm uf being
the u.urdeier of IL-d !).. The
Hit-die woman who was fun t
murdered nud iiiulil.it d iu II lz
market at Cussel, y-sterday moru
Berlin, Oct. 20. The emperor
has been earnestly studying fool ball
for weeks pasl. The bleu first sug
gested itself to him dining the time
lie was nursing Ids injured knee on
board the Holienzolleru. Immedi
ately upon his return to Berlin the
Loudou embassy received instruc
tions to buy up every available book
upon the English national game
and the bookshelves or nil the Lon
don publishers were rausneked with
out a moment's delay. Tho result
has been the arrival at Potsdam of
cases upou cases containing nothing
but works upon tho pastime under
Rugby, Association, and every
other rule ever invented. His
miij'-'Stj', with the aid of several
officers of his personal stall who are
acquainted with the English lan
guage, has waded through these
vaiious works, nnd the result Is, the
iuceptiou of a new and 'wonderful
game which is going to make Eng
enders and Englanderiues fairly sit
up in astonishment.
There are to be two distinct games
one played with a largo ball and the
other with a small one. The In
fantry of the line are to play the
large ball game and the cavalry and
guards the other. The major ball Is
about two yards in circumference
and constructed of sheepskin in
flated aud surrounded by strong
leather bands; the miner ball is an
ordinary hollow ball of india rubber
encased in stout untauued leather,
and about twice the size of an Eng
lish cricket ball. There is n compli
cation of goals placed at stragetlc
points in the game which covers n
much more extended area than the
Euglish one.
The English residents in this city
are chuckling at the startling inno
vations, uud are ready to a man to
turu out on messe nnd witness the
first terrible encounter between two
regiments whenever the public eye
is permitted to gaze upou the con
test. Atpreseuttho troops are tak
ing private lessons within the con
fines of the bairack yard, and
muttered anathemas on the incon
venience of barked shins are pouring
from the mouths of officers and
privates alike.
SANFiiANtisco.Oct. 20. Wheat;
buyer, 1891, fl.73. season $1.S2J.
Cuicaoo, October 27. At close
wheat was steady,cash 03; Dec. 94J
J; May fcl.OOJ $1.01.
San Francisco, Oct. LC Fore
cast for Oregon aud Washingten:
Rain, iu western Oregon nud gener
ally throughout Washington.
S S Martin and wife to W. E.
Catterlln, lots 1, 2 3, S, bl 17, Depot
aid, 7.r0.
J L Lynch nnd wife to J X Jones,
1G a, see 10, 0 s 1 w, $1000.
W D Boyer nnd wife to O & C Ry
Co, lot 1, bl 7, Woodburn Packing
Co add, ?2J0.
Woodburn Packing Co to O & C
Ry Co, right of way over bl 6, 0,
J M Sutter and wife to M M'chel
brook, OSxlOS of bl 21 Capital Park,
Jo Boedlghelmer, single, to M
Mlchetbrook, J n Waller d 1 c, $S00.
J II Albert and wife to D F Wag
ner, part lot 4, l-l 32, corner Court
and Liberty, $S00O,
Geo Goode, single, to Herbert
Rtvwllt, lot 2, bl 10,Hlghland,$1000.
Baby crid,
Mother sighed,
Doctor pretorllxsl : Castorin!
I4v Vm jail takOMkme imiur rt V men
onu-i muu cvKfiumr Uan M I doc.
Try tho. '
Prwmp rrllffla lck heailiefee. rililnc
uujr, MutlrUon, palu Id Uie tUe,
unmi)lKtlolhOM ulnc 0Mr, IJItlo
',';- 0 dxw. 8iU prtSv
Arrrwm)m all crude and
crif r"i uui UwpuS. fi.
&$? rr? &? na "
loth tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to thelasto, nnd acta
gentlyyct promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver nnd Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, liead
nohes and fevers nnd cures linbitual
constipation permanently. Forealo
ia 50c and 1 bottleB by all
Quick timo nua through trains
oflered passengers nnd shippers by
tho Chicago, Union Pacific &North
wGsteru Line. San Francisco nnd
Portlnnd to Chicago. eod Aug
l'a-sengers destined to the promi
nent cites east of tho Missouri river
should pi.tronizethe Chicago, Union
Par-ifiL-& Northwestern line. Mag
nificent Pullman aud Wagner sleep
ing firs, elegant Pullmun nnd
Northwestern dining cars, free re
clining ehnir cars, handsome, day
cmu-'ifs and comfortable Pullman
colonist sleepers. eod-aug
A Sjiiiiimlklol tlieMnrkots Huylng nud
.SellliiR Prices.
Shoulders -Sugar cured.pcr lb,12
liiciikf.it baeou 15
Hiinif Sus.ir cured, peril), 16Jc.
Reef tXgil'M
rorfc bg) 10
Mutton Scai.c.
Veal 1012'$e.
Tlmothvwed Per pound, 8c: selling
Red clover teed Per pouud, lie.
Wlilteclover-secd Per pouud, 30c. "
AiMite ic per jiouna.
Red ton 10t! per pound.
Lincoln Grns-i 12Xci
ner pound.
K e ur.iss iuc per ponuu.
Orchard Grass 17c per pound.
New potntors 10c per bushel.
Canned Krulu-Peaches, $J 00; apricot,
53 CO; blackberries, $3; corn, best grades
SS 00; tomatoes SI 50; string beans 51 50;
green peas 51 85: per doz. In two lb cans.
Fresh Vege'iiblet. Potatoes 40c; carrots
Wc; parsnips 75c: onions 4c per lb.
PishSalmon 710cperlb; Sturgeon 5
7c per lb-small flsh Kto per lb; sultbalmou,
710u per lb; Chinook Milmon, 10.
Whe,u 79Kc net.
Klour Per barrel. S5.00, best 1U8 lb.
Oats Per bushel. JOgAS2c.
Harley Per bushel, 4045c.
IJr.in Per ton, $21 00 nt mill, IsacUed.
Shorts Per ton, S2." 00 " sacked.
Uhp Per ton, S2U.00 " sacked.
Wool 17c to c20.
Eggs aoc per dozen.
Potatoes Per buihel, 20o
Corn meal 3c per pound.
Cheese 1214o per pound.
Dried plums Per lb. 6a7c.
Dried prunes Per lb. 1012c.
Hutter2oJ0c per pound for good
Ijrd10iai2c per lb
Hams Per pouud,H12c.
llacon sides I'OtOper lb.
Shoulders 89c peril).
Chickens 7c perpoand.
Turkeys 10 to c lb,
Ducks, 12per lb
Wheat Valley, 51.50 per cental.
Klour standard, J4.b0.
Walla Walla S4.C1;
Oats New WUltei40 to 43c per bushel.
Alillstuflb Bran ?lS10;8hoits,?25 to 26
ground barley, S3 to 2 1; cnopfeed. 822
to S23, middlings, $25, per ton.
Hay S1213 per ton.
Butter Oregon fancy dairy, 30c; fancy
creamery :X)A good to lair, 27;
California choice 27to3Ic.
Kggs Oregon 27C) c per dor..
Poultrj- Old chickens, So.
Potatoes 10 at (A: per cental.
Cheese Oregon, 11 to H)c; Callfornib
Sugars Golden C, 4jc; extra C, 4; dry
granulated, 5J cube, crushed aud Pow
dered, 6c per pound.
Beans Small white, 3c; pink 2JJ:
bayos, 3e; butter, :'fe; llmas, 34c.
Dried FrulU Queted: Italian prunes.
Sc; Petite and German, 7c per pouud;
raisins, 52 25 per box; plummer dried
pears, 8 to 0c; sun dried and factory
plums, 11 to 12c; evapo rated peaches, li
to lie; Smyrna flgs, 20c; California tigs, 7c
per pound,
Hides Dry hides, 8 to 9c; c less foi
culls; green over 55 pounds, 7c; under 55
pounds, 2c; sheep pelts, SOc(3il.25.
Eastern hams, 13 to 15c; breakfast ba
con, 12 tol3o; sides, 9 to 10c; ,lard, Wi
to 12Jc per pound.
S.VN Fkancisco, OcU 21 Wheal; buyer
Barley feed $1.05 tl 03 per cental
O:ts-Oray Jl 35 to 1 37J ier cental, old.
Corn-Ijirge yellow, jl5 to Jl 27X; white
51.25 to Jl SO per cental.
Hops 13 to 15o par pound.
Potatoes Garnet Chiles," 40 to 55c; Early
Rose, 25 to 40c; Uurbauks, 03 to 40c; sweet,
75 to SI. 25 per rental.
Onlons-CXI to 70c per cental.
Butter-Choice, 25 to 2:fc; plokle roll, 21
to 25c; creamer?, 25 to 2tic per pound.
Eges Oholce ranch, 7Hlo40c; coldstor
age, 19 to 21o par dozen.
siiscELAinT8 MAitKirrs.
Cuicaoo, Oct. 8l.-Vhent, cash IBc.
yvrfj'fnmiiiMMJiM i
Blck.lieache are the ontwtrd Indi. alioni
oX deransemenU ot the ttomach and towels.
As Joy's VogetaU Sarcapanua It iho oaly
towel regulating preparation ol SaraaparlHa,
Jt U sew why It ts Uo ouly appropriate
EarMpartUalnskk-beadaehcs, ItUttetoaly
apprepNate: ItUaa tbsolute caw. Alttr a
course, of It an ooeasioaal d at Interval
will forever alter prevent return.
Jno. M. Cox. oi 735 Turk Stret, San Fraa
chco. wrilw: "I Uave been troohW with
attacks ol stk neadaehe for Uw latt Uiree
years Iron uxo to Uire Umcx a week. Soo
lltae so I Umgfat two bottles ol Jayi ve
tabta S.4Mrai4 t hlw oaly tot oa9
attack slaa. and tkat was on Ue seoead day
alter I togas Mtn; u J
Fur nlt liv Tian'i t r?. .v ..
7 ---..EJM
"JCl . I fTK
trvet. 'j. wwu.
i-ffjjMHir. wtirtttYriTTiTin i 'iifinftyrnii an xttrmn-n inraMta ifrtrmu j-
Hirnitiiro and njyJ
, mn mJ Aill-lrh , fcS
Pooled nor Trusted, Consolidated
But continue to have th'c largest stock in Salem t,J
and services free m the city; half prico in t p N
bpfcml attention given to enibalminrr m, ,1 Coali
and clean work. Satisfaction inmM,,l..i ,V" Uictkrl
by consulting us. oney Sl
levsr Park Crev
Tliu Co in ins Lint.
Tile Chicnj-o. Union Pud lie &
North wi-atcru Lluo olk-rs tho hfbi
uccominodatioua to tho tiuvolliifr
public on route from San Francisco
aud Portltmd, Chicago. Through
trains, fust time, muiriiitlcent Hk-ep-Idk
cars, olepintdiniiiK wirt', colonist
sleipers, recllninf; clmlr cars and
hiuidsome day coaches, eod -Aug.
Ilucklen's Arnica Falvo,
lleht Salve in the world for Cute.
is guaranteed to give perrect Hotlsiaction
ir money rofinrir-d Prirai. ?S rcU per
nnx. For sale by Dan'1 .1 . Krj. 225 Com ht,
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass, "Wall Pa
per and Border, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, liny, Feed and Fence
Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc,
City Warrants.
VrOTICKU hereby given, to oil whom It
LtI may concern, that there in now nn
wiuit funds applicable to the paj ment of
all warrant) of the city of Milem, Oregon,
"endorsed'" by the treasurer between Jan
11. 1(91, and 1-cb. 0. 1891; and that interest
will cense on mid warrants from the t-ate
fthls notice. F. J. SWAFFOKI).
City Treasurer.
Salem, Oregon, Oct. 19, lb'Jl. lOKIbt
Bids for Painting.
THE Board of Trustees of the Oregon
ttato Insane Asylum invite bids for
painting two cottages near the Asylum.
P-articulars' will be Airnlsliel upon appli
cation to Dr. 1j.Ii. ltowlaud, medical t-ucer
Intcudeot. Bids will bo opened on Tues
day. October 27, 1891, at k o'clock p. in ut
office of board. The right to rcj. ct nny or
all bids is reserved,
WJf.A. MUNIjT. Board of Trust ce..
CJerlt of Board. 10 21 Iw
Country Gentleman
the: best of the
Farm Crops and Processes,
Horticulture and Fruit-G rowing,
Live-Stock and Darying.
While is nlo includes all minor depart
ments of llural interest, such as the IVmltry
Varrt Entomology, Bee Keeping. Green
tioui.e nnd Grapery, Veterinary lleplle-,
tarm Questions nnd Answers, Fireside
Heading, Domestic Economy, nnd a sum
nary of ihe news of the woek. Its Market
Keports nreunusuall.v com plete, nnd much
mention is paid to tho prospects of the
reps, us throwing light upon one of the
not Important of all questions When to
buy and when to sell It is ltbcrally lllus
rated.an.' by H-cent Enlargement, cou
alus more reading matter than ever be.
foie. The subscription prico Is $113 per
otir.tmt we oiler u special reduction In our
Two SonscmiTioNs.lu one remittance S 4
IX HCMsCKTlTJONS, do do. . 10
WKI.VK 8t LSCHU-rlONS, do. do. 1-.
S-Toj-ll new subscribers for Iftn, piy
uglnadvr.n'-cnow.wewllt send the ,a
per Weekly, from our receipt of the remit-anc-j.
to January 1st, IMS, without charge
'.UniKU TUCKKK t HON. Publishers,
Albany, N. V.
Rustic! lloslic! Rustic!
iil0,k,-'lhaln'-Se',e's'- Stuts of.
Oceorreadlniroliaini, laniptuadi, outer
tab e. nower kluds. lCy rockmg and
Ulgh chairs, etc, for sale
Or Excluuisc for Second
Hand (luoiU.
I Wl ad Ineneet Itmtlo work Bt old Court
Hous. . Afl klndof furniture rehired.
H. T. MARTIN, Pmpr.
New Lccalion
, ,.Tvl' l1? b "' .est,'e offle h been
To Strawberry Growers.
,. Jm .'il;,!lutl.w rS far Urge
aa tHtnmnrl.rtiiip, fatttyn fne. imiI.
ftt Ukl.k 1..
M len nttvr iM(,
Nleni, vtsort.
Williams & .Hudson,
tt Stele 4rit.
Bruises. i-ores. Ulcers, Salt Kheum, l-ever i jinn 4nnerJn Iil? !? -55?
Sores, letters Lapped Hands, Clilfolalus, nnner, in Simpson's adtliloa.'1
'orns nnd all Skin Eruptions, nnd post- )0Stij
lively cures Piles, or nn tinv rnnnlrod. if. -l
-. i
e 31 1T?
Have neither- .
298 & 300 Com'lSt
25c Want Column
Ndtlces Inserted for nvi . i
uoitu i;ach mVwmov01?1
Iiiinimit lt. fcs.t ... V.1'Ji. Nft ,a
tnaH tweAn-rAu'" 'm8 ota
- " 1I-U15, J
"" ' - J
CiKWING.l)one l)ytheTT"
O rcrdny. Inquire at 171, CYM&
J Sf j
7IOUNJJ.-Share 419 Gold vJTl
stai. othce
1 fnrltirht.limii.airni...f iurF,wl
fnr Kiilo IR. T.'..i.i ."'.. 'Cftncl
omce, Cottle-Parkhurn block TS15
.... ...... vu-' 4-fllMIllI tl III I'lTr ""
Xi Ulcers and KlsVure-. pn.tsJS Jl
5.r. , . ir u .ositively, cured iMffil
de entlon from busin ss. 1 UniiMntfal
selves at their uu n ln.ines hou aciiinsl
anteed. An fiiu o the on lSl
drcMj Western ottlce. Com,, tl &
,u., uick oox ivn cm, Oregon. U
TTTANTED Unp nirpnl, mut.cim...l
V V . i mouth tt'hlns our pxult on 11
merits. Wo want cnuntv nnd eeinl
nnnnlj nnrl r!ll .... 1 . .. ti . . I
b ..- uv '.iiiiupc uafK Ullgooasi
tiold Ifucouutya-en full to clear t
anil exptnsesaf rn thlrtt dajs'trlslil
n general ngent Ic.h than J2). V rJ
send large lllustntid circulars nnd 1
wltnaspecial offer to cull teirltorjij
piled lor. on rtce!ntof3 nnt eenl. uJ
Apply at once and get in ot the bJ
Address ncnnerlIunuractur.nzCo3
the bnj
X aieeis every aiu.oay evenlDjiil
o'clock, in the hall oer vbe tt&te lut
ranee building. MeUineaareoreutotti
pub'lc. Itev. KobertWhitakcr fret In
. x.
. Cuslck, Vice 1-realdent.
and Grapes.
Tvicntj varietltsofeachforKile Muul
ol culture aud dcKcripthe raakai
ii.iu.ui eiiuri'i uiuye. c-esi ciaaiiw
fruit.'.. S'.iltnbl'- fi i this clln iite.KDtMif
purcui'iu lo k. iuji r.14, ai-m,UrtgWL
SI3f HOP & til.,
successor to
Low hiiiff ;ct.
Slerchfint tailor. All kind ct clcttrl
moae 10 niaer. repairing and c!rtI
luntly done. OneMck kuIi foratl
S.H. One frocK suit 'I t irmcrlv fl 1
overcoat K0, lormerly . One ieaW.1
formerly . One nalrof Pautti7.fan
S10. axi Commercial M-.J-aleru, Or ii
Capital City Kesbril
J as. Batchelor, Prop'r.
None but white labor era ..j-cdlulB
establishment. . ,
A good substantial meal o t " or'
class style
TiTeuty-ilve cenMper meal
Court street, bttuten Jonrnal OR!ce
Mlnlo"t Livery.
Uiueuts In the State. If werw Oft
I'brtland. Largest stock Uil ltofl
the suite, aid blgeet discount. W
price list of Job prinling, and fWS
Tejal blanks. & ' WAi
4 Bteam Prlntor SalfW OiJ
Health is
Trt-atment,r euinteedipecJte wg,i
term, l)lzrlr.ess. renvois "". VJCiM
NeurHlirlo, Headache, NervoiuR
caused lv the ue of alcohol "
Wakeml.n.is. Mental IvPrf'S15f
Ingof thebraiu resulting in '"ut k
leading to misery, fifrcay A ,,'rfVf
mature oldage, Uirreunes. X 'iii
caused by oer-exerltonof , J?Jjt, pi
box contnlni one month w"?VT git
a box or lx boxes for fMA M
prepaid o receipt of price.
To euro nay case. Wth 5S5
reived hr us for six boxes, ?f ' r
with IVt. wc will send the Jyz&l
written gmrantf to refund c" o
the treatment does not ?. oSC1
antee uuu-Kl only by G.iSSuOr.
BUt, Hole agent, SC9 OomSU
Cholco Bargains In Bcal E"'
1 Acre, large, new bnueM ""
18 Acres, very linr.
I0 Acre, houfe and tarn. j
am 1!;S5H
jr n
and Ileal Btte nl;' wd;
I. in. s apart n-w - t -. ii
.J.....-..rltUl'4 .
Final Account.
T. whm I rar '?l;Ji!i
herebv risen that the o,n2l5tA.
Wiiri Ihe is'' rti
Qraon t-r v'tnSLtift-J:
imlbv -a'.1 -nnrt fi f ' "'"Lia
... 'a
AndfruiUofaUkludiiaKaton. Alwtha
nt brand of cigars and louwco. 10 U
f ItaU ' ""
Kl. deed. ,,
BO-cas, urrj"Bt ""