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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1891)
t vy-rdmmmifigjy mil yiiXiiiMfcanitwinTi ' tin; bbslruellou wis ncared. At the last moment Iho lioiitiMiaut nuil his men rushed below and put down tbe hatches. An Instant hitter, tho boat, running nt a speed of nineteen knot struck tbe boom. Tho con cussion was tcrrlflo and all tho oc cupants of tho craft were thrown so violently against tho Bides of tho boat that thoywero partially bruis ed. It seemed for a second as though tho expectations of lieu tenant Slurdee would bo realized and the boat force Its way through the boom. She Jumped nearly clear, but before she got through tho haw ser caught her and pressed her against tho big splko of the boom, which held her like a vlco and toro her bottom badly. Tho boat at once began to nipko water. Tho seamen worked at her some tlmo before she could bo got free' then they started for tho beach, but tho boat founder ed before reaching It, tho crew being taken oil by boats from shore. There was much excitement among tho spectator, and thougu idou tenaut Blurdce'u views have becu disproved, his bravery nnd that of hid companions, was highly praised. The admiralty 'ofllcials aro greatly pleased with tho proof of tho ef llclency of the boom. THK HEATHFN CIUNKE. Chicago, Ills., Oct. .-Treasury Agent Scanton today said he had received advices t theeflect that there is 10,000 Celestials In Vancouver, and along the line of the Cauadtan Taclflo Rat way, who are suffering for want of food, fccautou believes the Canadian government Is assisting the Celestials into this nountrv. In ordtJ to get the 550 per head they are compelled to pay the government. WILTjBETKIHD. IirrrLK Rock, Oct. SJ. The trial of ex-State Treasurer Woodrutl, for embezzlement, has been set for Abu-day. THE QUEEN IS VERY ILL. Is Kumoroil flint falio is not Likely to Livo Until Morn ing TUB CHILIAN OUTRAGES. The Chilian Question, Chance for War, To Much Wine, They Blew out the Gas. Alliance Scheme, The Searles Will Case, Foreign and State News. .f. stilted, nnd that hereafter they mean risen two and one-brtif feet during W nrn I rut til.' permitting these MARKETS -Wheat; San Francisco, Oot. 21 buyer, 1601, $1.73. POBTX.AND, Oct. 24. Wheat val ley $1.50,? 1.521 Walla Walla $1.40 $1,421. Chicago, October 24. At close wheat was steady,cash03 i; Dec. 05J, May $1.01 j. WEATHER REPORT. Ban Francisco, Oct. 14. Fore cast for Oregon aud Washingten: ilaln. Deafness Can't be Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of tho ear. There Is only ouo way to euro deafness, and that Is by constitution al remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed coudltlon of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tuba eels lullamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect Hearing, ami wucn it is entirety closed, deafness Is the result, and -iiiimniili1 unfim .l,ll..'.....,l li.'i '"i of the mucous surfaces. I Washington, D. C. Oct. 24. We Will clvo Onn iriinrlr.1 TV.1 TllQ Ht'mlll'n rvirr,,o..-.,l.,... , i.. i .. i?.r au.y. c?se Lof dea"s (caused Is informed on tho highest autiioritv "iffi&rcC1 CUrod'V '"at " verunienrronurSea T I niin..n . .- .1. . sfmiiii nt.l n .t ... r. j. vnft.Mil i(.o TO IoO '""""" .iKK'vsaivo IKWIUOU Oil M l.i..(n...:.i. - .'. "III... . wc uiuuu question. I'resldeut Harrison was said to be the most QOEEN VICTORIA IS ILL. Nkw Yotk, Oct. 24. It Is ru mored hero that Queen Victoria Is III aud cannot live through -the night. THE RUMOR DBNIEH. London. Oct. 24. A dispatch from Balmoral where the queen Is . . rtM.A nltiMtll now sojourning says: wm ," walked out yesterday morning and In the afternoon took her uul drive. The health of her inajwty i pcrfect a faras.1 kuown here. THE CHILIAN OUTRAGE. Washington, Oet.2l.-Seoretar..-Traoy said thi morning that further studv of the cipher dispatch re ceived from Cat- Skhley of th Baltimore on Tnursdsy in regard t the recent assault on Atueriw sailors at Vpr's showed la ad dltion to killing of one n and seriously wounding six others, thst thirty-five oth?r Americau msn wrearreste i and detained by Chil ian autnorteties at the same Unh and thev were afterwards examines and dismissed, thre beins no prtwf they had been guilty of any mi behavior. It a'a appears that now up t date the Chilian authorietlt have taken no steps to arrest and punish the Chilians responsible for tho allalr. An otllclal thoroughly familiar with all tho faoU In posses sion of the government In regard to tho Va'pamiso afl'alr pointed out this morning that It was altogether ditlerent in its material leatures from the Italiau nllnlra at New Orleans, tho men nttaekod were in the uniform of the United States government nnd were attacked simply because they were Ameri cans. Secretary Tracy h id an inter view with the President this morn ing In regard to tho matter but re fuses positively to say what plan of action has beou agreed upon. It is known that the ndmlulstrntlon re gardstho situ itiou as most Berious. While no other vessel has been ordered to proceed force the demand that will probably be made, It Is likely tho naval forco In Chilian waters will bo speedily reiuforceil unless this government receives proper assurance from tho Chilian uoverument that proper justice will ba incited out tootle inters. Minister Eiran has been advised of tho views iiim,iuu. uumriox. to go armed nnd to resent insults In the proper way. our resjiect by thlugs,"says Schley, "and the young er ofllcers are wild with rage, nnd can't be much longer restrained." "I do not want them to be further restrained," said .Sec retary Tracy to oue of the commodores, "and I nne told Schley so." Therefore, any day may bring news of a serious emeute be tween Americans ami the Chilian mob, Instigated aud secretely en couraged, it is believed here, by ir sous high in authority there. two much wine, St. Paul, Mluu., Oct. 24. Louis 8. Whde, teller of the St. Paul Trust Company, was fouud by the otlloera of the eouijtany yesterday to be a defaulter in the sum of $5000. He is bIm) largely lu debt to merohants of the city. He ii eaid to hivu liwii running with a fast set lately, an I a ltrgepart.of the nrnnejr went fr iwker aud wine. Wilde went on hi regular vacation to the home of hi parent at Locfcport, N. Y., early lu September, but has failed to return. Toe kva ftillls upon the Amedow rety Company, which was ou WiMe's bond. thky blew out the gas. Tmrrv Haute, Oct. S4. -Iwy Jewett ami Sarah PralJter of Paris, Ilk, were both found dead in bed at a hotel this nwrMlng. They blew out the ?as. AN ALUANCE SCHKMP- Salina, Kan., Oot. St. Again yesterday tbe gigantic e-oporative sdiiin was before the farmers' ittrkiiice convention here. Tbe com mittee appeJuted to investigate and report upon tbe scheme reported unfavorably. Tbe report, however, was uot accepted in the conveutlou, it Is probable it will gu through ad riisht. The secretary of the alliance exchange compauy, which does $'5,000,000 worth of business a year in this state, says it will be an easy thing to throw all the business into the new organization. Iu ad" dttlou to this, the alliance's position is to coutrol absolutely the grain business of the state. In every county where the alliance will pledge support to a store a manager will bo appointed nud goods sup plied by the National Union com pauy for a shure of the prollts. The National Union company is the outgrowth of the Oenla couveution. Tliesubeine was sprung theii and approved by President Polk. Three months later a meeting of capitalists was held iu New York City, n com pany formed, nnd $3,000,000 of capl to Chill tn-eu-p"'010 .uu..... ,.....,.- for reparation " work ot "PPomuug agems win UeglU luimeuiaiei,)', mm me mat stores established the first of next January. Salina, Kan.,Oct. 24. At yester day session of the farmer's nllhiuce couveution the National union co operative scheme was adopted by an overwhelming vote. Insurance children wore Hood, at North tho night. Two drowned by the hnmpton. TRYING TO OCT EVEN. London, Oct. 21. Tbe protest of Sir William Gordon-Cummlng against the appropriation of money for the entertainment of the Duke aud Duchess of Elfe at Elgin, lias excited a lively row in tho Scotch burg, where tho bead of the Cum mlng family rather outrivals Queen Victoria in popular regard. Sir William Is considerable of a property owner iu Elgin, andean, therefore, support his protest by legal measures If necessary, whilo the fact that neither the duke nor the duchess are of the queen's immediate family takes away the excuse of loyalty for the proosed expenditure. The Citinmlngs, like other Scottish chieftains, are noted for the tenacity of thtdr hatred and devotion, nnd it Is believed that the Prince of Wales will not be altogether without anxletv over this evideuce of the tiltternes of his former favorite. AGGRESSIVE ORANGEMEN. Iiovm.v, Oit. 24. The abusive ooiniuuuK-atloiis which led to the resignation of Grand Master Austin of the Orange lodges lu England atvaMjribed to the unwillingness of the late grand muster to turn the Oninse society Into what would virtually be a military organiza tion. It is known that in Ireland the Oranue lodges are drilled ns military bodies aud form a secret miliila with the partly concealed purpose of making armed resistance to Irib home rule should it be es tablished. Austiu was uot in favor of extending this system to Eng-, but advocates maintaining the order as a purely benevolent aud betielk'lary society. In this he di verged from the aggressive element which is now in coutrol, aud life was made a burden to him. Austin ss hot advertising his grievance, but these facts are given on excellent authoiity. ONE AND ONE. Tho lat red dimmer of the inn Shines throtwU Ilia open door, And llos In strnrellnc ban ui-on The n U worn school house floor. Before the Bn ytmnff master chair A weeping maiden standa. As i-lth a nerrous. i.niwlel "ir T ciphered pago li "tans. "Ifa no nse." she mid, "to try; IcanwitiretltHKht." -See here," tho master Bald, and uolil The flsure to hur night: Thl problem that has kept )on hero Had lonit ao ben done Had )ou not Bald In adding, dear. That one and ono make one. "But Isn't that"- ho stopped confused. Her blue eyes Bought tho floor. A look was on the master's face Sho had not seen before. -Not quite, my dear." he gently said, "That Is. In sums like this; But yet. I think, there are times when Twould not be far amiss." And then, but, pshawl why undertake To tell Just what was rld? Full often has the talo been told Since Eve and Adam wed. The logic that tho master used To make the matter plain Was used by man since earth began. And oeldom used In vain. The swaying trees a tale of lovo Seemed whispering to tho brook. As man and maid, adnwn tho glado Their homeward Journey iook. Now. hand In hand, they pass school. Their knottiest prohkm done; They've Mjlved It by the good old rule Of "Oue and one make one." Yankee Blade. life's IS T A T E- bold by druggists, 75 cents. "German Syrup" THE SEARLES WILL CASE. Salem, Mass., Oct. 24.'-In the Searles will case today tho heariug chxd. The will was allowed, aud notice of appeal given. THE OREGON PACIFIC. CoisVALLis, Oct. 24. In the state circuit court 3esterd.1v. Judge Pipes llteil December Oth, next, as the date of sale of the Oregon Pacific railroad under theorder of Oct. 21th, last. A motion was filed by the at torueys for Isaac M. Cites, for post ponement of the order f sale of the properly. The motion was based upon n petition for the removal of T. Edgerloii Hogg as receiver, bj James Whntton aud others, repre senting bonds to the uitinut uf focr million dollars. This petition con tained, in ea-e the receiver should be removed and one npimitited satis factory to the bo. d holder-", an oiler to lake the receiver's certificates to the amount of fSS.000, covering all arrearages for labor, and a further ultorto take certificates from lime to time, to pay any, deficit foroperat- UnnJHm m.iU.i.itoit I v...J.HV3 iviei FOREIGiW A Cough outspoken advocate of this cours.. It was In a tone of exceedlug bitter- f uess that he referred to Chili's con tinued hoslilty U the United States. He said the time had come when we must teach the Chilian peonle tbat our patience In dealing with them e-suausiea. tin Instanced their 1 treatment of Minister Egau. The conference lasted from 330 till 6 o clock. It was decided that our uatlonal honor demauded that we should act promptly and with cor responding firmness. At the cloe of the coufereuco a cable dispatch was sent to Minister Egau at Santiago, instructing mm to commuulcate to ior children a medi cine should be aIktv. nd Croup lutej reliable. A mother must be able to Medicine-, pin her faith to it as to her Bible. It must contain nothing violent, uncertain or dangerous. It must be standard Jn material and manufacture. It must be plain and simple to admin- 5Ler;i.S?y' smd PIeasant to take. The cmld must like it It must be prompt in action, giving immedi ate relief, as childrens troubles come quidf gn. fast and end Jatally or otherwise in a Very short time. It must not only relieve quick D,u51-onnS taen arouud quick, as children chafe and fret and spoil their constitutions under long con finement. It must do its work in saoderate doses. A large quantity of medicine in a child is not rl;. ble. It must not intrf,.r t-;l i, ' w.iS 5?aPIUte r Sicral I do. and dolt speedllv ZZlZ vomfX.,Ul,Id;UuU.,s oe of extreme cw rs,,., eZ.m.ri-.'ir svv. mmly medicine. oj TnE ENQLISII WOODS. -Lonixi.v, Oct. 24. A lire In Mnrb Brown's wharf. Tooley street, which broke oct on Mouday morning. Oct. 15th, has uot yet been extinmil-hwi' 1UI iay 11 nas oeen burning. During that time 120 tons of debris have ixsm removed from the interior of me mimed warehouses. Rut a large mass of burning material still re mains there. The li inclined iu consequeuce of this bluro is simply enormous. From all parts of the provinces come reports aunouneiug the iremeudous amount of ibm,.,.... ... --.. uone by II, wceiver mismanagement denied. T-?i 'I lie uilu wilh gros. motion wat. The Hornehoo Superstition. The custom of nailing a borseslio over the door of a house or other build big as a protection ngainst evil spirits and as an assurance of good luck is widely spread over the United States and England. It ulso nourishes niuohg the Teutonic nnd Scandinavian races, and has been recognized us far east as Hindoostan. The horseshoe unites within itself three lucky elements it is crescent shaped. It lias been, or is to be. in contact with u horse, and is made of iron. Popoidar superstition has for ages endowed iron with protecting powers. The Romans are known to have driven nails into tho doors and the walls of their houses as an antidote or as a pre ventive of the plague. The Arab who is overtaken by a simoon in tho desert seeks to propitiate the Jinns by shriek ing, "Iron I Iron I" Since time out of memory the Scan dinavians Jinve sought to exercise the river spirit, Neckuw, by stidtfng an open knife in the bottom of" the boat, or driving a nail in the mast or oar. In tho mythology of England tho horse shoe has always been considered a "luck bringer." St Louis Republic. Happy Hoiwlrr irt... Tli.imiin.T,Osltua vllle, ind., writes: "Elcctrl. . 1 ..... n,nrn nil, lllllU . IltlS UUIIU UJ' "- .- - .,.. ...l 1 medicines combined, ior iu I fre ling "rising from kidney and liver 1 rouble." John Leslie, f"" same place, says: "ind Eh ctric liltters to be the best kidney !,Tnd Ilv.r m.dlcine, m.ule me feel Vuoanewinan.'' J. W. Gardner, llu.nlware tuercliaiit, same town, snvs: Electric miters jui Ibhig foraniau wliolmd run down and Hon't care whetl cr he lives or dies: he found new streugth, good apiwtlte felt jut like he hail u ue leaceonJIfe. Only 50c. a hot lie at Fry's drugstore, 22 Com'I bt. For Runt.- Hood ollico room on grmiiiil floor. Apply at Journal office. Ifmi nro tirod tiklng the Innrf nlrt n,s 1I..1" rt grtp.rst pllN. try carler' L ,1 tl 1.1 ver Pills nutl n.kognmocninfjrt. A mon can't Hand ovc-ythlns- One pt I udort. T,p'roni'pt'reHefnslek headache, dl?.lnci iwu-cr. wmstlpatlon, lIn 1 lu heU aiianinWdtolhoso uslnt: Carters Little Liver Pill. One n dose. Small price. .Hiniill diip Small pill. , , Arc free from nil crude nnd Irrllatlnif inatler. Concentrated medicine oui Cnrcr's Little Liver pills. Very Mnall; vcrjMJvy totukH, no pain; no grlplni?, no piiraintf. Try them. Otilek time ana tnrough trains oft "red passengers and slilppprs by tin Chicago, Union Pacific &Isortb wt stern Line, an Francisco and Portland to Chicago. eod Aug SrSFoinitoro , am Told by a Georgia Editor. He walked hi and put down a dollar, a silver dollar, that clanked like a car riage wheel iu the stillness of the sauo turn. Said he: "There, take it and credit my sub scription, quick." "What's the matter?" we said. "Well," said he, "last week I was Ushing out on Spring creek; a thunder storm camo up, and it rained and thun dered, nnd lightning flashed aU around me. I crawled into a hollow log to es cape it. The rain made tho log swell up until 1 was fastened in and nearly squeezed to death. I began to think of all my sins and to repent Sud denly 1 remembered that my subscrip ona Pi.snei.g-rs destined to the promi uent cities east of tho Missouri rlvei hIioiiIiI patronize tbe Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern line. Mug nllicent Pullman and Wagner sleep ing ears, elegant Pullman and Northwestern dining cars, free re clining ciittlr cars, haudsome day coaches and comfortable Pullman colonist sleepers. eod-aug 3ALK.U MARKET REPORT. A SuupsIof the Markets Buying ami Selling Price. HETAII, PRICES. REVISED QUOTATIONS. Shoulders-Sugar cured,per lb,12 Ureakfast bacon 15 Hums Sugar cured, per lb, lGJa Beef 51'.'K Pork 8 10 Mutton S(a12)c. Veal-1012Kc Timothy seed Per pound, f?c: selling ltcd clover seed Per jiound, He. White clover seed Per pound, VCc. " Alslke 18- per pound. Red top I0e per pound. Lincoln Gnis-s 12c per pound.i Rye Grass 10c per pound. Orchard Grass 17c per pound. New potato s !0c per bushel. Canned KruttPeaches, S3 00; apricot, S3 10; blackberries, $3; corn, best grades S3 00; tomatoes 51 50; strlug beans 81 51; grceu prais SI 85; per aoz. In two lb can. F-esh VtgeOibles. Potatoes 40c;carroth 50c; parsnips 75c; onions 4c per lb. HsiiSalmon 7ai0cnerlb: SturireoH 5a 7cper lb-small tlsh IPc per lb; Fait salmon, 7fa.iuc per to; untnooa Miimon, iu. BUVIXOlPKICFA Wheat 7flo net. Flour Per barrel. $5.00. best 10G Ib, O.W Per bushel. 3032c Rnrlev Per bushel.40215c llnn Per ton, S21 (JO at mill, Isacked, Shorts Per tou,$2 00 Chp Per ton, yjuw HOOl liC lOCiU. Ezg "50c per U07en. Potatoes Per bushel, 20c Corn meal 3c per pound. Cheec 12Hc per pound. Dried plums Per lb. (37c Dried prunes Per lb. 1012c. But:er 'IVoOo per pound for good Lard loail'c per lb Hams Per pound,HlCc. Bacon sides V& 10 per lb. Shoulders 85c per lb. Chickens7c per pound. Turkeys 10 to c lb, Geee .OS per lb. Ducks, l2Xper lb Isacked. tacked. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. je (Ga.) Globe. O.V TKIAL FOR MURDKH Portland, Oct. 24.-The trial of J. . bolt, charged with man slaughter, iu u,e killing of Mrs Christiue Strambom July 2-J, by a pistol suot rel across the cinvnn m the head of Jeflerson street, w:is be gun in Judge Sterus court yester day. The jurv in the case of J. w. s,v,.i makes about the nineteenth lrted this moraine It , i,nnhu it has been !nrnin, rt.,rin.. aijreeou a wnlipr. srssssr b - s- at tho a,... ,. ,i... " " I,. ". V"""uo ' wme lime to conic. In uuiereut parts of the country farms at thoas.sault upon the sailor of the uaitlmore. It further instructed him to demand First-Aii indemnity iu niouev, to lie iwld to the families of the sail! ors killed and to the families of such of the wounded as may die. uSi5ffl5"i?b,e a,ology to M,e The tone of the dlsnatoh Indlreitw, that tho ndmlnUtratlon will brook no delay In veourinc asettlemonf. Chill must do what she is asked to The situa- aru btllimr.u1 u.,.l n... i. i . .. ftv,. .. ,,,u iiiiiuuuanis ui.o wvn conipeiietl to seek refill ou the upper floor or their housed The Thaims continues to rise, and Is now five fwt ttbove l8 ormil, high water mark. A portion of tl,e royal gardens nud the queen's drive at Windsor is Hooded. The circumstances oonnwfMi -i.i. this painful tragedy are: Mrs Stmiubom, an old lady 72 years of age, was sittiug ou the rear lawu of of the house of her .laughter, Mrs Gus Ploegstra, on the side of the hill on the Cauyou road, holding Her little infant graudchild in her anus. It.was aUuit 5 oVIoek iu the ufteruoon, when a pistol shot rauK out, aud tho old lady, dropping ,be chhd to the ground, fell back in i,0. imir wiin a cry of pain. William n. oiieiuou, who On Short Notice. A painter in this city, who used to devote himself largely to inoonbghts, received an order for one from a firm of local aeaiers. They said. "You can let us have it in tho morning, can't you?" "In the morning I" gasped the painter. j, n.a uucmuon aireaay." "True, but you can paint it tonight, you know." "I can't paint by gash'ght." . "Well, eicuse me. bnt T ti,n,,M,t had got Uiose moonlights by this time u you coum do tfiem with shut" Brooklyn Eagle. -rioaTsKnraaraV?133.""" Walla WiUla U.6)-, OaU-.Vew Whlte'W to c per bushel. Mlustuns-Bran HS19;sh3rts,525 to26 ground barley, J-.U to 21; enrpfeed. 522 to m, middlings, SB, per ton. Hay 512 U per ton. Butter-Oregon fancy dairy, 30c; fancy creamery 30J2ft good to lair, 27k: Culilornta choice 27lo31c. Eggs-Uregtin 27K&30 c per do. Poultry-Old chickens, fa. Potatoes Wat (We per cental. Cheese-Oregon, li to m.'c; Callfornu. Ulfetlitij iL. B. BTJH 2T Q&g Have lieither 01 Pooled nor Trusted, Consolidated Busted, But cioiitinue to have the largest stock in l and services free in the city; half prico ht th ' Special attention embalmiiio- Ar,i and clean work. -Satisfaction guaranteed Ar 1 by consulting us. "7tk.l 298 & 300 Com'l St Arc Yon (ioinx blust ? If s,i, be Bure nud see that your tickets read via "The North Western Line." The C.SI. P. M. A; O. By. Tills is tlie great short line from St. Paul or Duluth to all points vast and south. Their magnificent track, peerless veslibuled dining and sleep ing car trains, and their motto, "always ou time," has given this road n national reputation. Ail classes of psisseugcre are carried on the yestibuled trains without, extra charge. All ticket agents sell tickets via this line. Ship your freight and travel over this famous road. W. H. Mead, Gen. Agt., No. 4 Wash. St, Poll laud, Or. . A. J. Lkland, Trav'g Agt. Tho Coming Liue. Tbe Chicago. Union Pacific & Northwestern Line oilers the best accommodations to the traveling public, en route from San Ftnnclsco aud Portland, Chicago. Through trains, fast time, magnificent bleep iug cars, elegant dining cars, colonist sleepers, reclining chair cars aud handsome day coaches, eod Aug. 25c i.Coliiu WOli'i'JA..QNKol Usementine-Uufl titan twenty-rive cents. "M O fohnsannerfin aiJg, IB Hi TOUNU.-Share 119 uM u I1 Ury oulch Mlnlne i5 MoWi N.r.otllce. Jl""ng Co. i , Mui'l J?OIt rtCNT AND SALTTr L1 torllBhthotisekeepinjrf11?' ior sale, il(. hnqulie i? ',?. r" office. Coltle-Parkhursub U1 '""J Jl l.ccnSVr2KS5J rt-uiuiu. etc I'm H,t r.iTHU ?S !.ni0.,!.fr.t,.l?,. business. Vatlt0JM ""'""' urirown immeiinA.. Uticklen's Arnica Salve, The Best Salve lnj tho world for Cuts, Bruises, sjorcs, Ulcers, Salt Rheura, Kever stores, Tetter, Chapped Unndt, Chlinlnlns, Corns and nil Hkln Eruptions, and posi tively cures PUes, or do pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satiitlacUon or money refunded Pne. 25 cpnts per box. .For sale by Dan'l J . Fry, 225 Com bt. NEW ADVritTISE.'UENTS. JOHN HUGHES,-' Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils anil Window Glass, Wall Pa per aud JloruVr, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails nnd Shingles, Hay, Feed nnd Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, City Warrants. VTOTICE Is hereby given, to all whom I Xl may concent, that there Is now m band funds applicable U tbe psi tnenl -t all warntntsof the city of Miltm. meson, win ....... ..,-" -'"" .nne-t of.hiS"''uwnJTiVI.,l,,rD'1''tt Salem, Oregon, Ot. 10. Eft' TrTo!Ba method of cutlloe and n? dre-s W. Mem omc&nt Co.. Ixh box 19saien'1,tg"Ifa WANTKn-OurngenUnitk,,, , a month fellln? onrZe.''l merits. We waul iMwt., -.WT agents, nnd wlllt.iirn it .,-' Rsi j,.l,t If.. .. ". ,Vk ' f)A. I t, vi I - n L'tftwM I SOIU II II COUntV IH.cni ri,. uuu uminm era tb nt dwi" a general agent le.'.s than IK,1?! send lurge lllustrjled c'rculiLl1 niiuuBpn.-iui oner 10 full tir plied tor, on receipt of 3 rneS? Address Itenner MatiufaetrMrVl rpUK ALKA-Iirl, hia.n N4,el 4, Meets tven a n tlnr e-cut. I o'clock, lit t-c I j i o er , N.fc 'I public. Kev. Pnbfrtllli linker i'.i.l . . vusiik, ux rrisiu, Bt. Strawberries and Grape Twenty varletlesi f iitcli forule SIik of culture nnd (lo.-ci litl e cauir, plants of eltherof Ihese, bestolilia fruit-, suitable for this tllmiite.teBt, nlln,itl,.i. fn I.' ItflLT.'l, U..l,..n T I'llUttlllU .V, A A..' .,,( ..IViUUiGl siN ii or a cm Nucccfsor to Low Sing icc, Merchoftit tailor. All kind oldod made to order. I neatlv done. One 132. One frock suit , formerly m N overcoat tai, lormr-ny $uU. uneraic formerly ifl. pair of p.inup,ltaf ,aui S'.O. aw Commercial riu, ilem, your eyes Steel .Mauufactur'e in 1740. In 1740 the Connecticut legislature granted to Messrs. Pitchi Wulker & Wyllysthe sole privilege of uiakin steel for the term of fifteen years upon this condition, thnt they should in the space of two years make half a ton of steel." This condition not having been complied with, the privilege was extend ed to 1744, before which time Aaron Eliot and Ichabod Miller certified that mure man naif a ton of steel had been ""-Tmri i - TRADC TIIK UUSSIAXPAMINR. UixiKix, Oct, "4 -The St. Peters burg corrvspjudoul f Tue Standard says the anproioh or fnt has caus wl a ruuewiil of the dlstrois. The Xovostl e,tinute that 2,000,000 poo pie aru without food, statistic tmn-., concJusively in many places speeir lator get exororblaut prices Tho corn morchanU or the vlllnw k. 1 iks or usurers aro churgel with iho rponslblllty for the extorailon. a S4Ml4rn ,tt..., .1....1 . ., ... ....-. .j-v, iia-iuns inai me jews are angvU ompred with the koo laks, who are lu a habit of rwlueiug those in their power to lowest stage of itovertv. Iuel.lnu h-t.. - Mavvaiu a was nasslmr nr i,., ,uade ,lt tue furnace in Simshnrir to ItWiK- time, seeing the old ladv fall, wvm R Durfe ' Popular Science Monthlv K?- . - ' ------ , - i Luis.,; 1J. Sugars-Golden C. -tjc; rxtra C, ili; dry granulated, S etibe, crushej and Pow- ucreu, o4c per pound. IJenns Small white, 3c; pink ' bayos, i; butter, SJic; Hma. o. " ' Dried FrltsQuetcd: Italiau prunes, fcc; tetite and Uermau, 7c per pound; raUlns, ? 25 per box; plummer dried pears, 8 to i) bUU dried and factors plums, u to r.V; evapo rated peaches 9 to lie; Smyrna figs, aOc; California ilgs,7o Hides-Dry hides. Sf to gc, Ac IeM fo, culN; green over 55 pound-). 7c; under 53 pounds 2c; sheep palbs, aOogsij. SMOKED MEATS AND LAUD Astern hams 13 to 15o; breakfast ba- cou 12 to 13c; rfdw. -J to 10c; lard. 9ii to 12Jc per pound. . SAN FitANCISCO. 1S7' F'MSC,SC0' 21 -Wheat,- buyer Uids for Paiiitlncr. TnS0311 of Trustees of tho J. Mate Insane Asylum invite hK, R.luiUiirtiro cotUiges m'ar U e vi?.r cation to Or r1 S,lB1rn,"MPonBpf ill HYJ.VKTEIl PKNNOVPn C1EO. W. ilcBRIDR ' Cko.rd. B-rt0fM--i Capilal Cily JiCSllS Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. warinMeals at All Hoursitl fl& eStab?ieshb:SLr"elaborein; A good substantial meal o . ittii Cl,ln stj e a Twenty-five cents per meal f R s d prontIi Court street, between Journal tt Jlinta's livery. J ex- jxwr AARrT. G0X fMCII BITTERS. Jvoa.iui. tun WAK. WaSIIINQTO.V. Oot. l rnlil ; ing International dmicultles are like ly to ensue as a result of the recent oowanily attack on American men of-war's-meu iu the city of Valpa raiso. Capalu Schley, of the Unltwl States steamship ililUmore, has cabkU the uavy department thn .t. UiUof the aftair, from whlohltap- terrible dhtrea or people .-.. ucids was not n cow- too reive I. .v iy nnu uncalled for. Soretary Tracy laid the report before the presj. dent, and it will b consldenl at the cabinet ruectiair. Th nni,,in U prevalent that Minister Egau will be Instructed to demaud Immediate reparation and Indemnity from the Chilton gowrumrnt. Acorrwpond. euv repon iu,, president as having id; "I mednto ha-e nonioreof mis oiwinws from uy nation. .! tbe demand upon Chill tutut be im- iter atsbiAiict., and. dbuovorliiu blood ,u i,er clothing -Rave the alarm and went to summon herson. ni-ian.ui.srioecstra, from the JtOsitljU titlllUllli,'. From the ellects of tho wound the old lady died. J. V. stt, who was sai.l U, j, tiring at a tnnrei from the opposite hJe of the canyon immediAU-ly gave hlmsslf up, and ....o . ,..r wie smiiu jury and i. dieted for manslaughter. Hfraarkallp Itescue. Mrs. Mli-hael t'urtalu, Pltdnfleld III., tuttkta the statement that she I...T V .. ,,w"eu ior a mouth by her family phyHlulau, but -rew worse, Hh i ,i i,. ,. ' "l reu violiiu.)foonumntloi. ,i i .iET Ilf ,u.lll.... ,. ii - " iiini -- ...W..V...17 mum uure ner. im ouKKiei ur. Ki;,! .'.avu.ij n,- Ht-r s xw (Vliwllltttitn.. . i,1.. ',....,' ... " ."M.l""'"i " found hen-ulf ixtt.Hi..i cL". 'I?" omtlnue I f- Sbeo..nttuunl its uvandufi Kllnlln nf ll,' tell IHIlllM. r1Ilmi t, ., t.,,l. .. . . . I Mntiml .....I .....I, . . , ."Ovfl 1UII1 III, fl,M n.lll.l.ll... 1. . . I .'WU,., .lllll ,, 1.11. Ilfllk illUW I..... u. - , .m .vu,iiiiit utiiua iron a i I v ,v ,., ,mr tiwii neighboring v..,a3e she had S12S Wfti gone to rvtopuhv, RmmI f-u.,d 0W,UWlVrti2i liWS on ucr cui:ureu tlmiil. A jvwl mr- J"ootf. ami 51. touio'iarHiu I 0.11 .vlih Mnml ' " T The Jlln.l Like Electricity. In olectricity we have an all pervad ing force of which wo are ordinarily uneoiuscious, violent and startling as are its occasional effects. So in the region of mind we may have effects rare and orange asnre tho slow moving fireball, or the lighudug flash from an undoud ed sky. Under peculiar and rarely oc -.."swuuiuous, as yet but Imper fectly kuown. certain mental influences predominate, and mind perceptibly acta on mind. Blackwood's Magazine, Tapa'. Daughter. Daughter Oh, papa, Tve just got tllA tunc ln....lM ,.. wt .u, juummgcostmne you ever saw. ' Papa (busily)-rm glad you like It Daughter-It's just too swvet for anything. Now all we ,i U 0 yaeht -New York Weekly. Keed 11.05 a SIM .. ......., Oats-Gray.Sl S5toi 7UWr.ti , Corn-Large yellow. ,115 10 si STK-whUe a.a6toJ130perceuUI. llop ux to t5o per piund, 1331 THE CULTIVATttR 2592 Country Gentleman THE BEST OP THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit-Growing, Live-Stnck and Darying. While is nUn InnlnJu i, . -. menuor Uural interSi" XX"lD.?.l .?. larn I it0Uie arm rmw Mb, flNE OP THK Vntent3 LARaJST ESTABllEi I n thft Ktstp rs.iroi. FfAi thu 9 l'ortland. Lant ttrwv fi mmkik I the Suite, aid biggest iisoounU Seed ft I price list of Job printlnz, ud ataloguei 'egai Dianks. Jl. WA1TE, Steam Printer Balcm Oresrea. To Strawberry Growers. The nnderslimed has contracted tor lull quantity of the Jessie. (sweepsUke pri winner at Salem strawberry air) uw 1 omphe de Gand, (best ylelder and moii prodtablo late berry In Salem ttirW from H. v. Savage, Salem, and J. V.St "crj, Aumsviue. Warrantea pure hot and plants fii-Rt-r!flK:. iatmoirat bte.nA September Its. Also ten othtr rtfiij Auaress JillOtJas, dw Balem,0rei k: yarn, n .,.,. r' " v"kju j :i. d i .. i - - M.JW111 iiis ii n ji i ..... - . r ouitoes-uarnet Chiles, 40 to i5c; Early "". ioneMlo Bua,,y auA t1 " . e Roc.2S to JOo; IJur wnka, 30 to 40c sweet I?P,S',.?r,ho no " ofthu w'. ?t1 ?, iV 75 to SI. M per cental. " te";1 Jhoice.atoSHej pickie ta? te&ijl VVfinWb1 U meir.lm-.w.i-.,.. ,J.m2 Jr.".en " uu iibrmiu. fiT... nice ranch. STltr. ji- -ij I talna mam .i,- " S n ' nir-n. c .u , , muHor ,fllrK T.h--;r.-:"rL'"""r than ever h. Health is Wealth!- twrwrntnl ijuitcr t to Keren Eggs Chi age, 10 to Sic par dozen. MISCKLANEOD.S M nn Chicago, Ocmwheat, cash 13c, ft'luSSKPSM: KS t '' l prompt. fil18 riP- K-tJwpi linShely Informed tbwo- i'inr'iSaHX nryla hU rewrt t bubo. In the UUsrlot IWm. One-half the popuiatluii of liav ...! of hunger or ill Au odious i trJUo U carried on lu womeu's hair ! tho beat head reaHzluir ouK- l orowu nuiew. THEIl.(lI.lSII 'UlorS, MMUU.V, u. S4-'U ilt,fl irotlior igluvl, Doctor uivbcribed i CastorUt tas&jiJBBrwr WJZXZH " i!& beJuslti. of ImimiwueDi. ThThuie hu rro. Brown A Co, Auehovy jvute-Sroat vtGlle'n, Broiuea. aa a rula. retleot light only tuodoratoly woU; whej, two iwrta cop K.r combine with one part Un, specu au tuetal, as it is called, i produced an alloy of to high relleetir ... j U U used in the host telescopes. ltf.curU rrom lit. Dcplbtof Mlwrv JPwkMA rit htdchJ LU "" tb breth. uneHHlnivJilJS ot rtgut Mb nnd right f J& &? b(Houn, wb.ihDtlfv iJf ' t "f l wuUtor. Mast enVeTi l ZTJ0? ntm i, .. r -"' jeaV.bnt we efiTr: Ps ! ,K "R J" ! Pr . .. .vv4Ul.uuu lu our CLUB RATES FOR 1S82: rfTfk llttan...i. . lag In adwin rj"! ' r U miv tli-' pa L-.-iTnTyg..l.J, ,,vl1 Head- Aches '4 61ck-heAi)AoiMnM.i Ot deranTnT" 7r!.oulwaw "" , Af tot ' velT M-AiiES-3 -r."c. uau atweluto -cir )Ssi$ir rr vtr ,r.:.v.'".-" w"t sd !. to Januar ut iSe,'' lne "lt r lu en kir-?ffi'.-YH rK?. .Mbauy, , y. AdrirAt.a I'ubllshera, ctm-. wH lret after iwereet nttmx. Met only After nwtuDih ... v . -i Z " " "? mi daw st lwrTl. IK cau of tuAlarlil dlsxM ihl ulpVT'- SS.!S,WJa1Sa?2 corner tah eo'wl toRl j, " V Baul J. Ffj. Com r fruw m u tun. tl ,Lr ' iu .. , ;z7 - .-? ui s..-..,: "Z.T"1.' Vtse- SSSSSfr-35 Roslic! HusficI lliisfic! nr'rCd,X'f.8ers. getu of th'r. aowe? ,?: U,u,i? kU''. ni.; rt. r,...i ..vwmuje fur Seconrt "ml Goods. -T. MARTIN, Prpr. nit. K f w-KT-a x-a.ot and flrtfl Treatment, a guaranteed iprclfle 6rJ2 1 iu,uiiciness, ionvuisions,riu. "",: JietlmlfHft frAaHni.hi Vminl PrMtTlw" causeefby tbo use of alcotol or U"S akerulinesa. Mental Depression,, W; ingofthe brain resulting in iusanHj" leading to misery, decay cd delX 5 can ted by over-eiertlon of tbe brsli. box conulns one month's trunit,iu a box or six boxes for $5.00, sent by " prepaid on receipt of price. WE G QABANTEE SIX BOXES To core dt miu,. with Mch ord'r.'t celved by as -for six boxes, sccotnrswj with $3X0, we will send the purchaser J written guarantee to refund the the treatment does not eflect a rare. " anlees Issued only by Geo. KOocd, J Rlst, Hole agent, 3& Oom.SU fci!ein.Or. Cliolco Bargains in Real Estate 19 Acres, large, new boose and Uffi IS Acres, very flnf ; 18$ Acres, hnai and harm ..." Acres, choice fruit; ..-,. All near Salem. TraculroroStoliu'tcrtfc For special bargains call on o sddrw . F. J. STRAY KK. N "rj,Kr'L and Real Estate Dealer, 2 r. I tf- I'm. a doors ncrth of II. il m14. 'REFERENCE: Any bark or bBe" boose In tbe city. It' IS "" c nrv vocQt h . i : r -k ' '' .- jt i !. . -"... bJo NtMv LocdUon poved or Julr?l,,s,'4te affile has bn Williams & Jlu.ison, KHSUte street, HAXD-MADB FRENCH r-AV,,,. urmiuorsJJklndAinfc- , Final .Account. To whom Is may con-rc. ?0,!2i2 hereby given that the onder)trorf "T UtratororthA muk KimM A- 'z' deceased, has died hU final ?SI JITS said estate in ttutmnntrmrrtof tbee1.1! r Oregon for Marion crnnty AAiS Monday, theSd dar nf yoTaber. ut 10ocJocca.m.atibe coortr "Hrt?S of said roHntx. havbeea nxol a; d "WTi led by Mid ort a the Hip ar-d Pe S "earing fyrtinit f -aid aes " lOeMtcBentthemf j rk-BW . .Administrator otheeUioIrB fla-era, Oregon. Oct. I, UN. H i".. 4iifiiAifsTtjrr1w'-rMa-i)itatoiii .,v k.d, .'1fiXt - 'nTt iittltlliiiiil iTiiliillmiirijipiitiii m .