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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1891)
W.T"t T T 1-1 --T ppur'-nc ta&m . .. i'. ificFUi k SpMJili what aro you thinking llio biggest fool iu My eon ubout? Tbal yon nte town, papn. Why, my son ? ' Because you opont wi mucli for this cult of mine. . I could have got onojunl us good at Vtvu Foratiifr fe Co. 'a and hud enough money left to buy a whole lo.v sbo befllrlt-tf. Largest a'oek In city. Bold at cut urices. B. FORSTNER & CO. TO ELtVATE THE MONKEYS. ODDS AND ENDS. Urait Britain has 58.000 women trade unionists. Missouri linn '.'it.OOO square miles of Coal fields. There is only one fluddeu death among women to every eight among men. The British war office haa given 30.000 trom ont helmets to the Sid ration Army The United States mint in San Fran cisco U the largest one of its kind iu the world. One-third of th crime committed in London is perpetrated ou Saturday nights. Chenpside street. London, is traversed by 1. '1.000. mid Mansion House atrtvt by nbont 23.000 vehicles daily Harvard college is 223 years old and has gradnated 17.000 students. A little more than half of them are living The temple of Hoin-mon-jl, at tkeg.v mi. begun in 12-S3 aud finished in 1307. is one of the mont famous religious struc tures in Japan. The right to vote at the age of eight een is ono of the eieciaJ privileges of the -oung men in Venezuela. Another is tho fact that the girb are allowed to marry at fifteen. It is estimated that 100.000 Americans visit Enrojw every year and leaVH there fl00.000.000. No other country on the face of tho globe could stand xnch a strain and not feel it. Tho Doiniuiou benate has pased a bill abolishing the dual language uystein in the northwest territories, though French is allowed to bo used officially, if neces eary, in territorial courts. The lowest body of water on tho globe is the Caspian sea. The level has been gradually. loweriug for centuries and now it is eighty-five feet below tho level of its neigblor. the Black sea. In perpon and attire the scrupulous cleanliness of tho Malay women is pro verbial throughout the orient Twico daily she bathes, changes her garments and washes and rinses her luxuriant black hair. Thirteen years ago a Btudont in Berlin was mobbed in the streets for appeariug on a bicyclo. Now the Gorman Union of Bicyclists, which has just held its eighth unnual conference at Breslau, has 14,000 members. TURF TOPICS. BEHIND THE SCENES. Tony Denier, retired pantomimist, is living quietly in Chicago. Jennie Veamaus Bays eho has been married (on the stago) 809 times. During her American tour Mrs. Lang try will produce Sims and Buchanan's "The' Trumpet CalL" Mine, Agar, tho French actress who died in Algiors cot long ago, is said to have been tho best Phrodro the world over saw. Lord Tennyson haa signed n contract to write a play for Auguatin Daly's com pany, a part to bo written especially for Ada Hehau. A "Players' Club" has been formed iu Syracuse. N V. Its originators aro amateur actors, but many professionals aro numbered among its member. The friends of Annie Unwell, one of the best ingenue actresses America has produced, havu given up hope that sho will ever be well enough to go ou the stage again. Mine. Modjeska'a new play. "TheTrag io Mask," deals with the closing scenes in the lifepf Marie Antoinette, This ac tress was announced to apiear at St Petersburg shortly before she returned to this country, but it is said that tho Russian authorities interfered, owing to their bitterness toward all natives of Poland. The new theater in Pittsburg has a lobby tiled with onyx aud a gallery con taining COO pictures. The newel posts at the stairways are sunuouuted with bou quets of electric flowers There are 1,220 electric light on the stage and seats for 2,600 people in front of it Ever) seat is two fet wide and the rows are a yard apart The ushers are ten boya iu pages' costume The eeaaou of t89Q-l was a very un profitable one for the London theaters. Depression marked it from start to finish, and the record Is one long list of failure, pecuniary I ox, dullness aud bad plays. Ono after unotherxheater changed hands, and the number of houms closed, either from bad busing or for lack of tenants, was almost unprecedented in theatrical annals. On every baud complaints were made, of the loss of money sustained by managers. WHISPERS ABOUT WOMEN. A Vermont trotter that has been win ning eotno races lately is called Split Ears. In the free-for-all pace at Pittsburg not long ago that great performer, Johnston, made his heats in 2:12. 3:11 and 2:ia A new pacing phenomenon at ludo tendonca. la., this week, was the 3-year-old stallion Manager, who not long ago covered a mile in 2:11. The death of that veteran horseman. Hen. W. L. Scott, of Erie, Pa., voids ten nominations in the Stanley Produco stakes of 1683. The senator had paid fifty dollars to the O. J. d as a first in stallment on his subscription. In tho death of Hon. William L. Scott the American turf sustained n great loss. Always an enthusiastic sportsman, Mr. Scott's importation of the French horse Rayon d Or had a marked effect on American blooded racing families. Never before in the history of tho trot ting turf has thero been a quartet of 3-year-olds on the turf in one season that could comparo with this season's quartet Monbars, 2:20; Arion, 2:21; St Lookout, 2:26, and Ralph Wilkes, 3:211. The Horseman says that in justice to the American trotting horse his breed era and natrons should organize an un precedented trotting meeting at Chicago during the World's fair year, and that it is none too early to begin to discuss the matter with a view to practical ac tion. A. A. Bonner says that while Allerton's 3-OTi mile was very fast, the Independ ence course is kite shaped and several seconds faster than the circular track at Cleveland, where Maud S. made her record He believes that Allerton will beat Maud S.'s record before the year is over. He thinks that Allerton should trot over tho Cleveland track in order to ascertain how near ho is to Maud S. CHATS ABOUT MEN. Secretary Proctor has given $3,000 to endow a free bed in tho Mary Fletcher hospital in Burlington, Vt Jules Simon, th6 celebrated French economist, detests . tobacco, and Bays that he is an iuveterato enemy of alco hol. Tho Duko of Hamilton is said to draw a neat little rentaj or $iou,uw per an num from his tenantry in tho Island of Arran. Sir Henry Hawkins, who is oue of tho clearest headed judges of tho court of queen's bench, is n Bporting man, a cap ital judge of horses and a member of tho Jockey club. Justice Field Bays that he is a great admirer of tho judicial robe, and that ho thonght that judges were as much en titled to this mark of their high station as officers to their uniforms. Deacon Price, of Manchester, Mass., had had a longer experience as a school teacher than any mau on record in this country. Hois eighty-three years old, and in his time has taught more than 1,700 pupils. The house which Benedict Arnold oc cupied when nyoung man in New Haven is still standing. Ho was a compounder of drugs, and the sign which swung be fore his little shop is preserved by tho New Haven Historical society. Adolph Sutro, tho mau who made a large forttintfuut of tunnels, is trying to rival the ancient Romans with the mag nificence of his bath. Acres of sea aro to be Inclosed with granlto walls, paved and tiled and covered with glass, the tides being admitted through suitable channels in tho living stone. RAILROAD JOTTINGS. A Sclinmn for I'miliiclng mi Arlntocrncy of Intellect Anions Slinlana. A man of Targe iiiwiiix. who resides In Washington, haa declared his Intention, privntcly, to devote $100,000 to a very original purpose. The Idea Is that no willsfartory opportunity has ever been afforded for the development of the in tcllcct of the brute Intelligence, like bodily qualities, is miscoptiblo of Im provement through breeding, as every one knows who has thought about the evolution of the dog froni tho wolf by artificial selection. This rich man pro-po- that monkeys or apes shall be taken assubjecUi for experiment, simply because man understands those nnlinals better than ho does others. Let fifty of thenl. half males and half females, bo placed In a paddock suitably provided with separate quar ters for the bexes. Then have Uiem breed pair by pair, as shall bo directed by those who superintend. Some of them will develop certain nbllitiesruore conspicuously than others. For exam ple, certain Individuals will exhibit a superior understanding of the com mands nddrowed to them or will show a greater dexterity In the hnndliug of objects. Those which appear stupid are to be expelled from the colony, their places being tilled by fresh re cruits. When a male mid u femalo ore found who(exhibit the same sort of nptitudo In any direction they are to be mated. This proces, carried on for generations would neces.wirily result in the development of superior characters until finally, after the lapse of twenty five vears nerhans. thero would almost certainly be apes or monkeys far higher In the scale of reason than any known np to the present time. These putative cousins of the human race have already exhibited a menud and even mechanical capacity sufficient to give ground for great ho'ies of pos sible development in point of intellect Chimpanzees have been taught to bring things to the tabic and the big Langur baboon of India is commonly used in that country today as a servant for working tho punkah fans, with which flies aro kept away from dinner tables. Explorer Stanley has given an account of apes which carry torches at night This is believed by Miientists to be an absurdity, because- all the anthropoid and simian tribes nro too afraid of fire, to render such a tiling possible. It Is a fact well known that gorillas, while they will gather about a deserted flre for the sako of warmth, will never think of keeping tho embers alight by adding fuel. Nevertheless, every book on natural history relates many an In stance illustrative of these creatures' thinking powers, and thero -is no ques tion that it could be greatly improved by tho process of Judicious breeding. Even a pig can bo taught to count up to ten. Washington Evening Star. SHE WAS DIPLOMATIC. How tin; Treasury Is Guarded. Tho treasury watch Is composed of seventy veteran soldiers, who ore cut into three squads, dividing overy twenty-four hours into threo cqunl watches of eight hours each. Tho men wear no. uniforms, and would not impress tho casual visitor to the treasury during the hours when the public is admitted. Tho guards go unarmed during tho day, but nt night carry a largo 42-caliber Hix chambered revolver, which is too largo to bo concealed in a pocket and must bo carried in tho hands all tho time. Every ono who passes the treasury at night may seo pacing to and fro in the lofty area between tho granite pillars nnd the wall of tho building solitary figures. A person cannot approach within a hundred feet of tho building without seeing n guard. Such a watchman, silent and martial in bearing, guards each of tho four entrances to tho treas ury. Tho guards who traverso tho cor ridors at stated intervals touch electric buttons to nnnounca their presence in certain parts of tho building. All this system of interior watchfulness was tho work of Secretary Folger, who during his term in office lived in constant dread of -an attack on the treasury. Indian apolis Journal, The greatest beauty at Saratoga Springs the past summer is generally cancelled to have been Miss Carrie Ste venson, of Baltimore. Mrs. Augell. the wife of the president of the University of Michigan, is a woman of various acquirements und ao complisUmenu aud of unusual force of character. Pauline Maaon. tho widow of Stevens T. Mason, the "boy governor of Mich igan, in now practicing medicine in Tole do. She declares that she U a grandniooo of the Emperor Paul of Russia. Mine. Dr. Ileuiplu hiu been rvfusrd by the nuthoritita of Hie University of IJeme, UwrUurljtml. the office of private lecturer of lutfruational and comparo. tiro taw solely ou the ground that she was a woman. Mrs. Mary Gallagher, of South Both ' lebem, Pa., cays she is H& year old autl ' to able todanw h jig with the moid agil ity that a young wan could perform tuu ft Mrs. UalUgher is apparently good or fcomff years to cowe. Hat &bt is good and be I not required to wear In a mile of English railway there are about 2,112 sleepers. The railroads of the United States car ry 1,000,000 passengora and 2,000,000 tons of freight every day in tho year. It is said that the Lake Erie and West ern will, in tho near futuro, uso tho Wa bash lino for entranco into Fort Wayne. The building of the Indiana Midland into the Brazil coal fields Is not rushing forward with great rapidity, and conse quently tho road will not derive much benefit from it this year. The employees of tho Ohio and Missis sippi shops at Washington, lud., have organized a fire department, and tho company has purchased 1,500 feet of hose and two carriages for its use. The Illluois Central expects to place twenty new locomotives and 1,500 new freight cars ou its line between Cairo and Now Orleaus by Feb. 1, 1802. Of the freight cars 400 will be improved fruit cars, 100 flat cats and 1,000 box cars. Within a few months It la expected that the first slugle rail and saddlo traok railroad will be built tn Oregon. Work on the first locomotive has commenced at Portland. Mr. Mahaua, tho inventor, is confident that the trUU of his system will result In success. In New York tho supremo court holds that when a passenger, while passing from the smoking car, where he went to smoke, to his seat ou another coach on a moving train, is thrown off by the breaking of the coupling between two cats, caused by the uegllgence of the railroad company, the company Is liable. AROUND THE THRONES. regent of Spain is not a What a Pallium In. Tho pallium Is n white woolen band about two Inches wldo and long enough to bo worn around tho shoulders and bo crossed in front. It is made at Rome from tho wool of two Iambs which tho sisterhood of Santa Agneso offer overy year on tho occasion of the feast of thoir patron saint, whilo the Agnus Del Is sung nt moss. Tho pal lium has crosses worked upon tho white wool In black, nnd ornaments aro at tached to the ends. It Is bent by tho popo to overy nowly appointed archbishop, and tho origin of its uso for this purpose dates back to a very early tlmo in tho history of tho church. It Is mentioned In nu ec clesiastical document of the tlmo of Popo St. Mark, who died In tho year 336, and an Eighth century uiosalq rep resents Popo St Leo in tho not of re ceiving a pallium. Milwaukee Wiscon sin. YVhtm the Drum failed to Scare. Tho cicada, by using a drum at tho baso of tho abdomen, produces a re markable sound, BiiUklent to oven frighten off nn enemy, yet I onco saw a big wasp bearing off a big cicada larger thrill Itself, despite the "teeing" nnd drumming of tho victim. St PuulDls patcli. John London Macadam, the inven tor of tho road that bears his name, labored for years to perfect his tdeos, aud although tho English parliament voted hlui 30,000 It hardly covered hla outlay. Ills monument is the roads of England. Keep u Cut. The best way of ridding a house of rats is to fill all the holes that can bo found with pounded glass and seal them with plaster of purls and tin If you wish. Then thoroughly clean the premises and see that thero are no garbago pails leffnbout to attract rats, nnd secure tho services of a good cat Treat her kindly, confine her as much as possiblo to the basement of the house, so sho will keep theso intruders away, und thero noed be no trouble. In i largo hotel or boarding houso tho amount of refuse fowl about draws rats, but theo U no excuse for their presenco iu a binnll house If thero is a good cat around. New York Tribune.- The queen beauty. The German emperor bos six children living one dead. The Prince of Saxony has & watch set tn the horn of his saddle. When Queen Victoria has ncr photo graph taken she stands upon n email stool to Increase her height The Empress Elizabeth's gorgeous new place at Corfu will have high light house near it, shining with eloMtrio light or 13,000 candle power. In the ground about tho palac there will I S3.O0O row basnet tad many fine cactus . uUuta A raiulllar Quotation. Tho lino "Though lost to sight to momory dear" has never been placed, hi spite of the most persistent research. It was no doubt the title of a ballad or a pleasing lino In it, but tho nauio of the author remains unknown. It has been stated that It was found en graved upon a bracolet fashioned In tho Seventeenth century. Philadel phia Ledger. Tho postmaster general says that 7,000,000,000 piectw of mall uyutcr are distributed by the Ktal cars overt year. Qver 8.000.000 pioaettaf mall are deposited evory minute of the year, in the letter boxes aud postofflcc of the land. C Iv B AN.!. If you would bo clean and hayo your clothes done up in tho neatest and dressiest manner, take thorn to the SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY whore all work is dono by white labor and in Ujo iMet prompt manuor. COLONEL J. OLMSTED. Liberty Street. A Selflnh and Annoying Traveler InTol nntarllr Givef Up Ula Seat. Tho east bound Jersey Central train on which I was coming to town the other day was crowded, and several ladles were standing In tho able. Being as young as I look, unlike my uoigh bor. I gave up my Mnt, A garrulous, mlddlo aged man who occupied the outside seat next to me. seemingly stung by reniorx" nnd may hap shame, but too selfish to give up his seat, said to the lady who was stand ing near him . "Madam, I would gladly offer you this seat, but I really am n much older man than I look." Pause for a polito refusal of that which was not proffered. But tho ludy took no uotice of him. "Under ordinary circumstances I con tend that no man should retain his seat ami allow a lady to stand. But you woulil hardly believe that 1 am well nigh on to si.ty-one. would you? et such Is the fact People, particularly passengers, often tako mo to be no more than forty at the most, and con sequently think I ought to give my seat to tho ladies; but that is my misfor tune." No response. "1 presume that you yourself aro at present tho victim of your youthful appearance just now." He thought he noticed a faint smile, but of this history mnkes no record. "I feel confident that I am old enough to bo your grandfather," con tinued the wily talker, "and besides 1 had ouo foot cut off and was shot in the other In 'our late unpleasantness,' nnd have contracted rheumatism, so that 1 can hardly stand, and it takes mo half a clay to walk a mile, and I know that under such circumstances you will pardon my seeming impolite ness." Still no recognition. "I fear lest I appear rudo and bold In thus uddressing you, a stranger, but owing to my extremely youtmul ap pearance nnd tho fact that I retained my seat whilo you, madam, were standing, I felt that some explanation was due you, and I hasten to make it.". ino may tunica ner neau away. "Believe me, I assure you, that if I were not so heavily and unfortunately hfiudlcapped" Just then tho conductor passed by. The lady whom that human hog had had the audacity to try to engage in conversation in attempted excuse for his hoggishness without the slightest Indication that sho had noticed or heard him, said to tho conducter: "Please, sir, eject that man. Ho has been annoying and insulting me, as theso people will prove." "That is true," said another lady who was a victim of this species of bi peds. So tho garrulous hog was hustled Into tho smoking car nt a rato which showed tllnt his battlo scarred feet wero well heeled, to the satisfaction of all eyewitnesses. Ho had no sooner been lifted out of his seat than the lady whom ho had been addressing ensconced herself in it. And thus tho human hog had after all involuntarily given her his seat. Diplomacy sometimes pays. -"New York Herald: How n "Suiultvlch Stun" Lived. As a touching instance of tho suffer ings of the poor, and tho small sum on which life can bo supported when the wages admit of nothing more luxurious, I make no apology for giving tho diet sheet of a "sandwich man." It was published in tho record of tho London City mission. He only earned seven shillings a week, and, acting on Mr. Micawber's excellent ad vice and keep ing well within his income,- spent Gs lOd. His week's food cost2sll-2d; six days' lodging, 2s; soap, 1 l-2d; washing, 4d; medicine, 2d? shaving, Id, and a pair of boots or some other nrticloof clothing, 2s. His daily food nllownnco of 4 1 Id was thus distrib uted: Dinner, Id; supper and break fast, bread, 1 l-4d; butter, Id; tea and sugar, Id. Soon after the production or tills curious balance sheet he died In Guy's hospital. He once earned ten, pounds a week. National Review. o .oo o KJ La&amrf piMIIIIMBI cr c s u ? 0 i, K o I' K I I 5" 5 td o o () o o to (D 00 rt- H O 0 8 VHOKKKSIONAI. CAKDS. O T. IlICirAUDdON, Attorney nt law, fe. offlce up stairs In front rooms of new liif h block, corner uomtnerelal and Court Mrt-cU, fciilfin, Oregon. TOHN a PAIIVIN,' At'oriifr at law J Hocni-;: nuiH, Utda A UusIi'h twnK bllllrilll?. KUMI,nxeii s f i- jstiNHAM. w. i, MIAM A HM.MM, AIKHIiej-N Ul I'm. OcMIAM A HM.MK. rtlUHllBjn ui in r. ) umceiu ilUHli'it WimjK, between State 'i . it iv-irt, (Jm'l"t J.tllAW. ,....nS!-VV',1UN'r- I V. II. l'KATT. . jrMV.rKATTA HUiST.Attorncjs til i O Ihw. .ilIIcooerCtipltnlatlonul llnlik, I m1o-ii, OrcKOti. UI)t;CA.TlON.W. Willamette Umvercity. THE 1 1 -I1j.MON I'UltU, attorney itt law, Salem, X. Oregon. Ofliee ui'fluira In i'alton t JVAIUJY AMNUIIAAI, Atlorucyx nnd U outiOi-elorH ut law, si-lcm, Orngon. iju intjitflttiretruct ol tl.e reeuidaut .UnrloD fuunl y, lueliidlub- a lul nud tilixjk lxi(le.t oi ailluni, tlioy have special Iellltrv lor ex luiiimiijf tlllc to rial islate. llusltiem in tho i-upivine court und In tUe Klate duptit t tiirntu will receive prompt iitlcutlon. Dtt. V. -S AlOTr, physician nnd fctir geon. OllUo In fcldridge Jsiocn, .-a-uiiii, Uiegvu. Oilli-o hours it) to 12 u. in. 2b-I p. in. TT U.I'HILI!HOOK,A!.D.,Hotrfpopnlhlat. Ill, O.ltte 1,) Court slieel; KeMdeuco 317 itixli MrrW. CU-Lcnil practice, special titientlon Ktvcti to utea&es or Women nud eUlIiii-cn DH..I. 1. KKENK, Dentist, Office over the WiiltB Corner, Court aud Cotn iiicrcnil xtncls. rli. T. U. H.!ITH, Dcntlsl.M State street, XJ ."ttieia, Or. Mulshed ilentul opera tion of uvety description. Painless operu tmui nupeciiilty. WU. l'UUH, Architect, Plnus, Sped . Ucul Ions und superiutcudeucu lor ui I classes of buildings. OtU.ce 'JU0 Com iiictciul ;,l., up Mulls, ; 1 A McNALLY, Architect, New Bush J. tJiejiiiau block. I'laus and epeclftca tiU! oi nil ilHbstsol of buildings on scon n-.tlce. Mipurluttudencoof work promptly ooi d ulter. 2 Ml 7i J McCAUSTLAND.ClvllSanituryand E, Hydraulic Engineer.. U. . Deputy unuenil surveyor. City surveyors office. Cottle- Parkhurst Block, Salem, Oregon. ' .HUSINESS GAKDS.I RICK A ROSS, Blacksmiths, all kinds ol i epalrlugund carriage wonc. We have in our employ Arthur Olove, a professional uorseshoer. Give us a trial. 1-14 IOHS KNIGHT, Blacksmith. Horbir O nheeiug: and repairing uspeclaltj. Hhoi at the foot of latterly xtreel, toulein, Oregon. Z3IM iy. J, LAUSEN A CO,, Manufacture of ah , klndsof vehicles. Repairing a special fcihop 45 State street. A B.HMITH A CO., Contractors, Sewer CX. ins, Cement Sldewulks, Excuvatiug. t.le: All work prom ptly done, baleni, Or. Leuve orders with Uugun Bros. 4:15-lin C(Ai:PET-LAYING. 1 muke a specially oi cat oetbcwlnir and lavlusr: pjirnpts. taken up and relaid with great care, if ouse cleaning. l,eave orders with J. H. Lunn or Buren A Bou. J. G. LUHUMAN. JOHN GRAY. Contractor and builder. Kino Inside finishing specialty. 4b6 Commercial street, Salem Oregon. GEO. IIOEYE, Barber and Hair dressing parlers: Finest baths It the city, ixa Commercial Btreet, Salem. Capital National Bank SALEM OREGON. Capital Paid up, - surplus, 575,000 15,000 rujt K. H. WALLACE, - - PreHldent. W. V. MAKTIN, - Vice-Prenldeut, J. il. ALBERT, .... Cashier. DIRkCTORSi V. T. Gray, W. W. .Martin J. il. Martin, K. S. Wallac. I)r. Vt A.Cusick, J . B . Albei t , T. McF. Patton. LOANS MAnP. To tinners, on wheat and other niarket- uuie iirouuce, consiguea or in store either in private grauatlesrr Ipublto waiehouses. Slate aad County Warrants Bought at I'm COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Draiu drawn direct on New York, Chicago. San Kranclsco, Portland, Loudon, Paris, Berlin Uong Konj; and Calcutta. First National Bank, SALEM, OREGON. XAPOUEON DAVIS- Da. J. REYNOLD- JOHN ilOIR President. -iVice Pre-ident Cukhlor GENERAL BANKING Exchange on Portland, San Kranclsco, New York, llonnKongaud Kurope bought nud hold. Liberal mlvuncrs made on wheat, wool, hops, and other properly ul reasonable rated. . WILLIAMS "& ENGLANr BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribeil, 200,001 Transact a general banking business; in all IU branches. OK( WILLIAMS H. luVMLiAiSIJ ill'Olt MuNAKY. .t'r&itrtpn .Vlcfi PreMden -ULSllli- tend, Dr. J. A. Hlchartson, J. vj Hobsor I. A. linker. Uunk In new Kxch'ingo block on Con. mweJal street, fcls-tl mm i ssan State btreet Livery. t Ulcsand Stock. Hoarding and Peed Stable. U State MrW. New Lowilioti I5l? a ltfth real eUte offir has been SSSbSSk. JuBC" B,!rnar,1I ew h S6OO Rewardi rtlliyihebove reward for any a we tannet nn viiv u-.,'. WKwill in!7VTl","u'm' p011' Dpilonor co ejuElljw PUKwUeS th" dHcUons ttrlctlneoionllMl win. t i:.,r?i?0P " JWUbl. sHd nexrr&U w BlvVu.toX OLDEST, LARGEST, Least Expensive AND MOST HOME-LIKE Institution of lennihufln lite nortliweM. UlsttidcntM In lffl'.tt In 1M)1 ai Incmttc of nearly c0 per t-enl In four years. UrndiiateH htiidclitit In Art) Business, Classical, Law, Literary, Medical, . and Musical, fuarmaccutlcal, scientific and theological courses. . NOItMAL COUBSE. Graduates from tho Normal Course bavo ill thendvnptiie's of gmduulcs from tho Slate Normal schools. Better facilities for teaching next year than over before. Ri-stTcim Begins Sept. 7, 1891. For caUlopue, with full Information address KEV KO. WH11TAKEU, D. i). Pres. B2311w Salem, Oregon. Portland University OPENS SEPTEMBER 14th. MJeauttfulandhealthlulsltonearlhcclty. Exi)enfeesns reasonable as any other insll tutton of learning on the const. Classical, Literary, Mclcntlflc, Theological, Prepare tory, Normal and Business caui-MS. Stu dents of all grades lecelved. Careful over sight and direction given to all students. Ludles' boarding hall under experienced mipervlblou, Professors of excelleut f-cbol-nrhlp aud much experience employed. For Information nddross, C.O.STRATTON.D.D., Portland, or THOS. VANlsCO Y, D.D., Demi of College, Port land University, Portland, Oregon .7 17 dw tl THE STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Open's Sept. 8th, 1891. COURSE OF STUDY arranged expre-ly to ii'tet the needi ol the Farming and .Me chanical Interests' ol the Mate. Large, comodlous nnd well-ventilated buildings. The College Is located In a cul tivated and chiktiancommuulty,andone of the healthiest in the State. MILITARY TRAINING. Expenses nied nt exceed $150 for tha Entire Session Two or more Free Scholarships from every county. Wiltc for Cutnloiruo to 8 J 11. L. AKNOLD, Pies., Coivalhs, Or Conservatory of Music. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Tbn bcftoriranl7Pd JIuloScuool on the North Went. coast. One luihdn'.d utidflftj mulc sudcnts the past fcchool year. Kent and lsteU methods or Instruction Coir es tor Piono, Voice, Violin, Orcpn, Hnr mony, CountPi point, and inuslcnl coiiih sltlon in all tho higher forms Diplomas srantPd ou completion of course. Next term begins Mooday, September 7th. Send for catalogue or address '.. M. PARVIN. 7 22 2m dw Musical Ulrector, f alcm Or GA?yru- .r- &t26&' coufGf Salem, Oregon. W. I. dialer. President. A..P. Armstrong, Manager. U ii s i n c ss, 8 li r t h a n 1, Typewriting, Pennmanshlp, liepartments. Students admitted atnny time. Catalogue free. ;miss o. ballou's KINDERGARTEN. Christian church parlors, corner High tinrl fY.fpr otnutrc vl.ll Inutri.At nlillH... after the best modern methods. Hours irum vii. ui. iu j.ociock. visnois invited. "ncc rnuATJATmAV aghadu- illlCO lUUIVlMUlll, te of tho Dredeu Contervatorj-of music (Gernnmy.) Will open her rooms, 6 und 7, Bank build lug, tho 1st of September. Will teach vo cal and Instrumental music, aUo German nd French. 8 23 tf MARY E. STEIIli, Teaiher of music, riano and Organ. Can be teen at Conservatory oi music or at home, 3 12th street. 01 ,r ,!rw- a"- L 'i uc.. IBIItr t'tJi '"ridMAriii.-. 't'Ot, R8pa,rRdO a.....7-.m VnuniAkJ KM'TtUw,.,-:'' '" nni '' ll ,-"' I v5j OKKvT '"hiiu .Mi.'uingui. "Hfiui ""VtH INSURE IN YOUR KOUE I ' I i e . J 1J-W tate; AS!S! SSpS,i 'MZ .. ! EAST AND SOUli -VIA 1 Southern Pacific J 8 Shasta Line I1AT.IVOIIVT A w,... imrwi.KNi-oitTi.An 'l Zr -1 " H 1 1 ouuiu, I r I i 7: !' m. Lv. Portbiiirt r-LS? Uv. Sa'lei 8:lo vJQ gl Above trams 'MupenTFtnSi5 m;.;... ;..r. "'.","e."'rg, n ? 'lungenr. h'hedds, llaLvT1 Junction Clty.Irvi'ny KOSEUUliq MALLDS, finn n m 10:52 a. ni b:w p. m, Lv. PortlanniSr1?! Lv Halen. i .IUjI Ar. Koseburg u,FJ Albany Local, Haily (ExccjTiil 6:00 p. iu, 7:52 p. in, D.-00 p. in pullman mm id TOURIST SLEEPING Ok Hfll aniidimnAiti.tif.n iMi&sengeri, uttauitd toexpreu tralntl ft'est Side DinsioD. Bilwa ft and Cerallis: DAILY IKXCK1T SUKBAI). 1 MUSIC ! MISS ALZIRA CHANDLER, Teacher of Piano and Organ. 25G cottage street. S3fe WI fflR6MjA8$ fiofv HEALTH. Lo nicUnuU Oolden Ilalcam So 1 Spreacn the Lew and Ddy; Sore eS SyphlliucOatonh. dlteued Scalp, and a! SyphlU. Price, 55 00 per Dot U. L Illchau'a Golden lUUam Xo.i n i Jwt .i.lh W" SSitMmith?,K?kl 'eJ Sort JWL Syphilitic i JUib, tumpj and con trctd Conlj. B iffuesa of tho Limbi. and SiS " .dJief,J ,rora th rtom. whether caiued by ladlwrtUon or abu L .i1.-."u.Vg 0,u PnIU Ant I. ImUtlonGrartl.and all Urinary or Gent Mdlrrant;einenU. Price $4 50 pel 'I -il.'iCh;- Ooden fipanlih In. Jectlon, toraerer caauot Qooorrhora, labrnmuryGlecu Stricture:. Price , 91 SO per Dottle. fn,?h!f!L,t,va.?,,,e,1 Ointment .Jb i ."1 Golden Pll.e-.NVrri and Brain treOmtot; lost ol pbytieal now Pro WOO per Box, Tenlc aud Nerrine, eVSSSaT' a CCO"Ir p6dWl! i THE RICHARDS"i5RUG ca.A'' I W 4s 5U MARKET ' ' f:'J0 n. in. laiO p. m. "Lv. Ar. l'ortrttmPArrra-! VAirmiis L.Y. iai I At Albany and Corvallls comKr.l trains oi uregon i'aciuc lwuroaa. KXPltESS TItAIN (DAILY KXCIITitnl 1: 10 p. ju. I Lv. Portland" Ar. (1 iva p. iu. r.jic.iiiuuviueLy.i tn Through Tickei IV all jolnU EiLST and SOUTH tor tickets aud lull mlornucai? Ill rates uuips etc., apply totbitij iiy uKi'm'wicin, uimoa. t-P. Hi KJKiUS. Af St. li. t aoilfBl1 U. Itlir ml THE YA0UINA BOI i! ..a I ,.i . .! Mil .axil And OreKon Development tsff steamshin line, itii miles ehoilEiJ-l I"sai lime than by any otliet 101 cias t urottif u passenger no W'l nom I'oitiaua ana an pomayj lamette vallov to and Iroin ti-Sl TIME SCHEDULE. (KxcemfcrfM Leave A many I -cave Corvallls rrlvo Yaqulna -Leave Vaqultui -Leave corvallls Arrive Albany - O. A C. trnlne connect at AW nnrvnltlfi. Tlia.iluivatnitne mttn?t flt YAvrl with the Oregon lvdofnifnil'i jfSternKhlr.Kbeiw(u laonlrm" Kranclsco. ,. STKAMZKS. """Si Willaniclto Valley, Tuteday Farallon, Sunday- . r-r-Wlllamette Valley. Thursday- Pnnillnn. TiirrrtilT hTEAJIEIU. repSI8ASrlU5B Willamette Volley, KraW -j"l ?;rallon, Tuesd?yn--j? I Willamelte Vailey,Tue4y---j-jl cbanse saUlng dates TritntoBCTO I Wlliamette Valley poinU caWB couneciiou wiui '"Tlv.r-iviiSB anu u aesiineu i c" ,.. arrauue to arrive at VaauiDilM belore date of calline. wf I'aencer and IrtlfktfcjfHJ Uiff.t. orlnforinatTjinaW HUIJilAK & Co., J-felyW M Acents 2U0 and UK t roni- u. C.C. UOGUJS Atft CJ Pn. Aat.. Orceon rel5fi3 " ymj& ' "s,-..v";j;7TrAta:i Co..3twM6oU FrcmTHBiDalorhltRW Northern Pacific Hat Is the line to i" , To all Points M is the dlnlnc car '""Jut'iI' iih.iio iratns every o '" ....A r. ,-etlbule st m, S3 u 1 1 w - O-ochaiiReofc- " PulUnaudraE (II K .""i Sleeping C .. .tmcn4fe IW UiHl t-" TB v---- lrW -j nUWtKt ft I..VOM t "" - ELEG.U- PAYC A COt)HlUH lines, artortfln ITHJ'U aired in adv- . tber-ikJ. ,,,t fi n and ojTj I HliSl liitorrrAtloo "21 A ! nt (b l''f3itlt 'vi rtirt iret,oor. und.urMia mj ImrjV -"Wt-ZM BB m B1 SHAW4D0Wi Vw"-W''"Pfl ,. . , "; A., K.&, . ir