Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 21, 1891, Image 2

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rH). Couriers frleud.i tensed him
Very toMJch about the nflalr. nml,
becoming intoxicated Imt night Iip,
ti company with his Irk-nils, wt-iil
to Mrs. DulolPs monip, nii-l, lrvak-
Irig In tliedoor, found herncctipylng
Ilia raht-Ikm! with Fimiticiiiii. The
Inttcr was iiiinniantliil to ilrss.
After doing so ho wnskuocked down
bytJonuorsutid badly beaten, lie
was then tid hnnil and foot, gagged
andcarriedto the third-story window
and thrown to the ground. On the
way his ImmiI stru.-k the lire escape,
leaving n portion of the hkull hang
ing to the iron.
In her eel1, m.rr initial by her
frightened children, Mr. Dolotl'
cinlinual.y riled fir her drunken
lover or prciulssioii In go and net
him, but this was denied her.
Last eveulug it is. learned Hint
Finnucum has n wife and tbret
children in C'eiilro Oak., Va., nut
Mrs. IMoil denli? any knowledge
of tllif.
Tlie uw is of unusual interest be
cause of the prominence of the
prisoners. Couway, until the present
Democratic administration went
into ofllcc, was president of the
board of aldermen and one of the
leading Republican politicians or
Denver. Conuers, durinu the same
time, wis First Lieutenant of Police,
and Is now under a seven years'
sentence to the rwinieutlary for con
spiracy to' hold up and rob a Jlin
Grande express train near Grand
Junctlou, Colo., three years ago, but
is enjoying his freedom on u super
sedeas from the Supreme Court.
Ityau duriug Connor's term was an
otllcerln the lire department, but is
now tin bail to answer Hie charge of
drugging and robbing an ignorant
Swede of 5,0CJ.
Cokvalms. Oct. 21. The suit of
tho employe of the Oregon Pacific
railroad company ngaiuat Col. T. E.
Hogg, receiver, for the payment of
delinquent wages, cumo up before
Judge Pipes at 1 o'clock yesterday.
The report of the receiver was flllwd
and the court adjourned until 3 p.
in. to hear the report. When court
ro-couvened the report was read,
and Itecelver Hogg statcrt Tils inabil
ity to ralso the money to pay the
employes, whereupon a representa
tive of the Ulalr factiou of tho New
York bondholders, nroso and made
a stutcineut to the court that if the
court would remove Col. Hogg and
appoint a suitable man as receiver,
whom he would name, ho himself
would advance sulilclent fuuds to
pay all claims for labor anil operat
ing expenses of the road now due.
After argument by the attorneys
Judge Pipes ordered that tho case
be continued until Friday, Oct. 23,
until which time the receiver shall
havo to pay the men, aud if hu still
refuses that the road shall be ordered
sold as soon as possible according to
law, which would bo within four or
six weeks, tho money arising from
tho sale to be applied first to the
payment of the men.
Grand Anaconda
Will Resume.
Tho Searles Will Case, Fell Fifty
Feet, A Derailed Train. Blaine
Goes to Washington, Dying of
Disease, White Caps, Foreign
and State News, etc-
never liecn done for a MethodlBt con-1 cruiser everybody lu tho east sold
ference liefore, In sending to eight! we were crasy, nud that wo hadn't
hundred papers the admirable ad
dress Issued. The resolutions were
unanimously adopted.
Tho conference then adjourned
a! no die.
lh i
CrcYOFMEXico,Oct.2i. SanJuau
and PaPoosan rivers are rising rap
idly and have overllovved banks lu
many places. Several towns have
been inundated, and there has also
becu great destruction of crops
Heavy ralus have fallen In tho state
of Tobascoand the city of Sau Juan
Bautista, the capital, is in great dan
Mr. Lorenzo P. Sleeper is very
well known to the citizens of Apple
ton, Me., and neighborhood. He
says: "Eight years ago I was taken
" sick, and suffered ns no one but a
" dyspeptic can. I then began tak
"ing August Flower. At that time
"I was a great sufferer. Every
" thing I ate distressed me so that I
"had to throw it up. Then in a
" few moments that horrid distress
" would come on aud I would have
to eat and suffer
"again. I took a
"little of your med-
' icine, and felt much
"better, and after
" taking a little more
' ' August Flower my
"Dyspepsia ilisap
"peared, and since that time I
" have never had the first sign of it.
"Icau eat anything without the
"least fear of distress. I wish all
"that arc afflicted with that terrible
"disease or the troubles caused by
"it would try August Flower, as I
" am satisfied there is no medicine
"equal to it." O
For that
i. ii
IfUkfit (wording to illrtelloij. U unex
ileluiktilarr nud Uwr out-. A ixl
Uroutvk-aoWtltc for ut grippe. No Ijmph
tMKHiej. Tryitnoil ixii-outluceu. AllonR-r
Stockton, Cal., Oct. 21. Sunol
beat the world's record on tho Stock
ton track yesterday, making a mile
iu 2031, beating Maud S's time half
a second. It was a fast mllo from
the start, aud tho tnaie finished
strong. After warming tier up in
three miles jogglug aud rubbing
down, Marvin tamo out at 6 o'clock
to go against the record. Tho wind
had died down to a breeze. In the
first attempt he uodded for tho word
md ho went away, runner waiting
at the half for her. She went the
Aral ipiarter in 313; t'o h"'f lu 1M
flat; three quarters in 1137, and came
home strong and proud In 2:084.
There were six timers, and ever,)
watch was the same. The crowd
went wild.
Chicago, Oct. 21. A special din
o.itch from Butt j City, Mont., says:
Within the next ten days the famou
Vuncondit copper mine will bo ii
full blast. LastBpring the mine shut
lown, two reasons were given foi
this, one was, IhatUaggln beliuvlm
he owned and controlled tho bulk o
the copper In the world closed dowi
in order to corner It, the other reasoi
was the railroad which runs from
Annacouda over to Butte a distance
of 25 miles had concluded to cliargi
Uiiggin Its own rate for conveying
ire from tho mine at Butte to Ana
oiida and returning the product
from Anaconda to Butte. Till.
Uagtjiu would not consent to aud
ho closed tho mine. From what is
considered a pretty rellablo source
information is received that within
the next 10 days, two thousand men
will be put to work lu tho construc
tion of a new lino from Butto City
to tho smelter, this done a new load
will be built from Boise City the lu
tentlnu bring to extend it ultimate
ly to tho Paciflo coast.
Washington, Oct. 21. The
twelfth aud last day's session of the
ecumenical Methodist council open
ed yesterday with Rev. Dr. Allen,
of the Weslcyau Methodist church,
of Euglaml, iu the chair. After the
adoption of the resolutions for the
appointment ot a deputation repre
sentative of the conference to visit
the Pan-American council at Torou
to next year, and an "amendment to
tho resolutions presented yesterday
relative to tho creation of an execu
tive commission to mako arrange
ments for the next ecumenical con
ference, the topic of tho djy, "The
Outlook," was taken up.
Wasiunoton, Oct. 21. At the
aftcruon session of the Methodist
ecumenical conference a resolution
was adopted that tho emifereuce
views with deep concetti the subtle
aud persistent ellbrt of Roman hier
archy to mako Its power felt outside
of its own sphere in many lauds,
to the detriment aud danger of the
civil and religious liberties of the
pecple. Tho conference feels bound
toremlud tho members of tho church
it represents tho sacred rights aud
privileges they enjoy, won for them
by tho sacrifice and fidelity of their
forefathers, aud to call on them to
uulto with the members of other
Protestant churches lu maintaining
their Inheritance of freedom nud
banding down tho same intact to
succeeding generations.
Tho last bssay of tho conference
was on "Tho church of tho future,"
read by Dr. Buckley, editor of the
New York Christian Advocate, lie
spoke of the evil jiorteuts of the
present time, mentioning ImsliK-s."
dishonesty, lack of self-denial, ex
travagauco lu living, tho relinquish
mout, In largo part by thu church,
of tho S.iulnUi to tho world, etc.
But thU is only one side, and there
are numerous tendencies of a hope
ful character. Tho rlo f now do
nominations seeking after oplrltual
piety may be expected. No union
of Protestant and RomauUm Is
possible. Tho final church will en
force no theory of Inspiration. It
will hav-a simple yet comprohcii
elvocretd, revealing the vs-onllals
of salvation. Till tho last thero may
bo Irrol'glnu) kcleutlsti and some
Christians, so Ignorant or timid, as
to fear th.it tho luoroaso of knowl
edge In tho sphere of nature neces
sarily Implies destruction of faith
Row Mr. Dawson of England,
said the church of tho future must
essentially bo a church of tho past.
Fundamentals could nut bo tillered.
Tho first unto of thu church of the
future would bo simplification. The
church should not Ignore evolution,
and a church wlfully blind could
not bo a ohurch of the future.
At tho conclusion of tho laet ad
dress, by request of tho business
eoiiiuiltUv, Dr. KUpheiwin pretunit
ed resolutions, voicing the thanks of
thucoufevouco In vrlous directions.
He referred tu tho hospitality shown
tho foreign deleatis, cloj referred
to tho prceldenl'd Ult to the confer
ence, uud tu himself, who bet a noble
examplu to tho head of overy great
community lu the world. Dr. tite-
piietisou was very grateful to tho as
Salem, Mass., Oct. 21. Hearing
Searles' will caso was resumed
his morning with Edward F.
Searles on tho stand. Tho counsel
for the contestants asked if Searles
knew why Timothy Hopkins had
not been notified before November,
of tho proposed marriage, nud he
replied he never dictated to Mrs.
Hopkins anything iu regard to her
ant. He first heard nf the niarriiige
settlement from Mrs. Hopkins,
witness objected to the marriage
settlement after the English style
ai it looked too much like buying n
husband, witness never opened
letter nddressed to his wife In-fore
marriage, and none without her
permission since.
Monarch, Colo., Oct. 21. Wm.
Davis aud L. Lock, miners, were
overcome by foul nlr, while descend
ing a mine near her yesterday mom
ing. They fell out of a basket to
the bottom of tho shaft, fifty feel
below aud were crushed to death.
Galksiiuhq, Ills., Oct. 21. The
Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy fast
pissenger train, which left here at
10:30 last night, was derailed at a
pottery switch, near Monmouth,
dxteeu miles west of here by an
open switch. Tho whole train, of
iever.il curs, save the sleeper turned
over on its side. Killed Engineer
A. Lemry, Galesburg; Traveling
Engineer Geo. Courtney, Gulesburg;
Mrs. Geo. Allen, Lamonl, Iowa, and
Frank L. Johnson, Avon, Ills.
About elghtfen wero seriously In
Augusta, Me., Oct. 21. Secretary
Hlnlneatid family left lu a private
car this morning, for Washington.
Maiishalltown, Iowa, Oct. 21.
Black diphtheria is spreading ut an
alarming rate in the Norwegian set
tlement in Soudlers valley, Harrison
county. Fourteen pcrsous havo re.
cautly died of tho disease. The
place has been quarantine'). Terri
bio state of nfiairs exist.
Owingsville, Ky., Oci. 21. A
party of white caps attacked the
residence of George Cnlp last Tues
day night. As a result, James and
George Hownrd were iustnutly
killed; half a dozen others were
wounded, one of whom, George
Jones, has since died. A sister
of Howard was ill uud the shock
killed her. Yesterday an infaut, to
which she gave birth a few minutes
before her death, also died, making
five deaths lu all. It is quite certain
that one or two more of the wound
ed will die. The true ttory of the
ailair has just como out. A young
girl named Delia Carpenter was the
innocent cause of the tragedy. Mr.
Sjo had adopted tho girl. The
Culps nud Rebecca Carpenter and
their confederates wero Incensed at
this, as was also Cynthia Jones,
who it is claimed, said nlie had
bought the girl and was to pay $250
for her. Rebecca Carpenter declared
she would kill the gill if alio re
mained iu tho See family. There
was a great deal of excitement over
it, nud somebody served a while cap
notice on the Culps. ordering them
to leave iu thirty days. The Culps
remained, nud tho neighborhood
tulked with more freedom thnu
prudence. So matters continued
until the fatal culmination. Some
time ago Rebecca Carpenter, an
aunt of the girl, came to tho house
of Prosner See aud asked hhn to
take tho girl and keep her, as the
Carpenters were uot able. See prom
ised to take tho girl on trial. Not
loug after this Mollle Culp, Susie
Culp and Rebecca Carpenter went
to See's houe iu thonhseuco ot the
family, stole the girl and bccreteu
her at tho houso of Gcorgo Culp.
It came to the eurs of Mr. Seu that
tho persons who hud tho girl iu
charge Intended to take her to
Mount Sterling and put her iu the
bauds of Cynthia Jones, a notorious
character. In tho meantime the
girl run away from the Culp's, eauie
to tho houso of See and plteously
begged him to keep her, us she said
she was afraid of her in-ople. This
led to tho attack on Culp's house,
and the deaths nf five or more per
Try it unit bamm hieed. All
ttfflttffW!XWln,Mi a duo for Charleston
San Fuvnuisco, Oct, 21.-"I want
to mice ffl.000,000 for tho puriHwo of
establishing a gun plum in this
city," Kild Irving M. Scott, of the
Union Irou works, yesterday. "I
don't wuut tho money for Immediate
use, but to continue operations with
v cut uiiiko jusi us goou guns
hero as can bo luado anywhere lu
tho world, and we don't havo to
leave tho coast for materials. Every
thing needed for the manufacture of
thu big guns on our coast defences
and on our wuishtps can bo found
iu WushluKlou, Orvgou uud Call.
fornla," Mr. Scolt spoke to Con-
grvasmen Cutting and Loud, United
Stutes Senator Kauders, i,f Mnu
tana, Civil Service CouiuiImjIoiui
Lyman, Collector Phelu, Surveyor
Kilbourii Postmaster Backus, Mayur
BuuebraVe, Colonel Suiedberg, ex
Congressman Vandever and other,
who had accepted nu Invitation to
ruu down the bay on the tug Rocku
way and luspect tho iron works.
Mr. Scott ceutluut'd: "They did
uot think wo could build warships
out hero, but the Sau Fruuclsco and
prove tho ooutrary.
the facilities hero fordoing the work
but they made a big mistake. Now
I say there Is no reason why I
should not make guns. I have seen
all tho gun factories of this country
nnd Europe, and we can beat the
world nt that work, and I am going
to have such a factory." Tho party
went all through the workshops,
where 1300 nro employed. In the
moldcrs' department a number of
men wero nt work, aud Scott said
the eiiccta of the strike had worn
oil. After passing through the
shops the guests were taken to tne
different lnutichlng ways, wheie
the battleship Oregon Is going
Into frame and the big Pacific Mail
iner and preckels' giant tug are
Hearing completion. The tug will
bo the largest boat of her class iu
the world, uud tho Pacific Mail
steamer will, it is expected, equal lu
speed nny ptissenger steamer ou the
Atlantic. Tho ways where the
Oregon will be constructed aro the
larges-t ever built In the United
State, for tho Oregon will register
10,250 tons. Tho parly also In
spected the crul.-er Monterey and
theu returned to the city.
St. PETEitsmmo, Oct. 21. The
Czar gives three million roubles from
his own private purse to the famine
fund, and Issued an appeal to the
members of the nobility and landed
gentry, to form nnother fuud for the
relief of the famishing people.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 21. The cere
monies Incident to the unveiling of
the Grady monument, has uttracted
an immense crowd ot strangers to
this city today. G ivernor Chas. ri.
Northern, presided. The stutute
was unveiled by Mias Gusslo Grady.
Fulton Colville delivered the address
in beh tlf of tho Grady monument
committee. Governor D-ivId li.
Hill, of Now York, was 'utroduced.
He delivered au oration.
Saliva, Kh., Oct. 21 Tho slate
farmeiv' alliance convention met in
secret session this morning, A
strong aud determined light ngainsi
the re-eclecttou of President Mo
Grath. has L?ju developed. It is
bused upon the scandal created by
Turner's letter last wiutor.
Washington, Oct. 21. The sec
retary of the navy has directed the
appointment of u court of iuquir)
in the case of the U S. Steamei
Despatch, in order to determine
whether any or all tho ofllcers of
that vessel should be tried by court
martial for neglect of duty.
London, Oct. 21. Several lakes
uear Bangor, Wales, have burst
their banks uud Hooded the neigh
boring slate quurrles. A thousand
workmen are idle iu consequence.
San FitANCisco.Oct. 22. Wheat;
buyer, 1S01, H.71; season $1.")).
Portland, Oct. 21. Wheat val
ley ?1 60, Walla Walla $1.4()$1.-I'JA
A Spangenb'-rg, A Ay res, L Mel,
S Waters, I Biem, J S Smith. G
II Donahue, M ONeill, R R Giltner,
A F F D.;vls, W A Go. ball, Dr G F
Wilson, C Sutherland, RS Perkius.
It Wakefield, J Holbach, A N
Steoves, II Song, T B White, Port-
A C Carlton, Milwaukee.
D G W Mattou, Albauy.
C A Ingalls, Boston.
SMcKVe.St Paul.
J S Ham, A B Crelgh, Chicago.
O R Bates, Omaha.
J Culverts, J P Ooas, Koseburg
A C Blair, Richester, X Y.
J J Daly, R F Bell, Dallas.
PA Lathrop, Elk City.
C W Syfens, Albany.
H L Bellville, X Yamhill.
Ida Klnsy, Dallas.
C Long, Silverton.
A L Selmaii, Llunton.
O II Rxidy, lloquiani.
J M FrnneN, S C Miller, Salem.
W W Thayer, J D Cutt.-r, Port
laud. LIIMcMtthan, Woodburn.
T Vail Soy, Portland.
C A Hawkins, S F.
J Orcutt, T Gllllgan, Oregon City
G Green, 0 Eurushan, Salem.
Kato Lathrop uud bus to S C Mo
dule 25 a, feces 17, IS, tp 9 s, 2 e, $1.
Alfred Savage and wife to John S
aud Beuj Heyler, It 1, 2, blk B Sav
age's ad, f 1500.
R E Elgin, widow, to Helen M
Ruby, 89.(17 a, sec 33, tpSs, 3 w,
DC Remington uud wife to L G
and E J Barrow, 18.4 u, of Eh C
Cooley, d 1 1 ?0.
E II Cowles uud wife to L G Bar
row, ksmuu reet, Cowles ad to
Woodbuun, $780.
G 11 Miller uud wife to Wm F
Bartlett, 20 a Miller, d 1 c, f(J50.
State to Htriuan Waohs, u, n wf
nud sj, u ej, hq 1, tp 0s, 1 e,200.fi0.
Coolldgo tt McBlalu to J W Me
dure, 22.100 , at Sllvertou, f 160.
John Dyer and wife to Wm Llok,
IU 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 21, 22, 58, 24, Sun
nytlde, fS20.
Left my bod airi board Little
Rooney Aunloand wuiseeu squan
dering my money In chuuks at Pat
ton's book store for reserved sets
for the ouly performance- tomorrow
faurdR4wnH,Auauiiv. 'ihelr vMufvreutw jtnlvrduy wlmUnid W"e we made our flnnVuld ou the eveulug of Little Lord Fauntlcroy,
t U.uirUbl lm.lletatlm
lii the early history of spiritual!""
the following Incident occurred initr
Martinsville, Wetzel comity. W. Vn. .
John Gamble was murdered. Among
u ,r,n nst seen with hhn ws n
,,, namod Mercer or Mrsser. who is
known have owed Hiimblf a consid
.t.i.. ...... nf iiinnev Meteor was ar
rested, but as no proof was found to
convict, he was relejied. This was In
the spring of the year. In Mnreh or April.
Duriug the fall of the same ye.tr ns
some men were returning from a "husk
ing" one of them, a Mr. Illndnian. sep
arated from tho company, taking a
short cut across the meadows for homo.
As Illndnian walked along ho became
conscious of the presence of another
wnlklng by his side.
Pr,.v.mtlv tho straneer said. "I am
John Gamble, whom Ed Messer killed."
The apparition then gate a detailed
account of the time, place imd manner
of the murder; told tho place of burial
and gave other directions which were
afterward followed out, resulting In
the discovery of Gamble's remains.
Next Mcsser was confronted by Hind
innn, who uccused him of being the
murderer. Messer would not answer
to the charge the ghost hud made, but
Hliuliiinn had U in iiicuuitfU. went into
court and swore to the ghostly inter
view, which, added to the circunistan
tlal evidence which had already been
adduced, fixed the guilt indelibly on
the public mind even though he could
not be held on such ethereal evidence.
Soon after, however, Messer left for
parts unknown, nnd Is believed to have
assumed a now name. There wasgreat
excitement in Wetzel county at the
time, nnd every one was asking the
question. If it was uot the spirit of
Gamble that held tho interview with
Uindmun in the meadow, who was itf
St. Louis Republic.
Some Oriental Stories.
The oriental Joo Miller Is parent to
many jests that are stUl current among
us. For instance, a preacher in a
mosque began the history of Noah with
this citation from tho Keran: "I have
called Noah." Unluckily ho forgot the
rest of tho verse and repeated the same
words over again. At last an Arab Ex
claimed, "If Noah will not come call
somebody else." More careful was an
other preacher, who was sheik as welL
One Friday, when tho muezzin rang
out tho call for prayer, he mounted tho
pulpit in tho mosque and asked the
people If they knew about what he in
tended to preach to them. "No," they
replied. "Well, then, I shall not tell
you," and ho stepped down. The next
Friday ho asked tho samo question,
and now, taught by experience, they
answered, "Yes, wo know." "WeU, if
you know, you do not need me to teU
you." and ngain ho stepped down.
Tho third Friday, when the samo in
quiry was made,' the people said:
"Some- of us know and some don't
know." "In that case," the preacher
rejoined, "let those of you who know
tell those who don't know." And
again thero was no sermon. San Fran
cisco Argonaut.
(low Elephants Express Their reclines.
Pleasure is often expressed by ele
phants In an excruciating squeak for
from pleasurable to tho auditor. Sat
isfied and contented tho animal purrs
gently. Fear finds expression often in
a remarkahlo reverberating roar and
sometimes in a shrill squeak. A thor
oughly enraged elephant utters a deep
warning sound in tho throat, often a
hollow, reverberating, rumbling sound.
When suspicious or desirous of giving
a slight warning the tip of the trunk is
tapped upon tho ground, while from
tho trunk is issued a volume- of air,
which at times sounds Uke a sheet of
tin being rolled. Young or baby ele
phants express their wante by singular
sounds uttered from the throat. An
other sound made by wild elephants Is
produced by stviking the trunk sharply
against tho sides.
That elephants uso these and other
sounds as methods of communication
or as lungungo there can bo no doubt
-St Paul Dispatch.
Cnrlyle's Sense or Humor.
With Carlyle, as with aU persons of
his temperament the disposition to lay
tho words on strong is half sportful,
and undor the gravest overstatement
lies a humorous Intent He has no
thought of being taken literally. Ho
means much always, but ho often means
much less than ha says, and ho trusts
to the reader's senso of humor to mako
tho duo deduction. If the reader
chances not to have a sens of humor,
sad misunderstandings arise; but ii he
have it, he conies to greatly relish the
tasks that Carlyle demands of .It E.
C. Martin In Scribner's.
Selling run.
"Are these mackerel quite fresh!"
asked a lady of a ragged but pompous
old fishmonger who camo to her door.
"Oh, yes, pufllckly so, pufllckly sol"
was tho reply. "Jess nostrillzo them
nnd see."
"Nostrilizo them? What do you mean
by thatt"
"Why, lady," said tho fish purveyor,
with a look indlcativo of pity for her
Ignorance, "smell' em I siuoll 'eml"
London Tit-Bits.
Teople AVho Look Like Mummies.
Tho Cofts esteem thomselvos to be
the true descendants of the ancient
Egyptians, as distinguished from the
conquering race of Arabians who have
now overrun their land. It Is a comi
cal idea, but they coll upon us to noto
their close resemblance to the mum
inlea. Constanoe F.,WooUon In Har
per's, Help but Don't Oosrve.
Tahelptmlurem lUetfhrutu throw oil
the trammel nl intense it, uf mute, the
Irgttlnutte nielboa ot lueointiiou. ThU
metuml U, uuforturmttfy, too onhe ill
Vtfnjvd IroiuuiHl help prvftel la rnor
clou. Uru!lr, oxnwixe parctnar h an
iloubUHlly the inot roraiMul rm if r
errkmm iltUsnrt. The to. wl are fortfd
literally wrenched Into net'ou. Of OHine
tut U mmnatilel by huh h 'r n; mlu
OJ siwceetfea l.veshuMlii VnKtiUJtvea
the nrvuus ot evacuation lu stile Iupohi
putlulo v:U subsequent regularity aud a
tlTtly. The last stale of that maa iwwwi.
nu w Im uki tlraolle ralbartiea tor etHwti,
IwUUwi U ittvl.lodty hwm MH ,he n,.
llo.lrllM Ktomaeh Hltteni Is itte nt
laxatlxr In existence, klim-tt r,.4K tte
BeeJrut Uul no abnnu) aetkoa, I. mxvtm
lv. net abrupUnppfatkn,aiKt stivtuih.
eu losteacl ot weakenlnc the organs up.
onvhtfhUacu. l' u fur uularUU kW.
uey, riuuuiaUo and dyspeptic tiniju.
jkpfkusox irhih.
Our school-bus 'Jb pupil" enrollidl
on Its register nnd employ inree
teachers. Miss Kiln Poble of Salem
has charge of the primary depart
A lur.-p nunilier nllendcd tho
tuucral ff James M. Bates, un old
ptmirer, horn in the year 1X09 lu
Washington City, was a mllor for
many years ami finally came to Ore
n in aud was with ihe Mlssionarhs
when Salem wus founded. He
built the first cabin in Jefferson lu
'5G or '57.
Hirry R-uidle, of the firm of
Dalrvinple & Oi , spent Sunday In
J ir'rsim vlltlng nt his father's
His little sister Aggie, who was Tor
n loug time s i ill with typhoid fever
at Salem, has, just returned from a
visit among frleuds above Mehuina,
completely restored to htulth.
Your coi respondent, calling In ut
the various places of busluess, found
mwcli.iuts and mechanics bu?.
Good full stocks on the shelves and
huyu-int thcciunferh Ourharne6
niercliant seems tsptclally to bo
doinx' a thriving Inislui-ssns he hud
jusi sold t wo sets of hurness. Fnnnen
will lliul him accommodating, and
ns waixsall Hist class. Le.vBad.
DrafnpRS Cau't be Cnreil
ov l.ic.il iipplk'utious, us they can
not nach the d it-eased portion of tin
tar. There is only one way to cure
dea:'ne?s, and that Is by constitution
al remedies. Deufness is caused bj
au intlumed condition of the imieou
lining of the Eustachian Tube
When this tube gets iullamed you
have a rumbling sound or impel feel
tie.iriug, and when it is entirely
closed, deafness is the result, anrt
uuh.ss thu Inflamatlou can be tukei
out uud this tube restored to its nor
mal condition, hearing will be ik
ntroyed forever; nine cases out of ten
are caused by catarrh, which is
nothing but an inflamed conditior
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dol
lars for any case of deafness (caused
by catarrh) that we cannot cure n
taking Hill's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo.0
Sold by druggists. 75 cents.
' Packing Up. Much fruit is be
ing packed up by Farrar & Co. foi
the Eastern markets, but the bet
can still be hud at their store.
"Tho Best.".
Wm. Brown A Co.
Wheat Vulley, $1.50 per cental.
Flour standard, ft t0.
Walla Walla $i.C,
Oaks Sew WhlteJlO to 45c per bUHliel.
Millstuffli IJran J2223; shoi ts, $23 to 2b
ground barley, ?30 to 32; onnpfced. $2v
to ?-!, middlings, 5, per ton.
iluy J12H per ton.
Butter Oregon fancy dairy, 30c; fancy
creamery ao?; good to fair, 25,
California choice ItHo'.Mc.
Eggs Oregon 27 o per doz.
Poultry Old chickens, So.
Potatoes 10 at tiOc per cental.
Cheese Oregon, 11 to 12c; California
Sugars Golden C, 1C; extra C, 4; dry
granulated, 5 cube, crushed and Pow
dered, 6Jc per pound.
Beans-Smull white, 3Kc4; pink Sy,
biyoa,4ir, butter, 4c; llma-t, 5c
Dried FruitsQueted: Italian prunes,
8c; 1'etlte and German, 7c per pound;
raisins, 21 2.5 per box; plummer dried
pears, 8 to 9c; nun dried and factory
plums, Al to 12c; evapo rated peaches, 1
to lie; Smyrna figs, 20c; California Ugs,7i
per pound,
Hides Dry hides, 8 to 9q; He less foi
culls; green over 53 pounds, 7c; under 53
pounds, 2c; sheep pelts, o0cSI.2S.
Eastern hams, 12 to 13c; breakfast ba
con, 12 to 13c; sides, 9 to 10c; (lard, 9-Ji
to 12Jjc per pound.
San FKANcrsco, Oct, J4 Wheat; buyer
Barley Feed S1.03 ?1 oi per cental
Oatfi-Gray 1 35 to 1 37 per cental, old.
Corn Ijirge yellow, 1.23 to Jl.tTK; white
1 25 to Jl SO per cental.
Hops 125 to 15o per pound.
Potatoes Garnet Chile-!, 40 to 50c; Early
Hose, 30to;Vjc; Burbanks, 35 to 40c; sweet,
75 to SI, 50 per cental.
Onions 55 to 65o per cental.
Buttcr-Cbolce, 25 to 27Jr, plck'e roll, 21
to 23c; creamery, 25 to 26o per pound.
Egss Cholco ranch, 37 to 40c, cold stor
nge, 19 to 2.1c por dorcn.
CmcAOo, Ocu 14. Wheat, cash ISJ
Happy Uoosk-rs.
Wm. Timmous, Postmaster of Ida
ville, Ind., writes: "Electiio Bitterb
has done more for mo than all other
medlclues combined, for that bad
feeling arising from kidney aud liver
trouble." John Leslie, farmer and
stockman, samo place, says: "Find
Eh ctrio Bitters to bo the best kldnex
and liver medicine, nmde me feel
likonnow man." J. W. Gardner,
hardware merchant, same town,
says: Electric Hitters is just the
thing fora man who is nil run down
nnd don't care whetl er he lives or
dies; he found new strength, good
appetite felt just like he had a new
lease on life. Only 50c. n bottle at
Fry's drugstore, 225 Com'l St,
Aches 'i
vof rjtw
oldcranjemcnUoftheitomaph il i...i.
As Joy'a Vogelablo BarsapanUa U iho oalr
bowel reguUtlus preparation of Sanaparllla.
II U IMO why Jt 1, Ua ouiv .n,.
tampariUa In lck-badaete. ItlauatenlT
ippreprlata; it l au abolute t. Alter a
eoarws ot U au ooeattoaal doso at UManU
will hirerer after prcrect ratam.
Jno. U. Cox, of m Turk Stw. Su Fn,u
Imcs vrritM: I ho bo twmii wi h
attaek. l .Ick-Jieafc, I t-c uSTtkiM
awlfMaciwtoUMwtlmfiawt-vt. jin
Mm aso I Ua(tit two bottle r j,,., v---
la' ! C -.r "j ...i I . . '"-
-t t i --Ralt-jtt tw, ea ti, , ,
Ma-M r'
war son
t neither
Pooled nor Trusted, Consolidated
" Busted,
But continue to have the largest stock in Saie
and services free in tho city; half prico jn't'
Special attention given to embalming.
and e'ean work, satisfaction miiir-mit,! r
by consulting us. ' i nc)'
298 & 300 Com'l St
25c Wantfolmi
Nil Ices iuterted tnr nut,
WORD KAfiit ti'ir..2K CJ-Xt
tUenieut inserted n . ihii ? &
than Mventr-nvo cents. nniD K
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescrilied : CastorLa '
e. old
Oil nro tired tiihln" Hip lnru-R
fnshlonerl griping piM. try carters'" l.lltle
Liivar i'iiis una iuko some c imi.iri. a mon
can't stand everything- One pi I a doc-t.
Try them.
l'rompt relief In sick headache, dlnluc s
nnuser, constipation, pain In the sldt,
euaranbed to those using Carter's i.ttlle
Liver Pills. One a dose. Snull price
'mall dose. Small pill.
Arofreefrom all ciude ntl irritating
matter. Concentrated medlrine onlv
Carter's I.lttln Liver pills Veiv Miiall;
ery easy to take, no pain; no grlplnc; no
purging. Try them.
Passengers destined to the promt
nent cities cast of the Missouri river
should patronize the Chicago, Union
Pacific & Northwestern line. Mag
nificent Pullman and Wagner sleep
ing cars, elegant Pullman aud
Northwestern dining car, free re
cliniug chair cars, hnnrKome day
coaches and coiutortablo Pullniau
colouist sleepers. eod-nug
l.-VJUND.-Shnre 419 Gold . I
r Ury Oulch Mining rg I0?,""!.!
NALotllce. s vo- ""IttJotil
I.1 tonight hoiisekepinrilJ11?
ror sale, tir Kuquire at t i, .'"'
oitlce, cottl
p ,'
m hi; :"'?
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass, lVnll Pa
per and Border, Artists' Ma
terials, lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts. Grass Set ds, Etc,
Ulcers nnd Figure, fc
rectum, etc I'osltlvelv t,,l .J
sol ves at t heir on n homes ind 1
aateed. An ti.d to the 5a 55f
Hi IS"?."'. Ul: "'I VW&S
OoT. Loil li iq'.IX'S.V?'""- K
' vm. nil
YirANTKIl-Our agents maietlikfc
a mouth telling our mudi.K
merits. Wo want S.umf mV
agents, and will lane Imp ii :..?'
soldifacountj afceut fall to iSi!
and expontfNnPcra llilt t A.,:"Si
a general ns."- t les tU.m JJ.
-jti.u n.igu nu iraieu i rcu ir ..jL'
"Uh a special oiler to full t!Z,
jjiicu iui,uu reii-iiii ma inP(i.r.i
Apply at once and get in oi th?
Addiess ltenner Jlaiiufaelurlntf J i
burg. Pa. 1 j
rniir. aliM-a-iiii'i hi mvtiI
oc'ock, hi tt.e l,n 1 over h Hi 1. 1
ranee buildiug. ii vtiijgKireoit.tol
,'uui.. i.e., . uuru , ,1 laKfr.rrrt. !
vlt A r...inir in... I .. ... "T,41
nui.vuji, "iai.1 jiat nt.
Bids for
rpHK Board of Trustees of the tliegon
JL Htnto lubiiue Asylum luite bids for
saluting two cottages near the Asylum.
Parttci 1 us will bo lurnlshed upon appli
cation to Dr. Ij.L.Kow land, medical super
intendent. Bids will be opened on Tues
day. October 'J7, 18SI1, at V o'clock p. m.ut
nmce of board. The right to rejt-ctanyor
all bids is reserved,
Wm. A. MUNLiT, Board of Trustee-.
Clerk of Board. . 10 :!! lw
Country Gentleman
Farm Crops and Processes,
Horticulture and Fruit-Growing,
Livfi-Stnck and Darying.
While is nlo Includes all minor depirt
menuof ltural interest, nuchas the Poultry
Yairt Entomology, Beo Keeping, Green
Iioufc aud Grapery, Veterinary Iteplle,
Kami Questions and Auswers, Fireside
Heading, Dometle Economy, and a sum
inaryortbouewsofthe waek. IU Market
Hepoi ts ai e unusualb complete, and mueh
attention Ik paid to the pro pecw of the
crep3, as throwing light upon oneof the
most Important of all questions When to
buy aud when to sell It is liberally illus
trated, an '. by Hreent Enla-gement, con
talus more reading matter than ever be
foie. The subscription prlcu is titOper
year.bnt we offer a special reduction In our
Two SuiisciiiPri0N,in one remittance ! -I
ix Jirn-iCRirTioss, do do. 10
lWELVKSnitsCHUTIONS, do. do. is
-To Pll newsubbcrlbeis for 1SU2, pay
lag In advani-euow, we will send the pa
per Weekly, tram our receipt of the remit
tance, to January 1st, IMC, without charge.
5-si-EciMEN Copies Kuke. Addreks.
LUl'IIEU. TUCK Kit . SON. Publishers,
.llisiiij , 4, l,
and Grapes
TKeutyvarletle-iGfeachfi rxulo Mtt
-f culture aud rtescrlptixe cnialom,,
plants or either of thehe, best c r all w,
fiuits, suitable for this cllniute.tentni.
tlllraitlnil tf 1' Hill I It Vnli..n l,--
fcuccetsor to
Low Sing Jee.
Merchant tailor. All kind oi dotto
made to order. Repairing and clpjjij
n.atly done, One sack suit $31 fomet
$32. One frock suit S?2, formerly m &
overcoat $20, lormerly $.. One Taifcl
formerly ii. One palrof pantiiS7.for!B
J!0. 208 CommcicialSt.,balem,Of.Si:i
Capital City Kcstal
J as. Batchelor, Prop'r,
Warm Meals at All Hours olttt
None but white labor emphiyeaiilj
establishment. I
A good substantial meal ch ktdlii
Class style
Twenty-flve cents per meal.
louit street, oetween journal UEei
Atinios L.ivery.
Uaients Jn the State. Lower raw Uu
Portland. I.nri.pat. ctru-lf lzal Iftmill
the State, a-d biggest dlMOunt. bulti
price list of Job prTntlne.uid catalogue
legal blanks. K. M. WAIVE,
Wtf tno rnnva tauem un.
Rustic! Rustic! Rustic!
Hustle Hocking chairs, Setters, gents of
tic or reading chairs, lamn stands, center
tab rs, flower stands, baoy rotking and
high chairs, etc , for sale
Or Exchange for Second
Hand Goods.
U ue, UX All kmdsof furniture repaired.
H-T. MARTIN, Prnpr.
Coming !
To Strawberry Growers.
The undersigned has contracted for li
quauiuy oitne Jessie, iswirji p
winner at Salem straw berry Ulr) uJ w
omphe do Gand, (bes' ylelder tusd J
protiuible late berry In balem roirW
from II. W. Savnee.Salem.andJ. .
bert, Aumsville. Warranted t me n
nnd nlnntsflmt rfn. I'atnloeuefrfArni
Bentemhur 1(a Alen ten Other
Address -4-B0riL
dw balem,CW
Choice Bargains in BealBWt
13 Acres, large, new house and Un;
12 Acres, very tine;
104 Acres, houde and barn;
11 Acres, choice fruit: ,r, i
All nearSalem. Tracts IroniStoWj
For special bartralns call on oi acm
P. J. STKAVEK. (Notarypw a
and Real Estate Dealer, 20 i "in v
lem. doors north of K. M..W ,
KUFEKEKCK: Any back orb?
house In the city. 10
Health is Wea
Thin sday Evening Oct. 22d.
Mr-. Frnneis Hi-dgs'iti JUinitll's
"Little Lord
x.vt! T
trii't' nW hi' D'a'1 J- F0'.8 CVm.
Tlu nnitt Urnaihvny Tlientt-r,
-N. . Suc'X-fcy. IntrtMluc
uitj tn creatijst nf all
Little Lortln.
T. Henry Kromh's coinjiaiiy,
(Direct fnmi NVw York ))
Rervetl m,. iiuw ntly at Pat-
- . Bra
nit. K. V. WJSHT8 Nerve ".
Trail ment, a guaranteed spec." i&
t na, l)lii! npss. lm vuision, r '&,.&
Neuralgia, HeHrtache,ervoi 3cSSa
ratued bj the use of alccbi or 'Sai
Wabelullnes, Mental DV"tX"imt
uc or tho brain resulting In 'a?.1? ut ,
leading to misery, decay aai f&pJia'
mature old age, barrenness, IJJiv
cau ied by a pr-ext rtton of tnf , rjl
box contains one monthv trra'n..
a box or ix boxe for tAOO, sct "'
preptiid on receipt of price.
To cure any case. With eathj m
celved by us for ilx boxes, T
i.icu KUHinuitT ... JTZ dMire-
inetrtmeot atno.utY---j jjwr
4lilf tsii.vl onlr bT iito. I "." n
KUI, VnUnrrlit UCotn.Kt
Williams & Ilmlhon,
And fruiu of all kind In rn. AUo the
Fiual Account.
To whom U may 00JiT,,Bj o
herbT given tht the onder
UMor nf the while "i ,1ro,Lcl
debased, h flrra his nnl 'fit!
td e.iu la the counly "-' "Anj t
f Ortnron ir Marlou,'' ",, u
'ebvk m Ktlb- -'Ptfrn
ft mM it. h !'. "
I.MLrtnf . I i t
tbril ErtAlLAlAARl tllfl t t .-L C-W.
I AdrulnllniloroflheMW'!,,w
KmI. ilwainl ... UlR
flne.1 hrwd oTdgw anaiQUcoa.
U U 6a.'n, Orrtfon, Oct. ,