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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1891)
afiS3a O 1 Y Juu JL Ik.! Which E T S -Kor Ladies and Children That Invoice of Ladies' Jackets has been so anxiously looked for has finally arrived at the Dry Goods Emporium of Dress Trininiings- -Tho L.test novelties and st les known in the East. J. LUNN. fllli CAPITAL JOIUML. TUESDAY OCT. 20, 1891. TKUMH OK SUIfrajKIHTION. Ur.llr " umll per Jeiir,... J6 CM ul by mall per mouth, 60 ii i by tii:t.ll per ear, 1 60 v.iKK DKLIVKHY BY UAHKIEH. Iiully lor ulusjle week, 15 cts. Iinlly lor l wo week, 2,5 cts. Dally by month, EucU CollectloUB will bo made on 1st and 15th nl month. Snbxcrlhers will please leave nioucy for curriers at house or where; it lisdellsered, so hn to cause no delays In -ollrct'ons Tub Evknihq Capital Journai. regu larly receives the afternoon associated prex dispatches. THE COMMISSION SUSTAINED. Judge llnisc Dismisses tho Aunlira- linn for a Writ of Kevirw. RILBBRT k PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. R. H. Mathews' new dresmaklng parlorj Cottle Block. First class work no delay, no stairs to climb, shirts made to order. Emhezzleii Akkested. A Ger man Catholic bald-headed veteran, Tlieodore Hierlinger, is now in jail at Salem awaiting trial. He will liave a hearing as soon as the prose cuting witness, Mr. "Wiuter, who is now at Os ivego, cau be got here. He lived at Mt. Augel, where he swindled Rudolph Winter out of $220 two oi three months ngo,bytak ing money to pny off a mortgage to one Gibson of Corvallis, and then converting it to his own use. He went to Olympia and then to Seattle where he was f und at a sisters' hospital, legfrstend as Frank Bed iling, and yiierifl" Crnisan arrested him. A UkaIj Pkt. Out on the Fabri- tus Smith place cau be seen a pecul iar fieak of tiatur'- a rara avis which is exciting much interest just it present. It is a common wild pheasant that is cutting up these peculiar antic., ouo of the ulyest mid most exclusive birds known to the hunter. Every day as young Hamlin Fmith is hauling wood this bird will sit either on his wagon or the woodpile, cooiug and playfully Mowing him about in such a man Mr us to surprise everybody. A Photographer went up yesfrday moruintr to net a necative of this Wild pet, but failed, owing to the ' dark weather. Board ok Tkadb. -At a meeting held yesterday afternoon in the parlors of the Hotel Willamette about fifteen of Salem's leading bus iness men were present. Encourag iutr remarks were made by President Wright and others, aud a commend able feeling generally was expressed. A com mitt -e wai appointed to pre pare articles of incorporation and such i (.'commendations for changes in the constitution and by-law as were deemed proper, to report at a meeting to beheld at the hotel next Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Coming T hursda y. "Little Lord Faunthroy." Wo take pleas ure in announcing that in this city, at Reed's opera house next Thurs- Iday evening, Oct. 22, the famous irumu, "Little Lord Fauntleroy," Introducing the greatest of little j lords. Georgia Cooper, a child of 7 I years, who ears a salary of $125 per week. The orlglual "Little Lord I Fauntleroy," supported by a com pany nf eastern players from New Vork. Prououuced a hit from the Iftw, preached from the pulpit, l"rolzed by the public. Don't W to secure your, reserved seats at fttton'b book store. Another big step has bun taken in the state courts in the light t sustain the railway commission of Oregon In its reduction of freight rates on the Pacific railways. The application of the Union Pacific Co. vs. the railroad commis sion, for a writ of review was dis missed by Judge Boise, and the company is given to Friday to iile an answer if it so desires. This is a great victory for the peo ple of this stat2 and the thanks of the public are due to the district attorney, and the attorney general. The members and clerk of the rail way commisioti are happy over the result. They have fought, a good fight, they were in the right and are glad to have it so pronounced by Judge Boise. The law Is not Judge Boise's law as some seem to think. It is framed after the Iowa law, and it is a matter of history that Judge Bo'se aud other prominent grangers were not friendly to the bill when proposed aud had little confidence iu Its elllcleucy to reduce tates. '1HK OPINION. Following is the substance of Jude Boise's opinien: Tho com mission has the right to fix rates and that right does not amount to u confiscation of property. There is nothing in this record showing that the rates as lixed by the board will not give to the railroad company a just return on the money invested in the road. The com mission have no authority to fix rates without considering evidence as to the cost of the road aud nature and cost of the service rendered. The law has for several years re quired all railroad companies to file with the board and its predecessors sworn stafementB of the costs of the road and cost of operating (he same, and the board had the right and it was their duty to consider such re ports in reviclng the freight sched ules of said It further appears from the record that the railroad company were notified to appear before said board and submit any evidence they wished to regarding the proposed reduction of said rates. The company appeared by counsel and asked and obtained a postpone ment. This was a sufficient notice and appearauce, if any i3 required, to the company and they did iu fact have uotice of the proposed reduc tion in their freight rate. Ho far as it now appears the rate as lixed by' said board will return to the company a fair and just return for the service performed. The second claim, of the company is that but two commissioners acted in fixing said schedule. The act is silent as to how many shall consti tute a quorum, and as to whether any less than the whole shall have authority to do business. This being so the court is of the opinion that a majority of the board can act on any matter properly coming before theoi. Tne court is of the opinion that the board did not act without authority and the- writ is hereby dismi8aed, were urged to subscribe. Mr. Hart urged that at the annual meeting an exhibit of apples, peais, and other ft lilts be made. Tills met with gietit favor The commit' o on program at present U (.,'hrs. L h, Hilvoiton; M. W. Gtimm, Salem; Hugh JIurri sou, Jellerscin. Upon motion C. B. More-i, S. A. Clarke, und E. Hofer were added t committee on Jauuary program aud on exhibit of fruits. It. D. Allen moved that annual meeting be held at Salem ou third Tuesday in January. Carried. Mr. Hart asked to have some peaches named. They were called the Lovall by the secretary. Grape culture was discussed and tin grape viues at the David Steiner place were referred to as finely trained anil bearing a big crop. The society adjourned to 1 p. m. AKTEKNOON SESSION. The afternoon was spent in hear ing report of fruit palace committee and going through the regular pr. -gram, as published below in Tin: Jouunal. - ANOTHEIt IlltlDUti SUIT. Circuit Court Grinding Out a Damage Casi Against the S. l Co. MONDAY AFTERNOON. and Tuesday were occupied in trial of C. XV. Johnson vs. S. P. Co., for $20,000 damages for a sprained shoul der, received iu the Libisli wreck, to tho following jury: J. C. Johnson, A. Beach, H. A. Thomas, Joseph Chamness, Win, Hllleary, B. F. Hall, Oliver Beers, Chas. Watt, Wm. Woodworth, H. Udell, Thus Townseud, A. M, Stein. The testi mony of tho following witnesses was taken Monday night: A Gobalet, S. Pugh, D. Grierson, A.F. McAtee, D. C. Brown, Mr. B isey, J. E. McCoy. THE DOCKET. Ladd & Bush vs. A. W. Herreu; reply filed. E. C. Ronco vs. J. V. Ronco; di vorce granted. Martha M. Schafer vs. John B. Schafer; divorce granted. J. C. Brown & Co., vs. B. E Rob ertson; ordered sale attached pro perty. W.J.VunSchuyer vs. Lute Savage; default, judgment. E. P. Reed & Co. vs. James Den bam & Co.; continued. First National bank vs. Dorrance L. &M. Co.! ordered sale attached property, . Lute Savage vs. Amelia C. Rieiy; report confirmed and decree ac cordingly. The last true bill returned by the grand jury was against S. B. Cos- tello, of North Salem. It charges him with sclliig liquor without license, Costello has been arrested and will be arraigned. MONDAY. In case of Johnson vs, 8, P. Co. about 20 more witnesses were ex amined today. This afternoon the plaintiff was put on tho stand. The ease will occupy all day. LOCAL AND I'EIISO.NAL. "Honest Frauk" took the morn ing train for Browusvllle. L. B. Huffman is at Albany for the day. The Waterworks company took another pull at the suction pipe Monday, and a great triauy people were short of tho needed fluid Pretty soon all will be iu order. Mrs. Rprior Lund of the Episco pal church has filed her diploma with the county clerk, and Is licensed to practice medn inc. Ju?. Aitkeu, tho grocer, has Tin: JoUHN.Mi'a thanks for a delicious mess of strawberries. Miss Fannie Coudou, of Eugene, is visltiug at the home of her sister, Mis. Judge Buau, on 20th street. R-ineniber Miss Ames' reading at the Willamette chapel, Wednesday evening mxt week. It will be for the btiiiflt nl the unlveislty library. Dr. Lane did not call oil the man with the rasping voice while he was Hi Salem. Rev. Father White bus gone to Albany today to pay a visit to Rev Father .Viotnjer. Mit-3 'Myru Albeit aud Lena Knight have gone to New Yoik to pursue art studies in connection Willi the New York Art Students' League. P. S. Knight returned today from a short visit to Tacoina, whence he journeyed with his daughter oh her way to New York. Pave, gentlemen, pave. If you will walk one block in the streets as the horses have to you will all vote to pave. C. B. Browu took tho afteruoon train for Woodburn on a buslines trip. Fred Byars, who has. been with the Gosner surveying party, returned to his Portland home this afternoon. A son has been born to the wife of Benjamin Irving, of South Salem Mr. Irving is the professor at the deaf mute school. "Little Lord Fauntleroy," the book read iu our punhc schools aud the one play pleached fiom the pulpit. Bring your little one to Reed's Thursday evening next. The growler aud kicker dies bind but sure. So does the ciHcher. He has no future aud Is only assiduously engaged in developing a selfishness that arrays the wuild against him to his own destructlou, Tho '-Blue Front" leads iu quality aud prices. Look out for Dearborn's big album sale, to commence uext week. My prices will bo one-half less than any goods displayed at present. I mean it. 2G3 Commercial street. Big trade ut tho "Blue Front." Bread aud cakes and pie. First mince pies of the seasou at Strong's Djsnfiisin. "lean heartily recommend Hood's I OVEIt 2,ff00 Sursaparllla us the best blood purifier j " " TtW round in tho City .. i .., .i . t . i I r AnurmllmpiirM, Ceylon. New Lin of and toule that I have ever used in my family. I use It myself mid I give it to my children, and it pre vents all diseases that arise from impure blood. My husband was also troubled with dyspepsia, und he took two and one half bottles and Is entirely cured. He says now that the food taitei 'like his mother iisa to cook.' " Mrs. J. St. Amant, Washington street, near 4th, Port laud, Oregon. dw Choicest Capo "Blue Front." Cod cramberrles "The Bcst.'Uv in. Ilrown A Co. IJKAL ESTATE THANSFKKS IILI.D Wiril COUNTY KECOHPKK. V J Bibcock anil wife to John Grty, nj It 003 Rural cemetery, $-'3. Nathan MorrUnud wife to Jacob Ogle,- 4 a at Woodburn, ?G00. H L Bancroft aud wife to h Prc-vo-it, 22.100 a at Woodburn, $300. SD Hadabaitgh and wife to J R Kendall nj 113,4, bk51, Uulverslly ad, $1800. J R Kendall and wife to G D Radabaugh, It 10', blk 10, Yew Park ad, S00. J II Roork and wife to J W Cu: tis, 2S0 a in sees 4, C, tp 0 s, 2 w, 40100. . Adolph Wolf and wife to James G Smith, pt It 1, Silvcrton, $000. John II Jory aud wife to Hugh F Jory, n wj, s wj. sec 22, tp 8 s, 3 w, $1. Joseph Fessler to Joseph Suitane, 00 a, sec &5, tp 8 s, w, $2100. Itemarkalrte Rescue Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plalnfield, III., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; sho was treated for a moutli by her family physiclati, but grew worse. He told her she was a hope less victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her vl i ugglst suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption; sho bought a bottle and to her delight t'liuud herself betiellted from first lose. She continued Its umj and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her own housework. Free trial bottle of this Gieat Discovery at Fry's drugstore, 225 Commercial street. Lurgo bot tles 60e. and$l. Pine apple cheese, grocery. "Blue Front Words of l'raise For Hood's Saraaparllla were never soabundantas now. Having rapid ly won its way to the front, Hood's Sarsaparilla is now the leading blood purifier aud tonic medicine all over the country, its sales far excedmg those of all other sarsaparillas und blood purifiers. The people have been quick to recogniza in Hood's Sarsaparilla an honest medicine ut an honest price, honestly recom mended for those troubles which it houestly cures. This is the seciet of Us marvellous success, aud this Is why "Words of Pndse" for Hood's Sarsaparilla are heard on every hand. Try Cross & Blackwell's orange marmalade, "Blue Front" grocery. Frankfort sausage Sroat & Glle. "The Best."- Wm. Ilrown Co. Are You doing East? If so, bo sure aud see that your tickets read via "The North Western Line." The C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. TuIs is ttie great short lino from St, Paul or Duluth toall points east and south. Their magnificont track, peerless vestlbuled diuing and sleep ing car trains, and their motto, "always on time," has given this road a national reputation. All classes of passengers are carried on the yestibtiled trulus without extra charge. Ail ticket agents sell tickets via this line. Ship your freight aud travel over this famous road. W. H. Mkad, Gen. Agt., No. 4 W'asb. 8t, Portland, Or. A. J. Lkland, Trav'g Agt. Everything cheaper at the new "Blue Front" thau elsewhere. Pate de foie gras Sroat & Gile. Keyssanuou French & Gile. fruits Sroat TfiJIPKRANj'R Mt!i.Yrris:n r.titlipr 3on of Iudianapolls, will lecture 0n temperance at the Methodist charch next Sunday at 3 p, m. Ad mission free. The best temperauce kcturer in America. Indiauapolls ntlufcl. Mr. Beub6n is the most P'easing lecturer that ever appeared fore an Atlanta audieuce. At uta Constitution. Well Played Good House. The "Incog" Co. delighted a large bouse with Mrs. Pascheo'a triple Plotted madhouse play that nearly "rove every oue crazy with laughter. ," tu " noted that a better class of niuiment8 are coming t Buk-ai "ce u is tt city of nearlv fifteen inouMna population. The day of e Urtomier and ventriloquist la it in the capital city of Oregon. AT THE CITY HALL. Hie Ilciorder's u'nst City Council Meeting Tonight Will Tliere be a (hmruni? Two drunks und a vagabond were before Recorder Goodell this morn ing. One inebriate paid up and the other two got five days each. The regular meeting of the city council will be held this evening at 0 o'clock. Altough it is court week and the mayor is very busy with his -law business, and Alderman Johnson is a Juror in the Lablsb suit, it is hoped there will be a quorum present. The paving ordinance will come upon third reading, and u proposi tion to create two uew wards, oue in East Salem and oue iu Yew Park, will probably come up. MAlllON CQUNTY FKU1T OKUWERS. Quarterly Session at the County Court Itoora at 111 a. m. Tuesday. Storetary Allen called the nieet lug to order. E Ilufer was called to the chair. There was a good attendance. The last quarterly meeting was held at Woodburn, and wus not largely nttcnded.but four new mem bers were uddwl. At that meeting u committee on fruit exhibit at state fair w8 appointed aud got up the fruit p&lute exhibit. The next meeting is to be held in January. VlTY 1'llI.lTlna .T I- I I 1 i r C..I1..1 fr Tjlfllf a ( -"). xi la ucitiiiiug j air. -uixjinj ui uk"i - - o for im hhBI ,n format,on of cliques i of Ablqua, aud other spoke of the i, ,bI . and that. The Renub- welfare of the Boclety. "Fruits and n expect to unite on a prognu- Fowerp," the magazine at Portland, " man .,. ...m l- ...'.. . . j. i... ...i... .. w!!nenu for mayor, A DistinquishedVisitor. Fred A. Gibbs, ex-sqpvisor of the city and county of San Francisco, und a prominent Iron operator of thut city, was In Salem yesterday. In con versation with Landlord Wagner lie expressed great astonishment at the growth of our city, and no doubt put It down in his mental memorandum that Oregon's capital city is one ot the few places worth keeping his eye ou in the future. Such men should be kept luterested. Not Exi ected to Live. At the home of Supt. Downlug lies Miss AliceSmith.u 28 year-old daugther of Mrs. Downing. She has been ill for over a year, and was so low this morning the physician dlspalred of her continuing In life for twenty four hours. Later: Miss Smith ex pired at 2 o'clock. First ok the Season. Fre-h Ohio chestnuts Just 'received at M. T. Rlneman's. "lie ICSt, wru. Hrown a Co. Truffled sausages Sroat fc Glle. Tim Coming Line. The Chicago. Union Pud Ho & Northwestern Lino oilers the best accommodations to tho traveling publio eti route from Sun Francisco und Portland, Chicago. Through trains, fast time, magnificent sleep ing cars, elegant dining cars, colonist sleepers, reclining chair cars aud handsome day coaches, eod Aug. We reach the uppermost of three sneccssivo terraces of masonry, which Is crowned by tho uiultlplo trunk of n, venerable trea Tho several divisions of this tree are feeble, gnarlod and bent. The leaves lack the fresh ver dancy of a vigorous growth and plainly show the yellowish pallor of decre itudo. The soil that nourishes Its roots is well ulgh saturated with the oil of its anointment, yet, bent with ago, tills patriarch spreads its protecting arms over the Jaded devotees while they do posit beneath it and around It their oileringsof eocoanut oil, palm blossom, chanipac Dowers and tho bloom of the temple tree (frunglpani). Then their eager gaze Is turned up ward to the brandies; they ornvo a single leaf, but none would dare pluck It Irom the treo; it must fall iu full maturity to yield Its maximum of merit A posing breeze sways the branches; the leaves rustlo; the watchers gazo more expectantly, a withered uiombor is separated from Its branch and comes sailing down. There Is no whoop of exultation, no trilling smllo; but instead, a deter mined sally, a pious scramble, a col lision of zealous hands and heads, and the solitary loaf is borne away In tho happy bosom of the successful compe titor The prizes were few and tho competitors wero unuiy, so I could only hope to secure one by remaining till the pilgrims, at nightfall, had turned their steps homeward; but ovon f nen robed priests remained to guard this holy of holies. As If, however, to reward my pa tience, two leaves foil ot my feet, where upon, woll satisfied, I turned away from a tree that Is enshrined in tho hearts of four hundred millions of the human family, and which is, In all probability, the oldest historical treo In tho world; and wheu I tell The reader that it has been dropping lis consecrated leaves into the outstretched hands of pilgrims for 2, 130 years, ho will, I trust, pardon a desire on my part to carry away a memorial. James Itlcalton In Scrib tier's. A Waterloo Horn. A farmhouso with an orchard sur rounded by a thick hedge, formed n mot Important point In tho British 'position at Waterloo, and was ordered to bo hold against tho enemy at any sacrifice, Tho hottest of tho battlo raged around this point, but tho Eng lish behaved well and beat back tho French again and again. At last tho formor's powder and ball wore found to bo running short; at the sumo tiino tho hedges surrounding tho orchard took flro. A messengor was sent to tho rear for moro nowder and ball, and In a short timo two loaded wagons camo galloping down to tho farmhouso, tho gallant defenders of which wero keeping up a scanty flro through tho flames which surrounded the post. Tho driver of tho first wagon spurrod his struggling horses through the burn ing heat, but tho flames roso fiorcoly around and caught tho powdor, which exploded, sending rldor, horses and wagon in fragmonts through tho air. For oho instant tho driver of tho second wagon paused, appalled by his com rade's fato; tho next, observing, that tho flames, beaten back for a momont by tho explosion, afforded him ono desperato chanco, ho sent his horses at tho smoldering broach, and amid tho cheers of tho garrison landed his cargo safely within. Now York Recorder. Cape Macintoshes. Box Overcoats. Cliincl-iilla Ulsters. Cape Overcoats. Black: Cheviot Overcoats. And Liwlios and Misses' Cloaks, Jackets and Gossamers at tho CAPITOL ADVENTURE C0 Opera House Block;. Sole agents for R & Y CORSETS. Z. waViiinnrtriiriAf Pianos anid AND- Organs M VS1 CAL MERCHANDISE. FINEST LINF. LOWEST PRICES. Installments from $5 per mouth up. Wholesale and Retail. P. H. EAST0N & CO., 310 Commercial St., Salem. Head Quarters for the Salem Orchestra. dw BRICK A LAEGE SUPPLY OF THE bost quality of brick at tho yards near JJTTDrpYNT DTfQ biltm, Oregon. Penitentiary. 97 J.E. ROSS, State Street. Farmer's Restaurant Anit I.unch Countrr. Cloort, clonH moan NoLlilncROcnokH. llntca nlwiiyg tlio low cut. Krcsli Oj'Htors lu any Htylo. 10 IU lm ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South or Willamette Hotel, SALEM - ORKOCN FARM FOR SALE. 310 ncro of best stock nnil fruit land In OroRon for snlo nt a torcnln. Will Bull In lou to suit mtrcliuHor. Address or en II on U. J. HIIlKli, Knight, Ore Nunr Hllver Creek Fulls. 7 S !lm B. K. HALL, Pajior , Hanger. Leave order nt.U lobe Ileal Estate Kxchnnco L B. HUFFMAN, Livery .Stable anil Feed The Dest Box Stalli and Corral In tho t'lty. Qulut, family borm'su specialty. (In rear Wlllnmetto hotel.) SALEM, ... OREGON W. M. DeHAVEN, Boring - anil - Sale - Stable. One d.Kir wont ori.iinu'H Dry Donrta store on .Statu street. Oulet family ieaniM. Hpec lal attention paid tn transient stock. 6:1 ti -n, Yard. HBshh P 3 MORGAN & MEADE. Truck & Dray Line. UotHl trninsl and stronghold. prompt work U our J. P.WHITE, EXPRESS AND TRUCK LINE, Hauling or all kinds, llcstwork. auou ut every train. SUTTON & SON, Express uiul It a g g a g e. I.'o hauling nud oulck delivery to all parts nf the city with proiiiptiifHt and care. Leave orders at It. At, Wade AOo's. Passengers destined to tho promi nent cities east of the Missouri rlvor should patronlzo the (Jhicaiju, Union Pacific & Northwestern lino. Mag nificent Pullman aud Warner sleep. ing cars, elegant Pullman and North westorn dining cars, freo re clining chuir cars, handsome day coaches and comfortable I'uiltnaii colonist sleepers. cod-aug Foit Rknt. grouud floor, olllce. Good office room on Apply ut JouitNAl, R. J, Fleming Is Iu Portland for a few days. PitOBATi:. In matter of guardian for Lucludu Stephens, Judge David son heard testimony and continued case to Monday, Oct. 2M, Vkbv Plentiful Choice sal mon, seabasj, barrlcuda, sklii:ieil cattish, smelt, shid, wild geese, teal duck, fresh eggs und choice butler. Fine lot of dried salmoti Just received atDivIson & White's, Court street murker. Freo delivery every hour of the day. Clatk & Eppley have always been at rock bottom ou prices aud are still tliere. They will not bo under sold. Prices lower than ever on groceries of all kinds. A Demcatk Suiuect. Whether In robust or? delicate health, the meals at Ilellenhrand's take the cake. If von nre tired tnklnc tho lunro. old fashioned griping pills, try carter's l.lltlo LI ver Tills and tube some comfort. A rnon cun'l stand everything Ono pi t ador. Try them, t'romnt relief In sick headache, dlnlneif, iinuser, coustlpatlon, pain In tho sMc, Kimrunfed to thosa usfnK Curler's l.ltllu l.lvcr l'll's. Ouo u dusu. Bmull price. Hiuall dose. Stnull pill. Arc free from all crude and Irritating mutter. Concentrated medicine only, ('urter's Little Liver pills. Vnry small; very emy tn uiko, no pain; no griping; no puiglug. Try them. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescrilied : Castorta' 1 tons, HUN8AKER. On Sunday, Oct. 18th, lbOl, to Mr. and Mrs. Way luud Huusaker, u sou, weight 10 pounds. Taken Ui. A iiiouso colored gelding pony with circle brands ou hipi and M D. on one shoulder, with roached inane. Owner can get same by call ing at Kxr farm and paying dam ages, w ju i it TiiuWhhklv Capital Journal, an Oregon newspaper that fully represents the people's Interests ou alt Issues, can bo hud from now until Jan. 1st 169.1, for only $1 fin tho cheapest Iu tho state. w tf. t'uttotu JIIIIh. Tho Starr roller mill Is back Into the bauds of the owners and are fully prepared to do custom work lu the honest old fashioned style. Will shut down for repaint from Wednesday, September 30 to Oct, ! both days Inclusive. K. XV. ROHKItTSON fc HON, I) ill liw Turner, Oregon, Mixed Ituces In South Africa. There Is probably not n civilized roof In South Africa which covers pcoplo of only ono nationality; as a rulo, they aro of threo or four. Wo tako a typical Capo household boforo us at tho mo inont; tho father Is English, tho mother half Dutch nnd half French Huguonot, with a French name, tho children sharing tiireo nationalities; tho governess is a Scotchwoman, tho cook a Zulu, tho housemaid half Hottentot and half Dutch, tho kitchen girl half Dutch and half slave, tho stahlo boy a Kafir, and tho little girl who waits ut table a Ha stito. Tills household Is a typo of thou. sands of others to bo found everywhero throughout Africa. If a homely and crude Illustration may he allowed, tho people of South Africa resemble tho In gredientH of a pudding whon they aro In tho process of being stirred togothor iu a basin plums, eggs, whio, Hour and water To hope to ro sort them Is vain; for good or for ovll, tho nilxturo Is made ; they have so permeated each other's substance thut again to re-sort thoiu Is impossible, however much wo may wish It. Fortnightly Review. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, 01lEGON: Ifiites, $2.50 to 5.00 jior Pny. , The best hotel bnlwoon Portland and Han Francisco, FlrsUclass In all Its appoint, incuts. Its tables uro served with the Choicest Fruits Urown In tho Wlllntnottu Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCIEMAKER, 2ISK Commercial St.! Salem, Oregon, (Nest door to Klein's.) Mpeelnltr of Spectacles, and repairing Clocks, watches and Jewelry. Those Afflicted '.With t LIQUOR, '.Willi tho habit ot using to excons, 11I1HI fit) T I Will Ull Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT TI1K KEELEY INSTITUTE, Olllco Cor. Third and MadlsonHts., I ' It land, Or, Cull or write. Htrlolly cc n'ldcu. tint M.T. R1NEMAN , DKAI.KH IN Staple anil Fancy Crockery. Glassware. Lumn. Wondeti and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. Also vecctublesand fruits in their season, "Highest I'rloo paid for country produce.'' Wekollelt a share of your patronage, IMI 13 HUi to street "rrtiuLO Sobepp'tf cream "Clue Front," fruit pudding man who wm be eat!faetory devoted to Oregon horticulture, was Packing Up. Much fruit U be- log packed up by Fwrar & Co. for the Eastern markets, but the beat highly commended and all nierubew . cau still be bad, ut, tUef ore, fiealttBaking UjPewder: Ud in Millions of Homci 40 Years the Standard Potrlfleil Trens. Iyoulsiana nnd Ohio uro noted locali ties for petrified trees, lu the ormor state, soveral years ago, In turning up tho ground an ancient forest was un earthed, nud hi succession two others below tho llrst Scientists, Judging from tho .tato of tho trees, my that at least 60,000 years elapsed between tho growth of tho first and the hut forest. In soma parts of tho Island of Antlqua, one of tho Ilrltlsh leeward group, thoro aro BOI110 rouiurkablo examples of itorio forest In Van Dleiuan's tarid nlmilar forests aro known to exist. Home of tliew aro only partly sillclllod, whllo other are changed to chalcedony hard enough to cut glow, -8U Iubi Re public. A French amateur photographer lias mounted a camera on a kite, and getj remarkably clear view from a height of 100 to 160 feet. !SPK2I5J!l!V!iIEE!fl99IHi BUTLER'S BOOK. 1,000 Pages. 200 Original Engravings, Elegant Bindings, Published in 3 Languages, Popular Pflces, FIRST EDITION. 100,000 COPIES. The only Authentic Work by GEN. BEN J. P. BUTLER. Kxcluslvo territory nnd liberal term given to reliable agents. Accompany up. plication for territory with U for prosjiec- THE J. DEWING CO,, San Franc'sco, - - Cal, 1IILLTIS & CO., Merchant Tailors. A full lino of Imported and domcstlo woolens. Also a complete stock of gents' furnishing goods. All tho lutest styles, .'115 Conunerctul street. DUGAN BROS', Ming and Heating Co, Wholciiulo and retail dealers In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. 2-IU Commercial street. Telephone No. Kl, BRICK AND TILE. Korflrst-olass hand mndo brlak!andtllo, goto MURPHY & DESART. Lari;e supply on hand. Neur fair ground, Hulem. 7SS BALED HAY! Wo liavo a heavy stock of extra quality ot hay at tho lovrest prices, T. RURHOWS, Nd.'AdUornmerelul Ht., Hulem Rue Chicks . The uiiderslvned -k chicks for sale. has fllmut flllv flm, Plymouth Hook chicks for snl. -riivnr iiure bred, large Uu, beautiful fwtther. Price V per trio, delivered ut Jouiiwal. or flea or express ottlci!. Address KJIUKKIt, Hulem, Oregon. E. O. CROSS, and Packer, HUto Htaa4 Court Ht-The bf Ciuial delivered to ull purlijof the city. 110 111 Nursery Silver, Italian and Petite Prune trees for sale. Ouoniid twoyrnrsold, I to H feet high, Kxtru well rooltnl und special care lakrii lu dlggliig. Alsea i hole o lot of yearlluL laupss of the ftillowisr vsrluthsi Uoynl Musuillue, Concord, llrlghtou, pelware, Jouu, MiMire's, liliiinoml, Nlngurn, llisrk lluiiiburg, PuckllngUiu, VergueMi, rkld at IMiig prlees. Aildn-ss lUldw n 11. ALLMN.HIlverlou.Ore. :- Salem Notice of Fiiml Hettluiiiciit. NOTltK U hereby given to nil whom It may cmeerri, (but the execuur of eUI of Aiuauda Kddy, deoea ed, hasflle4 his final account ufsWlu .lte. and Hist the court has Jl led the time for luarlng Ibe sume nud ibjtet ions thereto, on OcU 1ii J I, Uw.ut iMiielonk a, in. ot Mid day, at theoouuty criurl room, lu tbo cunty court bou-e, city of a-iltiu, Markin county, OrrgoD Dated tbU Keptvinbtr l, 1WI. W. U WAVE, 9 17 Id Executor PfddetU, Nolfco to llrlilgo lliiHtlcrx. Healed bids Will lo rerclvrdnt tho nmm of the county clerk or Marlon ounty uu til V o'clock a. tu, Uet II, IWI. for lha rou. Simmon oi m uriuKit arrowt I'uamiig river near A (I (Jtrmau's iilare. ruild btlitgn to consist of ! Stn of W feet and lit) feet of trrst'o work Thoroiintyeuurlrrsent th right f r reject any or afl bid. Ily order of (ha County Court of Hnrlou WMUI, VflflW i-,. Ki.IIAIiCOL'ir. Clerk. Mr I.O.HUKltIAN.Pjuly. Halein, Oregou, Oct. Vi. liui, 71? AI AMI dw Boat House, -;- Pleosuio CIIA8. II. McOLANE, I'ropr Ikmt tiOice foot ofTrade street, and huiitliig boat. Ibiteaiovr. fi WHUUAJ.VK C o ui p a Klra aud Us. Una, O. W. UEXLJtH. Aftal, . HW, QrCOQ l K'lXUU t 2of Hie best rfshleureloU In tho city oil . COUNT HTKICICT, soutliMul cottier of block, between Ull) und 15th strtets, ona hlimk jriun elect lie line, tour birxiks from iVuturnud HtutuHt car lines and Kusl Mileiu chi)l. I'rleetCVS f. r both or fl.VO lor corner nud JiaiO for In. side ltach lot lias TO fxil frontage ou COUNT STJREBT. Innu re of the OHUOON NUII8KMY COM Ofllce fpr- fom'i and Cboniekulo strtt. up suns, ,or of any Jtwu tuiate Arm m hty Ulltf