m m I otalfft t)f worrtfttra wear nnd the fertiatobarKlltdouned tbo attire of her ecx, in which she presented quite Ttt striking appe-traiic . hue wxtii tired of the limitations nf (unset and fi' Irt, however, and again appeared al the cell door In cutaway ana trousers. The fact that a trail of Wood wns found along the route of the retreat ing thug who shot Policeman Uro gan, iiid that the iiitin l!i r dmltd that ho r.ncw she was a woman, has given r's j t u suspicion that she trapped Clark to cover the retreat of the third cm a, who was prouauiy her -weet Lean. Grogan was confident he Had Winged the IWIiik footpad who shot him, but iiel'.her thu muu Clark nor the woman Furtsuiid bear h boratck. Borne of the exploits .Helen claim credit for arc already discredited, hut her description tallies with that or the author of two or three bold acts In Hutto. Clark has been pn- tlvely Identified by tlie wowim olllceraud by hoili of the victims her rubberie", und a watch ketone lug to of them was f.tnid o him. The girl is held as an aceon. pllfF, and tlie otily ovldeliue agaitul her hlirova confessions an I the w.iteh of one or Clark's viu.iim fou ud on her person. HIGHWAYMAN AT KANSAS fllTY. Kansas City, Mo., Got. Stl.-Di. J. F. Craig, while returning from visiting a patleut in the southen part or the city at 12 o'eloiik, was stopped by a highw.tyui.in, who grasped the horse' head, at the name time levelling a revolver at the doc tor. The doctor had a loadetl riding whip and struck the man's arm a powerful blow, probably breaking it. The pistol fell from the man's baud and he ran away screaming with pain. The doctor got the pistol aud reported tho matter to the police, but as the man was m.isked he could give no description of him. KOUR GENERATIONS PRESENT. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 20. The birth of a little girl to Mrs. A. N. Fase, of Kansas City, Kansas, brings out n peculiar fact. Tho mother is 10 years old. Her mother, Mrs. Si. Bpaugler, Is at the house, a grand mother at 33, and Mrs. G. M. Red man, of Pt. Louis, is also there. She is the child's great-grnudmother, aged 52 years. liUUNT.D TO DEATir. Caiu.ibi.k, Pa., Oct. 0. A sad tragedy occurred Sunday night in the homo of John Good, a farmer who resides four miles from this city. The children were playing upon the floor of one of the rooms of the lowest story of the house, aud their mother went up stairs, where she remained somo lime. Upon re turning, she was horrified to find the cluthlug of her 12 year old'son ablaze. The flames wero soon ex tinguished, but the child died In agony a few minutes later. The 4 year old brother of the child told his mother that he lighted a match aud put it on his brother's feet, and It was front tuts mat tuo clotlilug ignited. THE KANSAS CENTRAL. TOPEKA, Kits., Oct. 20. The at torney general today tiled a petition in the supremo court, asking for a writ of mandamus, to compel the Union Pacltlo Railroad Co. to relay tlie Kansas Central branch with slecl rails, before the first of January next. i - i ii' TWO STAGES ROBBED. 'of Beverly Brown. Assisted by one ' Hie bar of God, xnd the church ' of Ids'men, Hecht lifted the body' stood with It partlcer criminl. i and deposited it In a plain wooden Itev. Mr. mwnicr, or .Mancncsior, box he had takeu with him and Kngknd, said It was Mrango that I MaYOr ami Common Coimcil drove to the morgue, HalfnH hour the churah failed to recognise tho Sent to Jail. NOTHING CHESN ABOUT HIM. Ji Rnral TrTlr Who W Up to thi Trick r the City Itnnco Man. He was an elderly man. probably fifty His whiskers grew In a little tuft Hke Cnole Sam's, straight out from tlie SPEARS' WINERY BURNS DP. Inter tchon lin tmg rnvmrinp lf nut liivil nf too PeorHO mr ftlllUelBPnt. i thebodvon lc, he heard a gnwn, lVordeww.Wgolothwttrw.Tlicatrcs1 r of bis chin; his linen duster was and, making fresh examination of1 trer full ul.Ho oUreh wero half, evidently the mine be had pnrcha.ed to thedd pilsner, he dlverrdBB.' empty. The rtaireh rtioold Verify attemi the state fair several yean .ago A Mayor Eloped, Against Knights of Labor, Married a Chinaman, He Was Not Dead, Sam Small Arrested, Americans Shot, State and Foreign News. ' mistakablesignsoflifr. He hastened an attendant after Dr. Vrce4and, who declared that the man was not dead, but was suffering from bra n trouble, and ordered his removal tol bewildered lie eatuo denoL cnxed around . TZ rv . V.v , Whfonlup and down and norm, the (Mingled cries of . and -W J, a doxeneabme rushed the theatres to rift it church nicm bers would have to co there, i 1 i V a r" rl RlTTLC 5"BR jiivek mm are right.") Rev. Mr. Hubbard, of Baltimore, STAQE ROBBeRY. Redding, Cal., Oct. 30. The Red ding and Weavervllle stage wa rohbed last overdue, a mile and a half from Redding, by a masked highwayman. Tho robber, armed with a double barreled shotgun, de mandetl Wells, Fargo tCo.s box butdidnot molest thebur passenger. After obtaining tho express box th robber told the driver to travel, aud ie his regards to the dear peoph if Redding. A posse is in pursui of the highwayman, whose plundei .vas small. ANOTHER STAGE BOBBERY. Redding, Cal., Oct. 20. Two men wvre arrested this morning who ire thought to be the parties win robbed tho stage near here list tight. This morning tho postmaatei it Miltvllle brought word that the lledding aud Alturas stage had beet olitH.il near Draper's place two miles- his side of Mlllville. Two men iinsked, one armed with a shotgun, he other with a pistol, tookW.F. ,fe C .s box and also mall. The los iot known but is thought to bt light. CITY OFFICIALS IN CONTEMPT. Louisville, Oct. 20. J u d g e Lociuey bent Mayor A. L. Berry and the members of the city council of Newport to jail today for refusing to obey the order of the court to ub lights furnished by the Newport Out Co., as ordered by tho court. The olllclals of tho city are declared In contempt aud, wero sent to jail for six mouths, or until further order of the court. "German Syrup" Asthma. " I have been a great sufferer from Asth ma and severe Colds every Winter, and last Fall my friends' as well as myself thought because of my feeble condition, and great distress from constant cough ing, and inability to raise any of the accumulated matter from my lungs, that my time was close at hand. When nearly wont out for want of sleep and rest, a friend recommend ed me to try thy valuable medicine. Boschees German Syrup. I am con fident it saved my life. Almost the first dose gave me great reP.et and a gentle te fresbing sleep, such as I had not had for weeks. &fycough began immedi ately to loosen and pass away, and I found myself rapidly gaining in health nud weight. I am pleased to inform thee unsolicited that I am in excellent health aud do cer tainly attribute it to thy Boschee's German Syrup. C. B. Stickkuy, JPicton, Ontario." Gentlo, Refreshing Sloop. iff? ;5Sp.f3lF TRADC MARK OREGON PKACU IH1TKIH, If token arcurdlpc to dlrpcUon. It uuex aaUMtMakidbcr uud liver cur. A lt UtJitYtuWilvforln grippe. No I J Mm. IMMMMht. Try It h mi becouvlucwd. AlloruVr MwowMtat4 wuli r to lor on tlmu it U MotapUyaUeitdixl lo. 11. KUuj. mtuufuo Uiyrnitut(r9, Auuuvlli,!, J0J7 WINE DESTROYED. Pabsaic, N. J., Oct. 20. Tho great warehouse and contents 10,000 barrels of Spear's IsTew Jersey wine was burned this morning. Office and plant of the Passaic Item located In the building was also destroyed, Loss ? 100,000, insurance small. ELOPED WITH THE MAYOR. Nai'A, Oct. 20. Dr. E. Z. Hen uessy, mayor of Jfapa, nnd Miss Mamie Tyther were married Tues day morning by Superior Juil; Ham. Mr. Hennessy spirited the young lady away from homo and drove hastily to this city, where the marriage took place. The brido is n daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Richard Tyther, well-to-do farmers. They had opposed the marriage, being Catholics and the prospective bride groom a divorced man. The wed ded couple went to San Fraucisdo. AGAINST KNIGHTS OK LAROR. Chicago, Oct. 20. A Montreal special says: Archbishop Taschereau has Issued In Lafcemaine, the re ligious organ of church, a fierce ar tide denouncing the principle enunciated In their Montreal nd. dress by Grand Master Workman I'owderly aud Mr. Wright as di rectly opposed to tho latest papal encyclical aud nsklug Catholics to remain away from such leaders. EXPLOSION OK NATURAL GAS. PiTTsiitnio, Oct. 20. Ry an ex plosion nf natural gas in the cellar of the Suuuinn building this morn ing five persons wero injured, one fatally. Tho concussion was terrific wrecking the lower floors of tlw structure and breaking windows n block away. Tho building then burned, loss $75,000, fully insured MARRIED A CHINAMAN. San Francisco, Oct. 20. The story of tho marriage or a whlu woman aud a Clilmmiun Is related hi a complaint filed In tho superior court yesterday by lister Allen against William Mouutt. The plalutlfl says that at the marriage ceremony was performed that sin did not know tho object of her uf taction was a Mongolian, aud uou that she has discovered that fact she prays tho court to release her from tho odious marriage. She does tint ask for it decree of divorce, but for an annulment of tho marriage. She avers that sho married Mouutt at .Liverpool, Eugland, in 16SS, and at that time sho believed that ho was an Englishman, They have no children, nor are they possessed ot any property. Ttio husband Is a seafaring nun, and employed on vessels as either a steward or cook, Immediately after her uupltals were celebrated bIio was compelled by htr husband to accompany him on his voyages as stewardess. Ho was n pleasant and an agreeable- compan ion aud wholly duvoted to her." Had it uot been for tho fraud practi ced upon her, In holding himself out as an Eugllshmati, sho nuytr would have married hint, as sho would uot hvu with a Chluaiiiau. She Hays she was baptised, continu ed aud raised in the Christian re liglon, uud Is a communicant of the established church of England. HE WA8 NOT DEAD. Nkw York, Oct. 0. lleverly Rrown was born under a lucky star. lie is a colored uiau alout 37 years old. County 1'hyslcluu Converse yesterday called at Sneer'a Morguo IikJ. ii-y City and directed Assistant Morgue Keeper Hecht to go to tho OMiitiy Jail for a hotly. When Mr. Hei-i.i visited the Jull ho found the boii,v uf it uau lying dead apparently u uuo t thw wiriion, It was that t ie city hospital. SAM SMALL ARRnSTBO. Boston, Oet. SO. The Itv, Sum Small was arrested in thl dty h a charge of obtaining f IOW by fee pretenses, made by th Rev. It 2C Miuro-?, an Ep4Kt.natUH ctenmn at Xewton, Lower FIK Mr Smill has been Mumping thi slr fur the nasi few weeks m thf iot r est of the prohibition ticket. Sec tary Merden, of the i4't t r state oommlttee, n eut bH .for hi;.i aud he has been Muwpiag tlte.i ever sine. The case was bri! in the civil court to avoid the m i. dal that.a criminal ease might brio? to the cause of prohibition. It i sild the transaction which resulted in the arrest of Mr. Small wak agreed upon In August. 1800, when Mr. Small was president or Oldei university. It is alleged that Small induced Monroe to pay 51000 f.r s lot of land which he declared wa worth that much. The land be longed to tho university, aud it l alleged that tho university demand ed only $500 for it, and Small mad-' $500 by the transaction. When Monroe heard of this ho demanded tho return of his money. As it was not forthcomlnu, ho caused tue ar rest of Small. AMERICANS SHOT. Rio Grande, Oct. 20. Sunday morning on tho Mexican side three men were shot by the government forces under command of General Lorenzo Garcia. Two of them were cowboys, who had been working ifar Victoria, and who had In- eautlously crossed the river without .t permit from the Mexican consul on this side. The other was Juun Ba mu, au army contractor who was suspected of revolutionary souti ment. By some they are said to I mve been American citizens. SEIZURE OK CIGARS. San Francisco. Oct. 20 It be came known yesterday that a prize of fifty thousand fraudulently stamped cigars was made lust Fri day at tho auction room of Davis, Haber & Co., in this city. Tho cigars were branded as coming from the factory of Goldnrenza & Euteuz, St. Augustine, Fla., but when the revenue ofllclals wired that firm the reply was returned that the cigars had not bten msdo by them, aud that twenty million fraudulent cigars bearing the firm's brand had been disposed of by unknown parties In and around San Francisco. In vestigation showed that the cigars seized on Friday had been consigned to Davis, Haber & Co. by a New York llrm, and that many or ihem had been made by Chintse mauu facturers in this city and been sent east, whence they were reshipped TO HELP OUT MCKINLEy. Washington, D. C, Oct. 20. Secretary Foster will leave Wash ington this evening for Ohio to re main until after election. Ho Is booked for 10 speeches in behalf of tho Ropub'lcan cause. His first one at Findlay Thursday night being tho main one of the series. RAIIM SAVS IT IS NOT SO. Washington, Oct. 20. The Post says positively that the resignation of Pension Commissioner R.tuni In the hands of Secretary Noble, to tako ellect on Nov. 80th. Ratlin, who hm Just returned from Chicago, denies the story and ulso stated that ex-Governor Sfelo of Oklahoma, U not on ills way litre to sui'cood him. METJIODIST COUNCIL. Washington, Oct. 20. Al the ecumenical Mt-lhodUt council jester day Judge A. L. Sibley, of Maiiettn, Ohio, spoke on murrlage and divorct laws. His proposition wus that tut rlcht In divorce Is conipleinciital to uud di nimnled l Hit- tight to mar riage not only in cam-h of adultery but also of dtsvrtlon. Marriage w us a means, not an end, and siwtlal e. so. excepted, (.hid artd nature hud made this relation the universal rldit oi -niiiitire men nun women, tuts included the right of each party to tho union to its essential benefits Desertion deprived tho Innocent jmrty of these units made the urnuud of divorce. The grist of nil Is in the principle deduclblu alike from rtaMins and scripture that the ilnlil to marriage In its essential benefits and as tho only condition for righteous propagation, becomes paramount to tho rule of Us perman ence. In eases or wrong to an In nocent partner, whereby the funda mental obligations or the relation are abnegated. Finally, It leaves to Innocent imrtlcs an cseapo from tho pr.ipttgatin i with tho foulness of an unknown adultery, aud from bolng foieed by tho weakness ot desertlou Into a life if cellhmoy. '1 ItomuH Fiiudle, head master or the Iltblo f'hrlhtltui college, Devon, England, spoke on tho attitude of titt church of toward amusements, lie said there is nothing in the New Testament opposed to mode rate and rational use of umuse-menu. MARKETS. San Francisco. Oct. 20. Wheal; buyer, 1691, $1.72; season 51.81. Portland, Oct. 20. Win at val ley $1.50, Walla Walla 1.40$1.421. Chicago, October 20. At close wheat was weak, cash 1)3, Dec. 91 May $1,011. WEATHEK REPORT. San Francisco, Oct. 1.0. Fore- east fur Oregon and Washingten: Cloudy and foggy. HIM'Kh AUIUVAI.S. "WILLAMHTTB" .1 G Mack, F Allou, J Withly- citmbf, () F PaMuii, T P Starr, Geo 11 Williuma, It 1) Leonard, W R Chute, P S llunseu, F C Bliss, W P Miiiih, 11A llabeishtui', Portland. A C Walker, JB McCIure, CW yrtv, BiNttoit. F 1) Wagner, Ashlaud. I-" Fituh, Medfon'. U M Ruili.nl, Rom bur . J II Umli, A F Wall, Salem. V A Glbb. A W Until, inter, San Fiuudsoo. A J Furbish, M J Wlnste.td, N w Yirk, 15 K Koll, Ulon, Minn. A Sniltli, St. Lou's. "OOOK." A Falconer, Tncouui. J Mol'olitnd and wire, Newhttri', Orognn. W II lTooper, Portland. G M Buy io, Roolnster. FA Wulker, Marion. E HtKley, isrni Franalaot. P H UarUir, J 1. IUwo. i Help but ltiiit't Cuerre. Ti holp immi in pi wlbrt to ttimvr oil tliwtmmmewtil ll.ir , (,f IWIIH n,H IfKiUnbtlM UMllHU l taKivitlan Ttl luvtlHMt K umoriuiutloly, too ufth til vonieJ lru hiuI hvl (Krvrta u ,or. turn, ttnuttu. itle imrvilue u uu iloubtmll) ttiiit rn.iutet AirSt uf ea erolouoi ilo.iMit The bm4n-o (tMrj,! literally wrrtmliM lulu actlou. tf nwnr llllt IXHtXIMIllWUlril I'V lllllrh irrtnin tutti. Bishop Foss, or Philadelphia, said 5 lS the urgent need of children was ptibiawitbubvtuvni rvuurityanaue play, and as for athletic, tho Jollier , Vu 'io 'irittSr0: It the training made nothing hut Wxativeiiiexuiiic,iii'itpn4arth splendid brute,, church college aiTOffpTffSiiSh'tKSSS. should put them out. Tho Sunday "felfftSiM " JW fc pajK-r, .o said, wan ludlctablo before ury,rutuiuiieiuuctjjepiiouuiuu. feaml that the gte were tt widely 0ned. He said: "We have gyt in the dance and theatre, aud by sn i by we will get in thee 'cis." During the session, Dr. Chapmns, nf Kwgfand from the committee Hiargeil with its preiwratlon, mid thearWrvssof the ectimenloal oon fereace t Mthodists throughout the wrW. It snds greeting to the hwHliren in very land to which tit snnon faith ha spread, and gkiri (. Gr-d for Its prosfierity. He ha ven Methodist churches, under whio they have grown, until they nttmhtT SS.f'OO.O'X) adherents. We rvjokv to recognize the substantial unity which pxists among the vr- imis Methodist ImkIIos. The firm basis I a common cnitl. Tlie time has coiup to c!c co operation of the MethiMlist church, both at houu und abroad, which shall preven unhallowed rivalry. We need ti Ctunbine our energies, for the worl we have to do is vast and urgen'. Let ns trace the moral evil of met. to Its true sources, to their surround Ings, their physical natures, theh Ignorance, their passions, nnd their will, and set ourselves to deal com prehensively with them To do this it will be necessary for the members of our churches to make full u-e o their political rights for to allow tl e great powers of law and govern meut and their still greater iniluen ce to fall into the bauds of ungodlv men would be incredible folly an sin. God forbid that any of i.nr churches should become the ii.stru- ment of political parties. We distinctly approve of associa tions in which, unfettered by un. vow, pndly womou may bo organized for ministering to human needs aim sorrow, but we hope that with theh euliglitencd opportunities women may not be tempted to undervalue the sphere in which they are not only supremo but al.iue. The sphere of the mother is in the home. The child ren of tho church have occupied the attention of conference. Thetiddres- rejoices, in tlie wonderful progress of such societies as Epworth. We feel say s (headdress, that our Sunday schools have not as yet realized their past possibilities, but the home is the great nursery of religious faith aud lite. F iR TI-Itl'EDO It JATS. Washington, D. C, Ojt.20. Tlie secretary of the navy todaj Higtied a contract with the Inwn Trju Work, of Dubuipic, Iowa, for the coustrucliaii of torpedo boat'No. 2, similar to tho dishing, for tlu sum of $UJ.500. It Is to be f twelve tons displacement, aud inns be completed within one yuar. rioLi) coming hvck. London, Oct. 20. Bullion to the amount of 150,0)0 pounds, was withdrawn tod'ty for shipment t. Now Yoik. Up to date there has been received horn Europe aluios fl8.100.000 In gold. tor hmi hcadlom; Cab, sir t Cab. sir This way I" -Any part of tho city, sir; nice cabl" "Take yon to n good hotel, sir, for a qnttrterr One had his grip, the other tho urn hrrlla and a thinl hnd hhu pinlonetl by the ample folds of his duster. Just thcti a well dressed man who had been 'vatehmR the occurrence approached, and waving the cabmen aside said. 'Where do von want to co, sirf" He recovered his grip, umbrella and breath first, glanced up at the man pinned a sardonic, rural, spasmodic yrin. nnd as he gripped his belongings and backed off remarks! strcu-sticnlly That's none of your darned busi ness. You'd like ter know whar I come from. too. wouldn't e An ef mj, tolks is all well, an how the crops aret 2IeblH you know somebody down in o-ir town an use to play on my farm v hen yer wits a lxy Speak out, Un't riuhtf An't my name Smith an don't ) reiueiubei Hiram Johnson au his lxy Dick that nin off to Californy? An .lon't I recognize yout Yes. I guess 1 tlo. an ef you don't git right out'n hyar tarnal quick I'll call the perlice, 1 will 1 know yer didos. I an't been in In dianapoli.s live times fer nothin on don't take the papers Jest fer the crop reports. You git now quick.'" "Hut I assure you. sir, you are mis taken I don't know you uud don't want to. 1 only thought" Thought I'd like to cash a check, or piny u lottery, or buy green goods, eh? Whar's yer pardnerif An't it pretty near time fer him ter show up?" 'I tell you. sir. you are mistaken. 1 am In the employ of this railway, and ust thought I might save you some trouble with those cabmen. Now go on. and If you do get buncoed, why don't say it wasn't your own fault,'' aud the irate young man retired up tnirs to the company's offices. The agriculturist winked tho other eyo in admiration of his own shrewd uess, and calling a cabman, said 'Young man. you toko me to the Luilding; that's whar tho Universal In vestment company Is, ain't it? They advertise to pay $100 in six months on 31 n week put in, an begosh, I'm goin or buy somo shares. Ther better'n t-ounty bonds." Chicago Times, HIh Tee a Clothespin. Dominie Johnson, whom old Rrook lyuites will recollect, was "taken in'' once. A wouldbo Benedict wrote to hhu to engairi his services in tying tlie matrimonial knot, and hinted that he was savun; a roll ol five dollnr gold pieces with which to fee the doctor. "An evening or two later," said the clergyman, in telling the story, "he honored tue with a call, tie was ac coiupamed by one of the prettiest little women 1 ever saw. I performed the ceremony, and ho insisted upon my kissing the bride. Ho mado an officious display of a long thin roil well wrapped in tinfoil, and as I bowed him out he slid it slyly into my side pocket Wjaen I returned to my library I examined the roll and found" "What?" "A clothespin surrounded with ten penny nails I A month or two after ward he wrote to mo from St. Louis saying that ho had charged mo tlie wedding feo 1 was to have received for kissing his bride." "There is a halter awaiting that knave," concluded tho clergyman warmly, "and I never read of a hang ing, that 1 do not wonder If ho Isn't the victim traveling to glory under an alias." -New York World. A Nuvy OQlcor' Club. Fow people In Brooklyn nro aware that there is an excellent club in opera tion at the navy yard. It Is called the Officers' club, and only officers of the army and navy are eligible for member ship. The clubhouse is situated near the York street gate, Isnn unpretentious brick building, painted yellow, like all the rest of the houses at tho navy yard, and uot much for looks on tho outside. Tlie interior, however, Is exceedingly comfortable and homelike. There Is a restaurant attached to tho clnb, and an excellent dinner Is served there to the officers at fifty conta a head. Tho other luttals tiro a la carte. A number of naval men have bache lor apartments hi tho building, and a lolly time thoy have of it there. .The late Lieutenant Paul, who was William Waldorf Aster's brother-in-law, lived at the club while ho was stationed at tho navy yard, und made himself very pop ular there. Brooklyu Eagle, Mail Who Have Travelad. in tho matter ot tnero distance cov ered tho records of tho world's famous travelers do not tnako much of a show beside those- of somo railroad men. An old railroad man named Layton, now a sleeping car superintendent at Indian upolis, has kept a record of his Jour noyiugs since 1SC3, and tho total la 2, a3S,210 miles. Conductors. Boone, lato of tho Rending, has covered 2,St?, 000 miles, and another Reading con ductor has ridden something over 1,597, 700 miles. Even theso figures would probably bo farsurpassed by the record of somo of the old captains of the ocean steamships. Now York Sun. The Worlit Unrlchad, The faciHtifts of the present day foi the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and cotntottof mankind ore almost nultm. Itotl, and when yrop ofPigs was firet produced tlte world was enriched with the ottty p..-.oct laxative known, a it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing d refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse thesysu-r. -.ntly in the Spring-time or, in fuL-t. a any time, and the better It is known the more pooular it be comes. , CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Incl dent to a bilious state of the system, such at Dizziness, Nausea. Dron-siness, Distress artei eaUnp , Pain In the Side, &c While their most rcmarkablo success has been shown In curing SSOK Headache, ret CUtrrEn's Littlb Litkr Pilli are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, whllf they also correct all disorders of the stomach stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels ijven If they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who sutler from this distressing complaint hut fnrtiin-itelr their rood nets does not end here, and thewo who once try them will Una thesn little nills valuable In so many ways that they wttl not be willing to do without them But after all sick head AOH Is the bane of so many Uvea that here Is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Carter's Lrm.K Liver Pills are very smal! and very easy to take One or two pills mnkt a dose. They are strictly vegetable nnd d not gripe or purge, but by their gentle nctior S lease all who use them In vials at 25 cents ve for SI Sold everyw here, or sent by mail CAS7ZS UXIlSmS CO., 1; Tcrt. Ml. Small Bos?, "Small Fries- MARKETS HY TELEGRAPH. FOtlTLAND. Wheat Valley, Sl.V) per cental. Flour standard, $t.i0. Walla Walla J4 ISO; Oats New Whitel 10 to J3c per bushel. .MIllslulIs Bran f2I2t; srmts,S2i to a ground b.irley, $.Kl to 32; ennp feed, 82 to 62.1, middlings ?2j, per ton. llitj JI2rpH per ton. Butter Oregon fancy dairy. !Wc; fancy cicnmcry S0I2J good to fair, 23 California choice to'J-Jc. fag's Oiegnn 2 c per doz. Poultry Old chickens, $-3. Potatoes JO at a'c per cental. Ct!L'e-.e-On'jjon, 12 to 12;e; California 12c. Suguis Ooi.len C, .; i-stra V,i; drj iiiuulated, ya cub.', crushed uud low ieroo, lijc per pouud. Hems Small white, ifXc';" Pink : mj os, ; butter, 4c; llniav, 5o. Dried FruitsQueted: Itnli.m prunes te; I'etlto and German, 7o per pound, raiilus, fi 2.5 per box; pluininer drier ieur, a to Uc; sua dried ami fctorj )lums 11 to 12c; evnpo rated peaches I o lie; sjnjriia tigs, 20c; California tigs," .er pound, ' Hides Dry hides, K to Uc; 6 less ftr ullb; green over 55 pounds, 7c; under fi pound, 2';; rtli"op pelts, S0r(5SI.'i. SMOKED MEATS AND LAUD. iiisti-i n haias, 12 to Hc; brcakl.i.-t bn oi, 12 to 13oj sides i) to Ittc; lard, W olv.X per pound. S.N FriNOI!C. IrtAN FliASCIHCO, Oct. 14 Wheal; bujci n.- B.irley Feed Sl.Oo 51 08 per centn Oats-Gruyfl 35 to 1 37J4 per cental, old. Corn-1 jirgo J ellow, J1.25 to SI 27 ; whlu 1.25 to il '30 per cental. Hops 11 to 15c per pound I'otaloes Garnet Clillei, 40 to JJc; Earlj Rose, 30to3Cc; Uur'-uuks, 35 to 40c; sweet, 75 to SI, 60 per cental. Onions 55 to 65c per cental. Butter-Choice, 25 to 27Ke; pickle roll, 2 to 2oc; creamery, 21 to ICcper pound. Egss choice ranch, 87 to 40c; cold stor age, 19 to 23c per dozen. M1SCE.LANEOUS MARKETS. CmtAGO, Oct. It. Wheat, cash Wi l'eafness Can't be Cured jy local applications, as tbey can not run h tho (liEen&ed portion of the ar. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitution tl remi'dies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustnnliiun Tube. Win n this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear nij, and when it is entirely clost'd, deafness in the result, ant! unless the influnmtion can be taken nut and this tube restored to its nor iiii I foudition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; uiue cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give Ope Hundred Dol lars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that we cannot cure 0 aklng Hill's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co,, Toledo.O. Sold by druggists. 75 cents. VtWlHWt J" VlBV'A.X'IKA (NA. lit RW -f ,VS . V tte"STv5. wzvtftars m SW -f m pisri3 BKTJOV Both tho inothod and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is plensnut and refreehing to tliotasto, nnd acts Smtlyyet promptly on the Kidneys, ivcr and Bowels, clcansea tho eya tern effectually, dispels colds, jcad iohes and fovera and cures lmbitni! ooiwtipattoniwrmanently. For sale u fi('o and 61 bottles by nl' druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP nn LOVMtlU, Kt, BAH fRAttCKCO. CAL ftctir ro. us. Executor's Notice. TOTICh U hvtoby etvea to all whom It Uvbwudutv appolntMt hr the aSnT Sr?1,KS"SauJL,I.9,SW. "ecu- WAH1. And all rwruu. !...,.. J?!A!r- KlntliletiiBre hrreby nminUi ,! prw-nt ibm duu vwiaedTto th? uadeV! "". meir Home nrarTu'nn in m JmJ?M !?.' are riuetwl to make tram a v7i1 .V.-f7. Hirnitiiro JULm !S. and hkM "zsasBzsm IUEEN & -Have neither . C3J )UM hs, Pooled nor Trusted, Consolidated J Busted, I But continue to have the largest stock in Salem n i iuiuDmviwauBu in uie city; nan prico j t " Special attention given to embalming ,l, C0 and clean work. Sntwfnnt.in., m,,,l. ,"' nctli ny consulting us. kj am 2 98 & 300 Com'lStl BVI.I2.1I SIAItlCiri' UKl'OKT. A 8yuoia b nf thuMurkets lluyliip und ISclllnj; l'rices. I.tTAtl. PltlCES. IIKVISED QUOTATIONS. Shoulders.SiiKOi cuinl,pcrlb,li4 lirciikluHt b'lcou lj Hnms Miipir curid, per ll, li j Ueef 6l' I'urlt ( In Million WJkc. Vwil 1012U. Timothy sevd Per uih1, tc; K;lllug Hed clover scud Pur pnuiid, i4c. White clo or bced1'ur pound, 20c. " Alslke 18o per Kiind. Hed top-JOc per lKiund. Lincoln Un.s liju per pornd, Ilye Orass 10c per pound. Orchard (jros-.17c ier pound. New potntois Uc per uuhhH. Uduintd trult.-1'enchcR, . W-, apneo", U 00; bluckburries, So; corn, best grade YtVO; tommies $1 0; Mimg beans 31 SO, ri en poiw SI S?: per am. In two lb i-ani. FieeU Vcgctiibltfb I'otntoei -l(lc;carrotJ jOc; n.ir&nlps 76c; onions 4c ) er lb. Kish..ilmou 710c per lb; Stur"eoB Vs. 7c per lb-muull llsli Hie per lb; gait Kalmon, 7.&10C per lb; Chinook halinon, JO. iirryiNn'.PKiciai, Wheat TOJii' net. Flour 1'er ban el. S.'i.O0, best 190 lbs. Oats Per bushel. S0(& Slic. Barley Per bushel, IO(ff45c. Uran Per ton. S-Jl HO at mill, sacked. bhorts Per ton, iST. 00 " .sacked. Clmp 1'er ton. i2U.OO ' saekid. ool 17uloi20. Eggs aOc per dozen. I'otatoes t'er bushel, 20c tim jncrui .c per pound. Cheese 12Hc per pound. Dried plurs Per lb. t7c. Dried prunes let lb. l()12c. Uut'cr avayoc per pound for eood Lard 10l2c per lb Hams er liound,ll)12c. Bacon sides 0O10 per lti. ioiiMprR ce per lb. Chickens "c per pound. ;fip au Want Column Notice- inserted fp nvr. a oun eapi WA oat y, tlsciiiuuiinscited lu thu .,.; h,Ui POUND.-Share 414 u0 u .... ''.y ion illnlni iS 8t NAr. olllce ciim4 r InrllRiit hmiKu lor Mile, tllii. I) 8ALE.-Tart, , ' ICPCnmir tlnUU' " ir Kale, t!0. Kuqi.lre at riti .-Dnutc mice, JQltli-IJarknurat blocV 'S HK,M(KUHOIDH(lMt8)r; Uloeis and Flbsures 1'rol.tw?1 tctiiin. elo i'ositlvclv m.V ".","tl detention from builne i. 'l4tR.nffSg.ft. ioi ves at tht ir .. u homes auj ' J? intped. An end to the Z 55L1? i.uiiiuii di cutiit'K and lie 1re-s Westtfrn ottiie. iv,!,? i ?uWnl At , Co., IrfKk box J'J-nlcm.Oiigon. Sfc Ourngentsmniei,,! ant countv T T NTI jD Our oMnlimii.i ..'" a month tellintf our goori,,;1!? merits. We want count.' nnVii nai cpai Tuiaeys 10 toe lb, ueese (uo per in. Ducks, liiKper lb K r&cym Head- Aches i BIck-hcadaches are tho outward iuilit ation of derangements Of tho stomach and bowels. As'Joy's VcgetaMo Sarsapnrilla is tlio only bowel rcjulatlug preparation of Parse parilla, it is sec:i why it is u.u only appropriate 3arsap.irilla iu sick-headaches. It Isnotonly lppropriale; It is nu absolute cure. Altera conroa of it au occasional doso at interval? will forever after prevent return. Juo. M. Cos, of 735 Turk Street, Snu Fran Cisco, writes: "I liao boon troubled with ittaekt of stck-headacho for tbo last thrco rca T. from cao to thrco times a week. Somo lire .i I toujiit two bottles of Joj's Vego aL'o Tu. n,v.r!ll.t and li.no only had ono tt.n .i 1 " i: s 1 fiat was on tbo second day ..'ter I bj an using M." ?," ii ltm n i linn iiti iirntn i. . .. .iir ,7:.. '.v. "?. "". a"sitih and cspirccnJ n a lliirl duju'w,? agencriiliigent lcs than f'Z send large Illustrated uuul.us hhjII3 with n speclnl oirer lo suit lerrSiH plied ior, on recehitof 3 rue iem to5i Apply at once and yu in m theTJ Address Renner Miiiiufurtiirlneiwl burg. Fa. I7d2fi mHE ALKA-HIM'J lfl .V x. .Aicpis eeri am dai ettnlir ooiofB, in tLoLul oer lb MuUA rnncp building-. M-vt'ngareo ejlaTl W. A . Cubicle, Vice l'.-eIUi:nt. 10 J Strawberries and Grape Twenty varletlcsor each forsa'.e Mat of culture and UescrlpUe catalogs plants of either of thene, beKt or all u fi uits, suitable for th- climate, cnt on plication to K. HUrElt.fcalcm, Oregon. SIXG KOI & CO., Successor to Low Si Jcc. Merchant tailor. All kind of cloth made to order. Repairing and eta in atly done, One sack pult JJI, tarmt f32. One frock suit J, foi nnrly m ( overcoat 620, lormerly S:!0. Ono vestf formerly?!. One tairofpantt7,rorm( i'0. 'Jos Coininen 111 at., Saltni,ur.SU V eTGtaDie " '-' Oar sap iiSca For sale ly Dati'l J. Fry,2ij Com. treet. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Taints, Oils tiid Window Glass, Wall Pa iit antl Kordttr, Artists' 31a erials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Uny. Feed and Fence t'osts. Grass Seeds, Etc, Pn ii fifv l-lnoi UlUllttJ Ult UUiJU! J as. Baichclor, Prop'r, WaniiiWatAliilyuisi'likl ol!e but white labor em li jut Is 11 establishment. S A good Ktibstautlal meal o kedirb ci.tss st ie Twentj -Mve cents per meal RSD rr-ROsT tourt street, between Journal Vtba, iuinios i.tery. bh Is H I "W hfi NEW AUVEBTISEMEN-T3. Rustic! Rustic! Rustic! Rustic Rocklnecbnlrs,S:!ttcrs. gents of. flco or rending chairs, lamp standi, center hi.K-V i . Bl"uus ,aoy rocKing and hlch chairs, etc., for sale Or Exchange for Second Hand itooris. . Call avid inspect Rustic work at old Court House, 113. All kinds of furnHure repiired, H. T. MARTIN, IVoj.r. ONEOFTnK IxARGiai'ESrABLR1 ments In the State. lon-er rates lis rortlatid. Jjtruest stock Uti BljnkK tho State, aid blgrcst discount. Biudl price list of Job printing, and catalog :e les ' blanks. E.M.'WAm, Steam Printer Balem Oreton. Q'o Strawberry Groivci'S. The tinderslHUed has contnictedforlir, luantityofthe Jessie, (swecpst-ike pru winner at Salem strawberry laiflund v omi-he de Gaud, (best yielder md ko proritable late berry In balem ttjrW from H. V Savage, Salem, and J. M.w berl, Aumsvllle. Warrautcd tore" and plants lirst-class. Catalojut mf.j?' September Its. Also ten oiber arttn Address 1':-UOFiL dw Kaleiu.OfW 8175t -A.N ELWaHETU NEAL. JE&JE Xt.yEAL, Coming ! Thursday Evening, Oct. 22d. M- . Frai cl H..lgsan Huruett's "Little Lord PaoDfleroy," Tho Great U roadway Theater, -N- i. SucmsD. I n trod tio- ):thel;retet ufall Little Lord?. LITTLE (JEOKGE COOPER, T, Henry Frenuh's rompnny. (Direm riwni Xw Y.irt.-.M Kwervml teata imw rtdy jt Tat- Choice Bargains in Ileal Btafj 40 Acres, large, new house and t. n Acres, very nne; 10k Acres, house and barn; II l.K nhnlM f,llll OlniM.Unlnm T 1 C tnAfll ft tO IOCO For special bargains call on or adliJ and Real Estate Dealer, 'JW Com I Ml lem. 3 doors north of It. SI.:Wadtji REFERENCE: Any bank or 5J house in the citv. "" Health is Wea II tPu SiTRrT' rKL Bit. J5. C, WKST8 Nerve Treatment, a guaranteed fpee rc - tena, Dlir'ness, Convulsions, i ' i'cujtii Nf urnlgla, Headache, """! ut caused by the ute of t22?.S. gain Wakelul nesa, Mental SSlSnW lngofthobrafnresulUngln lusw'g p leading to misery, roy anf eJf p) mature oldai-e, barrenness, ic"' cauw.1 by overteseitionof ibebrjlj. 'fl box oontalusone 5oni?,t,!?ni br a box or six boje for Mi nl "' prepaid on receipt 1 1 price. WE G rjARANTEE SIX B0X& Toeureny case. Vlth ' 1 reived T u for Ix boxe. lSkt with .0U.M-e wilt ynd the rgj'gg,, wrlKcn guarantee to refund " "Tja IB' trentment doea not etttet 11 rorr. i t"-t . "v" m"itJ.'X-- u, inro. zisi.Noiraeeni. m."- Final Account. To whom U may """fi'!:. Notk' tou'S, Williams &, Jludson, HAND-JIAE FBRSCH CANUtES :".it hereby glen that the onrterwtjW Mrotoroftbe estate orti"Ml J85h..... ,Andfm.,rIlktnd.l.- i vreuiiiiw Miantatc . :r . . -""" Aame' tiii i:: de-uel. bMs filed nt flnsl '"TThetfl! WesWte lalbe county nwrtoi'j JM f Orwon tnr Marion 'n,hi7 isB. Monday, tbt dv . f N"""22rt rf Mn'eiorlta 1.1 at the ,LSB4iH tort hv -i 1 -H..I in i J2oaC ' jtidfa-tlie -enttbe o-t pslvEKV, X AdutialMrmtor oT the ett of nn,6-usWc.5,r.aDdtobaw. ,ou "S:w76wi,Ort.I. cafcB. - Jhut Cto.- i 33BMm4 .jit