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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1891)
---h: tWMifjgr vwpyrtr""' '"'WV CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 4. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." HALETM, OREGON, M02TDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1891. "TO-DAY'S JSTEWS TO-DAY." KG. 101 EVENING, We Want teMf?lk 200 mmjftfi&wmm Look rVvs w a" -y . -V- the People to-Know ELEGANT PHOTO ALBUMS RECEIVED FEOM MAJNUFACTUREU AT PRICES THAT WPLL SURPRISE THE OLDEST INHABITANT. Out For Our Display Window. REMEMBER THE PLACE . Mel. Pffll'S M Stmt Book S r ill HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. I UBLIHltKD DAI L,Y.KXCKtT SUNDAY, nv TBI Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, in P.O. nulldlng hnlered nt tke postofllce at Salem, Or., lU scioud'rlcn- n ntttr. MONEY! How to make and how to save it is the ruling question with you. i ou can make and save by ' spending it with us. "A penny saved is a penny earned," and we can save you at least 25 per cent, on goods in our line. - -:- .3 ust look at a le iv oi our prices iieioiv. -:- - 55 O S I E tt Y. Infant's Cashmere Hose 25, 80cK Children's Cotton Ho.-e 10, 15, 20. ' ets. Children's Wool Hose 25, 30, Mcts. Ladle' Cotton Hose 10, 15, 20, 25, 40cts. Indies' Wool Hose 25, .10, 50 et. Ladies' Cashmere Hose (Wets. Hoy's good School Hose - 25 cts. uxY e n w k x it. Infant's Lambs Wool Vests 00 els. Children's mixed greyUuderwear 25-45 ot". Clillilren'BLaniels.balr Uunderwear -Jti To els. Cliinireu'H Scarlet Wool Underwear 45-81 1 ots. Todies' Merino Underwear 30-05 c's. badtcs'NaturalWool RibbedUnderwear tiO-Sl 2.5. Unl s' ScurletWool Ribbed Underwear 'J0-1 Ji5. VOKStiT S. H. & S. Hlaek Corset $1 40. H. & 8. Drub Corset 1 10. 500 Bone CorBets - 1 25. Misses' Corset waists. 50. Aud other kinds from 50c. to 1 00. Have you seen our guaranteed KldQIoves at $1.40? We still have a full Hue of Notions of all kinds. Also Hammocks, Croquet sets, Boy's Wagons.etc. iuw. -:- - i; O O T S A X i S 11 0 I s. Mens' Calf Boots ?1 05 to 2 15. Boy's Coif Boots 1 45. Mens' Buckle Plow Shoes 1 15. Mens' Oil grain, 2 buckloShoes-- 1 45. Boy's Oil grain buckle Shoes 1 2-5. RItns' I)r!&4 Shoes SI. 45 and upwards. Boy's aud Girl's School Shoes at $1.10, 1 25, J1 45. Ladies' heavy Shoes $1.15, S1.2., $1.45. Ladies' fine Shoes from a dougola kid, $1.50 to a Fiench Kid at $3,25. Mens', Women's, Childreu's Rubbers. E.F.OSBURN; 261 Commercial Street. A.- KLEIN. RELIABLE ALE M.. OjJALV UU GvLUi S sTDfT m TVImO Commercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time. m. K i i jf?ijaf f i iti i -n in r ' 11 SOME PEOPLE Refuse the Earth unless surround ed with barbed wire, but every one appreciates tlie courteous treatment and h o w Prices ! that give Brooks & Harritt their immense trade. Finest Hue of Hammerlcss and Hammer Shot guns in the state out side of Port hind. New good", Hobby Horses, Klioollies, Baby Wheelbarrows, Cults, Reins, Iron Tops, etc. 94 State Street, "The Best" "The Best" 'S AND Wm. rown dVCo 231 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. 'The Best." "The Best." J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AND HOUSE PAINTING, 2wplD,nfft Decorative Paper Hanging, Kalsoralnlng, etc, ect. Office Vflmmerclal meet. JResldeuoe 60 Marlon street. CORK SOLED CALF BOOTS, the best winter boot known. Also bargains in Kip boots, Boys' and Girl's school shoes. NO CREDIT out money saved tor cash. C. G. I V E IV & CO., i State Street. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co. Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finish! Dp made to order. New DKI KILN, by which wo can nlways keep a full supply of seasoned stock of all kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Trade and Hlgu streets, Salem, Oregon. Sash, and -Door Factory ' Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used CHURCHILL & BURROUHGS. Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, -AND- SHEET IRON WORKERS. Estimates on all work In our line. IOO OhemekBta Street, THE - CLUB w. u. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. ii i aii siock ieit in my carosiian receive- hip nest POM' Pf attention. Telephone No. 24. Cor. Liberty L L ' T' ' aud Ferry streets, Salem, Oregon. Salem Truck ft Dray Co. i DRAYS AND TRUCKS ays ready for orders. and deliver wood, coal and lumber. Of- State St., opposite Sa lem Iron works. Drays and 1 rucks, niay be found throughout the dav at the f-orner of State and Commercial ttreete. B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. C PERKINS, General Superintendent. SALEM IRON WORKS, SALEM, ........ ORBOON, Manufactures BTEAM ENGINES, .Mill OulJlts, Water Wheel Governor, fruit Drying Outfits, Traction Engines, Crebtitig, etc. Kiirm machinery made and repaired General agenU anil nmniifaclurciH of tho cc-It-lirated Wulilslrom Patent .MlddllugK 1'urlller and lteels. Kami machinery nmilt nud repaired. Barr ft Petzel , ' mmbers and Tinners- 247 Commercial street, Salem. Oarden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves aud Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a seeeialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. SNOW THE YEAR ROUND At 100 Chemeketa Street. House - and - Sign - Painting. Paper Hanging. ICalsominInK, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing nud Natural Wood Finish. Only First-class Work. E. E. bI0V. JHl m HH, H kk .H H H m ft B for Infants and Children "CjtortljeoweH adapted t children that I recommend 1 1 aa superior to any preacriptloa down tome." II. X. Ascsza, U. D 111 Bo. Oxford Et, BrooUyn, N. T. MTh um of 'Castoria'U to unlrerul and IU mertu ao well known Uut It aeema a work of aiipererDgaUon to endorse It Few are the inttlllgent famlllea who do not keep Caatona within easy reach." Cistos Uirrrv. D.D Kew York City, Late Pastor Bloom Inrdslo Beformwl Church. Castoria core Colic, Constipation, Bout Stomach, DUrrhraa. Eructation, Kills Worms, fire sleep, and pnxnote d WlthoutUiJurlous meuJeatioa. For aereral years I haro reeommtnilft your Castoria, and shall always conUoue to do so aa It has InrarlaUy produced tencflcia) results." Eowt T, PaMxa. U. Pn MThe Wlnthrop." lth Etrect and 7th Are New York CUy Tb Cnrraca Cowamr, 7T ukat firaxw, Vtv Youc A Vlllir. K1NUKUOAUTKN. As Tjik Jouunai. has suggested a free Kludergurteu for Salem, a moro general Idea of tho system will In- tcieat focal readers: As early as 1816 Freederich Froe- bel begau in a private Isolated tiansi tory sort of way to conduct a pri mary school of flvo pupils on the developing system of education He continued his efforts under manifold discouragements for over twenty years, but theso were but tho pre paratory steps for tho opcuiug of the first kindergarten, which ho es tablished at IJtackeuburg near Rudolphstadt, about tho 1840. The name klndergarteu reveals the primal Idea of Froebcl's mlii'd, as inspects early development name ly, that little children are, as it were, human plants, and that education has to do wftli them as such. Froe bel never applied the term "school" to the kindergarten. We cannot do better than to let Froebel Indicate his own purposes in the plan de vised. .Ho says: "The kindergarten is intended for children from three tosevou years of age. It Is intended to tako the over night of children before they arc ready for school life, to exert uu in lluenco over their whole being in correspondence with its nature; to Htrungthou" their bodily powers; to exercise their Beuutb, to employtho awakening mind; to make them thoroughly acquainted with the wurld of nature and of man; to guide their heart aud soul In a right diiec- tion, and to lead them to tho origin of all life nud to union with Him." Perhaps the great secret of the uccebs that lias followed his methods lies in the fact that ho be gins at tho very beginning. Tho kindergarten is the intermediate ground between tho nursory and the primary school, affording more of discipline than the former and lesd of formal work than tho latter. In fact, by this method play resolves itself into education, Tho little tmes are trained to a conscious com mand of their bodily functions; to use all their senses wisely and well; to hubits of close nud critical obser vation; to construct and Inveut, and to combine materials gracefully and in good taste, But very slowly has this wonderful system of develop ment made headway in our country. The kindergarten courto of train ing includes much that is serious work In the guise of play. The child Is taught a soug, every word conveys uu idea, every line n thought and the wuoloifinformation both pleasiug nudlnstructive. It teaches children ;to bo kindly in their intercourse ono with another, to be polito, gentle and mauly, and gives direction nud purpose to their lives. CONGItESBMAN. Apropos of the congressional "buzz" whloh Is going the rounds at present, it veems to this somewhat bewildered writer that someone wants the globe. Now wo would have no partlaular objection to let ting go ix half or three-quarters thereof hut the wholo globe, land and water both, Is coming It pretty strong. Portland has long hud both senators and, until Mr, Her mann was elected, the rcpreseullve also. Southern Oregon lias now her grip on tho rcprcseutatlva and, wo judge, Intends to hold n to that. In all fulrne.'-a, ilsu't ltubout time tho Willamette valley was get ting a iillco of tho honors? We grow at least un uverugo quality of whent, wool, fruit and other com modules of n material nature and it ought to follow that tills section can produce nn average quality of Intel ligence for a congrcMman. Some jxtooiis huvo been wicked enough to Insinuate that it doesn't require much brains to bo u good congress man. Uut wc deny all nuch state ments. A reasonably fair political w repuller might, Indeed, wear a No. b hut', but we arc of the opinion (hut our representative hi coDgi'M ought to have a bound head and to be above the oontumlnutlng Inllu euco of jioliticul chluatiury. The Willamette valley bus plenty of such men. Hulcm could, ho doubt, produce u candidate who would do credit to the state. Corvallls Curette. .SOIlliM IV it. It ItHllflluiilt to nee whoro Mr. Miller can oUlm tlmt CoiigreHxmun Hermann ngre;d not to be uguln a candidate In the following letter ou which liebuKt-ahhiolulm; Wauhixoion, 1) C. Mur. 3, '00. Hon. II U. Millar -My eeteemud Friend: Your kind and uoleome letter in JuHt ut hand. I beg to ex-pr-M to you my earnest appreciation for the generous word you rite as to my prolmble renoml tuition. I tift'd not conceal to you my great duttlre to be honored once ugalti with tho vote of Jotephlne county, In total couvBUtlon. Thin will be my Inst appeal to you In this line. Should I be honored with nqotl'er term, I shall step down and give wnv, I hope, to some friend, earnest nud energetic ns yourself. Sincerely yourc, IIingrk Hkiimann. BUOGKSTKD COMMENT. The Albany Democrat sliouUl get n Httlo broader gait ou Itself, ns It is capable of doing. Two millions for Coos bay and n fifth term for myself Is my motto. Mlnger Hermann, Ri. V. Rork, state lecturer for tho Alllauce, Is billed for n canvass of thirty points lu Marlon county. The teachers' iustituto for tho second Judicial district, Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas and Lane, will be held nt Eugeuo Dec. 1M-31. Delaying cases may cnnhlo the lawyers to discuss many lluo legal point 8 in court, but it Is poor com fort for clients and the taxpayer. w mrm Mr. Hermann should securo tho Roseburg people an appropriation to build n railroad to Coos bay. Half of that Coos bay twomillious would dolt. Eight onions that weigh ten pounds, nud six potatoes nil out of ono hill that weigh over niuo pounds, uiul fourteen apples that fill n bushel basket are some of tho slghtf. aud facts that our soil presents to .the astonished world. 1 "' i" Insane lu old age is u hopeless condition, but It Is suspected uiuuy such aro scut to the state asylum by relatives and county courts to unload tho expense of keoplng them , upon the state. I. 8. Skalns, of Blodgett, Boutou county, aged 70, was tho latest of this character to arrive. Congressman Hermann Is held In tho very highest esteem hero on account of personal qualities aud tho substantial work hu has accom plished for this section of the coun try. Ho has tho most implicit con fidence In tho future of this county and has done splendid work to ad vance Its interests. Mnrshfleld Mall. Tho Pacific Coast Fancier's Monthly concludes Its first volume with the October number. It is u first classjournal for poultry keepers, fanciers of dogs, pigeons and r.ll kinds of pet stock. It is well Illus trated, covers the poultry Interest in an intelligent nud original manner. All poultry raisers should send to Chits. Ilarker, San Joe, Cal., for this valuablo magazine. Tho dryers nt Newberg, nroilunblo to handle all tho fruit oflered this year, and mnuy hundreds of bushels have been turned away. People who plant fruit should tnako prep arations to hnudle it ut homo If possible. Next year tho Whlteson cannery will be in position to handle nil the fruit in this, nud much in adjoining counties. Whlteson Ati van CO, UENEUAb NEWS N0TKS. S. A. Heilncr, n Baker City mer chant, declines to run for mayor of that town. Jack Mcintosh, an Eastern Ore gon baseball umpire, has been left .10,000 by tho death of his father In Canada. An Albany man can buy nails lu Porlluud, rcshlp from that city to Drain's and nmlto 1M cents a keg over a shipment direct from Port laud toDrulu'g. There is no excuse for Idleness lu Corvallls at present, for every limn who hus the will to work can find employment In ubunduueo. Carpen ters and masons are In demand. A flagpole has been erected ou the Corvallls public echool building, and tho sturs and stripes will soon float from the plntmcle. The scholars chipped in 10 cents apiece und pur chased the Hug, The potato crop Is not lurge in the valley this yeur, but the acreage hus been so iucrenhcd tlmt It Is estimated that Benton county will ship fifty carloads of flrstcluHs "spuds" to Frisco this full. The attempt to Induce Yakima Indians to eiiliot In the army have been futile. Bald oue old buck: "Twenty years ago they were forc ing us to luy down our urms for the the plow, uud now they are urging us to lay down the plow for the gun." J.S. Hunt, formerly pot muster at Salmon Full, exhibited to the Newft-Mluer rejorter u draft on the United HlutoH treasury, Indued by the pohttd authorities, for 1 ont, In final settlement of lib account. Ho talii great pleuMuro In present lug It to dull-rent bunks for pay. ment. An octopUMor devil fish was cap tured at the government works at Newport last week nud wait tent out to the students ut the agricultural college In thin city. It la over fclx feet ucrotH nud a very ugly looking animal und highly entitled to Its appropriate name. . There i only oue vacant residence In Corvallls waiting for uu occupant, and that ! uut n very dwlroblu place. It l the county Jail. Thin peak volume for the law nod Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. Rd& Baking Powder jm ABSOLUTELY PURE order of n thrifty community. Every available corner is rented, nud others would locnto If they could llnd n plnco to live. Corvallls Times: It will bo lively lu CrvtiUls next week. If tho O.P. pays their employes next Tuesday It will mako things lively with tho boys, and If they dou't tho boys will mnko things lively for thorn. On Friday tho bondholders will huvo a reunlou and wo may look for u "Donnybrook Fnlr" of n tlmo. A party of Indians camped In tho main street of Ortlng tho other day, mul there, unotlced by passers-by, n little babe was born. To tho whltu peoplo who passed and repassed a dozen times during tho day, there. did not seem lo bonny excltomont or any thing-unusual going on, nud when tho trulu camo along that evening tho mother, with her new born babo slung In n shawl, was able lo clamber into ti box-cur un aided. llnnny llooslcrs. Win. Timmous,Postmastorof Ida vllle, Ind., writes: "Electric Bittois has douu moro for mo than all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling nrlslug from kidney uud liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, sanio place, says: "Find EU ctrlo Bitters to be the best kidney mid liver medicine, made mo feci like n now man." J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, samo town, says: Electric Bitters Is just the tiling for n man who is all run down and don't euro whether ho lives or dies; ho found now strength, good appetite felt just like he had a now lease on life. Only 60o. u bottlo at Fry's drugstore, 225 Com'l St. NmnaaaHraHMMa.msHissBflnHamnimHaa TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES A now variety of wheat known as the new golden Is attracting con siderable attention among whent growers. It la n product coming orlglnnlly from the department of ugilculture, uud produced lu Oregon for'tho first time In any quantity tor tho preseut season. Tho yield surpasses that of little club under like couditlons,whllo It is apparently leas nflectetl by dry weather than any other variety heretofore Bown lu Eustcru Oregon. Itemarkiible Itcscuo. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plalnflold, 111., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled ou her lungs; she was treated for u month by her fiunlly physician, but grow worse. lie told her sho wus u hope less victim of consumption nud that no medicine could euro her. Her druggist suggested Dr, Klug's New Discovery for consumption; sho bought a bottlo und to her delight found li erf elf boueflted from first doKe. Bho continued Its use and after taking ten buttles, found herself sound uud well, now does her own housework. Free trial bottle of this Great Discovery ut Fry'u drugstore, 220 Commercial street. Large bot tles 60c. nud $1. Alliance .Meetings. M. V. Rork, stuto lecturer of the Alliance, will speak In Marlon coun ty us follews: Iirooks, Friday, Oct, 2U, 2 p, m, RIt. Angel, Friday, Oct. 23, 7 p.m. Howell, Saturday, Oct. 21, 2 p, m. Gervuls, Monday, Oct. 20, 2 p. m. St. Paul, RIonday, Oct. 20, 7 p. in. Biittevlllo, Tuos'day.Oct. 27, 2 p.m. Woodburn, Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2 p. m. Shuck'a Rlllls, Wednesday, Oct. 28, 7 p. iu. Sllvbrloti, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2 p. m. Clymer, Thursday, Oct. 20, 7p. m. Ucafu.'ns Caul be Cured by local applications, um they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear, There Is only ono wuy to cure deafness, ami Hint Is by constitution al remedies. Deafness Is caused by an liillumed condition of the inucoii lining of tliu Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets InHumed you huvo a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, deafness In tho result, and unless the Inllumatlon can be taken out nud this tube restored to Its nor mal condition, hearing will he de stroyed forever; nine cast out of ten are cuused by catarrh, which Is nothing but un Influiued condition of the mucous HUrfuceH, Wo will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of deafness (canned by catarrh) that we cannot cure by Uikliig Hill's Catarrh Cure. F, J. CIUSNHY & Co,, Toledo.O. Sold by druggists, 76 cents. Are You (Jolug Kant? If ho, be sure and see that your tickets read vlu "The North Westmi Line." The C. St. P. M. & O. lly. This Is tho great short line from tit. Paul or Duluth toull points cant aud south. Their magnificent truck, pecrlrtw vestlbulcd dining and sleet lug car trains, uud their motto, "always on time," has given this road u national reputation. All cltumes of passengers are carried on the yestlbuled trains without extra charge. All ticket ugnuts sell tickets via this Hue, Ship your freight aud truvel over this famous road. W. If. Mkad, (Jen. Agt., No. 4 Wash. 8t, Portland, Of. A, J. Lkimnu, Tray'jf Agt. ssociateil Press Report and Digests of all Important News oi To-Day. MISCELLANY. T1IR-KED KI.AO. Lonuon, Oct. 10. The contest between tho moderates and the ex tremists was continued Saturday In tho socialist congress ut Erfurt. Hcrr Fischer, replylug to tho chnrgea of opportunism, nindo by tho op position against tho socialist mem bers of tho relchstag, accused tho opposition of having tendencies to ward nuurehy. Herr Fischer point ed out how utterly subversive und antagonist io to tho true spirit of socialism woro tho teachings of the anarchists, nnd ho nrgucd that men with such sympathies could not bo safely trusted to lead tho peoplo to n socialistic triumph. Herr Fischer especially nnd sovoroly ilenouuced Dr. Lutz, who, ho said, wnsiv worth less person, connected with nnnrch Ists nud other plotters, uttorly In different, If not hostile, lo tho nd vnnconient of socialism, Tho speech of Herr Fischer was received with tumult, nnd ho wus frequently in terrupted by protests and applause. Ho persisted, however, until ho hnd completed what ho had to say. Herr Wlldberger, who had cnused nn uproar on tho previous day by his ohargo, quoted by norr Bebel, thnt u member of the directing committee hnd tukon n-brlbo of $250 for n politi cal service, returned to the attack. Ho offended the opposition, and to bIiow, as ho claimed, tho purpose of tho leaders of tho majority to create a fatso Impression against tho op position lu tho minds of the people, ho produced nlongllstbfresolutlonp, adopted ut numerous meetings In vurlotis pnrta of tho country, All agreeing in the ono essoutlal of de nouncing tho opponents and crltltB of the directing committee, but trim med with variations to milt tho res pective localities In which the re solutions wcro ndoptcd. This evi dence, presented with some humor uud sarcasm of comment, ovoked considerable laughter ut tho expense of tho directing committee, and Wlldborgor having mndo tho hit, sat down. Herr Bebel again aroso to the defenso of tho leaders. Ho severely denounced tho revolution ists, us he culled tho opposition, aud spoko of Vollmar's hulfhcarteduesa lu a tone of rebuko and regret. Ho urgtietl thnt everywhere under the presout direction the situation wus favorable to tho social demo cracy, and thut tho only cnomy that could do the social democracy cautu any cllcctlvo or lusting injury wus within Its own ranks. Herr Rebel spoke with more than usual energy and fevor, nud evidently mndo uu Impression. His clenr forcible logic contrasted with tho somewhat errutlo stylo of Hcrr Wlldborgor. Tho day was largely consumed In these recriminations. C1KN. MILUS' HKl'OHT. Washington, Oct. 10. General Miles, lu his annual report, reviews ut length the Indian outbreak of last winter, attributing It largely, as ho did nt the time, to the failure of crops and failure of tho govern ment properly to perform lis obli gations lu regard to rations, etc. Of the RlesKlali erazo he says thut the fanaticism nnd superstition of tho people were taken udyautago of by the leaders to encourage them to hostilities. He commends tho administration of Cuptuln Penny us acting ugent at Pine ridge, und says thut he thought adtllttonul appropriations necemury, Tho Indians receive neurly half us much more than thoy did oue year ago. However, the fires of discord still remulii. The commanders have discovered thnt communications ure going ou between the different camps Inciting Indians to hostili ties, uud even now (Sept. 7) dele gation from Indian territory Is ub sent, ostensibly to visit friends lu Wyoming. They huve, lu fact, gone across tho mountains, and are now lu the abodes of the support ers of tho RIcsaluh delusion, near Pyramid lake, lu Nevada. Even while hostage were held at Fort Hherlduu lost spring they derived communication from friends lu the Sioux camps, saying thut they had not given up the Idea of u grand Indian uprising nud that tho Utis were ready to Join the Sioux whew ever the latter resumed hot)l (let A 8AVAOB yifjur. C'mktuk Founf, Vu., Oct, 10, A wavago light occurred hetwewa