Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 14, 1891, Image 3

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    ,.. If! Iff W V
.18 00
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SK --...Tonvtiv
iiwtions will bo mnde on 1st and 15th
fffin. 8ubcrlbcrs will please leave
mScrej, h m to cnuso no deloys lu
iFt.m!inn rtAHTTAT. .InltllNAT. rteU-
Srecclves the afternoon nsboolated
Dealers in urocenes, urockery,-
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Rrushes. Windowglass, Etc, Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Kan Baking Powder.
K. H. Mathews'
dresmaking parlors
Cottle Block.
First class work no delay,
no stairs to climb,
shirts made to order.
r.vptits Hint Involve Some of
Our liest Families.
i A very nice wedding took place at
11:30 a. in. at the residence of Hon.
J. Murphy, clerk of the supreme
Smrt. Tiie contracting parties were
liss Ellzubelh L. Church, dauglitcr
Mrs. Murphy, and L. T. Clark.of
be lltm ot woouwaru a uuirtf, oi
Portland. The ceremony was per-
riued by Dr. Corwiu, of the Con-
iegatioual ehuicli, in parlors taste
Uy decorated for the occasion.
he uuptiaV bell was of rare roses
pd generous size, while the luncli-
bn to which the reporter wns gen-
taly invited but could not panic
tatewas such as only the hostess'
iiWera prepare. There were pres-
lutof Salem people only Miss Edna
ioody and Miss Beatrice fcsheltou
nil Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Boise, Jr.
IThd Portland party was composed
t Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Suylor, Mrs.
kton, sister of the groom and her
feon Gaylord; Mr. and Mrs. Church,
Dr. and Mrs. Qiesy, aud MissHattie
Jhurch. They accompanied the
vedding party to that city, where
(hey will reside, on the 1 o'clock
rain. A tour of the Sound will be
uade by Mr. and Mrs. Clark.
Another marriage among Salem's
st people today was that of Jessie
.Denhain to W. A. Hamilton, at
11 a. m., Rev. E. S. Bollinger ofli-
llating. The contracting parties
ok the 1 o'clock train for a trip in
lie Souud country and British Co-
iinuln. Mr. Hamilton is a popular
Balem busiuebs man, of the loan
Hid real estate firm of Fear &
lamilton. The bride came to Sa.
em about two yeais ago and like
ter husband, has many friends in
he city. Her former home was
h'E Ark Onto You. An Albany
bper has a habit of getting in all
6e shadows it can on Salem. We
fin return the compliment by re
producing one of its own, shadow
Mctures of Albany: "People are
Balking that it is not necessary in
irder to produce good times for
Very body to be speculating in real
Mate. Outsiders judge of a town
6o much by that, an idea that Is all
yet growth demands a reas
onable movement in this line, as
lur citizens are now nrettv well
trough straightening up matters or
fro or three years ago. What a city
eeds in this direction is a good mar-
let of real estate) for bulldlnc pur-
ones and not so much for specula-
ion. As we butm we must increase
nr factories in order to furnish em
ployment for now comers."
A Chess Player. T. O. Barker
Iceutly had an invitation to play at
he great living figure chess tourna
ment which took place at Portland
t evening, but owing to bubiuess
gagemeuts was compelled to de-
Mr. Barker is looked upon as
Peof the best players of t)ils court-
'game on the Pacific coast, mid it
ill be remembered that two years'
Ro he was one of the few who de-l
f-Xed the wonderful mechanical
PureAh Jeeb, at the exposition.
6oul 1 undoubtedly have carried '
1 tosh honors had lie atteuded the
,e't evening. i
awikeiC'kntRvtk. Tho Can-
""lily Railway Co. has decided to
li,lea rato that will meet the
inainl of the public for lower fares,
-- "i is low enougti for even tno
nooi children. The leduted rate.
" can rnlv he had In boil aof.
W orJ3.00,orbooksof30fornoo,,froul MuUu0Ulnh cou'llty. 'Jgued
L1,l?"dUlctorH'oronbe9UVe.ril1 "'! submitted. A. F. Sears att'y
Mudent at the ofllce of tho Salem
anl Co.
IjfcoHioiiATiQNP Frank J. ,
-roueh of Eueene. ft. P. Hmmtnn
'QdWni. L. Houston of Junction
''tyi Incorporate Tb f!rniil..H,.ns-
fa E'ectrleund MauufaeUirliiPiMni.
lraoy.ro,. mar)Uf..Plnr Bn. , nf.
"e C rouch patent Improved safely ;
-j-aiun. riaee of businw.Eoi'ene. paleniee, ai Ainiiaviiir, ut, ivi oi
s,oek. Sl.omnnn n-i... -,.... J
onewlck Irrigation Co. of Port-1
wUtock 260,000,ia3 filed arllules.
Have vnn n,...i i. ... t .'
I Tror rne dojn of II. KIah'm Or.
iov ,-eacn Bitter.
10J4 31
"The Best."w,
m. Drown a Co.
Superintendent Capweli Given nn
Hour's NoticoJto Show Why She
Should Not He Removed.
"There is trouble at tho state In
stitute lor the blind."
Tho trouble Is between tho state
board and Superintendent Capweli.
Tho state board seems to think there
is no way out ot the matter but to
remove Miss Capweli.
Tho state board of charities and
corrections has never completed its
investigation, has never made a re
port, and has never "reported every
thing in good order," aud its iuves
tigation is still peudiug.
To cut the whole matter short, the
state board of education, of which
Mr. McElroy is head manager, rec
ord keeper, and pretty much all-in-all,
decided very suddenly to remove
Miss Capweli. At 3 p. m. Tuesday
she received the following note from
the beard:
Office of the State Board")
of Education, V
Salem, Or., Oct. 12, 1891 J
Mies Olive M. Capweli, Salem, Or.:
You are hereby notified to be, aud
appear before the statu board of edu
cation, i8 the board of trustees for
the institute for the blind of the
state of Oregon, at the state house,
in the city of Salem, Or., at the
hour of 4 o'clock p. m., of Oct. 13th,
1891, then and there to show cause
before said board, if any exists, why
you should not lie removed from the
superintendency of the said Institute.
By order of the board, tills I2th
day of October, '891.
E. B. McElroy,
Secretary of Board.
Miss Cipwell appeared aud refused
to resign, as it hail beeu intimated
to her would be acceptable by the
board, and simply asked thatcharges
against her be presented in writing.
The board informed her that she
could have until Wednesday morn
ing to decide whether to resign or be
removed. The board had evidently
decided to remove her aud thus end
its dlfilculties with the blind insti
tute. Public opinion stems to be that
tho state board of education has
weakened its hold on the people's
confidence by its action lu this mat
ter. The public know that an inves
tigation of the management of the
blind school has been going on and
is not completed. The public know
that the investigation was not of
Superintendent Capweli, but of de
fects in the administration of this
state institution. Furthermore the
investigation was brought about iu
the best interests of the school and
it was by Miss Capwell's efforts that
the school has secured a set of rules
for its government.
In the face of these facts the state
board of education on an hour's
notice and with no charges before
them, demand Miss Capwell's re
moval at a Star Chamber session.
The public can only conclude that
the board is not so much concerned
about improving the service at the
blind school, or advancing the inves-
tiuation there, or securing any re
forms there of any abuses, as it is in
pioteeting itself, and that the only
way to protect itself is to remove
Superintendent Capweli. This is
not a creditable attitude for the
board to get itself into. It will not
s-atisfy the people to merely remove
Miss Capweli.
went lo the blind school this morn
intr and met Miss Capweli und the
Misses McFadden. The entire force
tendered their resignations, and
those of Miss Capweli nnd Miss
Alice McFadden were accepted.
Rev. E. S. Bollinger of tho Evan
gelical church was chosen superin
tendent of the institute for the blind
aud will take charge at once. He is
a gentlemen of the highest character
aud integrity, and well qualified for
any educational work in htato In
stitutions. The resignation of Miss McFadden
was dated Oct. 0. Mrs. Lille F.
Bollinger is elected matron, and
Mrs. S. B. Barcelo asslstuut matron.
Miss Capwell's resignation is dated
Oc. 14. To a reporter of The
Journal she stated she had only
resigned on promise of tho board to
make a complete change In the
corps of employes.
Salem, Oct. 13.
On motion of Geo. E. Chamber
Iain C. A. Beach wa9 admitted to
practice upon certificate fiora the
supreme court of Nebraska.
State of Oregon, reap., vs. Chas,
O'Neil, upp.; appeal from Multuo
iuuu county; argued and submitted.
W. T. Hume attorney for resp.; A.
F. Sears attorney for app.
Catherine Putnam, app., ve.
'6oulhi.ru Pacitic R. It. Co., resp.;
.P,.i on. I cni, initial It. tt.
jjeekmau aud F. B. Watson attor-
de-'.. fhr nnn-L,. L. McArthur at-
torney for resp.
Kalem. Oct. 14.
. ,,,,, , ' n w
,,. . ,',..'' ' ' i
fur reap., T. J. Grisler att'y foa npp.
T. S. McDauiel, app., vh. E. J.
Maxwell, resp.; appeal from Mult-
nnmuh ceuuty: argued and sub
mitted. J. J. Johnson att'y for
app ; A. F. Sears, att'y for reap.
"The BKS-r."-Oregon Peach Bit
t'iv. Address the manufucturerand
"Tlie ItCSlVUv
m. U-otrnCo.
Packino Up. Much fruit Is be
ing jwokfcd up by Farrar & Co. for
the Eastern markets, but the best
can still he had at their store.
Sup Rttgo cbeete Sroat 4 Gile.
Brought Out by the Official
Government Tests.
Parity of Food Demanded by the
People Which Raking Powder
Will Give It?
Krom Chicago Tribune.
Tho public is always responsive to
suggestions about the food it eats.
Great interest has been taken in the
Investigations made by tho United
States and Canadian governments
and by the different boards of health
to show the purity or impurity of
milk, baking powders, spices, and
other nrticles of daily use iu the
culiuary department of our house
hold?. Just now the subject of baking
powder is claiming public attention.
We nil desire pure and wholesome
bread, and this cannot be had with
the use of impure or poisonous bak
ing powder. There can be no longer
any question that all the cheaper,
lower grades of baking powder con
tain either alum, lime, or phosphutic
'The official analyses by the United
States and Canadian governments
have.therefore been studied with in
terest aud have pretty clearly estab
lished the facts upon this subject.
The United States government re
port gives the names of eighteen
well-known powders, some of them
advertised as pure cream of tartar
baking powders, that coutain alum.
The report shows that the Royal
baking powder was found the high
est in leayening strength, evolving
1G0.0 cubic inches of gas per single
ounce of powder. There were eight
other biauds of cream of tartar
powders tested aud their average
strength was 111.5 cubic iuches of
giis per ounce of powder.
The Canadian government inves
tigations were of a still larger mini-'
ber of powders. Tho Royal baking
powder was here also shown the
puiest aud highest iu strength, con
taining 129.32 culdc iuches of leav
eniug' gas per ounce of powder.
Nine other cream of tartar powders
were tested, their average strength
being reported tobe 89 cubic iuches
of gas per ounce.
These Hgures are very instructive
to the practical housekeeper. Tbey
indicate that the Royal baking pow
der goes more than 33 per cent, fur
ther in use than the others, or is
one-third more economical. Still
more important than this, however,
they prove this popular article has
been brought to the highest degree
of purity for to its superlative
purity tills superiority in strength is
due and couFequeutly that by its
use we may be insured the purest
and most wholesome food.
The powders of lower strength
are found to leave large amounts of
Inert matters in the food. This fact
is emphasized by the Ohio state food
commissioner, who, while finding
the Royal practically pure, found no
other powder to contain less than 10
per cent, of Inert or foreign matters.
The public interest in this question
has likewise caused to be made in
vestigations by our local authorities.
Prof. W. S. Haines, of Rush Medi
cal college, consulting chemist of the
Chicago board of health, has found
results similar to those reported by
the national and Canadian authori
ties. Dr. Haines says:
Rush Med. Col., Chicago.
I have recently obtained samples
of the chief baking powders in the
market, and have subjected them
to careful chemical examination to
determine their purity, wholesome
ness, and leavening power. As the
result, of my tests, I find the Royal
baking powder superior to all the
others In every respect. It Is en
tlrely free from all adulteration and
unwholesome impurity, aud lu bak
ing it gives off a greater volume of
leayening gas than any other pow
der. It is, therefore, not only the
purest, but also the strongest pow
der with which I am acquainted.
"Walter S. Haines, M. D.,
Consulting Chemist, Chicago Board
of Health.
The statistics show that there is
used iu the manufacture of the
Royal bakiug powder more than
half of all the cream of tartar con
sumed in the United States fur all
purposes. The wonderful sale thus
indicated for the Royal baking pow
dergreater than that of all other
bakiug powders combined 1b per
haps even a higher evidence than
that already quoted of tho superiori
ty of this article, aud of its indis
ableness to modern cookery.
Martin Kelly, a San
ward politician, refused to pay a
hackman for driving him Lome
from a saloon, and then took a shot
at the driver.
An elegant line of gold pens,
and holders just opened at Dear
born's book store,
Neuchatel cheese Sroat & Glle.
Clark & Eppley have a new sup
ply of fruit Jars.
ill KM,
BIERS. At the family home, cor-
tier of Chemeketa and Liberty
streets, at 12:15 a. in., Wednesday,
Oct. 14, 1691, of hemorrhage,
Ljydla June Biers, wife of Nicholas
Hlera, aged 44 year.
Deceased bad been in falling
health for some time, but Saturday
she was feeling qulto well. Monday
she su tiered a hemorrhage of the
lungs, and since then she declined
Mr. Biers leaven a Lust and, sou
and daughter to mourn. She wan a
sister of C, M. and Ji V. Churchill,
Mrs. Geo. F. Smith and Mrs, An
drew Smith, of (Ills city,
Reduced fares will soon boom
property sales toward tho fair
M. M. Hale of Multnomah county,
80 years of age, has been brought to
tho asylum.
T. J. Cronise, of tho Croulse &
Cooko job printing house, Is Iu
Portlahd today.
Damon Brr., the new cash
gorcers, expect to open tneir uanu.
Boine new store some day this week.
A marriage license has beeu issued
to Charles E. Blscouer, age 24, and
Miss Mary A. Jones, age 10, by con
sent of her parents.
Pearl Harris, of West Salem, n 10-year-old
daughter of a farmer, broke
her leg below the ,kneo while play
ing Tuesday afternoon.
A lady says that white panslcs
and delicate tea roses set in n small
bottle of red ink will become beau
tifully voiuedwlth redsome llowers
taking a fine red blush nil over.
E. G. Beardsley, accountant at
the Scotch mills, has been laid up
the past week with throat trouble,
but Is at his post again.
Dr. Corwln was suddenly called
to Portland Tuesday evening by the
death of his little seveu-year-oldson,
who has beeu ill for some time,
J, B. Newport, of Montana, is in
tho city looking up ills brother N.
M. Newport, who lie has not seen
for twelve years.
A man by name of Barrow lost a
horse Tuesday evening near tho
Governor Moody farm four miles
south of Salem. The horse dropped
Deputy County Clerk Sherman is
winning quite a reputation as in ven
tor of gander sociables. The only
question is how a sociable composed
exclusively of ganders can mauage
to be sociable at all.
At the Salem Rod and Gun club
shoot Tuesday, C. D. Gabrielson
won the medal. The lecoid was
not up to the average but the shoot
was well atteuded. Tho next meet
ing will be better, as tho sports were
slightly demoralized by live bird
Marriage licenses have been Issued
to L, G. Clarke, of Portland, aue 35,
aud Miss Elizabeth L. Church, of
Salem, age 22; also to W. A. Hamil.
ton, age 29, and Miss Jessie S. Den
ham, ago 25. The three latter par
ties are all of Salem.
From the number of Salem school
teachers that have been sicK, some
might conclude this was a sickly
climate. Such is not the case. The
school teacher's work is very confin
ing aud few school teachers take
sufficient physical exercise to keep
in good coudiciou physically.
Wielding the rod is not practiced
J 3 Backeustoe and wife to J L
Gelott and Kate Carr, u wj wj sec
7, t 9 s 2 e, ?2100.
First National bank of Sulam,. to
W C Kantuer, It 10 Dorrauco fruit
farms, i590.
Same to C A Bowninn, It 11 Dor
rauce fruit farms, $425.
Uriah Whitney and wife to Win
H H Darby 1 3-5th acres lu nw cor
uer of se of sec 8 t 9 s 1 w, $1.
Geo O Guerln and wife to Annie
E Cline ej of prt of J B Ducharme,
d 1 c, tp 5 s I w, 1 a, $000.
S S Martin aud wife to Minerva
Etta Wagner, it 10, blk 33, Queen
Auuond, Sulem, $100.
P S Knight and wife to Henry
Heokmau, ej blk 20, Capital Park,
J B Tyson nnd wlje to Geo O Mc
Ilwaln, nj It 0, sec 14, tp 0 s, 1 w,
08.21 a, $2100.
Lydla A Kelley, a widow, to Fred
Collins, 15 u; Lydia Kelley d 1 c, tp
0, 7, s, 2 w, $700.
R P Baise and wife to G F Smith,
It 5, 0, 7, blk 10, Boise's second ad to
Salem, $1200.
Deafness Can't be Cured
by local applications, us they can
not reach the dieeused portion of the
ear. There Is only one wuy to cure
deafness, and that is by constitution
al remedies. Deafness Is caused by
an inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of tho Eustachian Tube.
When this tube gets inllamed you
have a rumbling sound or imperfect
heuring, and when it Is entirely
closed, deafness is the result, uud
unless the Influmatinn can be taken
out and tills tube restored to its nor
mal condition, hearing will be de
stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten
are caused by catarrh, which Is
nothing but an inllamed condition
of the mucous surfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred Dol
lars for any case of deufnets (caused
by catarrh) that we cannot cure ny
taking Hill's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & Co,, Toledo.O,
Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
Dill pickles at Sroat & Gile.
Brewster & White, the Court'
street commission house now oiler at
wholesale and retail, three grades
of flour, hay by bale or ton, outs,
barley, wheat, grouud and feed.
Free delivery and prices the lowest.
10-12 4t
np0 Baking
Dssd ia Uillions of Hom$ 40 Years the. Stsndart,
ofr r.ttf uWfrif
Goth tlio method nnd results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
mil refreshing to tho tnsto, and acta
'e:itly yet promptly on thoKidnoys,
Liver nnd Bowels, clennses tho sys-
cm effectually, dispels colds, Iiead-
e!'8 and fevers nnd cures habitual
j .itipelion permanently. Porealo
i 50c nnd SI bottles by all
lKV.lt F KY If 11 YORK. t.V.
Tho Worltl rnrlchod.
The facilities of the present day foi
Jic production of everything that will
'or.duce to the material welfare and
:oiafortof mankind ore almost unlim
ted. and illicit Syrup ofFigs was first
produced the world was enriched with
the oi;!y perfect laxative known, as it
.s the only remedy which is truly
pleasing and refreshing to the taste
w prompt and effectual to cleanse
.lu system gently in the Spring-time
jr, In fact, at r:iy time, aud the better
t is known tt:e i: ore pooular it be
It S D Fulton and wife, Dallas.
J FEshelman, Stnttlo.
J M Sabin, S F.
1IJ Crouse, E B Watson, S II
Green, J M Lewis, "W T Davis, B
Go-iler, Juo S Meek, W H Baylor
and wife, J II Andrews, A Laraborti
J H Towuscnd and wife, Dallas.
J L Rumbarger, W V..
Win N Ketchum, Chicago.
Ben Berglleld, New York.
W H Hunt, Mill City.
J H Lamb, Salem.
A W Duucau, Astoria.
J Mechie, F Field, Wheeling.
J Manning, Weatherford, Gervals.
AS Lyuan, Washington.
Geo Koboth and wife, Astoria.
J Manuiug, D Weatherford, W
U ison, W S Taylor, Gervals.
I Geretts, II M Clinton, A K
Mattoon, W Willren, Portland.
A E LaRocque, J S Vandelum, E
P Benty, F Fellor, It Whitney, J
W Beets, Buttevllle.
D R Cochran, Baker City.
Chas Atwood aud wifo, Marlon.
Jas B Gregg, Red Oak.
J West, Clatsop.
W Barth, Mt Angel.
S D Ewiug, Hubbard.
Ed Wade, Sclo.
O A Towsloy, city.
Tho Price of Snnu.
Editor Jeurnal: O wine to false
reports published in regard to prico of
sai id, as a protection to our uusincss
and for tlm benefit of all contractors,
svo publish our prices, which are
tho same to all.
For one and one-fourth yard loads
iu business parts of the city on largo
contracts, $1.25; in city limits, $1.50.
In additions lonii.-t aro increased to
one and one-half yards, tho prico
being from two to two dollars and
twenty-iivo cents, owing to distance
to haul. Parties interested had
better cut this out aud carry tho
truth in their hats, if they cannot in
their heads. Come In and see us.
Goodhue & Wild. 10-10 tf
You Will' Mibs It. Ladles if
you do not take iu the richest fine
art embroidery exhibit over
shown on the coast at Geo. C.
Will's sewing machino parlors, two
doors north of P. O. Open all day
and evening. 10 12tf
' m
For Rent. Good olllco room on
ground floor. Apply at Journal
A Delicate Suiueot. Whether
In robust or delicate health, the
meals at Hellenbrand'u take the
Hamburg tela iu Jelly 'Sroat &
Nothing special to oiler at Clark
& Eppley's, but a general lino of
groceries at bed rock prices.
New lot imported table delicacies
Just in today at Sroat & Gile.
"The Ilest."
Win. llrown 4 Co.
Help but Don't Coerce,
To belli nature in IU ellbrU to throw oir
the trammel ol iIImuuu U, of oouree, the
Irgitlmate method ol medication. ThU
method It, unlbrtuuutely, loo oflhe di
verged Irani und help perverted lu coer
cion. Druntlc, excclTo purtfliiK m mi.
tlouhledly the mot frt-ouent lorm of co
ercion ol tbl nort The buwtU are forced,
literally wrenched Into nctlou. Of louree
till liucoomnanled br much irrlnlnv tuiln
and micceeded by exhauiiUou, which leave
the organs ol evacuation In untitle Ineouv
f alible with tubterjueni retfiilurlly und v
Ivlty. The but ntuteoftbut mun or wom
an who uei dnutio rathartlnt for count
tuition U decidedly woree than the lint,
lliwletter's Hloinacb Ulttent la tbetlnuU
lazatlre lu exuieuce.ilucelt produce the
neeaiui out no aunonual action, U progrea-
ne. not Murupi iu HTuiioti,aui iirengin.
ena Instead ol weakening the organ up-
on Which It ftcu. Ue It for malarial, kid
ney, rbtuntatlo aud dyipeptlo allmeuu,
Ladies' Underwear
New arrivals of the latest stylos at prices that must suit all.
Dross Trimmings Tho latest novelties
and styles known in tho East.
Boys may bo had (nnd sometimes
girls) for ordlnnry service at wages,
or tiponindeuture, (to work, attend
school, and bo brought up somewhat
as your own;) nnd children may be
had for legal adoption. Address, E.
T. Dcoley, Supt. Oregon Boys' nud
Girls' Aid Society, Portladd, Ore
gon. io-8-tr
innBVmtniiiHMiw "" ' in
Afiltcts half tho Amerlofiu people yet tlnire
Is only ono preparation ot SttrsumrHla that
nets on tlio bowels mul reaches this Import
ant trouble, ami that ii Joy's Vcgetublo Sar
Mpuiilln. U relieves It In U hours, nud mi
wcuslonnl dosu prevents return Wo refer
by permission to C. E. Klktngtoii, 12& 1-ocust
Aemic, San Krnuclsco; J. II. llrown, l'eta
luma; II. 8. Whin, Geary Court, Buu Frau
Cisco, and hundreds of others who havo used
tt in constipation. Ouo letter Is a samplu of
hundred. Elklngtou, u rites: "Ihuxobeen
for ) ears kubject to bilious headaches nud
roustlpatlou. Have been so bad for a year
bnck haio had to talto a physio ovory other
nil?ht or clso I would havo a headache. After
tnVlnir onobottloof J. V. 8 , 1 am In splendid
shape. It has douo wonderful things tor me."
Isins Vesetab,e
JUy Sarsaparilla
Mostmodorn, most efftcthe, largest bottle.
same price, (1.00, six for fOO.
For snip by Dau'l J. Fry, 225 Com
Dealor in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass, Wnll Pa
nor and Kordor, Artists' Ma
terials, Liino, Hair. Nails aud
Shingles, Hay. Feed aud Fence
Posts. Grass Seeds, Et,
Fine Chicks .
Tho undersigned Iiuh about lltty tine
Plymouth Hock chlclcN for nulo. They aro
f'liro bred, large Nl70, bciiutirul reamer,
'rice Vi per trio, delivered at Jouunai. of.
flee or express olllco, Addri'Mt
K. HUPHR, Hulcm, Oregon,
Williams & Hudson,
wyi Htato street,
And fruit of nil ItlndH In henson. Also tho
Illicit brand of clgur nnd tobacco. 10 13
ills Nursery,
Silver, Italian and Petite Trune
trees for sale.
One and two years old, 1 to 8 feet high.
Kxtra well rooted and Hpeclul cure taken
In digging. Also u cholco lot of yearling
grape of tho followlug varlutfe: Royal
MU6Cudlne, Concord, Ilrlghtoii, Delwnro,
loua, -Moore'H, Diamond, Niagara, Jllnck
Hamburg, 1'ockllngton, vergene. Hold
ut living price. Aildres
1U 1 dw it 11, A1XHN, rJIIverton, Ore.
-:- Sab Boat House, -:-
Roat office foot ofTrndo atreet, Pleasure
and hunting bouU. Ruled lo,
C o m p u n y .
Klro and Ala.
(J. W. I1KKLKR, Agent, Hulcm. Oregon
1,000 Pages.
200 Original Engravings,
Elegant Bindings,
Published in 3 Languages,
Popular Prices.
The only Authentic Work by
Kxcluslve territory and liberal terms
given to reliable agent. Accompany up.
fmcniiuu lor territory wmi i lor prosiieo
San Franc'sco, - - Cal,
Exi'eulor's Notice.
VTOTIOK U hereby given to all whom tt
i may concern, that the undersigned
have been duly appointed by the county
court of Marion coun'y, Oregon, coex ecu
tors of the last will and teatarneiit, aud e.
tatoo Calvin Neai, late of said county, de
ceaaed. And all persons having claims
against aald ette are hereby notined 1
prevent them duly verified, lo the under,
signed, at their home utar Turner, lu ald
county, within six months from the dato
of ihU nollce. And oil persons Indebted
to aald estate are requested lo make Imme
diate settlement thereof to the uuderslgued
Dated, blsMptrnttr 17. IU
BIT M Co-Uiecutor of said eUit.
HtsdforssUluIartf or small quntltle.
!snw S cetiU pur pound, (...rresumd
ence solicited. ' ? UfcllUMNU,
Htiaw u ton. Oron. I
Clothing, Shoes,
Hats and Gents "
Opera House Block:.
If yotiAvould bo clean and hayo your clothes douo Up
in tho neatest and dressiest manner, tako thorn to tho
SAIjIUI steam laundry
where all work iB done by whito labor nnd in tho most
prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED.
Liberty Streot.
State Street Livery.
Hext HIrh nnd Stock. Hoarding nud Feed
Htublo. ilHIiitOKtrcut,
South ofWIllamette Motol,
Livery Stable and Feed
Ths Beit Box Stall and Corral In the I'lty,
Uiuoi, imniiy norsoHa specialty.
(In reur Willamette hotol.)
SAbltM, - - - OKUOON
Hoarding - and - Sale - Stable.
One (lor west of Limit's Dry Hoods storo
onHluto struct. Oulut family tenuis, Hmo
lu I attention paid to transient Block, :ltl
Truck & Dray Lino.
Good ttnmsl aud nroinnt work Is our
llnullnif of all kin da. Dent work.
Wukoii nt five ry train.
KxprcHH and Itiitf j,'Utf.
Do haullnif nnd quick delivery to all
parts of tho city with promptness und
euro, lcavo orders at it. M.WuueAUo.
Untes, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day.
The bent hotel between Portland und Han
Krunclsoo. I'lrst-chuw In nil lu appoint
menu. Its tables are served with the
CiolccHt JfntltH
Grown In tho Willamette Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Crockery, (Jims ware, Inmp, Woedtn
und Willow ware. All kinds nfiulll feed.
Also vrireUbleuud fruits lu their sfusou,
"Highest l'rlce paid fur country produce.
Wesollolt usbuieofyour patronage.
tM I WHUte street
2oftluiltreslderirlou In the oily on
Hj-Ahektl Forutr of block, between llth
aadlbtti streets, one bioak Irani elfctilo
line, lour blocks from Cenurr and HUitu hi
ear lines snd Kust trnlein school Price fMX)
for both or fliuu for rorueruud liato for lu
side Kucli lot Iim 70 foot fniutag on
Innmreofilie iiltEOdN nimikkiiv no .
Onlc 1'iis, (join nud Iheuitkfctu streets
UUSIAln. or of an. KmiI KjilMtM flrti. n.
11 s
BU;lou,0ion,lmclly, t- bju
W B A. R
For Ladies and Children.
Pianos and Organs
Installments from ?5 per month up. Wholesale nnil
310 Commercial St., Salem.
Head Quarters for the Salem Orchestra, dw
best quality of brick at tho yards near
Penitentiary. BURTON BROS.
balem, Oregon.
na) ncrcs of best stock and trull hind In
Orcison for snlo at n biirituln. Will nell In
lotB to suit mirchiMor. Address or call tin
O. J. HI IIISL, KulghU, Ore.
Ncnr Silver Crock Knlls. 7 83m
Paper Hunger.
Leave ordomt;UlobncalKHtntUxclmiij(0
2I5K Commercial St., Salem, Oregon.
(Noxt door to Klein's.)
Specialty of Upcctnnles, uud repairing
Clocks. WutchM uud Jewelry.
Those Afflicted
With tho habit ol using to excess,
Cun obtain it
Ofllco Cor. Third nnd Madison HU.. Port
land, Or, Cull ur write. Strictly confidou.
Merchant Tailors.
A full line of Imported and domestic
woolens. Ahum complete mock of gents'
fiirnlshlug good. All the latent styles)
815 Commercial street.
Wholesale and retail dealers in
VsUCniniuerelal street. Telephone No. SI
Vnr flrst-olttM buu J made brink and tllu,
Iirw supply on band. Krarlitir
ground, bUtlem, 724
Wo Ijavo hevy stok of oxtrn quality of
lifts at th lowest prtces.
&V,&t Oiwiattilai Hi,, !
- iStirirtsTn hiri fir inMis"iniiii