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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1891)
P"'7'V BP fK , jonuui lffgVn-Mrtgair-'---tT.l-t-M twhtii'n iinnmwrf-""----- hie cirffii TinnsDAY. COUNTY UUSINESS. Tti;MS UK SUIWUIUWION. Hlftr until jx-r l ear,- rREK UKUVKUY BY UAUIUlMt. . ... (nlB fCk 15 KJ two weeks,.: iSliyW-wonm of "ul, .J6 00 . bO . 160 ct. 23cts. 6ucts loth e rtJiectlon will bo modi" on 1st and lotl r rtoulh Subtcrlber will plei-so leave - ner lor cur """"""' ","-, r V!ivereu, o hp ij- tin"..- wj m-.i.j'o h Lr KvNif i I'vi'iTAi.JoUMSAf. reaii- Jr reiolea llu .-fleiucion aswci.i'cu .x. reivi'-ca iidispulchts. (MSllT & PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Rrushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. Moving Along One of the uew enterprises in Snlem that H now moving nlonj? nicely atid doing a good business is the now dress mak ing parlors of It. H. Matthews, in the uew Cottle uloek A profession al Indies' taylor is employed, and the latest fashions furnished. Shirts Made to order. Ladles' shirts i specialty. It. H. Matthews, Cottle block. Tub EcIjI.ctks. The second semi-annual meeting of the State Eclectic Medical association was held at the i.fllce of Dr. W. S. Mott iu this city yesteiday. Papers were read on subjects of interest by differ ent members of the association. Dr, S. A. Davis read a paper ou the subject of "Woman, Her Sphere iu tho Medical World;" Dr, J. W. Wyatt, "The Use and Abuo of Al cohol in Medicine;" Dr. J, Surnam, "The Status of Eclecticism in Ore gon;" ur. W. B. Mott, "Medical progress." Dr. H. Michener of HtUey had a paper lead on "Med- ta Legislation," and his excuse for wAbelng present was that his be iroltal had just arrived from Kan iofiDd the marriage was celebrated ll'eduesday at Eugene. The asso ciation adjourned to meet at Dr. Mott's ofllce on tho first Wednesday of June next, . , Episcopal Ciiukch. The ladies' guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church U ceritduly deserving of great credit for its excelleut business enterprise and push. But recently the church was finely frescoed, aud now the painters are at work on the outside giving the edifice a substantial and neat exterior finish. This will make it one of the most attractive houses of worihip in the capital city, and as Tin: Jouknaii understands it, the entire expense has been met by the ladies. limcox Liains.--This new aud popular play which will be piesent ed by the talentul On'smer & Davis and their stimig company at the opua Jiuu-e on Saturday night next, has been attracting immense houses throughout California. The play is an excellent one, the scenery good, and those who desire to see a well written comedy-drama dealing with western life should not full to attend. Secure your seats at Patton's, as the house will be large. In a Pickle. Corvallis issued ?10,000in bouds for building acity liall. The contract was let and work began on the hall.. Now it is learned the issuance of the bonds was illegal aud the successul bidder will not tase them. It seems that the charter simply authorizes tho people to issue bonds for water works, electric light, bridge and sewerage, nnd with these four ob jects the power to lloat bonds stops. Albany Democrat. Sand. There is a bonanza for -ome one in the saud business. Good clean saud sells at $2.00 to $2 50 a load. There is a bank down the river less than a mile from the city containing thousands of yards of the clean article. It could be hauled up to the city and stored iu a convenient place, for sale as wanted. It should bo done while the river is low. Ilio County Commissioners Dispose of the Usual Hound. Court met Wednesday nt 1 p. ui, aim mo loiiowing business was transacted: C, F. Schmidt was granted license to sell liquor for fix months in Abi qun precinct. Beth Cox was allowed $10 a week uutil otherwise ordired, Wright Foshay to disburse. James Bruce was ordered sent to St. Vincent's hospital at Portland for medical treatment for twn weeks In locating of road from n. t cor ner of Alfred Stanton land to Salem atd Brooks road, roadoidered open. Mrs. Keliey allowed fcol) damage, $30 of which is to be paid b petitioners, Salem and Brooks road fiom rail road crossing at fair .'rounds to n, line Bee. 30, ordered resurveyed, Petition of It, Reed et al. for open- lug road from Chism'slane to Silver Creek prairie crauted. and super visor directed to open road. View ers' report read first time. SECOND DAY. $25 was appropriated to enable G. E.Tallmau to procure an artificial limb. In matter of application of Robert Thompson to sell liquor at Turner, the court is hearing counsel to purge petition aud remonstrance, com posed of 94 names each. Both sides are appearing by attorney and a hard light Is being made. A majority is required according to' poll of last election. M&MfidCrik a.intfi.r-rsyii.Tijsr.riiWtfTif: MUSuMMui MMaJPjJOMffijMUi AX EMI'l'Y TKIjASUKY. Abstract of Conmty Trcnsnrei's Semi Annual Statement. GENERAL PUN1. Amton hand Apl 1 ?2S,998 57 Rec'dtoOct 1 24,018 44 Total oo017 01 Paid out ou warrants 53.010 33 Bal on hand 68 SCHOOL FOND. On hand Apr 1 $40,272 72 Rec'd to Oct, 1 13,007 45 Total $53,280 17 Puld out on ordcis $51,080 GO Bal ou hand $ 2,199 57 There are some school orders still out that are unpaid, The above are tho salient facts of our couuty finances as presented In the report filed by the, eouuty treas urer with the clerk today. As the couuty levy will be deferred by the state boaid of equalization, uot meeting uutil December, the couuty will have to b.irrow money or iloat its warrauts for at least six months, to the extent of at least $'0,000, for which a temporary debt will be incurred. Goods Probate. Iu estate Willis M Pendleton, deceased, order appoiut iug Martha Pendleton executrix re voked, and M J Adams appointed administrator with will annexed. Bind in sum of $10,100 filed, with F McLalne and J M Wolford sureties. Twenty-five Cunts. Is all it IU cost you to hear Dr. Gordon's pleasing and Instructive lecture ou "iboards" at the Baptist church tomorrow evening. God singing ty Salem's best soloists. BOAHD OF TllADE MKKTJNa. Notice is hereby given that the board f trade will meet in regular monthly session at the council chamber this evening ut 8 o'clock. All members are requested to be present. J. G. Wright, president; J. L. Mitchell, secretary. New Fikm. H. T. Murtlu has located in UjB oI(1 m,, house on Court street with a stock of rustic furniture and will conduct a second "and store as well. He has nice BKh and will manufacture all kinds of thairs, settees and other articles. Packing Ur Much fruit Is be JnB packed up by Farrar Co. for the Eastern markets, but the best 01,1 anile bad at thur store. A Delicate Bn&iEOT. Whether jjg t Hellenbrand'a take the A NEAT OAl'TURK. Valuable Hatch of Stolen Unearthed by the Police. The Recorders court this fore- Loon presented tho appearance of a becoiifl hand dealer's store. Car penter's tools, a stack of yarn and t'o sample ca'-es of shoes were scat tered about, us the Jesuit of a haul made by the Salem police Wednes day evenlug. Tuesday Hlght J. H. Colburn, a shoedrummer, complain ed of losing his sample cases. Yes terday two tramps were at a second hand store trying to sell some of (be stolen goods. When arrested they confessed the crime and the officers got the clue to a hiding place of stolen property, where a variety "of effects were found. The shoe cases contain two dozen pairs fancy low shoes, in satin and velvet finishes of the mest costly character. Mr. Col burn is at Sacramento and has been telegraphed to. The cases were hid under an empty bouse and an old bridge beyond tho depot. THE MEN arrested give their names as Arthur Gordon, alias "Red," u profess ional hobo, and John Purcell, alias "Shorty." They were put In the county jail and city calaboose, where separated Murshal Minto worked the information as to the whereabouts of the stolen property out of them. The men were tried this morning aud given thirty days each for laiceny. The Salem police feel proud of the capture, and it was really a very nice piece of work, upon which Marshal Minto and Captain Dilly are to be congratula ted. Fratik Smith, who is from the country, was Indiscreet enough to llourish a revolver In a Salem saloon Inst night about 7 o'clock. He is serving five days. WILL (10 AHEAD. The Electric Extension to the Depot To He Ituilt at Oner. It Is reported on the street that the work of ndslug the subsidy for the extension of the Electric rail way tot lie H. P. depot, is making grand progress. It Is understood that A. Bush has made the company nu offer that will enable them to go ahead at once, if It Is accepted. Landlord Wagner, of the hotel Willamette, is jubilant over the pros pect of an immediate construction of the line, which will place that property ou a spleudid footing for business. Have r()U figured It out? i Wood I Wood! I Here's a snap In the wood trade. Four foot fir wood at $1.00 per cord! Capital Lumbehino Co. "Tho Heat." LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Boom tho board of trade. This Is our Iudian summer. There Is good shooting all around oaleni. Early fall vegetables are in the market. Thos. Kay Is at Albany ou a busi ness visit today. W. 1 Williams is ut Albany for a short stay. Several Bileiu real estate men drive fine teamo. The tide of visitors aud home seekers ut Salem if growing stronger. A dry goods man al Sheldon, la., wants to come to Salem with u stock. The annual uuUnuce of maple trees shedding their leaves has begun. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews liuve fitted up very nice dressmukiug parlors iu the Cottle block. E. C. Churchill, of the sash aud door factory, is at Coivallls today on a business mission. Labor is so well employed that the Water Co. advertises for two com mon day laborers. Dr. Mintnorn, of the Oregon Land Co., was in Virginia when lost heard from, homeward bound. Frank Couover, of the Corvallii Gazette, was visiting Salem yester day and today. Architect Pugh took the morning local for Corva'lls, where ho is on gaged upon several buildings. MIssHollitlay returned to her home at Hal-ey today, after attending the funeral of her sister, Mis. McCaust laud. A Salem amateur baseball team, with Jo. Leveque as mauager, goes to Independence Sunday for a game of ball for a purse of $200. The accident insurance company is reported to have settled in full witii Ira Adams, who shot his hand oil' some time ago. I. L. Kimber started this afternoon for Astoria to be absent fur several days. D. C. Haward, who is busy mov ing nouses at woodbum, came up this morning on business. A neat room directory to the oc cupants of the apartments in the Buh bank block has been put up at the entrance. W. L. Boie aud City Attorney W. C. Muir, of Portland, were iu the city today looking up tbembject of the validity of the Meussdorffer bri Ige bouds. A number os Tacoma and Seattle laud boomers have been quietly In vestigating our city and suburbs. Consultation of the friends of pav ing resulted iu a decision to not pass the gravel ordinance until the next regular meeting a week from Tuesday. Salem has roses enough to hold a rose show in October as well bfi in May, or almost any other month for that matter. J. H. Church, who is stoppiug at the Kansas house, who lost his feet and one hand by freezing, is quite a successful business emu, handles hort-o, stock, wool and other pro duce. He makes his home at Salem and Mehama. Thos. C. Moody and Wm. A. Jarvis have taken out their citizen's papers. The city should improve Its file service by increasing the salary of Ha fire engineer. The village salary of $10 a month is not adequate at present. The first load of brick was hauled this morning for the new Thos. Kay residence, comer of Twelftu aud Statestreets. Mr. Kay has a beauti ful location, aud will no doubt erect a superior building. Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock, a perambulator belonging to Mrs. Vine Peaice rolled off the walk and tipped over backwards, striking the buck of the baby's head quite burd on a rock. The baby was insensible for a time, but soon recovered. The mother received a terrible fright. Ed. Cross aud Ray Furmer claim to have been two of the few men who have climbed to the top of Mt. Jeflerson. They both declare they never want to make the trip again. A misstep would have been fatal. Tho top, as it is commonly called, is not the peak. Our stock of lamps aud disli ware is the best in Salem. Sroat & Gile. If you want low prices on job printlug get Dearborn's prices leads in fine work. CHINESE R01SDKRS. Takei to Jefferson for Robbing a Fellow Olestinl. Five Chinamen charged with rob bery were arrested at Portland Wednesday, brought to tho Salem county jail last night, and this fore noon taken to Jeflerson by Deputy Wrlghtraan, for examination Injus tice Bugley's court. They are supposed to huvo been engaged In a robbery of another Chiuese at Jefferson, who was re lieved of $300 in coin. They are oil imp pickers, and there is u contro versy over wages. m linking 1'owder Uill I'asscd by the Minnesota Senate. The recent newspaper discission of the dangerous qualities of am monia comes from the alarming in crease of its use in baking powders. People who absorb it iu small quan tities from day to day suffer from slow ammonia poisonlug. Taken iutcrually iu sufficient quantities it eats away the coatings of the htoin uch and intestines and causes death. Slow ammonia poisoning produces various forms of stomach trouble. Kill one woman iu ten thousand would u. uu ammonia baking powder if she knew it. Such pow ders not only undermiuo the health, but ammonia imparls a sallow and blotched complexion. Following is the bill recently paedby the Minnesota senate. It is Hie danger t-igual which the law throws out for the protection of the peeple: A I11LL FOlt AN ACT TO KKGULATE THE TRAFFIC IN UAKI.NQ POWDER. Section 1. Any peison who shall knowingly sell or procure the sale, or offer for sate of any package or call of baking powder, containing any ammonia iu it, not distinctly, legibly ami durably branded, stamp ed or marked in a couspicuous place with the woidri in the Euglish luti guage "lhis isaktug jowaer con tains Ammoiii," iu letters of great pica, or any letters equivalent there to iu lengbth, shall bo guilty of n misdemeanor, and punished bv a fine not less than j20 hor more loan &50; shall bo confined in the county jail not less than leo or more than twenty days or by both fine and imprisonment, at tho discretion of Ihecouit. Section 2 Tho sale or ofler for sale of the substance mentioned iu the foregoing section iu packages uot stumped, marked, branded or labelled as therein required, shall lie piima-facie evidence of knowledge of tiie character of psiiil Mibstance, on the part of the person &o selling or offering for saleuud his employer. Section 3. This act shall be' in force on and after its passige. Note. An incident occurred in the house when the senate bill came up for passage, in reference to uu amendment proposed by Mr. Di meut. This was opposed by several members. Mr. Felg said that if the uiu asit cume irom me senate was all right then the amendment was all wrong. The amendment com pelling tho printing of the word "ammonia" on the label only alfect edtheRojal Baking Powder, and no wonder they felt the senate bill was a blow at them. THE EDUCATION OF A PARROT. Mention In Hlntory, but Not In Scripture, of the Talking ltlrtl. A large cage full of young Cuban parrots in front of a Washington street store attracts attention. Tho birds ore from 3 to 5 months old and arc Jnst tho right ago to bo taught to make bright remarks and ask for crackers. They aro beautiful In plumage and scorn to bo iu good condition generally. A lady who understands parrots talked to a reporter about them. "When I bought my parrot Polly of courso her tmino is Polly she couldn't talk at all. But in five months she could say 'good morning,' 'good night,' 'tra-la-la,' 'I guess yes' and 'she's my Annie, I'm her Joe, sho's my' that's as far as sho could go in that song and many other things. When a parrot once learns anything thor oughly it is never forgotten. They should be made to get each sentence learned perfectly before anything now is caid to them. Some parrots, n good lunny, in fact, never learn to talk at ill" Parrots require but very little caro, and make pleasing pets. Tlioy must be protected against dampness, and no food that hits a grain of stilt in it must bo i.llowed in their cape. Parrots aro of great antiquity. Ctcias, who wrote a century before Ari .totle. refers plainly to parrots when he writes In his "Judica" of "a bird with a purple faco and black beard, about the size of a sparrow hawk, which could speak tho Indian lan guage." It is strange that no representation of a parrot has as yet been discovered in Egyptian, art. Aud do you know that the Bible makes no refcrenco to parrots? The first parrots wero brought to tho notice of Greece, and later to Rome, by Alexander on his world con quering expedition. Ho brought them from India. In fact, tliero is a species named after that ambitious young gen tleman who "sighed for more worlds to conquer." It is tho P. Alexander Palajornls, if you caro about tho exact name. That Africa had parrots was not dls coveied uutil much later. Explorers of Nero found tho first African "pol- lies" boyond tho limits of upper Egypt. These birds wero highly prized by tho luxury loving Romans from tho first. Tho moralists of tho timo looked at them oskanco. More than one famous classical poet wroto odes to them. Tho Roman parrots enjoyed lifo. They wero lodged in tortolso shell cages with sil ver and ivory wires. But, unfortunately, they wero also occasionally esteemed as tablo delica cies. One emperor i3 said to havo tossed them to his lions as tidbits. With tho fall of tho Roman empire parrots bccaiuo an unknown quantity almost until tho closo of tho Fifteenth century, when their beautiful plumago and con versational charms again made them popular. Indianapolis Nows. UNDER W B A R For Ladies and Children. Ladies'Underwear Now arrivals of tho latest stylos at prices that must suit all. Dross Trimmings Tho latest novelties and styles known in the Eust. J.H. LUNN. iCARJER'S flVER 1M1 fj P3LLS. H CURE Sick nemlaciipaml relieve all tlie troubles fact dent to a bilious stato of tho system, guch at Dizziness, Nausea. Drowslnoss, Distress aftei eating. Pain In the Side. Ac While their mosl remarkable success has been shown in curing Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gents Underwear K VS. aiffk lleadaci.a. yet Coiter's In-rut LivtR Tiuji nro equally taltiible In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders ot the stomach, stimulate the liver nnd regulate the bowels. ven If they only cured HEAD Ache they would bo almost priceless to those vho suffer from this dlitreaslng complaint; but fortunately thetr goodness does not end here, nnd those who ouco to' them will find Iheso little pills valuablo In ho many rays that Ihoy will not bo willing to do without them Dut after all elck head OH EI Is tho bnne of so mnnv lives thnt hero Is whore we make our great boast. Our pills cure It w hile other do not CUnTisiVs Lrrn.s Livr.n Tills are very small and cry easy to take One or two pills inako a dose. Tlioy are strictly vegetable and do iluasu all who mo them In vials at 25 cents, not grlpo or purge, but by their gentle action pluasu all who mo tliein In vials at 25 cents, five for $t Sold ov cry w here, or Bent by mall CASTES UEDlCira CO , Hew Tctt HE Small Sese. Small Price. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, OUn nnu window Ulass, Wall Ta per and llordor, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed nnd Fence I'osis. urnss seeds, JWtc, -AT- T COS CAPITOL ADVENTURE CO., Opera. House Block:. tMil'rafpJ PIANOS AN ID AND- ORGANS MUSI CA L MJEltCirANJDISE. FINEfiT LINP. LOWEST PRICES. Installments from ? per mouth up. Wholesale nntl Retail. P. H. EASTON & CO. 310 Commercial St., Salem, Head Quarters for the Salem Orchestra. tlw "w CLEAN! If you would bo clean and hayo your clothes done up in tho neatest and dressiest niannor, take thorn to tho SALEM STEAM SiAUNIIM most NEW jI)Vl!ItTIHKSIKNTS. Havo YOU U8e(1 It out? 'The liesl . Cape Cod cranuberrles choice una fresh, Clark & Eppley. Quick timo una tnroiiKh trains offered paseriRers und shippers by the Chicago, Union Pud flu &Nortli western Line, 8au Fruuclfco ami Portland to Chicago. eod Aug He Have YOU figured It out? Passengers destined to the promi nent cities east of tho Missouri river should patronize the Chicago, Union Pucidc& Northwestern line. Mug uillceut Pullman und Wagner sleep ing curs, elegant Pullman und Northwestern dining cars, free re clining chair cars, handsomo day coaches and comfortable Pullman colonist sleepers. eod-uug MAUItlKD. Boys may be had (aud sometimes girls) for ordinaVy service at wages, or upon ludeuture, (to work, attend . up look tll0 em)i,1(j tra fr ANDERSON LYNES. At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, near Jefferson, on Wednesday Oct. 7, 1801, Ida Anderson und Charles S. Lyues, by Rev. W. T. Van Scoy. Mr. Lynes is a stirring mechanic, nnd in iu the employ of the Southern Pacific Co. Charles Is one of the few j'oung men who lias everybody his friend wherever he goes. Miss Anderson is the accomplished daughter of Mr. Jame Atideraon, one of Oregon's well to do and wHI known pioneer farmers. Ida u 111 be mi&jed in the circles of Jeflerson young people. She made her father's home a happy and welcome place. After the ceremony a splen did supper was nt hand for the en- joymeut of the guests. Tho liuppy hlieet Iron for Mounting; Prints. At one of tho most extensive eastern manufacturing establishments thero has for some timo been in uso a thin shoot Iron as a mounting for bluo prints, an arrangement which, It is represented, has proved In a high degreo satisfactory, It is cold rolled, has a smooth surface, and Is cut into two sizes for bluo prints used in tho shop, and Is represented as possessing tho advantages of being practically indcstructiblo as well as quito light and inexpensive. For tliis purposo tho Iron is first var nished on botii 6ldes with shellac var nish, tho bluo print being then put on with a pasto composed of ordinary starch, after which tho faco of tho print is varnished with tho shellac. Experi ments show that starch is tho only kind of pasto that proves satisfactory in this c.iso; also that unless tho iron is pre viously varnished it oxidizes under tho print and bpolls tho lines. Now York Sun. milE AIjKA-HiaPUUAN bOCIKTY- J McelH every Haturday evening nt K opiock, in mo unit over tlio Htnto Insu rnnco bnlldlnpr. Moetlnareopon to tliu public. Ilev. Hnbert Wliitnkcr.l'ri-x. Dr. w. A.Caslclc, VIco President. 108 II .00 III Nursery warn Silver, Italian and Petite Prune trees for sale. Ono mid Hyo yrnrs old, ) to 8 Teat high. Extra well rooled und special cure talton In digging. AIroii choice lot of yearling irrupes nf the following varieties: Itoynl Muscadine, Concord, llrljjliton, Delwure, Ionu, Moore's, Diamond, Niagara, llltiok Hamburg, l'nckllngton, vcrgeiiess. told nt living prices. Address 10 1 dw It. 1). aMjKN, Bllvorlop, Ore. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Saturday, October 10. A Man of Kxporlcnce. Youth What's them tilings school, und be brought up somewhat as your own:) aud children may be had for legal udoptiou. AddretM, E. T. Dooley, Bupt. Oregon llo$n' and Girls Aid Society, Portludd, Ore gon. 10 8 tf The caudles that everybody liken--nt Westacott & Irw in's. That New York Ice cream soda at Strong's tastes just as good a ever. Ki ret-class New Orleans mol-uaWB at Clark & Eppley's. Yaijuina and Newport, where they will spend a few days. Mauy good wishes follow them. They will re side at JIarrisburg. IlaveYO J figured It out? Rural called? Dealer Theso are bicycles. "Pvo been 'em, but I couldn't think o' tho name. I'd liko ter ride ono." "Can you ride a bicycle?" "Of course. Nuthin ter do but sit on top nn work tho wheels; that's all, ain't it?" "Yes, but you nro apt to fall at first." "S'poso I do. Can't do moro than hit tho ground, can I ?'' " "N o," "Then what's to hurt?" "Vnll mlf.lif nntnrl lnun linwl .. aw.. .....,,. viww uvni. 1JIMU) uu know." "But it's only tho ground; no knives or things liko that on tho thing, Is there V "Oh, no." "Nuthin to worry 'bout, then. I'vo druv a hayruke." Good Nows. Tea ami Old China Teapot In America. Nor can you implicitly rely upon tho traditional ugo of a pieco of china. Many persons do not realize for how hliort a timo wo havo had tea, and I havo been shown many a teapot "over 200 years old" or "brought over In tho Jut) flower," some oven "800 years old." Pepys in his diary wroto In 1C01 of tea as "u China drink of which I had nover drunk beforo." It cost, in 1060, sixty thllllngs a pound, and I can luirdly think with tea ut that price that our frugal Pilgrim Fathers had much use for teapot. Of courso tho marks on theso aged teapots aUo prove thoin to bo of much moro recent manufacture, and In point of fact wo know that tea wan not tued in America until 1710. Alice Monte Earlo hi Bcribnor'a. -Kngagcinent of- J0SEPH PHCEBE GRISMER - DAVIES, And tholr splendid company, l'reent lug for tliortmt timo In balcin the nlclur esquo drama u KAoonn JJUCtUUU Lights." whore all Avork is done by -white labor nnd in tho prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED. Liberty Streot. gl'"i!!Li!S!M"y A LARGE SUPPLY OF THE best quality of brick at the yards noar Penitentiary. BURTON BROS. $ilem( Oregon. BRICK a i Stato btreet Livery, Best Hlgn nnd Block. Moulding and Kccd Btable. 11 Htnto street. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South of Willamette Motel, SALEM - - - ORKQON L B, HUFFMAN, Livery Stable and Feed Yard. Tho Beit Box Stall and Corral In the I'lty. Quiet, family horses u upeclalty, (In rear Willamette hotel,) salbm, - - - orereaoN W. M. DeHAVEN, Hoarding - and - Salo - Stable. on Mtuto Htrcet. Quiet family leu 1TA11M FOR SALE. :t20 ucro of best itoclc nud fruit laud In OrcRoa for Kiilo nt u bawiln. Will well In lots UihuU run ctmHor. AddrteHnr call on 0. J. HI IIKIj, Knight. Ore. Ncnr Bllver Creek rulln. 7 itn EX K. HALL, Paper I Hanger IjieavoordorutUtoboIloaUCntAteKxrlmtiKQ vAvfjflHiliiiiiiiiHijjiiiiiiiiiH&ilH oaig rVSQS h9z W!3 Onu door went nf Ijunu'N Dry Doodt) utore lulattoiitlon paid to trunnlout Block. Hiioc- 6:ltl HeatH on alo at l'utton'H. Baby cried, Mother siglied. Doctor prescribed : Cattorial DPRICE'S fleam, Baking UJLPewder: rjd is Uip of Hofflf 40 Yuri tlw; Standard. How's Your Liver Is tho Oriental Hulntntion, knowing tlmtgooil health cannot oxist without a healthy Liver. Whontho Livor i torpH the Jow clu nro rliVfi-.'.i.h and con stipated, t!i'J food lies in the sto.iiuch umli gOBtvd, 1-0 1 it oiling tho wood; frani' tit hoadncho uiigiio; u feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervoumiCMi imlionto how tho whole Byatoni is de ranged. Biiiunoiii) Liver Uogtilator Ins Lion tho meant, of restoring moro pooplo to honUh and liappincai) hy jrmng them u healthy Liver than any agency "known on earth. It acta with extraor dinary powor and efilcacy. rtcven occn dioappointsd, Ai s trnrl famllr remedy for drtnorxlii, ftirpld I.lvar, Coutlpllon,elc, I btritljr ert mo anjlliluif l, and have nerer bteu dl appolutwl In the tttrrl produnxl; It aetata tu t sluKMt a iirfr 1 fur all dlieatet of tlj euxnaett and Iki (.). W J ' Elisor, Mao . !. MOKGAK & MEADE, Truck & Dray Lino. prompt work In our (lood tenmajand stronghold. J. F. WMLTB, EXP11ES8 AND TItUUK LINN. linullnif f all kinds. Heat work. WuKon at every train. J. H. HAAS, THE WATOK&tAKBIl, 21SX Commercial St,, i'alem, Oregon. (Next door to Klein'.) Hpoclalty of Spectacle, ml repairing Clock. WntohM nnd Jewelry. Those Afflicted Executor's jNoUitt'. vrOTICB U hereby nlven to all wtiom It r may concern, that thu unaVahrotri hive Uu duly appointed by the couuty court of iUrton coun'y. Ort-jton, roexeou tore of the hut will ana tluieut,nd es tate til Calvin jStHl. late ot u!d county, de ecaaed And all peraooii havlox rfulnia aicalnal aald eelale are hereby noliriod t leent them duly verified, to Ilia under, alnird, at their home near Turner, In aald county, wllhlueU rnoutbe from I be date nf thle nolle And nil pernon Indebted to aad fatiile are mjuewfid to make Iniuio dlnteeetileraeul thereof totbeuDdertjIgntd jTaifUi tuis neiuiniirr i it uwi ANN Ki.lrUHKTU JKhKK II. MI VITtt SUTTON & SON. ExprcHH and Ituggugc, Do huulluK uud quick delivery to all piirU of thu city with promptueaa and euro. Leave order ut It, M, WtidedtUo'a, fHTLLAMEffEi BALEM, OM2GON. ItiUcs, $!.50 to $5.00 per Day. Tho bent hotel between l'orthmd nndHuu KruucUco. KlriUclitM In nil lla uppoliit. meuU. It tabic nro nerved with the Cf to (cent Frulttt drown lu the Willamette Volley, A, I, WAGNER, Prop. M.T. RINEMAN BKALXIl IN and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, (lluwwure, Lump, Wocdcu and Willow ware. All kind ofinlll feed Alwi viiretubleauad fruit lit Uielr eeufcon "HlKueat 1'rUo puld forenuittry pioduw WeaolluHaaluireof your iialroimue, (Mi JUriUlentreel Staple NKAIj. KrWK M. NKAIj. Oo-Uieculor ut laid UU. 1 SALE! 2of lhelmt rldenclou in the oily on couwi' rivinjvr aoutheaal corner of block, between lltli aud l&ili afreet, one blonk from elrclilo line, lourbloek from (Vnteraud HinieHt. sirlliireaud VmmI aiein achool I'riretiVxjO for both urflUD for mrnrraud llflro for In VJda l-ich lot hu W foot f rou Intte 011 COURT STRE15T. Innu'reoftho OUKOON NUIUKKV J., OrUoel'nr t'oni' aud I'hemektU alietu, up auira, or of ur Uwl KUt firm iu thecliy, eutf With tlin habit ot using to oxoo, I, OPIUM OH TOBACCO Can obtain it COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT TUB KBBLBY INSTITUTE, , OHlee Cor, Third nnd MadlaonSU.. l"orU land, Or. Cull or write, Htrlctly connden-tiul. JPHIZLU'S & CO., Merchant Tailors. A full lino of Imported und rtomeetio woolen. AlaoAouuiplelu atock of kcuU' furnlh:ng Kood. All the lateal atyh 315 Cnuunorclal atreet. DUGAN BROS', PliiiiiliiiigaiidllcaliiigCo., Wholeaalo and retail dealer In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS, 'W fominerclul atrcel, Telephono No, Sfl. BRICK AND TILE. KorflraMiu hnud rndu hr1b und til, MUIIPIIV & DBSART. Ijtrt: eupply on iand. Nrftrfnlr Ifnmud.nileiil, 71 BALED HAY! Wo have a heavy utook of pir rjualliy nf luiy at the lowwt price. T. BURROWS, Mo.W)Cohi(1 m., HavkM 1 1 1