teiilug tbe reins of power. Ho will hvo bis legeud and his place In his tory, despite the ordure and the In sults which tho hirelings of ft gullrtl press will tbroW upon him for tho lost tltne. Couslans should be happy. Ills vnst cemetery is en riched by one more corpse. I advise him, however, not to abandon him self" lo loo mucn J.y. "Co inert la eat do ccux qui rcvlenment.' " Wl.W KoUTB. Montreal. Quebec. Ocl. 2. The Star publishes tbe follow lug special cablegram from Londen: "It Is un derstood the Imperial war office has requested tbe Cuuadlau Pacific railway to submit estimates of the cost of transportation of troops be tween tbe Allanllo and Pacific. It is Intended to test tho value of the route for this purpose toward tin close of tbe year. If the trial lb successful the toute will be adopted as tho regular hniwrlal cliauuel." FKANCE JiAYS UP 8TOIIE3. Ciiioaoo, Oct. 2. It is repined here that Ibe French govcrurut-iit, during the lust tbret weeks, ha been quietly buying up on eiiorni'ii amouut of grain and moat through Its agents in this couutry. The ex plauutlon offered is that the govern mentis In a delicate portion in re gard both to grain and meat. In France prices are high and lb demand for the removal of the tarlll Is pressing, yet tbe government does not like to directly let down the bars. The threatening aspect of European affaire gives it a good ex cuse to provision Itself strongly in advance. As tho government sup plies this stud it will euter free mid tho French people will get It cheap. UKClUATKPUb PEOPLE. Columiius, O., Oct. 2. A man & years of age was sent to the county Inflrraatory on Wednesday. J1U name is William Allen, but ho in belter kuown as "Land 2111 Allen." Over fifty years ago Mr. Alleu com menced the work of his life for bin fellow men. At that time he lived In Terry county. lie was theowner of a valuable farm, and was sur rounded by a happy family. He commenced the agitation for the homestead law, and traveled the country over at his own expense de livering lectures and speeches in furtherance of his work. He ad dressed legislatures and helped to mould public sentiment until at last Congress passed the national home stead law giving every actual settler ICO acres of land. For this work Air. Allen was highly praised, but he received no pay. He spent his fortune In tbe cause. Members of his family ono ufter another died, and how ho Is In the poorhouso. His work iu Ohio led to tbe adoption in this state of the exemption laws by which tho poor man has so much property set osldo exempt from sheriffs' and constables' sale. His f 1 ' Taj" """"It w boUI by the sherltt some years ago, siuct which tlmo bo has lived by begging. When sent to tho lnflrmatory, Mr. Allen presented n most mlserublo appearance, his clothing being little better than tatters and rags. TO HOLD CONN. Chicacio, Oct. 2. Tho Morning News says: A rough draft of an article advising tho farmers of tbe country to hold tbclrcoru for higher pnccB has been made and it la ex pected will appear In full In the next Issue of tho Farmers' Voice. 1 1 ad vises tho sale only of so much of tho crop as Is actually necessary for homo consumption until the foreign demand puts the prices up, then sell ouly so much is Is necessary to tup ply that demand aud again look up the cribs till prices go up again. COLD WAVK IN DAKOTA. St. Paul, Oct. 2. Advices show that ralu Is falling all over North Dakota, with snow In tho westei n portion, and a cold wave coming from Montaua. f0,000 hualiuU of wheat are untbrashed and in danger of being destroyed by tho wot weather. TOG WHEAT YIELD. Struck it Rich-From (cmala. Gua- SPECULATING ON THE BANK'S FUNDS. Roving Crocodile, The Kansas Cen tral, A Bride Robbed, The Mur dered Chinese, Is a Socialist, From Behring Sea, Foreign and State News, etc., etc. W1IKAT YIELD. PAltifl.Oct. 12. An olllcial estimate of tbe yield of the harvest for 1891 li as fllows wheat 81,889,000 hectoli tres (hectolitres 2 bushel.) STKUCK it mem. San Antonio, Texas. Oci. 2. It H. Needbam, brown aud toilwon. with two years' prostclliig In thi rilerrn Madre range of Mexico, cumi to San Antonio in search of Mr Mary Friend. She Is the wife of a. acquaintance, a miner like hlmscll Needbam says that afteralmost In credible hardships, Friend has miuli a streak of fabulous riches, Hi find Is In the heart of the Ulan range, 200 miles from a railwu. Chihuahua, the capital of the slati of Chihuahua, is the nearest town Tlie mine seems IoIkj of hmltlesr capacity, and of little trouble tc work. There fs plenty or water ant wood. The yield is the purest o wlro gold. As Needbam express it: "Tho strike is like picking ti yellow dollars." Friend Is now h Chihuahua, with specimens of tin metal. The city, which contain, numerous miners and mining t-peeu latora, is much excited. Mrs. Frleno war found aud as she had btei living In straitened circumstance sho was overcome by tho news ol her good fortune. She accompanied Necdham today to Chihuahua. I'HOM GUATEMALA. JIoston, Oct. 2. A City of Mexico dispatch says: The resolution in Guatemala finally succeeded Wed nesday in drawing liarillus arnij Into a fight and the government troops were badly used up, retreat lug to Guatemala city, 40 mlls away from tbesceno of the fight. Then was great rejoicing in tho city when the news reached there of the defeat of tho government troops. Presi dent Ezeta has decided Guatemala ripe for the plans of consolidating all Central America in one republic aud ho will not lose an opportunity to bring about this result. ALL in pkaci: Nkw Yohic, N. Y., Oct. 2, The Guatemalan consul general hero lo day received the following cable from President llarlllas dated Guate reigns In all Guatemala. They deny an rumors ot revolution wnlcli are false and malicious. SPIXIOLATINO ON HANK'S l'UNDS Chicago, Oct. 2, Detectives are on tho lookout for A. M. Btatidlfoid Iho abpcouding banker fjnm Chrlbt- man, Ills. Inquiry hero has de- TROOPS ON TUB FItONTIKlt. Heiii.Lv. Oct. 2. A Vienna l'AILKI). JIoston, Oct. 2.A. JJ. Turner A Bro., hunkers failed, BNllW. 1kd Loikii:, Mont., Oct. 2. It has been snowing ami drifting In cessantly tor past forty-eight hours and now there Is three feet of snow on the level, ilusliiess is practically at a standstill. 99 "German Syrup We have selected two or Croup, three lines from letters freshly received from pa rents who have given German Syrup w mar emiuren in tue emergencies of Croup. You will credit these, because they come from good, sub stantial people, happy in finding what so many families lack a med icine containing no evil drug, which mother can admiuistcr with con fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours, safe nud sure that it will cany them through. m, U WiLUTS,of Mrs. JAS.W Kihk, mkw, rtcu. j give ii uauBiuctv college to tny children when teMiWctlnllH Croup mhI Hcver aw any wifgr.tioii net like k. Itj tlmply ai. lUtroiUbunr. Kv. i have depended upon it la stuck of Croup veloped tho fact that fortho past two years heavy speculation on the board of trado has been going on through tbe Chrlutman bank with varying success. Tho b-inks pie- tended to bo trading ordeis sent by them nud given In behallof nsymll calo of depositors In tho ChrJstinan bank but there Is a suspicion that Standlfords themselves are tho rtnl traders. Their dealings were heavy amounting sometimes to about a million bushels of grain per day. tub Muiti)i:ui:i euiNKsi:. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. Tlie atten tion of Mr. Ho, of the Chinese lega tion, was called to a dispatch from Ban Francisco lolatlug to tho state ment of McMillan, which, It is said, throws some light on the murder of thirty four Chlnejo miners in Ore gon four yeai a ago. JIo said thole gallon hero had not received any notlco of tho statement. If Vlce- Cousul Ileo, of San Faanclsco, re ceived tho statement, as reported, ho would makun thorough Investiga tion of tho matter and report Its results to the legation at Washing ton, If it throws any light on the tragedies, tbe minister will bring the matter to tho attention of the stato department, and ask for the punishment of the perpetrators of tho outrages and compensation for losses sull'ered. "When tho tragedy occurred four years ago," suld Mr. Ho, "the minister called (he atten tion of the Uulted Htates govern ment and asking for the punish meut of the murderers, but nothing was done, as tho state officers, to whom Iho request was referred, were tumble to discover them." KANSAS CBNTUAL HAII.WAV. Topuica, Kas., Del. 2. Tho Kan Baa Central Hallway commission I bringing to nn lsue the matter of rebuilding the Kansas Central rail way brauoli of the Union Pacific One year ago the commission report have laid the matter before the gov-' Harrington knew these cases should ernor. The commission In lis re-J be In the trunk upstairs, and at once jjeulin, Oct. 2. A Vienna dis port describes , tbe condition of the commenced an investigation. Then ptt0li speaking of the Russian ma road as very bad; that the rails are It was discovered that although tbe j nPVPrs t the Pruth, calls nttentlou old Iron, beat nnd worn and utterly cases were in sight, tbelr contents ' t0 tHe fHCt that the Crimean war wercgone. The floors or the lower gHn with the crofting of the Pruth rooms, aswell as tuose or tlie second Dy ()P itu-siaun, and wtj that story, called to mind the Interior of everything points ! a ''iiilur be a woodshed, from the quantity of i,ri.,r tar the next meat Euro- burnt matcues scattered over Mem. unfit for vise; In fact, that the condi tion of tbe road has driven from It all train service but a single mixed traiu a day, with a time card of eleven miles au hour. FBOM BEIIBINO SEA. Ban Francisco, Oct. 2. United States revenue cutler Richard Rush arrived here from Behring sea this morning. The Rush left Ounalaska Sept. 22d. Among those whom the cutter brought down were: Special Agent J. Stanley Brown, from the Seal Islands; Dr. Sheldon Jackson, government agent for education In Alaska; and the McGrath party, who have been two years In Upper Alaska about Fort Yukon, survey ing tbo United States boundary line. No sealing sebnouers bad been seen In Behring sea for some time before tbe Rush left. Many had been warned during the season, but only the British schooner E. B.. Marlon was seized by the Rush. CHILIAN CUTBACKS. NKW Yonic, Oct. 2. A Valparaiso ipecial says: "I am enabled to send you further particulars of the trouble oetween the authorities at Santiago ind Minister Egan. It appears the American legation nnd Its vicinity were watched by tbe police during dl of last week. On last Friday three Americans, as cabled you, -vere placed under arrest. Their lames were Hillmaun, Madden and Ray priest. They had visited Mr. Egan at tbe legation, and were on heir way back when taken into t'ustody. Messrs. Hillmaun and Madden made a business call, and Mr. Raypriest had gone to tho Icga ilon to obtain letters. Al three were locked up. Mr. Raypriest was Kept in prison some hours. Messrs Hillmaun and Madden were token to the Intendencia and detained foi i short time, when they were ie- 'eased. Iu addition to tills, two of Minister Egau's servants were thrown into prison aud kept there for two days, being released Satur day." IS A SOCIALI8T. Austin, Texas, Oct. 2. District Judge Paschal created a sensation by ref usl ng to naturalize R. N. Sauer, who made application. Tbe nppll cant, upon being questioned by the court, admitted that he was a social 1st. Tho judgo declared that tho priu- clplo of socialism was directly against the constitution of the Uni ted States, and he would, therefore, refuse to make Bauer au American citizen, Tho Judge rendered his opinion in writing. Tbe caso being something unusual in any portion ofthe United Stales, Sauer will appeal. uou UKUCOliu.u Lebanon, (Pa.) Oct. 2. The men employed at the now reservoir of tho Lebanon water supply wen last evening startled by the appear ance of of a crocodllo near tho dam. How the crocodllo came theio is a mystery. It lias been noticed for some tlmo by Farmer Host, who resides half a mile from tho dam, that his ducks and geeso aro gradu ally disappearing. Last night, while watching for the thief, hesaw something like a plank above tho water sebo a couplo of ducks and slowly sink out of sight. Tho farmer tent a man ou horse back to tho city, where the news ho brought caused a sensation. Some over-excltcd Individual mug the Are alarm In his nervousness aud was promptly put In tho lock-up until he cooled oil. Several of the city of ficials drovo to tho reservoir and had been thero but a few minutes when the unwelcome visitor showed himself above the water in front of them. All took flight at once but Olllcer Leonaid, u good swimmer, who had ventured Into tho wator. He sullen d for his temerity, for be fore he could bcnimblo up Iho bank tho crocodile had seized and so badly lacerated his foot that ho was taken to the hospital. No ono has any Idea where the crocodile came from, aud as tills city depends on tbo reservoir In question for its supply of water the authorities cannot run It oil for the purpose of getting at the intruder. The burglars seem to have nuinberrd one or more wags nmongat them, from the fact that the silver lea- spoons alongside the plates In the dinlnroom were taken, and plated ones substituted in their places. Everything not carried away showed that It bad been tested and then thrown aside. This fact proven conclusively that tho thieves were professionals. They were not hur ried in securing the spoil, as i evinced by their carrying the silver cases downstairs, aud then examin ing them at their leisute. Out of about forty wedding presents which youug Mrs Cawston received, only twelve remain. She lost her brace lets, several dozen silver spoons and forks, berry spoons, pickle forks and numberless other furniture of the table which brides are accustomed to receive. One object stolen was a gold breast pin set with diamonds, a present from the slater of the groom, and u very old heirloom In his family This loss is irreparable, and is the most regretted of all. Mrs. Har rington lost a quantity of silvei spoons and forks; in fact, the house was so thoroughly ransacked in tin silver line, that it is hardly possiblt yet lo say what is the exact uumbei of articles stolen, because new loste. are discovered each day. Not only the family were plun dered, but u guest fared no better A gentleman friend of the family, who spent that night in the hoi.se, was so luckless as to loso his gold watch aud $10 iu money. The bur glars entered the house with the evident intention of making a clean sweep, and from the present show lug they have succeeded. Detectives were at once put on the case, but as yet no one has been arrested. Shortly ufter the occurrencoaman In one of the down town gambling resorts was noticed to take a bunch of silver spoons from his pocket and quickly replace them. This man tho police are looking for, with, however, no success as yet. Tho newly married couple left for Victoria immediately after tho cere mony, and are yet in ignorance of their loss. SCOUNDIIKLS ABBBSTBD. Pobtland, Oct. 2.-Warrants were issued today for the arrest of G. W. Crowell, W. St. Clair Ross, J. II. Tomlinson uud John McVeigh, who are accused of fraud in conduct ing a swindling operation uuder tho guise of an employment agency. "FUKElGiN. Iean conlllct. F.vu squadrons of It umanlan eava'r, huve reached i lie Kniinijniau Windury opposite to where the Kmsiaus are matieu ering, and there ha've Ueu mid night demonstrations by the Rus tiuus since the cavalry arrived. The latter came by forced marches from Bucharest and will remain on the frontier with a division of infantry, low ou the way, as a corps of ob servation. It is said the arrival or the Roumanian troops seemed to take the Russians by surprise, as if their plans had been discovered aud checkmated. PAWNING HIS JEWELBY. Beblin. Oct. 2. A letter from Venice says that Don Carlos, the pretender to the throne of Spain, ib iu very straitened circumstancesand recently pawned a valuable jewel. AN END TO THE PABTy. Beulin, Oct. 2. Wnile nothing is said that commits high officials to an expres-slon on the subject, the news of the suicide was evidently not gratifying in government circles, It being looked upou as the disap pearance of a man who had not yet exhausted his ability to injure France. Iu St. Petersburg, on tin other bund, the news was regarded as that- of a French victory. It i believed it will put an cud to Hit Boulangists as n separate aud dan gerous faction, for the reason that they have no one now to look to as leader. GOLD BETUBNING. London, Oct, 2 Bullion to tin amount of 103,000 was with drawn from the Bank of Eimland today for shipment to the United States. BUSSIA AFBAID OF CHINA. London, Oct. 2. The refusal of Russia to take a baud in Cochin- Culua is attributed to the dread with whlah Russia has always regarded China's capacity for injur ing Russia's interests iu the interior of Russia. Russia has always feared that a sudden nnd overwhelming movement of tho Chinese could sweep back the Russian dominion, perhaps to the Ural mountains. This fear seems to have been tradi tional, and is as strong today as wheu Russia was o Tartar province. The Chinese have a very largo forct stationed near the Mancharlau bouudury, and could throw an arn.y iuto Siberia far superior to any force that Russia could readily place in that neighborhood. . COLLAPSE OF A TUNNEL. mfjiiv, ow. a. ny me vil In psc ur a tunnel at Ovada, near Genoa, twenty-one workmen were burled. Seventeen were extricated, and it is feared that tho others are dead. COAL MINERS KILLED. Cabdiff, Oct. 2. An accideut occurred yesterday at Abergwufe oolllery, near Bridge Eud, Glamor ganshire, in which eight miners were killed by the fall of a hoisting car. SALEM MABKET UEPOBT. A HynopnU of theMarkeU-IluTltir nd HrlllnR Trice. KKTAII. PRICKS. BKVISED QUOTATIONS. ShoMlder8ngnr curcd,pcrlb,12; llreaktait l:iciu 15 limns ""iigar cured, per In, 1154c. Itcr-&US IN.rfc .. 1'i M't'tllQ l'i'C. Tnnotlo Mwd-rcr ixiunrt, 8c: -selling !td clover -,?od-Per pound, He. hlteolov.-r need Per pound, 'JUc.l," AIMke ISc per pound. Bed lop- lUc per pound. Lincoln Grass l4cier pound, Bye Gnus 10c per pouud. Urclrirtl Oni5H..17c per pound. New pf.uito s Mo pc bushel. OiuneO KruU.-1'eiu-lie, !3 00; upnept, 1(!i; blackberries, M; corn, best grndes l 0 tomato l 50; ""trine beans $1 60; ii .'1. ,"-.! si, prdiiz. In two lb cans t -sn -icnthbl-g. rounoes wc;carroi i0i; pinstnis Toe onions 4c per lb. risn..Hinioii "g10 per Ib; aturceOH 5 1air ibaumll n-h ll per lb; will salmon, 7(9. 1. A- (bi lb, hlhook wilmon, 10. IIOl.NO fJtICKS. Wli.rii-7JKc neu Floui Per oarrel. VJ0, best 196 lbs. Oats Per bmhel. 27etiVc. Burley Per bushel, MX15v-. unin I'er iou,?ii wiu.iun, mckcu, mm urgfcj mhwIMMMw Sags ""fMrMFKiifiMntin-fin,, fucked, sacked. MARKETS. Pobtland, Oct. 2. Wheat valley ?1.5052, Walla Walla ?1.4042. San Fbancisco, Oct. 2. Wheat buyer; 1801, $l.08J; season $1.73. Chicacio, October 2. At close wheat was llrm, cash OCJ. WEATHER REPORT. STATE. A llltlDE BOIIIini). PoKTiwVND, Oot. 2. Last Tuesday morning, between midnight nnd dawn, the icsldeiice of Stephen it. Harrington, -too t- street, was entered, and till the silver, Including tho nre.-onts received by his lately wedded daughter, were carried oil'. Last week Wednesday, Miss Pearl Harrington and Mr. Sidney Herbert Cawston were married, They re ceived many handsome pieseuts, thovruatir part composed of solid silver. The most valuable of iluse gifts were placed In Mr. Cowston's San Fbancisco, Oct. 2. Fore cast for Oregon and Washingten: Scattering rains along Washington coast, In extreme northeastern Oregon and eastern Wushiugton snow iu the mountains, frosts iu southern Oregon. room, which is situated iu tho ed tho road not In a (It condition for second story front, on tho right of tho tofe travelling of the public. J tbu house. Karly last Tuesday Yesterday, ufter a tourover tho road, morning, tho cook, who Is tbe tlrst with General Manager Clark, iho, to rle, noticed a limn go out of tho Final Account. commission ordered the company to house, through the back side-door, rvhlllld tlio mini Tim mmli Ii. .,...' ulld inilii tho ntnltt he wnlklm. KuTciul hM: I ,u iMWllly lo make repairs, plead-1 around tho right of tho dwelllug. valuable remedv. Inir lwivertv of iho Union Paelilo i It was about twenty mluutes of five ruuy wu-unij o our customers ( me commissioneM Mued pereutp-1 wnon mo intui loir, ntm the cook in woUiert wtyo use Boscliee's Ger-. tory orders wullrmlng tbe previous ouppowxl he was guest who bad OMH hytvp aiog tlwlr children, tirder, and tlirvatetml to revoke the , rrmaiucd over ulgbt Jrtrpsi .iucv . m!w,uiVuc muiany's charter, (loueral Man- Suortlyurter this, Mr. Harrington 'passed over tho bridge. Bo.no rail- " 'Hmiy.urtortuhutS "IS di3 tJShVfSorrfflS' "Ktr L'hTk lM ,hnt 'eeoMny 0M,U,U.' ,owu. overed a num.; road watchm,u said they saw ,ho g" "? $2?&u$tfi acvuuuenanu terrible toes 01 child- ,.,. 1,1 r....i i.i.... .1.....1. ....... ,.... trnt iu.,-,.0 . i .. .i. .n... .. ... .., ... ...... , ia'.s.'ku m. .m t..i- 1:2. 't.1. UA l..:M-..l. .!t. " " " '""""!. "UM"" "" vwv" V "6 " i- wumu-wiiiouMiusm mey wore oil offc.ldA.u. i.l,V..w-SH.'i."., "." rii mi If a73ai?rn . t. .LT Wu,,w ,,nl wnU1 ",0 "c,,ol "n ,"8TOOtu ,ttUle " Plw wew the polut of iMtttihlug the be Ii II" IV .. . "7"P"-"'hm Ml 11 1 H llMlklllLT lev rlllvitj tHrnnttt fit1 1t,Mci tfv a wwnMn tWiVWMHUM IUU9( if 1IOULANQEB POLITICAL WILL Bbussels, Oct. 2. The political testament of General Boulanger was read yeiterday at a private meeting of his friends In a hotel in the Rue Montoyer. The text of It is ns fol fel fol eows: "This is my political testa ment. It Is my desire that It be published after my death. I shall kill myself tomorrow. lam convinc ed of thefuture of tho party tnwbiuh I have given my name. I cannot bear the frightful misfortune which befell me two and half months ago. I have trlod to get the better of it, but have not succeeded. I am persuaded that my followers, who aro so devoted and numerous, will bear me no anger for disappearing on account of a sorrow so great that all work becomes impossible to me. Lot than remember tho maxim. 'Uno avules, uou deficit alter,' and may continue then to act against those who hi scorn of all laws force mo to tlio far from my country. Tomorrow I shall bo a dead mau. Today I have nothing to reproach myself with. All my life I have done my duty, and nothing but my duty,My death iano Bhame to my self, but It Is a shamo for my pro- scrlbers. To those who sought to brand a loyal soldier by tho judge ment of a political tribunal, I desire to recall tho fact that 1 have many times offered to constitute a prison er If they accord me common law Judges. This tho holders of lowers have always refused. This acquit tal was not possible. In quitting Hfo I have ono regret that I have not died on the field of battle, fight ing for my country. That couutrv, at least, will permit ono of Its ohil- drep, at the moment of returning Into tiothlugncbs, to recall himself to tho memory of all lovers of 1 1 p.urle. Vive la France 1 Vivo la Republl que! Done aud signed under my hand on tho eve of the day of my diiitli. Signed HltSKHl' IhlULANtlEH.'' PKOIIABLY A HOAX. Vienna, Oot. 2. -Tlio Kinpemr Franclh arrived Iu sufutyat Reiuhen- berg, near Prague, yestesday, and with his adVeut the news of an at tempt upou his life spread all over Austria. Tho general opinion Is that the' news circulating Is eltuer untruo or elto exagecrated, but it has caused great consternation. The story la that Wednesday night an I attempt was made with a dynamite, bomb to blow up tbe railroad bridge &I lCIMOnlllHl. II kllllllll, nf I1. I,.... ! 1 r. 1 1 . . . To whom U nuiy concern, oiir u ben;. This is nald to havo luvnrr. , hervtit uiwu itut iii Mn.iVi, ..,;';". u . -.. . . . "- ... n,,...r .!.;. r-.."" :""". "ii- uoiiiy before tho wuprnrt train .t'i,,.,; "rticThU "unM ",". ff'. 00 1 Shorts Per ton, WS 00 uiwp rcr si.w Wool Kic to 18c. Bigs ;JOo txr dozen. Potatoes Per busbel.SOc Com menl Jc per pound. Cliee-'e l'A&llc per pound. Dried plums Per Ib. 0(7c. Dr'ed prunc-g Per lb. liif12c. Uiit er 2ryJ0c per K)iuu lor Lard WOfcc per lb Ham Per iiund,ll(oil. Bacon sides M10 pr lb. Shoulders MSttlc per lb. Chickens.. 8 to 10c pei poand Turkeys 10 to c lb, Uecne.ftSperlb. Uucks,I2per lb MARKETS TKLF.fJUAl'll. i v?tzs MmPs. Wmt POBTLAND. Wheat Valley, 1.52K Per cental Flour standard, J4.00. Walla Walla $4.70; Oats New White 3jc,to 40c per bushel. Mlllstufls Bran fZ223; shoits, J25 to 2t ground barley, $30 to 32; cnop feed. S2 to ftt, middlings, 25, per ton. IIny-$12H per ton. Butter Oregon fancy dairy, 27Jc; fancy creamery SOQXiyi; good to fair, 23 California choice 22to21c. Eggs Oregon 25 c per doz. Poultry Old chickens, ?-i Potatoes I5at"ti0c per cental. Cheese Oregon, li to 12Jc; Callfornn 12c. Sugars Golden C, 45c; extra C, 4; drj granulated, b cube, crushed and Pow dered, OJo per pound. Beans Small white, 3Jcl; pink 3 bayou, 4;J$c; butter, 4c; llmas, 5c. Dried Frults..tiuoted: Italian prunes. 10 to Hc;PetlteandUerman,10c per pound mlslns, $1 'i.') per box; plummer dried pears, 10 lo lie; tun dried and factor; plums, 11 to 12c; evapo rated peaches, li to'aic; Smyrna flgs, 20c; California figs, (h. per pound. Hides Dry hides, h)i to 9c; He less foi cullx; green over 5 pounds, 7c; under 55 pounds, 2c; sheep pelts, S0c31.25. SMOKED .MEATS AND LABD. Eastern hams, 12 to HJc; breakfast ba con, 12 to 13c; sides, 0 to 10c; llnid, 94f to 12c pqr pound. SAN FHANOI8CO. Has Fkancicco, Sept. 30. Wheat; buyer 81 7. liailey Feed J1.05 Jl 03 per cental Oats-Gray $1 35 to 1 37 per cental, old. MISUELANEOU.S MABKETS. Chicaoo, Sept. m Wheat, cash 'J597J ONH ENJOY Both tho method andresults when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels coWb, Lead aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. ForBalo in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE, Kr. HEW YORK. tl.V. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, (M1h and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Border, Artists' Ma terials, lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc, 25c Want Colj Notices nn... r""-" .Y.P BAU i A n ,t.. tlBCIUFMlT lmo.j.. 1 n I If ' r w 1 than twt??Ju. ." -. ''! - L. n,",:!.r.ttbTMr Is Oilerea IoAhiS o?.5,trT L's """u fl.Ur "INWI 1 Al Fu,,hL-:'J""M,M -t ----T9 -"Jin iiri.,ft-.. -Ain 1 , nn- rates Attiiv .i'kli t n ew can be M. mtSS&.A vfel fc,; .tJo.KKALottu aSdiMniJ! NEW ADVEBTISEJIENTS. pimples, The old Ides was that facial eruptions weie Aa tg Miti humor." for which they garo potash. Thus the old Sarsaparlllas con tain potash, a drastto mineral, that Instead ot decreasing, actually creates more crup Uou. You havo noticed this when taking othcrSarsaparlllas. It Is however now known that tho stomach, the blood creating power, Is the seat of all vitiating or cleansing oper ations. A stomach clogged by indigestion or constipation, vitiates the blood, result pim ples. A clean stomach and healthful di gestion puriBes It and they disappear. Thus Joy's Vegetable Sarsapanlla is compounded after tho modern idea to regulato the bowels and stimulate the digestion. The effect Is Immediate. A short testimonial to contrast the action of tho potash Sarsaparlllas and Joy's. Mrs. C. D. Stuart, of 400 nayes 6L, 8. F., writes: " I have for years had indi gestion. I tried a popular Sarsaparilla but it actually caused more pimples to break out on my face. Hearing that Joy's was a later preparation and acted differently, I tried it and the pimples Immediately disappeared." s Vegetable Sarsaparilla Largest bottle, most effective, same price. For sale by Dau'I J. Fry, 225 Com. Strawberries and Grapes. Twenty varieties of each forsale. Manual f culture and descriptive catalogue of olants of either of these, best of all table fruits, sultible for this climrite, sent on ap illcatlon to E. HOFEB, Salem, Oregon.- THUGKEAT Portland Industrial ExDosition With UWorldlVonders OPENS SEPT. 17, 1891. Vll lit . -win, may obtaiu hi reHm,TA, fe JJ -rnnebjca'nlSgrAVC, IVIOBALh -A second hvA ll P Kngulre at 2ro-rohaW mu'riMHm'ii,i. 1 .. .. 1 Hi;j,j0rilutatabaniBnaI M.K. H.illu.o.atuSlaisgl 1 I.UH HUM. hr . ... JJ block frr .11 bu-inc sircl!.f,rH'l i.irenle. Enquire at 71 ronutl l.witl lU'.H 1. UOOO Ofllce rnn,. L floor in excellent taStE.' .ujuuiLSAUomce. WANTKD Our agents tuck.,,, I a month eelllng our JLtl .ueniR. we want conntv .m"" 1 Kents.nnd willtaKo bjcs" all mvE5! (mui.iiuiui.ijuscni rails io rS..' ind expenses nl'tr a thirty d,.;.!?.1 1 general agent less Uian rA J1 end ln-ge illustrated clrculirst.J,J iiii 1. Hiieciui oner tn li. i i r- .-i illert lor, on receipt of II onectnt V'l Vpp yulouLomid get In oiT ?U1 Vddictx Hcnncr Mununirturlniliv,!!! mrg. l'a. ii?: I QAIjBM IKON nnd UOITLE ! wj .it-iu uaiu lur iiiu iron, run . rubbers, bottles, etc Bcf onii r... oiii!ht aud sold Call at I08 CoranEl Ureet. j,JI HJiMOUUUtlllWdMlesJofwerw. Ulcers and h lcsuren, I'rolatJoi rtctnin. eio rositlvely cured witcnt detention irom Dusincss. niiicntsirm fintrH. An fnrl l.-t tlio 1., ,..'-! meihod of cuttlPK nnd Ugatnrt are wesiern onice, ioiu iu Co., Lock box 10 inlem, Oregon. LOW SING Gl Merchant tailor. AU kind ol made to order. Rpp.ilrlne and neatly done, One sick, nut fji, t H2. One fiock suit SV2. firmcdy I o ercoat &X), lormcrly $ 0 ti e 1 formerlyCI. One tmlrnf imn:i:.itl S10. 2US Commercbil ht., taleni, Or I J Music bv the grrat ZAPAD0RES BAND direct from the City of Mexico. Artllrom the great masters of Europe nnd America, valued ot a quarter million dollars. Wonderful Electrical Adaptions in opention. lull mm m si Draught and driving horses, yoc' and old. Inquire of G. "NY. ANDERSON, Cook Hoi Joy treet ItKAL ESTATK TIJANSKKUS FILED WITH CUUNTV KECOKDKK. Frank Ii Buell aud wlfo to Mar quis Kuell lota 1 and 2, bl 14, River Bide add to Salem, $500. Otto richultz and wlfo to Mrs N C Lance lot 5, (5, 7, 8, bl 15, Marlon J1000. Frtuik S Kelzer and wife to Geo Raalio 40 acres of John II Kelzer d 1 c, U776, Mrs N C Lance and J W Lince to Ueo Kpler lota 5, 8, 7, 8, bl 15, Ma rion, Otto, II mm of Hooselageu, of Mt Angel, to Julian Itlej, Iota 2, 3, 4, bl 5, Mt Angel, $160. City Warrants. VTOTICE is hereby given to all whom 1 JLl J may concern that there urn now funds In the treasury of the city of Salem Oregon, applicable to the payment of all warrants of the said city of Salem, e -dorsed" between Nov. SOtli, 1890, and Jan. J2d. Ul, and that said warrants will ceuv to draw Interest irom nud aner the date of this notice. Witness my hnnd, this, tho 10th day ol September, 1891 E. J. HWAKKOHt), UJSbt Treasurer, Salem, Or-gon, A lino fruit or cake stand, with evcrv an of tbo CKliKUHATED CASCAOE I1AKINU l'OWUEH. For sa'e by T. BURROWS, No 2M Commerolal Bt.. Halen "Tho Lost." m.t do.Kilr ot euHiur ,iir s k he-.d. . eliev.hjMUnn kottly obwln vr tf Little f4verlillk. Tuoy will eir.cl iwomm and iHirmHiieuioure. rhwructlou U mild ond uuturul. 1 k ryllet fiom ludlB.tlon, bllli.usnef. (vnoilpatlon or torind uvw without dU turblUK lb'l"iiailioriMirvin.-iliPb.iwt'l8 Uort low dikw oi iUrirPs J.itue Ller" rilU,they ulllpl)M)ou. r Tlmtllrfd.lrtuni.ir iltiard dull bend auua it ry u;rl.r. lMke two nf Lvrtvi'LtineUw: I'llt. before rti.rlnr and you will and nM. Thy u"i" uf, to do good. Executor's Notice. SOTICE Is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the undersigned e been duly appointed by the county court of .Marion roun'v. OrWn., ....; tors of the lat will und tcstnmeiit, and cs tato ot Calvin Nm, lato of said county, de- "; ..i?,, ."ll Pe""118 having cfalrns against said estate are hereby nottrled t present them duly verified, to the under, slgued. at their home near Timer. In said un'y. within six roontbs from the dat of this notice. And all persons ludebted Xi . '" Yf. lD "" requesieu wi make Imme dedl,ffieffirW.?naehlned IT ot Co-Executors of stld estatp. A Splendid Series of Mineral Exhibit. Every Department Filled with Novel and Interesting Iu Art, Science and Industry. A GreateriNumberof Exhibits than ever before presented upon the coast. The Stock Department made a Promi nent feature. 3)5000 in Premiums. The Largest Display ol Fruit nnd the Finest Exhibit ot Agricult ure eermadeln the Pacific Northwest. All manufactories In lull,motion. Everything Now. No Dead ExhiblU. The Exposition ol Exposltlous AdmUsIon; as usual. Greatly Ileduced llntes,for;round trip onlall passen ger lines. USdw Those Afflictet With the habit ol using to ., LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBAtj Can obtain a COMPLETE. PERMANENT Cl1 AT THE KEELEF INSTITUTE,' Office Cor Third and MndlsonK, It land, Or. Call or write. Htrieth coita uui. PHILLIPS A- CO., Merchant Tailors A full line Of IlIlDDI ll-.l nnrt Ann wooiens. Also a complele slocl o(p furnishing goods. All -the latest im itf vrjtiiri mm niircu W. M. DeHAVEN,! Boarding - and - Salt -S One door west of Lunn's Dry IMin uii niniu Hircui. Viuiei i.imuy lean rp tal attention paid to transient ewi-l! Capital Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meak at All Hours oi tleDij None but white labor ernoii'ycdlato establishment. ,,. w A good subbtantial meal c. awlnt'' Class style Twenty-fl va cents per meal RED KRONT l)urt street, between Journal OfflcoS Aiinio-B i.ncrj. M. T. RINEMAN DEALEH IN Staple and Fancy Groceries, CrOCkerV. Oliicntvnru I ....... in a'W '-"AH kinds' S'mYl Ifeed M u,,r jwironage, Jbtreet awii nw mm., i . a t n l.'MI' FXTABT5 I Uments In the State. LowernwiffJ Portland, largest stock Legal ?; I the Stato, a-d biggest ai8couni.a i pticellstof Job printing, ana wwi legal blanks. E. M. Wi3 HtfAva Printiir Balem 0 bomb to In tltHt eml. Nor . natiirnHy nucl al Ibis hIkIiI ami tbe brldjrw structure, aud bv amiear. ( would It comply wltb tbe ooiumU-1 called to bU wlfo to Inquire wby lug on tbe tceue frutiatHl their de nIotiwr'K oriUr. The ooimuludonm Uy uliould bo dowu stair. Mr, iilgu, of Mid tvu. ty. U an nxeu;ua'ap,i!;: ted by mU iuri iu tue time and nUre r", tQtlWuicntlbievif. "" J M Ul'L'u. Adnjlnltttorofthowutccf8atmul v Kiwi, dec-Md. """"' M ttu,urvtOD.(xa I, UtU Notice or Final Settlement. VfOTICE Is hereby given to all whom It 1 may concern, that tbe exeiuMr o .Hte of Amanda Kddy, deownedrbis filed at theW.nnty urt m, In be'o.. ,,'fV goute, city or Balem,' MarlSS rouni watea tuis BeptembJr II. isai. 911 xa Executor of s.ld o- t.ae. MOSQUITE GRASS toTcS1i,nuU".?.m.,'tl.''?. enlloli.i 'V.,":t. .'""? ?' u- r. , Jir.uui.I.MJ, Kt')lon,Ongon. rr euce solicited, KHuiw A, J, SHIMP, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Late ol Philadelphia. . f,LECTRICTY US THE TRUE ENEMY Of all Chronlo, Hheumatie, lllood. Ilraln and ueryous diseases. Every varletv ot female diseases yield to electricity after olw modes of treatment have fa""l a'siassfflfisa! $& g500 jK? i MJf mP&m T&IM M S . . i. JlZ-uvs i$Q &.(. AN "'N.-fr UB SLtf WZ... KF urn E. K- HALL, Paper Hanger. LeaveorderatOlobe Heal titate Exchange HEALTH he nichaa's Oal.len IJaJfjS Cures Chancres, flnv na "" m 1 T An.-1 lUVir: . . PDifArnnn AMI " iiiu i u n. IWst and cbeapest windmill on the market HAYES &VERCLER, Agts,, Salem, J. F.WHITE, EXPJIESS AND TRUCK LINE. Hauling r all kinds, Uest work. Wagon at every train. NoUee of Final Settlement. In the Circuit Court or tbe Slate of Or, son for the county or Marlon tail,,,, If ter or the ttte or J K SulluVu, dX.l Tv" AJminiumor. Knv primary forms of tne aueu - ftlku Syphllli. Price, fa 00 il .SsV Cures-TertUry, M'rcnruJrrJfi Head, tack of the Keck, W?j j Throat, SyphlUtla Ra.b, yffli&f traete3 CoVds, BUItness cltW eradicates all dlai fW tMJS whether caused Tla$ttm nraitny. a-nc w "":-i.lv dote for Irritation I tal dtarraiicmU. Jjoltie. Co rlceSSOOlw;, tbo cu f Oonorrt 1A 1 KIcttauM uoiuou -jr Too)iTn lection, lor severe r.ts. ft" "! tw.j -j r jow. SI SO lie Co Klchaa'a for ai GoldeB OhW" KIchaa'a """".JJia" theeJIecllT.beaUvSrj; J lenroUons. Prll ZXJS 1 - Ul.fc.nla OoldfB .1i-l I P"JaHtnSS2,B Pric S OO ixr Box. I-.. !- nJ VrvlltOb Sect tTT-b". ft O. , i THE RICHARDS DRMf,?; ".L QdcSll ffWAK Miff f" V V.j 'lft.iSSSr ilhV-'