K IE- to gain tbo confldonce of tUo govern ment, learn what action It was pro posed to take, and then betray the secret to the rioters. It ia slated the (Jliluem ironclads that arc unablo to iwcend the Yang-tee-KJaog will bo detailed to protect Shanghai and the coast towns. OlIILI IS ONLY BLOWHa. Knvr York. Oct. 1. A Valparai- bo cable says it is not generally bo lloved the evidence of the feelings towards Americans will be kept up except on the part of valiant pot blowers, atded by a few newspapers, nd timed on by iho British clement, who are absolutely inimical to tho people of the United States. The firm attltudo of the United States flll stop any nonsente, oseclally if the flrmness is backed by tne preseu ce of a few of the white squadron- FldllTINO AMONO THEMSELVES. Madrid, Oct. l.-The Carhst faction at Pueuta do la Beiua, iu Navarro, lias risen against the old Carhsts of Clran Quimlueru. The two narlies; headed by women and armed with fowling pieces and oldJ muskets, tnurched into an open space today and exchanged fire, several persons being wounded. The combatants wero finally diapered by tho gendarmes. Isolated light ing, is continued. CHIM DEMANDS INDEMNITY. Nkw York, Oct. 1. A Valparlso (Chili) special suys the papers are filled with bitter coinmonts on the action of tho British minister In connection with the shipment of silver by Balmaceda on a British steamer to Montevideo, and thence to London. 1 hey demand full In demnity to Chill for the silver, valued at 135,001. '1 his money if uow held in the Bank of London. A NEWSI'Al'KIl MAN. Ban Francisco, Oct. 1. A letter received from Houolulu, by It. J Croighton, ngent of the Now Zealand government, conveys the sad Inlelll gence that Dan Jjyou, well known In newspaper circles on thii coast, lias been committed to the Insane asylum at Honolulu. Lyon has for some years past been interested in .., Tl-t.. tI.m.IU.. me puDiicauou oi .e.L-, """"' newspaper, un waiuruay, esepu iw, be published a number of articles attacking promlneut residents of Hocolntainan unwarranted man ner, and titat was the first Intima tion his flrfends had that his mlud was unbalanced. Later be became violent aud had to be confined. Il is thought that domestic ufiliction has turned Lyon's brain. A year ago he lost his wife and four chil dren through diphtheria. Ho was at one time state senator for Nevada, and has also been business manager of the Virginia City Chronicle. INDEPENDENT. Huron, B. D., Oct. 1. V. II. Smith, of Sioux Fulls, was nomina ted early this morning ns tho Independent candidate for congress. POLITICIAN BKirrED. San Francisco, Oct. 1. Martin Kolly, a well-known polltican, could not bo fouud yesterday, and it Is reported ho has left tho city to avoid being summoned before the grand Jury to testify iu regard to certain political scandals. FIRST SNOW OF THE SEASON. Nevada, Cal., Oct. 1. At Gran itovillo, In the northern part of this county, tho first suow or tho seaHon fell Tuesday night. NO REVOLUTION. Saw Francisco, Oct. 1. The BlcnmcrCIty of Sidney arrived here yesterday from Panama via Guate mala September 10, and at that time no revolution was Imminent. It. Lntilza, merchant of Guatemala, uud who hns just come from there, saj'B there Is no revolution there, uo probability of ouo uutil after tho election, which occurs In December. "Tho Best." Do tint despair ol curl iik your Mrk be -. .! ncho when you can no mully obtain Car ter's Mttlol.tverl'ilU. Tli-y will effect u prom til uiul permanent cute. Their uetlon In mild and uutural, To got rellel from lndlinMlou, blllousi'M constipation or torpid liver without ill lurblug the Momach or puriilujr tho bowels, taken row dose of Curler's Utile Liver i'llli, they will pleaso you, Tliut tired, languid fcellucamt dull head ncUe 1 very disagreeable. Take two of Carter': Little Liver Till before retiring, uud you will nnd relief. They never full to do good. "August Flower 55 How doos ho fool ? He feels blue, a deep, dark, unfading, dyed-Jn-tbc-wool, eternal blue, and he makes everybody feel the same way August Flowor tho Romody. How doos ho fool? He feels a headache, generally dull and con stant, but sometimes excruciating August Flowor tho Romody. How doos ho fool? lie feels a violent hiccoughing or jumping of the stomach after a meal, raising biUertasting matter or what he has eaten or drunk August Flowor th Remedy. How does he fol? He feels the gradual decay of vital power ; he feels miserable, melaucholy, hopeless, and longs for death and peace August Flower ths Rem edy. How do he feel ?- He feels so full after eating a meal that he can hardly walk August Flowor tho Remedy. o 0. G. GREEN', Sote Manufacturer, Vw&mry, New Jersey, U. S. A. In THIRTY CHINESE KILLED. Moro Details of Iionlnngcr's Death, TUB CRAZY nOMESEBKBRS. Find No Evidence, Opium Smug' gling, Democratic Nominee, The Firemen, Coal Miners' Strike, Price of Hops, State and Foreign News, Etc. THIRTY CHINESE KILLED. Ban Francisco, Oct. 1. The myotory surrounding tho finding of the Chinese In Snake river, Idaho, In 1887 has been solved. Tho bodies nil bore gunshot wounds, showing they had been murdered. The Chinese consul instituted an investi gation, but was then unable to find who committed tho crimes. Consul Bee now makes public tho follow ing Htntement: 'I, Hugh McMillan, now of Walla AVallu, Wash., but formerly of Imunhn, Wallowa county, Or., make I lie following statement, to the end that Justice may be done the Interested parties. I make this statement from a statement made me ly my sou Itobert, aged 10, Just prior to his death, and by mo then i-eduo'd to writing. In the lattei p:irt of April, 1887, my sou and Bruce Evans, T. J. Canfield, Mux Larue, Frank Vaughn, Hiram May uard and Carl Hughes wore stop ping in a cattle camp, Tour mile from Snako river. My son ami Evans, Cunfleld, Laruouud Vaugln. went to a Chinese camp on Knnkf river. Canlluld nud Larue went nbnvo the camp, and Evauf? and Vaughn remained below. Thi whole narty was armed with re peating rifles aud revolvers. Then were thirteen Chinese in the camp, and they were fired on by the part above the camp. The iitiurnii'o' Chin:imeu retreated, when the .. I ...aw.. On.l iinnn l. Hifwi. luitmv "l ""' UU ".' .-, tni I Climp. Twelve Cbinue xvere In -. stantly killed and one other ciugh afterwards nnd tils brains bealeh out. The party got that evening $5500 tu gold dust. The next daj eight more Chinese camo to the camp In a boat. They were fired on nnd all killed, and their bodies, with the others, thrown in tho river. The party then took tho boat and went to another Chinese camp, about four miles distant, whero thirteen Chi neso wero working on tho river bar. These wero all shot and killed, aud tho bodies thrown Into tho river, Tho camp was robbed und JoO.OOO In gold secured. My son was present ouly tho first day, but acquainted with the facts, as thoy wero talked over by tho parties In his prenonco, Tho circumstances hero detailed, occurred on tho Oregon Btdoof the Snako river in Wallowa county, near Itho northeast corner of the state. Hugh McMillan. "W. M. Clahici:, witness. "Dated, Walla Walla, August 31, 1891." Tho Chinese consul general in this city will at once communicate these facts to his own government, and It is probablo stops will bo taken to punish tho murderers. CKAZV HOMESEEKEIIS. ClUTiutn:, O. T., Oct. 1. Couriers arriving glvo details of the govern ment townslte of Chandler, in the Sao and Fox reservation, Tho cite was opened to aettlement at 12 o'clock Tuesday, and tho bcouo which followed tho volley of mils kotry which announced tho opening wa awful. A mass of 3000 excltod men and women, Inteut upon secur ing a lot, had gathered about the boundary of tho town. At 12 o'clock ;i sharp tdgual was given, and with a mighty yell from 15000 throats, anil amid tho cracking of whips uud volleys of oaths, shouts and curses, the o niglomerato mass of men ami women on horses aud foot rushed like maniacs for town lots. As the angles of tho ndvnnolnir lines mut, many riders wero unhorsed and hurled pellmelt Into tho road. Mauy portnus are reported killed aud others as having received severe in juries. Mb Daisy, a representative of the Guthrie News, was thrown from her horse at tho beginning of the race, and, striking iter head on a rook, was killed. The excited aud merciless crowd hud not time to at tend to tho dying, aud rode over the body of tho uufortunato woman UHtil It was recognized by n friend, who took It out of the surging mas of humaulty. Aa there wore throe or four times aa intiiiy people as lots, tho result could be easily foretold. There are from three to six claim ants for a great many of tho lots, and It will tuko considerable time to adjust tho dltlVreneos. An Indian killed a white man during a quarrel over liquor. KIND NO hVIIIHNOK. Hbno, Nov., Oot. 1. Tho district court convened Tueday, and a grand Jury was Impaneled nud Judge Cheney delivered a scathlm.1 elm rue, particularly roquettlng tho puuUhmunt of all engaged In the lynchlug of Orlls a week ago lui Friday, The grand Jury reported to tho Jud.o . oto ay Hut, after dill gent inquiry and examination of iimuy wltuess., tlioy coutd not llud . j. . .11 .III ,,,u,.m...i...kr ,.... ........ totlndanludltimvnt.ttud H.kvl i bo discharged. 8Mtiaot.iNci oi'iUM. Ban I'lUNCiscn, Oct. 1. Joseph Lanthler, a earpetitttr, arrived Iu Ban Frauclsoo from ViclTlaoii the steamer Uiuatllla recently, lie brought with him a small trunk nud a chest of tools. Customs offi cers examined the trunk and found underneath a false bottom twenty flve-tael tins of opium. Lanthler was arrested and tried in the district court and Bcutcuced to six months' imprisonment in tho county Jail. On Monday last Lanthler made a demand for his chest of tools, which had remained in tho custody of the customs authorities. Tools of trade are exempt from duty and Lanthler wr.s, therefore, Informed that lie could obtotu his chest by making tho customary oath. He could not leave the prison for this purpose and tho oath was administered to him at tho couuty Jail by a circuit court commissioner. The collector Issued the usual order on the appraiser to pxnmfne tbo cooda. The chest was examined nud it was found that, liko the trunk, the tool chest hud a false bottom, and under it were found 100 livc-tael tins of opium snugly hidden. When the officials recovered from their surprise the acquainted District Attorney Garter with the facta and ho promptly filed another information against the luckless carpenter. DEMOCRATS NOMINATE. Mitchell, 8. D., Out. 1. The Democrats nominated J. M. Wood, a wealthy cattllertian, of Rapid City, as their caudldate for congre-s. the firemen. Victoria. B. C. Oct. 1. In lh wcoutl day's program of tho nre mens' tournament the Ntuiauimo learn again carried ofl tho laurel". In the speed race Astoria took flr.-t prize, Nauaulmo nnd Vuucouver tied for second, othera being in the following erder: Albany, Seattle, ind Westminister. In the chain plonship race, Nnuanlmo carried oil' tho first prize, to tho great surprise of their friends, Victoria second, Vancouver third. Following Is time in both races: Speed race, Astoria, 2S; Nunanimo 8 1-10; Vancouver 28 1-10; Albauy 28 4-5; Seattle 30 1-5; New Westminister 30 2 5; Nauani mo and Vancouyer being declared a tie. both teams will run for second orlze tomorrow morning. Chatu- . . . ., v......i...iiq).(). pioutllll) ruuc iuuCiiuuiiunuiuiu u-, Astortu 120 3-10; Vancouver 121 3-5; Westminister 124 1-5; Albany 125. For consolation stakes wet test, Westminister, Albany and Seattle competed with the following results, Westminister 42 15; Albauy 43; Seattle 48. rmcE ok noi's. Si'iUMiFiELn, Mass., Oct. 1, The price of the new crop hops was forced down to 12Jc per pound, but tho Now England Homestead gives the reason for, believing this Is an artificial depression, nnd thegrov ers should get between 15 and 20c. Prominent ationg the reasons for tho advance Is tho shortage In tho Paci fic coast states, tho Washington crop being only half the enormous production estimated in earlier re ports. COAL BUNKS' bTIUKKS. Pi'VTsnuito, Oct. 1. A general strike of tho railroad ooal minors of tho Pittsburg district was inaugu rated today in accordance with the action taken at yesterday's con vention. It Is estimated nbout 10,000 men quit work. They ask for 3J cent. rate. TIIK BTANKOHI) UNIVKTSITY. Palo Alto, Cal., Oot. 1. A largo crowd of people weio present at the formal opening of tho exeiclses of tho Lolnud Stanford, Jr., University. Tho stage arranged at north end of tho quadrangle of the unlvorslty, tho spot was beauti fully decorated with evergreens and palms with a background of American Hugs artistically arrauged aud on tho rear wall hung oil paint ings of Lolnud Stauford, Jr., to whoso memory the university has been erected. At 10 o'clock the quadranglo was nearly lllled with people. Every seat wns taken, nud thousands wero standing. Ihe faculty of tho university and pro fessors, from Uerkloy and Santa Clara, had seats upon tho platform with other distinguished guests. At 10:110 o'clock Senator and Mrs. Stanford ascended tho platform aud as they camo In vlovv of the audience there was an enthusiastic cheer, while tho students for the first time expressed their college yell, "Wall Hoo, Wah IIoo, L. S. J. U. Stan ford." Tho exercises consisted of singing, prayer, and short addres-.es by den ator Stauford aud others. Exami nations and admissions are entirely over, but so far about 410 students are reported iu the follow log clasees: Freshmen, 2S0; sophomore, 3d; jun ior, 25; heuior, 25; post graduate, 30; paitlal course, 50. DUATH 11V BTUANCIULAIUIN. Alii.v.ny, Or., Oot. 1. C. K. Con ley was found dead In bin room ua terduy morning. The coronerV Jury found that death was produced by strangulation cau-u-d by luhallu a piece of food Into th larynx In u tit of vomiting. The deceased was aged 28, and came to tills city from Portland, Ho was a young man of steady habits Ills tw rents aro sup posed to rvulde iu San I'runelsco, P Oil El ON. jiouiaNam'8 WEATH. lllllHtl-U riM 1 I.nit nvmiln' lloulaUB.Hl, frlnjd9 ttdmIUed that ,,,, .,., , ..,., ,.,. VW4J w mu V(uy Miunv" aciroforaealli.nudltlsovenaddwl tlmt ho several limes of lato mudo attempt to take l.U owu life. Tlie ' consequent has been that bo was , watched as clomdy as possible by liU friend, who caused all weapoiu to lie taken uway aud hidden. Cleu- era! Boulanger must have notkvtl tho precaution, and managed to se cure nnd hide the pistol with which he shot himself. Boulanger, accord ( Ireland are pretty well cnppieu ior Inglu stories told, made no secret! want of funds but the nntl-Par-of his weariness of life since the ' nelltte parly Is going to isuo n fresh collapse of his party, and partlcu- Inppeal to tho 'Irish people In the larly so since tho death of Mine.! UnltcdStatcs. Forthe presnntuodo de Bonncmalne. It Is now reported ! putation Is going over. It Ispxpceted that when the coffin lid was finally ' that tho leading Irishmen in diflcr closed over the remalus of hln ruU- lent cities of the Union will take the tress, ho kept on repeating aloud, nintter up and j preul to their An rarnlr.Pt n hipntnt !' P.Vitv i mitintrvtllun for funds. Irish- day about 4 o'clock In the afternoon, since her death, Boulanger has gone to the cemetery and deposited a handsome floral emblem noon her Brave. Ho would stay bv the grave sometimes for an hour, either en gaged in dep .meditation or In prayer. Yesterday morning Bou i-- .i langer left n landau at the gato of the cemetery, and walked to the tomb of Mme. Bouuemainc. He remained there some timo In deep thought. Ho then walked about the cemetery for uenrly an hour nnd a half before ho returned to Mme. Bnunemaliie's tomb. When the general returned to the tomb the cecond lime bo immediately placed a pistol to his head and shot him 6elf. The teinirtof the revolver was heard by the coachman who was driving the general's landau nnd by the valet who accompanied the gen eral to I ho cemetery. They both rushed to Mme. Bounemalno's tomb nud there fouud tho general quite dead, lying across her grave, ltelatlves persistently declino to furulsh the public with any definite inform itlon ns to the written decla rations lit) left behind him. Bou langer left a will aud a politic.il tes tament iu his desk. It Is stated that the latter declares unshaken confidence In his parly, enjoins his friends to prosecute tho great aiuif he always had in view, aud ascribe. his death solely to iucousolable grief over the loss of Mme. Bonuemaine. The funeral will probably tuko pine Sunday afternoon. The geueral'b mother, aged 86, is still firm iu the belief that her son went to the fete and has not yet returned. Shortly after Mme. Bonnemnlue's death, General Boulanger's wife wrote, ofierlngto forgive the general and share his exile, hut her letter was unanswered. Towards the end of August, after a violent paroxysm of grief, Boulanger laboriously carved on Mme. Bonuemalne's tombstone, with a penknife, "A briontot. Marguerite." From that dav ho was a el mimed man. He be came emaciated and haggard almost beyond recognition. Upon learning of the suicide, Prince Victor Bonaparte called and remained at the residence for a, half hour. A iargo photograph of. Mine. Bonnemniue was found under Bou langer's clothing, next his heart. Pakis, Oct. 1. All tho evening papers contain obituary articles, but none, with tho exception of lie Jour, reflects upon the political as poet of the general's life. Le Jour says he had not the courage to sur vivo her who sacrificed herself for him. Lo Jour's article concludes with a scathing comparison between tho muniicr of Ills death aud ills imperialistic pretensions. It Is ru mored that tho archbishop of Ma- llncs refuted to authorize religious service on occasion of tho funeral of Boulanger. Homi:, Oct. 1. News of thesuicido of Boulanger caused considerable excitement In Italy, whero ho was regarded as a national vnemy. When Cardinal Itampolla, papal secretin y of state, Informed the popo of tho genoral's suicide, the popo uttered an exclamation of sadness, nnd prayed silently. The general's private life placed him on the black books of the Vatican, yet his career was watched with feverish vigi lance. OAKUYINU OATTl.r. Londjn, Oct. 1. Tho British steamer City ot Londou, at Dundee from Montreal, September 2j ran Into a hurricane. Her cattle fittings on deck wero smashed, and many cattle In tho deck pons wero washed overboiTil. Others were killed, and a number Injured. Tho vessel pro eiits a sickening sight, and (hero is uo doubt the iucldents of this voy age will bo usi'd as arguments in placing closer restrictions upon the transatlantic cattle tiade. KNCII.ANl) IN HOY IT. London, Oct. 1, The Dardanelles scare has at last died out, hut ills now stated that the alleged Rus.slo Freneh intrigue at Constantinople will undoubtedly force England Into an umx.mfortablo pot-li Ion regarding the vacitingof Egypt. A dispute!' which gives miu-h saiifHction a Berlin and Vienna stales that the purte Is being urged to revive tin eoniroveify rocpeeting KiikIiuhIV poxtllnu in 1'Iyiit. An tmeav feel ing lias I'ffti croatt-d at the HritMi fou-lgn oilli-e l-ythis utw-, hut in view of thocnteiite bftween liiissla ami Fninco It is hliovel ut Borlii and Vleiiua, as It is well uudinstood .it both the latter places, that such a step will aga'n couiHl England ti takenti tiotlvo part in tho eUrti quttloii. Itussia embroiled with England would bo uunble to purxue tho plans ho tile to Austrtau Interests, with which she is credited by tbo ex tremely alarmed nolltliilnnsi nf vt. enMf nnd tll0 wnlni, KuniHWl nnwan ml.lit iliiml nnl.,ll.. I. .it j hey mw their way to interfere with t .... i....... i UlfcV KM tiirilASVO IT Lord Salisbury rufus5 to stv In tho DardaueMo iuoldent anything inimical to the iuterests nf Kugluud. laclllo A Northwestern line, Mag aud has very liberal views regarding J1"1"1 l'ullmau ami Wagner sleep the latitude which may b, permitted ur.terSS,K t v.m.- ... ,v-,-.v. ... 4uinra long m Knglaixl kwpa her footlmld InEypt. IRELAND'S LAST CALL. London, Oct. 1. B ith parlies in Amerlcaus are to be told that this is " positively the last time that Ireland will como before the American pul llck for nld. UNnULY CHILIAN CHEW. IlAMiiono, Oct. 1. Tho troubles between the officers and crew of the Chilian ship Pinto, which ts at present moored in the rivet Elbe. Iihvo broken out afresh. The crew Is nintluiius, aud the captain, unable to enforce discipline, appealed to tho authorities. The latter decided that It was not within their province lo board the warship of a foreign nation to assist her officers. HOLY COAT I'lLOIUMS. Trbves. Oct. 1.- Tho exhibition of the holy coat will end next Sun day The number of pllurims who have viewed the coat already exceeds the total number who viewed It In the exhibition of 1884, aud the total number iu this exhibition will prob bubly reach 2,000,000. CONSUL AT NEW ORLEANS. Home, Oct. 1. Siguor Richard Motta, Barrister, has been appointed Italian consul at New Orleans. RUSSIAN DISTRESS. London, Oct. 1.--A St. Peters burg correspondent says tho Stan dard confirms the reports of distress in P.us'oa. He saj s 25,000,000, peo ple are unable to pay their taxes, aud that thoy will cause a budget of deficit of twelve million pounds. Tho minister of finance, the corre spondent adds, hns just granted another million for tho distressed people. uoulanger's wife. Paris, Oct. 1. The wife of Gen eral Boulanger, who is living at Versailles, was overcome with grief when informed of her husband's death in the cemetery near Brussels. MARKETS. Portland, Oct. 1. Wheat valley $1,623, Walla Walla $1.42. San Fkancisco, Oct. 1. Wheat buyer; 1891, $1.73; season $1,801. WEATHER REPORT. San Francisco, Oct. 1. Fore cast for Oregon nud Washingten: Scattering rains near Oregon coast, suow in the mountains. A Wonder Worker. Frank Hull'man, a .young man of Burlington, Ohio, states that he had been under the care of two physi cians, uud used their treatment un til hu was not able to get around. They pronounced his case to he con sumption nud Incurable, .tie was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and coins anil at tutu time was not able to walk across the street with out restinc. He fouud before he had ued hulf of a dollar bottle that ho was much better; ho continued louse it aud Is today enjoying good health. If vou have any throat, lung or chest trouble try it. Wo guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free at Fry's drugstore, 225 Com. St. UEAh ESTATE TRANSFERS FILED WITH COUNTY ItECOUDEK. Geo W Hollister and wf to W J Richardson, pt block 13 annex No 1, Hollister add to Staytou, $500. Sal in Land Co to Eliza C and William Moser It 11, 12, bl 13, Eu glewood, $550. Geo W Hollister, and wf to J P Thomas, 5 a in sees 3 and 10, tp 9 s, r 1 w. $250. Same to W O Thomas 10, ailjolu lug Stayton, $500. Thos It ltyan and wife to Geo M Heeler, lot 2, bl 5, North Salem,$250. Deafness Cau't be Cured by local applications, as they can not reach ihe diseased portion of the eur. There is ouly ouo way to cure deafness, and that is by constitution il remedies. Deafness is caused by an intlamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets lullaiued you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, nud when It is entirely closed, deafness is tho result, aud unless the lntlamntlon can be tuketi out and this tube restored to its mu tual oouditlou, hearing wjll ho ih stroyed forever; uiuo cases out of ten aro caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an intlamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dol lars for any case of deafness (caus-ed by catarrh) that we cannot euro o taklug Hill's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co,, Toledo.O. Sold by druggist, 75 cents. m Are You (loins Eust? If so, ho sure and see that your tickets read via" Hie North Western Line." The C.St. l M. vt O. lis. PuIsIh the groat hhort line from St. Paul or Duhiih toall points east ami -40U tli. Tlu-lr niagiillUeiit track, peerless esiiluili-d dining and sltvp mg oar Indus, und their motto, 'always nu tlni" lws given thic road n national reputation. All classo of Kveugera aro cat Wed on tho ycstibuled trains without extru charge. AH ticket agents sell tiukcts via tliU line. Ship your freight nnd travel over tills famous road. W. II. Mkad, Gen. Agt., No. 4 Wash. St, Portland, Or. A, J. Lklanii, Tray'g At, Passengers destined to the promi nent cltlttt east of tho Missouri river should patrunita the Chlcat n. ion oumog euair cars, natiusome day coaches aud oomtortablo Pullmaii colonist sleeper. eod-aug I10THL AK1UVALS. "WILLAMETTE" P F Everson nud wife, Port Town-scud. J P Meeker, Puynllup. W P Smith, A Humberger, F H Jinks D W Brti'ey, J W Holler, W O Nesley and wlfi, Portland. U Mead and wife, F L McKensle, Ballard. J W Payne, Mrs W H Ininnn, Miss Nettle Inmati nnd maid, N Y. T ri Iteed, Aurora. F Miisenger, Wis. M Kahu, Phi'adelphia. C F Wehr, J D Frvy. S F. l'J d.i.-bach, Woodbtiru. Geo V White, Boston. S S rfiitneer. lleppnef. F M l'ayl -r isi.d wife, Chicago. E Brtcmer, F. S D Lovell, CVeade Locks. "cook " W Bayer, A P Johnson and wife, Jacob rftaollle, Newberg. TUNell.J J Murphy, J Doll, Purtliinil. J Walters, John W.dlets, H Car- .n. X....t I. X.. T.I..... i Ifl, 1MJUU J.UH1U1U. J M McCollum, J O Fro'-t, Ger vais. W Kester, City. W W Murphy, Howell. AV Murphy, Silvertou. J W Brickiuan, Riverside, Cul. SALU.M MAKICET ICEl'Oltr. A Sjiiopsln of the Markets Buying itnd Selling Prices. BKTAII. l-KICKS. REVISED QUOTATIONS. Shoulders-Sugar cured.per lb,12 Breakfast bacon 15 llnms Sugar cured, per In, 16c Beef 6UK Pork a 10 Mutton-Sai2c. Veal-1012Sc Timothy seed Per pound, 8c: selling lied clover seed Per pound, He White clover seed Per pound, 5XJc.fi" Alslke 18c per pound. Red top 10c per pound. Lincoln Grass 12c per pound, Rye- Orass 10c per pound. Orchard U roes.. 17c per pound. Now poUUors 60c per bushel. Canned Fruit Peaches, S3 00; apriool, J3 00; blackberries, S3; corn, best grades (3 00; tomatoes Jl 60; string beans ?1 60; green pens SI So; per aoz. in two io cans Fresh Vegetables. Potatoes 60c; carrot 50c; parsnips 75c; onions 4o per lb. bishHalmon 710c per lb; Sturgeon S 7c per lb-small fish 10c per lb; saltMlmou, 710c per lb; Chinook salmon, 10. t BOYINU PUICES. Whpat-7HKu net. Flour Per barrel. J5.00, best 1B6 lbs. Oats Per bushel, 27(i30c. t Uarlcy Per bushel,40s445c. Rran Per ton, til 00 at mill, sacked. Shorts Per ton, 525 00 " backed. cni per ton, saJ.uu sacKeu. Wool 16c to 18c. Eggs 30c per dozen. Potatoes Per bushel, 30c Corn meal 3c per pound. Cheese 12Ho per pound. Dried plums Per lb. B7c Dried prunes Per lb. Kta12c. Butter 2MdUc per poundfor gooJ Lard 10l2operlb Hams Per pound,ll12c. Bacon sides 0(310 per lb. Shoulders t&'Jc per lb. Chickens.. 8 to 10c per pound. Turkeys 10 to o lb, Ucese 78 per lb. Ducks, 12per lb MARKETS BY TELEGKAPII. POltTliAND. Wheat Valley, J1.52K per cental. Flour staudai d, S4.90; Walla Walla 84.70; Oats New White 3S;to 40o per bushel. MUlslulls Bran 2223; shai ts, ?25 to 20 ground barley, 830 to 32; ennp feed, S2-J to 823, middlings, $25, per ton. Hay SI2H per ton. Uutter Oregon fancy dairy, 27c; fancy- cieamery 3032X; good to lair, 23; California choice 2Jto21c. F.ggs Oreson 25 o per doz. Poultry Old chickens, So. Potatoes 15 afiKJij per cental. ' Chee&o Oregon, 11 to 12c; California 12c. Sugars Golden C, 4c-. extra 0, 4; dry granulated, 6 cube, crushed and Pow dered, CJo per pound. Beans Small white, 3clj pink 3; bayos,4c; butter, 4Xc; 1 1 inns, Cc. Dried FruitsQueted: Italian prunes, lOto lIc,PctlteaudGermau,10o per pound; raisins, $2 25 per box; plummer dried pears, 10 to lie; sun dried and factory plums, 11 to 12c; evapo rated peaches, 18 to2ic; Smyrna tigs, 20c; California tigs, 9c per pound, Hides Dry hides, H6 to 9c; Mp less foi culls; green over 65 pounds, 7c; under 65 pounds, 2c; sheep pelts, 30c31.25. SMOKED MEATS AND LAKD. Eastern hams, 12 to l'lc; breakfast ba con, 12. to 13c; sides, to 10c; lard, 01 to 12o per pound. SAN FaANCIBCO. San Francisco, Bept. 0-Wheat; buyer $1.7JJi. Barley Feed 11.05 SI OS per cental OaU-Grayrll 35 to 1 37K per cental, old. MISOKLANEOUS .MAUKETS. Chicago, Sept.30. Wheit, cash lixA'M imples. Tlioold Idea was that facial cniptlo'is weio Juo to a "blood humor," for uhlcli they gave potash. Thus the old Sareapurlllas con tatu potash, a drastlo mineral, that Instead of decreasing, actually creates moro crup 'tons. You haTd noticed this when taking otherSarsaparlllas. It Is however now known that the stomach, tho blood creating power, Is tho seat of all vitiating or cleansing oper ations. A stomach clogged by Indlgestiou or constlpatlou, vitiates tho blood, result pim ples. A clean stomach and healthful di gestion purines It and they disappear. Thus Joy's Vcgctablo Sarsaparilla is compounded after tho modem Idea to regulate the bowels aud stimulate the digestion. Tho effect U Immediate. A short testimonial to contrast tho action of tho potash SarsaparllUs and Joy's. Mrs. C. D. Stuart, of 400 Hayes St. 8. F write: " I have for years had lndi geitloa. I tried a popular Sarsaparilla but tt actually caused more pimples to break out on my face. Hearing that Joy'a was a later preparation and acted differently, I tried It and tho pimples Immediately disappeared." Us Vegetable Sarsaparilla Largest bottle, most eflecUve, tame price, F ir snl by Dau'l J. Fry, 225 Com tr et. City Warrants. VTOTICE If hereby given to all whom It 1 may concern that there are now funds In the treasury of ths city of Salem. Oregon, uppllmble to the paymeut or all Y"?.?! of the c'ty or Salem, "en i?PZ btwn Nov anh. isao, and Jan. 2M. Ul, and that wild wurruuu will cea to draw Inleieut from and aer the date of this notice. Wltne mjr hand. tht, the Itth day ol was tit Treasurer, Halem, Or gou, -"3E2,X53ES.- A fine fruit or cake stand, with ev J" .of ha rKLKHItATUU TAisCA everv UK Jo uAAmuivnutii, roraieiy T. BORROWS, No,2WOouimervlja BL, Ualem r0 rwJlmm. Both tho method and results when Svrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, npdacta fently yet promptly on tho KidneyB, aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, Iiead aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For sale, in 50o and $1 bottles by all druggists. CAUFUHNIA tiu ornur uu. uuamJffi SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. lit VI lunn, u.it JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and -Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Border, Artists' Ma terials, lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Strawberries and Grapes. TumntirviirlpllMnf ranh forsale. Mnutial of culture nnd descriptive catalogue of plants of either of these, best or nil table fi ults, suitable for this cllm-tte, sent on np pllcatlon to E. HOFElt, talem, Oregon. THE GliEAT Portland Industrial Exoosition With its WorldloljW'cndcrs OPENS SEPT. 17,1891. CLOSES OCT. 17lli. Music bv ths great ZAPAD0RES BAND direct from the City of Mexico. Artllrom the great masters of Europe and Ameilca, valued at a quarter million dollars. Wonderful Electrical Adaptions in lull opentlon. A Splendid Scries of Mineral Exhibits. 17 Filled with Novel and Interesting In Art, Science and Industry. A GreateriNumberof Exhibits than ever before presented upon the coast. The Stock Department made a Piomi nent feature, SOOO in Premiums. The Largest Display ol Fruit and the Finest Exhibit ol Agricult ure ever raadelin the Pacific Nerthwest. All manufactures In lull. motion. Everything New. No Dead Exhibits. The Exposition ol Expositions Admission; as usual. Greatly Reduced Kateafor;round trip on'all passen ger Hues, yjdw M. T. RINEMAN DSALIIl IN Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery. Glassware. I.imi. U'nii and Willow ware. All kinds of milt feeo Also veeretablesand fruits In IIipIp muui "Illghest lrlce paid for country pnnlune n j owiiuimuuri) oi your I aiiongr-, &-9 in dtatktreet A. J. SHIMP, M, D., Physician and Surgeon. Late ot Philadelphia, ELECTRICITY ilS THE TRUE ENEMY Of all Chronic. Ilbeumatlc, iilood, Ilruln and nervous dlsea&es. Every vnilety ol female dUeases yield to electricity ufttr all other modes of treatment have fai'ed. Thirteen years clinical experience, office 25!) Commercial street. 5 2t ,n E. K. HALL, Paper Hanger. LeaveorderaiGlobe IledlKUteRxuhang J. K. AATH ITE, EXPRESS AND TRUCK LINE. Uaullog r all kinds. Uest work. M agon at every train. eewernivr. i-v v i tnes wexex a. i i Mm 7mMtWm r - f -vrV5 .C" ?ak7fek3esG3S5l 1 I m wrii f 'amiy winmtvi'waMi i t Department Notlco of Filial Settlement. In the Circuit Court of th State of Ore Kou for the county of Mariuu, iu ihe nut ter of the utate of J, H. Hulllv an, deread. ' hereby gl en ttii 1 hv tl'ed my Hied Una! account In t' nlxe enU tied esute and thai Moady. t hetn dy of UvtObtr, has beeu axed as tho day of flnkl wow AdrolnUtrator ?Rr- UQnTnTT m uomnn Ntloe 't 'ett-,i f . ,. OUJj KA, I imV,,m On l.nnlvtent -fVve . e",.'.h" "" g DKHIltAlU.KlUIKlnhNnTir o i tier iBolieicU I Ol 1 1 1 gi , ., j t- i i ,- 1 or.cawV. Slti "IJn" nee. Am lltnM-tM, "JJ 'i'S can bo accommodated. to,"'t l Usl. A silver Elfftn ..!.,. JU lilies. Asteu1wsn3ind,uilti at Joi'iinai. otTce una cluii r,H2 T"iVAlK110ARI)INri. -. - "m, j I inuy obtiilu at reasonable;; ' I Coma with nlcel fiiMilshSj1," . ti nnwt part or Hmclly.rlrht'U r.ir lino l,v.lll. S.V'.W?1?' thSri 01. 1 AUKNT8 V.NTEn.-Freetiw.u 111 toenciireltn n..n '(. bnlcsmen have eamtd from 7j til' ' xurK. 1 rVUVO i Mrhohirehlps Is W UlamctteoM. 1 Bity, lor rent at a bnimln H I MM.K. U. Mluto, at faplto U . ID. om " , , IV ipOR KENT L1 block froi :NT. A houte, Mx mnm. from bnlneks street. VrnJ,."1 fornle. teuqlilro uquira at 1U7 I mnt Urtfi ? - uf I. -Mill KENT. Good otflce roomm b floor in ex.-elleni loratmP5 Iwatloa, E&jK! Ut JtUHKAIiOim-C. u. WAMED-Our agents -nakesicowto 11 month clllng our Roodi I on i merits. We want countv an , ' agents, und will take buft all vood, . sold If county agent full? tn Tjear il inu expenses tu'er a mirtj flays'trliil Z Keneral agent less than J25J, wi ?end laigo Illustrated circulars and 1! vtlth R special oiler to mil lerrltorr it piled lor, on receipt of 3 one cent tuVJ: Vppiy utouceand get In or the U ddress Keuner Mauufucturlrji'o S burg. la. I7(liu CtALiEM IKON and BOTTLE HOCSt. O Cash p'lld for old lion, rjg, roL rubbers, buttles, etc Seiond hand ti ought nnd told Call at 15ft Comueny JlICTJl. 0WJj HEMOHUHOin" (Plk8)rf CTeryTafs, Ulcers und Flssure, I'rolapsm, lectmii. etc I'osltlvely cured vtitttuitpa. detention from business. Patient la-st itj. selves al their own homes and a cnrer amceu. jmi riiu iu tuu inu uctci, method of cuttice and lignturlrt. u drefcS Western otllce, Tolu Lla atlj lu., i.WH uua iv cruiciu, vrit);i;ij. ij low siivg v.um Merchant tailor. All kind ol cki mudo to order, Hcpaiilng tind elft neatly done, One s ick Milt W. fom' $22. ()ne frock Milt s?2. foiinerlr I0.il overcoat S20, loimcrly t-0. Hie ventl formerly M. One palrorpanthtijiirmnl 510. WS Commerclul St., boiem.Ur 1112k I Draught and driving horses, youn and old. Inquire of G. "W. ANDERSON, Cook Holrt Those AfflicteA1 STlth the habit ol using to excels, LIQUOR, OPIUM OK Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, Office Cor. Third raid MndlonW., Im I land.ur. can or wrne. isiriciir comes tlal. MIILLU'S & CO., Merchant Tailors, A full lino of Imported and domtsi woolens. Also a complete block of goal furnishing goods. All the latent rj!sl Ki& ixmunerciai siieet. W. M. DeHAVEN Boariinj - and - Sale One door west of Lunn'sDry DoodsttttJ on state street, uuiei inrnuy leanu. tf a lal attention paid to transient stt l Jas. Batcheor, Prop'r, WarniMeals at All Uoursol theDaj None but white labor era .nyedlntbJ establishment. . ..,. A vaenl Hiihktnntlal meal c ted in cm- class style Tweuty-flve cents per meal Court street, between Journal Office is! j aainios iavcjj. AMKOr'THK LAROKJT ESTAmi'J Umenta In the Htate. !".: Portland. Largest stock Le8a!c!bJ the State, a-d biggest ttISC4 Mtikia'J egsl blanks. , . E. J;v-K I Hlnam rrinier wucm : JX-LsB1 W -.. Nn .JSn m fVaiiC iuasi HEALTH. t. niclian Golden BaH"" Cures Chancres, Ant nd ".,Mi Sores on tho Lee and Br..6.! i', Knu !. Conneroloreu ; ,t Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased SffS, primary forms of the diseas WW Syphllli. Price, 65 OOPff & trf RIchau'a Golden aj,8krt Cures-Tertiary, N",iI'KdMU matlsm, lalns In .the B"2ft i , HeadTback of the Nk. U"J Throa't. Syphilitic .Bash. YfiSu.vt traeted Cords, StWne on""' 1 eradicate all disease from tw whether caused byH&Uetta 'p cl Uereury, learlnf tiUIJii. healtbv. Price JS 00 P',VniiJ Z.B ItlcW'e Colder. SPJ 6t doto lor the n,??!SrrwW,,. IrriuUon Orarel, and tJl lrtaJ , tal dliarransemeiiU. 1T"" 91 SO per Bottle- ni!!, Ca KUUnu'e Golden "VJu gx V ltiaiu' Oolitn .ykJ- aad Brain treatment: ;" ELKuS' er. exceas or orer-wore. r Prlc 3 OO per . IMnlo and NJ7ft jeofail S Sent Teryrbere,C. O. U-. " THE RICHARDS WtST l JTT" " ' CaDital Citv Ittnl PRINTING. g500 fkm jv mmr .i?as IMft mSMM awuw wT '. aPjayf &. hjp n -. im a- ww-ia .