Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 29, 1891, Image 2

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    y fuH" "' WffW V
eilquo showed up. If ntiy of Uicm
hftd they would bavo bcnrdaome un
iteasaut truths, for It Bccmed to l
generally undrretood that every one
of ibem was licensed to roast the
"Little Wizard" as vigorously aa be
pleased: Tho prevailing Impression
wns that tho market would recover
today from tho ejiock which con
vulsed It Friday nnd Saturday. All
agreed that there wus no sound rea
son for tho break. Gonld had sprunB
a trick and Wall street had been
duped without ntopplug to IhUik
what It was all about. Now that
thev bnd opeiiol their eyes tliej
could seo that oil this flurry was
nlmut almost nothing. Gould, bis
orm nnnrofi nnd ItUSSOll Sage Wl'U
reported to have had a consultation
n.i in lnvvn decided that It would
bo unwlso for the Missouri 1'aciilc
director lo declare a dividend at
iiir.tr ttipnltnif. Gould bad caused
this report to be circulated through
liU various orgas nnd uews agon
cles. On tho receipt or this report,
which really amounted to no mori
than Idlo rumor, Wall street wool
AniKV.nnd tliohotlomfellotltnfslflt ks.
Gossip about the Union Pacific was
very much of tho same cinmtcier.
Gould it was said, had tried to en
rich hiumclf by spreading a repor
that the road was likely to pis lnt
tho bunds of a receiver. His einh
bnd been thwarted, however, by tin
firm stand of J. Plerrepont Morgan,
when he declared that tho schemi
for funding the floating Indebted
ness of tho Union Paoltlc wasalreadj
'perftctcd, and that the money win
certain to be raised whether Gouh'
helped or not.
an i:wri:sinNTHioir.j;D.
OtiANon, N. J., Sept. i.-IIenrj
Walters, of Norm.tu street, Eisl
Orange, was caught Huuday night
In an attempt toelopo with Gertrudi
Beck, of Belmont uvenue, Newark.
Bix weeks ago he deserted lilswlfi
and four children, iheyoungest onlj
four months old. Walleiv is an
Englishman about thirty-six years
old nnd a decorative artlst,of consid
erable ability. Although bo Is cupa
hie of earning 130 a week ho only
gave his wife 60 cents in postage
stamps to support tho family on
while he was away. Lust Moudaj
Miss Beck called'on Mrs. Walter,
nnd told her that her husband wus
living In Newark, and proposed to
her to marry him. 8ht had found
out that bo was already married,
and told Mrs. Walters. Tho two
then concocted a plau to catoh him
Saturday evening, when ho called
on Mlsa Beck, na was his custom.
Sunday Mls3 Beck received a tele
gram from Walters asklug her to
meet him on tho corner of Btoad und
Orange streets, Newark. Sho In
formed tho East Orange police, and
Sergeant Bell kept tho appointment
with her. When Walters Jumped
oil tho horso-car to greet Miss Beck,
tho olllcer anested him. Ho hud
given Miss Beck his wife's gold
watch and chain as a prcaont.
TllUK I.OV13 I811I.IND.
BniDaEt'OHT. Conn., Sept. 20.
Mrs. P. T, Burnum's high-salnrled
I m nor ted Kucllsli maid. Clara
-ifa. Vi mg T7niMtCTnuTonolTiIe"ri"
her, und from what was learned at
tbu Baruum houseViold Sunday
night, It Is a case of elopement, be
yond doubt. Honoris Is a line-looking
colored man and waited upon
the crcat showman for tho last fif
teen years of his llfo. Whenever
Mr. Barnum crossed the Atlantic-,
or whorover ho wont, tho faithful
body servant was with him. He
was remembered with a handsome
sum In tho will of tho showman.
When Mrs Baruum went lo Europe
In tho spring, ltoliorts went with
her. There she engaged tho English
maid. Together they traveled
through Europe, und the huudsotm
colored butler and tho English
mnld woro thrown In each otherV
company a great deal. Tho servautt
utMarvluu began to notleo that tin
maid and valet were on very friend
ly terms. It created a great amount
of talk and Mrs. Baruutu, to avoid
scaiHlul. determined to dismiss hoi
maid and the old serviuil of her
husbaud. BobertH left the city yes
terday. The maid was heard to mi
that sho couldn't live without him,
and also loft. At Murylna it wus
leurued that they were together In
Now York. Tho maid la 22 year
old ami Is quite a comely young woman.
How dooa ho fool ? He feels
cranky, and is constantly experi
menting, dieting himself, adopting
strange notions, and changing the
cooking, the dishes, the hours, and
manner of his eating August
Flowor tho Romody.
How doos ho fool? He feels at
times a gnawing, voracious, insati
able appetite, wholly unaccountable,
unuatural and unhealthy, August
Flowor tho Romody.
How dooa ho fool ? He feels no
desire to go to the table and a
grumbling, fault-finding, over-nicety
about what is set before hint when
nke is there August Flowor tho
How doos ho fool ? He feels
after a spell of this abnormal appe
tite an utter abhorrence, loathing,
and detestation of food; as if a
mouthful would kill hint August
Flower the Remedy.
How does ha feel? He has ir
itgular bowels and peculiar stools
August Flower the Remedy.
rnnu mnmilllT I
1 lliVlll uuiiiuuiiiMi.i
Rcvolntion Precipitated by
Mrs.Williams.To Unite all Church
es. Electric Car Accident, Sad
Death of a Young Man, Horrible
Crime, Destructive Fire, Suicide
or Accidenr, State and Foreign
News, Etc,
St. Louis, Sept. 29. A dispatch
from the City of Mexico says u re
volution has been precipitated In
the Republic of Guatamala will
"questionable become general." A
gentleman who left tho City of Gua
tamala on tho morning of the ICth
Inst and who has Just reached tills
city on horseback from Acupulco
brings Information of an outbreak
which occurred In Guatamala on
the 15th lnst and wiu still In pro
jrexs when ho left. According to
his story the people or that city were
celebrating tho anniversary of their
national holiday. It, appears Presl
dent Barrllas had personally ap
poluted the orators or the day. This
tho mu-sses took exception to and
when orutors took the rostrum n
was a signal Tor a storm or stone
whicii set them to flight. An exilt
lug scene followed and every known
'ibenil or Barrilus partisan war
driven from the plaza. After that
the masses elected their own orator
ind the mostvloleut and Incen Hurj
speeches followed. News or the
riot spread rapidly und soon Batrillus
threw a battalion or Infantry Into
t he large squ. ire for the purp se of
lispersiug the mob. They with
fixed bayonets attempted to euro
the plaza by assault but were met
with a shower of stones and bulli-ts
from revolvers. This action of the
mob put them to flight leaving
many dead and wounded. Huriltit
then ordered tho artillery Into the
plaza, and lufuntry and two cannons
to guard his residence. When the
guns vero turned on the mob it dis
persed, the people left the plaza nut
fought insldo tho streets, In fact
they practically, during tho night of
tho 15th had full control of the cltv,
though at intervals they were at
tacked by tho infantry who shot
many of them. It Is thought this
will causo a general revolt through
out tho entire Itepubllo of Guata
mala and engender war In all other
Central American states. A strict
coercion Is maintained overall press
dlspatehos and tho mall Is also
trilled with to prevent tho leaking
of any information concerning the
actual condition of tho country.
St. Louis, Sept. 20. A private
dispatch to a prominent merchant
ofthisoitv from Newton sins 500
lives were saorlllced in four days
and that shooting Is still going on.
The dispatch also convoys tho Infor
mation thnt Barrllas declared him
solf dictator. It Is stated that C.il,
Jobon killed Gon. Sunohei, and the
brother of Gen. Sauohez learning of
IiIb assustuntlon, shot and killed
Jobon, nud Gen, Sanchez's brother
was oxecutod.
Tho city Is under murtlul law, and
a reign or terror provalls, tho Inhab
itants being afraid tolo'tvo their
housed. Tho residence or President
Hurrllai Is guarded by soldiers and,
and the president does not stir
abroad unless guarded by u largo
Toreo of cuvulry.
WoiumnHTKit, Mass., 29. Tho
Democratic statu convention wiib
called to order this morning and
permanent organisation ellected by
tho election or P. A. Collins, of Boh
ton an chairman. William Eustls
Russell, or Cambridge, was re-noml-nated
for governor.
Tin: i'IiAtkokm.
WoitcittTint, Sopt. 29. The plat
form adopted renews tho demand for
the repeal of tho MoKinley taritl
law, and declares In fuvor or honest
money. It declares all dollars coin
ed by tho United States, should bo
of an equal Intrinsic value, and thut
all paper currency Issued by tho
government, Hhould bo ledeemuhlo
In either gold or silver, at tho option
of tho holder and not at tho discre
tion of tho eeorotary of tho treasury.
Itoppoa.B ftvonnd unlimited coin
age of silver and tbu "dangerous"
sliver legislation enacted by the lust
Tacoma, Wash, Sept. 29. Krank
Wilson, a detective and deputy
United States marshal, returned
Saturday from tho East, having io
captured James Pegmnu, whu w.
enped from MoNlel'a about two
mouths ui;o. WIImui nlsn, while
East, Huccewlud lu overtaklag Mrs.
William, the woman whoswlmllil
tho holiest granger, John Hull', out
of 5000 lu lulacity under pmniUt
of marrlago. I loll came from oust
of tho mountains and mtido tho tie- taken with cole, when Dr.MouurlU'
qunlutnuco of Mm. Williams at UU ndmliilstored n hypodermic Injection
lodgings la tho Waverly bouse. She of morphine, nt the smio time glv
reprcsentcd ht-rxelf to bo an unin tr i lug him three powders, containing a
rled woman, and exercised her wiles quarter gruln of m irphlne each, to
over Hot! In hiioh a way us to en- ho taken at Intervals if tho pnln
tangle hint iu doqwrato love. She
was n singer lu the National theater,
where her husband played In the
bund. Wilson traced tho wounn
I from Toronto to Cltiultiiutl, from '
jCiiiulunatl In Indiana nud from
Indiana to IIHtioU, wlioro, lu I Unry
county, ha found the iialr enj o hi?
their gain lu n country villugu.
Having located them, Lo attempted he took themorphlne hllotone time'
tosecurea requisition, but the gov with suicidal Intent or to kill the
. ...... . tn..f. - It t. ...l.l.1.,
eruor refused to grant one, ami be
therefore tried a blufT game, He ap
peared before tho couple at their
hotel with a warrnntand they began
to beg. He finally concluded ne
gotiations with them, when they
turned over $12.Wia cash and a lot
of valuable diamonds, nnd left then,
penniless nnd jeweless. Hofflsglad
enough to get even a portion of his
money back, having supposed It
gone for ever.
Detective Smith Saturday night
arrested "Kid" McWrigbt. a negro
waiter on a Pullman diulug-car,
when It entered the city from Port
land. -He searched the man tlnr-
.ugly and turned him loose. The th
reat was made on telegraphic tulvice
from Chief Parrlsb, in which It said
that Me-Wright was suspected of
of taking 5120 and several hunches
or Pullman car keys, and asking
that If any property be found, ho
should bo detained. As a rlg.d
search revealed nothing, McWrigbt
was liberated and went through
with his train.
Chicago, Sept. 29. Td unite all
tho Prostcdant churches in the
United States, except the Episcopal,
under one form of worship, is the
object for which the Rev. Br. A J.
Can field, of St. Paul's Universalis!
church, Is striving. His idea is to
establish an "American church."
which, while nllowlug the lattltnde
asked in the matter of creed, shall
conform to one liturgy. Br.Canfleld
docs not think the different denomi
nations can ever bo united on mat
ters of belief, but he believes they
can be brought Into closer relations
lu their emotional religion. With
this Idea in view, he bus proposed u
liturgy which he QXK.-cts to use In
his own church In Chicago. '!
Iiave the Episcopal prayer-book for
my model," said Dr. Cantlpld today.
"Of course, I haven't used the tame
language, as Hume of the forms of
expreftlon ore antique and cumber
some. I think tho tendenuy of tin
present day is rather too much to
wards intellectuullsm. People go to
church to listen to a sermon as tboj
would a lecture. It Is merely an
intellectual treat, not an act or wor
ship. My Idea is that the congrega
tion should take part In the services
und allow tho emotional side of the
religious nature to find expression
Wn.KESimiti:, Pa., Sept. 29. The
death, In this city, of K. M'Dowell
Shomaker, recalls one of the saddest
and most romantic episodes that
has ever made Its Impression on the
people of Wllkesbarre. Comlnu
from ono of the oldest families ot
tho Wyoming valloy. a nillllonuln
in his own right, with tho prospect
of a bright futuro opening heron
him, Shoemaker deliberately fluny
It all away at the behest of a woman
of tho town, became a social outcast
nud died a habitual drunkard, feu
years ago, Mac Shoemaker, us hi
was called, was a bright, nmnl
youug fellow, n fnvorlto among his
.uAymU)m.nnJ. ..ivnlpjnin imol,. I ti.
mu iiiuau UAUiunivu uumt-'rt. I'liuuu-
making mammas laid many plans
for his capture ami tho brothers ol
the marriageable sisters sedulously
cultivated bis acquaintance. His
lucomonmouuted to nearly $5000 a
month, and was spent with a lavish
hand and his pocletbook fell open
readily at the beckon or tho needy.
While still on the topm st round or
tho social ladder, he made tho ao
qiialutaiico of Nellie JIaulon, an
Inmate or n rashlonublo house or
Ill-repute, lu this city. She was a
beautiful woman, und tho youuu
millionaire became infutuatod with
her. The entreaties or his rrlouds
wero or no avnll. Ho seemed com
pletely under tho control or tin
woman, whoskilirully played with
him until at last he throw all respect
aside aud married her. This tlnec
yeurs ago. Ho wus at ouco cut oil
from all Intercourse with his family,
This, after n thr.o, preyed upon his
mind to such an extent thut lie took
to drink, nud bo rapid was his down
ward career that lu six mouths after
Ills marrlago the courts declared
him a habitual drunkard and ap
poluted a committee to man igo his
estate. Ho aud hts wife received an
allowance sulllolontto support them
comfortably. When ho was strick
en down by a fatal Illness two week
ago, his friends spirited him away
to Harvey's lake, a iuountiln resort,
without tho knowledge or consent
of his wife. When sho learned ol
his whereabouts she called to see
him, but was met at tbu door li
Mao's undo and refused admittance
Sho nppouled to the courts, and the
case was still ponding when Shoo
maker died. The wife expresses hei
determination to bo present at tlu
B.vicku City, Sopt, 29. Quarter
niaster-Sergeunt Gumey, of Com
pany C, Fourth Cavalry, or Walla
Walla, while en route to Fort Hid
well, Cal., undorlaommtiiid of Cap
tain Wlnt and Ieutoimnt MoClure,
died near thW city at 7 o'olouk lust
ovoulug under lather peculiar cir
cumstance. This morning ho wan
continued. After ridlug horseback
for h vera' tulles ha usked thnt he
bo allowed to rid lu the niubulanco
wagon. I he request wus granted
and In a few hours ho was found in
un uuconsolom condition. A
stomach pump win nppl.ed but the
(deadly pa'ou had tilled ually done
Its work. It Unot known whether
pain. If the former, it is probable
be took more morphine out of the
chest. An Inquest will bo held,
after which the remains will prob-
bably be sent to Walla Walla for
iiomuiiLK crime.
Dukamio, Col., Sept. 29. llalph
Buy, the 20-year-old murderer of hi-
motber, was captured on Satii'day
evening, and returned to this city.
He ija that after be nud his mother
bud eaten breakfast last Wednesday
morning, he went to tho barn and
look two drinks of whiakv. Be
turuiug to the house bo Informed
his mother that he was goliiu to
Furinlimtoii, New Mexico, to the
fair. Mrs. Hay remonstrated, not
desiring to be left alone. Tills an
gered him, and as he passed his
mother for the door, he struck her a
terrible blow on the back of the
head with a hatchet, sinking the
iron into her head to the handle.
She sunk to the floor without a
moan, and the son then pluuged a
knife Into her breast three times,
wrapped the body In a quilt, mount
ed n hoie and started for Mexico.
The father has gone lusaue and bis
life is despaired of.
Puiladkli'iiia, Sept. 29. Short
ly after 2 o'clock yesterday after
noon lire broko out in the oil ware
house of Phillips & Cuiiuiughum,
No. 130 North Delaware avenue.
The flames soon gained headway
and swept through the inflammable
slock of the building, nud the
structure was ablaze from cellar to
roof twenty minutes after the fire
broke out. Despite the utmost ef
forts of the firemen, tho flames
spread west to Water street and to
the rag warehouse of Jessup &
Moore, adjoining, burning the oil
store on the north. Iu a short time
the wurshouses nt 127, 131 and 133
Water street weie abluze. Philip
and Charles Porter were injured by
the exploding oil, und Frank La wry
w is hurt by a full from n ladder.
While tho fire was nt Its height the
walls of .Tessup & Moore's warehouse
fell iu, buiying several llremeu, hut
60 far as known none were killed.
The loss Is roughly estimated at one
million dollars.
Lith.k Rock, Ark., Sept. 23. A
report from Telvillo says thnt the
depredations of u gang of lawless
characters, banded together as a
secret organization, have terrorized
the inhabitants of Marion county.
The gang made u genor.il raid in
Cowan Birrou'a neighborhood Sun
day night which put to shame the
work of tho worst class of outlaws
ou tho western border. Tho houses
of William Haniblett, sr., William
Haniblett, Jr., Rev. E. McCarty,
Judge J. S. Oweus, Richard West
and Thomas Sasser were visited and
Hied Into by tho marauders. The
windows wero smashed in, and at
Uev. McCarty's, somo children,
sleeping lu tho front room, were hit
and severely injured with stones.
nuuji vtiij'o uineu wus (alien irom
a stablo and Its ears cut oil. Wil
liam Haniblett, Jr., was warned to
leave tho country under penalty of
death. Rev. McCarty was warned
that if Ilamblett's wife continued to
live at Ids house he would bo killed.
Jim McCarty was also warned that
his life was in peril. Tho authori
ties are greatly oxcited aud overy.
effort is being mudo to apprehend
tho leaders of tho raid.
COKO. Nkw Yokk, Sept. 29. U 10:50
yesterday morning tho private
coach. "Grassmero," containing
John W. Mackay and party arrived,
having mude the fastest trip ou re
cord fiom San Francisco to tilt
city. Tho parly left Sun Francisco
at 7 o'clook Wednesday evening
last. It Is rumored Mackay's trip
to this city is for tho purpose of
looking after the Interest of the Pa-
clflo roads iu connection witli the
Searls will contest. A visit to
Mass., will probably bo
Chicacio, Sept. U9. A Washing
ton special 8ayn lust ructions liave
been cabltd Kgun, minister to Chill,
to demand the release of the Amer
ican citizens, who wero arrested on
suspicion of being spien, or Nympa
thlzera with the enemy ot the
Skatti.k, Sept. U!) There was
tho greatest excitement und conster
nation fur a few moment) yiMerdaj
afternoon about 4:80 o'clock nt the
House of the Good Shepherd on
Ninth street, butwoen Jfllorsun and
Terrace streets, It wns the occasion
of nu uttomptod kidnapping of a
little girl, Maggie Mctlee, and ti
brutul assAiilt upon ono of the Sis
ters of thu Houso of the Good rfli p
henl, whu was trying to protect tin
ohlld. Bister Teresa, who wi as
saulted, was badly beaten over the
head und body with n club in the
hands of Kite McGee, an old wo
man, notorious fur tho way lu whluh
sho has ivinduolad her.sidf of lute
on. oau wnwcic.
FAKtio, N. 1), Sept. 80. The
wcst-lHuind freight ou (ho Northern
Pa ol llo Sunday morulug twttoluHl n
car of oil onto a side Ira -k ut Ituflalo,
ubout thlrtv mlleo west of Ftirim Ii
was not dlscovere.1 until too late,
that tho brukr ou ibe oar would not
work, and tho car jwssotl over tho '
switch, out ou tho main track nud
tartwl down tho Bteep grade, Just
as it cattle tralu of tweuty-two caw
nuruu up tuugntue. Tbe car struck
thocnglne, scattering Hip "It in all
directions, and the headlight on the
..IiwigaI II nil Urn Kllrrlnwr J. (J.
engine set it on Are. Euglneer J. C remaining uncalled for iu tlie posi
Curtlsand Fireman W. E. D. dge ; onice nt Salem, Sept. 29, 1891. Per
were covered with burning oil nnd Bona calling for the same will please
died Inside of an hour. Brakeman
Arthur A. Beeton was badly burned
nnd will loe the sight of both eyes,
nnd the chances are largoly against
his surviving the sIiock. Tblrieeii
mra of cattle were set ou fire by the
tuirniugoil and were entirely con
IlAKKlsnuito. Penii.. Sent. 29
The j'dnt legislative committee !
Investigate the olllces of state tre.'4
urer, auditing and attorney genera!
today adopted resolutions recom
mending that the United Stales
law regulatlug public funds he
adopted nud that ttie inquiry be
confined to the conduct of the pres
cut auditor general, state treasurer
and cashier.
Poktland, Sept. 29. Yesterday
aflernooti, about 1:30. car No. 3 of
the Waverly & Wood Hock brauch
of the Willamette Bridge Rallwa
Company, jumped the track at the
corner of Fifth and P. streets In East
Portland. It is not know whether
the accident was caused by a rock
ou the truck, or by tho breaking ol
the rear axle. The car was thrown
violently over on Its side, aud tin
windows completely shuttered
There wero thirteen passengers in
the car at the time. Those who un
fortunately were Inside at the thin
of the occurence, were severely
brn'sed and cut by the fulliug glass
Miss Finger received a severe cut
on the left arm iu addition to other
bruises. Mrs. Sprague was severely
bruised, and her right ear ulmov.
cut from her head. When the air
toppled over she was thrown head
foremoit amongst the shattered
glass. These two ladies were scut to
their homes lu carriages.
Mrs. W. E- Jones, of Portland,
was very badly cut on the right side
of tho head, her right shoulder dis
located, and her left limb severely
bruised. Sho was carried to a tent
aloug tho side of tho street, nud
when seen by n reporter was still in
a dazed condition. The people to
whom the tent belonged were doiug
their best to revive her and were
wondering why n physician hud not
been summoned.
Conductor J. M. Hunter receive'3
a deep cut on tho right wrist and
was nlso injurled In tho bend.
A force of men were ut one; dis
patched from the otllce of tho com
pany and tho car righted aud placed
on the track agaiu, Then it. wa
found that the rear axle find been
snupped iu two. Whether this wa1
done when the car was thrown ou
its side, la not known, neither does
tho mortor man remember seeing
anything on tho truck. The whole
occurence seems to bo shrouded In
mystery, and beyond the fact that
tlio car was turown on Its slue, no
Illiuillltsiiuil t.!4.U
Newuhko, Or., Sept. 29. The
Yimhill county fair, which was
held at this pluco Wednesday,
riiursday nnd Friday, had n partic
ularly successful season this year.
Tho new grounds and pavlllou
proved an attraction which every
body wanted to see, and during the
three days of the fair nearly 6000
people inspected the exhibit. The
new grounds consist of ten acres of
fir grove, on which a large pavilion
has been erected by the Newberg
merchants by voluutnry coutnbu
tlons. Tho premiums nlso come
from this fund, nnd as no admission
fee was charged, the citizens deserve
great credit for their enterprise.
Tho exhibits wero, without excep
tion, tho fluest over seen iu the
county. Tho fruit exhibit comprised
every variety grown in Chehalis
valley, add tho big red Oregon apple
was prominently dlsnluved. The
greater portion of the exhibit was
takou to Portland ou Saturday, and
will decoiato the horticultural hall
of the exposition, Tho amusements
consisted of baseball, single and
doublo driving, bicycle racing and
ladles' and boys' horseback rldlug
aud racing. Tho evout of tho fair
was the baby exhibit. Every man,
woman aud child living anywhere
wlthlu a rndlus of twenty miles
was present with one or more babies,
all eager for a prize. Tho premiums
wore nwnrded, hut to whom no one
but the prize babies knows.
Ni:WStAltm Ul'ltNIJI) OUT.
Poktlani), Or., Sept. 20 Fire
this morning destroyed the oftlco of
tho Kast Portland Chromule. Loos
UwutWOOOj fully Insured.
PoitTi.AN-n, Fopt 20. Wheat
vnlley f 1 62. Walla Walla 51.42.
Sav Fkancisw, Sep. i"J Spt
wheat buyer; 1891, 1.73.
Uhioaho, Spt. SO. At close
wheat was steady, cash, 05J. Dee.
a... -....o c. . t,
..-. tno.AuiRvir, .-tin. .,-riire.
Csat fur Or-Jgon und Wnslllugten:
I,lRlit rains followeU by fair weather
'" "' wcwero iwmiiii,
Fa,,0' sll,; 8,,a,l lampa new nat
to"l-Jt l at Sn nt A Gile'u.
! i r ,.ou w,lH, ,,, w,-M hni,
lue. you will tl-ul Jack Harkfn t
I'ouie a, oppoai e rouuury.
better 1.11.
Tho following is tho list of letters
sav "adert!sed:"
Alexander Mable Adams Jos
Bennett E Barrett I J
Baucroft A Bonier lini- .
Burns Mrs fillu Hurt O W-2
Bruekert E A Bierman I)
Beekel Geo Benson Jm
Burr T W Blank Evl
Clark J C Clark Jus E
Cltrk Jno CobMiun Mrsb
rvigiilnsTliiH CnleClute
Lresweit a wiie "'
C Tier Geo Dickey G W
ii... rMre Ann II iwurd Win
IltiweEinu Hogg Miss Lizzie
Hnuiui Jo" P Ilodnsort Roht
HowerG W Hilt Mrs L mis i
Hawkins M J Hasting M Li
Hurris E E J'lies Mr M J
Johm-m T C Ivuhler C H
LoMs .Inn lj'icluire Miss u
Laird E D Mclrwtn mm ji i
Morgan.) W Pickens G K
Pierce "W F P 'teroii Cli is
Page A J . Parker CUus
Roberts Mis P Ros Mrs Lettie
Russell Homer Razs Mrs J E
Rank S B Swan W e"
riloperMrsT Sloper M-ss Pearl
Shephard Emma riwahi D R
Small Mrs 1 lettie Shaw Mrs M Jb
Small CS-2 Thayir Dick
Trabel I N Thomson T M-
rii-ulpn Martin Vance G G
Wnndworth -2 Wliischell A C-2
Weckert Mrs L J Wilson S D
WulUinr J D Watson Jno W
Wuitc Melville M Watts Miss Ella
W M C Zrisell Mrs N N
Democrat Paeitlc Cigar Factory
Laue Count v Lind & Loan Co.
A. N GlLBEItT, P. M.
A I) renin ot llupplnois
Miij be followed by n morning of "La
Grippe." Easily, and wby? Because the
tud draught from a partly closed window;
in open transom connected with a windy
jutr in a hotel, m ly convey to yoor nos
trils und lungs the death-dealing blast.
Terrible nnd swia are the inroads made by
this new destroyer. The medicated alco
holic principle In Hostetter's Stomach Bit
iAm will r-hpnit the dire comnlsint. A per
sistence In this pruveutltlvo of its further
development will absolutely checkmate
the dangerous malady. Unmedlcated nl-
cohollc stlmulauce are of Utile or no value.
rbelust medium istue uiuers. inot juss
efflcious is It In case ot malarli, billeus
ness, constipation, rheumatism, dyspep
sia and kidney trouble, The weak are
usually those upon whom diseases fasten
flrst. Invigorate with the Bitters.
V S.vnopslH of the Markets Buying and
belling 1'rlccs.
.Shoulders-Sugar cured.per lb,12
llre.ik fast bacon 15
Hams .Sugar cured, per lb, llc.
ISeer 512
l'ork 8 10
Timothy seed I'er pound, 8c: selling
Hed clover seed l'cr pound, lie.
White clover seed I'er pound, 20c.i;"
AlsiKe 180 per pounn.
Itcd top 10c per pound.
Lincoln Grabs 12c l
tier pound.
iin (Jr:.si 10a ner iiound.
Orchard Orass17c per pound.
New- potatoes 60c per bushe'.
('aimed FruliPeachts, $ 00; apricot,
73 00: blackberries, J.I; corn, best grades
.! 00- tomatoes $1 50; htrlng beans 81 50;
green pens jl 83: per doz. In two lb tans.
Fresh Vegetables. Potatoes &0c;cunots
&Gc; parsnips 7oc; onions 4c per lb.
Hsli Salmon 7.0operlb; bturgeon 5
7cperlb-smiillllshl0c per lb; salt salmon,
7luc per lb; Chinook Milmon, 10.
Wheat 7'e net.
Kloui Per barrel. $').00, best 1C lb.
Outs Per bushel, 27i.50c.
llai ley Per bushcl,40!S45c.
Iiruu Per ton. 921 00 at mill, sacked.
Shorts Per ton,J!15 00 " sacked.
Chi Per ton, S2U.00 " backed.
Wool lc to 18c.
Kggs 302 per dozen.
Potatoes Per bushel, 30o
Corn meal iks per pound.
Uheese 1214o per pound.
Dried plums Per lb. b7c.
Dried prunes Per lb. 1012c.
Uut.er 2jJ0c per pound Tor good
Lard--10l2o per lb
hhoulders 0o per lb.
Chickens.. 8 to 10c per pound.
Turkeys 10 to o lb,
Geese 78 per lb.
Ducks, Vzy&per lb v
Wheat Valloy, $1.52J per contnl.
Flour standard, 84.00.
Walla Walla $4.70;
Oats New White ."W.to 40o per bushel.
Millstuflb Unin fii23; sli u 18, $23 to 20
ground barley, fJO to 32; enrpfeed. Hi
to S23, middlings, $25, per ton.
Hay S1214 per ton.
Butter Oregon fancy daily, 27Jc; fauey
creamery 3032X; good to fair, 25,
California choice 22 to 24c.
Eggs Oregon 27 to 30 cper doz.
Poultry Old chickens, So.
Potatoes 15 at 00o per cental.
Cheese Oregon, 12 to 12c;Cnlirorni.i
Sugars Golden C, 4c; extra 0, 4; dr)
granulated, t cube, crushed and Pow
dered, GJfc per pound.
Beans Small while, 3J:Jcl; pluk 3J.
bayos,4ic; bu'ter, 4Jc; llmas, 5c.
Dried FruitsQueted: Italian prunes,
lOto Ilc;PitltonudUcrmau,10c per pound,
ralslus, J2 S5 per box; plummer dried
pours, 10 to He; mid dried and factor
plums, 11 to 12c; evupo ruled pciches, Is
to'ii'e; Smyrna Ilgs, 20c; California tigs, Ik,
por pound,
Hides Dry hides, SJS to 9c; He less foi
culls; green over 55 pounds, 7c; under 55
pouuds, 2c; bheep pelts, 30c331.2j.
lwern hams, 12 to IJJfc; breakfast ba
con, 12 to l.ic; sides, to 10c; lard, Hi
to 12c per pound.
San FnASCisco, 8pt. 23 Wheal; bujer
Barley Feed $l.a & 1 08 per cental
04t-Clray,Sl 35 to I 37f per cental, old.
Chicago, Spt.24 beat, cash ft3U$c.
TbeoM Iclea wss that facial eruptions weie
due to a "blood humor," for which they
Five potash, ThUJthooldSarsapariUascon.
tain potash, a drastic mineral, that instead
ot decreasing, actually creates more crup
Jous. You have noticed this when taking
otbwSamaparlUa. It is however now known
that the stomach, tho blood creating power,
Is the seat of ail JtIaUng or cleansing oper
ations. A stomach clogged by IndlgesUou or
constipation, Mates the blood, result pirn
plos. A clean stomach and healthful dl
iMlon purines it and they disappear. Thus
Joy's Vegetable Sanatuniu ( n.iv.i,nj..i
attar tho modem Idea to regulate the bowels
aud stimulate tho digestion. Tho effect Is I
inmitdiate. A short testimonial to contrast
tbe aetlou ot tho potash Sarsaparlllts and
Jofa. Mrs. a P. Etuart, of 400 Hayes Bt,
8. F., wiltes: I have for Tear h.l ln,.
ISon. ItriedpopmrE4rspriUbutlt
awuaiiy caused more pimples to brcik out
onyiaco. Hewing thst Joy's was a later
'"-J""luoa ttna differently, i tried it
... ..... i-.u.w iHiiiicuiaiciy auappeared."
I - .
s Vegetable
Largest bottle, most tSettirt, same price.
For sale by Dan'l J, Fry, 225 Com.
Uiril lllllM'i KCl'OllDRIt.
T R Rynn nud wlfo to Mnry D
Strayer, It 2 blk II, North Snleui,
T C Shaw nnd wlfo to Win Waldo,
bJ Its 7 nud 8, blk 1, Mill ndd to
Snlcm, $000.
A J Mofllt und wlfo to Geo W
Steele, 08 feet of blk 10, Cupltnl
Park ndd, $400.
Portland Flouring Mills company
to Robert Livingston, Scotch Mills
property of Salem, mortgage, $41,000.
of ton
tho use of Hood's Sarsaparllla. Sccro
cases of scrofula, upon which other prep
arations time been powerless, jieiu to tho
peculiar curatlvo powers of tills medicine.
Dlsticsslng cases ot dyspepsia, excruciat
ing complaints ot the kidneys and liver,
nnd"um of salt ROSLl ItS
rlieum, d:agrce- " " -
able cases ot catarrh, and aches and pains
ot rheumatism, aro cured by Hood's Sar
sip lilla. It purines the blood, and at tho
i .a tinio tones tho stomach, creates an
- tltc, anil gives strength to e ery f unc
a of the body. Give It a trial.
General Debility
" For four years my wito suffered with
largo tumor hunches on the glands under
the arms, and general debility of the w hole
system. Slio became so poor In health
that wo wero on tho vergo of despair
resirdltig her recovery. Phjsiclans did
not seem to undei stand her ease; at all
cents she neer derived any benefit from
their treatment. She finally concluded to
try Hood's Sarsaparllla. The Immediate
effect was so marked and satisfactory that
he continued to tako it, and this is tho
-esult: She lias gained In weight
From Si to III Pounds
aid Is it.oi.ter and In better health than
e .eliasbev.iruryears. The bunches under
i,.r ar..n have diminished, and wo hello o
II i id's Sai-saparllla will be too much for
thc:u lu time." J. J. Noncnoss, 22C Com
mciclal Sheet, Boston, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
SoMby.lr iglats. gl;slxforS. Prepared by
C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Low ell, Man.
JOO Doses One Dollar
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass, "Wall Pa
per and Border, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts, Grass Seeds, Jitc,
City Warrants.
-TOTICE is hereby given to all whom It
i' mnv mnwi ii tint there are now
funds In the treasury of the city of Salem,
Oregon, applicable t the payment of nil
w.manls of tho said city ol Salem, "en-don-eo"'
between Nov.Xth, IhOO, nnd Jan.
22d, 1 1)1, and that said warrants will cease
to draw iuteiest Irom nnd alter the dale of
this notice,
witness my band. this, the 19th day of
September. 101 II. J. SWAFFOHD,
U -Jj bt ire isurer, cuieiu, ureim.
With Its World;ol(Vondcrs
OPENS SEPT. 17, 1891.
Music b the great ZAPAD0RES BAND
direct from the City of Mexico.
Artllroiu the great masters of Euiopo and
Ameilca, valued at n quarter
million dollars,
Wonderful Klectrlcal Adaptions lu lull
A Splendid Perles oi 2Uiiei.il K-thiblts.
ery Department
Filled with Novel and Interesting In
Art, Science and Industry.
A OreateriNumberof Exhibits than
ever before presented upon
the coast.
The Stock Department made a Piomi
nent feature.
Th Largett Display ot Fruit nnd
the Finest Exhibit ol Agricult
ure ever madeiin the l'aclflo
All manufactories in lull motion.
Everything New. No Dead Eihlblt.
TheEiposttlonol JteiKwItlonn
AdmUlon us usual. nrsUly IteduceJ
Kites ror.rminrt trip on nil pnntj.
gerlincM. UJdw
i ii iu m u ;
U. W.llEKLKH, Amu.
f I
Notico of Final Sottlomenl.
la the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for the county of Marlon, In lb mrtl.
ter of the tatate i of .K a, BulU van. dwuS.
Notico It hereby gfven th 1 li ivn ft'oat
my tiled nual account iu the ab-. enti
tled twute and that Monday, t beith day of
OctoWr, ha been Oxed aa the day of nnt.1
MtUeiueaU ii. wllU.NT,
25c WantfciJ;
WOHI l!( I nnf(.h
t seti.eut inv "c -.''iIONl t
thai, t-ventj.ftveVni,.hl wli
rrw.?,ti 5r
. - ii
ldtl t.V-n . r -!l
L1 block from b,,, he?
1 ll.Kiriii ex.tium "S? ii
ntJoDKXAl.uHhle! l 1(alrij
and expetiscslf ?ru n,?". 2S
ageiipriuntfcnt less tliati'tSMil
Rend largo Illuttrutcd rhSnf fil
wtthagpfcciat oile, to swi "J
Piled lorron lecciptor3 nn.l
Al'lly at once mm (jet lu 'vl
Cashp-ild tor oid iSn n88
rubbers, bottles, etc SBon i,R
bought and sold Calt at ? W
street. ul w Conai
.tctum, elo I'osltlvelv rmJitr
Mention from business. Vauifel
sclNtsutthilrown homes anaiS1
antred. An end to the ola f?
method or cutting ana lCi?
dress Western oillce, Co umffi
Co.. LockboxlObalern, OnT
Mcrcbantltallor. All kind CI ,
mnde to order, llepalring and ,
nnlly done, One sack mlt tn I
i 12. one fi ock suit $72, formerly i
ncrcont ?20, formerly J. 0 One
formerly S4. One talrof pnntsr i
110. 208 Commercial ht., bak-m'i,
Draught and driviug horses
aud old. Inquire of
Paper ill anger.
Iaveordernt.Ulobe Real Estate
Hauling of nil kinds. Best
Wagon at every train.
Merchant hi
A full line of imported and
woolens. AlBoacomnlue stock
furnishlug gooda. All the Inte.
M5 Ckiiomerciftl slreeu
W. M. DeHAVf
Boarding - anil - Sale
One deorwestof I.unn'sDryl
on State street. Quiet family teu
tal attention paid to transient t
Those Afflk
With tho habit ol using to.
Can obtain a
Ofllce Cor. Third nnd Jiadlsoi
laud, Or. Call or write, atrictl
A fine fruit or cake stand, i
ran of the CELEUItAUKD
No. 228 Commerolal
a i it i
llTfl I 'ITTI 1fiOTl
uqjiidi wij im
J as. Batchelor, Pn
Warm Mcaknt All fa ol
None but white labor em :
A good substantial meal c -
class style
Twenty-five cents per meal
Court street, between Journal
Minto'a Livery.
ments In the State. Iiwer
ortland. Largest stock Legl
the State, a-d biggest discount
pilcollstof Job printing, and c
legal blanks. -,v
Steam Printer Salem
vV, 'C AM
t.e nicUtiu'a Golden Dalst
Cures Chancres, flnt and seo
Sores en the Lega and BMJi
Kyes. Nose, etc., Copper-coloro
Syphllitio Catarrh. ulMased Sa
nrfmarv forma of the ditesM
LynhiUs. 1'rlcp, JSOO Pji
Ve ltlclmu'a Golden nal
.mt& 2 Gt
yAs j,
Tbroat, Syphllitio IUsh, Loof
tncted Cords, SUffuciS of ths
cradicatta all disease from !j
whether caused by InJisf Uoj
ot Uereury, Icavln the Ux
bfaltby. Prim 85 00 per
Lo lllcliau'a Golden P'
dote for the cureoIOonon
ImtatlonOraTei,and all trtaj
tal disarrangements. Prlte
Ue Itlcbau'a Golden 8p"
loction, foraarere cssof i
Inflammatory Cteet. StrktuitM
SI 80 per riotlle. n
for the effectlre heiiin." ol WTO'
anderupUona. Pf'f' pi'
and Brain treatment; Ks oipa.
r. excess or ortr-!tl.
Pries 83 OO pp Bo
Sn ercrywhace, C. O. W, an
61)0 811 JMABKET
tvaHjisi tnr rM