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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1891)
EiiHa y? ..--..-t, ..-m :Tfyrs" ihe nrmL jotoml )'sffljl;j n-s-HMH UK 8UU8U1U1,T10. n.nt by ""'" ,er yenrr ,0 Ui P R i ...uil tier month. 60 KSiy bj wall pcryciif, 1 6J FBUE DELIVERY DY CAURIEH. mi)j for single week, 15 KJnrfortwo weeks, j?,S2' W y,y month, 6wct iioiitctloM will be made on 1st and 15tu r mouth Biibxcrlbers will pleano leavo cf Sir for cnrrlers nt house or where U f delivered, so iw to cause no delays In Ijjipct'ons. nr KVKNINOCAl'ITALJotJUNAI, rrftll; Jiy recelvis the afternoon associated tress dispatches. GILBERT k PATrEBSON, nailers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oi's, Varnishes, Rrushes, Windovsla',3, ttc, bole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. , f 1000 RKWAitn. This sum will be paid ly l'u w'HiHil&flnni'rs f Alio jfltpny county, P.., for the tiiresl und (lelfiilimi of Frederick Curltou Fitzdnininna, nllus Ambrose Q. Ilndd, I'linsi Anderson, nllns Yellick, nlla A. H. Charles, who escaped from Allegheny county jtiil on the i.ljjlitof Sept. 14, 1S01, and who Is Indicted by the grand jury for the muider of Detective 1). H. Gilkin sou. Frederick Cnrlton Fitzslm mons i "d years old, 5 feet G or 7 inches hijjli, weighs 135 pounds, slender build, dark complexion, durk eyes, dark huir mixed with gray, heard if any dark mixed with jrray, dark htubbv mustache, looks older than ha really is, looks like a J?w but is not, had no beard when he left here, has extra large feet, woroa neat dark blue suit of clothes with a cut-a-way cent, white shirt aud standing collar; speaks several lan guage?, has traveled considerably, Is a desperate man and will kill lather than bo taken; has very sharp oofciugeyes, is intelligent, quick w4 very active. If found, arrest ttislre, or send any information toQamulo Weir, huperinteudent of fdke, Pittsburgh, Pa. Board of A real estate nun sends Tub Journal a com munication showing why it is use less to call meetings to reorgauize the Salem board of trade at the real estate ofllco of the present secretary, whoi9 himse'f ruaniutr a real estate business Ho says no real estate mati can be got to attend there The Journal can seo nothing in this. If the real, estate men really want the board reorganized they cau a3 wo'. I meet there as anywhere, tho' it serins they will not do it. 'There i-i a largo number of man vita a stock of impossibles on hand their stock lu tr.tde. It is not necessary to say that "Impossibles" will build up uothing. Tire First fjAitao. Damon Bros, returned home Situ r.lay from their purchasing lour, and their ilrst car load of rjueeuswure is now heio. Tbeir stock of groceries will booh follow, and when tbeir warehouse is completed this firm expects to open out their grand new stock. They rant tho people of Salem aud sur rounding country to keep them in mind aud bo prepared for a big sur prise in the matter of an elegant store with good goods and prices that will be an object. Trying to Get Our. The S P. Co. after agreeing to tho ordinance for its track down Front stieet is now trying to get out of complying with one of. Its main provisions that of planking betweou the rails. Itpriposes to gravel between the rails. A committee of the council wore passed down to Portland last week for Ilia purpose of seeing a gravelled track, and action was tried to be had at the council Friday night, but wat ruled out by the mayor. Pleasantly Surprised. Tho friends of Miss Edith Shriver, sur prised her Friday eve, They were pushing their way into the house Wore it could be thought what was Opening. Good music was had, wdall in tho crowded rooms had a Migutful time. A delicious luucli was served, which was prepared tyfte crowd. A most enjoyable treeing was declared, and at the flow of two, they departed for their Pectlve linmes. A Plain Drunk. Ed Fletcher "nuse.l the police court this morn 1d by demanding a jury trial, Ho Mtd on having tho whole com print road to him, and had ovi- lltly atmiMiivil mi almtlnr long hPtoro. xt .!., an i.u ' honor had to glvo him live" days without a jury trial. .! South Salem. There is quite a religious awakening in South Salem. Revivalist Aldricl), of Southern Oregon, is leading in the exhorting, assisted by Rev. Rnork. There was a large orderly meeting Sunday evening and meeting will be held evy evening this week. Personal, Speaking of the new president of the First National j", a prominent young Salem man was overheard to say: "Mr. "avis will make a popular oftlcial. used to go to school to him, aud nave had fifteen years of satisfactory I acquaintance with him." . PROBATE.-.In estate of Calvin 'u, ueoeased, the executor, E. and Jessie M. "V.oi ..,.. ...i thcirri.i -"- ""w ruuieu, MM1 " e ' the " Full stock of hanging lamps property of the estate. i0,iat.,,. i ... ,., A-r,.!'. Fancv f.llk .i,.. i " pat-1 1 Wfnft-JuitluatBroal&Gile', new a. THAT BLIND SCHOOL. Tim State Hoard of Charities Still In- ve8tlKatlng Souipi of the Facts llefor-0 Them. There is accumulating, in the hands of the Oregon state board of charities n nias of testimony aud facts that will tend, if laid before the public, to show the necessity of reform in at least one state Institu tion under control of the Oregon state board of education. The gen tlemen comprising this board will find some very interesting reading In some of the evidence submitted. Tjie Journal has ppen enough to justify it lu giving considerable space to the revelations of ollieiiil neglect, not to use a harsher term, that has been prat iced on thefee wards of the state, that are neither paupers nor convicts. TIIK HIENNIAL REPORTS are full of facts that will be very troublesome to get over by those Interested lu maintaining the pres ent peoim regime over the blind school. These reports are full of facts that go to show expensive management since years for lereoual profit. COSTLY NEPOTISM. Nepotism has nyt only been fla grantly employed in tho manage ment of the institute for the blind, but salaries have been increased directly upon employment of rela lives who had still to learn alt they were supposed to know at time of being employed. These assertions are easily unstained from the bien nial reports. A few illustrations will sullice: The Milary of Mis-s M. J. McFaddeu was r.iised to $.30 a month when she succeeded Miss Julia Burleigh w hose salary was $30 a month. Miss Alice MeFadden as matron received $37.50 a month, succeeding Mrs. Gray at 'J5 a month, Honoris 1837-1891. At the same time the state board refused to increase the salary of Miss Pearl Scott, tho' site had to do three times the work-jdie engaged to do when she was first hired. While the others have all their livtug at the institute Miss Scott lives at home. The Misses McFadden are sisters-in-law of one of the state hoard of education, It will be recalled that the board just prior to this eflected the resig nation of Mr. and Mrs. Gray tipou plea of economy, und the Incoming superintendeut'ssahiry was cut. Mr. Gray received the usual salary. The salaries paid the relatives of a member of the boird are found to be higher than those paid for simi lar services In older states and much larger institutes. Fni'ln stance in Indiana tho reports show matron's salary to be 20 a month, in Iowa 2-5, in Washington $23. The aver age salaries of teachers in Iowa is i33, in Indiana 33. Besides in creasing salaries of relatives, the family treasury of one member of the board was replenished by vouch ers for milk, canned goods aud greens. The second-hand furulturo dealers were knocked out of a good lot of trade by transfers of old sets to tho state on account of the blind. These fautB tire to ridiculous to be commented up m, but they appear from the biennial reports. Reports from other htates show great uniformity iu one thing rela tives of the state bo'irds or ofllcials who are responsible to the people, are NOT employed. Another fact that has been laid before the board of charities is that in the past atten dance bus been kept down to a min imum, as low as five or six pupils attending, and the board ruling only this summer that a blind person over thirty could not name and learn a trade in the industrial department. At u low estimate there are nearly a hundred blind in, the state who should be In this Institute, where they can bo made self supporting citizens at a small cost. Local Markets. "Wheat Is only seventy-eight cents at Salem. Tho little country towns are never able to pay a fair price like cities where business is done by business men. In Woodburn they pay elglity-oue cents a bushel. Moral Take your wheat to a city, instead of to a coun try village. EiglHy-one cents at the big city of Albany also. Demo crat. The country papers should tell the truth about Salem. Wheat Saturday and Monday is - 70 at Salem. Humane Society. There was no meeting Saturday, as the secretary was out of the city. President Bush was on hand, and another meeting -vlll be Held uext Saturday ut the game place Willamette read- ing rooms at 3 p. m There la ira- pnrtant work before the society and evprv menibor """ld prepare to at- tend and bring their friends and enthusiasm along, Circuit Court. Judge Boise and Prosecuting Attorney Bingham are in attendance at McMInnvllle where circuit court opens today. Car Load. Farrar & Co. are handling car Joads of fruits of all kinds if yon want the liest call on them. Gilt Edok- When you nre look- Inj; for gilt edge butter or anything in Hie provision line, oall on Clark & Eppley, 100 Court street. Quick free delivery. Ladle, don't fall to Fee Calvert's milllnerv onenine on Tuesday, ... . . ' . r .. . .. Wednesday nnn rnursuay. The best plao In tnwu for a 25 cent meal Is llellenbrand's. LOCAL AXD TERSOXAL. 100 State street. dtf Chauncey Lockwood is at home. Governor Peuuoyer came up Sun day evening. There is a daughter at tho home of W. M. Mclntyre. Crook county shows an increase in assessed valuation over 1890 of $141,515. H, G. Branson, of Euteka, Kan sas, is the guest of his sou, the wish grocer. Chas. Smith has tho contract for sawing the 70 cords of wood at the court house. Mrs. W. II. Byars is up from Portland makinga short visit In the capital city. Postmaster Gilbert, wife and daughter are at Dudley, III., their old home, and are roynlly enter tained. They start east today. The Scotch mills are receiving a coat of metallic fire-proof paint. The family of Ralph E. Moody, of Port Towusend, are the proud re cipients of a sou. C. M. Maxwell, of the Edison General Electric Co., Portland, Or., was in the city today. Clerk Wells, of tho state board of charities, is iu the city looking up Information lu the luterest wf his board. S. L. Beas and family arrived today from Baker City to visit at the paternal home of L. Hirsch, on Cottage street. Mis. J. M. Marfin took today's local train for Corvallis to visit her daughter Maude, who is attending the Agiiuilltiral college. S, llerrmau, a Portland wood dealer, has been in the city to ar range for the bhipuu ut of sawed st"ve wood. Magnificent weather and roads sMooth as asphalt tempted many family driving parties out in all directions from Salem Sunday. T. H. Barnes and wife returned today from visliing relatives in Lebanon, Linn county. "The Feast of Tabernacles" occu pied attention at the Evangelical ciiurch buiulay. Tlie pulpit was tastefully decorated with Oregon products. It was a happy thought. The Second Regiment band con cluded Its season of outdoor concerts Sunday afternoon iu the Electric grove, Etst Salem, The apitoon-cKaur at the state house is one man who honestly earns every dollar he gets. The Oregoa Naval Reserve has been incorporated by a number of young men from Portland, to organ ize a militia. The democratic statesmen who were expected with light from tho east at Portland Friday, did not materialize. The town cow and the tariff con trive to largely occupy the attention of many exchanges. One is about as important, at present as tho other. If anything, tho cow is of more in terest locally. Co. I, O. N. G., gave a pleasant dancing party ut their armory at Macleay. Mr. aud Mrs. Brewer gave the supper, wniie Uoomers orchestra of Salem furnished the music. The Journal has as many friends among the people as any paper in Oregon, and Its lists aroi growing rapidly. O. K. Reed, of Turner, hrlugsTiiK Journal a box of good sized, extra flavor Wilson strawberries. He re ports his viues as fruiting and ripen ing without irrigation or other special care. State Supt. McElroy left on the afternoon train for Portland to be nlisiMit fur Boeernl ilavn. Tim Prnf. reports his general heulth us being good as ever although he Is still very careful not to irritate his late brain trouble. C. A. Robert, BouCrltchlow, Mrs. Dr. Carpenter, Mrs. A. Strong. Mrs. Chas. Talbot, Miss Lizas Church and a large delegation of other ladies and gentlemeu took tho afternoon train for Portland. Misses Belle and Stella DeLeon are In Portland spending the week at the home of M. J. McKiuuon. Gov. Moody returned from The Dalles last Saturday eveuing, nnd reports business as rather quiet in Eastren Oregon. Mis3 Clara Condon of Eugene, Is in the city and will spend the winter with her sister Mrs. Judge Bean. She takes tho place of assist ant in Miss Ballou's kindergurden, and will further pursue her studies In the art of properly teaching tho young idea how to shoot. The Matthews dress and shirt making parlors in the new Cottle block are opeuid today and ready for business. The noms will be found very pleasant and Mr. and Mrs. Matthews will e found Kjuaro people to do business with. Give them a call. The Germau BaptM Boclcty.of Sa Ifim,is incorporated by Frank Moors, Abraham Rich, George Esohrult, Gustav Kautelberg, and C. G. Gufla. The value of the church property Is $50. This church has been organ. Izedand hsd rttcilar preaching for some time. Tiie Journal local editor wrote an Item about V. F. Dugan being lilt by a pipe lute Saturday night. The compositor feet It up leaving out the second "p, ' which was not the ouse, as Mr. Dugan was uot lilt by & nie. Jlegc.laii ugly cut, however, 1 tho' Iiol dunuelous. Therelll tea meeting of The Dalle Portage mate railroad board at Portland Tuesday, to make ar rangements for operating tin r road 8. Tho markets are now In part suv plied with Oregon grapes. Mr. Davis took his place lu the First National bank, and will here after be found there attending to the business of his otllce as president. Recorder Gondell nnd Lafe Conn, went after snipo Saturday, and re turned wiii uunters' luck and "about" one bird apiece. Mrs. Anna Ayrs, who Is ninety one years of age, and has beeu visit ing her son, Wm. Ay res ttie pres ent season, started for her home in the east this morning. She was ac companied to Eastern Oregoti by her son and Mrs. Ay res, also their niece, Miss Ida Ay res. While driving on Fourteenth street Sunday evening two young men had the misfortune to run Into u wagon which was left standing in the street, slightly Injuring the arm and wrist of one of them and up setting tho buggy, damaging i: eon slderably. AMMONIA IX HAKINU I'OWDKK. Discussion llpfore the Aiiu'rk'au Chemi cal Society. To the Editor of The Tribune Sir: I have just seen the report lu your issue of Sept. 3, on the discus sion at the Washington meeting of the American Chemical society, Aug. 18, relative to the use of car bonate of ammonia in baking pow ders. This report is incomplete and in correct iu many particulars, aud as tho paper which precipitated the discussion was read by me aud was based upon my own experiments, I desire to make certain corrections lu the Interest of the truth and for the benefit of the largo number of your readers to whom the question Is one of great moment. Tho paper as read befiretho soci ety related that ammonia iu baking powder is retained in tho bread by reason of its affinity to the gluten. The concensus of opinion as ex pressed during the discussion was against the use of earbonato of am monia iu baking powder witli the only exception of Dr. McMurfie, who is uow an employe of a baking powder company which uses car bonate of ammonia iu its baking powder. Of the other parties mentioned us having taken part iu the discussion were Prof. Dr. 'Barker, of tho Uni versity of Pennsylvania, who is president of the society and one of our highest authorities. In aiiiwei' to a pleading by Prof McMurfie that only small quantities of ammonia wero Uood in baking pdwders ho stated: "No matter how small the quantity, I must deellno to be dosed medically without my consent when taking my meals." Dr. E. H. Bartley, formerly chem ist of the Brooklyn board of health and professor of chemistry at the Long Island college, likewise named, did not, I believe, take active part In tho discussion, but isaheady on record as strongly opposed to the use of ammonium carbonate iu bak ing powders. Dr. Richardson, volunteered only the question whether the Hour used in the experiments was of good quality, of which I assured him by statlmr that it was the best and tho flour used in my family. Prof. Mallet was not present. Your article Is misleading In so far as it gives the impression that ammonia disappears on baking. My actual tests agree with those made by others, showing that ammonia remains in tho bread. My Investi gations simply assign a new cause for Its retention. II. Endemann, Ph. D. Now York Tribune, Sept. 17, 1891. Note Dr. Endemann, tho writer of this communication, is well known in scientific circles, aud was for twelve years chemist of the New York board of health. Tho baking powder company abovo referred to is tho Royal Bak ing Powder company of New York. And the employe, Dr. William McMtirtrie, who defends that com pany's use of ammonia, is their much advertised government authority. There Is no such oflL-e known under our government as that of government or United States gov ernment chemist. Chicago Tribune. llcsl (Miuippcri dressmaking establishment in tlio city jnM opened iu Cottle block. First class cutter and titter. K. II. JIatthewH. d-'il For Sale. House and lot, Yew Park, on car line; two lots in North Salem, on yir line; also span young hori-es broke to work for sale or trade. J. B. Putnam, state library, state house. 025d3t Hey ! If you want some of the best cheat or timothy hay, bran or feed of any kind call at Brewster & White's, 01 Court street. Good stock and free delivery. 'The Uest." DspRiCE'S DalflBaking v!iiPowder: Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard HEAL ESTATK TRANSFERS FILED WITH rtlllNTY HKCOKliEK. F G Kennel and wf to lirl. An derson, 13 a. of Dpiiny A Ilundee, sec 10, Is, tp 8 s. 3 w, H75. John J Booth to Oregon Land Co. u e J, sec 27, tp 8 s, 3 w, 100 a, STO20. J L Stalker and wife to L 11 Van volkenburg, It 12 Allen's ml to SH vci ln 150. Sain R Crltohlow and wlf.' to Janus Anderson, It 13, 14, blk 8, R R ad to JellVrson, V0 Oregou .Land Co to A Conklin, 1 aSunuyslde, $100. HOTEL ARRIVALS. "wiLLAMirrrn" Chas Collins, A Merle, S F. C M Maxwell, Mrs Simpson, W AMlddletou.J W Riybuin, S C Pier, Ed Solomon, Portland J T Unley, Fremont, Ohto. L Abrams, Lincoln. W L Warren. .1 C G .It-, McMint -vilie. J W Whll ncv, A h Lawrence, N Y L G Adair "COOK " J M Hurler aud family, Kansas Joe Adam", W Holl'e, Salem J B Huskins, Ed Bowmau Daniel Bowman, Charleston Chas M Johnson, J E Barrett, F Miller, J W Mutesbatigh, E H Carl ton, Portland Grant Corby, G W Watcrbury, Woodburn E H Williams, Albany PS Merle, SF Ada Judsoti, Independence How's This ? Wo offer one hundred dollars re ward for for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props,, To ledo, O. Wo, tho undersigned, have known V, .1. llhoney for tlio last 1 years, nnd believe him to bo perfectly lionnmole In all tmsl uess transactions, nnd Ununclally able to i-nrryoul any obligation made by their Arm Wist a Tuaux, Wholesale, Druggist, Toledo, O. WaluinO, ICinnan a Maiivin, Wholesale DriiKRlhts, Toledo, (J. nail's calami uuro istaucn inter unity, acting directly upon ihe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Now Dress making parlors in Cottle building. Firstcluss cutter and filler. II. JI. Mat thews, dtffc Sweet Tooth? Try Boston chips and butteraups ut Jones & Bernardl's, Bush bank block. Fon IIknt. Good oflleo room on ground floor. Apply nt Jouiinal ofllce. Clothing, hats, shoes aud gout's underwear at cost at tho Capitol Ad venture Company. . ii mm fc Are Yun (luiiiR East? If so, bo sure and see that your tickets read via "Tho North Western Lino." TheC. St. P. M. & O. Ry. Tula Is the great short line from St. Paul or Duhith toall points east and south. Their magnificent track, peerless vestlbuled (lining and sleep tug trains, aud their motto, "always on time," has given this road a national reputation. All cl-isses of passengers are carried on tho vestlbuled trains without extra charge. All ticket agents sell tickets via this Hue. Ship your freight and travel over this famous road. W. H. MiiAi), Qen. Agt., No. 4 Wash. St, Portland, Or. A. J. Lkland, Trav'g Agt. "Tito Host." Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castor la I Tho Coming Line. Tho Chicago. Union Pacific & Northwestern Lino oflers tho best accommodations to tho traveling publloen routo from San Francisco and Portland, Chicago. Through trains, fast time, magnificent sleep ing ears, elegant dining ears, colonist slecK?rs, reclining chair cars aud huudsomo day coaches, cod Aug. Strawberries. Guide to strawberry culture and descriptive catalogue of iwonty va rieties, free by mail or calling on 15. Ilofer, Jouhnal oHlcc, Salem, Or. d&w PaHbcugers destined to tho promi nent cities oast of the Missouri river should patronize the Chicago, Union I'aclflo Aj Northwestern line. Mag nificent Pullman and Wagner sleep ing cars, elegant Pullman and Northwestern dining cars, free re clining chair cars, handsome day coaches mid comlortablo Pullman colonist sleeperc. eod-aug Ilncklfii's Amir halve, The Kent halve In the world for Cuts, lirule, Xoren, Ulcers, Salt Illieum. Fever riored, Teller. 'happed Hands, Chllolaln, Corns and all Hklu Eruptions, and pol lively cute Piled, or nit pay required. It U guaranteed lo slve perfect satUUctlon ir mnimy rfimdwl. I'nr W "! rr hnr. Kor nle by Imo'lJ. Vry, 2fl Jom Ht, RHIN Wo have just received tho largest lino of Carpets, Oil Clotlis and Mattings Ever Carried. Coino aud see them while tho assortment is good. Our prices aro always right. Rare J3areains in Lace Gurtains. MARKETS 1!Y TELEGRAI'H. IXUtTLAND. Wlicnl Vnllev,$l.fe!Jierciitnl. Klonr Nlnndard, M.W Walla Walla JI 70; Outs-Now V hlte 4()o per btmliel. MllhUlllrltnul f'W'-':!; sn , In, Ji5U)M erouud barley, J30 to Si; e v i Teed. SW to $21, middlings, tJ6, put- ton. Hay-SlilgtM iur ton. Hutter Oregon fancy dairy, '-nK1"! fancy creamery SOS!; good to IHIr, 23; Cnllfornui choice !C'to2Ic. Kggs Oregon 37 to SO eper do, l'oultry Old chickens, JJ. I'otntoes IJntlWo per ceutal. Cheeso Oregon, 12 to 13c;Cnltforniu 12c. Sugars Ooldcu O, 4Je; extra 0, 4J; dry granulated, &Jg cube, crushed nud 1'oiv dored, GJc per pound. Beans Smnll white, 3Xcl; pink 3; bayos.JJJc; butter, 4c; Hums, 6c Dried Krults-.tluoted: Italian pruuos, 10 to Hcil'ctltoaudUermnu.lOo per pound; raisins, $2 23 per box; plummor dried 'pears, 10 to lie; sliu drlod nnd factory plums, 11 to 12c; evnno rated peaches, 18 toac; Hinyrna tigs, 20c; California tlgs.Bo per pound, Hides Dry hides, (J to 9c; Ho less foi culls; green over 63 pounds, 7c; under 63 pound, 2c; sheep pelts, ii0cSl.23. SMOKED MEATS AND LAUD. Eastern hams, 12 to iac; breakfast ba con, 12 to 13c; sides, 0 to 10c; Mind, lo llio per pound. SAN KilANOlHCO. BAN Krancisco, Sept. 23 Wheat; buyer 31.7.1 10 41.81. llarloy t'eed 11.03 !t 03 per cental Oan-GraySl S3 to 1 87 per cental, old. MlHOhLANEOUB MAH1CET8. CiliCAQO.Scpt 21. Wheat, cash W(5Sc. Quick time ana tiirotmh trains ottered passeimcrs and shippers by tho Chicago, Union Pacific &Nortli- western Line, San Francisco and formula lo uiucago. eoa Aug CURE Blck Headnchennrt relieve all the troubles Incl (lent to a bilious Mate of tho system, Bucli ai DUzlness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress aftei eating, l'aiu In the Side, So Whllo their noil remarkable- success has been shown In curing & i-1 Ileadac.irt, yet CAnTta's Littlk Liver Pilu nro equnlly valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this minifying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of tlio stomach, stimulate tho liver and regulate the bowels. Jvcn If tliey only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to thoso who sulTcr from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those lio once try them will And those Utile pills rahiablo In ho many ways that (hey will not bo willing to do without them. Hut after all siclc head AOHE Is tho hano of so many lives that hero Is where wii nmki) our great boast. Our pills cure It while others do not. Cartier's Little Liver Pilm are very small and very onsy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not grlpo or purge, hut by their gentle action pUmro nil who iim3 them In vials at "5 cents; ilvo for $l Sold evcryw hero, or Bent by malL CASTES UEEICWE CO., H York. klK MSg39, Small Fries. BRICK AND TILE. Korllrst-clnhM hnnd limdo brink and tile, goto MURPHY & DESART. Lurgo supply on hand. Near fair ground, lutein, 72tt II. BUI ) Teacher ol Violin, (lultar, Ilanjo, Mando lin aud Organ. Htute Insurance block, Commercial street, Hthte, THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OJtEGON. Hales, $2.50 lo $5.00 per Day. Tho best hotel betweon Portland andHnn Kninolsoo. Klnt-class In Mil lu aiiixjlnl iiibuU. lu tables ure served with the Ciolcc-Ht JTrultH Grown In the Willamette Valley. A. I, WAGNER, Prop. IIcyTlicFeTliralicniicii! If you need" KHglrie trlmuilncs, Might feed lubricators, Injectors, Hteum or wuler nuoklng. Check aud globe valves, lilowoir cooks, Hone, hose, Or anything else for your engine at Port land price, cull on DUGAN BROS., ZM Commercial street, And we will nt you out lu fir. tela shar". INMUItANCK Com puny, Klre and tin. rlne. (1. V,'. IlKKLKIt, Ant. Htn. Orevon -:- Salem Boat House. -:- I Hrl offlra foot of Trade street. 1'Iailuro ' sua hunting ihXii. naittuw. ' ' ro,,rl (CARTER'S i IVER fMH PIU.S. i II J. CLEAN! If you would bo clean and hayo your clothes done un in the neatest and dressiest SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY where all work is done by white labor and in tho most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED. Liberty Street. Salem Truck 4 Bray Co. If V flco'stat lorn Iron works. Drays and trttoKs uie corner oj tsiaie aim uommorciai streets. BRICK Penitentiary. J. J. MUTTON. SIGN AND HOUSE PAINTING, Graining. Decorative Paper Hanging, KiiNomlnliig, etc., ect. OHIeo 202 Commercial street. Residence 6(J Marion street, II, F. DRAKZ, Proprietor. T. C PERKINS, General Superintendent. SALBIVI IRON WORKS, 53A.LISM, ........ OUBQDN, Manufactures HT12AM KNOlNIiS, Mill Oulllls, Writer Wheel Governors, Fruit DryliiK Outfits, Traction huirlncs, Cresting, etc. l-'urm machinery inadu and repaired. aenenil nirents und nmuufiictiiretg of tlio celebrated Wuhlstrom l'nlont Middling!" l'urlflgruud Heels. Farm machinery mnile nnd repaired. 4 I) m Pita Km UllU 247 Commercial street, Salem. Garden Hebo and Lawn Sprinklers. l complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tin moling and plumbing a ioolalty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished, Yew Park Grocery . G. D. HABABAUQn Has put In a new stock of Qrocories, Qtieenswaro, Feed, cto. Produco bought at highest prices. Satisfaction guaranteed In all things. Goods delivered to all parls of tho city. Call ami give mo a trial. THE - lilVERY, FEED AND SALE STA11LE8. Wr if HAITI ivn n All slock left In my caro shall recolvo tho best I LK 1'fllir of attention. Telephone No. 2-1. Cor. Liberty , 11, UUUblil. UUMI. nmi Ferry streets, Salem, Oregon. ll'ivrrAA THE uaLv a. v v v At 100 Chomekota Street, HOUSE - and - SIGN - PAINTING, Paper Hanging, Kalsomtniiig, Natural Wood Finish. Only First-class CHURCHILL & Tinners, Plumbers, -A.NI3- SHEET IRON Kstlmates on ull work In our lino. Churchill. Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co. Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing mude to order. New DItV KII.K, by which wo can nlwuyi kinds. Agricultural works, Corner of JE.2BLjk. Sash and I Door Eactory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. Tho best cIiihb of worlc in our lino at pricoH to compote with tho lowest. Only tho beat material used Radabaugh & Ciwaii, State Street Livery. Host Itlgs and Htnek. Hoarding unci Feed fitnble. it Hlate street. ITAllM VOll SALE. WJ acres of best stock anil fruit land In Oregon for sale uta argutn. Will sell In loU Uj suit puriihiuer. AddrMmor rail on O.J.HIIli:i,,Knlghl.,V Near Hllver t'revk Full., 7 B 8nt KoUro lo Contrnctoi'H. f iKAI.Kt) uroaatnl will ha ieilvl at p UiuomovotCH JlcN'nlly. Hrchlieel.ou HptiHlwrS0,ut2 in .for Ihe IuIIowUk wern: iirirx wurK, iinniuif, inuiaiiinii. luiiniuitf, nun worn, Kuivuuutd iron, ( jnent wuik, east ami wrought Irou and fmrdware, for th Huuhe aud Ii'Aro' Ijhwk. all iKeurdluir tii I he uluiii and sihnjU tloullom lo Ik) eeu ut tbuuttlr. J. Hughes reimrvi tin work. Klaus, uluniblDir, iwlul. , lus-. andiron work Did must ue made eixtrule lor t-Aoti iMilldln aud ucooiujw nled by a ir llflwl eliwk of 4 pr rent. on. amount of bid. V.H, UcSAULY. iii U Anhitevl, liti.h-Drey uwu block, OR SHINE, YOU WANT YOUR FLOOR WELL CQVEBED. H. LUNN Pianos and Organs AND --MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. FINEST LINF. LOWE8T PRICES. Installments from $5 per month up. Wholesale nnd ltctnll. P. H, EASTON & CO., 310 Commercial St., Salem. Head Quarters for the Salem Orchestra. dV manner, take them to tho S AND TRUCKS ready for orders. nd deliver wood, i ana lumber, ur- Stato St., opposite ea- may ho found throughout the dav at A LARGE SUPPLY OP .THE host quality of brick at the yards near UUKTUJN UKUS. balem, Oregon. Plumbers and Tinners, CIvUB YEAR ROUND Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing nnd Work. E. E. SNOW. BURROUHGS. Gas and Steam Fitters, WORKERS. IOO Ohumalcsta Btroat, keep a full supply of seasoned stock of all Trade and II It'll streets, Balem, Oregou, 3E33E&:0 M. T. RINEMAN 1IKALKII IN Staple anil Fancy Groceries, Ciokry, (JiHsswarw, Itinps, Woeden ami Willow warn. All kinds of mill feed. AIm vvetubl(Maod fruits hi their seusou, "llltfliMit l'rltw, luild fnrenunlrv iirddiiA. ' , Wusoltat u share of your uilrnnuie. vv mnuiivsirvci A, J. SHIMP, M.ID., Physioian and Surgeon. I Jite ol I'UIUidelphlu.J ELECTRICITY ilS THE TRUK ENEMY Of ull i hronle. llheumutlo, illood, II ruin und iiervou dUeaWM. Kvery variety ol leoiitie dl.eaMM ylihl tu elw.trli.-lty after uii uiiitfr iiiouvu o, irniiiiit-ii. msyu TulrKwnyeun. islluieut xiK.-rltnce. trmlintnt havu failed. ileal ex nerlenre. Ottlea 98 (Smiinerelal street. ft SI Sm JSlOltGAN & MJ&ADJH, Truck & Dray Lino. (iixul iMintinnd iwinrt worl! l 0f kfruu(bvlU, I 11 n ft v. Lniui.-Sdisuis-., miHmiMMWmlMiMMMmX