Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 26, 1891, Image 2

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:ndlbtfar.,.. tw, of nnjT other
' ..i troui" . . .i i...
b'l . " lin might lie driven uj
lll0,PStran..y it" armed re
, Incof tueF'Uuaputl.v wbh
rwfoenive to the Hindoos,
snZ(ae considered u inns uw
!T?.mi of Bxocutlon, and
r t, Emjlidd u is not ioium..j
UK? .,...i...,r. i ho state Is to
i - iHUl" 'u, -
P". .1,111 lllV
within complete
Wfl ... t.-n.,l.Bli nllli-iulF. All
Wr . I... Kill! I.BU tillli-i."-.
Ifllroi J . liiilucnce
' .1. rclinisi ' n-
je , .
mind and make it
disloyal sentiments
WM', mllnln.
I Ul vw
v. ... .
eCUIOt'S llUSA"'
..t,nNO lo.v.Sept. liO L'rufessor
".., iIp.ui of the faculty of
K; ....prsltv. Nashville, Teuu.,
K w, wife, daughter aud It. C.
Imonstotii 01 iuu .., ,
" i ..triinlllilllR PBn.ini'
IW " . 1 to .Irlulnf,
r .... i..,r Mtvir road. Des-
Kng "--"-- ,
r .. ... i... l...ruu wna bfllllir llV
liirt Meyer me u "- ""-o -rf
Mow jacket. The animal piung'-u
hva tue "M"' "'"l over rtl)li(18l'
Urrrlim the VCUiejO Uliu ii;inaun;t:iB
ll(b Mill a UISUIUUO Ul mcuy icu
Ln the water. Professor and Mrs.
Lnce were pinned under the ve
Me until extricated by MlssSpence
idEdmonslon, wiio wwptu wnu
Ut Injuries. The injured parties
L!e brought
intnltal. The
bones of Professor
Lnce's face
were broken, bis
crushed, his skull
Lhtly fractured aud his right eye
most torn OUl. uwing m me
ble condition of Protestor bpence,
L pbysicians are unable to state
fchetber his iujurie win prove iuim.
krs. Hpence's injuries are not fatal
at painful,
tjfew Yohk, Sept. 20 John b.
herald, 0f Brooklyn, ttied yester-
iqlo sell a gold brick woitli JiJ,
ka a money broker. Fitzgerald's
fietious finally led to his
intst. ie lueu 9U1(1 l,e oniaiueu
tltebA ,rom a clerk namtd Miles
jtaWkUwiy & Harmon, bankers of
l&sW stoet. Miles was arrested
iirhcQbsft work, and, on being
E . ..j ....tK ti.. .-...,., .f nr i.Id
Immivuim mi" " jium ul ...o
"H confessed that ho stole the
Stack ami gave It to Fitzgerald to
hell, and tliat ho 1im" been steadily
stealing from his employers for the
I past three mouths. Miles aud
Fitzgerald were both locked up at
police headquarters. Miles refused
to say bow much he had stolen, say
ing be preferred to inform Ills em
plojersso they could regain posses
sion of the propel ty. Miles is in,
and lives at Bayonne, N. J. He
came from California a year ago,
: mdBijs he knew Fitzgerald in San
' Francisco. Fitzgerald refuses to
Newakk, N. J. Sept. 26. Thurs
day night Ernest Lehman, aged 18
poisoned ami killed his sweetheart,
Annie liush, aged 18. Louman in-
: tended to commit suicide, but his
j courage failed. He h.is been very
despondent of late. Last night
when lie called upon Anuie, he was
unusually gloomy. He procured a
IkWeofsoda vate.t, and, unknown
wlieglrl, mixed some pans green
I fo it, which she drunk. Lehman
f lien drank some of the mixture,
tot not enough to kill him. He
ra arrested in Elizabeth yesterday.
Saratoga, N. Y.. Sept. 20. Rev.
Dr. Burchard died yesterday.
SCeQUi: it A n n A. Pa.. Sept. 20.
While workmen were prospecting
for coal on a farm In Susquehanna
county, a paying vein of gold was
New York, Sept. 26. A special
"om fsalem, Mass., says it is rumor
ritbehearluRs in the Searles will
tw may not be resumed aud that
negotiation for tettlement will bo
topened before October 1st. The
ttotestants learned through the
Wpera brought out in the hearings
futeveu if they should win. event-
w'lytlie legal entieuchments of
"ttotner side so many litigations
tVlbe very long. This makes It
PwtVe a settlement will be sought.
r0,1" Dyspepsia,
I A. itelli.n- T C. Tf..
dry. SCrr.V "EV ".S '"
it ""&", jucutu, wiuo; i
rLe.used August Flower for Dys-!?-
It gave me great relief. I
lommead it to all Dyspeptics as a
pO-good remedy."
r- Bergeron, General Dealer,
non, Levis, Quebec, writes: '1
ge used August Flower with the
""'Possible nxuiltc cr r..en;n
A. Barrington, Engineer aud
iS2a1?mlth sydey. Australia,
acs: ATnnicfTTl.,.-1.--rj
'complete cure in my case. It act-
;e a miracle.
"&' G,ates' Connth, Miss, .writes:
l. .. aJU5-r OUT Alienist Klmvnt-tlm
fcpsia ry ,e world for Dya-
laatrhc. V """usi ucau wun
tf ASe,nllt,ls,ldseveral "les
SirFIow,er' and now "
aimend tl, m"L "E?
5 nutnanitv th -,i,i ,- .. L
11 C-CREEX, Sole Manufacturer
"Oodburv KVw irc. ii c
n nu .nnnnn HI
"- -- .w.. vunn i
Balloon Accident A U.
S. Marshal Shot.
The U. P. Finances, Elevator
Burned, The Stanford University,
She Will Wed a Prince, Changes
in the Cabinet, A Man Killed,
A Letter From Blaine, From Her
mann's Friend, State and For
eign News, Etc.
Boston, Sept. 20 A series of sue
cessful experimeutH with long dis
tance telephones In this vicinity,
luw led to the discussion of the feasi
bility of trans oeenu telephones.
Gorman Gray, inventor of the wire
on which these experiments have
been made, said: "It is practicable
to tuli phone across the Atlautlc at a
CD-.t far less thau the present cables
aud of u teuth of the weight, aud
co jseci'iently breaking the strain on
the cables. The use of copper, It has
been found, Is not ueceesary, foi
Iron wire, properly shaped, has been
proved to be as rehae a couductoi
aud its tensile strength. is greater.
The pi m is under consideration foi
laying cables to London, aud the
subject is now being figured on by
Mount Pleasant, Mich., Sept.
20. As the result of a balloon ascen
sion late yesterday afternoon, Lew is
B. Earl, of Marshall, Is dead and
Frank Thayer, of this city, is sufi'ei
ing fioin a lractmed arm aud severe
internal injuries. The accident va
caused by the giving way of the
trapeze ropes.
Tahlequaii, I. T., Sept. 20. The
United States Deputy Marshal" Wil
son waf shot aud Instantly killed by
Samuel Downing, a Cherokee whom
the maishal bad gone to arrest ou
the charge of selling liquor. Officers
have gone to the scene of the mur
Ashland, Or., Sept. 26. J. Wuol
ey Hamilton, of Little Butte,
stepped in front of the south bound
Southern Pacific train yesterday
afternoon, add was struck by the
engine, receiving injuries fiom
winch he died shortly afterward.
The coroner's jury exonerated the
engineer, as It was proven that
Hamilton was intoxicated and
deliberately stepped In front of the
San Francisco, Sept. 26. The
Lelaud Stanford Jr. University rolls
have been filling up at such a rate
recently that theie practically re
mains no room for more applicants.
Over 1000 applicants have been re
ceived, many of them from the east.
Threo hundred and twenty students
have been examined and accepted,
among them sixty young women.
BlNQHAMPTON, N. Y., Sept. 20.
Miss Cora Dunn, a haudsome blonde
of this city, is soon to become a
princess of one of the largest provin
ces in Japan. Prince Joasko Kat
sumata is a young JapanesO student
of Cornell university. He is of me
dium height and very intellect ual,
though not considered handsome.
Miss Dunn is niece of G. W. Dunn,
a member of the Republican state
committee aud a well known politi-
tician, at present holding the posi
tion of postmaster, atBlnghampton.
The prince, who has been many
years at the university preparing
"himself for a civil engiueer, has
been called homo to Japan by
the teiious Illness of his father.
Wheu ho returns, bow ever, it will
be as a beutdict, carrying back with
him a young and attractive Ameri
can bride of the laud of ilowers.
rumored changes in the oaiii-
Washington, Sept. 20 It was
stated yesterday that everythiug
now points to the selection of Judge
Bolger, of Indlaua, to bticceed
J udge Schofield on the bench of the
court of claims. It is said that the
president will probably permit his
secretaryship of war to lemuiu va
cant until congress meets, General
Grant acting as secretary after the
retirement of Secretary Proctor.
When congress meets, Attorney
General Miller will be appointed to
one of the circuit Judgeships, and
the two vacaucles in the the cabinet
may be filled at the same time.
The appointment of Mr. Clement as
Interstate commerce eominlcaioner
is believed to hae been decided)
upon. Since Mr. M'Coinas hasj
again declined the appointment!
of civil service commissioner, the
presiaent is ut loss in uuu bouic uiicM(
. . . i n.,.1 ..
lo suir. mm or iuu pmcr.
AKRON, Ohio, Sept. 20 -Col. A.
L. Conger member of the Republi
can nntlonal committee from Ohio,
receutly wrote to Mr. Blaine to see
if he could take part in the Ohio
canvass this fall, aud yisterday re
c ived the following rep'y:
"I cannot take paitln the Ohio
- i i.i. ..,., f- .n.inr mn.
,- w,ioh I need not give, but I
'Mckinley. HI victory at tins
time Is very important to the coun-
m and rarty. He and Mr. Cam
Ml renr. rent the h'ueat ditlerenees
'-'ren the two parties atthUUme.
i i-t re is no neeo i uixiguig u '
, nol je-
ixhvd Ibe rlecllu of McKlnley
the policy f prolooUon and
uuurai iuuuvv. Alio elect On DI
Campbell means free trade and cor-
ruptloti of the currency. I bellevo
Ohio will stand by McKlnley.
Very sincerely yours,
James G. Blaink."
New York, Sept. 20. The credi
tors committee of the Union Paclfij
railway met today, aud after an
adjournment it was announced thnt
four-fifths of the $5,500,000 collateral
trust notes for the extension of the
floating debt, has been subscribed
for. Jay Gould subscribed $4,000,000.
Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 20.
A Blrdseye, Ind., special says:
"Mrs. Harmon, u woman of loose
character, llviug at Meutou, last
ulght, was vfslted by n body of
thirty men, who tied her to a post
aud applied fifty lashes to her bare
body. Her body was out from head
to foot as If by a knife. Across hei
abdomen is u gash twelve inche1
long and so deep as to leave the
bowels exposed. The commuuity
are enraged,
Roserurg, Or., Sept. 20. (Special
to Journal:) A leadiug republl
can and warm friend of Binger
Hermann, states that that gentle
man will keep his pledfie made to
Hon. H. B. Miller, of Graut's Pass,
but Is sorry that the matter wa
made public as he fears now that it
will complicate matters by causing
a host of candidates to spring up
that will interfere with Miller secur
ing the nomination. The gentle
men iuterviewed who will not per
mit the use of his name at preseut,
states that Mr. Hermann Is tired ol
the factional fight against him in
Douilas county, mid in the Interest
of harmony at home will retire and
at the proper time when the opposi
tion has been placated, announce
hinuelf a caudidate for United
States senator.
fatal crossing accident.
Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 20.
The westbound Umlttd tu-vil on the
Panhandle today, struck a carriage
at the crossing, near Centrevllle,
Ind., in which was Joseph Black,
his wife and two daughters. Black
and his wife aud one daughter were
killed, aud the other daughter fatal
ly injured. There were ou the way
to atteud the races at Cambridge.
Marina, Ark., Sept. 20. Forty
armed negroes in St. Frauds town
ship drove all the cotton pickers
from a field and burned the mn
houses. They threatened to drive
all the pickers out and burn all the
gin houses. The sheriff is ou the
ground with warrants for the lead
ers Much excitement prevails.
St. Paul, Sept. 2G.-Reports from
various, parts of the state Indicate
that the danger fiom files are about
over. In some portious, the ilames
are still destroying grnss and limber.
No loss of life Is reported.
Fort Dodge, la., Sept. 20 "If I
can't trot down the homestretch to
glory at a 2:30 clip, I w ant to walk,"
said Rev. J. C. Stites, pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal chutoli of
Cherokee, bt-ioro the uuuual North
west Methodist Episcopal conference
in this city. Rev. Mr. Stires was
accused of conduct unbecoming a
minister in owning aud speeding
fast horaca. In answer to the charge
of racing tho accused preacher
brought a satchel full, of affidavits
to prove that he had never taken
part in a speed contest nor permitted
his horses to go ou the track As to
owning fast horses Mr.Stiles pleaded
guilty and gloried In it. He as
serted that he was not in proper
condition to serve the Lord in the
most ellectlvo way unless ho owned
the fastest horses In town. Not
withstanding the preacher'rt elo
quent plea for his horses, tho com
mitteo appointed to iuves'lgato the
case decided not to locate Mr. Stires,
ivhich is practically suspending h m
from the conference. The disciplined
preacher owns souio of the finest
horses In the state. A report of his
charge at Cheiokee made the best
showing of successful work of any in
tho district last year.
elevator hurned.
Greenville, III., Sept. 20.
Fire this inorniug consumed an ele
vator and export mills. The fiauicfe
are beyoud control. Loss will
amount to &125,000; iiipurunce
Portland, Sept. 20. Wheat
valley $1 55. Walla Walla $1.45.
San Francisco, Sep. 20. Wheat
buor; 1801, $1.73J; season $181.
Chicago, Sept. 20. At qIom
wheat was firm cah, 95f. Dec
- .
San FitANCifcCo, Sept. 23. Fore
est for Oregon mid Washingten:
Light rains In Northern Oregon and
Washington, near the coast.
This s what you ought to have fo
..n i.... n.. l'l.niit.l...itai.riunirnli
lug for It dally. Thousands of do!
j, K-)n, jt may lie attained by
. We guarantee that Elecfrlc
li Jtora If iiwJ nccordinc to direc-' ij.iem .eally rnako them a perfwt Hula
Jlltters, II UBI nccoruinj, y uucu- .. Tfa piBa, uo who una them.
tions, will oust tlm demon dysDerwIa.jo ., i'ltUn uYtr fUU war wed h
and install Eupeiwy Electric Bit- termed -ivrttoa."
ew for dj, and J . .f
i ver.Hioiiiuuimuu muhj -
50c. and J 1 per bottle, by Fry, drug-
gUt, 225 CVunmercUl ttweU
Unitarian.-Rev. II. H.Brown,
minister. Services at 10:30 n. m.
and 7:30 p. m. Themes: "God is
Love," and "In the Beginning."
Baptist. -Services at uual hours
tomorrow conducted by the pastor,
Robert Whltnkcr. Sunday school
at noon. Young people's meeting
at 0:15 p. m. You are invited.
South Salem M. E. Special
services commencing Sept, 25, and
to be continued over two Sundays.
AH are Invited. Evangelist M. C.
Alderid?o will be with us. J. H.
Roork, pastor.
Christian. Lord's day preach
ing at 11 a. til., subject, "Religion
What Is It ?" aud at 7:30 p. m.,
subjtct, "Eternal Life." Y. P. S.
C. E. at 0:30 p. in. All arc Invited.
W. R Williams, pastor.
Friends'. Highland, ou Salem
street railway. F. M. George, pas
ter. Regular morning and evening
er ice. Sunday school at 12 in. Y.
P. S. O. E. at 0:30. Praj or meeting
Thursday evening.
Evangelical. Harvest Home
s"rylce. Morning theme: "Les
ons from the Feast of Tabernacles."
Evening subject, "Harvests Joy
uid Sorrow." All are invited. Good
singing. E S. Bollinger, pastor.
Sr. Paul's A. M. E -Will hold
services at 3 p. m. at the German M.
IS. church. Text of God, "Are ye
hi Christ Jesus, who was made un?o
us wisdom from God." First Cor
iuthiaus 1, 30, St. John xv, 1. Rev.
G. V. White, pastor.
Episcopal. St. Paul's Episcopal
chinch, Church and Chemekeln
streets. Service every Sunday at
10:30.i. m. and 7:30 p. m. Holy
communion the first Sunday in the
mouth, after morning service, and
ou the third Sunday at 10 o'clock a.
nl. Children's service on the first
Suuday in the month, at 3:30 p. m.
Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Service
on Friday evening at 7:30. W.
Luud, pastor. sat tf
Mi.thodist Ei'iscoi'AL.-Services
Ion Sabbith at 10:30 a. in. and 7:30
p.m. uev. ueo. w minuter, presi
dent of Willamette university, will
preach In the morning on "The
Needs of the University." All per
sons interested in the school, aud
especially all Meluouists, are cor
dially invited to be present. No
special collection. Preaching in
the evenluir by the pastor. Miss
Grace Scriber will sing a solo, "Con
sider the Lilies." Sabbath school at
12 o'clock. Senior and junior
leagues at 7:30. Prayer meeting.
Strangers aie specially welcome and
all others eirnestly invited. C. It.
Kelierman, pastor.
TI e school work iu general Is pro
gressing finely.
Two of the grades at the East
school are still in a crowded con
The two new school houses will
bo leady by tho first of the new
Mrs. Do Id hopes to be able to re
sume her work in tho Central school
Two upper rooms In the North
Salem school will bo nady for oc
cupancy Monday, which will great
ly relievo the crowded condition of
several of the lower looms.
Mrs. S. A. Grubbe, superintend
ent of city schools.iis confined to her
room with a fever and has not been
at her ofilce In the East Salem school
for a week. She has been carefully
attended by her sister, Miss Jennie
Griffith, mid the schools have been
in chargo of Prof. E. II. Audereon.
Tito World Enriched.
The facilities of the present day fe:
h? production of everything that will
otidacc to the material welfare and
oujfcrtol'niankiad are almost uulim
.cd. CuA vhcn Syrup of Figs was first
roduccil the world was enriched with
lIic only perfect laxative known, as it
.s the cx.Iy remedy which la truly
pleabitig a:.d refreshing to the taste
ind proispt and effectual to cleanse
.he Bystcm gently in the Spring-time
or, in fact, ct any time, and the better
it is known the more poDulor it be
comes. The Coming Line
The Chicago. Union Pacific &
Northwestern Line oilers the best
MCConiniodalloiiH to the traveling
public en route from San Francisco
and Portland, Chicago. Through
trains, fast lime, magnificent sleep
ing cars, elegant dining car, colonist
sk.'pcrs, reclining chair care and
hnndfome day coaches, eod Aug.
Guide to s.rawberry culture and
descriptive fiitalogue of twenty va
rieties, free by mull or calling on R
Hofer, Journal office, Salem, Or.
Passengers destined to the promi
nent cities east of the Missouri river
should patronize the Chicago, Uulon
Pacific & Northwestern line. Mag
nificent Pullman and Wagner sleep
ing cars, elegant Pullman aud
Northwestern dining cars, free re
clining chulr cars, handsome day
coaches aud comfortable Pullman
colonist sleepers. cod-nug
lSucklen'l Arnlut Mlvr,
The IlHit halve In the world for f'uU.
Rrtilix. xorc. Ulcer. Salt Rheum rever
KoreVieiter.i'linpitil lUnda, ClillMului.
Coru and all Hklu Eruptions, aud in!
tlelr cure Mian, or no pay reriulrcJ. Jt
li guaranteed to jrlve perfect utulactloa
or rono rmmled fnr 4 wnu rr
hor. For sale by Dan'l J. 'ry, 2 Com M.
All dlmrder ouUMd liy a bilious state of
tea oy using imrr
imIu. KrtplDitordt.
cmnhrtattod mtu
tuiitruK- 'inrluem.
Their ceu'la aeilon and court ciieet on Hie
Kn r,n ktuiyrs ltlrr lhn LbOM Wio
have UMKlivner Little Uvtr 1'i'U whtt
. - uoaana
r lisveciveu wueu ua'i wi u;
tilnttx, polu In the tide, oontti-
auoruereo ttoautoa.
The pl.ir N ilnce. nml shadow tics
Where lute tlm eraplro of nn hour
Wrtch! (trait and waned twfore inen'seycs;
And hnmewiinl I, with brooding thought
Of art Unit bravelj comes to flower.
Anil Kcnu la nought. a
1 dream of Art, retnemberlnff well
The hope It Biive, Hint still tip-soured.
Hut ono h) one defeated foil
Ciiloiit elernall) from llwwen.
Llki. those Inst angol.i that tholr Lord
From grace had driven.
On mnvod, to roal Westmlnstar
Retimes 1 1 imo, and lii'U) tlnd
Thoie stately churches lowering there.
Whose waits thit Milton saw, wo sec;
Ah! wero, 1 cried, liko theso mr mind,
Great prulso might be.
Wero strength like theirs that hold tho
With solemn watch, though London sleep.
To arm my soul with steadfast might,
Tlitn fear might end and UopoJxi Buro,
Could I like thorn my vigil keep,
Uko them enduro.
Hut they wero built 'twlxt hope and fear
Hy men who took tho passing day.
And gave Its momenta hcaenly wcarj
Though they who built are darkly gone
Thulr art remains, and in It thoy
Aro greatly known.
So art U frail, but art ts strong;
And he is wlso who keeps tho way
Ills soul shall lead, and sings his song,
Or bids dead stono take Ufo aud climb
So yields tilt service for a day.
Or for all time.
Ernest Ithys tn Macmillan's Magazine.
Deaths In Hotels.
Even an ordinary death tn a hotel
causes a landlord great distress, while
ti rtiioide almost drives hhn frantic.
"Do you know," wild a hotel clerk,
"what consequences follow a Buicidot
In tho first place, the event Is tele
graphed all over the land, and every
traveling man sees It. Nothing on
enrth would ever Induco ono of tho
traveling fraternity to lodge in that
pat tieular room. So the llrst thing to
be done is to get rid of tho old number
of that truest chamber. Tho number
is disponed of, never to return, and a
now number is placed on tho door.
"The surroundings must bo entirely
changed. Now paper must bo put upon
the wall, new carpet upon tho floor,
now furniture, new bedding, and then
the domestics nro instructed never to
mention the circunistanco of tho death
to any guest. A sulcido always occa
sions an expense of hoveral hundred
dollars to the hotel proprietor, and an
noying questions are asked of landlord
and clerks for months afterward." In
dianapolis Journal.
The Smallent Auinrlcnn City.
Many people havo been told that
Vergennes, Vt., Is tho oldest city In tho
Union. But thoy aro misinformed.
Vergennes took out her charter In
1788. Hartford and Now Haven,
took out thoirs in 17&1. Vergennes,
however, can truthfully claim to bo tho
smallest and the most quiet city in tho
United States, as sho has a population,
after 103 years of cityhood, of 1.773
souls, and covers a territory of only
1,200 acres.
Her boundaries aro a milo and ft half
ono way and a mile and a quarter tho
other. Sho has a mayor, a city coun
cil, n full board 'of nldennen and a com
plete city government. Tlioro aro of
fices enough bo that nearly every man
In tho town may havo one. In this
way the political squabbles and selfish
struggles for power common to most
cities are entirely overcome. Theroare
olllce3 enough to go around and every
body is happy. Boston Herald.
The Largeat Catch.
Telling fish stories over about tho
court houso has suggested tho great
catch inndo by Uppinghouso at Canton
many years ago. Tho tlmo and tho
amount caught were discussed consider
ably, but uo dellnito conclusion -was
reached until a few days ago Mr. Miller
wroto to Frank Uppinghouso for infor
mation. The catch was made in March,
1808, near Canton. With ono largo
seine 100 feet long thoy penned tho
fish in a chuto and caught them out
with smaller seinos. To ono Ann, Cur
tis, of St. Louis, they sold 125 tierces,
notting them over$l,C00. This was by
far tho greatest catch ever mado before
or since on tho Mississippi river. Monti
cello (Mo.) Journal.
The Vulue of nn Oculist.
Iu the early stages of tho art specta
cles mado wero rudo and crude, tho
glasses very rough, though thoy ren
derod great aid to tho aflllctcd. At the
ptesent time an optician who under
stands Ills business can, by successive
oiporimenta, discovertho actual defects
of tho eyo and furnish a glass that will
niako tho eye almost perfect. Tho per
fection In tho means of assistance is duo
to the experiments and inventions of
Dr. Schefller and Dr. Giraud, of Paris
Tho latter scientist promulgated the
Idea and tho former practically put tho
theory in operation. St. Louis Re
public. Grew Tiro Inches at Thirty Years of Ace.
That the period of growth is not lim
ited to the legal ago of maturity Is true.
A gentleman thirty years of age, con
nected witli n literary Journnl of this
city, two years ago was six feet two
Inches in height and is now six feet
four. Uo U in perfect health and pro
scuts a remarkably youthful appear
unco. Now York Times.
A large turtle was captured on a farm
near Lexington, Lafayette county, liav
Ing "A. H. N First Illinois cavalry,
1801," Inscribed on its upper shell. Tho
inscription was no doubt mado by a
member of that company whllo sta
tioned In Loxlngton In 18C1.
Tho population of Japan Is 34,000,
000, and those aro supported on 33,000,
000 acres. Irrigation and drainage ore
universal, and tho entire country I
ono vast garden of wonderful product
A Drr tin I
i I. irlill2 of '!
M y f iU i.l i'
Urim " IhiI and
wl'iT llrvHiuM ll.a
. .-.:... i ..-i...- r.. ...... - ...!....
Iwl diogblfruui u rMrtly aiumd wlndovr,
uao-n (rutiMjiriOMiuMfixl Willi a windy
tntr In a hotel, may onuvey lo yuor no
Irlhi and luuif the deolhdenlfug lUt.
Terrible and swift are the inriKtdsinade y
this ne w dwlrnrtr 'I be iiiedlra'ed alr
Itollo prim IW Iu IfootMUv Hinmiuh lilt-
ten wltloljtok the dire rutnplslot A r-
Wstenre Ip this rvulUneof Its luitlmr
menl vll abxdutely ehwknisle
the dangerous inalsd
niiirerous muidr
oohollc sttinmanee are of Utile or no vulue.
i;uiiipuiraui hi-
Thejusl medium Is the Hitlers, hut !
erriolous U It la oie ol malarl , lilllous
iiese, oonstipallon, rheumalUui, dyspep
sU and kidney trouble, The weak ae
niuajjy those upon whom dtscaaee faaiea
finu InylxoraU with the JJItwra.
Mls Evn Bruce visited
Prof. T. O. Hulchlnoon vlslttd
chapel Friday.
Rev. G. H. Kellerm-m led In fhe
exercises ut chapel Tuesday.
The liit-aduy i veiling
meetings give promise of
pro; rr
christian usefulness
Much generous coutrtbut on has
been made to tho burnt out students;
more room furniture Is niedi-d; let
the good wotk ptoeeed.
Purely nn,oue attending recita
tions or chapel txercises would be
euthusiistio over tho students; they
are worthy of encomium.
Old Wlllame'tM has been the boa
coniu Oregon educational effort, and
her recent misfortune will redouble
lur friends, aud their e.d to put htr
to the front.
All the teachers are back iu tho
session rooms with a ficshcoato!
kaUomlue and slating on black
boards will bo neurly mmd a b
fore the fire.
A careful survey of the apparatus,
litrary, etc., shows that while much
of It wi.s damaged necessarily by
water, and the loss considerable, the
greater part can be leslored tn use
fulness Good people of Salam, let us see
many more of your kindly faces at
schoel: and buslmss men It greatly
euoiurages students In tho pursuit
of knowledge to see tuatyou approve
their eflorts. Chapel exercises at 12
The test In spoiling disclosed
many students who failed to spell
05 out of 100 words. Our English
has a devious orthography and It Is
well to master Its intricacies In the
days of our youth.
The societies, until their rooms can
be rellxed, aro using the study hal
of tho Woman's collego for the
Phllodoslans aud a room at the
University for the Phllodorlans
Many new members nro being add
ed to both.
Flue plans for tho now roof nro al
the presidents ofilce. One puts a
tower on tho north wust corner,
greatly relieving tho monotony of
tho old roof. A definite arrange
ment has not been made, but w hat
over is done, will be to make the
building as h mdsotne as possible.
F II Dayton, 8t Louis.
.1 M MeKee, ltochester.
Fit Green, Win II As'j,
Lenco, S F.
I) A Jleamer, A G Douglass,
igstatdtr, Poitlaud.
W A WiiHh, Dallas.
D C Curley, Woodburn.
F M Towusend, McMinnvlllo.
II Illuehlercr, Iudepeudeuce.
B L Lovell, Cascade Locks.
F B Aloulton, N Y.
8 K Crowley, Monitiouth.
F Li'tnou, Boston.
WE Henry, Chicago.
G M Jliller, Oervals.
S Calhoun, llwaco.
A Miller, Ceutraha.
J Mayer, F Constable, W B
dunce, J W Cook, J Anselly, 8 B
Catterlln, Biik'in.
L C Fiedrlcks, II B Chapell, Port
Ian 1.
AV Hofie, D W itadloy, W B
Franklin, Hherwood.
W A Wugner, Oahkosh.
It E Morris, Oregon City.
Iloni'less, Yet SaVrtl.
From a letter by Mis. Ada E.IIurd
ofGroton, 8. I)., ''was taken with
a bad cold, which settled on my
lungs, cough set in and fourdoclorr
j;avo me up. I gave myrelf up, d(
tormlued I could not stay. My hue
band was advised lo get King's DIs
covery for consumption, cmigliH and
colds. I took eight bottles; It Inn
cured me and I am now well nnd
hearty." Trial bottles free at Fr's
drugstore, regular size 60c und 1.
The C'hlrf Itrnsen for W8 grtit K
tea of Hood's HauajarllU Is found la tht
irtlclB Itself, It Is merit that wins, ft&d tk
fact that Hood's Barsaparlll actually a
coropllslKS what Is claimed for It, fa wbal
baa given to this medicine a popularity ana
ial greater than that of any other larsapa.
Merit Wins ZVtlut
flood's Hjr3hirllla cures Bcrofula, BaU
Bheum and all Humors, Dytixpsla, Sick
Headache, Illlloumess, orercoines Tbal
Tired Feellnir, creates an Appetite, strroftfc
ids the Nerve, builds up the Whole Bystesf
Ilcod' Manaparlllu It gold bj all dTBfl
rUU. flista for 19. I-reparedbyttLHssW
Co.. Apothecaries, LowtU.Mai.
L 111 puny
Pln nil II
rliie. Iim or
(I4W. IIKKI.KH, Agent
U- Salem Boat House, -:-
I IVti01re foo of Trade street 1'lttuufi
and huutliigtxot. lUlnluw
j CIIAU. II. McCLANE, I'rupr
"The Best" "The Best"
Wm. Brown &Co.,
231 Commercial Street,
Salem, Oregon.
"The Best." "The Best.'
Dealer iu Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass, Wall Ta
per and llorder, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
.Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fcnco
Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc,
City Warrants.
NOTIRK Is hereby ulvim to all whom It
ninjr concern thut there nro now
flinfls 111 (111. .,. U11C1- ..r ,!.. .till nf Ui. In...
Um son, applicable, to tho pnyment of nil
linilHHld Jt 4 1. A til Altn ' Ll.lAm.m !.
witinintH of the suld city ol Snlein, "en-
iloru'd" butwcnii Nov. 81)11:
i. iLitii .....i i....
!2.M.lM)l.ltnil Hint uiMiriirrnl-: 111 r-no
r,V l.rJ'..,...:. ". ;..'.. ..v. 4. ''"..'."...."'",
this iiotlco. I
w ItuesH my hand, this, tho 10th dny of
September, irtll l- J. HWAKKoUl),
U io (it Trensuror, Hnloin, Orrgon,
With Its AVoild.otjWondois
OPENS SHT. 17, 18111.
Music by the great ZAPAD0RES BAND
direct fiom the City of Mexico.
Artllroin tho ereut musters of Kuropo nnd
Amoilcn, valued nt ii quarter
million dollnri'f
Wonderful Ktcctrlcnl Adnplloiis In lull
A Hplondld Kcrlos ol Mineral Kxhlblts.
Flllod with Novel and Interesting In
Art, Science and Industry.
A QroatoriNumborof KxhlhlU than
over beforo presented upon
tho coast.
The Stock Department made a PiomI
nent feature.
'lUolMTKunl Dlsjilay ol i'rult (ami
theKlnest Kxhlhlt ol Agricult
ure over mudclu tho I'lU'lllO
All manufactories In fullimntloii.
Kverythlng New.
No Dead KxhlblU,
Tho Kxposltlottol KxHsltloui
Admission; lis usual. Greatly lU'durcd
lHtes'for;rnund lrlponnll iiaHfitn.
kor lines, U.ldw
Hoarding - and - Sale - Stable.
Ono duor west of I.unn's Dry 1HkmI) stor
on HUiU) street. Oulel funilly teams. Him-o
lnl attention ilil to tmiislcut slock. 6:1 1 1
In tie rircult Court ol tho Htnto ol Ore
gon, for th rounty of Marlon.
W. 11. Adair, plitlntlir, vs. John W. Ii
burn. An m A. I.ubnre, Wlllluin Ilimurd
I'lieliw, Clara M. I'litlpM, Uoorge Imiio aud
tlinHuli'iii Utnd rompHiiy. defendants.
Tniliorgolxslle, one of tho uUjvo named
in iNunumoor tiieritaieor Oregon, you
urn lien ! required to npix-ur
mm a
hIxivw entitled bull, within
iuu nin pinini iiiuu Hg-tinsi
nmiiil filed hv-Hii.
ion In the
Ion UO) dais
from I he date ol service of
this summons
umiii ) ou. If served within this county, or
II e.vd In any other county In this suite,
urn wiiiiui iwvniy tuj unys irorii uie
Uitii of tho servlco of this suinmuus
"wn you, or If served by publication
then by the twelfth (12) dy of Octolr,
IKil, tho same being the tlrt duy of the
next regular term of mild circuit mrt, fnl
lowlnKtheexiilratlouofili' tune prescribed
In the order of Hie ptiblicuilon of this sum
mons, und If you full to to answer on said
llrst day of said term, for wunt thereof, the
plalnllfrwlll lake u decree erolnsl Jim fur
I. ... itffnui .....I ..t..... t...-..... in
the Ittli duy of Atsy. IfOJ. ul ilia rule of
cent per annum, iinuoipal una IliU'r
wyablo lu cold mill, und the sum of
social atiorneys Ut nnd for the cuts
rder nod decree to sill your interest Ii
nil the reul propett) dfuvrlbed In pialutlfl
complaint In ttiU suit. A ropy of which
complaint Ihaa U n forwarded by mall I.
yoiiat your iolll.uuiirr In the suit,
of Vermont, and thHt you be barred und
rorreloMloiMlrlght. etaliu or eiiuity oi
redemption In and lo ibe premise d
serllie.1 In Mid complal it or any wr
thereof. 'IhUsuMiiimu I sirred by pub
lliwlion hy ttrilrt . llo-i It. I" II im ludgi
"f uld clirull eoiihl. t'vaituie dale uzust
Hstli it Humirer. t''Arry x
Atlorotys for ptalutlrr,
DM id
25c Want Column.
NVllccs Inserted for (INK CKNT 1'EIl
tlxomeut Inserted In this volunin for lose
than ttvenly-nvo cents.
mWO a holurshlp Is Wlllnmctte nnlvcr
1 slty.tur rental a ImrRiiln. Inquire. or
Mm. U. II. Allnln, nt Capitol Artvonturu
Co. 9 50 lw
IrtOlt KENT. A house, six rooms, ono
" block from business street. Furniture
formlo. Kuqulro nt 1M7 riont street. OJllw
l.vmUKNr Uood ottlco room on first
L1 floor In oxcullcnl locution, Enquire,
lit JOUHN.U. OlllcC. tf.
WANTKD Our ogenta 'imke $100 to StOO
n month i-elllin; our kooiIh on their
..!,, J
Wo wiuit county nnd Kenernl
IlKCniH.mHl WllllllKO IW1CB
llll UlKHlS tin-
wililirncntinu nnout fnim to cloiir J100
ml esiwuses nPbrn thlrtj days' trial, or
u KPiieml neent loss thnti i!M. Wo will
senu inrgo iiiusirniea circuiurs nna loner
w lth a special otTor to suit torrllory ap
plied tor, ou receiptor:! one cent stumps.
Apply ut once ami get Iu on tho hnoin.
Address Kennor Mumifncturtm; Co . Pitts
burg, l'n. (7d.twtt
Uiish paid for old Iron, nigs, metals,
rubbers, bottles, ota Bocond hatid goodH
bought nnd sold, Call at 160 Uominerolnl
streeU VHSwdw
HKMOHIUIOI (Piles) of ovcry vnrloty,
Ulcers nnd 1'Ibkihc", 1'iohhuh of tlm
uclum. eto, t'osUlvely cured wlthont piln or
detention from builnesi. l'ntlents ireHl'lhom.
scl m nt their own homes nnd n euro guar
anteed. AU end lo tho old bniburous
method of cutting and ligaturing, Ad
dress Western otllce, Colunibliv Medluil
Co., Lw U box It) i-iiiem, Origon. U lint
Capital City Restaurant
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r.
WarmMeab at All Houis u! (lit1 Day
Meno but whlto labor em h yed lu this
A good substantial meal o krd In flrst
c.lnnH stylo
Twenty-riVK ctnts per nuiil
Court street, betMecn Journnl Ofllcn mn
Mlntn's l.tvery.
ments In tho Htme. livrer inles linn
Ortlnud. ijiruest stock I-a-kiiI Illnnks le
theHtntc, n-d biggest discount. Hend fot
price list of Job printing, aud catalogue of
legol blanks. K. 11. WA1TK,
ntwrni Hrliitir Hnleni Oreirn.
Morchiuit.tnlUir. All kind of clothing
inndo to order. Hvpnirlug nnd nli-uulng
in ntly done, Onesiick suit T2U, formerly
nj. Ono nock Mill f, r-irmnly 0. Ono
overcoat ?M, Inriuerly J!0 Ono vesll'J'O,
uiriiMTiy ii, uiik 1'iiir m piiuis t. lormcriy
pair of pa
ml Ht., hn
aui cei:
F Commerc!
Draught and driving horses, young
and old. Inquire of
O. W. ANDERSON, Cook Hotel.
Iiiier Ilangoi1.
Invoordnrnt.tllobe Ileal ItnteKxclmiiRO
Hauling of all kinds. Hist work.
Mugon at every train.
Merchant Tailors.
A full lino of lmiirt.l und domestlo
woolens. Also n complete stock of genu'
furnishing goods. All tho latest styles
.'115 Uotiiuieri ial street
Those Afflicted
;Wltli the habit o using to excess,
Can obtain
Ofilce Cor. Third nnd MndhonHts.. Port
land, Ur. Oil! or wrlie. Htrlctly tjonflden.
A flue fruit or en Ire sfni I, wPh o'l'V
ran of tho CKI.l-IllltATl.l) UAHlAUtt
HAKtNU 1-OWUKH. rormeby
'iv Ttnitimum
No. WrtCoilill.ilulkl rtU, MkUntl
IJxpcutor'ri Notice.
XfOTICi: Is hereby given b all fLoll It
1 limy concern, that tho undersigned
huvebeen duly uppolntiil by tlio o unly
court of Marlon roun'y Orrgon, mexmij.
lorsoi ine last win nun I
lute ol Calvin Nml, lato of suld county, d
And all twrsoua huvuig clalma
is mining claim
ttthv nutirled t
against ald estate are
jrivnMilllllllHIJ .VflllVJ, U llld UUUVf
signed, at their home near Turner, iu mid
eounly. within six inontl a from the dale
if this notliM. Aud all persons lodrblrd
io said rstute are reijuesled lo make lmiti
dluleseltleineul thereof U the uuderslgticd
Haled, this Mepiember 17. litUt
ANN KUrUfierrif. NIUU,
9 IT fit Co-Kxocutor of said esUte.
jnewiit iliem duly verified, lo the under.
luninea i
Veil for sale In large or small quautltle,
at 4 to i ceuu per ixiuud, Dorrespootl;
ur solicited. V. HKWl.liia,
Huiw HUfU)D,OfjiW,
II ':
" ar