Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 24, 1891, Image 3

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Jjffcminrtinr ri(TWf vm
"inafMi iiani.rnii-
- f - "- " " -'
ibb capital jmm.
....SKIT. 21 J 8 il.
tlie New
iwlly by mall Per y"r- fin
K by mull Pr month, 60
iwWltf Per J tar, 1 50
..... w lArfn.
it i.. aint7iH tfci..-M""" --
ffl for two weeks,
J.ii hr mnntll..
i nttectloDS will be made on 1st and 15th
S u. Hubwrlbcra will please leave
inner for carriers at house or where; U
u delivered, so as to cause no delays In
i.rlv ncelvis tins, unciooou iibsoctattd
press dispatches.
25 cts,
60 els
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc, Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
New Time Cakd. A new time
card is out for the S. P. which tukes
eflect tonight nt 9 o'clock, although
the time of no trains is changed, it
lsan Important docuin nt to rail
rond men, as numbers or all the
trains except the overland
are changed. The Albany local
numben are eh-riged from 11
12 to 19 and 20; the Rosebnrg mail
faom 13 and 14 to 17 and 18; Califor
nia freight, from 54 and 65 to 31 and
32; dally freight, from 9 und 10 to 33
and 34 All time Is given from
San Fruncico to Portlaud, Instead of
from Ashland, as heretofore, which
will trove a great convenience to
employes and puongera us well.
Tue Wo douru and Springfield
brances are added, giving informa
tion heretofore almost unobtainable,
enabling Agent Skinner to inform
all travelers as to connections on
these lines.
Uniforms. Once more honor
comes to Salem. The Thos. Kay
Woslen Mills store has just received
teorder for 125 uniforms for the
military class at Corvullis. Mr.
BiAop, the manager, made a fine
record in furnishing these suits last
jwr, and takes pride in receiving
this order which comes voluntarily.
This firm has also just furnished
the Bishop Scott academy, at Port
laud, with cloth for about 500 uni
forms for that institution, compet
ing with firms all over the east and
west. This certainly speaks volumes
for the Salem milis.
The Reward. George E. Ives,
of the Theil detective agency, of
Portland, was in Eugene last night.
He was here for the purpose of secur
ing evidence against Albertson and
Chandler. In an interview Mr.
Ives said that the sheriffs office of
Lane county was deserving of the
whole credit for the location of the
defaulting cashier and his pal, and
that the uguuey received their whole
Information from said quarters.
Further, be stated that Sheriff1 No
laud and Deputy Cochran would
certainly receive the ?500 reward
offered. Eugene Guard.
Arrested. Geo. V. Howard
was arrested by Constablo J. W.
Majors Monday at Junction on com
plaint of Jas. P. Schooling, on the
charge of threatening to kill. The
case was tried before Justice Starr In
Jnnctlou today. Attorneys Potter
and Bilyeu appeared for the state.
The case is not yet ended. Eugene
Guard. Later. Just before going
to press -ve recived the following
from Junctien: Examination still
in progress. Howard has no attor
ney. Will be bound over- to keep
the peace, and possibly for carrying
concealed weapon. Albany Herald,
Runaways Caitured. Three
Indian beys who had borne griev
ance great or small, took an uncer
mouius departure from Harrison
institute Saturday afternoon. They
were not captuied uutil Bunday
evening when Farmer Savage over
took them near Grand Ronde, about
50 miles distance, which the boys
claimed to have made afoot. Two
of the boys are said to have been
homesick, and the third crazy for
Sncccssfnlly Domiciled in
Hush Hunk Mock.
The Bush bank l in it to begin
with. It Is in it big with about six
teen hundred square feet floor room,
two big vaults with time locks, a
force "of seven officers, tellers and
clerks, mints of money and a cy
clone of business. The bank is not
yet finished but the
confectionery palnce and Ice cream
parlors next door are about com
plete. The manufacturing depart
ment occupies the rtar, wheie Uiree
artists compound the delicacies of
the art that lures young and old to
this establishment. Here are made
all the goods sold on the counters in
front and considerable foi u grow
ing jobbing trade.
The parlors next In front are
nicely furnltured aud will comforta
bly seat forty to sixty people for
creams, ices, or oysters servul in
any style. The shdvlug, show win
dows aud counters in the salesroom
are finished in cherry und redwood
oiled. The show window is the
largest in the city a twelve-foot
plate glass containing displays In
the confectionery Hue that people
travel miles to see. A sixteen-foot
marble counter Hist nut iu Is for
serving ice cream sodu. The whole
is healed by hot water and nicely
mirrored. It is the most perfectly
appointed place of the kind in the
capital city. ThebO young men are
fine examples of what Salem is as a
place of business, aB they began in n
very small way a few yeais ago.
are found offices, and in room 14 are
the quarters of Fear & Hamilton,
negotiators of loans and iuturauce.
The firm has only been in existence
six mouths aud has a Hue iuu of
T. A. Carson, attorney, has rooms
3 and 4 and is well known.
C. D. Young, the South Salem
lawyer, has rooms 5 and 0.
Geo. H. Burnett, supreme couit
reporter, has rooms 1 and 2.
At the head of the stairs In room
13 is the real estate office of Booth &
Beth R. Hammer, attorney, will
have an office iu the southeast cor
ner, No. 12.
The front rooms are ut yet rent
ed, as the radiators have not beeu
put iu. A handsome suite of water
closets are provided and ull the
rooms will have hot-water heat. A
directory of the whole twenty-five
rooms will be placed at the foot of
the stairs.
I. VanDuyn Is at Portland.
Wheat 78 cts. and not much com
ing iu.
Superintendent McElroy arrived
Mrs. Belle Cook6 Is nt home after
several weeks spent with friends at
Pu get sound.
The school board wore out In
specting the now Yew Park school
building. i
Attorney J. A. Carson went to
Staytou on business loduy.
A marrt'igo Mcensohas been Issued
to John Vanderberk, 2, and Chris
tina Fersehweiler 10.
Lotlery anil Prize Srhomrs DsimI to
Sell Alnm and Ammonia liukiug
timiNQ Attraction. On the
IWiof October the Grlfmier-Divis
'"Wpauy, a most successful and pop
dIm combination will appear at the
Pera house In au entirely new play
wIcn has proved exceedingly
Popular whereever presented and
from thejeharacter of this company's
Performances heretofore the public
ay expect a rare entertainment.
Depot Flooded. It has been
discovered that the plumbing about
tue passenger depot had given out
to some manner, and that the
wter was rlsiug under the building.
The water has been shut oil and
ea are at work excavutiug aud
Placing the pipes in a good state of
Go Ahead and Pave.
The talk on the street about 'other
kinds of pavement is not to the
point. What has been doue has
been as well and carefully done as is
likely to bo the case with wlmtevei
else may be proposed to be done.
The thing to do is to go ahead aud
improve the streets with good curbs
and gutters, tile drainage and a good
gravel roadway.
The city's fiuances, nor the pov
erty of street railways, nor colleges,
should be interposed as an argu
ment. These bodies are ns well ofl
as they are likely to be with a more
conservative policy on streets. They
will be more benefitted by the in.
vestment than any citizen Is likely
to be. Their objections should not
be a serious obstacle.
Complaints of citizens over op
pression by reason of expense are
not really objections, because they
will never be avoided or obviated.
No improvement at public expense
can be projected that will not op
press some one in destitute circum
stances, or catch some one bhort of
funds that will suffer thereby. Such
are the exigencies of life.
It should be remembered that this
plan of street improvement is the
plan of the conservative element.
It Is the proposition of the men
who are slow to favor unnecessary
improvements. It is a pluu of street
improvement drawn up under their
own direction and reluctantly con
sented to by more radical progres
sionists. The conservative elements
have not only been fully consulted
but their own idea has been accept
ed and they must be relied upon to
sustain their own child to u man,
or run the risk of being declared in
sincere in all their proposals here
after. It is to be hojK'd the talk of
changing or abandoning the present
plan does not come from the men
who originated it.
Salem should now go ahead aud
pave. Salem is the only city on
thu coast to indulge such an expense.
Iu spite of the shrinkage and con
traction In values all over the north
west coast Salem values uuve held
up and Salem has contrived to grow
qs has no other city of Its size
Salem should now go ahead und Im
prove her streets.
Social. The entertainment and
lunch at St. Pauls Episcopal church
lust night was quite successful $ 18
was netted towards painting the
Car Load. Farrar & Co. arc
handling car loads of fruits of all
kinds if you want the best call on
Dnu.vics.-Harry Dunn and James
Johnson were before recorder Good
ell this moruing for indulging in
the flowing bowl. Harry is liable
w be severely .dealt with .this time.
e is to get a dose for vagrancy,
"sing profane language aud resist
"g the officers. AH for too free
us of liquors.
Kni, r- Best equipped dressmaking
Edefh. ?DI,TION,Mr8' Rhoda A- establishment in tlio city will
ioV1. da p,ftt recoriled of 12 'open in Col tie block Monday.
trLr g-tetwwn Court aud Statei FirstcliLSS cutter and fitter from
ven l.of 14tu 8treet- " is a Portland. It, H.Matthews,
2B bTh of ,olB Shaw & 'prop. W
4wnlDg are handling it. I
ilAHBiAnP .p" ..,- ... I Gilt EDiE-When you are look
Another college building with
the two we have will form a trinity
that not even n Methodist confer
ence can ignore. Let us have the
ManugerKihler, Supt. Fields and
Bridge Sunt. Grondahl arrived iu
Salem today. The S. P. olfici.ils
are on a tour of inspection and "'ill
view their new depot aud tracks nt
Mrs. A. B. Huelat, who has been
the guest of Miss Louise Huelai,
returned to her homo at La Grande
today. She will visit at her old
home at Harrisburg.
Mrs. S. A. Giubbe, superlufcudent
of the public schools, Is quite ill nt
her rooms on Liberty street. She is
being attended by her sister, aud
was yesterday reported as somewhat
Remember that Geo. F. Smith has
jut leceived another invoice of Ab
bott's canvas, which is called for by
all leading artists. He is the leader
in art goods.
Steward Potnerny, of the reform
school, is suflering intensely from
an unpleasant contact with poison
oak. His friends all hope for his
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Alfred Huelet, of LaGraude,
who has been visiting at the Huelet
home on Marion street, left today
for Harrisburg, to visit a few weeks
with her mother, when she returns
o her home.
Messrs. J. F. Peebler, H. Bryant
and Dr. Snell, three fruit glowers
from Albany, an ived iu Salem this
afternoon to look up fruit interests
of our city. They will also visit
some of the leading fruit farms for
The conservatives ate kicking
hard but tiie city must go ahead as
street improvements are indispen
sable to progress.
Warehouseman Al. Sheaves, of
Buena Vista is in the city.
G. W. Barber and wife leave to
night for Marshalltowu, Iowa, over
the S. P., U. P., and N. W. routes.
R. S. Wallace took the afternoon
train for Poitland.
State Organizer M. V. Rork, of
the Farmers' Alliance, took his de-
partuie this afternoon for Washing
ton und Clackamas counties to con
tinue in his labor for the c.uibo.
Superintendent Irwin and Dis
ciplinarian Brewer ate about to
bilngln some recruits from about
C.J. Hurt, who has been living
at Eist Portland for a few mouths,
has moved back to Salem and is oc
cupying the J, W. Crawford house,
on Commercial street.
It. H. Matthews has moved his
shirt and dressmaking rooms into
oneof the new stores In the Cottle
Anton Wirth has received an in
crease of pension to $12 a month,
from July 21, 1390, through the
agency of D. C. Sherman.
D. M. Osborne & Co. have begun
suit before Justice Applegate for $40
on account against W. H. Short.
A shipment of fresh venison and
grouse just lecuived from the wilds
of Oregon. Plenty of Chinook and
Silver Side silnrbu, smelt, catfish,
sea bas-, and other varieties of fish.
Largo eastern oysters and fut dressed
poultry In abundance. Free deliv
ery. Davison & White, 94 Court S'.
The best place iu town for a 25
cent meal is Hellenbraud's.
A New York, coucern, manufac
turers of an ammonia baking pow
der, boasts that its yearly profits are
over a million dollars. While, per
haps, none of the makers of alum
powders Individually can show so
I lurge earuueo jet their profits are
A business so orofltnhle will al
ways attract to iUelf those whose
grtvd will cause them to utterly dis
regard the ell'ect their traffic may
have upon the health or life ol
Alum baking powders are Intro
duced largely by gifts, prizes and
lottery schemes. A pkco of glass
waie or china, a child's wagon, sled,
a pewtci spoon or some other article
of altractiyo appearance, but ol
small intrinsic valuo or cost, I
given with each purchase, or a
number is attached to the mil which
entitles the customer to a similarly
numbered article or to a pilze of
Mime kind. It Is iu some such way
as tills that the trade in alum uud
ammonia baking powders, which
has now attained such glaut propor
tions aud their consumption by the
public which has reached an extent
which is truly alarming.
The highest authorities of all
countries condemn the use of alum
in bread without reserve. In Amer
ica the most distinguished physi
cians, chemists nnd hygieuists have
declared that the tralllc in alum
ba dug powder should be suppressed
by law. Iu England and France,
where the subject of pure food aud
Its effect upon the system has been
more fully cousideied aud made the
subject of extended experiments by
the scientists, so set lou a matter It
i ho use of alum iu bread or other
food considered to be that most
stringent laws have been euacted
to prevent It. These laws aro rigidly
enforced, aud the sale of alum bak
ing powders would not bo permitted
for iiu hour. Any one who attempt
ed to make them for use In food, or
attempted to use them for raising
bread, biscuit or cake, would buller
severe penalties.
The ill effects upon the systein of
food raised by alum baking powders
aie the more daugeious because of
their iusiduous character. Il would
tie less dangerous to the community
were it fatal at once, for then such
food would be avoided; but their
deleterious actiou because impei
ceptible at first is no less certain.
The puckering effect which alum
has when taken into the mouth h
familiar to every one. Physicians
sy this same eftect is produced by
it upon the delicate coats of the
stomach aud intestines.
What housewife would take homo
to her family a can of alum or am
monia baking powder if she kiaw
it. Such powders not only under
mine the system, but il is pointed
out that ammonia taken into the
system in even infinitesimal doses
day after day imparts to the com
plexion a sallow uud blotched ap
pearance. It is safe to discard ull baking
powders sold with a prlzs or gift.
What a misnomer are the words
Opening. Beginning Thursday
evening, und continuing uutil Sat
urday evening, Mrs. M. E. Wlltm
invites ull to see her opeuig stock of
milllnory and novelties. ft
Insane. Emma Langworthy
was brought from Eugene today for
treatment at the asylum. She was
committed once before in Michigan.
This Is what you ought to have to
fully enjoy.life.Tliousandsare search
ing for it dully. Thousands of dol
lars are spent annually by our peo
ple In the hope that they may attain
this boou. It may be utlufned by
all. We guarantee that Electrlo
Bitters, If used according to direc
tions, will oust the demon dysoepsiu
and install Eupepsy. Electrlo Bit
ters for dyspepsia aud diseases of
liver, stomach and kidneys. Sold at
60. and $1 per bottle, by Fry. diug
glut. The ladles of the Episcopal church
will give a parlor concert at their
rooms corner of Church and Chern
tketa streets, on Wednesday even
ing. Doom open at 7:30, concert at
8 o'clock. After the program Ice
cream refreshments free. Admis
sion 25 cents. Everybody Invited.
MI'S A. Thornton, Miss M. Parr,
Miss Miller, ( D. Ford, J. Ross and
others will sing. 0-22-2t
'Absolutely Pure," us applied to
linking powders two of the largest
selling brands, one made from alum,
the other containing ammonia, and
both of these drugged baking pow
ders have stamped upon their labels
and circulars these wolds absolutely
pure, ns a matter of fact they aie
"Absolutely Poor," as shown by
official examinations.
AVill open Monday next
Dress and shirt malum; parlors
in Cottle-building. Firstclass
cutter and Utter. It. Jf. Mat
thews. dUt
Shuw & D wning to John Good.
win part block 15, Capital Park,
?220 -SO.
Geo W Hunt single, to S A Gnu
let, It 1 blk 8, Packing company
add, $10-.
M L Matti son and F S.Matteson
to Alice AGodJnrd.ll! ncrcs t 8 s 1
w, $1350.
D A.McKee to 'D,H C:ough, 10
acres Jurlus McKee d I c, $200.
NIcholas.Mictel and wife to W F
Easthum, 100acn'3H 3, t 0 s, 1 w,
"Don't Cure lo Kut."
Tt Is with the greatest confidence
that Hood's Hursupurillu Is recom
mended for loss of appetite, indigi
tion, sick headache, and similar
troubles, Thlsmedluluegreatly tones
the stomach, usslsts digestion, aud
makes one "real hungry." Penous
Iu delicate health, after taking
Hood's Surfruparilla a few days, find
themselver longing for and eatlug
the plainest foo.l with uuexpecteu
Tho JJest."
A Mhii Who Think Young Women Slinulil
Itii l'rfmrv(l fur Kmnrccnrlps.
"Propriety and modesty und reserve
aro nil right In their proper places,"
said a sensible, outspoken man the
other day Hut Micro is such a thing
as carrying even the cardinal virtues
too far I was out yaehttng with a
party of Invited guests and n little ao-ci'l'-iit
happened that might, but for
the presence of mind of certain mem
bers of the company, have .been a very
bcrious affair. As it was, no harm
was done, beyond a few bruises and
scratches; but there were some exhibi
tions of feminine peculiarities which
wcro quite new to me, and which made
no little impression on me, as well ns
on a number of the members of the
"Something happened to the steam
apparatus, aud a pipe got out of order.
At onco the steam came rushing Into
the saloon and toward the staterooms.
Several of the men rushed through the
Hlmost blinding vapor to the rescue of
the ladies. The first and becond came
out all right, although thoy were just
taking their beauty sleep, us It was
half past 11 In the evening. The third
btuteroo'ii was occupied by a rather
quiet young woman, and when we
rapped and pounded at tho door, she
-eeiued to think that we camo on
some errand of evil.
In spite of nil our explanations nnd
entreaties that she open the door, she
only screamed" 'Go away I Go away 1'
Shouts of 'Fire!' and 'Wo will all bo
burned to death I' didn't seem to have
the least eflect on her, and at last the
host, angry and disgusted, put his
shoulder against tho door, forced tho
lock, rushed into tho room, and, sclziug
a large cloak and blanket, carried the
young woman, screaming and angry, to
a place of safety.
"Hy this time the steam was some
thing dreadful; our very lungs wero
almost scalded. I had moro than half
a mind to suggest leaving tho girl to
take her chances with life, but sho was
a relative of tho host and 1 didn't liko
to say such a thing. Besides, it wouldn't
be nice, you know, to leave tho gito
.u steam cooked In a stateroom. 1
dually concluded that she must bo out
if her senses and would be all right
left day.
"But Judge of my astonishment
when, on meeting her tire noxt morn
ing, I spoko of tho accident and ox
pressed a hope that sho had suffered
no iuconveuiouco, bho deliberately
turned her back to mo and stood look
ing nt a bit of bric-a-brac on a shelf. I
had .shown her some nttoution and
really had admired her very much, but
my admiration turned to absoluto dis
gust at her conduct and I have since
let her alone soveroly.
"This she evidently was not prepared
for, and is, I understand, deeply
grieved, and feels hurtthut I do not
renew my dovotiou to her. But really
I cannot do it. It beems to mo thut a
woman who can bo as silly as that in
hueh an emergency isn't s&fo to bo
trusted in tho many perplexing and
trying uffairs of life. Tlioro is need of
a great deal of practical good bouse and
reason in tho complex details of domes
tic afTalrs, and it seems to mo that
every woman and girl should bo taught
something of tho necessities of emer
gencies, und nbovo all should luivo a
little good common senso ingrained
into her mind from her youth up."
Now York Ledger.
t- fiTTlxm tfrtTT it a vm irTTn
Wo have just received tho lnrgosfc lino, of
Carpets, Oil Clotlis and Mattings
Ever Carried. Come and seo thorn whilo tho assortment is good. Our priors aro
always right.
Rare Bargains in
Lace Curtains.
Complaining becomes habitual with
many fault finders.
Tuct can afford to sinllo whilo genius
nnd talent are quarreling.
To see other folks happy Is hell to
the man who has no lovo in his heart.
The poorest man Is not the one who
has the least, but tho ono who has tho
most wants.
In Russia stoves are built Into tho
walls between rooms, thus heating two
rooms nt onco.
Luclnn tells us that among tho Se
lenites a bald pate was considered a
mark of beauty.
The year 1891 saw tho end of the
englishman's custom to dlno in cele
bration of tho battle of Waterloo.
The largest shipyard in tho world is
at Christiana, in Norway. Forty ships
can load at Its docks nt tho samo thno.
Bishop Tucker affirms that in Ugan
da a man will vory readily do three
months' work for a copy of tho Now.
A billion dollars would pay for a trip
around the world for 500,000 persons,
nnd buy enough clothing to last 10,000.
000 men ono year.
Parents and teachers aro, to a great
extent, responsible for tho Increase of
dcfcctlvo vision in children. Much can
be done to prevent it.
When your faco and oars burn so ter
ribly bathe thein in very hot wator as
hot as you can benr. This will bo
moro npt to cool them then any cold
A now theory iu relation to tho moon
has lately been advanced, to tho cflbct
thnt tho lights and shadows of tho
moon aro incompatible with tho theory
of its spherical shapa
Jig iiiSfL!.
Pianos and organs
Installments from $5 per month up. Wholesale and
P. H. EAST0N & CO.,
310 Commercial St., Salem.
Head Quarters for the Salem Orchestra. dv
Guide to a.rawberry culture und
descriptive catalogue of fweuty va
rleties, free by mall or calling on E.
Hofer, Jouknal office, Salem, Or.
Some French Flghter.
The history of Franco is full of great
lighters, all the way up to Napoleon,
tho gentleman who traveled over Eu
rope, owning it as ho went, and leav
ing relatives and friends on convenient
thrones. If any ono revives tho theory
that Napoleon was not French, but
i cully an Italian, remind him that the
men who followed Napoleon and did
tho fighting were French anyhow.
Every American would havo loved
Duguescliu. Think what a Frenchman
he was. Ho could beat anybody at
any kind of fighting nnd kept at It all
the time. When the Spaniards held
him prisoner he whlled away tho time
challenging and killing off young Span
lards. Spain let him go protty soon.
Mow can we help respecting tho coun
try thnt raised Dugucbclinr
Or do you like quiet heroism, with
nobody to cheer nnd no bund playing?
Then consider the caso of tho Chevalier
d'Assas. With nobody near but half a
hundred foes with spears at his breast,
he shouted warning to his sleeping com
rades until the accumulation of spear
heads in his throat inude It necessary
for him to stop. Kansas City Times.
SloorUli Truclltlun ioi to I.octlxt.
Roforring to tho pluguo of locusts In
Morocco, tho British consul at Mogiulor
quotes a tradition as to thorn which
was told to him by a Borbor llshormaii.
It runs us follews: "In the Interior of
Sahara are peoplo called Jeraiduja or
locusts owners, who havo control over
tho locusts, and thoy used to receive
yearly presonts from tho sultan of Mo
rocco and thoy kopt tho loausts back.
Every year a cert-aln monster eamo to
that plaeo and It died there, and those
peoplo used to burn tho enrcabs and
then all was well.
"But if It was not burned, owing to
the men not being in a good humor,
then it putroflod nnd brod millions of
maggots, and thoy became locusts.
And lately somo of these men came to
the sultan and suid, 'Havo not pooplo
been complaining of locusts?' And
the sultan replied that thoy had.
'Well,' said tho Jeraiduja, 'wo aro tho
locusts; why havo you not given us our
customary largess?' "
Another version was that tho locusts
camo out of a certain cave or pit in tho
Sahara, over which some holy people
had control. Tho sumo Idea of po
tency of the Intercession of holy men
has frequently been noticed' in 'causes
assigned by Moorish fishermen for the
periodical falling off or Improvement
In the supply of various Important
kinds of sea llsli. Manchester Guardian.
KineraliU ol Vulmi.
Emeralds of value havo been numer
ously found In A lezunder county, N. C.
They are discovered In pockets In tho
rock and a oouipany Is regularly organ
ized at Stony Point for working the
mines there. Some beautiful boryls
tho emerald Is a variety of beryl have
been secured in tho neighborhood of
Haddam, Conn., and tho largest beryls
In the world aro obtained at Grafton
and Aoworth, N. II. From the fonnor
locality a crystal over six feot long was
quarried, and another weighing two
and a half tons. Those wonderful
crystals are of n palo green color. Such
specimens rarely havo transparent tpots
so large us to allow tho cutting of even
a small gem. Washington Star.
ftomethlng In Nuuie,
The Guefc How's this? Four dol
lars a day I Stopped here a year ago
and paid only half that much.
The Proprietor Just bo. Then It
was tho McGInnb tavern. Now It's
thu Hotel McfJinnU. Pittsburg Bulle
tin miiW.p in il ii i nun naa l
Parley, tne IngforglU edge butter or anytblug
lumi. will oe I.,.,... i u.. ..li ,. flurlr
"wried in vi.. t . m . imuio provision line, ou vi.
JSvgtv ftog1 JeadI TravU' ftl iEppley, 100 Court Mrcet. Quick
.....WW, v.j.
h"me In me Waldo lulls, Sept. 10, '
lhOl, Frunk Humpuiey aud
Minnie L King, Itev, J. W. Short
nc0 Baking
l'roflta In Cullfoniln OrctiunU.
Governor Mnrkham received $350
from one acre of orange trees in South
Pasadena In 1880 tho fourth bearing
year and tho cost of production was
twonty-blx dollars. In tho wimo year
Mr. James Smith, of Pasadena, recelvec'
(il,810 net for oranges produced on
three aud ouo-third ncros. Mr. Frank
P. Morrison, of llecUnnds, San Bernar
dino county, received for ono year's
crop !I00 per aero, and tho Hon. Selplo
Craig says that seedling orchards In that
county will averugo $-100 to 500 pp
acre, llivcrsldu Is tho most celebrated
placo fororango production In tho state.
Receipts per acio have been as high
as $1,200, and $100 nnd upward are
not uncommon. Ex-Governor L. A.
Sheldon In Forum.
Lurt" Hut I'mli Down the Hun.
Ears nro sometimes pushed down und
forward by tho lower rim of a hat
crown, und parents should see to It that
no risk of this kind Is run, as It brings
about as great a deformity as though
the wearer of a too largo or heavy hat
were born with unlovoly features. De
troit Free Press;
1'olitlCHl Alimony.
Politics had been quite warm In ono
of tho rurul sections, and there wait u
little family disputo going on.
"Lucy," wild hor husband, 'Tin
sorry you don't liko my politics an'
things, but I've got my opinions, an'
I'vo got to support 'em."
"Well," she replied, "yo'vgot moan'
tho children, too, art' yo kin Jls make
up yer mind which ye'd ruthur put
down alimony fur, yer family or yer
opinions." Washington Pott.
Entruy Notice.
"VTOTICK In liortliy nlveu that I have
1 taken uii and liniunltU the Ut
lowing (JomtImkI aulinaU found runulnir
al Urge wlluiu the IlinlU ol the oily u(
Kuloiu. UimHi
One wrse dark hay hon, white (xit In
forehead, left hind foot while.
The owner ol Mild aulinuU can have the
aino by proving- iirotwrly and a luif the
h-fcat hurK aed exnnM of UiklnK up
and kiei'lne, elo, Jaua In default thtrtof
lor five (fa) , J will pruceuj to tell the uld
MUlinaUot public uubIIou a provided lo
OfUlnHDcoNo axjof uIoroHilJ oily,
11,1'. ill NIX1, 1,11 Mamlml.
Dated Kilnm.HfpUmUr 18. UOl. 11U
J. A. R0TAN, Undertaker.
Has purchnsod tho Minto hearse and will horeaftor
sell caskets, coffins and all undertaker's supplies cheaper
than any ono m balem aud turnish tho hcarso tree ot charge
in the city and for funorals at one-half tho rato horotoforo
charged in tho country. 8-25-lm-dv
If Arou would be clean and hayo rour clothes done up
in the neatest and dressiest manner, tulco thorn to tho
whore all work is done by .whito labor and in tho most
prompt mannor. COLONEL J. OLMSTED.
Liberty Street.
talem lriick i Dray Co. gso&B I
w lice State St., opposite Sa-i
icui iron worns. urnys ami trucira may uo lounu tiirougnoul the uav at
tho corner of State and Commerolal street".
host quality of brick at the yards near
Penitentiary. BURTON BROS.
balum, Oregon.
draining. Decoratlye Paper Hanging, Knlsomlnlng, etc., cot. Ollice
202 Commercial streot. Resldonce 5(1 Marlon street,
n. F. DRAKt, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, General Superlnterdcnt.
MiiiiuructitrrH HTKAM KNOINKH. Mill Onlllts, Water Wheel (tavernnm. Krillt
Dryl!iirUutllU,Trnutlmi Kniflne, (.'resting, etc. Kurm niMililnory mado und repaired.
acnuml uin'iiU und iiiiiaufuctureiH nf thu (eluliruted WuliWtrom i'utuul MIiUUIuri
rtirlller mid Ut'clD. Kami inuoliluory iniult mill rormlicri.
T (I PctZCi Pmbers and Tinners,
217 Commercial street, Salem, darden IIoho nnd Lawn Sprinklers.
A complete lino of Stoves and Tinware, Tin moling uud plumbing a
seeclalty. Estimates fur Tinning and Plumbing Iuirnlshed
Yew Park Grocery,.
Has put 111 u new stock of Oiworles, Quceiiswnre, !''Pd, eto. Produco
lmu L'l it at hluhest l trices. Satisfaction iiuurnntecd iu nil things. Goods
delivered to all parts of the city. .Call and give inu a tiial.
r ii nnill lvn n All stock left In my cure shall receive tho best
ll LK I'fllir of utlonlloii. Telephone No. 24. Cor. Liberty
, 11, UVUlJlJl.llUb-1, unv.ry streets, Sulem, Oregon.
At 100 Chcmekota Street.
House - and - Sign - Painting,
Paper Jlaiigliig, Kalsomliilug, Wall Tinting, etc. Vurnluhlng aud
Natural Wood Finish. Only Klrst-elusH Work. E, E. BNOW,
Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters,
Kutlmiite on all work In our line.
IOO Oliemulcotu Straat,
Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co.
Siwli, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing.
House Klnlililni; inude to order.
Nw iiuy III I.N, hy vrhluh wo can alwuyg keep n, full lupply of ticssoned. atock of all
klndi. AKilciiltural Works, Corner of Trail) unit Mlitll itreeti, Haletii, Oregon.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Snacreoofbtttt Ux-k and fruit laud lo
ina tor tl ul n varckin. Will tell In
toUUikult jui"ii.cr Addi4or call on
f J HhiKbihU,'r.
NtarSllvtrfrwui'aU, 7w
3:k&jSl sesriEMs
Sash, and 'Door Factory
Front Street, Salem, Oregon,
Tho befit class of work in our lino at pricos to compote
with tho lowefit. Only tho boat material used
Ilailiiliaiigl I Crossan,
State btrcot Livery.
Jltwt H!kuih1 Htoolc Hoarding- ami fted
HUule. lIMutentm'l.
Truck & Dray Lino.
Staple and Fancy Groferfes,
OrMkerr, Olamorar), Ijimpn, Wooden
11ml willow wart. All kind or mill nx..
AIo vivoUiblMuadrrulU In their wuu.011,
"UfKhfxt 1'rlce puld for country produce."
S'ulloStaitbaroofour iMirunuu).
Itu VJHUUiktret
A. J. SHIMP, M. D.,
Phyfiioinn nnd Surgoqau
f Ij1 of 1'lilludtliibU.J
orall rhronlo. lilHiiiuatlo, lilood, Ural a
and utou illfciauv. Wvtry variety tl
(tuna's iIUpumi yield to trlwlrlcllr after
miUldfTlilWnvi MUMIIITI1 liaT AHUVU.
Oood UauuiADd prompt work l our i Thlrteu tkot ellnicol nperki.ee. umm
tmnjjtioia, aw Oomiuerclal lrt. itl(in
., .j2ur,ii jjgiJi j