Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 16, 1891, Image 4

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    r. r . iip
BIck HeadM-ho and re Hero nil the troubles Incl
dnt to ft bilious stato of the system, such at
DfttbtoM, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress artei
, Pta in the Side, Ac. white their roost
remsrkabto success has been shown la curlof
ffoadacui yet Ctvrrn's Lmuc Lrrrn Fru
ro eqnuiy Tuusoie in uoimipation. csnns.
and pmrratinjt this annoying complain t, whll
they Abo correct all disorder of the stomach,
atimslatA Mm liter and regulate Um bowels.
Krtn K titer only cured
Ache thejr would be almost prleelew to those
who suffer from this dtstressliitr complaint;
but fortunately their goodness doe not end
here, and thoae who once try them will find
these HtUo pill raluablo In so many way that
they wilt hot be willing to do without them.
But after all tick bead
I the bane of bo many Urea that here I where
we make our (treat boast. Our pills cure It
while other do not.
Ci area's Little Iatxh Vtvut are very irniaU
and rery easy to take One or two pills make
fir dose, Tbry arts strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who tte them. In vials at SS cents;
flro for $1 Sold everywhere, or aent by malL
CA8TZ3 ISS1SIHZ CO., Hrr lot
T. RICIlAKD-JON, Attorney at law,
. uiiice uu ftiiiira in iranL mums m iirw
Scab block, corner Cominercljil anil fMurt
streets, Salem, Oregon.
TOHN a. GABION, Attorney at law
t) ItooinsSnncH, Lada A limb's bank
building, Salem, Ori-gen. 8 1 lyr
W.ll. IIOLMtM.
IJ aeysatJaxr, Office in Hush's Mock.
between Btale and Court, on Ootn'tHt.
J.J,HIIAV. . . . V. HUNT.
tt . II. J'llATT.
HAW.PHATTA HIMT. Attorneys al
law. umcooveri;npiuair.aiJODai nan.,
!m, Oregon.
Four laborers employed by a Junk
dealer were drowned In the Dela
ware river, opposite the Philadelphia
nnvy yard Monday by the upsetting
of a boat.
A boiler at tlio planning mill of
the Sunny South Lumber cum) any,
Dear Lewlsvllle, Ark., exploded
Monday, killing the fireman and
Injuring twelve men.
Tho body of tne 0-year-old daugh
ter of John Schabel, of Seattle, who
wus accidentally drowned while
phiylng along the batik of Green
river two weeks ago, was found by
a party of fishermen one mile east of
Slaughter in the Green river.
Peter Toman, u Swede, about 40
years of age, hanged himself at
Amity Sunday morning, lie bad
been drinking heavily of lato and
be is supposed to have committed
tho deed while in a temporary
Minnie Brown, aged 18, who was
one of tho victims of the lire ut Ore
gon City Saturday, died al 0 o'clock
Monday from the effect of the burns
and the shock to hcrsystcni.
Hop picking is nearly couipleUd
at Eugene. The crop is not first
clot und lias been only about half
gathered, the lico doing a great deal
I of damage.
The surveyor of customs at Oinaba
has been instructed to admit filter
ing clotU for beet sugar machinery
(text of duty.
Five more emigrants have escaped
from the detent ion pen at the New
York barge office, How they got
away is a mystery. There is little
prospect of recapture.
Chief Officer Thompson of Orange
Prince, at Dartmouth, England,
was presented Monday with a hand
some gold medal, on behalf of the I
aarriiTaWiMM1iiin.ff SrilimritfTTm VI nmtyiypiisiskM
how crtowe catch crabs.
TVatclilns Patiently for Tiles Delicate
Shellfish for Meat.
Fiahcruien in Havre do Graco at tho
mouth of the Susquehanna river, tell
amusing stories of the way crows catch
crab and prepare them for eating.
When the crows first come In tho spring
they visit tho streams connecting bay
and ponds every morning looking for
crabs. They commonly arrive before
crabs begin running, but tho crows ex
hibit great patience, sometimes waiting
ten or fifteen days.
The crows scan the stream from small
tree tops or mounds of Band. Others
stand on the banks of the rivulet with
heads cocked sidowiso and an eye etar
Ing at tho water. When tho crabs be
gin running the crows divo into tho
water from nny coign of vantage near
by, clutch the crab, soar into the air
and drop their prey with great precis
ion on tho stone covered beach which
fringes the bay. Dy this means the I
crabs are reduced to pulp, and tho
crows, witli much wing flapping and
discordant cawing, voraciously bolt tho
Captain Tom Carroll, of Chinco-
toairue, say he onco saw live crows
tewing a crab. Ono of the birds caught
and carried It to a bier dry sandbar.
There it was put down. Tho crow's
cawing brought Uvo of his tribe. They
pulled it about, turned it upon its
back and fumed over it. These gym
nastics went accompanied by hoarse
chattering and a gurgling sound, which
Carroll avers was laughter. To vary
the pjxjrt they would make believe to
fly away, but dropped softly to the
wind forty or fifty feet oft.
From that point the dusky quartet
of practical Jokers kept their oyes In
lpnty fixed on the crab rolling along in
the direction of tho water, a hundred
yards away. Tho crows, without a
bound, craned their necks watching
their hard shell victim flopping labor!
otisly through tho soft, dry sand. Sud
denly they broke Into a wild chorus of
ittwg and inado after tho crab. Ono
8AI.RM arAKKirr nnroivr.
mlLMOM FOH I (.attorney at law. Salem,
jireigujj. umce up-amira in ration's
president of the United Stales, as a picked It up and soared away to the
reward fur rescuing the crew of the! beach, followed by his fellows. There
American ship Amanda C. Parkes,
in January lost,
Percy Carr, a young boy, is under
JVAKOY & HI.NU11AM, Attorneys and
J counselors at law, salem, Oregon.
artcgAnabalructoltberecordsof Marlon
esxinly, Including a lot and block Index oi
Salem, they have special facilities lor ex
amining title to rtal estate. Iluslness In
the supreme court and lb the state depart
Bsenu will receive prompt attention.
DK.W.8 MOTT, physician and snr
geon. Office in KIdrldge illock, Sa
lem, Oregon. OUIco hours 10 to 12 a. in.
2 to 4p.m.
JJfCOAIUlOW, M. D Physician and
. flnrgeon, (lately attending Uny's hos
pital. Londou, and Itoyui infirmary, Edin
burgh. Office and residence In First Na
Uanal bank block. Calls In town or coun
try promptly attended, office hours 9 to
4in.ni.; i to a ana 7 to H3Q p.m. dw
T1 B.PinLimooK,ALD.,HoraeopathUU
JCj. Office Itt Court street; Iteatdeuoe Si?
High street. QeLeral practice. Hpcclal
atteuUon given to disease uf Womin and
BR. J. M. KEKNK, DentUit, Office over
.the While corner. Court ana Coin-
BterebU streets.
TVR. T. 0, 8M1TH. DnUat,OT Stale street,
J Kalem. Or. Klnlsbed dental opera
tions afeverydcscrlpuon. Painless opera
tioaa a specialty.
TXT D. 111(111. Architect. Pinna. iwl
jt , ncatlons and superintendence lor
all elaseea of buildlnraJ Office isl Com.
lawelal St., up stairs,
f 8. McXALLY, Architect, New Bush
KJ. Breymnn block. Plans and specifica
tions ef all Clowes of of building on short
aoUea. BupcrlntendeacoofworkprompUy
ooktd. after. 2 ftf
n J.McOAUBTliANO.CivllSanltaryand
Ji. ilydmullo Koglneer, U. M. Iieputy
Snf rLS1tycyor- -'' surveyor office,
Poslte Capitol brewery, Coramerolul
iretl, Baleoi, Oregon. Jolm Holm pro
prietor, liorsesboelug.blacksinllhlnguud
repairing of all kinds. 9 1
R. WJ LLAIID, lllacksmltli and ltnrse
shoer. All work cruiinimr-nil. Klmn
tat street, uenr court house.
10K&llOas,IllackKiullbk, nil kinds ol
i renairimrauacarriacrHuriirif. whnv
our emnlov Arthur illnvr i nmrmainnni
boraecboer. Ulvousn trial. III
JOHN, KNIUUT, lilockamltti. llorss
shoeing and repairing a specialty. Hliop
at the foot of Liberty street, rlaloin, Oregou.
T J. LAIIHKN 4 CO,, Slanufacturo of all
Ju. kludsor vchlclea, Iteiwlrlng u special.
fy, 8hojltflW street,
B. HMIT1I A CO., Contructors, Sewer.
, liur. Cement Hldewiilkii. Kinivniiinr
All work Promptly done, Salem. Or.
ve orders wftlLliugun llros, l:l6-iiu
lfrtRPET.lAYINQ.-I make a specialty oi
iJ Ciuiiet-Miwiuir and Uvlmr. cunuiin
taken upandrelaidwltligreulcurt llnuse
(MhMilnix. lAaave ordunt with J. n i.imn
K-Hurcuj Mou. J, O, I.UUUJlAN.
""rnliu riiTTv A ." r-" 1 T'TT. ..1
"" uiinn-Miuinwior iiiiii uuiiuur.
U Ktnelusldo nulsblug u kpeclally ISA
Cbwmerclal street, Halom Orrgon,
KO.IIOKVK. liar ber and llulrdatlm
intriura. r lueni Dams 11 lllo Cltl .
Lifecy Stable and Feed
TM Bnit Box Stalli and Cerrtt In ths I'lty,
nuici, juiiiuy corses n specialty,
(In rear Wlllumette hotel.)
A.I).sCM. - . - ORECOON
MX Conimsrclil St4 t ittm, 0rf on,
(Next door to Klein's.)
Atlly .r "iwepwle.. nd repalrln
OhMka, W iiichcouud Jewelry.
m w
l( of the best nmiilenee lots In ilia cllyon
'"h tiiuvr ti uiihjk, uciiivvn iiiu
tutu treols, una block from elrutilo
susirHKwaamiiii itHKrami HlalaHt
aavnet suut Miiem cnoi I'riretSUi
M-woru)rniinil I13CO fur lu-
K wut iv iuoi irouiage ou
scrftbe DKKOON NUIiaKKY CO..
W. L'ixti'1 and Cbeuiekt-lu streets
Am, ftr f4 amy lift" I stala firm tit
Iff, Sfllf
Vtmtkto m4 CM i
T w'yP )Wr Wf'n
CM mi aeiit, p.O
ilHj IJOllll,V
W i
arrest at Elkhorn, Neb., churned
with killing Harry T. Price, his
five-year-old cousin.
The trial of Dr. 8amuel Hall,
charged with the murder of Ida
Shaddook, by malpractice, was
begun before Judge Murphy ut fc'un
Francisco, Monday.
Grant Wood and Dick Oliver,
negroes, quarreled over a woman at
Venice, III. They fought with pis
tols and knives. Wood was killed
and Oliver was seriously hurt.
M. H, Btrelllneer. better known
as Curtis, tho actor, accused of the
murder of Policeman Grant, was
arraigned In the police court at Snn
Francisco Monday, but tho case was
contlnuod until Wednesday, as an
Inquest has uot yet been held.
Tho Ave Philadelphia mercantile
appraisers, on whom warrauta were
served last week, chargiug them
with various forms of dereliction in
ofllce, were given a hearing. The
accused were held In $2500ball,eaoh,
for appearance nt tho next term of
Grant County News: Forty-nlne
JJmruIo, whoso Eastern name was
Mr. Diflln, has been -on this coast
for forty-two years, a good portion of
tho time having been spent amoug
his mlulng claims near Itoblnsou
vllle. He Is filling the olllco of
roud supervisor of his district to per
fection, keeping his portion of tho
road in excellent repair.
Luko County Examiner: Major
Darnliurt, of tho firm of Felton&Co.,
Is hery looltlug nfter tho Interests of
the company In couueetlon with
tho lauds recently purchased of the
0. L. Co. Mr. IJarnlmrt bus great
faith ln.tho future of Luko county.
Ho 1) woll posted In railroad njattors
and thinks It will bo but a short
tliuo until wo will bo supplied with
ono or two.
Grant County News: Mr. I. M.
Foster Informs us that ho recently
found two boo trees In thu moun
tains near his ranch. Jlces lu thU
oily and In all parts of tho valley
are becoming numerous, and occa
sionally tho owners hnvo lost u
swarm, whiph uo doubt took up
their abode lu tho timber. A few
years ago wild beea in Eastern Ore
gon were unheard of,
Iiako county horses niuko i con
spicuous showing among thu world
renowned horecH in tho program of
tho Porlluud Bpeed Aesoolotlon,
which commenced last Saturday and
will closo noxt Saturday, M.T.
Wallers has Atlas entered lu two
races and Vanity In one. CD, Jtus
sell has Jim It. cntoicd In two races,
while James Foster has Oregon
EcllpBo entered la four races and
Ileroulcs lu two.
A row Uays ago tho dcud body of
a man was fouud lu Bunko river,
uearuraugoclty, -in u pocket of
his clothing was found n diary with
tho tmiuo William McCowan,
Columbus, WttBh. Farther down
auolherroll of blauketsaud camper's
cooking utcnwlls wen found. Ou
August li2 un engineer on a passing
train saw three men clinging ton
boat lu a perilous place near where
tno body was found, ami It Is sup
posed all wero drowned,
Amos Hrown, of Phlnuey, Whldby
Isluud, Is tho possessor of a rello of
Abraham Lincoln, thu martyr nrwsU
dent, which ho prise, almost u
rellgoltisly us u Christian: would a
bit of tho cross Umiii which the
Jtedcemcr surnad. It Is nothlno
less tl uti u pUtv d( iho bnndate
that wus taken from tho dying
president's bnw on tho oth of
April, Hrt. Tlio linen Is stained
with LiiioiVd bltMMl. Uo K'cund
JK fivr Linwdn died having w room
I lie was dropped to death and tho crows
Hew away to their roost Now York
Hie Telephone lias Mado Them Stout.
The telephone is more used in Hono
lulu than any other place. Thero are
two rival companies in tho island, and
the rates aro so cut that every soda
water stand has its telephone, and tho
marketing Is all done over tho wire.
Even railway trains aro started by telo-
phono, and men uto their legs as littlo
as posslblo, now that tho facilities for
verbal intercourse enablo them to avoid
to a conbiderable oxtcnt the inconven
iences of a hot climate
An English electrical engineer who
lias boon engaged in making a series of
surveys in tho island says that tho In
troduction of tho telephone has had a
somowliat ludicrous sequoL Tho ladles,
who woro wont to do their marketing
with more energy than could bo looked
for In sucfi a warm climate, now stay
at homo and fcnd their orders by tele
phone, und tho business men to a great
extent follow suit. Tho consequence
Is that thero Is a marked accession of
avoirdupois among tho better classes of
the community, malo and female.
This phenomenon, which Is vouched
for as n fact, can bo easily understood
when tho cessation of accustomed ex
ercise Is taken into consideration.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
The Future or Silk.
Tho days of tho execssivo costliness
of ullk hnvo gone by, and tho probabil
ity Ih that In tho next fow years largo
additions will bo mado to tho silk pro
ducing area of tho world. Southern
California, many parts of the southern
states, the West Indies, Mexico, Cen
tral Ameiica, tho northern part of
Soutli America and largo districts in
Africa aro excellently well suited to tho
growth and development of tho worm,
as well as of the mulberry on which it
feeds, ami In uot n fow localities ar
rangements are now being mado, both
In this and other countries, by planting
mulberry croves to proparo for silk cul
turo. Oood silk Ik still costly enough,
but the change In prlco from tho tliuo
when Leicester Imported his famour
bruochen to that of tho present day au
gurs well for a still furthor reduction in
tho future. -St. Louis Qlobo-Domocrat.
The Photograph Anticipated,
in Fenelon's "Fables," written in
IC90, may bo found an Interesting chap
tcr, outltled "Voyago Suppose." Of
the marvels related In that story we
"Thoro was no painter In all that
country, but when thoy wlshod tho por
trait of n friend they put water Into
largo basins of gold and silver and made
this water to faco tho object thoy wished
to point. Soon tho water would con
goal and become as tho faco of a mir
ror, where tho Imago dwelt Inoffacoably,
This could bo carried whorovor ono
pleased, always giving as foltltful-a plo
turo as a mirror."
Who will say that Fenolon did not an
ticipate tho photograph! St, Louis Uo
Uapldly Trnvollntr Torpedoes.
Tho torpedoes now being mado at tho
Austrian port of Fiumo run below
water at a ruto of thlrty-tlvo miles an
hour nnd carry a charge of 210 pound
of gun cotton, tho explosion of which
is so Irresistible that probably no ship
could endure It. What Is more, Uto
crinoline of steel rings which has been
suocetaful hitherto In keeping at a dis
tance all smaller torpedoes yields, It U
assorted, at onco to tho weight and hu
pnot of tho largo Whltohead huplo
lnerjt.--NQW Yotk ToJEPMU.
Strrlmrn Cases.
8. H. ClUluril, New Cassel, Wis.,
was troubled with neuralgia und
rheumatism, stomach disorder, liver
directed, npiKitlto fell away, and ho
was nnhuvd In strength. Thrvo bot
tles Klectrlo Hitters cunM him.
Edward Bhoplmnl, HarrUburg,
III,, Imd a running soro on his leg.
Used threo hot Uwj of Klectrlo Hitters
and llueklon's Arnica Salvo and his
leg Is sound and well. John Speak
er, Catawba, O., had fiver ntv on
leg, doctors said Incurable. Klectrlo
IHttera and Arnica Salvo curtd him,
Bold by Fry, druggist.
A Itellrnl Army Officer Who Sees No Jtea
son for Lamenting; Film.
Tho disappearance of the buffalo has
been the fruitful occasion of much un
reasonable sentiment. Men who never
saw a buffalo except in a menagerie nro
especlally given to lamentation. An
eastern paper recently gavo up a col
utnn or more to one of tho mourners
who sorrowed with much satisfaction
because of the disappearance of large
game from the face of the earth. The
sad fate of the hippopotamus, the
rhinoceros and other useful quadrupeds
Is often bemoaned, but the American
bison come In for tho largest amount
of cheap sympathy. Those who en
Joyed the personal acquaintance of
great numbers of buffalo aro not num
bered among tho eulogms.
A retired army ofllcer, who In his
day kiivr much service on what wos
called "tho plains," said tho other
day "I mil tolerably familiar with the
buffalo und feel Justified in saying that
ono might with equal f-euse lament tho
disnppearanco of tho bdbtail car. When
I first struck tho plains thoso animals
bounded and abounded in countless
numbers. I remember that onco when
marching down the Republican valley
for miles we passed a herd of tho enor
tnou.s bovines moving up tho same val
"They traveled about three miles an
hour and wo about four, nnd yet,
though going in opposite directions, wo
wero over six hours in passing the herd,
which almost filled the valley. Any
ono who feels that ho is a born mathe
matician can figure out how long that
herd was. Compute it for yourself.
The heard averaged, I would think,
about 3UU yards in wiutu. (juito a
largo aggregation of tough beef, wasn't
"Tlunting the buffalo was never
(port; a plainsman never did it except
for food and hides. Occasionally some
English tourist or all around Nimrod
would come out west armed with a
complete arsenal of rifles and shotguns
of the most cumbersome make and
elaborate finish. He would proceed to
butcher a few stupid bulls, have the
hides carefully dressed and, I presume,
exhibit them with appropriate blood
curdling yarns in tho halls of his an
"I think that with tho exception of a
fow sentimentalists and naturalists, few
see any reason to regret that tho buffalo
no longer cumbers the earth. He required
about three times tho acreage an Amer
ican steer does for subsistence, his meat
was tough and flavorless, his robo not
half as good as a Minnesota blanket
and livo times as heavy, and his habits
wero inconsistent with a settled coun
try. No. wo might as sensibly lament
tho loss of tho trees that once stood
where now aro fields of corn and wheat.
Tho buffalo served his purpose, fulfilled
his destiny, and has simply, like other
things of tho earth, passed away in the
Lord's good time." Kansas City Times.
A Syliop,ls of the .Market-ltur!iiK and
Pelting Prices.
m:vJ8Hr quotations.
Snontders-Sngnr cured.pcr lb,12J4
Jtrenktwt bneon 15
limns Husar cured, per Its. K5,c.
uoer is
lork-fc lu
Timothy feed 1'er pound, &e "Ulnar
Hed clover wed ltr ixiunil, Ihj.
While clover RieU1'er pound, a. '
AIMke 18cperiMind.
lied top- loo per pound.
Lincoln Ore s 12c per pound,
Hye Urs 10c per pound.
Orchard Unusj-lTo per pound.
Jfew potatoes 6CW per bushel.
Canned Krultl'enches, SJ 00; npnrot,
J3 00; blackberries, $.1; corn, best gra 'r
H VO, tomatoes Jl 6ft string beans II 'tf
g-reen peni 81 8.5; perdnz. Iu two lb ca,,
Fresh Vegetables. I'ots toes oOecarrolb
ode; parsnips Too; onions 4c per lb.
fljli yfilnion I0cperlb; Hturgcoa S
7c per lb-small flsh 10c per lb; saltsalmou,
7&10C per lb; Chinook fcalmon, 10.
Wheat 77c net.
Flour ler barrel, fiOO, best 19Slbs.
Onto Per bushel, 27030c.
Barley Per bushel,40l5c
Uran Per ton. Ml OOntmlll, sacked.
Shorts Per ton, f25 00 " packed.
Cfcnp Per ton, SW.00 ' sacked.
Hops Quoted ut lotol&iper lb.
Wool lc to 18c.
Egg 20c per dozen.
Potatoes Per bushel, 30o
Corn meal 3c per pound.
Cheese 13Uc per pound.
Dried plums Per lb. 8ia7c.
Urled prune" Per lb. lu12c
Hut er SiaaJo per pound for good
liird 1012c per lb
limns Per pound,ll12c.
Bacon sides 9 10 pcr'lb.
.Shoulders Ctfe per lb.
Chickens.. 8 to 10c per pound.
Turkeys 10 to c lb, .
Gecsc 78f per lb.
Ouults, 124perlb
Salem, Orgon W. t. Stfllcv, PresldeuU
A. P. ArniMr-iHg, .Manager.
15 1! si u ess, SliorMi.iiMl,
"nj)ewrliliir. rennnrinchlp, Kngllsh
lieKtrtiueuts. rttudeuts ndmllted
ninny moe. iiiihhis"" '"-.
Capital National Bank
Capital Paid op, -
Portland University
Whom felio Could Hear the Clock Tick.
Bertha Is a blue eyed littlo German
girl from Gotham court who had never
beforo seen the gross and tho trees.
Bertha has a poet soul in that squat,
sturdy body of hers. "I never saw a
child like her," said tho good woman
of the farm where the child had staid.
And it is very likely such children aro
not common.
"Was it very strange in tho country!"
I asked her.
"I could hear tho clook tick all the
time," answered tho child.
Go down to Gotham court and you
will understand that All day thoro is
tho long rumblo of tho city's streets.
Sometimes tho sound Is loud and smites
sharply on tho nerves; sometimes it is
heavy and dull, or pierced through
with tho cries of men and of little chil
dren. Can you think what it would bo
to livo where you could never bo sure
that you heard tho sound of your tlme
picco, and to como to hold It as tho
strangest of surprises that you could
"hear tho clock tick all tho timoT
llarpor's Bazar.
Tho first Prletlou attaches.
Tho llrst really practicable friction
matches wero mado by an English
apothecary named Walker In 1827. He
coated splints of cardboard with sul
pliur and tipped them with a mlxturo
of btilphato of antimony, chlorato of
potash and gum. Eacli box, holding
eighty four matches and sold for one
shilling, contained also a foldod piece
oi glass paper, which was to bo pressed
together while tho match was drawn
through It.
Throe years later anothor Ingonious
peit.on named Jones, in London, pat
ontod the idea of making a small roll
of pajmr, hoaked with chlorato of pot
ojh and sugar at ono end, with a thin
glass globule (Hied with strong sul
phuric acid attached at tho saiuo point.
When the Milphurio acid was liberated
by pinching tho globule It acted upon
tho chlorato of potash and sugar so as
to produce tiro. - Washington 8tar.
Only lluir Correi't.
Mattjiew Arnold, next to Whistler,
witH, iHjrhapo. tho most colossal egotist
of his time. After his return to Lon
don from hN tlrs.t lecturing tour In this
country, ho vWtod old Mrs. Proctor,
widow of the poet "Barry Cornwall"
and mother of Adelaide proctor. Mrs.
Proctor, who was then eighty years
old, lu giving Mr. Arnold a cup of twi,
ooked him, "And what did they say
ubout you lu America?" "Well," saltl
tho literary autocrat, 'thoy said 1 was
conceited, and they said inv clothe
did not lit mo." "Well, now," Kild
tho old lady, "1 think thoy wero mis
taken as to tho olothes." San Fran
clsco Argonaut.
Qulok time mm tnrough trains
otK-rvMl iiaN.unct.rti and hlpHr by
the Chlcaim, Union Puclt'o & North,
western Line. San KmncUm aid
Portland to Chicago. eod-Aiig
If yrm oneolry Carter's Utile I.lr iiu
nr sTok I.eNiUel Wl u,u. tii oV I,m, JZ
don. yroi wm nver 1 wHhnS ih-m
ihL'i JJ.'"1' "5".'u w'f IVtlw's Ulna
hM lltTA,e,t liUtvu5rlMd Ut InthS
moult Oil. ninriilur. kan . KI? V
OCOMlonU use, ' "" " ,H" "'r
Wheat Volley, 81.53 percental.
Flour standard, J5.00.
WalLi Walla J1.60;
Oats New White 38 to 49o per bushel.
Allllslulls Bruu J2223; slui ts, J25 to '20
ground barley, S30 to 32; cnop feed. $22
to $23, middlings, J2., per ton.
Hay !1211 per Ion.
Butler Oregon fancy dairy, 27e: fancy
creamery 032; good to fair, 25;
uuiiornia choice 22to21c.
Eggs Oregon 22JJ to 2.5 cper doz.
Poultry Old chickens, $o.
Potatoes 15 at OOo per cental.
Checae Oregon, U to 12c; Callfornu.
Sugars-Golden C, 4c; extra C, 4; dry
granulated, 6 cube, crushed and Pow
dered, GJc per pound.
Beans-Sniull white, 3Jicl; pink 3;
bayos,lc; butter, 4c; Hums, 5c.
Dried Krults Queted: Italian prunes,
lOto llcjPetlteandaennan.lOc per pound;
raisins, $2 25 per box; plummer dried
peart, 10 to lie; sun dried and factory
plums, 11 to 12c; evapo rated peaches, IS
to'Jic; Smyrna figs, 20c; California figs, 9c
per pound,
Hides Dry hides, t to 9c; o less foi
culls; green over 55 pounds, 7c; under 55
pounds, 2c; sheep pelts, 30cS1.25.
Eastern hams, 12 to 13c; breakfast ba
oon, 12 to 13c; sides, 0 to 10c; (lard, ii
to 12o per pound.
SAN Fkancisco, Sept. 9. Wheal; buyer
51.79 to 81.80.
Hops1720o per pound.
Barley Feed Sl.Bj 81 67 per cental
Oats-Gray 81 35 to 1 31 per cental, old.
Onto sSl to-
ClliCAOo.Sept. 0. Wheat, cash 019IKc
Beautiful and health nl site near the city.
Exrjeusc.as ranomiblu imnnv other lnsil-
tutlon of learning ou the co.isl. Classical,
Lllerary, bclonllilc, 'ineofogicni, frepani
tory, Normal nnd iluslucss ccursts. Stu
dents of nil guides receled, Ourcful over
sight and direction given to nil students,
ladies' bnardlnif hull uuder experletieid
supervision, lrofesoni of excellent schol
arship nnd much experience employed.
For information addtos,
Portland, or
Dean of College, Port
land University, Portland,
IU 8. WAIjLAUK, Pieslt'enu
w. w. MAiiTim, vice-l'resldenl.
J. 11. ALBEUT, .... Cnuhler.
W. W. Martin
It. St. Wnllnce.
Dr. W. A.Cuslci, J. H. Alboi t,
T. McF. Pation.
W. T. (Irnr,
J. M. Martin,
To burners on wheat nnd other market-
able produce, consigned or iu store
either In private rrnuarlcs or
jmbllo warehouses.
Stale and Coanly Warrants Bought at Par
Discounted at reasonable rntes. Drarts
drawn direct ou New York, Chicago, San
J ranclsco. Portland, London, Paris. Berlin
Uong Kone and Calcutta.
Sonttiernjtah R1
nvM-ii. ...... -""ih-i-.
LirTn. a"i
South, i
17 A7 U
Opens Sept 8th, 1891.
C0UHSE OF STUDY arranged expressly to
meet the needs oi the Farming and Me
chanical Interests ol the state.
.Largo, comodlous and well-ventilated
buildings. The College is located In a cul
tivated and Christian community, and one
of the healthiest In the State.
Expenses need net exceed $150 for. theiEntlre
Two or more Free Scholarships from
every county. Write for Catalogue to
81 B. L. AP.NOLD, Pres., Corvallls, Or
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Transact n general banking buslues
in all its branches.
JT'oii city, oodi . 'B hJ"t Pro?!
Jnnrilori City ft $")&. IhuSM
- r ' "A tuii ivii !.
- -- -uKen -
-Vice PreMdeut
DiniCCTORS: Geo. Williams, Wm. Kng
land, Dr. J. A. Illchardson, J. w. Hobson,
J. A. Baker.
Bank In new Exchange block ou Com
mercial street. 8-12-tf
Hucklen's Arn!caSalve,
The Best Salvo lntthe worldlfor Cuts.
i iiutum. rover
nds, ChllDlalns,
Bruibes, Sores, Ulcers, bJllllheum, Fever
-tores, ieuei.i'iiappcu lla
Corns and all Sklu JCruptlons, nnd
irtve m
or money refunded. Price. 25 cents oer
tlvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranieea w give perfect satlslactlon
Street Improvement Bids.
VTOTICE Is hereby given that the City
J of Salem, Oregon, will receive sealed
bias for tho grading, draining, graveling,
curbing nnd uiitterlnir all the narts of Com.
merclal street between the south side of
Union at. uua tne north bunk ol. Mill creek;
uls. nil that part of State street between
the west tide, of Twelfth streetand thelwest
sldu of Commercial street; also all that part
of Court street between the west side of
iwcinn streetand t newest side of Commer
cial street, all situated lu theCityof Salem,
Oregon, according to tho plans and sped
tlcatlons thereof on Illo In the offlce of the
City Surveyor of the City olSalem.Oregon.
A blank contract, bond and undertak
ing Is also on lllo with said plans andspecl
Uc'UIoub, and the contractor will be re
quired to execute, them for the amount
therein named, und will also be required
to glvo good and sutllclent sureties and a
sulllclent number thereof to be perfectly
satisfactory to tho mayor nnd to his ap
proval. There shall bo deposited with each bid
a check In favor of the City ofSalem, Ore
gon, for tho sum of $1000, ccrtllled to be
..ood and bankable by some bank In the
Oil v rf MiiIaiv, flfnirt,. lukl.h I.. ni 1.
wilt be due and payable to the City or So
lem, Oregon, as fixed and liquidated dam
ages. In cano the blddor shall fall or neglect
to execute tho contract, bond nnd under-
uiiwuk Him den oi inem nna snow good
nuth In all particulars In relation to his
said bids will bo opened by the commit
tco pn ordinance nt tho offlce of the City
Survojorof theCltvof Balem, Oregon, at
10 o clock b. m. or September 21, ItJ)l, at
-alcm, Oregon, but the awarding of con
llS.Vl lV. ba Janio by Uie common council.
1 he City of Salem, Oregon, and also the
committee ou ordinances reser es the right
to reject any or all bids nnd also to hold
ald bids tor acceptance or reicctlon for
my time not exceeding two weeks alter
opening ol the same.
none oy orocr of the common ponnoit nr
Salem, Oregon,
3 01 111
For tlrst-class hand made brick and tile,
Large supply on hand. Near fair
grouud.Btlem, 72s
)fy of
The boFt organized Music Scuool on the
North West coast. One hundred and fifty
music students the past school year. Beit
und latest methods ol Instruction Cour
ses lor Piano, Voice, Violin, Organ, Har
mony, Counterpoint, and music il compo-
oll..n In nil .1... 1. 1. .... r vi.
lllluu " "' "o uikuux- luriiis uipiomas
granted on completion of cotuse. Next
terra bpglns .Monday, September 7th.
Send lor catalogue or address
7 22 2m dw Musical Director, Salem, Or
wit;ucuc.iiBervuioryoi music luermany.)
Will open her rooms, 8 and 7, Bank build
ing, the 1st of September. Will teach vo
cal and instrumental music, also Gcrmau
end French. 8 23tf
First National Bank
':Wl a.m
jj:j-( a. m
o:-J0 p. ui.
6.00 p. m
ikc p.m.
.00 p. in.
S..em Pi
Hoaeburg Ly,1
y ikwm k
Port lu udA rrrHL1 1
eaieiu iS "v
Aibiyiy rv-2S.if
Kor accommodation . .. ""ino,
passengers attached to exprelr?rI11el,
Vest Side Ciiisioo. Between IU,
,A i It' "Mjli
auu L(unaius:
At Albany and Corvntn .
trains of o.gon PacXltaUrSr
4:40 p. m. I
7.2o p. m. I
Tpaily exckptS
Portland VrTT
- - President
yie President
- - Cashier
Excnangeon Portland, San Fianrlsco,
New York, London nnd Hong Kong
bought nnd Bold. State, County and City
wanunts bought. Fanners are cordially
Invited to deposit und trunsact business
with us. Liberal advances made on
wheat, wool, hops and other property pt
reasunaoie rates. Insuranco on such se
curity can bo obtained at the bank in
most reliable companies.
$ 5 OO Reward!
WK will pay thenbove reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, Indigestion, constipation or cos
lueucss we cannot cure wltw west's Veg
eltubleLlqer Pills, when the directions are
strlctle i compiled with. They are purely
ycgetnbl, and never fall to give sutlsfac
. 0,,.U sgar coated. Largo boxes, contain
lug o0 pills, 25 cents. Bewaro of counter
feits and mitatloub. The genuine manu
JactHred ohly by THE JOHN O. WEST
Co. Chicago 111.
Sold by Geo. K. Good, Druggist, 309 Com.
street. Salem Or.
Through Tickets!
-avi an jhjiihb
i or tickets and lull lnlormutmn .
mg rates maps, etc,, apply to tht lS
ny1 agent Salem, Oiegon. 0!
.. ,.;r.r.r v.t --..
and Pass.rt
And Oreiron
steamship lino.
.ueteiopmeni corcpuirt
ipsut.,nn ii,o h.rr.v. ..:". i
ill . J ""J UlUCI lUUie, z
mary i mm.
Teacher of music. Piano nnd Organ.
Can be seen at Conservatory ol music or
ut home, 241 12th street.
Teacher of Piano und Organ.
V5 Cottage street,
Teacher ol Violin. Guitar, Banjo, Mandc-
iiu uu urguu, nuim inburauoi niocs,
Commercial street, Stato.
.Monday in (September. I
ouolls the flrKt.
Ilovs illifl (1rli
fitted for tkillege, or private tutoring given
In nny branch desired. s li lm
Miss O. Ballon will reopen her kinder
garten school, Monday, September 'Jlst
when she will receive children hum a to
6 years of ago lor Instruction after the best
modern methods. Inqutie b mutt or lu
person nt residence, Cor. Uiemeketu and
JOth streets.
To Loan on Real Estate Security,
Agency Pacific Slatis Savings, Loan A
Building Co.
5 il dw
ol Will JBros.,' Albany and Corvallh,
Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines.
At Your Homes
Agents fotNorthwebtlusurauceCo. Two
dpon. north of Post Oillce, Nilem. Or. Nec
llesand new parts Tor alt sewing Nachlne
SxV-tf dw
Founded 'n!l1877.
And.'the lilnest ever bred on the Pacific
luat. Book your order early
for choice selections.
Send Stamp for Catalogue.
Address J. M. GARRISON,
10.11-dw Forest Grove, Oregon.
The New Blacksmiths
Successors to John Holm, cor. Commer-
kuii hum vueineiieia eirtei'i, "aiem. Horse
shoeing u specialty. 4Ctf
sa. sss sraj aujpi smjsssaissMstsssw
"Tb.e State."
Assets Over 350,000 Dollars.
GKO. M. BKKI.KK, City Agent,
Andnieclalagentfor .Mur'ori county. Oi
Ice wm. ti,H Company.
To Strawberry Growers.
The undersigned has contracted for large
quantity of the Jeosie, (sweepstake piize
winner at 8aleui strawberry lull) and 'Irl
jmpheile Oand, (best yielder and most
protltable lutn berrv hi i-ii.if.tn in,i.ut
trom.li. V. bavage, balcni, and J. W. Oli
oert, Aumsvlllo. Warranted pure stocy
and plants first-class. Catalogue free, read,
ept. mber Its. Also ten other aiietles
Vdd.r'-Si' V. IIOKKH,
lff Balem, Oregon,
Health is Wealth I
ciass through passenger and freight Uu
from Portland und all points in the
lamctte vallev to and Irom au ftantw
TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxceptaundaji).
LeaeAloanS ........ hxpt
Leave Corvallls ljpJ
Arrive Yaqulna SjjnJ
Leave Yaqulna .... .rkiI
Leave CorvuUls 1&35AW
Arrlo Albany aioj
O. AC. trains connect at Albany t
Corvallls. ' '
Tile llbOVO triLlnR oiinnnt nl u.in
with the Oregon Development (xs u
JfHteniiiKhlnHhetneen unuina and n
SAIU.Na l'A:L!).
Kanillon, Friday, M TAr?,?54
wiiiiiiiuitfn vniioV r,rrr" joaea
FamTlon Sunday' 1. :'Z?t r -
Wlllaniclte Valley, 1 hursdar i
Farallon, Tuesday "
illamette Valley, Ki.duy JuBtK
Farallon, Ttiesdayn July l
Willamette Valley, Bunduy I
Farallon. Thursday u
Willamette Valley, Tuesday " is
This company reserves the rijbt tc
change sailing dates without notice.
N. B. Passengei-s lrom Pnitlund asil all
Willamette Valley points can inakt clou
iunection with the train of Hi
VAOTJlNAHOUTKatAlbaii OrConalllt
and If destined to San Fincl'co, Bhc.nlil
arrange to arrive at Yaquina the extnlci
before date of Falling.
I'asteiiger and Krelght Kates Alwaji til
tt',,??sJ; forlnforinullon apply U ilffsn
HULMAN & Co., Freight and Ticket
Agents VSX1 and 2U2 Front sU. Portland. Or.
I o
C.C. HOOOK Ac't Oen'I Frt. A
1'ass. Agt., Oi eou I'acific H. 1. rx.
O II. UA8Wi:LL, Jr.Genh'OFrt,U,0r
Pass. Agt. Oregon Pcvolc men!
Co., 801 Montgomery ft;
WM7rX "5ra"7
Mil (if A
jjiv. r., u. WKSTS Nerve nnd Brain
ireaimem, a guaranteed epeolfic for Hys-
-- i-...mjim uisiuuri, r us, nervous
L!.1(?lli.Ieailncuc' Nervou, Prostration
wl!te1 if the u?e of n'cohol or tobacco,
Wakcliillncs. Mental Depression, Hoitenl
ugofthe brain resulting in lusanlty and
leading to misery, secay and death, pre
mature oldagc, birrenness, loss of power
caused by over-exert Ion of the brain. Koch
box contains one month's treatment. 81 00
box or six boxes for J5.00, sent by mull
prepaid on receipt of price.
,r.tureK any SAve: v''llh each order lo
iS'.h6- us f0?,8,:t boxis accompanltd
l H?lV!J' wc ,v.'n Benrt lue Piwhnser our
written guarantee to i efuud the maney li
ho treatment does not etlect a cure. Riinr.
iniees issuea only by Geo. K. Good. lir.T;.
ml. RIH flnm U, t,.f "
Fiodi Terminal or Interior Toinls k
Northern Pacific Railroad
Is the line to take
To all Points East and South.
Jt is the din Ing car route. Itruns thrall
vestibule trains every day In the yea
(No change of cars.)
Composed of dlningcars unsurpassed,
i uuumu uruwing room sleepers
lt Nolniijpii
.t fcaU.in.Or.
Ol latent (qulpmenl
Sleeping Cars.
Best that can be constructed and In which
ccomiuodatUns are both iiee ami fur
nished for holders of flrtt and sccoud-cli
AcoiltlnuntK !.r r,.nnr.-tlm with ill
lines, alloidlug dject. juid unlnterruptd
ierv ice.
Pullman sltf r T'-fa-T-n'ioiiscan btu
cured In adviLCo turo , any agent of
the road.
Through tickets to and from all poliK
in America, England and Europe catW
purchased ut any ticket omce ol thlscoa
luny. Full Information concerning rates, tto
of trains, routes and other details furnlsiw
on application to any npentor
Assistant General Pasbenger Agent.M
121 Flrht street, cor. W oshlngton; l
land, Oregon
t!'!0"". .n. i
tv ana s;conJ sta-e
Cures Chancres,
wH,u inn Lwf n,l n
Stand tlio giants of thoin al'.
Fully Warranted.
B. H. WADE & CO.-
szmS. "k;. $?&?.. x?"n
llesdTVk of the N"&,! n h
Throit. SvnhlH.u n..r lra,
h'Jh7UV,iY,,,J.u,,wS pure ,SJe
hesltby. Price s)s 00 per Ilottl
to lUtiiau'. Qolden sffnlsUAni'l.
Jo'o'or the curs c( Oonorrhoi Ol it
IrrluUooOr.Tel,ulit UrtoaSoroin
L Hlclian's Golden blntm.m
lor too eatlrs lJln,fof SyphlluieTrS,
jadlJrslnUtoeot; lew of phy.lc.1 p,
Tnlo sind N.rrlnV
0 fill MARKET ST ,
Firamclc. cu
yHBun nnr net.
Building up a Strong, Independ
ent Paper for the People
in Oregon ?
Printed at fhc Seat of GoveinmenL
During the recent session of the IfK1
ture It was tho onlv miur In the Mate tw
Uttonl.m, n..nn.. .T,l.. l. l....n.1(. .llflS"
u,.ftncu VUtXY3)-IUliy WO I UUH i.ll
torshlpinoregouiiollllca. It uccesf J
opixwed all dix-torlugtbo Austnihan bauoj
law In the Interests ol political bos-'
advocated the law (that passed) B'"?
the Oregon rallnwd wminlwlim Kf?X
llxjuiti.nd reasonable rats of frf J"
and power to enforce Its decisions. It"",
cessfully advocated retentlou of In
ntllru.id commission as best qus"11".
enrorthalaw. Jt lalKired lor all WJ
ures u open rivers and thus secure touw
peopl- tho right to free and unrootrlcKa
useoi an waterways.
. TllB i'apitax. Joi'BNA I. favors rA
In uutlonal flnances, to the end l"'' 'JJ
prefetiv Hipeusle monopoly sTeaLi2
supply lujc an Inadequate currency IW
supplantMl by the BoeTOmentuuln"'
reel to th ptoplo an adequate tpvW-JL
lval tenner money, with a cin uw ' JJJj;
flclent to conform to wund b.ink'nr rn
Holes. It Ovoni election of a 0"i!
who leciilate fir. or are dlrr ctly P"2T
tle to the pple, by direct vote '& JZ
Pie. It tovori rAislng all sUte
'yatax on the grots earnings of corp
ions, uoin foreign sua suti --i ,
PulDgail waterways to the DiLj
'.ntnilofalniti.moii carries '.'.ViXr
ihatthn prud.icerhalliecureforbu ""
h lanret net iemros ihl
If .m faor retwnlngiill IweCL Sitol
'n the haudsof the people .ndgovrnn.
In ttielnteiviag of the ptople,drculw
paper. For unns, m elsewhere.
,4V. . j-J-4.j(i wimhwi '.