Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 10, 1891, Image 3

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T.....JI1AY -SKI" P. 10 IMJt.
Tin "--
..mm OK SUltoCBIlTION.
nbT oinllper yrar
Kriir b mull per ni'i . ii
Sit w B"''1 p1" ""
n.11 y for kIdrIo week,
"'nimns will be imide on 1st mid lfitli
XSntS Hnbicrlbort will p1M leave
of !T-c for carrlfw at hoiwo or where U
fSe8vcrcd, a to cause no delays In
J5 iwelvea the aHernoon associated
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder,
Persons leaving town for the
springs, seacoaator mouutalus, can
have the Daily Journal sent to
tbeni without extra cost, by leaving
orders at the office.
Seuious Runaway. Near noon
the delivery team of Brewster &
White ran away In North Salem.
There were -150 brick In the wagon.
When undi'r full headway they
struck the fence at the corner of Oak
and Third street, tearing off a wheel
and throwing Mr. Brewster, one of
the firm, and dragglug him about a
rod. He fell among the posts and
boards and was picked up uncon
scious within a :od of his own door
way. At 1 o'clock he was still un
conscious, and the attending physi
cian, Dr. Molt, fears he is badly in
jured. The injured man It 03 years
Free Advertising People who
mt the local newspaper to advertise
entertainments lor them, and then
do not even preseut them with a ten
centwhnissiou ticket, will be iutci
ested learning that at the last
State tess Association, "It, wn
naamously agreed that the printer
like auy body .ohie is worthy of his
lilre, and that all resolutions of cou
AnUno,6 ouirht to lio paid for. Not
only this, but all notices or an
nouncement, either for the church;
publl.0 institutions or auything e!se
tbat has money making for its ob
ject, shall be paid for like any other
advertisement," Albany Democrat.
A Wet Game. The contest be
tween the Beuttle league team and
the Salems was dampened by
showers aud the life was nearly nil
taken out of the gnme. The Salems
were in fine trim for n great game
and led until the t-eventli inning.
The final score stood 4 to G for Beat
ties. Lavan showed himself a great
player In the field and at the bat
and has won his way from the foot
of the batting list to a place near
the top. Jo Leveque has so far re
covered as soon to be able to take
his position when witb Stanley tby
will be an invincible pair. Mr.
George as pitcher displayed Increas
ing powers of delivery.
The VcaETABLn Display. The
committee of the Agricultural soci
ety informs a Jouhnal reporter that
the display of vegetables, grains and
fruits this year will exceed anything
of the kind ever shown at our fairs.
D. D. Preltyman and Chas. W.
Watt are out in different -ectious of
the state bringing iu the finest speci
mens they can find. The display
will come from all directions, and us
the year has been bountiful the re
sults must of neevsity be good.
Contributions aud exhibits are solic
ited from all who have anything
that is first-class.
a Bm 8 fifrMtrnTTrini iM.
The Fruit Palace.
The building ts completed and
fruit is being gathered as rapidly as
possible and decorations will begin
today. There Is great uocefsity for
more liberal contributions of fruit on
all sides.
G. V. Hunt, of Whltenker writes
as follows to the cemmittee: "I
like the idea of a fruit palace. Next
year let there be a grain palace right
ulong side.
"Not having pruned my orchard
properly for the two years past I do
not find much fit for exhibition. I
can send n sample of canned silver
prunes from my Salem orchard.
Owing to family nfiltetious I can
hardly be present this year. If
Providence smiles on our industry
we vill help make that fruit palace
'a thing of beauty and a joy forever'
next year.
"Let me say in conclusion, until
Brown's, Mluto's aud Chltwood's
islands, and the bends of the Willa
mette river, together with Mission
bottom (with exceptions of a fringe
of willows next the river to prevent
washouts are piauted in peach and
Italian prune trees the possibilities
of Marion couuty for fruit are hardly
R. D. Allen writes that he will be
in with a wagon iotd of fruit Satur
day astheSllverton contribution.
It will be hard to find highly
colored apples at tills season as such
kinds will not be sufficiently mature
to have much color. Same with
grapes. It Is r.ither early for grapes
to show them to the best advantage,
and besides Ibis has b n u poor
grape year in the Willamette valley.
To Be Sura. Chairman Colvig
of the Oregon railroad commission
Is preparing papers to bring suit
against the Southern Pacific Co. for
uot putting into etlect the freight
rates prepared by the commission
under the new law. The commis
sion will be assisted in its suit by
Attorney General Chamberlain and
District Attorney Biniiuiuu, and it
will tie a vigoiously contested case.
Musical. August Herr Aamold,
a celebrated Norwegian violinist,
has been engaged by the Methodist
peoplo to give a concert at the M.E.
chinch Friday evening, Sept. 18th.
He will be assisted by local talent.
For benefit of Sunday school library.
See further announcements.
Business Chancie.--H. Diamond
lus -old his stock of small instru
ments and sheet music to W. B.
Allen of Portland and will hereafter
only haudle pianos aud organs. Hie
office will be with the Singer Sew
ing Machine company, State Insu
rance block. Commercial stieet.
"ho World Enriched.
"'id facilities of the present day fo;
: - jlction of everything thatwil'.
..:. 1-cp to the material welfare and
'i: .fortofmauki.id are almost tailim
.c.1 a .d when Syrup of Figs was first
,rod -ed the world was enriched with
tl'e cs.ly perfect laxative known, as it
is tL'! ouly icniedy which is truly
pleasing and refreshing to the taste
aud prompt and effectual to cleanse
the system gently in the Spring-time
or, in fact, ct r.:iy time, and the better
it is -known the more pooular it be
Fou Sale Cheap. A four spring
buck, three peals, as good as new.
Enquire of H. Pohle nt the corner of
Front and State streetp.
O-lO-d&w-l w.
Buttekcups. The sweetest flow
ers of the meadow and the latest
thing in confectiuery, fresh made
and just placed on the counter at
Jones & Bernard i's candy palace
uew Bush block.
Front Street. A force of S. P.
men were laying out the line to the
Bcotch Mills on Front Street this
morning. A railroad down that
street will In time convert it from a
quiet resident region into a manufac
turing street. The petition of res
idents seems to have had very little
weight with the council, &a that
body gave the railroad and the Mill
ing Company exactly what they
called for. The track will be laid at
A Hustler GiRL.-MollieThomp-Bon,
the talented and dashlngyoui g
comedian who has attained sueh
wide popularity as "Pussy Winks,"
the leading soubrette roll In the fao
lal play of "The Hustler," which
will be seen at Reed's Opera House,
Friday evening, Is a veteran of the
veteran John Thompson", of "On
Hand" fame. Miss Thompsou po
Besses rare versatility, being au ac
comDlished singer, a graceful dancer
and a well-schooled.ull-rouud actress.
Pa vino. The joint committee ou
street work has cut down the speci
fications about one-third and exten
ded time for bids a week see ad.
Time for doing the work extended
nlueraontjis.boud reduced to 50,000,
time work Is to he kept in repair is
one year, and contractor Is to receive
W per cent, as the work progresses.
A Little Sunflower. J. G.
Wright has a sunflower In his yard
that literally takes the gold uiednl
It measures four fuet and ebrht
Inches Iu circumference; the leuv.a
are larger than Jumbo's ears. The
whole thing will be ou exhibition at
tbeBtate Fair, where It will no
dbt be a great attraction.
Wall paper-Wm. Sargent.
Fresh 8uni,lv of wall nnnor anil
Picture molding at G. G. Van Wag
aerB' 0 0-10t
Um10!06 fle"n bam, bacon and
WW, gnu & Q.jfe
Fair Notes. Ail the young
men who wish to be well dressed
for the fair, aie buying their cloth
ing, underwear, hats and shoes of
thB Capital Adventure Co., where
they get them at actual cost, d tf
Its uot the patent coffee maker,
but the results that causes every
body to say Helienbraud serves the
best coflee iu town.
Tiro e new goods at Mr. Fkster's
are truly beautiful.
Window shades Wm. Sargent.
Pure teas coffees and cocoa. Sroat
&. GHo.
Basketsof all kinds Wm. Sargent.
For a few days only. Good oak
wood. Well seasoned for sale for
3 50 per cord, delivered to any part
of the city. Leave orderfl ut the
office of The Oregon Land Com
pany. 0-8 lw
Mouldings Wm. SargenU
When you get ready to can fruits,
be sure to take only the best, for it
coftino more than poor quality at
Farrar & Co.'s.
Picture frames Wm. Sargents.
Bring on your Sign work for
tlio Fair, to 100 Chcmekela St.
9 0tf E. E. SNOW.
Finest show of Klassware and ex
otic ware In Salem at Sroat & Gilo's
Slates Wm. Sargent.
' Is Alam Poisonous?
I Hall's Journal of Health 1
I "This question has caused a good
deal of discussion. Alum is used by
I many bakers to whiten their bread,
enabling them to use an inferior
flour. It is most extensively em
ployed as n cheap substitute for
cream of tartar In the manufacture
of baking powders. It has uot been
considered immediately dangerous;
although if continued It Induces
dyspepsia and ohslimite constipa
tion. But the fact that many casta
of poisoning have o.-curied from the
use of alum, puts the question inn
more serious aspect, and prudent
people wilt exercise caution in the
selection of baking powders.
"Under what conditions then,
does this snbstauce formerly med
only for mechanical or medicinal
purposes become poisonous? They
are certainly obscure, and at preseut
we can only surmise what they may
be We suspect that the cause ex
ists In the individual poisoned; some
peculiarity of the constitution pro
ducing a morbid change In thesecrr
tiotiH of the stomach, with whhm
the alum combines and f.'rius uu
active poison; or the secretions inn
be healthy but iu uuustul pro,ir
tions and that these less or gre-irct
proportions iu combination witbjihu
alum constitute a poison.
"For example, two parts of
mercury and two parts of chlorine
form calomel, which is notpohonous,
butchange the proportions to one part
mercury aud two parts of oliloriue,
and we get corrosive sublun ile,
which is a deadly poison.
"Then again, we know nothing of
the constitutional peculiarities
Why is it that one person cau cat all
kinds of gr n fruits and vegetables
with impunity, while the siuiu
course might cost'another individu 1
his life? One person can handle
poison ivy aud sumac without being
in the least affected; 'mother is
poisoned if be approaches to within
10 feet of them. Out of a family ie-
siding In a malarial district, some of
the members will sutler half the
year with fever and aue, while the
others will enjoy excellent health
during the entire year. Foods that
are wholesome to s uie persons are
actually poisonous to others. This
ise3pectilly true of some kind of
fish. There is no safety in taking
alum into the stomach, as it is
shown to be always injurious, and
often dangt rous."
The Scientific American published
in a recent uum'jor a list of alum
and amm nU baking powders,
which is of great value at this time,
'following Is the list compiled fiom
official reports. Pnvddrs marked
with a star seem to have a general
sale, ti3 they are mentioned in at
least two of tue official reports.
Proceeding! of the "rpVnilur Si viinu
Public l!uMncs rrniis.iciul.
The county court met Sept. 0, till
members present.
Petition of E. Eckerlln to f-ell li
quor at the state fair was granted
He pays the society $750 aud the
county a proper ratio for a month.
License ibsu d to B. Oswald of
Alblqua procinf for nix months
Petition of It. Reed ot nl for coun
ty road, Joseph THintu'ls. J. L. llus--sol,
Oliver Butler, viewers uud
John Newsome surveyor, to meet
Sept, 24, nt 10 a. m.
Iu matter of road from s w cor.
Geo. Neal's laud to Marion and
Stayton road, dlsuit&ed at petition
er's cost.
In matter of road from s end 14th
street in Depot addition to n. e. cor
ner, John Boyoe land, report
viewers read and mailers dismissed
In matter of couuty road from ii -tersection
Commercial and Miller
street to Salem and Hull's Ferry
road. Rend 1st time.
Iu matter of county nud from n
e. corner Alfred Hunter d I c, to
Salem aud Brooks road. Rend lsr
In nutter of county road from a
point 90 rods n. e. fri.ni s. w. corner
of s, e. sec 10, tp 0 s, 1 e. Read lsi
w in HiiT "ifl ITt.in i i in iii inritttn' i
... .11.1. n
The Coming Line.
Ti, Plili-nini Union Pacific &
Northsvesteru Liue otlers the bes
ucwimmodatiouB to tlio traveling
nutilinen route fnmi Suu Fianclsco
uud Portland, Chicago. Through
iruins, fast lime, mugulflceiit Bleep-'
t ., ..io, .,..ii .luimi' iirr. colonist
Islti-erH. recliulng chair cars and
I handsome day coache. eod Aug.
Slate Poultry Association.
. . i.,iaruiiui in thi hri-eu
lug and Improvement of thorough
bred iKiultry in Orrgou.ar requested
to meet at Salem, 0'Dn7,dlX
ev ug of fair w-k, Sept 10th at
which time a Hon will etiwn
toward the or0'aiilzaUorj i of a State
Poultry Association. 8-10-dw-ir
There are, iu addition to the fore
going list from the Scientific Amer
ican, u number of suoli powders
sold in the western that were uot
found in the eastern stores.
Following is the list to date:
CALUMET Contains Alum.
FOREST CITY, Contains Ammo
nia Alum. (Vouwle Bros. Clev.)
monia Alum. (Chapman & Smith
Co. Chicago.)
BON BON, Contains Alum.
HOTEL, Contains Ammonia Alum.
(J. C. Graut Baklug Powder Co.,
UNRIVALED,. Contains A'um.
(Sprajues, Warner & Griswold,
nia Alum.(Taylor Mfg Co StLouis)
YARNALL'S Contains Alum.
(Yaruall Mfg Co., St. Louis.)
Alum. (Merchants' Mfg. Associa
tion, St. Louis.)
DODSON & HILS, Contains Alum.
(Dodson & Hills, St. Louis.)
SHEPAUD'S Contains Ammonia
Alum. (Win. H. Shephard, St.
BAIN'S' Contidus Alum.
(Meyer-Bain Mfg. Co., St. Louis.)
MONARCH, Contains Ammonia
Alum,(Retd, Murdoch & Co., Chic
ago.) SNOW BALL Contains Alum.
(Bengal Coflee &SplceMills,Chicugo)
GIANT, Contains Alum-
MILK i CouiuiiiB Alum.
(W. F. McLaughlin &Co., Chicago.) '
ECHO, Contains Alum, j
(ripeucer Bluing Paddle Co. Chicago) I
Alum. (Kalbrell Mfg. Co., Chicago.) ,
RISING SUN, Coululus Ammonia, i
(Phoenix Chemical Works.Cbleago.)
WHITE ROSE.Contaius Ammonia
A!ura.(G!obe Oolite & Spice Mills,
WOOD'S ACME, Contains Ammo
nia. (Thos. Wood & Co., Plilla.)
Ammonia. (C. E. Andrews &. Co.,
Alum.(H.H.HarrifcH. Minneapolis)
FIDELITY, Coutalna Alum.
SOLAR Contains Alum.
(Sherman Bros., Chicago.)
PUTNAM'S BEbT.Coutalns Alum.
iuviIm Putnam &. uo.. Chicago.)
CHINA "T" HOUSE.-Containsj
Alum, (Noah McDowell. St. Paul )
TWIN CITY, Contains Alum.
There are pur cream tartar bak
ing powders ou the market. All,
authorities report Dr. Price' Cream
Baking Powder as free from alum, !
ammonia, lime or any other adulter-,
ant. The purity of this brand lias
never been questions I. '
Attorney Tilmon Ford is home
from Newport.
Sheriff Croisan nnd wife aio home
from a visit to Corvallis.
The dust Is laid if tho pavements
are not.
State Treasurer, Metschau, is spell
ing the day iu Poitlaud.
Some person or team will drop
through that Salem bridge oue of
these days.
Tlio Methodist people talks of hav
lug a concert by u fine vlollu soloist.
A member of the Albina tire de
partuieut tells tLo Porttand Tel
egram: "We can't get water on u
building iu less thuu lml I' an hour.
Mrs Homer Hallock and family
who have been guests of Mrs. Jos
BeruardI, have returned home to
The road to the fair grounds
should be put iu tlio best possible
order for fair week.
Another ellort will be made to or
ganize the board of trade tills eve
ning. The public should know that the
government Indian school at Clie
mawa is unusually prosperous this
year from the very, beginning.
Mr. aud Mrs. Jo. Bouoit of Yew
Park mourn the loss of their young
est child, a son, of a little over i
year. Funeral at Catholic church
at 2 p. m.
Albany Democrat, Sept. 0: Yester
day a black bear roamed into Eu
gene, perhaps thinking it was u
berry patch. Bears seem to be very
tame this year, and no doubt this
lias a particular significance to old
The Very Rev. F. H. Blanchetf,
vloir general of Oregon and pastor
of St. Paul, nnd Rev. L. E. Brous
scau, of Gervais, wituessed the base
ball game Wednesday.
A marriage licence has been issued
to Matilda Vnuderbeck, aged seven
teen years and eleven months, by
the father's consent, and Joseph
Reubens; age twenty-five.
Tlio genial D. M. True, traveling
passenger agent Pennsylvania Hues,
is in Salem toduy.
Mrs. W. T. Gray and children
passed through today from New
port, euroule for Portlaud.
Thos. Allen of Portland is in the
I. N. Bruce, a Republican ox
treasurer of Linn county, Is in
the city.
Two motors or increased power
have arrived for the new electric
cars and tlio company Isstili in hopes
to get all its equipment for fair week.
Miss Anna Metschau went to
Poitlaud ibis ufternoou to visit
friends, expecting to retuiu Jdon
Chas. Weiler ha3 returned from
his trip to the sound cities,
A lltllo mud on the streets is u
reminder of what is In store again
unless we pave.
The wind was right for rain this
morning In the south.
Cupt. Pratt Is busy It-suing war
rants as fust us the couuty coujt and
commissioners griud them out.
Rev. A. Hildebraud, of Oregon
City, will Join ihe other clerical
guets of the Rev. Chancellor White,
of Salum,
In-lnrnro f i Womanly Woman Over
lratlxnl ami llanlentnl Outcnt.
The work that u good womnn can do
tor the fallen of her sex is well illus
trated by n story related by Mrs. Bar
ney in an address upon tho subject of
polico matrons. She was onco urging
tlie necessity of such matrons upon tho
authorities of a certain city, when tlio
chief of polico said, "Well, If you could
soo tine woman that comes in hero threo
o." four times a yenr 'Old Sal' I" It
took four policemen, ho said, to bring
her into tlio cell, and usually they got
their faces scratched. Ouo morning
Mrs. Barney was told that tlils woman
had been put into a cell tho previous
night. "Wo would liko to sco you
bring her into court," tlio polico said.
"If you can do that wo shall beliovo in
polico uintrons."
Tho chief offered to send two men to
protect me, but I declined their serv
i.ie.T. As I readied tlio cell door I
rapped with the koy, nnd then unlocked
tit door and entered. Tlioro in tho
Jr.k, narrow cell crouched tlio woman,
Iol '.;!;! t mora liko a wild beast. Slio
was just ready to spring, as slio was ex
pecting tho police. She cried eut:
"Who nro you?"
"I am your friend," I replied.
"It's a Hoi" she said. "I haven't got
any friends."
"But I am your friend," 1 reiterated
The woman laughed mockingly.
"Who nro you, anyway!"
"I niu a police woman."
"Oil, I didn't know thoy had any
such tilings," slio said. "I never saw
one beforo. What do you think you'ro
goin' to do?"
"Help you," I replied simply; and
as I stood there besido her I dropped
uiy hands upon her shoulders, and call
in1 her by her married name, I said,
"You know you iiavo to go into tho
court in a minuto, and you aro not Ut
to go."
I began to arrange hor hair. I took
a pin from my own hair. Sho hadn't
n button or u pin or a fastening of any
kind in her clothes. Slio sat there
tugging to hold them together, and as
I tried to dress her she said:
"Tell mo what you aro up to. Tell
mo what you mean."
Looking in her eyes I asked kindly,
"Do you remember tho first time you
woro over in a polico station?"
"Don't 1 remember it!"
"How old were you?"
"I wan't sixteen then, and I am
more than sixty now."
"How many times have you been in
these places?"
"Oil, I don't know. I guess God
don't know it's so often."
"Do you remember how you felt tho
first tlnio?"
"I was almost scared to death. I
ci led all night."
"Sully, if a good woman had been
there and had wiped the tears off your
face, and had put up your hair and
had rested a motherly hand on your
shoulder, as I bavo dono today, what
would it havo meant to you?"
"Oh, I would never havo gono back
again, but nobody ever cared."
"Now, Sally, I want you to do some
tiling for me. I want to got a woman
to go into theso places to care for tho
women in tho way I havo suggested.
Wouldn't you liko to help me?"
"I would do any tiling I could to help
"Tho polico think you will not go
quietly into court with mo this morn
ing; but I'm sure you will."
Wo talked together n littlo whllo
longer, nnd then came tlio call for us to
go into court. As wo roso from tlio bed
where wo had been sitting I said, "Will
you take my arm, or shall I tako yours?"
Slio looked mo over and said, "Wal,
I am about throe times as largo as you ;
I guess you'd bettor tako mino."
So wo went Into court. Tho police
men said thoy would havo cheered us
if it had been proper, and ono of thom
said that I had "bewitched Sally."
And so tlio poor creature was bewitched,
but only witli gentio treatment and
kind words. Youth's Companion.
School llluudur.
A teacher iu a public school gave out
a list of words to bo defined and put
iu sentences. Among them was tho
word "chasm." A littlo girl looked in
tlio dictionary, and not being quito sat
isfied inquired if "chasm" meant "gap." t
Tho teacher absently replied yes, but
was ohtonished when slio presented her
paper with tills sontenco, "When I nin
sleepy I always chasm."
But tills is hardly equal to another
teacher's experience in a littlo district
school some years ago. Slio gave out
words for analysis. "Bank-note" was
ono of them, arid tlio teacher's aston
ishment may bo Imagined when ono
young lady brought tlio following
unique analysis:
"Bank-note" U a compound primi
tive word composed of 'bank' and
'note.' 'Bank' Is a simple word, mean
ing tlio sldo of a stream; 'note,' to set
down; 'bank-note,' to set down by tho
sidoof a stream." Youth's Companion.
pz;TT T
Tlie fall season is here,
when everybody wants
Our newly opened stock contains nil Stylos .ind Sizes.
A Curd From Hill Anderson.
Ed. Jeurnal: For tho benefit of
the public I wish to make a stute
meut about that rowiu my saloou.
I keep boxing gloves aud the boys
come in every Saturday night and
exercise, Ialwajstry to keep good
order and this match was got up
between four persons who aro partic
ular friends to havo some fun. It
was a innkc-believo fight. .Tlio man
Holland got hold of it mid from his
actions ho was bound to break it up,
and did so. Holland came to my
saloon early iu the evening and per
suaded oue of my men that was to
spar to go away with him aud took
him around to other saloons nnd
treated htm and tried to get him
drunk. I sent ono of tho seconds
after the man nnd he brought him
back. Holluud camo back witli him
aud called for tho gloves, wanting
to show my man some poind:, Hol
land took tho man and the gloves
out back aud I started a man ufter
htm. When my mnu overtook him
Holland was about 25 or 30 steps
from tho house and going ahead
, with gloves and man and refusing to
give up tho gloves for awhile. Then
Holland came buck and took charge
of ouo of tho men and took him
away from the second that hud heou
trnlniug him for several days, took
him iu tlio back room and put the
gloves on him, nnd stripped him
and brought him out into tho ring
and run him right along. Holland
would call time aud glvu ordeis and
I called him to order several timet.
Holland went to the dnora
of tlio bar room and culled put
to the crowd to como in. I went' to
Holland and pushed hhn back iu
the crowd aud told him I was run
ning tho house,
The next appearance of Holluud
lie was quarreling with tho second
whose place ho hud taken. Then
Holland jumped into tho ring ai.d
conmieuced to sti in off to clean out
the houe. I had Just taken one of
tho fighters a glass of whisky, when
Holluud landed In the ring. To
stop nil further trouble I just let
Holland have oue with tho glass nud
Holland did uot wuutto fight us bad
as he thought he did. After that
tho houe was quiet and every
thing went on smoothly. Hol
land knocked mo out of several
dollars by tho row. I am under
bonds to keep an orderly house.
I lilt Holland to prevent u regular
riot, and I claim I was Justified In
so doing to protect my house. I un
derstand Holland's conduct in town
has not been very good, and his evi
dence would not umount to much,
uud that of ills backers less. Theso
statements I can prove by from four
to forty witnesses.
Old IJilIj Andi'iison.
Ton Importune
A rcosonnblo degree of self confidence
is almost essential to one's comfort nnd
efficiency, but if a man has a very ex
alted opinion of ills own abilities ho
will do well to keep it to himself.
A certain dry goods clerk was In tho
habit of saying to his associates that
tho concern would find It pretty hard
to got along without him, Theso re
marks camo to tiio oars of tlio sonlor
partner, and ho called tho clerk into
tho inner office.
"Mr. Jenkins," lie begun, "you have
been very efficient and wo highly ap
preciate your services, but wo havo
heard it Mild that if you wcro to dio tho
business could nut possibly survive the
loss. Tills has worried us a good deal,
for you, liko all tlio rest of us, aro liable
to drop off suddonly.
"Wo have concluded, therefore, for
our peace of mind, to experiment whllo
wo nro botli in good health, and sco If
tlio concern cau bear up under your
loss. You will accordingly consider
yourself dead for ono year, and wo will
try to get en without you for that
length of tiiuo." Exchange.
A girl, who was a student at a school
of technology, and who happenod to
bo extremely blender, furnished a
"chemical nualysls" of herself, which,
after enumerating siivorul articles of
IstMif nrr In tlm cf vln r9 tAtittti Itt.
Mrs. J. D. McCully and children grod,eilta( cmle(1 with tUo ,tom.
left today for theirhonieat Jorwph, ,i0f glr,t a trace." Youth's Com
In Eastern Oregon, after several panon.
months spent at tne old name in i
Fancy decorated flower pots aud
hauglng baskets, The newest
out, just received from the cist, by
Sroat & Glle.
In tlio Art Gallery.
"Idon'tbco any of Jones' work in the
"No; what does he draw-!"
"Teeth J" Now York Truth.
UiiPewder: i
Wliut the Ituts Coit.
A pair of rats, happily situated and
undisturbed, will in threo years havo
increased to 050,808. Calculating that
ten rats eat as much In ono day as a m an,
t, hlch wo think Is rather under than over
tho fact, tlio consumption of theso rats
would be equal to that of 05,080 rnon
tiio year round and leavo eight rats In
tiio year to spare. Multiplying in this
rapid way it is providential that tlio rat
lias so many natural enemies.
All theso to tiio contrary notwith
standing, ho often proves sufficiently
troublesome to mako tho community
consplro against him. In Ireland they
singe tlio hair of a rat which has been
caught, but otherwise It is unharmed.
In Germany thoy let one loose with a
small bell attached to his neck. Tho
tinkling of this, as tlio belled ratchtu.es
his friends, produces a panic among
them and causes them to lieo tho prom
ises. Boston Courier.
tfod in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
A ft 11 ml fpioruiuui.
Pretty girl Who is that handtomo
stranger at tho next tnblo?
Favorite waiter I don't know, miss;
some country gawk, I s'poso. Ho don't
know nothhV 'bout fasli'u'hla life.
"Indeed I Why do you think sof
. "lie's fclttln' there starvin' Instead of
feein' a waiter an' gettin' fsouicthln' to
eat"-New York Weekly,
.n. v.
Installments from ffi per month up. Wholesale and
310 Commercial St., Salem.
Head Quarters for the Salem Orchestra. dw
best quality of brick at the yards near
Penitentiary. BURTON BROS.
Snlem, Oregon.
If you would bo clean and htiyo your clothes dono uj
in the neatest and dressiest mannor, tako thom to tho
where all work is done by white labor and in .the most
prompt mannor. COLONEL J. OLMSTED.
Liberty Street.
. , J. A. R0TAN, Undertaker.
lias purchased tho Minto hearso and will hereafter
soil caskets, coffins and all undertaker's supplies cheaper
than any ono in Salem aud furnish tho hoarso free of chartjo
in the city and for funerals at ono-half tho rato heretoforo
charged in the country. 8-25-lm-dw
n. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. J. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent.
WniiiiftiotiirM STEAM ENGINES, MM Oulllls, Water Wheel OovernnrH, Fruit
Drying Out'lts, Tmctlou hii-tlnex, Cresltii-r. etc. Farm mholilnory inmlo and repaired.
Ocnornl uirenu una niniHiracturois or tlio et'lourutuu Wiililstrom i'nteiit Mlddllncs
I'urincr ami itcols. Kiirin nmclilnery inuitt nud repaired, ,
Barr & PetZCl , Plumbers and Tinners,
247 Commercial street, Salem. Garden Hebo and Lawu Sprinklers,
A comploto hue of Stoves aud Tinware, Tin rooilug nud plumblug a
neeclalty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished.
Yw Park Grocery.
Has put in a new stock of Groceries, Queensware, Feed, etc. Produce
bought at Highest prices. Satisfaction guaranteed iu all things. Goods
delivered to all parts of the city. Call aud give me a trial.
WH nnnr ivn n All stook left in my careshall receive tho best
. I. (lOIJLliI TflllP of attention. Telophoiio No. 24, Cor. Liberty
. 11, uvuLiui. 1 1 ujt . n1(J Ft!rry BtructB( Bu0ll 0rcgon
At 100 Chomekota Street.
House - and - Sign - pointing,
Puper Hat'King. KalHomlning, Wall Tinting, eta
Natural Wood Finish. Only Firnt-cliiBH Work.
Varnishing and
33, IS. BNOW,
Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters,
Kutlmatcs on all work In our lluo.
IOO Ohamuketa fr)tirt,
Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co,
Sash, Doors, Iiliiuls & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawlag.
IIounoKinUlilriK made to order.-
New Dltv IULN, by which wo enn nlwayn keep a full vupply of Kentoned utooic of alt
klnili. Agricultural Work, ComiirofTrndo aud lllfiu ktrect, Balem, Oregon.
Sash and I Door Eactory
Front Street, Salem, Oregon.
Tho best class of work in our lino at prices to compote
with tho lowest. Only tho host matorial used
Mini m qmw iiiiwpbmowmiw. fiMtM w ir hiiwwi mmaammmammmmtm ww m
Merchant Tailors.
A full lino of Impnrtivl uml diunentlo
woolen. Aluou oomiilelo Ktook of sent'
rurnlitilDg good, All tho latent ittylu
tl&Oimmerclul tri-L
Itatcs, !.() to5M ner Day.
The bent hotel between Portland andHau
KrHiiclnco. Klril-uIuM In nil IU appoluu
menu. IU Utile are nrrved with thu
llailiikiigli & Oossaii,
Stale Street Llvory,
lint ItiKHittid Htwlr. linordlnir nud rVc
Hlubte. UHlutettriet.
Paper Hunger.
lvooruena.UlulJ6 HoulKitUtnKiclinn
Choicest Ji'rulttt
Orown in ttie WllUioetU Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
and Packer,
HUI Bt.an4 Court Ht-TUe lit mtaU
dUvrl to U parti of ttocily.
If you d
Hlght fi'rit lubricator,
ritvHiit or witter rwekluir.
CliMk ant) lob vlrw.
Wow oifoook,
OranyltilokflMforyoureMloija,' Nw
l&uil prlf m, will cu
. .. ... .. JWCHimmwralalalrtwt,
And w will lit you out Iu ttr I stmt ibai,
..-umatt ifBjui, itt,&:iXiAi