fa tew of trufetlloa Attendant on tho failure of the harvest arid I ho conse qtteat suffering and struggle for existence. While no canes of can ill- tmltent have been reported, llhero have been oases of mysterious dis appearances that are attributed to ftUspeofed cannibalism, und lu lies Mirsbia the police are caicfully watch u for evidence iijrulnijt per M)ds under suspicion. Muuy suicides are Muted to have occurred among the -i.jnntry, who, owing to a strong religious feeling, have been, aa n rule slow to commit this act. There Is not hlng reussur'ug in Itus slan advices, and the prospect for the winter Is terrible to contemplate, i A OAllOO ov NAI1S. SAN Fkancisco, 8ept. 10. Col-1 lector Phelps reported to the Ualted Mf YORK IfflR RI ATWI? iBun,,ny ',10 ,ftW wn8 enforced and 'ever, Mite the notice to tho German J ullfV UIl l)lllilLi overv saloon-keener In the town was resiri. timv.lt it sinrm-Micd. Iw A Canvass Made of llio Itocli- islcr Convention. TO MANUFACTURE COKR Wandered from Home, New York Republicans, Tryingto Stop Pic nics, Had a Time, Three Times Married, Portland Races, Will Pay one Month, Funeral of Judge Sawyer, State and Foreign News. KOH IJLAINK. ItoniHSTKU. Jtv. Hunt.. 10 The States district attoruey for proseoti jcanyagof dolngulefl to tho republican tlon the case of the sloop Slleve - Donard, which arrived hero ou Jul 22, with a cargo of 1000 kegs of null. The entire cargo was slezeil on tin grouud that the vessel had violated tho OAnstliiif laws. Tho cargo wat shipped from New York to Liver pool In foreign "bottom. At Liver pool the goods were reshlpped it thoSlleve Donard aud brought i this city. The secretary of the treasury lu confirming tho selzun of tbo cargo said that by reshlp nicntat Liverpool thecoutinulty e: the voyage hail been broken, and that under section '1317 of lha Re vised Statutes the cargo thus be came liable to slezure. Tuesday Col lector Pliclps received n telegram from the treasury department ad vising him that three foreign vessels were on their way to this city with wares shipped from American ports The cargoes of tliesa vessels will also le seized. state convention as to their prefer ence for the presidential cauldate for 1802, resulted as follews: Blaine 039: Harrison 10: Foster i: McKlu ley 1: Alger 1. Absent six, non com mltal 107. Fifty six marked uoi committal admitted they favored lilulue but did not wish to bequoted. NEW YOltIC KKPUI1LIOANS. KuCJIESJ'lJK, N. Y., Sopt. 10. J. clout Fassett was nominated foi governor on the first ballot, ano John Vrooman for lieuteuaut gov eruor by acclamation. The platform commends the wis doni, patriotism, and purity of the admistratlon of President Harrison, aud , endorses Secretary Tracy' management of the navy depart incut, approves tho policy of tin treasury department on silver. The forced to close his place. The two factions are about equally divided, and each one has a strong following. Sunday night about fifty armed men on horses rodo up to tho resi dence of Mr. A. Morgan, a pillar of the church,aud one of tho wealthiest citizens hi the county. Each mem ber of the party had a high white cap on his head and a haudkercblef over his face. Tho wblto caps sur rounded the house and called to Mr Morgan to pome out. The man they called was at home, and the gleaming barrels of their guns had no terror for him. He walked bold ly out with a Winchester rllle lu his hand and opened fire upon his mid night visitors. Three shots were fired In quick succession into the crowd, and they lied lu haste. It Is more than likely thut the white caps will steer clear of Deacon Morgan In tho future. Tuesday two stiaugert. alighted from tho train, aud stayed at Okawavlllcallduy. They hired t horse aud buggy and drove about the town. They finally met John Tebeau, a church deacon aud a prominent citizen. They had evi dently been looking for him, and a noon as they saw him, both sprang to the grouud and pounced upon die deacon, Tho latter was Iwdl beaten, and may not recover. The affairs have greatly embittered the feeling betweon the factions, and h is feared there will ho more tragedle. enauted oefore the war is ended. i .,-.,, ..,.i....... jii;i. illinium j . V.XVtAtSlOS IN A MAIIj C'All. JjKltfilN, Htpt. 10. A parcel of fireworks exploded lu tho in. ill van of a train near Urlltz yesterday, setting tiro to the mail matter, must of which was consunipl. The cir was badly daniuued, and tho olllcial In charge of tho malls seriously in jured. It is not known where, the package was from or who sent it. The penalty for mailing anything of an explosive nature Is heavy. If the sender could be discovered, It would go hard with him, but as tl o lire destroyed all evidence of the origin aud destination of the pau's- age, It is not pmuabio that the guilty person will bo traced. Tlealth find Correct CarriuKO. Throwing hack tho shoulders seems to ine to impart a couccltcd as well na an arrogant look to those who are un fortunate enough to bo addicted to this faulty carriage. Lift tho head up and draw It back. Do not for n moment Kemarknulo Peat ins Mrs. Mlcheal Curtain, Plalnlleld, III., makes the statement that sho caught cold, which settled on her lttuirs; she whs treated for a month hv her family phyrleiau, but grew worse. Ho told her sho wen u hope less victim of inrsuniptlon and that linnfflno that nature teaches us the best ' no medicine could euro her. Her " . .. .... t -.- r-. - -vr IllUUini. MIUKtlt'll jyi. unip " j.ui. platform says: "Tho act of July IlAIMtOAI) ACCIDENT. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 10. It h reported a passenger train is wreck ed about six tulles from Beatrice, ssdu., on tho union Pacific, unci inauy persons killed and a large uUmber injured, ELECTION IN CHILL , NffW YoliK, t?ept. lO.-The Herald's Valparaiso dispatches say the Junta at a meeting held yester day decided an election to bo the best method to briugabout the tran quility, so; much desired, aud that October 18th uoxt accordingly de signated as election day. DIEI AWAY FItOM HOME. Wateutown, N. Y., Sept. 10. Ex-Congressman Clarke, of Neuah, Wlo., died at Theresa, this morning. DISSOLUTION, New Yohk, N. Y., Sept. 10. The receiver for Amassa, Lleon &Co., umbrella manufacturers, has ap pointed proceedings for tho volun tary dissolution of tho corporation. Liabilities $ 70,000; at sots $05,000. YESTEltDAY'B HASH HALL, GAMES. At Portland PortlandlU,Seattlo4. At Spokaue Tacoma 0, Spokane 8 At Jioston Cleveland 8, Ijoaton 3, Afternoon Cleveland 0, iloston 3. At,Brooklyu Cincinnati 0, Brook lyn 4. At Now York No game. At Philadelphia No gumo; ralu. MARKETS. FoktlAnd, Or., Sop. 10. Wheat valley $1.55; Walla Walla $1.45. ?M7j. cJan Fiiancisco, Cala., Bepl. 10. Wheat, buyer 1801, $1,083, season LT0I. WEATHER REPORT. . San Fkancisco, Kept. 10. Fore cast for Oregon and Washingten: general cloudy aud rainy weathor. What it Doun. Hood'dSarsupartlla Purllies the blood, Creates an annetito. Btrengteeim tho nerves. Makes tho weak strong. Overcomes that tired reeling. Cures Bcrofula, salt rheum, etc. invigorates tho Itidnoys and ltvor. Jtolloves headache, Imtlgestlon, and dyspepsia. Passengers destined to the promi nent cities east of tho Missouri river should patronize the Chicago, Unloti Pacific, & Northwestern Hue. Mag. Tiltlceut Pullman aud Wagner sleep ing cars, elegant Pullman ami Northwestern timing cars, free ro ollnlng chair cars, haudsomo day coaches and eonilurtablo Pullmau colonist sleeiers. eod-aug "August Flower" Perhaps you do not believe tuese ttemeuts conccrnlnir Green's Au- ut Flower, Well, we can't make you,- we can't force conviction in to your head or med- ftoubtlng icine into your throat, We don't Thomas. want to. The moiiey f Is yours, nud the ' misery h yeurs: and until you nre twttliufr to believe, and spend the one tfbr ths relief of the other, they will tay so. John II. Foster, 1133 Brown btreet, rhlladclpliia, says: "My wife is a little Scotch woman. Wrty years of aire and of a naturally delicate disposition, For five or six years past she has been suffering from Dyspepsia. She j-'Vomlt became so bad at last that she could not sit lvry Meal, down to a meal but sue uaa to vomit it aoon as she had eaten it. Two 1 of yowr Aueust Flower have raced her, after waay doctors failed, MMMtt now eat anything, and enjoy ;ttd as for Dyspepsia, she docs uot UMUMteeverMftttiL" m 14th, 1880, provides for the purchase of silver, the product of American mines, and Issuing new treasury notes protected by a reservo of out hundred cents' worth of sliver foi every dollar lsstied. Wo commend this policy of maintaining gold aud silver ut a parity; treasury notes paid for silver to be kept at par with gold. Tho voice of Now York is emphatic against any degradation of tho cur reuey, aud demands with President Harrison, that every dollar Issued bj the government, whether paper or coin, shall boas good ns every othei dollar." Another plank says: A compre honslvo and efficient exorcise of leg islation giving local option by coun ties, towns aud cities, nud restricting by taxation in such localities as do uot by option exclude the liquor trafllc, Is favored. It denounces the unpatriotic eflort of Governor Hill, through the last Democratic assem bly, to place this stato lu an un frlendlyattltudo towards IheWorld'h Columbian exposition to bo held In Chicago lu 1802; recognizes tho nec essity for an exhibition by the stale in keeplug with Its commercial aud Industrial supremacy In tho nation; and favon early autlou by the next loglulatute providing for a proper exhibit from this state. For secretary of stato, IS u go 11 a F. O'Conner, of Brooklyn; comptroller, Arthus C. Wade, of Jamestown; state treasurer, I"ra M. Hedges, ol Rockland couuty; attornoy-genoral Wm, E. Sutherland, of Monroe. TO MANUI'ACTtJHE COKE. SAN Fkancisco, Sept.10. Robert Ruusey, superintendent of Frlok & Company's great coal mines and eolio works at Connellsvlllo, Penna., and tho iron and steel company of Youngstown, Is in this city. Ho If ono of a party, now exnlorimr the Pacific coast, to look up tho coko and Iron resources, with a view of man. ufaoturlng coko, pig Iron and steel. "Wo htivo talked over tho country," said Suporlntondcnt Ramsey, "from Falrhaven down. Wo have found good coking coal from Wilkinson mine, Pugot Sound. As to Iron, we are not yet certain that there Is a supply of Uessemor ore, but we llilnlt there Is. Wo aro satisfied the Paclllo coast has coal to manufacture good coke." TIlltEK TIMES MAHUIEO. ANNlhTON, Ala., Sept. 10. Mr. and Mrs. John Dickson were mar-lied- and after living together a couple of years obtained a divorce. A few mouths latter John married a fascinating widow. Mrs. Dlokson followed suit with 11 widower, and two weoks later sho was Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Dickson, No. 2, lived only a year orso, and after her death, Dickson made overtures to hla former wife, who repented and diserted her second husband and camo with Dickson to Alabama. They located In Annlston In 1883, and had only been living here a few months whon they again seo- ratcu ami divorced, Huth married again, Dickson taking u young lrl not thou out of her teens, In the summer of 16S0 Mrs. Dickson was married to a Mr. Raker, Last year Uukor died, and again Dickson and tho much married woman made up, but to get Dickson's wife out or tho way was the question, For several weeks they puzzled over it, ami planned to uo etlect. Finally the FlNEKALOE JUDGE SAWVEIt. San Fkancisco, Sept. 10. The funeral services over the lemalns of he late United States Circuit Judge Sawyer took plaeat the first Con ifiegallonal chuch yesterday, and were largely attended by members if the bar, municipal officers, and the Moionlc fraternity. Amnnc the pall bearer's were Senators Stan- fork and Stewart, Ex- reprcentntlvo W. W. Morrow, chlefjustice Ueatty of tho state urpreme court, and Collector Phelps. The Interment was at Laurel Hill cemetery. a aoon idea. The fruit pjlacu furnishes a text from which (lie most practical dls course may bo given to citizens ol Oregon. "Develop the rural dig tricts." That ten acres of Oregon laud wisely tilled will produce a good living for any family, if not more, has been amply verified, nud should prove a great inducement to those farmers who are working their live out 011 largo farms in the East, contending against chinch bugs, hail, frostp cyclones and prairie fire- "Afore farms aud farmers are wlu t nre needed In this state, to supply our population with home-grown meat, fruit and vegetables, aud thin. keep at home hundreds of thous ands of dollars now sent to Oregon for these commodities," says the Tacoma Globe. This quotation adds emphasis to the thought of develop Ing tho suburbs and rural districts The fruit pajace is a lever in tbiis direction. T N STATE. WANDEltEl) KHOM HOME. PoiiTiiAND, Or.,Sept. 10. Edward Holt, aged seventy years, who was visiting at the residence of B. O, Severance, wnudered from tho house this niurnlng partlidly dressed, whllo lu a lit f mental aberration. Ef forts to find him thus far have been unsuccessful. HAD A TIME. AI.I1ANY, Or., Sept. 10. Yester day a drunken man named McNarry drew a knife and attacked Joseph Kitchen. Tho latter knocked him down and ejected him from tho brewery, where tho allair occurred. In falling down thesteps McNarry's leg was broken. No arrests wero made. WlI.Ii PAY ONE MONTH. Ai.dany, Or., Sept. 10. Tho Oregon Pacific Railroad company announced Its redinessou Monday lust to pay Its employes for one month, February last, but tho men rofii-o to accopt it. Only three era ployes thus Tar have taken a single month's pay, ou tho grouud that it may prejudice their caso In recover Ing seven month's pay. Next Mon day Is tho day set by tho court for Receiver Hogg to pay tho ruon. ItECOVEItS U300 DOLLARS. iMKTLAND.Or. Sept. 10. In tho caso of P. J. Coburn against the Portlaud & Willamette Yalloy Hallway Company to recover &1000 carnages for killing her husband, Ah ner K. Coburn. The Jury this mor ning brought in a verdict lor thirty five hundred dollars for plaintiff. PORTLAND HACKS. Portland, bept. 10. Tho fourth day's racing closed lu rain yester day. li:ito class pacing unfinished from Tuesday was won byRosleC. Lady II second, Mink third. Rest HOTEL AHKIVALS. "WILLAMETTE" Grant Divis, A Cordes, Strong, D Soils Cohen, H I, Well--, W Mlnot. Wm Item-es, E I S domon, Fannie Wilson, Portlaud. J PMeekor, Puyallup. E P Thompson, Coo Bay. L A Conn, Vancuivjr. JPTirroll, St Louis. FErlcksou and wife, .lohu,Ei-lck-son and wife, Oregon City. John Loorkoy, RoUo City. R VauL rn, S Berreston. W S. D M True, Santa Fo Route. "cook." J A Huus, Chicaco coi.cert Co. G Stciner, C S Small, W M Rob erf, Salem. W A Thomas, B L Rlelly, W H Sherrol, BenJ Sears, Portland. E Metty, A Brown, Eola. N L Galloway, Eugene. F Ciaven, Dixie. A LI- 0, W II Franklin, Seattle. IIEngle, J HI ngle, Norel. Chas Stewart, Mollala. J J Petty, Pendleton. K P House, San Francisco. wav to use our body any inoro than sho touches n child how to read and write. Sho gives, or rather supplies, the raw yi.'iterial; necessity and Inclination sup ply the rest The accomplishment of our dexircs forces through necessity tho way and methods, and these combined develop the reasoning faculties, with out which uo one can over hope to bo come either physically or mentally per fect, foi 1 am firmly convinced that It takes Just as much mental effort to be come physically perfect as it does to master any science. It needs a mental effort to conserve energy, but only an automatic ono to expend It; and as thoso who labor physically aro often looked upon as bo low the intellectual standard of scien tific people or thoso who mentally la bor, 1 beliove In tho future those will bo looked upon as physically deficient in u mental sense who aro either obeso or emaciated, and consequently weak and fr quently stupid If such Imagine that by tho use of inanimate objects or other expedients they can restore themselves to their normal condition i. e., by unduly ex panding energy to gain btrength they are surely mistaken. 1 maintain that defective carriage causes their condi tlon ninety-nine times out of a hundred. The organs are not able to follow out their natural functions; they are part ly co in pressed nud shifted out of their proper place by the very positions which are assumed by thoso who aro physically Imperfect in a mental sense. Edwin Cleckloy in Lippincott's. Discovery for Cousuuin.iou. She bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from first dose. She continued Its ue aud lif ter taking ton hot ties, found herself sound and well, now does her own hiiuevvork and is as well as she ever was Freo trial hottlo of this great discovery at Fry's drubstore. Large bjltleBCOc. nud$l. JOHN HUGHES, Denier in Groceries, Paints, Oils mid Window tilius, Willi Pn lcr nnd Donier, ArlislH' Mn terinta, Lime, Hair. Nulls nnd Shingles, lluy, Feed mid Fence Posls. Grass Seeds, EU dollars ro of catarrh by taking To. tine 12:241. TIhoimIi.IiHib mil., i.i. Anrll Fool w.,n. ni. v,.,l. ...,.,.,,1! t,l vestlbuled trains without Cyclone third; time 3S1. Five' "i Tf ' ,AI!. ,llol?.et ",,uta eighths mllo and rei.eat. R.uml ,. """" ."" " wup J --g.....HM ITW W V Itlia oniooin wire second; best time 1:02. Ono mile dash, Idaho wou, Mystery second, Misty Morn third, time 1:43. Talent backed Misty Mom heavily In this race, while Idaho Chief sold for anything ho would bring. Mutuals udd 4Q. Tom Tucker won two heats of 12:10 trot, Canemah and Nick L ono each. Best tlinoSAS. FOREIGN. How's This? Wo oiler one hundred ward for for any case that cannot bo cured Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney &. Co., Props., IUUII, J. We, tho undorHlgncd. havo known K. I. phoney for the hint 15 ye urn, mid hcllovo hitn tobepBrfcclly honorable In nil bus! lietig tmn&nctlonB, ami ilnunclully uule t(, airryoiu any obllfallons nmile by their W., ,A ,T"AUX' Whole alo, DruegUts, Toledo, (. ' W.U.U1M1, Kinnan a Mauvin, Wholosalc DruKglHtx, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, actlni; directly unon thu hi..,,.! aim mucous sunaces ot the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7oc, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Avo You doing tinst? ff so, bo sure and see that your tickets read vla"TboNorth Western Line." The O. St. P. M. & O. Ry. Tuls Is tlie great short lino from St. Paul or Duluth to all points cast and south. Their magnificent track, peerless vestlbuled dining aild sleep lug car trains, and their motto, "always on time," has given this road a natioual reputation. All classes of passengers aro carried on extru sell ,-our famous road. W. II. Mead, Gen. Agt., No. 1 Wash. St, Portlaud, Or. A, J. Leland, Trav'g Agt. Space in Pavillion. Parties wishing space In the grand pavilion building at the state fair, will make application early to secure same by calling 011 or addressing Wm. H Savage, Salem, Superintendent of pavillion. 8-7-d-tf K H 1 Producer Gin. In a paper read by Mr. Goetz beforo the American Institute of Mechanical Engineers, on tho nature and efficiency of producer gas, the position was taken that, though such gas is undoubtedly tho cheapest fuel gas that can bo mado tinsweringnll purposes where tho air necessary for its combustion can bo heated by tho offgoing heat of tho fur nace tests havo nevertheless shown that producer gas carries too much nitrogen to permit its distribution to a community, since, in consequence of the prcsenco of this constituent, its calorific power is too low and its tlamo extinguishes so easily as to be danger ous for household Ut.e. A producer lias been designed special ly for the largo production of producer gas, and for making a mixture of that and water gas; and experience shows that tho lines to be given to a producer should depend upon tho nature of tho coal to bo gasified, and, having largo cleaning nnd ashpit doors on both sides Dissolution of Co-pni'lllCrslli). opposito each other, tho producers can Iw !lp.iiind vvirlimir rrrnnr ,1im,..,lf,. TH? ""nofSHow Hroi has dissolved this .. . v.....uu.vj, jl Ully lne eo-paitnersblp existing be even when a largo accumulation of 'ween tho members, by mutual concent, ellntrnru linu t'lkim nln bj E- Snow conti.iuiiisr In thobuslnoisS.nnd cllnicers lias taken place. assuming all tho liabilities ol the firm anO in order to get a gas very low In car- Hood's StsrsaparHte Is c .-.xr.'-lly prepared from Sarsaparil.'n, D.nu..:icii, Muadrako, Dock, I'lpslsscwa, Ju. !; cr fccriics, and other well-known ai.il vain .Uo egetnblo remedies, by a rcculhr tonibliiEtloa, proportion, and process, rlv . ,Uj flood's S.usaparilla curativo powci ;. t josseiscil by other medicines. Ii cflicts lemarkiUo cures whero others tail Hoou's Sarsaparilla Is Ihc best blood purifier. It cures Scrofula, Ut llheum, Bolls, fimples, aH Humors, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Indigestion, General Debility, .Catanli, Ithcumatism, Kidney and Liver com plaints; overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an appetite, builds up tho system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Has met unparallcd success at home. Such Is Its popularity lu Lowell, Mass., where It Is made, that Lowell druggists sell moio of flood's Sarsaparilla than all other sarsapa rlll.is or blood purifiers. Tho same success Is extending all over tho country. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar in Its strength and economy It Is tho only preparation of which cat. truly be said " 100 Doses Ono Dollar." A hottlo of Hood's Sarsaparilla taken accord ing to dhecllons, u ill last a month. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar In tho confidence It gains among all classes cf people. "Where it Is onco used It becomes a favorlto family remedy. Dr not bo Induced to buy other preparations. Bo suro to get tho Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbydrufgUts. ?' slxforfl. l'reraredb) C. I. HOOD S. CO., Apotlitcarles, Lowell, Jtasa IOO Doses One Dollar NEW ADVEUTiaEatENTS. 25n Want PlT "-'"Liuinn Ihnn flnAn. . " iuih -"'j-"' cenis, oiriin,- -". Kk "T7"ANTKD. A gill to do ecuernl Iieur: W work. Appjy nl Klcctrlo tjrocery.on cist State htreet, II JO :t .CJ'I'S?'' v&tea ceMTff: Hnlem, Oregon V. I. Bbiloy, President. A. I". Amistrui'K, Miinngcr. It 11 sine s s, fcj It o r t It ji n 1, Typewriting, t'ennmnnphlp, Kngllsh Departments. HttidenU ndmlttett ntnnytlme. t.Vitaloguo fre. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Friday, Scpi 11th. Drlllliintnnd Unnbrldgrd new, bright and bitezy, the e normc.uly successiul KHrfe-Comedy, 1 mi tt Be HllS ff, Draughtand driving horses, young aud old. Inquire of G. "W. ANDERSON, Cook Hotel. All fie Merry Comedians! 1 II the Famous Singers. All of the Gieal Dancers! To bo given here exactly as seen at the Boston Theatre. IT you want fun go where the fun is Reserved seats at Patton's. QALEM moNnnd hoTtmT3 - 'ill -Jwi?1 I.-'unitKNT.-everal .rf --- f over myttore on su.teitrt """H JTlLitTND ; Mi nif lngcbniges. h:t.iu..-,Mas Ubd .' - tJ . 1.. . , . . r. lllllirB .tit. .. ,02 u,ll"'Kttli.soLr..?J' '' RKMOVKD.-Mrs. Frank r. moved her 001W ?."?. ?ytr I.. utso mensures taken una n,?... Mt Hln. order. 2S9 Commercial JtneW..,r.9 8 21 1 J710K8AI.K. About one ar.n " V barn, with running , f,a? barn. A bcaiitinil l.H-nilon 'triX,!' qiilro nt Sf-roud liotiKo on rlJhi 1 'T of Asylum i.venue nner croSsir?J w going t, As lain. crossing briaj, tn 17IOII H ALU. At 11 bnrga.n n m " V , hgae,olKhtr.-.in UoK."iiTragW nnd neatly rapi red, win, two liu Ui! Andy to Williams i Km-bl1! ' 84IW1 eompiiny. WAaZ!;,TilehrZk)flsSlon foia 1 mil n irpnnrnl i bend large Illustrated circulaiH'fndlctil with a special oiler to mil terrlinri i piled lor, on receipt 0f3 one cent "tani" Apply at once nncl get in or the bSS Addiess HennerBIanuraoturlngt'o lS 'jurg- 1l1- 7diwu ii. v u waul onuiitv nnil o" ats.nnri wllltn..-e back' ? fsnJI liracouutyueeot falls t Kr . expemesiifera thlitj days' !tri,l ? inoral agent lcn iliiin W , ve i M llJiii Tliuasdny, Sept. lOili, Grand Reopening under the man ngemeutof Wm. McPherson. Nor location. The J. C. Booth real estate office has bcn noved over Junes A ticmardl, Keir limli bank bloclc. Something to Read. If you want to enjoy yourself diop Into the iEtna Theatre. You will hear good music, siuging and exeelleut danciug. A tjuurtette of conimedians, bald io beat. Kline De Camp Reynolds ana jxcriiersou, talto care of the itmgiuer department. Go and them. apital City Restaurant Jas. Batchulor, Prop'r. WarmMrals at Ail Uonrs 1 iheDay None but white laLor rm establishment. A Reed subbtautlnl n-n) e class stylo Twenty-live cents per u.ch; rdlnthl kr. ix Urn. T Court street, between Jouifnl (in'cenin! Mlnto's I.neiy. fVNE OF THK KJt LA ltd KMT ! KT RI lun NlFlltS ID till .ttlllH. I..1I.T. ,-.....,!-. Portland. LiaivpKt stnt-lr ij ,.i mi..,.i..'.: thebtate, a-d 6iKtvM discot ut. Ser.it KtvM di irlnllnjr, E Hl-eam Prlutor SalMri pi ic8 list of Job prTnlln?. untl catuIorW i icy)', blanks. . m WAI'IJ. Blaom ll..,.t unt..... v . Oitkiii see 3 Ratling Comedies. fume, t'ome all, Ywii'll Co:uo Ajaln. opportunity came. Trumped-up charges wore brought ugalnst her, nud so plain a cato did they make ugalnst the unoflcudlng girl, that Dlckeon was again divorced. Tho decree was made last spring, nnd n few days ago Dickson and Hire, link er wero married for the third time How long they will Hvo together now 110 one can tell, THY1NQ TO 6TOJ 1'IONICS. Mabcxiutah, HI., Bept, 10. Tho tnwti of OUawuvllte, lu NVashlngton 0011 nty, lift ecu miles south of Iwre, on tha Louisville A Nashville rail. road, U In n high statu of excite, me nt over a bitter tight between thu church aud the &a!oou-keeiers 1UNKH.V1, OK MAJUlt 11UNDV. l'Attts, tjept. 10. Simple aud liu. mt'Bslvu services were hold over the remains of Major Uundy, late editor of thu Mall and Kxpress, of New York, at the Amorlcau church this morning. COIIN mtOKKIl'SF.Uli. London, Sept. 10. Alexander & Son, corn brokers, have railed. Lla. bllitlea Xl.870,000, aud aaets X27.000. They nttiibute their failure to losi.es Incurred sinw last Afuv, In specula tions in grain. ritKCAUTlONAHV VA MKASliniW. London, Sept. 10. Tho miwi that Italy Is hastening to supply uvrseir wim a vast quantity of now rllle docs not tend to allay tho war feeling, as In the embarrassed tlnau. clal eoudltloH of that country no expenditure, oven for military pur IKwts, would Ikj made exevpt untler a oouvlctlou or Inuui'dlute tiecvsslty. The Italian Hint also has lecelved 9 " " ' xtutn bonic ncid 11 much larger depth of fuel than Is generally carried in producers is necessary, und to this end n pneumatic rammer Is now employed, so construct ed that it will not only exert a pressure upon tho coal, but also from tho coal to tho periphery of tho producer. Now lork Sun. Russian Ladles In Commerce It is announced from St. Petersburg that Mine. P. O. Ivaschintzeff has ob tained ministerial permission to estab lish a ladies' commercial school in the capital. Ladies and young girls seek ing admission to tho now commercial institute must produco certificate's show ing that they havo completed tho full courses In tho ordinary ladies' gymna sia or in the provincial colleges for tlie daughters of tho nobility. In tho new establishment tho curriculum will ox- tend over two years, and Includes In struction by qualified teachers and pro fessors hi financial and commercial cal culation, tho routine duties of the counting house, commercial correspond ence, commercial law, a general knowl edge of the national products, commer cial geography, political economy, n thorough knowlcdgo of English. French nnd German, and a regulation stylo of' piain eaiigraphy. There aro, it is stated, already n surprisingly largo number of fair aspirants seoking admis sion to tho now establishment, which win uo opened very shortly. Cor. Lon don News. to collect nil debts duo tho firm. snow retlilng lrom tho business. K. K, SNOW. K C. SNOW. Dated at Salem, Or,, Aug. 8, 1S91. E. 0' 8 4u W. M. DeHAVEN, lloardiDj - and - Sale - Stable, One door west of Lunn's Dry Doods store m Stato street. Quiet family teams. Spec tnl attention paid to transient stock. 6:lti :- Salem Boat House. -:- Boat office foot of Trade street, tfcasuie and hunting boats. Hates low. CHAS. H. McCLANE, Propr M. T. RINEMAN DEALKH IK Both tho luotliod nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it Is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, nndncU Emily yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Iver nnd Uowels, cleanses tho v$. tent efleotunllv. dl.nels Mild. .i. acliea nnd fovora nnd cures hnlltunl cuuHiipauon permanently. lY)r enk m 60o and $t bottlea ly tC. druggists. CALIFORNIA F0 SWOP CO. lavtmtu. r. Acty roiir. tt v. When Dljmppotutmonti Wero Commou. In tho old days, when tho legal cere mony had to bo over by 12 o'clook, many havo had to return as they camo, through ono of tho persons Interested bolng too late. Ono man I know well was Into at overythlng, nnd after two attempts ho, on the third day, suc ceeded In being In time. Another was too late ono day; the noit ho came without tho certificate, and tho next week camo without tho ring. Wo could dispense with that and ho was married, but the poor lady, who was not very young, was In n great stato of excite ment. I am sure ho novor heard the last of It, but tho careless follow did not live long. London Tit-BUs. Gallantry. A Frenchman's gallantry to ladles U said to be always equal to an emergency. At a imrty, n gentleman of that rnio stopped heavily upon the too of n lady, who looked up with an angry frowu. "Pardon, madam." lie said, bowing low, " I have forgot to bring my micro scope. 'Your nilaroscoiwr 'Hut yej. for to eeo 10 little feet of madam I" HxchnneH Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, 'Lamps, Wooden imd Willow waro. All kinds of mill feed. VlROveaetablesand fruits In their season. 'Highest I'rlco paid for country produce." i, n aiuu in juur nairuuage, i-vz 9-9 H tate street MOBGrAN & MEADE, Truck & Dray Line. Good trams; anil 4troni;b.old. Iprompt work is out THIS GREAT Portland Industrial Exposition With lt World of Wonders OPENS SEPT, 17,1891. CLOSES OCT. I7lk Vus'cby tht:great 2APADCRES BAND .'dlrecCfrom the City of Mexico. Ait lrom the bi eat masters of Europe and Ameiica, alued al n quarter million dollar , Won terful E'ectrical tAdaptlons in full opention. A liplendld h'erlc ot Miueial Exhibits. m on State Fair, t Thirty-flistnnnunl exhibition undertbe management of the uicguu Rlulo Itoardot Rriculture, will be held ut the Stale Fair grounds nturbulem, comiacnclng on Monday, September 14, 1891, And lasting ono Meek. OVER $I.5,OO0 IN CASH PltEHIimS OfreiedforaKrlculturnl.Hoekandinechaii. icjil exhlbltB, for works of art and fancy work nud trials ofspeed. Keduced rates for fiironurt f.niiriit nn n tiarjsportutlon lines to and from tho fair. Ihii'oitant Improvements have been made upon the tsrouiHls und increased facilltlei rooltercd exhibitors. Pavilion will be0pcn4Nighis in tho Wcet. A splendid field ol horses entered In the speed department, and fine exhibits ol racing will be given each day. Entries for premiums close Monday at 7:30 p. tn. Exhibitors aro urged to nnikeas mauy of their entries on ."uturdny before fair as possible. Goods, animals und arti cles for exhibition must De In their olacej by 10 p. m. on Monday. PRICES OF ADMIBSION. Man's day ticket m Woman'H day ticket ' " js Man's season ticket "i woman's season ticket m Heudtotbobecretnryutl'ortland", 6"egoiL or to Geo. W. Watt, assistant secretarv.ji nnl,,... !-. "' very Salem, for a premium list. J. T. AI'I'ERSON. nresldi dw-tf J.T. GREGG.Sccrctar. president, BRICK AND TILE. Forflrst-class hand made brick nud tile, goto MURPHY & DESART. Litrpe Biipply on hand. Near fair ground, Salem, 72S Street rnipvovemeut IJids. JOTICK Is hereby glvon that tho Cltv of Salem. OifL'nti win r.i.1,... .,.,i','.. ulds for the grading, draining, graveling urblm und unliprin,. nil n, .,.',.?; ..,."' KK!?Lr,!ss .ft"s.i y?? w if , ,.,' ,""""""u i'uuk oi.Miiic:eelc ttlb nil thut imrt of Stato street liclueeii he west side of TweHth street ami the twM aldeof Commcrelalstreet; ahoall that imrt ni.r:.J .. I r..",'"c.,:,',lIU',0'-inmer- Oregon, according to th plan " aua m, ' ".m'J'm"8 ,hreoi on tile tn the ottuo oV llio ij iiML'vuriii mni if i t u.ii.i... t A idmib ".V,,iA,- i. '.. '""I0'"'' '."Kon. nJ u VuAon ,"': I,."".1 "."" " -rtak. therein num. d, nnd mil hHo bo re i ml nticl. nt munlwr thereof to la iwrfectlv Pivuir rJ' ' lho ,,my0r unJ to ' "S There shall bo deposl ed with each bid ii check hi favor otilw nt of silcm. OnS iu . iii- inn mini r mn ixd und Laukablo by J.ine bank 1.1 ii,S nty .r Salem. OwgoS. VhieU mm "hrek w i li duo and n.-ivi.fa .1,. . ... r'JVvK 11 'em. iiiivon.Bsili.vi ,i,i ii:r, ; ...'J' a,-., in twt.0 the bUMertliiif mil Vi, "?"'. tty or a uam eglect l oi.oute the ,,; . ,""i""l r 'ViMl &!, mcI. of the'nrund IZZ hn ..11 jwUcuUm in rclatio , to hu Filled wliir .Novel nnd Interesting in Art, Science and Industry. A GrcatcriNumberof Exhibits than ever before preiented upon the coast. The Stock Department made a Ptomi- nent feature, tf 080 in Premiums. Tho Largest Display ol Fruit and tho Finest Exhibit ol Agricult ure ever madu in thel'aelflo Nrthwet. All .inauufacturies in ii ..,., ... ..... ,.,W,,UUt Everything .New. UN0 Dead Exhibits. The Exposition ol Expositions Admission iu usual. Greatly Re.'uctd Rites for round trip on all pajsen. A, J. SHIMP, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Late of Philadelphia ELECTRICITY .IS THE TRUK EXEMY Ofall Chronic. Rheumatic, Wood. Brain and nervous diseases. Every variety ol female diseases yield to electricity after nil other modes of treatment have failed. Thirteen years clinical experience. Office ') Commercial street. 5 3 3m ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South of Wllleimette Hotel, SALBM - - OREGON , Notice to Creditors. To the County Court of Alurlon county, bi'mcui uregon. Inthematterofthe estate of Virgil K. I'rlugleaud I'herno T. Frlngle, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the underlned xeeutors of the last will and tcMamcut of lrgll h. K'rlngloand I'herfce T. l'rln?lc, dtieased, to tho creditors of nnd nil per sons holdlug claims against the said estate "MMissent the-m with tne proper vouchers, within six months from the da e of this notice tn thn aiilH ovonMtnN nt tl.A stnrA nf John Hughes, No. IH Stuto street, Salem, GEO. P. HUUIIKS. HAJIUN KAHR1TUB SMITH. Kxecntors of the last will and testament of yirgllK.Prlnglound PherueT. Prinsle, deceased. Dated, ailcm, Oregon, Juno 17, 1831. L, B. HUFFMAN, Livery Stable- and Feed Yard. The Best Box Stall and Corral In the ''It. Quiet, family horees a specialty. (In rear Wtll.imette hotel.) SAI.BM, - . - OREGON ger lines. 3dw J B WH ITJS, liutructluna to bo rvutlv fur norvlco 'I ivn u'tHtku nirti tlui iMinriili l.mlurd mum null, uml iminv. I.n. .,.i...,. ileturiulnwl to stop Sunday bevr life, und men, have Uu ivcalleJ frouji P TttUOK LINE,! 11104, Accortliualy, tbo fgllowlujr li'ttveofabwnoo, 'iliU ttctlon. how." lwwlSf.I?!V wwk. --. - , " vv ai ervry irIQ, I Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prMcribcd : Cnstoriat Strawberries. Guide 1 to Htrawlierry culture und descriptive catalogue of iwwity v. "etlea, fYee by mall or calllnK on K Hofur, Jouknal olllw, Salem. Or. dAw N.ldbld will be opened by the mmn.it t w owlnamw at the oiSee of tbTn Jl " ...- Imnt I-... .7 ......1 '. "r.- "-". UK 111 mn. .n. --. Ti7 r 1 v rZTi V fiumn tt unoli nrr.77 " f6' tk aud iul ll uiNtlem. t)nvm .,. . """." Ur.eon fonnlAni r ...,i sxvi" "?"! wi'jrs, , h ,;?,? oi n i n-ibiiwrxsx SM;:iU.rrn Li" "'"..to tSSi NVarS.lv.,, vSW i -... vin.A rniiK. acntniiA - ,1 ...v w Ite-oidor. SJltd J. H. HAAS, THE WATCrOIAlOJR, 2t5J Commercial St., - ' alem, Orejoi. (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty of Spectacles, and repalriM Clocks. Wutcues and Jewelry. lruit land In nil sell In nr riill .... Knights, Ore th am Notico of Final Suttlonirmf. inmeoireuit (urtof thesijiA n , gon fr the cuuuty of vfartlm it ?. of ' HUT ttlT5 Unnllili .". u,' I tv rt'el Vttl.S;rf ' bu a5,tU " V.-?Xr tlnkl GEO. C. W;LL. oil Will :BrcA,i Albany Sand CorTaUIt. l,iiD0s,Cttj?a3l?ewiDg Machines. wisoic.ioiiixrs and obqaks RBPAIRBDAND CLEANED . mur iiodk NR W. Oofthe best residence lots In the cltyo 1 CrtITT STREET. kouthean corner of block. lS ana 1MU streeu, one block Irojn l'l iuc, jour uiocks rrom TeniT" ,.' car llnesiind Kiut Salem school grJ?l,' for both ur $1800 for eorncrnnd IIS" w " aide Kachlt.tha4 70fKlfronttteon wttlecei.1. vivatr ArDntc ri x . . . . ii nSrJh nr ffiS7ri"BtV. To I . I. . . -- UIUIT. PM ni ! tiT- lUioiHiidriMffriJiiaiL, i".,.. ;" ' m irii 1110 uucuu. v -. - AdmlnUtwtVr ''r;"rinscbM OOfw Cur. Com'I aud rbemekr "3 COURT STREET. inqu'reofthe OHEOON NURSP'J.JSS UD itnln. nr nt n ltftfll ivSUU D"?..'" Uiecliy. ' r'T . 11 - iinMl Hlfr-"W r -.