" f"'''flp,F", " dfeMb ttU aipose being to reach Buenoa Ayre. Tlio wetber wa bitterly M Slid tho enow-tin the grounti m(ie traveling very difllcult. Bit Mttech rode a mule, which I tlio 1 wly Rulraal tbat Is of any Uko In the utattntsln paws through which lie WW imkiBg his way. Taesday morning tho ttiulutcer Mfaa to grumble and attempted to (ttra b.ictc, tho wt-alhor wns be ' coming so sever nuil the huow ho deep that they fritted they would ke their live. Jlnlrrnredn, know- lag that nlruoftt certain dentil awult 4 hhu If be returned, refund to turn back, nnd In a tit of pamlon truck one of the juulfctccre, who re taliated by drawing I'1"1"' niUl shooting the ex-president dcud. HI compautoi then Idlted JJulmaceditV companion mid, after rllllug theli - picket-, made good their encape Tlielr bodies, accord'- g to the Morj it here, were fou d by a party o( mountaineers and returned to I , Andeaa. No further pu tlenlurH couhl be obtained, The news created great Interest In t.ie cly, biit no om Beemcd surprised, us It was generallj be) loved tbut tho nnfortunitto mai Would cither be killed or perish with tbt' tiold before ho readied a uluce oi tiifoty, If be tried t nmko his ch eapo by oiosalng tbo Andes. TIIUST COMPANY FAILS. ?' Boston, Mass., Sept. 3.Tne Suf ' folk Trust Company, doing a general banking and mortgage loan business have gone Into the hands of urecelv er, Liabilities, $102,000; quick as sets, $100,000. SUDDEN DEATir. Bethlehem, Pa., Sept. 3. Rich ard Nash, engineer on tbo Heading express," while on tho lookout, woe struck by enmo obstruction near Orrvlllo station, and bis bead wa severed from his body. Tbo bodj hung nut of the cab some mfuutct before tbo II reman discovered it. MINI! IIURNED OUT. SahtLakk City, "Utah, Sept, 8. The Bhuft bouse of tbo Hoiatlnp s Works, the machinery and tlmbeis In the miuo at Stockton, burned ' yesterday, causing a loss of 110,000. The miners escaped unhurt. TUB WORLDS 1'AIK. CiUOAfio, ;8ept' 8. Tho national Columblan'eotnmlaalon met yester day. The tlrst subject to come up was tho reading of u communlea tlon from the general secretary of tho American Subtmtb Union asking asking a hearing for a delegation from that body ou the subject of closing tho exposition on Sunday. Finally, after considerable debato on tbo motion of Commissioner Du Youug,of Oallfornla.aiul ameudedby Mnsaoy, delegate, it was voted tonp- polut a commllteo of three to confer with tbq Sabbath Union delegation, and fix un hour during tod iijh ses slou at which tho commission would hear the memorial. After hearing reports of tho board of control, the president and directors, a genoraT recess was taken until .' o'clock Tho national board of lady malingers of tbo Columbian Exposition met here this morning ami elected Mrs. Susan Gale Cook secretary In place of Mis Couzins. Congressman fiprluger, wbo was present, was asked by Mrs. Palmer to speak, nnd ho camplled. Mrs. Palmer, tho president, then presented her report, and rovlowed her Kuropeau trip nud Its result. HOMii AGAIN. Nkv Yoiiic, Sept. .!. Tho steam ship Majestic, with Mrs. Hussoll U. Harrison nnd Mrs. McKee on boardj arrived oil Klro Island yester day. Mrs. Iforrlnnu and her son, Kuseol! It. Jlttrilaon, wont down the bay ou tho United States cutter Grant to meet them, CLOSING SALOONH AT MIDNIGHT. OmCAfio, Sept. 3. M'iny of the rcstauraut-kcopers are protesting vlaorously aualust tin order to x closo their bars promptly at mid night. Chief Molmughty, how ever, U determined to carry out the Jaw in tbo strMort souse. Ho will not allow a customer tmunv a bottle of wlno lust before niUltilulit and lluleh It at his leisure. Eaui.y and Latk. Tbo peaches that everybody likes are tbo Craw fords, and the placo to get ilium In any quantities Is at Ftirrar A Co's, "August Flower" I had lcen troubled five months 1UU Dyspepsia, The doctors told me it was chronic. I hnd a fullness After eating nnd a heavy load in the pit of my stomach. I suffered fro cjuently from a Water Urosh of clear waiter. Sometimes a deathly Sick ness at the Stomach would overtake e. Then again I would have the twriblo pain of Wind Colic. At such times I would try to belch nnd iQuldjiot. I was working; then for Thoinns McHeury, Prugplst, Cor. Jrtvjn nnd Western Ave., Allegheny CUy, J?a., in whose employ I had tn jftw ueveti years. Finally I used August Flower, and after using juit one bottle for two weelts, was en tirely relieved of alt the trouble. I cn mm t things X darcdnot touch ttcfbr. 1 would like to refer you to Wrr Mclfcury. for whom I worked, who knows all about my condition, and iroia whom I bought the ineiU eim. I liv with uiv wife and family at 9 James St., Allegheny Ctty.I'a. Siut, Johk D. Cox. ft. C. GUEEX Sok Maau&cturcr, WvwitBry( New Jtmy, V. , JL EGAN TO COME HOME, Tlio Pennsylvania Democrats The Fire nt The Dalies. THE ARMY MANODYRES. A Sharp Frost, Shot to Death, U. P. R, R. to Have a Receiver, The Willows Fire, Quick Passage, John L.Sullivan.AII Quiet inChili, Striking Carmakers, Latest News of Balmaceda, State and Foreign News, Etc. EOA.V TO COMB HOME. Washington, Sep. 3. It J re ported thai Minister Egan hasbten ordered home. Two leasons are uhaighed for this action. One tbat ho administration is dlssatlsiled with his silence regarding Chilean iIIuIih, and the other that hols to oe given le ve of absence, antlelpn nry of ubrltrnry action ou the pari if ibe new administration In Chili tvlifeh threatens to glvo him bis passport on account of his sympa thy for tho JJulmaceda party. t'KNNHVIiVANIA DEMOCRATS. IlAiiuisnuna, Pu., Hept. 3.AI 10:30 tills morulug tbo Democratli date convention was called to order, four huudrcd and sixty delegate were present, II. Willi JJlaud ol Reading, was chosen temporary clinirmun. In his speech Bland said the campaign will bo fought on local issues not on nattioual. Po body doubts that tho people ol Pennsylvania love the teachings ol their prophet Grover Cleveland Tremendous applause). It Is our duly to the people that we turn out the Ilenublicun vampires wbo are prostituting tlio public ofllces all over the state. The platform cays "We aro lu favor of an honest economical ad ministration of the public afialrs, ol limiting expenses and reducing tax ation to meet tho actual necessities of tho uovernmont, of sound and staple currency based on gold nnd Mlver coined and circulated In such proportions as to keep them on parity, and of reform and a revision of tho tarlllV Tho .Republican party is also denounced for tho plunder of tho state treasury by IJardsley of a million and a half dollars. THi: 1'IllB AT "THK DAM.K8. TjibDaMvT:h, Or., Sept. '3. Fire brokoont at 1 o'clock yestenlayafter- noon, lu SUlbbe's restaurant. The wind was blowing a gale, and the Haines spread rupldly. Tho llremen wcro nfteen minutes lu arriving at tbo scene, giving tho tiro tremend ous headway. Tho Humes com muulciited to Mrs. Wlugate's row of dwellings, then to Wlngate A Co's general merchandise store, Cross ing tho street, it took lu J. O. Peters' lumber yard, and swept on three bloulcs south. The lire swept on east, and In nil sixteen blocks were consumed. Tho loss Is estimated at from three curat tern of a million to one million dollurs. Tho flro Is now under con trol. Tho names of some of the losers aro as follews: V. L. Bklbbe, restau rant; John Larson, feod yard; Max Vogt, three story brlclt; Odd Fol lows' hall: opera Iieubp: T. C. Nluk- clson, two story brick; Louis Itor- diu, crockery; Charles Stueblingi saloon, Mays & Crowe, hardware; Graham, restaurant; Huntington & Thompson, law olllce; Jones Urns., groceries; Charles Uayard real estate olllcoj John rashelt, tailor; A. A. Ili'own, grocer; Kubreck II vor stable; Hood, llyery stable; Chrlstaln & Carson, grocers; Daudal & Fagnn, frame store; Charles Lnucr, grocor; I . Drown, grocer; Tbomai Ward, livery stable; Jackson bouse; K. V. Ff.j;eruld,twobilok buildings, hard ware, groceries and two dwellings, Mrs. Wllllamc, resldenco, Wllllum Mitchell, resilience; P. J. Nichols, residence; Methodist nnd Unptlst churches; large frame school bouse; Tallon's farm implement building and grocery; Gibbons & McAllister, farm Implements and groceries; Judge Condon's rcaldcno ; Wltitim Conduit's residence; Mrs. Juker, resldonoej A. A. llonnoy, residence and bulchersbop; DufuritW.itkins, law olllce; I It. Wilson, law olllce; P. l Mays, residence; Tlioma Kelly, resilience; nnd many other small buildings. Boveral liundad people were homeless lastulgbt, and tho city preseuts desoluto appear and. Mllltlan aro patrolling the Btreots, but no dlsortler has occurred. WANT A JIUOHIVKU. Chioaoo, Sept. 8.AU Omahn dlpaton suys that Jt Is reported .that mi application lu to be umdo today for tbo appolntuiout f u receiver for tbo Union Paolilo railway com pany, Nhw Yohk, Sept. S.TI10 rumor that tbo U. 1'. hud nrado nn applica tion for n receiver made cpilto astir 011 Wull htreet this morulug. It was promptly denied by Sidney Dllllou, who declared there was not ;; word or truth In It. I. O. O. lOllKKTHIlS. nifruoiT. Hept, 3,Tho Indepen dent Order of Forester' supreme court luu decided to huhUlta next Kesslon lu Chlotgo lu 1KUX aVUMAKKItapN A BTUIKI'm BacuamkntOi Sept. 3. Fifty men euiployol lu tho curbulldhig departuient of tbo Bouthuru l'aelllo hnviMjult work and wsnt oommlttw to Ban Pntiicltoo to uU nu lur'iis of wagw t 5 xtt etir. Tito twin ulttw w" expected U nturu wA fvejjliig. THE WIM-OWflFIKB. WiMMVtB, Cal., Bept. 2.A fire broke out last evening about 8:30 o'clock, although the fire depart ment responded quickly, before they reached tho fire tho Willows hotel was lu flames. Tho wind being from thesonth, It communicated to a frame on the north, and in spite of the fact tbat the firemen fought it heroically, the entire block was doomed, and the Union hotel aud Crawford house were soon lu flames. A determined fiRht was made to save Hochhelmer's store, but the heat from tho Crawford bouse wn so Intense that tho flumes soon en veloped It, aud one of the finest business-houses in northern Cullfor nia was doomed. The tire was finally got under coutrol after it reached to the Chapman building, ndjoinlng Hochhelmer's on tho north. Ii looked at one time as if tho entire block from Sycamore to Wnlnu' street would go. It is Impossible t get tbo amount of loss at present, but It la estimated at $160,000, parti; covered by Insurance. Tho fire broke out in tbo kitchen of tlio Willows hotel. Asouth wind prevailed, and tho flro progressed rapidly among tho framo buildings until a brick block was reached when It was subdued. It destroyed tho Willows hotel, one residence , Oakery, photograph gallery, paint diop, Union hotel, Crawford hotel tfoohhelmer &. Co.'s general mer ohatidlso store, Wells Fargo's and telegraph ofllces, and Marshall V -uilnon. Loss $150,030. The Craw ford house was tho finest hotel lu tho town, and Hocbbeimer's store hud tho most complete stock of incuchaiidise. Llttlo wns saved. Insurance fair. QUICK I'ASSAOE. Knvr Youk. Sept. 3. Tho mall from China nnd Japan which left Yokohama August 10 was wifely de livered to the stetimrhij) City of New York at 6 yesterday morning and is now on tho way to England. August 29 tho Empress of India ar rived at Victoria, II. V. There a special train, furnished by tin Canadian Pacific, took the mailbagt aud started noros tbo continent Tho train crossed tbo continent in tbreo days. At Drocton. Outario, tbo mall .was transferred across the St. Lawreuca river to a special train on tbo New York Ceatral which brought It to this cily, whero the steamer was waiting to receive It. If tho vessol makes her voynge in tho usual time, Liverpool will bo reached September 9, only twenty days from Yokohama. Tills Is the best postal record over made. SULLIVAN VS. 8I.AVIN. NuwYowc, Sept. 3. Tho 51000 deposited by Charley Johnson, ol lirouklyn, ou behalf of Sullivan, to bind tho match with Salvlu to fight for the championship of the world, has been withdrawn. The money has been In the Herald olllce since July 23, and tho fact that It had been put up was Immediately cabled to Salvlu. Johnson at the time of depositing gnvo notice that ho would keep it posted until September 1, and has anxiously awaited advices from Slavin, but nothing lias been said by the Australiau. UAIN I'ltOOUCTION. M!MAND,Tex., Sept. 8. John T. Ellis" wbo hits charge of tho govern ment rainfall expedition during the temporary absoiico of General Dyrenforth lu Washington, I making pieparatious for a test of tho ralomakliig theories in 121 Paso. Tho expedition will go to El Paso as the guests of the ally, aud the municipality will bear tho larger portion of the exponses. Tbo small appropriation under which tho meu have beeu working Is not sufficient for all tho experiments which they would like to make, but tho citizens of Texas are suillelontly Interested to fu ruhb tbo ucccsaiiry fuuds, A delegation from the largo ratio!). owners of southorn and southwest ern Texas has just had a conference with Mr. Ellis, regarding tho ex periments which weio to have been umdo on tbo groat King ranch of nearly 1,000,000 aurcs ucar Corpus Christie. Mr. Kills, on bolnlf of General Dyrenforth, litis agreed to go to that part of tho state after the experiments nt El Paso. Prominent government olllulals of Mexico havi ilgnllled their Intentions of being present at the El Paso demonstra tion, and hundreds of people from various parts of tho state will be there. am, qui in" in emu. Wahiunuton, Sept. 3. All the Information received from Chill today nt tho department, was comprised In tho following telegram from Admiral Brown, dated Valpar aiso, Sept. 3d: UiHlneas fully re sumed Everything quiet. Con gressimral coinuiltleo arrived from Itiuhiuo yesterday, and will go to danllngo." A HH.UU' PHD8T. ItooNU, Iowa, Sopt. 3 A very sharp frost this morulug Injured vegetation. nttlVKN PKOM HUMiv. Washington, Sept. 3. AqUiik Attorney Guneral 'lft has tvoowd a telegram from United Slates Mar shut Walker, of tho Southern DU tilut of Alabama, saying mob of llfiy persons liavo driven n uuuiber or funilllen out of their home In Choctaw county, Abu Ment "fluent Itfd into Mlwtsslppl nud loft their homes, cutlio and crop utiguarded. BtioT to uiuvii. Atlanta, tin , Sept,' 8. William Allen, tho nciiro who shot nud j fatally wounded Manual Myrvttnt Uuylnn.Ga., walt night tukeu from the ortlecre, ohalucd. to a tree pud, 6bt (0 dt'Mb, FOREIGN. AIIMV MANOURVJIHS. London, Sept. 3. In France. In Alsace-Lorraine nnd In Aus- trla Immense bodlts of Iroorw were set In motion today, this being the dale Ilxed for thol..ng content- plated army tnnnmtevrrs or France, Germany, nud Austria. In view of the heated war talk thce military movements aro being watched with i feverish afentlon by military men and diplomats of Europe. 1 aiYSTBWOUB MimUKK. LowKr.t,, Mots., Kept ADavid, Belanger was round dead In I.I. dry- J gooos store, i3tiiiernmucBireei,.ves tercniy, iiih iiinniiiriKuiiuiiyKHtiicu. 1 His frtlftt- teeth were found In differ- ent parts of the shop. It Is believed j tbat BIanger was attacked while 1 reaching ro light the gus byomn one concealed in the store. A match with the sulphur burned off was I found near the body. The body lay ft.o ,u,mnIni tvithnm.iimi.lr.v- ' " " , ...... -..w . tended as If bo was in the act of try ing to reiinin Ids feet. The Instru ment with which th deed was done cuunot be found. LATEST FIIOXI IJALMACBDA. City ok Mexico, Sept. 3.- Tho Anglo American says that a promi nent gentleman of this city, well known in Anglo American Colony lias received the following despatch lu cipher: Valparaiso, Sept. 1, Presi dent Balmaceda is aboard Coudell and expects to disembark In San Francisco. However as be Is pushed by tho insurgeuts warships ho may land In Mexico. THBBAVIOK'b COAT. Tiieves, Sept. 3. The holy coat pilgrims have to undergo Irritating bardbbips during their stay in this city. Tho weather Is so warm that living in an ordinary manuer would be sufficiently uncomfortable, but it is made so much more so by the wuy in which the people are crowded together, two or three bt-ds in one small room being the rule, but lu some cases it is worbe. One land lady has crowded nineteen beds lu three moderate-sized rooms. For accomodations of this kind the chnrae is 4 shillings a night. Food is about three times the usunl price. All sorts of souvenlers of the holy coatnreon sale, In all materials from gold to wool. Every second bouse U tt restaurant or a beer shop, and one beer shop bears the name of "The Holy Coat of Treves." In order to facilitate the exhibition, tbo papal orderjt hat every pilgrim is to say live paternosters before the relic in older to obtain absolution, has been ultered by tho bishop, so that now every pilgrim may say them (luting tho march through tho cathedral. MARKETS. Portland, Or., Sept. 3. Wheat, valley, $1.62i$1.65. Walla Wtillu, $1.4o$1.47j. San Fuancisco, Calif., Sept. 3. Wheat buyer, 1891, $1.72? ; season N.80J. Chicago, III?., Sept. 3. At close wheat was unsettled; cash Sept f07j08; D.'$1.00I1.01. 11ASI! JJAM. O.V.MRS. At Chicago Ch!cago,i 1 New Yurk . At Cincinnati Cluclnuuli2, Bos ton 0. Al Cloveluud ClovelandS. Brook lyn 1. At Pittsburg Pittsburg 0, Phila delphia ti. I l l M II HOTEL AllKIVAbS. "WItiljAMCTTK" D A Bremer, G N McCoy, fc! O'Neill, II Beicher, N Baden, MJ Clarke, M Fleiscbam, Portland. It Collert, Oregon City. II Low, Now York. G W Francis, Chicago. S 1) Eaton, Astoria. A A Betitty, Boston. Ben T Mttusou, Kansas City. M FTownseud, MoMlunvllle. J Sltrlgat, Lebanon. B Little John, 11 Behtirdl, M Abraham, San Francisco, "cooic." Louis Btfchlut, Albany. I, H Coming. Oregon City. 11 L Barnes, Poise City. W It Joues, Llsaboth, Ky. H Winters, Oswego. C1I ltleliaulii, J Montgomery, J M Gross, Portland. O tieeley, Thoa Price, Lebanon. Mis W Ilohuiw), Dallas. WHKhk, Bnwnsvlll. J Sharp, J T Shopper, Four Paws Show. , j II O Kinney, Grants Pass, & 1 oNfia ssisrjoYs 1 Both tho method nnurcsults when Syrup of Figa is taken 5 it U pleasant J nnd refreshing to tho tasto, and nets gcntlyyot promptly on thoKidnoys, j Livor and Bowels, clcauses tho sys tem eflVctuully, dispels colds, !iead- I aches and fever nml cures habitual constipation permanently. For Bale in 50o and $1 bottle ly all druggists. CALIFORNIA NO SYRUP CO. rtV" SffJF9)B HAND TO HAND WITH KNIVES. An ImlUn Dhrt Settle.) hj the Dent of Doth rrtle 10 ib William Weston, ft ranchman living irpntv miles north of FUhomlngo, I. fvrontv miles north t., brings a story of ft most horrible duel which was fought with knives by two Indians near his ranch. There bad been bad blood between tho two for soruo time, which bad started ovei a horse race. The Indians wcro named Sewapiand Nunecl.i They had n f from lighting several times by t be friends, but on meeting at a horse race . lcnq rnnwBf1 and It ttU .J nrrnnBmA , they should end iter b"y ft duel with knivfs. A arge crowd of Indians and iiaunrceas w(.ro prebcnt, ana a ring was lonueu. j,., mn had his second, who was nrmed with a Winchester rille, ready to shoot down any one who might bo tempted to interfere, The contestants wero stripped to tho waLt, and each was armed with two sharp knives, tho blades being about elcht inches long. When the men en- ,.",., . ,: tered tho rini? It was with tho under standing that it wosftduol totho death. Both were magnificent specimens of manhood, and they wero equally adept in the tifce of tlio knifo. Amid brenthlcss tilenco tbo combat ants slowly approached tho center of the ring. Thcro they stood for ft min ute gazing at each other, while tho silence was most painful. Not a sound could be henrd except tho occasional stamp of ft horso on tho outskirts of the crowd. The spectators sat around per fectly motionless, whllo tho duelists betran slowly to walk around each other, watching for ft chanco to catch one another oil guard. It was prob ably two minutes before a change came, and then it wns with tho rapidity of a lightning stroke. Sewapi suddenly inado n. leap through the air toward his enemy, and for an instant tho nir appeared to be full ol Indiansand knives, which latter Hashed in the sunshine like streaks of light. As quickly as they catuo together did they separate, and notwithstanding the rapid play of tho weapons It was seen that neither had received a scratch. Still, during the whole exciting scene, not a sound could bo heard except the clashing steel as it canio together. Slow ly the circling began again, and the glittering eyes alone showed that tho walk meant death. Soon the same leap was repeated, this time by Nuno chi, who seemed to fly through the air. The fight was fast find furious, and when they separated botli were bleed ing profusely. Sewapi had a terrible cut across his breast, whllo Nuncchi had tlio musclo of his loft forearm al most sovercd. Tito intermission was very short, and botli men sprang simultaneously to ward each other. Tho btrugglo was fierce, und suddenly a trip was given and Sown pi fell on top of his antag onifat. Tho lightningliko rapidity of tlio stroke and parry precluded tho posribllity of knowing who wns getting tho worst of It, until it was noticed that Nuncchi throw up his arms, stiffened out his legs, and was dead with a knife in his heart. Sowapi sprang to his feet, gavo an earsplitting yell, and then slowly sank to tho ground, witli blood gushing from a dozen wounds. Beforo a friend could reach him ho, too, was a corpse. San Francisco Examiner. AiilmuU Tlmt Uaed to Llvo Aces Ago. Of tho dlnotherium no completo skoloton hns been discovered, but it was doubtless tho biggest land mam mal that over lived. A full grown nknll of tills earliest of proboscidians, which had long tusks as well ns a trunk, measures tlvo feet from the point of tho lower teeth to tho top of tho head. Tho brontops, of elephan tine sire, had n head like' ft rhinoceros, with huge horns. Quito ns remarkable was tho sivatherium, a beast like tin antolope, but big as nn elophant, with two conical horns on tlio front of its head and two Inunenso spreading ones behind. Among birds wero waders ton feet in height, such as the dlnornls and gastor nls. Contemporary with them wero tho mammoth and tho mastodon, tho woolly rhlnocoros, armadillos nlno feet In length, and tbo saber toothed tiger, larger than the greatest lion of today. All that is loft of these wonders of animal lifo is found in deposits sucli as thoso of tho western lako beds. For years tho government bos boon engaged In excavnting their bones. Reno Bacho in Now York Sun. Grocer Wlm Ware l)reed lu Color. In tho early part of tbo Fifteenth century It Is recorded that the "Grocers' guild appeared In livery of 6carlet and green." A few yenrs later scarlet and black was adopted. Funoral services of deceased mem bers "wero attended with much 6bow of pageantry." At tho burial of Sir Philip Sidney, who was n member of tbo Grocers' guild, his worship the mayor, nldormen nnd othor clvlo olfl olals wero present, "rydlngoin purple." Harper's Bawvr. Million) rUh of Ceylan. Every bay and Inlet on tho coast ol Coylon abounds with musical fish. Then song, if it can bo called n song, is not 0110 sustained noto liko n bird's, but a multitude of tiny, soft, swet bounds, each clear nnd distinct in itself, some thing liko tho vibrations of a, wluo gloss when its rim Is rubbed with the tiioi. toned finger. In tho harbor at Bombay, India, there ts a fish with a soug like tbo sound produced by nn iEolIan haip. St. Lonls Republic Quick time ana through trains ottered paxomrora and shippers by tho Chicago, Union PhNIIo North western Line. San Freuuhoo nnd Portlaud lo Chicago, eod Aug Tho Coming Line. Tho Chicago. Uuton Faclllo A Northwestern Lino ollera the best nccotmuodatloua to tbo traveling publlo en route from San Putnclscn and Portland, Chicago. Thrcuigh tralusfAsttime, niagninc-nt sleetv MiKWM,v.VKH':iHJiglMrr.oolonit sleepers, reclining chair ear ana tundww day coach, rod -Aug. Vsn Take Xo Rink In buying Hood's Harsaparll'a, for it is everywhere recognised as tho standard building up mtdlclne nud blood purifier. It has won us way 1 to tm) fut ly Us own iutrlnslo merit, and line tlicJargeM sale of any jirepnratb'n of Its kind Any honest druggist will confirm misstatement. If jou decide to take Hood's riarsa parllla, do not be induied to buy anj thing else Instead. Be sure to get llootrs. Passengers destined to the promi nent cities east of the Missouri river should pntroulze the ( hicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern Hue. Mag nimwnt Pnllmim aud Wanner sleen- Id (Hira nlPfTMtll ruiltnan anu I Nrth western ciluli.fr cars, free re- c n )g c.ia.r XK pSllm!X coi0i8t hceiwrP. eod-oug Ituckleu s Arnli.lalve, Th' Host Patve In the world for Cuts, Uiuie, cores. Ulcers, 6Ut Itbcuni, reti tVir.lcitci.unnpi'ea iiunus, unpiiuij, Cor.ifl auaan Kin ktuiuioub, uu wr.i lively curt riles, or do pay reoulroi. It ID Btinrantecil to give perfect gatljiactloD or nioi-fj reftjadid. Price, J5 c-iU pr hox 1 K -5 iniicy rcstplo ml'erable, ana or' . u (t telf-itotructloii. Distress tit i 11 . sunt stomach, sick tie.iU.iclie .1 . , 11 ss ot appetite, a itntit "an g'' 1 . 1 i g Iad ta.de, cimtrci tongue, ana 11 iii.intj ot tue boneiH UltYQSO the more coiiitnou t; After t0,u3' 1'1'spepsla ") get well ot Usea. .t 1 E Sting muni .Mrctui, turrl : alt"..tloti, and ,1 i-enioJy i.ih! Hiou S p.irtll.i, which aitt gemi vci 'l..t. 'i It tones tlio stomach nr't rrei .t regulates the dltc-Uou. create gov. rj ippctlto. anil, by thus Ktfil welcoming tho loc.11 w " .. n-tniptoias, cures tlit V'tGUOf-ii. .c ncadaclic, ami refreshes tho frc.' tti"u "1 have been troubled with iljT' v 1 Jivl hut llttlo appetite, ami wh.it 1 Ul .j, i cat illstresTil me o. t.K-crc- ,e Utile Komi. Aftui . f3urn ,K 1 .,um ix'e. .(.. alutncss, or thai, all-niie fccl'i,. ;" ttiuagh 1 had not catui aiilhlug !' tiotiir, I 11 lulj, was " 1 .i nl 1.1 1 'mines!., lua.t.as, ami Iroia Lcl.iR nunc ' c-ss hhutup hi arom with fi p .re-h julnt. L st spthis eiw'w ., I tot k I.,cd's SairaparlKa tiOITJiC."i nd It did n.e ..n Imincno nwui el i'"' '. It pie mo sin appetite, and my Ln.t. .shed and satisfied tho craving I l...d -A uf-ly cxrcrlcnccd." Geoiiok A. Pace V..tLiton, Mass. K. J!. If you decide to t sho IIooiVs Sitr a parllla do not bo induced to buy any other Snood's SarsaparHIa Joldly dmg"!ts. gl; i!tforfa. Prepared liy C. I. IIOOU A. I O., Apotlicci.rlct, LomuU, l.aJ IOO Doses One Dollar. Radakiigh d Ciossin, State btreet Livary. UcBt Itlgs and Stock. Boarding and Feed Stable. 41 Mate Btreet. EX K. HALL, Paper Ilanger. I ave order ntiOlobe Real Estate Exchange GEO. C. WILL, ot Will ;Bro3., Albany Sand Corvallls PianosOrgans and Sewing Machines. sew'iko machines and oroans REPAIRED AND OLEANED At Your Homes Agents fot Northwest Insurance Co. Two dooi s north of 1'osl Orace, halem.Or. Nee dles and new parts Tor all Sewing Wachlnet 8.5-tf dw THE 'WILLAMETTE SALEM, Oil EG OX. Utiles, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day. The best hotel between Portland andHac Francisco. Klrvt-elass In all 1U appoint ments. Its tables are served with the Choicest Fruits Grown In the Willamette. Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. E. O. CROSS, and Packer. State St. aud Court St. The best mean delivered to all parts of the ell v. I i'l J I nofthebwt rcsidero lots tn the citron A , COURT STREET, -vtulheai.t comer of blocs. tiH3n UtP and 15tU streets, ono block Irom eleetili line, lour b'oekh from t enttruud HtatuHt ir llncwaml Kust Milam fchool Price fMOi f.ir Uitli i.rflWJOron-nruerainl Jlo tor In side Kach 1. 1 line 70 r"ot fivntuge on COURT STREET. tnqu roof tho OHKOU NU118KIIV CO., uitfcki-ir. fotu'l nnd ( henirk' tn Directs. titMlr. or of any Peal Kutate Arm m UwoJiy. 8 6 If L B. HUFFMAN, Livery Stable anJFeed Yard. The Bett Bx SUHi aiwt Cfrl In tie 1. Quiet, laiuUy botvtsHipectAlty. (In wr WllUmwtte IMxl ) SALEM. ... ORfQO; Dissolution of Co-iisrlupi-ship, Illr f""e"W MwltaWMlcaoi b tlrm auk bu)Hmi uod &S,..15-Se.t1?! .. m.u t aud R. K,H.NvOW Ite.l at Sifem, yr .Wig'S'imt s&u MIILLIIWCO., Merchant Tailors. . A run Ha w lmWrt) and dn.uo teWATO" ' " jlSS.trMAi.u ,be ta, $ rnilKnrmoX8awU4M U(llnlvf.HhW . yt jwrli4ruiii MUntw b !y. MlHOlKW, Ly inutiml mcmTt n K.tmMrtiHU3iiiiivriikj. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Oinuieritsi, L'uint8,0ilM and YVJiulon (iliws, V'nll Pa per nuil Lorilt'i', Arlisla Ma tcrinls, Linifc, linir. hntls mill Shingles, Hay. J-Vwl nnd i'enco l'osls. Oniss Kut-ds, Etc NEW AJJVEHTIHEMKNTS. 1 OU ItfcNT -fevrral good ofllco rooms ocr my oture oa utatottrtet. M.T. H1NKMAN. TTHlUNUv A lndleis pin. Uwiur con ee I' oaine b mlllngat this ofllco and pay fngcuaigfu. WANT'.D. iJidlcs or gentlemen to do llg t wurk, uo ainMuislug. wngea rrom yi n t-j por day. Call at my office tm lucol.iiely, youk Commercial St., up stain, room 11. HSUSi THIS Gicat Portland Industrial Exposition With lu World or Wonders Opens Sept. 17, 1801. Closes Oct. I7th. Music by tho great ZAPAOCRES BAND direct from tho City of Mexico. Art from the ere.it masters of Europe aud Ameilca, valued nt a quarter million dollnrr. Wonderful Electrical Adaptions in lull opei-Ulon. A Splendid "erles or Mineral Exhibit. EVERY DEPARTMENT Filled with Novel und Interesting In Art, Science and Industry. A arcitcrXumbcrorExhlblUthan eer befoie pieseuied upon tho coast. Tliv Stock Department made a Ptomi nent feature. ,5000 IN PREMIUMS. The Lai gut Dliptiy ot I'rjlt and the Klncht Exhibit of Agrlcultr uro cer inado In the 1 irjldc Narthwcst. Alllmanufactuihs in full motion. Everything Kew. So Dead Exhibits, The Ki position ol Exposttloi.s, t Admission as iibual. Greatly Ilcductd H-itcs for round trip on allfpasscn. ger lines. JjM 0 3 dw Now location. The J. C. Booth real est'iteofflco has been movtdoer Junes A Utruardl, New llufb bank block. Street Improvement Bids. VfOTICi: Is hereby given that the Cltj JL of Hnlein. Oregon, will tcceive bealed bids for the grading, draining, grnellng, curuing and guttering all the parts of Com. murcl.lt f-tree l belMeen thn kohIIi kldn nf UnlonSt.nudthenorth bank ot Mill creek: utu 1, iiiui. ynn, vi mmu birt'ct ueiween llie west side of . apltal 6treet und tue el ildfit Commerctalslreet; also all that part of Court street between the wi-t.1. Kirin m I npluil street and the west sldeofCommei- uiui ureti, an suua ca in tnel Ityor talem Cik on, according to the pluns aud tpeel llcaitoiin thereof ou tile tu tho otllce ol tin t lty surveyor of tne 1 ity ol S.ilom.Oregon A blank contract, bond and uudirmk log U also on fllo with said plans and sped-tlcMloi.-i', und the coutnulor will be re quired to eiecute them for the amount therein named, ntd u ill nlto be uuulrec lo gle good Hnd mil, dent nuctle.- nndu Mtn.tleut ni.lnbcr I hereof to be perfeUlj HHttsfiiclory tothemujir nnd to his up proval. Thuio shall be dcposl cd with each bid a check in tin 01 of 1 he l It. of Salem, Ore gun. for the sum of $UOo, certfltd to be good and bankable by some bank In the v.'ny.'tff'ulein. Ortgon, wl Ich said cheel. will bo due and payable to the ntv of Ha lem, Oregon, as fljied Mn liquidated dum agcH, In dvo the blddcrhliidl fall or in 7ir( to execute the coiitivct, btnd nnd utider taktiiguiidehthcf them and iduiw gotu fnhln all Hrticulrr In relmlon to hit ildb!dswIUbeotcnedby the eommti. Jeennorciln.'inre at tho olllce or the Cltv w!'"'.'yo.rof H'eCin of.s.iiein, Oregon, ai 111... lock a in of f, ptemlwr I', IM)1 n Hvleiii, Oivkoii, but t'tiwa ding of con 'rS.u1 " ! "- tnsdeby hr o iumn council Thetlij of-iiMii.UHgi.u.ind nUo tin coinmlltwo.ii.MliiHnitsrate.XfstUBrlEhi torjJeoinj.rul bliU aud .im to hold snldblds l r ".rptt,mo or i.tictlon tn, any time jut timdlng two w eks attc orenlngnlthesanir. m b? y order of Um" o'nnion counolt ot 831 td r. -... vl "" j. w. uui'UKi 1 Recorder. PAKM TOIISALE. .iS.'-'J' ofj' sUvoJc and fruit land lr Or. u.i fw tab nt a )aorln. will "l t , lot, Uibuttpirolaiier. Addrwsor call on NewrSllv rimkl'taiit. 7S3m i JU I)rnj.lit tm.l di I vlittr hor, es, jou ng ainliilil. lnijtilrt'iif O. W. ANDERSON. P.ilr Hnioi lley'l'liei'eTlirelicriiicii! If you need Buginetrlmiulnn, 4btfHt . brlcuto-, injectors, b"5J ' wter packln-. Check aud v-TJe Blow off cocks. DUGAX BROS,, ' 25c Want Cob ill, Woitll KALli INMKlinPVNTri tlMiueft luvfitcl v iiVii10 j? - iviiii. vji li mocd lif.r r.;.f .'"t lt. . also mrasurM takeu nd rnr."'!!? sa"i7 17UJ,&r-y!"t e m or .... . ' rJ-arar A buiiiKiCf. J! S quire nt m cond lioUf,c on ! unl fe " of Asylum avenue uner "tro,h?.a? " golnu to Asylum. "rop"lnK Inn., fat' l7S.t.SirA: bargain. a , . i. ujmi.,i:iBuiroirailOUlit harrtT,l o.id neatly pnpwrt, with to io?,nsbl ncr. llest locution In UnUeriivA.eS Apply to WUIIuujs & tngUiba ffll Rl,I'3 WA?'H7."r,V!uefiootot, n;crlls:"Wo"want"un ?7nd sold If ocountj agent fallt tniS?i aud ospinscsuf-eru thlrtt dai ' iri.i'fl a grnorul ngent less than i; vvrt!" send lnrgo Illustrated circulars nn fcH itba special oiler to bun teiriiorr . plle lor, on receipt of 3 1 ne cent t&J Appiyiuoncoanu gei m ot the uS AddKSH ItcnnerManufactiirin?.VS?- hnnr. I'A. 1.'"U g- ' UB If (i jiiai m immm J as. Batchelor, Prop'r, Warm Meals at All Hours ol Ity None but whlto labor em n. yed In in, eitnbltshinent. M A good substantial meal o km In Cm Tweuty-fivc cents per meal, RED FRO . T Court street, lumra Journal Uffloeiul Mir.to's 1 'very. I ihh. OK THK IjAltGfi.T rTA3U'l y mints In the Btatc. Lower rutettiM L'oriiuuu. iiicctit Bivutv J-.VKU1 nianiai tho state, a-d biggest discount, knit price Hat, or jou pnnung, arm cauion.r legal blanks. Tfc. M. WArft,' iu'i iiiuwr ruitum ijrvcfJB. For Sale Clieap 120 ACRES OF LAND 5 miles from Salem at$2jpei acre. Abut water. "Terms Easy." L.h.0 wiLLlfl opera House, CourUL-al J. G. HARRIS. R. A. MOOEi SALEM EATRESS COM. Leave orders nt the Club tables, cl block east ot I'ostoltfce. All ordert promptly attended to. Orcffoii State Fair, U ' Thirty-first annual exhlbltUn undern,! mnuogementof thu Oregon Stale lloardjl Agriculture, wilt be held at the Bt.iteftil giounas near Buicni, commencing oa Monday, Septemuer 14, 1891,1 And lasting ono wevk. OVER SI 5,000 IN CASH PltEMlLlIS Offered for agricultural, ttock and in ectu- i ical enions, irir worKs oi an HQ fancy work and trials oftpeed. Ilcducecl rates for fare and freight on il I transportation llms to and from thetal Important Improvements ha e been DiUe 1 upon ine grnuuusanuincieasea laciinap re onerea exnioiiors. Pavilion will bc0pen4Nigk in the M A splendid field ol horses enteicd In the speed department, and flue eihiblliol racing will be given each day. Kntrle-; lor premiums close Monday il 7.jp. in. ixuiuiiorsureurgeatnnuteu many of their entries on Haturday Uttt fair as possible. Goods, animals andutt cies ior exniDiuou must, no in tueir film uy lu p. 111. uu .uuuuuy. I'UICES OF ADMIBSION. Man's day ticket, J S Woman's day ticket 2 Man's season ticket 13 Woman's beason ticket ( Hendtnth06eciHtnryat J'ortlandfrfB, or to Geo. W. Watt, nssistunt secnSirj. Balem, for a premium list. J. T. Al'fi-HsON, president, dw-tf J.T. GKKGO.Seottuj A fine fruit or cake stand, with ttCT I can of the CKLKBHATEU OA-JCAw I BAKING l'OWUEIt, For sue by T. BURROWS, Nn. 22(1 Commerslxl St 8ll A. J. SH1MP, M. D,, Physician and Surgeon. Late of Philadelphia FIFflTRIfJITV ,IR THF TRUE EXEIl ufali Ohronlo, nheumatlc. Mood,?;1 nnd neruu3 diseases. Kvery yap" teniale diseases yield to eiecinaijj" 11 other modes of treatment baft f i"it t'ommerclul stieet. ELLIS & WHITia LIVERYMEN. Qm.V. r txrn.omattA Hott SALEM - - - OREGCSI $500 Reard! WKwlllpaythenbove reward M case of liver complaint, d IP?Si hea ache, Indigestion, consllptlMv wv ess we cannot euro whw '-'-, .ab oLlqer fills, when the d'rtCWJLf irict e compiled with. They art PJ v. getuu. and never fall to , tve j" tun. 8tgur coated. Large b ". nr .'.ft ni fi. 9K nMit. Heware "'!' 1 sand mltatlons. The g ;iulM 1 r.ictnredohlyby THK JOHN t Co Chicago 111. lrl fj I bold by Geo. E. Good, DagBlst,',, ireei,Jiem ur. vrij j nn.lMira. IXUIICU lO tll'iiiiuwal! TotheC'ountv Ctourt of AlarlpO w 8 ate of Oregon. . . vird t IiKhematterofthe esta'e of "JU IVIiiEleaud I'licrne T. l'r K'Si iMiico is nereuy given ujr n -,.m fxeiutonioftnolaat wll 8id U',, Vlnll K. Vrlugleuud Plre.L Jjr Mini linlrllnvrlnlnm mralnC tde8-' jrfS to prextut thi m with me p. W '"jisI within six months from iw"! notice to the said executor ; 3 tu John Hughes, Ko. HI State tre. Ulc:uu' n ,. imiinm. HAMLiKFAl iri.M5 Kxecutoni of tholaat will and jrtfjfl j deceased. . . ., list Dated, Salem, Oregon. Jun 'SL v t mi 1 if 'm vinmnmi i ul' W. M. DeHAVEN. Rn-ipilinrr nntl - S.1 6 - 28 One doorwetof Lunn nPiaJSTrt.! nnUtnlutKiAl OillMt fH 111 . til Ul attention paid U transient H I J. H. HAAS, THE WATOHVK -..,, ...... . 1W.WV" t3J utmroorvui ou, - - . (,Vt Utior W ,&"r. Pnnrtnl U Bi BSB' Q S i "W f? 5 ttrk, elelirt upcl J!'