Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 02, 1891, Image 1

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    Capital journal.
VOL. 4.
NO. 152.
-Tho fifth giand animal distribution of SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL SUPPLIES at-
rm-r-f mfnf y g-nwi.-
mtitm z&zzL2v&MA3C!S3a2iu1,j2zxaszmijuxi4jit.iAxr
At the State Street Book Store. 98 State Street.
KBSIKmillPit.7raBMgtCTwninerwmiLil wwnanminurrngmgrwi'" i!W!
Commencing Monday, Sept. 7, at lO O'clock:.
Old friends as well as new inyitcd. Our lino of Writing and Pencil Tablets for school purposes are superior to
anything we have ever distributed before. Call and examine for vourselvs,
Coine and examine our goods aud prices, We have hammocks as low as 45 cents. Croquet
sets from $1.00 upwards. Boy's express wagons of all kinds. Tinware, Brooms, Soaps, Matches
and all kinds of notions. This line of goods MUST be closed out in order to make room for our
early Fall stock of Men's. Vv omen's and Children's SHOES, HOSE and UNDERWEAR, which
will begin on arrive in a few days. Come early and get prices. It costs you nothing to examine
our jvoode.
J- B H - Q H lC BUB aSiig
Li la X? J & w y B 1 H p
CX&XS:S&S:..3Sr 5 OS3SXT3Eg3Xrg 261 Commercial Street.
In putting the finishing touch to vour toilet do you
always see that your shoes are in keeping with the rest
of your makeup 1 The shoes may beWbetter that the other
varments and still be appropriate, but if they are not up
to the raiment in style and quality the effect is unpleasant.
Shoes stand on their merit's. His stock is infinite in va
riety, excellent in quality, and moderate in price.
Successors to V. F. Bootuby & Co.
235 Commercial Street,
T1 !
'Jeti3iiSi-ESmSm i the I'Jieetri! llm. I lit v arc lor sal
IM-ii!!UMii!li!&lisSN L reasonable prices, on eas terms.
5013' ' )K&- lSs5llP 'and examine plan; go and fee t
- --.. yrvimr. .. V""1'. .rtr-t.M
Tho Capital Homestead Company
1- - V-
fs huildin' n number of new cottages
on largo lorn, In healthy location, near
property. Correspo
for Infants and Children.
"Caitorlaiseo well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Ancncn, II. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T.
Shooting Season Opens
If you want to buy
a ti d
"The use of ' Costorla b bo universal and
Its merits so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorse It. Fow are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Costorla
within easy reach."
Carlos MiRTTN, D.D.,
New York City.
Late Pastor Bloomingdalo Eef ormed Church.
Caatorla cures Colic, Constipation,
8our Btomach, Dlarrliooa. Eructation,
Kills Worm, gives sleep, and promoter d
Without injurious medication.
Very Remarkable Story Told
Truttworthy Fisherman.
"I struck a great snap Dshlng up at
Peewaukee, Wis., a fow weeks ago,"
said a Detroit drummer after several
largo, abnormally developed flsh stories
bad been swallowed by the little coterlo
that surrounded him. "A friend of
mine who works for an electrical con
struction company ut Milwaukee has
invented a eubmarino electric light,
nnd we went up to Peowaukeo to try
It. It worked like n charm. Greatest
bucccss imaginable. In fairly clear
water it js possible to light up the bot
tom of "tho lake for quite a distance.
Imagine lighting a big bonfire on the
bottom of the lako and fishing by the
light of it
"That's about what it Is like. Tho
whole operation is so simple that it is
queer that It was not thought of long
ago A strong battery is carried In the
stern of the boat The craft is rowed
out to the (Ishing ground and anchored
securely The submarine lamp is low
ered over the sido of tho boat and a
push upon the buttou does tho rest A
white light below renders all objects
within a radius of twenty feet of it
plainly visible. Then tho sport begins
In earnest
"The tish aro attracted by tho light
aud swim toward it to Investigate the
unusual phenomenon that has startled
thorn. Somewhat timid at first thoy
soon grow bolder and swarm about the
lamp. It Is the easiest thing in tho
world then to drop a hook right under
tlie biggest follow in the lot a Jork
and ho. is yours. No pole Is necessary;
u rt-ol is useless, no bait is used noth
ing but a line and a naked hook. It
requires no skill to make a Quo catch
and it's rare sport.
"1 spmt a couple of nights on tho
lake pulling out bass nothing but bass,
you know, because by tho now scheme
n man can pick and choose his tish be
fore lie catches them. Ho Isn't obliged
to waste any time in pulling out perch
and bluegilla when b.?'s angling for
bohs, you see, and he doesn't disturb
the little bass either. Great invention,
Isn't it?"
The silence for a moment was pain
fully oppressive, but it was broken at
length by Chief Clerk Paul Gores, who
inquired in a low, mellow voice, like
tho note of a wounded clay pigeon,
"When did you do all thfs?"
"Tuesday and Wednesday nights last
"At Peowaukee?"
"At Peowaukeo."
"That accounts for It then. 1 was
fishing at Peowaukee mvself Thursday.
Caught a good string of mass and had
very fair luck, but until this minuto 1
haven't been able to figure out bow it
happened that every banned ono of
'oni wore a pair of bluo goggles."
And the coterie immediately ad
journed for internal improvements.
Chicago Mail.
PlTJSf IftI!lT!
Canltal Journal Publishing Company.
Oil! eo, Commercial Street, In I. O. llulldlng
hJUered fit the postofllce nt Salem, Ur.,ni
second-clots n ntlo.
Tho utter failure of so-called proin-
lucut men to manage auy plan for
an exhibit for Oregou at tho world's
fair (after tho aforesaid p. m. had
coolly sat down on tho cflorts of the
press to formulate a plan that could
be carried out,) Is well touched upon
by President Samuels lu his address
at the Astoria meeting. He said:
"This brings me to the question
which last year about this time oc
cupied tho columns of nearly every
newspaper in tbo state, received
their almost uuauimoussupport and
waB finally launched by them on
the sea of popular favor T refer to
thoall-lmportaut Columbiau world's
fair. As usual, tho work was done
by tho newspapers and tho uoneui
ties got ready to absorb all tho glor
aud thunder of the enterprise, but
lu this case they grasped the helm a
trifle too early aud geueral grief is
tne result. In the vernacular of the
street, ''the craft Isn't iu it," aud
Unless you, tho power of the country
take charge of the cngiuo room,
pilot housoand purser's olllco I have
well grounded fears that tho Oregon
exhibit craft "will never be in the
mvIhi." Who of nil the meu lu
Oregon have a better opportunity to
know what should bo done at Chi
cago In 1803 than you have, aud
after ouce settling this portion ol
tho question go ahead aud do it and
let tho credit go to tho men who
perform the labor. Will you penult
that Oregou shall be tho only excep
Uonal state iu tho union which will
not bo represented at the work
fair, or aro you In favor of staudiug
together as ono mighty lnipreguable
Gibraltar on tho world'ri fulr ques
lion, aud by this united strength
overthrow every possible opposition
to an exhibit?
" For several years I have recomraendoc
your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to
do so as it has Invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. pAnDBi, It. D.,
' Too WInthrop," l5th Street and 7th Ave.
New York City
Tan Centaur Comimny, 77 Mmmir Street, New York.
go to
94 State
in Tvnnn
11 JJllvUi,
Commercial Street.
The Best for the Money all the Time.
She Stumped Ira.
Little Marjorie, from the city, is a
great source of amusement to her Undo
tra up to a certain point. Her ques H
tions ntauo mm laugh heartily until she
o-sfced about 100, and then thoy began
to mil. Here is tho way sho began
"Are you going to harness tho osen
now, Uncle Ira? What makes they
hitvo wooden bridles? Sometimes why
don't you drive the big pig in tho cart,
Undo Ira? Don't tho pigs over tako
any bath? When do tho thistles be
uiiy to mow? What makes this cat
nip prieklo my fingers so? (It is a net
tle.) "Uncle Ira, why don't thero bo any
boefsteaks up hero in the country 1
Don't you have any markets? What
makes you havou bunting sheep, Uncle
Ira? What makes only Just tho buuting
sheep havo horns?" About this time
Uncle Ira ceased to find tho questions
funny, and began to answer thuui with
inero grunts. Boston Transcript.
At St. Albans, Vermont, where
about 112,000 people had assembled
to meet tho presidential party, the
president, after referring to tho un
just trade restrictions and exaction
Imposed upon colonists In early days
said: "Tills battle for a market was
uover more general or slrenuouB
than now among all nations of tho
world, although not pushed by
Continuing, ho said that' Ameri
cans ought to send their produco to
foreign markets by methods of
peaceful aud prolltablo interchange
He then referred to tho probable
increased grain crop of this country
and tho defleiencka of a crop in
France, Busalu, England, Germany
aud India, and that this country
would probably be enabled to sell Its
grain to great advantage.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report.,
RlriVS P
Jl v asa 1
and that thero Is not olio citizen lu
1000 in America but would bo bo no
fit ted by tho largo reduction in cost,
and that greater accommodations
would follow tho ownership of tho
telegraphs aud establishment of a
postal telegraph Bystem by tho government.
Tho Uttlo syndicato of politicians
who havo parcelled oil' tho state and
will undertako to mako proper selec
tion of Republican candidates for
congress gets oil somo very queer
llgs. It volunteers tho Information
that Hon. H. B. Sillier, of Grant's
I'ass, will mako a public announce
mout In order to glvo other gentle
men an equal opportunity with him
olf. His equal opportunity may be
no opportunity.
Associated Press Report and
Digests of all Important
News ot To-Day.
State Poultry Association.
An important meeting of the
pnultrymen of this suctiou will be
held on tho fair grounds at Salem
on Thursday, Soptembor 17th, for
the purpose of organizing a state
poultry association. Every stato in
tho union has such an organization
while Bomo havo three or four.
Orogou has none. It Is desired that
overy county bo represented at thi
meeting, aud as many will attend
from Oakland aud vicinity us can do
so. Iu 1839 tho total valuoof wheat
rulseu In tuo United States was
$183,000,000; tho poultry product wat.
012,000,000. Poultry raising is or
of tho principal Industries of this
vicinity and tho meeting sliouUPuul
bo lost Bight of. Oakland Observer.
A. 1 AH3ISTR0NG, Manager. W. I. 8TALET Principal.
CS?Will reopen on Monday, Sept. 7, 1891. Students registered now.tDa
TNCI.UUliSBliorthana.Ty powrttlt.tr, Ji el
1 llnj, Urainmur, I'UIn WrltlntM.'or
respondonce, ManlfoUilui,', Lottrr I opy.
In if, llimlnens find Lejjul t'mmn, Business
and Otltce 1'ruoUoc.
INCLUDE Spelling, Grammar, Plain
Writing, Arithmetic, Correspon
dence, Commercial Law, Blnsle nnd Double
Kntry Bookkeeping, llanlilngr, Haziness
ForiiiR, UiiHlness und Ollco l'rnctlce.
Includes Beading, "Writing, Arithmetic, Spelllug, Grammar, Corns
pondence, Geography aud History.
('all at tlie college, or write for beautifully illustrated catalogue, free
Salem Track 4 Dray Co.
w HcewtateMtopiMWllflrin
lem Iron works. Drays and trucks my be found throughout the dav a'
tha corner of State and Commercial streets.
ays ready for orders,.
ami ueiiver wood
coal and lumber. Of
lice Btate St., opixwito Ha
Kor flpit-claaa hand made brick and tile,
Large supply on lmnd. Near fair
ground, Balera, 7 SI
To Lodi on Real ElUte Security.
Aeency I'aclflo States Bavlnrs, ixwn &
nunniug l.
Truck & Dray Line.
flood team, and
'prompt work ! oui
5.12 dw
"Tlie State."
Ami 0r 350,000 Dollar.
GEO. U. ISEELiXi, City Agent,
And medal ureal for Maroa county. Ol
Ceo yfihi Company.
Staple and Fancy Groeerits,
Crockery, aiaMWttre, Ijiinps, Woedet,
and Willow ware. All kind of mill fowl
Alko veveuibleudfrulu lu their krawn.
MIligbfcat l'rliwicl for country produco.'
We fcollolt unbare of your patronage.
Ituther RiiiicI) Illin.
It was a pretty little country girl who
rode down In n wadifeon avpnuo oar.
Tho city bred youth who escorted her
was evidently proud of his charming
companion, but thero was a shade of
embarrassment because she frequently
betrayed her verdancy. You could
havi told that she was a country girl
by Iter manner The city was now to
her, and everything sho did not under
stand hhe nhked about.
An the car paired tho Tombs she
cried delightedly .
"Oh, thero Is that lovely museum I
read about So thoy keep It open on
Sundays, do thoy?"
"Yes." replied the young man dryly,
"they keep it open Sundays."
"I roiiiuiulMir you wrote und told mo
you wero there twice."
There was a ripplu of laughter In tho
car. - New York World.
Boseburg Plalndealer: Suleni Is
to havo a fruit palace. It will prove
a great attraction at tho fair.
The intelligent portion of the state
press appears to sustain tho state
railway commission in reducing
A trained bear lu Buusla got
drunk and killed three persons luits
efl'ortb to obtain more whiskey, It
Is straugo how like human beings
fcomo brutes can act.
Oh, Heavens) iu addition to.
carrying on tho tarlfl controversy
all through the dry season, tome
Oregou editors aro starting up (tin
uussiou of tho mortgage tux law.
ilaallne af all klnda. Ben work.
Wagon at every train,
All lliliix-ent Luuklw; Muazlno,
The queerest umbrella In Now York
Is owned by Police Captain Thomat
Hell ly 1 1 is made of tho finest silk and
has a Imudhomo utick and handle IU
peculiarity is that tho xtick Is really q
breecliloadlng gun barrel, and tho han
dle U a trigger and hummer combined.
When the ferrule Is unscrewed tho gun
Is ready for use. One hundred loaded
cartridges mid 100 blanks complete the
nttlugn of tills extraordinary parachute,
New York Sun.
The Lebanon Kxprcbu has this
plain statement: 'The editor on
account of financial embarrassment
was uot ublu to attend the editorial
Mhsoclatlon which met at Astoria
this week."
Goulleinvn of UUura.
Kind IJidy What a nice little girl
you urul Ik your father iu bunincta It)
this city?
Uttlo (Jlrl lluslnendl My papa
doesn't havo to bother about bunlncsa.
"Ah I Gentleman of lelxure, then I"
"Yjui. He's a detective. "Good
rire anu i
Halenj, Orton
m iv mm
O.W.KBKLKH, Agant.
Anexchaugesays: "If 1WM) si ran
gers should now go through I'olk
comity, fWO of them would call it an
exceedingly goodly laud. Go which
wny mi will aud thoylold of grain Is
siirprldltig." The tithcr fifty would
probably beenterpilxlngfaull finders
from some poverty-stricken Eastern
The Central Point Enterprise
speaks thus of tho Mrs. Lowry, who
was enabled to have her leg ampu
tated by tlit kind Intercession of
charitable persons at "ialem: "This
Is tfio poor lady who a few of our
charitable ladles supplied with
clothing and money to go to Port
land. The knowledge that their
deed of kiuducsH Is rthultlng ho
favorably will more than repuy the
trouble uud vexation thoy were
forced to undergo,"
Pacific Press; Every mi binned
reader knows that tho Western
Union telegraph monopoly receives
nearly a million dollars a year In
tho United Stales ruoru Hum u reasonable-profit
on tho actual coot of Us
operating plant; that It coats ou un
average more thuii three times as
much to Bend iiicsiagea in this coun
try as It doe lu Great Britain, where
tlie governiueutowu the telegraph,
Oregon Cntitied Fruit.
During last week tho Salem Can
nery Co. received orders for all the
fiult they can put up this year, from
Hoston parties, at tho factory prices.
Tho order has Interested many peo
pie outside of Salem for It lndlcati
that the fruit production of Oregou
will now havo a markot. The dllll-
cnlty In the past hits been tho lack
of market for the fruit that can I o
siJ easily raised herti. The old or
chards were allowed to go to ruin on
this account, but now the railroad
have opened up "the states" as a
market for till wo can raiso, That
fruit raising Is to bo the business
Oregon uny close observer will
qulokly discover. Tho Important
and uccetMiry thing is a sum mar
ket, aud that will be found ne soon
as tlie qualities of our products art
known. When fruit is put up It:
cans it will stand tho test of time
and transportation, and there Is m
reason why Oregon fruit should not
go Into tho markets of tho world.
In the handsotnn Septcmbei
Magazine of American History tlit
feature of foremost Interest lu Gen
eral Meredith Bead's concluding
chapter on "Tho KpartaiiB of Paris,"
which is oven more rcadablu than
tho part issued last month. Tut
personal sketches of well-kuowi
men of letters arc invested with lift
ami color, u brlllluut group Indeed,
ami among tho welcome portrulii-
given art) those of Owen Meredith,
author of Lucille, and M. Jules
Simon, whojust now attracts an ad
miring public. It Is a splendid
number of a poriodlcal that always
gives Its readers something out ol
tho usual run of monthly publica
tions. It fills a department of lit
own iu literature. Subscription
price fo.00 a year, Published ut 743
Broad wuy, New York.
Kaiser William, in response- to the
eurneilly expressed request of many
of his subjects, has promised to imij
an early visit to West Prussia.
Merit Wins.
Wo desire to say to our citizens,
that for years wo have been selllnu
Dr. King's Now 'Jlscovury for Con
sumption, Dr. King's Now Life Pills,
Buckleu'ri Arnica Salve, uud Electric
flitters, and have never handled
leuicdlc that sell as well, or that
have given such universal sutlsfuc
Hon. Wo do uot hesitate to guuruu
tec them every time, uud wu stand
ready to refund the purchase price,
if satisfactory results do not follow
llielr use. These great remedies have
won their greut popularity purely on
their merits. At I'ry's Druggists,
Aro You (Joint- Cunt?
If so, bo suro uud we that your
tlokels read via "Tho North Western
Line." TheC.Ht, P, 31. & O. By.
nils Is the great short Hue from St.
Paul or Duluth toull points cast und
south. Their magnificent track,
peerless vcstlbuled dining uud sleej
Ing air trains, uud their motto,
"always on time," has given this
road a nutlonul reputation. All
clashes of passengers aro curried on
tho yesUbuled trulus without extra
charge. All lltfket agents dell
tlukois via this lino. Ship your
freight uud travel over this famous
road. V. II. 3Ihai), Uuii. Agt.,
No. 4 Wash. Ht, Portland, Or.
A, J. LutiANU, Truy'g Agt,
Vamwhaiso, Sept. 2-Order Is
gradully belug restored iu Chill
Geueral Basquedano litis been rec
ognized as president ad interim of
the republic by tho members of the
junta here, aud Uttlo doubt Is fe't
but what this action will be ratified
by tho members now ou route from
Iquiquo, Tho government troops
tit Conception, Talcahuauo and
other places.havo through their com
manding ofllccrs, notified tho eon
grcssiouallst authorities that they
have finished fighting, and are
ready to oboy orders from tho junta,
und only Coqulmbo promises to
make trouble.
All that remains to be done now
Is to put down the cases of disorder,
bring to trial such of tho Batmacc
dlst olllcials as him been guilty of
outrageous acts of tyranny, aud pre
pe.ro for tho elections, which will
again glvo tno, republic an unques
tioned constitutional government.
Sovorul prominent government otll
elals vlll be shot today after a trial
by martial law. Balniaccdti,sotllo!
tls at Coqulmbo havo cut the Ei
i,'lish cable thero aud havo refused o
surrender, and will makouilgh'.
Tho Esmeralda, with tho Lyucl ,
goes to Coqulmbo tonight. Trans
ports will follow.
Tim first and so far tho only exe
cution which has tho appearance i f
having beeu boen promoted byr
venge, occurred huro yesterday. Tho
Procurator Fiscal, who prosecuted
he cases against tho men who aro
alleged to bo In a plot to blow up
tho torpedo boats Almlrauto Lynch
and Coudoll, aud tho transport Im
pcrlale, which resulted lu tho exe
cution of Cummlugs uud two oth
ers, was taken out and shot. There
havo been other executions since the
occupation of tlio city by tho con
grcsslouallstH, but thoy havo been
of moi who wero guilty of stirring
up act of riot ami incendiarism,
fho most promtnont of tho men
thus far killed on this account Is
Leon Laviti, editor of El Commcr
lo, who was caught lu tho act ot
llstributlug incendiary literature.
Ho was executed with tho Bcmbi
tnco of a trial.
Tho presence of political rofugees
m hoard tho American uud German
warships lias been tho cause of sev
eral conferences and much lll-foeling.
Among the mora prominent of thoso
who havu sought asylum aro Don
Chuullo Vicuna, who was elected to
succeed Bulmaccda as president;
Senoi's Bunudos, ex-minister of wur;
tispluosa, ex-mluUter of the inte
rior; Dumlulgo Godoy, ex-minister
of Justlco,Miid Oscar Viol, ex-luton-
dauto of Valparaiso, Much iudlg
nation Is felt both in olllclal und un
ifllniul circles that these men should
bo kept from tho authorities. A
formal demand was made for their
surrender ou Admiral Browu und
i he German aim I nil by l'ntendanto
Jonqulin Martinez. After a consul
tation tho naval ofllccra informed
denor Martinez that thoy would do
olluo to surrender tho men utiles
proper guarantees were given that
their lives would bo sufo until they
had a fulr trial. Thoy wero thou re
quested by the tuteuiliintu to furnish
a lint of all tho men who had sought
refuge ou the warships, so the proper
oillclals could decide which should
receive the guiranteo.
This list was furnished ut a confer
ence held between tlie two admirals
and tho refugees. The former
promised that all of them who wero
uot guaranteed proper treatment
would bo put iibounl u steainor nnd
sent direct, to Peru. Arrangement
have been mudo font conference be
tweeu the admirals uud congression
al leaders to finally dispose of the
refugees, and It Is generally thought
that the plan to send thorn to Peru
will lie ugrced ujmhi. The French
ad in I ml refused to harbor any of the
Ex President Ualmaeeda left Buu
tUico on Saturday by rail for Los
Andes, about thirty iiillos northeast
of tho capital. list will unquestion
ably try to niiikt) UU way across the
country to the Atlnntlu coast. JIo
Is now pructlcilly beyond pursuit,
uud his man formidable enuny is
the cold t'f an Andean winter.
Nbw Yoick, Sept. U,Tlio Her
aid's special from Iqulqtie, Chili, via
Galveston, Tex,, s.iys: Tho news of
-aritii ! 1 ' i in .mfTiii i