,nvppq7FriiMlnl.ijwMivjpiiuk ' WVMI 'tr- iSi3.: t .,,! - IHIWI IB-CT 5" 99S9SC lb popk MgAtnut httn toy dfllver Ing AncaihiiigMrmoti on theWlckcit nwof 4uttrr. ?o direct allusion wumxto f Mr. IViMtell, Imt Hip 'WnNfftifon nnden.iwMi Uhi wnj iiwtn( ttti WTcrat imititftifiit 1W- neltitett ev-ely denotim-ecl (It1 btobofi after tlio wirvlcca wcroowr forhfacvlifcutRttemiittobollltliHlH bMi hauler. The proPtc!sare that fMr4i will Iihvo nn cnlhuilastltJ re oeplkm t Tuain. EDITOR bRAlt. Itfem)Kf Hopf. 1. Jiov. J. V. Oinmteacl, editor of tho Watchman. A Bjpilsi il'nion'iiatluiijil puper, dimA m SlbUobetiUr-by-Beji yester- A rKTACltKUTtJKNB OlUSUNAK Mjbmvius, Teuu., Sept. 1. The JteV.S.C. Stoue.au ex-prenclicr, whe has hnd cbargculii n lialf-uozenplncw In Tennesieo, Mississippi nud At karisas, and who was at one time presiding elder In tha Greenville dis trict ofTUIfMiftsIpiil, hasbecti urn-sUd on n eharao of ursnu. Mr. Stone c.iiuo to Memphis six months up aud Blurted a st-.rogo wnreboUBf. which wus destroyed by flroitniontl ago. Ho ujjalu slur too in liuslt on Jpliorsoii street and llro wo discovered In tlila plue tjtiiidu night, which tho deparlnient sup pressed with IrifliUK ilutimge. Slow wuseeeu leaving the Btoruo house r few minutes before his place of buM Meff"waB destroyed. This aroused suspicion which led to bin arrest. Ho uiufccs no denial of tho char. and says be Is a victim of the mor phine habit aud started both flre while under Its Influence. Martli Anthony, a negro employed In Stone, was also arrested. Ho aay Btoue bus asked him several times t Are tho place, but he refused. TO-OPEKATIVE ItOAUDINa IIOIISE. DiCOATU'lt, HI., Sept. 1. Tho De catur Co-operative Housekeeping Club.or tho Bellamy boardlng-houee. na it Is commonly culled, has col lapsed. This project was aimed ( put In practice some of the theories tif Bellamy, has been written up in all tho housekeeping and women' papers in the country, and a mini ber of people have come hero from u distance to seo how tho scheme worked. Ten or twelvo families rented u dlnliig-room, hired a houe keeper to take churge of tho servant aud paid the expenses of furnishing board to the members of tho club. It was a success for a year mid a balf, but the novelty wore oil and this fall so many of tho meuitiere coucluded to set up establishment of their own that the few who arr left did not care to keep up the club, bo they disbanded. ANOTIIElt PAHAC'IIUTE VICTIM. CniCACio,Sept. 1. Professor Hurt, a parachute Jumper, was fatally hurt Sunday at Sprlug Grove Turk, lu this city, while attempting to muko a balloon uscenslon. The bal loon had Hhcu about thirty feet, when tho rope became entangled lu tho bruuebes of u tree. Hurt was on a trapeze bar, aud when tho balloon began swaying ho lost his hold and fell to tho ground. His right leg was brokeu and ho sustained other Injuries which will cause his death. LAHOE PIItK. . NAHAaAN81JTTl,IEIl,RJ.,Scpt.l. At 2 o'clock yesterday tho night watchman In tho Itocklugham house discovered tho hotel was on lire. Tho 160 guests lu tho house weroall gotten out safely. Eloven pf them will low heavily, as trunks thrown from tho windows spill ou tho walks, and n hard ruin falling wet tho contents. The (Ire began from an open furnace, aud spread to tho roof by t no elevator. Tho local Are company did hard work, aud saved tho building with a loss of $20,000 only, which was fully covered by Insurance. Tho guests must h&vo lost us much more. A light wind prevailed, and the escape of the Casino, the Gladstone uud Clark's hall from destruction Is miraculous. ll.VSH IMLLO.VMIld. At Chicago Chicago 0, Now York 0. Game called ou account of dark ness after tho eleventh tuning, At Cincinnati Boston fi, Cincin nati 3. At Cleveland CIovcIuihI-. Brook lyn 0. AtlNUbburg-VhlladelphlaT.l'Uls. burg 3. "August Flower 9? For two years I suffered terribly with stomach trouble, and was for all that time under treatment by a j&ysicJau. He finally, after trying everything, said stomach was nbout worn out, and that I would have to cease eating solid food for a time at least. I was so weak that I could jtot work, Fiually on the recom- ntcudntiou of a friend who had used moio or less ecriotuly, Tho canto of your preparations j tho accident Is supposed to be due to A worn-out with beneficial re-j expansion of tho rails resulting front suits, I procured a heat. temach. bottle of A u g u s t , ,MTUlianvE fihe. iccd using it 'T'seemcd ffl "T, Ti V7.!!r good at once. I gained in "f ! Jurt J 1W i ni strength and flesh rapidly ? my ap-' of ?" ""', lo petite became good, nud I suffered mI ot Uu Standard OU works, no bad effects from what I ate. I The uxtqnt of Hie tiro cannot U fctl now like a new man, and con. loomed at preoiit, thuugli It W re eider that August Flower has en- lfl (hero has heon an uxpltwlou tJwly cured me of Dyspepsia iu its d burnlugtal n running luto tho worst lorju. Jamks 1?. Dhdkuick, river. aiWrtics, New York. i It was Uuruod ut u late houryea- W. Jl Utsey, St. George's. 5. C, terday ufleruoou (hat the tiro wus ooudlUon of aflalia lu Ctdua Is now writes; I have used your August ooulluedto on ttUI, and tho Joj w, BmVu u,nt th emperor eon Mower for Dyspepsia and find it an will prv-bubly uniount tu about J3Q0O. nuwhigthp atlvlnahlll y of calling it remedy. w NOTHING FROM EGAN. A Hold Train Kohliorj'-Baiik Itolihcd-First Shipment of Wheat. A BANK ROBBER LYNCHED. Attempted Murder and Suicide, The Park Place Disaster, Barge Collision, Rifles for China, Rail Road Accident, Trial of the Larg est Engines, State and Foreign News, Etc. NOT A WOftD FHOM ROAN. Washington, D. C, Sept. 1. Not a word of news has been received regarding tho state nflalrs in Chill at the state department from Minister Eagan. Tho officials of the depart ment arc at u loss to explain tbit retlcciicoou tho part of the minister, except upon tho theory that tele rruplilo communication between Valparaiso cable terminus and San tiago, where Minister Egan reelde have not yet been fully restored. TUAIN IlOHHKllY. Canon City, Sept. 1. Seven men held up the east bound Bio Grandi train Inst night, near Cotopaxl. Tin (irettian was relieved of a fine gold tvatch, aud then forced to pick Un lock aud break In the door of the baggage car, under Are from the ex prefs messenger. Express messen ger Angel made a determined resist mco and used his revolver to good advantage, but whether utiyono was killed or not Is not definitely known. The light was a fierce one, though It lasted only a few moments. Masked men, then under a threat of killing him compolled tho messenger to open the safe, from which tho rob bers took $3000. Horses were In readiness, aud as soon as the robbery was accomplished, tho desperadoes llled to Wet Mountain Valley. Ttiey did not disturb the passengers A posso was summoned, uud are now in pursuit. BOLD ItOHIlKKY OK A HANK. Kansas City, Sept. 1. At Nor dura, a small station on tho Alton road, in Layfuyetto county, a daring bank robbery took place yesterday. The bookkeeper was out on busi ness, when two men rodo up to the bank, dismounted, walked into tho bank, shut tho Moor and locked it, before tho ca&liler nulled what was iioing on; then at tho polpt of a re volver ono man kept tho cashier quiet whllo tho other tooic about $700, all tho cash in sight. Tho rob bers then mounted horses aud lied. THE HOllHEU LYNCHED. Kanbah City, Sept. 1. Ono of tho desperadoes who robbed tho Corder, Missouri, bank yesterday afternoon, was captured lato last night and whllo bcliiR taken to Lex ington, a mob of enraged citizens took (ho prisoner from tho officers and lynched him. Tho robbor gave his name as Andrew Murrell. About one-hulf of tho Btolen niunoy was found lu his possession. Tho other robber Is being closely pursued. THE PAUIC PLACK DISASTER. New Youk, Septal. Tho Inquest Into the cause of tho death of those who perished lu tho Park Place disaster, commenced today. Tho testimony of witnesses so far ex amined, confirm tho theory that (here was no explosion, but that tho building collapsed from the great weight of presses aud other ma chinery ou the various floors. COLLISION ANU LOSH OK LIFE. Detroit, Sept. 1. The steam barge, Jenks, ludon with stono, was run Into nud sunk lust night, by an other barge, owned by Hawgood it iVyery, of Port Huron, Mich. The wife of Captain Jon lis, tho engineer, aud a Ill-email, were killed lu the collision. ATIEMITEDMUMIKII AND HUIUIDK, StLouih, Sop. 1. Whllo George Anderson Supt. of the Madison Car works was walking along tho ap proach to tho Merchants bridge this morning on his way toMudlson, Warrou Colbott, an ox-employo of tho earworks, shot and painfully wounded him lu the hack. The would bo murderer then put a bullet In his own head expiring soon after wards. Colbott was discharged a short llmoiigouud that Is supposed to bo the cuote of tho attempted murder. ItAIIiltOAD ACCIDENT. Davihviu.i:, Cal., Fept. 1 Train No. 11, uniylng at this place at 3:30 yesterday was derailed near Bwluglu's station, An engine and four cars weru ditched. Tho baggage, postal, purlor aud smoking ears were badly wrecked, uud the Hrt coach tipped, Postal CloikQulin by was killed, H. N. Clark, parlor car porter, hud u leg broken In two ulaces. Koverul others wore InJuriMl iimultov a dhunkun bimikk. BAN. Fhan(H80), BepU I, Johu I E. Magary, contractor, llvlug at 1239 Valencia street, died from mor- phlne poisoning. For several days ho had been on a spree, and couldn't sleep, so his brother got a box of a dozen mnrphlno pills of one-eighth grain each. Magary took all at one tUie. Tho doctors worked Ave hours to save him, but in vain. TUIAJ, OF ENGINES. New Yokk. Sept. 1. A exhlbi tlpn trial of tho engines of the arm ored cruiser Matuo was given yester day on E-ist river. The engines ot the Maine arc (ho largest of their kind ever built iu this country. The trial was eminently successful, HIIOEMAKKIlfl ON A STUIKE. San Feancisco. Sept. . Forly men struck at Orln, Jones & Co.'s shoo factory yesterday, owing (o changes made lu the w&go schedule by tho firm. IN LUCK. New Yoiik, Sept. 1. Constan tino Ashargen, a young man who has been a millionaire twice, and Is now clerking for $10 per week, Is In luck again. A number of years ago ho Inherited $1,000,000 upon the death of his father, a wealthy man ufacturer of Athens, and proceeded to cut a largo swath. By the time ho was tweuty-flvo years of uge he was penniless. Shortly after. hlt mother died, leaving him another million. By dlllleent application, ho managed to squander this lu eight years, whon ho came to thlt country, lauding ut San Franc-hco, aud beating his way to New York, where he has since resided. Now au undo In Alezandria has died and left him a third fortune. Constan tino says he will tako cure of this one. HOTEL FAIIiUltra. New Yokk, Sep. 1. An Atlantic City Speclul says tho failure is an nounced of tho three largest hotch here, tho United States, Congress Hall and Cambridge. Very few particulars can yet bo obtained but the backward season is suppos. d to be the cause of the failures,. S T A T B. THE KIIIST SIIII'MKNT' Pohtland, Sept. 1. The ilrst cargo of this year's crop of wheat leaves tho port of Portland ou the British bark Comadrc, under the commanff of jolly Captain Doran, today. Tho wheat comes principally from Umatilla county, uud also partly from around Walla Walla. It was forwarded by Hamilton & Ilourke, aud amounts to 43,545 bush els, contained lu 10,228 sacks. Tho cargo Is ouo of tho llnest ever shipp ed from this port. The quality ol tho grain Is extraordinary hand some. RETUllNED I'KOM IRELAND. Portland, Aug. ill. Patrick O'Farrell, who has just returned from Ireluud mid in uii Interview Saturday. "There Is little or no money in Ireland; It has all been drawn away. Ireland pays every year, in rout, to English ubseutce landlords, $00,000, 000, and iu addition to that vast amount over $40,000,000 In tuxes. Tho country Is drained to tho ex tent $100,000,000 a year, and that drain lias been going on for u con tury. You must remember tint this amount of money has been druwn from n country one-third the size of Oregon, uud consequently sueh a withdrawal would impover ish tho richest country iu tho world. Tho struggle which has been going on has been ouo to retain that wealth at homo aud to spond it there lu tho building up of factories aud Industries of all kinds, for tho benefit of tho people; Its object Is not to ullow Ihls money to benefit people living In another country. "From this fact It will bo seen that the homo rule fight Is us noble aud patriotic a struggle as over was fought. "From what I saw aud learned I thlnkaflulrslu Ireland are improv ing, becuusc the laud Is now being transferred from tho absentee aristo crat to the peasant by various laud purcluHng bills, nud England has allotted $2,000,000 for that purpose, Ireland Is u land of vast resources, aud under home-rule government would support a lai t,o ui.d prosper ous population. ' FROM KUCIENE. KlKiUNE, Bop- 1. Hop picking commenced In most of tho yaids in this vicinity yesterday morning, ami thousands of pickers aro now engaged In gathering tho crop. Some damage on account of the lice Is reported, but a fair yield will pro bably be f-uved, Tho market Is very dlM'ouiaglng lo tho glowers, and buyers are refusing to advance the eont ol pluklug, ouiieniiiiil of which, somoyaids will not be picked. Wild was reeelvid fioiti Deputy Sherill Day last evening that he hmlcopturcd Hen l'lillllw, the ab sconding debtor, near Jellersuu. He wus i-ypoeitd home Monday night. An miMUTOffful attempt was made to break nut of the county jail h, llvepihoneis who uro await ing trial. They are allowed the liberty ot the large corridor, and with u kuw- miulu of a eusekulfo they were cutting aud digging their way through the Meno when discovered by tho dttyuty sheilll. FOR HI UN. itm.iw nut china. London, Sept. I. Advlwu re eclved here announcing that the out thoenttro mllltar. rveo-irov-s of the empire. Ifooiupuljvd lo tjo o he proposes (o plvo the troops tho be typo of smill arms (hat can be procured without exhaustive experl- meuting. The commission will also endeavor to obtain some light field batteries of the latest pattern. If the Lee gun Is manufactured In this country, as It will have to bo If accepted, all consignments of arms aud munitions will doubtless go via San Francisco. Tho Leo gun is an American invention and was sold recently to the British war ofllco. Tho Lee company has already sold to the Chinese government 50,000 stands of arms of the Lee 43 calibre Spanish model. This is tho same arm iu use to some extent aboard the naval vessels and revenue cutters of the United States service all Lee guns am of 45 calibre. Loudon ofileials of the Lee com pany declare that if the Chinese wish Leo arms delivered at. once they will have to tako cither 43 or 45 calibre, as it will require ut least nine months in which to erect the tools for tho manufacture of any smaller bore. Ths company, on sell ing Lee 43-callbre to tho British government, entered Into a contract to make no more aims of this calibre. This prevents any foreign power from using British ammunition. In England the Chinese commis sion will be ablo to seo the Loo gun in actual use by tho troops, and this is what the officials desire, rather than listen to the representations of Its ugcuta. If tho commission selects tho Lee guns, which it was thought yester day In London was extremely pro bable, an order will have to be exe cutcd lu this country aud at the Leo shops at Illon, N. Y. In this case the demand for 500,000 pieces will be the biggest order ever undertaken In the United States since the close of the war, MARKETS. San Francisco, Hep. 1. "Wheat buyer; 1891, $1.73J Season $1,821. Portland, Or., Sep. 1. "Wheat valley $1.65, Wulia Walla S1.47J. Chicago, Sep. 1 At close wheat was firm, cash 00 J bept. $1.09, Dec. $1.01 J J. Wheat opened veak nud lower this morning, December which closed at $1.04 yesterday opened ot$1.02J$1.03 aud by noon bud sold oil' to $1.00 after numerous fluctuations). Portland, Or., Sept. 1. Wool, Eastern Oregou, 18f'l7; vulley, 1820. San Francisco, Cala., Sept. 1. Wool, Oregon valley, 2224. i ., 4 i WEATHEVLREPORT. San Francisco, Sep. 1. Fore cast for Orgon uud Washingten: Fulr weather. You Tako Nu Itisk In buying Hood's Sarsaparllla, for It Is everywhere recognized as tho Mtaud-ird building-up medicine aud blood purifier. It has won Its way to the front by its own intrinsic merit, and has tho largest sale of any preparation of Its kind. Auy honest druggist will confirm misstatement. If you decide to tako Hood's Sarsu purillu, do not be induced to buy .untiling else iustead. Be sure to ijel Hood's. HOTEL ARRIVALS. "WILLAMETTE" T S Brooke. II F Putnam. F 11 Anson, E F Willis, E E Miller, O W Miller, It It Rofes, E B Wicks, D II Smith, II Allen; "WEinlielmer, S Morgan, F Lultzzon, Mrs C J Vcrue, Portland. O Dodge, Myrtle Point. W II Stanley, Cleveland. T Rothschild, S F. M S Wallls, T II Thurston, Eu gene. W C Boutree, S F. E N Braokeu, II Y. J Honuessy, Wash. W W Paruell, Taconia. W Flyun, Silvciton. F WTownsuiid, McMlnnville. OcoWKulght, Albany. - "COOK." (Jo) Lesley, Lebanon. AM Mitchell, Portland. T C Tuttle, Albino. WMTatom, Sheildan. DE Shiauk, Aumsville. P (1 Murray, Gervuls. J II Cooly, A U Cooly, Whltacre. J J Smith, llolse City. Frank 11 Lynch, Salem. Mhs A Marnaoh, Albany. Ilfwaro ol'tlintuifiits fur I'atarrh (lint Cuiitiiiu Mercury, as iiiBrcury will surely destroy the seiiKo of smell uud completely de range tho whole system when en tering It through tho mucous sur faces. Such articles should never be used except ou prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to tho good vou can pi salbly derive from them Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K.J. Cheney Co., Toledo, ()., cumulus no mercury, aud Is taken Internally .audacls directly upon the blood and mucunus surfaces of tho system. In buying Hall's Catairh Cure bo sure you gi-t the genuine. It Is taken internally, and made in Tolo lo, Ohio, bv F. J Cheney k Co. Sold by druggists, price 7fi cents per bottlo. Eaui.v and Late. Tl o potehes that everybody likes are tho Craw fords, and the placw to get them In any quantities I at KarrarA CVs. Buy tho light running Kiugcr at 327 Cnnimcrolnl street" 'end Tlir Oomius Mui. Tlio Chicago. Union Pacltlo A Northwestern Ilu oflors tho U'st acoomiiKHlatlona to tho traveling pulilloen route from San Fiuuelsett una roruaiiu, umcagu. iiiniuuu t ml lii, fast lime, iugulllntiit !' k lngettrs,eleguntdniiiiftMrr,tMlonUt sleepers, ryollnlug uiialr curs and Ijgudsouip dav ctvtehuB. eod Aug. I ON As usual the Woolen Mill offered in the Underneath all competitors Hun a .Vegrn Out a Holiday. A favorite name of the Virginia witch Is Sally duo to the fact, prob ably, that ono Sallie Slate achieved great fame In this region years ago through her Infernal arts. She was guilty of many ugly tricks before she turned old Casar her neighbor's hired man into a horso and went foraging upon Its brawny back. He was a strange negro from Georgia. Ho had never beard of Sallio Slate. But the vory night ho arrived at his new home ho was visited by her, so ho declared when daylight came. " Press Wawd, massa,"' said he in relating his Adventure, "an old 'oaman wit' red beard nn a hump on her back camo to tue las' night 'Git up,' she ses; an up 1 hipped. Den she straddled my back nn I went a pacin off seech as I never seen no bos do aforo. She rodo into n co'nfier, an we didn't stop for no fence, but trabbled up a shaft o' moonlight. " She Oiled a yaller bag wit' co'n an den make me kerry oil heron de co'n to a littlo house np yander, whar a whole yardful o' black cats meow-ed us a welcome. Den she gun me a slash wit' a black snake whip an ses 'scat,' nn 1 tuck to my heels and paced home. Yoh can't 'spec' mo to work to-day, massa; I'so too fagged out." Of course he was ullowcd a holiday. Chicago News. TIib future or Storneo Ilatterlef. There are fow electrical appliances that elicit sueh widely varying opinions from olectricians as tho storage battery. Soino stoutly hold that for traction purposes tho accumulator will never be reduced to n commercial basis, while others just as emphatically maintain that it will inevitably bo tho almost universal sourco of power for city elec tric lines. Do this as it may, tho stor ago battery will unquestionably come into general use for lighting In tho near future. As a reserve whon tho machinery breaks or Is at rest, or as u regulator when running. It insures that tho con sumer is never left in tho dark. Build ings hnvo been known to havo been lighted for flvo or six days by storage batteries, whllo for totuporary lighting, for concerts, bails, etc., they form a convenient method of installing, at a short notice, tho electric light, while dispensing with tho noiso of running machinery, accompanied by the ordi nary amount of smoko and dirt. Now York Telegram. Tho Spirit or Kngllali Football. It is entertaining to listen to tho ob servations of foreigners upon our na tional gamo of football. Hero it seems as if our character was objectively epit omized. For a mere piece of leather to risk broken necks, heads and limbs in so reckless a mannei I And yet If herein ono does not discover a very direct descendant of tho chivalrous crazo of tho Mlddlo Ages, I doubt if any such descendant may still bo said to exist. Our forefathers, soveral centu ries back, do not, to us, seem very wlso In their habit of going about lighting with each other on behalf of the black or tho bluo oyes of their lady loves. Hut thoy did it with the samo zest, and probably got as inuoh satisfaction out of it, os our'modorn fellow countrymen in tho honor of winning their game. All tho Year Hound. The Duke'a Way. During tlio occupation of Paris by tho nllies in 1815 a French marshal shouldered an English colonol from the sidownlk Into the street. Thoretipon the Englishman, bqing forbidden by a gonoral order of Wellington's to givo a chnllongo to or accept ono from a French olllcer, did what ho considered tho only thing loft him knocked tho French man down, and later refused him satis faction hi n duel. Tho latter then mado a formal complaint to tho duko, who, to sootho tho inarshal's feelings, sent i written reprimand to tho colonel, but in it IuoIomhI a cordial invitation to dlnnor. Now York Recorder. Storage "f Heat. A lako has n, wondorfully tempering elleet on the climate. Thus, according to M. Forel, tho quantity of heat ac cumulated In the lako of Geuevnduring tho summer of 18S9 was equal to that givou off by the combustion of 31,000, 000 tons of coal, or the amount carried by a coal train 1,130 miles in length. Tho greater part of the heat Is dis charged Into tho nlr of tho valley dur ing tho cold season, thus producing a milder temperature In autumn and win ter. La Famlllo. Una Suiulujr'a 1'lcatur Cruwd. As to Staten Island tho development thora is simply marvelous. This is bebt Illustrated by tho simple statement that ou ouo Sunday the receipts of tho Rapid Transit railroad wero $3,000. As the faro Is ton cents, this means 60,000 fares, or 40,000 people, a. larjjer aggre gation of humanity carried by this little rood than by any surface road In tha world. Erastui Wlmoa In Baltimore g,, . Store is on Top of city hSU bM? tho 3S1JT when it comes to prices and qualities of goods at the ' 299 Commercial Street. Tho TVorttl Enriched. Tho facilities of the present day fe: I the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlim ited, and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring-time or, in fact, at ray time, and the better it is known the more pooular it be comes. Quick time ana tnrough trains ottered passemrers and shippers by the Chleago, Union Pacific &North western Line, San Francisco and Portland lo Chicago. eod Aug If von are nervous or d vsneDtlc try Car- tcr'H Little Nerve Pills Oyspep-la makes you nervous and nervousness makes you dyspeptic: either one renders yuu misera ble, und llieso lltt.e pills cure both. Aty friend, Iook here! you know how weak and nervous your wife Is, and you know that Carter's Iron I'ills will ii lleve her, now why not bo lair about It aud buy her a box? A woman who Is weak, nervous and s!eplcs8 and who has cold bandsand ltet, cannot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron I'ills cqullzo the clrculnttou, remove nervousness, und give Htrcngth and rest. M-Ucs many people miserable, and ofte lc. il-t to self-destruction. Distress uf -..ling, sour stomach, sick lieaUacnc lie..' mm, loss ol appetite, a mint, "all gout ctllug, bad taste, coated tongue, and irn ; ularlty of the bowels, at DiStrOSS tlio moro common si AfQf touts. Dyspepsia docs l get well ot ltseit. it u Eating quires carelui, pcrsl-fc itti-ntion, and a remedy like Hood's S... parllla, which acts gently jet stilcifi'i:; It tones tlio stomach and otlin orr -regulates tho digestion, cioates r gooi. aj ippctlte, and, by tliu StCK 3crt-omlng the local ' . lyinptoms, cures the HCOOCUC icadachc, and refreshes tho tired iniua "1 lmvo been troubled with djspcrsia. I had but littlo appetite, and v. hat I Cm (...(, eat distressed mo, or die MUatt" me nttle good. After e.-t l)Urn jug I would experieticp alntness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as hough 1 had not eaten anything. My rouble, I tl.Inlc, was aggraated by my justness, painting, and from Lelng more o ess shut up la a room with Q o 11 1 rcsh paint. List spring e. . I took Hood's Sarsaparllla StomaCn ind It did mo an Immenso amount of good t gave mo an appetite, and my food icl shed and satisfied tho craving I had pro- .lou-dy experienced." Geokue A. Page V;;tci town, Mass. N. B. It you decldo to take Hood's Sar- .nparllla do not bo Induced tobuyany other. Hood's Sarsaparllla oulbjrdri!gi;lt. Pit sixforf.J. Prepared ly !. I. HOOD .V CO., Apothecaries, Low ell, linsa. iOO Doses Ono Dollar,- jrfpPWlQS oktjs jjsTjcyrm Both tho method mid results when Syrup of Figs 13 taken ; it is plensant and refreshing to the taste, nnduct gentlyyot promptly on tlio Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tlio sys lem oflectunlly, dispels colds, Iieatl ichea and fevers ami cures habitui' lonstipation permanently. Foi'bhIp in 50o and 1 bottlca by ali Iruggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CC The New Blacksmiths SPRAGUE&HILGERS, Sueressoni to John Holm, cor. Commer tn and Ohemekctn streets, Kalem, Horse uociiiB a specially. -lutr Notlco to Creditors. To the County Court of Mation county. 8-jit of Oregon. In the ln.mcrortho estate of Virgil K. Pringloand Pherue T. Prlugle, de--sed, Nottro Is hereby glv,n by ibvuudcnlKiied oxeoutora of Hie la-t will mid ttvtament of MrgU K. 1'rlnglniuid PherMe T. Priugle, deomsed. to tlicr6.1l tors of and a:l per soiu hold I Hi; claims igtlnvt the Mtiti tv.tate 'o prwent th 111 with Itie proiKjr vouclicni within klx months from the dn e of this notice lo the wild oxecutors at lli-j htore or John ltugh,Ko. Ill State strwt, Salfm, Oreson, GEO. V. HUOIIK3. II AM I. IN KAIIUITSSMITil, hxoeutnr of the hist will and ltUment of trgll K. Prlngle uud Phwno T. Prlnjle. deett. lUttrd. ailcin.Onven, June IT. 1W1. S 5 OO Reward! WKwllt pay the above reward for any (of nvyr w-mpltt.nt, dykWrwiu, nick J tudaoh. 'udtssifctlou.cotutliiaitiinor cos livrutM n-f rmnot cure wltw west's W eltableUer PIIK when the dlreothn un urletleevinpltri with. Th- am purely vwftubl, and uoverten to give Jit tul "' MuwrjwBioJ. Urge boxes, contain. lucWiillKWemif. tuwre ef counter. 1U Ufld ill l.l'L.ll. Yl.J ,.n..l. ......' tlAlM'. KM l.v TIIV TI.VlW .. ,?. lOj-ihioiM.' ""' rmyjs largest stock of Oregon Clothiuo of Salem iiuumuuiniin'noe JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries. Painls,Oils and Whitlow Glass, Wall Pa per and Ilorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails und Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW ADVEItTISEMENTS. WANTED. Ladlea or gentlemen to do light work, no canvassing, wages rrom js to &i per ay. oui at my omco im mediately, 300X Commercial St., up stairs, room 11. S 29 3t New location. Tho J. C. Booth real estate office has been moved over Junes & Bernard!, New Uujh bank block. Street Improvement Eids. NOTICIl Is hereby given that tha City of Suleiii, Oregon, will receive sealed bldslorthe gniding, draining, graveling, curbing uud guttering all the pans of Com lueiclalstieei between the south side ot Union St. and the north bank olMlll creek; also all that part of Htate street between the west side of Capital street and tbe wot side of Com merciai street; alsoall that part of Court street between tbe west side ol Capital stieetnndthe west sideof Commer cial street, all iltuaicd In theClty of halem, Oiegon, according to tho pluna nnd sped ilcatlons thereof ou (Do In the office of thi City Surveyor of trie i lty ol Salem.Oregon. A blank contract, bund nnd undertnk- iug Is also on tile with said plans and speci fication!;, and the contractor will be re cjulred to execute them for the amount therein named, and will a ho be required lo give good and sufficient sureties nnd a uhiclcnt number thereof to be perfectly satisfactory to tho mayor and to his ap proval. Ihere shall be deposited with each bid a check In favor of the fit of Salem, Ore gon, for tho sum or $1CCJ, certified to be good und bankable by some bank in the City of Salem. Oregon, wblcb said check will bo due and payable to tbe city or Sa lem. Ureisni). "s fixed iiinl llriuidnted dam ages, inciielbebiddtrslinll lall or neglect to cxr cute tin. contract, bond nud uuder takluiraud eachof them and show Kood faith in all particulars lu relation to his bid. Said bids will be opened by the commit. tee on ordinance at the office of tho City surveyor of the Ultv of Hatem, Oregon, at luouucKn. m. 01 sepuruner 11. iBin, ai aleni.Urccon. but the uwardlnir of con tract is to bo made by the common council. ' Tbe Citv ofSalem.OrCEon.and also the committee on ordlnantcs reserves therigbt 10 reject Hny or an mug unu niso 10 nom said bids lor acceptance or rciectlon for anytime noi exceeding two weeks alter op'-nlne ol the same. Done by order of the common council of Salem. Ortcon. K. M. (JOUDEL,!.,. 831td Kecoider. Draught and di Iviug horses, young and old. Inquire of G. W. ANDERSON, Cook Hotel. Hey There TlircsliHcn! If you need Kuglno trlmnllnsH, Jsliht feed lubricators, Injectors, Steam or water packing. Check and globe valves, Wow off cocks, 11 use, hose, Or anything else for your engine at Port land prices, call ou DUGAtf BROS., 29H Commercial street, And we will fit you out in flr.t class shape. E. C. CROSS, and Packer. State SU anil Court St. Tho best meatt delivered to all parts of the city. THE- WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 por Day. The best hotel between Portlaud andSju tranclsco. First-class in all lis appoint, ments. Its tables are served witu tbe Choicest Fruits Grown Iu the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. yataigli tii Crossaii, State Street Livery, . Heat Rigs and Stock. Hoarding and Feed (stable. II State street. EX K. HALL, Paper Hunger. laveorderat Globe Heal EstateExchange W.M. DeHAVEN, Boarding inI Sale - Stable. uim - loai One door wet of Lunn" Dry Doods nnhlate street. Oulet family teams, lalattontlon piid to transient stock. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKER, JlSXCcmmertUISt, lem. Ortre. (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty of Spect-vcle. and rtpalrin Uock, Wtche ana Jewelry. . rtpalnn over WOOLEN MILL STOKE .mil' MPffkjSfUXKaa auwuo.5, 25c Want Column, Notices tnseited era iuscneo 101 iijjh i-vT 0 EACH INt-KlaiON yiT,Ja '.V1 HaW ,u tllls '"".mn to? I WUlll) twine than twenty-Ove routs. TV L moved her toi'set store dt.wJt.' lK.MOVKP.-Mnt. Frank Coiptr order. & Commercial Ntrred.ncxtini.11 ports. I ."o- 211 T.VU s M;. bout one ucre of landui I1 bum, with rui.lt,K ter In rSJM bum A btiiulifnl 1. !itlonfrnhnffii 1? ttlieiit ci)U(l boii'ftM rl.'lii h... ' of ADylum avenue niter crossing brS' goliiK to Asylum. ?Jf l TfOli S.LK-t u bargain, a pleas V h m.e, eight room house, hard fluS nnd m-i'ly Hip.Tert with to lots on J utr. Ue.-i lm-jlui,ln LiilvirMtj .Vdaiih Applv 10 imams & IinpIaLd baukiil com nan v. " qj.J: . v vv m WANTLIi Our agents -nnUe SlOOto Ja a mouth telling owt goods on tt merits. We want county and cm; agents. nnd v.-llltiifo l?ck all gnodi iv oiu 11 uiouui iiftni lulls in i.ear H nd exptnsesal'trii tlililj '.njs' trial,, a general agent less than J'tto. Wevp end Initio Illustrated drci hits und iu with a speclul offer to tuit territory piled lor, on receipt of 3 fiiicccnl tUmi Apply at once and get In or tho b-o Address Kenner Jlanufartorlng rolin burg. 1'a. 17 dura Capital City Ikstainl Jas. Batchcior, Prop'r, Warm JHeatal Ali flows i km Nena but white Ihbor eru,i( "yedlnail establishment. .iJ-rfvi. "'"""n A cood substaunui nica; n 1,., . .... Twenty-flve cents per meal. RED V RO T Court street, bctwc-eii Journal Oitcs tu MIi.Io'h Ltvery. 0KK OK THK LARGEST ESTABLISH ments In the Sbtnto. Lower rates than Portland. Largest stock Legal Blanks U the State, a-'d biggest discount. Send fa price list of Job printing, and catalogued IcgDl blanks. t. M.WAllT tnm Prlntir Hal era Orwcin. For Sale Cheap. 120 ACIJES OF LAND 5 milfs from Silpm at $25 per acre. About 30 acres open, balance Umber. Goodeprfm water. "Terms Kasy." LEO WILLIS Opera Bouse, Courtstrect. J. G. HARRIS. It. A. MOOflE SALEM EXPRESS COAIPANT. Leave orders at the Club stables, one block east ot I'ostoltlce. All orden promptly attended to. Oregon State Fair, I Thirty-first annual exhibition undertti mnnagementof tbe Oregon Htate Boardot Agriculture, will be held at tbe State Fail grounds neartialem, commencing on Monday, September li, 1891, And lasting one week. OVER SI 5,000 IN CASH PEEMUMS Offered for agricultural, dock and mechu leal exhibits, for works of an and fancy work nnd nials of (peed. Keduced rates for fare and freight on H transportation lines to and from the Mr. Important improvements have beenmadi upon the grounds and increased lacillus ure ollered exhibitors. I'avilien will be 0pen4Nigli,s in Hie TOA A splendid field of horses entered In sieed department, and tine exhlwl"' racing win ue given each day Kntries for premiums cloo MonW 7:10 p.m. Exhibitors are urged to maw many of their entries on Haturdsy t fair as possible,. Goods, animals antf cles tor exhibition must be In tbelr p by 10 p. 111 ou Monday. P11ICE3 Oif ADMISSION. Woinnii'a (iay ticket ,J Mau's beiison ticket f5 Womnn'u i.fiiifc.M linuat Hen d to the secretary at Portland, Ortf r to Geo. V . Watt, assistant secretin" wucm, lor a premium usi J. T. APPEItsON, president, dw-tf J.T Gr.EGG.SccrtW GEO. C. WILL -J of Will Bros., Albany i'and Oorrsu Pianos, Organs and Sewing Macta SEWINOMACHINE3 and OKOiS' RBPAIREDAND CLHANB At Your Home Agenu fotNor1hwcstInsurauc0t.JJ doors north of Post Office, "'i'flhM dies and new parts rorall sewing bw" X&-U Aw , A fino fruit or cake staiid. Jltf can of the CELEUHATED CAUW" HAKINUPOWDEK, Forsaeby T. BURROW No. 22 CommerIal BU, A. J. SHIMP, M. D.i Physician nnd Sun-eon. Late of Philadelphia J uriTV tc THr TRUE EU" cirrTuiriTV lc THF flfnll I'hmnln TlhauUiatlC. HlOOd. BrtS and nervous dlseafea. Every Chronic, v'Ktf female (11eM yield to f".' '",, ' jus uifeit. 'r-!-...!, a 7 all other modes of treatment . t- ,,fji Thirteen years clinical experience n Kfl IVimman-lil street. " ' 259 Commercial street. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN- ..i South ofW SALEM in. Tot