Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 31, 1891, Image 3

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'vniY . An-fSl'Sl lfl.
,MIM Of UIKllTlo.N
WIS K ..?' KfAonfiT.:
JC.i!t hr ill"'' PBr """ -
' ."'. " ...li .r r.jir.
. ... .viruv UY OAKMEtt.
(Wily fornlnulf JJ". Ag .
Oollect oils wni yc please Iwive
of "'.Wo'r rr e" nt Uou e or hrr., t
iJw re&lvH the nfternoon aafoolnted
prens mr
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
Persona leaving town for the
springs, seaconst or mountains, can
have the Daily Jouunm. sent to
tlieni without extra coat, by leavlug
orders at the office.
Married At the residence of
Mr. ana Mrs. N. W. Silver, the
bride's parents, near Turner, on
Sunday, Aug. 30. 1891. Elmer E.
Uarzee and NanuaJ. Bllver; Hey.
W. T. Vau Scoy oJllelatiug. Mr.
Barzee has lived for bevural years in
the vicinity or Turner, and s one of
our thriving young farmers. He Is
oneoflhe leading members of the
Turner oirnet bund, atid he stands
high In the community for his in
tegrity. Miss Bllver has been well
known in Turner, and has been con
sidered one of the most excellent
young ladies In this part of the
country. Both have done exceed
ingly well. The wedding was an
eDJoyablo occasion. A fine dinner
was prepared and the guests were in
an unusual good humor. Many
congratulations were extended to
the happy C0UPle- They will reside
on the farm three m'les west of
Turner. The following Is a list of
presents: Mrs. J. A. Silver, bed
spread and pillow; N. W. Silver, a
horse; Mrs. 0. Jlnrmc, silver butter
knife; W. M. fcMegmund, carving
knife and tongs; Mrs. W. M. Sieg
muud, set of silver tea spoous; H. S.
Young, silver napkin rings; Eva
Silver, fruit dish and silk haudker
chier; Fannie Silver, set of napkins,
Winnie and Chester Silver, a silk
handkerchief each; Addie liaizee.
uet of goblets; W. T. Van Scoy. crate
of strawberries when they grow.
Tun Fruit Palace. Secretary
Greu'g of the stale fair writeB The
Jeukal: "I am delighted with the
idea of the fruit pd.tce. It is a
move in the right direction, and will
be the best advertismeutof the fruit
interests and possibilities that Oie
gon ever had. I feel so much Inter
ested in the success ot the move
ment, that although I am hardly
able to contribute any thing towards
it, I wish you to put me (low n for
$5 which I will hand you as soon as
I come up. I only wish T could af
ford to contribute more. I shall be
In Sulem, on Monday, the 8th to n.
maiu until after the close of the
fair. I sincerely congratulate you
In the interest vou are taltine In the
success of the fruit palace and of the
Poor Walks. Poor sidewalks
are undoubtedly as unfavoiable nn
advertismeut for any city ts poor
streets. In this respects some
parts of Salem am well adver
tised. There are now several weeks
before the Blate fair and the worst
parts of the city could be put in
repair by that time, so that the
many thousand visitors might not
get so unfair an impression of our
Equalization. The county
board of equalization Mill be in
session at the court house all this
week. It Is composed of the county
judge, county clerk and county
assessor. They can reduce valua
tions but not raise them, so if any
conscientious citizens aro laying
wound to swear up the value of
their property they are liable to he
disappointed, unless they put Iu ap
jwance, or have a three days notice
MNtdon them.
That Arrived. Tbo wheel for
the waterworks that did not arrive,
tbat was to have arrived and when
It did arrive was to have arrived for
Botne one else if it arrived at all, has
not yet arrived. When it does ar
rive The Journal will inform the
public of its actual arrival, and wo
may be permitted to remark that it
will not arrive until it gets here.
Ml ' m i
Pensions Alloweln The follow
ing named gentlemen have been al
lowed pensions during the past
week through the agencv of Capt.
D. C. Sherman: Flnley Perrine,
Salem, Allowed JS 00 per month
from Aug. 6, 1800. Sell) H. Benson,
Stayton, allnwed J8.00 per mouth
Aug. 5, 1600, Otho dinger, Salem,
allowed 512 00 p.-r month from Aug.
3, 1800.
Don't Got Citowj. No, don't ,but
"AOU Want m minrriur !piL-. 'mut.
boil or cold pleee of meat or any
thing elhe in that line, don't fail to
ran at K. u. Cross' State or Court
street markets.
At Actual Cost. The Capitol
Adventure Co. are closing out fine
clothing, hats, shots and gent's un
derwear at actual cost to them, tf
They Say That Brauson has
the finest watrnielon iu the city.
rife the Mali iruiu.
the cash grocer.
Fnlpnis nnd Alttinns Hare Two S'piritail
Untiles Mlli Hall ant! lint.
A small crowd witnessed what
proved to he an exciting guine Sat
urday. The score Is nn Interesting
Score by inntngH 12 3 460780
Alliums 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 4
Salema 02010000 03
The pitching of Jacobs was aston
ishing lu all its foatuus. He struck
the euemy out repeatedly once ou
six pitched balls, once on seven and
several times ou ten or twelve.
Booth at first and Collettat second
made great plays.
Tu game was tied at the seventh
luuiug, and lost to Halcms in the
eighth by a mi-Judged decision of
Umpire Potter when ho called
George out at homo plate ou close
slide, ou a hall which tiio catcher for
Alblnus had uot held, and Mr.
Potter did not see for the cloud of
dual. He would have been perfectly
excusable for reversing his decision
as the fact became known to all and
wus admitted even by Ike Albinas.
As it was it gave them the game,
and established Umpire Potters
reputation- for extreme fairness to
By hard batting and great run
ning the Salems gathered in a trio
on the first round and George, the
new supply pitcher was received
with cheers, which he justified by
retiring the visitors, 3 to 0.
The second was signalized by line
playing, hard work and no scores on
either side. Brown displaced his
art by coveriug the inside corner of
the plate in a very precise mauuor.
In the third Salems got 1 ou Ander
son's great sliding powers, and re
tired. The goose eggs came in thick
and fast from this on until in the
fifth, when excellent playing got in
two for the Albinas. From this on
the game possessed iutense interest,
-jalems went into their famous
seventh and took out one. Iu the
elgbth Alblnus put their catcher iuto
the box to relieve the regular who
was badly lamed. In the eighth
Salems took two more and Albinas
went down before the combine. Iu
the ninth each side scored two more.
The game closed with a 10 to 4
score. The regular pitcher for the
Albinas, Hiteshue, was disabled at
close of third inning, and Abrauis
was substituted. This split made
the visitors weak. They ottered the
Salems two very good matched how
ever, and will always be welcomed
here as a fine lot of players.
Hunaway.-H. W. Corfper's farm
team was being fed by Harry
Ralph, when they for the first time
in their lives they jumped Into the
air and ran half way around the
block and broke the wagon tongue
by colliding with a street sprinkler
on Stale St. The boy had only one
line to guide them with and stopped
them quite bravely before any great
damage was done.
Exi'iOTKD. The new dynamo,
double the number of horse power of
one at puseutln the powerhouse,
and two new Wftibule cars are ex
pected now every day as additional
equipment to the Capital City Rail
way. The new cais are understood
to have removable sides so as to be
mado into npin cars when wanted.
Prorate. In estate Ann Masher,
deceased, C. F. Masher, administra
tor, final account approved and
estate closed.
Forgery. Wm. M. Caruahan
was arrested Friday at Abhland on
complalut of H. S. Simon, of Salem,
for getting $5.00 of tlib latter on a
worthless check. Deputy Wain has
brought up the delinquent and it
will cost this county and state sev
eral hundred dollars to right Mr.
Simon's indiscretion.
Gearhart Park. Quito a large
number of Portlanders Hrestoppinc
at the Gearhart Park hotel. The
finest seaside hotel In Oregon, sit
uated ou Clatson Beach. Amonir
other characteristics it is the awsem
bly grounds of the State Chatauqua
Assembly. The depot of tue South
Coast Railway is in the Park.
Amos St rone is nialclrjK his guests
comfortable at this popular resort.
The postoffie address is Gearhart
Park, Astoria, Oregon. Box 453.
The Blues. Bill Anderson has
certainly got the blues for onco in
his life. If you don't believe it, just
behold that paint put on his front
(the front of his building) nnd you
will be convinced. His friends hope
for his early recovery.
Stone Jars. Now If you want a
superior article in stone jars smooth
and artistic perfectly made, cell on
Clark & Eppley, 100 Court street.
A Safe Investment.
Is one which Is guaranteed to bring
satisfactory results, or in cape of fail
ure a return of purchase price. On
this safe plan you can buy from our
iirtvertlwu nrinrmsisa ooiuo oi ur.
.vine's New Discovery for oiiiHUrap
tion. It i guaranteed to bring re
lief in every case, when used for any
iiU'poilouof the throat, lump) or chest
Mich as consumption, iuflamatlon of
lungs, broucbltis, asthma, whooing-
cougn, croup, etc. if is pieasaui ano
agreeable to taste, perfectly wife, and
(wn iihvnya be depended upon. Trial
bottle free at Fry'B drugstore.
The Coming Line.
The Chicago. Union Paclflo it
Northwestern Line oflere the best
accommodations to the traveling
public en rome from Ran FrancUrn
and Portland, Chicago. Through
trulus, fust lime, luuuulflctut fahvii
lug caw, elegaul dining carr, colouUt
keepers, reclining chair cars and
bandspjiw day ooaches, eo4 Awr.
New York quotes hops of 1800 at
18 cents r..r very best. There are no
offers at Salem nnd will be no quota
tloiiB hpr until the new crop is
T 8. Walker, a shoemaker at 105
State, who kept his watch hanging
on n null iu plain sight, was relieved
of It Saturday by a clover thief. He
valued It at $20 and will hereafter
keep a clock or carry his watch out
of sight.
Elder W. L. Cowden, of Tacnmn,
Wash., the Christian evangelist, of
the Northwest, will preach at the
Christian church touight. All are
cordially invited.
Rev. White (colored), preached to
a good congregation at the M. E.
church yesterday ufternoon, and
says ho hopes to be able to organize
n church for his people In Salem, I
Wednesday evening this week.
R. M. Pinkcrton, the house paint
er, has just treated himself to a
beautiful watch charm, representa
tive of his trade. On a medallon of
flue gold are raised figures of brush,
dusier, putty-knife and ladder hook,
iu dlflereut colors of gold alloy. The
whole rests on a sp.trkliug back
ground of gold frostwork. It Is a
ulce piece of handiwork produced
by the skill of Jeweler W. W. Mar
tin, where 1( may be seen for a few
8. T. Northcutt, who owns the
State and Front street livery, is
home from a prospecting trip to
Boutheru Oregon, and has a pocket
ful of gold iu various forms.
The cruelty of fustening a horse
up iu a vehicle, harness, headstall
and theu tying the animal to a post
and lettiug the flies torture it, is ap
parent to the horse at least.
S. P. Wilson, presiding elder, has
gone to join his family at Newport.
Mr. Moody and wife, who have
been guests of the ex-Governor,
returned to Philadelpniu today.
Mr. Davis, clerk of the state land
oflice, spent Suuday at his old home,
at Shcdd's, Linn county.
S. A. Clurke was down in the city
today, for the first time since his
sickness. Dr. Reynolds tells film it
will be his fault if he does uot live
ten or twenty years.
Mayor Chadwickand wife, of Col
fax, arrived in Salem this moruiug.
Adjuster Heeler, of the Slate Iu
surance Co., Saturday settled the
loss on the Henry Carter residence,
east of S.ileni, at $1000, full amount
of policy.
Mrs. Dr. Cartwright and sister are
home from Mebama.
WInsor & Newton's ordinary col
ors at 7J cents per tube, nt Geo. F.
Smith's, 307 Commercial street.
Choice home grown melons and
cauteloupes. Sroat & Gilo.
Heuiy Downing btarlsout to-day
to thresh the grain on hi? Waldo
Hills larm. They report immense
crops out in that section.
Mis Cora Bean who ln.a been to
San Francisco, and Miss Clara Ram
age, who has been the guest of her
uncle at Seattle, are both buck to
the post, at Calvert's.
Oscar Fei'hter, of the Corvallis
clothing house, is lu the city.
Mrs. Z. F. Moody is at Port
Towusend, visiting her sou.
Policeman Dllloy brought John
Dee before Justice Goodell this
morning for drukeu couduct and he
was fined as usual.
Albany Herald; The matter of
properly representing the great fruit
interests of the state is to be taken
up by the state fair through the en
terprise of putting up a fruit palace.
Minnesota at St. Paul has au annual
ice palace, Iowa at Sioux City acorn
palace, and it is flltiug that at her
annual stato fair, Oregon should
have her leading Industry represent
ed by a fruit palace.
Headquarters for fruit of nil kiuds
in any quantity. Sroat & Glle.
Judging from the way Hillen
brand's meals make your mouth
water, what won't his cold drinks
Wheat, oats, bran, shorts, hay and
all kinds of feed cheap as anywhere
in town at Brewster & White's,
Court street. 3t
Schedule of steamer Three Sisters:
Leaves Portland Mondays aud
Thursdays at 0 a. m. Leaves Balem
Tuesdays end Fridays at 8 a.
m. 8-18-2t
Pressed chicken for lunch, choice,
at Sroat & Glle's.
n. Pohle is still at the foot of
State, on Front, opposite the foun
drv. McCrow & Willard are ns usual
pupplied wills the very best variety
ofpalatible meats, fresh and cured,
also a superior article of homo ren
dered lard, strictly pure.
The WorM Enriched,
'luc facilities of the present day foi
Jie production of everything that will
conduce to the material welfare and
confort of mankind are almost unlim
ited, and when Syrup of Figs was first
produced the world was enriched with
the only perfect laxative known, as it
is the only remedy which is truly
pleasing and refreshing to the taste
and prompt and effectual to cleanse
the system gently in the Spring-time
or, in fact, ot any time, and the better
it is known the more popular it be
comes. Passengers destined to the promi
nent cities east of the Missouri river
sunuKi patronize me unicagu, u moo
Pacific t Northwestern line. Mag-
1 niticent Pullman aud Wagner elre-
jng cam, elegant Pullman and
Northwestern (lining can, free re-
i dining chair can. handsome day
i coaches and comfortable Pullman
oolonUt "lecperp. exxl-aujr
J R Bennett, New Y -rk.
Geo Morebouxo, Albany.
J L Stoakes, wife ami child, Sli
verton. Capt Russell, 8eattle.
W B Craft, F B Glnn, E F Ogll,
Win Clark, J Duncan, San Frau
cisco. Mrs W L- Maddox, M O Potter,
.1 A Workman, Alblna.
J MiCarely, L Baylor, M Mason,
Ella D Harklne, Portland.
W H Hart aud lady, Boise City.
M S Wallls, Eugene.
C W Simpson, Denver.
M Pomeroy, Reform school.
J L Roberts, Salem.
Johu A Wallstrom, Concordia.
J Slerboune, E Zimmerman, C G
Stanton, J R Fans, J D Glbbs, V
B Button, F Fairmont, J W Muters
baugh, Sylvester Pennoyer, Port
land. G B Miller, Gervnls.
L S Brown, Maclay,
T M Gates wife aud child, In
deH3Q(lence. E II Rice and wife, Salem.
H Matbew, 8 F.
G Denuey, Whlteaker.
Hop Pickers Wanted.
A few more hopplokers wanted at
A. D. Pettyjohn's yard. Pickers
hauled out aud returned free of
charge. 8-31-tf
Removed from Oar old Location and
Now Open at New Unarters.
Jones & Bemurdl's elegnnt new
Ice cream parlors at 224 Commercial,
next door south of Bush's bank.
tho Palace confectionary aud Ice
cream parlors, of Salem, to widen
we Invite your trade nud the entire
public, aud will maintain the high
quality of tho French ice creams,
Ice cream Boda aud flue candles
tuadeouly by us. Our facilities are
now uuequaled In tho city aud we
cordially Invite you to step In aud
see us in our new quarters.
Jones & Mernardi,
Manufacturing Confectioueris.
State Poultry Association.
All persons interested lu the breed
ing and improvement of thorough
bred poultry In Oregon, are requested
to meet at Salem, ou Wednesday
eveuiug of fair week, Sept. 10th at
which time action will be tauen
toward the organization of a State
Poultry Association. 8-10-dw-tf
Space in Pavillion.--Parties
wishlug space iu the grand pavilion
building at the stato fair, will make
application early to secure same by
calling ou or addressing Win, II.
Savage, Salem, Superintendent of
pavillion. 8-7-d-tf
A representative of Pacific branch
of National Surgical Institute, No.
310 Bush street, S. F Intends to visit
Tho Willamette hotel, Salem, Sept.
2d, for examination' of peraous tor
treatments by this institute.
This Institute Is specially devoted
to the treatment of curvature of tho
spina, diseases of the hip and knee
joint, crooked limbs, club feet aud
all bodily deformities. Their suc
cess in treating these troubles as wel
as all chronic diseases has made for
the institute a national reputation.
All persons who arosufleriug from
any of these complaints should not
fall to take advantage of this oppor
tunity of relief.
No charge for consultation or ex
amination. References may be had
to the following residents: Hon. Thos.
L. Davidson, Salem; Rev. E. N.
Condit, Albany; A. Saelling, Mil
waukee; W. C. Morgan, Albany.and
many others. 8 20 w 2t (131
Mrs A Butsch to Conrad Seeger, 6
acres In Mt Angel, $125.
Wm W Gieey and wife to Conrad
Seeger, 3 acrs in Mt Angel.
John Brooks, sr, to John H Brooks,
jr, Its 8, 0, Brook's add to North
Salem. $400.
L A Savage and wife to Joseph F
Proctor, 2 a; J L Parrlsh d 1 c, $3200.
Martin Hobel and wife to Jos H
Albert and H V Matthews, Its 23,
24, oik 1, Auburn ad to Salem, $000.
Merit Wins.
Wo desire to say to our citizens,
that for years wo have been selling
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Dr. Kind's New Life Pill,
Bticklen's Arnica Salve, and Electric
Bitters, aud have never handled
remedies that sell as well, or that
have given such universal satisfac
tion. We do not hesitate to guaran
tee them every time, and we stand
ready to refund the purchase price,
if satisfactory results do not follow
their uae. These great remedies have
won their great ixipularlty purely on
their merits. At Fry's Driiifirlsts.
Quick time ana inrougu trains
offered passenuers and shippers by
the Chicago, Uulon Pacific JtNorth
western Line, San Francisco and
Portland to Chicago. eod Aug
For any case of nerTuuegt ilecpleai.
now, weak .tpmacb, Indlg.ntlon, dyapep
kla, try Carter Little Nerve Hills. Keller U
eure. Tbe only ome medlclue for the
money In inurxet.
HalplUtloa of tbe heart, uervmiane,
trembling", nervom hradHcbP.coM bund
nud leet, pain la tbe UtcU. ana other forini
nf weaknetiiure relieved by Carter! iron
Hlll. madHupeclHlly for tbe blood, nerviit
and complexion.
Alt cones of weak or lame back.burkaeue
rheumatlMD. will find relief by wearlrnt
' cue of Carter unurt Weed and Kellu-
dona llacuacne nailers. iTice v ceau.
Try thein.
i ,
i lluckleu's Arnlcurfclre,
Tbe Bu Salve In tbe world for Cut,
Urulset.tMirvn.Vlot-n, Halt Rheum. Hevtr
tVrn and afl Hklu Eruptions, and Mat
urely cures men, or dm pay require, it
I guaranteed to klve perivvt nuictloD
, or money refunded X'nco, 3 cnu per
nwirii !ruvmmmsMum
Clint. Snellinjj and Ed. Rodger, Alias
Lewis Uros. Under Arrest
Sherlll W. L. Warren or Yamhill
county arrived on tho overland
from Jackson vIHe, and had in charge
Chas. Snelllug jmd Ed. JRogers,
under charge of larccuy of cattle.
They were arrested last fall In Mc
Minnvillo forsamo accusation and
gave ball, but disappeared.
They have lately turned up in
Jackson county under tho name of
Lewis Bros., operating at Central
Point racing aud trading horses
A young man by numo of Albert
Yocomb from Yamhill was visiting
a brother-in-law and recogulzed
them. Sherlfl Warreu was holding
warrauts foi their arrest, at once tel
egraphed Sheriff Blrdsey of Jack
son county to capture them. Ho
then went down and got his men
They had disposed of tho horses and
were about ready to leave tho coun
try. The charge consists lu gettiug
away with 13 head of cattle belong
ing to Klngroy & Cook, eight miles
west of McMiuuvllle. Other stock
was missed before. Tho 13 head of
cattle were taken to Portland, and
other cattle- had been disposed of at
Dallas. For this they were Indicted
by tho grand jury of Yamhill,
and will uow bo tried at the Sep
teuiber term of circuit court which
sets on the fourth Monday of Sep
tember at McMiuuvllle.
As Sheriff Warreu, with his men
came through Central Point, there
was a great demonstration by the
frieuda of tho boys. The crowd sur
rounded the car, aud filled tho traiu
and covered the "Lewis Bros." with
flowers nud put mottoes lu the seats
and remembrances iu tho men's
packets. It was a graud farewell,
and showed a remarkable aflectlon
for the two young men, who are not
yet of age. The man and his wife
where they had worked led the jolly
crowd, composed of as many wom
en a men. They threw rlco over
them for luck aud wished them all
kinds of good luck. It is under
stood they lire from families of good
st-tndingnud means, and were not
in need of money. The sheriff does
not believe that they will escape
conviction on the facts,aud left with
his men iu a team at 1 p. m.
is uot in shape to bo glveu publicity
as they propose to defeud themselves
vigorously. Tho boys feel very
proud of their warm reception at
Central Point, and strongly declare
iheir entire iuuocenco of any crime.
Tliey claim the indictment was
worked up by personal enemies,
men in tho stock business, who pre
tended to be friends and only to de
stroy them.
Frightful Loas or Lite
Of tho manv disasters with which man
kind Las been visited, on or the womt N
Hint class of uilments orrlL'lnnllnc simply
with inactivity of the kidney nud bind
der, oauses sucn Irlglitlul lossofllfe. Under
this appulllui; category come lirlgbt's dis
ease, diabetes. jjruvel, ordinary nepbllta
aud catarrh of the bladder. No class oi
organic maludles, agHlnBt which medical
skill Is pitted, to otlnn buIIleH tho expert
practitioner und tots his skill at naught
iiasy It is, however, to arrest theso dlielul
allinenUut the Btart The dluretU action
ot Uostetter's Mtomach Miters is Just
uitriclent to ?et the bladder nud kid
neys ut work, pre eivo or rescue thorn
Irnm fatal Inactivity without exciting
them. Tho uamedlcuted stimulants ol
commerce oxctto without either strength,
onlng or regulating. Hostctter's Stomach
Hitters docs both. It is unfailing for mala
ria, dyKpopsia, debility, rheumatism, liver
complaint una constipation.
W heat Vulley, J1.55 per cental ,
Flour standard, $5 00.
Walla Walla St CO;
Oats Now White 42,0 per bushel.
MlilsluUs llrnn J223; shirts, Sio to 28
ground barley, $30 to 32; cnop feed. 125
middlings, Sli, per Ion.
Hay -$12-911 per ton.
liutter Oregon fancy dairy, 27e; faucy-
cieumery 3032J4; good to fulr, a;
California choice 22 to 21c.
Kggs Oregon 20 to 25o por doa.
Poultry Old chickens, SO.
Potatoes Mat COo por a jutal.
Cheeso Oregon, 11 to 12'',; California
riugnrs Golden C, 4Pfi extra O, ti; dry
jranuiatod, &J cube, crushed and I'ow
deied, CJo per pound.
Deans Small white, 3cl; pink 3;
bjyos,4c; butter, 4c; Iliniui, Co.
Pried Frull8..ciuotcd: Italian prunes,
10 to 12c;l'etItouudOermau,10o per pound;
raisins, 2 25 per box; plummer dried
pears, 10 to lie; sun dried and factory
plums, II to 12c; evapo rated poaches, IS
toiv; SmyruA figs, 20c; .California Jigs, Va
per pound,
Hides Dry hides, 8 to Dc, a leas foi
culls; green over 65 pounds, 7r; under 65
pounds, 2c; sheep pelts, 80cS1.25,
Eastern haras, 12 to 13c, breakfast ba
con, 12 to 13c; sides, 0 to 10c; lard, 8
H!f Khanowoo, Aut. M Wheat; buyer
S 1-ToJi.
Hops..l720o per pound.
llarley-Keed UM tl 10 por.lcentul
Odts-OniySl S5tol VA per cental, old.
On'o hI toK.
C)lICAOO,Aug. 28. W heut, cash II 03)
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed : Castorlal
fu nmwjiaTffl!
pked in Millions of Homef40 Y$rs the SUudard,
Anil How Tliey Tut Op a Job bit One of
Their Friends with t Short Memory.
"Hollo, old man! By George, I'm
glad to see you, Harold I Where have
you been nil theso years?"
Tho speaker was n well dressed young
fellow with tho nlr of a mail about
town, the other had n far away look In
Lis eyes nnd seemed to bo a dreamer.
Hoth were In evening dress, coming
out of a Hroadwrty theater between
tho nets.
"Well, really, Mr," answered gentlo
nian No 2 with dignity, "you have the
better of mo ; 1 seem to remember your
face, but somehow I cannot placo you."
"What, you don't remember me five
years ago when wo both belonged to
the Scribblers' clubf You don't remem
ber thoso games of pool when you al
ways got btuck ?"
"I certainly did belong to tho Scrib
blers' club nnd used to get stuek there
nt pool do yet for that matter but 1
don't remember you."
Gentleman No. 1 laughed, but pro
voklngly and persistently refused to
disclose his identity.
No. 1 kept up a rattling tiro of reinin
iscenco, telling his friend so much about
his (No. 2's) past life, mentioning names
and places In profusion, and giving
such a mass of detail that tho other
could no longer doubt that they had
been acquainted somewhere In tho past
whore he could not say.
This was very aggravating, not to
say mortifying, nnd yet in vain did
No. 2 rack his brain for somo clew as
fo the personality of his tormentor. Ho
began to wonder if he had not struck
a confidence man, who would presently
broach matters tlnauclal and proceed
to negotlato n loan.
"Do you remember your trip to Paris
In tho summer of 18S7S" finally asked
No. 1.
"Yes. Did I meet you thorof"
"Well. I should' say so. Don't you
remember taking the Misses W to
the opera? I Joined you in the box
that evening. Don't you remember
tho rackets wo had with George and
Hilly, and all that Oh, como now,
you must remember that."
No. 2 shook his head mournfully
"I remember all about George and
Billy and the Misses W , and all the
rest of it, but 1 can't remomber you. I
beg your pardon, but I can't."
"Well, don't you remember our meet
ing at Saratoga in 1888? You were
thero with your cousin, and sho and I
had a desperate flirtation. Seo, I've
got her picture here in this locket
Now then, Harold, old boy, you must
know me."
Harold stared nt tho locket speech
less. There, suro enough, wore the fa
miliar features of his Couslu Nollio, ono
of the belles of Now York, hanging on
tho watchchaln of this fellow, whom
he did not know from Adam,
"Where did you got that picture?"
"From Miss Nellie herself, of course;
seo, hero Is the Inscription sho had put
there, 'Nellio to George, 1889.' "
Gentleman No. 2 was thunderstruck.
This was really too much, not to ro
tneuibor tho fiance of his own cousin.
Ho was overcome with confusion, and
there is no telling how much further
things might havo gono had not two
other young fellows approached at that
moment holding their sides with laugh
ter. They were tho identical George
and Billy referred to.
"Harold, old man," said George,
when ho had recovered his gravity,
"let mo Introducoour oxcellont friend,
Mr. Henry , who never was in
Paris In his life, and who never be
longed to tho Scribblers' club, and who
detests pool, and who very Improperly
borrowed this lockot from mo to put up
a Job on you. Seo?" -Now York Her
ald. How to Divide a Cellar In the City.
In a cellar wlicro thero is a furnaco
it is a great help to household manago
inont to have a portion of tho cellar
divided from the furnace portion by a
tight board partition, witli a padlocked
door opening into it Tho boards used
may bo rough and cheap, costing two
couts a foot, but the partition must bo
tight, so as not to admit the warm nlr
from tho furnaco. Under ordinary cir
cumstances tho expense need not bo
over ten dollars, and in many cases
even lobs.
In this cold collar tho vegetables nnd
apples, buttor and preserves may bo
kopt, and even In the city tho uncom
fortablo habit of living from hand to
mouth might bo changed to n great de
gree. Hero tho time ho no rod vinegar
barrel or keg may have Its placo, giv
ing out Its supply of "puro cidor" vino
gar whenever needed. Near by should
bo tho swinging shelf and cupboard,
and tho old tlino feeling of plenty and
comfort which tho memory of the woll
filled cellars of country homes always
brings, would return to the household.
Harper's Bazar.
An editor a very positive and some
times sharp spoken man was ap
proached timidly ono day by a proof
reader, who said, "ICxciibo mo, sir, but
you havo used a word hero which I
don't find In the dictionary."
"What Li It?" said the editor, bris
tling up and looking a llttlo (lerco.
"You say, 'In this case it was tho of
fice that sook tho man.'"
"Well, what Is the matter with It?"
"I don't llnd 'sook' lu tho dictionary."
"'Sookl' Why, It's tho past tenso
Tho editor paused, and then looked
sheepish. "Queer," ho said, after re
flecting a moment, "how that monosyl
lable got into my head. Sookl I guoss
you may change It to 'sought'"
Youth's Companion.
W 1 1 ii est quality of lJ"ck at the yards nonr
1111 IV Penitentiary. BURTON BROS.
balem, Oregon.
Out Side tine Trust.
Old Undoitakors of 18 years oxperiencehaye, through
much difficulty, secured a stock of Undertaking supplies
out side the Undertaking trust and are now prepared to
furnish funeral outfits in a first-class manner and can make
you prices independent of any trust, Special attention
given to embalming.
Undertaker's rooms fitted up specially for tho business
-We will sell
Tlitirsday, August 27th, 1891,
At 2:30 p. m. at 314 corner Summer and Cnemekete streets, Mrs. G!l
lingliam's entire lot of household goods, to-witi
Three bedroom sets, 8 carpets, matting for three rooms, 4 bed Ft ends, 7
wlro mattroBS'8, 0 chamber sets, 12 window ahadea, 8 lace curtal us, 3 hang
lug lamps, 7 hand lamps, 2 bracket laniM, 2 heating stoves, 1 run go aud
furniture, 4 stands, 3 upholstered chairs, 0 cane scat chairs, 4 rockers, 0
dining room chairs, 1 bed-lounge, 2 settees, 1 lamp stand, 1 lot wood, 1 ax,
1 saw, 1 target rifle, 1 lot books, 1 lot dishes, 1 dialog table, 1 10-foot ex
tension table. 2 mirrors, nud many other useful articles not mentioned.
HONEST FRANK, Auctioneer.
8 25 H. It. MOORE, Auctlou and Commission merchant.
If you would bo clean and hayo your clothes done up
in tho neatest and dressiest manner, take them to tho
where all Avork is done by white labor and in the most
prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED.
Liberty Street.
J. A. R0TAN, Undertaker.
Has purchased tho Minto hearse and will hereafter
sell caskets, coffins and all undertaker's supplies cheaper
than any ono in Salem and furnish the hearse freo of chargo
in the city and for funerals at one-half tho rato heretofore
charged in the country. 8-25-lm-dw
Tw Park Grocery.
lias put in a new stock of Groceries, Queensware, Feed, etc. Products
bought at Highest prices. Satisfaction guaranteed in nil things. Goods
delivered to all parts of tho city. Call and give mu a trial.
fHE -
Wli fiATTrivn n All stock left in my caro shall receive tho best
III I U!i I Pfllll1 of uttentlon. Telephono No. 24. Cor. Liberty
, u. uvuuui, 1 1 vui , BUd Ferry Btroel8,Sntem Oregon.
At 100 Chemeketa Street.
House - and - Sign - Painting,
Paper Hanging, KalRomlulng, Wall Tinting, etc. Vnrnlshluz nnd
Natural Wood Finish. Only First-clasH Work. E, 15. SNOW.
Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters,
Kallmntcs on all work in our lino.
Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co,
Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Taming & Scroll Sawiig.
IIoubo FlnlihlDK modo'.to order.
Now VHX KILN, by which we can nlwoyn keep a full supply of neaaoned itock of alt
kinds. Agricultural Work, Corner of Trade and Utah street, Salem, Oregon.
J, U. ClOO JMM:, Cotnirg.
Lumber, Latti. Pickets !
Agent for Cat'urii4llll,HprlnitleldHIIU and McKonilo Mill. Olllronnd 1 ltd on tho
went kldu of Twelfth nlnwl near dpot, lioal Lumber lu the Valle .
4 2 BAKKU& WIU5I5LKH, Miiiingem, Balem.
Sash and IDoor Eactory
Front Street, Salem, Oregon,
Tho best cluss of work in our lino at prices to coinpoto
with tho lowost. Only tho host material used
Livery Stable and Feed Yard.
The Beit Box SUIIi tnd Corral In the ''It,
Quiet, lumtly horea upeclulty,
(In rear WllUmttte hotel.)
Merchant Tailors.
A full line of Import"! and domuktiu
wooiem. Alio a complete nock of gmt
rurnUulag foodi. Ail tbe Uleet tylM
514 CoBuuereial tunt,
Installments from J6 per month up. Wholesale and
310 Commercial St, Salem.
Head Quarters for the Salem Orchestra. dw
xmJlmJXllmB.rBs "wmauAu wlwwimlmmhmm
at auctlou on-
TOO Ohemokettt Qtroot,
A. VUKKUKll,HptltiKitlA.
II Sill!
2of llieltr'lilenoelot In tbe clljron
uJthrat corner of bin It, between litk
and 16th Mre-U, one liiock from electil
line, tour b'orln from (Vutiraud 8UtHt.
rarflnt-eaiid Kul raitin chool I'rlcetWM
fur hoth urfltaj for rorneraudflDCO lor !
ude Kuch lt hat 70 f'ot fronUgo on
IrMju'reofthe mttXION NUIIBKKY CO.,
onlco ("or, t'oni'l and Chemeketa ttreeto,
up itlr, or of njr Kcl Ute firm in,
tuoelljr, K
. ftj-.Ai'MSi. u
?JK .- .