' -""V' M"" ?v fwi i EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 4. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OKEGON, FREDA V, AUGUST 28, lSftl. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 148. - y t,- - w -"i T. McF. PATTON, Will sell Less than any ATTENTION ! Come and examino our goods nud prices, We have hammocks as low as 45 cents. Croquet sets from $1.00 upwards. Boy's express wagons of all kinds. Tinware, Brooms, Soaps, Matches and all kinds of notions. This lino of goods MUST be closed out in order to make room for our early Fall stock of Men's, Women's and Children's SHOES, HOSE and UNDERWEAR, which will begin on arrive in a few days. Come early and gi'b prices. It costs you nothing' to examine our goode. ffiTCffnanaiiiif rtitfi - '' V "nrffgatPBaa a:E&:ES3jJKr Pianos Mfe.--'i'i'"t"J""1"' ' i & Shftn MmmmmF rU8?S2 SPORTING BROOKS "& 9-4 State Pr THE FINISHING TOUCH. In putting the finishing touch tp vour toilet do you always see that your shoes are in keeping Avith the rest of your makeup ? The shoes may be. better that the other garments and still be appropriate, but if they are not up to the raiment in style and quality the effect is unpleasant. R. J. KLBJVEINQ'S Shoes stand on their merits. His stock is infinite in va riety, excellent in quality, and moderate in price. Biff b 1. '& I1SKF m&mmmBu teliislll 't:! TOM, Comnercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time, THIS IS FOR YOU TWfnm.mi'M'in v At the estate Street Book Store. 98 State Street. ! JiuJ.uif.m-.-jaAawmi.fTirimginr,TjliFam M MPlfrA fcf WM MM La you OXFORD TEACHER'S BIBLES, indexed or unimlexed, 20 Other Store in the 3TE IVIEAN a m ra u AND Organs AND- FARMERS: F 1 I --MUSICAL MJEXCECANDISE. FINEST LTNF. LOWEST PRICES. Installments from $5 permonth up. Wholesale and Retail. P. H. EASTON & CO., 310 Commercial St., Salem, Head Qunrters for the Salem Orchestra. dw A LARGE SUPPLY OF TKEf best quality of brick at the yards near Penitentiary. . BURTON BROS. balem, Oregon. 0 n UK s&rnsaiBKit 1st noonn If you w.tnl to buy SHOT GUMS, HUNTING COATS, GAME BAGS, LOADED SHELLS, AMMUNITIOI and GOODS, BICYCLES, CUTLERY OR NOVELTIES go to HARRITT Street, J i ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN. The Capital Homestead Company Is building a number of new cottages on largo lots, in healthy location, near the JSiectrlo Hue. Tnty are ror sale nt reasonable prices, on easy terms. Call IE fcraml extunino plans; go and twe the ' property, Correspondence solicited. OFFICE IN MURPHY BLOCK, SALEM, OREGON, THEGROCERS AND EVEYBODY ! UTOCTI it . 1 11 ! M JB . . - Per Cent State, No Exception Whatever. BUSINESS. J ifc r b m u ATT NTiOSM a an h h hh h a h y o u u si lily (SUCCESSOR TO) S& OS3SlEJ:m'3 2G1 Commercial Street. A. Mmw (IS, Successors to W. F. Boothby & Co. POPULAR Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers , 235 Commercial Street, SALEM. for Infants "CastorlalSEO well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abchxr, M. D., Ill So. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, N. Y. " The use of ' Castorla ' la bo universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CUU03 Martyn, D.D., New York City. Late Faster Dloomlngdalo Kef onned Church. The Centaur I I I TT I'T irnBTmnTTyW1"""11-"11 ,w''""''J-Ti'''1-rT L SALEM, P ARMSTRONG, Manager. A, 8S5"W111 reopen on Monduy, Sept. 7, TILE BUSINESS COURSE KCLUDES Spelling, Ororamar, Plain Writlne. Arithmetic. Correspon dence", Commercial Law, Sltieto unu Double Kntry iiooKKeepini forms, lluslness an auklnir. lluslness . Ofllce Practice. M vf ww fl if 1 If w CAPITA THE ENGLISH COURSE Includes Heading, Writing, Arithmetic, Spelling, Grummar, Corres pondence, Geography and History. Call at the college, or write for beautifully illustrated catalogue, free. Salem Truck & Dray v iera Iron works. Drays and trucRs tha corner of State and Commercial BRICK AND TILE. For first-class hand made brick and tile, goto MURPHY & DESART. Largo supply on hand. Near fair ground, Balein, 71M MONET! To Umi on Real EiUte Security, Agency Paciflo Htatcs 8avlnpH, Loan A Hulldlng Co. FEAR & HAMILTON, 3ALKM. Oragoo 5:12 dw INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "Ttie State." Auets 0r 350,000 DoHtn. GEO. M. UiCZUZR. City Asent. And apocIaI at for Martou .county. Ok j W& Wi WM4.M, -.'tu,,1 1- tn a-tn yjrisHfcfr.ia'sggB ' OREGON. and Children. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Bour Stomach, Dlarrhcoa. Eructation, Kills, Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d pestion, Without Injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pjuidee. M. D., Tho Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Are., New York City. Coup any, 77 .Murray Street, New York. r linn nuin irrrTi"Tn-T-r.n OKKGON. W. I. STALE? Frlticfpnl. 1891. Students registered now.-ffifl TJIE SHORTHAND COURSE TNCJ.UDESHliortnand.Typewrltlrir.Hpel- X iu, unuiwuur, riaia vniiiKir' respondeuce, Munlfoldlng, Letter Copy lng, iiuslnexs and iegnl rormH, liusluess and Ufllco Practice. ago Co. 11 flce'stt DRAYS AND TRUCKF nyB roady for orders. ana ualtver wood, coal and lumber. Of- tatoHt.. onnrwlteBu may i)e found throughout the rtav n atre'U. MOKOAK" & MEADE, Truck & Dray Line. lfKd teams and trougbold. prompt work ! our M. T. RINEMAN PEALKK IN and Fancy Groceries, Staple Crockery. Ulauvrart). Lauin. U'oeden and Willow ware. All kind or mill feed. Alto veCTlableaaad fruits In tbelr leaiion "iilghett i'rlce paid tor country produce." WokoUrit avliure of your patronage. Ml JttHiaMitreet J. P.WHITE, EXPKESS AND TRUCK LINE. itaallnr f all kinda. Beit work. Wagon t every tria. EVERYBODY BUSINESS COLLEGE, AFTER v.. tiomo wclnl nnil mrreil sorcery Makes music's nelf npixxir to bo An unexltcnt dream, nnart From you, your llfo and slnglne heart. iitranee bits of fitful moods of sound Aro In your aspects intcrwound; Your attitudes and movemonts own An orersoul of time and tone. Diief notes of rhythmlo llcht nrlso Tlirough the blue shadows In your eyes; Your each Inbreathing seems to be A draneht of silent melody. Tho room that holds your song deems hung With tapestries your soul has sung, A soft and gentle rodtanro falls From whero your volco glows on tho walls. And where your harmonies havo shono A quiet warmth still lingers on. Like sunshine on an evening lawn. After your lh Ing self Is gono. Edward Lucas Whito in New York Sun. SAVED BY A RAVEN. Two brotliers, George and Prank Blackburn, lived with their father in one of tho largest settlements on .tho Labrador coast. George was seventeen and Frank ttftcon, and both tho boys in summer ranged tho coast in a small skiff collecting birds' eggs and other specimens. George owned a pot raven, which ho had trained to follow him, carry small parcels in his mouth and do many other intelligent things, and tho bird was exceedingly attached to him. Whenover George went into tho woods or among tho hills Jack, which was tho raven's name, followed him, cawing and chattering, sometimes walking, sometimes fluttering, and frequently darting far ahead with loud, delighted be real us. Ho liked also to go with his young master In tho boat, but this he was seldom permitted to do. One lovely Juno morning tho two hoys and their cousin, Ned Bradshaw, put out from tho littlo wild dock in an open skiff, with two tanned sails, to mako an excursion to Cormorant isl ands, about threo leagues down tho coast. Jack camo hopping and (lying down tho rocks, appealing plteously, with loud cawing, to bo taken onboard. George raised his hand and sheuted: "No, Jack; can't come. Home, Jack," and then tho skiff was pushed off, while tho poor, lonesomo bird stood on a rock close by tho wator's edge. Then lie raised his wings, flow out over tho water and circled over tho boat, caw ing and looking at George as if beg ging him to relent and take him on board. But George aroso in tho boat, and in a 6torn, angry voice ordered him to go homo. Tho disappointed bird turned and flow quietly ashoro, perching on tho edgo of a narrow strip of meadow, looking disconsolately after tho fast disappearing boat. The object of tho visit to Cormorant island was to get somo of tho eggs of tho cormorant, which aro rather diffi cult to obtain. Tho boys had not told their parents whero they woro going, but they had decided upon nothing less than the ascent of tho island, tho sides of which rose almost perpendicularly out ot tho sea to a height of nearly 400 foot. The island had three sides, and on ono of these sides was a series of rocky shelves resembling a stairway, but somo of them woro so narrow that it was impossible to got n steady foot hold upon them. "When tho coast fishermen passed tho island they shuddered becauso so many tragic ovents wero connected with its name Five or six adventurous persons had scaled its shelvy sides and got up among tho multitude of birds, but not a man of them had ever been able to mako tho descent. As a cliff climber of considerablo experience myself, a prccipiece which you may climb with safety may, in tho descent, defy tho skill of any human being. Tho boys very well know tho history of tho island and its dangers, but George had for moro than two years been studying tho problem of how to got up and como down in safety, had examined every rock sholf on tho side through a glass, tracing tho samo on paper, and had talked with every fisherman on tho coast who know any thing about tho place, and obtained his opinion as to tho safest ways of de scending. So lie had quietly provided himself with two short hand gaffs, with stout wooden handles, having on ono end a running loop of cord to bo fastened around each wrist, and on tho otlior end a strong steel hook. Theso wero designed for getting a hold In cracks and fissures in tho faco of the cliff whore It would bo impossiblo to draw ono's self up by means of tho fingers, for George know that tho most daring and expert climbers had used gaffs with success. The coast was bold and desolate and contained no human habitation be tween tho dock from which tho skiff had set out and tho Island, or for sev eral leagues beyond. When they reached tho baso of tho Island, which stood closo to tho main land, thoy pulled their skiff upon u small platform of rock, got out their guns and began shooting tho birds that circled around tho island and nested on tho terraces. Then George told that ho was going up. They know how crt ho was and re membered all tho dangerous places that he had climbed before, but their faces grew whito with fear as they looked at tho 400 feet of somber, rocky wall that towered abovo them. "Now, boys," said George, as he throw off his coat and tightened his belt, "don't bo a bit frightened about mo; with theso gaffs I can climb up there without any trouble, and I can como back, too, with tho greatest safe ty. I'll take your bag, Frank, for tho eggs, only put plenty of oakum In It so they won't break when I am coming back." Frank brought him tho bog, and Ills hand trembled as ha put It around his brother's neck, but neither of tho boys teemed to know what to my. (Concluded on fourth paje.l Till? MPITAI lAIlDilMr. HOFER BROTHERS, - - - .Editors. r "'""-' - ' -i !- i. ! UhLmUKUDAILY.KXOElTBUND.VY, BY THE Canital Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated.) Ofnce, Commercial Street, In P.O. ltulMlhx Hntered at the postofflce nt 8nlfm,Or.,ft- second-clntR n ntltr. ANKNT THAT COMMISSION. Tho Baker City Bltulo says: "It seems tho commission rushed Into this matter without tho exercise of even ordinary discretion, much Uss Intelligent judgment aud now they find themselves with a little cheap uoterlety, already vaporiziup, with the added certainty of the whole business rebounding like a boom erang against tho commission." Tho Timcs-Mouutaineer takes a moro intelligent view: "The rail road commission aro dotermtnrd to persist in lowering freight rates, and the tariir will go into operatlou September 1st. If the commission accomplish tho purpose of reducing freight rates it A-r ill havo succeeded In tho object of Its organization, and the people all over tho state will ap plaud the action." Why than saddle onto tho com mission tho "Ifs" that belong to the legislature and the courts. The legislature enacted tho best law It could frame In tho tlmo given to it, and that law was opposed by tho rallroiuls and Is still. Tho cominls slou has fearlessly done its duty under the law. If the courts fall to do their duty by the law, that will not be tho fault of tho commission. The attorney general has wrllen to Representative Geer, of Marlon, to learn what state the Oregon statute was copied after. It transpires that tho new law of thisstnto la modelled In its main feature uftcr the Iowa law. Tho attorney general will now Investigate tho adjudications upon that law, which were carried on in tlio federal courts, and which re suited in tho law being sustained at each contested point. Tho unfairness of some of tho newspapers of the state in continu ing to cast reflections upon tho com mission, is quite marked. If they will show in what respect, if anj', the commission has failed to per form Its duty under the law, they will perform a public service. Auy other course will result In publlo -In jury. Tin: uufisct or mucK tkauis. Freetraders cannot uuderstuud why Americaua should advocate protection on articles which, by competition, lower tho price of tho article to the minimum of tho im ported fabric. Tho reason that protectionists advocate a turlil" in theso instances is thai British free traders would Hood our markets with surplus products at any price, in order to strangle aud starve out of exlstenco our homo manufactures, and, after this wus accomplished, they would control our markets at their own figures. British freetrad ers havo curefully studied tho ques tion of trade, and they can itliord to lose a million dollurs this year If they would thereby securo trade to the amount of a million and a half next season. British merchants dc siro markets for their fabrics aud these they must have, for tho sur plus Is Increasing ovory year. Tills extra product can bo disposed of at actual cost of manufacture to ad vantage, and especially is this a fact when, by so doing, thoy can procure control of tho foreign mar ket. All these matters must bo taken into consideration when arguing tho proper economic policy Jbrthlscoun try. Wo must consider that eompo tlton with Great Britain is with u country thut has devoted its best energies for tho past two centuries to mauaufacture articles at the lo v- est possible price, and, at present, If they havo not foreign countries as buyers millions of dollars wortii of fabrics aud articles aro worthless. The colonies buy considerablo from England, aud if the barriers In tho United BtaU-s woro thrown down they could kill uvery factory in tho republic In a single year, and tho conquest would bo complete. As patriots wo must guard ugulust these points, and It is imperative that we legislate against the Introduction of the products of pauper labor us against the Immigration of foreign paupers. Times-Mouiilulneer, OOM) ANU WIIKAT. The Now York Tribune prints all article under tho caption of "Tho Romance of the Pacific Slope," with tho following peroratien: Theso states and those of tho Uocky mountain country generally have been conspicuous In the public mind chiefly for their vast mineral wealth, of which the output of sil ver and gold Is no moro than uu Illustration, But the fact is, enor mous as are the sums derived from their mines, their agricultural prod ucts have Ix-'on fur more vuluable. Of the 625,000,000 acres contained In the Pacific slope, 300,000,000 consti tute Alaska, Of the remainder much less than one-half has been as yet surveyed, nud not more than 40,000,000 aorta can be callwl Im proved lands. From these the ag ricultural raulta have been obtained, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Iift6l !? JL X j& K ABSOLUTELY PURE and It certainly will surprlso tho public to know that in the last five years tho otal wheat crop alono has been equal to tho total product of gold aud silver, while In Oregon, which has produced lu twenty-ono years $17,513,787 of precious metals, the wheat product has amounted In valuo to f 1412,053,027. And It must bo remembered that theso states, excluding Alaska, contain only 12,208,958 people, more than one-half of whom havo come In durlug tho last ton years. "With an annual produot of wheat now oxccedlng lu value ?(!0,000,000; of salmon, $1, 800,000; of lumber, ?5,000,00u; of other cereals than wheat, f 20,000, 000; with au a u mini wool clip of 80. 000,000 pounds; witli farm animals valued at over $iG 1,000,000; with savings bank deposits amounting to ?107,800,157; with 11,474 miles or railroad, representing an Investment of $542,702,231, and auutial earnings of nearly $05,000,000; with a forelgu commerce of more than $100,000,000, and a pcrmaucnt tonnago of 357,000 tons registered; with taxpaylng property assessed at $1,052,075,850, and worth lu fact fully $3,000,000,000, It Is certaluly fair to claim thut tho Pacific slope Isacouutry of nuporb ashlovcmenls and inexpressible re sources. lltlOli SILVKIt. Portland Telegram. After all the talk about cheap money it Is still true that $100 In sliver will buy just us much of any purchasable thing as $100 of gold; cay, It will even buy the gold Itself. While this is true tho people are not going to become badly scared at tho tales of tho gold bugs. Tho Atluuta (Ga.) Constitution says: Tho money sharks of tho North and East are setting up some dangerous arguments to show thro' their organs thut free coinage of sil ver would result In Hat money, Thoy not only show what rascals ami hypocrites thoy aro, but they set the people to thinking. If silver money Is lint money, how aud wherein is flat money duugorous? Legal tender sllverjs as mueh tho mutiny of ultlmuto payment as gold, and If tho money of ultimate pay ment Is flat money, why all this tedious argument about honest monoy? What sort of money tiro national bank notes? Thoy aro not based on gold, but on houtlH which aro merely evidences of a dobt owed by tho government. In other words, the national bank notes aro founded on a dobt, and tho treasury notes aro simply promises to pay. It Is estimated that there aro $500,- 000,000 of theso debt evidences and promises to pay In circulation, and as there is not enough gold In the treasury to pay them, what are thoy but flat money ? Tho money sharks aud bankers should be careful how they mislead tho people in this matter. When Wall street teaches that silver money Is Hat monoy It breaks down the barriers between what is good and what is bad, and suggests comparisons. SUGGErtTKI) UOMAIKNT, It Is hotter to lly low uild roost high than vlco versa. What' Oregon does lu peaches, cuu bo done with corn and grapes. It is ono thing to say ho, but that don't make it so, uot by u long shot. The governor of Oregon will no longer uhure tho exclusive confidence of his private secretary. lie has Wed. Don't be too oxeluslve lu this world. You don't Kuow whom you may have to ussocluto with lu tho next. lion. Jerry Blinpson desires to say that ho now has engagements to oc cupy his time until November, and cuu mako no more appointments to lecture. Newberg Graphic. Tjik Capital JouiiNAi, Is casting about fur some uvailublu senatorial timber, we Judge, it wants to kuow If Oregon has a millionaire. Borne of the editors who write long articles on tho "holy coat" had hotter get hold of some such gur iiieut, put It on and leave the coun try In u new character. A puj)er published in one of the principal interior towns of Oregon lately stated plainly thut a good muny young tcrsons of thut city were "going to the devil very fust." This U u mistake, As a rule they do not go to the devil. The devil, or evil, K there U such a thing, Is already In them, Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. dking bwder TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES, Associated Press Report afld Digests of all Important Kews ot To-Day. MISCELLANY. Till'. SUC1AU TKUST. PjuiiAOKWiiiA, Aug. 28. Tho statements published In Now Yoik Wednesday, to tho eflect that tho sugar trust hud after all obtained tho practical control of tho Spreckols re finery lu tills city, Vna absolutely contradicted by Itudoiph Hpreckcls, who said decidedly that nothing of tho sort hud been In contemplation, nor would over tako placo, "Aro you aware that Mr. Wlllels, of tho firm of Wlllels & Gray, posi tively asserts that tho nrrnngoment has been made?" he was asked. "Oh, I suppose thoy uasugarbrok ers may havo somo bonds to sell," replied Mr. Bpreokels, "and It l therefore to their interest to spread the report, but I assuro you thcro is no truth in it, and it is nothing but tho old story revived, which wo have contradicted time after time.' "Is there auy truth in the state ment that Mr. Bprekels issued bonds to tho amount of $2,000,000 on his refinery, but found It impossiblo to soil tliciii nt a price to stilt him, mid that tho American company ad vanced him a largo amount of ctuh and took the bouds us security V" "Absolutely nouo whatever. I cannot Imagluo whero all tho rumors orlnglnnto. Somo people aro evi dently more conversant with our af fairs than we ure ourselves, but they ure only procuring us a lot of cheap advertising by spreading such stories," UOYCOTTINCl TUB QEHMANS. LoNDOi, Aug. 28. A Vienna, dispatch tells somo funny Incidents connected with tho uow Magyar National Society recohtly founded at Buda-Pesth. The Bocloty Is purt ly Hungarian and Its rules provide, that Its members shall buy no Gei iiutti newspapers published In Hut -gary, patroulzo no Germnu shops and frequent no lintels, restaurants or cures where thcro aro German waiters or whero tho bills of fure and notices to the public ure in any but tho Mngynr lunguugo. Tho fact Is, tho Germans control tho best hotels andrcstaurunts lnBudtvPesth, and thoy in turn aro boycotting tho members of the society; but the lat ter, when driven by hunger for a good dinner, forgot tho rules and scale a German restaurant. Several of the Mugynrs have been going with their faces uushnven for days becauso tho leading harbor-shops re fuse to discharge their Germau en. plo,) es, uud a good shave cau be got nowhoro else, Tho society seems likely to full to pieces because Its principles are to dlfllcult to practice. THIS CHILIAN MINIHTKIt TALKS. Wahhinoton, D. C, Aug. 28.--"The war Is over," said Seuor i'nza no,thuChlllun mlnlstor, to aprcfis rep resentative, commenting on a cable dlspntoh received from tho Chilian minister of foreign ad'alra. Sonor Puziiuo wore a contented expression upon his determined faco, while his handsome wife, who nets oh his Inter preter, beamed with enthusiasm, Joy, and happiness. "Tho war be gan six months ago," Senor Pazuno exclaimed, "aud tho Insurgonts wero led by Colonel Canto, who had been (iismifscu irom tno unman army. Ho succeeded In scouring tho Chilian navy, and on this account has been able until now to malntuln his army. The Chilian government hud no navy, uud becauso of this disadvant age they havo been unublo to hem In the Insurgents." "Had wo hud shlpn," said Senor Puzino, tracing tho positions of the government and Insurgent forces ou a rough map ho had drawn so us to explain himself, "we would have H'icceedod long ago." lie I hen traced tho positions of the army of the Chlllun government under commuud of General Veins quo, present minister of war, and who distinguished himself In the wur between Chill nud Peru ten years ugo, uud ut Coquimbo, on the northern ooustuf Chili. Tneio were 1000 government troopt In (he garrison, while below ut Concepclon 1000 men were under arms. To the left of Concepclon an unity of 0000 were ruudcivoued be-, tweeu Suutlugo anil Qulnturos, above the Acouoquo river. The Insurgents under Colonel Canto moved down the coast tuwunl Valparaiso, At Acouoquo river tho Insurgents uent met by a force of 500 men from tin -m. 0Mtf