Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 26, 1891, Image 2

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    vwwH (i , mUMtg0mmmr"
hnc6 bnkt out In Ifanplon Kwang -
- lasg, Jjny iz, cftuwa oy me com
plaint of imtlva woman that her
had been stolen by missionaries.
The mob nttCHipicd to search tbo
wtiuicU aud troops woro summoned.
Reports nro eonflicllutr ua to tho
result of the engagement, somo stat
ing that tbo mission buildings were
torn down, while otlicre snto that
nun of the 'enders of the mob was
killed and right nrrcslfi uindo. At
VahiiBleu it general uprising took
place wmid weeks previously. It
peemed to ho directed less against
tbo missionaries than thoautboritlca.
Several of the leaders wore arrested
nod beheaded.
SAjr Francisco, Aug. 0. Accor
ding, to the City of Wo de Janeiro,
which arrived from Hong Kong
Monday evening, tbo spirit of dis
content Is stilt rampant In China.
"Whlla very few actual outrages havo
occurred since tha arrival of tbo last
China steamer, Iho people In Shang
hai exprct an outbreak daily. "Tbo
Chinese are at war among them
selves," said au officer of tho Rio,
"hut that will not uiako tho slight
est dilltTt'iice when tho uprising
takes place. They all hato Eu
ropeans and will combine, to drlvo
them out of tbo country. It Is a
great pity tho United States has not
n fleet over thero to protect Ameri
can Interests. All other nations are
well represented, while wo have
only tho Palos." When told that
tho Charleston, Alert, Mohican and
Mohacacy had been ordered to
Shanghai, he said, "I'm glad to
hear It. They will bo badly needed
thero beforo nuotber mouth goes
HlNTON, W. Vn., Aug. 20. People
living on New River mountain, In
this county, are much wrought up
by the phenomena which has been
witnessed thero at Intel vols for
HCVernl months, but which has only
recently assumed startling propor
tons. Many reports were circulated
of tho mysterious rain of tiny stones,
which apparently cninu out of the
air. At first these attracted llttlo
notice, but, as time passed, the re
port became so general as to attract
wide notice. In response to In
quiries from a distance, a cor res
poudcut visited the mountain last
week to Investigate the stories.
Ho found that while the common
rerjorts are considerably exaggerat
ed, thero Is a basis of truth for It,
and the facts which are susceptible
of proof are mysterious and in
Seatixk, Ainr. 28. Judgo Hau
ford, of tho United States court,
yesterday dismissed tho suit brought
by Bernard Ileoli, aud other sailors
of tho British ship New City, to
libel her for their wages, on tho
ground that tho matter had already
been decided by thelirltlsh vlcocon
buI at Whatcom. In his opinion
Judgo Ilnnford held that the
United States court cannot officious
ly inlerfcro in a caso wliero tho mat
ter lu controversy has been decided
by on authorized ageut of tho govern
ment of tho country to which tho
vessel belongs. Tho British consul
at Whatcom decided tho men were
not entitled to their wages.
Judgo Htiuford rendered auothor
decision, in a damage suit against
Carbon IIHI Coal company by J, N.
lijvans, employe. Tho plalutltrwus
a minor, aud was injured by tho
nugllgouco of a laboror employed In
tho construction of tho railway to
tho mine. Tho court ruled that tho
two men woro not engaged In a com
mon employment, aud that tho
caso does not therefore ooino within
tho ruloofluwexemptlugemploycra
from liability to servants for Injuries
by tho negllgonso of follow servants.
Tho defendant's dunuricr to tho
plalntlfi's complaint was overruled.
IV KIlA.KI) nisi.
Yonkkhb, N. Y., Aug. 20. John
Howland, a wealthy hat manu
facturer, aged 00, fell from the
window of his factory this morning,
and striking on stones 100 feci below,
was killed.
Newport, It. I., An. 20.
Clareuco Ilobnrt this morning de.
foatod O, S. Campbell in tho iimtuh
for tbo tenuis ohumpluushlp of tho
United Slates.
M MKfrSKtaate M
A Singular I)eatIiTIio World's
Fnir-Tlie Strip.
Tho Right Stuff, Tho English Storm,
Tho U. P, R. R,, Selling Wheat,
Immcnso Salmon Run, Below
Freezing, The Latest from Chili,
Tho Prohio's, Swallowed a Pin,
State and Foreign News, etCi
UUFPAl-O, N. Y., Aug. 20. Two
detectives here arrested William Mc
Dcrmolt, aged twenty years. Ho If
a desperate character, and tho police
f Corry, Pa., aro anxious to taki
him into custaly. McDermmt i
charged with train robbery and pox
sibly murder. On August 17th Ik
entered a train on tbo Wet tern New
York & Pennsylvania lallway and
nourishing a pair of big revolvers,
commanded everyone to hold up
their bauds. After lobbing tho pas
sengers of tbir valuables, tho des
perate criminal pouncd upon an olo
man aud woman and beat them into
unconsciousness. Ho then shot au
oilier woman and she now lies in u
critical condition at Corry. Ho sho
a child and it, too, was severely
wouuded. McDermolt and tw
companions, who stood guard at tin
doors of tho coach, then jumpei
from tbo train and escipcd to tin
woods. After dividing tho boot
they separated,
Tacoma, Aug. 20. John Waters
a young man from Scuttle, met hh
death In u rather peculiar mannci
here, while visiting ut his slster'r
homo. He) wus standing on tin
front porch when he was attacked
by oil oplleptlo fit and fell over tin-
ralling to tho lawn below, a distance
of about eight feet. Ho injured hh
spine and died in u (aw hours. Hh
people aro well known pioneers ol
Chicago, Aug. 20. Changes wen
madn In the Interior plans ol the
muuufacturo building of tho world's
fair, which will add ton acres to the
tloor of the building and glvo it
forty acres uvailablo for exhibits and
avenues, making tho largest exposi
tion building over const! uoted. Tin
music hall and shoo and leather
building uro forced out by tbo new
arrangement to other parts of the
ground. The change wus tho result
of a protest by Vlco President Do
Young, of tho national commission,
who demonstrated that under the
previous arrangement there would
bo baroly room for foreign exhibits,
thus completely shutting out Amer
ican manufactures. Tho proposition
of M. Klllol, of Paris, to erect a
lowor at the exposition, was today
definitely rejected. An American
company headed by W. E. Halo,
will, it Is said, submit a more accept
able plan.
Guthrie, O. T., Aug.; 20.-Tho
Chcrokeo Btrlp is abhiKo in innum
erable places. Prairlo fires were
started by houicscekers to drlvo oil
tho cattlemen and herds. The eva
sion of President Harrison's Capo
May message permitting Cherokee
Indians to graze only their own
cattle on the strip, has aroused the
boomers to desperation.
Indianapolis, Aug. 20. The
caso of Clarence Johnson, who bwiiI
lowod a pin threo weeks ago, Is ex.
citing a great deal of Interest among
the physicians, owing to tho pecu
liar sullerlngs or tho patient. The
pin appeals to ho traveling In John
sou's body, aud lu live minutes tluio
ho has been known to complain of
paius lu three dlllerent and often re
mote parts of his body. He has
periods of from 0110 to threo hours lu
which ho Is free from pain, but these
are growing less and frequently tho
pain is becoming more and more in
tense. At times his pulse Is so high
that it cannot bo counted, aud at
other times so feeble as to bo almost
Imperceptible, A number of tho
best physicians lu tho city have ex
amined Johnson and agreo that ids
caso is an exceedingly peculiar ono
UNION PAt'Il'tC it. 11.
New York, Aug. . Tho Tlinos
saysi Tho hitch In the financial
sehonio by which tho enormous
limiting debt of tho Union I'.iolllo
railway In to bo extended for threo
years, Is believed to bo due the tin
certulully concerning Jny Gould's
purpose lu tho matter. Tho under
standing In Wall street Is that J.
l'lermout Morgan will consent to
JIM J1KLOW freezing.
Washington, Aug. 20. The torn
pcrature Is below freezing in Maul
tobn. Clear frosts aro likely to reneh
tho upier Wisconsin to Northern
Iowa tonight, and will recur Thurs
day. the prohie's.
Harkisruro, Pa., Aug. 2J. The
Prohibition etato convention opfiied
hero this morning with 403 dele
gates present, ji. t. Allies w-ih
sclented as perm incut chairman. Tn
his speech ho denounced tho ballot
reform law because It discriminated
against tho prohibition party.
New York, Aug. 20. From mid
night until daylight tho scenes wit
nessed by watchers at the ruins of
the fatal fire confirm the hello f that
the greater number or victims will
bo found under the cemor of tho
debris, where the full weight of the
building fell. During the night tin
ItahotH left at the work digxlug foi
bodiesevery now and then unearthed
parts of human beings, all In a vr
decomposed state. Legs, arms, fret,
und, In ono or two Instances, head
wero found and placed carufu!l.
away with any parts of clothlmr
that may have been round near the
disaster, for the purposo of Identify
ing, If poss b'e.
"When darkness set In, Captain
Allaire, or the third precinct, made
a complolo change lu tho manage
ment of his department by driving
a number or people out or the fire
limits who had no business (here.
foreman Farley, or truck 15, took
charge or the recovery of bodies,
and Dr. King B. Page, or 70 East
Twenty-first street, voluntarily of
fered his assistance, assisted by Mr.
Quigg, of tho health olllce. At 8
o'clock a woman's b dy was discov
ered. It was found lylngunderneath
a heavy press with only the face
exposed. It was found Impossible
to removoit until tho press was lifu d,
Farley directed th twenty Italians
under his command so fnod humor
edly that they seeiuo.-i to work with
more energy aud spirit than an.v
previous gang, besule some unknown
philanthropist had plueed at thedls
posal of tho laborers and officers a
plentiful supply of colleo, sand
wiches and tobacco, so their Inner
man was replenished. They went
at It wo'l.
At midnight the stench emanating
from tho place where the cellar form
erly was, was so sickening that Ser
geant Hawloy expressed it as his
opinion that ghastly revelations
would bo brought to light there, for
It Is supposed to be tho bodies of
twenty wotnon who were In the
dressing room at tho time of tho dis
aster preparatory to leaving for
home, and none of whom have been
beard from since. At H.-10 one more
body was found, that of a man ter
ribly mangled lying tu the shadow
of a huge printing press. Shortly
ttfiur that another. It wus a man
thirty years or age, 115 p-nindi
weight and five feet ten Inches high.
All these bodies were sent to the
morgue. By this time tho stench
was almost unbearable and as tho
day da wind tho gi eater light reveal
ed four more bodies anatomically
distorted and mauuled to Hindi a
condition that the limbs aud trunks
or tho bodies seem to ho separated
aud heaped one upon tho other.
Another body was round in n posi
tion to recover, but when lifted from
tho dirt was fouud to be the charred
corpse of u disemboweled man be
yond recognition. Several almost
illeglbla addics-.es round iu ono or
ins pocivcis woro uecipnered as
Woodbury it Co., 11 South street,
Boston. Tho Italians were relieved
at 7:30 by a gaug or longshoresmon,
aided by firemen from a truck com
pany. Yesterday it is stated that iho cat
astropho was thought to havo beeu
caused by 1111 explosion of nuptha
or somo olhor explosive matter.
Tho Insurance companies inter
ested lu tbo Park place dlsastir held
a meeting yesterday andapppulnted
a committee to make an exhaustive
Inquliy Into tho the causes of the cal
amity. The committee was In
structed not to admit any liability.
Atahtto hour last night the total
number of bodies exhumed from
tho debits had reached liny-two.
Several more have been Identified.
At 7:.1() this morning sixty bodies
hud been recovered from the ruins
of the Taylor building,
At Itfiu this afternoon work was
stopped, aud theannouncenuiut was
made that there were no iipiro bod
ies In the ruiiib. The police have
given tho number or the dead taken
out as slxty-ouo lu all, ot these thirty,
three aro Identified.
S T A T K.
Fin, Auh' 20
Eihie.ve. Or., Aug. 20. People
were surprised yesteuluy morning
to see the Jewelry store or W. Hollo
way closed and in the banc's or his
creditors. It Is not ay attachment,
however, but tho cicditots came to
collect bills which he had failed to
pay on thopreHouteearch.y of mouey,
and the Mock will bo sold at auction
until tho di-xlrcd amount in rulscd,
when he will continue with the
prin. nd rounute. Ar. coniributor, Murray, the ingro des
to Tollo D'Apery' Paper. " .. .
Tcllo d'Apcry, New York's most fa- Irnlo and murderer, w still mal.i
JuHboycdUoTls reaping the bitter tain lug a n.gn of terror In he
frnitof success, and has been ordered southwtsteru portion or the stale
out of the city by his doctor. j He stepped Into a colored church
Tho h.d. now about fourteen years , near Meh e Sunday and, holding
old, Is a llttlo marvel of acute editorial
Portland, Aug. 20.-An Immi
grant train, or about twenty per
sons, fivewngoux und a dozen horses
have arrived. They were fioui Min
nesota and Noith Dikota, und had
been on Iho rond since the first of
May. Tliey had g'tio through
about all their worldly possesions,
rarmli'g in Minnesota and Dakota,
and canio to Oregon to make a new
start. They were In "pretty held
circumstances, hut If they are m-iile
of the right Mud of metal will poll
turougii alt right In Oregon.
Portland, Aug. 20. Tho funeral
services of Captain Ward S. Stevens
took place today ut 2 p.m. utTrlnltv
Episcopal church, Itev. Thomas 1j.
Cole officiating. From tho church
the remalus were escorted by the
dlllerent societies of which ho tfitmi
member to Second and Madls.m,
where they were placed on a funeral
carnudtakeu over tho electric road to
the cemetery. The cerornony at the
grave was conducted by Regimeutal
Chapluiu A. A. Cleveland, of As
torlu, according to the hitilal nei vice
of tho Uniformed Rink .r tin,
Knights of Pbythlas. The pall
hearers Included two members each
from Mystic lodgo und AVlllaniette
dIvJBfon,Ivunhoedlvis.ion, Germanic
division, Cilanlhe division, Aslor
division, of Astoriu, and Columbia
divlciou, of Albany, KnlghlH of
Pbythlas. All ol ibee lodges were
represented iu the prnees-lnii, also
the Pacific lodge, Ancient Older of
United Workmen, and members ot
the battery. The Elks attended
tho lunerul In n body.
selling wheat.
Portland, Aug. 20. All the
mltc about tho Fanners Alliance
circulars causing farmers to hold
their wheat back, does not appear to
nave umouuted to much. A shipper
stated yesterday that there has been
more wheat sold up to date than
bus ever been sold at tho same time
in any preceding year. Funnels
are letting their wln-ot go freely,
anil aro In funds. In tho Wallu
W'dln country, 76 cents per bushel
is being jntl'J for wheat backed, and
In tho Pulouso country 70 cents,
and ut Albany 80 cents has been
paid when rival dealer were
conipellnx for a lot. Speaking
or the burners' alliance holding
baoK wheat, un agent who wus sent
out up country made his first
purchases from the principal officers
of tho ulllaiicc. There ore no signs
01 wheat being shipped East from
tins coast this season, but quite tne
reverse, u.s a dealer here has received
samples from Utah, and a teeniest to
know what prices will bo paid hero
for Utah wheat.
Judgment. It seems to havo been oorn
In him. Very early in ills editorial ca
reer he would be playing with I its mar
bles or his jwt cat when ho would say :
I lint e an Idea. I will write to Prince
Hoand-soand tret an articlo for Tho
Sunny Hour." His Ideas always have
worked. Ho has published In his littl"
monthly articles from more kings and
queens and princes nnd war worn gen
erals than ony threo magazines of
grownup dimensions.
Carmen Sylva sent him two poems.
Osiuan Pasha, tho defender of Plevna,
tent him an urtlclo for which a maga-
gino editor would havo given much.
Prince Roland Bonaparte has sent nun
tho manuscript of an unpublished book
on Fclence, with full liberty to use ex
tracts Tho Princess of Wales sent
him a story. A man publisher hearing
of this concluded that ho could do as
much, and sent a blank check for an
other. The check was, of course, re
turned Social leaders in New York took the
hoy up and made a pet of him. Their
children wrote for him and lie was in
demand at receptions and fairs, where
he was a model of boyi.sh deportment.
Hut nil this was hard on a growing
boy's vitality. Tello will be kept nt
school in the country, out of reach of
city excitements. Threo days In each
month he will havo leave of absence to
come down nnd get his paper ready for
the press. Next year he will go
abroad, nnd whether he goes to Paris,
Spain. Greece, Turkey. Africa. South
America or China, ho will be able to
hobnob with subscribers and contrib
utors of the most imposing nnd dig
nified character.
The sanctum of this young editor is
a inu-scuui. Thero are shelves filled
with curiosities, and rows upon rows of
photo,;i uphs. Most of the distinguished
contributors, and some like Queen Vic
toria, who have not contributed, havo
M'nt him portraits, so that the wall is
like a gallery of notables. Prince Be
hind Bonaparte is a splendid looking
young man, with a slight mustache.
Garabcd Kcshlskian, the publisher of
the Constantinople Illustration, is n
handsome middle aged Turk, with a
fez nnd a full, brown beard.
Osinnn Pasha's military coat is cov
ered with military decorations. Prince
Mavrocordato looks out from another
photograph. There is another of Gen
eral Sherman and a letter, almost the
last ho ever wrote, and other letters
and newspapers in every language. Mr.
Kcsliisklun's Turkish paper has a pic-
. ..r m..i.. ,.. , . ...
inn-ui lunuon its last page, which is
it flrt,t, us wo would reckon, whilo the
title page was on the back. Tho type
looks not iinliko the Chinese firecracker L
characters. .
Uvery number of this young editor's
tnagnzino lias paid from tho first There
nro fow editors who could say as much.
Tho money goes into .1 "barefoot fund"
to buy shoes for poor hoys. Now York
Cor. St. Paul Pioneer Press.
up the omgregutlon, cnipellcd the
di aeon and minister to take tip a
coUecilou f.ir him, which thiy did.
He left irier Ullln,.' them they
wore doing good by helping htm.
He has threatened to stop trains
on some or the railio.uls, aud arm
el men are patrollng the track iu
many places. Murray tins com
mitted many other acts or lawless
ness In the past wetk. The clliz-ms
or Gainesville huve ofleied laige
rewards, uml the county commis
sioners have been asked to aid iu
the work of arresting the desperado.
Two hundred men are searching
the swamps for him' but us tliemur
derer knows all tho bypaths he is
able to escape his pursuers, and op
pears In unexpected plucis, causing
the wildest excitement.
Baltimore, Md , Aug. 20 Ex
Governor Bowie, who has been to
Saratoga, where Senator Gorman
now Is, is authority for the state
ment that Gorman told a prominent
Connecticut politician who spoke to
him about the presidency, that
Maryland's vote iu the next nation
al convention would be cast for
Cleveland, as his people recognized
the fact that Cleveland is the popu
lar choice of the country aud would
support him In the convention as
long as he had u chance of running.
City of Mexico, Aug. 20. The
telegram from Valparalzo states that
a fight has been going ou for 12
hours and from the first, though the
army of Balmaceda is nearly double
that of the cougressionalists, the
latter has been victorious, From
present indications the fight may
continue for several days. Tho con
gressionalists aro expecting rein
forcements. The insurgent fleet is
still harboring about Quinters bay
Berlin, Aug. iC The Saa'e
Zeitung says Bismarck is ageing
rapidly. He is somnolent aud
losing his memory. Prince Bismarck
lias partly written five chapters or
bis autobiography.
licahr in (Jrocrrlcs, PainlH, Oils
and Window Ghtss, "Wall l'n
tier nnd Jlortirr, Artists' Ma
ieriiils, Lime, Iliiir. Nails and
Shingles, Hn.v, IVtd and Foneo
Posts. Grass Nmls, Etc
25c Want Cou
CI "Ilkl ..! k
i... j..-i. .' . "cu nr r.i..
..'""'. ' " II lAhiVV?8 C;.
"Hi-rt 7, VOH V'
l wont 1
thnn v pp
M i
Hraughtund driving horses, young
aud old. Inquire or
O. W. ANDERSON, Cook Hotel.
Lley Tliere Tlircslicrincii !
if yon need
.Sight Iced 111 bilui tors,
inject ore,
SlPiitn or rnt(r pseVInu,
Liiffk ami globd vnie-,
lllow oircncK'H,
Hose, hoe,
Or nnyUiiiif elsi- for your cnglna nl Fort
Una prices, cull on
Lilts commercial ilreet,
And we will lit yon out In llr t rturt uii)o.
-:- Silnii Boat House, -:
Ro it odl. c foot of Tiade Hlrect l'leasure
aud luiiiili k Iki-Ui-. Hales ow.
CHAS. 11. McCLANE, Propr.
For Sale Clieap.
120 AC11K3 OF LANJ)
5 mll"H from SiUm at iiSnernue. About
ifOiu-rtsoi.en, lulnnrc Unifier Uoodi-prlug
water. "I'eruis t-a-ij." l.KO V ILLId,
Oiieru Hoove, Court xtrcct.
Leave oulcrs at tbo Club stables, one
block oust ol I'ostotlke. AH orders
l.roniptlj altended In.
u. cuoas,
and Packer,
Slate St. and Court St. The best meati
delivered to all parts of the cltv.
G. Gloger, Druggist. Wntcrtown,
"Wis. This is the opinion of n man
Who keeps a drug store, sells nil J act as trustee lu tho proposed fund
joedicines, conies in direct contact 1 raining scheme only after exaetlug
with the patients and their families, ; from Itussotl Hago, Sidney Dillon
ud knows i better than anyone elwj and George J. thmld, concessions of
kow remedies sell, and what true j great Importance to tho Mad. One
V14k k44k.Jr 4iUVt. aiU iiCUlb Ol Oil
lUfe failures and successes, and can
therefore judge: "I know of no
or those concessions It Is hollcved
was tho presidency of thoroul and
I it Is stated that Morgan has selected
inn noio iJieuieuaui csamuet tspenoer
1 to succeed President Dllllnn.
Tacoma, Aug. SO f he ImHior U
literally mil or salmon, and for t
medicine for Couchs. Sore Throat.
or Hoarseuess that had done such ef-
fective work in my
Coughs, famjiy ns Uoschec's
sraThrnni- German Svmp. Iist
K Throat, wntcr n &d lIcd
Hoarseness, at my store, who was days past the uuinhcr has Won rap
suirenng from a very Idly InoreaBlnjj. The number or tWh
severe cold. She could hardly talk, lu nlht wan never no groat before
md I told her about German Syrup Ouo notablo retuiU of thU condition
nnd that a few doses would Klve re- or thine in n ...,. rut.w.i.,.. 1..
Kef; but die had no confidence in pileo. Usually Kood salmon brht
Pg medicines. I told her to take from ton to twentyilvf woM unlit,
t'Vtk-tw, t-ttfti HIV AVOVIIV41 MVlVi 4Wfc
sati.fctory I would make no charge
r It, A few days after she called
juvl Biil for it, saying that bhe
Wouhiaevcr be without it In 4Uture aa
tm iv had given her relief."
oven when very plentiful. Now, ut
a cent 11 pU co the market U glutted,
l'luh Ooininltwloiier Unum doohirvd
that never lu the memory of the
oldest Inhubltant or the mct owl
ludlan ha tti uluion run, novon,
been equaled, or hardly approached.
Han Kranoiscx), Auk. iM,
Joseph Martdon, a member or the
Hawaiian legislature, arrived hero
on tho China ttteamur, having xpeut
some tluio iu India, China mid the
Phllllplne, Investigating tho labor
market in tho Intercut or tho sugar
plantations of Hawaii, whore cheap
er tabor Is wanted. Ho states that
tho Hindoos of Lower India are
admirably bulled for plantation
work, and, that tr a treaty could
bo made with Great Urlllwn, large
number mlUi he bntught to
Omaha, Aug. su At a nievtliiK
lust nlht or iho Omaha mllwti.v
omployoH, they formed a brunch oV
the asMtelat Inn or rallwuy euiiilovea
whloh Is being formed l over tiw! hevlet veii In that district In tht
Wmtcru ounutry. Its ibjwt rb ' ,l,t "drty yM, Corn aud hay
statitl Is to secure by the canlu of rrol''' Brv Mng in the Holds, and it
votes federal otllcla's who will ruvor '" """vd iho pota'o s wiU proven
laws tippwsed to capital opprvMlon, , ,t'N
London, Ang. 20 Tho French
fleet stiirtnl hoinoward yesterday
hound for Cherhousr. Tho Jlrltlsh
sailors gavo tho dejwrting visitors
three htaity cheers which were 11
heartily responded to. Monday
ovonlug oyer 1,000 French sallow
accompanied by a number of or
fleers were entertained at the t vu
hall at Portsmouth as guests ol the
municipality. The dceoratlons
maitiuescH aud other appurteiumces
Tor tlio pievlous reception of tho
olllcers and other dlstiimulshed
guests remained iu position and
augmented the eflect or tlis en
taluuient. The dlreetois of tho
Royal Sailors' Home at Portsmouth
gavo tho French teamen all the
privileges or memherd during their
stay. The mayor or Portsmouth, j
wlio presided at the entirtalnnient,
expressed tho earnest desiro of
l-higllshnieu to remain on terms of
peace with all lmtlotis.
London, Aug. 'JO. r,ast night
tho steam pinnace belonging to the
Itrltlsli war vetsel at Portsmouth,
was swamped m a galo nnd Tour
seamen weie drowned. Tho gale on
shore swept down the telegraph and
telephone poles, uprooted trees and
unroofed hollies. Dispatches from
various paits of thoooasi announce
numerous w reeks, llepoits from al
parts of Ireland ludleuto crops an
badly damaged by the gales.
Paris, Aug. iXl.-News lias hem
received or a hurrleane Iu Senega'
lu whlclian Italian steamer and two
cutters, were wrecked at Hutlo,uo,
and eighteen persons wore drowned
T4iMu)N' Auk. iiO. The N'nnvw.
glun Culler Frey has burned to ttu-
water's elg. mid eight of hur orew
were dinwued.
Hmit.iv, Ami. SO A vMent
thunder slnrm psnil over (Misrlo
vine, Ounty Cork. Tho ruin U llu
Somo Lure Collections.
Perhaps tlio largest and most valua
blo collection of laces in tlio possession
of any ono is owned by Mrs. Robert L.
Stuart, tho widow of tho old time sugar
refiner. Uut somo very rare and beau
tiful laces aro owned by Now York
women. Theso treasures havo conio
Into their possession either by inher
itance front their ancestors or by pur
chase dming trips to Europe. Tho day
lor wearing real and valuable laces,
except on extraordinary occasions, is
past, however.
Fashionable women rarely allow their
precious laces to adorn their gowns
nowadays. A rich dinner toilet may
bo sometimes trimmed with a profusion
of genuine old lace, but tho ornament
is removed from tho gown when the
owner takes tho garment off.
For ordinary wear tho imitation laces
havo taken the placo of tho moro costly
hind. Mrs. William K. Vimderhilt.
Mrs. Cornelius Vanderhiit, Mrs. Wil
liam D. Sloano, Mrs. Astor, Mrs. Now
bold Morris, Mrs. Prcscott Lawrence,
Mrs. Charles A. Post, Mrs. Frederic
Uootlndgo, Mrs. John Ewtng, Mrs.
John Warren, Mrs. Royal Phelps Car
roll aro among tho society women who
havo real laces, which, however, they
seldom use to embellish tlioir gowns.
Mrs. .Marshall O. Roberts and Mrs.
Ihadley Martin possess somo rare aud
very choice laces, and it has been said
that the old laces ownod by Mrs. Whit
ney and Mrs. Levi P. Morton aro col
leetively worth over $100,000. The
Hehuont laces wero also onco a famous
collection of raro examples of artistic
handiwork of great value and beauty.
Now York Sim.
Portland, Or., Aug. 0. Wheat,
valley i$1.65; Walla Walla fl.-lOl
San Fiiancisco, Aug. 0. Wheat
buyer; 1891, $1,703.
CiiiCAao,Aug.2G At close wheat
was lirm, cash $1.0.SJ$1.04, hept.
f 1.02, Dec. $1,041.
Portland, Or., Aus. 26. Wool,
Eastern Oregon, 1317; valley,.
San Francisco, Aug. 20. Fore
cast for Orogou aud Washingten:
Fair weather trenera'Iv warmer.
Bates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day.
Tlie best hotel bi-lwreo Portland andSae
Francisco. Kirt-class In nil IU appoint
mcntH. Ju tables are sened wlla tbe
CJt a (rest I'nt ita
Grown In the Wlllauielte Villey.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
MUM. W ConUNt. OhT.V 5h5
pot Is
run t,v. ,. . .... ail
Mn.h Qi.Mouihffilw!;-
ft.urpliy block. " ! A S
1 Uouke,pnTOfltuW
TKLIS.--Tli,. uiHlrrsli-nTTrr-vi
- ANKosj
1' new. 1
jV)U HALR-A two mi ....
J I hi
lurn A bcfiuiirt'i l.Kinlan Tot .'E "l
Iiiiiiihi sicoiid tiutitc cm Mubt 1 . " J
1 if vKj.tmi i.cnuc nner ctwi.ii,tt'l
goliiK to Ah him. "WMc u
, fc
V . U..11 e.elRbl room l, ,' "rV
una npiilj.v 1 iiiifr-il. uin, ,.... ."-"iwl
iicr. 1:0.1 loiiliiutnLnlerMui,"'l
Apply 10 Wllll.inm A ttiJiJ ,Aihi
'. : Sllgl
,, mouth .cillniiuiirpil,,1!!
uris. o wir,t ifiiintv
UA il!
nnJ "'M
"" IK
.igPDiH.nnu wnitiiKe back nil i,JS
-o!il If 0 L-nnnti in-Piit ii.c .. I!
..1 1 i.pniChi.f'ru llnm dnTk'&l
u M l.erui iii,eiit letK than 11&, i?l
s.'m iiiiKe mti. in f o ,iu u , V
l '111 ! Pi.pi'ln' fitlnr 1n ...It i " If
... -..-. ... .,-L .r in i
,1:1.11 11, . in. 1... . i..f . r , . t. ... ', a
mn v ill oik c nnd itpt In ... ...'fa
. -.. .. -.' ' IIM K.l
fi'u 1-1
piled 101,011 n-cUi.t 1 f:i
ppi y at oik c nod itt
burK. IM. ,7
titpilnl Cilj Heslw
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r,
11 r 1 .itiii
Warm Wpss at A hi'Miil till
i. M.u. ...v...- v., .... aivuiji, l
ivone but wbltp labor cm i jid'tl
ciuuiiajiiiicilL. 1
Agood subslnntJiil mini ktdlcj
Twcnty-flp ctntspei muti,
RBD F H-O 'r
Court btieet, lifiMur. Jouriuil oniJ
Mlnti 'i I liny 1
jiouo pnintiiiK uml ptper J
Good material cuil flivt-clin-s votli ii
object. LenvnottirrsouKliiif, Ht hmj
State street Livery.
Rett Rigs and yto'l:. Iloardlust ami i red
Stable. 41 State htrtet.
IJi'waro ol uiu.iu ma iui luturrli that
Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely de
range the whole system when en
tering it through the mucous sur
faces. Such articles should never be
used except on prescriptions from
reputable physicians, as the damage
they will do is ten fold to the eood
you can possibly derive from them
unirs uatarrti Cure, niauulactimd
by F. J. Cheney &. Co., Toledo, O.,
contains no mercury, and is taken
internally.audacts directly upon the
blood and mucuoiis surfaces of the
system. In buying Hall's Catnrih
Cine be sure you get the genuine
It is taken internally, and made iu
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Chenev ,fcCo.
Sold by diuggists, ptieo 75 cciits per
for any c.i9 of nenouHi.s, sVepUis
nf-sM. wenkfctomin-h, Imllg.ktlnn, djwiiop.
la, liy Outers Llttlo Nil e I'l.ih. l Uiel is
iui.'. Tbo only nerve medMne lor the
.ii' ney In market.
l'n pR'Ulun of the heart, ucrvousnrRK.
rtmiiilug!., neivous lnartHeh, coin limuli
and icet, pain hi tbe back, andollier forms
I : uenuriefesme relieved by Cutter's lrcn
rillH. inniln specially for tho blood ncnes
and complexion.
All ca-iesof weakorlnine bnoir inir.ii.n
rheumatism, will Und relief by wearlmr
c;ue of Carter's Mmart Weed und Jteila?
dona Raokacho Plasters. 1'ileo 2o tents.
South of Willamette Hotel,
Noiico to Coutvneion
TX insl it III lia mvilu.d h. ., . L
l-J"!""" '." " " "'" V.rfv. I
1 j fiiiiu rejorin prnc 01 cm nx-i...:-"''!
A. IS1II nl J nVIni 1 n .. f... .1 "
lion nnd completion ofn twontoiThoi
Hccoidlug to ph ns und Fpe.iacailom,
theotlke of Robeit A L'utegiaf. S
uregou. '
Tbo bciard icoervcs tho rlcbt to m
any and nil bids.
ue u lieu cuecKs lor tlirc-n l,im,',.i ..
1. rs p ij able to the order of said lioarlii
in rotmumv pnpli l.lrl
Hy order ol ibe board.
8 18 Id CA.R0BEKI
Oregon Slate Fnir,
S20ncrcsof bet stnnk nncl frml lunrt In
Oregon for sale at a jiirgnln. Win s-ell In
lots to suit puicliuer. Adilrffsor call on
C. J. 8IHKL, Knight", Ore.
Near tjllver Cretlc Fall.'. 7 8 3m
In thrt County Court, for the couutv
Marl in, State of Oregon.
Inthematteroftbefestateof). ,,
deceased. ""'""
Thirty-first annual exhibition undertil
innniigenient i f the Oreeon Slum r,,.J;I
Agrlrtiltiuo, will be held al tbe state FiJ
fciuuuua um ruiuu, uuiiiiucacicgon
Jlloitdiiy, feeiilemUur 14, Ml
And lasting one week.
OVER $15,000
ii VjAsr vitmmvm
Ofleied for ngi I cultural, Hock mid ireclu 1
tuuc.iiiiiiiD.l.T VOTKH Ol a-l ACQ
fancy work nnd irlals of (peed
Iteduced rnteH for fare nnd fri-lslit oj it
iKiuoju.i ittuuii iium iu itnn ironi teeny
ImportHiit linproc-inents have betrna
uiuii uir KroiiiiuKana mcreai-ed ladaa
iu uiicieu t-Aiiiiijiors.
llncklen's Arulca Salve,
Tho Best S.tlve In tho world for Cuts.
UruUes, Mores, Ulcers, Salt Hlieuin, Keer
k..vo, iciici, i.iiniiieii iiauab, tnl Dla ns
m-r 5ndnf,'.Rkln Eruptions, and "Pi:
lively cujesl'lles, or no pay miuireJ. It
Kiiiirouieea to Elve neifwl .mi.
L. 11. .ludson
'lOS. II. JllllhOn. Ii. 11. .llldn 1a T
C. JUCIalii, u. t. Judtou. 1,. T. Jiidson.
1-rankle Ure-sler, all of ilarlou cimuty!
and V. H..ludson,Olympln, Washington
t-daltiessler, Llmlra Mathena ol Wash
ington Co, I'reson, GltEhTINO:
And to ml helrt.kn.un or unknown and
all oilers Interested in Raid estate. In tho
namnol the Stnte or Oregon, you are heir
by c led and ncjulrcd to nppc-nr lu tbe
county court of the state of Oregon, for the
countyofJlailon.a' the coin t room thereof
day, lhn 7lh dav ot oepiembc r, lsl, at 10
o clo t. In 1 he forenon. ut ti.nt rim. n.....
and there tno.n.wraitce. Ifinv thn',B io dw.tr
why liiepttUlonor.vudi.dn Inlslrator fort
.... . i iiii.-,iiU iiop'ny ot HtilUdrc'd
ent Hbould nut be giauud us prayed lor in
said ii t tion. 'I lu. riii ,, Jr.3.t.. ..,:'..
thowtBtlli.eol thelJ.I.. C crj.Xi.Pjirl.il
.iu wiib wiere an easterly extension of
tbe south sldtlcil .nilkpt kti.nt 1.. .!.
nfNi.rlh fsiVm ,. iiileiscet the weVl
bounclnryofihe land claim ot said j i
J,U "ml wlle ,aid ljtinK ''' ''hlus 1' o
w irointbeN r. comer nf.iiii l r. i,
A splendid Held ol horses enlerrd Inti
eeu aennrtmont. nnci flno
racing will be gl en each day
Kntrlcs for nrenilums clo,... Mnnifiti!
7:0 p. ni. Kxhlbilors ure urged toEslm
many of Iheircutiles on Niili-rrtnj W
fair us possible. Cloods anlnmls sndutt
cies lor exhibition must bo In their llaca
j? xw j. in. ou itiuuuny.
Man's day ticket ,ll
Woman's day llekrt.. 1... il
Man's i ease n ticket . I'll
Woman's si ason ticket - 1 itH
lenatoiiieseTi taryntl'oriland.Ori'go 1
or to Geo. W. Walt, nsilstanl tereiarj,!
onieiii, uirn jiremiuin list.
J. 1. A-l'iillLlK.
tiN. president,
I.T. GHKl.O,
or mouey refunded
'rice, Ji
cents per
A Ihllciue Wedding Gift.
A uulquo gift was that presented to
rue groom ox u recent wedding hy his
about to bo mother-in-law. It was nn
album containing photographs of his
bride at yearly Intervals from theasoof
one month to that of her bridal day
twenty-two years. If the husband
takes up the work that tho mother has
laid down ami insists upon his wifo's
counterfeit presentment being added
ewry twelvemonth to tlio collection,
It will form u most interesting relio to
ho handed down to tier descendants. -Her
Point of View In Now York Times.
A Brazilian syndicate has secured the
services or soveral experts from Pitts
burs, who will bore wells In tho hope
of obtaining oil or natural gas.
i zing Itch Ffk ,
Halo Hint limit y.
!2ffi?ro, '."W ,,,cn uml "omen of slisht
UMlldnndluferlonslrMiKlh to whom Ti,
iarm "tin mm
It Is salit that thure are about aiCuu
rallrttail men lu this state, anil that
through organlratton theo meau
LojcnoN.Aoij. 20Tlie meleorofiU
cal bureau jiuyllcls that galea will
(oututuo Ml yvr tbo country toihv.
iMMPll' kvBLv.!.. ..
'XflzXJr . s SK
Irt-vvviiwois alwdr. sleep undLturbed l
mit ..mud. Th. li'uttolA "l lut enel
Witt Hllrt.ll tM p,ni thB IWIlli tfc2
Liirf.M. ... ;...'.": ""... ium
f.Hl - i ,r
5BriicJ nr r'it,
wWU r'ttv
tit r,'B ' Rjw the pwvUm.
hw '.-.l w,trla lb ijvteui. Has.
HM riMLii. ii .....
Wriilk dim! rhiMiin..
ua ......... .1... .-..--"-""
r- UIWi.r
MMWI- md klilnev
luhlllnuuf rtvlM
uUvity or Ihe Uvw, i
ndpromoie. the nc
weiUvijor, w J
o 1 1 e'n
fui i ii W
iuu use m uo,i,ra bjin.-irlii.i Seero
csoj cf iiroful.1, upon hl.ui o.licr piep-
.irauous n.no been poHei v, t kid to Ilia
peculiar our U!o jnmci-s of t!.i nudicltie
ll'"estlii''cisei of fvsrersb. oror,.in,'.
lug compl-ilnts of the kidneys nud liver.
. h1' ;iiB iicn
d j
rUjeanisot catarrh, aiut nchesand patns
of rlieuiiiati-m, nv cured by Hood's Sir.
i! .i.,Ia. It purifies tuo Wood, and at tlio
s tlnw tones tlio stomacli, creates an
' to, at ,1 g.ves stiengili to oien funo
i -f the body. Give It atrial.
General Debility
"Per four yours my Uo suffered, with
targe tumor bunches on the glands under
the arms, and neuerat debility of the w hula
Mcim oue beenie so poor In health
hut we wero or. mo ergo of despair
reptrding her recovery. Hi) sidans did
not mil to uudewtand her ease; at all
evits she never derived any benefit from
lioli twatmwit. She finally concluded io
try Hood's SarsapartUa. The tumie li..te
effect was so marked and salWsctorv ihit
slio coBttaued to take it. and thl the
resultj Sho lias galued lu vcgnt
From 04 to III PounHo
and Is Wronger ami In better health than
she hasten (or yours. The bunches under
hr ams tWv dltalnlshed. and we lelleve
llood SArMpartila wm be too Much for
them In time." J. j. XoarKoss tx Com
mercial Street, Boiton, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
IQO Dow Qne Pollar
f-liuiiii; Jhence running wtft7t):.nloi'ir
".' '.'erlv exe-1,'lon ol the soulh slc'e
of M rhet street 1.78 chillis Io the v
'ueoi ibe southerly exiviiMou or Wlul.i-.'-cci
n the town of -.,,'ciri; Theuce s. il-
ir.. W n, ?.su'.!."?!.?.,orT '.tv '.
claim-then. e.v.laoK, I chain's alone "he
"."' 1iu,..-f..,'uld '"rrihU claim uJ the
nine., .r ii.,.T "l0".,?"".i0 .
(Si f lend r ' lu'"'"':7.iu oiau
"'bCMthoHon.l 1. LV.Mdsou, Judse
emV"y.?lVilJ ''r'-uf the Kinte of Tr.
Sou, fur the coi.nt ' ol .Minion, with the
ftL'jf ?:?.""' ". this -lih day m
Mihw, l'rnltit Hum, Atloracjs.
or Will 11 o3., Albany :;and IVmal
I'lauoj, Uf:m and Sewing Macks
l our Home
.-Vire'its fol NoMiiwt-M Jnsiimi'ceCftl
ui.i' unni. cif -, once, "-m T
'!lct.uucl new p.uls Tur hi- mii Nn
U-lf clw
r J. lUHrocK. clerk,
I.. V MIUTT 11.1......'
llj I-. K
P11ATT, Deputv'
Claim ifert. f."
a. I opt i C"r"
TJ, 8, l'en-ion nnd
i. laif in. )n joo
Cler'' V rlt.. lor MuhJs,
Thollonri ofifqualli-ntlonofMnrionCo
Imfi'li, will ii oitiu 'hec-imi.tv eouit l.i.m
tV,ic,,"1" 1"""n i'Mirn"",c,rS
vnt I rt.iuV nurt st .e or Moldsy. ( ho -let
The NewBiacksmiths
Rllrnei.cnri t. Tr.li. II. .1... vii rVMBnlff I
cJal and Cheineketa streets, 'i.leui. H,0"1 1
shoeing a specialty. '9 I
Said bcmid will cmlinue lu s-.-wlon fur
Jic iek,i.m. Wh'oUilipoinntj wurt ill
M. 1-n county win ccmpUio tne S
na .on nd enrr oiimi o reMmoLt i ,
'V ""ifrpimldelbylaw. U '"
b .t '! Twir;::?!?"rnrfnrf-
xnt -i..-" r vi'if -'r.11" "i
--j-- -.-.v i nuu W Hl
Dtv1 August lCh,
InOHlifl I iuiwk
IllUl.l I.,. ..!. .1
ituei-Muenl nr !...-i . ' .. ".'" "" " ."-, '."
he n,nV;i, ".V T ' 't " 'Ketl
,.. ,, ,, mi i iw ittfnTPrf nu .
......-1:-''- AVKi.
: . "j'r.junmt n
'!. Sluli ,
2I5 Commercial St., - alem.Ortl
INTevt annr tn ltleln'e.)
Specialty of 8pect.icle, and rep"'
.limns, wntunesana jewen-j.
T1ir3r-rShO,rh.,.'"h"1Kfr0t" 'he flue
JJVJVJObrecdlntt stock in n, .....
oll!I. 1,'rHJ1"B: t)it and nxviort or. l!l,.i. I toon
Kiumii nrei ani ewnd on M'H'i. i.J
horn; secoudon l'lymuth i Hock nnd lir..Sf'
IjPKhern: at the Oro7, "4t n"? ",W.
Oregonian.-Pri. iu !)) ,i, h : !'',,
'hee premium will b ",, ex lUtt. ,,'
n.u. e. no bivftr .io.i r;.i..p"v" .. ." '
2iffi?i,.,2,l,Sih!,' to ,"r, fKii
ii Ki. T i '" trimrunir. tu
DIssalutiou of Co-pardiorsliiP'
niKKHrmofSFOwRros hasdls-oMtg
1 dny the co-prtnenhlp 'l'.,l;i
tween tlio inemtK-r. by mii'i'' ,,sl!r.
K. Suow rrmtlnuluj lu inel u"'L
Snow retiring from tue lusir.H
Dated at fttlem, Or Aur S. t?'
it n.v
alnl th.nM.ililLL: "'"V ." "."Ml Ml
limned ranite. ci fyiTrui .. Iuu
CHWSTIAN KtCHU,AUnni,(nirul,
Tn Kf raiviiprrv firoivei
sic. (swet'' Tja.
Tbe undenilnied 1
niiantltvortbn Jessie.
irlnnavnt !.. .i.aii V
-. i, --witnij Dilllliui"' . k i
urnrtfnhlA tiim hp- In a If m.
, "--Ti-- --STf ' . T I i
W Sivaee. Ka eii- 'C-1
from It
birl ImnnallJ.. 'U'arr t .1 1 ,,rr
eHuuber JM. Alio ten i V"
Adurtks -HOr.'S