iMmri1 1 HHIIHBSr' " PWlJl" IWHPJiyMW WiWr " "7SP?V "JT "Jnnwvt " - -.- . t T -t- 'vt rsjnjil EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 4. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON. WED7STESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1891. "TO-DAY'S MWS TO-DAY." NO. 134. MTMii TTiilir T" " NEW -:- AND - FRESH i -JUST RECEIVED AT- KIPLING'S MONKEY STORY. PHTTON'S : STATE STREET BOOK STORE, 9S STATESTREET. : A LA.EGE INVOICE OF BLANK BOOKS, CONSISTING OF RECOHDS, . LEDGERS, OHDER BOOKS, JOURNALS, RECEIPTS and NOTES, CASH' BOOKS. Memorandums of all sizes, indexed and plain. Burr's Combination, Patent Index for 1200 to 5000 names', best in use. Burr's N w Trial Balance Books by which a whole years business can bo seen at a glance. ATTENTION! FARMERS: ATTENTION! EVERYBODY Come and examine our goods aud prices. We have hammocks as low as 45 cents. Croquet sets from 1.00 upwards. Boy's express wagons of all kinds. Tinware, Brooms, Soaps, Matches and all kinds of notions. This line of goods MUST be closed out in order to make room for our early Fall stock of Men's. v omen's and Children's SHOES, HOSE and UNDERWEA ft, which will begin to arrive in a kw days. Come early and get prices. It costs you nothing to examine our good?. Lai - SSSgSSSSS!SSfSSrSS!irtSPS7 (SUCCESSOR TO) 20 1 Commercial Street. ;WE A HE HEADQUARTERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST FOR- Harvesting Machinery opEvery Description. -;- Our Stock Comprises the Celebrated EMPIRE MOWERS, EMPIRE AND TRIUMPH REAPERS AND BINDERS. HOOSIER, DAISY, FAMOUS, HOLLIN'GS WORTH AND GAZELLE SULKY HAY yAKES. BAKNES' REVOLVING HORSE RAKES, STERLING AND OHIO HAY TEDDERS. Keystone hay loaders, "Eclipse" stackers and buck rakers, Myers hay forks and carriers, and the Celebrated Steel Karm Randolph. Header. It will .pay all farmers and dealers to call and see us, or write for quotations before purchasing elsewhere. STAYER & WALKER, New Market Block, Portland, Oregon. Agent for Salem, with office, store and warehouse next door south of Willamette Hotel r ...-.. ii ... i.i mum 11 ill BROOKS & NEW HARRITT. LINE DOLL jm3 CARRIAGES. OB JrfHHMH mm. tilsHi3 S3 YLM? vrffWAi THEBEST SHOW K BABY CARRIAGES. HAMMOCKS CROQUET. LAWN REVOLVER AMMUNITION, BASE BALLS, BATS, CAPS, Etc, FLAGS, FIRE CRACKERS. HUH el CO., Successors to W. F. Boothby & Co. POPULAR Clothiers, Hatters id Sklc Sine). SALEM. 1QCCT?CJfcaZX! 235 CDmmerciaf Street, OREGON. To jet your money's worth in Is to go where they buy eastern goods and sell at eastern prices. ' BOOTS 2 SHOES R. J. Fleming, (Successor to Jas. Denham & Co.) 118 State Street. Mil I 01SEL F i I rWtfai fa. &A' rff33sPS$S& IV asrem mmmzmm s tUTrh --Siri,sr gafes IS -""TTrY- i.y ttt-'ZF-jP "lf " i iTTBTHarrr n -emw pmi i ILlIg ON THE lMiflT PLAN. The Capital Homestead Company Ts building n number of new cnttnges on l.irge l"te, In healthy location, near tlm K!firi In!i Tin v are for galea ivaMtnahltt nriees. on easy terras. Call 5trfbJninl exmni-m plan: go and Fee the E? nruriertv. Curresnnudence solicited. OFFICE IN MURPHY BLOCK. SALEM, OREGON, J C0 " a -s. aafgcztcyotpaL OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 'J MONMOUTH, OREGON. Bojrd of Regents: Stale Hoard of Education, ex-olllclo; His Excellency.SylvesterPeut.o.ver, G v.; Hon. G. W. McBrlde.Ser. ofstate; Hon. E. B. McElroy, Superintendent of Public In struction; Benjamin) Sehol ficld, Prep.; J. B. V. Butlir.Sec; Executive committei-; Hon. J J, Daly. Hon. P. W. Haley .and J. B. V- Butler, Polk; Jacob Votirhecs, Marion; J. C, White, polk; Alfred jjiicey, (JlacKumiis; A isoirner, juuitnoman; v?ii Holmes, Marion. The leadiug Normal school of the North West. Beautiful and health ful location, no saloons, new buildings, now apparatus, full faculty, light expenses and large attendance. Normal, Advanced normal, Business, Art, aud Music departments. Special attention giveu to; physical culture, volunteer military organi zation. Those receiving dipli.mas areauthorlzed to teach In any county In the state without farther examination. Tuition in the Normal nuil Bus iness departments has been reduced from $40 to $25 per year, aud in the Suhnorrnul from 530 to $20 per year. A year at school for $150 expenses. Tuition, Normal and Busiuess $0.25 per term often weeks, Subnormal tf per term. Board nt normal .dlulng hall $1.60 per week. Furnished rooms with light and Are $1 per week. Board and lodging iu private homes $3.C0 per week. First term opens Kept. 22, 1891. .Students can en ter at any time. For catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL, A, B , Prus., r J M. PWL'A;,,M-' yP";-,.,,,. i!)l-. DRAY8AND TRUCKH a ready for ordew. ind deliver wood. coal and lumber. Of fice Htato St., nnposlto 8a- found throughout the dv at Salem Truck it Dray Co, H v nee ati The lem Iron works. Drays nnd trucKs may ho th corner of State and (iimmon'iEl strei. BRICK AND TILE. For flriit-claw) hand mndo and tile, goto MURPHY & DESART. Larfjo supply on hand. Near fair ground, 8 ilom, 7 Si nL"l;tn6 Commercial Street. Tho Best for the Money all the Time, J. F.WHITE, EXPBESS AND TRUCK LINE. Hauling ef alt kinds, llest work. Wagon at every tntln. Stock Holders Meeting. The annnal meetloaof the stnclr holder of the Gold Mountain and Dry OulcbCouoli duled Uold A silver Mining company will b litlrt at the onlce ofald compauy In Ha lem. Orttfon, at 2 p. m. Haturduy, Augut 16, 180, fur tho purpoae of electing (5) Are tllrer tore forthe enulug year, and fomucb other ttiiue aa may properly come be- roretucu mock notnere meeiin. It. H. OANWON, FresldenU SETIt IV HAMilEU, Secretary, Haleoi, Ore., Jul 11, 1891. A. W, BLACKFORD, House paliitlu? nnd paper bunging. Good material aDd nrcM'laiui work U my object Leave order on slate, ut I'arrarn sture. J. H. HAAS, THJfl WATOIIMAJLEK, 215X Ccmraercbl St., i !em, Orejon, (Next door to Klein'.) Specialty (if Speotacle, and repairing Clock. VVuicUea and Jewelry. MONEY! To U o Rut liUti Security. encTlacino HtoK Savlur. Lian & Uuiiaiug t'o AF? French Conlct-Naturllt and III Simian Friend. Thoro was a pauso in tho outcry, and from Han's mouth enmo on imitation of a snako's hiss, so perfect that I al most sprang to my feet. Tho sustained murderous sound ran along tho deck, and tho wrenching at tho bars ceased. The orang-outang was quaking in an ocstaoy of pure terror. "Dot stopped him," said Hans. "I learned dot trick in Mogoung Tonjong when I was collecting liddlo monkeys for some peoples in Berlin. Efery ono In dor world is afraid of dor monkeys oxcopt dor snako. So I blay snako ngalns monkey, and ho keep quito still. Aro you asleep, or will you listen and I will tell a dalo dot you shall not po liof?" ''There's no talo in tho wide world that I can't beliove," I said. "If you havo learned poltof you liaf learned somedlngs. Now I shall try yourpelief. Goodl When I was col lecting does liddlo monkeys it was in 1879 orlSSO, and I was in der islands or der archipelago over dero in der dark," he pointed southward to Now Guinea generally. "Meln Qottl I would sooner collect lifo red dovils than liddlo monkeys. When dey do not bito oil your thumbs doy aro al ways dying from nostalgia homesick for dey haf der imperfect soul, which Is midway arrested in defelopment, mid too much ego. "I was dero for nearly a year, und dero I found a man dot was called Bertram Ho was a Frenchman und ho was goot man naturalist to his bono. Doy said ho was an escaped convict, but ho was a naturalist und dot was enough for mo. Ho would call all der lifo boasts from der forest und doy would como. I said ho was St. Francis of Assizi in a, now drans migration produced, und ho laughed und said ho baf never preach to der fishes. Ho sold dom for tripang becho-de-mer. "Und dot man, who was king of beast tamer men, ho had in der houso shust such anoder as dot devil nniuml in dor cage a great orang-outang dot thought ho was a man. Ho haf found him when ho was a child der orang outang und ho was a child and broth er and opera comiquo all around to Bertran. Ho had his room in dot houso not a cage, but a room niit a bed and sheets, and ho would go to bed and get up in der morning nnd smoko his cigar und oat his dinner mit Ber tran, und walk mit him hand in hand, whicli was most horrible. "Herr Gottl I haf seen dot, beast throw himself' back in his chair and laugh when Bertran had mado fun of mo. Ho was not a beast; ho was a man, and ho talked to Bertran, und Bertran comprehend, for I liof seen dem. "Und ho was always pollteful to mo except when I talk too long to Bertran, und say nodings at all to him. Den ho would pull mo away dis great, dark devil, mit his enormous paws shust as if I was a child. Ho was not a beast; ho was a man. Dls I saw poforo I know him three months, und Bertran ho haf saw tho samo; and Biml, der orang-outang, haf understood us both." Itudyard Kipling in Mino Own Peo ple. A Cheap Process for UrlckiiiuUlng. A machine has been designed for making bricks and tiles on tho somi dry process. The clay or material to bo formed into bricks is fed into a hop per In a granulated stato. Tho fin ished bricks aro delivered as tho charger returns to refill tho empty mold. Each brick receives four distinct presses, whereby tho air is thoroughly expressed. All tho labor required is ono man to tip tho clay Into tho grinding pan and ono boy to tako oil tho bricks as tho ma thine delivers thorn. Among tho various purposes for which tills maclilno is em ployed besides brick and tllo making aro tho forming of purplo oro, or "bluo billy," into briquettes for tho smelting furnaco, tho forming of nickel oxido Into cakes for tho assaying furnace, tho forming of dry cement compound into blocks ready for clinkorlng and tho pressing of coal and coko briquettes. Boston Transcript. Two Americanisms. Tho London Athonamm recently printed a hitherto unpublished letter of tho poet Gray, written In 1701. It has to do with tho shipping of somo goods to Cambridge, and contains two flagrant "Americanisms, " so called. Thogoods, ho says, may remain packed till ho comes, "which will bo In about three weeks, I guess," and then ho adds, "Mr. Gillam, I reckon, will stay for bis money till I arrive-." Gray was ono of tho most learned men of his time, and a person of tho most fastidious tosto, yet ho "guessed" and "reckoned" liko any oountriflod Yankee. In other words, theso two "Americanisms" aro simply English forms of spoech which havo gone out of voguo in tho mother country, and which for that reason havo a novel, "Amori can" sound to tho modom English tour istYouth's Companion. Not Ho Silent. A drummer in a Grand Rapids mer chant's storo was making somo inquiries about Ills business. "You run tiio establishment alono, I net'es," lio began. "Yep." "Anybody in with you?" "Yep." "His namo doesn't appear on your Bignf "Nope." ' 'Ah I A silent partner ?" "Not muchl It'a my wife." Detroit Freo Pra. THE CAPITAL JOM'Al. H0FER BROTHERS, - Editors. I'BLISUKD DAILY. KXCKITBUNDAY, n tiik Canital Journal Publishing Company. , (Incorporated.) omeo, Commercial Street, lit P. O. UiUldlng Kntcrcd nl the postonlce nt Salem, Or., os srtond-rleir natlir. Til li ATTUIlNliY-OKNKHAIIIIl'. The Salem Jouiinai. Is so much Interested In the appointment of the ex-cashterof the Linn Couuty Bank, of this city, w attorney-general of Oregon, that the editor has written 1 1 the comptroller of currency nt Washington to learn If It Is a fact. As tho Democrat has already stated Mr. Chamberlain had no connection With tin bauk at the thno of ap pointment regardless of red tape re qulrcmcnts that may have been omitted. Even if he had Oregon is fortunate iu securing an attorney general of his ability and integrity, in whoso huuds tho Interests of the laboring people of Oregon ns well as of all other classes aro absolutely safe. Don't he small, Mr. JuuitNAl.. Albany Democrat. There Is nothing small about the Jouknal. It is tho Democratic press that is small. When the Re publican party of Oregon put up Hon. D. P. Thompson for governor last year there was a great outcry that ho was part owner of several banks. Tho peoplo were appealed to und urged to save tho Btato from tho dangerous domination of a Re publican banker by re electing that staunch antagonist of tho banks, Sylvester Pen noyer, governor. But when that campaign, with tho viru lent Democratic attack ou Mr. Thompsou because he was a banker, has passed away Governor Pen- noyer appoints an oillcial right out of a bank to a stato olllce and all these samo Domocratlo papors take stitift and say, amen! It Is not tho Journal that is small. In tho language of Barou Rothschild, "who'B a damphool?"' We all ap preciate the fact that Oregon has an able gentleman forattoruoy-gencral. Wo also appreciate tho fact that tho governor aud tho Democratic press are guilty of a grave Inconsistency which the people will not soon over look. TI1K riCOPLE TlItKI) OF UKVOItTH, The people In this portlou of the stato have listened long aud patient ly to the plausablo reports of what engineers havo been doing and what they intend to do, and havo also turned an attcntivo ear to tho elo quent harangues of representatives and senators of what great benefits would accrue to tho producer of tho northwest by nn open river flowing uu vexed to tho sea. Theao siron songs have sounded sweetly, nnd, fourteen years ago, wero heard with pleasure; but summer has followed winter hi continued succession, and, for long years, tho work of con structlou of tho canal and locks at tho Cascades bus been n lusting monument of how not to do it, Our congressional delegation may us well learn now as later on that theto pleasant speeches and fair promis es do not any longer (111 tho iniud with hope or expec tancy, and may us well bo left un said. The producers are determined thut tho contract system must ho followed In tho future, and. if this Is not done, next year will show a diflorent result In tho ballot in East ern Oregon from that oxperleuctd for several years past. If our sena tors will heed tho handwriting on tho wall they will not waste time In listening to Major Haudbury'H ntory of how tho locks are to bo com pleted; hut will go back to Wash ington City und do their utmost ut tho next convention of congress to change tho plan of work to the much desired contract system, East Ore gonlaii. Letter LUt. Tho following Is tho Hat of letters remaining uncalled for Iu tho post ofllco at Salem, Aug. 12, 1801. Per sous calling for tho samo will pleiibo say "advertised:" Adums Mrs It A Ambler Lincoln Auderfeon Mrc AE Bltceci) Anthony 715K FEAR & HAMILTON, BALBM, Owgop. 6:12 dlf ShlppcT8,conslgu yourtlmd freight via : the Chicago, UjjIou Paclflo & North western line. eod-aug Bisbeo Albert Baker John Crawford L , Duncan J N Emerson Mrs J KaruHwnrth J no G I vi ii u Hnos H Horner Miss A Harrison Mrs J Jullerson J A Blngmiiu Cora Campbell JM2 Davis E Evans John Edmunsun Annlo Gilbert L Oullutt Homer Hodgson F Hatch Harriett Jolnixon Abper Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. Rca 1 Baking rowaer jx&m ABSOLUTELY PURE SUOGESTKI) JOISIKNT. Ham Small seems to bo small iu namo, stature and nature. Immense crops aud good prices aro indicative of a Republican vic tory in Iown. Tho third parly movement In Ore gon Is in tho bauds of bad managers who havo dono about all thoy cau to muko Ifs future chimerical. Tho Alliimco platform in this stato Is loaded down with overything ex cept Henry Georglsm. How that was omitted is not known. Tho Portlaud Telegram with lt9 uew St. Paul editor Is leaving tho poor old fogy Orcgoulan far in tho distance as a newspaper. . "lias Oregoun millionaire?" asks tho Salem Jouiinai.,. Cert. Half a dozen of 'em. Wo have two In Astoria. Astorlan. Let other coun ties bo heard from. But please give namo and nsscssed valuation of property. Tho fact that tho alleged People's party lu this stato has leaded Itself to tho guards with political Impossi bilities, shows that It is not the peo ple's party. Tho peoplo as a rule do uot intentionally cut their own throats. "Fruits and Flowers," by D. H. Stearns of Portland, E. It. Lake, editor, is a well-printed monthly, with two fine colored plates of Ore gon fruit. Its namo reveals its ob ject and It Is well lived up to. Oie gou fruit growers aud llorists should glvo It a generous support. Prof. Lake is a popular writer aud has a scientific mind, tho magazine giving nil tho latest facis aud achloviueuts lu tho world of horticulture. Taconm Globe; Tho Hebrew emi grants from Russia nro coming to this country In great numbers. Tho plan of Baron Hlrsch, who has been tho clilcr am in their passage across the ocean, is to have them scattered on small farms throughout the country. If this can be dono thoy will be welcomed gladly to our shores. Tho Jews ns n nation and In Individual instances aro noted for their frugality and Industry. They aro n valuable class of citizens in nny community. They attend to their own business nnd in almost every Instance mnko a success of it. Tho Review of Jleviewfl Is ono of tho greatest magazines published, rich In illustration nnd material. It is veritably a busy man's magu zlue. Being made up from all the lending mngtizlncH of tho world, con taining the leudlng illustrations nnd a synopsis of tho lending articles, it presents Just such features ns tho public should want. Tho price is only $2 a year, and peoplo wishing to keep track of all tho current lit erature of tho day, ubly condensed, should tako tho Review of RovIowh, published at Astor Place, New York City. LamiiertrratiK 'i lament i lurry LIvliigMou Gub Lfiiurd Miss F W Luders Henry Myers N L MurpleUF Muhileu Miss Lu MuttershushE Mooro llh NllsonN OgelshyMrHC Osborne Mrs L O Perkins D E I'l'duroun Clma Port OF Robins Miss JanleRoblns Eddie Smith Mrs EmmuBmlth W H Smith Geo Straup R I) SkuggH Mrs S A Stewart Frank Sclger Misi L Soger Mrs Emma Wheeler A D Williams Miss J Wliieland Miss MWhltncy MIshE Wtlsuer M B Wilson Mlsa M A, N. GlLUEUT, P, M. Quick time uua through train ollered passengers und hlpper by the Chicago, Union Paclflo & North western Line, Ban Francisco and Portland to Chicago, eod Aug Tho Dalles Chrenicle: The Farm- ere' Alliance lias issued u circular advising the farmers to hold on to their wheat for a few weeks and de mand what they should get instead of unking. What will you glvo? No inmi can reasonably find fault with this. If half the reports that como from ubroad are true, tho pros pects for good prices for grain wero never brighter, and no men lu America havo u better right to try and get all they can for their prod ucts than the farmers. Tho price of wheat law been too long manipu lated by such men us "Old Hutch" of Chicago, and wo shall heartily rejoice lu any movement that would result In tho farmers beating theso pariiBitcs ut their own gamo. Aro Yuu doing Kant? If ho, be sure and see that your tickets read via "Tho North Western Ltne." The C.St. P. M. & O. Ity. This Is tho grout short lino from St. Paul or Duluth tonll points eust und south. Their magnificent track, peerless vest I billed dining und sleep ing car trains, und their motto, "always on time," has given this road a national reputation. All clusxea of passengers are curried on tho ycstlbuled trains without extru charge. All ticket agents sell tickets via this lino. Ship your freight and travel over this famous road. W. H. Muai, Oen. Agt., No, 4 Wash. St, Portland, Or. A, J. Lklanii, Truy'g Agt. The Coining Line, The Chicago, Union Paclflo & Northwestern Line ollors the best accommodations to tho traveling public en route from Bail Francisco aud Portlaud, Chicago. Through tralni, fust time, magnificent sleep lngca rs, elegant dlulugcarr, colonlut Kleopers, reclining chair cars and handsome day coaches, coil Aug, TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. lssociateil Press Report and Digests of nil Important News ot To-Day. MISCELLANY. NKWS WAS TKUH. Nkw Yoiik, Aug. 12. Tho report that has como up from Sun Salvador that tho Pacific-Mall steamship City of Panama has been detained by tho authorities of Sau Salvador at St. Libertad was confirmed lust night by Superintendent H.2J. Bullay, of tho Pacltlo Mail Company. "We received a dlspntch yesterday morn ing from Captain White, of the City of Panama," said Mr. Bullay, "which gives us very mcagur Infor mation, and has evidently been through tho bauds of Sau Salvador authorities. Wo gather from the dispatch, however, that there wero some political refugees aboard the City of Puuama, either citizens of Guatemala or Sau Salvador, whom tho Sau Salvador government wanted to get hold of. The City of Panama left La Union on Augusts without tho regular permit ofclear uned papers. Captain White hrd waited long after the allotted time, for his papers, and so ho stnrted off without them, ns Is often done 111 special cases and in ensoof stress o weather and tho like. Our steam- ships can not n(fird to be ilolayulati any ono of thcContralAmerlcan porta over time. Wo havo a contract with' theso Central American republics to' carry their malls, and if our ships aro held in ouo place the other couutrles suffer. When Captain White got to La Llbertuu, another (lemanu was niauo for tho retugees, apparently, und then tho vessel was seized. Whether It wus on account of tho failure to glvo up tho refugees or on account of Captain White's leaving La Union without n permit, does not appear. At last accounts tho United States war vessel Ranger was at La Llbortnd, aud although sho Is not a very dangerous, craft, I think she will answer the purpose of Sun Salvndorlans If necessary. Wo shall probably havo more defin ite information from Captain Whit In a day or two." San Sai.vadou, Aug. 12. The general ngent of tho Pacific Mall lino at Guatemala Bays he took It for granted that tho confiscation had been mado because of somo violation of tho laws, but to make sure ho in quired by telegram If that wus the case. Minister of Commereo Amsya telegraphed tho following reply: "Tho City of Panama did not leave La Union without tho permission of tho health bourd, as you say. She did, however, leave without a requisite penult from tho authorities of tho port. This has led to the suing of said steamer, and In conse quent sho has been declared con fiscated. Wo are carrying on In this mutter tho samo doctrluo which the United States applied In tho caeo of the Itata of tho Chilian rebel squad ron ." TIII5 CZAlt AB A HUfillANI). London, Aug. 12. According to a St. Petersburg dispatch, tho czar has caused It to bo notified to Mm Princess Uouncflcsky, tho morgana tic widow of the late czar, Alexan der II, that she must not visit the Imperial family on terms of intimacy aud that peculiar relationship cau not bo recognized at court. The czar himself has no morganatic wife und Is devoted as a husband (o the empress, Ho does not like the e,vi denco of his father's looso morals to bo thrust too plainly before him. Tho women who were tho favorite of tho late czar havo found them helves hardly more than tolerated by tho present ruler. So far ns hj household is concerned, the autocrat seta an excellent example. HOLY COAT OK TUKVKS. ltui,ifi, Aug. 12. It is stated pa high eocuU'siuHtlcul authority lu Germany thut there is no obligatloo ou Itomun Catholics !o believe tbsfc - tho Holy Cout of Trows Is a garw-4 inent that wax wont by the Savior. Everybody l perfectly freo to form his own opinion on thu testimony. During the last two days there bee been a considerable Increase in the number of pilgrims, all auxloimly awaiting the public exhibition of the Holy Coat. A number of kk oeople havo also arrived who are anxious to be permitted to touoh the rolls iu the hopo of being healed. Thece people expect a repltltlou of thu miracles which are said to bay happened ou previous occaalotw el the kind.