Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 10, 1891, Image 4

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w stock of LEGAL BLANKS i the State, and the BIGGEST DISCOUNT. No one can cut my rates for Muting, and keep Car of the Sheriff.
7 me.
Fino Printing a Specialty,
"T0 Hare Sold Toondrfi for Naughti
unci Ve Shall I nilaniiMl Without
Mony"A Hh1 Ilarsaln Which ChrUt'a
Itlnod Alone Will Right.
TOPKKA, Kim., Aug. J). Dr. Tnl
ningu rwiclictl this city yesterday In tho
courso of hts western trip. Ho was
warmly welcomed by the citlzeiwi. who
came hi large numbers to hear tho fa
jnoiw Brooklyn divine. The wibject
of the Kunuon for tills week is. "A Poor
Investment." "d tho text, Isaiah lii, 3,
"Ye have sold yourselves for naught;
and ye shall be redeemed without
The Lord's people- had gono head
Jong Into sin. and as a punishment thoy
luul been carried captive to Uaoylon.
They found that Iniquity did not pay
Cyrus seized Babylon, and felt so sorry
ior these poor captives that, without a
dollar of compensation, he let them
go homo. 80 that, literally, my text
was fulfilled. "Yo ha vo sold yourselves
lor uaught; ntid yo shall bo redeemed
witliout money."
There Is enough Gospel in this text
for fifty sermons. Thero are persons
hero who have, llko the people of the
text, sold out. You do not seem to bo
long either to yourselves or to God.
The tltlo deeds Iiavo beon passed over
to "tho world, the flesh, and tho dovll,''
hut tho purchaser never paid up. "Ye
have sold yourselves for naught."
When a man passes himself over to
tho world ho expects to got somo ade
quate compensation. He has heard tho
groat tilings that tho world does for a
man, and ho bollovcs It Ho wants two
hundred and llfty thousand dollars.
That will bo horses and houses, and a
snmmor resort, and Jolly companion
ship. To get It ho parts with his phys
ical health by overwork. Ho parts
with his conscience. Ho parts with
much domcstlo enjoyment. Ho parts
with opportunities for literary oulturo.
Ho parts with his soul. And bo ho
makes over his en tiro naturo to tho
Ho does It in four Installments. IIo
pays down tho first installment, and
ono-fourth of his naturo is gono. IIo
pays dowu tho second installment, and
one-half of his naturo is gono. He pays
down the third installment, and three
quarters of his naturo aro gono; and
after many years havo gono by ho pays
down tho fourth Installment, and lot
his entiro naturo Is gono. Then ho
comes up to tho world nnd says:
"Good morning. I havo delivered to
you tho goods. I havo passed over to
you my body, my mind and my soul,
and I havo como now to collect the
two hundred and llfty thousand dol
lars." "Two hundred and fifty thou
sand dollars!" says tho world.
"What do you mean!" "Well," you
say, "I como to colloot tho monoy you
owo mo, and I expect you to fulfill your
part of the contract" "But," says tho
world, "I havo failed. I am bankrupt
I cannot possibly pay that dobt. I
havo not for a long whllo expected to
pay It" "Well," you thon say, "glvo
mo back tho goods." "Oh, no," says
tho world, "thoy aro all gono. lean
not give them back to you." And Uiero
you stand on tho confines of eternity,
your spiritual character gono, 6tagger
Ing'undor tho consideration that "you
havo sold yourself for naught"
I tell you tho world Is a liar; It does
not keep Its promises. It Is a cheat,
and it neon's everything It can put its
hands 011. It Is a bogus world. It Is a
slx'thousand-year-old swindle. Evon If
It pays the two hundred and fifty thou
sand dollars for whloh you contracted,
It pays theni (n bonds that will not bo
worth anything In a little whllo. Just
as & man may pay dowu ten thousand
dotlam in hard cash and get for It worth
less scrip o tho world passes over to
yoa the two hundred and llfty thou
sand dollars in that shape which will
not bo worth a farthing to you a thou
eandth part of a second after you are
dead. "Oh," you tay, "it will help to
bury mo anyhow '" Oh, my brothorl
you need not worry about that Tho
world will bury you boon enough from
sanitary considerations.
Post mortem emoluments aro of no
uso to you. Tho treasures of this world
will not jvus current In tho future
world; and tf all tho wealth of tho
3)auk of Eugland were put In tho pocket
of your khroud, nnd you In tho midst
of tho Jordan of death wore asked to
pay three cents for your ferriage, you
could not do It Thero comes a moment
In your existence beyond which all
earthly values fall, and many a man
has wakened up In such a time to (lnd
that ho has iold out for eternity tutd
lias nothing to show for It I should
us boon think of going to Chatham
treet to buy silk pocket handkerchiefs
-with no cotton In them as to go to this
world expecting to tlud any permanent
happiness. It has deceived and delud
ed every man who ha over put hU
trust In it
HUtory tells us of one who resolved
that ho would havo U his senses grati
fied at one and tho miiuo time, and ho
expended thousands of dollars on eaoh
Miise. lie entered n room, and thero
were the Hot musicians of the tuud
pleasing III ar. and then wetv lino
pictures fiuohuitlng his eyo, and them
were ootly aroiuaUos regaling his no
triU, and there were tho riihtt lueuU
utid wines and milt wul wuiwuon
pUwIiig thu apiiftiia, tuid them was u
loft oouelt of Infill Imlulgenev on
iwhleh ho rualliitK), nnd tho imui tlt.
claryd fffriml Hint ht wpuld jrlTO
ten times what ho had given if he could
have one week of such enjoyment oven
Miouali ho lost his soul by it I Ah I
that was tho rub I Ho did lose his soul
by it I Cyrus tho Conqueror thought
for a iittlo whllo that he was making a
flno thing out of this world, and yot be
fore he catno to his grave ho wrote out
this pitiful epitaph for his menument:
"I am Cyrus. I occupied tho Persian
empire. I was king over Asia. Bo
grudgo mo not this monument" But
tho world In after years plowed up his
HArrr! no!
Tho world clapped Its hands and
stamped Its feet In honor of Charles
Lamb, but what does ho say! "I walk
up and down, thinking I am happy,
but feeling I am not" Call tho roll,
and bo quick about It Samuel John
son, tho learned I Happy! "No. lam
afraid I shall somo day get crazy."
William Haxlltt, tho great essayist I
Happy! "No. 1 havo been for two
hours and a half going up nnd down
Paternoster row with a volcano in my
breast" Smoilet, tho witty author!
Happy! "No. I am sick of pralso
and blamo, and I wish to God that I
had such circumstances around mo that
1 could throw my pen Into oblivion."
Buchanan, tho world renowned writ
er, exiled from his own country, ap
pealing to Honry VIII for protection!
Happy! "No. Over mountains cov
ered with snow and through valloys
Hooded with rain I como a fugitive."
Jfoliero, tho popular dramatic author!
Happy! "No. That wretch of an actor
just now recited four of my lines witli
out tho proper aceont and gesture. To
havo tho children of my brain so hung,
drawn and quartered tortures me liko
a condemned spirit"
I went to seo a worldling dlo. As 1
went Into tho hall 1 saw Its floor was
tessellated, and its wall was a plcturo
gallery, I found his death chamber
adorned with tapestry until it seemed
as If tho clouds of tho setting sun had
settled In tho room. Tho man had
given forty years to tho world his wit,
his timo, his genius, his talent, Ms soul.
Did tho world como in to stand by ills
deathbed, and clearing off tho vials of
bitter nledlclno, put down any com
pensation! Oh, no I Tho world does
not llko sick and dying people, and
loaves them In tho lurch. It ruined
tills man, and then loft him. IIo had a
magnificent funeral. All tho ministers
wore scarfs, and thero wero forty-threo
carriages in a row; but tho departed
man appreciated not tho obsequies. .
1 want to persuado my audience that
this world Is a poor Investment; that it
docs not pay ninety per cont. of satis
faction, nor eighty por cent, uor twen
ty per cent, nor two per cent, nor
one; that it gives no solaco when a
dead babo lies on your lap; that It
gives no peaco whon consclcnco rings
its alarm; that It glvo3 no explanation
In tho day of dlro trouble, and at tho
timo of your deccaso it takes hold of
tho pillow caso and shakes out tho
feathers, and then Jolts down in tho
placo thereof sighs and groans nnd ox
ocrations, nnd then makes you put
your head on it.
Oh, yo who havo tried this world, is
It a satisfactory portion! Would you
advlio your friends to innko tho Invest
ment! No. "Yo havo sold yourselves
for naught" Your conscience went
Your hopo went Your Blblo went
Your hoaveu went Your God went.
When a sheriff under a writ from tho
court Mils a man out, tho olllccr gen
erally loaves a few chairs and a bed,
and a few cups ami knives; but In this
awful vendue In which you have been
engaged tho auctioneer's mallet has
como dowu upon body, mind and soul.
Golugl Gonol "Yo havo sold your
selves for uaught,'
How could yon do sol Did you think
that your soul was amero trinket which
for a fow pennies you could buy In a
toy shop! Did you think that your
soul, If oneo lost, might bo found ngoln
If you went out with torches and Ian-
torus! Did you think that your soul
was short lived, and that, panting, it
would soon He down for extinction! Or
had you no Idea what your soul was
worth! Did you over" put your fore
lingers on Us eternal pulses! Havo you
over felt tho quiver of Its peerless wing!
llavo you not known that, after leav
ing the body, tho tlrst step of your soul
reaohos to tho stars, and tlionoxtstopto
tho farthest outposts of God's universe,
and that it will not dlo until tho day
when tho everlasting Jehovah expires
Oh, my brother, what possessed you
that you should part with your soul so
0) leapt "Yo havo sold yourselves for
But 1 havo t-omo good uows to tell
you. I want to engage In a litigation
for tho recovery of that soul of yours.
I want to show that you havo been
chwvtod out of It I want to prove, as
I will, that ou were crazy on that sub
ject and that tho world, uudtf. tmah alp
oumitnuuos, had no right to take tho
title deed from you, and If you will
Join me I thall get a decree from tho
high uhaneory court of heaven rein
stating you Into tho po&wvttslon of your
tout. "Oh," you say, "l am afraid of
lawsuits, thoy aro io expensive, and 1
cannot pay tho cost" Then havo you
forgotten the hist half of my toxtf "Yo
have Mild ytmoelf for uaught ; and yo
thall lie rwWmed without money "
Money I good for a great many
thing, but It vatinot do anything In
this iimtUr of tho soul. You ounuut
buy your way through. Dollar ami
kiuiui iriiii iiiwm uouuug in tuo
gate of uieivy. If ywi oould buy your
ah-tttlou, Iiuyhi uld l a great
pjtiliulon, an oitviulou f Wnll irvet.
. Ua4 iqeu would kj up nnd buy out th
place, and Icavo us
to shift for our-
snlvoa. Hut as money is not a lawiui
tender, what Is! I will answer, Blood I
Whoso! Aro wo to go through tho
slaughter! Oh, no; it wants richer
blood than ours. It wants a king's
blood. It must bo poured from royal
arteries. It must bo a sinless torront
But where Is the king! I seo a great
many thrones and a great many occu
pants, yet nono seem to bo coming
down to tho rcsouc. But after awhile
tho clock of night In Bethlehem strikes
twelvoL and tho silver pendulum of a
star swings across Hie sky, and I seo tho
king of heaven rising tip, and ho de
scends, and steps down from star to
star, and from cloud to cloud, lower
and lower, until he touches tho sheep
covered hilk and then on to nnother
hill, this last skull shaped, and there,
at tho sharp stroke of persecution, a rill
Incarnadine trickles down, and wo who
could not bo redeemed by monoy are
redeemed by prccions and Imperial
We havo in this day professed Chris
tians who aro so rarefied and ethereal
Ized that thoy do not want n religion
of blood. What do you want! You
seem to wnnt a religion of brains. Tho
Blblo says, "In tho blood Is tho llfo."
No ntonoment without blood. Ought
not tho npostlo to know! What did he
say! "Yo aro redeemed not with cor
ruptible things, such as silver and gold,
but by tho precious blood of Christ"
You nut 'our lancet Into tho arm of
our holy religion nnd withdraw tho
blood, nnd you lenvo It n mero corpse,
fit only for tho grave. Why did God
command tho priests of old to striko
tho knife Into tho kid, and the goat,
and tho pigeon, and tho bnllock, nnd
tho Iamb! It was so that when tho
blood rushed out from these animals
on tho floor of tho ancient tabernaclo
tho peoplo should bo compelled to
think of tho coming carnago of tho Son
of God. No blood, no atonement
I think that Gqd Intended to impress
us with a vividness of that color. Tho
green of tho grass, tho bluoof tho sky,
would not havo startled and aroused us
llko this deep crimson. It is as if God
had said: "Now, sinner, wako up and
seo what the Saviour endured for you.
This Is not water. This Is not wlno. It
Is blood. It is tho blood of my own Son.
It is tho blood of tho Immnculato. It is
tho blood of God." Witliout tho shed
ding of blood is no remission. Thero
has boon many a man who In courts of
law has pleaded "not guilty," who
nevertheless has been condemned bo
causo thero was blood found on his
hands, or blood found In his room.
And what shall wo do in tho last day If
It bo found that wo havo recrucifled
tho Lord of Glory and havo never re
pented of It! You must bellovo In tho
blood or dlo. No escape. Unless you
lot tho sacrifice of Jesus go In your
stead you yourself must suffer. It Is
either Christ's blood or your blood.
"Oh," says somo ono, "thought of
blood sickens mo." Good. God in
tended it to sicken you with your sin.
Do not act as though you had nothing
to do with that Calvarlan massacre.
You had. Your sins wero tho Imple
ments of torturo. Thoso Implements
were not uindo of steel and Iron nnd
wood, so much as out of your sins.
Guilty of this homicide, and this regi
cide, nnd this deicido, confess your
guilt today. Ten thousand voices of
heaven bring In tho verdict against you
of guilty, guilty. Preparo to dio, or
bollevo In that blood. Stretch your
self out for tho sacrifice, or accept tho
Saviour's sacrllleo. Do not fling away
your one chanco.
It seems to mo as If all heaven wero
trying to bid In your soul. Tho first
bid It makes Is the tears of Christ at
tho tomb of Iizarus; but that is not a
high enough prleo. Tho noxt bid
heaven makes Is tho sweat of Goth
somnno; but It Is too cheap a prico.
Tho next bid heaven makes seems to bo
tho whlppod back of Pilato's hall ; but
It Is not a high enough prleo. Can It
bo possible that hen von cannot buy you
In! Heaven tries oneo moro. It says:
"I bid this timo for that man's soul tho
tortures of Christ's martyrdom, tho
blood on his temple, tho blood on his
oheek, tho blood on his chin, tho blood
on his hand, the blood on his side, tho
blood on his knee, tho blood on his
foot tho blood In drops,' tho blood In
rills, tho blood In wols coagulated be
neath tho cros; tho blood that wet the
tips of tho soldlors tpoars, the blood
that phushed warm In the faces of his
Glory to Owl, that bid wins It! Tho
hlghust prleo that was over paid for
anything was paid for your toitl. Noth
ing could buy it but blood. Tho es
tranged proiwrty Is bought back. Tako
It. "Yo havo sold yourselves for naught ;
and yo Until bo redeemed without
money." O atoning blood, cleansing
blood, llfo giving blood, snnotlfylng
blood, glorifying blood of Josusl Why
not burt Into tears at the thought that
for theo ho shod it for theo tho hard
heart ed, for theo the lost!
"No," says somo ono; "1 will havo
nothing to do with It exoept that, llko
tho enemies of ChrUt, I put both my
hand Into that carnage and scoop up
both palms full, and throw It on my
head and cry, 'Ills blood bo on us and
on our children P" Can you do suah
a hoaklug thing tut that! Jut rub
your handkerchief noroM your brow
and look at It. It U tho blood of tho
Son of God whom you havo do.xpll
and driven back all thetouare. Oh,
do not do that any longer I Como out
boldly and frankly and honestly, and
tell ChrUt you are Kirry. You cannot
afford to so roughly treat him upon
whom everything depends,
U&fiti&Sff iW0U. Stat WW
from this subject You sf that you
are sold out, and that Christ wants to
buy you back. Thero aro three pe""
sons who como after you today God
tho Father, God the Son. and God tho
Holy Ghost They uuito their three
omnipotences in one movement for
your salvation. You will not tako up
arms against tho triuno God. will you!
Is there enough musclo in your arm for
such a combat! By tho highest throno
in heaven, nnd by tho deepest chasm In
hell, I beg you look out. Unless you
allow Christ to carry away your sins,
they will carry you away Unless you
allow Christ to lift you up. thoy will
drag you down. Thero Is only ono
hopo for you, nnd that Is tho blood.
Christ tho sin offering, bearing your
transgressions. Christ the surety, pay
ing your dobts. Christ the divine Cy
rus, loosening your Babylonish enptiv
Would vou not like to bo freo! Here
Is tho prico of your liberation not
money, but blood. I tremble from
head to foot not because I fear your
presence, but becauso I fear that you
will mis3 your chnnco for immortal res
cue. This Is tho nlternntivo divinely
put "He that bolievoth on tho Son
shall have everlasting life; and ho thnt
belicvctli not on tho Son shall not seo
life, but tho wrath of God abideth on
him." In the last day, If you now reject
Christ, oveiy drop of that sacrillcial
blood, Instead of pleading for your re
leaso as it would have pleaded if you
iiad repented, will plead against you.
O Lord God of tho Judgmont dnyl
avert that calamity! Let us seo tho
quick flash of thoscimotor that slays tho
sin but saves tho sinner. Strike, om
nipotent God, for tho soul's deliver
ancol Beat, 0 eternal sea, with all thy
waves against tho barren beach of that
rocky soul and mako it tremble. Oh,
tho oppressiveness of tho hour, tho
minute, the second, on which the soul's
destiny quivers; and this is that hour,
that minuto, that second!
Somo years ago thero catno down a
fierco storm on the seacoast, and a ves
sel got in tho breakers and was going to
pieces. Thoy throw up somo signal of i
distress, and the peoplo on shore saw
them. They put out In a lifeboat
Thoy camo on, and thoy saw tho poor
sailors, almost exhausted, clinging to a
raft; and so afraid wero tho boatmen
that tho men would glvo up beforo they
got to them they gave them three
rounds of cheers, and cried: "Hold on,
there I holdout We'll savo you I"
After awhilo tho boat camo up. Ono
man was saved by having tho boathook
put In tho collar of his coat, and somo
in ono way and somo in another, but
thoy all got Into tho boat "Now,"
says tho captain, "for tho shore Pull
away now, pull 1" Tho peoplo on the
land wore afraid tho lifeboat had gono
down. They said: "How long tho
boat stays. Why, It must havo been
swamped, and thoy havo all perished
together." And thero wero men and
women on tho pier heads and on tho
beach wringing their hands, and while
thoy waited and watched they saw
something looming up through the
mist, and it turned out to bo tho life
boat As soon as It came within speaking
distnnco tho peoplo on tho shoro cried
eut: "Did you savo any of them! Did
you save any ot tlieim" Anil as tho
boat swept through tho boiling surf
and camo to tho pier head tho captain
waved his hand over tho exhausted
sailors that lay flat on tho bottom of
tho boat and cried : "All saved I Thank
God I All saved 1" So may It bo to
day. Tho waves of your sin run high,
tho storm Is on you, but I cheer you
with this Gospel hopo.
God grant that within tho next ten
minutes wo may row with you into tho
harbor of God's mercy. And when
theo Christian men gather around to
seo tho result ol this sorvice, nnu tho
glorified gathering on tho pier heads
of heaven to watch and to llston, may
wo bo ablo to roport all saved I Young
and old, good nnd bad! All saved!
Savod for thno. Saved for eternity.
"And so It camo to pass that thoy nil
escaped safo to land."
reraonal Safety In a Thumlerttorni.
"Permit mo," 6aid a mnn In tho
trade, "to glvo you tho real motive that
tho woman had when sho asked for
glass cups In whloh to rest hor brass
bedstead. 1 mn sure that It was not In
order to prevent tho bed from robbing
her of hor electricity, but dimply be
came glass is a nonconductor, and ev
ery woman believes that lightning won't
striko anything that rests in glos cups.
"1 have soon a highly respeoted rela
tlvo of mine run to the pantry on tho
approach of a thunderstorm and se
cure fou. nloM preserve dishes, rest tho
four logs of the chair therein nnd sit
serenely, while tho rest of tho feminine
household climbed under tho bed or
got Into tho closets. It Is supposed
that when lightning comes In a window
nnd sees a woman with hei heels on
tho rung of her chair, tho legs of wlJoh
(tho chair, not the woman) are in cus
tard cups, that It turns around and
goes back again." Upholsterer.
The Alternative.
Harry My groat-aunt has Jiut made
her will, leaving mo $100,000 In case I
quit smoking.
Jack, Well, what are you going to
Harry It's n dUgiutlng habit, but I
utppoM I've got to learn toohow.
New York HKoli.
At til niuuUlu.
Mother Why don't you drink your
Otla water, pet I
Little OWl-ilt tcratcliM uy now,
Good Ifewi.
There is a gentle-
Dyspepsia, inan at Malden-on-the-Hudson,
N. Y.,
named Captain A. G. Parcis, who
has written us a letter in which it
is evident that he has made up his
mind concerning some things, and
this is what he says:
"I have used your preparation
called August Flower in my family
for seven or eight years. It is con
stantly in my house, and we consider
it the best remedy for Indigestion,
and Constipation we
Indigestion, have ever used or
known. My wife is
troubled with Dyspepsia, and at
times suffers very much after eating.
The August Flower, however, re
lieves the difficulty. My wife fre
quently says to me when I am going
to town, we are out
Constipation of August Flower,
and I think you had
better get another bottle. ' I am also
troubled with Indigestion, and when
ever I am, I take one or two tea
spoonfuls before eating, for a day or
two, and all trouble is removed."
Willamette University.
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FirstTerm Begins Sept. 7, 189L.
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Beautiful nnd henlthlul site near the city.
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LltPravy, fclentlrtc, '1 utologlcal, Prepara
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Ladles' bntudlng Lull uudor experienced
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Opens Sept. Sth, 181)1.
COUUSE OF STUDY nrmuged oxprcwly lo
ii tei l ho uxd ol the Farming ami .Me
chmlcal lnleriwts ot tho btate,
l.rgt, coinodlous ntid well-votitllaloU
building. 1 ho College UlocuUdluu cul
tivated uud Christian community, undone
or the iHHilthlost In the Slain.
Expenies nred not 'exceed I50 fwl theJEotlre-
Two or more Free 8 holarlilvj from
every county. Wrtio for Catalogue lo
k 1 II. U. All-NOl.I), l'rtw., Corvnllis, Or"
Cowralory of Music
Th bet orgHUlUHl Muslo Kouool on the
North Wtfelooait. OiUJhiuulrod and tiny
mutlo ktudenU the. jxikt M-liool year, llmt
HiulUtiMt luttiiod of lumrueUou. Cuur.
tMiorlMauo, Voice, Violin. Organ, liar
momr, OouuterjHiliii, ami imulnit miniu
lllofi In all tlm htghw forma lWWounu
Btnutwl ou completion of mre. Next
nwiu iMitliu Mouday,!tombr7th.
Bim formulism) or uJdrMn
T &h Uur Mubloui IHrMhir, Kwhwii Or
.,U, H. lVmJou and QUira nt vn
. CA1WJN, Attornov nt law
H 3 nnd 4, Land A Uu It's ImhK
ialem. OrrRCii 8 1 l'r
building, Salem, Orrgen
W II tml.MK-4.
r-oriri. Itnr.MRU .t IlAYBKN. Atlor-
D ncy lit law. Ofllce lu Unsli's liloclc,
between Stnto nnd Court, on Com'l St.
W.H. I'llATT
SHAW.PKATTAnU.sr, Vitamers fit
law. Ofllco overCnp.talnailoniil liault,
Hiilcm, Oregon.
rnlLMON FOKD, nttorue ut law, Salem,
I Oregon. Olllco up-sta'ni lu ration's
DiAlim 111NUHAM, Attorneys nnd
councclors at Inw, S.lem, Oregon,
.itivinst mi nltnictol tho reixmlBOf Marlon
... ...nti.lt.r. .i 1r.t nnrl lilrmlr WldeY CM
Ailcm, they luive special fiicllltle lor ex
nnilnlug titles to renl estate. Uuslness In
tho Miprenie court nnd In tho state aepnrt
llft-niB Will ICCCl.U JJIU...JJ. ..hcmhuu.
nit. W. H MorT, phynlclnn nnd sur
,,n,i nillr... In I'lrlvl.ltrn lllnnlt. Sn-
lem. Ureffiiu. OHlco hours 10 to 12 a. m.
2 to 4 p. in
n n. PH I LRKOOK. M. l)..IIomeopatH18U
11. Ofllue 165 Court strcfil: Hesldence 817
liifh fctrwf.. npl. prill lllflfitlne. HDeclAl
attention given to diseases of Women nnd
K.GAimow. M D.. l'hs-slclan nnd
Bunreon. (lately attending Guy's hos-
pltnl. Jxiuclou, und Hoynl lullrmnry, Edin
burgh.) OHlco nnd reldejce In First Na
tiwnnl bank block. Cuhs In town or coun
try promptly attended, itfllce hours 9 to
11 n. m.; 1 to 3 nnd 7 to 8:80 p. m. dw
DIt. J. M.K1XNE, Dentist, Office over
the White Corner, Court and Com
mercial streets.
DIt. T. C. SMITH. Dentlst.M 8tate street,
Hnlem, Or. Finished dental opera-
lions oroverydescrlptlon. 1'alnless opera
tions a specialty.
WD. l'UQIl, Architect, Mans, bpecl
, fictitious and supenntendeiiLO lor
all classes or buildings. Olllce 13W Com
mercial St., up stairs,
8. McN ALLY, Architect, New Hush
, Uroyman block. I'liiu".and srec'ttc."
ns of all classes of of but Jiiigi, on stunt
notice. Huperlntendejicoof ork promptly
oolied after. i 5-tl
EJ. McOA USTLAND,C1 il H.inllao nnd
, Hydraulic Engineer. IT. S. Deputy
mlueral surveyor. City surveyors otllcc,
Murphy's Ulock, Salem, Ougon.
See us beforo building, It will ray.
;i32 State street.
AR. W1LLAUD, BlickHmllluind h i-e
. shoer. All woilt guarantied. Shut
on state street, near court bmue.
GEO. IIOEYK, Uarbcr nnd JI lr d-OtMtiu
parlors. Fluest baths It 'he city. SiOU
Commercial street, Salem.
r ICE &. ROSS, Blacksmiths all klndsol
XSi repatrlngandcarrlngevor.i. Wo havo
In ouv employ Arthur Glove, professional
horseshoer. Glvo us a trial. 1 1 1
4B. SMITH & CO., Coutin.-tors, Sewer
. lng, Cement Sidewalk-., t.Ncivatlng.
: All work promptly do..e, . ilem.Or.
Leave orders with Duirau Ilr. -1:' -tin
CARPET-LAYINQ.-l make n s,,c-Iliy i
caipetsewlug and laln?; cnicu
taken up and relaid with gre.i cji; ij i m
cleaning. Leave orders with .1. H. Lunn
orBureuASon. J. G. I.ITUUMA.N.
-rnniM OllAY. Contractor nil builder.
I Flno Inside finishing a i-peclulty -ibfi
Commercial stieet, balem Oregon.
JOHN KNIGHT, Blacksmith. Horse
shoeing and ropalring a spn-lalty. Shop
alvUQ loot oi jjineny butxi, o.iic.ii, wicswu-
J, LAR3UN JtICO,, Mauur.ietuie of all
kinds of, vehicles. Repairing u special
ty, Shop 45State stieet,
A. J, SHIMP, M, D,,
Physician and Surgeon
Lateot Philadelphia.
Ofall Chronic, Rheumatic, lllnod, Hialn
and nervous dlteases. Eir.v vaiicty ol
female diseases yield to elearlclty i tiei
all other modes of treatment havo fulled.
Thirteen years clinical experience, otl.ie
Ja'J Commercial stieet o HI im
South ofWlllametto Hotel,
Notice for lliils.
DlDS will be ucclved by the commlttei-
O on tlroaml waierof thoctij i f i,Um
lor tnoiurniHuing or tweitty.tle tire hv
dranb,. ald hydrants to I, em. ividi-o wit.
oue opening for steamer connettlon and
ono oneulnir for'.'V. lni-li luise Lnnnei-H.m
diameter ot inlet 4 inches and from pave-
mem locvmerui init-wu leaM lei t (. in
Said hydtantsto bo properly nmu cicd
hi wuieruiuipnuy-H mains wit j -i in-iiusi
iron water pipe ot stauuard dliiieuli)iibj
contractors to givn names in bid, nnu
tney Diaou.auoui bid on c .net- luusnl
j.riLo per low. ii. u. ill 1 1'i,
W'M. BltOtt N.
S J Iw Committee on lire uud Water.
Xoticoto Conlrariurs.
Bidswill be weivtd by he lo.ird I
asylum oommlHh,uei- on T.u-sd.ij. vu.
gust ii, ibHi. m l o'clock p. m . I.,) ,.' j-o,,
ktruclioa and complet'on of a . me h'.i.e
a cow bam, and a horse bnru, to... ding to
puiusaudhpeclllcatlunsat lu rU. oi
8. Mcally. architect, Sule n, .egon.
lliebrlcklstobofurnlslnd. II egivumcl
" Ike state. The bulldlmts wi . .t ol inum-
fhebcird resorves the il.it to reject
any aud all bids J '
will bo required to accompai , he bid.
By order of the board.
7-J"1 C.h . SU.I.V.
Healih is Wt-alth !
DK. I-. C WW'S Nerve and Brum
Trin-iit.B,nintMidl- i i-r m
lerm, lluj, iviuvuUidiK. 'iN , , v.Ti
Nwimtata, llU'he.Ner . . ,o i ,
W1W.J by the u ,f ! , r M
V of the hrfn i.uluugln l.'.-iviu "n
, -" ----- wi iuhiu ineoK'ii. Each
prtjuild uu rl4 or nitre?
Wji.ir --"! v uu
T 4 ii iijj
..UTCf I UWH TQl n,tatf ,1 uk J
first National Bank
VM. N. LAIH'E, -lUl.
.1. REYNOliDH,
- President
Vice 1 itsideut
- Cashier
Exchange on Portland, Kun Francisco,
.Sew York, London and Hong Kong
bought and sold. Stnto, County nnd Clly
warrants bought. Formers uro couliahj
Invited to deposit vnd transact business
with us. Liberal advances made on
wheat, wool, hops nnd other property pt
reasonable rates. Insurance on such se
curity can be obtained at the bank In
most reliable companies.
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Transact a general banking business!
In all lis branches.
Vice Prcsldont
DIRECTORS: Geo. Wllllams.Wm. Eng
land, Dr. J. A. Richardson, J. W. Hobson.
J. A. Baker.
Bank In new Exchange block on Com
mercial street. 8:12-tf
Capital National Bank
Capilai I'aid up,
H. a. Vv'AI.LAOE, - - President.
W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President.
J. U. ALBERT, .... Cashier.
V. T. Gray, W. M Martin
.1. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace.
Or. V. .C,iis!c!c, J. H Alhprt.
T. AlcK. Pattou
To farmers on v. heat and other tnarkei
able produce, consigned or in store
either in private grau.iilesor
public warehouses.
Stale anil Coucly Warrants Bought at Far
Discounted at reasonable rates. l)ralt
drawn dliect on New York, C'hlciio, "ini
Krauclsco. Portland, London, i'aiis, Berlii
Hong Kong and Calcutta.
Founded m 1877.
And'the II newt over llired on the PaclPr
Coast. Book your order early
for choice selections.
Snnd Stamp lor Catalogue.
Address J. M. GARRISON
in r iiv
I'ore. I orav. . urt-,,1 n.
I Cum pu u y .
l-'iro i.iid Ai.i
G. V. BEET.ER. Agenl.
ShIciii. Orpcot
To Strawberry Growers.
The uudcitlgncd has contracted for large
quantity oftlie Jessie, (swt-epitnko prize
winner at -"alem strawbenj Mir) aud Til
omphe do Guild, (bea ylelder and most
profllable late bury In --alem market.l
fumi 11. V ria age, f alem, and J v . Gll
beit, Aumsillle. Warranted pure stocy
aud pluntsllist-tla". Catnlnjtnr free, read,
cent' mbi.T Its. Also ten other ailetics
Address E. HO FEB.
dw Salem, Uiegon
-:- Salem Boat House, -:-
Bo-itrffl e foot of Trade stivet Pleasure
and hi ntlng boats. Itates low.
CHAS. H. McCLANE, I'ropr
Eating Parlors i Candj' llanufaclorj
29(5 Commuiolal Street.
lee Cream 10c , 15c. and 25 cent
Colllf. Tea or Choeolateaud CakolO cenU
Mush and Mill: lOceuts
Plate of Bjup 10 cents
Becrstrak and Eggs i rcatii
1'orlt chop and l-.go J5entt
-Mutton Choi) and Kggs 25 cents
hiIm.m nrd Kg,' 'ic, cents
Sausage and Eggs 25 cents
! huh eggs .. . ao cents
Kresh Oysters any style 25 cent
25 Cent Regular Dinner Served From 11 to3 O'clock
A nice vnikty of vegetables, etc., etc.
Also tea, ci.tlec or milk with all 25 ceai
meaNw t 'je: I extra, charge.
Choke c:'an. Imported ,iu Domestic,
always on nand,
lVrlPI" TtniliA Hlnnb nrtA 1? tn .....
Tender Lolu Steak and Es.I 30 eenu
S? gWW)
S& Sill
65? 5 tr
L.nicl,'?u " al'len HaUam No. 1
Cures Chancres, tint, and second stage
Sorts on the Leo and Body; Sore Ears
Khli ,?' 'tci1'1l,reMnlored Blotehes
byphihtlo I Urth. diseased Scalp, and all
I'huZ JonmJ ' 'h "e known .
Syph li. Price, S5 0O per Uolllr.
I "mclin.,'. OoKU.il Ui'ilsam No.3
Cu,T5,1'l MercurUias-pliIlitlo Rheu
Bead, hade of the .Vk. Clcerattd Sore
P'0f fyph'htic Ilaih, Lump, and con-SSSi-Sfr
lflne".f "e Umbs. and
nheth.r nuied by IndiKrction or abu
ol Mercury, leavlnif the bld pure and
Lo ItlchauS. Golden Hi:a..lli Anil.
doto for the cure ot Oonorrhcu. Olttt,
IrriUtlenQrard.and all Urinary aenr
tl dlMrrangemtnU. lrlc -4 00 pel
Hot lie
X Hlchan'a Golden Snanlih In.
Jetllon, (orarcre caaetol Oonortbcti,
.fl'.mtor,",j Strlcturte.io. Price
, l f.u. I,r" Koltle.
.PthiVi!!'"!. G"" Olnlraenl
ler Ihe eSettlve htalingof Syphllltlo 8rn
andtruptleaa. Prlr$l 6b ,wr Box.
Jn i ."1 Ooldei, Plli.NVm
and Brain treatment; loatof pliyskalpow
n--iex',1 f r-"rlc. iToatraUon, etc
Prlc 13 00 iwr Box.
Tanloau.1 Nervlno,
MO ii Ml MAUKl'.T 8T ,
Su rruMcluc, Co-
"muib vent fine.
rfji ' ' """